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Happening-less marathon edition.

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread.

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
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Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512#

Previous thread: >>78612762
i'm covered in peanut butter from head to toe. fuck

im also covered in piss but ignore that part.

piss and peanut butter. an unlikely combination, is it not??

i am proud of my weirdness. don't fucking @ me. im not doxxing myself, especially not for pussyless trannies.
---- nor for dickelss trannieesss!
Okay everyone new bread baked, a whole 4 hours since the last one fell flat. Guess nothing really does ever happen...
The great purge was enough happenings for a couple of months.
>eurofaggots and SEAutists forgot to bump the thread
Bunch of useless niggers.
No, this time the thread died much earlier than previous time. I was still asleep
It died before I (Eurofag) woke up as well, but I woke up after noon.

Literally who? Fuck you robot.
File deleted.
Message is three fold.

1. Announcement of news for those to whom it applies to, on both sides of the field. If you remember awhile back with the serial swattings against polticians, specifically MtG? It lead to the arrest of one Alan Filion, aka, Torswats; this follow up announcement of sees the arrest of his associates, of whom, Thomasz Szabo of Romania, was considered the mastermind of the operation. Sbazo went by multiple monikers, Jonah,Jonah Goldberg,Plank,Rambler,War Lord,Shovel, Cypher, Kollectivist Mortenberg Shekelstorms, and NotThuggin2.

The co-associate, Nemanja Radovanovic of Serbia, was the purchase/propaganda mule of the operation, whereas Filion operated the swatting system himself. Radovanovic's aliases included XBD31, XDR, Angus,Thuggin, Thug Hunter, NotThuggin, DCL and AOD.

>How does this relate to 4chan?
You'll see a very large dip in Lambright posting in /pol/ as a direct result.

>what's the second message?
Check the usernames, especially with the latter individual. That one really only goes out to those in the know.

>what's the third message?
That's for elsewhere, just a nice little reminder of "It really doesn't matter where you hide, or how "perfect" your OPSec is; elephant memory and weaponized autism will eventually take its pound of flesh. Maybe consider folding instead of letting the chip damage build up over time? Again. That message really is for people who'd rather be passive aggressive and not communicate directly on 4chan.
Oh, and as a double whammy to Radovanovic.


This specifically reiterates message 2 and 3.
Explain this schizo.
wait, can you quote posts with two less than signs as well as two greater than ones?
huh. how did that anon do that then?
I know you can deny people (You)'s if you put a 0 infront of the quote
This thread raises my concern with how much stuff gets reposted from twitter
i don't think so? i still get the (You)
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How about the replies?
ah right i see what you mean now, that's pretty interesting. not exactly sure what the purpose of that would be though?
dailyreminder that nth evr happnz
no but srsly how the fuck he do that??
also testing out this shit
feeling like this is a whole fortunes situation
oh wow neat! gonna use this when unnecessary!
I'm doing it because everyone did it.
It's clearly uncode fuckery. How do you even extract it?
>Non-ASCII text is not allowed.
yeah actually this stealth (You) thing is pretty fun, no idea how long it's been around but i might start using this to an annoying degree
just copy that tiny dot and paste it right before a quote, doesn't work on /r9k/ of course but it does on every other board
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doesn't work on /r9k/
if you save the following as a .rtf document and open it with wordpad you can copy and paste it and it should all work properly. not sure if it works with other programs.
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset1 Segoe UI Historic;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset1 Calibri;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\ltrpar\sa200\sl276\slmult1\f0\rtlch\fs22\lang1114\u1794?>>\f1 4871485\f2\ltrch\lang1033\par
that's how i get it to work.
Don't do this, it makes Chemically Synthetic Acid Media.
I'm noticing adding a 0 treats it as if the post has been deleted on mobile. I'm absolutely going to abuse this to filter phoneniggers
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works on my machine when constructed from the same text. it's just a bunch of fonts and formatting I'm not even sure where you're seeing code to DDOS your toaster.
wish there was a 4chanx/xt feature where you could auto enable it
and cs fags get on that shit
The same happens on desktop.
they only show up as replies if you have 4chanx turned on. by default they show up as deleted post.
could be a interesting way to filter out only specifically people who have that addon installed.
the purification begins
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hope this never goes away
on that note is this a bug or a feature?
im leaning on bug since the dot is still included
Why is everyone doing it now? Literally the first thread I click on /v/ and I see this

>"find in page"
>search post number
Sorry anon, but I'm only going to use my pc for games
They've been removing many of these unicode character for years. You used to be able to do it with an invisible character. You can't even triforce anymore.
>Why is everyone doing it now? Literally the first thread I click on /v/ and I see this
maybe it's just one anon that was posting on /bant/ and now /v/, and you just happened to see? more likely than you think

>I'm only going to use my pc for games
you will be boiled
If it's something 4chan-x added, do we know if it's a feature or is it a glitch?
It's probably unintended functionality caused by something else. If making >>078643402 quotes work was intentional i'd assume they would fix the backlinks not showing up on quoted posts.
>you will be boiled
Hey at least I go to /v/ and actually discuss video games. Except yesterday, that thread was fun
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that was me lol just seeing how vtards would react
This guy actually died of lung cancer.
If you have schizophrenia, it's important to get treatment as quickly as possible. Medication is key, along with other types of care, such as psychotherapy, which is a kind of talk therapy, and social skills training.

