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port adelaide beat hawthorn in the afl
pee and poo poo
well said
I've been saying he's based for years yet no one believed me.
fuck hawthorn the umps couldn't have done more for them
>muh fairytale Cinderella story inspiring group of le happy go lucky zoom zooms pushed all week by bias cucktorians and media to be le feel good winners and make everything right completely BTFO by a poort side who shouldn't be in the 8
>muh breusts 300 games ex players have come to celebrate from all over the world as reminded by hodge every 5 minutes
>umpires giving poorthorne frees to push them over the line (rc was right)
>waking up to zoomer and cucktorian rage this morning over hinkley getting the last laugh
>all sydney final now on the cards
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holy fuck I cannot stop laughing at how embarrassing hawthorn acted after the game and how much of a cuck sam mitchell is.

can give it but can't take it
Shut the fuck up cunt, you’re a miserable faggot. Sam Mitchell will win 4 flags with these young boys and here you are on Saturday morning running your fat fucking mouth. I bet you’re fat as fuck
how are my magpies doing in the playoffs? haven't been able to keep up with the scores lately, been slammed at work
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The Port Adelaide Magpies are through to the prelims m8
haha sorry i should have clarified, i meant the magpies of Collingwood
They never made it, come back next year
Stop fucking doing this, you faggot ass cunt. I’d love to fucking put one on your chin.
well that's not very nice.
i fucked it all up
>pooort barely won against hawks at a home game
They have no chance against Sydney in Sydney
sydney are ports bitch
sicily the mental midget
so true
>umpires giving poorthorne frees to push them over the line (rc was right)
How does this explain the three umpy goals in the first quarter to stop the hawks from getting blown the fuck out?
RC (and apparently yourself) are confirmation bias retards
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bane the last team in the "premiership window".
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>Hodgey, spewing
>Jordan Lewis, shook
>Mitchell, crying
>Ginny, silenced
>Sicily, seething
yeah, it's hokball time
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Mitchell should thank Ken for teaching his player a lesson that he couldn’t.
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being a thin skinned grub cunt is sam mitchells motto. literal ump babby team.
He's a 'young player'... Ginnivan is a 21 yo premiership player with 4 years of AFL experience at 2 clubs with a history of antagonizing opposition. When his club is asked about it they never pull him in. There even selling merchandise. So don't cry when it come backs to bite at the end of a final & play a victims card with this 'young player' language.
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That was based when he called out the drug cheats
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kek @ wogbrosio what a kwab face
put the burger king crown on ken here kek >>144394925
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First, and I hate to lead an argument with a ad hominid, but you're a fucking idiot.
Secondly, there were no Port free kicks that led to direct shots on goal. I could be mistaken, there might have been one, but nothing compared to the onslaught of frees the Hawks got. Hell, they even linked up a coast to coast goal with free kicks.
Finally, the free kick count is absolutely meaningless in a rigged game. It's ironic because when someone who is salty about a result points to the discrepancy against their team, the opponents will cry >WE WUZ FURST TO DA BALL xD xD. On the other hand, when you point out that a game was rigged, these same idiots will use the free kick count as an indicator that it wasn't.
Port Adelaide DID receive SOME soft free kicks in that game. But the impact it had on the game was negligible. Do you really think the AFL is stupid enough to award one team 50 free kicks and the other 0? Theyve been rigging games for years and plebocrats like yourself cant figure it out due to a lack of common sense.
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What was old mate lippin about to Sicily?
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he had a dig at ginni for the "see u in 14 days" comment, ginni laughed it off and dismissed it because he understands the game. sicily took offense with it and is a mental midget because he was still seething he hit the post and then just carried on like a pork chop making it worse. watch the footage of ken standing in the line for the send off. he was telling Sicily to shut up over and over again but Sicily was too busy foaming at the mouth like a fuckwit.
Only downside from last night is tonight will be a snoozer by comparison unless Zorko and Greene antagonise each other.
yeah I actually am a fucking idiot, I read "poorthorne" as just "poort". Fully agree the umps did what they could to get the hoks to a prelim. Consider my reality checked.
trip on rc
my analysis? hawthorn will regress next year and the expectations will crush them. here comes the rebuild they are waiting for.
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already had suicidal thoughts today after a few days of not having them
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this year has been fucking kino for footy
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obviously will slump next year, they'll be decent in 2027 though. Same as the Swans arc
based jack ginnivan
>not mentioning the obvious droneball on sicily's shot
Was exactly my inspiration for the shop 2bh, strikingly similar framing
The battery was flat by that stage. They'd been spamming it all game
i just want this mental pain to go away
>just want
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Perfect statement to out yourself as an utter weakling. Even the mental health people are calling him a crying bitch.
mitchell is unfit to coachtkp
muh hokball lul
>not using picrel for the OP
That zoomerbabybabble is a symptom of a problem at the Hawks social media team. Guaranteed one of their employees gets done for a Discord grooming group in the next couple of years.
fuck off /pol/ vermin
fuck off commiepoof
this. top 6 fixture. opposition coaches will figure the gameplan out. wouldn't be surprised if they miss the 8.
Doubt the AFL want GWS to win, but surely they don't rig it as hard as they did last night.
>b-but ken is older he can't be a meanie!!
old thread was autosaged
fuck yes /pol/ vermin
the most on topic thread ever and he's still seething about /pol/ kek
I think 4 of hawks first 5 goals were from free kicks.
Then there was the out of bounds moment which lead to Watson clearly ducking and getting a goal. And yeah the touched goal that they didn't over turn.

