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>"You better bring him home safe": Edition

im gunna pee
>"Go pee then but we never flush in this house"
>store sells 1 million different brands of canned salmon cat food
>only 1 brand of canned salmon human food
pet owner mental illness
>if its yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it the fuck down
>spanks your ass
>"now get to it"
i need to bleach my skin
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>tfw now cowboy bf to go on rootin tootin adventures with and then cuddle each other by the campfire
>tfw now
explain NOW
In my anger and depression I did not realize that
I in fact added a W to the word No. It was supposed to be >tfw no. I am however not gonna
delete and correct myself as I hope other would
pick up on the deep symbolism of the misspelling
of the word no here.
already deciding what movie to watch on halloween and i think it might be a rewatch of martyrs. the french version.
now you made me sad, goodnight fucker going to sleep.
would you ever piss on a boy?
probably not cause i get pee shy and can't pee in public restrooms when people are in there
What a disgusting op pic
Cats living the good life, seethe more you literal faggot
Well I am sorry to have spread my misfortune to
you nonny. I hope you have sweet dreams about
a cute loving cowboy bf who rides off into that
wonderful western sunset hand in hand.
My kitchen scale broke after a vinegar bottle fell and spilled on top
Rip little scaly you help me bake many breads, cakes and pastries
rip mini scale, sucks anon but it is time to go digital.
apologies for calling you fucker, goodnight.
Its okay I am a fucker looool. Nite nite again nonny.
I like muscles, but that is toooo much, even for ai
I want a strong bf with lean muscles, not some roid raging body builder.
Why are you here complaining instead of spending time in a place where denim fags hang out
anime art of crisp vibrant det(ailed furry fat dog in denim jacket and western hat)
heh...spaghetti western nice ;) real cowboy bf is this guy
one day they'll have this but for warm breathing boifrens sigh....
I'm too prissy for the outdoors life, I'd go glamping though but I need creature comforts.
i think i'd be Get on really with smartschoolboy9 like i'd be good frineds with it
Werewolf, hybrid, barazoku, musclegut, etc tyvm
I should have watched when nick crowley covered it in august I didn't know it eas going to blow up and become ~the thing~ I missed my chance to be a hipster about it :(
honestly it's still a funny thing to laugh at so just pretend you're still a hipster about it
yep and back to leg pain everyday. I don't understand I was fine for months and now it's hurting again. I wonder if it's seasonal but that doesn't make sense.
thinking about this boy and yes we told each other we're gay
he's an ex-drug addict (and probably ex-slut by extension) but that's not the issue i have with him
he's in college AND works 48 hours a week so he probably doesn't have time for a bf
Look up the rehab exercises for runners knee
As someone who works 50+ hours a week go for it. You might not get all that much out of him during the week but boy needs company on the weekends and something to look forward to
>tfw no bf to go glamping with
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does brad know dirty little spic fapped to his gigantic grippers?
Why are you telling him what to do when he isn't going to listen to you? Are you new or just retarded?
Glamping?! Go rough camping when it's forecast to rain so you can have sex in the woods while it rains
I have a bf >:3
I thought anon made a typo before googling glamping but ofc it's one of those dumb words like brunch. Eat shit spergs
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new high score
baki character
man i usually lurk here and post every so often but i tried using /lgbt/ for a few days and it's such a fucking cesspit of mtf goblins wallowing in their delusions
god fucking dammit sorry
>he hasn't heard of glampling in 2k24
You can always take solace in the fact that /qa/ made at least one or more of them commit suicide by raiding
it's not called /tttt/ for nothing. troons do what they always do, make everything about themselves.
i swear the post button should really come with a warning label
must protect fbf
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Summer has come and passed
the innocent cum never last
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I don't use /lgbt/ half because I'm not trans but also half because its very depressing. I feel a sort of kinship with trannies in the sense that do I understand the desire to be a chick but also these people are mentally ill ugly losers a lot of the time which is relatable for obvious reasons. So when I go on there and see these people on the verge of killing themselves because they can't be woman It kind leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
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For some reason doing no fap makes me really wanna take pics of my cock, I never get that feeling otherwise
Shake precum, and let member extend
Guys, truly no bf.
Very sad!
i like his bulge pics more anyways
>/lgbt/ has mtf freaks
>/r9k/ has ftm angels
we fucking won
you should anon
won fucking what? none of them are remotely interesting
this but my feet, stomach and nipples
i can cosplay billie joe armstrong really well but unfortunately i can only sing like fallout boy
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I did
Already had done it last time - I just put them in my porn folder until the end of the month and immediatelly deleted them once I was no longer horny
won the better tranny war
also interesting people are usually freaks so
ahahaa what is this a picture for ants ? !
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>not using filters in the year of our lord two thousandth and twentieth and fourth
What did /prog/ ever do to you huh?
File deleted.
this picture is for my ant bros
Not fapping makes you horny and pent up? Who could have imagined
after 2 months of nofap you arent horny anymore tho
Ok Cuckgau
But why would the hornyness start making me want to look at my own cock? thats weird and honestly kind of gay
what is cee gee ell
Gonna need some niceposting before I go to work or I'm going to lose it. Anything nice happened to you recently, Anons?
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Things Can Only Get Better!

