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River Forth edition
First for Emily's thighs
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Hot bath, cold drink. Oh yeeeaaahhhh de lids it lush and I mean lush.
You think areEms does anal?
I thought Taylor Swift was performing at the Olympics opening? Where is she
>Also, while it sounds sad, learn to enjoy doing things on your own. I love doing stuff alone. I do at least one holiday a year alone, and while I have great holidays with friends and family, the alone ones are the ones where I really decompress. I just do what I want to do.
>I eat out alone sometimes, I go to plays, gigs and the cinema - it means if no one else can make it or isn't interested, I can still do it.
>It's really become second nature to me and I don't even think about it anymore and it means I can fill my life with things that give me pleasure without needing someone else to be there while also having great friends who I do stuff with too.
some wonderful advice on how to deal with life as a male schizoid from a married woman who is PhD educated from oxbridge
She's a Northern lass aint she? So probably
Just up from me nap. Going to have some chicken and pizza and then tuck into these Godzilla films.
nice looking bath there lad. Do the little what you call its on the side make it like a Jacuzzi?
britfeel, more like why try and help yourself when you can just get angry at the advice of strangers instead feel
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8 beers in de fridge
Oooohh yes they do my laaaad. Bubbles up me arse in me taint tickling my bungus. Coooorrrrr feels luverley!
Robot remake of a Carry On film.
Ruthmong will go to bed soon sadly
Me? Drunk as a skunk, crashing soon, it friday
Getting drunk is VERY lame.
Reckon she likes a double big mac?
Who doesn't? I'd eat 10 in a row.
>I'd eat 10 in a row
Alri big lad
kekking at all those downvotes for anyone suggesting prostitution or a trip to thailand
only women are allowed to enjoy casual sex

What's ruthmong going to remember?
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You didn't ask 2 be born. It's alright. U deserve love even if you're called Penis.
>Historical welpergrind
What did he mean by this?
just him getting round the r9k filter seeing as he repeats the same phrases every day
all the nuclear wobblers he carpet bombed this thread with over the years
I know a certain nonce who will NOT like this, lad
Him and Salville had unfettered access to all the Apuatric Wospitals back in the day.
>You are 27 and you are not a child. I am absolutely certain that your parents and other people have tried to push you to do stuff before.
life is so simple for middle class people
Might move to africa, i feel like its where i belong
>one way ticket to africa please

where in africa lad?
why do normies think working and going to the gym are the answer to lifes problems
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Absolute state of that jaw. Definitely a girl that will have to use her brain.
The part where they shove people into tires and burn them to death for being slightly effeminate.
Lets see your jaw lad.
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I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care

God fucking damn it's a slow one today let me tell you. No patience for it.
yet they'll walk around holding hands with their male friends like it's nothing
Head like a monkey nut.
Which one of your baes is this lad?
Pretty sure that's the middle east mate.
Based I don't care lad dabbing on the news.
Is he recurrding. Is he on your telly. Ooooo lovely
Me? I go to all of the gigs of a band called the 1975. I dress up like the main guy, look a bit like an ugly version of him too. I'm always getting groped, knickers stuffed in my hands, tits rubbed in my face, numbers written on a note and shoved in my pocket. Of course, it's all munters, but I don't mind. I even sometimes nail a few wildebeests right there in the venue during the show.
Ayy missed you lad. Have to say I agree, I just can't bring myself to give a shit about any of this stuff any more.
All of this is easy to say when you have friends you do go on holiday/to events with
This is pure nonce behaviour.
Watching a documentary about guinea-conakry atm
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Mummy got me that unlimited 4g for August. I use internet wherever I want on my phone. Mostly in my room albeit.
This is nothing to do with class. I'm from a council estate and I moved out at 18.
No lad I'm not the one putting myself all over youtube.
Nice, you have a sprog?
Haven't watched news in years. Any news I do get is from here or some spakker on twitter crying about it
I got bluetooth on I got youtube on Spotify doesn't matter. It unlimited. As much as I can eat.
Still want to see your jaw lad.
Yeah you're putting yourself all over /britfeel/
only middle class people are so sheltered to think shitty parents and toxic families don't exist
I do, but on me lonesome today.
Shitty parents and toxic families do exist lad. The way to deal with them is to move out of your house ASAP, not hang around there until you are 35.
they also don't think people come here for benefits or that there are many families who do refuse to work because they're better off on benefits

Absolute sheltered mongs
Incel with a face tattoo
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She is not photogenic at all.

Ruby. She does Oxford vlogs. 878k subscribers so not really niche.
>don't think people come here for benefits

What people come here for benefits? And when you say "here" what do you mean, the UK?
Virtually every single economic migrant and objectively every single one of their "dependents".
what class is SSM?
What retard decided that minions needed to be included in the opening of the olympics? Fuck me it's not a joke that literally everything is getting shittier over time. Just nuke us all already.
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Tired but will probably stay up a few more hours.
I can't tell if this post is someone who is ESL, or someone parodying a tedious mongy shitlib.

>What do you mean by people? What do you mean by benefits? What do you mean by here? What do you mean by UK? What do the mean when you mean the words that you think you mean?
Fuck me
Permanent ward of the state class. It's a unique one that transcends traditional class distinctions.
underclass mong
Hear the one about the guy who gold at the edging Olympics? He got a DNF
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Super heavyweight
Im going to bed now, absolutely knackered, see you tomorrow, champ
ok but it's the "I am absolutely certain that your parents and other people have tried to push you to do stuff before" line I have problems with. How can he know that? On the internet you don't know the person on the other end or what their background is. Anyone raised on a council estate probably knows someone for who that is obviously not true. In fact watch a true crime documentary and you know that fucked up families exist anywhere. It's a very sheltered thing to say
I'll see you tomorrow and the day after and the day after and the day after.
2005 was the last tolerable year and everything since has been on long journey to shittification, and it wasn't even particularly great then either.
upper class. His aunt banks with Coutts. You don't open an account there with a pound coin let me tell you
You think they come to the UK for benefits? Why? We have the most stingy benefits in the whole of Europe.
Well I couldn't believe what he's saying, I felt like I must be misunderstanding him because it's so stupid to think that someone would come to the UK for benefits when they could claim benefits in France, Germany, etc. They'd need to be a complete idiot to think that.
>endless feminist drivel
Who is engaged by this shite? Seriously why are these fucking tards incapable of not shoving their retarded sociopolitics into everything they touch?
I don't know anyone who's parents never pushed them to do anything. It sometimes wasn't always the right thing or great advice, but they always wanted their children to do something more than nothing.
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Hate this fucking flu. Can't workout, can't eat as I feel like throwing up, can't even play vidya as my eyes start to hurt. It not right.
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Goodnight little lad. Don't have nightmares.
I use that little mole on her chin as a target reticle for my cum.
Yea, that's right mate. They're coming to Britain for the weather, the food, the low cost of living and housing and the wonderful health system. That must be it
when you have the flu you're supposed sleep in bed all day and recover
>regency era costume but doing shitty ethnic "dancing"
Wow, so brave, so beautiful.
Well it certainly isn't the generous benefits system. Why would you leave a country where benefits are literally double the amount they are here if your main goal is benefits?
So any individual migrant may have their own particular set of factors meaning they come here rather than France, Germany, Sweden etc. but objectively almost all of them are coming here for the immense and immediate benefits they receive. How is this even debatable?
Strange. I grew up in a town that regularly makes the news in all those top 10 impoverished shithole lists and looking back I can think of a few kids with terrible home environments who never stood a chance
Yeah will try to mate. Sleeping as much as I can. Gonna take it easy this weekend for sure. No gym at all.
Because it doesn't make any logical sense lad. Unless you mean "benefits" in some other context. If you mean it as "government welfare payments" then it's preposterous. Like I say, they could get at least double in France, Germany, Holland, Belgium...or more than double in Scandinavia.
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She's going backpacking across Asia. What are you even doing with your lives? You don't even have a passport I bet. This is the life for a middle class bint.
Stop hate watching bud. France is pozzed as shit, we all know this by now.
I went backpacking across asia in my early 20s too lad.
fucking hell shes slagging it up internationally now
Grown men, still virgins
You really don't know how generous our benefits are do you?
Post them photos of you doing that then lad.
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Digits I take acid
No, it's you who has no idea how generous benefits are in other European countries.
Darn, she sounds so interesting planning to stay in third world hostels with other dipshit westerners and drinking/partying. She's certainly expanding her horizons and appreciating new cultures. I'm so jealous.
But I do have a passport? Passport isn't rare de lid.
And yet they come in hundreds of thousands every years for ours. Funny that
I can't post photos of myself on r9k and furthermore I wouldn't want to because the lads will call me ugly. Plus you don't know who I am so it wouldn't prove much. .
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as a teenager i thought The Beatles' later psychedelic work was so cool. yeah maybe The White Album went off the rails but Sgt. Pepper's was top notch. all the weird trippy stuff DEFINITELY meant they were cool. surely their experimentation with drugs and spiritual experiences in India meant their music held some hidden meaning, beyond what my childhood brain could comprehend.

