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Deshaun Watson is sued for sexual assault and battery edition
imagine if tyreek hill was white
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My Steelers :)
>giving up Bakey for Grabby McHandsy
>CMC is OUT tonight
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So it begins
>Toney signs with browns practice squad
we'd all be wondering why his name is Tyreek
It's not their fault; it's just tradition to have a rapist under center in the AFC North.

lmao jets are winning
Do you think the NFL will switch to 4K streaming by the end of the decade?
YouTube TV looks so shit. Most games are like 720p
I'm sure they will eventually
lol Browns are trying to get out of the contract after yesterdays game hahahaha
AB was the best receiver of the 2010s
No. Antenna football is the only way to watch.
oh no no no
Go to sleep grandpa
The accusations are strikingly similar to those made against Watson in more than 20 lawsuits filed in 2021. However, the plaintiff in the new case, who filed under the Jane Doe pseudonym, contends that she went on a date with Watson. Most if not all other cases arose from paid massages that Watson had arranged.

The lawsuit explains that the date was set for October 10, 2020. Watson, per the lawsuit, was initially unable to find her apartment. He called her and allegedly began “aggressively yelling and screaming and stating that he could not find her apartment and that he ‘doesn’t have time for this.’”

The lawsuit then contains the following allegations:

“When Watson finally arrived at Doe’s apartment, Doe had not finished putting on makeup, so she invited Watson in to have a seat in her living room while she finished getting ready. As she was putting on makeup in her bathroom, Doe left the bathroom door open and attempted a conversation with Watson, trying to ease the tension from his angry outburst. Jane Doe quickly began to believe she was talking to herself because Watson wasn’t responding.

“Jane Doe came out of her bathroom to investigate Watson’s silence and shockingly found him completely naked on her bed, lying face-down on his stomach. While Jane Doe stood there in shock, Watson turned his head and aggressively insisted that she massage him, gesturing to his buttocks. Jane Doe asked if Watson meant he wanted her to massage his back, but Watson indicated that it was his buttocks he wanted massaged.
Tyreek Hill here AMA dog
Ninerbros...I'm not feeling so good rn
Adopted by black parents?
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I'll sleep after my niners win the superbowl
“Jane Doe was at this point in the encounter terrified. She was in her small apartment with a much larger man, and she was still reeling from Watson’s outburst and aggression on the phone. Doe thus tried to appease Watson by rubbing his back, rather than his buttocks. Watson began insisting, again, that she focus on his glutes. Seemingly frustrated that Doe would only rub his back, Watson then turned over, revealing an erection. Watson continued to demand that Jane Doe massage him, gesturing from his knees to his groin. Jane Doe froze in fear, unsure of how to refuse Watson’s advances without jeopardizing her safety. Confused and scared, she reiterated to Watson that she wasn’t a masseuse. Watson asked her what she wanted to do instead.

“Before Jane Doe could answer, Watson grabbed Jane Doe’s leg and positioned her so that she was lying down. Watson then partially disrobed Jane Doe and penetrated her vagina without consent, implicit or explicit. Jane Doe felt paralyzed, unsure if she should risk her safety by trying to stop Watson or endure his assault. Watson roughly sexually assaulted Jane Doe for several minutes in a ‘missionary position’ before grabbing her and flipping her over. Watson continued to assault Doe aggressively from behind. Jane Doe finally gathered the courage and strength to escape Watson. Jane Doe quickly ran to her dresser to grab a heavy piece of décor for self-defense, and yelled at Watson [to] get out of her apartment. Enraged, Watson stormed out of Jane Doe’s apartment.”
Why did you break your son's arm?
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Purdychads... It's our time to shine.
I hope the jest lose tonight.
That was my first thought, that it was the team trying to get out of a contract by digging up some stuff from the past. The problem is 1, it's the Browns and they're too retarded for anything like that. And 2, they gave him 5000 gorillion bucks when he was under 60 other identical investigations, so it'd be weird to try to claim it's for cause now (if that even matters to guaranteed money)
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anyone got any good 49ers webms?
It's for the best. It's Mason season now.
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>49ers ded
>Packers ded
>Cowboys spiritually ded
>Bears beheaded
>Viking Beclowned
>Eagles keking themselves to death
>Rams made of glass
>NFC South exists

