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>Countdown to Sleepless in Singapore GP:

>Previous thread:


>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 Grands Prix without ever scoring a podium:
223 (220 starts)

>Fernando Alonso Grands Prix since last win:

>Races in the Alpine 100 Race Plan

>2024 WDC Standings
VER: 313 (+10)
NOR: 254 (+13)
LEC: 235 (+18)
PIA: 222 (+25)
SAI: 184 (+0)

>2024 WCC Standings
McLaren: 476 (+38)
Red Bull: 456 (+10)
Ferrari: 425 (+18)
Mercedes: 309 (+17)
Aston Martin: 82 (+8)

>2024 WEC Standings
PER: 1076.49 (+70.64)
HAM: 992.30 (+71.25)
RIC: 971.25 (+42.20)

McLaren: Norris help 50% of Piastri's Azerbaijan GP win
Verstappen, Hulkenberg, Ocon, Gasly handed warning for VSC incident in Azerbaijan GP
Piastri ignored race engineer on '50/50' overtake that won Azerbaijan GP
Bearman knew Hamilton “wasn’t going to put me in a wall” in Azerbaijan battle
Sainz, Perez cleared by stewards over race-ending Azerbaijan GP crash
Norris surprised to finish ahead of Verstappen in Azerbaijan
Colapinto hopes Baku points score proves he 'deserves' F1 seat
Horner blames Sainz for late crash with Perez at F1 Azerbaijan GP
Leclerc admits he didn't defend hard enough against Piastri's Turn 1 move
F1 Azerbaijan GP: Piastri beats Leclerc in thrilling battle
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Remove Anglos from F1
please: >>144461421
Masterful racing by George Russell honestly
i don't know her
incredibly weak video
he fell off
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Fuck off.
>McLaren: Norris help 50% of Piastri's Azerbaijan GP win
wait, wasnt jorj behing lando and max when thy were stuck behind albon? how did he pass both of thm? well, alndo pitted, did he pass max?
Shit sport
>start P5
>finish P5 (before two guys inmediately in front of him take each other out with one lap to go)
Is this what passes for a brilliant drive?
just be happy your making money now and are not an unemployed waste of space, mohawkqueer
>making your team worse as a sign of power

