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No games until August 15th
>All Star weekend with Caitlin Clark
>Sophie Cunningham participating in the skills challenge
>No Caitlin or Sabrina in the 3 pt contest
Fuck off shill
why not write /wnba/ in the subject box?
Death to tranny clark and all of her "fans"
Stop spamming the board, use the already open wnba general thread.
The Fever need to act sooner rather than later as far as building out the team goes. Their 2 best players are on rookie contracts. Hopefully they can get a decent piece in free agency with Wheeler’s max contract coming off the books. The Fever have all the star power they need but, what they need are people who star in their roles. Role players that are athletic defenders who can space the floor but… who isn’t looking for that.

They might have another young piece already on the team if her three can become consistent. Lexie Hull has a great motor and is a plus defender..

whoa man
She keeps going from cute to ugly to cute again.
Basically a latina
So I take it you don't wanna join my Caitlin Clark fan club? Everyone's allowed to join. You don't even have to like basketball as long as you root for Clark for being white and straight.
>only 6ft tall
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>mogs CC in you are path
Literally breaking her back to make her arse look bigger
>No Caitlin or Sabrina in the 3 pt contest
I was ready to type up a rant about the WNBA snubbing Caitlin again, but turns out she declined an invitation? Maybe she's a scaredy cat because her treys haven't been dropping lately.
Im still watching for Sophie
Sorry that I wasn't around during the previous game, caught a ban citing two of my posts that used the double g word for neo-groids in the previous general (selective enforcement). I watched the game live, even watched the Lynx game earlier (refs were hostile to the Lynx).

The Fever game against Dallas was so rigged to favor Dallas, it was fully refball. Ogunbowale (the grinning blue gum gorilla) constantly fouled, and wasn't called for it, she would have been out by the end of first quarter, if the refs would have enforced the rules. Ogunbowale (I had to look up how to spell it, not going to remember it later) is so fucking ugly too, it's unreal, a top contender for the ugliest player of the league, I'd compare her to Carter from the Sky, but I don't want to look long enough at either to make an accurate ranking of ugliness. Guess Carter is at least smaller, so might be tolerable with a paper bag, but a paper bag would not be enough to save the mouth of Sauron on a shaved gorilla body that Ugabugabukake have, because she is also fat.

An anon asked in a previous thread, what I think on a Mabrey trade. I think Connecticut Sun got the better end of that trade. Not a fan of Mabrey (because a slav, by the first name Marina), but she is better than the fatty Banham (who I think is jewish, and not because the family name "ban ham", but because of fist name Rachel). I was watching the game where Bonner set her 3 pointer record, and Banham took a shot (and missed) instead of passing it to Bonner, who had a clear shot, I think that earned her the boot. The other player involved in the trade is listed as injured on wikipedia. So I guess the Sky will focus on the ghettoball playstyle of Carter now (no longer holding back with the purpose of sparing Olympic representatives of the USA), who had high stats against the Aces (was looking at stats seeing why they booted Mabrey). I'd ban Carter and Reese from the league tho, for their playstyle, which is jumping into the defenders.
FPBP, op is a fucking FAGGOT
She looks like E.T. with a fat ass, fuck off
STFU queer
That's just rude
It did looked like the refs wanted Dallas to win
>Ogunbowale ... fucking ugly too, it's unreal
No wonder, with a name like that it's pure ngubu African jungle ape. No white slavemaster admixture to speak of.
Run out of space there, had to make it shorter...

More on the Mabrey-Banham trade. I think Bonner was resentful at Banham (I would be in her place), because Bonner keeps herself fit (listed as 65kg weight with 193cm height), and Banham is chubby (listed as 79kg weight at 175cm height), so it must have felt double bad for her, that somone who doesn't even take care of her body, gets shots to miss, instead of letting her statpad her record (which she don't have that many more seasons to do so, due to age). I think Mabrey should lose weight as well (listed as 77kg at 180cm), but just as her other stats, this ratio of hers is better than Banham's as well.

Funny enough I think this trade affected the Fever's performance in Dallas too. Because Smith from the Fever is dating Carrington from the Sun, and Carrington is a guard, and they just got an extra guard who may get some minutes that Carrington previously had, that may have ruined Carrington's mood, that may have affected Smith's mood, and she was missing some seemingly easly moves. Don't blame her for the loss (nor any other Fever players), because without ref rigging Dallas would have lost with double digits difference.

And since brought up weight as a topic, it's a horrible advice that commentators gave to CC, about gaining weight, those are just resentful uggos that try to make her loose her (implying) charm. It's admirable that she wants to gain strength, but it should be lean strength, if she builds muscles, she should lower her bodyfat to as low as humanely possible. If I would be the coach, I'd use this long break to have my players dry fast (4 days), continue with water fast (after that 4 days do so until strength is recovered to repeat the dry fast), repeat these until desired weight is reached (or 1 week left from the break), then refeed with carnivore diet for the rest of the season (or keto).

I think the reason is defrauding gamblers, because most people bet on the Fever to win.
>Smith from the Fever is dating Carrington
Carrington will be a free agent this offseason. God please don't have her come to the Fever next year. Hopefully her ego and hatred of Caitlin won't allow it.
I like Carrington, she is fast, I kept calling her "duracell bunny" internally, when seeing her during the early games against the Fever, she did nice layups, also I like her because she paints her hair blonde. Finding out about Smith dating Carrington made me like Smith more too.

As to coming to the Fever, I don't think that would happen, because Fever have many guards already. CC star, Hull fan favourite, Mitchell skill plus franchise loyalty, Wallace likable aussie, Wheeler franchise veteran, Berger is an Indiana local (she could get more room after Wheeler retires), plus I really want the Fever to hire Lacie Hull too (Lexie's sister).

Even as small forward Hull (and hopefully soon her sister too) can cover that too, and Wallace can be sf as well (hopefully will get Samuelson's minutes, after coming back from the Olympics).

Fever need a second center, who can play power forward too if needed (or have Boston be the power forward, if the new center would be very tall). Dantas is too short as center, doesn't matter that she is fat, lacks the height. Smith too is better suited as pf, and can only serve as backup center. Fagbenli while being skilled, and likable is injured again, no hints yet on when will she recover.

Samuelson and Saxton are the ones that would not be missed from the current roster, (don't know Saxton enough to have any opinion on her) and those spots are likely for two new (preferably white) rookies next year. Should trade Samuelson away immediately, added with a second round pick for a first round rookie pick for next year, and sign Lacie Hull right now.
I heard that Mabrey demanded to be traded. As the only white girl on the Sky, I have to assume there was no chemistry and she was probably tormented in the locker room.

>ban Carter and Reese
Nah, they can stay for now. Having a Bad Girls "Pistons" knockoff keeps things interesting and Caitlin having an arch enemy only boosts her brand. If a few bitches gotta get hipchecked and kneecapped along the way, so be it.
Now why would she want to leave such a lovely team? It doesn't make sense.
so when do these festivities supposedly start?
...ok, I looked it up. In less than an hour on ESPN, or maybe ABC

Skills Challenge, 3-Point Contest and 3×3 Exhibition from Footprint Center in Phoenix (6 p.m. PT / 9 p.m. ET)
Nobody cares fuck off
3x3 on right now. Hailey playing
Sophie lost, Mabrey lost, Hailey won
>I have an idea about how to make players 100% free point shooters:
When practicing free throw shooting, put an adjustable height support bar under their arms, and find exact arm position where they hit all the shots, and repeat it until it becomes muscle memory. Just need an aid that puts the ball into their hands. Once hitting 100/100 during practice, take the bar away, and practice getting hand there from bouncing the ball, if missing a shot, get back to using the bar (which already have the height setup, and practice with bar until getting 100/100 shot again.

