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Musk views /pol/ on a daily basis edition
he might even visit /sfg/ once in a while too

previous >>16284672
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Locations of some musk compankes in texas with rspect go eachother
That's a terrible OP image. Also, what the hell is happening in the catalog?
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Sharty raid, maybe?
In any case, glass the Earth, demigod war eventually.
His facebook friends are on that board, why'd he not visit there?
It only seemed unlikely if you lived in the mainstream news bubble and weren't paying attention to the world around you
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not my map
so what happened to Blue Origin buying ULA?
might be the person that has whined in this thread every now and then
Someone better start adding more overpasses on TX-71, those stop lights are a pain in the ass when there's any traffic. But knowing the lefty government around there, they'll probably just make another toll road, with the old highway as the frontage road.
That's now how fpbp works, newfag. OP posts are not eligible.
Now you can see why we sometimes jump back to page 8 or less after /sfg/ hits page 10.
If it is actually happening then it still hasn't gone through.
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>board is getting raided by sharty browns
What caused them to sperg out?
You are brown, you subhuman space monkey
So that's why my robot thread is gone...
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Starliner status?
Prepping Dragon as we speak.
deadweight mode
Rika > Erica ngl
what is sharty? I see it mentioned every now and then
The unfunny zoomer imageboard that makes all these gay ass söyjaks.
you shouldn't even respond to them, attention is what they desperately want.
>what is sharty?
/qa/ schizo refugees made an imageboard to create and post söyjaks, all these new söyjaks you see across the internet are created by them.
>Oh god
god doesn't exist, chudboy
Don't care, you're all the same thing anyways.
Clean it the fuck up, jannies.

Here's the raid thread they're using
That's what The Boring Company is for. There are already building private tunnels for the Gigafactory to move around vehicles between locations without using surface roads.
>elon was the spacex poster this whole time
oh shit oh fuck
>Americans are asleep while third world posters spam the board for 4 hours
Really makes you think.
I honestly feel bad for zoomers, seeing their civilization going to shit first hand in your formative years and being unable to even do things like getting a girlfriend must really fuck with your brain. I think that explains most of this behavior.
fuck off
>have different views about space so gets hard at times
>i see the world differently
>I'm into metaphysics/astrology/ and spirituality
>i don't think you can go to space
>Because space is water
>IT'll crush anything that goes into |t
>Air is water but less density than water
>i think the sun |s water and cause we move super fast to the left that |t creates friction between the sun as a body of water and ours and the atmospheres create light

how do you respond to this?
why is mental illness disguised as astrology so common among young women now?
America is a third world country
how hard is it to have ONE(1) single mod awake at any time to stop shit like this?
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Elon admits to spamming /pol/ with shit twitter screencaps all day. What a worthless try hard faggot. Buy an ad Elon, you whore for failure you.

How many years behind schedule for Mars? How many billions over budget on StarShit....which still doesn't work.
/sci/ usually never has to worry about this sort of thing, as only an underaged faggot would spam here thinking its funny.
About as funny as a dog turd on the kitchen floor, it just smells and needs to get brought outside.
some 4chan competitor?
More like a colostomy bag to contain 4chan's waste.
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I literally do not browse /sci/ at all, and just hop from one thread to the next.
>Jannies finally woke up
>3 pages on /sci/
Well done.
not clicking that shit nigga
I can only hope Mars internet has a great firewall like China
About fuckin' time. Worthless soijackers get bent.
I don't blame you, their site is ugly and packed 100% with people too gay for 4chan, underaged losers who've clung to one shit joke for years now.
Mars will be a closed net to prevent the cancerous E*rth from infecting it.
mods are gods
i went and poked them on the irc
seemed to work
never knew they could restore threads pushed off the catalog
when are we going to colonize the sun? it isnt impossible to get a good enough thermal insulation and ac to deal with the heat, right?
Thank you for your service, and neither did I
Sharty zoomers are into sissy hypno too. We really failed their generation
>still doesn't work
you need to update your talking points retard
>biden complains about elon buying the election
>4chan chuds thinks this means he hates spacex
Why are you retards like this?
We didnt say this or think this though. Maybe youre talking to /pol/ a bit too much
fuck space
Did you just blank out the last thread or something?
this has been going on for years now
He wasn't complaining when every tech company under the sun who cheats their taxes to Ireland bankrolled his campaign.
Fuck off newfag
the texas hill country is so, so beautiful
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3rd module for Tower 2
How many till it's done?
Isn't it 7 or something? I'm not exactly sure
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As many as it takes to get to Mars.
SpaceX has multiple lawsuits from Biden admin
Tesla has multiple lawsuits from Biden admin

