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>Torikumi for day 5:

>Sumo links and how to watch live:

What kind of results would Ura need to make it back to Sanyaku?
last thread

I still want to know who this jaw guy is
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Depends on how the rest of the banzuke hashes out. I wouldn't expect it outside of double digit wins, which for him would require him to almost win out since he's 4-4 right now.
>at 2.02 m (6 ft 7+1⁄2 in) tall he was the tallest modern era ōzeki until Akebono in 1992

he was a big guy
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Or its Fudoiwa I think as he is in line with the oyakata.
A fusion of Giant Baba and Antonio Inoki
From where he is now, if he won out and ended at 11-4, that should be enough to get him there, but he'd need help. Abi would have to do worse than 7-8, (and probably worse than 6-9) plus Daieisho or Hiradoumi would have to put up a losing record.
Then he'd need Oho and Wakamotoharu to start treading water and only end up with 8-7s.
ye it's Fudoiwa, guess the pic is taken at the time he was in sanyaku...which spanned for only 2 basho because of WWII
nevermind, it's 1956 so as an oyakata
We need another rikishi with this archetype
So realistically not happening unless very specific fuckups happen, he'll be there soon, I believe in Sekiwake Ura
when was the last time the emperor showed up to a tournament?
january 2019
never mind im a fucking retard it was january 2020

they haven't attended since covid
He did make komusubi once, which I think is more than anyone expected when he was down in jonidan, having had his knees rebuilt; but yeah, a jump to the sanyaku is not imPOSSIBLE but highly imPROBABLE.
Acromegaly treatment is probably better nowadays.
How far could your average *active* Makunouchi rikishi go in a 3 rounds of 3 mins MMA fight, with 6 months of fight camp? Not trying to shit up the thread just genuinely interested. I think someone like Chiyonofuji could've kept pace with a lot of UFC/Pride heavyweights
It would probably be something like Butterbean
They'd be saltman tier where they can maybe get a win in a D-tier literally who virtual fight company against a soup can. Sumo wrestlers have no ground game and barely any striking which is all face slaps and shoves, and 6 months is nothing.
Someone like Hakuho would have dominated no matter what style
>weight class
Amateur sumo does have weight classes, yes.
I refuse to watch any sumo with milkman referees
>weight class
I can't, I'm sorry.
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>circus music
Onosato Yokozuna in less than two years, boys.

Trust the plan.
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>I am forgotten
Did he join ozumo?
Open weight is the only one that matters
What are some other Ozeki/Yokozuna that were 2m+ tall? I only remember Kotooshu.
oo OO
Kids develop at wildly different rates. Weight classes are good for school sumo since it teaches the bigger boys to use proper technique instead of simply rolling over them with size.
Similarly, the smaller boys will learn proper technique and they can bulk up later.

The worst outcome is you have some kid who's 6'2" and 300lbs at 14 simply stomping everyone and then when he turns pro he's completely useless since he never learned any techniques beyond "Be bigger than the 5'4", 130lb kid and shove him."
a few flashes of good sumo, but has mostly floundered in the makushita meat grinder these past two years, alongside a kyujo this tournament
I wonder why he changed his shikona right before he retired
I doubt if Ura will ever make it back to Sanyaku, not that he needs to to fulfil his destiny of being the most entertaining and popular rikishi. Today's bout against Kirishima is the bout of the tournament so far. That Kirishima left the dohyo to make sure Ura was okay was crazy. Mad props to both rikishi.
Nabatame vs Aonishiki today
How big do you think the average rikishi dick size is?
This will be a tough matchup for Nabatame. He has a hard time with sneaky judo guys.
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Hey, guys. What's the oldest anyone has ever become a rikishi? Asking for my 28 year old friend who's looking at the Delta website for a one way ticket to Japan because he's decided he's tired of his sad life and wants to follow his dreams. What a crazy guy!
I vaguely remember some DM's a lower division wrestler was sending to some Tgirl on Twitter he said that he was so fat that he has a micropenis
Pro sumo has a 22 years old age limit, which is only relaxed to 25 years if they've performed well in university.
Kotoshoho has such a pretty wife, surely he has a massive dong to satisfy her with :(
What's the name of the guy who throws the salt in the air and everyone goes "OOOOOOHHHH" when he salts the dohyo?
Terutsuyoshi, retired. Unless there is a new one.
Akua did that for a while when he was in Juryo
Has there ever been a case of one of those belts coming off during a match? They look so fragile.
Don't care, best salt throw in grand sumo is still Ura.
>Just a tiny pinch
>Yeah, perfect
They're incredibly strong and stiff, but it's possible for them to come off if not tied properly. Almost all the time the ref will notice it and stop the match so it can be retied, but it has happened where it's come off completely in the middle of the match, which is a disqualification for the exposed wrestler for having his belt improperly secured.
>Has there ever been a case of one of those belts coming off during a match? They look so fragile.

It happens on occasion, but not too often. The wrestlers are encouraged to make sure they're properly tied because you lose automatically if your own belt comes off. (Opponents are forbidden from grabbing their opponent's belt's knot.)

