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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known sqergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread.

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Previous thread: >>78787806
this thread is the real thread because my wife glaceon is in it!
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>inb4 drama

GO TO >>78824208
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Is what it is, not having newniggers fuck with a years old schtick, I'd have used yours if you were first.

Not made a new thread in a while, didn't realise the OP was subject to the r9k rule despite the links changing, probably a smart idea to have a designated hash thing to change so retards don't fuck with the OP in the future.
Maybe doing the previous thread in desuarch might be enough of a per-thread change for the bot not to care?

Stay gatekept, cry about it.
Don't care, clicked this one first, using this one, here's the guy who tried to shoot Trump today's Xitter
i'm feelin it
future janny presses delete on this one
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Editions should be enough honestly.
QRD? Motive? What's the current /pol/spiracy?
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>thread wars autism
you fags are going to get us kicked back to /trash/
He's obviously a nutter, /pol/ thinks he was MKultra'd into it by glowies. Some small spatting about if he's a Demoshit or a Republicunt since that's apparently necessary for every assassination attempt now
There are too many reddithammer threads and AI threads
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just put (random sentence you thought of) edition as the first line in the OP seperated from the rest of the OP by two new lines
that's all it takes.
god i fucking wish.

>and the tagmap removed
forced by this OP, which is also the OP of the previous thread. same with the habbening haqqening shit. click a couple of threads back, no tagmap no habbening haqqening
>blogposting / avatarfagging et al.
the / space is new, and so is "et al."
Lilyhops sex
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>It's 2k24
>no answer as to why every board is so slow right now
>but at least /v/ is less retarded
>/vg/ looks pretty good too
>all suggestions on how to boost the site are ignored
>cat memes are popular again and the site still benefits from happenings
>4chan clearly cannot survive such a sustained decline but maybe there is still hope
It's sink or swim, everyone. We need more ideas and solutions NOW!!!
don't care didn't ask mass repliers get the rope fuck off tranny
thanks for the free reply but idc
mass reply fags are still fags
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>>no answer as to why every board is so slow right now
Summer holidays are over retard, there's your answer. Underageb&s and teens are slowlyback2school.
mass replying chad, i kneel
Unlikely. The mods probably will destroy one of these threads if it doesn't wither on the vine naturally.
Happening: it's already been a year since the b*skin schizo started spamming

>mods also use buzzwords
You say this as if we're not used to the /trash/, concerntroll.
Go back to your blogposting general

>but at least /v/ is less retarded
What, why do you think that? Most of the times, only sexo and counter culture threads get attention
some retards are still using the not happing thread >>78825405
mods ban everyone in that thread
shut up i didn't know
>posting a second thread (this one) because you don't like that the OP image changed format very slightly in the first thread >>78824208
This is exactly the cancerous "general" culture I hate and that is so anti 4chan spirit.
you said this already faggot
It should be said again. We're observing prime faggotry here, that even borders to mental illness.
I mean seriously, because OP included the board list in the fucking OP image that nobody looks at?
samefagging is anti general culture and aligned with 4chan spirit
board list makes it look ugly
and its not just about the board list
something about that thread, something was just plane evil! a negative malicious presence born for malignant thirst for innocence
I'm leaving the happenings thread. You're all mentally ill fags and losers for wanting to meta talk about 4chan all day. I'm sure every single mod would agree.

I bet you're all newfags too.

How the fuck is there any samefagging happening? Just because I wrote something similar, in a different thread?
You moron don't know what samefagging means.

So you're even a damn schizo.
schizophrenia is aligned with 4chan sprit
Anon, you have to understand that after all the problems we had with this general, many of us fear right now that something bad could happen. No one knows objectively how mods react to anything. Schizos were spamming multiple famitsu threads on /v/ so they could ban them, imagine if mods saw these two threads as something similar. They could delete both
>imagine if mods cared about r9 fucking k
what a strange fantasy world
>I'm leaving the happenings thread.
See you tomorrow
ok ill stay sorry for being uppity
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it's okay anon
we all have bad days sometimes
Reminder, a mod posted here. They're very aware, of us. They love us!!!
/nah/ is hap, live and let (it) die

I'm done with this thread. Y'all are crazy and pathetic for wasting time talking about 4chan nonstop. Guarantee the mods feel the same.

Pretty sure most of you are clueless newbs too.
you already posted that you were leaving like 10 posts ago
but keep samefagging friend. it's funnier every time.
>I'm done with this thread
See you tomorrow, too
That's it, I'm out. Y'all are nuts and sad for obsessing over 4chan all day. Bet the mods agree with me.

