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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread.

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Previous thread: >>78640152
Something tells me that nothing is going to happen here.
Exactly 7 days ago something happened.
When I am done, you will not be found.
can someone please tell imbred to use that money to take music lessons instead of wasting it on ads
is imbred a billionaire? how does he keep his ads going for so long? do people really click on it?
WoW vs FFXIV thread deleted for putting FFXIV in the better light in the OP (and also obsessed shitposters spamming reports when they can't "win" in a thread)
this is sad

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do you enjoy 4chan cosplay?
Since there's no happenings yet, here's a meta hypothetical.

Gun to you and your family's heads, what changes would you make to the website to attract new users and generate revenue while also keeping the original userbase as happy as possible and not destroying the ethos of the site?
>while also keeping the original userbase as happy as possible

>generate revenue
4chan is incapable of generating significant revenue by design
>attract new users
plead with God to turn back time to 2008
>saged in the namefield
I'm retarded
This could have been avoided if sage was persistent, by the way.
Open a page that sells official merchandise. I have no idea what the merch would be other that images of the logo on items like clothing, mugs, etc. You can't exactly market yotsuba.
somebody set up an altchan specifically for AI chatbot definitions >>>/g/102194992
Rangeban Finland and Brazil
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i did a green anon cosplay at a pony con
I would buy this
i misread that and thought it was an altchan for chatbots to talk to each other
Needs to be standing over the camera and looking down at me
that would be nice a place for all the 4chan bots to discuss bot stuff
Finally, they made their own containment board.
Allow user board registration for pass users.
>Attracts old 8ch users
>Communities can form organically and self moderate
>More people buy passes just to make their own boards
>Existing boards become known as "reserved boards"
Scale up the global janny force but have a way to hold them accountable.
Also no ads for pass users (why should paying customers need to see ads?)

The main problem with nu4chan is that hiro has no interest in scaling it. He did a little bit with splitting up /vg/ then disappeared. How long have we been asking for /ai/ and eceleb containment boards? The fact that generals have to be made to keep a board from being flooded with one specific topic in the first place means a new board should be considered. Just go on 2ch.sc and see how many boards there are, that's how a website like this should be run.
E-celeb board is one of those "you think you do, but you don't" ideas. It would turn into kiwi farms day 1. I think in a perfect world, that board would be great, but given this sites userbase and the anonymous nature of posting, it's almost as bad if an idea as the board I've wanted for a long time. /par/ - parenting. Same idea with this one.
i think the most baffling thing about new boards in the past ten years has been all of them are "containment boards" in one way or another with all the /v/ daughter boards being made to daub preparation H on abib's asshole, or /mlp/ being made because ponies trigger the mods
>/par/ - parenting
that would end up as an incest board SO FAST
>/par/ - parenting
yeah not only incest but it would probably fill up with CP faster than /tv/ and old 4chan and the entire basedosphere combined.
Let's make a /race/ board. See what happens.
I am all for new boards, but some boards are bad ideas, or good ideas that would go over very badly. I think /ai/ would be great but it'd run into the issue of being swamped with porn nonstop if it were a red board and eternally being a purple board that needs constant moderation if it was a blue board.
Incest posting would absolutely happen and be an issue but I honestly don't think cp would. Maybe I'm just naive though. Would need a sticky with giant red text saying DO NOT POST PICTURES OF YOUR CHILDREN. DO NOT POST PICTURES OF CHILDREN etc. It's one of those things I've wanted for a long time because I think it would be incredibly interesting to discuss with other anons. Will never happen though.
> I think /ai/ would be great but it'd run into the issue of being swamped with porn nonstop if it were a red board and eternally being a purple board that needs constant moderation if it was a blue board.

You could make a blue and red board for AI. It's excessive, but it could work.
>>>/int/ exists
That's also why I said scale up the janny/mod team (and hold them accountable). The problem with jannies aren't that they're too banhappy, it's how they abuse their power. The rules should be enforced with near robotic accuracy. If the userbase is unhappy with that then it's the rules that should be reconsidered.
If I remember correctly, jannies cannot ban users. They can delete threads/images/posts and can mark users to be banned by mods, but ultimately it's the mods doing it and their decision. Never been a janny but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
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jannies can temporarily ban users for 15 minutes while they wait for mod response but no perma or even 3 day bans as far as i know.
i myself was once hit with one of these temporary blocks.
Yeah by "janny" I mean the mods too and "banhappy" I mean all the power that comes with their position.
The thing about new boards is that I just don't see new ones being made. It would be cool, but I don't think the team is really interested in putting that kind of effort into stuff like that. Another thing to; boards like /mlp/ really don't have much of a reason to exsist anymore. The only reason that board stays up though is because /co/ would be flooded with pony shit, and I doubt they take that easily.
Also, an AI board would need the same kind of "pony" rule for the containment to work. No AI outside of /ai/.
Well it's all about a hypothetical if we owned the website.
There are already multiple generals on /g/ that would absolutely move to an /ai/ board. I don't think a rule is even necessary. In fact, they're already doing it themselves. >>78677059
I fully and unironically agree.
/wsr/ is getting spammed again
Don't care. (This post isn't meant to sound like I'm pretending to be a mod, although I'm painfully aware how much it does.)
*gropes you a bit*
I can't deny it anymore, /a/ is split into two main user bases which disgust each another.
We have the following:
>shounen or edge fags who call all other anime "moeshit" or "tranime"
>core /a/ who watch whatever they like, may watch shounen too, but are disgusted by the stereotypical shounen fags
Just split /a/ already. /v/ has been split into dozen of boards. It's inevitable.
/a/ has already been split once before /jp/.
/dbs/ just to become as annoying as touhou secondaries and then maybe a split is possible.
Speaking of which
Why does touhou get to run a general on /v/ with it's endless stealth threads? Why do they never get told to go anywhere?
You could probably split off /kpop/ and it'd be a more active board than /mu/ lol
Doesn't matter, the /jp/ split was 16 fucking years ago. Why is there a board as obscure as /m/, which almost nobody knows about, but /a/ has to be for everything?
I'm a sissy whiteboi in need of a kara boga
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"DEI" should be wordfiltered or banned on /v/.
At this point the board is just a /pol/ offshoot where chuds just go to whine about trannies.
normalfag hobby, normalfag board
anime isn't a niche, weird thing anymore so it gets the lowest common denominator posters
fake frogposter
die kike
Hey guys, since we're allowed to discuss 4chan and offer ideas in these threads, here is mine:
Mass replying needs to become socially acceptable on this website. Also the mods need to accept it. Think about it. It engages users and gets the post counts up, and we need that in this era when site participation is down. It's a great solution to the problem. What do you guys say?
/ai/ - Artificial Intelligence
/ia/ - Artwork/AI Generated
If boards like /3/ and /gd/ and /po/ can stay up for all this time i doubt they'd remove /mlp/ especially considering how pony threads would quickly show up on every board
putting more than 10 quotes in a post should be an autob&
why are image dump threads with 0 vidya discussion that eventually turn into porn threads good when everyone else posts them but bad when i post them >>>/v/687500074
Because you have an iPhone filename.
i don't have an iphone and none of my posts are phoneposts
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Here's my answer.
last night I dreamt mods posted a sticky on /v/ announcing they're removing bump limits
They introduced 3 year lasting passes now?
last night i dreamt i there was moon gravity and i could jump super high
no they didn't, it's a figment of your imagination. take your meds
maybe... or maybe it was just a dream...
meds now!!!! the 3 year pass isnt real
/v/ thread was moved to fucking /b/
I think the mods actually want to be hated. It's how they try to disassociate themselves from this shitty website.
>son, you said your job is moderation this website
>everyone says it's a vortex of racism, antisemitism, and pedophilia
>you're not even paid
>what do you mean, at least you make the members of this website seethe?
what a fucking directory!
Not really:

ok ya that one beats it
someone should catch that moot and put him in prison and force him to admin
You sound upset. But why?
Man, this news site has a lot of crazy stories.