lawfare was deployed by his admin to stop him
whats the next major thing after they finish the second tower?
Yes. I wasnt actively reading the entire thread though I always have /sfg/ open. If what you say is true that anon is a retard.
Launch capacity extended to 25
A moving target of getting Starship in a Stable configuration
Continued launch from Starbase
Tower/OLM from Florida
Launch from Florida
i meant the next large construction project at starbase after they finish the second tower with all its trappings (olm, tank farm, etc.)
I filtered the entire catalog
the only thread I see is /sfg/
Finish their factory. Expand the footsize more for employees who live nearby
the factory and office building will be done before the tower is finished
>how do you respond to this?
Don't, it's not worth the effort you'll get no results.
yeah, i was surprised by all the oak trees. really nice.
another high bay
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sun station never
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How long until this disgusting DEI cucked company dies??
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Musk rizzing up 4chan uwu
just refuses to fucking die
Kill yourself edition
Elon explicitly made it his mission to dismantle the Biden admin as a direct consequemce to DOJ and executive regulatory harrassment of Tesla/SpaceX/Neuralink/X. This has been ongoing for 3-4 years
Shut up faggot nobody cares
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Your bait is embarrassing and decreasing the quality of this general.
Reddit trannies dont want to hear it because it makes their troon leader the evil
wish berger would drop an article comparing trump and bidens space policies
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Another huge 150,000 Sqft expansion of Starlink facility in Batrop. Roughly 3 and half acres of facility expansion greenlit
should've went for the cool factor and made it a high rise building. start cutting metal at the base and deliver finished satellites at the top via airship.
if he wrote one it'd mostly say that the president doesn't have much of an effect on space policy and then /sfg/ would get mad because he wasn't being sufficiently cheerleady
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You still never told me what Chairman Whitaker smells like, and for that you are the biggest faggot of them all
>president doesn't have much of an effect on space policy
This is clearly bullshit or else bush wouldn't have been able to start constellation and obama wouldn't have been able to cancel it.
trump: fuck that stupid asteroid shit we're going to the moon
nasa: o-oh okay...
also trump: and fuck that gay air force space command shit i want a full on space force
air force: wtf
also also trump: bring back the national space council too
political historians: oh shit

looks like presidents do have an effect
I've listened to Eric on a few podcasts and the nicest thing he can say about Biden admin policies is that they kept them basically the same from the Trump policy. He likes Senator Administrator Ballast for some ungodly reason, even though he's an absent husk who basically just exists. His management is not persuasive or effective on any level
>admin changes
>suddenly FAA drags heels for months and months when previously test flights flew regularly
You can just look with your eyes and see
From factory construction pov, its cheaper to build side ways than upward. Only time this isnt the case is when you're in an expensive city and real estate costs nearly billion+
massive cope
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Astra privatization process complete now. Easier time raising money/not having to deal with stock/etc.
thanks for making my point for me
he's always going to go after democrats with the kiddy gloves. he made shelby into a meme but tried rescuing ballast into near-respectability when the shelby space policy WAS the bill nelson space policy. there was no daylight between the two of them. and i don't want to rag on him too much, because spaceflight would be much better off if we had 10 eric bergers putting out muckraking articles. but he's got his own biases you've got to account for.
back to r*ddit fag
100 posts in and this is unfortunately true
how is he still not in jail?
Your point is bullshit cause what you said isn't even remotely true.
>thanks for making my point for me
You didn't make a real one.
Your company not succeeding isn't a crime by itself, even if billions of public investor funds are lost.
>The history of the ISS, which took till 2011 to complete, has not been all plain sailing. One early sign of trouble was a 1984 report of the US government Office of Technology Assessment, which spelled out in embarrassing detail that the object of international cooperation in space was not to enhance NASA’s capabilities, but to distract US allies from developing their own. It cast a new light on previous cancellations such as the Space Shuttle flyback booster, to which the British Aircraft Corporation had made a major commitment, and highlighted the subsequent under-use of the European Space Agency’s Spacelab module, which a 1997 report described as “Europe’s most expensive gift to the people of the United States since the Statue of Liberty”.
Why are Americans such ingrates?
Evil government, non-representative of the populace.
Nothing here is wrong, euros would just rather contribute to americas space program cause they're cucks.
>In his book Endurance, Scott Kelly describes his battle, throughout his career, to get NASA to take the issue of carbon dioxide build up seriously. In the battle to save Apollo 13 and bring its crew home, a device had to be improvised to scrub carbon dioxide from the air, bringing the partial pressure back from 15 mm of mercury, which was far above the limit for safety, to just 0.1 mm.
>In Kelly’s investigation, he found that the US Navy does not allow carbon dioxide to rise above 2 mm (0.3 %) even if the noise of air purifiers risks giving away a submarine’s position. NASA regarded 6 mm as the upper limit and routinely allowed 4 mm, at which the astronauts suffered headaches and lapses of judgment, extremely dangerous in space. Permissible levels in spacesuits were far lower. Neither astronauts nor cosmonauts had complained for fear of being replaced, but Kelly had decided to retire after his 340-day stay on the ISS, and the parallel study being conducted on his twin brother on the ground made him too valuable to bring back early, so like Chapman’s Homer he could ‘speak out loud and bold’.
what a fucking bald cry baby
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t. NASA faggot indifferent to crew health and efficiency
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This final spacesuit testing milestone took place at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, June 24-28, utilizing a historic chamber facility previously used to support testing of America’s earliest spacesuits and spacecraft during the Gemini and Apollo programs. Built in the mid-1960s, the facility was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1985 and remains in use today to support various space industry tests.
>distance of mercury as a measurement
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New mega bay. Also demolishing tower one because it's not tall enough, and the OLM is a shit design, so they need to rebuild them both. They can't just add more sections to the first tower because it's filled with concrete.
dune vibes
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Wake me up when they do vacuum chamber and parabolic flight tests (ideally at same time)
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they are done with tests, next test is actually in orbit
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see the camera and glass disk for UI (forgot what its called for some reason, it displays basic suit information right now)
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Look up Toricelli
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ETA on space infantry?
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Gold tint is to reflect radiation/light away right? Gold being a primary choice due to stability of the metal and the heaviness factory to reflect the rads away right?
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I think its copper
scroll down on both pages, on the polaris program page its a gif and on the spacex page its hoverable bubbles