weird flex but ok
We’re going to be listening to terminally online maxfags obsessing over DRS flaps while conveniently memory-holing the phrase “asymmetrical braking”
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>asymmetrical braking
which the mclarens also illegally have
well done anon
The FiA said they didn't have it, and obviously they know more than you.
FIA has stated multiple times that no team had actually implemented asymmetrical braking and that the rule change was just a precaution. Why are you blatantly ignoring this?
Checo should stay in the Red Bull, he makes that team infinitely more entertaining
They don't either. >>144461788
> still thinks the teams are competing with each other in a meaningful way instead of acting according to a marketing plan devised in a liberty media boardroom
>Checo should stay in the Red Bull
to fit in here you should drop the article:
>Checo should stay in Red Bull
Which driver has the biggest penis?
The FIA also ruled the DRS wings are legal, and yet all I hear is you screeching niggers bitching about it
jorj, the tallest
8.35 inches, curves slightly left...
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When Amx loses, he's a Belgian carbabby
When he wins, he's a Dutch genius on 4 wheels
Simple as
you're not hungarian
doesn't work; ric is a swarthy bugger
don't have to go that far
he's got against him that he's limburgian anyway
>Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about ...?") is a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense against the original accusation.
Remember when the FIA changed the strain measurement procedure mid season in 2021 to outlaw Red Bull's wings (formerly legal)? I wonder if they might do the same now.
I'm just kidding, it's obvious they won't.
>Newey leaves your team.
>Suddenly your multiple world-driver champion doesn't win anymore.
>McLaren: Norris help 50% of Piastri's Azerbaijan GP win
seriously is Norris that fragile that they have to do this
or are they really that retarded
>Mercedes Wins Lol
/f1/ is nothing but screeching and bitching
facebook, tiktok, instagram comments are nothing but screeching and bitching
F1 tabloids are nothing but schreeching and bitching
>Red Bull Wins lol
/f1/ is nothing but screeching and bitching
facebook, tiktok, instagram comments are nothing but screeching and bitching
F1 tabloids are nothing but schreeching and bitching
>McLaren Wins Lol
/f1/ is nothing but screeching and bitching
facebook, tiktok, instagram comments are nothing but screeching and bitching
F1 tabloids are nothing but schreeching and bitching
>Ferrari Wins Lol
/f1/ is nothing but screeching and bitching
facebook, tiktok, instagram comments are nothing but screeching and bitching
F1 tabloids are nothing but schreeching and bitching
Stop being pressed about schreeching and bitching, for it is all there is
Why would Red Bull get rid of their only driver that's on pace at the moment ?
2021 Max would absolutely annihilate current Max
Ferrari finds a fuel flow loophole - FIA bans it
Mercedes introduces active suspension - FIA allows it for the whole year
Red Bull has flexi wings - FIA bans it
McLaren has flexi wings - FIA does nothing
Mercedes cries about the floors in 2022 - FIA immediately introduces new TD which kills Ferrari floor
Red Bull & Ferrari go to FIA about the flexi wings - "they're legal bro, trust me, we won't do anything about it"
It's true though. If Poorez is P2 after the pitstops, Piastri maybe passes him but he wouldn't reach Leclerc or pass him sfter he got his tyres into window.
That McLaren’s DRS strength renders the argument null. Norris didn’t matter
It's anti-italian discrimination
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Jorj to Red Bull in 2026 cause Horner likes how he brings in the tires. Max and Kimi together in 2026.
This is the ideal racer. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
So is Max going to Mercedes or Aston Martin then?
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>7 races without a verstappen win
Yah, the first one
congrats for finding out f1 is the America's cup of motor racing, the anglo clique will always do its own bidding.
not true, everyone likes ferrari winning
Yeah, the majority does. You choose to ignore anons like >>144461913 when the team you like is winning, but they're still here and they're still /f1/
Most of /f1/ liked Max winning but you cannot deny the absolute seethe surrounding the man
nah that isnt true, are you making that up?
Max Verstappen will not place number 1 again this season until they award the WDC .
if this happened I'd instantly support the driver even if its Hamilton himself
Mercedes first, maybe ends with Aston if they can prove themselves
Red Bull seems like a shit place to work, if they don't have the fastest car anymore why would anyone want to go there?
> FraudStappen exposed
> FraudStappen says he sees inprovement (YEAH RIGHT!)
> FraudStappen says he still can become champions (YEAH RIGHT!)
> Norris WDC 2024
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Remember to stay hydrated /f1/
I’m surprised how genuinely not terrible Colapinto and Bearman have been in the circumstances.

Especially Pintocola as there wasn’t much hype around him at all before randomly getting a seat mid-season. It’ll be a shame if he doesn’t land somewhere next year.
it was a Leclerc loss rather than a Piastri win and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
So now that the dust has settled
Who was in the wrong
Poorez or Carlos
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Red bull has a season defining upgrade for Austin.
It's actually very significant because it's actually the floor for RB21, so if it's shit, then they actually have no new floor going into next season lmao.

