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My Steelers :)
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Tua playoff wins: 0
Tua concussions: 3
Post the "I'm open" Tua meme while it's still relevant.
Isnt this dude a mets fan? Why doesnt he cheer for the jets or the gnats?
we have to wait until sunday for some actual good fucking football to be played
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>tua careerisova
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the time has come
Week 2 and 2 black starting QBs are dead.
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Justify this decision.
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Could he join the NFL?
tua thought he was him
Live look at Bahamas anon

Force tua to wear the cap. I would fucking love to see him marked forever as the sped QB
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dont need to justify it i hope every colored qb starts doing this
>Dan Marino told fins to take herbert
Why didn't they listen
he's retarded
>hamlin staring at dead tua thinking "so that's what it looks like"
Was that Tua's last game?
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What were the betting odds of Tua getting his brain scrambled again?
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Tua's big hit
>That'll be 200 million plus tip
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Cause you do it to yourself
You do
And that's why it really hurts
Because they'd be Buffalo's bitch either way.
>love signed a huge contract
>gets btfo
>tua signs a huge extension
>gets btfo

Dak is next
>coconut community concussions
4 concussions this dude should retire. It's not like he was ever gonna do shit anyways.
When will they learn?
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Ayo Mike... I heard you need a new QB?
Not just Marino, The head coach at the time, Flores.
classic tua
too white and skinny, can't be him
and then he just walks away kek
I'm gonna say it
The Dolphins are the Panthers of the AFC

Retard. Stop running when you know you get a concussion any time someone sneezes on you.
>its still trending
>Daniel Jones
he still playing?
mahomes is going to break his neck 100%
>Hamlin went from nearly being killed to nearly killing someone
How many death threats will Hamlin get?
You have to pay if you win the bet
the lance style of throwing to the other team fits in well with the dolphins' current scheme
If the league doesn't fine him they're gay
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For cushioning tua?? They better send him money because their coconut would have drilled his own head into the ground.
Tua lowered his head into him lmao.
at least the heat are doing well, right?

jimmy got those rings when he went, right? right??
No one said Dolphins fans were smart
>2,000 posts
Twatter sure fell off
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>you out the bloodline, uce!
>and so am i!
I literally and unironically blame the Jamaican faggot for pissing off the football gods with his rampant homosexuality thus cursing tua to get concussed every prime time game
What did he mean by this? Coconut slinger???
its this, I haven't been joking when I told him to stop cursing the team.
this sunday. derek carr will end him
He literally dindu nuffin. Tua is just a fucking idiot who doesn't know how to slide.
Told y'all that Steelers @ Broncos would've been a better TNF game.
Makes me think the real Damar Hamlin is dead considering how little he seemed to care.

Was he that guy who had one good season for the Giants like 5 years ago and then sucked ass? Nah, he's gotta be out of the league.
Fuck yea
He just does it to himself every time
How long until NFL players start getting skull implants that stabilize their brains?
You think that's stopping Dolphins fans who are notorious for killing people?
slide into this bussy
Putting a rookie in TNF this early in the season is just cruel
he you shut the fuck up. the heat have done more shit than your team probably. Seriously we have the best head coach and have won 3 titles in my fucking life time and have at least gone to the finals 6 times. SO STFU
the germany flag makes it not funny
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>basketball americans
I SERIOUSLY DONT FUCKING GET THIS ORGANIZATION who thinks its great to give unproven guys 4 years when all they have done was lose in the first round 2 years in a row.

>flores was fucking right about tua

can you imagine brian flores right now?
I doubt Tua is smart enough to retire.
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We're not supposed to talk about how brain injuries and CTE are caused by the brain jostling around inside the skull. We're supposed to pretend more cushioning on helmets will fix the problem.
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Get fucked lolphins
>Jimmy GODler out of nowhere
Now that's what I call obsessed.
my team is the golden state warriors, buddy. nice try.
Even the other players are like...
>damn, man
>west coast trip on a short week to watch Bo throw 9 picks
go to hell
>maybe we should have given brady that contract.

