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narcissist gf edition
what happened to helper
He and Craig Cloutier have formed a support group for men who struggle to maintain erections.
banned for spackering too hard
Done in for noncery
WouId you accept a virgin living in a spacker home as your leader?
will be going to bed in 50 as i have to work early tomorrow
i'd assume he has some kind of mad Wizard of Oz autism savant powers, like he's controlling governments from his laptop.

"gonna start a revolution from my bed"
- Blur
>- Blur
i dont think that is blur lad
wonder if ruthmong will ever experience love
Would you accept a virgin jewish carpenter as your god?
Ruthlad and Scottish lass are meant to be
do you have proof of this?
He'll never even experience a sturdy pair of boots, let alone love.
misconception. nothing in the Bible says he was celibate.
everyone was jewish at the time, so this is like saying "a white Anglo-Saxon serf".
honest trade, nothing wrong with it.
Vile slug of a man.
I'm not Ruthlad, just a fan of him.
'abstinence' is such a mad concept, if you think about it.
the typical Briton is not 'abstaining' from heroin, are they? but you're not having sex, how have you been finding that? bit of a challenge? is it like staying off the drink?
are you going to spend the rest of your days posting in this thread all day?
do you have any better ideas?
sadly i think ill outlive this thread
with all this 'Pass' stuff i feel like 4chan could be in its death throes.

so no, will move on to some similar board.
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All wagies are like that
Cat update?
Everybody in Sunderland knows that HHL doesnt really have autism but they are all afraid to say anything because he comes from a powerful family.
U will read my leddit reposts and you'll enjoy it
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I wonder what's going on in the second city right now
Aye she's OK I let her outside today. Few tiles fell off the roof last night. Fink some1 died from that in the news. I've been asleep most of time tho.
mental how many people are fat and how normal it has become
That's true. A well-meaning social worker spoke up about it once and disappeared in mysterious circumstances. Apparently her body is buried up at Herrington Country Park but no one is going looking for it.
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What second city
Well I didn't want to mention it lad but you're right, your mum has really let herself go.
Watching a documentary about poor families in the UK atm
A few of the lads were worried your cat may have blown away in the high winds
Are there any good documentaries about Sunderland?
theres nothing good about sunderland lad
Kingston, Jamaica
i can't begrudge people for going for the cheap/easy options of McDonald's or Greggs, and they are absolutely everywhere now. think it's on the govt/country as a whole to clamp down on that. make sure basic, high quality ingredients are cheap. DON'T do the inverse like 'sugar tax' or 'minimum alcohol unit pricing' that's just making poor people more skint, you fucking ghouls.

but personally yeah i find it much easier to undereat than overeat. i imagine that's different once you get hooked on this stuff.
>dude I have this debilitating disability but if I try really hard I can just pretend not to have it and act like a normal person for eight hours and no one ever notices. But I'm still autistic because uhhh I have to go home and watch anime to "recharge" afterwards
couldn't give a fuck if these larping idiots no longer get free jobs at the expense of actual autistics
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I swear when he sees the garden he'll find some way 2 blame an act of God on me somehow. Oh well
Its mostly blown over now I fink
Why does HHL live in a care home?
the Blue Monkey documentaries are on YouTube. people go on about car factories, but they fail to understand Sunderland's CULTURAL importance in the rave scene.
I dont believe it. I think its a fake. Probably has a council flat. Is there any proof of it?
It is not a 'care home' it is a live-in rehabilitation centre for sex offenders
Going to town with me mam tomorrow. Corr gunna have McDonalds lads. Its gunna be lush. And I mean lush.
i 100% get 'covering up' some disability like if you have nervous tics and you have to restrain yourself and hide it, yeah that's going to be exhausting.

but they talk about effectively becoming different people. like mate, either just don't do that, or accept that because you can, you could go be the world's best actor? you're 'faking' 'being normal', Anthony Hopkins has nothing on you.
If this isn't b lad I'll eat my hat
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>What second city

Kek, good guess lad
Its all in the archives pal
I'm a busy man, I don't have time to search the lorechives
Busy with what exactly?
It's easier to keep a closer eye on someone like HHL in a controlled environment like that
he's too busy maintaining the archives.
Tim is fully back into the swing of posting the same thing over and over again. Sadly, in this era it's from him in hospital
in bed now, lights out in 5
Put it this way lad. There's no children in a care home. You can draw your own conclusions for why they put him in a place like that.
;_; where did they take his kids?
>HHL is set on living that sprog-free life
Aye, grim ain't it. Our only purpose on this earth is to reproduce
really fancy some chips
my purpose on this earth is to post dank memes
SSM scammed a 2TB hard drive from PayPal, and it's lush
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shout out uk drinkers those on it tonight
10 days no Wops
Quite the opposite actually. He's mentioned often wanting a sprog
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>Our only purpose on this earth is to reproduce
I think that was just to shut Shippy up from asking
The bedrotgrind continues after today's relapse of wooze and wrugs. Managed to eat some cheese on toast. Fresh start tomorrow.
I very nearly attached that image too
low key want to shag wops
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>I very nearly attached that image
I personally wouldn't be up for that. She's unattractive both physically and in her personality.
My life is pretty good tho all things considered. Just needs a few wee changes nd we're gucci
This read like a HHL post if it was copyedited
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>violently shaking his nu hard drive
The mind boggles
Haha. Looks like your not eating you hat today lad.
been seeing a lot more mixed race couples on tv ads the past few years
you'd think 'old school' Labour supporters would go for the Greens or something, even if they're not into electricity. yet they're all into this Trump bloke in America, still.
it called hard for a reason
The jooz onna mad one past few years
i don't think it's racist to have physical preferences with dating, like would you get bent out of shape if a black woman said she was looking for a black man?

that said i'd date 'outside' my race with a few exceptions. so to that end i've no right to feel any sort of being bothered by made-up people on the telly.
I like those seagate drives. They've been quite reliable for me.
The Seagate portable drives can be shucked too, unlike portable WD drives
It's been that says for decades now. Always wfbm too apart from IKEA
Thouvht it was a misunderstanding that ppl can get kn pip for self diagnosing but I read something that it's real. Quite shocked. So all that effort I put in getting lazy doctors 2 do their job nd theres ppl just making up any old shite on the fly. Its kind of the story of my life doing things by the book lazytown style while these cowboys just coast by. Am finking we need a big time clamp down on these ILLEGAL dossers so that the good ones that went by the legal route such as moi dont get disincriminated by the same paint brush am I right or am I right fellow wagies?
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Fucking lol. Based IKEA are STILL at it

I mena getting doctors to send their wee notes and all that when half these mongs don't eben bother nd they still get it. That's blown my mind. Theres always someone lazier than you.
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You sound like my dad kek
sounds like you gotta step yo game up
So howcime cosmic kitty ain't got pip. She can self diagnose as obese live streamer. Something really unnerving on a genetic level about a woman desperate 4 bennjes. U should be scamming a man for beta bux nd scamming for child support for your sprogs as a woman not pip for ur made up disease. Proper basket case spinster behaviour
Blonde grimace ahh bitch
I thought she was on PIP. She certainly doesn't work
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IKEA furniture is absolutely shit but almost feel like I should get some out of brand loyalty
>taking screenshots of children
they're sound basics, pretty affordable too. furniture charity shops are not 'charity shop prices' any more, for second hand tables and stuff. you can get a flat pack desk for 30 quid that lasts you years.

now try getting similar stuff off Amazon from FREAGR or LIVFURN or these other gibberish same-product Chinese companies. you will appreciate what 'absolutely shit' furniture actually is.
I mena a grown woman sprogless near menopause,terminal spinster,desperate for the state 2 pay for her I repeat,not for her and her sprogs,JUST her. It's creepy on a primal level. If u don't get it dont worry. Even my psycho dosser aunty managed to get a husband at least after living with my granny until she was 32 no sprogs but she would be even more grim w/o the husband even tho he's kind of a mong too. Some stephen King Misery type shit
I'm proud to say I have one of the most bean shaped heads in the entire beanmaxxing community
Shippy why are you no longer on discord?
Oh look the nice poster is being nasty again.
It's weird how cosmic kitty's name is...helen
I prefer it here. There's much more strong, masculine energy in the thread. I just like being around men in their prime.
similar to 'elen
isn't LazyTown's whole premise about healthy eating and an active lifestyle? i only watched the first few episodes but i got the premise.

why is there an upbeat song about cooking a cake properly? does the Dick Dastardly guy get everyone in the town into cakes? shouldn't it be like, "here's how to steam broccoli"? why are they encouraging kids to bake?
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Bet SSM shagged Cosmic too
need the energy to go fast lid
Tried to get an advertising gig with IKEA but they said they didn't like the cut of my jib

Their loss, all my adverts feature white men in a positive masculine role
the main hero guy (who should know better) eats apples to go fast. apples are nutritionally poor and only good because they have delicious sugar in them.

it was wrong then and it's wrong today.
t. Robbie Rotten
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Just eternally running down the clock these days
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If dubs the red telephone goes off within a week, if trips it goes off today
Tried to get a ropemaking job on a pirate ship. They said sorry matey, you're just not what we're looking for.