Could improve the results with pavlovian reflex training too. Every time they miss a free throw, spank them, could do so with a paddle or belt. Their body would remember to hit free throws, even under pressure, to avoid pain.
Sophie won.....my heart
Why are spam threads like >>142871880 , and >>142874805 being made, instead of bumping the general? Literally just posting one pic, with all caps retard posting. Just post those pics here to bump the thread, and that would make others on the board less annoyed about WNBA.
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How come there are so many players who don't even have bikini photos of themself circulating? It's like they don't know how to woman.
cute? she looks like jim carrey at all times...
gawd dang. Any pics from behind
*mogs this thread*
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Imagine simping for a league of flatchested short women(i thought it would be like vollyball where almost everyone is a amazon)
You are just baiting for replies that result in a ban. Delete your post, then kill yourself.
I don't have any high expectations from tonights "All-Star" game, whichever side wins, everybody loses, because one side have Copper, other have Reese, both of them deserve to die. Best case scenario would be the event getting blown up by a nuke, or at least the hostile players being killed in any way, preferably on camera.
Caitlin's gonna be there.
She (implying) should bring a suicide vest, and do the bit for the league.
So many records CC could break. First player on player murder in the league, first murder on court, first kill with weapon of her choice.
Just saying, but if CC would bring a gun, and kill everybody else there, technically as sole survivor she would be the All-Star MVP.
Bring enough ammo, and have a go at the fans too, she could set all sort of high scores.
This is the last Caitlin game until next month. I don't think I'm gonna survive
I'll watch the Olympics female basketball games, rooting against team USA. If you are Fever fan, you can route for team Australia, whom have Wallace playing there. Canada have Bridget Carleton. Germany have Fiebich. Belgium have Vanloo. So you can route for multiple white players of WNBA in other teams.
oh yeah the olympics. i cant wait to watch caitlin dominate the rest of the world.
Yeah but think how great she'll be when she's back. She's excited for the rest and needs it.
CC is not going, unless they manage to injure someone during this All-Star game, because she is the backup. CC fans should be extremely angry that Copper is going, but CC isn't. Having the USA represented by ghettoball playstyle of Copper, instead of clean passing and long range scoring of CC.
Bringing a bilogical male, Griner. Coalburner Plum. Hoodrat Copper. Granny Taurasi. But not CC, who basicly singlehandedly quadroupled their leagues reach (if not more).
Phoenix getting to send 3 questionable players, Indiana get's none. Entire team having 3 light skinned players, Ionescu (offwhite, gypoid), Taurasi (semite looking, either a jew or arab rapebaby med lineage), Stewart (a lesbian, possibly jewish), out of 12, despite that is nowhere near the demographics percentage of darkies, let alone blacks in the USA. Why don't spics complain, for only getting Plum?
I don't think Caitlin would want to go, even if they did ask her. She seems hell bent on enjoying the break.
That is a cope, because she didn't even got asked. She doesn't have to go, but giving her the chance, whether or not she want to, would have been the right thing to do.
30 days of practice and gelling together, can Indiana come out the other side as championship contenders?
However the refs will decide. Anyone who makes it to playoff can win the championship, because refs are calling the final shots. Might even be so blatant, that whoever people bet the most on, will lose.

People bet on Fever winning against Chicago, refs frauded it away, people bet on Fever winning against Washington, refs frauded it away, people bet on Fever winning against Dallas, refs frauded it away. Who knows, if league can rip off gamblers with a Fever championship, they might call favourably to the Fever during the playoff.
Based league if they rig the Fever all the way to a title. They’d make a killing in off-the-books bets, and the excitement generated by Caitlin’s storybook season would be a goldmine. The WNBA has been a diversity dump for so long though, I fear there aren't enough jews in key positions to pull it off.
I doubt they'll win it, The Liberty and Aces are both way up there. But they've got a fighting chance for sure.

[shills FUCK OFF]
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Is it just reddit tourists who care about WNBA?
Impenetrable defence
Is that a bulge?
Can't lose if you aren't playing
4 hours and 30 minutes until the "All-Star" game starts. That's 2:30am here, I don't want stay up that long. How many minutes will CC get? She (implying) is the only white (implying) player on her (implying) team. McBride is also there, but not sure what race is she, probably some mutt.
Hey, I just noticed McBride have played in Hungary too, 9 years ago. She is also a good 3 point shooter, so I decided to like her.

So there are 5 players I vaguely like on the All-Star team, 3 from the Fever, Bonner, and McBride. Two on the All-Star team that I hate, Reese and OogaBoogawale. Rest are neutral.
>All-Star team: +3 favor

On team USA, I'm positive towards Stewart, and Ionescu. But immensly hate Copper, and Plum. Dislike toward Griner, and Taurasi. Rest are neutral.
>Team USA: -2 favor

So end result is slight favor for All-Star team victory.

What would be great if Reese, OogaBooga, Copper and Plum, would kill each other, any combo, because would get rid of 4 evil players at once. Imagine if instead of just gambling on rigged games, people could pool up their resources to offer a reward to players, if they agree to fight to the death. Would be nice to legally to arrange fights to the death. Could bet on those fights too.
>Erica Wheeler of the Indiana Fever was originally named as a contestant of the 2024 skills challenge but was unable to attend due to the global computer outages delaying her travel.
Allisha Gray from the Atlanta Dream, the team that is sponsored by Microsoft won the "skills challange", so the competition was kind of rigged by Microsoft. Fuck Windows 10 and 11.
All-Star team head coach is the Mercury coach, while the All-Star team have 0 (zero) players from Mercury, while the Olympic team have 3 Mercury players, so I guess All-Star is going to get sabotaged by their assigned coach. Expect poor player selection, and shitty minutes assignment. Sides should have got the All-Star head coach role, since Indiana have the most players on the All-Star team (only 3, while there should be more). That is rigged too, hostile coach, hostile blacks on team. No effect on the regular season whatsoever, yet it's rigged too because jews and shitskins hate whites.
This is the most pathetic thread I’ve seen all week, just some VPN using paid shill talking to himself. Kill yourself, faggot.
Not VPN, not paid, but I am just typing alone in here, bumping the thread, because CC simps (who might be paid shills) left, which they usually do if thread does not go the way they like, then they just spam new all caps op threads.
I'm silent because there isn't much to talk about until the game starts.
Will the coach play Caitlin? Or she gonna let her ride the bench
Nah she'll get significant minutes for sure.
bros I kinda want a caitlin clark iowa jersey for my beach trip coming up
Is I saw you wearing this I would legitimately risk jail time just to punch you in the jaw.
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Can Indiana lure a big name free agent next year? You'd think players would be clamoring to team up with Caitlin, play to packed arenas, and reap the lucrative endorsement opportunities. Maybe Sophie Cunningham will be smart enough to take the leap, due to high white IQ.
why would you do something so stupid? I've been arrested for fighting before, it's far and away the dumbest thing I've ever done.
You should get one then. I'm sure they're mad overpriced right now though.

I could see Carrington joining the Fever. Not sure why, but I could see it. Isn't DT supposedly retiring this year?
Because you’d deserve it, and we can’t expect God to do all of the work [faggot].
youd get the first one in probably but CCbro would beat your ass in the end and go back to jail
What do people see in caitlin? I get that he's a troon so that gives you celebrity status now. I thought we were against troons in sports on 4chan?
Go away you fat, retarded faggot.
How is Dijonai a first name.
Here we go!
>yfw clark puts up a 5x5 against the usnt
Basketball people like mustard maybe lol
The thing in, because the team has so many good players, this coach may not play her the whole game like Sides does.
>all these black queens
holy fuck my dick
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Reese should've been a starter going by votes. Whoever determined the starting lineup is based.
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Why wasn't she called for the Olympics? How do you justify that? It must be envy or something. you just know it was some old bitter mf
This is gonna be a photo finish game for sure.
Mista Wirdwide
that "troon" is the most feminine thing on the court.
We gotta take every victory we can get.
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Yes, just look at the selection committee, coach Cheryl Reeve, and gatekeeping team captain Diana Taurasi. A bunch of old bitter lesbos, the lot of them.
>caitlin 2 points 1-7 fg

oh no no no
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Her shots have been garbage because she's just exhausted. I'm just hoping she gets the assist record tonight.
And there you have it, team USA got rekt by the all stars.
Yeah because she played so great tonight LMAO
22% shooting 0% from 3 but sure send her to the Olympics
Humiliating defeat. Hopefully this was a preview of their Olympic performance.
They can probably show up drunk to those games and win, it's even more grim than men's Olympic basketball where everyone gets furious if the US doesn't beat Serbia or Australia by 20
Shows that Team USA could legit send two gold winning teams, the gulf is stupid.