Most of you are probably clueless newbies anyway.
when does reposting the same thing over and over begin to count as spam/signature usage?
after like the 210th time
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assmad we're not using his gay thread
the OP janny phenomena is terminal
poor bastard
im done, yall are crazy for spendin all day obsessin over 4chan. bet even the mods agree wit me. most of yall prolly dont even know whats goin on anyway.
hey you should post this 207 more times while you keep crying nobody wants to use your shit thread.
im done! yall are crazy for spendin all day obsessin over 4chan. bet even the mods agree wit me. nobody even touches my alternate happenings thread just cuz i put the board list in it. yall act like it's some big deal but its literally there to help. most of yall prolly dont even know whats goin on anyway too busy in the same tired threads. im so tired of this, tryna keep things organized and yall just ignore it. whatever im out for good. done wastin my time here.
please continue friend. surely the mods will never tire of your endless bitching and spam.
hoes mad ggrrrrrrr
obvious false flag is obvious
make a screenshot with the same font as >>78824208
stop advertising your knockoff happenings thread faggot no one is going to post in it.
let it go dude
i haven't advertised anything, while half this thread is your assblasted samefagging
you really should let it go
nice attempt at sliding it btw
oohh so its a polfag we are dealing with here i see well thats it im done thats it yall wild for sittin here all day obsessin over 4chan. pretty sure even the mods on my side. most of yall prolly clueless bout what's really goin on anyway.
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Happening: 4chan /hap/ user (me) tucks themself into bed.
did you check under the bed?
dont let the bed bugs bite!!
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>Be me
>Find some underage poster
>Report button
>You cannot report because you are banned
>Visit 4chan.org/banned
>Apparently I got a ban 3 days ago for low quality posting and the ban is active for the next 20 hours
>Legitimately had no idea, I've been posting normally every day with no issues
>Ban message doesn't even link the post I was banned for
>I promise I'm not even ban evading
Is this an error or did I somehow break the system?
im outta here, yall wild for spendin the whole day freakin out on 4chan. bet the mods feel me too. half yall prolly dont even know whats really goin on anyway.
why did u bump the thread before it died just to say what someone else (?) has already said like five times in five different ways
>why did u bump the thread before it died
gheee what a real mystery??? will anyone ever be-able to make sense of this puzzling case?
no but i mean why did u bump it just to copy what that other guy did earlier in the thread i dont get it holy shit
habbedigns aint free. the schizoless and relebant thread gotta be litterd with the blood of Shidposters. head moderader RapeApe aka "irc ratnigger" is not my moderader. he is a fagget and probbaly a /pol/turd as well :DD report offtopic posts, not post offtopic reports okay? praise /qa/
I don't think it got enough attention when I said so the first time so I'm going to say it again: Lilyhops sex
So you, the OP, is the schizo who had a meltdown a couple days ago. Haha ebin :DD
I didn't bake the OP thoeverbeit
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Page 11 is a lot of page
The other thread has fallen: >>78824208
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lolnope, S
All is well in the world.
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thread theme
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You know frogschizo, if you keep crying wolf with these kinds of obviously manufactured and overhyped caps, at some point you're actually going to have to deal with a fake and gay techtranny that will nuke your shit from orbit with surgical precision.
I get you like sucking off zion don, but don't say I didn't call it.
He is protected for the time being because he is serving a purpose. What is that purpose? None of your business!
Same, but you got to be careful with posting that version because it is a mockery of the mods, and they are relatively thin skinned.
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Fair enough, don't say I didn't warn you if they get particularly upset. They've already been summoned since the /qa2/ froge has posted.
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One can only hope that is the case
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Once you get used to them young newfag, a ban for a post you know isn't breaking the rules in any way is a badge of honor for a post well-made. It's what low-effort shitposters have attempted to co-opt for themselves, but it's still a parable that rings true.
Never fear them. They work for (You), for free.
I'm done, y'all are crazy for spendin' the whole day freakin' out on 4chan. Bet the mods are right there with me. Most of y'all prolly ain't even got a clue what's really goin' on.
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More than you can possibly imagine mate.

Also hey mods, you finally showed up. Here, have a song

If you have to ask, the answer is yes to both.
That pic got a solid chortle out of me.
It did at that. Cartoons are one of the great art forms, and I refuse to concede this point.
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>tfw we don't dress like that any more
>tfw we don't speak like that any more
>tfw my post-industrial shithole town used to be a world exporter of hatwear, and now it's just empty run-down mills, and they don't even sell a few of the classic hats (I've looked)
did ponies win?
>ermm am i a failure guys?!?! be me, 22 years old
immediately stopped reading there
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The real depressing part is that it's not even particularly malicious, it's just being forgotten and left to rot at the wayside. And you can't forget what you never even knew about to begin with. It's hubristic to compare it to the Greco-roman Empire, but when you look at all the fine marble buildings and Acropoli and think "where did they all go?", it's a realisation that continually seems to pop up that our history is going down much the same road,and is probably going to be gawked at in a few centuries in a museum. Provided we're even around at that point.
This is really cool. OP is retarded though exactly for this reason
Based. Good advice.
there's a new autoban word related to /aicg/ chatbot proxies
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Go on anon, post what the banned word is
What is it? Species of swarming insect? Something with -makie at the end? That's what I remember from spending a month there while playing around with ST before deciding the novelty wore off. Absolute shithole of a general, maybe one of the worst on the site.
it's the domain name of the website they use. word cloudflare
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what is the word
There might be some extra logic where it only bans you if it's part of a URL, I can't be assed to test it
ban evading, huh?
What's the lore? I don't go through those threads.
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supposedly you can't quote more than 5 posts at a time on /a/ now
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>If I quote that post again, will it go through?
>It would be extremely difficult
>it's not a big ask
>5 (You)s
Stare at this, then sober up, drugenerate
>im on acid rn
You better be listening to this
Good. It's always nice when they try new things. Need this sitewide asap
fake I just tried it
yes sir you sometimes have to
Oh no, it is page 10!