So I asked, what, you didn't like the cut of my jib? And they had a good laugh and suggested I go into advertising.
Timothy James Byrne is my kindred spirit and l nothing will ever change that. Makes me wonder how much SCEA knew the score
Me and SCEA are half brothers biologically
what actually happened to tim? had a quick browse of his twitter earlier and it looked like he had a tumour on his face but he's been doing rehab too?
nah don't agree with that guy either. it's not one of those cases where the villain "has a point", it's that the hero doesn't.

like i can only assume in context the Amy the Hedgehog girl has been tricked by him and Sportacus has to get them off the cakes and back on to apples. "don't worry, kids, this is fructose not sucrose!" he cackles, probably backed by Big Apple.
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The reason I will never see my sprog is because that would be something sometimes happening, and the first rule of Chuds law of happenings is 'nothing ever happens'
kids are thick. like your dad forcing you to drink a glass of whisky when you're 12 so you stick to beer/cider, make the 'sweet shop kids' have a whole bag of sugar. still going to give into peer pressure after that? or would you like banana + nuts muesli for breakfast?
It's a mystery. That lump was almost certainly cancer, but why he'd be doing rehab is a mystery. He suggested a fall, but as if it happened afterwards (rushing to walk too soon)

Tim is a goldmine of /deepfeel/ waiting to be discovered one day
but the chuds told me it was happening with Ron Paul.

i still don't even understand who Ron Paul is. tbqh i've forgotten the name of the lady who was running against Trump. do you know the name of the current Lib Dem leader, without looking it up? no.
can you get checked for brain tumours if you're unemployed?
I think it's Ed Davey, only because he is a down syndrome tier mong who would do literally anything to make himself relevant and make people remember his name. Can't remember any Lib Dem leader between him and Charles Kennedy though
God getting an escort is such a nuisance. Half of them are scams (yeah check ukpunting first) and 75% of the legit ones only work business hours
might make a butty
>and 75% of the legit ones only work business hours
might have chips and rice inside bread.
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Wonder what would have happened if I took that lady of the night up on her offer in Tottenham last year. I know going back to unvetted street workers places is incredibly risky. But she was so alluring it almost seemed worth a punt
Reorganizing/redecorating my games room and I immediately regretted it as soon as I started. Boxes everywhere, trunking and wires hanging from the walls and a massive task I don't want to do.
>75% of the legit ones only work business hours
couldnt believe this when i first started going on adultwork desu
Loli loev cake
Everything back to normal soon but the damage is done
I'll be really jaded if I die on some mundane day in the 2030s or 2040s and nothing had happened between now and then to make it worth the wait
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Booking an escort and getting a stuck up old bint like Belle would be dreadful. Would put me off for life
Just haven't got the energy to post drivel. This really is the end
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>that expression
did he know??
moderating an internet forum should be a privilege: it's not 'work' (lol 'for free'!!!1 go away)

to this day both Something Awful and Reddit have employed actual predators despite being staunchly 'right on' websites nowadays. yet if you go to buy Reddit Coins or an SA account i'll bet my 4chan Pass it doesn't inform you that, historically, that money has funded paedophiles. however, they aim to do better, it's a learning process, charity,...etc etc.
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Of course he did
constipated again, even drinking shit loads of coffee isnt helping
Lay off the opioids
you drink water? gotta stay hydrated
you need fibre. and yeah stick to two tramadols a day with every third day off. keeps your tolerance in check and you forget what 'normal' pooing is like even if you have a low-calorie/balanced/high-fibre diet.
do yous ever act out daft little scenes in your head (or out loud if you live alone) when doing mundane things?

e.g. you're putting together a butty but you're not, are you, it's the lady at the sandwich shop doing it and you'd like a tomato sauce butty today, please.

(not talking about furry RP type stuff, or those improv theatre kid types, more like mental masturbation)
Is Lemmiwinks the funniest thing South Parn ever did?
if you got someone in a headlock at school and called them names because they had to wear glasses and that wasn't their fault (or something they chose) and they said "yeah, well, at least my mum's still alive"
then 20 years later i suspect i might have autism, was it OK for me to say that? (the headlock thing came first.)
tree fiddy was
mr slave carried lemmiwinks both physically and metaphorically
World of Warcraft episode. tried explaining this on /tv/ earlier. there wasn't a pressure for things to actually 'be good' then, we enjoyed stuff like Twin Peaks, the Star Wars prequels and Lost. Cartman saying 'pwned' on actual television was the inverse of a famous TikTok star talking about Strictly Come Dancing today.
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At least my mammy alive aaahahaaua get it up ye man
Based nd below the belt pilled its just a fact that 4 eyed lads like us learn to use our brain over brawn that's from reading too much which cause the aforementioned 4 eyedshire condition in the 1st place
Finking how different my life would be w a sprog, think it would suit me more than civilian life I think it would be just like yotsuba "can u repeat that for the record"[divorce lawyer] I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE JUST LIKE YOTSUBA

How's **** doing these days?
I have been denied a zprog
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>I have been denied a zprog
It not right lad
The actual state of some of my family hd they all managed procreation when I can't walk 2 the shops w/o a melty
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the hour draws late on the quiet storm here on feelshire FM. Frenless in feelshire is lamenting a lost love, this one goes out to you fren
i feel diseased i.e., if my sperm infected an egg, it would not be creating a baby worth protecting and raising. more like a parasite that a woman would have to support, then society would have to put up with for decades.

not one of these cunts who just outright hates children, children are actually pretty sweet and have no irony or postmodernism in their brains. but MY children specifically wouldn't even qualify.

i think this is some kind of instinct like how science has proven recently you can tell when someone is ill. (science had to prove this. you think you were better than science?)
do ur sisters have sprogs?
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Dont know cus I shot off a few msgs when I was steaming last week nd got left on read. Her new life has no room for me.
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next door blasting music and retard teen screaming and shouting at fifa again
i have the right to quiet enjoyment of my home.
that doesn't mean i have to respect your right to quiet enjoyment of YOUR home.
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>shot off a few msgs
about how you miss her?
I reckon thats going to be one of the major changes when it comes to labours Bennie reforms. Cant have hundreds of thousands of people making up illnesses. If you dont have the papers you dont get the bennies simple as.
but if you have sensory issues, and i'm just saying this because we're /britfeel/ mates, call the council environment services and report it as noise pollution. if that teenager is stomping around, say it sounds like they could be doing some building works because it's unusual for there to be that much banging and slamming at these hours.
Certified spastic documented spsstic
What if u had down syndrome but nobody noticed. Never got diagnosed. 99% pip addeptance down the drain
They just thouvht you're half Chinese or something
the other side of the coin here is that the NHS is struggling. every diagnosis i got was 10+ years ago, physical or mental, took months and was very involved.

i know people who aren't diagnosed as depressed because they never even saw a mental health professional. but they DID see a GP who carried out a mental state examination, decided they have low mood, and gave them a script for SSRIs.

if you went for a proper adult autism assessment and it took 2+ years of intelligence testing, role play exercises, family history, all that stuff, and you were so desperate for PIP you 'faked' the whole thing by, i dunno, just speaking monotone, the boffins would catch you out.
Nothing better than being alone with other total fucking losers on here on a Saturday night ;-;
Fink ive known a few "undercovers" in my time desu
>A touch of downs.
I think my brother has some form of learning difficulty. He doesnt want to admit it though. Mum said once you might be autistic and he went ballistic.
Le sprog sans chromatique
"i know it when i see it", but isn't this one they could test for physically?

you get those para parents who send off for proper gene testing, comes back they have a 56% chance of passing on some defective gene. yet we can't just take a DNA sample and see if a living, non-hypothetical person ACTUALLY has the autism gene(s), or some reliable indicators? lolwut.
Another wasted weekend
I got tested in feb last year. For both autism and ADHD The whole process took about a year for both. Got seen to quickly, Ive heard other mongs it took them years and years to get a diagnosis. I must have been lucky. Is that a bad thing that it all happened so quickly?
I agree that was a great episode. The one where Cartman goes into the Special Olympics is top as well.
it's of no benefit to you if you're young, especially a kid. like it's social suicide to be put in some special needs class. i believe kids are better now if, say, some kid is gay: bully him for that, the other teens would consider YOU the arsehole. but can that ever change if you're mildly autistic?
there's picking on someone in a wheelchair, then there's picking on someone who walks funny who could reasonably fight you back. (uh actually they could have a spinal condition... - no teenager's brain).
i hear this and that a lot of it is over the internet by private companies and honestly that just worries me. like how reliable can that feasibly be? don't they have an incentive to give a positive or negative diagnosis? (imagine if your cancer company was contracted, then never found cancer in anyone. you wouldn't be thinking "oh thank goodness everyone is cancer-free" you'd be thinking "oh fuck, my business.")