>Tom Kennedy TK85 is on the loose
Just give us the NFCC already!
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>Cock Slurpy when he's not surrounded by all pros on offense
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who was the random white kid in the sea of vineswinging when you did your house tour? little man was alone in the dark
The event happened in 2021.
However it contains actual rape this time around.
He was throwing to Juauan Jennings and Chris Conley in that Super Bowl
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Why did you post the Mackinac Bridge from my Lovely State of Michigan?
>any day now he will fall off
>any day now
>any day now
Anyone can make Chris Conley look good. Alex Smith made Chris Conley look the same way.
All I'm getting from this is he thinks every woman he meets is a prostitute by trade
>Watson roughly sexually assaulted Jane Doe for several minutes in a ‘missionary position
now that's how you rape. no trick plays or shenanigans just smashmouth rape. stea the tone for the rest of the game too
Didn't ESPN just promote a betting parlay with him in it on their betting platform thing they're promoting?
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It's the embodiment of manifest destiny and the indomitable american spirit
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>CHAD CHADdy. That's it.
truzz trump
9ers will win this game. NFL rigs this shit all the time. Everyone remembers Rodgers going out after three snaps, but everybody forgets they magically won that game against the fucking BILLS. Total horseshit. We need to start killing gambling app companies.
>good half of Michigan is the half only 3% of the residents live in
really tells you everything about michiganders
Week ones don't matter is the answer to all your questions
Lamar Jackson votes against his own economic interests
Young man got demons. Browns deserve this by trading for him in the first place
I don't understand how people see these throws and his ability to move around in the pocket and still call him a system babby.
Every NFL player should be forced to reveal their political party.
>Enraged, Watson stormed out of Jane Doe’s apartment.
[X] Doubt
Hey honestly though that's a very nice bridge
That's a wide receiver highlight reel anon
>Be American
>Get rights violated by police
Why is watson addicted to raping people and having his ass touched
Deshaun is just socially awkward with Women. Massages are his way of dealing with the anxiety that women give him.
Nah you are
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Body cam footage of Tyreek released:
I will literally never compliment a QB that is active and against my team. You're a cuck if you do that.
>Deshaun Watson is sued for sexual assault and battery edition
Is this like the 50th time now?
You think if the Browns try using this to cut Deshaun Watson that a nasty legal battle will ensure?
I know I am just joking. Both are very beautiful.
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>...and into Jane Doe 2's apartment
I haven't spoken to my father and his wife in 20 years
How can commie libshits ruin such a sweet location. Feels bad man.
Matt Ryan was pretty good as soon as he came into the league desu
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Why in the world are the Patriots treating Maye like he's going to be Tom Brady II?
You just know the shitbag choking him out at the end to the ground went home and bragged to all of his granddaughters about getting back at the piece of shit women beater
No? Teams cut players all the time. What do you mean?
>good half
>the UP
Those lands are cursed. There is a reason no one lives up there but a bunch of crazy Scandanavians and Indians.
The debate is the real game on tomorrow
how'd you know it was me, Levi Wallace?
Based bridge bro
>still reeling from Watson’s outburst and aggression on the phone.
Couldn’t have been too bad if she still invited him into her apartment.
Same thing with most QBs in the Shanahan system.
Pretty sure all the Officers were put on unpaid leave.
>covered in tattoos down to his hands
Guy couldn't work at Publix but that's okay for cops?
The Wolfe is looking good in the neighborhood
His OC was Mike Mularkey
When are they gonna leave my people alone?
Imagine if on the first play aaron rodgers takes a severe blow to the head and sharts uncontrollably in his pants that would be crazy right haha
trump supporters:
Was Tyreek speeding right?
I love the city and I always will but my last few visits were so fucking horrible I almost cried as a grown man. Imagine your favorite place on earth covered in literal shit and fent zombies.
Deshaun Watsons contract is 100% garaunteed
he cannot be cut
there is a part of the contract where if he gets suspended in the future he can get cut.

If the league doesn't consider this a continuation of the previous lawsuits and allegations, and suspends Deshaun the Browns might be given an opportunity to terminate the contract.

Deshaun might try to contest this in a court of law, specifically pointing out how Buzbee's legal team was deliberately holding onto stuff to release when Deshauns name came up in the news cycle again. Like sucking on opening day.
Shall be playing magic the gathering in about 30 minutes so I will miss the start of the game
sheet mang, ju can't be discreeminatin for dat
Don't forget /sp/! ...right, guys?
Does seem a tad excessive though I still don't know what got him pulled over to begin with.
Plus it IS in Florida, home of Florida Man, where EVERYONE is packing and looking for any excuse to start shooting. So I don't fault Florida cops for being cuff-happy
I'm Deshaun Watson.
I believe you and everything you say
Supposedly 25mph over, kept playing games rolling the tinted windows up when the cops asked to keep them down, refused to exit the vehicle, refused to sit on the curb. Typical behavior.
I seen white ass cracker cops all the time with full sleeve and hand tattoos
It's cringe af
I have no pity for the one who got first pick of the draft. Die in agony.
thank you. these bitches lying, anon.
what's it like to have your ass fingered?
Because this franchise is desperate to relive the glory days. Remember how much they gassed up ACK Jones?
Just because your contract is guaranteed doesn't mean you can't be cut. Every contract in MLB is guaranteed, for example. What you're talking about is terminating his contract which is different.
*stands up*
I'm Deshaun Watson.
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For me, it's Danny Dipshit
my jetties :(
Why did you grab those women?
Sure they can cut him then they will have 123 million dollar cap hit and have 30 percent of the cap to spend
I mean the northern part of the mainland too
kys pig lover
Believe it or not but he wasn't #2 in my draft.
It was JaMarr Chase
Pretty cool but I prefer a good big toe
Aggresively pulling him out of a mcclaren or whatever is the funniest thing
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For me, it's Tommy Cutlets
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Who am I?
Bags of sand
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Hey Jets! Hello!
Okay what's he gonna do run away. Make him late for the game, pigs are paid by the hour anyway.
i mean you can cut him but then he's just getting free cash taking up the cap space
you're right about it, but no owner is going to have the price of a franchise QB as void space willingly. At worst Deshaun will be forced to suit up on the bench or show up at games.
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Well done on your recovery Aaron