Please God, let it fail because I want to see them scrambling..
my fault
Is that hunter?
I have 0 hope for it actually working
Hungary was also supposed to be big upgrade
The deal will happen because Toto doesn't value Jorj as much as one would expect. Other than the idea that people here think Mercedes is prioritizing Hamilton over Jorj you have tangible things. Like the fact that Toto says Kimi is the future of the team, that they've been trying to pursue Max, and that Toto claims that 5 minutes after he learned about Lewis to Ferrari he already knew that Kimi was going to get the seat. Piece it together and it's clear that if the situation were to arise Toto would drop Jorj for Max. Leaving Jorj with Red Bull as his best option.
Only goes to show how little importance the driver has. If he fulfills his requirement to a minimum the rest is in the hand of the team (checo, stroll, Sargeant even fail at that). It's no accident that in interviews they don't say "I" but "we"
>The one who took the expected line or the one who saw the car in front take the expected line and didn't use the empty track to the left of him but actively steered into the car in front of him?
Hard to say
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Colapinto will drive for Mercedes next year. Starting in the Japanese Grand Prix after Antonelli destroys 3 Chassis in the first 2 events they will bring him in to limit the damage .
They're bringing forward next year's floor.
It's not even an upgrade per se.
It's parts for a completely different car, they're that desperate
True that.
As a wise man once said: "Put a trained monkey behind the wheel and it will win 6 WDC in a row"
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Imagine if the FIA had allowed Herta to join F1.
True heir of Kmag
It feels like everything was being lined up for Andretti to enter at one point not that long ago, what happened?
FIA is not ready for unitedstatian domination
Red Bull should hire Kevin and then they would be even more entertaining.
The FOM jew worked his magic. The existing teams are adamantly vetoing any 11th entry.
Doesn't add any value to the F1 brand.
new albert just dropped
new edd just dropped
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Albon has over-whitened his teeth to an unnerving degree.
nigga looks like xqc
He probably made him do it
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FOM was absolutely correct with this judgement. F1 doesn't need another shitter team at the back. Imagine if the scraps anyone outside of the 4 big constructors share are diluted further by an 11th team. The gap between midfield and the front would only widen.
it does make you wonder how many drivers are putting around in f2 that could perform ok
The better all those drivers are, the more I laugh at Nyck Debris
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Which McLaren driver currently holds the psychological advantage?
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Why are you asking when you already know?
>le VPN pozfag
>ynr ITOP
They're both compete and utter shit, bro
give points for up to p12 then
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>Toto doesn't value Jorj as much as one would expect.
I would have disagreed before but Toto kept trying to get Max to join his team after Lewis left and had now signed a future GOAT who will definitely be the number 1 driver in a few years.
The car wasn't suited for him until Baku.
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>singapoor next
its over for RB
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>Pole positions: 26
>Wins: 7
That's actually an insane ratio.
I don't think I've ever seen anything like it
They're driving with the seasons start floor right now with half a year behind the others. Bringing in next year's floor is actually smart as fuck. They will already know how to improve it before the season while everyone else has limited data.

It's a big brain move that will pay off.
i bet bernie collins gives crazy head
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>1st year with ferrari
>wins championship

>20 years in ferrari
>can't even win from pole
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Business idea:
Lets have a playoff system in F1 with such a clear and easy to follow point table as >>144464756
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AFA sponsorship on the Willy TBC sometime next week.
i like ferrari whining
When was the last time someone won the WDC in a car that finished 3rd in the WCC?
>McLaren: Norris help 50% of Piastri's Azerbaijan GP win
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>Another Trump assassination attempt happened during a mclel win
What is his power?
Damon Hill?
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what manner of black magic fuckery did zak get into?
Yes, with a cup of semen.
Williams won the WCC by 105 points that season.
>playing golf while his campaign is failing
he really did give all his power to mclaren, I don't think it was a good trade
Where is the Perez onboard of the crash????
Red Bull is finished, McLaren poached 2 of their engineers, Newey has left, it's actually over the other teams are more innovative
Funny that the red bull braking loophole was fixed up in a weekend
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Keke won with 4th in the WCC. Piquet won in 1983 with 3rd in the WCC.
It’s not that hard if you know how it actually works.
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You have less than two months.
Willy status?
it gets bigger when I pull on it
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He status?
Driver training/coaching/managing is lightyears ahead of what it was something like 10 years ago. I bet you could take an average slouch from street and within two years of full-time training he would get within one second of average F1 driver.