Port should have won by 4 or 5 goals.

And RC is right normies online are doing the whole "actually port got more free kicks" line.
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LE WIZARD so heckin good at drawing frees by being a flog then missing set shots
straight set shots
a full third of freekickthorns goals came directly from dodgy umpiring
I just fucking hate poort trannies so would have been fine with full blown blatant rigging for them to lose.
why do they have hebrew on their jumper
oh shut up lol
i hate this UMMM HE'S OLDER thing, the players are adults not 8 years old
sicily is a rabid dog
Reckon anyone who gets caught in a dangerous tackle should have to go get tested for concussion and the player who does it on report.
That should make the umps more aware for what should or shouldn't be paid a dangerous tackle.
i actually gained some respect for ginni because he at least took it head on and laugh
slime mitchell and sicily however are absolutely poothetic
This is true. Ginni knows he's a cheeky shit cunt and has also copped it back plenty of times. He knows to roll with the punches.
Sicily was being a spastic but the most annoying part is all the ex hawks in afl media crying like Ken physically attacked them
>photos of breust being carried off with sicily seething at someone off camera will be on le good old afl days website in 100 years
like browny said, live by the sword die by the sword you'd be delusional to think if the result went the way it did it was going to come back in the hawks' faces
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Pricktorians going to rally around their zoomer media darlings
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>the most annoying part is all the ex hawks in afl media crying like Ken physically attacked them
yeah that was pretty embarrassing
me? very glad hawks are out, they were the last team i wanted anywhere near it
t. catters man
>we have to investigate everything
christ the modern afl is retarded
>yup thats me BZT
>you're probably wondering how I ended up here
>it all goes back to September 4 2004
>le hawks are le bad because.........well they just are
some shockingly based takes on bigboomer over this
no it's because they're a bunch of poofs
post some pics or links
They probably want to check to see if he mentioned the rigging.
no but Steven May
>being le gay is le bad because.........well it just is
doing a massive mabior chol after that coffee
no it's because they're a bunch of poofs
They've ditched John Sr.'s ethos of humble in victory and gracious in defeat, the threepeat still championed that decades after the inception are they were infinitely more classy than this lot. How much has changed in a decade...
basically 'talk shit get hit'
apparently hinkley called sicily a roody-poo candy-assgot and there was this big blowup because he didn’t know what it meant
didn’t ask for a summary you dumb cunt I asked for a link or pics
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>Sarah Hoskins armpits
Remember dogsperg?
wish i was dead desu
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sorry mate i'll take this criticism on board
reckon the blowup happened because Sicily isn't a Roo
same, toil in two hours and will miss the footy
got a nasty hokball brewing
Unusual Legacy to bolt in at the next at Rosehill, shame the bookies didn't miss it.
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>moved to another city and got a job
>literally never have to visit family ever again
Bummers bros....
that can be both good and bad
>adam mcphee
go saints btw
wtf were you doing up at 5am
my head cannon is that jhf is in the hot tub with her
only time i can get half erect
auspol op
thinking iggs
What are we betting tonight
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>GWS Giants
>Brisbane Lions
Friendly reminder that Travis Boak took this picture when he and JHF went to America together (just them) on a holiday.
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>Hinkley's new strat is Sully
Still don't know why some kpop surgical experiment was wearing a rugby top
meth mostly
Because Boak is the ultimate professional in mindset and preparation. It's why he's played 370 games and likely to go around again next year.
He took JHF under his wing to teach him about mental and physical preparation for games and impart some wisdom to him.

