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Something happens in five days edition.

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread.

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
See how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.io
Search 4chan: https://find.4chan.org & https://boards.4chan.org/search
Public ban archives: (4bans) & https://hiddenservice.cc/bans (IPv6 only)
Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512#

Previous thread: >>78676138
You stole my line, and now I must steal your life.
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My phoneposting app said this was the /nah/ thread. Now I'm afraid it might be a botnet.
Your measly spinacia oleracea is useless against me.
I wish I was a bot.
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Post any Sailor Jupiter reaction images you have PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
happening: made some rogan josh curry
which app is it? where does it get that data from?
yes its probably boted
How does that work? Was it triggered because /nah/ is mentioned in the OP?
It's Chance.
I don't know. It appeared near the end of the last thread.
And how was it? Is Indian food actually good or is it just propaganda?
wouldn't be surprised at the phone apps including hidden botnets
indian food is absolutely fucking delicious, indian curry is a completely different animal from thai curry or japanese curry. one of my favorite meals is fresh garlic naan with rogan josh curry and basmati rice, another one is chicken biryani. best paired with a lassi (essentially an indian smoothie)
I fucking hate people who spend weeks bumping their own shit threads pretending it's not a general like the Hitori Bocchi thread on /a/ right now actually fucking enrages me
MASSIVE HAPPENING ALERT: nikocado avocado is skinny again
nikocado real????
Kek, he's even repeating that monologue he had a couple of years ago. But was exposing his keyhole on onlyfans part of the social experiment?
impossible, how
the mod lurking this thread saw it and reposted it
Ozempic for sure
How often do you guys get banned? I see people bitching about banhappy mods all the time on multiple boards. I get 3day bans maybe once or twice a year if at all. Was warned today though.
I think I've been banned once for replying to a bait thread. That's all I can remember.
Maybe once every 6 months, and I post every day.
Pretty much the same for me. I wonder what kind of shit people get banned for, you need to be egregiously stupid or wildly off topic.
once or twice a month. mostly for shitposting.
Never gotten banned, worst I had was a few post deletes for unsavory content.
My man. Well, the only ban I can remember happened because I was literally breaking the rules, and I perfectly knew it
OP can't bump their own threads
There are two candlejack threads on /co/ right now. Far from being a happening, but I thought that it was interesti
I post both on proxy and on my norm al internet connection. On proxy, I get banned all the time, but that's why I have them. It's usually an off-topic ban, but strangely the anons I'm engaging aren't always getting banned for their shit. On my normal internet connection, I try to post rule conforming, but sometimes a shitty mod bans me anyway, for absolutely minuscule bullshit. Sometimes I even get an IP wipe. Shit makes no sense.
Anyway, being able to say whatever you want without consequences is comfy.
now the people who had it cached like me are seeing two michaels lol
Which 4chan clients save 4chan files using a filename without the last 3 digits?
I accidentally answered you in the wrong thread. Although I might be wrong.
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wait what. what the fuck is this thread
are meta threads allowed in /r9k/ what
No it was this thread:
The filenames are the same, except the reposted image has the last 3 digits stripped.
stop fucking crying
mods are gods
>stop fucking crying
you've already gone full retard
>>>wait what what the fuck what
>wtf means crying
can u get more retarded?
subhuman iq ahh reply
go back to discord, "u" don't belong here
We're refugees from /qa/. At first we established a refugee camp on /trash/ but the quality of life there was low so a group went out to seek better boards to live in.
you have to be over 18 to post here
i'm legit looking into the entire history right now. so like, since 2015? LMFAO how did i not ever notice this
so it used to be cool on /qa/ but not anymore huh. ngl i never went there but i also haven't taken this site seriously since 2014
it's weird that /pol/ and /x/ have never mentioned this in all my time i was there
but i have to ask. especially in honour of the upcoming movie.

