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old: >>144675481
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first for sneed
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Division: Won
Bye: Clinched
Commissioner's trophy: In Dodger hands in about a month's time
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I like how the camera was lingering on Ohtani waiting for him to strip and change into the Division Champ shirt but he was too slow so they had to cut away
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kek poodres
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Tigods: playoffs
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>they added ohtani's dog
based social media admin who obviously loves ohtani and the dodgers
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>first 10 posts are Dodgers-related
/mlb/ truly is an anime general
>anally raping sailor moon newfag
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I wanna see Ohtani drunk
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>mfw the Dodgers have their worst season in years and still clinch the division
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ok this is epic
Can I join?
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decoy is the real nl west champion
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Will should be in there instead of Teo since he's the one actually locked up long term
Wheelchair bound pitching staff still secures another division title.
GG Doyers, congrats on Division clinch, hoping to see you for our NLDS rematch up again.
>going to a dodgers game with sailor moon newfag
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Dodgers own the west yet again
The top of this picture makes zero sense
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budweiser is terrible beer desu
>we own the west

yeah you can keep it
somehow more embarrassing than the weebposting
If its a woman sure
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shirtless dodgers drinking beers. we all know where this is going
>love Coors
>hate the Rockies
Simple as
gg padresbro, would love a rematch in the playoffs but we'll see what happens
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do you own a maid costume by any chance?
Kershaw with the total dad bod

It's the earth leaving them as they are pulled up by the tractor beam into the alien ship
bubly the goat
for me, it's IYO SKY and the Dodgers
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>glassman injured
>popping bottles
>Teo on standby ready to get Shohei in the eyes
This is gonna wreck his vision and lose them the WS
That's why you ask the abuella behind the counter for a Doyer Dog.
kershaw needs a bra
prime dad bod
He's got some juicy man tits
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I need my ass fucked...
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they got some ponchos too
Dang mirin those shoulders uniform makes him look small.
go braves
Didnt you watch the game?
freddie on crutches
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white sox
prison poster
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>Freddie in crutches and a boot
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Offense got cold at the wrong, nothing Is easy. I wonder if we can face the Brewers and face our worst enemies, Phillies. Idk but October baseball is finally here.
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@PadresBlogger on insta
Why are Padres fans like this?
he's enormous
lousy speeches not gonna lie
bet against the dodgers tomorrow. no freddie, late flight, half the team drunk
that's more the reason to slam the doyer ml tomorrow
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I was skeptical about the benefit of a bye, seeing as it never seems to help. But with Freddie injured I'll take it.
Rojas was doing okay until he started pointing to Freddie and Pages etc.
My mets will be playing a baseball game later
Doyers/Yankees WS please, I want it so bad
freddie's in crutches
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guys it's raining indoors
Both will be swept in the DS
how are we going to get 11 more wins with a decimated pitching staff
My Omaha Steakies would bootyblast all these teams
sup manfred
don't worry i want it too, it would save baseball after last year's dull world series
plus rojas injured too
you think ohtani's wife approves of all this rowdy alcohol fueled celebration?
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Ohtani getting drowned by Kike

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Padres fan here,
Fuck your pay-2-win team. Literally your players do not give a fuck about LA, they're just there for the money. its completely soulless. The Dodgers are really trying to buy there way to a world series title.

San Diego is about building a team up, taking good players and creating comradery. The dodgers are literally just "MONEY MONEY MONEY"
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I think we both took the exact same screenshot
>11th in 12 seasons
>popping Champagne
Cringe. What next are the Twins going to pop bottles over losing a 10 game lead to the Tigers?
Based Mookie doing his best braves impression
>my stream died
no more celebration watching for me...
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2011 vibes
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gayve em!
It's the first in his six year MLB career (not counting WBC) and should've been his sixth, I'm sure she'll give him a pass
The only guy I ever knew named Manfred was unfortunately a Mariners fan.
>"Building a team up"
>Burns their farm down at the trade deadline every year
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Kek nice, idk why he kept making funny faces in this interview but they’re gold. He looks baked.
ty anon
>replying to /nu/
Uhm, I’m thinking based
It's always time to drink
you seem salty
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Things should happen for My Padres off season.