Beat me to it, the camera angle and bright light exposes (pun intended) those who lost in tooth lottery.
and then I won't have to hear anything from any politicucks for another 4 years, can't wait
Wonder if they let you choose whether you wanna deploy in Ukraine, Taiwan or Iran?
I'm a fortunate son
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Max currently has 313 points, and a lead of 59 points over Lando.
There are 7 races and 3 sprints remaining for a total of 206 available points.
Assuming a most charitable result (for Max) of Lando winning the remaining 7 rounds with Max in P2, and neither getting FL the lead would still be held by Max.
After SIN: 52
After TEX-S: 51
After TEX: 44
After MEX: 37
After HUE-S: 36
After HUE: 29
After VEG: 22
After QAT-S: 21
After QAT: 14
After ABD: 7
If Lando gets the FL, (which is more likely since he's got the fastest car by some margin), then the season would end with them tied, but Lando as champion on count back.
After SIN: 51
After TEX-S: 50
After TEX: 42
After MEX: 34
After HUE-S: 33
After HUE: 25
After VEG: 17
After QAT-S: 16
After QAT: 8
After ABD: 0
We also have to assume that at least 2 of these rounds, Singapore and Qatar, will be terrible weekends for RBR since they've struggled at Singapore generally and were already slower than McLaren in Qatar last year.
Also Leclerc is only 19 points behind Lando now, Piastri also closed the gap a bit but he's closer to 100 points behind Max so it's a much taller task.
I think my math is correct on his but with 7 races remaining in 2007, Kimi was the equivalent of 43 points behind Hamilton.
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We are so back
>It’s not that hard if you know how it actually works.
The thing is, it's a totally unimportant shit which is detrimental for the sport to aquire new fans.
Last season was the least watched ever Nascar season and the current one is underperforming compared to even that
Remember when a 5 second pitstop was good for them?
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4 More Races until Lando overtakes Max in title race :)

Last 4 races Max will be

Singapore : 10th
Texas : DNF
Mexico : 12th
Brazil : DNS
this shows sauber is just intentionally underperforming so they will get the best CFD allocation for the new regs
AudiWinsLOL on the menu
What about sprints
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Great progress, team.
In relation to the table? That's what the -S ones are. I can't do it for 2007 since they didn't have sprints (good times).
those are all relatively slow aren't they
Lando isnt the title contender. Piastri going to overtake him soon
No they aren't.
This is theory only because you just cant really calculate with what an eternal choker Lando is.
They've yet to learn how to manipulate meme magic. This why they keep fucking up despite being able to achieve good results
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>/f1/ activitity has slowed down by 200% when Max exposed as a neweybabby shitter

I won.
This theory would have worked for 2021 but not for the inconsistent midfield driver
Mid season drama slop
Mclaren wing status?
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Legal but anybody tries to copy it they will be banned
Same as everyone else's
p2 is a distant dream for red bull, even podium for him is a herculean effort, so if we take the optimal performance of each driver , lando p1 max p3 lando still wins, that is not counting fastest lap, that is not counting max having bad luck like lando did this weekend. the title is still max's to lose.
Russell Pole in Singapore, remember the Mercedes works well in lower temperatures, the Ferrari opposite

Russell, Norris front row Q3
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>russell and norris in singapore
good memories
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Honestly this weekend wasn't really too bad for them, they were cagey about this in practice and quali, and even that interview with Horner post race but it seems like Perez and Verstappen were running different cars this weekend.
Max had a shitty race because he got stuck behind Lando and Albon who were WAYYYYY slower since Lando knew he had no reason to overtake Albon at that point in the race and could hurt Max by just sitting there.
Perez stuck with the Ferrari of chuck and McLaren of Piastri all race and appeared to have equivalent pace and deg to both of them.
Which one is getting that W?
>p2 is a distant dream for red bull
WDC or WCC? Ferrari are now only 25 points behind them in the WCC, Mercedes are maybe a bit too far back (147), and they keep having poor weekends.
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Leclerc and Piastri will defend Max's title this season. Lando winning requires him consistently beating those 2 to the wins.

Sainz will probably have another race win too and maybe a few weekends where Merc looks strong.