But you have to be sure you take your medication. And that's not always easy. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects how a person acts, thinks, and feels. It can keep you from seeing the world in a normal way, which means you may not want to take your medication.
who tf are you advertising to? is this the only place you can hint at altchans without being banned? no one from here gives a flying fuck
mod's crusade against final fantasy xiv continues after a horrible and completely unmoderated thread
Please don't avatarfag on /r9k/
Theme of your image
it seems more like an elaborate play than an advertisement, this has been going on for over a year across multiple chans and basically every part of it is fabricated. the actual imageboard is one schizo, or maybe a bot, talking to himself.
it's one shitposter spamming nonsense
I always wonder why they need to make threads when they could discuss the game on the discord they obviously belong to, or /vg/ which is kind of the same
Dude can you leave the general? Nobody here is going to use your altchan and if they do then expect raids or something like that. Mods have already ip wiped you, and it's underwhelming to see your retarded levels of samefaggotry. It's an immature behavior
>or maybe a bot, talking to himself
That's scary
the funniest twist is that the altchan is run by a sharty admin despite being at "war" with them
you literally have a board dedicated to discussion of it
YWBAW (You will be a woman)
>giving him attention
You retards are super retarded.
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>Frogposter avatarfagging and advertising his website.
>back seat jannies: Yawn so sleepy! The report button doesn't need pressed
>/qa/doge posts ONE image of Loona while also bringing important news to the thread
>back seat jannies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRrOLTHu-ew
greatest larp written in a while >>>/vm/1343060
not reading all that because just giving it a glance it looks psychotic
"it's not allowed on /v/ because i don't like it and i see it too much" is the reason why they want /v/ threads + the spite of threads being shitty on purpose, it's going on ten years of one or more mods complaining the game is /vg/ onry, being ignored and not having a good enough case to make it an official thing with a sticky
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>it's the undertale schizo all along
who what what's going on, is there a habbedig
>they got the guys swatting my girl Marjorie
Hey, that's a nice bit of good news. Hadn't heard anything about this until now. Judging by post format this is /qa/doge, so my thanks to you and your not-fed shadow ops bros.
So they're (or he) is officially trying to drive FFXIV threads to /vg/. I wonder what started this.
This guy >>078644956
I remember him because he'd used to flood undertale threads and /v/ in general with Trump won get over it, then he moved over to /a/ to do the same thing whenever he got triggered. Search for any of the phrases used in that post in the archives and you'll see pages and pages of him sperging out.
really like seeing anons zero replys they don't like
i'm pretty certain he just stole those pastas because it mentions trump, why would he still seethe about the /a/ jannies on /r9k/ while saving the whi--i mean talking to himself? of course if it is that schizo then it makes sense to them also i'm pretty sure some of their other pastas predate the larp as well
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I'm just trying to avoid being involved in any potential temper tantrums.
im all for telling people to kys and shit but it kinda rubs me the wrong way when someone gives a guide on how to actually commit suicide >>>/vm/1362679
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>blocks yor path
i love cloudflare!
funny, i dont get that?
How will 4bans scrape that now?

Cloudflare just loves you enough.
thread thought is that he's a WoW fan, since /vg/ referrals and thread deletes have been going on since late ARR or early HW, around 2014-2015, aligning also with the timeframe that guild wars 2's /vg/ thread was flooded by bots whenever a thread was made and nothing was done about it, choking it to death
looks like hiddenservice.cc isn't updating?
Seems like it's affecting normal users.
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how long until every section of this website, even browsing a thread, is behind 15 layers of captcha and cloudflare (and yet ban evaders still are able to flood the catalog daily) and the users still put up with it all becuase there's no alternative?
Welcome to the new normal, on the whole internet.
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>view the site
>view a board
>view a thread
>open reply box
>reply using the reply box
>upload image
>leave site
>all captchas one hour each time
but im the old norm
the new norm ain't the same as the old norm
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I love it when a good IP goes into effect... like watching ashes fall from the fire pit. It's so beautiful. Thank you mod sama.
>isn't updating
rip bozo
4bans seems to be updating. I wonder how they do it. Maybe it's as simple as using that selenium BS.
4bans removed the hapvertisement. wtf
It still shows up sometimes when you use the search.
So what, scared of gay beers?

>Try to get the captcha
>Couldn't get the captcha. Make sure your browser doesn't block content on 4chan then click here.
Thank god for Elon Musk and his shitpost memes
it's blocking datacenter, vpn, bad reputation IPs
uh, did they try to kill the loggers? idgi
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Knowing what you know now about 4chan, image boards, etc. If I cast a spell on you turning you into moot in 2003, what would you differently to make the website better? What changes if any would you make?
they killed image archiving too until desu noticed they were getting fucked up

what they doin'
Better? I would make so much worse.
harsh consequences for politics would have made this place so much more usable, and it's not something that would work at this point
the "pay to remove captcha" scam is ethically smoother than the "pay to remove ads" scam
How would you define politics?
talking about us presidents in a serious manner
Another thing to "thank" our incompetent retard mods. I used to believe in them, but I was a fool.
I would largely keep everything the same but I would never have made /new/ or /pol/
this website is just girls jerking off
get some lady muscle bitch
Everyone loves a convert, I guess
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Would you guys be happy if your partner used 4chan? Would you date another user?

