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>The PAC-12 may be coming back from the dead. The two-team conference of Washington State and Oregon State is targeting Boise State, San Diego State, Colorado State and Fresno State as new additions in a reimagined Pac-6. Those schools are expected to soon apply or have already applied for membership into the conference — the first step in the process to complete the deal. They would join the league starting with the 2026 school year.
>UMass is rejoining the MAC.
>UConn/Big XII talks are on hold, though the door is still wide open according to both parties.

>Week Three
#20 Arizona v. #17 Kansas State (Manhattan, KS)
#7 Oregon v. Oregon State (Corvallis, OR)
#5 Notre Dame v. Purdue (West Lafayette, IN)
Tulane v. #15 Oklahoma (Norman, OK)
Washington State v. Washington (Seattle, WA)
Colorado v. Colorado State (Fort Collins, CO)
West Virginia v. Pitt (Pittsburgh, PA)

/cfb/ pick 'em: https://fantasy.espn.com/games/college-football-pickem-2024/group?id=a55c8e21-61f9-42a5-ae49-cb87e3371c2c


previous: >>144365529
coach primate
what even is an aggie anyways?
see >>144374501
I'll take that burgeoning brown girl on the left there
i despise how small the names on asu's jerseys are
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shitty camerawork by ESPN
nice one camera guy
tried to tell you the bobcats are legit (asu is really bad too)
also espn isnt sending their best
to remind people in those states that they share a conference with those freaks
OSU is overrated trash.
literally no good games this week
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mccloud is definitely an improvement over finley
Who is rating Oregon State high?
hes pretty good but really they just have good coaching and built a good program over the years
need to force sam to try to beat them
who is this asu coach he looks like he's 17 years old
>Texas State has a major P4 program at home for the only time
>Can only sell out 75% of 30k stadium
This is why they won't be invited to the Pac 12 or anywhere else
Kenny Dillingham. he was Oregons OC last year
Why did Arizona State schedule this game?
i want some of these comfort-fit powder blue polyester sideline leisure slacks
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It's been a difficult few years.
2 years ago
He was also Norvell's OC at Memphis and FSU
who else wants to have kids with a cool mulatto chick?
They look like baseball pants.
Me :)
you are not a man if you can not back a trailer.
the tip of my penis is a sideline reporter now
Male sideline reporter? Who does that?
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>Male sideline reporter? Who does that?
hopefully, NBC sends Colt McCoy there from now on
It's a nigger
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we finally have a new helicopter webm
Watching 2 different Texas High School games tonight.
16 play high temp offense
>just run up the middle
lmao arizona defense
>sun debils
Good guy Astros leaving their night spot for HSFB
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It's Thursday.
Sideline reporter from last week is back
That's when the UIL allows live broadcasts.

The other game has a QB by the name of Cam Newton.
Very fuckable.
Stupid timeout
there were some good one-handed catches last weekend
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
>offensive PI
>only won due to 4 turnovers by KU
Nebraska Fighting Sneeds are going to booty blast Illinois
Call timeout to run the ball in 3td and 20
ASU just gave up
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Based Tiger bot
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great call, coach
End this niqqa Macloud’s career
not looking good for the sun devils lol
It's over
I think arizona might be cooked
told you dorks
Let me guess, he won't get suspended because the player injured is White.
not too late to kick arizona state out of the big 12 so they can land into the all state 12
why would he get suspended? that was a legal hit
haha infinite reverb
the ginger linebacker is scary bros
haha another libtard baited. 2 E Z.
Kek bobcats.
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not so fast, bobcats
JV plays on Thursdays.
why do you want to end a 100% pure Irishman's career?
mic just picked up an f-bomb lol
>you're fucking us man
based ref hater
reffies worked him into a shoot
Why did Florida fire Danny Mullen? Finished in the top 15 in his first 3 years, then was having a bad year 4 but would have taken them bowling, they shitcanned him before the FSU game. Then they hired some loser.
i think one of the reasons was because he wouldn't fire DC Grantham
They gave up 42 first half points to a 4-7 Samford
That program was collapsing
Florida is prone to that
See McElwain and Zook
Nice catch
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vax status?
hand off to Skeeboo
Piss Shit lost to this Arizona Shit team.
High profile varsity games will play on Thursday night if a tv crew wants to show the game. Typically Thursday is for jv
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pass it to skibidi
Absolutely ballsy qb scramble
Cats blew it
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this has been a good game
Bobcats got too cocky
kill yourself, faggot
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>mel tucker croot dabbing on these wild kitties
Better than the mandrama in Amazon
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missouri tigers
Lane Kiffin was given enough time
>fire breathing beavers
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Anyone else love seeing football players in band even when it is absolutely unnecessary?
>: you love to see it
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>saves Colorado football
saves them from recovering, perhaps
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behold the tradition of the drill team and their culturally appropriate outfits
please, enough with the fat chicks, anon
Being in CFB for so long probably helped Mick Cloud stay out of prison
> Dipshit Law Firm
good news anon, they represent dyslexic clients!
What a terrible drive to start the second half
3 of their drives have been have a stinky first down 3 and out
The other ones are touchdowns
It seems that no matter where one goes outside of Aggieland, there are always those who ask, "What is an Aggie anyway?" I am so glad they ask because it gives me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects. I usually respond by first telling them what an Aggie is NOT. An Aggie is not a pig or hog, as they are called in the Ozarks. An Aggie is not a horse, such as the one representing that school out in West Texas. An Aggie is not a pony, like the one in "SMUland." We are certainly not a frog or horned toad, nor a Waco bruin or bear. We are not a little ol' cat or a fowl owl like those in Houston. Most definitely, we are not of the long-horned cattle variety. If we were, we would be a bull or a cow rather than some non-productive steer. (Since a steer is non-productive, and t.u. chooses to be represented by a steer, then logic would follow that t.u. must consider themselves...Hey, don't get mad at me or say, "that's a little strong." I didn't pick their mascot, they did.)