what is racism?
ngl /pol/ and /x/ are pretty stupid. for so many yeas people would randomly complain about there not being a religion board. or philosophy board. stuff like that
one year i found /his/ all this time it was there. but that place is pretty cringe. basically everyone is stupid, shucks
do we discuss past happenings here? how many times has there been an 'exodus' but this is the only imageboard people know about at the end of the day lmao
>Public ban archives: (4bans) & https://hiddenservice.cc/bans (IPv6 only)
anyways i needed to see this. found it before but it doesn't come up on google. i searched bans in an archive and ta dah! here i am
people who get banned all the time aren't going to say they are often banned that just makes it too obvious that they are doing ban evasion. dumbass!
and for the extremely autistic: people that are banned often don't usually care about generals of any kind. i bet /pol/ shitposting just cycles through shitposters who happen to not be banned LMFAO
Oh, you guys moved here?
Did you end up needing moderation that badly?
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Not "needing" it per se, we were fine being basically unmoderated for years.
It's just that /trash/ literally does not ban people for almost anything, so personalityfags with nothing of value to say began to proliferate, then would not ever fuck off (even ignoring the especially insufferable breed of personalityfag that /trash/ brings, and what they post) (that are still bickering about nothing in the husk of our old habbenings office, even to this day).
>do we discuss past happenings here?
Yeah, don't see any problem with that.
About the exodus question, there's probably been two or three major exodus, but almost all of the altchans that receive people end up dying. Like, exodus from specific boards have been more succesful, but site-wide exodus generally were motivated by personal dislike of moot and his administration, so it only ended up creating websites that tried to be "anti-4chan" and admins that tried to be "anti-moot". And that obviously never worked.
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> how many times has there been an 'exodus
Only really two major ones where it's resulted in a long-term separation of users going their own way and staying mostly separate to this day.

There were quite a few small ones ~2004-2008 (especially in 2007), but can barely be called exoduses due to the scope of both 4kek and the alts at the time. While it was relatively large split of users overall, trying to escape summerfags, they were each ultimately insignificant individually (such as the lolifags, general /b/tards, older IRC exoduses, raid communities, wizards, oldschool /jp/'s, and the CWC autists) (the latter of which snowballed into ED, the CWCi forums, and was then later taken over by Joshua Connor Moon the Pedophile after he was ran off of /cow/, and then rebranded into Foxdick Farms so he could moderate his own dox to this day).
Second (or the first "major" / singular one) was the 2013 one to 8gag, with the largest period of movement being during GG due to m00t being a total fucking faggot who was absolutely in on it (which, then after the Cloudflarepocalyse in 2019 destroyed the site; splintered off between the hardcore Anons / oldfaggots into the webring, while the QBoomers + summerfags remained on the honeypotted up 8kunt).
Third and most recent was the Great Basedset in 2021, which led to the Sharty and it's long legacy of drama; resulting in the refinement of onions culture, from the sharty, to the jarty, to the basedbooru, to the thrembo of real and false wikis.
Does the internal extension hijack some keys or why does the home/end key sometimes not work?
the sh*rty split is not big and it's miles smaller than the 2007-8 /b/ splits
the sh*rty split only really was the exodus of one board. They're just very obnoxious.
the one somewhat good thing i can say about hiro's regime is that he's far better at maintaining passivity in the userbase than moot ever was, it was like every couple years moot would do or say something that would get everyone mad at him for one reason or another, but all the grievances towards hiro have been mild at best and not strong enough to start any worthwhile altchans.
then again, that's probably mainly because people don't make new sites nowadays anyway. seems the only people doing it are the crazies that can't even maintain a raspberry pi.
Hiro doesn't do anything. The mods run this, and they do it as lazily as possible. Nothing ever changes. There are no good opportunity or event to collectively get mad at.
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>Second (or the first "major" / singular one) was the 2013 one to
>the QBoomers + summerfags remained on the honeypotted up 8kunt)
yaeh in 2014 lol
>8gag, with the largest period of movement being during GG due to m00t being a total fucking faggot who was absolutely in on it
idk much about that desu but just found this from google, apparently happened exactly a decade ago last week
>This is the 10th anniversary of GamerGate, if calculated by the publication of "The Zoe Post" in August 2014, where allegations were made that a tubby jewish girl traded blowjobs for good reviews of her boring powerpoint presentation / game.
>>the QBoomers + summerfags remained on the honeypotted up 8kunt)
right in time the faggots shitposting in 2015 and the rest is history
This reminds me.
I was actually recently given my first ever ban after almost a decade being here, happened automatically because I tried posting an old GG-era picture that included a link to the old 8ch address. I didn't notice it was there and I would have assumed it wouldn't matter since it's the one that doesn't go anywhere, but oh well.
Such threads would be ok occasionally, but now they have multiple threads up at all times. While I don't have to care that the threads exist, it basically makes it impossible to discuss the affected shows. Even if you make a thread yourself, other anons will either ignore it because they've been worn out by the constant week long threads, or the necrobump zombies infect your thread and turn it into a zombie thread.