you should use nofap to instigate your desire and willpower to use dating apps
im not sick anymore
I am 100% straight. It just so happens that I fantasize about handsome men all the time and having fiery affairs with them full of lust and excitement. Anyone relate?
i'm fully heterosexual so i don't think about feminine nonsense like sex, only gambling. faggot
The moment you clicked on this thread, you left all heterosexuality behind. You are now a known homosexual
>turned gay by a magic link
i thought you were 'born this way'
I'll just turn ungay again when I close the tab
you can be born gay and repress it and have the latent gayness activate once you see your true nature reflected back at you
The link is not magic. The action of clicking on it let's us glimpse into your mind. You revealed your truth through that link
Not even when you close your eyes you stop being gay. You will carry it within you, forever, until your death bed
But I dont want a quick fuck. I want a loving relationship
im not a sick fuck i dont want a quick fuck
is that what happened to you?
>it's not magic it's even more mystical
sir this is 4chan. if youre not a freak fuck teh fuck off. there is no "better tranny." theyre barbaric, self centered and just rude.
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This is so me meow yay
I understand why you'd think that since you post on /lgbt/ with all the freaks but transboys aren't like that
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Your turn you myspace haired jerk!
Guys Will Look Like This And Post Yaoi Then Go Fuck A Pussy
this photo is insanely shooped i'll be so real
You can find a loving relationship with someone you met on dating apps. In fact the chances are greater than finding someone here
There's nothing mystical about it. Your actions speak louder than your words. Coming to the gay thread is your way of saying you belong
Smoking on my Vape and it's fucking Destroying my Throat i Miss cigarettes
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First episode of the penguin show was fairly good. Changing his name to Oz Cobb is a bizarre move so I'll try to ignore it and hope the show remains watchable
Hot, I would never date a gay top
alright. still not gay tho
your spells failed
how is the vape worse than a cigarette jonah
makes you cough more and look gay
the liquid is shit and disgusting and cheap and way more rough on the throat 3/10 but at least i'm smoking less cigarettes
please please please fuck off holy crap

attention starved five two fat chicks are not men no matter how much attention they need
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sometimes i make myself a ciggy with an active charcoal filter insted of a regular one and its as smooth as you wish vapes were
its really funny cause every trans guy that is remotely assocaited with r9gay is just literally a woman who says theyre a boy
how do i meet him?
you will meet eachother when you kys
trans men don't belong here gross
neither do trans "women"
ok i did
where is he?
"he" will be there shortly
Gave up who I am for who you wanted me to be
Don't know why I'm hopin' for what I won't receive
Fallin' for the promise of the emptiness machine
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Beat lollipop chainsaw. Almost gave up at one point and, for once, I'm glad I didn't.
4trans women are possibly the most deranged and despicable group of trans women i've ever had the misfortune of encountering
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I finally clean shaved for the first time in a decade (16-26) yesterday and ended my weak chin complex.
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Shut yo ass up
Fakecel ass nigga
Get out
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I'd rather be alone then be alone when I'm with you :P
I'm a certified 26 year old homovirgin.
yes, I had sex with women (which I hated), I function socially and profesionally, but I have paralyzing anxiety about meeting men, never even tried.
was addicted hard to benzos for 7 years because of that
we could have a balls or gtfo rule maybe idk
im sure you're a really nice person but we don't need your life story just act silly
youre fucking boring and id shoot you to hear anons life story
you know what you're not even wrong so i can't even be mad at you nonny please shoot me
sorry, I've had no access to the net for 2 years so I kind of forgot about 4chan etiquette
anywhere I post I write it like a college application essay
yea so anon howd you get on them benzos? did the psychiatrists getcha?
asshole, if i made my college application sappy shit like that i couldve gone to harvard and chilled instead of work college

where were u for 2 years anyway
honestly you're all good and i feel kind of bad now so i apologise but let's just be silly and you can carry on posting as you were nonny
I really like songs where there are like a line or two by male vocals followed by female and they go back and forth, almost finishing eachothers thoughts. I can't remember more examples...
On the topic of remembering things, I'm sure I'm overreacting, but sometimes I feel like I have dementia or something. I couldn't remember the name of my neighbor's dog for a whole day and I keep forgetting things after a day or so. My short term memory seems fucked. Well, more fucked than long term memory that's for sure. It's a bit scary. My brain is very sleepy and needs eternal rest.
>stole Valium and bromazepam from my mom at 16
>started doing Xanax regularly at 17-18, mostly for stim comedowns
>full on hooked to Xanax and Klonopin at 19
>prescription fraud, dealing and daily abuse of RC benzos (mostly clonazolam) at 20
hardcore rehab no phones no nothing
shit works
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I really feel like my time is coming soon. I don't think I'm capable of handling the future. I see nothing good happening, life can only get worse and it's already not that great. I don't know what to do. I don't know what I can do. I don't want to die, I just want to stop existing and being conscious.
i dont use devmode, if im in trouble i just pause the game and think of a solution.
wish I had devmode for real life. need spawn_bf so bad.
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I'm gonna get a haircut and a shit ton of good quality clothes. I've embraced my life as a brown haired brown eyed man and I will be successful in my life.