The fact is that an Aggie is not any type of animal. We have Reveille, who is our 1st Lady, but we're not the Texas A&M Reveilles. We're the Aggies. An Aggie is a human. When I think of an Aggie, I think of church, community, and state leaders. I think of the many Aggies who have sacrificed their lives as defenders of freedom through their service to the United States of America.
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>7th year of college football
Are there still a bunch of players with extended eligibility due to covid?
>"What is an Aggie anyway?"
three for free
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
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Do you have an inflatable tunnel mascot or helmet?
>audio crew not giving a single shit about catching crowd and sidelines swearing every 30 seconds
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That's a thicc girl back there
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If you’re gonna get targeting at least hurt the dude
PAC 12:
Boise State
Colorado State
Fresno State
New Mexico
Air Force
It's time to get 1998 WAC-y
>both teams have white RBs
>white RB led SEC in rushing last year
>best RB in the NFL is white
>3 white corners in the NFL
whites are evolving
Based reffied
>people were surprised TXST was +3
Is Texas State good or is ASU bad?
ASU check cleared, plus some co-ed pussy promised post-game. Ref GODS keep winning
should have just kicked the FG
>gopher-poster who outed himself as a faggot didn't go to ASU
Imagine all the pics he would be dumping every thread
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It’s Texas state’s Super Bowl with a 25 year old fullblack. ASU isn’t good but isn’t abysmal either.
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I can't lay my hand flat, how fucked am I?
Official Conference Power Rankings:

1) Big 10
2) ACC
3) SEC
4) Big 12
5) Ind.
6) Sun Belt
7) American
8) MAC
10) MWC
11) Pac-12
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let the mascots fight
Any anons in here that can redpill me on Arizona? I feel like I'd want to live in Sedona or Flagstaff. Grew up in Appalachia.
That entire area is going to be fucked by the water wars and not be habitable
bobcats arent gonna let them run the ball
Flagstaff and Sedona are the nicest part of the state by far. I live in the Midwest but if I won the lottery I'd buy a vacation house in Flagstaff and spend my winters there.
kick the FG
Fuck u
>college kickers
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yup, i told the kicker to miss
Convince me not to put my life savings on LSU -7 against South Carolina
Have you been before? Like I said, grew up in Appalachia and now live in the Midwest. Midwest is definitely better than Appalachia, better paying jobs, good cities, and it cheap as fuck. I'm just slowly dying inside with how flat everything is after spending 20+ years in the mountains. Plus the grey cold winters. Old neighbor retired and moved to Lake Havasu. I've never been to AZ but found Vegas very bland. Not so much the city, but the lack of vegetation and brown/red hue everywhere you look. It was a weird experience going to the SW for the first time. My lottery vacation house would be somewhere on the Oregon coast.
take the over
i took the under at 52.5 and the books are trying to pay me $5 to cash out
>The heckin ground is too flat
White people problems
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You madlad.
>pac is back
How long till they try to rob the big 12 or acc
nice td. looked like mccloud got laid out
You shouldn't because you should take Toledo +9 vs Clangs
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>rob the big 12
Hahahaha good one anon
2 good games tonight.
Land dragon.
nice scramble
will never happen
this asu rb is amazing
go for 2
No one in the big 12 or the ACC is gonna voluntarily leave power team status
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With all the realignment that has gone on, what is the most communist conference?
He aight, he's no jeantry tho
to their credit, the bobcats have held him in check for most of the night
kek tua ded again
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do the dolphins still have the former hilltopper QB?
nvm, mike white is actually Josh Allen's back up now
>white bois styling on negroes this entire game
White boi cookin!!
Aren't you brown?
Pays him 5000 every time he "babysits"
Nice logo, which HS? For me, it's the Texan Hawkeye from hardin jefferson hawks.
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Negative. I’m actually in this photo
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These are 2 new schools:

Skyblue: Frisco Emmerson Mavericks
White: Prosper Walnut Grove Wildcats

they gave a profile of the reffie
Bahamas on suicide watch.
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Reffies threw an unsportsman like on the celebration after the td
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EMAW, /cfb/! This game has been really close, and hope any of those teams can go through the rest of the season.
Why are the players dying
My old high school lost tonight
sad! which school?