>extend Merrill and Shildt, Profar
>find a new sugar daddy (Hosmer contracts should be coming out)
>bolster up our pitching and hitting staff
>sign Sasaki or at least get more better depth, moneyball route if no TV deal is nowhere to be found
>bring in fences in at Petco park

Very happy for this team, especially on a shoestring budget.
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friedman you need to solve our pitcher issue
I guess it was too much to hope for Ohtani with his shirt off
Mendy seems like he’s been absolutely tweaking these past couple weeks
why the fuck are they all shirtless? are men just naturally predisposed to engage in homoerotic behaviours
Swede def got his vpn now
pretty sure he's signing with l.a.
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My El Paso Chihuahuas would bootyblast the Padres and replace them in the NLWest. Padres can be the Triple A affiliate
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Damn... Doyers look like THAT?!
beer belly
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Wut da dog doin?
I need cock
Only Doyers fans still awake I see
No way that’s a real team
Kirsten is getting wet....
walker buehler has weird tits
Let them truckers roll
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they are getting bubbly on kirsten
I unironically love him
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we up we up
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So he can get a TJ?

You ain't nothing without Campusano and Ornelas, Cosgrove and Waldron!!!
Let them truckers roll
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He is so fucking wasted right now. Cursing and slurring. Lmao
Facts >>144690405
>X-rays were negative on Freddie Freeman’s ankle, per Andrew Friedman. Won’t play this weekend, but they’re “not too worried.”
Well that's a relief
with her shirt still on :(
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We are witnessing the greatest player of our generation. If Judge was Asian he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's white. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest hitter of all time yet casual fans care more about some sideshow asian in LA stealing bases.
kershaw may be pregnant
>it beat's the shit out of the alternative
he's feeling it
So only gay fans of teams that lose are still awake is what you're saying?
>Implying the MLB isn't cooking a Yankee Dodgers WS for this very purpose
weebs man. the yankees have fucking more soul than LA
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good shit
give dalton rushing some reps at first
>posted it again
For me, it’s this pasta.
go find your uncle
We are witnessing the greatest player of our generation. If Judge was Asian he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's white. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest hitter of all time yet casual fans care more about some sideshow asian in LA stealing bases.
hell yes!
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Yay I'm so happy!!!!
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/mlb/ seething again
We are witnessing the gayest player of our generation. If Judge was straight he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's gay. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest hitter of all time yet casual fans care more about some straight asian in LA stealing bases.
Hi trannies! did you dilate today or stretch your boipussy!
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my fellow canadians i must say vancouver is a beautiful city
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Kiss already!
Kershaw has entered his David Wells arc
We are witnessing the greatest player of our generation. If Judge was Asian he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's white. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest hitter of all time yet casual fans care more about some sideshow asian in LA stealing bases
nah, play the back-end depth of the team that's actually going to be playing in the post season
we'll see plenty of Rushing in st.
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>walker got a cigar
he should know these things are bad for you!
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Only REAL oldfags remember this classic
da mets
We are witnessing the gayest player of our generation. If Judge was straight he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's gay. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest hitter of all time yet casual fans care more about some straight asian in LA stealing bases.
Anime won
Normies lost
The Padres as a team are what people think the Dodgers are.
Lovable underdogs my ass.
Somebody get /nfl/ on the phone, a new pasta just dropped