you probably live outside the bay area right
Clara my wife
Brady is a punk ass cuck bitch. We don't want him.
i hope he dies in his sleep tonight
Missed the game. Buddy from work (phins fan) texted me that Tua is dead. Was it really that bad or is he being an overdramatic fgt?
Go to bed, dude.
Clara is gf material
Jokic to Butler in the 2023 Finals lmao
I have a feeling we're gonna hear about Tua's suicide 10 years from now.
its dead now.
fucking krauts killed the joke again. now its not cool anymore
Idgi tua has to have been the most coached up guy on the planet about how to prevent concussions.
Mahomes slides all the time, cause he knows he can't be tanking hits like Josh Allen, is that what it is tua is just jealous of Josh Allen's arm, Josh Allens legs, Josh Allens skin regiment, I'm starting to think Tua's a bit jealous of thy neighbour and it's making his own football game worse.
he got up on his own power
brady is a fucking winner
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What's the consensus on the 2020 QB class
He threw gang signs again
I can't wait to turn in to WFAN tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM to listen to Boomer and Gio talk about this!
i live in san francisco with my four brothers. we take turns doing our bay area obligation of shitting in the streets, alternating shifts every month.
There’s a webm of him injuring himself itt
I'm ready for our difficult climb back to win our division like we fucking deserve.
>black qbs
Clara my beloved
I wonder what was going thru Hamlin's mind after that. Look at him just walk off far away from the scene at the end of the clip :(
You didn't get Brady because Flores sabotaged Ross's plan and tried to blow the whistle on the whole thing
Have any of you ever gotten knocked the fuck out? How does it feel after?
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Winner of the bitch ass cuck award. That's his legacy. AB's cuck.
I cant wait to still finish better then the fucking jets
Could you imagine Herbert with the weapons and speed Miami has?
Tua's brain is scrambled
>scrambles brain
>throws up gang signs on network television
does he not get that children watch these games? what the fuck is his problem?
Bust bust good bust
it's clearly the best since 2004, with tua dragging it down unfortunately.

love left off this as well
>Injury risk
>Injury risk
>Phillip Rivers
>System babby

Lmao and people were hyping this draft class up so big last year right before the sheagles collapse.
ratbirds can't even beat Matt Canada Kenny Pickett stoolers
Jets are going to carpet bomb Miami.
>tries to kill Hamlin (again)
>throws up gang signs
Get this thug out of the league
Jesus. OC gonna get fired tomorrow
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you can taste something in your mouth that is indescribable. like a tangible concussion in your mouth.
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we will rape cryami
hit him right where it killed him last year too. I was hoping they'd both go down. dead nigger storage is looking kinda lean rn desu
>Tony Gonzalez calling Tua's career as over

Damn bros, all BS aside, is it?
>Helmet protects the head fine
>Does nothing to stop your brain from bouncing around inside
What's the solution?
>Wow this nigga soft
If Burrow stays healthy he's the next Brady but sadly he's just another Andrew Luck
Adam Schefter:
“I believe Tua is unlikely to play professional football again.”

It’s done.
Hurts has played well in multiple systems. also eagles issues were mostly defensive, casual.
Late round project QBs don't get to be used to hype up a draft class.

Burrow and tua are injury risks and lil bitch bois, hurts is a system babby and out of all of them the only good one is Phillip Rivers and even then he's just gonna be another Justin herbert.
Find you a woman like Clara and marry her
When the best TE of all time is calling you a bust you’re a bust.
Burrow is made of glass, Tua's brain is mush, Herbert is Philip Rivers tier, and Hurts is a system QB

Not good but still better than the qb draft class that came after.
Bad taste. Scrambled eggs without hot sauce?
Gyro brains
Ok I missed the second half, what happened?
I got concussed once felt so dizzy I couldn’t stand and then I threw up. Then I barely remember what happened afterwards
or maybe, just maybe- and I know this is nuts, but try sliding after you get the 1st down?
Glass bones
Why are all these pussies saying Tua will never play again? It's not that big of a deal.
Idk and then he's sabotaging games and throwing tantrums like on that 3rd interception
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the best qb in that draft class isn't in your pic
There is none
I think it depends on the Dolphins wanting that (they won't) or someone convincing Tua (unlikely imo)
Hurts has literally only played in one system his entire career and looked awful against the packers.
hey can you tell when the last time the jest have done that....I will be waiting a long time
We're all neurologists, obviously.
You're not making it to the playoffs, and the Steelers are gonna get farmed like they did last year.
The league will probably quietly pull some strings to retire him this nigga dies every prime time game it’s a bad look for the league
Tua scrambled his brains like eggs on a pan going for a run and bonked his helmet right into Damar Hamlin's chest, causing the shakes and sputters and he got carried off in a stretcher
He's not staying healthy in the fucking AFC North, maybe if he was in some other pussy ass division.
What does Gronk think?
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yes picture is outdated

Good one.
That you shouldn’t eat tide pods
You would think someone who has a history of concussions would be very scared of taking hits like that and would just slide