Preferred format:
City(ST) Schoolname Mascotname

ex: Euless(TX) Trinity Trojans
>Not a single post about South Alabama on the brink of scoring 100
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They won't hit that anyway, but bajesas, not even Ole Miss could've done that.
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I was just getting ready to post ab it.
Only because they decided to play a 6 minute 4th quarter
this game is gonna go to overtime
1-2 souf bama #1 in fbs scoring
South Alabama to PAC?
Holy shit! I remember when NWSU upset TCU
My how far they have fallen!
that was a head to head hit. wheres the flag lol
No flag on hitting a QB like that. What are these reffies doing
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reffie finally letting them play a bit
That warrants a lynching
i wonder whos behind these questionable calls?
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is he crying lmao. you guys werent memeing with "this is their super bowl"
>Reddit tranny mods have become reffies
i like how he was sad in his player portrait lol
here comes the qb scramble
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4th down conversion game is still competitive
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the ASU receivers are never set when the ball is snapped. its almost every play.
looks like they got his arm as he was throwing
It literally is, their QB could be an NFL vet too
lmao ASU is killing themselves with these retarded penalties
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we have a time game going on
It's not in Texas
Almost a costly play
Tua is done in the NFL
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at least he got his payday. he should retire for his own wellbeing
>It's over
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boobcats just handed ASU the game with that one
There's no way New York can allow him to play again after this.
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they went for 2 instead of the tie

fine: Hampton(VA) Hampton Crabbers
TXST about to choke this game and have all their players injured
What if Gonzaga is working behind the scenes with the Pac 12 and letting them know that they'd be willing to be a part member of the conference with an East Coast team being there football other half? It would be crazy if Gonzaga asked Notre Dame decided to be that other half. Notre Dame can get a conference championship guaranteed every year, and they would fuck over the ACC in the process. Notre Dame's other athletics could join the MAC and it would be the big fish in the small pond there too.
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Live Tua cam
how does vegas just know? how do they look at this game and get the spread so close?
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fuck yes, field goals!
>several yards away from the ltg
>boy this is gonna be close

Who put these clowns in the booth
How high are u
Plains are boring as hell to look at. Especially when you’ve been to the pacific coast, mountain west, new england or appalachia.
They run 1000 simulations on ncaa25 per matchup
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i like these clowns in the booth
That’s the clone
I'm not a hill or mountain coomer. Just give me a forest
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Prosper(TX) Walnut Grove Wildcats win
Is this McClouds last year in cfb?
Texas State went full retard.
He will get hurt this game and get an injury waiver
>black QBs
Was just about to say something about a black QB not throwing a pick all night
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its over
>black QBs
>black qbs
It’s never not funny
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Yep been all around the country. Midwest is by far the most boring. There are some interesting parts depending on what you consider part of the Midwest, but most of it is pic related. 1,000 miles straight of this.
He has 0 business throwing deep balls. He's dinked and dunked all day
These bugs look like flags
This is just part of TXST's genius plan to put one in with no time left.
Texas State shouldn't be this good. Is Arizona State just this bad?
Aaand they squandered it.
>3rd and 6, just need to run the clock down...


jesus, just run and punt
punting has been a highlight of this game
so 3 points scored off of two TX State turnovers. oof
Cats are good and playing inspired
ASU isn't good, but Texas State keeps bringing in pretty decent talent via transfers
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I'd post webm highlights but ESPN has some voodoo magic that prevents screencaps.
can we get one more turnover?
O/U is 59.5 btw
Run it Texas State!

dang! not a toss!
Lol at that flop
>celebrate play
>get cramp
>give opposing team free timeout
same for hulu
>inb4 garbage time fg that hits the over
It's another g5 can't keep up in the end of the game
its a mess.