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You are not cynical enough to analyze international politics yet
Yeah that makes sense for cost perspective. As long as they meet the safety factor, the pricing is crucial since they want to mass produce these
Damn, you got the baiter to reply 3 times to you lol. Tilted
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>nose piercing
>disgusting pores
ugly hag
that’s not a nice thing to call someone.
We gaan?
Elon musk just destroyed biden and the democrats hahahaha
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Should be ~410mx310m after fully expansion, it's huge.
they started it
childish behavior that should ended in 3rd grade. elon should be the better man
if someone hits you, you hit them so hard they stop
This isn't a social game with no consequences. They were blocking progress at his companies and he has the money to destroy them. Why the hell wouldn't he? They should've left him alone.
If being a better man means his companies are shutdown and humans become extinct due to politics that promote death cult ideology, then no one should be "better man."
with facts and logic praise kek
That sharty raid earlier was awful. Most of the threads didnt survive but thankfully /sfg/ stayed up since we're so active. Why do those faggots raid this board of all places?
As a transexual Elon is putting me in a self defence situation
Above post is the most obvious bait ever
Same reason they raided /po/ a year or so back just to bump the oldest thread off the board: because they're faggots.
This is a legit inquiry. Everyone knows there is quid pro quo in political donations. What does $45M/month buy for SpaceX? Will FAA grant them a waiver unless they kill people?
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He should go speak at the RNC tonight and tell them about orders of magnitude and stuff.
This is fake
100% real
>When the prototype Space Shuttle Enterprise was rolled out at Kennedy Space Centre on its dummy tank and boosters, the spontaneous comment of the NASA Director was “My God, it looks clumsy"
Shittle btfo before it ever flew lmao
Its a donation to save humanity from the woke nonsense.
any video of the vacuum test?
That's insane
Isn't it?
no link, and not on his feed, this is an edited screencap from /pol/
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>he plays legion and not ronin or ion
You can tell it’s fake because elon always does that double stroke X that matches the logo when he references the name of the website.
He is going to, will post the strean
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he denied it

But how will they know about reusing rockets like planes instead of throwing them after each time? Also orders of magnitude.
he's speaking at the MNC
I'm staging this shitty thread

You believe him? lmao
didn't even reach max Q yet bro
why would he deny it? The RNC is being livestreamed
fucking retard

>not scorch
for shame, anon
need to replace Bidens limbs with Optimus prostethics to do that
Bionic Biden
>we have to make conservatism ... multi-planetary
Would Max-Q for /sfg/ be bump limit or what
krystal posting
max anti-anime fag whining
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It'll all be clear cut to make way for the x-suburbs
You're thinking too small. Political donations make your business the "national interest" of your country and is especially useful when your business involves other countries. I foresee either a SpaceX request to launch for ESA at their spaceport (unlikely) or a continuance of future ESA-controlled KSC launches. This may also involve Starlink.
i'd try living in BurbX. Visit at least.
guess i should have said Burbsx
This guy makes great animations, I remember the IFT-1 animation.
elon invented tiny homes so they'll use that
How is this supposed to latch without any part extending forward? Surely they wouldn't put a latch mechanism on the booster side?

Falcon out of Korou would be fun. With how much Elon wants to launch he should start investigating launch sites outside the US anyways (imagine Mahia Starship, it won't happen but imagine)
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below orbit employee btw
Starliner update??? Like for real last we got was in June
dont worry about it
It's fine OK? Report that in your next article you scheming journo
I want to dock my Dragon capsule in her docking port and transfer cargo if you know what I mean.
Honestly I'm surprised we don't hear about off-shore launch platforms from SpaceX. Logistically it's a pain in the ass but there's a shitload of advantages.