Lmao. Why are black males so soft and emotional?
I grew up going there as a wee lad. Hit up candlestick, warf, get some foods, see the sights. But they ruin everything nice. It's what they do. It's what all subhuman fat commie liberals do.
Bo nix
>kept playing games rolling the tinted windows up when the cops asked to keep them down, refused to exit the vehicle, refused to sit on the curb
Totally acceptable to be calling his agent or lawyer, especially on the way to the fucking game. Cops need to fucking chill and realize what they're doing, like the PD didn't tell them that they're outside of the stadium and if a guy rolls up in a six figure car he's probably a player. Retarded cops.
ab just tweeted deshaun lost his dad three days ago

now i feel bad
Danny Donuts
>just got back from my manicure
>got hot pink paint
>immediately get home and chip my nail opening a can

fuck this shit. go bears btw.
Cops are the reffies of the real world huh
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1-0 in the MacDonald era!
You will never, and I mean NEVER, be a woman
I'm guessing Rodgers, but I think he got better faster.
make it a blackened outline fedora wearing photo of his former faggot lover/assistant
Probably killed himself out of embarrassment
Just realized Aaron Rodgers is returning to the bay area tonight. Do you think he hits up the old spots
Judges are the final boss
Based Gaylebbro!
that's a hell of a 7th year
Somebody post the pic with the refs on the Chiefs parade float
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No man escapes the Wions mindbreak
did deshaun try retracing his steps?
More like someone is hitting up Aaron's old spots.
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>Do you think he hits up the old spots
Where did he grow up? Everything has changed, and Chico is three hours away.
You lying lion.
>60 women, son?
>44.6 QBR, son?
Ah, so that will be the excuse

Ffs gimme one more based Roman qb
I'm a man. Women like men with manicured nails its 2024. Stay a virgin loser.
Lmao damn dawg lol
what a retard
More footage of Tyreek traffic stop
>oh, it's a player. no need to stop him from jumping the curb and mowing down 400 people
That's the starting quarterback of the New York Football Giants!
Yeah, tied the interception record.
Danny Diamonds
>44.6 QBR
I thought that his was the lowest in history, like 9 or something.
>things that never happened, precrime should be used to prevent.
Ryan Seacrest is on wheel of fortune
I can feel the single mother energy
>sir, you're not allowed to leave, not yet. Leaving is a class 3 felony.
would be what they could say if they spoke English
Who gets more action with CMC down - Deebo or Aiyuk?
I notice a scar on my face. Considering dying now.
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>he couldn't find her apartment
>he started yelling and screaming at her on the phone
>she still had him come over
if she got raped she deserved it
Who's winning this game?
Did you have more than one?
Danny Dimes has thrown 3 pick sixes and only two touchdown passes since signing that 160 mil deal lmao.
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Now I'm dreaming of a day where my reffies will get to slam players to the turf after a personal foul and send them to the tank in cuffs.
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Okay its reversed, the recent stats are on top, that makes sense now.
Probably thought the nationally known NFL player wouldn't rape her
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Gay men don't go on dates with girls like this
this bussy
Surreal stat
Time for the niners to UNLEASH Isaac Geurendo
The football know it all commercials have to be some of the worst marketing I've ever seen
No one in the world wants to be an annoying douche
One qb has transdimensional allies on the soul plane, and one qb doesn't have his rb.
You tell me.
She's having a blast
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Our Steelers :)
Unironically fuck the police and fuck any fucking bootlicking cunt who defends them here. I hope that dipshit is fired. How the fuck can you defend this?
At what point do you finally cut your losses?
Simple as
A certain section of US culture is almost comically predictable when it comes to being raised by a poor female with multiple kids. Thier sons tends to have the same interests like hair..clothes..jewelry, uncontainiable drama filled public outbursts and so on. When these young males get riled up on a particular topic, in this case, pigs, they go full female and get emotional over it. Just funny to see over and over again. It's the culture really
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Speak for yourself.
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Should have clarified that
2 all-time great QBs as far as I'm concerned. It's a coin flip.
>all-time great
lol, lmao, etc.
yeah but you're talking about it
Yeah but contention drives engagement and human values are worth less than money
christ cmc out
You can't defend it. But you also don't have to get emotionally distraught like a fucking female over something that didn't happen to you. Stop living vicariously through your melanin like a Twitter user lmao
Keep crying, bitch nigga
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our steelies :)
>apes gets pulled over for breaking the law
>ape acts like an ape and refuses to comply with any orders
>specifically ignores orders and is complicated
>dey raciss dis not right mhhm he dindu nuffin he a good boy