Dang TXST went for it on 4th down and the ball got smacked. I feel bad for them. Let's see if ASU fucks this up.
why do G5s choke away games? Every weekend theres at least one game where the G5 should win and they choke.
Usually about the time when the check clears
Athletic facilities, conditioning coaches, etc
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>be Nick Saban
>talk about West Virginia
>call yourself a Mountaineer "fan"
>go somewhere else and win a bunch of nattys
I have a special type of hatred for that man
Omg a white woman ate food with dem spices!
thats what happened for the Tulane-K State game. Reffies tried to save ND with a terrible spot as well.
they're worse
Inferior players and coaches are the main reason
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based skattebo
It's over
Hopefully the upset energy was reserved for the Pac-12
You're the Ohio of college football
lol at them trying to blow up the victory formation
stranger things have happened
no idea what that means
>Under hits
If ASU can win 3 more games the season is a success
lmao why doesnt he just go down?
The Miami special
Can they legit defeat Colorado now?
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poor play design. It was 4th down and they wanted to get every second off the clock, but got tackled with 1 second on. Clock play is not something that you think about much. Should have chunked that ball past the endline for a safety. The last play in that game ended up being intercepted anyway though.
other team probably had a timeout, wanted to run out the entire clock
I would feel good about it. Dillingham inherited an absolute disaster and he's slowly trending upwards. It was close last year and ASU is better this season.
Why do a lot of astronauts come from Ohio?
>to get as far away from Ohio
>>144377145Aggies are the first to answer the call to serve their country. Aggies are ministers of the gospel, coaches of Little League teams, public school teachers, and leaders in community projects. Many are medical doctors, veterinarians, and engineers. Others are civil servants, congressmen, and entrepeneurs. Thankfully, many are responsible for feeding the world as farmers, ranchers, and agricultural researchers. And we all know that if it were not for Aggies who become lawyers, there wouldn't be such a thing as a "good" lawyer. In essence, Aggies get things done. We are doers! Aggies are the Twelfth Man, builders of bonfires, carriers of tradition, participants in Musters, and, too often, attenders of Silver Taps ceremonies. Texas Aggies say HOWDY. We know how to look a man in the eye and shake hands. Aggies get a chill up our spine when we hear the National Anthem or sing the "Spirit of Aggieland" or "Aggie War Hymn," or when we march to chow under the direction of a drum and bugle corps.

What is an Aggie? Who are the Aggies? It is simple, "We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we, true to each other as only Aggies can be..."

Yeah fair. Shithole place. Just sucks to see Jimbo and Saban both grow up here and go win nattys somewhere else.
>B1G network is playing Washington football classics
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top kek
Fairly easily I would think
hope the footage is aired on opl tomorrow.
They surrendered their classics library. I would put the sad emoji presenting his ass, but IDK if that exist or it was only my imagination.
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Thoughts? Stanford Steve picked Philly Eags -7.5 (not sure why outside college football)
Are you drunk? That's UTSA.
easy on the jungle goose lad
wouldn't most teams punt it in that situation?
only teams who have trouble with the snap
>and the ball is free
Have any of SVP's meme parlays ever hit?
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Northern Illinois huskies :)
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>4 seconds left with a 7 point lead
>4th down
>Can't risk a punt return or block for a td

The only thing that went wrong was the formation should have been 2 TE and 3 running backs in shotgun.

had they had a back at the endzone and 2 wingbacks, the Qb could have tossed it to the endzone and bought some time. That would probably have been the best play for this situation with the least risk. Worst case scenario you give up the safety as the time expires.
Add some non-football, like GCU, San Fran and Saint Mary's
Wait list two teams that used to be in the pac-12 before it imploded. Think FSU or clempus would intentionally pic a worse conference then the one they are already in when they get paid by ticket sales lol.

Also there’s one problem with the west coast and what used to be the pac-12. The people in charge are stupid! Hilariously this issue still is happening in the big ten with west coast teams.You don’t schedule games at 8 at night when there is a 3 hour difference on the East coast. Even if you have a good team people are not watching the games as much due to that issue. Those games need to be at 5. If they played on Friday during rush hour traffic on the west coast it would make sense but it’s on Saturday. USC’s last game ended at two in the morning when I was watching. What is worse is they scheduled the game and couldn’t keep on the lights? It was due to a heat wave and energy issues. Here’s an idea schedule them at 5pm pacific time and it gets dark at 8 meaning for the majority of the game they won’t need lights. I get that it’s also the networks and schedules of schools blah blah blah- bs

This has been going on since forever and the networks are like hey the viewership is just better for the SEC. Wow ghee I wonder why? Also they give them prime time for absolute shit matchups “oooohhhh it’s Vanderbilt vs Alabama” nobody outside of the SEC cares unless they upset Alabama by some miracle or Alabama sandbags the game like they did last week.