thinking about getting a buzzcut again
buzz cuts are cute
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r9gay comic >>78876223
Saffron has returned.
yeah but so is my long-ish hair right now :/
what did u do there? was there video games?
yah but that is overdone these last years. save that for the post apocalypse timeline.
nta but i don't mesh with normalfags i think i'd get along better with someone from here
eh, my life feels kind of post apocalyptic so it fits
if it wouldnt have gotten so mainstream recently i would get a mullet :x im still gonna get the buzzcut tho probably to mark a point of change in my life whatever thats gonna be
last haircut i got, when she asked for a picture of what i wanted i showed her a ken doll. results i liked.
I felt that before, when you need to shed even your hair to change your personality for the better.
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I used to have long locks beautiful locks that i could nearly put into a pony tail and then I buzzed it. 2 years have passed since then and every time I try to grow my hair out again I end up buzzing it like a retard. It has been nearly 4 months since I last cut my hair and I wont fail this time. I will retvrn to my beautiful locks.
me too but now it reaches down to my hips
i idnt get a haircut from 7 to 17
haircuts run for $50-$60 where I am. Im not wasting my money on a barber or twice as much for a buzzer. i had not had a haircut in 8 months.
I like the idea of having a bf with long hair that i can play with and smell if i want
i just involuntarily pissed myself and it stings and smells like fish
haha pissboy
that's ridiculous. i pay around $33 (converted approx) and that's including my hairdressers gas money and tip cause she comes to my house
pissbaby in the thread no way
uh... h-hot
we know about ur hairdresser that comes over tell another story
walking home at night in my patagonia 5" khaki shorts and long sleeve thermal
i have long hair and i would let you do that.
oh. and my fruit of the loom black zip hoodie.
Are you a bottom or top and how long is your hair?
I bet you've kissed at least one guy and still think about it a lot even if it was just a hookup
How are you boys today, I got a drop of ketchup on my sweater
bottom with long hair how about you
pff im rocking oversized cargo pants and a t-shirt
i've kissed 2 guys and can't remember either
I'm a pure innocent khv
ready for another 3-6 months of me posting about my leg hurting? Hope you are because it starts now.
Holding out until marriage? What a good honest Christian fag
i have never kissed someone and i don't expect to
why does your leg hurt
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>be bifag
>never kissed a girl
>never kissed a guy
>its over(x2)

don't know, all I know is that randomly one side of my leg goes numb, hurts, and it becomes uncomfortable to sit down. After several months it stops and goes back to normal.
Top with short hair that wants a bottom with long hair
you should call 911 and tell them
seems good do you want to try me then.
Mountain Tim was pretty forgettable. Now Diego Brando on the other hand.

it's not an emergency, and I know I should go and see a doctor but I keep putting it off.
If he calls 911 they'll see the house and put him in psych
How do i try you?
yeah but what like about tops that have a bottom look/style?
do you want to meet up?
>lurk here
Ok how much lore do you know? That's what I thought
or maybe you could give me ur email
Meow moment
I'm sure poo will be pleased
What country are you from boyo and how big is your penis?

Would you let me do it too *heavy breathing noises + cat piss smell*

hey, I don't breathe heavy. I actually breathe through my nose unless I'm doing physical activity. I do likely reek of cat piss though.
Honestly, I'm surprised he still talks about me. Like three years later. We only chatted for like a week.
Post about misty don't get it twisty we need to hear about your shitty rectum mom spaghetti
>yes, I had sex-
stopped reading
Why did you talk to that subhuman retard? Where did you go? Why are you back?
im from us and i think mine is 5 inches
Best tops but only if they act like men in bed
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/r9gay/ boys will talk down to normalfags and grindr people but they will offer you a blowjob 5 minutes after meeting you. We truly live in a society.
its because they know its fake
I'm going to give you fake location and ghost you which is totally not like grindr and I'm also going to post nudes for the lulz haha I'm so funny and epic, unlike normalfag WHORES
Are you a white boy and what color is your hair?
Or you can, you know, not act like a thirsty whore for 5 seconds? But hey, gays gonna gay
i meant going to an arcade or library