so pathetic
rodgers is the goat. and it's not close.
She's probably black and she's used to and comfortable with nigger behavior.
I have a buddy who owns a season ticket membership at Gillette, is he allowed to give it or sell it to me forever? I know the waitlist is decades
Hey guys I checked out before the championship games last year. I assume the Lions won the super bowl? I remember their fans seemed pretty confident.
>Aaron Rodgers had a passer rating of 122.5 with 4,643 yards, 45 touchdowns and 6 interceptions in 15 games in 2011.
The single greatest QB season of all time and you're doubting his greatness? Couldn't be me.
Name 7
lmao honestly yeah women are retarded
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Okay, who is this?
calvin broadus murdered a man in 1993
ok america i will watch your sport for now after that semenslurp here in my country
but seriously, didn't know you guys don't know how to play football on normal grass
right on time full of pointless fluff words like unironically to boot
Didn't ask smelly thirdie
Kino song tho
entire story sounds made up by asking chatgpt to form an accusation based on previous defendant stories in the decoom cases, gotta be the browns front office getting desperate (and i dont blame em)
It's part of the "culture" and you will never escape it lmao
Purdy very soon.
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>Tyreek acted like a violent nigger
>I have a buddy
cops acted like shit to tyreek. you still cooperate.
this explains so much, thank you
Rodgers is rusty though and also not a spring chicken anymore. He could struggle
Mmm tasty boot :P
soccer fields are good for 150 lb dudes casually jogging around with finesse. not so good for 250lb behemoths driving their feet in trying to bulldoze eachother through brute force
Cops and blacks are like Israel and Palestine. The more they kill each other, the better off everyone else is. Go Raiders btw.
Was such a fun season, until Eli and his defense had to go and ruin it.
Culture. The Television raised a generation of young poor men and single mothers. Thier values reflect that
act tough online dude that’s really cool
If this game is boring I'm gonna watch Kill Tony instead.
Okay he's not a buddy he's another absolute scumbag that I sell medical supplies to, but nevertheless I'd like those tickets
Gayron Gaydgers’ career ends tonight
>AYO, I'm numba 10 on the Miami Dolphins, y'all niggas finna be fired
Body cam footage when?
Imagine you invited Simone Biles over and she raped you with a glowiron
Aaron named the j*w and accused Jimmy Kimmel of child rape. He's kinda based.
That would be hilarious.
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Lots of truth to that
>Tom Grossi's QB is injured 1st game of the season
>Brandon Pernas QB is a bust 1st game of the season
yep i hate the faggot cause he's a little bitch but lowkey he's based so i have to respect him somewhat. now that he's out of my division i have grown to even be able to root for him. i hope they whoop the niners tonight.
Brock Purdy? kek, more like cock turdy
two of the biggest faggots imaginable, very nice
>an entire season of both of them without any light in their eyes
oh boy this is going to be a fun season
>Brees, Brady and Rodgers have GOAT-tier seasons in 2011
>Eli all-time great playoff run
We took this QB play for granted...
I agree, let's completely defund the police and get them out of the way and see what happens
Would he suck Jerry's dick if commanded to?
>The single greatest QB season of all time
That aint brady 2007 or manning 2013
Buy an add
kek gottem
Learn to spell
does he want to get hit?
We all know what would happen. The police protect them and thier worshippers more than they realize
>they linked up
On that Tyreek body cam vid, the cop starting off with the seat belt BS is a red flag. When you get pulled over you take off your seat belt to get your wallet for the ID because you know the cops are going to ask for it. Cop was fishing, and didn't realize what pond he was in.
Cops are gay lol
I don't care for the mexican NFL teams
when will (((they))) stop oppressing coomers for simply existing
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Rasm have no power over my team
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>Tfw my Lions go undefeated
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How the fuck are the Falcons still favored to win the south?
so in the same city where months ago browns tried to bumrush into the stadium for a soccer match, the cops are supposed to let some random black just drive wherever he wants without showing ID/showing pass/checking in? things could have gone a lot worse if the cop just let anyone in cause they got a nice car. it's miami, everyone's got a lambo or a scatpack or a corvette or whatever. by the time gta6 comes out miami irl will be more extreme than vice city. tyreek was in the wrong, but this place is mad max. you can't assume any black guy in a nice car is a player and wave him through, it's common to see.
>hello sir can I see your li-
how hard is it to cooperate for two minutes?
>Forcible rape
>Simply existing
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He already got generational wealth and he knows that we's washed. He's trying to stop playing and ride the bench for the rest of his time in Cleveland.
>Get attitude with police
>Shit escalates