Either Tua is a massive retard or the damage has already been done
how much money does tua keep from his contract if he retires tomorrow?
this webm is kino and i hope it gets reposted every thread
2018 is better
bout tree fiddy
This shit will never not be funny to meme. The fact they just grabbed his ass and yanked him down into a mob sends my sides into orbit.
Ironically, rugby helmets. Football armor has become more useful a a weapon than protection. Less armor means actually playing careful and efficiently.
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Soft helmets with a crumple zone
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3 more days for rest before we face the Seacucks
Enough time for Tua to get back
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tua's brain has been mush for quite some time....
Enough to never work another day in his life if he hires a good financial advisor I'm sure.
all of the guaranteed money so like 160m
Flag football.
$167 million if he retires injured
Not bad for $212 million total over 4 years but for Miami that dead cap hit will force them to sell everything
love was drafted before hurts, both are good, and
>the only good one is Phillip Rivers and even then he's just gonna be another Justin herbert
>that one punch to his ass
crumple this bussy
>black qbs
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I'm 99% sure Tua was getting pissed off at all the physical prowess Josh Allen constantly does against the dolphins defense like plowing over cornerbacks as if they were nothing for a first down.

So he got pissed, ran for the first down thinking "I can do it too josh A-ACKKKK! "

Only thing I can think of is insecurity in his strengths since he doesn't have the arm or the build to be Allen/Mahomes. Despite all the weapons.
>Trans Gayrinblow
why would anyone listen to this no ring loser
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I just love fightporn
allen tua baker

who else
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>Clutchler dabbing on the Shithawks

It's been too long.
You don't need to keep pretending the AFC North is some hardcore division when you're playing against Bustin Fields and Deshaun Rapeson, only the Ravens are good
I think God's telling you not to play football son
Burrow > Herbert > Hurts > Tua > Love
This is great lmao
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Deserved for being a weird conspiracy theorist.
Play Stupid Games
Win Stupid Prizes
>play game
>get concussed
>play game, but don't get concussed
>fake concussion so you don't have to go back and throw more picks
that'll be 40 million plus tip plus the only true championship window since early Marino
Chudconut should have gotten vaxxed
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herbert is shit.

>picture of herbert and tua
be fo reel yal

wud you QB slide dere like sum beetch? tua got dat DAWG in heem witch is wy he checked
Yeah Justin rivers is the exact kinda QB to be like Phillip Herbert. Constantly choking it to the Chiefs and going on to heartbreaking playoff losses that are down right embarrassing.
Classic chorgers QB.
Bustin's a big guy
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In all honestly I missed the days where I get to watch more redzone where the dolphins had no expectations
Why do democrats defend sex trafficking children?
It was a 4th down so Tua probably wanted to get as many yards as possible for the guaranteed 1st down but he should have slid
I would hope he knows his brain is a very injury prone part of his body at this point and he wouldn't risk it when his team is already losing by so much
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herbie doesn't go down and fence up when he takes a hit.
he just runs them over
don't ever defile his name by comparing him to the weak tua again
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His name be praised.
Herbert has done twice what Tua has with 1/5 of the resources at his disposal
>Tua gets murdered again on prime time
NFL is shitting itself
Because nobody is killing them like they deserve.
I still take Herbert 1st due to him being the biggest and therefore more likely to survive all the hits down the road.
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Not like this finbros...
Children in sex trafficking deserve to be defended, what is wrong with you?
Bahamanon status?
Mexican Americans don't like to just get into gang fights
They like flowers and music and white girls named Debbie too
Mexican Americans are named Chata and Chella and Chemma
And have a son-in-law named Jeff
It was more like suicide.
they both have won and played in the same amount of playoffs games
Trump held child beauty pageants
Herbert ain't a crip though
changing my sheets again because the local women keep squirting all over them
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Anons, I'm starting to wonder if playing football might not be dangerous. Seems people get hurt an awful lot doing it.
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So why do these guys manage to play multiple years of college football, getting all sorts of accolades and setting all sorts of records, and then they make it to the NFL and they just keep getting injured over and over, sustaining multiple concussions per season, etc etc?

Are the defenders in the NFL just that much faster and more vicious than the ones when Bama plays the Virginia Polytechnical Institute of Fine Art or whatever?
Somehow managed to all be horribly over payed (execpt maybe Burrow on a good day)
What the fuck started this trend of signing the most mid-tier QBs ridiculous contracts at the first inkling of success? Or in some cases just no success at all but they still get signed anyways?
kek imagine if Hamlin got knocked too
dude most be just a kid because I cant think of any reason why a dolphins would not be trash talking. All dolphin fans over 25 are pessimistic as fuck
>nicotine skin
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Herbert, Burrow, and Jalen would've died cause Miami's OL continues to be garbage.
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the dolphins poverty franchise died tonight
Even the Panthers would torch any top SEC team, there is no comparison.
Game was ez Josh Allen didn't even have to do anything
Unironically yes. NFL is much tougher than college and you can't get away with trying to play hero ball on every play without getting your ass kicked.
Dan Marino. Now there was a QB. Never won a Owl tho. He was in a Jim Carry movie where he had sex with a tranny.
tua hit hamlin right on his chest, I was fantasizing about the chaos if his heart stopped again
they unironically have more of a shot with thompson and possibly hiring someone like tannehill
lots of rumors backstage of an NFL statement being made tomorrow at 10AM cst on Tua’s “health”.