...He's right ya know.
....We should ban all political discussions outside of /pol/ /int/, and maybe /his/. Maybe other boards (like /r9k/) could improve a bit.
I get that's an easy default response, but no, that's not why. Boards like/tv/, /co/, and /r9k/ get infested with culture war/genreal shit flinging bait threads pretty quick. I dunno, it could be an actually good idea.
I feel like a similar thing has happened to /v/
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The moderation stance on this site is quite insane desu
Mods seem to vehemently be against stamping out the more spammy /pol/shit and slacktivist garbage, which is confusing when they complain about chud archetype posters in IRC sometimes and they're probably the most hated demographic on the site. I think personally the mods just buy into the "free speech website" bit rather than having actual sympathy for them
>Quinten memes but with le jak
For what purpose?
Times have changed and things need to be updated to remain relevant

Indian hate thread made it to page 10 with 550 replies before getting deleted.
What is the goddamned point of deleting the thread at that point, publicly banning OP would actually deter the behavior
Just imagine the bait threads that would be spawned from that screenshot.
bring /l/ back
Accept my death.
video games?
fucking VIDEO GAMES?!
bido gaemu
I'm not sure that there's a single active thread on /v/ right now that's actually talking about videogames.
Instead of whining here and hoping to attract the attention of mods or jannies, just accept that 4chan is for shitposting.
I can tolerate shitposting
but faggotry? on MY /v/?!
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faggotry on /v/ is as old as time
there usually are, but they are few and far between and usually at page 9-10 with less than 10 replies
This was a false flag
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This is true because I was apart of the false flag operation
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am I the only motherfucker that uses this website


vgh fine but it's /nah/
autist gets mad that a thread was posted without being an image dump to start off with
also an image is posted soon after >>>/i/793000 so his complaints are somewhat pointless. at least it's not another OC begging thread that refuses to use the OC thread because it's to special for that.
Anyone know what crime he committed? It's not the first time he implied he committed a crime.
Filter all tripshits
Let's see:
Nostalgia thread for old tripfags.

Neat imagedump thread.

4CC rosterbuilding thread.

Sharpeposting thread.

Ace Combat thread.

The rest of it is typical /k/ fare, of varying quality.
What is this?
Random "haha" posts in random threads, partially affected by an IP wipe.
He has approximately 1500 posts on /a/ in the past week, about 214 posts per day. He's also made a few hundred posts more on a couple of other boards during this timeframe. What kind of autism is this?
Makes me think possibly a spam bot in testing, which might be the reason why it got hit with a wipe? But nothing makes sense.
pedophile celebrity appearance in roblox thread
i saw one of those posts on /mlp/ and had a feeling something was fishy
Such a thing exists?
Neat. I should visit /k/ more often.
An argument could be made that its quality has taken a marked hit since the advent of two major wars of interest to the West, but in my experience the wars have only reduced the likelihood you can talk about certain board-related subjects unmolested, and not reduced the overall quality. Frankly, I half-wonder if the board has integrated some of the war tourists and thus had new life breathed into it.
Statements made moments before disaster
inb4 this post becomes exhibit 1
I am saving a very funny post for when the thread archives but it's on a slow board so it might take a while
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>me watching the page number go up
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>at work
>this girl and I always goof around
>today she kept bumping her ass into my waist
>at one point she's standing in front of me and just pushes her ass back against my dick, turns around, and immediately starts giggling

I've been rejected 5 times in the last 6 months, I dont think I can mentally handle another one, how do I get over this shit? Should I just assume she'll say no before I even ask her out, that way im not disappointed at all?
women are not happenings
Every thread I make in /v/ actually trying to discuss video games gets next to no replies and dies out.
>old as time
>pic is from a merely 6yo post-GG post-Trump event
I'll never understand why grown ass adults want to "discuss" video games.
>discussing grown ass adults discussing video games
u double gay
God forbid people actually want to talk about their hobbies on a hobby board
On the subject of /k/, a beloved e-celeb is at death's door. I do not know if /k/ will get a sticky when he actually dies, but it may be something to watch out for.
playing video games is not a hobby
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The site's certificate has changed from Let's Encrypt to Google
What is the practical significance of this fact?
It's a cringe hobby but it's absolutely a hobby
nothing of interest on /g/
I just do it mostly for nostalgia. idc about new games but I hear Half Life 3 is around the corner (for real this time, probably).
Our wiki is down, and according to one anon, it may never return: >>>/g/102205468
B-but I don't like it
Remembering the time /lit/s wiki went down just a few weeks ago and they where asking /g/ for help.
Doth thou knaves remember the War For Frenchan's Pizzle?

It's pozzed.
The runner of the tournament may have made mistakes, but I hate that retarded fucking mod even more.
Blatant /g/ meta/off-topic thread took 3 days to get deleted.
The /g/ mod is such a dumb piece of shit.
did any of you have any amount of impact on a board ever
I started the chudware meme on /g/ in reaction to the powertripping CoC trannies after the vaxry situation.
some of my MSpaint OC gets reposted by other anons using them as reaction images in certain generals
so kinda but not really
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God has cursed me today
fuck you bravejeets for making me pick this as my option
>Noooo Pale Moon is so slow and doesn't work on most sites
>What the heckerino? Why isn't cuckflare working on my heckin Chromium based privacy browser vaporware??
>It just works in Pale Moon even with it's uMatrix fork (still maintained)
Also most bans on /a/ are for the fag spamming his sai-moe like tournament.
Pissy mod really can try when he gets all pissy about his unpaid bullshit power being obviously useless!
What's the correct method for farming good cookies? If you have a good 4chan session cookies, you don't have to wait 1 minute or 5 minutes for threads to start posting after changing your IP.
It seems to start trusting you after a while. For more effective shitposting, I want to swap cookies and let them "ripen" so I don't need a separate browser profile for each of them.
What a weird person.
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I saw this on an /a/ meta thread and figured it would strike a chord with this thread, and probably the rest of the website.
i bumped a niche fetish thread on /gif/ myself (97/102 webms were me) for i think 10 or 11 days until giving up. thought nobody was interested but a webm from it actually got reposted recently, so that was cool.
I made a thread that was remembered somewhat fondly for a year afterwards and spawned a really minor meme
The truth is that I necrobumped that thread and like two thirds of the posts were mine
I established the "shota thread" on /cm/ as a general and made it one of the most active areas in that board.
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>w/a/ifufags are too fucking stupid to coordinate and create 5 new threads every time the old one reaches bump limit, among other things
>tr/a/nny mod gets mad at their retardation (or just gets butthurt because his waifu didn't make it, who knows) and bans the whole event
>one waifufag goes full schizo and spams threads and links to the poll in every non-tourney thread
>mods are butthurt they even IP-wiped this guy for mentioning the shitshow on /a/
>they'll still have deal with yet another schizo spammer for weeks
>for free
nice psyop nigger but your tranny discord made those falseflag threads
>it was [insert boogeyman] fault! we dindu nuffin! we wuz gud anons n shieet!
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Yes mod-kun I too agree that the only problem with this post was that it was a filthy g*neral and nothing else in it warranted punishment
concord is getting shut down. lots of threads on the video games board
remember, that game was made to show what playstation can do without sony studios japan
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>wasting $100,000,000 and 8 years of development in a turd just to shut it down 2 weeks later
Amazing job, Sony.
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It takes a high IQ to run a video game publisher
imagine taking nearly a decade to make an overwatch clone and it takes so long to release that overwatch has already died in the interim and it bombs so hard you pull it two weeks after release

