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PREVIOUS: >>142806890

ATL: Braves INF/OF Brian Anderson elected free agency
OAK: Athletics released OF Lazaro Armenteros
KC: Royals placed OF MJ Melendez on the 10-day injured list, retroactive to July 15, with a left ankle sprain
LAA: Angels released 1B Miguel Sanó
COL: Rockies claimed LHP Antoine Kelly off waivers from the Rangers
NYM: Mets activated LHP David Peterson off the paternity list
OUR phillies
Why do threads with news always get shafted? It ain’t right.
This means Christopher Sanchez is honorary white
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Just wait.
>Profar batting last
>Tatis didnt show
>Arraez didnt show
it's over
shall be monitoring this thread for comfiness
I'm not watching the game. might tune in later.
I've been hearing about this Skenes fella all year but only now I'm seeing him pitch. Damn he's good.
I hope they don't change him right away
Speaking of, are the managers trying to win or are they trying to let everybody on the roster play?
they need to worry about him throwing out his arm more than his pitching which is sound
my team's only all star dropped out
Chudlies run the genny, I'm 'fraid so
Yeah. How long is someone out of the game if they get a TJ?
The plan was always one and done. That's how it is for most pitchers in the ASG anyway.
kind of a mickey mouse cup, wish it was a more serious game
I'm a doyer so you can watch vicariously on my behalf.
at least a year for a pitcher
Yes, yes it should be a mickey mouse cup. Fuck being serious all the time, that's Bud Selig talk
Baseball isn't being played today so the genny will play
arcade .eague sistas...
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> AL getting absolutely BTFO
The reasonable and unbiased thing to say would be
>it's fine for the All-Star game to not be serious, because the playoffs and WS are the serious games
but as a poodres fan I won't get to see that shit ever so yeah
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what a shitter
Fuck you!!! You ruined it!!!!
>bring in pitcher
>throws 2 pitches
>gets 2 outs
>take him out
but why
where did the national league team go? who are these people?
this is why mental manlets like yourself aren't major league managers
it's an exhibition. there's little in the way of strategizing. the main pressure they face is getting everyone in the game, probably more than actually winning.
fox wants more commercials
Honestly nobody cares about it. If you cared about any of it you'd keep up with baseball news in some other way, not the op of /mlb/.
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not so fast
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fuck you faggot ass vagiants
remove all euros from /mlb/
I do not understand a thing this man is saying.
You should be hoping that his inevitable elbow injury isn't career ending.
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remove all zoomers from /mlb/
One rep shitter teams report in. How did (you)r single team rep do?
>White Sox
Did not make a mess of his inning and struck a guy out. 8/10.
Well that was kinda lame desu, the main highlight was Ortiz
ahbahg bdjjdhs klsdnffd hahaha jnksjksjds huehue jbnskjdbasj jsdjbsjld mvp kjsbadbabfjsdh
sal perez is cute
>hating on a based trivia master
pete want play why game over pete only make small stinky not enough need more poopy for pete eat poopy smell poopy mommy wipe make pete mad keep poopy mommy
Who's winning the World Series, if it's not the National League?
Whatever team gets hot.
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My dad is on to something…
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Unlucky but the AL won so it’s alright
>do Americans really do [insert something completely normal]?
they don't deserve to watch America's pastime
James and Victoria are better than this trannoid freak
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>phoneposting in 2024
Uhhhh hello cringe dept??
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If you listen to a lot of music it’s worth it, I have my own audio server for when I wanna sperg out n listen to the highest fidelity but it’s not worth my time to pirate every song I want to listen to. Maybe you have the time, I don’t.
I'm mad. Mariners also didn't have their guy in the game. Biased as fuck Rags manager
why arent you watching the game right next to your dad bro
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We poodres had 5 players in the game. Two didn't show because of injuries, one didn't get to play, but the other two got base hits!