Cant say more.
Bahamasfaggot suicide status?
>why are these 18 year olds playing 4 years of football in college getting curbstomped by fully grown adult men?
It's basic anatomy
But herbie has never had a good offensive line and takes his hits like a big boy
Nah he get to think that anyone going down to something other than their heart straight up stopping is just a fucking bitch
College football is a giant meme where teams basically play 1 to maybe 3 real games a season the rest they utterly dominate the fuck out of their opponents on a physical level
Tua getting knocked out is funny to you guys?
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He's coming back to coach the Giants for the 2025 season.
How much money in dead cap are the dolphins gonna be stuck with when Tua retires?

No, dumbass. He fucked the dolphin.
finkle is einhorn
Holy shit, Hamlin knees him in the head when he’s already on the ground. 3 needs to be ejected from the league for that
they are paying 167mil to a dead guy lmao. they are done for at least 5 years.
I'm talk about AFCN defenses, bucko. I didn't know Burrow played Linebacker.
The flags will fly at half mast in the Bahamas tomorrow
Just 5 years ago $35M was the highest AAV in the league. World gone mad innit
nah he's gone he only gets this year's money.
What happened to Tua? Will he ever Turndaballova again?
pooa getting his brains scrambled again will distract from the fact that the fins were getting raped by the razorcakes again before he got heemed. they are a shit team and will never amount to anything under the current coach/GM
Yeah because it's happened to him like 4 times now and he knows his coconut is soft and another concussion was inevitable
167million + tip. no refunds.
Why do they keep booking this shit, tua always dies and Buffalo always btfos them with ease
Flores was always completely right about Pooa
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Hawk Tua
That hit didn't even look bad. Tua's brain must be really fragile if that's what KO'd him.
Who else would you like to see suffer a career ending injury? For me? Lamar Jackson. I hate that ugly ass freak.
>the bullet is... intercepted!
It is when the idiot thought he was Herbert the Pervert and tried to truck Damar Hamlin.
ahahahahaha. no little phinsfag, he gets ALL the guaranteed money.
To be fair, he sort of did it to himself. Should have slid. Not sure if they have been training him but...
Mahomes needs to get the Cam Newton treatment to spice things up
Who dies next?
Any answer other than Mahomes is incorrect. I don't even hate him on a personal level but he is fucking up the balance of the league
>little phinsfag
this may be the gayest thing posted in one of these threads in a long time
Zac Taylor
Plus lowered his head
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>black qbs
lamar, that head first shit is something he'd pull for an extra yard
Who the fuck do I pick for survivor this week?
Raiders are pulling off the upset
Falcons are pulling off the upset
Small upset risk + would rather use later
AR15 is inconsistent and might accidentally throw away the game no matter how bad Malik Willis is.
Feels like an overreaction to week 1
sorry zoomie but your poverty franchise is dead.
mahomes 100%
he took karate lessons when he should have been taking baseball sliding lessons
Is McDaniel drunk?
Not only did he get hurt but Damar Hamlin is the one he ran into. It's more just expected with an ironic twist than funny.
Dak or Trevor Lawrence
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>The impact of the hit stops Hamlin's heart
>The impact of the hit crushes Tua's skull
>Both die at the same time
He is now
Malik Willis is fucking garbage you ain’t winning no games with him
Hill and Tua both fucked Maserati XXX.
>they are a shit team and will never amount to anything

Absolutely also less downtime and more practice/training. The more you get injured the harder it is to heal, the longer you play and older you get the more those injuries compound. Also more games, longer season, more to do in the off season. Tua obviously never fully healed from his previous concussions, probably never will. Same thing with guys who struggle with torn ligaments and muscles, might take years to fully heal(if they ever do) and you don't have years.
Coked out
I've been watching the phins for over 3 decades and never wanted tua. Flores and Marino were right.
You however are a faggot tranny.
Would've been kino but they gave the damar clone a stronger ribcage.
Well he did have a problem with it before
>offsetting injuries, the players will be revived
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tua getting hurt is the best possible thing to happen to the phins, because he's a dogshit overrated qb and now they can move on from him. hate he got hurt tho for them to realize he was their problem.
Gayleb threw for 93 yards but Will Levis still threw the game away. Bad QBs can overcome Bad QBs.
its ok lil bro im sure your poverty franchise can eat 167mil in dead cap no problem. lmao
KEK good post anon
Fucking Rush Limbaugh lookin moldy old ass muthafucka
he has like 160m guaranteed, they can't just >move on from him without eating a year's worth of dead cap
deshaun watson
please, GOD. PLEASE
is he coming back or is he going to finally throw himself into the ocean?
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my bronkuks did it with russ. you guys can do it too.
>lil bro
All you need is an ai slop waifu to go with this and you'd be a top tier preddit poster.
Thompson is an immediate improvement from him given time and reps. He isn't a coconut so thats +200 right there.
You're preaching to the wrong choir, nigger. Deshaun is based and /sp/ supports him unconditionally
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>now they can move on from him
They're so fucked lol they're in cap hell now.