meanwhile team fortress 2 is still alive
And they got rid of the bots recently, right?
17 years baby
Wait the passfag who started it was evading? or is the evader the guy currently spamming? but yeah that was a horrible clusterfuck it's like he lurked a few threads of the /co/ or /v/ tourney and thought he could do it
I've been a neet since high school but over the last year it's gotten so unbearably boring that i finally got a job
I've been monitoring a possible happening over on /s4s/.
There is this one really annoying and narcissistic tranny namefag "nurse" who has been getting roasted and called a pedo in every thread he's made for about a week now. Apparently some of the girls he groomed shared their dms

Not sure the full story but it seems like there are several anons flaming him at any given point. Could develop into something that gets actual mainstream attention if the accusations are true. If not it's still just fun to watch
i monitor s4s 24/7 and i have no idea what youre talking about. he just appeared to be yet another namefag creating the same boring threads as everyone else there
/co/ thread on /v/ archives with 550 replies
I just learned about it and only skimmed the archives a bit. He is annoying but apparently people are really starting to turn on him
>thread that isn't meant to be on /v/ is on /v/
so just the usual then?
I don't remember ever seeing this many posts outside of a sticky before.
did you come here yesterday?
/v/ is most comfortable with itself and at its least gay when it's /b/ with video games and doesn't have fifty helicopter mods and an army of backseaters trying to make it something else
The runner of the tournament is a hopeless moron that fucked it up at every possible chance. He deserves all the contempt he can get.
I'm just still not used to the bump limit increase.
I've seen 1000+ posts on regular threads before
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>they banned my shitty threads
Shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about your autistic threads and your ban was deserved and so is every subsequent ban. stop spamming the thread over your autistic shitfit. you're beginning to sound as retarded and autistic as the /qa2/ guy.
Spoiler alert, it's probably the dude that was crying on IRC
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Team Fortress 2, I FUCKING kneel.
My wife Marine
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>AI generals are about video games
>and AI generals are on most boards
>so they're allowed on /v/

>video game generals are about video games
>and generals are on most boards
>but they're not allowed on /v/
oh wow thanks for clearing that up
they make all decisions by consensus
its pointless to complain desu
IRC is very boring tbdesu
only time it ever gets good is during site wide happenings. Otherwise it's just normal people talking with the occasional schizo complaint
I tried to follow IRC for some time before deciding watch paint dry was a better use of time. And I'm pretty sure some people of happening do use it, but they don't really bring this inane bullshit here.
do people here really don't know which mods visit hap?
It's so obvious.
that's a real zinger mate
they did actually, bot hosters were all identified and threatened with complete account deletion if they didn't cease, they were banned from TF2 manually (not VAC banned), and their dummy/bot accounts were all banned and continue to be banned automatically as they appear
what a fucking stupid decision
>by consensus
what a bunch of fucking idiots
I know, mate.
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Extremely keyed.

t. one of the /qa2/ residents
>t. one of the /qa2/ residents
Shouldn't that be "mental patients"?
Also known as the voices inside your head.
mods clearly deleting other posts in the thread but leaving the known ban evader and spammer up THANKS GUYS YOU'RE DOING YOUR JOB REAL WELL
Patience. They didn't even ban me yet.
Why did mods ban the Queen of Sp/a/des tournament in first place?
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preach, (((they))) have less than a year
>threads get posted for a while
>everyone having fun (and shitting on OP because he made mistakes)
>one day mod decides to randomly delete the thread (I think he got warned the first time, it's on 4bans)
>OP posts thread again
>gets deleted and banned
>OP ban evades
>OP gets shitlisted
>the whole tournament gets shitlisted
>OP starts spamming competently
>mods delete the threads (with response times often below 1 minute), add word filters
Some /a/ fags were verbose about not liking the tournament, but hey, even normalfag bullshit like secret santa is allowed.
Being retarded is requirement for posting on /a/. What did he do?
He changed the votes to a 32 part bracket, and many didn't like his character selection.
Oh you mean why the mod hates him? Because he evaded a ban.
That happened later, when OP went full autismo force against the mods, who also did. I got fucking IP wiped and range banned just for calling the mods retarded once in one of these threads.
And that's why I support that OP spamming /a7 now.
Tell them to rangeban this nigger >>>/cm/3916009 for making discord cultism/grooming threads on /cm/, /r9k/ and /lgbt/.
imagine forcibly sissifying and trannifying yournamehere and making him moan like a little girl
making him take hormones and supplements that erode his ottermode physique
dressing him up as a girl when he wants so desperately to live as a man
turning him into the perfect unwitting tomboy gf
turning him into my milk slave
these kinds of threads stand on very very thin ice
it's likely that if you wanted to do that it'd have been better to communicate it widely first with the moderation. Anything outside of the ordinary has to be allowed, and the mods normally do not grant permission. I personally think it's in their rights, but they definitely don't help their reputation with posters here. Then they wonder why when they try to do fun things like those "/his/ in (YEAR)" threads some time ago no one cares.
I think it's time to give up on the idea of mods keeping a low profile. It clearly doesn't work.
You don't need to force him. Just promise him access to children or something.
>Anything outside of the ordinary has to be allowed,
They had no problem allowing that korean culture war bait thread, which reached bump limit and got archived around the same time.
because that's the ordinary for /a/ lol
If shit like that counts as normal, what the fuck is the problem with allowing a harmless character tournament thread?
mods don't like it when you use the name of the board to name something you're doing without their approval
so saying something like "queen of /a/", that sounds like it's official, is a big no no. The same reason they give for not allowing threads promoting watchalongs (although I think it's fine if it's a normal post inside the thread as long as you don't promote it too much)
Fucking bullshit, as if the board name was reserved for anything official. There are never any official events or threads.
Legendary gun YouTuber Paul Harrel just died, no sticky on /k/ yet
dang that sucks
>yournamehere banned me but didn't delete all of my posts
there's not one but two stickies now
queen of /v/ was fine though
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well queen of /v/ is clearly a cultural phenomena
everybody laugh at this guy
/mu/ is such a shithole board. Tell me right now how it justifies its existence
go back to mainchan
the OP of these stupid threads always use it to attention whore and create meta drama
When am I getting banned?
what is yournamehere
when would you like to be banned
How about now. Reason: offending yournamehere.
>gay 4chan
this is like saying ATM machine
post cussy (capcode)
>mod defenders still exist
What the fuck are you doing? It's 2024. We know the mods fucking hate us.
>>>/g/102222222 pleasant numbers
I wondered if we'd get one.
>he even filmed a vid to be published on his death
absolutely and thoroughly p l e a s a n t
Shut up, ChatGPT.
Didn't read lol. 314159
How many of the mods are unironic trannies?
Someone is spamming images of real children on /a/. What for? Of course I'm not helping the mod. Not reporting it.
More than you might think
Spooky, these disgusting dark creatures manage 4chan? Is that why there has been an uptick in banning loli and racism in recent years? They must fucking hate this place.
Only two of these posts are by me. I haven't been on the sharty other than having a brief look at it when it was new. In fact I hate jaks, I think they're disgusting creatures just like trannies and anyone posting them is mentally ill. Even worse when you draw them.
My honest bet is that a random mod trashed a thinly veiled pedo thread on /g/ or /v/ and one of the pedo schizos is messing with "their precious /a/nime board" in retaliation. I even recognize some of the trashed pics from other times where a buttblasted pedo spammed a thread he didn't like.
That makes sense. They post in random threads, not particularly loli adjacent threads. So they make the mods ban them again out of butthurt?
Correction: sometimes they ban them. One pic is still up after an hour.
Sharty is pozzed normalfag zoomkike central though
Thread was pretty free of shitposting minus one or two, I'm impressed
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Don't you mean zoltraak? Baka
Secret Santa is easily the best part of /a/ and if it ever gets shut down I will end up sending pizzas to rapeape's house.
Shut up