Max can bring home P5 finishes and he'll be fine as Lando continues to choke.
isnt abudabbadooo merc territory ?
>muh mclaren is illegal
/f1/ absolutely btfo
Given the loss of Newey how realistic that Red Bull decides to give up 2025 and have a head start on the development of the new car?
Mclel Ferrari and Merc will battle it out but they have less cfd time for 2026 that way
>Redbull Losing :(
>Redbull Winning :O
leclerc isnt a serious contender for p1/2, he's just abnormally good around baku like perez, and norris only has to come in p2 because piastri will swap with him.
Hamilton will definitely got his 8th title in 2025.
>b-but leclerc
Second driver, like he always be.
Holy copium. Max is P8 - P9 tier driver and he got lucky because Perez and Sainz heroing themselves.

He WILL lose the championship lead in Brazil. High chance Norris will take the title.
i can assure you that the indog was raped by a wild pack of neekeri in the summer of 2021
newey is pure shit, bro
I'm now convinced
The fraudstappen era is over
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The most important part? He enjoyed it.
Thats you and /f1/, in Brazil GP

Can i remind y'all Dead bull currently lose to McLaren on WCC by 20 POINTS ???????
of course he did, that's why he loves hamilton almost as much as he loves little children
>pozfags really thought norris would win all the remaining races
I didnt love Hamilton. I love when /f1/ is proven wrong all the time.

>Max Verstappen is the goat !! He is Schumacher illegimate child !
>Exposed when his car is no longer the fastest
>Begging newey to come back

43 year old Alonso and Hamilton and Hulkenberg is much better than Him
This shit board is just #lh44 - 4chan(nel) version
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I want to message Bernie Collins neck flaps
>validates every single statement from the Canadian
>drops the VPN
smartest indog moment
Hamilton lost the WDC in a car that won the WCC, bro
sorry indog the digits confirmed it, you love neekeri cock up your own asshole
I dont have working VPN
And ? Still got 7 WDC. Still able to drive better than Kwabstappen lol
Keep crying
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sorry i don't speak raped bitch
Alonso got shit on by Ocon, bro
Keep crying mexikwab.
Or a working brain
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What should I read tonight boys
God got high af and made Indonesians as a joke.
>poonadian replying to the same indog post twice
>4chan is one person
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seventy one....
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>38k F1 fanfics
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you think you're a rocket scientist? that don't impress me much.
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He won in Monza, despite not having the fastest cat. If ferrari keeps their shit together he can regularly contend with Norris
7 wdcs whilst driving 10 WCC winning cars

A 0.7 conversion ratio for championships is pretty bad
Didn't she used to work for AM? Why would anyone choose to buy one of those pieces of shit?
I've heard they're nothing but unreliable garbage.

post more of these
I hate this gay sport
>Oscar Piastri was born to Chris and Nicole (née MacFadyen) Piastri in Melbourne, Australia. He grew up in the inner-city suburb of Brighton with three younger sisters.[6] He claims Italian, Yugoslavian and Chinese heritage from his father's side as well as Scottish and Irish heritage from his mother's side.[7][8]
What sort of mutts are we creating here?
Why aren't other teams seething about Papaya flexiwing? Horner's lost his edge because of the spanx embarrassment, I understand, but Toto? Why isn't this cunt whining?
Makes sense for Australia
He isn't part black so he isn't a mutt.

2008 Mclaren is 3rd fastest car
2017,2018,2019 Mercedes is 2nd fastest car

You just coping dude. Max never drives slowest car and Winning the WDC.
Red bull is the fastest car
that was before oscar was told to play ball and help lando win wdc so that something like monza doesnt happen again
they've all been told that it's fine so they're working on their own, they'd be pissed if it got banned now cause they've already invested some of their cost cap into it
Merc teams aren't allowed to protest against each other. That's why they always get away with so much bullshit all the time. There are 4 of them on the grid and there are 10 teams in total. All it takes is two non-merc teams deciding not to protest and they have a democratic majority
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He's not a mutt, he's a cutie!!!! Danny ric is more like a mutt than he is really
Because it's legal.
Because it's legal. Unlike your war
>What sort of mutts are we creating here?
Italian, Yugoslavian, Chinese, Scottish, and Irish ones.
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>/f1/ when Redbull has fast aero : Its within the rules ;)