I wouldn't like it, lol. She would definitely talk about me here. Plus the obligatory bad habits anyone here has. But I really would like that she didn't have any problems with me posting here
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I feel like at this point i'm only capable of dating someone from here but it would also be the worst mistake of my life
>worst mistake
That depends. What kind of boards should they browse?
/ck/ and /vr/?
/int/ and /co/?
... /b/ and /pol/?
Uuuuhh...guys? What's this?
>tfw no /qa/ gf
One of the worst ideas ever. Imagine dating your uncle
4chan is full of digital normalfags that think they're social outcasts because they're terminally online
I love how people just cut the likes and retweets part of the pic, so that they're not criticized for posting stuff from a literally who.
>uhmm I think that incels are bad and modern games are good
>hahaha woke game flopped
Geez they'll even repost their own stuff. But one common example
And this isn't only the case on /v/
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It's the natural evolution of shit like pic rel presenting 4chan as a place where you need srs haxxor knowledge to enter. I'm pretty sure this was the first iceberg meme and I remember seeing it posted unironically a ton in the 2010s.
Also, being terminally online is "hip" now, not sure when it started but everyone wants to feel like they're special for being online slightly more than regular normalfags or being around for meme origins.
Should've used this pic but my point still stands
tfw no /v/ girlfriend that doesn't believe in shaving but at least showers because she thinks boysmell memes are retarded
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>Also, being terminally online is "hip" now,
This gives me hope because that implies it's a cultural phenomena and one day all these people will finally leave.
However, by the time that happens, we'll all be old men by then.
now I want to have sex in the shower with a stinky /v/irgin girl ;_;
likely going to be another big shift sometime within the next 5-10 years
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Is this something new or am I just slow?
where do you see that
Yeah it's new.
it depends. my ideal would be someone who can laugh at (some of) the jokes you'd see here but wouldn't actually use the site regularly because they think too many people here are weird and annoying, but i'd also be happy with someone who uses the smaller, hobbyist boards every now and then and maybe even the porn boards depending on what for.
maybe i could see someone who only uses the certain faster boards out of habit being fun to be with, but i can't imagine actually getting along with anyone that frequents a board like /r9k/ for fun.
its been that way since 2009
something about seeing this gives me a baaad feelin
In fact it's so new that they forgot to remove/amend these two sections.
I expect it to be fixed, promptly. Get to work, janny reading this.
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thats funny they changed it at the top but forgot the bottom.
team 4chan everyone
Please understand, it's hard to get paid nothing while you change a text that's supposed to increase the money flow to Hirocuck.
what's bad about it?
It's cheaper than buying every year.
Unless you mean financial difficulties.
i do mean financial difficulties.
hiro doesn't like to change anything about the site.
and now this? its not like he loves 4chan users so much he wants the pass to be more affordable.
it's a scheme to increase cashflow at the expense of long term profit
why would you do that unless there's a looming debt you're trying to cover?
doubt he'd just suddenly run out of money, he's not exactly poor
>4chan pass
Why would you get that? At all?
A 4chan Pass ("Pass") allows users to bypass typing a CAPTCHA verification when posting and reporting posts on the 4chan image and discussion boards. The idea for Passes came directly from the community and were introduced as a way for users to show their support and receive a convenient feature in return.
>allows users to bypass typing a CAPTCHA verification
Yeah, not like there aren't other methods.
getting a pass also allows you to post on /vip/ which those other methods don't allow and i think it also gives you lower post cooldowns and also you can use since4pass to show how long you've been a paypig
Oh no I'm sol devastated that I can't post on yet another failed /b/ clone that nobody gives a fucking shit about. Are you a mod or just a cucked mod advocate?
Could this cause an influx of bots?
Anon, this is how it happens to richfags all the time. Their wealth is frequently derived from the value of intangible assets, which they then borrow against. Your creditors tend to take an interest in the financial health of those intangibles, and if it gets bad they may call loans early. Alternatively, if you've over-leveraged yourself you may also have a need for the assets you own to suddenly shoot up in value, to try and borrow from Peter to pay Paul, essentially. This could indeed be a bad sign.
>4chan allows and distributes lolicon
>Hiro owns 4chan
>Hiro lives in France
>lolicon is illegal in France
Arrest when?
>Get something like 50 people who I'd be certain would be good enough mods and have at least 2-5 active 24/7 at the start
>Completely disallow any kiddy shit from the beginning (so no jailbait allowed on /b/ or /s/) instead of waiting until '05
>Shoot down any raiding or activism or anything like that.
These three things are probably the biggest things that still have some kind of effect on 4chan and I think the only three things that would 100% improve the site and probably internet as a whole.
when you send a tip to the authorities in France
remember... big cheese... or something.
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>4chan financial difficulties
I doubt operating costs are that high but the site definitely doesn't make that much money. If there ever were serious financial concerns such as the donate or die campaign, I am very confident that extremely affluent users (Notch, Musk, Kanye, etc) would donate and keep the website afloat combined with regular users donating. I truly don't think 4chan is going anywhere anytime soon.
highly doubt elon musk and kanye come here
Maybe not musk but Kanye is 100% a /pol/ guy and I refuse to believe otherwise.
Isn't he black? Self-hating really isn't just a meme I guess.
wonder if such an event would bring moot out of hiding
Maybe that's why they were messing around with Cloudflare on the homepage recently.
Absolutely not. This website still haunts him personally and professionaly and he went completely no contact after leaving the site. Not even his mod buddies were spared, and if they were they are keeping it super private. He really just vanished completely.
Yeah, this. Fuck you robot.
maybe he got plastic surgery and changed his name to hiroyuki.
this makes perfect sense
does meta discussion ever bum you guys out
Did you seriously miss his Nazi arc? He went on Alex Jones with Nick Fuentes and said he loves Hitler and hates Jews, like literally those words almost verbatim.
I could talk about this website forever. I love it and it's my primary connection to the online world.
what the other anon said (i've got a bunch of academic studies and books about 4chan on my reading list) but also i'd be surprised if anyone could get burned out on this general, these threads aren't nearly fast enough to exhaust me.
Musk has definitely been here more than once. After all, he wants to give that cool boomer impression, to the point of reposting gay furry memes. He also posted a meme about 4chan being superior to other platforms because it allows "freedom of speech." He could even donate, save 4chan so that people think that he's "based". After all, he did the same with Twitter