I don't understand how BO can be this arrogant. Like you think being in the space industry would have taught you to be humble because failure can happen at any time. But here they are, with zero orbital launches, saying this kind of stuff, saying they have a "hardware rich" engine program with three and a half BE-4, sending a unacceptable proposal for CLPS, etc.
What did you mean by that anon?
come back when you can retract your probe back into the housing like apollo could. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG CLUNK
BO has actually been cooking since Bezos quit Amazon and started turning the company around.
Space companies in particular really do live or die by who is running them.
Prognosis for Firefly is Astra level doom unless they can get Markusic or Polyakov back in.
before you have some working core tech and a business on top of it then this probably holds for startups in general, but perhaps hard technology (or deep tech) companies in particular
>we don't hear about off-shore launch platforms from SpaceX
They were going to convert an oil platform but forget why that became a nonstarter.
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it gets better
Elon doesn't like distractions. He just cancels projects that aren't obviously critical path.
LMFAO they havent even stacked a real second stage on the first
>Teams with @NASA and @BoeingSpace completed ground hot fire testing at White Sands and are working to evaluate the test data and inspect the test engine.
>Integrated ground teams also are preparing for an in-depth Agency Flight Test Readiness Review, which will evaluate data related to the spacecraft’s propulsion system performance before its return to Earth. The date of the agency review has not yet been solidified.
>@NASA_Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams continue to work alongside the Expedition 71 crew, conducting operations and science on @Space_Station
>the team works through plans to return the agency’s Boeing Crew Flight Test from the International Space Station in the coming weeks.
Teams completed ground hot fire testing at White Sands and are working to evaluate the test data and inspect the test engine. The ongoing ground analysis is expected to continue throughout the week.
Damn so no way earlier than August
how about a fucking launch?
It's happening in 10 weeks goy
That's an very short time for Blue to actually integrate all of their various pieces of hardware and then run them through any amount of integrated testing. The second stage is also a completely new design using engines that have seen exactly zero real flight time, which is a pretty huge temptation for the second stage curse.
Flight 1 New Glenn is likely already fully integrated in the hangar.
Donald Trump will be speaking to SpaceX employees on OFT5. They love him
Show us
New Glenn just flew over my house
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>Lmao so the Tianlong 3 static fire team was monitoring it in a prefab next to it, they could easily have died in the launch. Oh yeah, here's the next fuck up: the prefab was right within the exclusion zone, like brudda you can't make this shit up. SP is really that reckless huh
tachyon-thermized q-chromo beam drives
Ummmm based? Who gives a shit; i’m not here to be the morality police and say china is “irresponsible” or whatever. China wants to go to space and they are doing it in a very Kerbal manner—I can only applaud
inb4 CIDF shows up to correct your record.
Wish we could do that here. The future is truly in Chinese hands
Imagine the reaction in the room when rocket flies away
based and Nedelin pilled
I think it was probably too soon. They might wait for the Starship stack to be relatively stabilized
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>Starship Block 2 Hardware Begins Stacking! | Starbase Flyover Update Episode 50
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>$70M in Economic Impacts, Permit Review & Future Plans of SpaceX & The Boring Company in Bastrop, TX
Why are such piercings allowed in space in the first place?
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The wonders you can achieve without regulations
Why did they even do? What did that spam exactly?
When I am put in charge, they won't be.
They just organize to spam random boards or generals randomly. One sharter will spam blacked shit in a non gaming related general I'm in which is better than the days he'd spam 100s of posts whenever he was set off. Buckbroken generation
I want to do a belly-to-belly fluid transfer with her, like a pair of Starships going beyond LEO, if you know what I'm saying.
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>Why Can't Falcon 9 Fly? SpaceX Grounded (for now)
Pretty based if you ask me
I mean, it's a great measure to make sure they feel motivated to make things work. it's either that or die trying (and kill nearby villagers in the process)
Wellniggers will never have this power
I hate stupid tiktok speak
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The superior Mars
I just don't get this reusable engineers meme.
this is how exoplanet shit is going to be for centuries
there's something to be said for this. when bureaucrats and managers put their asses on the line, they're still going to be dumbasses, but at least they're dumbasses who pay the price for their own fuckups. it's something that's increasingly rare in the west. reminds me of how that chernobyl miniseries demonized dyatlov as the stereotypical evil boss when the real dyatlov received a near-fatal radiation dose searching for missing workers.
Sounds like skin in the game to me.
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>viper rover cancelled
>europa clipper delayed
What's going on?
Yeah you got a problem with that?
They were next to a city lol
America is in decline, it's almost over.
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anyone seen this?
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let's see the destinations here
>no callisto
>no enceladus
>no titan
>no pluto
>no interstellar systems
astronaut-politician is a disgraceful career path
james irwin spending 20 years of his life on a quest to find noah's ark is the most based career path
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Should NASA award another contract for (truly) expendable Starship - no stainless steel/heatshields so we can do this in a single launch?
I legitimately feel bad for that guy since everytime spacex has a win he gets even more demented. Just an astounding self-inflicted mental trauma he's given himself that deepens many times a year
That Musk posts on /pol/ and ignores /sci/ just goes to show that pretty much everyone knows that /pol/ is a high IQ board than /sci/ is
This. We need to build bases on Titan and Callisto so that we can investigate the gas giants and their satellite systems. We also need to build a base on Pluto to prepare future humans for the construction of the Pluto Relay which will be used to travel to outer systems.