Can't best the zest.
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plus tua forgot he cut weight
He's also retarded

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return to the basement lil bro
They're just reacting to the post without any counter-arguments.
>another concussion for Pooa
At what point is this nigga’s career fucking over?
There was a lot of data and studies gained from Dale Earnhardt Jr's concussion issues. Long story short, the hit Tua took from the Bengals' lineman ragdolling his head to the turf is the start point. Everything builds from there. Yes he can recover, but it's increasingly worse and more difficult to overcome. Dale Jr was making millions driving racecars, he retired immediately when his brain specialists explained it to him.

Tua isn't cut out for the violence in this game. And more importantly, he is REALLY bad at protecting himself. Good QBs who last a long time are great at this.
ok "lil bro"
weird pedophile energy over here
Miami's OL has been on the bottom for years. It's been hidden well cause Tua has the fastest release in the league, but maybe if Herbert has that fast release than maybe.

I don't think McDaniels/Grier understands how the 49ers systems work well is that you had one of the best LT in the league to help with the run and pass. Armsted is great when healthy, but everyone else around him isn't great. We didn't get anybody in depth and we're stuck with the same garbage, but let's keep trying to put squares in round holes.

It sucks to sucks, but that's being a Dolphins fan, you just get used to the failure. Go tank and get the best tackle. I guess I'll go back to rooting for the Chiefs, least I liked them back in the Alex Smith days before it was a bandwagon team.
till he's weekend at bernie's
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It's either insecurity or stupidity. I'm willing to believe either.
Interested to see how the NFL handles dead cap if Tua does retire or the Browns can void Watsons contract. If the hit comes all at once like it should thay's 50+% of the cap space for next year.
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>Miami's OL has been on the bottom for years. It's been hidden well cause Tua has the fastest release in the league, but maybe if Herbert has that fast release than maybe.
Its almost like grier has spent 8 years ignoring the phins' problems.
Damn, he lunged into Hamlin chest, on his heart side. He was out for blood.
its over right now. miami just paid 167m + tip for 2 bad games. LMAO
>bitch knees off seething
Wouldn't the start point be the obvious concussion he suffered a week prior to that Bengals game?
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The behavior of Giants fans after last week was so unhinged and so completely uncalled for that I actually accepted and appreciated the sympathy Saquon Barkley offered Daniel Jones.
Losing to Sam Darnold of all quarterbacks was bad enough but seeing Giants fans chimp out and burn jerseys and harass Daniel Jones in the parking lot was even worse. We used to look down on Jets fans for behaving that way. And now look what we've become. It makes me sick to think that zoomer Giants fans have zero class and zero concept of what things were like when we were a proud and noble fanbase under Tom Coughlin.
>signs a huge extension
>dives head first into retirement
nothing personnel heh
Man I miss Rush Limbaugh, man was a national treasure.
link to posts?
is the shanahan coaching tree already cooked?
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lots of people do, it's a good money maker
If I was a Tua stan I'd be hoping he retires. At least you'd be able to play the what if card and you could finally stop watching and defending a QB who is so obviously not it.
Coom is with the Panthers now, very grim.
chekt quads
when have you not known that faggot trip to shit up a genny? suspicious that bahama fag disappears at the exact same moment...
Hmmm, you're right.
>rush limbaugh
The fuck? Are my eyes decieving me or is there someone who actually has reverence for that fat fuck? You trolling?
The slingshot flush back of the head to the turf hit he took in that Bengals game is almost certainly the start point. His brain may have been scrambled a bit before this, but that hit is the injury that is recurring. It was vicious. W/o a helmet that's a fatal takedown in a street fight.

For those who don't remember how bad this was. Here's the vid.

