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sago won 4trash Happenings edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

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Previous threads: >>68855030 >>>/r9k/78727478
fake thread don't post in this one
surprise bumo
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back but at what cost
It's okay, it happens
killing /hap/ in legal self defense
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This is not the real thread. You are a horrible liar and a fraud.
What is the problem with it?
>accidentally mispelled sago again
I am a dumbass
w-what if we made our own happenings?
just go to your favourite board and pick a funny post
ok >>>/mlp/41392943
Some things never change.
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I'd classify that as a mildly funny post. However, I can't bring myself to post things like that here. I feel like I have too high of a standard for happenings
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not 4chan-related but i go back to this post like once a month and it has never not been funny ever.
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's just a construct of human perception; an illusion created by
But I'm out of my head when you're not around
some dudes that worked on blue archive tried to pull a dark and darker (coincidentally both were against nexon) but their spines folded 1000 times over and it died in the womb.

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