Muh window
I’m not against the concept of cops or anything but have you dealt with them? They’re all dumbass dickheads.
i’m a coconut oil man myself
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2011 was a great season. In addition to the QB play, it was Harbaugh's first year and he took the Niners to the NFCCG plus he shut down the talk about Alex Smith being a bust. Don't forget about Tebow leading a comeback victory every week and then that walkoff TD to beat the Steelers in the Wild Card. Saints vs 49ers was an amazing game and the Super Bowl was a good one too, a rematch between the Pats and Giants. Also, Gronk and Jimmy Graham both had monster seasons.
vegas knows carr can still piss away the season
People will slowly realize Mayfield truthers were right.
Browns are gonna do whatever they can to get out of that contract
they're probably flying in brazilian hos for sting operations as we speak
>how hard is it to cooperate for two minutes?
He was entering the stadium, which the cops were tasked with controlling. He was trying to call his agent or lawyer. There's nothing wrong with that. I've been in a similar situation and cops are dicks about it, they fear phones.
have you guys heard caleb williams' voice?
that nigga z e s t y
Only downside was that Peyton was out for the year and ended up going to the Broncos.
ayo nigga dont finna touch muh window BRUH
ion finna get out da car BRUH fuk yall
Qrd on the Jimmy Kimmel child rape pls
Fraud Turdy
Lmao the lions won yesterday?

I had no idea, saw the score with 2 min left and decided to play Vidya to end y night
that call isn’t necessary
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Don't forget about the Giants going to Lambeau and bootyblasting the 15-1 Packers in the divisional round.
kimmel's name was on the epstein flight logs and rodgers called him out on it when kimmel was complaining about rodgers refusing the vax
sorry, it's all gar-on-teed
that was Berry's Harvard education in action
>Cayzest Juicybums
Rolling for Darth Vader tribute during the game
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Bates delivered, Goof mind controlled to coin toss, and then Montgomery just ran down the whole field
she's going on a date wearing a shirt with a dude's face on it so he can look down at that when they fuck (she will leave the shirt on so he doesn't have to look at her vile female breasts)
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Seriously though bros. He’s going to develop and get better, right?
>the cops are supposed to let some random black just drive wherever he wants without showing ID/showing pass/checking in?
Is getting an attitude a crime?
average confrontation between an eagles fan and a cowboys fan
You can't act like a over privileged white female with police. You act like a dumb white female with police they will ragdoll you. Dumb white girls try that same shit that Tyreek tried all the time and end up in cuffs. It's hilarious. Happens all the time.
He's 1-0 as a rookie. He's doing great
this better not be gay sex
Quick question - would he still violently attack a three year old girl and a pregnant woman like IRL?
The floor he was on dropped, but the ceiling is still high imo.
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BEWD would be proud.
it can turn a routine traffic stop into a arrest, so yes
>be polite
Has Tyreek not seen this yet?

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Inb4 gay porn
>single mother and young professional
>invited directly to her apartment
yeah I can see how he got kind of confused about what was going to be going on there
It's not. It's some sperg having a normal one with a latinx.
That interception and stupid fucking Packers penalties cost them the game
Isn't that literally what the Gateway Arch is?
so our head coach refused to say who exactly was calling the plays in the game we just botched
Lol it always leads to one outcome. It's just that it's usually dumb white women getting sassy only to end up in cuffs
Tyreek was being difficult and should have just been respectful,but old cop with the tattoos was absolutely having a power trip, fuck that guy.
It was pure slop lol, but not scoring on those early Eagles turnovers cost the Packers the game. Eagles defense saved the game by only allowing 2 FGs instead of 2 TDs.
31 dropbacks for 64 net yards is hard to do intentionally so if you mean improve in any literal sense then it's guaranteed he will improve
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If there were hatian immigrants in my town I would serial kill them.
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purdy doesn't need cmc.
I'm not a frothing at the mouth cop hater but I know that they have an arsenal of bullshit they can pull on you if they want to ruin your day and I've seen it happen
for example, if you don't have your license and registration ready immediately for the cop DON'T get distracted while getting it
a tactic cops sometimes use is using small talk to distract a driver while getting their documentation for the express purpose of using it against you if you go to court to fight the ticket
>well your honor, I did have to ask him MULTIPLE TIMES to get his license amd registration for me, he wasn't very cooperative in that regard and generally very distracted
You wouldn't do shit
Yeah good point there, they really needed to capitalize on those and they didn't
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Honestly both were in the wrong. It was wrong for Tyrek to react in that way. HOWEVER, if the person is complying despite being difficult at first yet being more calmed; neck choking is not necessary.
Brock Purdy reveals Drew Brees was QB he looked up to most while growing up
Brock Purdy reveals Drew Brees was QB he looked up to most while growing up
Brock Purdy reveals Drew Brees was QB he looked up to most while growing up
Brock Purdy reveals Drew Brees was QB he looked up to most while growing up
Brock Purdy reveals Drew Brees was QB he looked up to most while growing up
I totally fucking would.
this is where the single mommy upbringing anon was talking about kicks in
Zero turnovers on 29 attempts is a pretty good sign. I think he needs to rollout on more plays. The accuracy should get better.
Who was in the right. Its hard to trust a drug addict, but its harder to trust a bagel biter.
No. You wouldn't.
Now Drew Brees looks up to him.
People keep saying the Eagles defense was le bad because they let up 29 points, but they saved the game by keeping it close early then got gassed in the middle of the game and gave up a bunch of points. They settled back in at the end though.
It's fucking night and day from last year. Eagles would've lost that game 34 to 42 last year lmfao
This is gay unprotected butt sex isn't it?
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even Jesus got angry
Lol nobody would ever know who did it or care.
>Tyreek broke the number one rule
Idiot lel
Yeah man I was really expecting them to get assfucked by the Packers after that catastrophic meltdown they had last season
yeah maybe if you're a socially stunted retard
Because you wouldn't do it you impotent little pussy
agreed. one of the more unpleasant experiences of my life was with some border patrol agents. they must’ve profiled me for bringing drugs over idk. can’t take their shit personally, it’s not worth it
Tyreek was just on his sassy white girl shit, that's all.