Also what the fuck is with the SEC schedules? Alabama plays like 70 percent cupcake games with one challenge in Georgia. Same with ole miss who the fuck have they played and why the fuck are they even ranked? Also how does lsu lose to usc who was ranked 23 and is ranked 16th and Missouri ranked wtf? It’s like they are stacking SEC teams in ranked positions to make it look like they actually play people? Is Missouri going to make the playoffs?
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>two greatest coaches of all time are from west virginia
>neither coached there
Nick Saban did coach at West Virginia though as a defensive backs coach
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not a looker in the bunch
Really says a lot about the loyalties of West Virginians for their own state.
Third from left front row could get it
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and there it is
marry 3, fuck the big titty jewess, and kill the middle
Man you’re really pulling a lot of these out of thin air
Just buy a scratch off ticket. Anything past 3 game parlay is just a slot machine for spread
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SEC and B1G should keep eating lesser conferences
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eat my penis
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Tonight: Wildcats vs Wildcats

also sneed
Yummy :P
New York Times has laid out who the best candidates for the Mountain West are in order
1. North Dakota State
2. South Dakota State
3. Montana and Montana State as package
5. New Mexico State
6. Idaho
7. Sacramento State
Kibbie Dome bros, we're back!
and the nebraska player acted like a thug and purposely hurt Shilo

Funny how the media and all the ass holes on this site say shit like "colorado are a bunch of thugs" and "they are violent apes"

but everytime its always the other team purposley hurting colorado players. remember that white boy who did a late hit on Travis Hunter during the Colorado vs Colorado state game?

but we are the thugs. i'm getting sick of this shit.
Coach prime is doing his best to help these young boys become men. but you fucking losers want to drag them down. One guy on this site even called Shilo a soft n-gger. like really bro?
This dude made the right decision cutting the zoomer curls.
I thought Colt was insightful as a color commentator but he really needs to turn up the enthusiasm. Dude's just too laid back.
U haters really don’t know football. If Colorado is so bad, why couldn’t Nebraska score more than 28?? They couldn’t score in the 2nd Half. Notre Dame lost to Northern Illinois but Colorado is the biggest topic GTFOH
If you're going to troll, at least don't make it so obvious.
If someone is interested in meat judging, what line of work do they go into? FDA?
Be honest with me, is Northwestern State a real college? I don't mean if they're FBS, FCS, etc. but are they a legit college or is this another Bishop Sycamore scam? I just can't see how a real team gives up 87 points, not counting the potential 14 more points that were called back. No fucking way a real team gives up what is essentially 101 points.
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Long Beach State should bring back football and join the PAC
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>I thought Colt was insightful
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No woman can resist the power of the BBC (Big Brutus Cock).
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It's even worse than that
>Fielding Yost: 6 championships, 10 conference championships, 198 wins
>John McKay: 4 championships, 9 conference championships, 127 wins
>Jimbo Fisher: 1 championship, 3 conference championships, 128 wins
>Nick Saban: 7 championships, 12 conference championships, 292 wins
That's 18 nattys, 34 conference championships, and 745 wins from guys who all grew up within 30 minutes of Morgantown. This program is truly cursed. It goes beyond some bad luck every now and then.
Meatchicken kek
Why is the Big 12 still considered P5 when they have nothing but leftover G5 shitter schools and dead weight Pac 12 schools? I can't even think of one serious program that they have.
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Yesterdays Texas State-Arizona State game had a play that wasn’t televised
At the end when the clock was at zero, espn finished their broadcast, teams were leaving and fans were leaving the reffies put one second back on the clock, which theoretically gave Texas State one play to win the game
Don’t even know if ESPN’s cameras even recorded it but it was played. And was a quick few parallels before being fumbled so not much of anything, but if they did make a score would have been one of the sports most legendary moments
So are these three the most powerful G5s now:

1. NIU
2. Boise St.
3. Memphis
Roll tide
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making /cfb/ heterosexual again
Trying too hard.
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Down State just got another 5 star commit!
B1G Champs
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looking for a big WVU win this weekend!
Should be a lot of firepower
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>Should be a lot of firepower
so many shots downfield
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some women enjoy showing their tanlines
God bless them
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Why is everyone talking about Texas State vs. Arizona State today? What did I miss?
Fuck Milroe and Roll Tide
NIU isn't even like the 5th best team in the MAC
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Damn MAC must be really good then.
They should be talking about South Alabama vs Northwestern State
la campion del grande doce
The bigger question is why is a 3-0 Arizona State struggling against a shitter school?
Rings of Power showrunners made that.
>be the 6-PAC
>invite memepiss, toolane, and utsa to your conference to have a 9 team kino round robin
>invite gonzaga to fill in for other sports and give hoops an even number
>when the acc collapses, if jewC Berkeley and Steinford are too snooty, accept SMU to go up to 10 teams