He did the same for Sam Powell-Pepper several years ago. SPP was a young guy a bit home sick and was having a lot of off field issues. Boak had him move in with him so he could teach him how to cook nutritious food, get a better sleep schedule, get prepared before and after footy and how to go about training. After that SPP got his shit together, got married, had a kid and was a much better player for it.
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a toast to the death of the hawthorn football club
>guys i backed the favourite arnt i an elite gambler
Cheers mate.
>back a fave
>withdraw winnings to pay for din dins tonight
seems pretty elite to me
MR4 #1
based crownsperg
The jealous idiot.
their stylists just grab clothes from a wide range of sources, highly doubt she knows where that top came from.
bangladesh mostly
AFL Finals Wk2
Average 1.070 million
Reach 2.618m

NRL Finals Wk1
Average 767,000 (BVOD 109,000)
Reach 1.643m
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Rugby normally gets 100k more on Fox, they're still behind.
Really take for granted going down to the pub and knowing the footy will be on, can't imagine living on the wrong side of the barassi line or even east of the nullarbor
You can just ask them to change the channel.
Yeh sure, just give me a minute to find the remote
*goes into the back to do crosswords*
reckon the footy is most popular east of the nullarbor champ
Nullarbor is not an aboriginal word, it’s from the Latin and means ‘no trees’ (null arbor). And of course, it’s a plain
it's a plain what? plain dish?
everybody knows that
shit like this is so dumb in a rigged fixture league like the afl
the difference of playing north and west coast an extra time can wildly impact this poofy graph
So you blokes only like ‘Kingy’ ironically, right?
I don't dislike him.
Sorry mate what was that can't hear you from all the way over there in pooftah country
He's alright, I like leigh montagna more since he doesn't slobber all over naicos' dick all the time like kingy does
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go iggs btw -ACK!
my favourite part was when Sicily hit the goal post lol
its an interesting discussion


reckon i like greeks more than italians. some italians are alright though
Italians are all grecoboos anyway
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>gets blind drunk
>crashes into crown
>loses everything in the poker room
i like him because he's literally me
They’re very tsundere for the Greeks
Imagine Bruce commentating Daicos
killing myself
>some italians are alright
don't go to sicily tomorrow
Hea basically the king of the plebocracy.
>the fingers you have used to type are too fat
Southport have only managed 1.5 kicking with a very strong breeze in the first quarter
hawthorn can get absolutely fucked. they’ve been carrying on all year with their gay selfies and memes and dancing after goals, and this retarded hokball shit, and they can’t handle a little bit of bantz the other way. kenny is based as fuck
Tipping Cats by 20.