/f1/ is just /sp/ version of /v/
Pathetic. /f1/ Shouldnt be taken seriously and should be flooded with porns.
Every time a car is winning f1 fans cry illegal?
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10.2.3 No adjustment may be made to any suspension system while the car is in motion.
They do when their favourite driver isn't driving it.
To all the nu-racing purists that infest this general, especially the english ones:
Whats up with shitters and not being able to turn left?
I understand why DAS was allowed, I fundamentally don't understand how the McLaren wings are allowed to be that bendy. We've had 3 seasons where the FIA has been going back and forth about this bullshit. Either ban them or don't.
nobody really gives a fuck about this crash
It was a racing incident though.
why are you gay?
Only proportionately because he's probably got the same 7 inch dick that's average for everybody else but because he's like 3ft 6in tall it would look huge on him.
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And all of it is gay
It was between 2 number 2 drivers who aren't in the championship fight.
When the beetle leaves the flag alone, it's Dutch
When it climbs the flag and drags the blue above the white, it's Serbian
Simple as
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so true
>I understand why DAS was allowed
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you make the most of your journey ahead while being pozzed in the head
designated shitting street
It is, but Proudy was a greedy cunt for trying to go after Chuck right after. He probably would have taken him out instead of Perez if Perez wasn't there. It's actually embarrassing how much of an insecure arrogant little bitch Science of Car Loss is.
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>wins WDC in 4th fastest car
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I am here to remind you of pic related.
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GTA 6 is going to be shit.
F1 related because it's going to release in 2026 which will also be a shit season.
>Children's toys
Grow up
>playing as thicc latina
2026 will be kino.
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I just love Aussie drivers so much (I really like Oscar and Mark they are so cute together)
Any video game past 2020 is fucking Shit
2026 is when Fast&Furious 11 releases though, so its not all bad
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0,1% exception
It's a 85/100 at best. Boss design was a big let down.
I assume its just banter
>whats your background mate?
>chinese. yugoslavian.
Yakuza game after 6 is shit
/f1/ - simps, pozfags and bugmen
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I only play age of empires 2
>/f1/ suspiciously quite about pic related
This happened in miami btw
how much did RBR have to shell out in damages with Perez this season so far? no wonder they can't do updates, they can not afford them at this pace
what the fuck is that thing on the left?
>/f1/ suspiciously quite about webm related
You saw the latest RedditPoweredMohawk video, we get it. Now go back.
we discussed back then, not our fault you only know learned about it thanks to reddit powered mohawk
It's a game for adults.
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I hear they nerfed the new DLC recently.
Everyone has their "Any video game past [insert year] is fucking Shit" but it genuinely does feel true in the most recent 2 generations.
I can't really think of any year that comes close to just how good 2007 was.
Probably because everything is being played so safe because of how big budgets are.
Not sure if this includes today's crash.
James Charles, a YouTube faggot that got famous for makeup tutorials I think?
and infamous for repeatedly attempting to groom straight men.
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>Poorez and sainz kill themselves
>Goblando start 15th
>Hamilton start from pit
>Still the best he can get is a 5th place
And Singapore is the next race
Its over
Are you the gay estionian, if not ask him about james charles.
All I can say is hes a famous makeup jewtuber who has been caught on multiple occasions trying to sext with his minor fan.
A beta male.