's nice!
>Pete “The Best 1B in Baseball” Alonso
>Walkoff Grand slam
Two up, two down, trade value secured
Jarren "Fuck 'Em" Duran is the 2024 All Star Game MVP.
fuck you man. if you actually loved music, then its slsk with player of choice. no compromise. streaming fags against the wall
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the ultra coveted clear dildo
nice work miller
got the W for our beloved Oakland A's one last time
haha racism funi xD
Sorry about your small white penis.
Why weren't O'Hoppe there ?
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YouTube music infinitely better than Goytify.
that's future phillies legend mason miller to you
asshurt hispanic detected
Because muh salvy
He got snubbed. Rengifo had a legitimate chance too but he got hurt.
>literally gained height
>starts winning
manlets btfo
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>my muny :(
no not really. Youre mistaking preference for some objective measure of what’s better. Hope this helps
the angels are a clown organization and don't belong anywhere near the ASG
legacy spot
typical bs
>clowns dont belong anywhere near [the circus]
odd thing to say
It is better. You don't understand and thus must listen to some pretty feeble shit
kill yourself. Anderson deserved to be an all-star, hes been great this season.
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neck yourself dago. NA flags are the only approved flags in /mlb/.
hey das me!
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>if you really loved music you’d steal from your favorite artists while they struggle to buy their third home
The white sox had a player in the ASG though?
Kek based italianon
All my favourite artists pirate shit from slsk as well thoughbeit
Why does A-Rod have inverse raccoon eyes?
Papi mogging the fuck out of Jeter and A-Rod
Again, you are mistaking preference / taste for some objective measure. I literally have an audio server at home, Spotify is just the easiest for someone that actually leaves their house and has to commute frequently.
You think the medium/interface is how you can judge someone’s level of interest in something?
What a completely braindead consumeristic way to view the world.
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and with that, good night anon im off to snooze until the games start again
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>the east coast bias retards hyped this up
Puerto Rican people stay awake on midnights
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Because you can literally listen to your weeb music personal music you can't find on spotify and it automatically generates your favorite listen Playlist, and have good song picks compared to Spotify. I think there's more variety in taste on YT music compared to spotify. Way more taste and flavors without spotify pulling out songs.
why NL always play so poopoo?
>you can literally listen to your weeb music
Because it’s the poo poo league?
I was at a mixer and met a guy who worked for the NY Post and he said that Jon Heyman pulls pranks on everyone in the office and everyone hates him. Legitimately wish I had Heyman’s life.
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>buona sera
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Jesus fucking Christ I can't wait for summer to be over.
Is Rizzo white?
Is Recker white?
how did you get this pic of me
It's literally me.
Better than listening to joe davis
This. Summerfags against the wall. Lurk moar, no compromise
I want to cum on top of your head
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My room being so insulated and muggy af doesn't help me much. Hate it.
Suarez pitched you just couldn’t tell because that had that big papi bullshit
Imagine not having all five of your all stars get playing time and still thinking you deserve to be winning your division, mariners BTFo, as usual
I thought it wasn’t humid in San Diego
as if that segment didn't have enough reasons to be terrible, fucking hell
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It's not but my room is so insulated it's super hot compared to my other family room where it's much cooler. It'll probably get muggy and hot in October for no fucking reason. Happened two years ago, had this awful heatwave in September/Oct.
Half these places don’t have AC
papi make ya seethe?
Try opening up your door and leaving your room once in a while. You probably got all sorts of electronics going while your door is shut for hours at a time.
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If you have a window you should consider getting a window unit AC. I did the same thing when I was living with my parents.
Ohtani was robbed of the ASG MVP because of that vagiant shitter Webb.
I will never forget it for as long as I live
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fuck ohtani and fuck japan
kek. I didn't watch. I amused myself watching everyone matriculate back to the genny complaining about how dull it was.
Blowtani was robbed of his gay lover because he couldn't stop gambling
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Nako is superior
that's not how you do someone you follow on instagram
Does flanfly still happen every 2am on the /jay/?
Also white sox
How much do you think he upped his trade value with that one inning?
Angels. They didn't put him in the game...
probably will get another 45+ future prospect out of it
Different Sox chad here, but I hate that we're just going to keep trading these great young pitchers for a bundle of Cuban shitters because Jerry has a hard-on for shitty South Americans who can't stay healthy for two months at a time.
double edged sword. what's the point of keeping him if the team won't be competitive and you very likely won't re-sign him?
Yea, I get the reasoning it's just the people in charge of roster construction don't have a fucking clue what they're doing.
you also have to deal with the anxiety of him getting hurt and receiving a lesser haul of prospects because of it.
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>wtf are we supposed to do for the next two days bros...
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gg no re
Watch baseball?
stupid piece of shit Brandon Webb
Every American League team should get an extra win in their record, and every National League team should get an extra loss as a result of the all star game.
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based, might be time for rewatch of the 86 'eries
>92 Mets
>Went 72-90
>Highest payroll in baseball
Some things never change.
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he plays in Japan now for the Swallows
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my cubes
These mouse pad hybrids are great. Why can’t I use my phone as one to browse on my desktop. It’d effectively the same thing.

Captcha N0G 8
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>he doesn't use the penguin for ultimate ergonomic support
I want to sit on it!
>scuba keks
Neither of our guys played lol
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>they didn't have Yelich, Lindor, Ozuna, C.Walker in the lineup
this looks like trouble to me...
Yelich and Ozuna played
i love baseball so much bros it makes me happy
Surely le $700M gook got the all star mvp right?
Friendly reminder that the streak of every winning NL pitcher being from the Giants since 2011 is still alive :)
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Dodgers became so soulless that Cutepeas and Doyer momiji died from the lack of SOUL. Explain yourself, dodgers fan
how does a shitter like Brandon Webb make the all-star team anyway
He’s not that bad just had a bad night. I think the fact that the manager called on him before Shota fucked with his head. Usually the better pitchers pitch first
Shitposting aside, hes an all star level pitcher that is a terrible fit for the all star game
Webb excels at eating innings and is very high contact, the exact opposite of what you need for a game where a pitcher only gets one inning exclusively against the best hitters in the game.
This is why I was worried about Shota and Steele last year kek, I didn’t want them to get rocked and lose their confidence, even tho I think neither of those guys are those types of pitchers to crumble after a bad result
Brandon Webb sucks donkey dick
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
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only a matter of time...
Going the the game on the 27th heyooooo
take your meds
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Nice! I’m going to one of the Seattle games. Can’t wait.
>hope the Metsiner alliance survives it
Damn , very grateful to have Citi field. Some of your guys’ ballparks seem like total shitholes.
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I’m going on the 27th to get this
Hopefully the fishman is playing
Trout in a throwback uni, very classy.
If you’re awake post a funny sports video

>"earned" a win on the mound 3 years ago
>hits a homer in a game designed for the MLB's top players to look good.
top tier bait, combined with the dubs you’ve earned a (You)
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Was waiting for him to samefag with the favelaposts tbesu
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no games until Friday is suffering
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>The NL's record in All-star games since 1981...
With Phillies managers:
> 5-1
With other managers:
> now 7-29-1
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>losing yet another 1 run game
>losing a crucial series to the gayants
>only 2 above .500
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Another day of no baseball and a dead genny ;_; BROS
This is worse than the lockout. This is worse than the pandemic. Manfred must resign.

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