Fathers usually bbq that shit out of you before you turn 18
I hate the Cowboys but Dak is always fun to watch because of his cadence
Oh, but you would? Or are you an impotent little pussy?
>Jason Kelce is the new male white oprah
what did he mean by this
haha weird what happens when you have coordinators who can, you know, coordinate
shut the fuck up faggots take it elsewhere
>someone actually picked the jets to win
no chance
Rodgers was right. Jimmy purposefully conflated the argument to it being about him personally going to the island and not the years of cover he gave on his show for the pedophiles involved.
fat Hispanic cop was having a total power trip, everyone was wrong in this situation
Why the fuck would I murder people, thats retarded and idiotic
based, jimmy is a retard lowlife
Based quads
I think he was more implying that Kimmel's job is based around supporting these people by giving them positive pr. Kimmel is not rich or powerful enough to be one of Epstein's friends, maybe a puppet.
How many games will CMC miss?
cops are castrated geeks that usually just want to go home at night and a clean(expunged) record and not being a dumbass gives you a ton of leeway in my experience, to the point misdemeanors are hard to get in trouble for
Will you 2 get a room
yeah the name on the flight logs was *immy *immel, blacked out by the court. huh wonder that is
Just this one. It's their built-in excuse
He's very based
those dudes are feds it's not really the same ballgame as officer barbrady
hes just a bitch who knew mosley and quincy would heem him tonight.
That is my point.
two good offenses going at it tends to make it look look bad for the defence so I don't hold it against either side
both are stacked with weapons
also that field was dogshit and my reffies were operating at peak performance in a week one game hosted all the way in fucking Brazil so I don't know why anyone would be too overly critical of either team
>muh he’s no angel
>he thinks the yards and td champ is afraid of anyone
>in a week one game hosted all the way in fucking Brazil
I still have no idea why they did it week 1
It's called fatigue
Can't everyone just accept that Tyreek was acting like a dumbass and showing zero self preservation instinct when talking to a cop AND the cop just wanted to have choking Tyreek Hill on his resume and was being an asshole? Like seriously. It is like you GOTTA go THE POOR HECKIN BLACK MILLIONAIRE or FUCKING PIG NAZI PIG LIVES SPLATTER
Both sides on this issue are ego tripping morons.
I would say not inherently. Lots of people function pretty well while consuming lots of alcohol. It does tend to get worse if left unckecked, so maybe it's not so bad until it is.

I drink at least 5 beers a night. If I have nothing going on all day, I won't stop and will put down 20 if allowed. I have a job, a girlfriend, hobbies, and multiple friend groups. I've never gotten a DUI, I rarely if ever cause trouble when I'm drinking, and no one has ever approached me about it. I feel like the main reason I want to stop is because it's hard to lose weight while drinking like I do.
that is true
however all it takes is getting pulled over by a single cop having a bad day and looking to take it out on someone to completely ruin your life
so basically never relax also applies to cops
The vacation lands? Why would we live where we all go on vacation?
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based Manlet Patrol got another one
I was completely ready to defend Tyreek and say the Florida cops fucked up.

But nah, he gave them attitude immediately and then ROLLED THE WINDOW UP. That's a cardinal sin when it comes to traffic stops. They don't know what you're reaching for or if you're about to speed away. He 100% fucked up. If you don't get out of the car when they tell you to, you will absolutely get yanked out. The more you struggle and fight, the more you will get held down.

I've seen hundreds of body cam videos that show this. Fat white women, aggressive Iranian men, dumbass rednecks, Hispanics of all ages and genders, Karens, Kevins, Chads, Stacys, Tyrones, Tra'la'qua'ni'shas - they all get yanked.