This apocalypse schizos are the worst. They have no family and nothing going on in their lives so they want everyone else to suffer. It's sad desu
>The mods run this, and they do it as lazily as possible. Nothing ever changes.
This is not necessarily a bad thing.
hey yeah and he made the original 2channel and that's what 4chan was based off of anyways. and... yeah there's a few trippy things there lol
ah apparently 4chan is actually based off of futaba which was the first imageboard and was itself originally a textboard made as a backup when the original 2channel was at risk of going down
but anyways there's plenty of open source imageboard software for sure. can definitely host them on your own, on a raspberry pi even yes indeed
There are rules that are simply not enforced, because that would mean changing the status quo. Look at how many generals there are on /v/ for example.
>or the necrobump zombies infect your thread and turn it into a zombie thread.
lmao that's the wildest shit. the zombies are among us
no one said it was a good or bad thing. we're mostly making fun of all the past happenings, ie h8 chan. man watkins gets around
>There are no good opportunity or event to collectively get mad at.
yea maybe we should try to collectively get love at something and make heartchan
idk anything about these shartchans but
>resulting in the refinement of onions culture, from the sharty, to the jarty, to the basedbooru, to the thrembo of real and false wikis.
when u say onions culture, do u mean like chans on tor or like, soi reddit tier crap?
by far some of the funniest shit i ever read was there. and had something to say about literally everything, including some other sites completely unrelated to 4chan. good stuff, am happy it's still up lol.
weird wikipedia says this
>The convergence of Encyclopedia Dramatica with the anti-Scientology campaign of Project Chanology was noted
idk how true that is? seems like fake news
anyways i think we need more wikis or something
I see a lot of posters say "tag" instead of "quote" and "convo" instead of "reply chain" nowadays.
It's the timestamp in milliseconds, while usual 4chan filenames are the timestamp in microseconds. This is an option for randomized filenames on the android app Kuroba-Experimental, unsure about any others.
Again, the filename was not randomized. It was the original filename (when you save an image from 4chan without renaming it), but with 3 digits stripped.
got a 30 day ban last thread because a retard mod thought i was the guy i was replying to but actually succeeded in getting unbanned a day later
it wasn't too bad on /qa/ until the wojak takeover, wasn't too bad on /trash/ either aside from the occasional furfag appearances until we got invaded by spammers
it worked for 8 until Tarrant happened
Don't mind me. Just testing how this works.
hiro's TOO passive, he hasn't even fucking been on the site in years
Similarly one time I was stupid and posted with a ban-evading tripfag's name, and I was instantly banned. But the appeal worked
/diy/ mod apology archived, seems like they're back to a full 10 page board now
speaking of wikis
bibanon shows up on google but it was very hard to find the 4chan ban archiver idk why. ED is obviously delisted, and banned from twitter apparently haha
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it didn't work and that's precisely why that happened. if it was working in the first place, that wouldn't have happened. duh
>it only ended up creating websites that tried to be "anti-4chan" and admins that tried to be "anti-moot". And that obviously never worked.
yeah of course hotwheels himself came from a community like that. he was a competent programmer and basically the average good guy libertarian but i guess didn't know what he was in store for. he cares a lot more about fonts than he does free speech lmao nothing wrong with that but you can't just pretend to be 'anti-moot' and run an 'anti-4chan' website, need some more substance kek. he shoulda invited /g/ and embraced his font autism or something.
it did, but it died and you know very well the webring doesn't have 1/10th of the relevancy the old site had
there are older altchans from the time of the /b/ splits that are still alive like 7chan but they're obviously ghost towns
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u missed the point of what that anon was saying. if it was working so well then why did it die? because it wasn't working in the first place m8
it was similar to how there is no administration here with mods running things. there it was some weird nazi roach running /pol/ wasn't it? clearly needed to be run better
lack of administrative action led to two different extremes, letting the right wingers run amok and then the site eventually got shut down. or letting the libtards run amok here and banning anything they don't like crying 'muh racism'
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in retrospect, we all should have paid more attention to the 'gamergate' stuff, seemed the /pol/ people just piggybacked off the momentum off the 'gamers' well idk i personally didn't see any connection (beyond general decay of society and videogames being the next big thing to infiltrate for the lugenpresse) but it seems everyone else was just being 'anti-feminism' and that led to the retarded incel redpill crap (which is dominated by grifters and suckers)
ah of course. the 'wizards' didn't understand the wizard meme from japan. ur supposed to reject women and pursue knowledge, becoming a master in understanding philosophies and so on
anyways can't meme someone else into something their not. everyone already has their own personality. and it's probably up to them to do anything about it. memes are just catalysts.
One of the board owners was arrested for doxxing a judge as well, wasn't he?
>banned from twitter apparently
that one's funny because it was going completely fine for a solid 8 or 9 years (they even had a blue check back when they actually meant something), but then they gave it to some insane chick who nuked it in a few months by getting into political arguments with random people for hours on end. the old .com account was only owned by someone else so they could just make a new one, but now any new account they make gets banned for ban evasion, so it's always on thin ice now.
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lmao man so elon is like 'i shall save free speech' but does his assburgers make him more or less qualified to understand speech?
i didn't hear about that, and i regret not ever paying attention to leftypol. until now. mwahahaha nah i met literally one person still, all the other leftists i met are dumb af. him too desu but it's cool. muh maga communism baka famalamadingdong
the realest assburgers
>i didn't hear about that
It was the owner of the raid board or such? It was called baphomet? I may be misremembering some things.
oh yeah they doxxed literally everyone. dozens of judges. they just liked to dox. the raiders were from elsewhere. it was just information sharing. totally. anyways i didn't pay too much attention. LMFAO
i think they usually doxed sexy milfs though or was that a different board
Been warned or banned most often for posting in or being the OP of FFXIV threads on /v/ and not only is it infrequent and the threads are garbage anyways right now thanks to mods letting a lunatic roam free in them, but I'm aware it's probably one mod with a chip the size of a cinderblock on his shoulder
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>there it was some weird nazi roach running /pol/ wasn't it? clearly needed to be run better
Yeah it was a roach named ImKampfy who was notorious for trying to blackmail webring and altchan /pol/ hosters into giving him control of their own /pol/. He lost control of 8kun's /pol/ when he set a wordfilter for "nigger" and then went to bed, causing the local populace (whose vocabulary is 60% "nigger" by volume) to set the board on fire and most of the site by extension. When the site admin Codemonkey stepped in to tell him to shape up his shit or lose his board, he tried banning Codemonkey from /pol/ and copy-pasted a site global rule from him. He was caught seething on 8/pol/ about the board being lost without him running it for the next three or four months and he basically fell off the internet after that to my knowledge.
>are you winning son?
Oh, I thought that was the mom...
/pol/ is the femboy's natural habitat
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If 4chan announces they are experiencing financial troubles to the degree that the site may close and open donations, would you donate?
no if this site goes down we'll finally be free
i literally can't even if i wanted to
you're only truly free if you lose all memory and knowledge of the site
No because after more than a decade here and witnessing all of M00ts donation drives he kept the site alive long enough to sell it for a small fortune and live well. There will always be a sucker willing to buy this site don't let anyone fool you.