No idea why we're so obsessed with Mars. I understand Selene because we need to test things first, but Mars is just a dead rock.
Aside from /sfg/ that's pretty accurate.
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Doing about one module every three days. They'll probably have the crane set down to be reconfigured within two weeks.
You might be better fit for /pol/ with your tranny brain
might stack the whole thing before IFT-5
Its gonna be done right around the same time as IFT-5 launches. I remember retards saying it would take end of the year to stack it and launch IFT-5.

They always underestimate SpaceX
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People forgot they've been building this tower for the past year.
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easy mars concrete?

we hit the big time boys
>sulfur mines on mars
oh shit. sulfur is one of the 5 most important atoms for human civilization.
They didn't. We saw all the tower pieces hauled one by one from Florida.
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They fit right in with the spicy fumes of pythom space
Sulfur concrete might be okay on Mars since it's dry as hell there. There's still not a lot of knowledge of how it ages.
Musk didn't want to draw X schizos to /sfg/
Nice muffin.
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>BO has actually been cooking meth since Bezos quit Amazon
Their budget was brutally slashed and MSR wrecked a bunch of shit with its overruns
Show dont tell
>I legitimately feel bad for that guy
Not me.
Retards gonna tard.
meh that's nothing
>5 most important atoms
Starliner lookin kinda thicc
Reminds me of the mountain of pot shards in rome.
what's the smallest rocket you can DIY as a team to get small sats to orbit?
shieet they do be cooking tho fr ong no cap
>My dude
extremely bearish for BO
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more like the pyramids in Egypt, except they can't make it higher because it's sulfur, not rock
something along the lines of Japan's SS-520, 9.5m and 2.6 ton liftoff weight for a 1-4kg payload
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I think the lambda-4s was the smallest rocket to reach orbit, could be wrong about that.
either way you're not going to orbit as a DIY team. they can barely make suborbital space
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>Starbase launch tower 2 module 3 was stacked this morning.
ok. I guess I asked the wrong question.. what's a good way for a small team to get a small payload to orbit? can you a small team build something like spinlaunch? how much would it cost?

also, might be a dumb idea, but let's say you have a small solar PV farm and can produce 5MW at peak or whatever. how would you use that to get to orbit?
>donate to Trump
>have his ear
>convince him to fund nuclear hydrocarbon production
>get help developing Mars tech
>convince him to fund oil platform conversions for an ODST rapid response program
>buy deprecated platforms on the cheap from the gulf
>elon gets funding for large scale launch infrastructure and a head start on in situ methane production
>US gets permanent energy dominance and ODST marines
figure out how germany made the reichsflugscheiben during WWII, apply to your own craft and keep it secret so you don't get disappeared by feds or military.
It's a recent development and /pol/ has been a fraction of what it was since the_donald banning, let alone Trump, but it is shocking just how dogshit the rest of /sci/ has become in the past few years.

