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natasha nice fucked her face and her body up for the camera and now there's a puddle of sweat where my nuts used to be

how come only pronstars know how to excite the male ego lmao

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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my penis hasn't felt this good since 2010

this is actual hateful stuff this porn lmao

Your fortune: Outlook good
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>pornstar showed actual commitment to her craft and fucked her face up permanently
>did her job like any one else
>no one notices

this video is so popular it's blowing up everywhere XD

Your fortune: Bad Luck
she was always a pornstar... but she was never a braphog/lolcow

this is fuckign terrorism LMAO

my dick is so hard XD

Your fortune: Average Luck
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coomers just want:
young and

except when they are:
and filled with cum

this is so terrorista holy shit XD

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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to all u fat chicks out there that think u can't get manhandled/blown the fuck out on camera...

be careful... this video is a declaration lmao

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Buying a new car is an irresponsible financial decision when there's an entire nation of retards all doing it for you and you get to reap the benefits by always driving gently used cars at the bottom of their depreciation curve and the price of a used car becomes a sort of deposit into the automotive market that you get back if you ever wish to sell it, cost of ownership is extra tho, you're not getting that back.
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i hope you know that the neo-futurist agenda, sometimes known as the NWO, has targeted the commuter lifestyle for elimination.

enjoy driving anything while you can because a day is coming and those born on that day will live out their entire lives having never operated a motor vehicle.

AI will do most if not all of the transportation required to sustain the pods.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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I wanted to break my car's hymen though! And I did! That little black slut got broke in nice and easy for a thousand miles and I've been riding her hard ever since. I took a road trip into a neighboring state earlier this year and put in 2000 miles, and just did 500 miles in a couple days on a short trip with friends. She's broke in well and running smooth now. Gotta get her oil changed and do the 30,000 mile evaluation soon though.
ppl jump in their pods to go to work everyday and they spend large amounts of time in there third only to work and home, pod living is here and you even have to pay rent to your state to let you have it on the road.
Please tell me that’s not the first oil change at 30k miles.
on what world do you live ? nothing is going to happen this is my world and only I rule

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i used too many words in the op so it got slid in record time. i've created the silliest lyrics to the SMT battle song ever made

when i was playing SMT, it was peak [s4s] for me, so i named myself Yuji, the law guy yosho, and the chaos guy spikeman, and the girl bury

here's a link to the song i used. in order to do this i held my phone up to my smart tv's speakers while trying to do my best to sing

https://youtu.be/nmpMBDxNB0Q?si=nH3UP23LQX6_-g_h [Open]

i'm getting to the point where i'm just going to dig through ebay and find a psx and a working copy of the psx version of this game, then get whatever ridiculous hdmi to red yellow white converter i need off amazon. the frame lag won't matter in this game

i'm just keep ctrl+c ctrl+v this thread until it gets some respectable level of replies

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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thanks, but did you click on the link

like i said, these are the silliest lyrics anyone is ever going to come up for any song ever i think
they're indeed sily

Your fortune: Outlook good
this changed my life :>
i might re-record another one using this track instead, to really launch my heavy metal career


and if i really want to confuse the shit of myself, use this one


this is the one i usually listen to when i'm in some sort of demon negotation, because the fact they overlaid the SNES and Imagine versions and they fit so well is pretty fucking cool

I can't do it right now, because it's 5:20 am where I live, and I had to put my TV full blast to get this recording to work, so that will wake up all my neighbors

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i'm tired of anime. i'm tired of porn. i'm tired of furries. i'm tired of frogposters. i'm tired of bpd/schizo namefigs. there are 86 of these kinds of threads on the board right now.
Have you considered throwing your computer in the garbage
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Post elsewhere, then
Dude, same. Wanna have gay sex?
you mean
dick in the dick?
this is the end of the fucking world rn

porn literally checkmated coomers XD

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Internet is not completely dead yet, "anons". I have been lurking dark net for genuine content for a few days now. I found a lot of stuff. It is anarchy there, but, you are truly free and as anonymous as you can be. It reminds me of old times.
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yeah, my whole social circle of internet people migrated to skype then discord when forums died off

the whole reason forums died off was hackers. boards kept getting hacked over and over, and very few people knew how to keep them out

in current times, there'd be absolutely nothing you can do, the hacker problem has become a government grade issue where you literally need a security clearance to deal with the problem
Which board would be correct?