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cats are playing next week mate
The misogynistic idiot.
still don't know what hinkley actually said because i've either been passed out or drunk since that match but i'm pretty sure it doesn't warrant a hecking investigation
i guess he means the lions, lions are cats
>i've either been passed out or drunk since that match
Have you considered not being an alcoholic?
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dadza (hawks customer) absolutely lost it at chol (he thinks his name is "joel") during this moment
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why do yanks think beans on toast is weird?
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there is no light in this world, only darkness
no but Steven May
g boys doin it tonight lads
applied for tafe yet mate?
Are not
not yet mate. how shit was joel last night, bloody useless
are so
>dumb fucking goy retards unironically watch goybox shows with canned laughter every 6 seconds
there is no level of sound cancellation that can save me from this dumb fucking cunt
This is one of those scenarios where a pointless free kick was given to Port. Cholesterol had already sprayed it, but the umpire paid a free to statpad Port's total.
t. dr. cholesterol
if by it you mean eachother then yes they will be doin it hard
chol is a nagger
My sides, good one mate
don't give a fuck about the Hawks but Hinkley is such a fat grub, nothing worse than a bad winner. Watch them get BTFO (again) next week.
I hope lion wins
Wishful thinking.

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don't ever reply to me again you obese failure
Who are you replying to mate?
trip on fatguts
it's an interesting discussion
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then don't be a dumb fucking retard and not expect to be called out for it you dumb fucking cunt
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Swansbros how do we feel about Port next week? Cautiously optimistic.
Not your year, sorry.
Look forward to the swans v WC 2025 rematch though
WC only win a flag every 12 or so years
go saints btw
bored as fuck might have a beer
meant for
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On Friday, we fuck.
Reckon Adams comes in?
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just watched the Hinkley shit, pretty telling that a knuckledragger like Ratugolea has more social intelligence and taps Ken on the arm to tell him to shut the fuck up.

Lol at Sicily though trying to chair Bruest off and talk shit to Stinkley at the same time.
Willie Rioli seems a really nice guy, dumb as a stump though
Alcohol is for fucken losers
This is true
>0.5 (5)
fold this joke of a league already lmao
Im dumb as fuck and have poor social skills
trip on, rc
>pozzie media: reach out on R U OK day, are men need to speak out
when do you think you are commiepoof
so true, think I'm scared of feeling good 2bh or that I'm not worthy of feeling good. Anytime I go a week without booze my energy is up, I'm hell productive and cuties look at me (or at least I feel like they want me which is good in itself) then I go and have a few drinks and feel like shit for a couple days and the cycle repeats
I tried to convince myself not to drink last night
ended up ruining my entire saturday
fuck off dad you cant even get a call back from a recruitment agency
alcohol is for people who get pissed off by their dumb cunt house mates
fuck off Hinkley
well I went and had beers and a bottle of wine last night with a girl and we kissed a lot after so yeah
i did a few times when i didn't have such a large gap in my resume
think i'll either do freelance or tell the next people i get interviewed by about my autism and homelessness and that's why i have a 5 year gap
That girl is also a loser.

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Toby Greene: Let's give the people what they want.

It needs to be as long as the men. 20 minutes with time-on the entire time. No reason they have to do this silly "17 minutes with time-on only for the last 2 minutes" quarters
Only thing I'm looking forward to is an all AQB Grand Final.