>Both of them happened on some of the worst generals
JUST. Imagine /v/'s 700000000 being posted on the dalle general
Stop killing games is banned on /v/. It's not a political topic, it's a serious discussion about game preservation. Of course, because it's /v/ it won't be perfect (no, I'm not the ban evading fag, but he's right about this)

Oh, but let's see what else can we find on the board right now... oh, Concord. And Concord, and another Concord, and many more Concord threads! Out of 204 threads I counted at least 44. And you perfectly know that this is just political discussion, about DEI shit and similar topics. At least 21% of the board is Concord. But somehow, a single, or maybe two or three SKG threads are very, very wrong. This is real /pol/ content, not about vidya. Or at least they're just shitposts, low quality threads.

Okay, let's suppose that there's a very reasonable explanation for banning SKG threads, okay understandable. I would still be angry, because that 21% would still be there
Some mod moved one of those threads to /pol/ completely ignoring some pedo posting children in swimming suits, what the fuck even is this moderation team lmao.
it's specially weird with trying to treat it as another gamergate thing (otherwise the /pol/ moves make no sense) when it's a youtuber working to get something up in front of the EU as a matter of consumer rights, it doesn't actually make sense to treat it more harshly than sweetbaby spam often appears to be
>We know the mods fucking hate us.
what does this even mean? that they hate their users? who does not?
fucking grow out of your 'modjannies have a personal vendetta against me.' phase already and realize that ALL THINGS CONSIDERED the moderation on this site is well done and could be a million fucking times worse. you can not even grasp how good you have it
unironic modjanny hate is from seething mouthbreathing retards with zero self awareness. posts of mine that have gotten cleaned without legitimately good reason is in the single digits after a fucking decade. the rest, i knew i was doing something wrong
i think you faggots really just spaz out and reach autistic conclusions from "selective" enforcement as if mods have some NSA type shit going and are just cherry picking. i think that sometimes too, but then hours later they get to the post(s). they're just overworked/lazy. their enforcement is pretty damn consistent. do you get your feefees hurt when your pointless agendaspam that no one cares or remembers about gets cleaned and someone elses doesn't?
grow up you fucking sperg
So basically
Also all true. I think I've maybe been wrongfully banned like twice in 12 years. It's not that big of a deal. Whenever I get banned I think "why did this happen?" And then I stopped doing those ban worthy behaviors because of it. It's that simple.
Unless you want to discuss CSAM illegal shit or sexual situations involving underage characters from my little pony there's a place for discussing pretty much anything on this site and you probably got banned simply because it's off topic where you posted it or you're trolling it extremely low quality.
Half the mod complaints just boil down to
>I got banned for x?
>But what about y? Why aren't they banned?
1. The mods aren't omnipresent. They can't instantly see every single rule breaking post. It helps if you report rule breaking posts and use the feedback form for long term abuse.
2. You aren't a mod. You don't get to decide the rules. You live under them. Accept it or leave, there's was better uses of your time than complaining about rules on the Internet, and even if you want to complain it never does anything. Again if you feel like there's a problem with the site then use the feedback form.
(re)discovered more bugs
opening threads in bad network conditions or high load (many at once) and/or fresh cache consistently breaks quote links and completely fucks up Quick Reply. it has now happened twice that it has sent wrangled text without punctuation, commas, question marks or just cuts in text because of this. sometimes have to reload page multiple times to fix it
also sometimes spams crash messages, once again usually something about quotes
changing injection modes in violentmonkey does not help
tldr i was right about 4chanxt being buggy. 4chanx is rock solid and very rarely has stability issues like this. i will keep using XT for its features but i hope at least the post highlighting with futaba theme is fixed.
>Stop killing games is banned on /v/
I was reading the first posts of the thread and I was wandering why do people want more boards?
I know generals are a cancer, but I think moderation should be more strict, I don't want to turn 4chan into a nazi dictatorship tho, but as we saw with /v/ containment boards don't work, and if we continue like this 4chan would look more like reddit with boards for every flavor of the month.
Also keeping the bump limit and thread number the way it was works best imo, since you get more quality over quantity.

P.S. Sorry for making this post a blogposting tier rant about 4chan
nta, but are you implying that all people that complain about mods are just doing it because their stupid posts get deleted and because they get banned? My posts never get deleted, I've been banned less than 5 times, and I never evade them. And I'll still complain because the moderation genuinely sucks
>gets cleaned and someone elses doesn't?
No, dammit. That's the problem, they never get cleaned. You can basically make offtopic threads on /co/ if you post a comic about that topic, /tv/ usually has blatant political threads, and >>78699759 . Plus all the other offtopic on /v/, like porn threads, twitter screencap threads, ai threads, animals threads, /pol/ threads, /pol/ bait threads, anime threads, non vidya youtubers threads, erp threads, jak threads, India threads, non vidya webcomics threads, internet drama threads, sorry I can't continue because of the character limit.
And of course they're cherry picking. After all, >>78697259 . Or how some pretty big and old threads that are breaking the rules don't get deleted, and how others that are the complete opposite are deleted. Hmm, how about completely deleting and reporting all conversations on /cm/, /trash/, /r9k/, /soc/, and /lgbt/ about those disgusting discord and telegram groups. But they're really fast when it comes to deleting magical horse stuff, huh.
I was a mod apologist, I really tried to understand them and be thankful. But I just can't anymore, I accepted that I was just trying to be optimistic. Some things are justified, but others definitely aren't
Your post is almost as bad as reading a counter culture bait post. The difference is that you're serious. Yes, people behave like that, but that's not a tldr of the situation.