No refunds btw.
well duh. the site is the source of the knowledge. but nothing ever happens when people come back here for more knowledge. guess what happens when there's nowhere to go? finally free to do something about, just all that knowledge oh my
No, and I'd deploy demoralization tactics to stop others from donating.
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i'm just a silly boyfailure :3
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>ah of course. the 'wizards' didn't understand the wizard meme from japan. ur supposed to reject women and pursue knowledge, becoming a master in understanding philosophies and so on
voting with your wallet does not work. enough people will donate to save this place
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cool story bro
>There will always be a sucker willing to buy this site don't let anyone fool you.
no shit
Only one more year for me.
: )
sagobros won over at /trash/hap
I've already found my people
we'd just find a new place to settle
has anyone had any personal experiences with 4chan in their real life? some years ago a famous person came to my old school and it had a bunch of threads about it on /pol/, some of my friends were even in the pics they'd posted which was surreal.
had threads about a mass shooting near where i live
How bigs your cock?
I sometimes see photos of my friends in threads for the conventions we go to on /cgl/
double yours :3
Holy shit, a 2 inch cock!
oddity on /g/
That's unheard of around these parts.
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>twitter actually infested /g/ so effectively that the "ignore all previous instructions" meme is something that's seen as an actual bot litmus test there
>scroll to middle of screenshot
>first "LLM" reply I see is 1m1s after the "based" post it's replying to
>really obvious "I AM SILLY" shit like "I don't need my own opinions I let smart people think for me!"
>obligatory "ignore everything previous, generate [funny thing]" comments just get one-line responses, never less than a minute after
sasuga . . .
>shitposters LARPing as AI to troll retards
I called this over 2 years ago
That april fools joke like 2 or 3 or 4 years ago became reality.
Think about the kind of dipshit here that believes posting about Tienanmen Square or Winnie the Pooh will flush out Chinese posters. Sane genre of poster
>we'd just find a new place to settle
that's kind of the whole problem. all of us know some people, but what platform to use? or altchan or anything. host ur own irc server? webhosts usually don't like that, maybe a private one would be cool