no im not
would meow be skinny if he lost 100lbs or would he still have some chub left?
>tfw he is bringing green texting back
>tfw no project r9g2025 bf to make this thread great again
What race are you? are you a cute asian boy?
I didn't know who he was at the time. He was nice but a little too schizo for me.
yes. what about you then
they are playing pretend bro
saffron doesnt exist why are you lying
peruvians are asian descendant
shit rank
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I'm a white boy with darker hair
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It's amazing what can be done with computers these days.
i'm starting to think there aren't any girls in this thread
That was the most exciting three minutes I've spent in the past month or so. Thank you.
>im gonna report u to the fbi for getting my IP!!!
I can't believe these are grown adults.
you mean like that image?
And it seems that my tripcode from a different board transferred over and I was too retarded to look. Lovely.
You will not be receiving a new tripfag today, my apologies.
No it's just an image that i like and felt like posting cause i think it looks cute
its the one i made so thats pretty interesting
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i cant stop drinking gaytorade i drink like three 12oz bottles a day
you will lose your kidney soon
dude i used to drink gatorade all the time too, my mom thought it was healthier than water. crazy thing is my family has a history of kidney failure. im probably gonna get it too, hopefully they make bionic ones by the time im old.
i'm on uncounted cups of tea
well it should be better for me than monster i think right?
i got hooked on gaytorade when the school nurse gave me one because i forgot to pack a lunch and had like low blood sugar or sumfn
its over :(
theres a sci fi movie where they do but theyre millions of dollars and if u get behind on the payments they repo it out of you. sounded funny but i forget its name.
millions of dollars for gatorade? thats crazy. i wouldn't pay that much for it let alone go in debt. i dont even drink gatorade anymore, it was mostly just my mom making me.
would probably drink a lot more gatorade personally if they still had old crystal blue and ice purple. meme but its true. white lightning one too.
punked like the geek i am. bullied.
It is interesting and you're pretty interesting yourself
ok well i'll wait for your decision
gaytorade has too much sugar but i need the electrolytes anyways
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>posts picrew
>not even his
picrew doesn't have fat or ugly enough characters for me to make a proper version of myself.
And what decision would that be?
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So... like anon what's your favorite movie?
if you want to try to be my bf or not
I'd like to but i don't think i can since you don't like me
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I think Big Lebowski or Ran. I watch a lot of movies so I may have new favourites by tomorrow
poopoo rank
>tfw no roguelike bf
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fight club, or another fincher movie
how do people make spare change on the internet these days. i just need like 20 now and then for vapes and shiet. i used to write corporate blog articles on freelance websites in high school but i assume the robot has killed that.
there was a df/roguelikes/wow/totalwar/pdox player like me who also looked like my twin. sadly he trooned and got enormous. whoevers responsible for taking my manwife away, i will neuter.
get fucked retard
nurr it make me feel yeezy
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this psycho is on tumblr and youre here like where are the fucked up guys
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>tfw no bf to spend a few weeks each year with in a holiday house by the coast
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there was a football game on my walk home...you cant really see it but they were saying hike.
why am i cursed with plumbing issues i havent even lived in this house for an entire month and its already flipped
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Trying to resist the urge to impulse buy some Barons War miniatures or a Mechanicus combat patrol. I'll get them if I still want them a week from now
based /an/ browser
Do you mean football or ""football""?
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>tfw no bf to walk arm in arm with on our way to buy fresh fruit
I would get it delivered but I don't want bruised apples or peaches
I love peaches
i would eat bruised apples, but to be fair I learned to not let food go to waste. not even the last grain of rice.
Yes but would you eat his peach if it were bruised?
Hello daddy
Fucking hell just go out and buy food
whats with this meme
Will you paint them? Do you still have some minatures to paint? its a slippery slop with buying minis
I started mewing in 2016 and it really helped
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I'd cut the bruised bit off and eat the rest if needs must. My parents are both picky eaters so some of that rubbed off

>whats with this meme
Groceries being delivered has been a thing for a few years now. Some places will let you shop in store then drive your stuff home