how many hours of contact with an actual psychiatrist (the job of diagnosing mental conditions) would you say you had over that year?
Quite a lot. Multiple hour long appointments. With licensed psychiatrists Are you telling me my diagnosis is fake? And they did It just to make a quick buck?
My big sister ADHD but still extroverted as nd a few sperg uncles that were all just like me ultimately unemployed nd alcoholic actually 1 died from cirrhosis but he still had a sprog first. But then some are turbo normalfags. I mind my uncle F used to walk over 2 my granny's house nd just sit in tbe living room with her smoking roll ups in total silence I don't remember hearing him speak more than few sentences on any given day. Which was his mammy. But he worked in intelligence during the cold war then became a recluse. A few ppl like that nd then some turbo normalfags. I miss those old days some relatable ppl in my orbit but the good ones left too soon. Am just carrying that torch now I guess on my lonesome
Huff n puff n blow ur wee hoose down laddy
Done in by a tile
Do you talk with your mammy and ask about her day?
49 years of strife nd ur done in by a tile
nah no worries, that sounds fine. appreciate my question was a bit leading/assumptive, your diagnosis is real or the best you could get at (current time).

but like that Panorama special about ADHD diagnoses, where it's all Zoom calls and questionnaires... something off about it. if i can just fill a survey myself like it's a MySpace quiz, then what's the point? i want a GP to use a combination of their book smarts, lived-in experience, and best judgement to arrive at a conclusion. i can just hoard antibiotics if the internet says i MIGHT have an infection.
>Emergency services had rushed to East Road in Irvine at around 10.10am on Friday after receiving reports of an unresponsive 49-year-old man
Yez I know all the workplace goss
>A 49-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene. STV News understands that the man was not struck by any debris caused by Storm Eowyn.

Remember when that boomer got decapitated on NYE and the party goes were kicking the head around like a football. Morbid and grim but it was funny.
I was a little lad watching evangelion on my waptop on a mattress on the floor when we 1st moved here. Now am a less little lad I've got my own bed
the problem with that logic you can apply that to most business. It's fine to be paranoid but keep under <50%
>Now am a less little lad

crossgender arc? crosslass?
But when I was 18 I already looked back on life like a old man that got tired of living. A few of us arent here on our first cycle rhars all I'll say.
Seen the vaccine took a fair few roofs off last night
it's mad how they are STILL making new Pokemon.

Pokemon 2 on the Game Boy Color had this really specific tone i liked. i don't know. you played it at night, the game was at night, it felt more sombre. but nobody cares about the owls at the start any more than they cared about Weedles. at that point nobody knew all the monsters, so they were done. they should have added maybe 10-20 each game, some kind of special ones. nobody would miss the owl, nobody would care if it didn't add a water-horse.
Am actually seething that they spiked my mum w/ that vax 4 goyvid 19 nd I suspect my aunty *** too but I can't prove that. Byt if anything happens from now on the holy war is on
Final fantasy 7 redditbirth brought 2 you by pfizerslop 19 EA sports its in the game as the big man said youtube is just a game isn't it?
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The last of Slop
Goy of slop redditnarok
Marvels slopman
Demons Slop
Reddit and Slop
Astro slop
Silent Troon 2
There's ur ps5 exclusives wee man. Any I forgot
"are you upset at this Pokemon because it's based on a Japanese fashion trend you've researched?"
"no i'm upset because in American culture it WOULD look like blackface."

"are you upset at this Pokemon using your name because it's a devil with devil symbols and you're a practising Jew?"
"no i'm upset because i own the RIGHTS to pretending to be magic in order to bend spoons." (???)

i wish they'd just removed these. then it would set the precedent for getting rid of old monsters. nobody likes the crab, you can just throw it in the bin along with the bird.
Youtube is only a game
Elen only a game
It's only a game
I have been denied my birth righ4 of a sprog. Why? They rhunk my pp doesn't work or something,? Trust me it does
Free Jynx x
I bet crosslad is hung like a horse. He's got that big D energy
Plus it was ALWAYS spelled onix not w/ a Y and pikachu never had a black mark on his tail I know irs true bc the nice man from CERN says so
Corinthians 13:11 says I can't play pokemon yellow on the bus anymore
>tfw still have my original gameboy and copy of pokemon blue from the mid 1990s
think it actually still has an old savegame on there aswell, it did last time i looked on there a few years ago
Why does d*llycel disappear after start of the year? Last year same. He works on an oil rig I fink. D*llycel is shoot over with me as a heel
crossy, would you take hhl's virginity?
Naw he deserves better than that
top five CREEPY facts about Pokemon! did you know that Balloongeist actually floats using the souls of children who died in the woods? no? well, maybe it's creepy because it's the Mandela effect, i swear Balloongeist was real in MY universe.

up next, top WEIRD Ghostbusters trivia. everyone knows that Janine wasn't actually a sassy secretary, her harsh edge was all an illusion created by ghosts. just because this wasn't "in the film" doesn't mean it wasn't part of official franchise content.
Might buy Pokemon stadium when I next get paid lads. I will have to spend all month training the good ones to level 100 just to 100% the game.
not joshing you pals - Real Ghostbusters episode "Janine's New Look" or whatever it was called. American telly execs decided they couldn't have dry humour because kids needed to see this woman just be nice and in love with Egon, she couldn't be sarcastic or dislike her job. which meant redesigning her appearance, new voice actress, whole episode dedicated to changing her. like Dr Who regenerating instead of just changing actor.

not saying i get mad at children's programmes, but where was the outcry then? is it not "woke" that they did this? if it was "woke", we'd all know about it.
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Lets be serious I went "lets be serious" no U be serious she says am laughing
any of you cunts like gambling? im thinking of taking up gambling
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Lockdown vibes back on the menu
"where did Granddad go? who is this Uncle Albert character?"
- all of us at primary school, unable to continue with the curriculum.
would go out in that, it just sucks that if anyone sees you they 1. know you're a nutter and/or 2. are a nutter themselves.

wandering around empty high streets with that choon from the 28 Days Later OST was an experience i'll never have again. VR, maybe?
***** loved house of frasers am finking I don't eben know fraser nd am in his hoose ***** loved john lewis nd all the finer things in life my little sprog would've had a good life but it weren't to be
I guess my seed condemned 2 a lifetime of melancholy like all the ones before me
liminal and comfy
Oh aye when i was lying on the grass sniffing krtamine outside thingys house that didn't answer the door i tried ringing ***** several times nd it eas about 6 in the morning. That was like June nd the weird day she turned up out of nowhere was september or sth I'd wonder if the 2 events were related she left me alone staring @ the moon my old home. Pondering about life
spaff then beddington for me
No wonder my wee sis took the huff with me that year but I straightened it out in the end. Went on a mad one slashing myself nd now mum treats me like a retard years on even though I was just having a wobble
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Let's tan this nd go to sleep before I get rly melancholic
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Could every1 stop getting shot x
Ms mc* thought I was retarded as a work but it was a shoot the whole time
I am the 85% x
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Quite liminal x
in 1968, The Beatles ended the 'walrus mystery' once and for all - or did they? in this six-part docutainment series, i will be using other people's footage and research to explore one of the oldest mysteries: how can i get money into my bank account with minimum effort?
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the walrus was paul
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I was a little lad in this room when bloodborne came out 10 yr ago. Now am a less little lad. I remember a lot of games came nd went. Dark souls 2 dragons crown cod advanced warfare which I believe was truly underrated I like that type of Halo/titanfall FPS. The 1 wih Kevin spacey in the cutscenes. GTA 5. A lot of times came nd went yet am still in the same room doing my thing. Well am a homebody.
A lot of ppl would love if I dropped dead tomoro lmao nd thats why am still here. Too bad
I remember how seething they were when I was doing well nd I remember how smug they were when I was doing less well. Its all a game. Ive got them all cornered. Who stood by me. Not them. Now you've showed me how u really feel the holy war is back on. This world is a fucking game to me. Lmao. It's always been a fufking game to me. But I take that betrayal serious. They'll learn aboit that.
When were you ever "doing well"? Lol. You had some shit low paid office job. Is that doing well to you?
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Had a lot of dreams in this box room
Sucking on mummy's toes..
Oh wait, wrong general
Why are all of these freaks into the same weird fetishes?
more than twice the time passed between Half-Life and Half-Life 2 than passed during The Beatles' entire 'core' discography.

mad how you can look at a whole 'era' and in real life it was the same years as Covid to now. i have to keep reminding myself World War II was only 6 years: i envision it as though it was 20 years or something.
58 posts. grim
everyone is in to bums now, to the point it's not even a 'fetish'. i remember wondering what was going on with all these rap songs, like are you just admitting you're into buttocks? is that not a bit embarrassing, like casually admitting you want to become a serial killer: everyone does, right? it's normal? no i'm not doing a character, my lyrics are relatable to everyone.

now lads are posting bums in these very threads and i don't think they're from the entertainment or porn industries. i think over the past few decades it's just become normal.