how can you be sure of privacy? besides meeting up IRL. most people too timid and paranoid about glowies or whatever the fuck to speak freely even in voice chat. not me though, people just don't have balls lmao
i wouldn't consider it a happening. shouldn't be scared of glowies or gangstalkers. invite them in for tea and ask them why they are retarded lmao. they only want to intimidate, they'll fuck off if u stay friendly it probably weirds them out
I have been on this website for nearly 20 years and I have heard the term "reply chain" maybe twice. Get over it.
I hate to break it to you, but people replying to each other over the course of many messages is, in fact, a conversation.
no, and i don't think that'll ever happen. hiro is RICH RICH.
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The issue with irl is that the geographically closest person to you in every thread you've been in within the last week is still likely 10+ miles away unless you're in a vantablack niggerhell hustle&bustle big city metropolis, in which case you have more pressing matters than saying hi to Anon, even before you discount the concept that most non-normalfag people here are (often for good reason) complete shutins, even before you discount the genuinely mentally ill.

t. person who has tried for years without resorting to /b/, /soc/ or shitcord.
Those people really like their meetups.
do you not have friends IRL? anyways that wasn't the point. and it's precisely in the big city that people need to regroup from amongst the huge amount of strangers
if you already live in the rural areas, then aren't you already best friends with the whole town? since they are all probably family friends or actual family
there's so many things I mentioned, internet problems are basically unrelated to local problems. fucking go outside anon, like wdym?
>the geographically closest person to you
and my point was precisely that you can meet IRL since that is the safest (regardless of distance). anyone scared of glowies can be rest assured that talking over some background music or noise means no one can possibly be listening, no matter how paranoid they are. that's always an option if anons are not scared of each other in the first place. there's plenty of friends that i have made online that i even met irl travelling different countries. man, you need to go outside. jeeze
lol /g/ is fucked
aw dang it i messed it up
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I once heard of a man with almost 2 inches long cock.