I'll paint them myself, some come pre-painted but I'd rather buy them without it. Painting is half the fun
>Do you still have some minatures to paint?
Not yet, I'll probably go for the historical ones as warhammer is expensive. They do separate banners and shields so the troops look like they were levied from different places
Do you read the books too?
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These are strange days for you, me, and /r9gay/
But we struggle, and together we'll win
How do you fags feel about always being the last option for low value males?
In reality its the same with dating girls its just a cope for low value males. I mean they expect a hot twink that waxes is fit etc to settle for him? please...if he doesnt settle with a similar gross "twink" then he will stay lonely. You have to earn a gf or bf.
i didn't do anything to get my gf
Lucky you. Some people are different than you
not mewing. still mouthbreathing
It's a whore thing, so not relevant to /r9gay/ fags.
The same way I feel about land whales with smushed pit bull faces wanting to fuck - I don't
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I've read some warhmammer 40k and fantasy, could pick up horus heresy after asoiaf. Also read about the Barons War and Medieval armour
When did they start referring to biological females as femboys???? I hate zoomers holy shit
Zoomers are just more honest about their sexuality than millennials. They don't make up terms to dance around it.
did you know teen girls call their boyfriends twinks now
Your /r9k/ free use attention bucket gf years for (you)s
Femboy is a feminine men, not a women or a ftm tranny. Words have meaning.
Thats called a boy. pedophile
Sounds sick, whats your fav army of age of sigmar and warhammer 40k? or atleast top 3
the worst part about being bi is that girls don't have dicks. what's the point?
i just hit day 1 nofap and mom left her stinky clothes in the bathroom
I really long for a boyfriend who will plap my bussy.
Can i still try and be your bf?
D cups were always the better D
Make yourself
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I have reached the apex of being lonely and can't enjoy much of anything by myself.
The worst part of being lonely is that you will miss it after your tries of being with people.
Ok but that's a super cute and relatable pic so I will be borrowing it (will not return)
I would offer to plap your bussy if you weren't a disgusting namefag that should kill themselves
I can handle being around people but I need time alone to recharge. Would you be okay with your bf doing something without you or spending time alone instead of every minute with you possible?
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Relationships should have a healthy balance of
being with each other and alone time. Though if I
had to have one extreme I'd chose being with my
fbf 24/7 easy.
My pleasure to provide you with a free qt pic for
the low low price of $0.00 USD. Its only a copy
though and I have the original that had a gold
holographic proof of authenticity on the top right
corner of said image.
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>disgusting namefag
What makes you say that?
being with me is a lot like being alone. im only marginally warmer than background radiation.
Tell me what you want in a bf mr.namefag
I want him to be tall and have a huge dick the rest is negotiable in my opinion lol
to be completely honest i want 15months of 24/7 inseperable company and then we can break up(but not in a mean way)
If I'm feeling clingy my bf isn't even going the bathroom alone or I'll be scared he's jerking it to other guys in there. I know it's horrible but I'm really insecure and jealous.
why is he frowning
So you're a namefag and you're a whore
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>has to have a huge dick and nothing else
You truly are a degenerate whore who deserves nothing more then to be sitting on a street corner waiting for older gross men to kidnap and rape you to death.
are you a girl?
i happen to know someone exactly as you described if you are
>are you a girl
Nope :) but I've been told before that I look like one
I wish I was a girl but I realize I never will be so I won't troon.
you have big booba?
I've never been told I looked cute or like a girl. I have been told I look like a rapist before
you guys spamming a new discord? why are there so many trannies and nonanonymous posters in my gay volcel thread
you would look cute if you smiled
I have buck teeth which kids used to make fun me for back in school so I try not to smile in photos or anything. One day maybe the people will be into beavermaxxing but until then I'm not smiling.
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I did
No soul
that sounds adorable. f**k you
And you couldn't get hard because dirty cloths is disgusting, right? I guess spics are used to it.
I came in my eye...
Cute. Your post is certified cute. When you get enough cute points you can go to bf store and get a discount on a bf of your choosing.
BPDpilled (but not in a mean way)
>tfw bunnymutt died in a plane crash on his way to meow
I will tell all the other redheads. You just removed all redheads from your pool of potential fbfs.
>tfw bunnymutt died before you got to taste his peepee
wouldnt BPD want to do it the mean way
>tfw no bf who keeps saying canadian simp isn't a thread entity
>tfw no bf who spergs out every time said simp is brought up
This anon deserves his shota bf
hahha i don't want to talk about it
Totally, after telling someone to get kidnapped and raped to death
Average bottom kekmao
They won't believe you if you tell them this thread wasn't always like this. Newfags are something else.
why do people keep bringing him up every thread when he doesn't even post here anymore?
Nobody cares
Why is your hair red? Are you sick or something?
>tfw no please-stop-talking-about-canadian-simp bf
true and i care
>tfw 3dspic fapped to his mom's dirty cloths
You're wrong lmao >>78883530
Reflecton your life choices, you narcissistic piece of toxic waste
I'm sick due to lack of love, you won't be the one to cure it though!
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Just how many cute points do I need to turn in for said discount and usage of the bf store? How many points do I have now? I want Ciel bf rn ;_;
Ty I glad you have noticed my noble act of telling an absolute whore of a person to go get raped to death unlike >>78883445 who would abuse a frail sho bf.
Whore... you deserve to the the bbc
>tfw you will never be trampled to death by bunnymutt's fat dwarf feet
bro is built like three d google maps
Yeah but would you dye your hair for your bf?
Shut the fuck up Apostle no one asked for your stupid faggy namefag input. I am not a whore and I don't want monkey cock anywhere near me.
Why are you obsessed with him? It's funny but why?
Yes you are neetie,you are going to hell for being a whore and having aids. CUNT.
Absolutely not, my fbf loves my hair!
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Prove I have aids cuntbag. Protip you can't cuse you don't know me and your a schizo bitch.
That whole petty gang of yours is puss pimple on nurgle's ass. Eat shit and die satan.
>tfw you will never give bunnymutt a soft forehead kiss on his giant egg shaped cone head as you tuck him in at night
whos this bunnymutt?
>tfw you will never sleep in the same bed as bunnymutt and listen to him snore through his crooked bent nose
pls no dont tell me it really happened no no nooo
How do boys that wax their body deal with ass hair? Do they pour hot liquid wax onto their asshole and then just rip it out?
some sexy lady waxes my asshole for 30 bucks every 4 months
I guess if you're used to taking hot loads up the ass a little wax wouldn't really bother you
Who even is he? Is it some elaborate ruse to shit on the leaf menace?
I'd love to treat you like the lady that you deserve to be treated as :3. All femboys deserve chivalry.
He doesn't have a cone shaped head you canadian psycho
This is true
how come anytime someone mentions bunnymutt they get called canadian?
im going put tonight, what should i wear? here are the options: dark green hoodie, grey t-shirt and flannel shirt or should i go all black?
Would you settle for a bf over the age of 18? Are you racist?
This track < Diss track < Distract
windy and rainy today, the first of autumn. napped flippin hard
Doesn't matter how cute you look if you do things like this you are repulsive to me
is there a way to filter cross-thread links because it has not once in the entirety of my memory been something worth looking at
what about that time he linked my thread
god that's so ugly and unattractive
I will start linking cross-threads to troll this retard hahahahahahaha thank you for telling me what annoys you biiiiiiitch
How many dildos does jonah ride?
none. nada. i don't own a dildo
I probably don't like you