as an adult i now fully recognise that their first six albums are the best. well-written, unpretentious but innovative pop songs that are still amazing today. Revolver is good but it marks the beginning of the end.
Dirty man. I've never fapped to her. That's a beauty spot.
There are limits lad. Borders aren't simply totally open. You might be able to swing a visa for the UK but not Belgium or whatever other country. You also might be more likely to speak English to some degree instead of something like Portuguese or whatever. Lad, I hate to break this to you, but 60% of social housing in London is occupied by first gen immigrants. Something like 50% of all GP visits are made by first gen immigrants too. They also take advantage of lack of criminal enforcement, ease of bringing family members, ease of obtaining direct payments etc. it's a range of benefits they receive and it's insane to argue they don't come here for them. Just because other countries give more in some aspects doesn't mean we don't give them all. It's like you're confused why people buy 2 bed terraced houses when there are five bed detacheds for sale - other factors do exist.
Our benefits are generous because unlike Japan, Germany, Sweden, we have a huge portion of the white underclass who are just genetic abominations. Complete hopeless mongs. Some say genetics. Some say parenting and environment.

I say a solid section of the white benefits class are just beyond saving. Their kids ruin schools. Their adults run the coffers dry with benefits.
But without benefits we would have tonnes of homeless crazy mong drug addicts on the streets like in American cities.

We. Need. Eugenics. Now.
You're wrong lad. the leader of the top guild on nostalrius was some guy from holland who moved to the UK because it was easier live on bennies. A bunch of people in his guild did the same thing
Something so heart warming about hearing of deaths in the English Channel. Poseidon does exist, and he's blessing us
Based take, lad. They were best when they were just a little boy band writing bangers rather than sniffing their own shite.
Far more of them stay in European countries. But you don't have any idea about that either, do you?
>You might be able to swing a visa for the UK but not Belgium or whatever other country.

Nah that's not how the asylum system works. You can claim in any country, as long as you are physically there.

>You also might be more likely to speak English to some degree instead of something like Portuguese or whatever

Ding ding ding! We have a winner. That's exactly why they come here. Nothing to do with benefits. They give up generous benefits for the chance to live in a country where English is the first language. Why? Because they actually want to work, it's nothing to do with claiming benefits.
I got my passport delivered the other day actually.
Tbqh I think giving benefits for long term no questions asked but in return they have to get sterilised free of charge (vasectomy or tubes tied).

Would massively improve the country after one generation. Imagine that, no more mong council estate kids wrecking lessons, making teachers and smart kids lives hell and failing all their GCSEs.
Our Pisa scores would shoot up and so would our gdp per capita.
>it's nothing to do with claiming benefits.
This is simply wrong and if we disagree then theres no reconciliation to be bad with continuing this conversation. Later, lad.
> Because they actually want to work
Oh my word, just shut the fuck up. Holy shit you know literally nothing about our benefit and immigration system at all. It's like talking to some retarded middle-class boomer, except with even less brains.
Gotta be better than staying in your same shit town all year round eh lad?
>Why? Because they actually want to work
Not at all, they want to live in a country that is easier to navigate in terms of admin etc. So living in an English speaking country is better for them, even with lower benefits
Mong takes. The Beatles were a gay boy band for teen girls until St Pepper came out. St Pepper changed rock and roll from music for teen girls to scream at into music for men.
Not really tbqh. Unless you're a friendless loser with no family in which case, I guess it can't be any worse. Least you'll get some sun.
they haven't exactly kept up with how much stuff actually costs, have they? your biggest outgoing is rent if you're not really well paid or somehow well-off (so it hits benefits recipients the hardest).
the 'housing component' has been frozen at i believe 2019 levels, some sort of emergency stopgap measure that is still in force today. even the website for looking up Local Housing Allowance was still on Directgov (not gov.uk) last i checked. it shows their working and you can work out what LHA - and thus your housing benefits - should be today.

instead you're making up the shortfall and crimes become tempting. if you can say well it's all that immigration or in fairness there's a housing shortage, 1. why can't they fucking update the values using the same system they were already using? and 2. how are there houses sitting empty? should not even be legal to do this tbqh.
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For me it's for the benefit of mr kite
That wee tune always put a smile on my face
>Anyone under 35k is a net drain on the treasury
>Ranjeet working part time in his uncles corner shop is a benefit to the country
The lowest bennies in Netherlands is over 1400 a month so he was definitely doing something wrong: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/bijstand/vraag-en-antwoord/hoe-hoog-is-mijn-bijstandsuitkering

Glad you two decided to just to give up. Saves your dignity a bit.