Hopefully this changes over the next decade esp with more money in the WNBA

I think we’re at the point where the US men’s team are “just” heavy favourites rather than guaranteed
>Shows that Team USA could legit send two gold winning teams, the gulf is stupid.
As if that's even worth saying. The NBA could easily send 20 gold winning teams. And 19 of those teams wouldn't have senior citizens on the squad either.
Yall niqqas penning soliloquies about the damn wnba
>breanna stewart is 29 years old
she looks almost 40
you can take out Carter since she hates Cait, same with Taurasi, and probably Griner since shes friends with Taurasi. Plum is a coalburner. Just get Sophie
I mean, they were barely playing defense (except at the end there) due to not wanting to get hurt before flying to Paris.
Why move those players from their current teams to begin with?

Out of the players listed there, getting Breanna Stewart would be the best for the Fever. Getting Sophie Cunningham could bring more popularity too. Carrington is already dating Smith from the Fever. I like Bonner and Vanloo too. Rest would be outright negative.
Look at you, word knower, you... We do talk to each other too, just awake at different times.
I am looking at which free agents Sides could have picked for this season, Breanna Stewart was already a free agent, Bridget Carleton, and Alanna Smith too, also Emily Engstler (and Fever got fucking Samuelson instead). Dolson was an option for backup Center. Anyways, what I noticed that there is a hungarian player Virág Kiss, I don't know anything about her, but noticed that she is a center, and the Sparks waived their rights for her in April, so the Fever could pick her up for the remaining of this season, and trade Samuelson for a draft pick.
What is up with the Fever being so bad at white player retention?
>Taylor Mikesell 2023 drafted, waived
>Bernadett Határ 2023 waived
>Emily Engstler 2023 waived
>Julie Allemand 2022 traded
>Alanna Smith, 2022 training contract, waived (seriously, wtf?)
>Ali Patberg (possibly jew) 2022 drafted, waived
>Haley Gorecki (uggo, and possibly jew,) 2022 training contract, waived
>Lauren Cox 2021 traded
>Kathleen Doyle 2021 waived

Just look at those players whom currently active in the WNBA, the Fever could have had Alanna Smith instead of Samuelson, who would be used to the team for years by now, and could have Emily Engstler instead of Dantas (no problem with her, just think white options are better). I guess if last year would have played better, could not draft CC this year, so that can be given as an excuse, but still many missed opportunities with other white players (some that are cute too).
>tfw Grace Berger was 1st round 7th pick in 2023
>tfw Dorka Juhász was 2nd round 4th (16th overall) pick in 2023
>tfw Fever had the 2nd round 5th (17th overall) pick (missed out on Dorka by one pick, and/or bad picking tactics)

Found some possible backup centers for the Fever, that could be signed for the rest of this season:
>Luisa Geiselsöder, german player, waived in 2022 by Dallas, but still active in Germany, and is only 24 years old.
>Marie Gülich, also german, who is inactive in WNBA, but is still active in Spain, but she is 30 already.
>Emma Meesseman, a belgian, who is inactive in WNBA, but still active in Turkey, though she is 31 already. An other anon suggested her too.
>Virág Kiss, hungarian, waived from WNBA only this year, active in Turkey, 26 year old
>Bernadett Határ, hungarian, declined to play for the Washington Mystics this year, active in Spain, 29 year old
>Emma Meessema

she left the WNBA. She prefers Europe
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Paige and Cait hugged
>She prefers Europe
Can't blame her for that. But maybe Fever could bait her back in, with the chance to play with CC, and snatch a title.
you got downloads for the all star game?

Thanks Ill be making webms
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Make one of CC messing with her tooth, during the 4th quarter, at 16.7 secounds left. Does she have some dental issue?
she got a pube stuck in there from rug munching at halftime
Would watch.
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Maybe make one webm focusing on CC's neck, during Sauronsmile's trophy speech.
This >>142911641 was meant for >>142905702.
It's officially White Girl Summer
I found this awesome site, it shows basketball livestreams:
I just watched the second half of "FIBA U17 Women's Basketball World Cup Mexico vs Argentina". Mexico won, big time 75-57. Both team were full of cuties, were mostly white, and even the not fully white players were just slightly brown native mixtures. Some marriage material argie girls. Awesome stream quality, 1080p60, no commercials whatsoever. Game was fun, slightly lower shooting accuracy on field goals, but much lower 3 point accuracy. More contact, less strict foul calling. They were seriously going at it though, one boyish looking mexican girl almost croaked, or at least medics were called in for her, but she came back at end of game. Barely any in person viewers, you can hear the parents yelling to the girls (though can't understand spanish).

I was trying to find when will be the female USA vs Germany friendly game will be.

Finland vs Italy U17 game just started!!! Finland brought a nog girl though....
Italy brough 2 darkies... Anyways, white girls are cute on both teams. Love the finnish blondes.
theyre on fiba channel

think our u17 team is trash, u20 has one good player elina aarnisalo who will play in WNCAA next year
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>Finland brought a nog girl though....
checked finnish ball forum, and she doesn't seem to have fans.
picrel, translated.

maybe they're better than i thought, at least they're still keeping it close
Yeah. Ogun is not very accurate, but even if she would be, not finnish, should have no place in the team, and even in the country at most as a cheap prostitute.
her mom is a fennoswede, dad nigerian living in netherlands it seems
This game was nice, loved looking at these girls! Italy won, 73 to 64. Not sure why, one italian girl cried after winning.

I liked Talonnen the most from the finns (looks + 3 pointers), and also liked Haveri and Mace. Liked the others too, but could only learn 3 new names.

From Italy I liked 6, 12, and 14 the most, ballerinas playing basketball, others were nice too. All the names were new to me, and I was focusing on Finland, so could not learn any italian names.
Australia Japan starts in half an hour. Tempted to check out at least the start, for the 17 year old jap and aussie cuties.
Found what I was originally looking for. The friendly USA vs Germany game, it will be on 23rd (at least in my timezone).
Anyways. Will probably go to sleep soon, during, or after the Jap vs Aussie U17.

Drop this site link here again:
It's awesome, wish I found it way earlier, I could have seen bunch of other female U17 games in past few days, and friendly female national games, and even female aussie second league.
Mid game have commie propaganda advertisment.

Otherwise close game. Surreal with the size difference, but still very close, Australia only lead by 2, despite also having 70%+ accuracy, because the way how Japan guards, and jap speed.

Like Ruby Perkins (22) the most from the aussie team. But others are nice too. Except the two darkies. One of the aussie players might be hungarian by her name, Somfai (not sure, and not going to google up 17 year olds).

Like Goto (7) from Japan the most, but their entire team is nice. What is odd, that most of them have an uniform short haircut, and it really makes it kind of hard to differentiate them, when zoomed out camera view.
Hamada (12) is super cute as well.
Oh look, another full day of Hungarian shill talking to himself. I’d suggest you fuck off and start a blog elsewhere, but as you can see here, no one will visit it but you. How about just necking yourself instead?
Australia won 67-64, it was a more fun game than the average WNBA game.

You can hide threads you dislike you know. Once I tried hiding the divegrass spam, and had to hide 149 threads, just to find that about 20 new bot tier threads were spammed per hour.
I can also drop in and shit up your threads like you shit up the board.
Why don't you just skip that part, and kill yourself like most trannies (who hate women) eventually do.
Why don’t you go back toReddit where the bots will pretend to give a fuck about your womeme sports threads?
Why don't you go to the zoo, if you like monkeys so much?
I don’t even know what you’re trying to say here, bozgor
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>No denim

shes going Hollywood
Piss if with your gaslighting thread for this shit welfare league
Today there will be only one female basketball game (that I could find): Spain vs Australia friendly (8pm gmt+1)

Australia will have Wallace from the Fever playing.