I totally agree. He was clearly a choker when it counted.
McDaniel at least has the cope that he has to work for arguably the worst GM in the league
I've watched every snap of his career. He owes $200 million to Waddle and Hill. So painfully mid with such obvious limitation. You don't succeed much in the NFL with his size and (lack of) athletic ability. Brees is literally the only comparable QB I could think of
Didn't his ass get newborn pony legs in a previous game too?
You're an eagles casual if you think Hurts doesn't have a number of consistent deficiencies that still don't seem to be remedied as of 5 years into his career
Got my Beer. Got my Bussy. Got my Bills.
Yep, it's football time.
>the national treasure
That's what happens when you turn into a bum franchise. Giants lost their respect when Coughlin got fired. Should've never gave Jones that contract as well.
The dolphins should trade for Bryce Young. He's practically Tua's body double.
>concussions are the brain bouncing around
>a small brain would bounce around more
>all that bouncing would make someone concussion prone
>tua literally has a small brain
Would you?
>brainlet qbs
Cardinals btfo with their manlet >black qb

Yeah but smooth brains bounce around less because they roll off the inside of the skull.
I'll reiterate the square in round holes again.
Unless we get a QB who runs or can handle a bad OL, no QB would survive this team.
Howie Foreman with Hurts and arguably Wentz before that
his brain is mush
Anon.... The game ended a while ago.
are you kidding me we can fucking get jesus h christ to start at qb for this team and all they would do is FUCKING LOSE IN THE FIRST ROUND
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I'm just happy that dolphinfags will stop yapping for a while now. Post quality should go up.
The Raiders are about to trade for him, is what you're saying
He's probably going to cram the football and beer
It would be one thing if Daniel Jones were an asshole a la Deshaun Watson but he works so hard and has overcome so much including to come back from an ACL tear and all in all has always represented the Giants with professionalism and dignity. Do you know how bad it's gotten when the opposing team actually feels bad for kicking your ass and even the media who have ragged on him for years are saying "holy shit, this is going too far"?
Favorite on the field injuries? I always liked Vontaze Burfict decapitating Antonio Brown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8iFSP_S5h8
why is bahamanon such a dick? not a fan of his attitude
Carson Palmer
your goofy nerd HC is too much of a pussy to blow it up
Bruce Smith laying out Boomer Eisasen is a pretty kino through back. It was a false start play and led to the first ever concussion protocol.
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reek will demand a trade anyways if tua's out for a while and he has a shitty backup QB
I wanna root for the bills so bad to win owl but I’m worried about Allen playing hero ball. Did his weapons at least help alleviate things?
What's happening to the Dolphins is divine punishment for when they heemed Joe Flacco. The dirty fucks.
Sorry, but it's time for Tannehill
ook ook tyreek eek
He's playing with a bunch of rookies and Miami isn't very good.
Their runningback is pretty good. Their tight ends are also decent, I picked one in fantasy
With this current team? Yep. You can get Mahomes on this team and he'd died cause the OL couldn't give him a few seconds.
I'm down. If the team was structured around Tua. No use in keeping this team around. Just get fucking Will Campbell for the love of fuck.
Isn't up to the HC. Up to Grier.
Well Skylar Thompson I hope you start jogging with tyreek or something because its going to be a long season and that line is not going to protect you.
tannehill will still do nothing. its something fucking retarded ass grier would do but it putting lipstick on a pig
Alleb literally didn't have to do anything tonight, he had like 130 passing yards.
>down 31-10
>still putting your injury prone QB who is known for making retarded decisions out there
lol mcdaniels lol
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Aaron Rodgers identifies as black now
>tfw I thought this was real
Hope that continues. He’s really fun to watch.
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Seeing Bahamas get R'd and G'd by Tua's glass body gives me some solace about Burrow's problems.
Bills have Miami number for years and they almost lost to a Cardinal team. If the Jets are any semblance of good, that team is going to be stuck in the wild card and lose yet again to the Chiefs.
>mac jones trending
ahahaha please do it lolphins
Yeah I stole it from an after show with the hill take but honestly he is 30 might as well get parts. I always would say we were in a catch 22 with tua. tua was never good enough to win when it counts.

>all the fucking idiots on twitter making us "tua haters and questioners" out to be fucking idiots
The dolphins gave up before Tua concussed himself, and the Bills basically let them surrender and run out the clock. It was over before half-time.
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Very strange
>It's been hidden well cause Tua has the fastest release in the league
well, that and the play actions, the screens, the RPOs, and the motions both presnap and at the snap that mcdaniels uses the motherfuck out of in his offense to take as much stress out of the offensive line as possible. I'm agreeing with you, but it's so much more than wow tua fast release. iirc dolphins were like bottom 4 in OL grade in true pass sets last year.
Do people realize there's ton of NFL players who've been concussed dozens of times and still play? Tua is just a chinlet who gets knocked unconscious so it looks scary on TV but it's not inherently more dangerous than any other concussion
0/10 for being unoriginal