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just spent 15 minutes continuously flushing the loo while dadza was showering
cop that ya old prick
my mother let me eat ice cream for breakfast when I was 6
My mum let me starting drinking coffee when I was 7
my mum used to regulate the order in which i got dressed in and supervised me so i was doing it right
she yelled at me when i tried to leave the singlet off (hated wearing them) and if i managed to get dressed before she could supervise me she would make me strip off and do it again
Based Norman Bates
mumza was too busy looking after three younger siblings to give me the attention I needed but I don't blame her
mumza was on antidepressants my entire childhood life so she was an absolute cunt
mum bought me a male g-string once because "that's what you're supposed to wear with ballet tights"
lads james misscily
In them days, we’d a’ been glad to have the price of a cup o’ tea.
I think Sicily hitting the post last night was so glorious because it's not the kind of thing that usually happens to Hawthorn.
They've won 5 AFL premierships and looked to have sped through a rebuild in record time.
They went in favourites, managed to meet the pressure of a hungry Port home side and then had the captain take a sweet mark inside 50 with 2 minutes on the clock while behind by 4 points. It just seemed textbook Hawthorn, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat like they do seemingly every year... but wait, he's... hit the post. This isn't something that happens to Hawthorn, this isn't the kind of bitter disappointment their fans are used to, this is a miserable twist of irony reserved for the likes of Carlton and Essendon.
With one, single, behind, Hawthorn went from the most beloved team in the AFL, to the laughing stock of the comp, and boy oh boy is it sweet.
never got why so many cunts were dick riding a team that won 3 flags less than 10 years ago
fucking zoomer brain rot idiots
Melbourne have a shaky lead in the NRL
go saints btw
Gotta say it.ive enjoyed posting in /nfl/ way more than I have here.
We've enjoyed that more too
Who’s your team, mate?
off you trot then
i don't want to talk about it
/nfl/ knows nothing about the sport so you’re in good company. Sorry /afl/ I had to comment on this absurd post. I will not be watching your sport.
Bengals man, me
you sound like a bloke trying to make his ex jealous mate
thought the same
>check /nfl/
>4 fatguts posts, 1 with a reply
Teams that Hawthorn eliminated from finals during the 2010s:
Sydney (2011, 2014)
Adelaide (2012, 2015)
Geelong (2013)
Fremantle (2013, 2015)
Port Adelaide (2014)
West Coast (2015)