so we're all into feet, and fat people, and having our ears tickled with feathers, yeah? i don't know why i'm asking something that's the same as "do you like bread" haha it's so ridiculous.
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Thats our crossy.
compensating for hhl's absence. it's quite alrite
i have almost half that, am i gr? im?

going to have an iced latte now and stay up the night. recently discovered this is why the downstairs neighbours bang on the wall - thought i was just getting superstitious.

hey neighbours, have you considered the following: if i am making a loud noise while you're trying to sleep at night, you're making loud noises all fucking day? like literally all day. from 7am to 10pm. sorry if i woke you! i wish i could GET TO SLEEP but haha yeah i'm sure that must be awful, sorry to hear that guys.
crossy's nostalgiaposting is why i come here
oh important context i accidentally:

the iced latte requires blending ice in a blender. fortunately i can hear them slamming doors so maybe they're up 'for Saturday night'. i could be whizzing up cocktails for my guests, couldn't i?

will lets you know if i get a passive aggressive BANGBANGBANG. they've never left a note, but i know this is why they're doing it.
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any uk drinkers still going?
Like my nigga wnkyld said we love feet here. Fraid so fraid so.
love him to bits but i have to question if you'd feel the same way if he wasn't famous. i think even with tripcodes we should go by the content of messages rather than who said them.

e.g. i was the first person at my school to successfully get two of those alien eggs from the newsagents to breed in the same egg and make a baby alien. nowadays everyone knows someone who did this, but to me it's still a special memory. could you even pretend it's interesting to you? i doubt it tbqh.
Crossy are you a rangers lad or a Celtic lad?

Mak's still going.
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Am holding back tonight thoughever cus am up early tomoro. Lmao if only u knew what was trally on my mind rn.
fwiw the trick was the aliens actually had the little babies in their heads, if you stuffed two in the same egg the rubber would stretch and the seam would open.

it also did not take much effort to snap the arms off a Stretch Armstrong.
49 years grafting nd you got done by a tile
>am up early tomoro
60 years nd a sausage roll paying a pension nd you got done in by a tile
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internet experts have this pure mental idea that because this part of the Switch 2 sticks out, kids will bend/break it.

the GBA SP and all the DS models had a flip-phone type design, on a hinge. you could just snap them in half you're some careless/angry child.

what are these people on about? this is less than that. this is like saying "children can't plug things in".
I love reddit now bc I reverse googled s9me ruthlad posts bc I sensed they were from reddit nd I had to download the app to get aff the minging browser view nd next thing am getting notifications on my phone from /ukjobs/ ironically next thing am.tje top lurker of UK jobs how the other half lives
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what you drinking de lid?
Yeah I guarantee thats going to snap off all the time and cause many units to be returned. Bad design choice.
>Chink in a Celtic kit
dis kilkenny be lush it lush derr liiids
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>will have to buy this shit just for pocket monsters
look at those pins where the controller goes on. won't last a week.

it's just a really bad format for a message board at the end of the day. but to avoid all the horrible web 5.0 bloat stuff, use old.reddit.com or look up 'libreddit instances' which just use open source server magic to give you the 'web site' as a series of 'web pages'.
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>tfw no dui gf
and why has this never applied to any other connector, ever?

this is the one that famously still uses cartridges. every single time you put a cartridge in, it's going in to an embedded clippy thing like this. with the controllers in you're holding the whole unit at once, i'm sure they've accounted for that fact.

hell they used discs for a couple of their consoles and you can just scratch the shit out of those. you don't even need to be a little baby. i do it as an adult all the time. (CeX don't like it.)
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Can they actually have weans? Nit sure if ur joking
that's another internet culture thing that does my tits in.

you NEVER drive drunk, okay anon? do you know how HORRIBLE that is? people could be KILLED. it's so selfish.

(driving a big metal box 60 miles per hour in the first place? that's just part of the world we live in. sober car accidents are just part and parcel of car-having culture.)
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Heineken but I really want gin but ill have that tomoro u?
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A nu day hath dawned

gonna get on some age of empires i think
Done FUCK ALL today other than organise marvel comics on Unlimited, going month by month, year by year and adding what I want to read.
agreed. cunts are talking shit when they could be on a motorbike
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Based. Browsing ukjobs reminds me how grim it must be to be a wagie. Makes me want to die.
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Jelly aliens will jave weans before u. Banter stops.
it was a playground rumour but yeah some of them genuinely had little babies inside. maybe they made these ones to "one up" the other ones. but it actually said on the display boxes "EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL ALIEN EGG! From another world with baby!!" or some weird poor English thing.

a bit like how there was the truck in Pokemon but there wasn't anything under it. just the fact that's there, that's enough for me.
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finishing this cheap shit whisky and then on to the heineken with you my lid
Makes me laff wage mongs crying about their job
i remember when there was a trend in these threads of people passing their CBTs or whatever it's called.

i suspect those people are now zipping around on whatever types of vehicles those allow, probably with their spouse on their back and a sprog in the sidecar, laughing at their '/britfeel/ days'.
Crossy should have some sprogs
Are you autistic lad? X
sounds lush. still no lass me but plenty of bikes
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Few tinnies is it get it down u x
I really want one of those electric scooters. Blacks ride them all the time. Knowing me a white man mine will get seized. Tories was supposed to make them legal in 2022 but nothing came of it.
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It's really hitting me lately that I'm going to be all alone and possibly homeless when my parents die. Even if I get a place I worry I'll be next to some lowlifes that'll make life even worse. I think I'll have to die at that point.
God i love getting up at around this time

Max womfery really

Would be even better if [redacted] of course
i love that reddit /r/antiwork saga where there was a subforum dedicated to being against work (pretty obvious clue there) and then one of the mods did an interview live on Fox News. unkempt trans...woman i think, or non-binary. like trying to keep an open mind because at the end of the day it was just some autistic person who had a strange/alternative lifestyle. they REALLY should have discussed that "as a community" first, but whatever.

of course, "cringe! cringe! it's all cringe!" and suddenly people were realising that this anti-work forum was actually..against work?! whoa slow down there David Graeber, we thought it was just about how 9-5s are a bit rough, we actually love work, we just want our bosses to email us less haha.

what an odd turnaround.
we become stealth campers
As a matter of fact I am. I have gotten very obsessed with this. Added all beginning issues from 1998 (Heroes Return) through to around late 2003. Haven't even begun to navigate 1970 - 1997. However, it's all organised in a way that will make reading flow best between series.
i know some cities have them as a rent thing but teenagers just ride them. you need a provisional licence and an app, then you pay for them by the minute like it's fucking 90s dial-up, and at that point you can just walk. obviously they end up in the middle of paths etc. some company in Sweden doesn't actually care.

but yeah i envy the adults who actually own them, i don't think the police actually care. i'd rather have a Vespa type thing because they at least have a boot (not sure what they're called on bikes). you could get your shopping in.
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This is my fate too. Once my mum dies I will be all alone. Cant bear the thought. I made a promise to God that I wouldnt kill my self if he granted her a long life. Its going to be so difficult to carry on.
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The 1 d*moncord anon loves twisting how I went on holiday to Canada when I was wee as if that's posh when it's bc my mams man at the time was actuakly posh at least back then in the 90s until his husiness went tits up nd my mammy lose her house to boot which was my family house nd then he got stabbed a few yrs ago nd then he had a stroke nd died a few yrs later living in a shithole so that was karma. But 2 say that makes ME posh is a gross misinterpretation I fully support boss bitch women like my mammy scamming beta cuck men into giving them money if it's for the sake of sprogs cus that's how I got by in life. So sufk it up. So he had some relatives in Canada nd they were having a wedding which is why we went there. I dong give a fuck. Fufk him.
daft question but if you're not collecting the physical comics, and you're not reading them, why are you "organising" them?

is it like a Tetris thing?
Same. Only my special interest is retro games. NES, Gameboy, super NES and Nintendo 64.
is st*pdad a beta cuck?
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Neway a lot of fings happened there but I distinctly recall that family had a weird son that was a teenager nd I was just a wean still nd his mum 1 day was telling him to take me to the park nd hes like that "I don't want to" nd i felt a way about that. But why I was finking about that with regards to the sexual aliens this nigga had an entire basement I mean like American style basement where he had fridges that he was growing FLUBBER I mena like the film. Green flubber like Robin Williams aye. In a fridge nd am finking nobody consulted me in the 1st place if I want to go to no fucking park with this blatant paedophile WHO THE FUCK GROWS FLUBBER LMAO. Nd around that time I really started to hate Americans nd cansdiand just anyone that sounds like that "I don't want to" aye I don't want to either prick
yeah he's extrapolating too much i think we're all two steps removed from a posh person and that's not the same as, say, having posh parents.

i have an aunt and uncle who live in London and i didn't realise until i was an adult that this meant they were better than us. as a little kid they just dressed in fancier clothes and spoke like they were on the telly. my cousins said stuff about "A levels" and "university" that i didn't understand.
Fraid so. A lot of ppl are saying this lad.
was thinking of Flubber earlier with that South Park question. like it's hard to explain now but that was just a good film. i mean it wasn't great, but it was good. i think i fancied the robot.

not saying Breaking Bad and Squid Game aren't class but we just didn't even know if something was "good" then. like i genuinely think zoomers care about "box office returns" and "Rotten Tomatoes scores" OR at least what some YouTuber thinks, quite literally influencing them.

i just had Hook on video. quality film. has Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman AND Bob Hoskins in it. solid romp. a Willy Wonka tier classic. 29% 'Rotten' on Rotten Tomatoes.
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>i think i fancied the robot
i'm sure i did
Kek. Loved flubber as a kid. not thought about it in 25 years. Thanks for the memory lad.
makes no sense, this. just some mad yellow thing. that's an intentional subplot in a children's film that had a solid sense of whimsy and adventure. hone in on that, put Joaquin Phoenix in it, and it's some kind of thought-provoking science-fiction gem.