what the fuck is that thing on the right?
RPM isn't Reddit friendly.
Dayum is nigga's ass is sexy!
this is very homo, i do not approve
being pozzed in the head is no joke
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I bet your even uglier than that thing IRL
This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a lil bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a toilet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of them' if you catch my drift.
what language is this
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>left pic related in an open tab when the race happened
>wake up
>turn computer on
>post on /f1/ for 40 mins
>take sip of tea
>open tab and read it
>nearly spit tea on my monitor from laughter
How does lando achieve new levels of cringe every race week?
Thug'in Lovers
McLaren lead again for the first time since 2014.
Just watched the race. wtf happened with sainz and perez? It was like they were two magnetic attracted to each other.
Sainz is blind
Poorez should just go to nascar. He already has the quarter panel side draft down apparently
amazing what a little bit of cheating can do
Prove they're cheating.
I thought Canada was full of pajeets and chinks, didn't know latinxs were moving up there too.
why is everyone thinking mclel is cheating
They win races.
Ruined such a potential kino finish/podium
Perez is blinder.
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Racing incident lad.
Will redbull be able to turn it around this season or are the in crisis management mode?
god wanted it to happen
It's safe to say it's over and they will never win anything again.
God isn't real.
If God isn't real then why did Perez and Sainz crash?
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Sar really was redeemed by the all mighties
The more I think about it, this world is not ready for this year's hue GP.
God follows WEC.
yeah he's literally a faggot
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>/f1/ suspiciously quiet about webm related
it is 3:30 at night and im here on some basket weaving forum F1 thread while having beer, what a miserable time
Whoa, man! Language!
nigga gay, we already know that. nothing to discuss
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Bears get a free pass.
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oh god what have I done
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my expectations regarding Audi team just keep getting lower
Literally yes, border jumpers are being sent here from burgerland.
How acoustic are you
>Another Trump Assasination Attempt
F1 for this news ?
Nico kwabbed himself after the perez-sainz crash. He slowed down way too much thinking it was a guaranteed SC/red flag and he got quickly passed by the twink and hamilton.
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just watched the race, god fucking damn it. it was suck a kino race until this pajeet showed up to shit all over it, fucking moron
>twice this year I get informed about an attempted US president assasination by /f1/
Races for this feel?
wait what?
I missed the race. Also Umji is ugly
Hulk bros how did we let this happen
2010 Hungarian GP
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straight fucking road and these two mexicans find the wall
fucking stupid
why do they all have such tight clothing in F1
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can't wait for the mclel meme to die again
they can have their shitty wcc this year but they better fuck off back into the midfield after 2024
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>what happened to the scuderia ferrari master plan today, Question?
nah dude, they are the new merc. Hope you are ready for PS3 domination next year
lechoke choked and lost 6 seconds on his inlap
they didn't check enough
Mclaren cheats
Just saw the vroomstappen Heineken ad on leafistani TV (after an ad for overdose awareness of course)
Tight packaging gives an aerodynamic benefit
not complaining
and then one day for no reason at all
The nazis seized power rather than attempting to be voted in?
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give ps3 his silver mclel for his 2025 wdc
ps3 gets a piano black with silver lines mclel instead
yes we need more black cars
just black my entire grid senpai
ps2 and otheros compatibility gets removed from the mclel halfway through the season though
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>just black my entire grid senpai
>Verstappen, Hulkenberg, Ocon, Gasly handed warning for VSC incident in Azerbaijan GP
What did they do?
they were heckin dangerous!!!!!!
Passed people after the race while VSC was still up
>Passed people after the race while VSC was still up
Something that has happened many times previously, without anyone even taking notice, I want to add.
>1 month break after Singapore
>3 weeks break after Brazil
I want to kill whichever retard came up with this calendar
>lead driver of mclaren gets the metallic silver livery
>bitch boi seat gets the google livery in performance highlighter orange
>mclaren fans get the shock of their lives in early 2025
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just woke up
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its 9pm u donkey
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not that much
5 am
Reminds me of the gimi crash in Austria with Vettel.
>gayopean sport
even worse.
Too bad they aren't allowed to do that.
Put him on a diet and shave that hair off, we need PS3 slim.
Why did you exclude venezhuela and Colombia from the sudaca supernation?
its 5 in the morning on a monday, i have to work in 3 hours and ive already had 5 beers
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What do you do for a living? How common is it for your colleagues to come with a buzz?
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Mite go 2 bed. Glad RB allows me to stay up after 3am
He's a pilot and a surgeon
i work in the furniture manufacturing industry so being an alcoholic comes with the job
cant be bothered, my only goal was the falklands but lets say things got out of hand, plus venezuela is also on the axis so I cant declare war on them
might as well have another 5
did I miss kino?
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>just learned the german F4 doesnt exist anymore
>they closed two years ago
I need to get with the news
not really, aside from the ps3 overtake and proudy/poorez crash
Not really, there were a few highlights but most of it was just 40 laps of curryrune and tedward cooming themselves to death over an overtake on piastri for the lead that's definitely just about to happen! (It didn't happen)
I'd become a criminal just to get her to prosecute me.
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>fly British airlines for the first time
>Hardcoded ads in the movies
>They want me to buy st kitts and something citizenship
Is this banter? They cannot be serious.
>and something
The Prosecutest.
they are making room for more medshitters
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biz idea: all F1 pilots only get 15 seconds of team radio time per (((race))) and must swear loyalty to the Saab sales team