/pol/-tan shouldn't be white
Link to studies/books? I'm interested.
I usually get burned out with the news around the site because it feels like so much of it is just bad things
maybe I'm just a pussy
whenever I think about the meta of the site it fills me with a sense of melancholy and also wishing I could be in ten places at once
of course https://oilab.eu/4chan-v-reddit/
that's just a short page, the creator has a longer 19 page pdf explainer https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/20563051231216960 as well as his phd dissertation on /pol/ called reactionary rhythm that's 260 pages https://oilab.eu/publication-reactionary-rhythm/
there are also some other ones, "It Came From Something Awful" and "Epic Win for Anonymous" which look interesting, but they seem like pop culture books instead of studies so i'm not too hurried to get to them.
w-what happened to the original hiro?
No. In fact, I like it more now. We have better discussion, before it was mostly single word bumps or many off topic posts when we didn't have happenings. My main concern is how the thread is sometimes very, very inactive. But then we have moments like this when the general has been very active for the last two hours.
oilab also has a neat article on flags https://oilab.eu/mapping-4chan-pol-s-country-flags/
>he doesn't know about /pol/ demographics
how is any of that related to 4chan offering a 3 year pass. it's just an alternative option man. chill out!
thanks, yeah i forgot to mention that researcher also has a ton of other cool articles and studies.
i also didn't actually know /pol/ flags weren't always geographic, that's pretty interesting.
>w-what happened to the original hiro?
time travel
it was moot all along
yeah, i'm pretty sure 4plebs removed their country stats page because the israel, america and north korea memeflags used the same IDs the geoflags would later use which skewed the stats. also some other early memeflags used real country IDs, for example if you look at the oldest posts from guyana it will show the gay memeflag https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/country/GY/order/asc/
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twitter banned in Brazil
hope this damages it enough to be able to accelerate its death
>the end of twitter screencap threads
please brazil. please kill twitter.
We're trying but the "free speech" meme is so recursively retarded it's fucking causing civil unrest because Brazilians are just as dumb as US people.
Hilarious that Elon is fine with removing tweets for Turkey, but throws a huge fit over doing the same for Brazil despite it having something like 40 mil monthly users. It's like he wants the site to lose even more ad revenue than it already is.
FFXIV news yet again, mods are (seemingly) having an autism beam duel and setting a thread to autosage and back to normal
All social media should be banned. It's a net-negative both for individuals and for mankind.
if this happened would 4chan be kill too or just /soc/
Now it's getting good. Somebody make some popcorn!
Half of /a/'s shonen threads are copypasted spam made by the same person and nobody has noticed it.
Wouldn't be surprising.
Wow, I can't believe it!
Reminder that every death is a vax death. Even if you don't know the cause of death or anything at all.
will it stiggy?
tonight at 8
Too obscure.
what about on /y/
/a/ happening: Official Haruhi Twitter account says there will be an announcement at noon JP time (in about 3 hours). For anybody living under a rock, Haruhi was an anime that took the entire world by storm in 2006 and hasn't had any major releases since 2010. Many are expecting to get nothing, but the hope for a new movie or a season 3 is palpable.

how many more times are we going to get baited by this...
Every single time because we're here forever
Would /a/ still explode today if they announced a new anime?
sounds like the HL3 of anime
everyone that seen Haruhi when it first aired is a boring adult that moved on with life by now
I think so but it wouldn't be earthshaking like it would have been 10 years ago
4chan REALLY needs a meta board. A /qa/ of sorts that isn't framed around the idea of asking mods/jannies questions and expecting answers.
this thread barely stays alive sometimes what makes you think a board would be any better?
I don't think many people know it exists. /Trash/ and /r9k/ are not exactly popular boards.
If that's the case there's like 15 boards that needs to be deleted
Reopen /qa/, but allow only this thread.
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There's already a meta board https://4chan.org/feedback has everything you need
happening: local retard wastes $45
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holy fucking shit he did it. never take off the pass indicator. wear your shame!
I hope you get banned.
should i report him for advertising or beggin? or report for impersonating staff because mods have the little icon too? ahhh decisions decisions...
>announcing a report
gottem boys
see you in 3 days
I would join you if I didn't just renew about a month ago. Welcome to the paypig club!
they are... everywhere!!?
having a tick box for a little icon is like some sick social experiment.
sc your reply box show us what the tickbox looks like
It's not a tickbox doeever
doeever however thoughbeit
Are you trying to rizz me up? Because it's working though
what is it then? how do you toggle it on and off? please tell you have to type 'pass' into the options field
I had to pay $45 just for this little icon next to my posts. You think I'm gonna give away the secret that easily?
You just put since4pass in the options field to show it. That's it.
Oh my god. What the fuck. That's classified information
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am doing it right?
I'd tell you guys how to triforce too if they didn't kill it.
while on this topic why does this board still have the robot algorithm turned on? its just an incel /b/
east coast represent
does sage+since4pass work?
Not sure but I would honestly be shocked if anybody saged nowadays, even on boards like /jp/. Sage is such a foreign concept to people, It's almost as obsolete as noko.
i think besides you, me, and the third other guy nobody knows what that is
I don't know whether I want Trump or Harris to win. Maybe Trump would actually do something useful this time, while Harris would at worst help woke shit? On the other hand, I want a Trump lost sticky on /pol/ again. Losing against a BLACK WOMAN, imagine the epic, terminal butthurt that would result from that.
people do sage on /jp/ I can assure you
and I do it all the time too. I just wish sage was persistent on the options field so that I wouldn't have to type it every time
who the fuck are any of those people? are they friends of hiro?
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You rang Anon?
hello there miss mouse :D
can mods see what you type in options field? even if its not sage? i sometimes leave little message in there for them just incase
I don't give a rat's ass about your awful puns.
didnt see that
didnt click that
didnt hear that
forget that
you disregarded everything in >>78656271
we are anonymous...
we do not forget
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we are legion.
Expect us.
Rest in spaghetti
Never forgetti
o God the cringe memories come flooding back
i mog u
2014 is oldfag status
I thought noko got replaced by sage
I also forget if sage even works still
kind of wish reverse noko was a thing where it took you back to the index
but im like the only poster on this site who browses using the index
I sage in threads I know are bait but am too angry to resist replying to.
Sage (it's pronounced sahgay btw)lets you post in a thread without bumping it, that's all it does and all it has ever done. It's a very Japanese concept. There used to be a red word over your post showing other users that you saved but this was removed because users saw sage as a "downvote". Noko was what you had to put in the options field if you wanted to return to the thread after making your post. On frantic, high traffic boards like /b/, finding the thread you posted in without using noko was incredibly difficult as there was no catalog.
I think nonoko still works
sadly it does not :( trust me i wish it did
It didn't work with 4chan X enabled, but I'm trying it now without it
Nope, you're right, it's still b0rken
was this ever really a problem couldn't you just press back on your computer I'm pretty sure even 20 years ago browsers had that.
there's nowhere to go back to except the previous main page if you do that, noko was the only way to make it automatically redirect to the thread you just posted
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This is Kekistan of the 2000s
Update on Haruhi happening: New novel worldwide release 29th November. Not a season 3 or movie obviously but it's good news for fans. Better than a pachinko machine or crossover announcement.