7 WNBA players on team Australia:
>Jade Melbourne
>Kristy Wallace
>Stephanie Talbot
>Rebecca Allen
>Alanna Smith
>Ezi Magbegor
>Sami Whitcomb


Spain have one WNBA player:
>Megan Gustafson
The Olympics organizing have the most retarded ever game tree, 12 teams, some don't even compete for the gold, I don't understand this at all.


Why not just have 16 teams, normal playoff style, finals winner get gold, finals loser get silver, quarterfinals losers would play for the bronze, it would be super simple, and common sense, instead of the current bullshit way.
>semifinals* losers would play for the bronze
What do you guys think Caitlin is doing in her time off?
She’s a solid 6/10
I think the entire Fever team goes to Mexico as holiday (except Wallace, because she plays on the Olympics).
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I'll wait for team Canada
She goes back to Iowa to run the farm
I never watched the W but I started watching and it's entertaining as fuck. I don't know why people lied to me that it's bad.
When I see this image all I can think about is her overly testosterone filled piss all over my face and I'm not even a pissfag I think that shit is nasty.
You think that is edgy. I'm having an existential crisis after watcing some girls U17 basketball games, because I want to to impregnate every single one of them. Around 200 girls played in that tournament, I could impregnate all of them in at most 2 months. Fuck picking a league to watch, when I could breed my own league of basketball players, then fuck all of them too.

Seriously. Why settle for players in their twenties, when players in their late teens are avaible, prime age for breeding. Why watch WNBA when younger players can be watched. It doesn't matter how old a female is, because they are always mental children, once they are biologically fertile, they are good to breed. Adult matches are small brained, college matches are midwit, high school are the big brained, and late elementary is the galaxy brained. Guess if more females would line up to fuck than one could nut a day, than could wait to pick them at the spot they stopped growing (no height increase in last year), and pick the tallest ones to impregnate.

I think adult female sports are dysgenic on a societal level, because them being physically active during their prime means they are not pregnant, when they should be. Start popping kids at 16, skip one year between kids, so baby would get enough milk. CC should have 4 kids already. Lexie Hull, and Berger should have 5 kids each already. Samuelson should have 6, but actual whites, instead of her mutt spawn. Wallace should have 7 kids by now. There are tall white women out there, that are not pregnant with pure white babies right now, while our enemies multiply. There are limits on the active years a when the female body is able to give birth to a healthy baby, and recovery time for the mother after birth gradually increase with age. 30 should be the time when most would be utilized enough to stop multiplying, yet so many don't even have their first by then.

I despair about how I wasted my life, that I don't have thousands of kids already.
the Hamilton podium really broke your brain
Hey man, you still awake?
It's only 3:45pm here. I slept after yesterdays games if that is what you ask.
Least mentally ill hungarian.
after reading this post and being granted some insight into your psyche I think being childless should be the least of your concerns
WNBA threads are slow when youre not posting your conspiracy theories
Key games are being rigged via refs to defraud gamblers is a certain conspiracy, not just a theory.
Not disagreeing with you there. That Dallas game should have been a W
Clearly. Ogunbowelmovement would have been fouled out the first quater, if refs properly called fouls.
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This is the lowest score I have ever gotten. Honestly I am impressed.
However. I agree with you.
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Rachel Banham of the Sun. 5'10", 181 lbs. A literal braphog
Name is "ban ham", maybe it should be "ban carbs" instead.
Do anyone know where to find the Australia vs Spain friendly match stream? Can't find a link, but game start in 20 minutes.
You desperately need to grow the fuck up...
I found one, but you can't have the link until you post proof that you have a session scheduled with a therapist within the next two weeks.
Found it.
The stream not showing the match yet, just some random dude in the corner...
For fuck sake, it's just the fucking scoreboard. Someone should murder that piece of shit for misleading viewers.
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Australia won yesterday:
>Spain 66 - 75 Australia
I gave up on finding a stream, one was just a scoreboard, an other had just music, a third was weird, started late, had pop ups covering the footage, and had clips of male basketball, during the few spots I checked on it. Maybe if the ukie site will drop a torrent, than I'll watch.

Todays female games (times in GMT+1):
>14:30 U18 Malta-Cyprus
>17:00 U18 Albania-Azerbaijan
>19:30 U18 Georgia-Armenia
>21:00 friendly USA-Germany
The U18 games have official streams scheduled, that is the same source that was high quality 1080p60 for the U17 games. So that those are sure to be avaible, check your own timezone though for live start. But even if you miss them live, the streams can be replayed. Don't have a stream for the USA-Germany friendly match yet though.
Is Katelyn Clark already the GOAT? People are asking
Your female league about to have a playoff game: Sampaio vs SESI Araraquara (tommorrow 2am in my timezone, gmt+1). Not going to stay up that late, but telling you, in case you did not know.
Thats not her :(
It is. I took the video for my cooming sessions
I guess I'll post Sophie until the season restarts
>"henlo CC, we're from the international basketball police, you have been accused of doping, we must take urine samples from you. We must insist on viewing from close, while you provide the sample, and document it with video evidence. W-what, there is nothing unusual about requesting the sample into an inspectors mouth, it's the only way to detect some fast dissolving drugs. Just to be sure, we require a different sample from you as well, say do you know who Amber Heard is?"
Why does Paige dress like this?
Paid by Nike to wear their specific brand product, without taking weather into consideration?
A thick vest and denim pants are hot as hell
I rather see her tits, than any clothing above it.
Only Sophie does thirst trap vids. Hell even Caitlin doesn't have any bikini vids
Lexie Hull have a pool video of CC on her tiktok, but CC is wearing short and sports bra type of bathing suit. Also seen one image of CC, where only a cloth wrap above her tits, but it only shown her upper body. Aside of the shover vid of course, because than she leads with the most tits shown, so far.
I have to wait until tomorrow to DL it
Didn't know that there is a download limit on TikTok.
Nah it's for a mp4 to webm converter >>142936373
>LIVE - Malta v Cyprus | FIBA U18 Women's EuroBasket 2024 Division C | Group Phase
Starting in minutes, teams already getting on court.
The U17 games had better cameras, and multiple angles. This is played in a different location. I think U17 was Leon (Spain), this one is played in Pristina (Kosovo). Image is a bit blurry on the players too, and stream is not as smooth either. But at least no ads here either.
good game
Cyprus won:
>Malta 45 - 60 Cyprus
Was a close game in the first half, second half Malta tired out. What is interesting these are probably the tallest girls in their agegroup on their island states (542k Malta, 923k Cyprus). What was an issue in the stream, that players were so blurry, that I could not read the names on their back, except on the really short named players, whom had their name written with larger letters.

I kind of zoned out first half, trying to stay awake. Got more alert second half, with all the air horn tier signal sounds.
>LIVE - Albania v Azerbaijan | FIBA U18 Women's EuroBasket 2024 Division C | Group Phase
Starts in 2 minutes.
>I think U17 was Leon (Spain)
was in irapuato, mexico
Maybe it was split between two mexican cities? Because there is a "León" text on the floor (at least during the Finland-Italy game that I just checked on, and watched yesterday). There is a León in Mexico too, just my mind was going to Spain first.
>watched two days ago*
How time flies...
actually yea two venues in different cities, in the state of Guanajuato
Nice catch though. I just caught that tournament last day, without knowing anything about it. I'll probably watch all the Finland games that I missed though, because I liked the blondes so much. Also will probably do the same with Japan games, because how unique they are, and because of yellow fever.
who else is playing today in these U18 games? is there a site that list it?
Here: >>142934894 I started the day with listing them out.
This site shows a lot of games that play in a day, in advance (Euro, leagues, friendlies).
Here you can find all the streams for European international games, just have to scroll down to the day.

Aside of the currently going Albania-Azerbaijan, only Georgia-Armenia left. That starts in 1hour 40 minutes.