All me
late night /mlb/ scares the fucking shit out of me
so the only interesting thing this weekend will be to see if the Mets and Barves will need to play their doubleheader on Monday
was surprised to see a full back tat on him
Was nice to see the dodgers show some fight tonight
that 7th inning was kino and I'm glad freddie is going to be fine
We are witnessing the greatest poster of our generation. If sailormoon newfag was Asian she would be considered a deity but she doesn't get the respect she deserves because she's white. She is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest weebposters of all time yet casual fans care more about some sideshow cubbiemaid in CHI posting selfies
This is how San Diegans cope with losing?
Tatis comes off as the biggest homo in the game right now
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>Me, watching the pasta take off
We are witnessing the greatest player of our generation. If Judge was Asian he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's white. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest hitter of all time yet casual fans care more about some sideshow asian in LA stealing bases.
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It's late night /mlb/, time for a closer look.
>a boy from kentucky with a back tat
street activities
It’s not fair bros
Not sure if Teo is drunk or if he always talks like this
We are witnessing the gayest player of our generation. If Tatis was straight he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's gay. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest hitter of all time yet casual fans care more about some straight asian in LA stealing bases.
Fuck I’m so drunk I didn’t notice the copypastas were being messed with
But enough about the Phillies
Doyerweebs have no respect for this game or this genny
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Don't we have the season series win against you?
Glasnow has some retarded tat on the inside of his mouth no one can even see
zoomers, mang
This thread reeks of pacos
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Pay my ebt gringo
Series win, schmeries schwin
How about get out of that Wild Card round before you run your mouth
Play nice
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mmm yummy paco tacos
We are witnessing the greatest slider cutter combo of our generation. Has good support from other pitches like the curve and 2seam as well. Low on the plate they are elite pitches. His command issues will be the reason he's either great or out of the league in 2 years. He's very much like Assad, with exceptional horizontal movement on the plate except aside from having a wicked two seamer he has a solid running 4-seamer at 96-98.
At least make it a Sailor Moon OP or something
When did Sailor Moon poster arrive?
Speak for yourself
This genny better be the funniest place on this website when the Doyers get eliminated in the NLDS
Why would I want to be nice on this shithole website/thread lmao
She’s the doyer answer to 2poo
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4 days ago. He probably appeared like the first game on Dodger vs Padres baseball. She cute.
kek, nice shift you're okay for a doyer
The Padres have a good record in the Wildcards, what's the Dodgers record in the divisional round?
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>if postseason started rn
alright time for bed.

kek poodres!
I didn’t wanna say it yet but if they get swept and ohtani doesn’t win a playoff game this place will be hilarious until pitchers and catchers report
Awful lot of confidence you've got there, Jimbo
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sex with Mamiko tonight
Nothing to be concerned dear citizen. 'Tis merely protocol.
Cute Mamiko, cute doggo
We are witnessing the greatest walker through my 100% neighborhood of our generation. If I was Asian I would be considered a deity but I don't get the respect I deserve because I'm white. I'm in the process of cementing myself as the greatest walker through a 100% neighborhood of all time yet casual fans care more about some sideshow asian in LA stealing bases.
Can you get out of it first?
The Braves running a train on you might be the funniest thing imaginable.
Imagine the sex.
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>Fresh Decoy content
We're so up
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Noooooo we need Mets vs Phillies and Doyers vs Poodres. Call Manfred.
What's funny about autistic trannies spamming the same shit all the time for like 5 years now
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Hey doyers..... it's still middle finger.....
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Surpsied Dbacks haven't clinched. They look terrible af as of lately.
Do they call me then padres because they can only pick low hanging fruit?
CUTE! (Mamiko too)
Sorry but the Barfs aren't making it in
don't you have a wild card series to start game planning for
Doyergellion happening just in time for the world to end
Hope you enjoy receiving and wearing your Wild Card t-shirt days after the Braves, D-backs, or Mets stomp on you fags
My Cubgers :)
>my 100% neighborhood
You fucked up your own joke. Which race did anon, the joke is ruined but I know I want to see the content of your character
Cubgers made the playoffs tonight
Will Ireton just wants to go to sleep.
And the >Mest are? Come on bruh
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>clinch some stupid banner
>still lose to the dads in the 'loffs
>literal anime wife
Good for him I guess.
shut up faggot
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Fiesty one, aren't you? Who hurt you?
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>designer bags under his eyes
>I am forgotten
dumbass they're asian not haitian
Ippei must be seething right now
Longer video
And Vegass blew it to Dallas
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Tss tss...A's....more...more the fawkin' B's or sumptin! tss tss
every ohtani interview i listen to there is a reoccurring phrase
>just having quality at-bats
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Someone with an empty trophy case should zip it until they've added to their collection.
>be a doyers fan
>watch a post game interview