Bit of Jared interview on PolarisDawn
>small team to get a small payload to orbit?
depends on your budget but buy rocket motors from a company that makes them (ursa major) or russia so you're only making the electronics and tanks yourself, or go with pressure fed in house engines and be prepared to fail several times. actually be prepared to fail several times regardless
>how much would it cost?
high 8 figures to mid 9 figures
mars is close and has all the necessary raw materials for a self sustaining colony
sending something to titan would be much more difficult
Fully industrialize Mars and you can get to the entire solar system easily. First things first. Imagine the mass you could move on a world with little gravity and little atmosphere, imagine the volume of resources you could dedicate when your people came to know their home the same way. The solar system will be Martian
it's a fake post
mars is too small and isolated. give it a couple of large moons and double the planet's size.
yes, that is something Musk mentions regularly
Mars is rich in CO2. There's 3.8 liters of water per cubic meter of Martian soil. There's brine flows that have been confirmed on the surface of Mars on dunes, and there's massive ice caps. If at any point you'd want to do explosive mining on Mars, sulfur is integral to achieving that and all other elemental options are all in support of that. Sulfur concrete would be good for basically building a hydrophobic layer for radiation shielding on the surface in the event of a particular nasty geomagnetic storm or simply for building a massive underground reservoir that's a few hundred cubic meters in volume. Which would be really cool to see on Mars one day, where a surface and underground colony basically would have a subsurface fresh water "lake" in which aqua flora and fauna can be grown and harvested and humans could scuba dive into.
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...a vagina?
Seeing that Amazon dropped the ball so hard with Alexa I don't have high hopes for Jeff's organizational prowess and by extension don't have hope for BO's comeback.
Bro it's a fucking spyware cube who cares
This is a satisfying ore node
What does it mean? Why do I care? What is with these vague gay tweets NAsa always puts out about life on Mars? Fuck them
I don't. I care about spaceflight.
They had a hugely successful product already and then the biggest advance in conversational AI just fell in their lap.
And the organization was so dysfunctional they didn't know what to do with it.
BO will not succeed unless Bezos has learned a serious lesson since.
Bro nobody cares about the conversational spyware cube thing
That's not fumbling, that's inventing a wrong solution
They found a large swath of pure sulfur rock.
They don't know fuck all about what it means.
Would you prefer they just not tweeted about it at all?
You're a fucking nigger. Remember to disregard anybody who asks "What does it mean? Why do I care?"
They are 100% fully retarded faggots
Frfr skibidi rizz
Not just any vagina, a horse vagina!
Oof, getting a little defensive! Methinks you might work for a certain satanic 3-letter laboratory. Justify your wages, I have no problem with that. Stop lying to taxpayers that it has anything to do with the "search for life"
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>SpaceX was awarded $267K on July 15 for "Special Study for Emergency Response." A similar contract was awarded when NASA considered Frank Rubio on Dragon. During the July 10th press conference, Steve Stich, program manager for NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, mentioned NASA had looked at Dragon contingency per Butch and Suni waiting for Starliner to be cleared for return, so this may be related.

>And we have a NASA response for context:
>"The study is not related to Starliner. NASA continuously explores a wide range of contingency options with our partners to ensure crew safety aboard the International Space Station. Over the past couple of years, the agency has worked with its commercial partner SpaceX to provide additional return capability on the Dragon spacecraft in the event of a contingency."

ah, yes, a "special study" with live subjects in a real emergency situation. very convenient lmao
Actually those live oaks are such good yard trees that they usually get kept when building residential properties, ex-urbs doubly so. They're pretty crazy, though, the little branches sprout from everywhere, even main trunks, but that gives them sovl.
Fuck the "cedar" junipers though. Fucking water stealing weeds.
You think that's sideways, go look up the USAA building sometime. It's only like 5 floors high, but basically it's a skyscraper laid on its side. New hires get an escort for a couple of weeks just so they don't get lost.
Elon needs to make sure all roof-tops within 150m of him are secure if he's going to go against the Democrat mafia like this.
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This parking garage serpent?
>New hires get an escort for a couple of weeks
Sending in my resume now.
It's peanut brittle from Buc'ees.
that's no moon
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Kamala considering astronaut and senator Mark Kelly for VP

Still cheaper to go sideways than upwards.
>The study is not related to Starliner. NASA continuously explores a wide range of contingency options with our partners to ensure crew safety aboard the International Space Station

Kek saarliner really is in trouble isn't it
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Boeing fanboys on discord telling me it's a nothingburger and the Sarliner crew are not stuck and can leave any time. /sfg/ debunked.
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it's one of the docking ports on zvezda that progress attaches to that they're worried about. they're also trying really hard to keep it a secret.
Just a cohenicidence it lined up with shartliners failure to come back within its original mission timeframe huh pajeet?
Trump mentioned Starship then said spaceship, was refering to Star Wars SDI lmao
Why would anyone bother listening to politics shit for their space platform. No one has a space platform. Absolute best case scenario is they keep giving some tax money to SpaceX.
Maybe you should go back to discord and never return you disgusting freak
has spaceflight now become a cornerstone of american politics?
Going to land Cybertrucks on the Moon in the future, none of these shitty rovers.
It's a cracked reptilian egg
Lol lmao even
Because someone paid them to say that
And if someone paid them to say that, that person has money to do space stuff
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I live in the south and I've seen several dozen small suburbs put up in the past 20 years and not a single one saved a tree. Probably the ones built today are built as cheap as possible and trying to design around large oaks is just too much for any new cardboard housing development.
Yeah, I'm a tradie wagie and never worked in a single new suburb that has saved a tree beyond maybe a few token ones. It's all clear cut, bulldozed, graded, levelled out and fenced into cuck blocks, that guy is bullshitting.
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Behold: a metaphor to IT infrastructure worldwide
>IT infrastructure

More like all infrastructure, pretty much everything worldwide is held together by 0.00001% of people
>the south
This central Texas you mong, the San Antonio to Austin area, leaving the live oaks up is standard here.
>Hab-1 reaches CDR! During Critical Design Review, Axiom Space updates NASA on its module design, soliciting Agency feedback & moving Axiom Station one step closer to LEO.