Not at all? I'm sure some of them do end up working, no?
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>Go to Bradford
>Find a 2nd hand book ''''shop'''''
>It has a vastly wider selection of language books than any Oxfam I've ever been to
>Everything is free
maximum 3 books per customer
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Grim post. Every time I've entered a jobcentre I can smell the cider and fags in the entrance. I'll never forget there was a guy who at 9 am drank a whole can of cider outside and then walked in for his appointment. It was from that moment, I realised how shit my life was being amongst this lot.
Take some benzos or opiates and get comfy
Away and lick Yoko's arse ya mong boy.
Only joking, it's been years since I properly listened to The Beatles, I need to have a go through the second half of their albums again as my tastes have changed probably. Then again my favourite The Beatles song is Maxwell's Silver Hammer so maybe I am a mongboy.
>Tbqh I think giving benefits for long term no questions asked but in return they have to get sterilised free of charge (vasectomy or tubes tied).
i love how so many people arrive at this idea and i hope it gets looked into seriously.

i'm a native/white/whatever Brit and i'd accept voluntarily sterilisation. if you know you don't want kids or can't support them, i wouldn't oppose a scheme like this if it meant slightly increased benefits or some other safety net. one man/woman in their 30s until their death would cost less than raising a bunch of kids, yet we have child tax credits and so on.
Y you go all these fucking grim shitholes
Your daily itenary like a list of places to specifically avoid
Illegal immigrants should get the death penalty

Legal migrants should be returned on the proviso that if they ever want to return, even as a tourist, they have to reimburse their deportation costs
can't believe teen girls have better taste than men. how will men ever live this down???
Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. In '87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.
Genuinely hope all future Olympics happen outside of western Europe/North America. What a pile of woke shite this is, fucking hell.
NEETs should get the death penalty
I know! He should go to the wonders of Glasgow's Castlemilk housing scheme instead, where the streets are paved with gold, the women are gorgeous and the men are happy and healthy.
Blatant samepenis
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>i'd accept voluntarily sterilisation
Fuck that. Birth rate is low enough as it is.
For me? It's Wings.
I feel embarrassed that this is how we're portrayed to the wider world. What the fuck is this catwalk flanked by trannies???
i love these people if you get talking. i know they're the scum of the earth to people who, conveniently, have never met them but they RECKON THAT. as a fellow queuer they feel more like my people than some toff.

even if i came into money whether through sheer luck or solid hard work, this would hold true for the rest of my life. as a lifestyle all the middle class stuff makes me uneasy. would rather sit and drink cans on the street than host a dinner party in our conservatory or something.

only downside is if people get fighty (which they do) but i've never personally been attacked or anything.
>one man/woman in their 30s until their death would cost less than raising a bunch of kids, yet we have child tax credits and so on.

Not at all, a woman on benefits who has 8 sprogs is a better (long term) contributor to the economy than a DINK couple in their 30s on 100k each. It's like giving a man a fish vs teaching a man to fish.

the DINKs will stop producing by the 2050s and start being a drain, where the benefits mum will have added 6-8 workers to the workforce then, even if 1-2 follow the benefits culture
>literally parts of the city are muslim ghettos
>full of wogs
>surprised it's all woke shit
Good that I'm not a NEET then!
Tom Tugendhat sounds like a characters from Thomas the Tank Engine.
That doesnt make sense lad. Wogs and muslims would behead these cunts.
>the women are gorgeous
This, but unironically, Glaswegian women are the best looking in the world
you have a thing for the accent too lad?
>anon givin his cock an nice wash on friday night

it lush
>Wogs and muslims would behead these cunts.
The revolution eats it's own children, or it used to, when they still had them.
don't beanboys get geeky girlfriends and so on? i'm happy to remain single. or at least careful enough NOT to go out with a single mother who wants a nice lad like me (couldn't support a family).

then do the opposite: why are Patriotic Alternative types saying "BENEFITS SHAN'T BE A LIFESTYLE" instead of giving me a bonus for creating white English children? if they axe immigration and need a new generation of indigenouses, they're doing it fucking terribly.

at least Reform have said people are 'trapped' on benefits which is true and vaguely sympathetic. but ultimately if you want BRITAIN FOR THE BRITISH then look after OUR unemployed, our homeless, all that? doesn't seem to be what they believe tho. they just hate immigration first, then a subset of Brits second. makes no sense if you're a nationalist/patriot/outright racist.
Not really, although your former classmate has a nice voice
>don't beanboys get geeky girlfriends and so on?
Yeah then they get the snip
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Already mulling over going shops for more booze even tho I got 6 beers left (1 is 8%)
Listening 2 the smiths
All part of The Big Wank de lad
I love how Farage came dangerously close to acknowledging low birth rates during the debate. He was pro lifting the benefits cap and said "we should be encouraging families"
>your former classmate
which one lid? i didnt go to school with any weegies, we did have a scottish history teacher though, he spat when he talked
It should be made difficult to employ women, as in they have to pay triple to employer contributions for NI as they do for male employees. Female minimum wage should be lower too.

That would help raise the birthrate
Right wing populists like Reform are all about finding scapegoats and blaming them for the nation's problems. If they couldn't blame foreigners they'd blame the unemployed next. They just pick whatever group is easiest to have a go at.
I wish I could go backpacking in Asia.
Amy McDonald. thought you were someone else
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>never had a job
>got a council place with my older brother at 18
>he pissed off to America when I was 22, leaving me in the shit
>been in a crummy bedsit ever since
>no skills, midwit, ugly, depressed, suicidal, autistic, porn addict, shitposted on 4chan for the last decade
>on ESA and PIP currently
I need to get my shit together but it feels so hopeless, de lids. no idea what I want out of life, everything just feels pointless
I've looked into relatively simple trades like bakery, bricklaying, painting / decorating, and even the simple stuff seems so out of reach. and what's the fucking point anyway? I get the money to live in a better place (which I already have, it's just that nobody wants tenants on bennies), but that's counteracted by the fact that I'd become a wageslave
I prefer just vegetating at my PC, but I know it's killing me deep down, and the further I go the harder it'll be to explain the fact I haven't worked in over a decade, making me unemployable
I'm pissing my life down the drain but I can't stop. I'm a slave to comfort and fear of the unknown, and I hate the outside world. this is hell
Got to say this opening ceremony has honestly been really pathetic. Very low energy, feels all very last minute.
Nice vibe in /britfeel/ this evening lads, has to be said.
thing no one tells you about travelling is that you just end up with the shits all the time, you have the trots all over the world if you go far enough, international shits are no fun at all
They kind of are blaming the unemployed. They want to scrap benefits for unemployed after 4 months. Insane idea.
Lower minimum wage would increase the number of women in employment. Just tax companies who employ unmarried graduate women without children.
>Right wing populists like Reform are all about finding scapegoats and blaming them for the nation's problems

Isn't all politics about finding a scapegoat about blaming their problems on it?

SNP/Plaid = The English
Labour = Thatcher
Tories = ECHR (latest of many scapegoats)
Greens = Climate change
Reform = The EU
You probably have shitty genetics. I've never had that happen.
It was really good lad. Formative experience. I was lucky to be able to go. I earned the money myself but I was still lucky to be able to.
Are you implying that immigration isn't in any way a problem facing the UK? Come on lad you're just arguing in bad faith now.
Women should have their salary capped at 30,000/year and only do menial/secretarial roles.
Starmer and Reid were praising Thatcher about six months ago.
Someone who moans about Reform will never acknowledge any negatives about immigration
>I've looked into relatively simple trades like bakery, bricklaying, painting / decorating, and even the simple stuff seems so out of reach. and what's the fucking point anyway? I get the money to live in a better place (which I already have, it's just that nobody wants tenants on bennies), but that's counteracted by the fact that I'd become a wageslave

Worth a try though lad right? If you try and it's shit, you can go back to where you are now. Then you won't look back in regret that you never tried. You'll know you gave it a shot and it wasn't for you.
>Kevin Finnerty
>Kev Infinity
damn I just got it
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Migrants are welcome here.
>He was pro lifting the benefits cap and said "we should be encouraging families"
i mean that one's fair. being priced out of having more kids (intentionally or not) is horrible.
the population is growing, would we be able to replace ourselves if immigration dropped or was tightly controlled? i feel like someone has probably worked this one out. even Enoch Powell was in favour of Asian doctors coming here but now all our doctors are leaving - why would an Indian doctor move to Britain in current year?

yep that's what i mean. it's died down a bit because we're more focused on immigration now (not even 'asylum seekers' as it always was 20 years ago). also transgender people which is weirdly specific. but i can easily see 'benefit scroungers' making a comeback if they had their way and resolved 'the other problems' first.
and yet to the people who hate your kind, what is the best option? you SHOULD be working instead of living off the taxpayer. it's a drop in the bucket compared to other expenses but YOU, personally, are WRONG.

just get a job lad. then we can move on to seeing you as unskilled scum for only working in the back of Asda.
Starmer is the further right labour leader in history, not very surprising
Shippy's eyes glued to the screen as the Thailand team passes by on the river
>why would an Indian doctor move to Britain in current year?
India is a vile, filthy shithole where the infrastructure is crumbling to bits ever since the British Raj ended
>Starmer is the further right labour leader in history
Amazing that a cognizant human being typed this out.
kek, I was actually going to watch out for that one but missed it, was it any good?
It's rare for us independent lads without anyone to countersign them.