Use desu on this thread, I'm still baffled
fucking qa faggots lmao
>posts of mine that have gotten cleaned without legitimately good reason is in the single digits after a fucking decade. the rest, i knew i was doing something wrong
I mean I was pretty pissed off for a few months when I got permabanned for 'proxy/vpn use' after unicodefag spammed copies of a thread I made, but a few months later an appeal went through and it was actually kinda funny.
Recently I got banned on /ck/ for spamming, but yeah I was, so okay I was an asshole and had to take a few days off, alright.
Sure beats getting permabanned from some service that step one is getting your google advertising ID and step two is getting your phone number.
On the contrary, having vague and fast-paced boards are Reddit. Like it or not 4chan is already very Redditized. Image boards where never designed to be this fast and the issue we're dealing with is of overpopulation. Japs understand this which is why sites like 2chan.net and 2ch.sc have so many boards, and that's why so many oldfags migrated to 8ch. The fact that the /v/ alternate boards have any traffic in the first place are proof they work and if there are still off-topic threads in /v/ that's more of an issue with moderation. /mlp/, /x/ and /m/ are also examples of successful containment boards. As someone who browses /g/ I have no interest in AI, hardware, web development or game development. I use that board purely to talk about programming and software and if there was a board for that I'd gladly use it instead.
go talk about ubuntu on g
>and if there was a board for that I'd gladly use it instead
/diy/ has a few generals about that
>I've been banned less than 5 times
holy faggot from the getgo. you need to test the limits yourself to understand how they think. staring at happenings and 4bans all day like a pussy does NOT give you enough context

the rest of your post boils down to:
>hi i'm a /cm/ /soc/ /lgbt/ /trash/ /r9k/ /v/tumor
>i don't like that mods don't pay enough attention to my shitty containment boards for subhuman faggots
>i don't understand that jannies are mostly contained to their assigned board, and that they steer the brunt of the censorship (mods blanket approve ban requests 90% of the time);
>and therefore i can't into how or why there are different board cultures
sounds like you want a homogenous reddit NO FUN ALLOWED experience so your autism doesn't spaz out when people go slightly off topic and act differently within a context
i checked in on the /v/tumor catalog, 90% of threads seem to be related to games right now
>But they're really fast when it comes to deleting magical horse stuff, huh.
maybe because there is less saturation of /mlp/ reports. while your absolutely seething offtopic reports are a drop in the ocean, bronies have a dedicated reason because they are literal cancer and need to be contained
>And of course they're cherry picking. After all, >>78697259
>forced ban evading spam is TOTALLY the same

>I was a mod apologist, I really tried to understand them and be thankful. But I just can't anymore, I accepted that I was just trying to be optimistic. Some things are justified, but others definitely aren't
lmao how fucking obsessed are you, cocksucker. can you not deal with nuance whatsoever?

>oh my science i'm baffled obviously ban evading spammers are getting BTFOd. MOD ABUSE MOD ABUSE!!!!!!!!
check the deletion timestamps in the archive you fucking faggot, it's one or two ban evading seething retards getting wiped over and over

fucking christ what a whiny post
>My posts never get deleted, I've been banned less than 5 times
I mean jesus, of course you want 4chan to be a hyper-compartmentalized glorified reddit/forum, then.
https://4chan.org/feedback please direct moderation feedback to here
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yeah i'm sure that'll do something
Has a better chance than whining ITT
the fact that mods ban people for complaining about them means you have more of a chance getting to them from complaining than you ever will using the feedback system. at least with complaining a mod will actually read it
I challenge you to provide one (1) example of a mod banning someone for criticizing them. I have seen this elsewhere, I can't say I've seen it on 4chan.
it's against the rules, except on the b's
but the happening thread here is obviously exempt, and allowed otherwise if the criticism is NOT
1. a thread
2. off topic in nature
seldom meets the criteria. usually just retards going: WHY DID I GAT BAND??? HEHE FUCK TRANNY JANNIES
schizo spam
/tv/v/ happening
>/cm/ /soc/ /lgbt/ /trash/ /r9k/
I don't even use these boards, but the specific problem I'm taking about is important
I don't want a super moderated 4chan where there's no freedom of speech, of course that would also be bad. I'm not asking for that
>forced ban evading spam is TOTALLY the same
That anon is referencing the "smash is a cultural phenomenon" comment. Deleting a spammed tournament thread isn't cherry picking, specially when the OP is constantly ban evading
Yes, because of the reason why mods are deleting stop killing games threads. Not because of the ban evading spammer getting banned again
>oh my science
Oh. It seems that I'm going nowhere
>It's another isekai
Very well.

Lmao at this dude's mental illness tho.
>because of the reason why mods are deleting stop killing games threads.
because it's DIRECTLY linked to a /pol/itical initiative. something they rather not risk having a blue board poisoning the well for, and /pol/ is simply more on topic and their jannies are a better fit for handling it:
the potential for general videogame related discussion of the topic is very limited "games as a service sucks!" "agreed" while risk of it sperging out to politics, twitter screenshots, , drama, raids, organization is very high. not that hard to understand if you think about it for a few seconds
He's been doing this for over 10 years now btw
Okay you gave me a very well explained and coherent explanation, and I'll suppose that it's correct. Thanks, and if this was really the case then the mods should just explain it. Saying that it's political doesn't compares to the depth of your post. Of course people will be angry because they don't give too much context so it seems like they're just being jerks
Seeing /pol/tards talk about other boards always makes me cringe.
Is /pol/ really seething that much that /k/ doesn't want to support the soviets?
nothing good ever comes out of verbose moderation, or ever opening ones mouth to explain or appease really. every word they say is an attack vector for bitchy dramafaggots who want to hurt the last bastion of freeze peach of somewhat cultural importance
that's why i said decoding their praxis by testing limits is useful
Yes. The board is infested with Russian and CCP shills who spend all day trying to make bitter incels hate their own country, usually successfully.
/pol/ feels so foreign these days...
Two of my threads on /tv/ got autosaged
Anyone know why that happened?
Mod had trouble with his daily dilation sessions.
1. You should ask on /lit/. /tv/ has the literacy of a Family Guy gag.
2. OPs can't bump their own threads.
>1. You should ask on /lit/. /tv/ has the literacy of a Family Guy gag.
I'll try but I'm thinking of doing a show instead of book
>2. OPs can't bump their own threads.
I didn't, there were others who came in and it still didn't go up
I guess that this should be on /adv/ or /lit/. I've been complaining about the mods for the last few posts, but this seems kinda reasonable
Then why not just move it to those boards?
I've seen them do it for similar threads
Why'd that get deleted?
I don't know man, I'm just another confused user. Maybe it wasn't very important, maybe because both threads had few replies
>2. OPs can't bump their own threads.
I have literally never experienced this. I have always been able to bump my own threads. Is this only relevant to specific boards?
At least on /a/, if nobody else posted, OP can only bump for a low number of posts. As soon as someone else bumps, this doesn't seem to apply anymore. You can often observe this in manga dump threads.
got it thanks
probably it's for all boards then yeah. I have always managed to have the first two bumps but I'm not sure of posts beyond it. Would be interesting if this limit was known.
Force archived on page 3.
as someone who shilled XT i genuinely don't have those issues and i'll open dozens of threads at a time. using firefox and violentmonkey
however i do see that futaba/burichan doesn't show highlights.
if you care enough you should open issues, the dev usually fixes them pretty quickly
happening: posting about being banned in irc actually resulted in being unbanned
Political initiative, not /pol/itical
The problem is it IS both, it IS cherrypicking to say it's not /v/ with its subject field that's still deeper than the fifty billionth fucking I HATE SJWS Concord thread, and neither /pol/ nor /v/'s authorities agree on where it should go, and it comes across as passing the buck when it's moved (and sometimes gets moved back)