Mouse Hunt is another one. quality slapstick film, just earnestly fun. should be the textbook example of something being a B or at least a high C. but nowadays everything is either an A-A* or it's a fail. Mouse Hunt should be in the same category as Avengers: End Game.
fucking hell the nostalgia, cant believe i forgot this existed
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Omg I had this toy as a kid. It had this HUGE white battery pack inside it and one time a friend came over and he pulled it out of the back and hit me with it on the head. It hurt like hell and I cried and ran downstairs to tell my mum.
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I mena,I wish I was posh. Am jealous so I hate them. Just being honest.But I started 2 hate wee soufern poofs more that acrually are posh but like to larp that they're not bc they think it's cute or explains their other issues something. If ur main problem in life is tfw no sex I know you've got fuckall real problems. It's not popular to say but it seems I've said it. Cheers
My special interests can vary but mainly films, heavy metal and manga. Never really bothered with superhero comics but read a few and was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed the art and stories.
What's your favourite games? Love me some Space Harrier. Always get the music stuck in me head. Love the old SNES wrestling games too.
both the same year. had them on repeat on vhs lol
In regards to Flubber, I haven't seen it on probably 20 years yet it is a household name. It's never even on telly. Mad that.
Hook came out in 4K recently. Might have to grab it to upgrade my DVD. Not a bad film at all IMO. Better than Ready Player One. How Spielberg made that SHITE is beyond me.
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>tfw no flubber gf
HHL knows sex is for mongs
The film Flubber is a remake of with Fred McMurray is pretty good if you like older films. Also has a sequel called Son of Flubber.
remember when toys had these, connected by those little red and black wires.

nowadays that would all be USB and you'd need to install an app to play with it.
Flubber has been buried outside our age range I think. Hook probably gets the played because of Spielberg
Rrally not liking that my big sister making my mum go down London to watch her dog am going to end up doing it aren't I? There's no way I can humanly physically endure a journey like that with my nerves but I keep feeling like am meant tonsay "listen ill do it" but I can't bring myself to yet. That's beyond not right. I'll take it to the group chat a lot to say
Like it's a human right to go on holiday
It's 1 thinf to come out with this patter when u didn't miss christmas
Anyone remember Drop Dead Fred? That was a bit mental was it not? Based Rik Mayall.
could use a little adventure, lad
Ready Player One just sounds awful. somehow the fucking Lego Movie turned out to be a decent flick, so stranger things have happened.
apparently there was a resurgence in people actually bothering with the book and it's supposedly terrible (but people/critics liked it at the time?) and now there's a sequel that's worse.

so the book fascinates me. like Twilight was a genuinely bad novel coming off Harry Potter and such. i can appreciate the idea. it's just poorly written. the film is like being on a xanax drip while wearing sunglasses that make everything dark blue. the book is like an insight into a weird person's psyche.

everyone go read Twilight.
Its acrually so not on when I really fink about it lmao. Am in 2 minds to just go like that.....but I won't. I want to though
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Peace2 my liminal brothers across the UK x
Any please be in London man in
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peace scots brother
No cause it would KILL me going there. I wouldn't survive. But it's FUCKED expecting my mummy taking time off work for that. Am not rben going to say. Sm too fuming if I fink snout it too kuj.
Had a lot of wanks in this box room
I've actually read Twilight as a soppy teenager. They are very badly written but I kind of simped for Kristen Stewart and read the books picturing her. Fuck knows why. I read a lot of young adult supernatural drivel then.
Ready Player One is just massive cringe all around. It's completely soulless drivel. I'd say it is absolutely Spielberg's worst film, even worse than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Will make very mammy proud tho. Fink about it.
Worried about you Crossy. You seem off your head on drink or drugs recently. You need a fresh start and a wuppagrind ASAP. x
Post salary mong
i read YA supernatural drivel too and it astounds me Twilight took off. like i wanted to enjoy it even in some kitschy way, i think it was the first time i questioned how a novel 'made it past' a publisher, let alone grew popular.
The Da Vinci Code was fun but people were criticising it like it 'got stuff wrong', 'actually, what you've written there has been proven to be a myth...' guys it's about a secret society and Da Vinci making puzzle boxes to hide treasures under the Louvre and shit, you can go dig, you won't find anything.

those Darren Shan books were fun vampire nonsense. think they made a film eventually but they moved it to the US, or something, which is strange. could see it working as one of those miniseries-per-book adaptations today.
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Heck thr lot
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Thats liminal bro.....u csnt tell me that ain't liminal
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I must be rhe last real nigga alive on the planet earth. Now that's liminal.
another night of 100 posts made by the schizo drug addict scottish mongoloid talking gibberish and making no sense and getting no yous
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I was on the veranda of a vast estate. A palazzo of some fantastic proportion
i don't know what makes something truliminal, but the yellow tint to this one makes it look like it could be a set rather than an outdoor entrance. like you think it's this shopping centre but it's just a facade inside a disused aircraft hangar. there never was a 'Clyde Shopping Centre' that's all actors who can't see outside the edge of the frame.
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I see why ud think that but it's actually bed time. Night night love u
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post some quality original content of your own, then.

i took a nice photo of some ducks. i'll post the uncensored version if you apologise to x.
Lmao u had too much ketamine wnkyld. Bht ur right. The lot of them actors. Night nigjt
>But I started 2 hate wee soufern poofs more that acrually are posh but like to larp that they're not bc they think it's cute or explains their other issues something
lad that's exactly what you do. "Actually it's a scum class thing to go on holiday to Canada and Germany". You've never known real hardship in your life pal
nah saying this a sober man as a dobermann. like look at that picture AS IF it was some Truman Show thing and you get what i mean. like when you're watching a telly series (BBC especially) and they're filming at 'a computer shop' but they can't just have it be a Currys, so there's some exterior shot of 'Computer World' with a logo that took five mins to make.

so many times in Peep Show when i know exactly what shop they were actually in, and i've only spent a few weeks in London. must be mental if you live there and you see these characters in a cafe you've gone to just for daft cuppas, but in THEIR world it's where all this mad sitcom stuff happens.
love a nice duck post me
are this Discord lad? we should start calling you Sew-and-Sew because that's what you're doing, lol
Lads growing up on a council estate they've never left "Actually it's a scum class thing to spend your 6 week holidays in Hamburg"
Like one of those southern middle class mongs who larp as self made while living rent free in a million pound London flat owned by the parents
hikikomori who has a favourite pub he goes to with his girlfriend
crossmongs whole identity is just based on larps he thinks makes him look special
can't use a microwave but knows how to fix cars
Cord mong boiling lmao
when he calls you d*moncord it means you've done him
HelperLad actually goes on these Blackpool trips and takes coke with his mates, i think he's the real fake hedgehog around here.

i can fully believe Crosslad is living with his mother in some kind of semi-detached or something. so yeah he's comfortable but she just happened to do well earlier in life. as a person he's still having a hard time.