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Queen of LA, Supreme Conqueror of /mlb/
they're like family senpai
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The doyers have won the same amount of ws as the Padres in the 21st century
>A's forgotten
>Raiders forgotten
Thank God
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Gonna miss them. They'll be The Athletics, but a lot of that charm will be lost.
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Hopefully this year we win it all! Let's just have a good October playoffs!
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lux is smoking that poodres pack
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I had to move to a non-baseball city for work, 3000 miles from /my team/. I’m sorry fren, it really sucks.
kek muncy
very humble guy. not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't that.
kirsten just wants to go to bed now
Insane how little we had to give for what we've gotten back with that trade.
you're thinking of Vassegh
Shit Diegay


>that nervous laugh from vassegh
top kek
muncy looked like he wanted to deck him
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Mamiko is going to get absolutely pounded tonight
Shit Diegay lol
How many rings do the Poodres have, again?
I think Sailor Moon newfag is coming for that title
I don't think anyone really likes him. Greinke and Kershaw used to ignore him. JT was the one that kind of brought him "into the fold" imo.
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Probably, I don't actually have what it takes to photoshop every piece of Asuka art I have. Sailor anon can keep the fagging title this year.
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*hugs you*
How many have the Dodgers gotten in the last 30 years?
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alright now i'm really going to bed.
night fags.

kek poodres!
she looks like she smells good
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Goodnight frens, see you at NLDS! Don't drink too much.
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You know why
Anyone who pretends there isn't collusion at this point is brain damaged
It’s about time we raise the question,

Is Ohtani gay? I’m thinking yes
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hes a switch just like in baseball likes to fuck and be fucked
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2hu loves the Dodgers!
Baffles me this is what makes them lose their mind through the most flitty passive aggressiveness and avoidance there is.
Lmao which one of you fags spammed my Aaron Judge post 10 times in this thread? Really that butthurt that I called out your little Kpop tier baseball player overshadowing a true future GOAT?
Lmao which one of you fags spammed my Aaron Judge post 10 times in this thread? Really that butthurt that I called out your little Kpop tier baseball player overshadowing a true future GOAT?
We are witnessing the gayest player of our generation. If Tatis was straight he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's gay. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest hitter of all time yet casual fans care more about some straight asian in LA stealing bases.
Lol. You sure got her
We are witnessing the gayest player of our generation. If Judge was straight he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's gay. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest hitter of all time yet casual fans care more about some straight asian in LA stealing bases.
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That's very cute, I have a SD cup hat too, I should also take a picture of my bootleg Fumo. Earlier I posted my Tatis Jr bobblehead with nazrin!
Lmao which one of you fags spammed my Aaron Judge post 10 times in this thread? Really that butthurt that I called out your little Kpop tier baseball player overshadowing a true future GOAT?
Doyers won that division
Bro honestly I hate this sh*** people only talk and talk what the f*this Anonymous player is talking about that soto only walk and hit singles are you f*** kidding do u fallow the mlb bro do u f**** see his num. his hitting 320avg w 17 HR and 54 RBI how the f**** u so stupid and said he just walk and get hits what the f*** he can hit for poeer to bro his has 17 HR and there's a month left to first half end.. im sorry but I have to said something about it because at the end of the day we are latin players I don't know who said that but bro u better see he's number before talk s****.Im sorry but I have to said something. Don't get mad because a latin player is better than u ^O^
Lmao which one of you fags spammed my Aaron Judge post 10 times in this thread? Really that butthurt that I called out your little Kpop tier baseball player overshadowing a true future GOAT?
Lmao which one of you fags spammed my Aaron Judge post 10 times in this thread? Really that butthurt that I called out your little Kpop tier baseball player overshadowing a true future GOAT?
It was not a Doyers fan that promoted your post to a pasta… it was a fan of a… mysterious third party.
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Lmao which one of you fags spammed my Aaron Judge post 10 times in this thread? Really that butthurt that I called out your little Kpop tier baseball player overshadowing a true future GOAT?
Kek. I fucking love playoff mode /mlb/.
It's his slider cutter combo. Has good support from other pitches like the curve and 2seam as well. Low on the plate they are elite pitches. His command issues will be the reason he's either great or out of the league in 2 years. He's very much like Assad, with exceptional horizontal movement on the plate except aside from having a wicked two seamer he has a solid running 4-seamer at 96-98.
so poorly written, too
We need the inspector now more than ever
Gay dodgers
Lmao which one of you fags spammed my Fernando Tatis Jr. post 10 times in this thread? Really that butthurt that I called out your little latinx tier baseball player overshadowing a true future LGBT chinese GOAT?