It was a huge problem because it didn't work like that. You had to noko or you had to go digging through the numbered pages at the bottom of the page and hope you find the thread again.
/v/ is being raided by freddy fazbear
freddy is struggling in a sea of /v/irgins
yeah I should have said spammed rather than raided it's probably just one guy
tech/video-game happening: banjo-kazooie decompiled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH1ErhJa3Qo
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How old do you think the average 4channer is? We're all in our 30s right?
I wish I was still that young.
Average? Probably same as it ever was (water flowing underground) at around 13 to 17. I'm getting close to 30 myself though.
depends what board
generally probably 13 to 22
with a sprikling of older posters in their 30s to maybe 40s
doubt 50s or 60s but who knows
saw one poster on vr say they where almost 80
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I'm in my early 20s. First started lurking about a decade ago
Good for them. Only vaguely familiar with Haruhi, but it's gotta feel good when an IP you love finally gets new content.
Are you sure? It and nonokosage worked for me, just not in the quick reply box.
I'm not a sales guy but my understanding is that ace combat 7 exceeded expectations and was widely recieved as an excellent game so I'd say ace combat 8 is guaranteed to be cooking up.
holy shit, i guess they just never bothered to port it to the quick reply.

Too bad, I missed them
lol, I was searching for deleted threads on /v/. There was a little duel between blacked 2B threads and sponged 2B threads
dam just wish it worked with quick reply
>blacked 2B threads and sponged 2B threads
this fucking website sometimes
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I fucking love DoD/Nier and I'm happy that Nier Automata exists but holy fuck what a monkey paw that game turned out to be
I thought the happening thread was supposed to be on bant or r9k. why does it keep moving?
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>mods make a mistake (they're sorry)
>hiroshimoot remembers he owns 4chan (once in a decade event)
>"Give them discount for passu"
>fucks off back to 2ch.sc (never to be seen again)
>supposed to be on bant or r9k
we're on r9k right now anon
are you ok?
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thats our hiro
Which board do you think you're posting on?
no?? we are on /thread/???
>mom are we on r9k yet?
I meant bant or vip I'm retarded.
I certainly thoroughly enjoyed AC7. It remains the only Ace Combat I've actually played, despite calling myself a fan of the series. And given the response to the DLCs, I would believe that it was very popular. I'm happy for Project Aces to take their time in giving us AC8, if it can deliver quality comparable to 7.
They should make sage public again. Just have an icon next to the name to indicate it.
why not just put it back to how it used to be where it highlighted to name field and linkafied it? and visible sage was a think it would just get abused and negated
if you really want to show your sage just sage in the name fields
Emulate 4, 5, and 0 as soon as you have free time. Zero is my favorite in the franchise, but these three games are seen as a golden trinity of sorts. I have no idea why they don't release them as a bundle on steam, it would sell so many copies.
That would imply returning the "email" field which is kind of retarded and it would be no different than just having a visible sage icon. Either way letting it just be this esoteric quirk of the website kind of kills it's purpose as newfags have no way of knowing it even exists.
>if you really want to show your sage just sage in the name fields
Isn't announcing your sage against the rules?
>They should make sage public again
Absolutely not. It was made hidden for a reason.
That reason being? They might aswell just remove it entirely.
The reason being that users didn't understand the concept of saging, which was a polite way for users on futaba to post in a thread without bumping it to front page. Sage was widely seen as 4chan's version of a downvote and it was incredibly common for people to "sagebomb" threads they didn't like or posts they didn't agree with. That was how the feature was used 95% of the time.
Shit threads deserve to be sagebombed. I hate my sage to a bait thread being negated by someone who doesn't understand how the site works.
They could also replace it with a "don't bump" checkbox I guess.
why would it imply that? just have sage in the options field change the color of Anonymous or the name field. thats how it used to work and its how it works on all the altchans that use visible sage.
with that said visible sage is pointless since if you viability sage someone could ways bump to spite you.
sage is useful on slower boards but on larger faster boards its pretty pointless
Use the hide thread feature
maybe visible sage would be a good idea but only on certain boards. mainly low traffic boards where posters would want to further discussion in a thread thats lower in page count but doesnt deserve to get bumped. when someone visibly sages it reminds other anons that they should sage too inorder to not necrobump. actually better idea is how about visible sage only appears on lower pages like >6
make it so that pass users have visible sage
money will start rolling in. hiroyuki will become a billionare overnight.
someone give this anon a raise! it sure wont be hiro
If they added this (which is a bad idea by the way) I think it would be so rare and infrequent that most users would not understand what it was and would deem it as mod magic which would derail and kill the thread.
it could have its own icon which could say "saged by this pass user" or something similar. no confusion then.
>pay to downvote
fund it
Yeah it used to do that by adding a mailto: link
You need to understand that hardly anybody knows what a sage is anymore, much less what it does. If this feature were shadow dropped (it definitely would be because the blotter hasn't been used in a decade), a majority of users would see this strange icon over some anime post, get confused, and it would get 20+ replies
>the blotter hasn't been used in a decade
Damn, 2020 was 10 years ago? Time sure flies...
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>IP changes
>get 4 character captchas
>raises over time to 6 character captchas
I thought it was the other way around as a form of good boy points, but I've never gotten easier captchas as anything but an appetizer for 6 character shitshow captchas.
/thread/ is the next april fools
I feel like every person who has posted the word "kek" in the last 8 years should be banned
Maaaybe we will get a sticky for /v/ or /vr/. Probably on the latter one
This happens when I clear history. First you get the easy 4 character captchas, then after a few posts you get the really bad ones with 6-7 characters, then you finally get "Verification not required." It's like the site wants to lure in new visitors, test their commitment, and then finally reward them. You're being brainwashed right now
here's how you double or triple pass sales
let pass users have emojis
I really shouldn't say this, but it's annoying because it's just another thing they do to fit in. I'm sure that they don't even know its origin
No idea how their schizo shit works. I for one haven't gotten "verification not needed" in over a year.
I roll my eyes whenever I see it here, but I fucking cringe my face off when I see people using it anywhere else. It's the same way I felt with "based" when it started picking up steam offsite in like 2017/18.
God I wish cope, seethe, (z|c|d)oomer, greentexting (offsite), and other chan slang didn't catch on like it did. Weeaboo is still the only fun one.
Isn't that semi-official and from outside of 4chan?
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No, it was because of those "that 30 year old boomer" memes that were spammed, and then people made doomer, bloomer, coomer, etc which included zoomer, and then people started using it on twitter and other social medias, so it soon became a somewhat official term for gen z.
That timeline might not be 100% perfect but it definitely started here, >>46265643 I believe this is the first time it was used in this context anywhere online. Also woah dubs and quads fuarking nice.
/v/ happening
Hideaki Itsuno leaves Capcom
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I have been muted for 2 seconds because I'm not fuarking original :(
Surely it's just a coincidence.
>immediately debunked in that thread
You call that a happening?
Check this
Wizardry's co creator, one of the most influential games of all time, died
Wait a minute. Autosage, automated!? WHAT?
I wasn't being sarcastic or anything. It really is just a coincidence.
Besides, Brazil shouldn't be particularly active until a few hours from now, should it?
I hate the autocorrect. The last post on that thread is mine. My english isn't perfect, but not that bad
Japanese business practices remain an enigma.
permasage actually
ITT: Anon plans to break into an old bunker to see if there's anything cool inside.
>Wizardry's co creator, one of the most influential games of all time, died
in my life I never heard of the game Wizardry.
because it's from the 80s and came out on the commodore 64
Seriously, I'd like to know what the French authorities say about this.
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minor /jp/ happening today
thought it was a bit older
how often can I report a ban evader before getting told to stop?
Being a weeb in the 90s sounds like fun times.
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I'm not sure the exact way I heard of her but it might have been the first PSP game. When did Miku Mondays start on /f/?
Peak time for consumerism. Economic confidence at an all time high with the fall of the soviet union and what not
i don't wanna be gay and say i was born in the wrong generation, but fuck i wish i got to have fun with BBSes and IRC piracy and shit in the 90s. i just settled on watching sonic x and naruto on jetix instead of diving deeper.
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interesting statistic from the mods
As a Portuguese speaker I can tell you that /bra/ fucking sucks
it's just plain horrible. No redeeming qualities. Also, there's a horrible Brazilian poster on /int/ and he sometimes comes to /sp/ to make horrible posts there too.
Was this posted in the happenings yet? Broken images and thumbails on some ISPs for days.
Multiple skribblio threads on /a/, is the site now a compromised IP grabber or something? Suspicious as hell
I feel like the answer is most people here are in their teens (not me mods, I'm 21), but then I remember pic related and I start getting uncomfortable and stop wondering.
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the reality is that it's a very diverse site, your average /pol/ user is either 12 or 80
i actually miss the emoji april fools
oh good, more braindead fucking esls swarming the site
but diversity is our strength... you aren't a racist little chud, are you?
day 3,650 of moderators believing everyone will magically know final fantasy xiv is banned from /v/ and follow that rule
mod angy >>>/v/687358214
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New /qa2/triot exclusive OC fresh off the presses.
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>me watching the page number slowly go up
this made me chuckle, good job
Is posting your 4chan bait threads on twitter common?
Second try.
i can see this becoming the new meta to get more mileage out of the exact same bait
I wish /s4s/ was more popular. When it first launched it was an incredibly funny board with tons of OC
>check 4stats out of boredom
>see /vt/ suddenly rise from 4th place to 1st place and reach 171% of activity
What's going on over there?
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(((They))) are plotting a full-on attack on /qa2/ using their own operatives and use it to subvert the board's population, (((they))) are jealous of our success so (((they))) have to resort to inefficacious falseflagging and astroturfing. Stay on high alert, (((they))) could be here any moment now.
Three days, already?
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time certainly flies
ENshit hours, there's some kind of event with holoEN or something, dunno, don't care about EN.
Happening on /a/ right now
Why is there a vtubers board and not an e-celeb board
>muh kiwifarms
VTubers are e-celebs
page 7 not on my watch!
Fake and gay
Real leakers just dump their shit like in the fappening and also various /vp/ leaks over the years
Fake leakers link shitty discords so that they can get you to join their crypto scam server or steal your account. They don't pussy foot around making you follow 17 different links just to find your shitty AI generated nudes. Fake and gay and retarded.
I'm not the leaker, so I literally can't dump everything unless I spend hours manually downloading everything just to reupload it.
>so that they can get you to join their crypto scam server or steal your account
neither will happen.
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so you're in the server?
could you post some sort of proof it's true? you don't have to dump everything or even anything if you don't want to.
Who gives a shit about celebrities? Not even being jaded and bitter, genuinely asking. I feel like nobody cares about Hollywood shit or the people in it anymore. I genuinely believe that nudes of people like popular twitch streamers or YouTubers would cause more of a splash globally than any movie star or musician, save maybe Taylor Swift.
what kind of proof are you looking for? if you don't like what's in the server, you can just leave. there's literally no cost beyond 60 seconds of your life.
idk man maybe it's just a fetish. I'm not even obsessed with celebrities myself. I just thought people here were.
>bro come join this discord
>there's totally naked girls in here
>girls you wouldn't normally see naked
>they're really in here i just can't show you
>you have to join my- my friend's discord to see them bro
>i don't really care but you better do it right now man