And in 3 hours, and 10 minutes USA vs Germany friendly game will start, if anyone will find a stream, should post it, because I don't have one for that yet.
The Fever fucked up even more with the 2023 2nd round draft, than I realised during this post. Picking Berger 1st round was not an issue, it's good that she is in the Fever, as local white girl, but second round the Fever had one pick ahead of Dorka Juhász too!!! Taylor Mikesell, 1st pick of 2nd round (13th overall) who was decided to be waived before the season start anyways. Fever could have both Dorka and Berger now, without any issue (and likely that still could have picked that Mikesell girl anyways, but ultimately that does not matter, because Mikesell was dumped anyways).
Azerbaijan won:
>Albania 53 - 72 Azerbaijan
Only watched first quarter, which was still close with 2 point difference. Looked at stats, Albania stopped scoring at the second quarter.

Apparently there is an Australia vs Canada friendly match on right now, that was just added to the scoreboard site. At half time Australia leads by 39-35.
Imagine a team with Dorka, Caitlin, Lexie,
Yeah, and Fever is missing a big player right now, Dorka would be very useful, and could get a lot of minutes.
Move Boston to PF and Dorka at center. She won't get mogged by actual centers
Could work. I was thinking about trying Boston as PF, but would need a taller center for that, and Boston is the tallest in the current roster.
I found an other possible backup center (or power forward) for the Fever, a shorter one, but is a former teammate of CC, and is currently not active:
>"Czinano and her teammate Caitlin Clark made history as the first pair of teammates to surpass 2,000 career points in the same season in Big Ten women's basketball history. Together, Czinano and Clark were known as The Law Firm."
She is an ethnic hungarian, so that is a bonus too. LA Sparks drafted her 3rd round last year, but ended up not playing her.

*posted this in wrong thread first, have multiple WNBA threads open
Cameron Brink is 6'4" and is the 3rd tallest for the Sparks. There's a 6'7" & 6'6". If Boston guards one of them the other two will feast since their next tallest player is Nalyssa and she's terrible
Katie Lou is 6'3" & she's also terrible
Not sure why Samuelson is this bad, most likely paying the toll, and being physically abused, as usual in those relationshisp.
What is an additional arguement for Czinano, that if CC gets used to passing to a shorter center, like Boston, who is likely to remain, than a backup of similar stature could let her play similar style both with starters and both with bench. Also would give some flexibility, having a center that is also a power forward. Fagbenle worked great too, just bad luck with injuries.

Samuelson fucking sucks for both the small forward, and both the power forward role too. Both Lexie Hull, and Kristy Wallace unironically did better as small forwards, and they could cover that role (plus Lexie have a twin sister Lacie that the Fever could sign, and since twin, same features as Lexie, thus CC could get used to her easier as well). And both Monika Czinano, and Lacie Hull could be signed right now, during this Olympic break. Just dump Samuelson and Saxton to make room. Playoff chances would improve (of course that is up to refs as always).
Still can't find a stream for the USA vs Germany friendly game, that starts in 20 minutes...

Canada won
>Australia 74 - 77 Canada
Too bad, I like aussies more.
How do you get Fox Sports 1 as a stream?
Maybe this.
I think this is the correct stream. Pre game intro started.
Germany brought 3 blacks...
Because of the nogs, it's like USA have 8 players vs Germany 2. Germany probably forced at gunpoint to field groids as a humiliation ritual, and forced to lose, at the threat of executions. This is not a basketball game, this is a hostage crisis.
Pretty sure all white players families are blindfolded in a basement somewhere, with a gun pointed at the back of their heards... USA plays like that, and force Germany to have the fucking groids jump around and fail on court, as if they have anything to do with Germany.
Do you guys actually watch the wnba unironically?

t. Got memed into watching a couple games
Actually watch, but not without a sense of irony, because I'm certain it's heavily rigged.
Germany probably not even allowed by the "laws" enforced on them after WW2 defeat to win against USA sport teams. It's guaranteed that someone is forcing their team to bring out of shape apes, and let down their country.
Russia should carpet nuke London! Would releive the rest of the UK, and would get rid of this USA team. Death to America!
Even the arena they are at is a place of evil, with those microsoft logos on the court. Burn it all, don't let them out alive!
Microsoft logo is probably some cgi added effect on the stream, because it changes back and forth to the Nike logo. Truly abhorrent.
USA won:
>USA 84 - 57 Germany
The only refreshing moments were when a fan chanted "We want CC" loudly, and those happened frequently. And had to wait until the last minute, when Germany had only whites on court, and at least USA had not scored for that last minute. Germany have a foreign coach, who intentionally plays blacks over germans, players who are not german by blood should not be allowed on the german national team, neither as players, nor as staff.
Yeah, they're digitally superimposed, the Microsoft one, the Skims, the Ultra Light Beer one, all of them. You'll notice on instant replays the logos aren't there. Or sometimes they disappear altogether in the middle of a game because a company only paid for half a term.
My Olympics rule will be to route for the team with less blacks (actually I hope Paris get nuked, but an asian team with 0 blacks winning would do).
I don't even care if chice dopes their entire team, so that their organs would fail soon after the closing ceremony, as long as the USA loses.
>China* dopes
I'm tired, thus typos, so going to sleep soon. I'll just put together tommorrows game schedule first.
Female games tommorrow, via:
(times I post here are in GMT+1, site probably adjusts for you automatically)
>02:00 Brazil LBF Women - Play offs: Sampaio W - SESI Araraquara W
>14:30 Eurobasket U18 C Women Armenia - Albania
>17:00 Eurobasket U18 C Women Azerbaijan - Georgia
>19:30 Eurobasket U18 C Women Cyprus - Kosovo
>20:30 friendly Spain - Canada

Free official U18 streams:
>a fan chanted "We want CC" loudly, and those happened frequently
based, surprised the broadcast censor allowed it to be audible
>We want CC

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>no u
Hey, why don't refs wear body cameras, like american police officers do? So their performance could be rechecked, and judged later, if they made the correct calls from their point of view (literally). Those cameras can't be that expensive.
GoPro on middle of forehead, and bodycam on chest as well, just to be sure.
Also there could be dozens of tiny drones above the court, filming the players for fouls from multiple angles.
Maybe stadiums could hand out optional rental GoPro-s for fans, to have that many more point of views avaible for review.
18000+ angles for review, a supercomputer could map the players on court in 3d.
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Phoenix about to become a ghost town?
They'll resign Griner, Taurasi will probably retire. Sophie might be too expensive
No games today?
Nobody cares, fuck off queer
I did post them here: >>142943318 There are still 2, that have not started:
>in 1 hour: Eurobasket U18 C Women Cyprus - Kosovo
>in 1 hour 30 minutes: friendly Spain - Canada

U18 can be find here, just scroll down:

Have no idea for the friendly game though, could only catch live the USA vs Germany humiliation ritual yesterday (there is torrent up of that too already, on the ukie site).
Thread full of trannys forcing this dogshit league that costs the NBA millions every year on to the board.
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trannys forcing this dogshit league is what will prevent the WNBA from costing the NBA millions every year
Thanks Hungary
Well if experts say so it must be true!
You did not complain yesterday about the O2 Arena hosting american nigresses, beating out of shape quota migrant nigresses from Germany.
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I didn't complain about something I didn't even know happened? Great reply you dumb tranny
You know not everyone is a pure homosexual like you, who can only bear to look at sweaty males, some people like to watch real biological women.
>y-you're just gay
>y-yeah i sit around posting pictures of women like a pathetic simp b-but that doesn't make me a loser!
The classic virgin simp argument
You literally complain about people looking at women, only homosexuals do that, because you are angry that straight males prefer those women over you.
You're literally a virgin simp and will never have sex
Probably fucked more women in that UK alone than you ever did. Are Soho walkups still a thing around there?
From Lexie Hulls IG
Sure mate, virgins that sit around posting pictures of their waifus on 4chan are known to be ladies men that fuck all the time
>he doesn't know paying for it doesn't count
Pretty sure I had more women than you without paying as well, considering that you are a homosexual that gets angry at the sight of women.
It was on her TikTok, no IG. Like it though.
Here's the 2nd part. Took out Katie Lou
>Took out Katie Lou
Excellent instinct. Now only if a brave sniper would write the same.
You have never had sex without paying for it in your life, virgin
Lol ok, keep telling yourself that, while you seethe about me liking women, instead of liking you.
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Thread is on page 8, with just one hour unbumped. Probably some other sportsball game is going on. I won't be around to bump it for long tonight. If the thread dies, whoever will make the new general, should put these links in the op:
>Game schedule: https://www.flashscore.com/basketball/
>FIBA official (for free Eurobasket livestreams): https://www.youtube.com/fiba/streams
>Should also link this thread, as "Previous general:".
Tommorrow (July 25) 3 women's games (times in GMT+1):
>14:30 U18 Armenia - Azerbaijan
>17:00 U18 Albania - Georgia
>19:30 U18 Kosovo - Malta
Olympic threads are increasing, soon they will come hard and fast.
I will be counting down until Caitlin's first game back.
The Summer of Cait will continue, they cannot take that away from us
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post a picture with more talent
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>>whoever will make the new general
Nobody will, you’re the only cunt that keeps posting this trash, fuck off
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When will Caitlin level up to the NBA?
I'm making it :)
She's already doing 18-8-6 in her rookie year, and with only 3-4 decent teammates. She'll be doing that next year
Caitlin needs one more killer teammate. Then opponents won't be able to double-team her anymore. Well, they can, but they'll get punished for it. Once freed up, Caitlin will set this league ablaze.
>Caitlin needs one more killer teammate.
Double down on Hull!

And get that hungarian girl who was the teammate of CC already in college: >>142940546
She had excellent stats in college: .679% FG% (league leader) while scoring 21.2pts/game. Maybe she is not tall enough to be a center in the WNBA, but the Fever could use a power forward as well, and maybe Smith could be the backup center more often.

Starter could be:
>CC as pg
>Mitchell as sg
>Lexie Hull as sf
>Monika Czinano as pf
>Boston as center
First substitutes could be:
>Wheeler as pg
>Wallace as sg
>Lacie Hull as sf
>Smith as pf (Dantas as pf until Fagbenle recovers)
>Fagbenle as center (Smith as center until Fagbenle recovers)
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Women's basketball starts on Sunday. Puerto Rico vs Serbia & Spain vs China
I hate all slavs, so not routing for Serbia. Not a fan of puerto ricans either, so not routing for them either. I'm ok with spaniards, but don't know how many darkies will they bring, if more than 0, not routing for them either. Ok with chinks too, same principles. I'll probably watch all the games. I only seen USA and Germany teams so far, against both teams, because they brought blacks. Aussie/Spain/Canada friendly matches weren't streamed, so first impression of them on court will be during the Olympic streams. I have high hopes for Japan, because liked their U17 team (also if they would win gold, Hungary would have bragging rights, because our team beat them during the qualifiers). Hopeful for Belgium, because they sent multiple blondes to the WNBA. I'm positive toward Australia, because they have a Fever player, Wallace (imagine the hype the Fever would get, if Wallace would bring them an Olympic gold, and team USA would get btfo).
>I'm ok with spaniards, but don't know how many darkies

quite a few
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Wonder how goes the Lexie + CC Mexico trip.
I thought Caitlin was going back to Iowa
>I hate all slavs
Every single one of them is better than you.
Can Lexie Hull develop into a major offensive threat? Her 3-point shooting (28%) is comparable to Caitlin's (32%), and lately seems Hull is the more proficient from the arc. She should be encouraged to shoot more.

Monika Czinano looks really good on paper. Indiana should've signed her, and drafted Kate Martin to recreate the conditions and magic of Iowa. Instant chemistry, rather than wasting a whole season trying to get everyone on the same page. Instead, Martin went to the championship Aces where she's seeing big minutes right out of the gate. On a subpar team like the Fever, Martin could've been even more integral. Stupid decisions and missed opportunities from this franchise imo.
tite tummy
where boobs?
Hull should be practicing her 3 pt shooting instead of vacationing
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Yeah, one week rest/vacation tops, then get her ass back on the hardwood
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>Can Lexie Hull develop into a major offensive threat?
I'd make her practice a lot of corner 3s, because when she is there, she is often left alone by the defense.
> Her 3-point shooting (28%) is comparable to Caitlin's (32%), and lately seems Hull is the more proficient from the arc.
I think Lexie's shooting rate would improve, if her shots would be part of the designed tactic, not just a last resort when the shot clock is close.
>She should be encouraged to shoot more.
Yes. Specifically 3pointers. Seen a time when she hesitated, whether or not to stay on the 3pt line, or run in for a layup, hoping for a pass, and that caused her being in the wrong place when CC was looking to pass. I think she should stay at the 3pt line on default.

>Monika Czinano looks really good on paper. Indiana should've signed her,
Yes, she is free for the taking right now. According to her wiki she plays in hungarian championship, but that is on break during the summer.

>and drafted Kate Martin to recreate the conditions and magic of Iowa.
Should have been an easy call to draft Martin, if considering that the team was building on CC, and everyone else is there to complement her. Martin is even a little taller than Celeste Taylor.

>Stupid decisions and missed opportunities from this franchise imo.
Quite a few. Previous draft, could have got Dorka in the second round of draft, and drafted a girl that they did not even end up playing ahead of Dorka instead. They waived Emily Engstler, an sf-pf, and waived Alanna Smith after signing her for training camp too. The team could have more talented white players right now. Even had a tall hungarian girl Bernadett Határ 208cm, who they only used a season, and eventually waived, after injuries, and commitment in other leagues, despite keeping her contract would not have used up roster space, and she could have been called up by now.

Bonding with teammates is also important.

Maybe like this pic more?
Talk about bonding...
>Clark,Martin,Czinano;Dorka (Iowa, & Hungarian connections), Alanna Smith,Kristy Wallace (fellow ozzy olympians), Lexie & Lacie Hull (siblings)

...that'd be one close-knit group. All young with great potential. Under such a scenario, the only black players I'd keep are Boston & Mitchell(who also has a connection with Dorka, both being former Ohio Buckeyes).
Yes. Would have fit together quite well. But Alanna Smith and Dorka are together in Lynx now, and are possibly winning the playoff this year, so they'll likely stay there (Fever could have pulled that too with them).
Only realistic person they can get this summer is Sophie Cunningham since she's a free agent and would start with the Fever.
I like Sophie, but she would not be a starter in the Fever (at least not right now). Because sg starter is Mitchell, and sf starter retardedly is Samuelson, while it should be Lexie. I'd prefer Lexie to be starter over Cunningham too. But Cunningham would be welcome anyways, if Fever would make room with booting Samuelson, either as backup sf or sg, and the other backup role would be covered by Wallace.
Bench Katie Lou and move Mitchell to SF. Cunningham is a 3&D. She'll immediately improve the spacing on offense
>move Mitchell to SF
That is a joke right? Mitchell is 173cm, her only other possible role is pg.

As to Samuelson, she should be fired, not moved. And sf starter should be Lexie Hull.
Then put Sophie at SF. She's 6'1". She's a starter for this team. Outside of Cait & Boston she's better than everyone else in the roster
ngl i'll slurp her pussy like a raw egg
>Then put Sophie at SF.
No, Lexie should be starter on sf. Sophie can be backup for her, or backup for Mitchell.
>Outside of Cait & Boston she's better than everyone else in the roster
CC plays nearly 40 minutes on an average game, so even as substitute Sophie would play with her a lot, and would get a lot of passes from CC.

But ahead of getting into an arguement about her possible future role, did Sophie even made any statement about wanting a new team?
>did Sophie even made any statement about wanting a new team?