Yeah, I'm thinking Power Conference
I think its a mix of hangover from Miss St game (they only had 5 days between) and Texas St having a lot of experienced transfers. It was also a really big game for the Cats, it was their only P4 matchup
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Be bold, bros.
They matched their win total from last year in the first three games
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Not so fast, Señor Rising
I didn’t even realize you had Yost. That’s 3 top 10 coaches.
pffft, fuck Shiloh
Georgia had another player arrested last night for reckless driving, second string CB Daniel Harris
Auburn benched Payton Thorne, will start redshirt freshman Hank Brown tomorrow.
Refund secured, all bets pushed.
>those names
More like Spic-12 (with token gook)
Texas State unironically axed their own future when they changed the name from Southwest Texas. It was the number one party school and had a pretty good fanbase, but when A&M refused to change their name to Texas State they pounced on the chance to become the “State” school and get away from their party school reputation. Problem with that is that they turned into the poorfag and dumbfag university with kids who are too dumb/poor to be an aggie or longhorn so their student body are fans of those other teams.

If they were still Southwest Texas I imagine they’d be in the Big 12 by now.
We're gonna have to buy these darkies personal hookers that drive them everywhere to keep them on track
What is it about Georgia that inspires such consistent specific reckless behavior? Reckless driving has been their bread and butter disciplinary issue for two years now. Does Georgia, as a state, have high speed limits and lax enforcement?
Then you go to Milwaukee and the image is reversed.
It unironically would be a good investment for Georgia football to pay for chauffeurs for their starters and key backups, it's ridiculous at this point
Honestly they’d be a mid-tier team in that conference. They could probably fucking win the MW if they went there instead.
Sacramento State has only made the FCS playoffs like 3 times in 40 years and thr coach responsible is at Stanford now
Call it a bodyguard so they feel special.
Designated driver, deals with bouncers, keeps them out of fights.

You probably couldn't get them to play along.
They'd realize it wasnt a status thing, and fuck it up on purpose.
Kirby was so desperate to beat Saban he recruited anyone he could get that could run fast, not matter the level of thug
He will become the Miami of the 90s if he doesn't watch out
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Might as well swing for the fences, or should that be throw the Hail Mary since this is about football? Either way, with the right investments in the program, they'd be a shoe-in for the Mountain West. The PAC00 is extremely ambitious but might as well give it a try.
Also not too far away is UC Davis, who is in the planning stages of expanding their stadium. That school certainly has the resources to be a PAC team and could easily be a Mountain West one if they don't want to go all in. The real question for both schools is if there would be enough fan support, which is questionable but people thought the same thing about UCF once upon a time.
if they were Lyndon Baines Johnson University they would have a few conference championships by now
I think this Sacramento thing though is more of a city led initiative
You notice it's just politicians and business people, not the AD or university president
Sacramento is craving sports teams. They had the MLS franchise thing fall apart, and there's famously half an baseball stadium that was never completed that was built to lure one of the Bay Area teams
>Quarterback Rating: 26.4
Ooof. Dude is a fifth year senior. If he hasn't figured things out yet, there's no point in sticking with him. Even if Brown is worse, at least he's a freshman who has the potential to develop into something better.
Combination of several things. Being the top program has made lots of them arrogant. NIL has given them money to get access to fast vehicles. The university doesn't do much to punish players caught getting in trouble and the Athens-Clarke County Police have long had a rough relationship with UGA's athletics department, not overlooking crimes that would get maybe a warning in other college towns.
They need a team named the Snakes. I'd buy the hell out of Sacramento Snakes gear, just for the tongue-in-cheek political commentary of it.
Based Angry Beavers chad
Give it to me straight. Who wins the Arizona-Kansas State game?
Costco sells these. I have like 20 pairs. It's all I wear in the fall and winter.
Really hope they stick to the Mountain and Pacific time zones instead of becoming AAC+ and another coast to coast conference. That would also help them snag travel weary Calford should the opportunity present itself.
I would say it's a combo of two things. Players being stupid asses and cops who love nothing more than to put these dumbasses in their place. If I was a cop in a college town and had a call about a football player who wasn't raping, robbing, or doing something violent, I think I'd just give them some type of speech and send them on their way the first time.
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Alumnibros, I bought a step machine off of FB Marketplace and have been using it while watching games this season. I put up a mirror on the wall facing the side of the machine and now I can see a profile of what I looked like. Holy fuck, I've become a fucking manatee. Here's hoping by the end of the playoff I can look more like a receiver than a linesman.
>Fat is lost in the kitchen
Already taking care of that part. No gameday snacking trash food anymore. No more beer. Just high quality games on the screen.
Man, I want some Asian pussy something serious. Just a weekend fling to get it out of my system.
Kansas State. Arizona is missing their top RB due to eligibility issues and there are rumors their star WR is dealing with a foot injury. It won't keep him out, but it will make him less effective. It's also Arizona's first road game so I'd expect some issues dealing with noise.
Wonder what school has the most Asian girls hungry for white guys. Seems like California schools would have the most Asian girls but lots of them are probably man hating weirdos.
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Call Paul
the wildcats
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>Game is at Kansas State
Be on the lookout slampig bros, opportunities tonight for some big corn fed titcows.
Big XII team Kansas State hosts Big XII team Arizona in a non-conference game tonight
The Wildcats host the Wildcats, be there, will be wild!
Cal and Stanford really should have just held steady, the ACC is not more secure now than it will be in 5 years. At this point I wouldn't be shocked if the Pac 12 is around long after the ACC implodes.
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game was scheduled as an OOC game, so it'll be treated as one. same thing with Utah-Baylor.
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This home and home was scheduled before the Pac 12 imploded. By the time the prophecy was fulfilled it was too late for these schools to replace it with other P4 teams.
[onlineathens.com] Adding detail from the police report that had Georgia CB Daniel Harris driving 106 MPH
The ACC will not implode to the point where Cal and Stanford would be better off in the Nu Pac-12
>talk shit
>dude on other team is pissed, trucks you on a regular play and snaps your arm
cope, if you are going to talk shit be prepared to back it up
How do I tell my sister she's a dumb whore without hurting her feelings
buy her a loaf of cheese to cheer her up
Allegory simile metaphor a story that she can relate to a parabola even
which part are you worried will hurt more? the dumb part or the whore part?
I called my sister a drunken skank to her face once and made her cry. True story.
good point, bro
got any of them asian tan line bitches?
I’m so lonely bros
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Call Paul
I wouldn't be so sure. If Clemson and FSU bolt I don't see why the BigXII, B1G and SEC wouldn't try to pick off a few more. Miami and UNC would bolt.
just make money bro and it will end.
be yourself
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I just fucked some of her friends. It couldnt be helped, 2 year age gap. She told me to stop fucking them after I raw dogged her pure virgin slampig friend.
Raw dogging her half spic fren in a hot tub then a water bed water bed after my sis went to bed is a core memory. only one out out of two dozen partners that knew how to ride dick.
im mid 30's and married now