what a weird way of living your life
>doesn't ignore posts he doesn't like
>cries about it
>thinks it's weird someone wants to make him cry more
Don't cry in front of women and bottoms ever
I am going to continue to speak my mind on things that are happening and you can be as much of a woman as you want about it I guess
9 days until I start manifesting a boy who will read me 4chan threads
I like you more when you post about bunnymutt
I don't think I ever did desu
what why dont you like me??? my thread wasnt gay porn or anything gross
Yes you did desu
In the mood for a good cry tonight. I haveusic for it. I have the space I need. However my stomach hurts a lot.
Yes I would accept someone who is not a Sho for
I like all sorts of boys and I am racist but not outwardly as to not be shunned by my piers. Though I do least hope you are as cute as Ciel.
>tfw you will never be bunnymutt's bf and slowly fix his pedophilic love for shota over time
then it was probably annoying personality fag shit

how do you think an anonymous imageboard works exactly
>how do you think an anonymous imageboard works exactly
We are talking about a general in which you are a regular posters. You aren't anonymous, nibba
Are you as cute as ciel?
go ahead then, point out some of my posts, then I'll tell you you're wrong, and you'll tell me you don't believe me, and neither of us will have gained anything of any real substance at all
I'll die a virgin
Right, so just admit you are lying because no matter what I show you, you will just say I'm wrong like you said. I accept your concession but will not piss in your mouth.
still sumemr so ajl black
>tfw you'll die a virgin without having tasted bunnymutt's pee pee
it seems like every guy i notice as cute is riding a bicycle
thats what i went with and i regret it
I could take a screenshot of whatever post it is you're thinking of not showing as mine, but that's falsifiable anyway, so the entire thing is non-provable either way
I will believe what I know to be the truth as the only person with first-hand knowledge of the matter, and you will believe what you want to believe
Pretty long way of saying that you're guilty there bud
Ok, not OP, but tell me what I have posted and I will be honest.
I still don't even know what it is you're telling me I'm guilty of, as you've not accused me of making any specific post or posts

wait, who the hell are you
Just another hopeless romantic, in love with a straight man
it wasnt personalityfag shit because im not a persinalityfag. it was just a thread about the troubles of making friends
my ireal fb is 32+ and still traps when everyones asleep
okay, then I guess I wasn't when you posted yours, because all I've seen is gross porn and retarded simping
no wonder. its actually the first day of fall.
you really think you can find a bf in here?
as a matter of fact I do
do you think you can find someone to pee in your mouth in here?
gonna head back home for a wardrobe change, thanks for nothing
would be nice desu
i found 6 bfs here
I found 4 here and they all ghosted me
well they probably werent all me
>gave the r9gay anon my home address
>going to have to move before I can ghost him
>tfw moved 3 times since i started posting on /r9gay/
for me its been 6
are the guy who made the first thread
You guys ever go to piss and then your foreskin is shut and fills up like a balloon with piss inside and then bursts?
no thats how you get loose foreskin
can safely say this has not once happened to me
Too late, you're married now. You have to keep him, we don't tolerate divorce around these parts.
So constitutes being married for life? Hand holding? declaring bfness even if over the internet and separated by thousands of miles?
I'd say once you have sex and broke their boy hymen with a "you broke it you bought it" policy
>tfw no arranged marriage bf with whom you'd slowly fall in love and die old together and happy
so you'd be okay with a bf that kissed and gave BJs to other men before you? Personally I think the 'married' tag applies at first lewding of any sort.
I'd never be with a boy that wasn't a virgin and if a boy ever had sex with someone that was black or brown i'd be too grossed out to even touch them
At what point do you consider a boy not a virgin? Anal? BJ, other lewd actions. What about just kissing other guys before you?
what if i was kiss-raped in 6th grade? can i still have a bf?
I would be okay with that but you wouldn't be allowed to wear white at the wedding.
Anything more than a kiss and it's over
plumber finished in like 30mins that was easy for once
I hate you psychopathic freaks
I'd love these psychopathic freaks if just one of them would have sex with me
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i was on a boat today.
the captain was really cute. i wanted to ask him out but i couldn't. he was busy talking to other guests at the helm and i didn't have time to talk to him.

every time i picture myself talking about my feelings to a guy i get really freaked out. maybe because i'm not used to the idea of being in love with a man, or because i'm not used to the idea of being in love.

he spends most of his time away from land too. seems to actively dislike the land. so do i. i hate it here. but he has his crew. he seemed so happy. i'd just ruin everything.