They are definitely not fragile, though. They are a dozen layers of very tough silk. In an interview a few years ago, Konishiki described it as being very stiff, similar to wearing a cup.
Gross rip Nabatame. He will need to stay in juryo to get laid.
>It happens on occasion, but not too often
Once in the last 75 years
Completely off? Yes, that's rare. Coming loose to the point where the gyoji has to stop the fight and re-tie a wrestler's belt, as >>144467230 said?
That's common.
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he just needs 12-3 here, and he's your next ozeki
don't see how anyone will deny him, he'll probably even claim the yusho
they are suppressing the truth
If he gets the yusho, he's got the fish, no question.
If he finishes 12-3 without a yusho, they'll give it to him anyway since that's 33 over 3, all from the sanyaku, with a yusho in the run.

If he finishes 11-4 though, I think they might not be that generous, on the grounds that he's still young and those four losses will end up coming from high level opposition. (He's yet to face the ozeki or the other sekiwake)
>If he finishes 11-4 though, I think they might not be that generous, on the grounds that he's still young and those four losses will end up coming from high level opposition. (He's yet to face the ozeki or the other sekiwake)
that would just depend how nice they feel
during his previous two basho in this run, he's already beaten multiple ozeki, and terunofuji so I think they may end up being lenient if they really want to
Is there footage?
Never count on the JSA or YDC to be lenient, if anything count on them to be hesitant regardless of how desperate they theoretically should be for new ozeki/yokozuna/great nippon hope. "We need to see more" was used to dick over Takakeisho even when he had 33 wins, a yusho, and a win over both Hakuho and that basho's yusho winner, simply because he lost on the final day to fucking Goeido.
And I'm not even say that for Takakeisho specifically, just using him as an example.
Wow, bad gaijin! I was talking about the belt coming off, though.
Futahaguro is still in living memory for most of the JSA so count on them being extra stringent with younger guys

Can you really have an ozeki that hasn't even tied his oichonmage top knot yet?
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I don't understand the call in the Kotoshoho-Atamifuji match. It looked like Kotoshoho clearly went down first but they still called it for him after the mono-ii.
Enho 5-0
my boy Shimizuumi still undefeated

good thing you posted that I almost missed his match, thanks anon
>and those four losses will end up coming from high level opposition
He is already 2-0 vs yokozuna during the run as well as 4-2 vs ozeki
Yokozuna in less than two years regardless.
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I will remember him as the toad destroyer
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He's doing commercials and bit parts in movies now.
Oho's brother is vying for the makushita title, just moved up to 5-0
Yeah lot of bad calls this basho wcyd
Absolutely disgraceful by Tanji. To do that to Kitaharima of all people. A man who was fighting before Tanji was even born.
Considering unboying him.
Miyagi got some nice traps
It's over sumo foodbros
Nabatame put up a solid fight
Could have been worse.
apparently it's because atami went out first.. still questionable judging this basho..worst for last year or two.
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today's beauties
>not posting the girl with the green shirt and the huge tits
Does anyone post daily replays as compact as /ourjew/? He's kadoban due to being in Japan
I mean, did anyone seriously expect him to beat Aonishiki? I would have put that fight at 5 to 1
Mmm center looks elegant and slightly mean and I bet she likes it soft and romantic
i dont see her, also, big tits doesn't imply she's a beauty.

btw, very nice defense by tokihayate
What's with all the deleted posts? Did an Australian get Roo'd?
he will henka takeru for sure
Day 8: Ross
>not posting the goddess with the bob cut in the plaid jacket
Sorry, Day 9: Ross
Post her
post them
Who will see it coming a mile off and make him look like a chump
>not posting the slut in the tube top that's flashing her tits to the camera every two bouts
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I think Takeru will be ready.
He knows he's stronger than 'Shoma, so he won't just charge him recklessly. He'll just grab him and carefully push him out.
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>Onosato will injure himself today
>Kirishitma will win this basho

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I like her.
Nicely done by papa bear.
Believers status???
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You, yellow fevered simps ITT are absolutely out of control, since sumo princess aka masked ghost lady stopped showing up.
She will always be my /sumo/ princess
Hoping that the east side wins so I can get another shot of her.
I'm a big weeaboo, that's why I started watching in the first place. I just love Japanese women, they are so beautiful. They are angels.
I see.
Imagine the handjobs.
Thunder thighs sumata.
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New waifu spotted
Oh my God. There are SO MANY CUTIES WATCHING TODAY! It's a dream come true...
Was already posted.
She's mine. I'm claiming her.
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Every time.
hungry like the wolf
Fuck you, Kinbo. Don't do my boy Tom like that.
Can Leben help me get a japanese gf
>Takarafuji doesn't break his fall with his arms and lands on his knee to attempt to stay in (he did)
>it looked like it hurt
>will probably just rematch
Feels bad.
Nevermind! Good on Takarafuji.
>sacrifices knee for the win
feels based.
beautiful match waka vs midori
Good Sumo.
That was awesome
Nice bout by the two of them there. Congrats Waka!
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He'll be fine once he gets home.
i'm going to marry to middle aged lady with the makuhita plushie
fuck off endo
Gonorilla got played by that long set up lol