And they didn't win another final until this year.
Only when I have insomnia and it’s on Fox Sports 2.
Going to be screaming my guts out for the Giants tonight, just could not stomach the thought of Joe Daniher winning a premiership.
>Adelaide 2012
Geez that was a great game
Friday night footy
meant for
meant for
God I wish that was my gf
Fr, feel so much better without that trash
>eating meat
God I wish that was my post
<6 bane W
figures you'd enjoy that poof enclave you fat homo
The new female blue wiggle is pretty cute
>a coon wiggle
no wonder Jeff just wanted sleep
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Ah yes I will now watch the wiggles
>replace 2 straight white wiggles with 2 female wiggles
but it's just a conspiracy theory
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Sorry but no she isn't
Why is there a nigress wiggle
looks too woggy
>the woggles
the afl should investigate the position of that goal post
holy fuck the world I grew up in is dead
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you have to be severely mentally ill and perverted to work in the child entertainment industry, fucking weird cunts
What in the fuck is this?
bro imagine if you earned millions just to pretend to be excited to play some songs for kids for a couple hours at a live show and then fuck the single mothers afterwards
Of course they replaced Emma with a nigger
Yeah, they should do something normal like work in customer service.
>What in the fuck is this?
this is the worst that AI will ever look. You will live to see man made horrors beyond your comprehension.
>all male wiggles needs more diversity
>4 women and 1 fag is diverse
wish I had the balls to kill myself
irl r63
i cant keep doing this
Based rare footage of reality check riling up a bunch of vaxxie libtards, dont get why you lot hate this man so much
teachers and child care workers too
girlballs or boyballs?
i can keep doing this
Keep up the positive thinking mate, good stuff
Are you ripper legends pumped for the fucking footy tonight?
not me im not
no, she has got me fucked up
I, for one, am pumped for the fucking footy
>Anja Habschied - Milat'd
>Gabor Neugebauer - Milat'd
>Debbie Ashby - still missing
>Ngoc San Ly - unknown
>Helen Karpidis - still missing
>Ryan Keen-Coffield - kidnapped by american father, taken to US. Found and returned to his mother in 1994
>Anneke Adriaansen - fate uncertain, declared legally dead in 2005
>Samantha Knight - murdered, body never located
>Simone Schmidl - Milat'd
>Jeffrey Hines - still missing
>Uthaiwan Anna Kennedy - unknown
>Andrew Robinson - still missing
>Tavanti Piras - still missing, believed to have been kidnapped and taken to Thailand by his mother
>Hsuan-Hua (Sharon) Huang - unknown
>Warren Long - still missing
>Elizabeth Herfort - missing, presumed murdered
>Christina Herman, Elanoa Isaia, Kyle Ducker and Tristan Spencer - unknown
Storm won
>gws home game at night
Just doesn't feel right
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cucktorian private school sook lmao
the field goal at the end was very cheeky
um....... ok?
just walked 10km
>the virgin xavier mitchell
hinkley's from vic too fella
when i was in hs the guy i sat next to in IT did some proxy shit in the settings to get facebook working then created an account called Ivan Milat and messaged random people telling them 'you're next'. he did this every lesson for the term.
>the hacker known as 4chan
Just reported you to the AFP.
when I was in HS a guy I worked with in a fruit packing factory in WA and his mate went into random poker rooms and called themselves DanteAnthurs1 and SchoolGirl08 and would shit up the table chat. This was after that turbo sperg raped and killed that girl in Canning Vale
>turbo sperg raped and killed that girl in Canning Vale
did we do a head count of our iggsboomers after this happened?
look at him and laugh
Hottest september day on record btw
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this broke him
>perform the welcome to country or you don't get to play
so fucking good
>this is the level of AI that the public and sperg shitposters have available to them
I can't even fathom the type of shit they have locked away
enjoying these
do one of Bruest crying while Sicily tries to spray that fat cunt Hinkley
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i can't remember when the last time a team got this much piss taken out of them for losing lmao. they bought it on themselves the showpony fucks.
didn't know ports finals theme this year was deliverance
can't wait to see Port cucked at the line next week, or even better BTFO again by the Cats in a Grand Final. Smug cunt Hinkley should get sent to the dustbin of history where he belongs.
>still seething about the hawks
Rent free
based bigboomer pafc board poster
we're laughing mate
cats aren't making it to the grand final
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Need to add Sam Mitchell just out of frame holding a gun
Fucking LOL great shit
laughing stock

one more
i'd like to but it doesn't seem to draw from individual players.
concerned for the crowd tonight. tickets were starting from $25 and it hasnt come close to selling out.
bane don't have fans in sydney and i doubt many have come down to watch. afl would be nervous hoping for a good few walk ups
Dead thread
someone PLEASE post this on bigfooty / reddit so that it eventually makes its way to the players
And that's why you don't FUCK with the AQB.
What’s for dinner lads
hs(hawks slut)gf pussy
You do it cunt or don’t ask
bag of corn chips
Fat ass cunt
Do they even support those formats? Would need to be either uploaded to another site or turned into a 30mb .gif.
I worked out
ill do it but my posts have to be mod approved.
post something innocuous then edit it after
roast chook
leftover sandwiches
knuckle sandwich
pizza in the fridge if I can be fucked or another trip to Dan's and Red Rooster
thoughts about her
GWS by 3 goals
Not sure if I’ve ever seen a good looking lions away guernsey.
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>saturday night
why are you here?
Just got home before dindins, now the night of footo is beginning
I don't think they'll lose by that much
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This went hard as a kid. Epic claw marks on the side.
mum: we have a graphic designer at home
the graphic designer:
pizza and footy, getting drunk and gf coming over later to get defiled.
misso is at the bulls

go hoks btw
based piss stain enjoyer
cringe npc normgroid
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two first rounders from the hawks + pick 3
welcome shai bolton to the iggs
It's putrid outside and I turned down watching the game at the pub with a mate to stay at home with the gf. She's adopted the Lions as her team for me and is currently baking cookies for us to enjoy during the game.
t. Fitzroy supporter
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just got back from a much needed short holiday so now i'm happy to be home posting with my friends on /afl/
can you hear a big, big sound?
there is hope for you
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what's been happening since i've been gone lads caught the hawks port game last night in the airport bar
whoever wins this game will beat geelong
>empty stadium