can't believe he keeps snatching up /pol/yps
did that kid post something on /pol/?
What's the story on this ? I remember some /pol/ guy posting something about chitwood then getting arrested over it.
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>burgerland arrests and imprisons children over social media posts, then heavily publicises it to instill fear in the masses
dawwww like father like son
it's unrelated.
the un-happening
hiro live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heaY0_pfV14
One day I will spend some money to superchat him only to be ignored
It will be worth it
wtf is he talking about
new hiro post
wow, is this reall??
is there any way to hide (not just shadow out or stub, fully remove) posts with filters on desuarchive and spookyx? i don't use /co/ anymore but sometimes want to look stuff up, but some topics (e.g. youtube animation) are almost unreadable because of actual pedos and kiwifaggots.
being able to filter posts like you can with 4chanx would make it a million times more bearable.
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Just got off of the line with Snopes, they've confirmed it, it's a 100% true on the truthometer. AND we also got Anubis on the case and he weighed it against the feather of truth and he's given it the go ahead.

Wake up sheeple, this one's the real deal.
significant /pol/ happening
either the pagers were bugged or every electronic device can be hacked and turned into a bomb
We're living in the future and it's terrifying
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you don't know half of it baybe
some of us, at least

basically https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Trojan_Shield with explosives
>either the pagers were bugged or every electronic device can be hacked and turned into a bomb
It's the former, electronics don't explode like this by default.
Anything containing a lithium battery can only turn into a small fire, not explode:
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I just don't care about foreign wars, where both sides hate me, and I can't even pronounce the cities involved.

Paid military grade shills running literal propaganda about how good they are at killing their worstest enemies evarrr is not a happening desu.
/pol/niggers should be forbidden from posting outside their ghetto board.
/pol/ really does feel like a ghetto
>every electronic device can be hacked and turned into a bomb
bravo kojima, you did it again
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Read slower you fucking retard they were pre-plants, see >>78841790
>yeah bro, I'll live in fear of israel all my life because the (((media))) told me israel can every electronic device can be hacked and turned into a bomb
>and no, there's no reason why nobody else has ever thought of this before
page 8 tooooo close to page 11
what if i don't wanna wait!!!
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buy passu
3 year onery 45 dorra
(ban will requiya repurchassu)

possible double /g/-/pol/ happening: the secret service didn't like this tweet elon made
i'm fucking stupid and forgot the link to the article https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-secret-says-aware-musk-192156536.html
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Remember guys and gals, joking about violence is not okay!
*Except for media/state approved enemies.
Because it's better than just saying "bump", Mr autismo
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I have zero idea what you're talking about, please don't involve me with your schizophrenic nonsense. Keep that to >>>/trash/
mod does a public funny
uninteresting thread aside from that but this was also funny lol >>>/v/689132613
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>It's him
top tier response
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why does he keep spamming this image
can't even same image it because the pixels are different every time. he keeps changing up this unfunny impact font meme and reposting it. why?
nigga just hates flips i guess
let the man keep on his grind
there's a similar guy on /mlp/ who shows up every 2 weeks or so to repost the exact same threads on different topics. he has like 6 and will post them one after the other, always the same images and walls of text. he doesn't understand why people shitpost in his threads, even though the discussions he wants to have were had months ago
/int/ really is schizo general.
lol yeah I've been hit by that guy a few times
Is it true /v/ has AI-powered anti-nsfw filter? Because I see porn with weird filters applied to them and someone said it was to bypass that.
It exists, but I think images have to be manually added to it. Vidya butts images are an example of one that's banned.
Serious question: What drives people to want to destroy our website? Whether it's Vidya butts spammer, the old /a/ accel spammer, organized raids from other websites or discord groups, or anybody else I'm leaving out, what is the purpose of what they do, what do they get out of it, and why do they do it?
i think yall ar e really cool a d sick and you are all relly the best rapunf nk mobd on. gonna jeep ya downkr keep ya down
Literally deranged people use this place. They know that they can annoy others and they'll do it without hesitation
>posts the same pic for the same kind of argument
Weird way to fake your death
>Keep that to >>>/trash/
Sweet irony

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