i mean i can even feel some sympathy if a millionaire is depressed. those lads do kill themselves, i just also recognise they have the availability of the best therapists and drugs available. they're either somehow capable of attaining and maintaining their money but then not these, OR as a condition it's so chronic there's nothing anyone could do for them with our current level of knowledge/technology.
no need to larp though is there
especially no need to have a go at other lads who you think are two parent middle class when you were larping the whole time
Ur such a truneet hikki robowizard lad i cant compete. Piss jugs everywhere that's dead impressive nd interesting. I also remember being 15 x
yeah I should be more like you lad envy of everyone here
i think it's less playing pretend and more that you naturally feel more envious of people a step or two above you. kind of works in reverse too: i never used to 'consider' (street) homeless people, now i can't not. no Pygmalion, Greater Expectations thing can ever delete that from my brain.
OTOH can you honestly say you felt anything when you heard that Rishi Sunak wanted a swimming pool, or whatever that was? i genuinely can't encapsulate what 'having a swimming pool' is like. but i knew someone who has a council house. they are quite literally set for life if they just want to remain there. which they should: it was upgraded to have better insulation as part of some scheme about 10 years ago.
half the reason i'm in bed is because it's the one part of my flat that's not freezing cold (if i'm under the duvet and this laptop heats me up). five years ago i'd have killed for just my own flat (and a laptop), fuck people like me! now i could just do without the mould and cold.
Where did you all meet your girlfriends
Sex with the vagina
Wyd if too ugly for dating apps
I saw a greentext on reddit of this absolute truwiz neetmaxxed hikkibot that was like "tfw I'm the most saddest person in tbe world" nd I thought of you nd I was jealous of how cool you are bc youre more trucel rotmaxxed than me which is cool obviously nd then I suddenly remembered its not 2011 anymore and I realised its actually gay as fuck to act like that @ your age nd Id grew out of the vaguely but obviously homoerotic coded act of writing "I'm sad" nd having other mongs write back "me too" online as a worthwhile activity years ago bc am not an actual bender nd it doesn't actually make me feel better so I decided 2 just post stuff for fun instead bc the Internet is for fun at the end of the day is it not?
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Now let me have my sleepy time w*nk in peace nd yes I am w*nking to THAT nd you can't stop me
>randomly chatted with her on the street
accept that this has nothing to do with dating apps and it's not some new incel thing either: it's completely uncontroversial that "being attractive" is a core component of "two people being attracted to each other".

i think the part you need more leeway on is that attractiveness is so subjective that you could look fine to someone else even if YOU think you look bad. like there are people who are actually mental: talk to someone with some kind of eating disorder, body dysmorphia type thing about how they see themselves in the mirror. it's not a literal hallucination but it's not far off seeing people's faces melt when you're tripping.

with that in mind, actually shower/shave and just don't be fat.
if you took away 'sad unemployed people egging on each others' sadness' from the internet, the quantity AND quality of these threads would go down.
The Blackpool trips are with some kind of scheme for taking the disabled on holiday. Some local chavs have worked out that if they pretend to be his mate he will buy the coke. Simple as that. He has no actual friends.
>wanting to THAT

I fucking knew you were into CP. I knew it. You are so the type.
>then I suddenly remembered its not 2011 anymore and I realised its actually gay as fuck to act like that @ your age nd Id grew out of the vaguely but obviously homoerotic coded act of writing "I'm sad" nd having other mongs write back "me too" online as a worthwhile activity years ago
lad isn't that what you basically do all day on britfeel kek
i mean he flat-out goes on about his mates being cunts for one reason or another. do they go to the pub and have a few pints and some genuine connection? yes. is he also definitely being exploited by someone because he's got money coming from somewhere, and he's like a dealer's dream? double yes.
he goes to the pub on his own and gets scammed by his dealer who laughs in his face when handing him seven bags of "cocaine" for 100 quid
press crossmong hard enough and he starts having a pop at hikkis, virgins, poors, all the misfits and outcasts who are supposedly his people. Real nasty lad, can't trust people like that
Might have another w*nk me
back when i could smoke weed some weed guy gave me like 1/4 g of coke for free. he was really insistent that anything i want, i go to him, like we were in a relationship. but as a purely business thing i said i just didn't want the free coke, not my thing, could go to someone else. so i returned it.

i think that annoyed him because i was meant to take it and then want more and more. i suspect it's like coffee shops where they make all their money from the high mark-up on coffee. if you just ordered a water then sat on your laptop all day, it would be like piracy where you are costing them a seat/sale from someone else.
good call. thats prison shit. dont get indebted to a degen.
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Shall be fixing sommet to eat soonish, me
if you're into weed, support some guy who grows it. if you support the 'gangs' then i think you're financially enabling a supply network and you are maybe 0.01% responsible for at least one actual murder.

and if you buy booze from an off-licence pay in cash so they don't have to pay card fees. and whether they are honest with HMRC is up to them, but the workers there undoubtedly have to put up with a lot of shit. it's like 'tipping culture' in America where it shouldn't exist, but maybe it's the only way these people can get a fair wage.
yeah this felt like some thing you'd see in a film, like if i couldn't afford the next bag no worries he'll let me off now, in fact do i need to borrow some money? then a month later some guys come round.

maybe he was a nice guy outside of all that, just not someone i'd want to get into cahoots with. i always just assume heroin-heads pay for heroin then they want more heroin which is why they steal. no money? no heroin. those guys are notoriously unreliable.
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That was nice. Just splurged.
Ur actually just too stupid to get my point but that's OK. Merely being a shut in or a virgin isn't enough to make u my "ppl". When ur alienated from humanity on my level you don't find your "ppl" over something so mundane. Cause if you got sex or stopped being a shut in you'd become a normal guy but for me I'll be like this no matter what. Its not a lack of anytbing it's an a priori condition. U know? Of course u don't. It's alright though. Have a w*nk, it helps
im a big penis refugee
how do you do britfeel?
You were always a normal guy lad. You told us yourself you had an office job and were on track to have a normal life until your psychiatrist told you to quit and go on bennies. You're not alienated you're just a mong looking for excuses.
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everyone has
their own number
in the system that
we operate under
we're moving to
a situation
where your lives exist
as information
No you don't get it dude I watch anime and jerk off to feet I'm just like totally different to everyone else...
He's even had sex too. Autism is a farce. He's more normal than I'll ever be but I don't get to have an "excuse".
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You've done me lad
fucking up my life at 25 and blaming everyone else because I took a Kinks song too seriously
Everyone can be autistic now lad, just have your middle class parents pay for a psychiatrist to diagnose you over zoom meeting
if you didn't know about the 'women' in Soho of all places, then that's on you.
i just bought my autism licence from one of those CD-keys websites.
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Time for your 16 hour QMEE shift.
PC's all warmed up for you.
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Council saga can wait til I wake up. Brevity is soul of wit.
that grown up work de lad get mummy to sort it out for you
Have u applied for council house wnkyld? I thought waiting list wouldn't be that long in england out of london but idfk
Am trying not to do that as part of new year new me but aye probably. I can't be arsed anymore already nd its still January
Stepdad getting his cock sucked first thing in the morning. It sunday x
real big coddled baby hours
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Theres decisions being made thats could affect the whole rest of life am feeling on edge but am trying 2 keep it together.Nd ultimately I can't be arsed anymore.Its either going 2 be a good year or a disaster. Well it'll be interesting either way. But even in the best case I'll still be dead 10 year down tbe line. I don't know really. I sleep on it.
enjoying his last few hours before he has to go home and walk on eggshells around his 35 year old manchild stepson again
yeah on the list a few years now. problem with private renting is you get locked into a tenancy which is great, sure, but then you're lower priority for a council house (i know this makes sense) and if you just leave a flat you'd need someone else to take over your tenancy (i know this makes sense) and what, you're going to live/pay for two properties at once (sense).

some weeks i religiously apply for my 3 properties every time, sometimes i do nothing for months. like imagine if you got accepted 1 month into a 12 month tenancy. they're taking away no-fault evictions so you can't even do something to get yourself evicted: which would make you 'legally homeless' and boost you up the ladder. this renter's rights bill means well but it also means you'd have to smash in your windows and get kicked out, to stand a better chance at getting a council flat while they go through all the court stuff.

and at the end of the day, they outright tell you as a single man you're not a priority. you'd think there's some roundabout win here because if there's a 1-bedroom flat, great! you don't WANT some big place that could go to a family, you just want somewhere comfy maybe with a living room. but that's exactly what couples want. why would they give it to you, over a couple? or maybe a woman escaping abuse or something?

it's a horrible system and i actually think it's right people go ahead of me in the queue. i'd apply this somewhere like A&E, like yeah please treat more serious cases first even if i've been waiting longer. but for something this long-term i think there should be some kind of algorithm where you get your pick of the litter BECAUSE you've racked up 'been-turned-down' credits.
on my way to work, slept amazing, feel full of energy
tl;dr: yes, but system is fucked.
this post is too long to read imo
imagine scotland but with trees
Hunners of trees here. Its Ireland that doesnt have trees. Visit Scotland.com for more info lad visit Scotland on holiday x
took me a couple of minutes to write. it'll take you less time to read. i read every single post here no longer how long or how short. it's a message board and there's a character limit: i was nowhere near it.

not claiming to be a master of prose, but how do you even use the internet? i'd say something about watching TikToks instead, but you read faster that you can hear people talk.
hate the video-ification of the internet, frankly.