Lucky you got them two countersignatures. I can't get ONE.
i've never seen anyone who is 100% pro immigration, ignoring the flaws to Britain today, to the point of open borders or something. maybe some long-term Trotskyist (?) THERE SHOULD BE NO BORDERS!!! types. they don't exactly hold a lot of political influence though, do they?

meanwhile Reform have actually gained traction and are saying all their bullshit on the news. Conservatives had a daft plan and actually created 'illegal immigrants' in law (no such thing a couple of years ago). Labour are jumping around a bit but it's clear they want some flavour of controlled immigration.
population would immediately start dropping if net migration was cut to zero. House prices would plummet, wages would go up. It would be a disaster
Who was worse? Blair perhaps, but they are on par. Actually no, even Blair wouldn't suspend 7 of his own MPs for voting against a tory cap on child benefits
i understand 'getting out', i don't understand 'and moving to the UK'. known a few Asians working in the NHS where it was a family thing. but if you have the means and the skills to move elsewhere, Australia and New Zealand are better right now.

and i say this 100% in favour of an NHS as originally intended. even charging for dentistry instead of the taxation/NI route was a complete betrayal to the British people.
>saying all their bullshit on the news
what bullshit are reform saying? I mean I very reluctantly voted reform because of how soft they are on immigration, but I haven't heard Farage say anything wrong (apart from that some immigration is ok)
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>If you try and it's shit, you can go back to where you are now.
I wish, but if I tried it and it was shit and tried to get back on bennies, I'd likely end up on regular UC / JSA and be getting half or less of what I get now. a big part of why I don't even try is that I'm afraid of losing what I have, which is extreme ease, security and comfort
all I have to do is go into the JC once every 3 months for 10 minutes, not even expected to look for work, and I get 1300 a month for it
Could you imagine if immigration has a moratorium and we deported all illegals and legals when their visas ran out? It would be awful, just think of the:
>Rising GDP per capita
>Falling house prices
>Total alleviation of pressure on public services
>Rising wages
>Increased capital investment leading to automation and productivity per capita increases
>Drop in crime per capita
>Cleaner streets
>Clearing out of HMOs
>Return of high-trust status
Would be just terrible. Cannot be allowed.
but then they could sell the whole 'have a family :)' thing and incentivise it like that one anon was saying Reform are suggesting. all right we're at net zero migration, time to up the fertility rate with the people wot's already here.

as some in-between you could have a points/skills based system to allow some immigration but then wouldn't these types prefer more skills within our own? what happened to all that shite about how we're going to have a knowledge-based economy?
It would be brilliant, people say we couldn't cope, but loads of countries, even rich countries like Japan have a falling population, nothing wrong with it at all
>House prices would plummet, wages would go up. It would be a disaster

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic here, because some people say that with a straight face
This. I see no compelling reason why the population of the British Isles should be anything more than 10 million. We (the country and the world generally) are massively overpopulated. One of the stupidest conspiracy theories is the elites want to depopulate us. Total horseshit, they have been incentivising nothing but the unmitigated proliferation of the population for decades.
Has YouTube compression gotten worse?
NTA but i don't want people to get on the property ladder (or worse, people on it to buy more houses).
want a return to social housing and those (lower) rents go to the local council/treasury/etc than some landlord who can do what they want because it's their money or a private company. quite a few of which are based abroad. can't see them chipping in to fix the potholes in the area or reopen the old leisure centre.
The twats who run the BoE say it with a straight face. Everyone else saying it is layering it with sarcasm. Obviously unless you're an actual "rootless cosmopolitan" these are good things.
You could go full spacker and fake a complete mental breakdown after trying to get back on full bennies? But yeah I see your point, guess you need to weigh up the risks if it's worth trying, if not got to find comfort where you are now and accept there will be some downsides to your current easy life. The biggest one for me is loneliness/lack of of gf. The older I get the worse it gets.
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>i don't want people to get on the property ladder
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Dr. ***** psychiatrist in 2016 did say if I'd grown up in bishopbriggs or anniesland maybe I couldve been OK in life. Its all about class in this country. It not even 1 bit right. She said i have a "childlike view of the world" while my mum was sitting right there. I know my mum tried her best in life. It is what it is. I never asked 2 be born. I was born nd I experienced some shit nd it's been not that bad all things considered.
Think it scales it to your hardware.
>can't see them chipping in to fix the potholes in the area
can you see the council doing this? I know for a fact you don't drive because any driver in the country will tell you potholes just don't get fixed nowadays.
Cor those Duvel beers are lovely. Spilled some tho cus I didn't know it would be that much foam.
Immigration is a huge problem facing the UK yes. But I don't see any political party actually talking about how to solve this problem by attracting more immigrants.
>seven foot four with an eight foot wingspan
What the actual fuck? How am I supposed to compete with someone like that? Why would a woman pick me over some with those stats? Fucking fuck me that's like some divergent evolution type shit.
Have you ever heard of degassing your beer in a saucepan?
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kek based coppers
score one for the good guys
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>degassing your beer in a saucepan
i've looked into my local council's budget and their highest outgoing was 'roads and motorways' or something like that. by a wide margin.
i would fucking hope that means fixing stuff as well as just building new roads. by contrast the public transport budget was small (maybe it's separate now that it's all private companies? i don't know).
and yes they don't get fixed, that's the problem, i honestly don't know why. just a random one like 'sort out the flytipping on ____ Street' that falls to the council. maybe it gets sorted, no clue how they decide.
In case anyone's wondering, the olympics ceremony is still under way and we've just had a tranny with big tits and a beard roll around a soaking wet catwalk.
Soon I learned that bricks and stones won't drive the twolls away
>Force was needed to detain the male
>middle class successful professional admitting class matters
now there's something you don't see every day
It was actually Duvel he was degassing too. Weird.
>the olympics
first i've heard of this. didn't even know the Euros was on until the semi final.
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he was being a homophobe
If he was middle class he'd be even more sheltered and childlike though.
There is a road near me so badly potholed at the edges, that they've simply reduced it to a single lane and put temporary traffic lights at each end. The road has essentially been abandoned at that point. Half of that budget is probably going to fund studies on how traffic lights are racist
does that require force? if i was a homosexual receiving homophobic abuse, i would challenge them to an intellectual argument deconstructing their views. if you have thick enough skin to crack a joke instead of breaking down, you can accomplish this.
The reason women love rape is because the violence of the sexual experience is the closest they can come to the feeling of childbirth - wherein their vagina was stretched to the most excessive degree they've ever felt and thus gives them the most intense orgasm they've ever felt. Being raped is their way of 'chasing the high'.
>i would challenge them to an intellectual argument
You're right, impressive lore there
traffic lights are sexist. you have one male name (Red*) and two female names (Green* and Amber) despite that not representing the population.