no matter how many fantasy scenarios i imagine i can never think of one where i don't hate myself.
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this wasn't built for me.
not even i would date me
i stalked him and found his email and phone number. should i contact him?
maybe you can try being better
wouldn't be r9gay without our crazy boys.
getting real bored of this story outline desu
i would if i knew how
stop fapping to brad's asshole, you can eat food instead
Does this faggot want to fuck every single guy he comes in contact with? How creepy is it to get crushes on people you don't even know?
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Is wearing a Hawaiian shirt a red flag and or just not good fashion wise? Have my peers been lying
to me about them looking good?
only on the beach, hawaiian shirts elsewhere scream middle age guy on vacation.
If you like it then wear it. Fashion is so gay and not in a good way. No one can ever decide what looks good and what looks bad. Theres a reason why everyone on /fa/ is a miserable person.
I slept 8 hours last night, took a 3 hour nap today and I'm still so fucking tired. Caffeine doesn't help either.
depends on the print, fit and setting

the problem with fa is 1) they think deciding on good and bad is the point and 3) they think theres some way for out of shape ppl with no confidence to look good in clothes
I'm jealous that my crush found someone now despite it being good for him because I miss talking to him often and I'm depressed about what it could've been
what looks good on a person also depends on the person. 3ds is going to look cute almost no matter what while story is always going to look like an ogre even if he wears the most /fa/ clothes he can get to fit him.
And another thing. What is the problem with looking old. People use this as like some sort of death blow towards outfits.
>errrm but you'll look... le older!!
like okay? Young people dress like shit. Have you ever seen how young people dress? Fuck its normalize for zoomers to wear pajama pants in public.
post the storyanon pics
Ya I normally just wear them cuse I like them but I
also not trying to look like an unapproachable creepshow either. Idk was thinking of trying a more street look to the function (club).
Just some floral prints and my most wild one being 1 with tigers on it. The setting is a gay bar.
if i'm so cute then why don't guys talk to me
completely fucking wrong and if anyone thinks this is true of themselves i will take you shopping and make you cute for under thirty bucks if you live within two hours of nyc
my best shirt like that has winged dragon guardian of the fortress #2 on it
no that too is a millennial thing...but its cute when we do it. wearing crocs with them is the zoomer innovation.
zoomers are the true forgotten generation
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Just why in the fuck did you decide to get a shirt like that with winged dragon guardian of the fortress #2 on it? I forgot this was even a Yu-Gi-Oh card that exists on this planet. I would get a blue eyes one or an ancient gear dragon one.
oh and yeah crocs
i cannot believe people actually wear crocs
even ten years people thought they were stupid
is it really too hard to fucking tie ur shoes now?
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I like the crocs with the fuzzy lining in em. I know
how to tie my shoes but crocs are more comfy and
are a hybrid between a shoe and a flip flop. They
certainly look retarded but their not for fashion.
i also have one with slifer the sky dragon but i have to be really skinny to wear it. i had a dark magician one too but i sold it to a guy in switzerland with a name like a medieval sorcerer for 100 dollars.
fashion is everything you do at any moment anyone is looking at you. there is no "opting out" by "not trying." you don't have to care, but you can't care only sometimes.
Damn Slifer would look badass and so would dark
magicain. Why did you sell it? You musta be desperate for money.
If I am just gonna go hang out with my friends I am not gonna go outta my way to dress nice. They the only 2 who gonna see me.
my new shoes are really tight width wise and hurt my feet terribly when I wear them but I paid 40 bucks for them so I'm stuck with them. uhhh.
there is this faggot on vg that starts arguing with me every time he notices it's ME posting but DEEP DOWN we both love each other
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i'm going to write the captain an email.
i don't know how much time he spends on land but he told me very specifically where he lives (for some reason?????) and it's pretty close to my home. first i just need to find an excuse to write him an email so i don't seem creepy.
why did you tell us instead of /vg/
because then he would know???
he sounds like a bitch let me talk to him
get a new shtick ive read this one already
i literally do not know how to converse with human beings normally give me a fucking break
then shut the fuck up
no fuck you nigger i am going to keep voidscreaming about my shitty life
What kind of captain is he? Is he the captain of a cruise ship or what?
just a boat big enough for a couple of people to comfortably live on. he said longest he spent on sea was 3 months. not gonna say too much.
offer to be his at sea cumdump.
i know what i'm gonna tell him. i'm gonna say i have more questions that i didn't have time to ask at the time and wanna know if he can meet since he "lives" near me and it won't be creepy because it's technically the truth. i'm a genius!!!!
they were serving coffee when we boarded and i wanted to play "sailing with the coffee pirates" on my ocarina but i left it at home
3ds moving on quickly from the Ukrainian guy I see. Also how did you get on a boat if you're so poor 3ds?
All sailors are gay and when he's at sea away from the wife he could probably use the company even if it is boy pussy
he never mentioned a wife or a husband or a boyfriend. i imagine he probably got intimate with one or more of his crew members.
i was invited.
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i lost my umbrella bag and almost got beat by a hobo on the bus whom i was trying to help
how u dress around your friends is literally the entire point of fashion llmao what? who cares abt anyone else? backwards fucker. fashion is not some "front" you put up to the rest of the world according to some set of external rules. it is how you express yourself earnestly...

and believe it or not i have so many damn clothes that thats the kind of cut i have to make to get any space...philosophically im trying only to have things that are honest, and dark magician wouldnt be cause i never really liked him. should sell slifer too cause i never felt that strongly. its not my personal old stuff, i went on a lil ebay binge a few yrs ago for it. and if some dark magician lover wants to pay 100 whole bucks why should i keep him from his desires. and what do i need 2 yugioh shirts for. winged dragon guardian of the fortress #2 i actually like and its a subtler design without a blaring logo so hes the best one for me.
>tfw you will never be the object of one of 3ds' crushes.