since viper is cancelled, I guess that means clps is over?
Nasa management appointed by the Biden transition team has been an unmitigated disaster
You guys know that Trump won't increase NASA budget?
Congress will based on executive pressure based on Elon bribes
Trump will increase it more than any president probably in history
You guys know that the eventual Democrat candidate won't either?
who cares?
SpaceX doesn't need NASA, they need the regulators to get the fuck out of the way and agencies to stop lawfaring Musk and SpaceX
Does this or something like it have a snowballs chance in hell of actually happening?
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Good republican platform on spaceflight
If Trump nomimates Greg Autry to be Nasa administrator we kick into gigadrive
Greg Autry
Anonymous... I
nominated by Trump to be CFO of NASA. big commercial space guy.
>build overly complex cuckbox rovers and probes with tight mass constraints
>this happens
They couldn't manage the budget and the budget increased 30%. This kicked off a review on whether the project could be launched at all. Given the $1 trillion/y in interest rate alone today in the US, the republican party wants wants NASA to cut the laggards. NASA doesnt want to cancel SLS. So its cutting smaller programs that are failing to meet the standard.

30% review is there as a fail safe for when programs are deviating. You dont want to reward failure.
When are they going to switch gears to mass production? Will they? If Starlink revenue continues to approach the NASA budget I could see SpaceX and the new network of space startups just doing exploration missions themselves
Ideally NASA/SpaceX would cooperate to explore together. But with SpaceX building their own war machine and war chest to fund their war efforts, SpaceX will likely eventually lead their own missions due to difference in priorities + capabilities of SpaceX.

For smaller companies, they will have the choice of following SpaceX's leadership to take a chance/risk or staying with NASA's leadership. This event will be the real fracturing between future of mankind from government led to commercial led.
>You dont want to reward failure.
ironic considering what is happening with SLS, its basically eating all other programs
but killing mars return is promising, perhaps they will kill SLS after a few missions, get the companies/people working on it to start doing something actually commercially useful
Starship will open up whole new industries so the 53 gorillion different companies might as well start applying themselves there instead
>NASA doesnt want to cancel SLS
Pretty sure most of NASA would be extremely happy to crash SLS with no survivors (if they could reaffect the budget elsewhere). Its congress who want the pork to keep flowing.
>Starlink revenue continues to approach the NASA budget
There's no way-
>projected $15b this year
SLS and ISS are 2/3 of the funding
SLS is already slated for death, the transition to commercial SLS in the 2030's is essentially an admission that SLS is doomed. Nobody is gonna pay for any commercial payloads for SLS when starship is flying.
The nasa budget for human spaceflight is on ~7 billion. Having twice that will be extremely useful.
Thats still nothing as atleast a good chunk is used to pay for past debts and infrastructure build costs. They get real when its >$30-$50+ B. Thats when the game begins to unfold. When they hit $100B/y, its gonna be huge
>rover was already finished and the government only saved 84 million with this.
It should've been msr or sls.
They went $84 million over budget over a tiny rover.
How much over budget is sls and msr?
Irrelevant. Those have strong congressional backings for whatever reason.