Lots of henka today
Man, I'm tired of this shit.
>be Endo fan
>line up at 3 in the morning to get tickets
>go and watch your idol do a shitty move and win in 0.5 seconds
Thank goodness I dislike Endo.
Everyone dislikes Endo.
10% of the zabuton are left soaking wet from young women every time Endo walks onto the dohyo.
Ross just admitted he's high.
Hate Shitakeumi
At least he kept going forward so its progress
Really? What did he say?
Nicely done, Tobi.
Good onya toby
I'm just fucking around. He was talking about Onosato I think when Oho/Mita were about to fight, and he said something like:
>Oh I almost missed this fight, that's how high I am on Onosato's sumo
or something like that.
Atami-chan destroying daieisho
THAT'S how you do it.
Well, Daieisho kind of messed up and Atami took advantage, but still.
Yokozuna in less than two years.
Onosatos best performance
good day fellas and repeat after me, GODnosato yusho,
the human forklift
Clown Sumo incoming.
>no mono-i

Fucking WEW. Go watch the replay; I think that Onosato touched down before WMH.
Onosato is mad strong. Did not clash Waka hard, just bench pressed him basically. Lookin' good. Ozeki sumo. JSA is probably salivating to see a guy like this among all those jobbers.
Sorry my KEKfriend, but Onosato is the next Yokozuna and he will win ALWAYS
Nah, it was clear that WMH went out first; and even if they did call a monoii, they'd probably say Onosato won by shinitai.
Clown Sumo.
try spinning that's a neat trick
Does anyone have a winning record against Onosato?
*sits on u*
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Wakamotoharus foot touched the outside clay first
Hoshoryu and Kotozakura
This guy looks like the stereotypical buck-toothed Chinaman.
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there are 2 other with 2-2, asakoryu and hiradoumi
correct, hosh as well, it may have been 0-4 for onosato but hosh went kyujo so he got fusen
Kirishima vs Onosato tomorrow.
Who you got?
I am still upset that we didn't get to see Hosh dumpster Onosato in July.
Shounannoumi is too fat.
It's nothing, man. It's Onosato 9th basho. Hosh was in makushita on his 9th basho.
Nephew is a good gatekeeper but he's starting to get washed up. He surely knows that he will never be Yokozuna.
Even as a Hoshhater, I have to admit that that was good sumo.
based hoshorchad. absolutely dominant
Onosato did get to debut at makushita 10 though
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My Urazeki.
>Ura fights normally
ACK by ura lol
Ura with a fat stacc. Congrats!
Good Sumo today.
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god babyface is pathetic, he has zero dog in him, as bad as shodai
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holds it like a stack of books lol
Acki basho. Ura is kill or be killed, what a god.
Jesus everyone but kirishima is jobbing while onosato is cleaning up, is this how the next year will look like?
And it took Hosh 16 tournaments to reach S.
yes, but also with takerufuji jobbing
*16 salaried tournaments
Hosh loves big guys that charge hard he'll flip onosato again koto is obviously injured and kirishitma sucks.
Onosato 14-1
What's kotozakura's last match of the day record
Sumo forum down?
for me, it's
I think we can safely say that neither Kotozakura or Hoshoryu are close to Yokozuna level as it stands. They just look like meh Ozeki. Onosato and Kirishima, however, are looking amazing. Can't wait for Takerufuji to get back to Makuuchi, that'll be some good shit.

Also any day Ura wins is a good day, especially when it's against the highest ranked rikishi in the basho, and moreso when it's a super clean win.
Some say that Kotozakura is still sat in the dohyo waiting for the Ura pulldown.
>looking amazing
Was it ever revealed why the last couple of basho were SO bad for him? Was he actually injured? It was honestly some of the worst sumo I’ve ever seen in the sanyaku.
Neck injury + all the pressure to keep ozeki
Because he was injured. Tale as old as time tbdesu, but he seems to be over it and winning in style. Tomorrow's Kirishima v Onosato bout could decide the basho since Onosato can pull 2 wins ahead.
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btw my theory is, that fucks like shodai or mitakeumi just don't care about sanyaku, they tried it and probably said meh, i'm fine as maegashitter, with perks like this still eligible for
That's not a perk, that's embarrassing.
well played
It's back up now.
Someone on R*ddit posted some interview quotes after today's bouts.