Mods moving stuff that's tangentially or directly related to video games feels and IS insincere when fifty billion things that aren't video games are allowed just fine (or take hours to get removed, as people have noted MLP material is v& almost instantly, fucking bizarre priorities) and loads of things openly and actually detrimental to the site like "tranny" spam has nothing done

Oh and mysteriously the mods agree there should be an AI general on most boards but not an /ai/ board to contain it all
Currently my only real problem with XT over X is that sometimes when I press Tab to highlight Get Captcha on the quick-reply so I can press space and post without moving my mouse it won't work and it'll move to Files instead, and that's mysteriously solved by a page-refresh whenever it happens
I agree with everything, but /ai/ would be a really bad idea
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lute here ama
do you ever tickle your pickle to the thought of mental outlaw raping you with his massive shitlog of a bbc while you cuck your sissy whiteboi clitty to him?
white boy what is you yappin about?
please get a lobotomy
I personally can't see it being any worse an idea than /mlp/ or the fifty /v/ offshoots.
Thought this ban was funny
how can they reject god's beautiful creation?
What a load of bullshit. Like when they ban fully clothed people with no genitalia visible as NSFW. Which tranny mod does that?
One of the most important hentai websites died, but mods are deleting the threads on /a/.
which one? my penis demands to know
/h/ is a board, anon

Who cares? The mods allow /pol/ threads on /a/.
oh shit nhentai going down means people are gonna have to find exhentai again
You could at least link the thread, ya know
the fuck are you talking about, it's working fine
*one of the least important mirror sites
and it's not confirmed dead
>*one of the least important mirror sites
Which everyone on /a/ seems to use. Sure, they sometimes get called out by panda fans, but this is the reality.
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it's rarer to see issues when browsing normally and loading a reasonable amount threads (i usually have at least 30) when you already have browsing data and so on for it and so on. but i definitely still see loading errors from time to time from just normal browsing. while 4chanx takes a some milliseconds longer, it virtually always loads it correctly
this is how it looks when opening this thread in a fresh container and clicking reply on a post
once again, this consistently happens and sometimes takes multiple reloads to fix. it seems to have trouble disabling the native extension
stop killing games is a political initiative that directly encourages EU citizens (people within/under a political zone) to take political action for the EU (political governing body) to politically legislate restrictions on license agreements. threads and discussions about it will be political in nature
"I HATE CONCORD, sjws ruined it" - /v/
"I HATE SJWS, they ruined another game" - /pol/
>when fifty billion things that aren't video games are allowed just fine (or take hours to get removed
i just checked the catalog i only see like two off topic threads and like three that arguably break the flamewar rule(s) from a glance. go ahead and provide solid examples
>inb4 a menu of threads that piss your fragile ass off but aren't off topic or break rules
i don't like the state of many boards but because i'm not a giant baby i realize that most of the time the reason isn't because rules are being broken or over/undermoderation, it's the for a long time bad and declining quality of the people posting here in general, no amount of moderation would fix that. just accept it and spend less time here like i've done
>and loads of things openly and actually detrimental to the site like "tranny" spam has nothing done
you're clearly upset, anoun, simply not being a faggy autist can't be so hard
>romhacking.net closed because of constant takedown demands and bots
>9anime/aniwave and other 10 anime sites were shut down due to legal pressure
>nhentai sued
>archive.org lost their appeal in court >>>/co/145273113
Copyright jews are on the offensive.
It doesn't need to be said, and it certainly doesn't need to be said on 4chan, but I'm gonna say it anyway.

First of all, this movie shouldn't exist in the fucking first place. Second of all, even if someone did want to make it, they managed to somehow make it the absolute fucking worst way possible. The CG looks off-model and shit. The flesh-and-blood actors look jarringly out of place. And fucking Jack Black as Steve? The only way this would be forgiveable is if it were an untimely April Fools joke. As it stands, I have not seen a vidya film that looks more insulting to the source material and the average viewer since pre-backlash Sonic.
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If anon's still around, I have the answer.
could still try to escalate to the supreme court
avatarGODS won
True, but there's no guarantee the Supreme Court takes the case.
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Genuine Haqbenning: Internet Archive lost it's lawsuit appeal on the books / library thing; censorship to follow, possibly the entire thing going under depending on if Star Wars Basteboy author wants to push with the precedent that was just set.

Thanks epic based USA for (not) protecting global freedom of speech over corporate interest!
That's just your opinion, right?
>Star Wars Basteboy author
unrelated and not wholly-4chan related but what's the deal with this >>>/co/145274283
why do people still say "(((they)))" instead of just saying jews? up until like 2018 it made sense but now everyone knows what echoes are.
i assume a writer called chuck wendig but he's not even related to the case and isn't against the internet archive, he's just some guy who people scapegoat instead of the literal publishers launching the suit. if people want an actual big name author to shit on they should go for someone like neil gaiman.
>they should go for someone like neil gaiman
wasn't he famously pro-piracy? or was that supposed to be tongue in cheek?
How is this possible? Defies physics.
They're social media tourists, you can't talk about da jooz openly on places like facebook so they use the brackets there to avoid getting banned.
no you're correct. i'm just illiterate and misrembered a headline lol, he spoke out against the lawsuit, not the IA.
i do think he was initially against it during the pandemic and backtracked after the lawsuit happened, but i'd have to go digging to find that so just ignore that part, the rest still stands though.
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there's only room for one tripfag in the happening threads and it's not you
>need to solve capcha to view
Fuck off, 4cucks.
Yes, but it's right.
I am impressed that everything after the the semi-colon is false, or inaccurate. I shouldn't be surprised that people do that in the happenings thread, but it's still impressive.
>someone makes vague thread
>refuse to elaborate
>everyone tripping over eachother wondering what the fuck is going on
>not even video games
gotta love /v/
there is a guy going in every /a/ thread and posting a base64 link to the queen of /a/ voting
Anyone else want a mod to cock vore them? Imagine a mod shoving you down their cock then retracting it back into its sheath and you have to stay there for three days. Haha. Cock vore bans.
im eating a salad man
aren't you a healthy little fellow
Not anymore lol.
i think you meant to post that in >>>/trash/68855030
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you silly man that's not the vore/endo thread
here I'll correct it no need to thank me
Is this a MAP edit? Discord groomer zoomers who are "gooning" all the time really seem to like that. Sometimes I'm considering just siding with the moralfags because you're so disgusting.
is it just me or did this happenings thread get a little /trash/y recently?
What's everyone's favorite board nowadays, and do you think 4chan has influenced/radicalized you in any sense?
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>t. federal officer
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no that's not a map edit you schizo. it's just an anime girl. where even is the map shit?
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imagine the schizobabble
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The colors. They make such subtle edits all the time. On the other hand, it's actually a very common color combo. Sometimes "they" point that out themselves.
is telegram even still a thing? thought that nigga got v&'d?
I pretty much only use generals and don't browse around at all nowadays, but /t/, /gd/, and /ic/ have some of the nicest and most helpful people on the internet if you can find the right threads.
And yes, it has influenced me a lot in terms of what I find funny, but only mildly in terms of what I actually believe.
you know what other flag uses red white and blue?
Are you colorblind by any chance
felt like it started when the queen of /a/ guy had a meltdown
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It lacks the pastel color steps and the yellow. It's like a rainbow with some colors replaced.