your 5-minute YouTube tutorial could be 30 seconds of written instructions. i don't believe even people with actual ADHD can sit through a video but not read. ADHD people are the ones genuinely using 2x speed and skipping around in tiny bursts.
>it's a message board
it's an image board
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Yea my "shit low paid office job" i got a bit after my mammy got a mortgage nd we left the dive of a council estate wed been for years before that then she couldn't afford it straight away so I grit my teeth nd disregarded my own happiness+ health for 3 years to make money for her. Which was my choice. Its easier to wageslave when u have an actual reason. We have a special connection like that. Nd I dont give a fuck what anyone else on planet earth thinks. But is that "normal", I don't fink so? Grinding money for ur single mum in your early 20s? St*pdad takes care of that now but since I never asked for any thanx or anything cus that's not in my nature he doesn't even know I did that so he views me as a pest. That's OK. But is that "normal" is that a normal experience for a young guy? Cus after work back then I went on wizchan wageslavery general which I loved but I never in 3 years saw anyone saying "am paying off my mums mortgage" I don't think that's actually normal cus I never knew anyone in irl like that or online amongst outcasts. So that's just how it is. Am not complaining though I enjoy my life.
native trees not that shit land owners plant to later sell as wood
if i attached an image, the text would be spaced more vertically on your screen and you'd complain it's 'longer'.

traditional forums have inline images, anon. go to Something Awful right now and read a typical opening post and some of the replies. solid mix of "lol good thread OP" and paragraphs.

i don't want this 'new internet'. i liked the 'old internet'. it was fine. there was nothing wrong with it ;_;
adopt or die x
>wizchan wageslavery general
the imageboard for virgins? You weren't a virgin so why were you even posting there
also genuine recommendation:
there's an app called Whisper where you post a picture with a caption (so an image macro basically) and then people reply the same. if you want the Canvas experience.

like even a lot of the Japanese image boards only allowed images for the OP. i swear this existed here, at some point, 'image replies' were like an on-off feature. just a typical 'BBS' otherwise.
>it's a horrible system and i actually think it's right people go ahead of me in the queue
Most cucked thing I've ever read in /britfeel/
6am now so we'll be getting the employeds who have a quick go of /britfeel/ with their breakfast.
then we'll get the 'early morning' drunks (not judging here: but it is a type).

by then i think i can finish my shift. see if i can get some micro-sleep, see what six or seven posters have to say instead of the three of us. whole thread of drivel to read, it's exciting, like a chapter in a novel. i hope some day you can view internet talk-walls this way.
i think being 'anti-cucked' would be the learned behaviour here. either you're a legitimate sociopath (in which case you probably wouldn't say things like this) or you've gone out your way to go against your nature. in a very sad and angry (?) way.

like 'oh no, a child is in danger. oh heh, i'll let that proceed. heh heh heh.'
imagine if your superego had power over your id, and this is what you chose.
You are the biggest mong of them all
I used to browse wizchan and there were some proper grim threads on there. Genuine schizoids with no friends no family absolutely no hope who got dealt a shit hand and lived real shut in lives. Can only imagine what they must have thought having to listen to this mong whinge that he's the most alienated one there because he wageslaves to pay off his mums mortgage.
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Because I wanted to, but more 2 the point can I ask honestly is that one line really all u got out of that post? Out of everything that's what you found relevant,? Are you an actual person or an AI? Do U see why I lose the rag? Do you even understand what am getting at here or is ur chatgpt brain already shifting to the next variable in w/e this mong array is youre sfripted to output. No wonder I fucking drink
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i see why you are disliked
shut it ye one note spastic. Wish ye'd fuck off to another imageboard and stay there
Lad you're mad because I've exposed you. People don't like to be made to look like idiots. What else in that post do you want me to respond to? It's all drivel. "I'm not normal because I wageslaved to support my family". Guess what so do most people. You're not alienated, you're not innately abnormal, you're a mong who fucked his life up out of laziness and you want to make excuses.
It's a message board
Too bad I want doesnt get guess your daddy never taught you that one
stop this there has been too much bloodsheds (and teartents)
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>you're mad
Ur on a multi hour actually multi month meltdown repeating the usual nd I still don't give a shite any more than the 1st time I just humour u when I can't sleep
internet fights
Keep drinking lad maybe the bad feels will go away

woke - Guitar Hero
bespoke - Amplitude
unknoke - Frequency (?)
Cant believe how horny I am off arguing
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Spending a lot more time in bed lately. I really can't see me making it to the end of my 30s. Life isn't getting better. I worry about everything.
I'm saying if you want people to jump you in the queue you're wrong. Someone who hasn't even decided if they will move to the UK or not yet will be ahead of you in the queue and you think that's a good thing
Wish I wasnt such a music mong. My music IQ according to a Harvard music IQ test was low.
Problem is youre even too lazy to kys
A lot of artistically able people have extreme emotional problems. It is a double edged sword.
i'm more familiar with both the council house and asylum/immigration processes than you.
imagine ruthmong painting
I wish there were an easy way out.
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One thing I am a bit surprised by is how left wing a lot of people on britfeel are. Most of you are low class/working class/council estate mongs.

Typically, working class men tend to lean right on social issues. Also, this is 4chan. Yet lots of you seem to not believe the whole Pakistani rape gangs thing, despite it literally being typed out in court papers.

I feel like this is an issue in the U.K.
what do people around you think of Trump?
might as well see what happens with AI
Kek i made the OP image in Paint after seeing that mental video. What an honour to see it posted almost every thread.
Not very good at creative stuff like them asmrtists.
although yeah as a principle, i'd want someone with a greater or more urgent need to be housed ahead of me. i don't care if they live on the opposite side of the world, for the sake of the thought experiment this doesn't factor into it unless there's some additional twist like they're a spy from a radical Islamist group or something.

as it stands this isn't even any sort of 'choice' i make however. it's the council's. just saying this the same way you would take a bullet for a pregnant woman (i mean, YOU wouldn't, but 'you would' as in 'one would')
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Wokeness has been defeated in America. Big US companies are cancelling DEI and shit like that. The woke are on suicide watch in the USA. Just given up.

Here in the U.K. woke is very much alive. Not just amongst the snotty middle classes but, as you said, weirdly amongst the lower classes as well.

I think a lot of it has to do with what a fucking colossal fucking failure Brexit was and how shit the U.K. economy has been doing since.
Pic fucking related. The British public moved away from right wing populism since then.
Little lad bubbling in circles a year straight
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God I miss the 00s.
might make a ruthmong themed edition
Post your address here and ill take care of the rest
i think if you're seeing that, it's because most of the yobbos here are hard done by housing and health issues, particularly around mental health and disability. we'd all stand to benefit from a break from, well, benefits, and a return to traditional social security.
the populist racism stuff is here and we even have a former English nationalist e-celeb in our ranks. it's just tedious and /pol/ stuff is mostly American. seeing the British ones try to force American issues over here is just embarrassing (not that internet 'lefties' don't do it too).

most people around me either do not care that much about America and who their president is, or occasionally someone is OVERLY chuffed because he said something that appeals to them in a very emotional way over a 'hey, that's a sensible policy' type way.
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Emo girls. Goth girls. Greb girls. Metal girls.
Emo vs Chav wars (a sort of class war tbqh).

All them gorgeous and sorta intelligent. Teenage girls these days are mongs.
Wouldn't know how to answer any of these questions. Could never be famous me
everything about her and this whole culture was so fake. those cringy 'backstage videos' where they're so wholesome and don't drink or take drugs...except Paramore Guy #2 sure drinks a heck of a lot of soda haha!

guy broke character basically on his LiveJournal. her dad set the whole band up. she wasn't even into pop punk originally/specifically, just the whole emo trend was becoming corporate and he had enough money at the right time.

yeah they had some bangers and they were all good-looking. but the chicanery of it all gets under my skin.
>think if youre seeing that, its because most of the yobbos here are hard done by housing and health issues, particularly around mental health and disability.

I think you are bang on. I think this is a problem is Britain generally though. We have an insane number of people on disability and sickness benefits for shit like depression and anxiety.

Not saying those things dont exist but you need to force yourself back into work to overcome it. Like being unfit and fat, you dont sit in doors and not exercise because you are too fat to exercise. You need to push yourself.

Our left wing Labour government have realised disability and sickness benefits are just fucking unaffordable at this point. Rachel Reeves is cutting them.

My worry is that a lot of sad mongs in this country have been so long out of work that they literally just will fail at whatever they do or would rather starve/turn to crime than take orders from a boss at Tesco or whatever.
i think the irony is, MCR were like the "un-cool" emo band especially after their second album. but by all accounts they seem fairly organic and Gerard Way comes across as a cool guy. eh makes comics now and doesn't afraid of anything.
For me? It was Alkaline Trio.
i'm one of those weirdos who thinks Labour can barely be called 'left wing' any more. like imagine if they weren't called Labour but something else, would Tony Benn be looking at these cunts saying, 'yeah, that's what it's all about'?
that image of Keir's pledges 'based on the moral case for socialism' does the rounds a lot, he's just flat-out lied. and they won't even use the term 'working class' which, rightfully, includes unemployed people as a category. i guess miners who joined the dole queue wouldn't 'count' under THIS Labour?

you can care about multiple issues at once, but i really think disableds or fake-disableds on benefits should be the least of your worries. fraud accounts for fuck all, disability is the largest slice of the benefits pie, but most people ON benefits are in work. but dwarfing both disability and standard unemployment benefits is pensions.
i never see people complaining about pensions in the same way. is it because we all think it's right people get pensions? what if they haven't made as many National Insurance contributions as you? what if they spend their pensions on the wrong things?
Nothing wrong with being unemployed imo
Unemployed skitzoid boomeroid started running around in the hallway again just now

What is your job de lad
>i never see people complaining about pensions in the same way. is it because we all think its right people get pensions? what if they haven't made as many National Insurance contributions as you? what if they spend their pensions on the wrong things?