Also thread's dead, baby.
its 5 in the morning, everyone is asleep anon
>alcoholic carpenter/artisan worker
Checks out
thats just how you get through a work week, drink and not remember
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Then who am I talking to

is that you Max Mosley? Come back to us
Why is /f1/ so dead?
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australian media is full of that little mlembourne faggot like he's worth a pinch of fucking shit when he had to be BAILED out by Lando. I cannot remmber when I was last this mad, I'm going to go and take it out on a milf hooker and have her scream "NORRIS WINS" when I finish.

fuck this gay earth
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Don't you work around single engine planes though? It's a bit different coming in buzzed to work.
>pinch of fucking shit
is this a real expression
Perez kind of fucked up trying to squeeze Leclerc there, just hang aroung the outside and exit the corner with more speed, why the fuck he tried to intimidate Chuck, he has no brain, he can't feel fear
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where the fuck did you get that idea m8?
i work on electronics
>He hasn't actively drink during work meetings, making a bingo game based on what cunts will say
Good evening sirs, wish you all a pleasant night/afternoon/morning
why are you up so early?
I'm not it's only 3am.
its almost 6 in the morning lad
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>the quintessential gentlemanly good morning post /f1/ has ever witnessed
why are you up so late anon

>Don't pit Leclerc immediately after Perez undercutted Piastri, they would have increased the advantage to 6+ seconds instead of waiting outside so Piatri could undercut them

>Leclerc was too conservative with his tyres at the beginning of his stint, not defending properly and putting himself in the disadvantegeous position Piastri should have been

Both strategy and drivers fucked up, Leclerc should be thanful he didn't finish 4th
>Why yes I do serve my British masters
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Something is not quite right here
>poorez under pressure
>DNF via complete binning of car
>somehow this is considered a good performance
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we need an /f1/ timezone

what about GMT + 1488 seconds?
From your drunk ramblings.

The FBI thanks you for your corporation.
Franco Cola(que veo cola que)pinto
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not the feds
>I serve the owner of the Falklands
yes he does anon
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>People post this without having ever smelled tasty lead based solder
it's like speaking of the deliciousness of cheese without ever eating it.
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oh no
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What the fuck was vettel thinking?
They're eating the bees
the bees are dying mane
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How do we save our season?
Haas are still quick and Williams are catching us.
We can't let Danny and Yuki down!
Are you really a vcarbro?
Logang how we feeling????
El Loguano Sargentico
Getting a penalty just because one of your crewmen touched a car when it was serving a penalty is so fucking gay.
just like F1
>gayopean sport
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I wish I was good at something like nui, amx, or that shrimp dicked nip that made picrel
Convince me that Cola or Bortoletto shouldn't get the Audi seat over Bottass
newey is pure shit, bro
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