Anyway wish you luck with sailorboy.
I have 2 friends and they are dating each other. They could care less how I dress.
Fair enough I get having so many shirts that ya gotta get rid of some. I got rid of 14 shirts in the spring time. Also I would want a whole Yu-Gi-Oh collection of button ups for how I feeling. Maybe sometimes I'm feeling more Blue Eyes then Slifer ya know????
they. they. they. they. YOU. u should care abt u dress, for urself. in any case i also have an *ultimate* blue eyes white dragon tshirt, a yami yugi mesh tank and a pharaoh yugi muscle tank.
I never felt comfortable wearing shirts with graphics on them, always sold color or striped shirts for me.
>*ultimate* blue eyes white dragon tshirt, a yami yugi mesh tank and a pharaoh yugi muscle tank
holy fuck what a faggot you are

the "zomg I'm such a cutesy nerd twink" only works on fat egirls stop being gay please
it's okay i've never been the object of anyone's crushes.
also i wore a hawaiian shirt today. i thought i'd look cute. hawaiian shirts are cool.
it's outdated. it was like 2018-2020 normie reddit fashion.
How old is he if he's the captain of a ship? Aren't those dudes usually pretty old?
he's in his 30s. fairly young for a captain
gonna p-rank war and don't make a sound now brb
And you're fine with your first time being with a guy who is over 10 years older than you?
youre not listening. i exist for myself first.
its 1950s fashion...
that's what he would get if he went on grindr, besides older guys can be hot.
why would that be an issue
3ds is an interesting creature because he complains about rich people so much and how much he hates the white elite in his city and yet anytime there's a story of him interacting with other people... its within these rich spaces
Hail and good morning r9gay, come home!
eazy is his name and the boy is coming... home
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i bough something im afraid to try on
this thread has a lot of recurrences. how are you guys entertained by this stale shite
there are 0 (zero) spaces for cute based poor people to hang out and meet
maybe i shouldn't email the captain
ask him to show you how to tie a dragon bouline
also i always go to those places for free so i have no clue why the only people i see there are rich snobs
How do you manage to fall for someone you don't even know
They have no idea of what really falling for someone feels like. It's like the guys stuck inside the cave. They survive from the illusion, the shadows of reality
next will be everyone has to talk to me edition
its called a crush stiff sack
i haven't fallen for anyone it's just a small crush i'm not obsessing over him i'm obsessing over myself because i'm socially retarded
Isn't that what you do? Let's not get bold.
>I can leave whenever I want and when I return the same retards are still suffering daily
okay i won't ask to meet him just a lil followup email and if he wants to meet then it's his idea

kinda doubting i even want to see him. he might be too much of a normalfag. or maybe not since he spends so much time away from society. i don't know.
this is paradise
Include a picture of your ass with the email and see how he responds
also i s-ranked don't make a sound. choked on the cheese monster secret. war is next then coming back to this.
ugglahh nigga
Wowwe the music at the club be boppin tonight bitches
now youre not even talking...
id stop recurring if someone punished me
let me see the blue eyed dragon shirt actually I'm curious
wat does this mean
ok a small crush is like longing looks and being shy and overly friendly around him, not considering emailing him and like asking him out and stuff which is what i remember you saying earlier but i could be wrong
are you a girl?
(my new gf)
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havent unwrapt it yet cause of its power

i membered wrong its actually just *the* ultimate blue eyes tshirt. still.
Please join, the new threda: >>78889003
due to the nature of my existence i can only see every guy once in my life and have to decide to ask them out during that moment or never talk to them again. i'm a poor NEET with no hobbies. there are aren't any spaces i'm regularly at where i see the same people.
use ur eyes lol?
i can't i'm using an image to text converter
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awooga awooga AROOOO vgh anon I'm sure it'll look amazing on you
more teasing by the cute twinks/femboys I'll never have a chance with.
lord forbid gay faggots exist on the internet without triggering your "I'm so lonely I'm so unloveable" shit dude
how do you know he is cute if you havent seen his face
nta but high iq autistic deduction skills combined with high iq bpdemon experience
those hands can't belong to anyone not cute. They look so small and soft, I want to hold them.
What if those hands belong to a ftm tranny?
ftm trannies are cute
What would be even cuter is if they committed suicide along with you
that would still be cute but not "even cuter"
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just say head or gtfo
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typical r9gay
ppl saying certain things did need to see it and im not sorry. ppl and their accusations.
this does not look cute
explain yourself
its a quarter of a dickpic don't be prejudgemental

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