>Hoshoryu can't wait to fight Onosato
>Ura was given strength by the crowd's cheers
>Onosato is just taking each day as it comes
>Takerufuji says he has no injuries and can't wait to get back into Makuuchi
>>Takerufuji says he has no injuries and can't wait to get back into Makuuchi
nice to see that he's doing well.
Grim to think that if it wasn't for that dodgy day 2 call, both ozeki would be 5-4 right now, and they still have Onosato, Kirishima, and each other to lose to.
>>Onosato is just taking each day as it comes
Wow. Does he also display his own style of sumo?
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Picrel, the style of sumo.
He also was grateful for his shisho for his advice, focused on doing his basics and ate his chanko
I know it's inevitable Mitak and Shodai will run their own stables in a few years, but hell I would not want to be training with them if I was a new sumo recruit.
Give me Tamawashi or Hokutofuji any day over those two lazy fucks, they may be less successful overall but their fighting spirit is exemplary and I'm sure they'll be great teachers as well.
I wouldn't want to train with Mitakeumi because he's fucking ghoulish. I wouldn't mind learning how to coast as Ozeki for a while from the king though.
kirishima lost to hiradoumi
hiradoumi lost to onosato
ergo onosato will beat kirishima
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>Hm? Onosato?
>Which one was he again?
How did 7-1 KiriSHITma end up matched up against 1-7 Shonannoumi last night when everyone else is doing matchups by record?
ran out of rikishi stock
Go back to farming the low ranks, chicken-legs.
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nice translation sumall
At least it propagates the Masayo meme
To be fair, shikona are hard to read.
>nhk on the ball for the first 5 days, getting highlight videos up in a flash
>it's been 4 days since then without a video

what is with these guys
no highlights
The one who beat your record for fastest makuuchi yusho from debut.
Half of them are the same


I want short, unusual sounding, snappier names. Ura, Roga, Oho, Abi, Endo, that's the good shit.
Would be impressive if they actually started at the same place lol.
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>needing a Ms10 headstart
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>Got out of Makushita with a pathetic 4-3
>No Juryo yuusho
His and Onosato's next tachiai is gonna be some anime splitting the clouds shit.
It won't be, we'll get another "Onosato's just tuckered out after his yusho...th-that's why he lost!" but their next next meeting will be good.
>chicken-legs posting hours
I'm out. See you faggots later.
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>Takerufuji? I'm out.
Is that you, Onosato?
Japan is desperate for another Mongolian Yokozuna
>Kisenosato is the only one keep Japanese sumo alive by being the only nip zuna in two decades and training up the next one
I kneel...
Are you implying Onosato was tuckered out in July? His training had been massively interrupted by the media attention on him.
>uuuhhhhh thats a cope CHICKENLEG STONKS TO THE MOON!!!
No, I was implying that Onosato will win the current basho, meet Takerufuji in the next one and lose, and that people would say he wasn't performing because of post-yusho hangover again. It's the perfect no-lose situation for Onosatofags, but Takerufuji will blow through it by beating him in both of their next two meetings.
No one will say that when Takerufuji is just as much of a bolt of lightning as Onosato. I think a lot of people are hoping for a future yokozuna rivalry between them.
Those just tell you what stable they're from

The snappy bit is the front part
>No one will say that when Takerufuji is just as much of a bolt of lightning as Onosato.
They will. Those two men will split the threads forever. The war is beginning...
It was either him or >Shishi kek.
All the Kotos are from the same stable as well. They're named in tribute to their stable's founder apparently.

A koto is a Nip instrument similar to a harp but performed as string-side up.
Shishi is good, he'll definitely make makuuchi this basho or next.
>The only other makuuchi debutant to win their first 11 straight matches besides Takerufuji was Taiho
What an interesting statistic.

Shishi will make makuuchi then get dumpstered the same way Onokatsu and Shirokuma have been.
I think he'll do better than them. I think his style is more suitable for makuuchi compared to those two.
some flavor we're missing out on in streams
He was languishing in mid juryo for a while, but then he felt aonishiki breathing down and decided to get his ass in gear so he could run away from the potential matchup against the superior ukrainian. he will get himself promoted to makuuchi and then wait until aonishiki is about to get promoted makuuchi and then get demoted back to juryo in order to avoid facing off against his superior
they did start in the same place, they both started from university sumo. onosato was able to earn the makushita tsukidashi, takerufuji was not.
Neither Shishi nor Aonishiki are ready for Makuuchi DESU. The Sankayu will farm their whiteboi asses. Shishi coming up at the same time as Takerufuji will be comical. Even Shirokuma would take his ass to the ground.
Nice that he beat Takerufuji at something I guess. Maybe one day it'll be Sumo.
They've had literally ONE FUCKING BOUT. Onozeki is gonna split the clouds with the sheer force of their next tachiai.
Takeru injured his knee while he was a student
Well NHK is being NHK so it's basically impossible to bring in any kind of flavor when they're being annoying, greedy Nipkikes they are (that's if you don't take care of your infant on stream... that guy puts songs into his twitch stream apparently.)
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I think I want Nabatame to get back to juryo more than he does. Why was he walking backwards against a judo specialist he outweighs.
Koga won again
3-2 with the power of eyebrows
Koto needs to learn from onosato and stop trying to catch his opponents and just push them out hes nearly 400 lbs.
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Those sissy legs of his are going to end up cutting his career short. This current stint in juryo won't be his only return to the lower divisions. He'll get up to to top division, finally meet someone with power equal to his own, injure a chicken leg then need take a long break to recover and drop down the banzuke over and over again unless he does something to strengthen his girly sissy feet and legs.
>t. zak
Shishi has potential, but his technique is too unrefined, he's doing better than previous bashos but if he doesn't want to become a permanent fixture of Juryo he needs to do more than being Hokuseiho lite
Shishi doesn't wrestle anything like Hokuseihou.
I know he doesn't, takes a very big retard to do that, I'm saying more as in he just expects his body to do all the work with no technique
Chiyoyamato is about to destroy the fresh prince of Nigeria
His style of sumo is very well rounded but the push to ozeki is starting to take a toll. You know he's good when 10-5 is thought of bad.
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10-5 is good if you want to be compared on equal terms with Kaio, but if you want to win cups and wear ropes it doesn't cut the mustard and Zak has never talked about hoping to be in Kaio's league, he says he wants to be like grandpa
is that ex-miyagino as the chief judge? i dont think ive ever seen him as not a scrawny old man before
You gotta win some cups if you want to be compared on equal terms with Kaio.
Right now he's not even remotely close to Keisho.
He's not that guy.
i knew that fuckface tohakuryu will do something like that. nobody likes him anyway.
Rip zensho maybe kirishima will ruin it for onosato as well today
>all these seething chicken leg faggots
The power of Sandanme titles vs. pathetic makuuchi yusho
Fuck I’m way too tired to make it to Kirishima vs Onosato. Hoping Kirishima takes him out. Just saw Takeru lost, how gay.
Isn't that really rare in juryo anyway?
That's why we want it to happen.
Master torturer on abema
You made me a, you made me a believer
takayasu is only 34, dude looks like 44 at least.
Day 10: Murray
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>Tokiwsyama oyakata says the decision wheather to retire or not will be announced by the end of this basho.