Also yes, that is the problem. No one is using this as they used to now. It sucks, but on dark net people feel anonymous so sometimes they share more. You can see their true selves. It is really great.
That was never my approach to internet culture at all. I prefered things when they were tied to an identity. That's part of the reason why i'm the literal real Yuji Sakai. I wanted to be known as someone with a reputation

The somethingawful forums were pretty cool, because that's where the line between the internet and reality started blending. Lowtax himself was a dickhead, though

While I take months, sometimes years, off of this site, I've been on 4chan since day ZERO, as I came over from that place, from their anime forum Anime Deathrape Tentacle Whorehouse, where I saw 4chan the day before the site officially lanched to the public
The problem with the lightweb is the cyberwar. The AIs have been unleashed, and reddit news subreddits are essentially the american botwar, and /pol/ is the soviet botwar
Active forums still exist and I'm sure that by now there are open source forum software that are reasonably secure against hackers. Reddit and Discord killed forums.

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I dropped an anime because it made me depressed and disturbed
Meanwhile it's just casual viewing for normies
Who is in the wrong?
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im a manly man that watches brain melting moe like squid girl, why would i watch shojo
everyone. none shall be spared punishment.
I didn't like it morally
You should specify that you are not the OP to avoid confusion
This happened to me when I watched the first episode of attack on titan and the mom gets eaten. Idk, I've seen gore thats worse, but I guess it was the buildup of the character before she dies that got me. Then I was like, why would I waste my time watching this depressing shit when I could be watching Bo-bo-bo or something.

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monch :3
if my dotter bites u u will probably need a rabies shot
would be funnier if she were anthro
it's hip to fuck cats

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Your fortune: Average Luck
Last one.
Like a Drug

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Okay last one for real.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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a cock edit would be pretty funny

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Another day, another dollar.

Your fortune: Outlook good

"Great party, isn't it?"
the shining is really some cryptic esoteric shit. like a wild fever dream (nightmare) on,, existance? or something else
i dont think its like any of the other kubrik movies and the same "logic" doesnt apply

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Native English speakers are the #1 cause of the decline of English. More specifically, NIGGERS and the low IQ White Americans who've been adopting and enabling their niggerspeak for years. Some examples of worthless niggerspeak / aave / ebonics / gen z slang: As fuck, Aura, Banger, Based, Bestie, Bet, Blud, Brainrot, Bro, Bro is, Bruh, Bussin', Clapped, Cook, Cooked, Cope, Cringe, Delulu, Drip, Fire, Glaze, Glow-up, Goat, Gyatt, Lit, Mid, Moot, Ngl, No cap, No diff, On god, Oomfie, Opp, Ratio, Rizz, Sksksk, Slap, Sleep on, Stan, Sus, Tbh, Tweaking, Valid, Yap, Yeet, Zesty.

Everything they touch turns to shit, just like their skin color. And all the mentally defficient trannies and coomers will happily integrate that negroid word sludge into their rapidly deteriorating speech. Great job turning the Internet into a double-digit IQ hellscape.
did you know that languages change over time anone? you can just say 'the language is changing in ways that are out of my control and it scares me' ^w^ !!

i love karen!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
the captcha is 5-6 characters today and I just wanted to post about it
Karen Kujo summoned Satan to get rid of all non-blonde Japanese girls
she's a menace for that
Karen nice body

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Post jerkoff anthems

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers'
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lame is a whore
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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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Sorely disappointed this didn't segue into advocating human-whale sex

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