* source: Pokemon
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This is the outcome of 'challenging them to an intellectual debate'. Just FYI.
wouldn't the perpetrator's willy have to be the size of a baby's head? for the full effect
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Mark Gordon didn't need to work hard to climb the career ladder when he could just impregnate a very wealthy woman
Yes, so in the same way a heroin addict can never again experience their first high all over again, the woman cannot experience the orgasm of childbirth again for the first time, though they instinctively try to chase it through being raped (and of course subsequent childbirths, though obviously being raped is far easier than waiting nine months between goes).
yeah well if they're not willing to maintain a safe distance and engage with you using their WORDS, then you win even if they cut you up. it's just the inverse of using force against a homophobe then deciding 'you won' (you didn't).
Lad I say this unironically. You actually need help. You really, really need to stop being online so much and go out and have normal interactions with normal people.
nine months sounds like ages but how many of us get even consensual sex that often?

someone out there is probably a moderate heroin user who only takes it once a year or so and god bless that person. i just stick to tramadol and i know i'm missing out.
Don't try to inflict that cunt on normal people
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It wunt very long b4
Who did i join?
he's just waffling i doubt he's actually a danger to other people. might be worth exploring in therapy or some group though. "i said this b-but it was ironic! shitposting on the internet!"
yeah get that out there lad, but in the real world to trained/understanding people.
Very very fit mummy slags smoking i see from my window, dressed about 20 years too young for their age. Pity im hidden disabled or id try my luck. Fucking hell makes my balls hurt
Fucks sake Shippy lad calm down
i mean if this just happens, so what? the problem is acting on it. i've wanted to hurt people for the stupidest flash-in-the-pan reasons but thought about it for more than ten seconds and then decided "no that's a bad idea."
been harming-others-free for 25+ years, wasn't even difficult.
Literally who the FUCK are you trying to quote pwn here lad? Who said anything about this bollocks?
1 of em looked like the wife from sopranos. Dyed blonde nd big heels. Fuck sake. Going 4 ciggie myself
That wasn't even me but he's right, that is a very soi opinion
The real soi is the man who is so weak that he wouldn't try to defend children from paedophiles
Hate pigs trying to be quirky on social media. They're scum and deserve to be hated. Fuck them pigs. Uneducated thugs.
>Defending paedophiles by seething on /britfeel/
>Getting gangbanged by similar aged people is better than a serious relationship with someone outside the 1/2+7 rule
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Its 1 of those things were you want to ask but @ some point, youve gone throuhg puberty, you know ppl shag, it would be awkward now, you cant just come out with it "mum why did you call me Penis?" at this point youve kind of awkwardly accepted that maybe it means something else in German or something nd thats enough to keep you sleeping alright at night. Theres a certain point, after puberty, but just before true adulthood, when U simply cant discuss sex terms with your parents. And the fact is, your christian name is a sex term, it's a sex organ. A genitalia. But you've past the age now when you can probe for the rationale. So it is what it is.
Obviously you can't defend children from paedophiles by seething on /britfeel/. You can't change people's minds about their natural revulsion to pathetic men who prey on children by seething on /britfeel/ either. No matter what kind of soi drawing you post to accompany it.
>pathetic men who prey on children
roastie detected
No women post here you idiot.
Every sex ed class he felt like he was getting doxxed. Not right.
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Imagine all the billions of people around the world watching this right now. There's probably families in Afghanistan and Yemen sat down at their TV watching this
It's a bit academic lad. You aren't getting either of them.
Nubs does, and she used to seethe at SIEDA for dating a 16 year old when he was 23. Suffice it to say she was a massive whore herself
Nubs stopped posting here ages ago. She'll probably be back next time she wants some attention but she hasn't been here for a while.
both of these should rightfully be 16. one of them is.
The fact that someone here is seething about nonces suggests a woman in her 30s is posting here
You think this poster is a 30 year old woman?
No, that's obviously a man mocking those who seethe at age gaps

that post is definitely a woman
might throw out a bath towel because it's stained/fucked and i've probably spent more with daft MIRACLE STAIN REMOVER and leaving it in bleach and all that. past the point of trying to 'restore' it i'm just going to buy a fresh new cheap towel from Asda as a treat.

what is a good use for an old towel? recently defrosted my freezer during the heatwave so that's out ;_;
But that post was a reply to the poster I quoted? Who is the person who is seething about nonces?

The post ( >>78289336 ) is a woman
that's a young man pretending to care about 'traditional masculinity', with a hint of irony poisoning.

me? i point out cases of paedophilia to people who are more likely to report it to the police. do want to protect kids but don't want to be a grass.
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Weimar problems require Weimar solutions. I feel like the West is trapped in a cycle of decline and degeneracy followed by harsh pushback. a 100 year cycle. the late 20s and 30s will be a strict overreaction to the degeneracy and decadence of the West currently
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Yea ikr. Felt like freudian slip on par w my old GP calling SSRIs "sugar pills" in those words
Weird how you feel it morally wrong to report nonces to the Police, little nonce boi yourself are you?
I doubt it. I only see one person seething about nonces and it's the green text guy.
Heading out for more cigs desu. Fuck it. I'll get u a wee chocolate bar
Something very 'off' about noncehunters but I can't quite put my finger on it
SSM shit himself on holiday once and got shit stains on all the towels and the guy told him it was fine because they have the industrial washing machines that get to really high temps
What u eating? Dairy milk? Twirl? Cold pint of snickers?
Grown man. Spends all day pretending to be a 13 year old girl. think's he's protecting children
>Spends all day pretending to be a 13 year old girl
always raise an eyebrow at things like this on noncehunter videos, they admit it with such pride lel
So many of the Youtube noncehunters are nonces themselves.
I might have rhe most knackered laptop ITT unless ruthlad can provide proof of his claims. 2day my mum saw it nd went ":o :////" I thought is it that bad? Maybe I take pic after my wee walk
There's a convicted sex offender who lives on my street and he's a really nice chap
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Many of them are. Shippy himself is a good lad.
SCEA served time in prison for possession of CP, and he was never attacked in the thread by the armchair noncehunters
Might actually just get a chinky on the way back desu. Not eaten today
Definitely is a child lol, and that's part of the appeal for lads like you. If it was really just about them being better looking then you'd be terrified of them, the same way you're terrified of good looking adult women.
>Smoking causes emphysema
Oh well. Life is short.
>good looking adult women.
Something you're not
>fifteen year old woman
>sixteen hours a day
i would only accept a system like the following:

- Person A can accuse Person B of being a nonce.
- Person B is then contacted by the police. they can then:
-- turn over their hard drive voluntarily if they have nothing to hide. after a search, if the police find nothing, Person A pays damages of 5,000 pounds to Person B. they are immune to prosecution for other crimes like piracy, as an amnesty for voluntarily agreement.
-- refuse to turn over their hard drive voluntarily, because they have something to hide. there are acceptable reasons e.g. working in a sensitive field or having personal data. nobody pays anything but Person A and Person B or both kept on a list until further proof, or Person B agrees to the above within a short timeframe.
if Person B is ever found to be a nonce, all damages are cancelled/repaid, Person A is de-listed, and standard laws apply (e.g. a prison sentence).