he's done
he's been choking all his life, can't be good for his health and looks.
Cute girl on the right eating.
Roga sucks
I go for him because of his abortions but yeah he does.

i'm starting to hate this kimarite..
That's not what I like to see from Waka...
upper left corner
mid at best.
Karma henka KEK
random white guy spotted
>enjoying sumo with pops
very wholesome
That's Ryan Reynolds every white guy is Ryan Reynolds
Exuse me?
it's always great seeing women in traditional clothing but i don't understand why men don't wear it more often, it's honestly quite sad
i'd love to own more japanese clothing if it wasn't so expensive and difficult to get in my size
Those robes must be more uncomfortable than they look or something, they always switch to western clothing when they retire.
Why are you 300 pounds
I think it's just the Japanese "nail that sticks out gets hammered in" mentality. No one wears traditional clothes casually anymore, only for formal or traditional events/going out.
i wear my yukata around the house most days as it's more comfortable than shorts and a t-shirt and i wear my kimono and hakama a lot when i go out i also find it to be more comfortable than jeans and a jacket
This is cute. RIP to this woman's husband or father or grandfather.
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Yokozuna sumo by Shodai.
Wait I just got here, Takerufuji lost? How the fuck? In Makuuchi it took until day 12 for that.
i look like this and i say this
This guy is fluent and smashes his jap wife every night he also lost weight now what do you have anon?
That was actually deboonked. Different guy.
That picture wasn't him btw.
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Atamisan :(
Good shit by WMH. To Atami: STOP FUCKING PULLING!
he performed seppuku, a true samurai
Shitakeumi doesn't even try, what the fuck.
>burning rubber
see >>144493740

she was holding a small teddybear 2 bashos back, not sure what is she trying to say.
>This is the teddy bear I'd give to my child, if only I'd married a loser who sits in his bedroom all day on 4chan and gotten pregnant
>This is a picture of my father who died without grandchildren
>bout is not over in 30 seconds
>gets inpatient, pulls and loses
Not like this my boy, you are 190 kg for a reason
Ishiura spotted.
Nice to see Oho doing well, shame his right eye can't see it though.
I hope that'd be Oho's awakening, and not just 1 fluke basho.
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she's ready
you say that like it's a bad thing but atleast a NEET would actually have time to spend with his wife and child as opposed to a salary slave who works 25 hours a day
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How about THIS cutie, you motherfuckers?
Hiradoumi deserves better than 6-4.
you underestimate my yellow fever
xe is sexo
he's shin-komusubi, aiming for KK. he's doing fine so far. 11-4 still doable.

she should change her hair style and glasses.
This is it. This likely decides the basho.
You're not going for the one with big hair?
>even kiri is scared of him


onosato yusho
Fucking LMAO
KiriSHITma did to Onosato what we expected ShiyoFUCKINGshoma do to Takeru.
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>mfw my mongolian fella LITERALLY tries a henkek
Kirishima has looked great all basho but that really went to show the difference in pushing power between Onosato and the rest of the field.
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Renaissance shit
>it works
>you then blow it by not following through with the slapdown

Kirishitma in rare form.
>'Japan Resisting the Mongols', 2024, colourised.
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A henka didn't work if they react before they go flying out. Everyone says Onosato has good footwork so if anything trying a henka is retarded because he can recover quickly. He doesn't look like he has any weaknesses at the moment, he's just a juggernaut.
Onosato already won, atami is still struggling for a KK, surely next time will be different
dubs of kino