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We are witnessing the greatest trucker of our generation. If Ohtani was licensed to drive in the US he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's chinese. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest trucker of all time yet casual fans care more about some sideshow in NY rolling along.
Fernando Zestis Jr is a closeted homosexual
Trashtros wouldn't even be a wildcard team in the NL
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Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est

Babababumbum bum bum lala
This is psychotic
Do you want another boring ass WS like last year?
how is the season over already fuck
Is the inspector here?
I'm sure Astros vs Padres will be interesting and not unwatchable horseshit
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vargas is now moonlighting as a designated hitter
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It’s going to be a subway series I am afraid
Mets ain't making it
Neither of those teams are making the World Series dumbass
wonder who doyerfags would pull for in that lmao
poodres without a doubt for me
/mlb/ isn't ready to hear it but nothing would be better than Dodgers vs. Yankees.
Your hugboxy infatuation with the "lovable loser" Padres when they have 2 of the biggest tools in the MLB right now and the cheating trash on the Gulf Coast is almost comical.
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Good. It would be unwatchable horseshit.
I miss making fun of the cubs
I'd root for the Cheaters over the Feces.
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I been saying since earlier this year. Astro/Orioles vs Padres. Tigers vs Padres would be extremely cozy series rematch up, same with Yanks vs Pads.
Codeword for boring Redditslop
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Don't worry you have 100+ more years to make fun of em
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>xir knows what words redditors use
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fraud status? dare i say, redeemed?
Winning the division is the best and never gets old
Lmao which one of you fags spammed my Aaron Judge post 10 times in this thread? Really that butthurt that I called out your little Kpop tier baseball player overshadowing a true future GOAT?
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yes..... i love been perpetual regular season champions it's so fun.......
The Philadelphia/Kansas City/Oakland/Las Vegas Atheltics won their final game in the Coliseum today.
unironically you should be. regular season is for the fans, postseason is for the players (and the owners given how much merch they get to move)
Pasta writer here. I'm also a girl. Cry about it bitxh!!!
please just stop it. nothing means more to me than seeing my dodgers win a world series. especially as divisions are essentially meaningless now in the memefred era of baseball
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If you guys can't beat us in playoffs after a buy week, you seriously need a organization change and or find a new manager. Will doyers be ready for Offs or Cancun?
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>please just stop it.
take your own advice
I actually decided to buy a ticket to the world series at >my team's park this season if they go all the way, which might not even happen, and it cost more than my 13-game season ticket package where I got to see 3 walk-offs and a complete game, none of which I'll ever forget.
Please have mercy
why couldn't the White Sox play this well all season?
the only two dodgers playoff games i've been to were
>last years nlds game 1 when kershaw had his humiliation ritual
>dodgers vs. nationals game 5 in 2019