If I thought the cops were looking for any excuse to arrest me, much less *murder* me, I would keep my mouth and comply with everything they said, up to and including saying bless you if they sneezed. Let the footage speak for itself.

He's an abuser and a deadbeat dad anyway. Why these dumbfucks always defend their worst?
>muh seasin openers
>muh new markets
>muh ratings
I wish I can shut my tinted window on a cop, and then get THEM fired.
He should have rolled down the window, but the cops needlessly escalated the situation every chance they got. No reason for the second man to come in and act like that. Shitty policing.
This is me and my entire extended family. On camping trips its alcohol from sun up to sun down every single person. We don't even question it, its just how we have always functioned.
Tyreek was being a dumb bitch but he was still being compliant. He gave them his license and I don’t think there’s a law where you have to keep your window rolled down.
Do most cars that have suicide doors remain unlock when you come to a stop?
He was mad his fancy window got touched. Probably why he smacked his kid around.
it's flordia, I doubt the cop gets fired
"Theyz tired boss"
It's cultural. Let them rot away in it. Thomas Sowell and Black Rednecks explains the phenomenon. It's cultural and always has been
What's stopping you?
sure, treating a person in power over you like a friend is just as dumb and a complete lack of self-preservation like >>144330125
is saying but the opposite way
cops i’ve encountered have been less douchey than they were. idk i hate their entitlement but there’s nothing i can do about it
she's the daughter of one of the team's owner
rodgers is part owner too
based bootlicker
Well you're expecting the cops to have the patience of saints while expecting the average citizen to be treated like a 2nd grader. Some do and some don't. He gave them attitude immediately and they gave it right back. Should cops be held to a higher standard? Yeah actually, I think so. They should try to de-escalate someone who's escalated. But to say Tyreek was innocent or didn't deserve what happened is equally pigheaded. As I said, the second he rolled that window up, they were in defense mode. And most all of us would be too, quite frankly.

I always think about that pastor who led many anti-cop protests, and then was given the opportunity to train with them. Presented with a scenario in which two men were in a fight and one of them started approaching him, he *immediately* shot the unarmed man. Changed his tune about who feels threatened i.e. everybody when threats are present. We should be teaching cops to remain calm, but we should also be teaching citizens to be intelligent, cooperate, and not give clear and obvious reasons you're a potential threat.
If a white guy in a polo approached you with his fist balled, you'd be begging the cops to help you. You know it, and I know it. Assuming you'd ever be out of the house for that to happen, so same deal if you heard glass breaking while up in your room.
Jets already lost, post your favorite uniform of all time
>canuck cuck
nice job defending the kid puncher based retard
Not the same anon as previously, but now that the bodycam was released, you think this will be swept under the rug or will the media keep pushing this?
I need the Jets offense and Kittle to perform like shit so I can start 2-0 in fantasy
hills did do muffin this incident
shit teams
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I like when the posting slows down for a few minutes because I can tell all my friends are watching the game
Everything is getting swept under the rug faster and faster in today's clown world. Anything that "happens" is now yesterday's news. Until nukes drop and the power goes out, it's all just entertainment for us. We will continue down this slope until a cataclysm, if ever.
uppity blacks bitching about cops is not a good look for the current election cycle so probably not.
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>another allegation 3 fucking years after 20 other grifters "spoke up"
so what the fuck kept her from coming forward earlier? what a dumb fucking johnny-come-lately whore lmao, i hope decoom contersues for obvious slander
normietards will eat it up, but it's a complete nothingburger because even if it were real, it's retroactively baked into the 2022 suspension
What an awful throw from Rodgers
it's ugly on women more often than they think and hideous on almost every guy
Daniel Jones just threw another pick six.
>Rodgers killing it
Yeah, I'm thinking there's a new APEX AFC predator.
Too bad that a quarterback can't defend
This is why NFL Quarterback Club was the GOAT foobaw video game. Could put Favre at QB AND LB
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Bill is smiling
Delete this.
he’s a great pundit
Where is the dog?
the jets defense got them 7 wins while they were starting zach wilson and tim boyle behind a ufl offensive line. they need haason reddit to come back, but he'll probably come to his senses soon
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Rodgers is still elite FYI
man this image cracks me the fuck up

your women can't get enough of them
Kittle isn't a hall of famer right?
Me on the right
I cannot believe how blatant the refs are being right now lol
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blatantly calling correct calls? so you're like this even when it isn't KC huh. it's just ingrained, like your retardation
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Bros I just saw the referees throw a flag... how can they do it?? So rigged
Jets might become a playoff team later in the season but starting immediately with SF was too much to ask. SF is in a different class
>CMC getting exposed as a Purdybabby
Didn't expect that!
Why are black people absolutely INCAPABLE of acting like normal human beings interacting with the police

>Get pulled over
>here's license and registrating, yes I was speeding
>sit for 3 minutes while they run my plates and shit
>sign ticket
>okay thanks officer am i free to go?