Maegashira 1/2 incoming.
I'm SO HAPPY when he WINS
Even happier when he wins in style (ALL THE TIME)
Onosato's belt was loose they are both without honor
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>...but doctor... I'm Kirishima...
The Japanese commentator called him Ura-chan :3c
Onosato was bent double and his feet were even; one good shove would have dumpstered him but Kirishima couldn't deliver.
If I pull that off will you die?
Cute UwU
Reminder that Kirishitma is still better than KotozACKura.
The one performing the henka is also very out of position. Kirishima couldn't just magically push him from there without first regaining his stance. Henkas simply don't work on people who react and don't overcommit.
at least another win for Kotozakura
who is ozeki again?
aaahhhh im cooomiiinngggg
So... the last hope for the Mongolian Empire is Hoshoryu, right? Can he win against OnoGODsato?
Hoshoryu came very close to getting an ass whoopin off uncle there. Glad to see him turn that 2-4 around.
God, this is way too fucking late for me. I slept through Hoshoryu's bout and only woke up when the stream ended.
Who's got a yusho again?
Still living in the past WNBOA
At this point it isn't even a question of whether Onosato makes Ozeki, but how long until he makes Yokozuna.
He's never beat nephew he's too raw and gets flipped nephew feast on guys that just charge straight up
Koto's scores in the present are worse.
Imagine thinking past records mean jack shit unless it's extreme examples like Hakuho versus some low Maegashira shitter.
Past outings is what you use to predict future fights retard hoshoryu is a stylistic nightmare for onosato its why he's never won. He also flipped takerufuji get your fat brit ass in a judo class or something then you'll understand
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>muh judo
Every judo throw other than drop throws or sacrifice throws exist in sumo already.
I know I was telling brit anon to get on a mat of any kind to understand stylistically that onosato is at a disadvantage. You can only really understand this if you done a grappling sport.

Styles make fights
"I" have "arrived" my fellow "me's".
kinda racist desu
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now THAT'S a perineum!
lmao it's like Meisei ran into a wall
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Hold up, is that Oda Asuka?
GIRLS?! at the SUMO!?!!
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I guess she's a fan
Tohakuryu figured out how to beat Takerufuji

run out of the dohyo so fast that he trips trying to chase after you
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We're gonna have another basho of Onosato just being completely uncontested in Makuuchi all because this fucking idiot just HAD to win and mess up the zensho.
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Shishi looking strong with that three point push attack
yeah it's really questionable whether he gets to makuuchi even if he wins juryou. If he gets 14-1 and yusho, I guess it will only depend on the situation in makuuchi, how many M15-16s will be MK.
Keisho retiring will open up an extra slot
Keisho isn't retiring, he's going to take a year off then break his neck in Jonidan.
based takakeisho giving the fans what they want
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he opened them!
>that half-assed henka
KiriSHITma does not have what it takes, simple as.
He's similar to the Endo case, only happened to be ozeki. I'll still rate him (unless he'll continue on the downward spiral), but won't have my hopes up anymore.
Well maybe if we had a fucking YOKOZUNA.
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I missed today's Sumo.
Did someone really tried to henka Onosato?
>Hmm, it failed miserably when Tobizaru of all people tried it on day two, but maybe I can make it work
- Kirishima, seconds before handing the yusho to Onosato
SO, who are the next ooponent for him after kotoshoho? 4 slots, i'm expecting wakaka, nishikifuji, and the ozekis. Maybe takayasu if he's still in? I assume they will start to cull the 8-2 soon
Honestly they should just give him Takerufuji.
nishikigi* god damnit
The highest rank I can find to face someone from juryo is Maegashira 3 East, but that was in 1932. In more modern times M7e Tenryu faced J4w Kotonofuji in 1974.
Was Kotonofuji a breakout talent who won the makuuchi yusho on his debut?
Haha, no. But the point is it'd be stretching any precedent by a lot.
Can someone translate this from ebonics to human.
Would've been kino.
Keisho comes in on the last day with an undertaker-esque entrance for one last match with no regard for his own body or safety.
>He's similar to the Endo case
Endo was an Onosato-tier prospect that never fulfilled his potential and never achieved anything. Kirishima started in maezumo and won 2 yusho/made it to ozeki. They are nothing alike.
>They give him Onosato who pulls him down, slips, and lands his full weight on his neck
>Onosato thanks him for freeing up an Ozeki slot as he's limply hoisted into the comically large wheelchair
>I hate him because he won!
If Takeru was so good, he wouldn't have lost the bout.
You dick ride the most boring wrestler you must enjoy watching paint dry
Lmao that Wakatakakage henka
that was sweet
That was ryuden you dumb fuck
He's got the power but is a one trick pony with no one good to train against.
Takerufuji looked like a man who knows he just lost 2 months of his sumo career.
We can still count on the low maegashitters to post garbage records
Good stuff from Hiradoumi today, a deviation from his usual style to get that mawashi grip so the monkey couldn't escape
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Onosato dominating Kirishima, damn that was nuts. The instant stop, the more than 90 degree turn. Really, you can't watch this match and say Onosato has only power.
A lot of people say he also has great footwork so like okay.
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we're well into the second week and we got 1 leader who is 2 clear of the rest of the field
I'm thinking a zensho yusho is on the cards
He'll walk through Zak if that Ura match was anything to go by. Hoshoryu will be Onosato's most threatening opponent.
Teru was in the same position in July, ended up in a playoff.
teru is a broken man but at 50% still able to win a yusho, just speaks to his ability
onosato is fresh talent, and he's putting up a legitimate case as the strongest guy, and living up to the hype
Sekiwake and above have all their toughest matchups at the end of the 'sho
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>Takakeisho kill himself going full juggernaut and will break his neck being paralyzed for the rest of his FAT LIFE
>Onosato will play him in the inevitable sumo biopic