Almost, not 2 full ones. Im skeptical and think anon might just be saying bullcrap >.>
Probably an attention seeking whore
>2 main furfag avatarfags leave
>Trash happenings thread dies
Lol. Another one is already up.
How long until they either recruit another avatarfag or just give up?
The personas are gone. The people are not.
The thread was intentionally allowed to terminal sago to give credence to the personas' departures (as demonstrated by your post).
>implying avatarfags are capable of separating from their personas
You are correct. Typically, not.
However, this is not a typical scenario.
These personas did not organically burgeon in the same fashion as the others you have observed over the years. They were exactingly engineered as tools, puppets to populate a Potemkin village.
What percentage of people who use 4chan actually post?
Let's count, I post.
excellent question
I wonder who's looking at us right now
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the council is watching
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The failure of /qaz/ has demoralized shareblue to the point of literal suicide kek. They've lost all hope now, they know they have no future. They rallied together so many people in an attempt to bring down /qa2/ once and for all, and nobody even noticed. They even shilled their pathetic board as hard as they possibly could and got 1000 more people to show up on a single day than /qaz/ has gotten in the last year, and it still wasn't enough. I will never forget the day I witnessed the absolute defeat of the largest and most vile force in the chans. They've gone from one of the largest shill forces to one of the most pathetic. They really tried their best and they still failed. The day /qaz/ failed is the day /qa2/'s future was secured. The kikes know they're fucked. They can't fathom that white people want their own imageboard, they simply can't believe it. Even when they've been proven wrong, they still insist that /qa2/ has nothing going for it but sheer momentum, and they insist that the momentum will stop when shareblue gets it's funding and kicks into high gear. Shareblue will never get their funding again, not after this catastrophic failure, and I have it on good word from inside Shareblue that they're in the process of getting cut off from the remaining $14 million that was promised to them. The kikes lost, the tards lost, the left lost. When they lost this, they lost everything. Shareblue is finished. They did everything they could, they threw everything they had at us, they used every trick in the book, and it still wasn't enough. They're fucking done, and they know it.
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zone "Am I Loud Enough" animation has blown up and is now an animation meme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPATzEPPHUI (OG)
stfu up no one cares
>Blown up
This is cool though. Kind of a similar feeling to seeing the /v/ character blow up in popularity when it was added to Friday night funkin.
I did not think permanently drawing even more underageb& to this forsaken place was cool at all actually
>blown up
>every animation listed has less than 10k views
I wouldn't say "blew up"
Someone made a thread exposing an apparent prolific child predator and catfish from /soc/ who posts on Discord and /r9k/.
It's cool in the sense that something you enjoyed a long ass time ago, something old and largely buried in the sands of time gets enjoyed by a new generation and has a small breath of life blown into it. And for the record, 4chan desperately needs new traffic and users.
Nta but that seems like a blow up for the animation memes community. They are pretty small IIRC.
I don't know what's more incredible - that this ancient Zone flash is getting new OC, or that it includes fucking Homestuck.
true story kek, they haven't recovered that day and one of their leaders killed themselves, causing them to abandon their tactics. pathetic display but what would you expect from an organization whose entire premise is stopping da ebil chuds via falseflagging and buzzwords?
mod moved it to /b/
gruesome death awaits us all
this is a pretty neet idea! and as a fan of this type of music i think it sounds pretty good!
How many threads do you make a day? I usually make 1 or 2 but I post 30+ times a day.
i cannot do wrong. for i know not what it is
maybe they got it from desu or 4plebs or tte otger dozen archive sites
Hmm, I feel tempted

What a crappy way of doing a prediction
Randomly but if you spread it evenly, once every couple of months
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An anon on /b/ is trying to get a youtuber who beat his kitten to death on camera arrested.
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nigger you literally just have to copy-paste the full url and the site will auto-link it to the right post on the right board; even before the manual method of typing the board in before the >>>

genuine /b/tards still around in 2024, now that's a happening; way more than some faggot kid killing a small animal
Anyone have the full video? Link to the original post works too.

Found it.
There's like 5 threads up now.

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