fold this meme club
ai images are so gay
getting pickett and tholstrup for billiams and petroljelly
baker nommied iggs and is coming for f2
barrassment price is now top 10 pick + f1. up to the roaches how they get that top 10 pick
darling to norf for 40
working on it
what is this speech lol
fuck this abo
Coon going mask off
someone heem this abo
This one might be the tipping point
dil is shitting bricks
>250,000 years
i just got over food poisoning so I'm going nowhere for a while

thanks red rooster
Racist boong
Nice try, Pickett is going to FRED with his best mate Shai
Because I drank 6 tallboys on an empty stomach last night
>250000 years plus
Didn’t coons only cross the land bridge 40000 years ago at the earliest? What is this cunt on about
Hurry up you peanut
imagine if the singer said young and free after that
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>250,000+ years
why did they fag up the anthem with this pied piper shit?
>waiting for the bounce
>ad for weekend sunrise
Fucking FTA
>The crowd of 14,865 between Greater Western Sydney and West Coast was the lowest crowd for a final since the 1916 semi-final.
they will break that tonight
pretty sure she said one and fee
>dat anthem end
none of the lions normal jumpers even clash with gws to warrant this
infact this jumper probably is the most clash out of the 3
yeah but that's people not coons
basically, abos are not fully human
Empty stands for a final after 13 years in the comp
Has the expansion failed?
Too cold
He's probably talking about his denisovan and as-of-yet-unidentified-non-human-hominid ancestor
>before cook
Didn’t realise cook discovered Australia 2024 years ago. Guess we have more rights to coon clay than originally thought!
stop making me feel like an old cunt
bro the AFL was retarded that many years ago when they thought they could bring GWS in for only 100 million cost. Blind leading the blind back then imagine how bad it is now.
Giants have come to play
i cant stand shitty away jumpers, can barely stand away jumpers peroid
>richmonds first grand final in my entire life
>at the G
>vs adelaide
>have to wear the full yellow kit because blue/red/YELLOW horizontal stripes is too similar to black and yellow one diagonal stripe, so lets make one of them all yellow???
How many minors will hipwood score tonight?
Would've been full if played at the SCG. No one wants to travel out to wog sydney.
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here we go lads
Daniher is a good player but fuck he is an annoying smug cunt
>dota and afl finals on at the same time
fuark bros
Last three digits
and who decided on the clash jumper?
yellow v orange?
brisbane just wear the normal one ffs
Crisp virgin
>Canberra, there's more than they're telling us

yeah no shit
>Daniher is a good player
he'd be good if he didn't make a few retarded decisions every single game
fuck is the ti on
The crowd sounds barren
Is it really that bad?
Predicting an eggfooty twitter spergout if they lose
hogan wanted that the greedy fucker
yeah today and tomorrow are the last days
time zone isn't really ideal though i usually only watch like 1-2 of 4 series before i have to sleep
fuck yeah
crap teams, crap jumper match up, crap broadcast, crap sport. i'm done i'm never watching again. bye.
t. piesperg
Is 666 rule crisp or limp
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>No likes
Limp, unholy and soulless
files. .catbox. moe/byv555.mp4
>tiny crowd
tsunami warning siren
Yes… Gold Coast unironically get better home and away crowds than GWS
Move the Giants to Canberra and focus there
it's fine HOWEVER it should be an instant free if teams break it. it's bullshit that they give a warning as if players aren't sneaky about trying to bs certain rules
Alcohol is gay because when you're drunk, you can't think straight..
Is Lachie ash?
has anyone ever been to this stadium? Ive been to the gc one and it's got this weird feeling to it
Christ almighty, either of these teams is getting absolutely caned next week. How the fuck is this a semi final?
>NSW umpires don't have the length of Victorian gentlemen
oh no no

>Calrko has left his legacy.