Murray is the best commentator and it's not even close
Ross is unironically homosexual
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Enho lost to Imamura from Nishonoseki beya. Kisenosato is absolutely devastating Hakuho in post-retirement competition.
I always wonder about that in Japan, aren't you guys mostly cool with it?
like in the sumo food videos some of those guys do some...suspect touching
Enho lost
5-1 now
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Ikazuchido lost
sandanme is the most boring division imo
>none of the crazy weight mismatches like in lower divs
>none of the intense fighting for getting salary like makushita and juryo
>not makuuichi
You might be right.
looks like the winner of aonishiki vs chiyomaru will probably end up as the first choice for promotion to juryo, the rest of the lower rankers in makushita aren't doing so hot
Sumo-food bros not like this
nabatame wont get back to juryou lol
I was skeptical nabatame would be able to get back in one basho.
Pretty dominant win for Aonishiki. I think he's done it.
>be cucked by Hakuho your entire career as a rikishi
>schadenfraude post retirement for the rest of your life
Nishonoseki-sama I kneel...
Worst he can finish is 5-2, only others above him who can do that or better is Ms2 Wakaikari and Ms3 Chiyomaru.

If Tochitaikai loses here, he'd be MK so I'd believe the above 3 are your juryo candidates. I don't think anyone below him could leapfrog him should Aoinishiki lose his last match, but 6-1 would seal it.
Aoiyama about to bring it back for an 8-7 kk
>chicken-legs gets a free win
you must be a huge shishi fan
>the little pats Shiden gave Shishi after
Damn bros Hakuoho has (had?) so much potential what is going on with that guy
the shoulder injury again. He will be very happy with 8-7
He needs to just retire. He has a career ending injury by age 20 and is now consistently doing so bad that if he ever leaves juryo again I will eat a hat. Mother fucker should just quit and go do something else like pro wrestling, where he could make a living and fame instead of being eternally remembered as "that juryo shitter who had potential but ended up flopping."
That fall looked quite concerning. He's not in good shape right now.
Sick throw
Shoulder injury+arms too short for the style he does. You can't be a belt wrestler when your arms are trex size and you physically CANNOT reach the belt of various wrestlers. His shoulders are probably fucked due to extreme stretching trying to reach.
It's awful to see. What a fucking waste.
This nigga should've been competing against Onosato now, for the big cup.
It's genuinely depressing. But he is never going to make it solely due to his body.
he started clean, then after a few days he was taped up again and yeah now it was visible the injury is back. Which is quite concerning as he took 2 bashos off to heal it. I guess he'll be another example of a big potential flushed down due to an injury.
some still make a living out of being a jobber, just look at Endo, people love him. If Hakuoho gets a chance of getting back to Makuuchi he can do it too.
Day 11: Ross
He's had recurring shoulder injuries that needed surgery even back when he was an amateur. I called this happening before casuals started jumping on his hype train and was looked at like I was crazy. While I am vindicated, it still sucks to see.

Hakuoho's only recourse is to do what Chiyonofuji did. Get as jacked as possible, take all the steroids, and switch to a more conservative style.
Hoku is kyujo?

Damn it.
i am not sure Chiyonofuji had it that bad as Hakuoho, Also he's at +150kg, Chiyo bulked up from 90 to 120. I dont think there's room for Hakuoho to bulk up anymore, unless he wants to look like Chiyomaru. One would think with todays medicine and supplements it would be much easier though.
>takerufuji, nishikifuji, takarafuji

wtf no support for midorifuji
>kotoshoho today
weak he should be dealing with these trailers like wtk
There's at least two signs. Here's the first one.
He's not from aomori.
what the fuck is this haircut
fucking dykes I swear
Onosato gets Wakatakakage tomorrow; with today's Takayasu win, he will be next + the 2 ozeki.
Damn she's hot. Alt girls are hot.
Fuck you, I like her.
Also: She's a regular.
what if she let me eat her asshole as a joke haha
Aww man WTK lost.
That elbow squeeze must have hurt a lot.
tfw no alternative cute japanese girlfriend who loves sumo
That's a trust fund art ho haircut, not a bulldyke haircut.
>skips after winning
That's the Shodai I know.
I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!
Why is it that Gonoyama seems to flip-flop between ozeki-tier and garbage-tier?