this way accusing someone carries real weight and risk: Person A stands to lose money so they'd better be damn sure, and Person B has an incentive to be truthful if they're not a nonce because it's an easy 5k.
Need to acruallt fucking bolt it to the shops before 10. Brb
Better tell us all instead of just going, eh?
There's a fucking sand nigger walking about in a dressing gown kek. Not my problem tho. Shops
time totally fucking slipped me by. it was 7pm a short while ago. "just need to shower and then head out, say i'm in the shower by 8pm, even if i get there at 9pm, that's still ages."
now it's almost 10pm. might have to get stuff delivered for an absurd price. haven't eaten.
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SeasideLORD finally get married to his SeasideHELEN and it's lush.
SSM back home

This opening is a 2/10 at best
Kek all these jakes running into the shop right now
I am also rhe jakes thoughever
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>in bedsit
>Albanians have been here for a few months
>constantly switching who lives in their room
>they all have keys
>nobody even knows their names, landlord gives zero shits
>one guy will stay for 1-3 weeks and then be replaced by another
>always in and out all times of the day, usually only for 5-10 minutes as they restock or get what they need to sell
>one has a fucking prison electronic tag
>obviously dealing drugs, plain as day
what are the chances I get robbed? obviously I don't deal anything myself, so maybe I'm not a target, and we have a camera set up downstairs that the landlord put up, but they could always just smash it and then go to town since it's all indoors. should I be worried?
looks proper lush that
Barricade yourself in de lad. Albanians are fucking animals, they're so bad they displace yardmen and somalians - which they're always at war with. Call the police.
Yeah I'm an ugly adult man lol
Cooorrr that's gonna make one greasy fucking turd when it squeezes out his starfish
They know you don't have any money or anything worth stealing otherwise you wouldn't be living there. They probably make more money from selling drugs in an hour than all of your possessions are worth. I think you'll be alright.
paracetamols have done ze trick
another early bedfordshire on the cards. dealing with insane amounts of OCD and hypochondria of late. it is genetic, maybe I am gonna get worse and worse. stuff like this makes me more atheistic really.
What do people actually have against nonces?
Just saw those same 2 jakes get thrown out by security guard for pocketing booze
Cig desk shut. Got me Gordon's gin tho
Where else I get cigs now? I try paki shop
true, my rent is only 350 a month and the place is a shithole. I thought that if they wanted to rob me or anyone else here, they would've done it months ago
You gon get raped lad. Lube up. If you want I can break you in gently before they go medieval on your arse. I'll tickle your balls and make you feel good.
Some gorgeous spray tan toes @ self service too. I was staring with no compunction. Painted white tips. Phwoar
>350 a month
Is that with all bills included? Surely not right? That's insanely cheap.
bit gay that is
Oh my fucking days can they just light the fucking thing already?
yeah all bills included. no way he can charge more, the room is fucking tiny, place is a shitpit, outside there's two mattresses, a broken fridge, bin bags everywhere, carpets, all sorts. upstairs bathroom window is broken, in a semi-rough area of the East Midlands
Money isn't the be all and end all
the only people that say this are either poor and retarded or people with money that don't want others to become wealthy
money would solve so fucking many of my problems right now it's not even funny
Money quite literally solves 99% of problems for 99% of people.
Absolute fucking debacle of an opening ceremony. Someone needs to be sacked.
Give me your money then.
How many people you share with?
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what's important is that everyone feels represented
I've got ample money and don't wish others to stay poor.
Feeling quite horny desu. Me arse for rent tonight if any1 man enough
A friendless, gfless sprogless millionaire would probably swap places with someone that has all 3 but is on the dole
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Finking bout my nigga **. RIP.
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5 others officially, although people often have their dickhead friends or family members round which can easily double it at times
living with complete strangers is a fucking nightmare. I could do without seeing another living person for a good few years
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Some grills bigger than others
If a woman married me I would always on some level think of her as a dumb bitch. I wouldn't marry me.
Shout out to all the nonces and nonce hunters in the thread. You might not always get along but you both need each other.
they do keep things interesting desu
Lick the sweat off their flip flops. Batter fuck out of me. Throw me on the road to die.
Imagine that mummy stench after a night on the town in mid July. Cor
Pouring these beers like link using his wee wand in wind waker
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the apus are watching the 2012 opening ceremony
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Oh no mummy let me just get that for yo....SSSSSNNNIFFFFFFFFF
No booze for me tonight. Fresh Saturday ahead
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The future Zimmy and Shippy are forcing upon us
Absolute GHOULS
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It so beautiful.
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been thinking about this. one of them helped me move in my 7ft olympic barbell, and I think he saw all the weights (or the boxes for them, at least) outside my room. another one saw me sitting at my PC while I had my door ajar to get some air in
not sure if that's worth robbing someone over and potentially ruining their operation
best I can hope for is that they're doing alright for money, the camera downstairs is a good enough deterrent for robbery, and they're not scummy enough to rob some random NEET
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Going down chinky cus i dont know how 2 work microwave when mum asleep to help me. It grim. I get u prawn cracker.
How tf can't you work a microwave? How do you even post here if you are that dumb?
i think i'm in the 1% of mentally fucked people where it wouldn't make a huge difference. believe me i would ABSOLUTELY fly to the US to attend some rip-off therapy/detox centre that works on the top celebrities. but keep in mind those top celebrities do end up relapsing or going mental, still.
The master race everybody... woah
an apu made this post
keep em off your pc please.
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Popped in Uncle Womfers Wurger Witchen for a Wamwurger and fries. They only open a few hours at night and the queues stretch around Feel Street. Love the smell of them when all the Apus bring them back to Frog Block.
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The ching chongs always nice 2 me. They deffos talking shit behind my back in ching chonglish bt on balance I rather deal w them than the durka durka towel heads. Simple as.
Not your best post, mate. Keep trying.
Word on the street is that he's a nonce, lad. Stay well away.
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ffs anyone remember what them fings in gremlins are called?
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Getting in my feelings w that B&S de lads. Beef curry for me. Then another wee beer. It could have been a brilliant career. https://youtu.be/1UaQJ-35xVk
Ewoks? Think Warwick David played one. You know, the little monkey fella? Aye.
it's nice to feel like feel street is a community again once in a while
it's become so fragmented in the last few years what with everything going on, but just seeing the big long queue and hearing apus chattering amongst themselves is strangely comforting
i really hope uncle womfers can stick around, a lot of local businesses are really struggling with the current financial crisis :(
So was the Olympic Ceremony gay or what? Can't beat Queen Elizabeth pegging 007.
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Shan't be ringing the red telephone again
Don't know why they gave him shit for this because they aren't called Gremlins.
They are. Gremlins and Mogwai are two different things.