Nothing yet but when the Mercury was injured and she started she put up big numbers and then went back to the bench when they got healthy. She can get a better deal with another team that isn't loaded as Phoenix
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Sophie is open about her desire to play with CC, and (drunkenly) asked Caitlin to come join the Mercury right in the middle of the all-star game. Sophie has to know the only way to actually make it happen (any time soon) is to move to Indiana.
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Caitlin trying to recruit Sophie to Indiana and create a supercutie team
Tommorrows (July 26) women's game times (in GMT+1):
Australia NBL1 West Women - Play Offs:
>12:30 Willetton Tigers - Joondalup Wolves
>13:00 Warwick Senators - Beeliar Boodjar
>13:30 Perth Redbacks - Lakeside Lightning

Have no idea if there is any streams for these, or where to get it. If some aussie would share links for it, that would be nice. Timezone works for me. Also, since all these games overlap, suggestions on which one to pick to watch (if multiple streams are avaible).
Poor Sophie, I'm looking at her stats, she is good, was starter even in Phoenix for 2 years, but this year the Mercury signed fucking Copper from Chicongo, and Cloud from free agent, after Washington did not renew her contract because of 8 years of mediocre stats. Yet Mercury starts with Cloud instead of Sophie, despite Sophie in the past two years having had better stats than Cloud did, and even filled up the alt role Sophie could have started as. Seems like Mercury is moving toward ghetto player selection, and they are pushing Sophie out for being white.
She doesn't hate her. Both her and Griner went over pregame in their matchup and were overly nice to CC.
Are you sure it was Carter ?
Get Sophie, and get a center and fill out the bench
In the current Fever roster Sophie would be bench too. But... I was looking for the stats of Mitchell, to show it in comparision being better, and while Mitchell's stats are indeed better, I have noticed that she played in an israeli team during the offseason, so with that the sympathy I have for her (skill, plus long time Fever player) is offset by this negative association. Maybe if you could suggest some top white player, with no baggage who is worth trading Mitchell for, than you could open up the sg starter room for Sophie, who can be signed as a free agent.

Fever could trade Samuelson, Mitchell, Dantas, Saxton, and what Fever needs the most is tall white center.
Mitchell is a point and she's not starting over Caitlin. Would you rather have a 6'1" guard who shoots the 3 and defends or a 5'8" streaky scorer? Would you rather have Katie Lou at the 3 or Sophie who can spread the defense.

>Fever could trade Samuelson, Mitchell, Dantas, Saxton
Mitchell is getting paid too much for any team to want her. Dantas is old and Samuelson is just a non factor. Maybe she can get her twin sister to go to Indy
Dude, do you even watch Fever games, or are you just a Sophie simp? Mitchell is starting every single game this entire season as sg (she was starter every game in past 4 years too). Hull have a twin, who is currently not active in basketball, Samuelson only have a regular sister, who currently play in Washington. Also most Fever fans on this board want to be rid of Samuelson. You don't seem to be familiar enough with the team.

Also while I wouldn't start to pick on Sophie due to age yet, but she is 28 in less than a month, so not like some brand new star, who you need to overturn everything over to aquire, and provide a starter role for.

I'd prefer Sophie over Mitchell, because Sophie is white, and now because of Mitchell's israeli seasons. Height is a bonus, but not the only deciding factor. Franchise loyalty is also a factor, and this is Mitchell's 7th year in the Fever. Those who run the team won't be open about using racial preference, when replacing the player, so they need a better excuse than just "Sophie is hot and white, let's kick out our well performing current darkie player".
>this is Mitchell's 7th year in the Fever.

And they've never reached the playoffs in those years. In a league when 8/12 teams make it
That’s a dude isn’t it
Looking up Lexie's Tiktok for new video, because missing her. Entry starting with "HELP #SOS", but video is not avaible to view, nor to download for me. Most comments are about hair, but that is not enough to put my mind at ease that she's ok.
She's alright, the video loaded after refreshing. It really is about hair, not a matter of life and death, pool water slightly discolored the bottom of her hair, and she will be in LA in less than 12 hours for a photoshoot...
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I'm searching for the aussie games streams, and there are supposed to be official ones for free, but all gatekept behind registering to sites, and not sure which yet.

Anyways, while I was searching, I clicked on a clickbait article from June about CC, and seen an interesting part:
>" "There was an incident recently,” the legendary US sports commentator Bob Costas explained recently on CNN. “Alyssa Thomas, who happens to be African-American, grabbed (rookie) Angel Reese by the throat and threw her to the floor."
I want a webm of that! Also wtf, I like Alyssa Thomas a lot now! Connecticut have the best lesbians in the league.
Nevermind, not as violent on video as you'd expect from description.
One white aussie WNBA player is out from the Olympics.
>"Rebecca Allen won’t compete in Paris due to a hamstring injury."
She got injured on the friendly game against Spain.
Aussie women's league games are gatekept behind shitty log in sites, try to datamine you, asking for personal information. Their NBL+ site is an overcomplicated trash, that can't even run in older browsers, even the one in did it 404-d, then 403-d via cloudfront. Now it's on a loop bringing up the registration window, before it's realizing that I already did that, then throws me back to match Box score, whenever I try to click watch. First game starts in less than 1 hour.

Other option 9now is geoblocked.
This page shows a nearly full screen countdown, while I'm logged in, the game starts in 38 minutes.

I think, there is a chance it may work now. But stream have not started yet. Can register with a throwaway email.
Countdown ended, now it shows: "Livestream starts soon"
The actual livestream did not start up in my browser, after a refresh, only a blank white screen, with title, but the box score in other window have updated and shown the game have started. Tried in other browsers, now it's back to 404 and 403 error messages... I'm trying a few things before giving up, can still catch the next game starting in 20 minutes, and now at least I can trial and error with a currently running stream.
Works with Opera browser.
Pretty good video quality, nice view angle, and good sound, with narration.
Midgame have ads... Too many groids within the viewers, and a few (still too many) on court too.

I have a strong preference for Joondalup Wolves winning, because there are players that look nice there (top 3 looks so far):
4 Elle Thorton-Elliot
2 Darien Huff
5 Sarah Toeaina

With a browser that the site actually works with, the box score being easily reachable is actually convenient (for checking the player names too).
>Willeton 92 - 76 Joondalup
Refs gave the game to the darkies and the slav, refball is alive in Australia too...

22 Ty Bolland from the Joondalup bench also seem good looking from the few glimpses she was visible.

1st quarter was 6 - 21 Joondalup lead, started to watch the game during that, then Willeton gradullay recovered by the refs aid. One of their monkeys intentionally almost blinded Huff, plus two collisions that caused needing to bench a Joondalup player, one serious enough to need medics. Bad luck 13, mystery meat Leaupepe with 23% FG% had no reason to be on the team though.

Anyways, looking at the players season stats, Huff and Toeaina might be worth recruiting for WNBA. Weirdly lack of data for height on this site.
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Lexie looks like one of those rich stay at home wife
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God I hope that coal burner breaks her leg
Tommorrow (July 27) women's basketball games schedule (times in GMT+1):
(All NBL1 games are Australia, but are broken down to regional groups. All U18 games are Eurobasket.)
>09:30 NBL1 South: Knox - Ballarat
>10:00 NBL1 North: Northside Wizards - North Gold Coast Seahawks
>10:00 NBL1 South: Dandenong Rangers - Waverley
>10:30 NBL1 East: Albury - Sutherland Sharks
>10:45 NBL1 Central: Forestville Eagles - North Adelaide Rockets
>10:45 NBL1 Central: Sturt Sabres - Central Districts Lions
>11:00 NBL1 North: Rockhampton - Townsville Flames
>12:00 NBL1 West: Rockingham Flames - Perry Lakes Hawks
>14:30 U18: Armenia - Malta
>17:00 U18: Azerbaijan - Cyprus
>19:30 U18: Kosovo - Albania

Source for U18 games (free, open):
Source for NBL1 games (free, requires registration, can use throwaway email, their player is picky about browsers):