I rather have tannehill if we are trying to win
tyreek would unironically kill him
Man I thought the averahe IQ couldnt be lower on this board but you go ahead and say some dumb shit like that TUA is that you? CTE opinions
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It's the return of the "Oh, wait, no way, you're kidding
He didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"
>its another season where all the NFLs marquee QBs except Mahomes and maybe Lamar dies
They really will just make it so you can't tackle them.
Mahomes is next.
Does any team even have a good o-line? Every teams fans seem to claim their o-line is shitty
Doctor Suterrer MD breaks down tua injury:


says that repeated concussions can cause full loss of nervous function. i really dont wanna see tua start endlessly convulsing on the field. nfl needs to keep him away 1-2 years.
I'm pretty sure the Ravens got flagged last week for simply touching Mahomes
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The dolphins have been tragically bad in that regard for over a decade and a half. Tannehill was pissing blood for the phins being called trash by retards who have no fucking idea about football. There is a reason Tua had the fastest "release" (tee hee) in football before he suicided into damar hamlin's clone.
Dolphins OL has been bottom five for like 20 years in a row. At some point you'd think the owner would hire a GM explicitly to fix the OL.
At approximately 11:45pm, police retrieved a man’s body from waters on the coast of Grand Bahama.

While reporting the incident, a police officer revealed that shortly after 10pm, police emergency received a call from a concerned citizen of a body floating in the water
A team of police officers, along with Emergency Medical Services, were dispatched to the scene to investigate the incident. They retrieved the body of an adult male from the water’s edge. He was later examined by EMS, and there were no signs of life or injuries to the body.

Authorities are actively investigating the circumstances surrounding the death
There was no argument to counter.
who the fuck is and why are using this
The Tua concussion saga starts with his team calling one a back injury and rushing him out to get comically brain damaged forever. He got a concussion falling down, it's over.
bro we are just cursed. Do you know how many fucking high OLine draft picks that have never fucking panned out. Jesus christ we took an oline at number fucking one. trust me I was alive for that shit
Your fuckboi QB is next. Roquan Smith will end his career.
No but seriously, there's no way New York is going to let Tua play another snap again, right? This is a bullshit (class action maybe) lawsuit written all over it.
>hiding ads in the video
Slimy fuck

Tua, where do you think we are?
why does that fucking thug piece of shit throw gangsigns whenever he gets hit?
Holy English fagman
Tua died at the hospital. Source: People on Twitter are saying this
Our o line is only shitty due to injury Beaux Limmer is a fucking beast tho
that doesnt mean shit.

I am so glad that I have pretty much stopped feeling sadness for the dolphins and moved on with my life.
Mike wants to be friends with his players and can't control his team
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bring him home
Every player in the leavue has had multiple concussions retard. Being knocked unconscious has no corelation with severity of the concussion. This guys opinion is worthless
Fencing response, please undastand.
I never doubted him.
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i wish tua nothing but the best
If Mahomes is injured the season doesn't count. If Mahomes is injured they shouldn't even have playoffs.
I'm reading similar things on another site
Someone wife up Clara immediately
East coast fans always larp about how tough they are and how soft west coast fans are. The Mexican beandogs here will fucking stab you
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>flores face right now
I'm already wifing up Temujin.
Kek what is it with black coaches named Mike
If mahomes ever got injured it would immediately make the season SOVL and the Owl would be talked about for decades due to the parity and not having to deal with queefags
This sport is just too dangerous. It's time to shut it down and teach them how to play soccer.
Tua fell and hit his head in the locker room. He's probably really dead
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I know you're joking, but stfu. Don't even say things like that in jest.
>team has a TNF game on the schedule
God fucking dammit.
Agreed. How many more hopeful young men need to die before we say enough is enough?
I think they should get rid of helmets and shoulder pads. It makes the IQlets feel invincible and makes them do stupid things. Tua would never try that hero shit if his head was exposed.
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>stop crying bitch, I died
I can't disagree. He had some fun moments, but he isn't it for Miami. I will say if they don't want to blow it up, at least get someone other than Skylar out there. Even if it's a one more ride with Tanehill.