what the fuck is wrong with him?
Oh right. Didn't know that. There's me sounding like a dickhead now. I just thought they were like good Mogwais and evil Mogwais. Been ages since I watched it but I listen to the soundtrack all the time. I Rewatch Small Soldiers more often.
Need to do the other thing do i not
I had a piss. Now I need to do the other thing (a shit)
I keep refreshing and there's no new posts. Grim. Anxiety inducing, even. Where have all my mates gone? Oh, woe is me.
I've not long got back from two days on the North Yorkshire coast. Nice to get out and enjoy seeing the sea which is a novelty for me as an East Midland lad but fuck me it is depressing seeing the normie families out and about enjoying life. Got shat on by a seagull as well. Ah well.
Some people put ice cream in the freezer
Some people put ready meals in the freezer
Arbroathy puts cum in the freezer
What's the logic behind Arbroathy thinking some woman some day will want his frozen tranny cum fertilising her eggs?
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Back homes from seeing that Deadpool & Wolverine. I enjoyed it, very much a popcorn movie. lots of 4th wall breaking and edgy humour. On that wuppagrind now and it's lush.
That's good luck, lad. Or so my mum says. I was at the coast the other day too. It's nice to see the sea and smell the fresh salty air, innit?
>On that wuppagrind now and it's lush
Might join you. Quick nightcap before beddingtons
So many films I have sitting here I want to watch but can never find myself starting one. Just watching more YouTube drivel. Peak laziness.
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Might go Thailand in November. Might shag a ladyboy as well. I went Japan in April for 17 nights. It was lush. Didn't shag any Japanese girls though you need to speak good Jap to do that when visiting the izakayas x
Why didn't you go to one of those massage places where you pay for a massage and they let you fuck them?
Dunno didn't really go to shag anyone went for the culture and food. Although I wouldn't have minded shagging a nice Jap. I've heard they're full of diseases though.
Anyone remember the documentary on Channel 4 (I think) about the brothel in England? All the girls were ugly or fat and the majority of the clients were pensioners if I remember. Seems stupid nowadays with the likes of Adult Work and OnlyFans.
If brothels and prostitution was legalised and regulated I would be doing it all the time.
What was your favourite part of the trip, lad?
>did you go to a pachinko parlour?
>did you go to a pokemon store?
>did you visit any shrines?
>did you visit any porn shops?
>did you go kareoke?
Vagrant Holiday did a video a few years back going about Japan as a dosser.
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>did you go to a pachinko parlour?
I did lad. Very loud places. Tried to have a go on the games but didn't know what the fuck I was doing
>did you go to a pokemon store?
No I'm not really into Pokemon
>did you visit any shrines?
Yeah tons. Got a bit bored after a few. They're all very similar desu
>did you visit any porn shops?
Yep a few anime porn shops. Didn't buy anything. Tons of weird stuff like onaholes that
>did you go karaoke?
Yep. Met up with a random group of people and did karaoke. First time doing it as well it was fun as fuck.
Monthy Python is the fortnite of boomers
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>What was your favourite part of the trip, lad?
Eating curry every night from Coco Ichi. Walking around Tokyo at 3am and feeling completely safe. Getting food from vending machines. Seeing how clean the country is compared to here. Speaking some basic Japanese to people and them being really happy.
reckon I should be allowed to rent a gun so I can commit suicide, nice and painless. everything else is so messy and potentially painful I'd rather just not bother
Can't believe I've been alive over 26 years. Feels like it's been forever. Still a long time to go too (touch wood)
Sounds like the trip of a lifetime, lad. I'm sure it was expensive but worth it. A proper holiday and a completely different culture. I'm not sure if I'd love the food, I'm not a huge fan of fish. I'd probably eat a lot of ramen maybe?
Is it true they sell beer in vending machines? Also is the coffee they have in vending machines cold or hot? Stupid question probably.
Yeah those pachinko places would drive me mental with the noise I reckon. Much prefer an arcade or something.
Very nice. Woke up early this morning for a stroll along the seafront in Scarborough while the tide was still in and the place was nice and quiet. Them sorts of places are always better with less people there.
>A proper holiday and a completely different culture.
It's a good culture lid. They're really polite over there but they hide their disdain for foreigners pretty well. Ramen is good lid you could eat that every night. Food is dead cheap over there. A huge bowl of Ramen is 4 quid and that would fill you up.
>Is it true they sell beer in vending machines? Also is the coffee they have in vending machines cold or hot?
Yep they do but you need a Japanese driving licence, as it has to check your age before it will dispense a beer. And the coffee is cold out of the vending machines.
Stick with the early pre-Python stuff if you just want good comedy: At Last the 1948 Show, How to Irritate People, etc. Basically the With the Beatles and Help! of their career.
Then ignore all the Monty Python named stuff: especially Flying Circus and the films. These are the Sgt. Pepper's, Magical Mystery Tour points of their working together.
Instead look at what 'the Pythons' did since. Terry Gilliam has created some of the most amazing films ever, Michael Palin was in those lovely Discworld games and made some great documentaries.

Monty Python was like some shitty all-star 'supergroup' that squandered the talents of great writers. We all liked them when we were younger, but if you zoom out a little and look at their 'solo' work (with the odd collaboration) you discover all these gems.
I actually went back to the beach the other day in the pissing rain when it was empty for a walk as well. Tide was way out so had a nice walk and saw a jellyfish washed up. Went and got chips before walking home too. Me dog loves a swim in the sea, think it does his joints good.
I quite enjoy The Meaning of Life to be honest. Terry Gilliam is hit and miss but I love Brazil.
Spent days cleaning my trainers. Scrubbing and wiping and rinsing and leaving them to dry before another round and then sun bleaching them.

But that was weeks ago. Now they need re-lacing and that's too much to ask.
What's the reason for this madness, lad? You collect them?
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Corr it based and I mean based x

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Listening 2 me nigger music again
Nice curry desu. Tike fir another cig.
feels bad when all my friends are white. I wouldn't mind some black or pakistani frens to mix things up a bit
I am going to see them next Friday
Doing a very hot inflamed belly shittington right now. That Sainsburys spicy chicken wizza was too hot.
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Rly?can I come? Jk but have fun
Can't wait. Going to see Michael Jackson in his London residency.
Tried this before and could only manage a few bites.
Laptop update inbound but u nddx cig first
Yeah they are playing at SWG3. Few other good glasgow bands on the bill too.
There's a channel out there called bantfeel.
Ngl I am at war with op of this thread bt i also support his thread
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>Amazon have issued a refund for the laptop

Good, that's the worst case scenario avoided then. Question is do I just keep the money or risk rebuying it again. Surely they can't make the same mistake twice... or can they.
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Cor i look it up yea if I knew about this in advance mightve went but is a bit dear now, maybe next time
Nah these are my daily/scruffy trainers. Still need a clean every now and then though, soles were easy but the canvas took some stains. Scrubscrubscrub with a toothbrush. And it's all a pain in the arse.
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On that Vimtogrind me. It lush and refreshing x
Seagull de Iad
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For me it's apple and elderflower cordial diluted with sparkling water.
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**** https://youtu.be/5--KkSpyy7o
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No wangover for me in the morning my leeeeeeeeeeeeds. Keeping it womfy tonight.

Also 7 weeks no wokey so get in.
Scarfing the last kf these ciggies. 2 marlboros left. In my feelings

I only smoke when I'm on the wissingtons. No desire to smoke at all when sober.
Lmfao what a freakshow, reminds me of London 2012 and all the modernist cuck shite they put in for no reason.