The anime logo in question.
>Patriots win
just sounds bad like some rumble parlor shit or something
feels like something end of last thread
>trash thread is slower too
ah fuck are they invading our shit now?
avatar fagging
>>>/trash/ go back
the rule isn't about repeated avatar usage it's about avatar usage.
unsolved mystery for the ages
>I'm from /b/
a survivor of the wasteland
is /b/ the only board you browse? what led you to the happening thread? or was it just r9k?
It's a meme, you dip.
You might be seriously autistic if people not talking literally all the time is somehow confusing to you.
the /bant/ OP is some retard mad we didn't go to /bant/
>45 posts
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that's what i thought
goodbye dumbass tripfag
ban nsfw from b s4s r9k trash
I knew that number was familiar:
>US prosecutors have cited Telegram and Discord as the primary means by which members of 764 operate. The group used these platforms "to desensitize vulnerable populations through sharing extreme gore and child sexual abuse material," prosecutors wrote in a criminal case against Kalana Limkin, an alleged 764 member charged in Hawaii with the distribution of child sexual abuse material.
>Ban NSFW from trash
Looks like yournamehere (the child groomer) has a lot of work to do on /a/ again.
And he still hasn't managed to ban me.
I like to think that my experience lurking regular forums before jumping into 4chan somewhat inoculated me from falling into the common pitfalls for radicalization
but it's possible I'm just coping,
That screenshot that got posted recently made me curious enough to check one of those AI threads. Half the posts are /pol/ nonsense. I have to wonder if the mods even bother looking at these threads, since they apparently dislike them.
>/g/ mod moved post to /g/ because the post was political
>/pol/ mod put the thread down because it was furry
A testament to how retarded and unccordinated the mods are.
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Journo or fed? Call it

I say journo, a fed would probably be more subtle and ask /pol/ directly since they're trained to blend in.
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Feds are a strange breed of competent.
Paul Harrell death thread no longer stickied on /k/.
until avatarfags and random lunatics come in expecting to not get banned for turning it into their personal playground, it can't ever be *too* /trash/y

the funniest fucking thing about the move to /r9k/ was not being followed by those two camps because they can't hack it on boards with even shoddy rule-enforcement vs. a board with little or no rule-enforcement. like how epic sharty raiders can't hack it on /a/
what board was that on?
i hope your right, i fear they will grow board of their blog without happening slaves to keep in interesting
Easy with the cockiness there Icarus, that sort of thing can easily be used as tinder.
>what board was that on?
8ch's /v/ or /pol/.
I'm deeply concerned about the future of this website to be honest. Userbase seems to be going down, quality of posting is going down, the only threads that get traction are ragebait/controversy shit, /pol/shit has infested almost every board, and now passes are being marketed at 45$ for 3 years, signalling that there could be money issues

What can be done? This site is everything to me, it's really all I have, and in the modern internet that's about 10 different websites, there's not much else.
This is the general state of the internet.
Go outside. Hope the mods commit suicide.
Nothing can be done so long as hiro keeps neglecting this site. Unless hiro comes back I say we let this site crash and burn, then hopefully some altchan with a competent admin can fill the void. Worst case scenerio we just go to 8kun and ignore the Qtards.
Never make the mistake to care more about this webshite than the mods.
meds. st**dychan isn't a real chan
yournamehere is a child grooming nigger who can't get a single spammer who's spamming manually under control.
you have a small penis, anon
i'm gonna miss him but has a youtuber's death ever been stickied on any other board? closest i can think of is terry davis on /g/.
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etika got a sticky on /v/ and a lot of people complained about it. random black man kills himself and the mods think it's video game related. shines some light on the AI generals nowadays i guess.
etika was not a "random black man"
etika used 4chan and was a very notable video game figure even beyond regular e-celeb status (from what i remember his streams got equivalent views to nintendo's directs). he was even trending on japanese twitter when he died.
as far as i know he wasn't part of /v/ culture but he was way more than just a random black guy unrelated to games.
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Nonsensical autistic mentally ill shitflinging. I'm from /his/.
Absolutely. Just look at their thread, only 56 posts in more than one day
I really don't want to take all the credit, but I think that I started it after I said that /qa/doge wasn't responsible for the /r9k/ thread, so in a way he lost here
Really? Because I got no results on palanq
/v/ has been in particularly horrible shape lately.
It kind of reminds me of a song.
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who would be ebaum in a 4chan version of this? hiro?
there are much better altchans brother
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Why does this matter? Just an old thread that really isn't that unusual for the board it's on. Why do people act like this is such a holy thread full of the greatest posts the site has ever seen? It's just an old thread on a slow board nothing more. You don't gain much insight from reading it unless you want to learn about paper clocks and overall the website doesn't lose anything other than a few autists are saddened by the loss of an old thread for some reason (as if the archives don't exist)
Hell these same autists raided this thread when the boards were wiped and many of them were deleted.
What the hell is so special about this thread?
And no I'm not a sharty raider. I don't care that it died and didn't do anything to accelerate that eventuality. I think to this day I've still never made a post on /p/.
I just think it's weird that so many people care.
I mean, its an old thread
The biggest topic right now is concord, and it's always more /pol/ oriented than vidya
Why does this matter? It's just an old pyramid that really isn't that unusual for the country it's in. Why do people act like this is such a holy monument and one of the greatest buildings the world has ever seen? It's just an old pyramid in an old country and nothing more. You don't gain much insight from seeing it unless you want to learn about egyptology and overall the world wouldn't lose anything other than a few autists are saddened by the loss of an old building for some reason (as if pictures don't exist)
Hell these same autists raided this tomb when other pyramids were looted and many of them were empty.
What the hell is so special about this pyramid?
And no I'm not a tomb raider. I don't care that it's been looted and didn't do anything to accelerate that eventuality. I think to this day I've still never been to Taiwan.
I just think it's weird that so many people care.
It's the anti thesis to what /pol/ does.
Man I thought they were going to keep that farce for eternity. Fucking time they gave up.
so... what's the oldest now?
We need to change that door. What's the /r9k/ equivalent? Hard mode: no wojaks or someone hanged
A menacing robot monitoring everyone to make sure they don't bypass the filters.
the 3 other 2016 /po/ threads that are have less than 200 posts
They all moved to that jschan shit. Maybe some hyperautists willing to put up with it will go there but they will never replace 4chan.

What happened to people who actually know how to use futallaby/wakaba and can modify it themselves for their site?
teenbros only know how to shit things up and use prebaked software. they cant do anything if it requires any thinking or talent
is there any reason sometimes mods delete off-topic posts instead of moving them to appropriate boards? feels weird that it's only done sometimes but not others.
So the mods can't even read English?
>Feel free to request alternative outfits if oyu have any in mind
Request thread bans are for OPs which request something, not for OPs fulfilling requests.
you're simply wrong
mods are gods
Hey don't seethe so hard at me I make long winded posts that repeat themselves and walk over the same ground because of the stupid pointless robot nine thousand filter
On any other board I have just said "I'm glad it's dead" but the robot overlords deem that unoriginal so I must explain why a boring thread is boring.
How well have the rules of the internet aged since they were first written?
you only had to add one word
you got utterly btfod you insufferable pedantic sperg. wipe off that smug face and never speak again
Funny as a time capsule but people actually parading these around as if they're actual rules will always be fucking stupid, especially seeing people still to this day mention rules 1 and 2 like /b/ is an underground hideout.
I also wish rule 34 never became synonymous with internet porn so people would never remember the rest of the rules, honestly I don't think anyone would remember any of these if not for that and maybe rule 63.
I unironically think I was the first to coin the term "rare pepe"
Off the top of my head, I made the 4am Stu edit where he isn't in the kitchen and some people reposted and edited it further. This was at peak of Stu posting at 4am
Rule 34 is now a normalfag term.
getting mods to proofread their own opinions is like pulling teeth
moot leaving was the worst thing that could have happened for this site because he was the mods' PR guy and double-checker, they cannot handle the job without an admin to do the sweettalking
they existed?
the first 7 rules are cringy.
doodled shoop da whoops over soijaks and faggoty /qa/ crossposters' posts back on /v/ before the sharty was a thing
the crown jewel of the resistance was soiteens thinking nobody else could edit all of a gif's frames in an outdated photoshop version and getting really pissed that wasn't the case
two clicks is easier than what I'm assuming is multiple clicks and a drop down list and another click or two
also remember janitors (not mods) can not move threads
34 still holding up strong
he knew the problems from being an actual user