>SLS went overbudget, we should be able to as well
Thats not an excuse. Its led by a shitter project manager and a shitter company that cant manage their project
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spacex will just make an adapter so a falcon can launch Orion and keep the program running
If things continue at this rate that will be next year and then three years from now
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Anything to add?
How much money would you have to be paid to take a 10 year trip to pluto or triton and do nothing but mine nitrogen ice for a decade?
bragging rights
>10 year trip
>10 year shift
>10 year return
>leave at 20 arrive back at 50
No job is worth your whole life. Anyway it would be cheaper to send a fleet of robots that you know will break down over the next decade
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here have some ragebait
>SLS in profile picture
yup, retard confirmed
Is this current? Is falcon back on the launch pad?
Aren't nasa still paying for the probe to go to the moon still, just not with the rover.
There's way too many proper nouns in that sentence, it looks really weird.
Thats just deflection. The real picture is that of a Musk Derangement Syndrome. He's seething about Tesla(stocks, battery, shareholders, lawsuits), Elon(seething at all the rumors), Twitter/X, etc
The picture isn't current, but it seems like the smart money is on Falcon 9 being back in a few days.
link to post?
zero, i'll do anything to get off this earth
Have the starliner crew been told of Trump deflecting a bullet with his head and hulk hogan at the RNC?
No but President Vance will, he's owned by Elon and Peter Thiel.
Trump wrote it personally, you can recognize his schizo capitalisation scheme at a glance.
based knower
How are people so obsessed with a single human. This goes for so many people but how can you not have ANYTHING better to do in your life other than be infatuated with these people that you will never meet or know? Dont they have jobs or hobbies they care more about?
That's why they want to stay.
There are some people where hating things is their hobby.
Just take a glance at any of the /enoughXspam/ subreddits to see how sad these kinds of people are.
>inb4 redditor
No, I don't use reddit, I'm just aware of places outside 4chan.
Great Man Theory
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hop wen?
some time between august 3rd and 15th
He's a complete retard.
thank you
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This is what most /sfg/ regulars do, filthy crossboarding scum dont though.
you've got your orbital priorities straight! avoids gravity losses
Good NASA is bloated AF.
I only go to /pol/ if there is some unprecedented happening
nothing ever happens
>visit /g/ for the first time because of the recent windows crash
>find this
You guys are the only ones on this godforsaken site that know anything about space
Hold on reading this now. Gonna be fucking gold isnt it
It's like a bunch of blue origin employees. I didn't realize /g/ disliked musk. It isn't clear to me why
because they don't like spaceflight
I guess that's the only explanation
>at the forefront of making cars with DRM and spyware that you can never truly own
gee i wonder why
7th post in that thread is /thread, I don't want to read the rest because it's bound to be retarded
I don't drive so idc about car stuff. I follow Musk for the roggets, trucks and tunnels are neat too I guess but not what I'm here for.
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>they fell for the terraforming meme
>they fell for the lunar surface mining meme
>they fell for the global warming meme
>they talk about needing cost to orbit significantly reduced but only 1 mention of starship and its thunderf00t tier bait that hasnt been updated since IFT-3
>they think 'real' space colonization starts when nothing needs to be sent to orbit
>they think spacex is 'just barely' catching the boosters and underemphasize reusability
>actual venusian cloud citytards
>they dont think there are any long term defenses against radiation exposure
techbros at the top of mount stupid. think they know everything and in reality know absolutely fuck all other than what they heard in some youtubers fantasy video. there is always more to learn.
whichever one of you faggots linked this thread should leave and not come back
Scratch that, IFT-2 and he didnt even know why they exploded.
the dunning kruger effect is an unscientific myth and you're no better than them
Hey dildo, was I commenting on its scientificity? Whether or not its a myth, the idea of mount stupid applies well here and if you don't like that I used it that way then you can shove it right up your ugly ass.
the overconfidence of the amateur is definitely very real
and then they stay overconfident until their skill level catches up and become correctly confident. the valley of thinking they know nothing does not exist.
>the valley of thinking they know nothing does not exist.
but it should because there a true understanding of ones situation is found...and it doesn't say they 'know nothing', since the curve does not touch bottom. unlike yourself.
its a statistical artifact
only egos as big as elon's survive the constant humbling of the proper pursuit of mastery in anything
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You wouldn't download a rocket
aren't we all
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I would and have
why is texas such a hot spot for space flight but not other states?
Because its the southernmost state and has a eastward coastline?
california, washington, and florida all have much more robust space industries. Texas is just trying to get in on it.
what do you mean? I don't have statistics but off hand it feels like there are proportionally similar numbers of aerospace companies per capita in washington and california and maybe colorado and alabama
it's mostly just spacex tho.
starbase in brownsville
nasa, axiom, intuitive, etc. in houston
rocket row north of austin
blue origin and white sands in west texas
>/sci/ - Science & Math
rocketlab and JPL and Vast and vandenberg in california
BO is actually headquartered in washington, with boeing and gravitics
isn't white sands in new mexico?
>space flight
location location location
Plenty of wasteland for engine testing and favorable laws.
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with falcon out of commission I'm getting desperate. I have to turn to china to get my routine launches nobody cares about fix.
>Falcon grounded for being unsafe
>meanwhile china has this
how are the villagers doing this time?
>how are the villagers doing this time?
glad for the free routine pesticide sprayings. herping lice clope vely gud.
"Launch in less than a month" my ass lol
because people tend to avoid extreme notes when evaluating themselves. smart people underestimate themselves, the curve is symmetric
>isn't white sands in new mexico?
yeah but everyone lives in el paso
that's a very confident statement
I take it you have a doctorate in psychology
next stage
read the paper yourself then, all of their results can be better explained by the very well known fact of people avoiding extremes, no need for a doctorate.
typical dunning-kruger effect right here
What year will SpaceX reach Apollo levels of internal funding (adjusted for inflation) based off the current growth trend? Considering how much more efficient then NASA SpaceX is with money, I think that is when shit will really start to get interesting.
>have his ear
too soon bro
you can likely achieve a level of angular momentum that yields some benefits to say shaving off some years from lightspeed; timespace, time as a distance, yet that is the problem on the inverse (proper time) you still hit like 98%, what's the point if you blew up a ton of rockets to get there, the point is you want to double your speed eventually basically, not 98% of double.
at least we're getting close to the point where starship will start launching dozens of times per year and it'll be impossible to act like it doesn't exist anymore, even for those people. probably by 2026, 2027 at the latest
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