Same, I like vaping sober bt nor fussed about cigs until I drink then I crave them
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Demon drink de lid.
This flu is brutal. Been tossing and turning the whole night, impossible to fall asleep. It not right.
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Need a comfy place 2 chill with comfy lads. Pool tables n everything. Maybe in heaven.
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Wonder if there'll be a happening in Londonistan tomorrow with that big nationalist march taking place.
There's pockets of comfy in this life but its a lot of drama. Imagine U could reverse the levels of drama:chill..that's what am feeling rn
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That's why I say, better to stay in your own lane in life. No unnecessary drama that way.
I wonder if there will be a happening in your nappy tonight :3
Shout out yeezus anon. They killed kanyes mum. U can make songs about drugs and sex bt they went mental about Jesus walks. They killed his mother nd they try 2 kill him. Me, if they (jews) tried that? Holocaust. Yeezus my 2nd fav after 808s, graduation after. He never made a bad album.tho even ye is good to me.
Mad thinking about that post this morning family of terrorism victims get coached 2 be nice about migrants. I always suspected it. Its obvious when u see them. Scripted weirdos. Its jarring for a real human. If any fucking sand nigger cunt touched a hair on any1 close to me like THAT. the level of torture I'd personally visit on them coulsnt be legally described even on here. Don't look back in anger. Kek. If my mum or sister or even my cat was gone because of some Tony Blair sanctioned subhuman they'd learn the real meaning of anger while I fucking taking their eyes out with a razor blade. If you're nor willing to go there you're a fuxking faggot failure of a human. You don't deserve to have ever had a family If you don't feel that. Cut your balls off and fuxk off if you don't feel that. Enough of these fucking boomers.
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>I wonder if there will be a happening in your nappy tonight :3

Keeping it private x
true dosser hours, is it not?
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Friday night loser hours
It lush and womfy x
Me n seasidemark simpatico. We peaceful but listen, give me a good reason and you're dead. Am happy to go away and chill for a bit. 8 years manaslaughter. Get out after 5. Plus I turn myself in that's 25% off that sentence. Then u plead guilty even more discounts. Please give me a reason to kill you. Not that I want to. Just saying. I'll play ps2 games for 5 year you'll be dead forever lmao. Decent trade. I prefer peace though. Something to think about though d*llycel.
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Think I'll have that wustlerz now and watch a wepisode of that Creepshow if that's alright with you de lids. Cheers x
Just don't relate to ANYONE these days
Y not lid
Whats some things about you
Smoked the last **** cig. Held on 2 those since 2021. Farewell then.
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Tell everbody that U know
That I dont love U no more!
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Got that wustlerz quarter pounder in the microwavington.
Sounds quite alright there me leed
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Funny thing about gradjob!influenza lad's current predicament. Am not judging, am a wreck myself. Just an observation thoujgh. Out of everything you put your hand to over the last year i said go for the keyboard thing nd youve said basically you went for everything except that. U did gym, toastmaster, w/e. Fair enough. Those are probably better on an individual level bt if i may say so, as someone with v limited experience of this stuff, i can personally vouch out of all conventional wisdom musical ability is actually 1 of those retarded normie advices thats actually real. Im quite certain its what helped me to ***** in the first place e.g. we bonded in the music room in school to begin with. Im manlet, sub-Chad but i have no doubts if id gone out tonight nd found a public piano nd played unfaithful by rihanna enough times id find at least 1 millennial girl drunk enough to sleep with me. Its just how it works. But by your own admission you touched that keyboard a few times nd then went full gym mode. Nigga your health is important but nobody is listening to how many reps you did. Girls want to FEEL things, make that immediate impression or die nd most of them dont know what a bench press even is. Simple as. Thats just my observatoin. Take or leave. Get well soon.
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Am headed out the door
Tell everybody that U know
That i don't love you no more
Nd that you know
Tell everybody that you know
That i don't love you no more
Thats 1 thing that you know
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I wonder if soldiers are still issued a free wacket of ciggies when they serve overseas. I'm guessing not. During WW2, each soldier got a free wacket with their emergency rations.
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Ok...i got u out my mind nd the night is young
The dreams is cold
The stars is out
Am ready to go
U always thought I was always wrong
Well now you know
Tell everybody everybody that you know
Check this footages helper lad https://youtu.be/Xn8519pwSzU they all got cigs. Cant imagine doing a war without cig.
>i have no doubts if id gone out tonight nd found a public piano nd played unfaithful by rihanna enough times id find at least 1 millennial girl drunk enough to sleep with me. Its just how it works. But by your own admission you touched that keyboard a few times nd then went full gym mode.

Won't deny what you say lad. It's good advice. I haven't played at all in a good few weeks now. I did manage to learn some simple chords and a very basic short song but lost interest after that. What I might do is get a keyboard stand for when I move, that way my keyboard is always out and ready to play instantly. Right now I play it on my PC desk which means I have to unpack and pack it when I want to play. Having it there ready will be more convenient.

Gym has ended up being the best one for me as I really enjoy it. Even though I get what you mean with it not really being a 'hobby', but it's nice to see my body slowly improving the past few months. Starting to look better in tshirts makes me feel good about myself. I always used to wear baggy clothes to hide my body as I was ashamed of my skinnyfat body but I don't do that anymore. Still have a long way too go but progress is being made. I've been doing decent on taking up reading too. Always read a few pages of a book every night before bed. And toastmasters is good, don't regret joining that and been going to every meeting twice a month. Did my icebreaker speech not too long ago. Did well. Anything that forces socialisation is a must for a complete social spaz for me.

>Thats just my observatoin. Take or leave. Get well soon.
Thanks, hopefully I feel better soon, only managed a few hours sleep before I had to get back up. Brutal flu. Take care of yourself too lad and I will take your advice and try to play keyboard more.
True government is infinite organically equal leaders in exclusive collectives with infinite simultaneous directions of progress. Infinite congruent dimensions of will-power.
see ebin?

norf sea can be nice. bit cold
no point talking to hhl about film or music

trash taste
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Me? Just watching that Creepshow. Only on weason 1 wepisode 2.
Why are NEETs in American tv shows always presented as extremely messy slobs. My gaff is pretty tidy, I can't stand messy rooms, I like things neatly organized like me meme and porn folders.

Order not chaos.
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In a sense i was just fucking around but everything i said in that post is from IRL experience so its real too. Godspeed.
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My sight
Is better tonight nd i might
See you in my nightmares
How did U get there?
We was once a fairytale
But this is farewell
I got my life
Nd its the only 1
I got night
Im runnin from the sun
So goodnight
Am headed out the door
After tonight
There will be no return
After tonight
Am taking off on the run
Am taking off on the run
Nd that you know
That you know
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I dont see U with me no more
Now tell everybody that you know
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I know its corny bitches u wish you could unfollow
I know its corny niggas u wish you could unswallow
You try 2 play nice everybody just took advantage
You left your fridge open somebody just took a sandwich
I said baby what if you was clubbin thuggin hustlin before you met your husband
Nd what if Mary
Was in the club
B4 she met Joseph
Around hella thugs?
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I cant handle no liquor
But these bitches cant handle me
I cant control my niggers
Nd my niggers they cant control me
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Need sluts ASAP!
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My pp juice on cutie soles
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I dropped this particular waifu bc she got married. Fyi. Yes am petty. Just dont fucking share it on social media at least. Christ on the cross.
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@ least hope her husband was her 1st sexual partner nd vice versa. Cant imagine hes that thrilled about her secondary income. Love u tho.
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New 1
If u want

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