im never buying tickets to a playoff game ever again
They’re the white sox
is this echo park anon?
i love you usagi!
My anus is too tight. Need it to get stretched out
echo park. bum free since '23!
I will pay for your ticket anon
that sounds horrible
I've only ever seen 2008 NLCS game 5 in person for my playoff record
it fucking sucked but my sister and her future husband saw 2017 WS game 7 in person which is 1000 worse
now that he finally married her I might ask him how much those tickets cost
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My El Paso Chihuahuas should replace the Padres in the MLB!
/mlb/ just hates the dodgers and yankees, but that's standard on every other baseball community on the internet
>nothing would be better than Dodgers vs. Yankees.
neither of these teams are good enough to make a deep postseason run though, be realistic.
it will likely be astros and phillies
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You were crying about Sugar land space cowboys smacking the shit out of you! I like the other chihuahua poster than you!
wish I could have been at this one
i will never say a bad word about ct3 simply because of that moment
this is the biggest retarded faggot thing I have ever read. you know there used to be no divisional playoffs right? or LCS. the world series is the goal for any team, a pennant is also based.
Since divisions and leagues are meaningless we should get rid of division winners and 3 wildcard teams per league, top 12 teams by record make the playoffs and are seeded according to overall record.
I still believe in CT3. He will show up in the postseason
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No other poster besides me
that basically just happened and the only thing I really remember was Scherzer going over to high 5 Soto for some reason.
Were you the same poster that posted this one, he was so nice to me compared to YOU!
Favorite /mlb/ poster? Cubspie? 2hu? Sailor Moon newfag?
Seidler died too young
Cool it
I wanna fuck the touhou girls
we know 2hu
Let's all cool it
shohei ohtani has sacrificed children and drinks baby blood
We need to go ahead and cool it
Cool this bussy
>Cool this bussy
I love anime so much
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Keep it civil
Fuck the rays
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Sex with Sailor Moon after the Doyers win
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The New York Yankees are winners of the American League East. On to 28.
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I'm thinking that I'd like to see the 2009 rematch most of all in the WS. umps will probably rig it for the dodgers in the nlcs but both WS possibilities would probably be decent to watch.
Yeah, Yanks v Phils would be extremely kino.
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This A's thing is going to end badly. I guarantee you they'll never play a game as a home team in Las Vegas. They'll be stuck playing in a minor league ballpark in Sacramento. This may end up with Connie Mack's old team being dissolved completely.
the doyers have landed in denver about 20 minutes ago
The MLB really wants to rig the whole league just for Ohtani maketing, it was pretty clear when they made up a whole story about how he somehow got 16 million dollars stolen from him without realizing that just SO HAPPENED to be all spent on gambling. Ohtani could get caught cheating and somehow they'd frame the story as the other team's fault.
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the funniest part is that there's still a non-zero chance the A's could come back home and split time at the Bank just like the Phillies did at the old Connie Mack park in 1938
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I saved this picture nearly two years ago and nobody has explained it to me yet
>Ohtani could get caught cheating and somehow they'd frame the story as the other team's fault.
and that would unironically he just.
I'm a girl
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>dodgers needed the pads to be drunk off their asses and sleep-deprived to steal couple wins
unhappy, even!
saved in case I'm the one blessed by the explanation
Padres got in, they beat them last time in 2022. Just do it again.
>Being Kino
Nah. Tigers v Phillies would be more Kino if you want to use the Phillies.
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your wildcard starters, sir

Le Fromage
You're like 70 posts early. Did the Cubbie Maid get janny swept again and delete half the thread?
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>the mets play the brewers, a team locked into the 3 seed
>the barfs play the royals, a team still fighting for the 5/6 seed and one that can still miss the playoffs due to getting swept
aj hinch for manager of the year. and for president of the united states of america
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for those who still don't know: ohtani absolutely knew about it.

his own lawyers FIRST said "yeah, ohtani transferred some money", meaning he KNEW about it. HOWEVER, shortly thereafter, the lawyers said "ACTUALLY, we accidentally lied and ohtani DIDN'T know about it".

***if a lawyer ever says "i just told a lie, here's the REAL truth", then that lawyer committed the legal cardinal sin of accidentally telling the actual truth FIRST, and he just fucked his client unless he can pull off a heroic backpedal.***

they absolutely sacrificed his former translator in the name of a 700 million dollar contract with a major sports franchise.

tl;dr version - ohtani's lawyers spilled the beans initially then backpedaled after realizing they implicated their client. however, nothing more will happen as a result because ohtani just founded the 50/50 club.
No shit, the sport is dying. There's only like 5 teams, and not even that many players who draw dimes anymore
no, the sport is growing because the tigers are back in the playoffs. everyone will become tigers fans and they will like it
Yeah, and Commissioner Landis looked the other way when he found out Ty Cobb and Tris Speaker fixed a game in 1920.