tldr: fuck her friends.
So when Tua inevitably gets pressured out of the league because they don't want a man to literally die of brain swelling on the field, which team picks him up as a QBC/OC?
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>I’m so lonely bros
firm handshakes
jesus christ
There aren't enough lifeboats from other conferences to ensure a total collapse
tell her as you're dicking her down
I don't think he can do any intellectual job after those concussions, maybe the colour analyst
is he hurt again I haven't watched a single NFL game yet
returns to the motherland, takes over Hawaii, and returns them to the Colt Brennan era
Stupid motherfucker dove headfirst right into Damar Hamlin and concussed himself. Fencing response and everything.
Damar didn't even do anything, just stood there and let Tua break his head against Damar's chest.
he gave himself a concussion by being a retard
Should have been watching Arizona State squeak out a game in San Marcos last night
what would be left to build on?
Collapse is less likely than what happened with the PAC12 but still possible if there's a panic like happened with the PAC12. Once Colorado announced they were returning to the Big XII, the other schools that wanted to keep the remains of the conference together freaked out and ran. They would have been much better off sticking together. They only needed to back fill one school to get back to eight. Maybe the ACC schools will learn from that and be more levelheaded even if four top programs leave.
culture and fan enthusiasm pac vs acc teams is far different. If your native population doesn't watch and doesnt go to the games its pointless.
First of all, I am skeptical that Clemson and FSU even leave
FSU and their fans believe there is big pile of money somewhere out there for them if they can just get out, but I don't think there is
And Clemson is only half-heartedly sueing because they just don't want to get stuck and their stated goal is just to get what it would take to leave the conference in writing

Having said that, if they do end up leaving, even with UNC and Miami, I don't think the rest are good enough for the Big Ten and the SEC, and I don't think the Big 12 would be interested in expanding the pie for all of them. There would be 13 members left and the big 12 isn't gonna all 13 or even 6
Whatever is left is better than what is in the future Pac-12