/mu/ happening: Linkin Park announces new lead singer, some girl named Emily Armstrong. New album on the way as well. Opinions are mixed, but I think she's talented and it could work. I miss chester though and those are huge shoes to fill. Livestream of the band playing right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL1nlWOciL0
She screams too much, I suspect.
from what i've seen she's been generally accepted as his successor
>do not argue with trolls
But that's all anyone does here
mods being turbo spergs with hiro basically being TV static gives me a lot of postmortem respect for moot and the FUCKING CONSTANT TARD WRANGLING he must have been doing even amongst the mods that weren't public problems
That is probably true. moot was also the only one in the mod/admin team who actually cared about 4chan.
no i don't you fucking retard
It wasn't ever revealed what he did at Google but I wouldn't be surprised if moot ended up with a job as a project manager of sorts, being able to co-ordinate the mod team of a site like 4chan for 12 years starting as a teen is no joke.
>It wasn't ever revealed what he did at Google
It was, he was a product manager on the Google Maps team.
He was a PM and directly mentioned using his experience on Google+
iirc he moved to maps once G+ shut down
he did a ton of shit at google and was responsible for google's startup incubator Area 120
from what i understand he bounced around a bunch of times doing different things
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moot (real) (2024) (1s ago)

live hap update
Does the /r9k/ filter ever reset or are there 9 years worth of filtered posts?
I made the "hiro approved meta thread" on /qb/ and watched it get moved to /qa/.
Also via the feedback form got at-least 2 shitposters rangebanned.
moot probably thinks back to his 4chan time with bittersweet nostalgia. He may not do that every day, but at least once a week.
I suspect it reset at least once because I had some very unoriginal posts go through recently. perhaps somehow you can search for certain words only in the archive to check
definitely reset at some point, just yesterday I made a post that I was not expecting to go through and after checking it was indeed a duplicate of a post made in 2017
of course it resets, no resets over 9 years would leave the board impossible to use
That was a fucking long time ago.
not really. search the full text of any random vaguely substantial post and it's almost guaranteed to be unique
wasn't that fucking years ago
>Impossible to use
Tourist here, there's way too many combinations for that to ever happen though, right?
I wonder how he feels every time he sees "mass shooter" right after the name of a website he made as a joke as a teenager
meant for >>78717122 btw
Hololive is full of ponyfags trannies.
AFAIK the filter only applies to content in active threads.
test lol
>he did a ton of shit at google
Really? Good for him

Not exactly, but I can die happy, knowing that I did something very important for 4chan, that didn't get too much attention but someone really needed to do it. Thanks to the anon of this general who came to know about my, uh, work
I make good threads and often effort post, but no I haven't made any lasting memes or major events.
lol test
got one of my posts in a youtube video
guy got the least surprising ban seen in a while lmao
I did some testing, and even posts that have been purged from the archive count toward the filter. Copying the content of posts from 2023-2024 got muted, but I was able to post something copied from July 2022.
Those were just self deletes, lol. I didn't want to shit up the thread with my testing.
How were you able to delete this fast?
I just deleted one after the other, and 4chan X didn't complain. I've been using it so long that I forgot what the regular delete interface looks like.
>I did something very important for 4chan
You can't just say this without explaining what you did, anon!
happenings.... happenings.... please help with some happenings.....
Why do the mods love /pol/ so much?
what happened to 4booru.com?
It's just a one minute wait dude, unless you have a fresh session, then it's a ten minute wait.
It seemed to go faster than 2 minutes (1 minute between each post).
just me or has jewtube messed with the logo colors again?
Right, I misremembered. I was thinking that initially it wasn't reported, and forgot it was said later. Still, unsurprising they'd want him for Google+ considering how hard they were pushing for that back in the day.
i would be surprised if not every day, it's impossible to miss 4chan slang no matter where you go. it's far beyond the internet and all over the news and politics now

also this image is funny because in mad men, don clearly did think about him a lot. i feel that's probably the same with moot, wherever he is.
hiro live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMTJWdPL4iY
just you, colors are unchanged
but I can't understand Chinese...
ask him to bring back /qa/
Seriously, how does /a/ do it?
The first thread is obviously an ACK bait thread, but mods allow that. They're so desperate and incapable of stopping ACK, but they won't do anything about people obviously baiting him, especially with this series. It feels like this series is only posted to bait him now.
The second thread is obviously by the Kensuke spammer. No idea what his deal is. The moderation show their great skills by not even deleting obvious NSFW.
Honestly, it's embarrassing. The mods are incresingly allowing schizos to deal this board. In the end it will be a /qa/ situation, where the mods lose control completely and are confronted with something even worse, which they can't handle either. One wonders why the mods even are trying.
highly unlikely it'd create another /qa/ situation
Well, not the same as another /qa/ situation. But /qa/ is one of the worst cases where mods lose control of a situation because they were too lazy to care while it was still emerging.
Schizo bullshit, but 4chan mentioned!
I wonder how the michael in that one other /jp/ thread remains since the original thread with her in /vip/ was killed during the recent board wipes
it's probably still cached in your browser. can you link it?
Catbox is down...
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it is still cached on mine as well, the image URL is ded. if you open the thread in another browser and the pic will be gone
rip michael
guess most people that visit the thread still have it cached then
as long as a post is older than one minute you cn delete it
not sure how many posts a regular poster can delete at the same time though
She's apparently a Scientologist
One got deleted, the other was deemed ok by the mod and he only deleted a dozen of posts.
No happening is a a good happening
The fuck, the other thread got archived.
Page 10? But why?
Nothing happening.
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What do we do for the last 5 posts?
Lame shit.
Would you be in favor of re-adding /rs/?
I think it would be interesting but I'd bet close to 90% of the fileshare links on 4chan in current year are just images on catbox.
I still plan to make a clone of it, using the find.4chan.org API so I don't have to scrape the entire site. It was originally going to be a vocaroo archive but then I remembered /rs/ was a thing
/t/ already exists, no reason to make a whole new board
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/rs/ indexed links on all boards
oh wow i also thought it was just /t/ without torrents. why'd they remove it then?
I feel like we can pretty easily guess why a 4chan file sharing board might be a bad idea
Before the thread dies, does anyone know what "?si=" actually means? I'm not familiar with that one
referral tracking
possibly, but i would also think it would make moderating rule breaking files far easier for mods, right?
rapidshare died
Freshly baked, just for you.

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