>The only club where emotional dysregulation and losing your shit is an admirable leadership trait.

top kek, this from the club who's coach decided to mouth off to a player chairing off a 300 gamer, unreal.
Why has Tobes been so limp this year? If he'd continued his 2023 form, Giants would be flag favourites.
Olympic Park really isn't that hard to get to
I did in 2016, reminded me of princes park except with pleasant weather
no but steven coniglio
satanic garbage
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>Orange tsunami
Gday joshie
>not a gif
this would be ideal
70% of canberra follow afl because everyone moves from another state to live their
really not into the left phenotype, too much like the sisza and off putting
man im high
Really liked the sound though.
if I cared I would have changed the shirt
It takes an hour from the SCG by train and traffic is fucking woeful in Sydney.
christopher skase bought carrara location himself in 1987. no planning all based in cheapest piece of shit land
when he went bankrupt theu council was given it for owing them money
it was never planned but based on the cheapest land aka a fucking swamo in buttfuck nowhere
Can bane go a single match without 12+ behinds?
I shouted Jonathon Patton beers back in their early days when he was injured and watching from the crowd. He said the coach will get pissed if he finds out but was dumping them like shots. Really funny dude, was loose as fuck when they started out you could walk into the change rooms and anywhere you wanted really and nobody cared. Was all free too
This observation has some merit.
every finals game starts with a shit first quarter idk why
How come Fagan doesn't get the same shit that Hinkley does?
They love their minors
they made a grand final
You know why mate
Based drunken sex pest Patton
If Lions lose tonight it’ll be the next media narrative
>a fucking swamp
it floods all the time in summer so its no good for cricket season
they govt should never have redeveloped it but you know...
either of these teams are very capable of beating Geelong
shut up with this music after goals cunts fucking shut up
no but the west may
>stadium plays ayy macarena
>no one sings
failed project
fun fact.
homebush used to be a huge toxic waste dump before sydney olympics
they covered it with fill.
anywhere of the site they didnt build one was on purpose as it was far too polluted.
more govt corruption and bullshit.
So he is just dipping his toe into the Ray Peat lifestyle ayyyy
just got rickrolled lads
Charlie’s so far past it. Mid year and is selfish. Let’s not start on the Vegas trip either
James "literally who" Peatling
is it just me or was bedford a nothing player before he started tagging and now everything seems to go through him? like theres an over reliance on him, like hes a playmaker or something. plus he tags. surely he cant keep burning the candle at both ends like this up for years to come. modern footy is fucking weird.
It’s called forced artificial soul & you will enjoy it
I wonder if based Scott Ryan is in the crowd.
people don't live at the SCG
it's half an hour, at most, from central
isaac "im stealing a living as an afl player" cumming
People? You mean, sheeple.
Surely maccas nuggets will fill the void
Bane are just slow frauds. You can’t win multiple finals on contest and a control game
Lachie I. Neale
When will Cadman and Green come to Collingwood?
the coach v hawks captain bantz will endure over everything.
then some expert shrinks will weigh in and there you have it - another kids sport govt program worth billions to turn sport into more "lets all be faggots" thing
i wasnt here last night. did you all sperg out over the hinkley sicily stuff? i was thinking of all you spergs shitting pissing and cumming yourselves about it. not to mention the fact that port actually won.
He was a nothing player before because Goodwin preferred cunts like Charlie Spargo in the forward so he would barely get a game. He was always explosive, kicked 2 or 3 for the dees one week then dropped the next
Imagine if Brisbane had a non meme key forward these last 5 years
say my name again motherfucker
So true
underrated post
>Green come to Collingwood?
only if he brings his old man to start fights in the stands
Cogs dead
>be japanese
>come to a GWS game
>tsunami warning goes off
>have a panic attack
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