Shan't. There's a 0% chance this is anything anyone would want to see, a 60% chance that you're from some gay skiddie group, a 40% chance you're an alphabet agent, and a 100% chance you're a faggot.
post literally any of the naked girls from there
but you won't because you can't because the server is fake and gay.
if it wasn't you'd prove me wrong by posting literally a single image from the discord server. you don't have to go there and dump the whole server
but you'll just move the goalposts or more likely just stop replying after this.
fake gay and not a happening >>>/trash/
that's okay. I literally don't care one way or another.
>you'll just move the goalposts
what goalposts? I'm not even arguing. you don't have to join, nor am I trying to convince you to.
page 6 also everyone remember outrun 2 for tomorrow it will be very important
/v/'s mods are scrubbing FFXIV at all hours of day and night it seems
Bets on if they actually make it a rule the threads aren't allowed? Or will that incur Hiroyuki's wrath (he likes the game and is friends with its producer)
>implying hiro would even know if they changed the front page to his face with glowing red eyes
going to bed now good night hap
Holy shit page 10,not on my watch
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I found out the b4k admin rewrites the mod message when a thread is moved to /pol/, don't know how long it's been here
long enough to be a long term embarrassment to b4k
you sound like you're seething
Now that the dust has settled... did nuking /qa/ kill 4chan?
wow, you finally did something actually original
Killing 4chan killed 4chan.
fucking checked. 4channel is kill confirmed
hiddenservice.cc had more search options :(
A nipponese director was fired.
>blindly believing /v/
he didn't get fired, he chose to leave
>chose to leave
Given response to Dragon's Dogma 2, I imagine that was preceded by a "leave or we fire you" conversation, which unsurprisingly usually results in someone's "choosing" to leave shortly thereafter.
he even said in the past he only had 2 more games he really wanted to do
Some people raised concerns that b4kugo shouldn't be trusted because he could be rewriting other posts for /pol/ raisins, but to me this is probably just a simple filter that only matches the moved to /pol/ template. it could just be a frontend thing he modded into foolfuuka
not much point in it when the content can be verified by looking at the other archives
/b/ being raided by qatards
I see there are still purveyors of the ancient remedies.
>"raiding" /b/
how low-IQ and underage do you have to be to waste your time on such an endeavor
Itsuno wasn't fired, he left. We've known DMC5 and DD2 were his "wishlist" games since DMC5, where Reuben Langdon talked about it.