Well when the idea for government pensions was introduced people lived until like 60 or 70. My grandfather was born in the 1920s and took early retirement in his 50s. (His dad died at like 59)

Anyway my grandfather spent about 30 years on the sofa watching Scottish rugby and getting fat and senile and shouting abuse at my grandmother until about 90 when he popped his clogs.

American conservative libertarians have floated the idea that retirement is retarded people should just carry on working until they collapse.

You know what low-key staying in work of some kind would have helped my grandfather. Ageing population and pensions are just going to be unaffordable. Japan is panicked.

I think we just need to get used to the idea that Britain cannot really afford the kind of welfare state that we had in the 00s under Blair.

Someone in Cambodia doesnt scream when they do not get bennies or government pensions. The government does not give you shit (too poor) and everyone understands that you have to plan carefully for yourself and your extended family.

The road ahead is looking bleak tbqh.
cant stand mongs posting these walls of text, genuinely upsets me
Just bc am a certified genius nd you're a dim cunt talking 2 you I feel like einstein stuck in a special needs class which is also in a school built on quick sand nd every time u say something it sinks more nd more I want to smack your bald dome with a pencil to see if it turns a light bulb on or smth you acrual non playable mong nd thats the bottom line on that nd dont ever @ me again
Don't want you to get in trouble.
I would like to help severely disabled people and support elderly disabled people, but at this point it may just not be feasible.

Most humans in the world do not get government state pensions. Most people in the world do not get disability benefits. Most humans in the world have to rely on family and extended family and religious right not communities to help them if their life goes to shit when they lose their job.

I work in Thailand and I was talking to Pakistani and India. colleague of mine about how Thais do not really save for a pension. They just have lots of kids and the expectation is that the kids support the parents when they are old. Same in India and Pakistan. People have huge extended family networks and they look after each other.

We have lost that culture here in the U.K. with the advent of bennies and pensions.

Sniffing tranny fanny
>few paragraphs
>walls of text

Look lad. Not trying to be mean here. You are not smart. Not trying to make you feel small or worthless. Everyone has value but you are not clever.

If it honestly took more than a modicum of effort to read a few paragraphs then you have below average attention span.

It is fine that you cannot stomach intellectual things but you just need to appreciate that some people are cleverer than you and things that take a lot of effort for you will be effortless for many many people.
Corr another unreadable wall. Might i remind you it's half 7 and i'm hungover as a sloth in summer
>has a high IQ
>posts on britfeel
yeah ultimately it's a population thing, like they actively built old-age homes for the steelworkers and miners and so on.

i agree with ye olde liberal and libertarian ideas about separation of church and state and all that. ultimately i think that means some level of multiculturalism and we're going to have to play nice out of necessity. immigration and racial diversity isn't some recent invention, Britain had colonies and the Commonwealth.

it's funny that Enoch Powell pointed to South Asian doctors as a huge benefit to our health system while also suggesting paid, voluntarily repatriation (good luck selling that one to people today). now we almost have the inverse where British doctors are fucking off to Australia. it's just not attractive staying here.

i haven't looked into this one and i'm sure people have made projections, but there's been a downward swing in people having kids and they need to stop swinging that as a negative. in line with your 'forward planning' idea, i think it's great that people aren't having kids if they can't afford them, and the population could stabilise or even go down. no need for some famine or horrible policy even, it just happens. get in.

on the other hand everyone should be housed and fed. don't give a shit if it's the work-shy or the poor. class disparity is growing. shouldn't be any such thing as 'billionaires' on an island where we also have 'foodbanks'.
i read /britfeel/ to lower my IQ.
chat what does de lad mean
>It is fine that you cannot stomach intellectual things
cba to work but dont want to be poor
i'm guessing posters here are generally late 20s to early 30s:

did any of yous have 'home economics' as an option for your GCSEs? i always assumed that's where you learned standard home stuff (cooking, cleaning, traditionally 'for girls') but maybe also basic life skills like budgeting. there was fuck all like that when i was at school, just some PSHE thing once a year where we'd play a board game about having a career or some pshite.

all the academic and humanities subjects are a valuable part of education, but couldn't they squeeze this in again? kids have gradually gone from leaving at 14 to leaving at 18 (which is ridiculous but something something 'knowledge-based economy').
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Morning de lats
*Dances to the left*
And morning de lads
*Dances to the right*
And morning de lads
*Dances forwards*
And morning de lads.
*Dances backwards*
>had to buy Britfeel in English
>couldn't handle the original Cantonese
shippy and me making out
have you tried scratchcards? you're more likely to lose than win, but you COULD win. you get the adrenaline rush either way.
giving shippy a lackluster handjob
too embaressed to buy them
>i havent looked into this one and i'm sure people have made projections, but theres been a downward swing in people having kids and they need to stop swinging that as a negative

It is a MASSIVE negative as we are heading for a population that is predominantly retired which is fucking economically unsustainable.

A drop in population is not necessarily bad but it is when half your fucking population is over fucking 60 and therefore not working and spending much. Shit is fucked. Japan and S Korea are in full fucking panic mode with their collapsed birth rate and population.

>cannot afford to have kids
The poorest countries in the world have the highest brith rates. Do you seriously think that the average Nigerian or Afghan can afford more kids than the average Brit?
People have many kids in developing countries because there is NO social welfare system or state pensions and you fucking NEED family to take care of you so badly when you are old or sick.

We are going to have to move back to this third world model at some point tbqh.
Boomeroid spastic just entered the hallway again

Can't even have two fackin hours of peace and quiet on a sunday
Buy/rent a detached house
>people going about their daily lives
Boggles the mind
Can we have a Bolton edition please lads? Always been a dream of mine to visit.
ill make one when i get home
yeah you're a genius lad that's why I effortlessly made you look a twat and all you could do was fume about it
Fuck me, you lads are slipping. New thread now.
Can only imagine what st*pdad must think knowing his own children and even his stepdaughters are all highly successful and living their own independent lives, then there's crossmong 35 year old man at home dossing about leeching off the both of them playing stupid little mind games with him. Poor lad must have the patience of a saint
Fink we went to 580 yesterday. Only hearsay through. Grapevine kinda vibes.
You done fuckall u wee dafty
New on
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Really hilarious how u get my age wrong on purpose nd it wasnt a week it eas 6 weeks it was 3 months xD but then when it suits you you're suddenly a expert on my life story. Dire cunt
Neway u confirmed tonight perfect punctuation cordfag is literally just you so thx for that
Lad I couldn't give a shit about your life story you just spam it on here every day
Fuck up u sufked the feng shui out of my mood u wee rat bastard give me peace
thought you weren't mad lol
have I done you? I have an't I? Yeah I have an't I
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Have a word w yourself lad
hope you've tidied up a bit for the parents coming back
least you could do being a useless dosser and all
You are blatantly unemployed as well though?
you have no idea what I am lad because I'm not a mong who spams my boring life story on the internet
Not hard to guess desu a mongo
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Morning de lads
*Spins to the left*
And morning de lads
*Spins to the right*
It's a relatively recent trend. /britfeel/ used to pretty much universally support UKIP back in in 2017
I don't think most people would take a bullet for a pregnant woman. I certainly wouldn't unless it was my sprog inside there
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>>80172863 that's a anon on my frequency rn
This is also bollocks. If anything Brexit being intentionally fucked up drove people further right. We've imported about 5 million left wing people since then, but native British have shifted further right. Reform have 5 MPs now and they're top of current opinion polls
Me, a vulnerable NEET, a poor soul. Bullied and abused. So be it.
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>i think it's great that people aren't having kids
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It's bookcase.png
Also I enjoy blog posting so you really just give me a writing prompt trying to wind me up which is fun for me so I win regardless
Might finish the fight halo 3 style
Something about the complete pure shiteness of clydebank shopping centre a low res photo nd the words "liminal edition" as if that makes any sense nd the fact other human beings are going to witness that nd ppl on r9k from different parts of the world have to subconsciously acknowledge and interpret it just fucking tickled me, am sorry
I didnt do it for badness but it made me laff then nd it still is now
The girls aloud 3dish was fucking lit so it balances out
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If me abd d*llycel joined forces somehow we could probly run this thread in our sleep. In a way, it already happened, unofficially.
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If u look under the hood its always scotfeel. Doesn't matter what the subject says. Just like in irl the rest of the UK don't matter. Only Scotland matters. The other diddy countries are just in the way. Cheers
Teacher has told me 2 add "IN MY OPINION"
Wrong thread lad
This my secret place lad,u are welcome too though
Will be conking out after bacon buppy
one thread one mong
Wrong fred
13:33 wew
Lmao post timer cucked me

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