You have to remember, Stanford isn't a football school. They have 36 sports and competitive in all of them. Men's and Women's soccer, men's and women's volleyball, field hockey, swimming, etc.
The pac-12 would offer subpar competition in those sports
And Cal is in too much debt to leave the ACC
Shit games this week
Weeks like these are where you’re gonna see some wild shit. Last week was a dud schedule too and then NIU pantsed the Catholics
>>>/nfl/ is that way bud
Jesus this week's pick'em is brutal. Winner's gonna have like 20 points lmao.
kansas schools kino slopfest tonite
>its another g5 potential upset then they collapse in the 4th quarter except niu.
and vegas knows so you cant even get a good bet in when g5 shitter is up 14 to bet on the p5 team.
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Are these predictions, or did these games already happen
Tulane should've at least forced OT against Kansas State, which is why I'm bullish on them to stand tall against Oklahoma tomorrow.
And this is a fucking fantasy, but Michigan's offense is so woeful I'm not sure we can count any opponent as a "free win" anymore. They still likely beat Arkansas State by 30, but goddamn if I can't bring myself to believe that Butch could pull it off.
And then of course I'm gonna watch the Collapse of Colorado from end to end.
>Tulane should've at least forced OT against Kansas State, which is why I'm bullish on them to stand tall against Oklahoma tomorrow.

i bet tulane +14.5
it cant be understated how badly injured the OL is
1st game they had to use 3rd string at center
2nd game the 2 starting tackles were out and every OL outside of the center was playing in a new posistion for the 1st time. OU cannot run it between the tackles or give time for an injured WR group. tulane is a team that didnt lose enough to not think they are close to last year in terms of how good they are

My estimated math autism equation spread is 21.5
chokie is a good bet.

Take chokie.
As much as I hate Deion, CSU is gonna get blown out
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You know I like my chicken fried
csu has a p4 dline?
the song to my first minor in possession of drinking.
chicken fried and in color.
good times
yeah it's fucking grim
the first time Shedeur gets sacked he's going to walk off the field like a little bitch.
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Ready to see UNLV get revenge on Kansas tonight?
kansas should not be -9.5 to this ireration of the team
unlv +9.5 is a key number as well
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everyone's gonna put 10 pts on LSU only for SCar to win by a fuckin FG or something lol
KU losing their OC was a big deal. Not sure they are the same team as a year ago.

Awesome Aggie Sayings

These are just a few of the many.

I would rather flunk out of A&M than to graduate with honors from t.u.

If t.u. were playing the University of Moscow in Red Square, I would be on the goal post waving a big red flag.

West Point is a good prep school for A&M.

t.u., t.u. - where the girls are girls and the boys are, too.

I would rather go 0-11 and be an Aggie than be National Champs and be a 'sip.

Texan by birth, Aggie by the grace of God

Aggies may get out-scored, but they never lose.

We've never been licked.

I would rather eat barbed wire than go to t.u.

If I had a low IQ, I would go to t.u., too.

No Aggie was without a job during the Great Depression

BOSS - What you call an Aggie five years after he/she graduates

"Howdy!", "Gig'em!", "Farmer's Fight!", "Ol Army!"

The 4 responses allowed by a fish:

1. "Yes, sir!"

2. "No, sir!"

3. "No excuse, sir!"

4. "Sir, not being informed to the highest degree of accuracy, I hesitate to articulate for fear I may deviate from the true course of reactitude. In short, sir, I am a very dumb fish and do not know, sir."

t.u.: Aggie term for The University of Texas, that small secular (Berkeley Of The South) school in central Texas
Jalon Daniels was exposed as a fraud last week. Oddsmakers are too lenient on the Chickenhawks.
SC looked great last week and they're at home. Lil Beamer is ready to compete.
losing to >illinois is pretty alarming
i wouldn't be surprised if they lose to UNLV
UNLV dominated Houston, Houston gave OU a great game. Not much evidence but UNLV seems like a live dog.
Unfortunately the blackie they have at quarterback cannot physically throw the football and the weakness in this LSU defense is in pass defense

LSU wins by 24
I have more confidence in picking Memphis over FSU than picking LSU over SCAR.
kansas meme wore off they might have 1200 people at the game
>kansas wearing black

can we FUCK OFF with teams wearing heckin alternate black unis jesus christ
do hs recruits even still think it's cool in 2024?
>Auburn starting a freshman against NMSU
Get ready for the Aggies to beat Auburn again. It just means more.
>Kansas Football
lmao daniels. dont take hits like that
In 2 years, they'll be back to losing 10+ games a year, after the seniors graduate. No high schooler or transfer in their right mind would play for the Chickenhawks.
Coach needs to get the fuck out of these ASAP before he goes the way of Matt Campbell.

why did unlv give up
You would get strangled by the Sooners. Just like you have for decades.
Is there a game on?
>another jawja reckless driving arrest

what the fuck is their problem
Because they didn't break Neal's legs.
UNLV @ Kansas is on atm. Arizona @ Kansas State kicks off in 10 minutes
Rather go ot Kansas than go to Kstate
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With NIL, Boomer staff trying to figure out what high schoolers think is cool is going to start to die out. The advantage of having lockers with a video screen doesn't mean much to a recruit when another school is offering 50% money.
Wrong New Mexico.
It's time for High School Scoreboard Live on Bally Sports Southwest or whatever.

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