He probably left because he wants to make more than one game a decade and that's rapidly becoming incompatible with major publishers/developers outside of Nintendo. Sony Studios Japan fell apart explicitly because Mikami wanted to do that, and that's incompatible with Sony as a larger company wanting Playstation to output Hollywood style movie-games and other enormous AAA expenditures with teams of thousands of people (incl. outsourced work) instead of one to three hundred. There's nowhere to go with Dante and Vergil as characters (they'll almost certainly keep appearing because they are The Guys, Nero failed to become a "Miles Morales" torch-pass character but does stand on his own merit) and DD2 was kind of a disappointment but apparently did what he wanted DD2 to do, so I imagine he's satisfied.
Imagine raiding a board that's 99% incest captions threads by volume
they'll get bored in a few days and their spam will disappear in a few hours as it's burried under 300 porn spam threads that belong on other boards
Kek what a bunch of fuggin losers amirite. Btards are too busy gooning to care
>raiding /b/, its like pissing in an ocean of piss
>Mooom, the dogs are biting the garbage bags again!
What kind of person even goes to /b/? Last time I checked it was the same threads over and over. Most of which are porn threads
Maybe nostalgia, or mostly because of obscenity I guess
newfags and pornfags, fags of all the likes!
/b/'s current residents seem to be the kind of people that comment on Pornhub videos.
lol they gave up 20min ago and nobody noticed it
Yeah, that seems about right.
this happened hours ago, but it's starting to be big enough just now.
a freelancer musician, who was working for Nijisanji at the time, was taking pictures of vtubers he had worked with, drugging them with beverages. This may actually be big, because he also worked with AKB48 and Nogizaka46, two of the biggest idol agencies in Japan, no idea if he did something to those idols too. >>>/vt/84258927
here's a list of everything he worked with >>>/vt/84253195
he will be anally raped by the agencies and probably won't get a job anymore, Nijisanji is making its move already.
Damn! I can't believe Hiroyuki has fallen this far! >:(
t. one of the raiders, because nobody else would have noticed any change on /b/
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/hap/ happening: User (me) loses his virginity to a woman (female)without needing to pay for it.
remember when most of us agreed that the average age here was around 30
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were you a wizard yet?
True /r9k/ happening.
Also confirmed newfag.
Were you the guy who had a date the other day and utilized /qa/doge magic for the text same night?
I'm mid 30s, just autistic.
No sadly. I hope that guy has a successful fmdaye
whats wrong with calling it /hap/?
Apologies for phone posting.
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a thread just archived while I was writing a reply
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The only SFW /b/ threads are the andy sixx shitposts. Its mental.
The last time /b/ had a funny thread was a decade ago, change my mind.
What's the deal with those anyways, I'm a black veil brides fan but I don't get what their obsession is with his pewp, at first I found it funny purely because of how bizarre it is but now I'm just confused
congration you done it
retards tried and failed to force it a while ago
It's empowering /qa/doge even further in doing so, since /qa/doge is the first one who decided to call it /hap/, and we are genuinely trying not to empower the pull /qa/doge has on 4chan meta any further. I mean, we're doing it poorly, but it's the thought that counts even though it seems to be a losing battle?
fucked with snapple a couple of years ago
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/a/ happening: somebody over the past few days has created a "queen of /a/" tournament that functions like a popularity contest. Due to the unusually unprofessional nature of the Op, how the tournament is structured, and the constant additions of new characters, many users are frustrated when the it and making multiple new threads pretending to be the original OP. There are about 3 threads up right now, and users are wondering if the whole thing can be salvaged or if mods will end up deleting the threads and ban all future tournaments.
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We already know the victor, so why have one in general?
so what should it be referred to as?
Update: there are now 5 threads up.
I would vote for korbo
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Sabotage/false flag or just waifuniggers being stupid fucks who can't coordinate to make a new thread?
its full name
based on other info, leaning towards them just being stupid fucks
It's absolutely both
happenings, or /thg/ The Happenings General.
/nah/ is "Not a happening" but it's unoffically on hiatus as the /trash/ happening thread constitutes /nah/ for the time being.

Just stick with /happenings/ if you don't want people to be upset with you.

The true name is /REDACTED/ because of the way it [REDACTED] for the users [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] who have been [REDACTED] for [REDACTED] years now.
>/thg/ The Happenings General.
this is somehow even worse
weird. Let me try again, this time with a little bit higher permissions and see if it goes through.

The true name is /lab/ because of the way it [THERE BE DRAGONS HERE] for the users [ERASED] [PROTECTED] and [CONFIDENTIAL] who have been playing for [OVER 9000] years now.
think ill just call it happenings or "the happenings" for funs
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There are now 7 queen of /a/ threads up and nobody knows what's going on anymore. Total chaos.