So what else is new?
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Nooooooooooooo not like this
Unfortunate error by Murakami...
Yankees own your sorry azz.
Mama mia!
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>True Ending
>Good Ending
>Neutral Ending
>Bad Ending
>Dead Ending
Losing to pooston
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The Brew Crew will be eliminating the Mets
based! zased!!
It wasn't a lawyer, it was a "crisis communications spokesman." A lawyer wouldn't fucking talk to ESPN first, that's the opposite of lawyering.
Our MVP is going to be playing a ballgame tonight.
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You have to admit, being eliminated by us again would be kinda funny
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>t. one of ohtani's communication cucks who was directed by a lawyer to move the goalposts and play semantics

lol nice try, little man. you can still chill though because absolutely nothing will happen. they found a sacrificial lamb and ohtani just founded the 50/50 club, so it's all good, squirt.
No I just cant read the post count because im retarded, whoopsies!
The Tigers, Twins, and Royals all got to play the historically worst team white sox 13 times and they all won 12 of them. All the other wild card teams only got to play the White Sox 6 times.
If you were to add 7 more wins to those teams and subtract 6 from the twins, tigers, and royals, not a single AL Central team would be making the postseason.
It really makes you think.
there would still be an al central team making the postseason by winning the division, refuting what you just said. therefore you are wrong and GAY
are the mests gonna make it
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There really shouldn't. When will MLB adapt a good postseason standard?
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nah that ain't me.
why would you even think that?
name one sports league where division winners dont make the postseason
>a doyerpaco posting living human woman... on /mlb/
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the owners and manfredd should be ashamed
What exactly does Manfred get for causing this much pain and sadness to so many fans? Why did he do it without even having one ounce of consideration for human decency?
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We'd have 28 and 29 if not for you fuckers.
soccer isnt a sport
Um, I can see her unmentionables...
don't mention it
>tread is dying because a retarded italian created nu early
may as well migrate
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may as well funpost
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I'm not going to the new thread until there's 500 posts in this one.
Better start posting
He gets more money!
stupid idiot
I got you senpai
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Instagram LOVES the Dodgers!
How is Livvy Dunne reacting to the Pirates?
thugtani's wife looks exactly like him. how long until he skinwalks her?
>we own the west
how is this blatant asian supremacy allowed?
>femboy ohtani
Half this board would lose their shit and their loads if that became a reality, especially swedeposter
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i guarantee the (((swede))) is already paying for ai to create it ximself
Now that the Dodgers have clinched their division, what will be some of the most important games today?
Watching the Mest get gaped by Bernie Brewer
Mets @ Brewers
Royals @ Braves
Padres @ Dbacks
Watching to see if Padres, Royals and Brewers want to fuck over the Mets
Tigers vs White Sox
Tigers clinch if they win and also at the same time White Sox make history for team with worst record in history surpassing the 1962 Mets
Kino incoming
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12 more posts, c'mon we can do it!
cubs won that game
>6th street bridge backdrop
kek they need to add the graffiti, trash, dosger chargers doing donuts, and homeless people ripping out copper cable
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gay man here...just trying to exist, peacefully, without constant harassment from the genny (challenge impossible)
after this post, we will only need 6 more (preferably without bigotry)
4 9 5
White Sox going for 121 today
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I still can't believe what happened these last three days.
The absolute utter state of the angels
Dozens dead, millions without power, and the Jewish Braves still selling tickets for a baseball game. Bottom line above all, the Atlanta Braves motto.
>Bottom line above all, the Atlanta Braves motto.
I thought that was the A's owner's motto
Atlanta Braves ownership has proven to be infinitely cheaper and more Jewish than any other. They literally sabotaged their own season for 5 games worth of gate receipts. Even Fisher or Reinsdorf wouldn’t be so shortsighted.
Where is /nu/ though?
doyers won that division
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what a fucking joke XD

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