Stop fucking doing stupid shit jesus christ. You (apparently) went 100 in a 40 zone, of course they're gonna be pissed, just give them your license and registration, shut the fuck up and sit there. Don't be playing games when you're obviously in the wrong. Stop doing this shit jesus christ.
Am I wrong that 70 has a fat ring on his punching hand? Such class.
So simply rolling up your window when a cop is trying to talk to you means its okay to forcibly open the door and drag you out of the car and onto the ground? Hows that boot taste?
How else could the driver answer questions, provide documents, and be seen clearly to avoid using a weapon or destroying evidence?

Maybe grow up and think.
Maybe don't fucking roll up your window and start dumb shit and be completely uncooperative
Is there confirmation on how fast he was going?
Why does Deshaun like getting his booty fingerblasted?
correct, wise, and well said.
don't knock it 'til you try it
Oh good another Kelce! Is this the Pfizer one or the other sellout puppet actor propagandist fake?
The NFL really is a projected sphere of everything that’s wrong but fun in this country. And we are only in week 1.
is it the one in a sham relationship and fake championship rings to push football onto little girls
>how hard is it to cooperate for two minutes?
Go to bed DeShaun
Look, if he hadn't rolled up his windows he would have been completely in the right and if he was dragged out after that would absolutely be an open-and-shut case of police brutality. However, doing that with tinted windows so police cannot see anything at all is literally just asking for it. For all they know he could be grabbing a gun or something. They have no idea. Doing that is just stupid, 100x more stupid with tinted windows.
With Tucker washed, is it safe to say Harrison "Women Belong tn the Kitchen" Butker is the best kicker in the NFL now?
Yup one of many reasons it was idiotic. Traffic stops and DV calls are among the most dangerous. But the media has a narrative to push and facts can't get in the way.
Holy casual, educate yourself.
jason is a great dude wtf are you going on about?
>Dem Sois
>one full season playing actual football
Sorry, I'm allergic to watching shit teams. An affliction you definitely don't have, being a doomed Gayders fan.
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>jason is a great dude wtf are you going on about?
>chiefs fan
imagine my shock
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Wow, you're upset (lol
I'm seething.
It's gotten so bad after recent years that no one the media and advertisers promote is trustworthy anymore. Travis definitely isn't for multiple reasons.
jason was a literal who until his super bowl speech, he's earned it
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>Jennings sprains his vagina

lel shut the fuck up, Buck
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is this one of those German Scheiße vids I heard about?
i love brock purdy. its so good to be a fan of a good christian white boy in a world full of dark evil
saleh aint it
looks like rodgers is unironically going to need more help, this offensive line is ass and the defense can't stop a nosebleed
Yup, Jest gonna jest. Doesn't matter if you have ARod, the other 10 people on the field still suck.
And he's not the player he once was
It’s the 9ers. After Trent and Aiyuk both were signed to come back it almost guaranteed they’d be elite again. The Jets will win games this year. Also, Rodgers is cursed against the 9ers.
>howie gets rid of malcontent who wants a new deal
>gets a 3rd round pick for it
>players doesn't even play
how does he get away with it
>Saleh always praised for his good defense
>Defense is trash
Yeah this is his last year as HC
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Can't wait to put 30 on their asses twice again this year
relying on muh defense year in year out while your offense is shit never works. offense needs built first. half the reason their defense was "good" was offenses were conservative against them because two scores and no turnovers won you every game against them
but rightoid jest cucks told me their little anti vax gay chudcel would fix everything?

what happened? too much ayahuasca chuddie?
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My Bucs will booty blast these 9ers
you mean lost to them by 2 tds like the dolphins always do. they are the best at choking against the bills
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Seriously why do the jets fan do this every fucking year?
>gaydgers sucks now
rodgers still looks pretty good desu
The duality of retards
He didn't earn it - his adjacency to TK and TSwift is his value. I'm not commenting at all on him as a player; that's separate.

>Whites keep defending the blacks
>Whites keep oppressing the blacks

you third world faggots get your story straight already
You can't be real. Imagine having this personality. Essentially: My thoughts are implanted.
I'm talking about the jets buddy
what happened to thread? inactive
The NFL is corrupt and part of the agenda, so I don't support it. That said, I admire loyal fans of losing franchises. Shows integrity.
Hell is being squashed between two drunk blacks who talk loud over you to each other, constantly touching you.
This Tyrone Hill thing has George Floyd 2.0 written all over it. Honestly it might even be worse. Those cops need to go to prison for life for all the laws they broke. He was just a black man trying to get to his game.
Awfully suspicious they didn't check to see if that was a first, but made sure "replay assist" negated it on the next play. Have reffies moved on from Rodgers to prop up the $(ers?
>erin fraudgers
errybody in the gamethreads laughing at gaygers
Breaking - Tyreek video released - he deserved it - cops cleared - predictable outcome to all but the brainwashed


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