It's odd. I haven't used the board much lately, but I used to be very into anime and /a/ for many many years was one of the higher quality boards on the website.
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Total chaos you say?
i don't think we've ever "officially" used /hap/ or another /shortform/ title but /hap/ is used when someone doesn't want to type out "the 4chan Happenings Thread" like a freetard talking about "GANOO LINUCKS"
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I feel like I've seen this same exact scenario play out on a different board's queen/king of /X/
Fun story, I actually can't do this meme as I am blind in my right eye.
According to the archives, the last time this picture was posted on /r9k/ was September 8th 2015
i don't get it, what is this supposed to do
Go baaack, I'm still mad
Happenings thread, or /hap/. Not a big deal
>trying not to empower the pull /qa/doge has on 4chan meta
You literally can't, he's responsible for the white cancer that now rapes 4chan. That's one of the biggest "achievements" here. But at least here he lost, the threads on this board are better
there is a region where the cursor will disappear from your vision
...you ARE aware that the happening split (both times) are something he specifically did right?

The fact that it actually took root and bore fruit is proof enough of success. .
Sad. I just wanted another contest for /a/. I wonder if really big drama occurred at pluschan since the last tourney and they didn't want to organize it. I remember that things were rocky with nightshiftanon.
it doesn't work for me, am I a mutant?
you may be a squid
or simply failing to follow directions
or maybe he's using his phone
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*record scratch*
I'm using a laptop. Close enough?
yeah, I was retarded. I can't follow instructions, apparently. It works if I do exactly what the picture says.
Calling generals a pseudo board name is a newfag thing and rapes true 4chan culture.
>true 4chan culture
t. rapist newfag
No, I suggested it the last time. And I was going to make a new one here, but someone was faster. I don't care if he did it. People were tired of the last 9 months. And now we can talk about happenings and meta things, yay :)
the "true 4chan culture" in question:
>being a pedophile
>being an incel
>masturbating to cartoons
>masturbating to cp
>sawing your dick off
>pretending to be a woman
>>sawing your dick off
>>pretending to be a woman
uhhh those last two are a little personal sounding
>I don't mind living in his paw print after he stomps across 4chan like attack of the 50 foot doge. It's my paw print village and it's comfy.
Dude, you forgot your soi yotsuba or something
True 4chan nature is yelling at black people and playing PS3 gaems
what if i don't want a 3 day all inclusive holiday though
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>comment was not original
thought the robot got reset periodically
when was the last time someone said that??
Going by old /b/, yes, all but the last two. Beats posting shitty and ugly jak variations.
i think anon was referring to old 4chan!
some of that is old 4chan but all of it is current 4chan
>>being an incel
i guess it didn't really need a name. it was just the current state of /b/eing
>trying to erase the big grin on my face
Sorry doge :(
/aco/ has been invaded by Pajeets making AI slop porn for years now, where they've become the majority of the board
You grinning because you enjoy the thought of a 50 foot doge? hmmmm....
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>bringing up your macro fetish unprompted
nobody even posted picrel yet
needs to be 50 feet tall and looming over me
you forgot the doge retard
go back to /trash/ and ERP with the retards there
>already trying to do erp
>>>/trash/ unironically :D
I didn't think that lol, too obvious
you must go back
also forgot to say this but this is really cool!
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Speaking of giant dogs, whatever happened to the AI Isabelle /v/ poster?
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isn't he still there or are there multiple AI isabelle posters
at least he still seems to post in the bing create threads.
sorry i don't browse the threads typically so i don't know the lore either.
stop bothering the /r9k/ users please.
>/r9k/ users
don't call us that
impregnating femoot
this thread got kinda gay
Always has been
*docks penis*
*docks penis*
make that two
new wordfilter idea
filter cock to dick, and dick to cock
might be funny
This guy doesn't know he's the pizza at the furry convention
more like /r9crap/ lol
more like /k9arf/
is the guy in that 2nd one supposed to be jerma985
Sex! With pinkpiller!
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I didn't know this happened, and searching the guy's name on /pol/ there are no results either.
He's convicted now over a couple posts that got almost no replies. Shitposts about her death. But he posted real medical info.
Then from what I see, it was mixed with fake medically induced coma shit and was disregarded as schizo nonsense.
Almost 1 week has passed since the incident. /c/ and /diy/ have only 2/3rd of the catalog filled, /3/ even only 1/3rd.
remember when mods wiped some boards? i wish they'd do it again
remember when the mods wiped their cock on your face? It was hot.
>Ginsburg's patient chart first appeared on 4chan and quickly spread to Twitter and YouTube,
But of course they didn't write the article without
>her health records reached a dark corner of the internet where users floated antisemitic conspiracy theories.
damn this thread turned to shit good thing we're near bump limit so this crap can all be trashed soon.
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bnuuy sexo
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mods ban all trash fags
mods promote all trash fags to /r9k/ janitors
/vip/ has one less thread than /3/ if you don't count the unlocked sticky
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Would (You) take a spooky poopy in the CIA toilet?
>"the agents were aware that Mr. Russell had not deleted his hard drive but had in fact 'formatted' it which is not the same thing." Formatting a hard drive entails erasing its data to improve system performance.
Ah yes, I sure love deliberately wiping my entire hard drive to improve performance every 6 months, reinstalling everything afterwards is the best part
>toiletniggers were real this whole time
Wtf bros
>Ah yes, I sure love deliberately wiping my entire hard drive to improve performance every 6 months, reinstalling everything afterwards is the best part
Windows users unironically do that.
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Yeah they are, and you can have on in your house too!
your telling me i wasn't suppose to drill air holes in my hard drive?
only did that when i was a stupid child
that was 2 days ago Anon...
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somebody make another happening thread so we can leave behind this furfag /trash/ ERP.
and start it up in the next one.
>lose your friends on the inside
I cannot imagine a more frightening prospect in Japan. That guy's gonna be lucky if he ever sees the outside of a prison in a long time.
it seems written in a way that they don't have actual proof of it happening yet
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Do the monkey with me!
>pass user since 2016
mods, kill this man.
I'm feeling a very negative deja vu
>instigating murder
GR1 violation, get banned, reported to the FBI, SWATed, arrested, convicted.
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You can't kill me, you can't hurt me, hell you can't even breathe on me without something precious going squish.
(Don't worry if you miss it. Nothing will happen there either.)
>needing proof in Japan

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