Seriously, sometimes he looks great and sometimes he looks like he shouldn't even be salaried.
Kino bout. My boy Oho!!!!!!!!!!!
Good sumo by both.
Man, what a basho. To think that Oho is so close to gain a foothold in sanyaku.
Great bout, shame Takanosho ran out of gas but props to Oho.
Oho has improved his pull game by moving more sideways
I like it and she's always there too wife material and not because I want her for her seats
Finally, Atami fights like he's supposed to.
Poor Hiradoumi, 6-5 doesn't reflect how well he's fought.
Abi is trying hard to give Oho a spot in sanyaku.
>Both did the same dodge
what the fuck was that
>two retards fighting.jpg
The fuck was Abi doing? Kirishima was having such an easy time that he almost threw himself out.
it's fine, he will plow through takayasu tomorrow..
Monoii for that? Kotoshoho's foot went straight out.
Close, but solid.
Onosato yuusho.
I think they were reviewing whether or not it should have been a dead body call
exactly, i'm not sure what the shinpan are smoking this basho...they call monoii when it's not needed, and dont call one when it's supposed to be torinaoshi
The pull aside, did you catch just how massively outclassed Kotoshoho was on pushing power? The guy just went backwards and out.
If they rob Ura of Gino+Kanto-sho, Grand Sumo is not real, and JSA should be abolished.
If Hoshoryu couldn't flip Ura, he isn't going to flip Onosato.
Total Ozeki Death
The absolute state of Ozeki.
I don't think zak stepped out, but he thought he did
I fucking love Zak's corner routine.

>Calmly loosen up shoulders
>Slowly bend down, slap legs twice
>Grab a handful of salt
>Stand up, GET ANGRY

These Ozeki fucking SUCK, can't wait for Onosato and Kirishima.
>Stand up, GET ANGRY
..and look dumb and not intimidating
What's left for Onosato?
Takayasu and both Ozeki? What if KTZ pulls out?
There's another sekiwake in Abi but that match would be comical.
So anyway.
Wakafraud vs Godnosato. Your thoughts?
Most predictable henka known to man. Onosato is going to be the most henka'd Yokozuna in sumo history.
>teru out
>keisho kyujo
>ozekis jobbing
this had the making of another retard basho, thank god onosato exists
People will whine about his sumo being boring but it's better to have a dominant rikishi than to have unpredictable chaos all the time where titles like Ozeki mean nothing because oops they're all fucking jobbing again. If Asanoyama hadn't blown out Takerufuji's ankle back in March this basho could've been kino instead of just being a 15 day long Ozeki promotion ceremony for Onosato.
>trying to THROW someone smaller than you
Shows how little you know about grappling get your fat butt on a mat brit
Nephew ain't throwing him because he's gonna get bounced backwards at the tachiai.
He hasn't in 3 trys but this time for sure right?
>Heh, Kotoshoho is 2-0 against Onosato, thus if I extrapolate I can prove that Onosato will never beat Kotoshoho on an infinitely long timeline and show this poster just how intelligent I am-ACK!!!

The guy is 6-5 and hasn't looked great all basho besides a couple throws and day 7 when he sent Shodai to the car park. Quit looking at old results and look at what's in front of you.
If kotoshoho's foot was a couple of inches to the right he would be 3-0 onosaton won by the skin of his teeth but you wouldn't know that because you wont get your fat butt on a mat.
Kakuryu is staring as shinpan from tomorrow
>Shishi vs Takerufuji
I think this is the litmus test if Shishi is ready for Makuuichi (he's not quite there desu).
I keep adding in the "i" thinking it's ichi for no reason, I might be a moron.
My bad, Takarafuji. Still a serious test for Shishi though.

Strange looking broad, but she probably sucks a mean cock.
https://hochi.news/ articles/20240918-OHT1T51193.html?page=1

> Kotozakura was pushed out by komusubi Daieisho (Oitekaze) for his fourth loss. His chances of winning his first championship are now extremely tough. Unusually for the mild-mannered Kotozakura, he screamed in the bath of the dressing room, expressing his disappointment. When asked by the press, he simply said, "I'm sorry..." and stared into space with a grim expression.
>Meanwhile, Hoshoryu was pushed out by East Maegashira 5 Ura (Kise) for his fifth loss. His chances of a second victory have disappeared. He did not respond to interviews in the dressing room.
it is so OVERzeki
Why did Onokatsu pick up Onosho's retarded tachiai touch down
"I'm sorry" here is the jp equivalent of "excuse me"; he wasn't apologizing for anything.
Kirishima's henka was a sign that he lacks confidence in his sumo to beat Onosato, makes his Ozeki run look less deserved and more product of circumstances, he's still good and the results in this basho show it, but it puts things in perspective and maybe he's not good enough to return to Ozeki without a lucky break

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