Tua fast release helped a ton with the inclusion of the the motions play. However, obviously it isn't enough.
The year we drafted him, we went to the playoffs...and lost. He was good, a few pro bowls.
How the fuck was he going to help with Chad fucking Henne starting after the meme playbook failed.
McDaniels knes his career was over when Tua went down throwing gang signs again.
What a weird thing to view through a racial lense
You just know he's a Dolphins fan too.
>How many more hopeful young men need to die before we say enough is enough?
When America stops automatically circumcising boys at birth.
people always love people that can make them laugh
lmao @ unc tryin to read
Doesn't happen as much as you'd think anymore
Good, it's barbaric.
What if Tua opted for a procedure to to replace his skull with a titanium one?
show more ads so the concussion guys don't get so much screen time and make people sad.
Hopefully the Tua meme is over I'm so sick of the retarded fucking Miami spics trying to defend this short, noodle armed, uncomposed, unathletic, mentally weak piece of shit
>show more gambling ads so the concussion guys don't get so much screen time and make people sad.
Lol it's the exact same thing they've been saying about Tomlin for years, verbatim.
They get paid extremely well to entertain us and destroy their bodies inside and out.
You realize he'd still be coaching the team right now if he'd kept his fucking mouth shut and let Ross work things out with Brady. Tua would have two less concussions as well
It was always a horrible idea to sign a guy who sucks and is made of glass to a huge deal. Lasted all of 2 games.
>lefty QB's
Never ever, EVER.
>tua brainismushova
as a patriots fan/afce rival I am over the moon they paid tua. one of the historicallt worst contracts ever, might be worse than watson's
Kek his dad literally beat him if he tried to use his right hand. He fucking stunted his potential.
Sports journalists are the biggest goobers in the world, the perfect audience for a quipy little reddit faggot like McDaniel. I've grown to hate everything about this team man. In two weeks. Close to record time
Dumb fuck. It takes all of us to end racism all of us. What are you even talking about dipshit.
I'm gonna miss saying Coconut QB, it was cool alliteration because those words don't start with the same letter but have the same sound.
Other than Brady and Allen, who rivals Tua as the best QB in the AFCE this century?
>Becoming wolverine just to go one and done for the forseeable future
Brain matter hits metal now instead of bone if he gets hit can only wonder what that might do
His brain would bounce against something harder than bone
His dad must have though football was fucking baseball where being a lefty actually has a strategic advantage sometimes.
Well you knew it was going to be bad because they fucking thought the same formula that failed 3 times before was going to work. Not fucking only that Tua was healthy one out of three years and it was because he did all the heavy shit and ju jitsu. Then after having one great year he thought his shit didnt stink. Dude is a fucking dumbass.
Hawaiians aren't known for their intelligence.
Gotta wonder win the bubble on qb contracts bursts. Incredible how teams keep paying these bums like Tua, Daniel Jones etc. because you apparently just have to. When will they finally realize 99% of the time it's better to just let a mid QB walk
2 time comeback player of the year Chad Pennington, Fitzmagic(on 3 teams) or Sanchise for 2 seasons
I always thought it would have been great if we had a brian flores defense and mcdaniels offense.
how come desean jackson went into a fencing posture everytime he scored a TD?????
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brett farve for those 2(?) seasons he spent with the jest
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>well at least we are the browns
Chad Pennington is seriously the 3rd best QB
Herbert would never
Brain was about to shut down, it happened before, dropping the ball at the 1 yard line, at least twice.
>Josh Rosen
I hated that smug prick.
holy shit i forgot brock osweiler existed
They would've won an owl if they drafted herbert
Someone else is going to have to make the new thread. I'm too drunk
That's called
Assonance when the videos sound the same
Consonance when the vowels don't - (e.g., hot foot).
These QB contracts are absolutely out of hand and fucking up the game.
McDaniel isn't even a good play caller, he gets figured out and out coached in every single big game. Him and Tua owe Hill and Waddle half their salaries
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Ronnie Lott used to talk about getting the taste knocked out of your mouth, which sounds odd but it's exactly right. It's anti-flavor. The taste of the void
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Nigga, that's NUTS
he is the same shit as tua
no just hill. waddle is too fragile as well
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1) Most of these guys are relying on pure athleticism which is fine in college where the best athletes just dust people and there's not some god-tier DE on every team but in the pros it's asking for trouble. If they want to stop getting lit up they need to learn to play from the pocket and stop doing the heroball shit.

Everyone always got a good laugh at Brady's sack radar telling him to go down early but he understood it was better to lose five yards and score the next drive than get concussed and miss two games. You have to play smart. Tua dove headfirst into a guy who wasn't even aiming for his head. Not smart.

2) Some of these guys just aren't big enough. Kyler is a manlet. Bryce is a manlet. Lamar is a skeleton.

Tua claims to be 6'1 / 220 but no one believes him. Josh Allen claims to be 6'5 /237 but probably is more like 250-260. There's a reason one gets tossed like a ragdoll and the other trucks people.
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Also I want to thank the dolphins for teaching to never fully rely on a sports team to keep you happy. Now I have my sundays back.
i didnt realize the o-line forced him to run headfirst into a defender who was barely even bothering to tackle him
doesn't look bad on the better angle

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