The one aussie game I watched was kind of good, started out well at least, had some nice girls. If any aussie could recommend which games to pick tommorrow, that would be nice.
I hope YOU break your fucking leg, stop bumping this trash
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page 9 bump
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Someone should take over the bumping, it's near midnight here.
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If this thread dies, use the links from here >>142992736 in the next thread op, don't need to put any specific games into op, can just copy those into a reply.
I'll do it since I'm off today
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Based Caitlin not wearing a slutty swimsuit like other girls.
Kys fgt
very conservative swimwear
It's not based, she (implying) basicly cheats her (implying) fans by not showing herself. Not taking pussy pics, and circulating them publicly causes speculation of CC being a tranny. CC owes me nudes, because she (implying) accepted money from Nike, who ripped me off with a shitty sneaker, and the bare minimum she (implying) should provide enough high res Onlyfans content, that one could get from Belle Delphine, for a price of a sneaker. Also seriously, not posting bikini pictures of herself (implying), is cheating her fans out of proper material they could bump threads with (I searched for almost every young white WNBA player's bikini pictures, to bump threads with, and only got a few, it's cheating themself out of free promotion too). Also just the goodwill CC could get, by making it absolutely certain that she (implying) is a biological woman, by high resolution closeup pussy pics, is immense. I felt bad for CC being pushed around, or when seemingly feeling down on court (instinct would be wanting to hug, or pick up), but always have that thought that CC might be a dude, and that stops me from having proper sympathy toward her (implying). Also every women who plan to be public figure someday should take pictures of their pussy and have full frontal nudes a few days after passing the legal age in their country, because they will have regrets later, if they did not do so during their prime, and it will be just harder to do so later, because less of a reward out of showing older body. It is a rite of passage, showing that they are ready to face the public, and have nothing to hide. And women public figures should keep showing their body, until they give birth first (an other rite of passage).
First game starts in 2 hours. I'm watcing that, since no recommendation to watch an other instead.
Too many "implying" missed.
So what we really need is a list of players with most passes per game.
Take that list and get another list with TOs. Divide TOs by Passes to see what the percentage is. I would bet CC's is on par if not better after the past couple weeks than anyone else.
>Literally breaking her back to make her arse look bigger
wait do zoomers do this now? Like she looks uncomfortable in the first pic but I didn't realize why until the second pic
Isn't it kind of just matter of tactics? What keeps other teams from having a player play for 40 minutes, and focus on assists?
>I was ready to type up a rant about the WNBA snubbing Caitlin again, but turns out she declined an invitation? Maybe she's a scaredy cat because her treys haven't been dropping lately.
I think she just wanted a mental and physical break
I don't know but I'm guessing CC is passing 25+ times per game while playing 40 min of full court press and being every team's "Super bowl" game for no other reason than they hate her. I'm not a wnba expert but I'd bet the next closest is 15 passes per game. if she's getting 66% more pass attempts, and we can prove she's averaging 66% more turnovers, then maybe even the retards will understand why she has TOs
I understand the CC turnover situation.

An example of what I was saying:
>What keeps the Mercury, from having a game focusing entirely on Taurasi doing assists, just to set a record, even if they end up losing?
A) she isn't that good at pasing. CC is literally the GOAT woman passer by far even if it is her rookie year. No other WNBA player has ever looked remotely like CC.
B) the answer you are actually are asking for is that if DT wanted to go out and assist her life away, it doesn't work because she's not being double teamed and face guarded for the full 94 feet. CC would not be the assist machine she is if other teams didn't leave her teammates WIDE OPEN because they choose to send 2-3 of their defenders at CC just to try to prove a point
>if other teams didn't leave her teammates WIDE OPEN
Good point, but I guess it could be tried anyways. If I would have to organize such an assist attempt, I'd try to focus on Sophie 3's, and Griner in the paint.
>other team defends sophie
>other team also defends Griner
>DT not a threat because she is only passing in a clear attempt to get some assist record
Thwarted. try again
The idea would be to pass to Griner, have him do score near the paint, and pass to Sophie if defense is ignoring her, but Griner would be still in the paint, catching possible rebounds, and if Sophie misses, instead of trying to score, send it back to Taurasi to try again. They have an sf and a pf too on court, just Copper's ghetto style of charging into the enemy, hoping for a foul, is not something you can statpad assists with.
>Thwarted. try again
Actually if DT gets the Angel Reese treatment they will just let her get the record to prove a point, maybe you're on to something
>The idea would be to pass to Griner, have him do score near the paint, and pass to Sophie if defense is ignoring her
he doesn't pass and he sucks at basketball (for a man) so if you pass it to him 30 times he's only going to put 10 of them in at most
Well, skill shortage might be an issue, but if they would ask for an assist statpadding tactic, that is what I would offer them.

How about New York? They could try it, by Vandersloot focusing on passing to Stewart, and their center Jones?
>How about New York? They could try it, by Vandersloot focusing on passing to Stewart, and their center Jones?
Vandersloot is not double or triple teamed from 94 feet.
The only reason CC will average 15 assists for the rest of this season is because they her teammates are so WIDE OPEN because 3 people are back at the 3pt line guarding CC. Not because of her threat to make 10 3's per game but because of ego.
Whats crazy is that she is going to get a month off after playing BB and attending media shit non stop since her Sr year of college started. She's going to get a couple weeks to actually practice with her team. The only thing holding her back is that retard coach Sides who should have been fired 5 games in.
If some rest and fresh legs get her 3 back, the WNBA is going to look like retards and CC will average 25 pts, 5 rebounds and 15 assists in the second half of the season
>CC will average 25 pts, 5 rebounds and 15 assists in the second half of the season
Sounds like wishful thinking. Points or assists are an either/or, you either score, or you either pass, because the time is limited.
>Sides who should have been fired 5 games in
Why? My grief with Sides is signing Samuelson (and giving her any minutes), and bad second round draft pick handling. What is yours? Who would you replace her with?
>12:00 NBL1 West: Rockingham Flames - Perry Lakes Hawks
This starts in 1 minutes. Watching it, went back to sleep, and missed earlier ones.
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>Sounds like wishful thinking. Points or assists are an either/or, you either score, or you either pass, because the time is limited.
She's on the coldest streak since her sophomore year of college from 3 (partially from the extra defenders from the in bound). She already averages 18 a game. 2 more 3s puts her at 24 and around 40% which is closer to her skill set. She can and has been over 20/10 a lot in her last few games when Boston learned how to catch a ball.
>Why? My grief with Sides is signing Samuelson (and giving her any minutes), and bad second round draft pick handling. Everything. Not playing that other guard who is actually a good defender and letting her go for that other old hag who sucks.
Her love affair with Erica Wheeler who STINKS.
She absolutely sucks at coaching and shouldn't be allowed to even coach an elementary school team. She doesn't design plays for her players, she doesn't know how to put a lineup in who works well with each other. She wants the world to think SHE is the reason the Fever are better, not the players (Not just CC but CC has unlocked Boston, Mitchell, etc)
>What is yours?
>Who would you replace her with?
Bluder or even Miller from the All Star game.
>But Bluder made way more in college than she could make
Billionaire owners can drop $3M and have Bluder lead the team to multiple championships which would really go great with the new TV deals the WNBA landed.
>Who would you replace her with?
Or honestly any successful men's coach. Hard to do though because the best college coaches are making close to $10m/year. But I'd wager if you take a really really good D2 coach and pay him $1M a year to leave his kushy little progrum he'd be the best coach in the league.
Or call up AI or White Chocolate and offer them $1M and really watch the ratings go through the roof when she learns from the goat of crazy passes or the goat of handles how to play the game, while teaching her teammates how to best play along side her. Hell, pay them $2m to be assistants. They will make any team around CC, including if the IA team just entered as a new franchise and she had her college team in the WNBA, a winning franchise. The All star game proved it. The old guard is slow and boring and absolutely cannot keep up with the pace of CC
Aussie games rule! They have loli dancers during breaks. Also way better default camera angle than the WNBA have, you can see more of the players.

I found a player who I like a lot in this game too, Ashleigh Isenbarger (25) from Perry Lakes. Though seems like I have a streak of starting to like a team, then they end up losing.
Rockingham won
>Rockingham Flames 84 - 75 Perry Lakes Hawks
Perry Lakes could not recover from 2nd quarter turnovers. Otherwise pretty good game. Flames having pyrotechnics during live play was sweet.

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