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Regular season champs edition
Old: >>144690176
Kiss my R'z
RIP Oakland A's

There's still too many feels from watching that last game and all the people
It's kind of hard to feel sorry for Oakland when they stole the A's from Kansas City...who stole them from Philadelphia.
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>One of the Detroit Sports shows is quiting because the job just isn't paying enough...
Man... you know what will cherr me up... TWINS TWITTER!
>get spotted 12 free wins by the white sox
>still can't get into the playoffs
You're not getting away from me Tins you got off easy last night!
Oakland is a trash city that clearly can't support a professional sports team. I have no sympathy. Maybe the A's will stop being a joke organization in Vegas
Heartless take. What about the fans? You're no better than greedy owners
Be honest /mlb/, would you rather have an up and down rollercoaster ending with a nosedive to 0 or just be 0 the whole time?
There are two other California teams they can support instead (I'm not counting the Angels because they're a joke too). I don't think people should be fans of dogshit organizations just because they're local. Support an organization that has earned your support by being well run and actually giving a shit about the team and the fans
This. To me they’re really a Philly team just like how the dodgers and giants are really New York teams
Being zero the whole time obviously hurts less. Getting your hopes up only to have them dashed at the last moment hurts for years
Raping ohtani’s flawless japanese asshole
The white sox are about to break the record for the most losses. That doesn't hurt?
Gross you homo
Oh you're a bandwagon frontrunner. Well your opinion is irrelevant then because you have no sense of loyalty just like those same greedy owners
All of you can fuck off
cringe and gay
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With the rollercoaster, even if it's false hope at the end, you still have some happiness, excitement, and suspense
With the perma-0, the only thing you have for the whole season is sadness, sadness and more sadness
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as a tigers fan, i endorse being a zero for ten years then rocketing to relevance as multiple AL teams collapse at the finish line
Where did all these tigers life longers come from?
You do realize the only reason you're going to the postseason is because you got, or are about to get, 12 free wins off the worst team in the history of the sport right? If other teams like the Mariners or Red Sox or Rangers or Rays or Jays got to play the White Sox more and get as many free wins as you, they'd be the one making it in instead. It's annoying seeing how arrogant you all are when your team is unfairly making it into the postseason when they otherwise would not have. And it's equally as aggravating seeing with how bad the White Sox are how it's literally ruining fair competition and the integrity of the entire season itself. I sincerely hope Rob Manfred does something to address this.
In all fairness, the team to realistically move will be the Angels. Jerry is trying to extort Chicago and their new stadium proposal will probably go through. Moving them to Tennessee out of the 3rd largest sports market in America would be the dumbest fucking thing a team owner has ever done. Angels will probably move to Utah or maybe even Canada. The Orange County market is laughably and irrelevantly small and half of it is already Dodgers fans. The rest will convert to Dodgers or Padres fans. Their modern existence was facilitated by Disney and dragged on for 15-20 years too long after said said experiment failed
>clearly can't support a professional sports team
>stadium was packed and they were all crying
i dunno man
>I sincerely hope Rob Manfred does something to address this.
relegate the white sox?
he's right you know
Remember there was a time when inter division teams played each other 18 times?
So it happened AGAIN
last month
False the Tigers played the White Sox as many times as the Red Sox, Mariners and Rays. Meaning the benefit it equal.
The Tigers eliminated all 3 teams before they played their final 3 games against the White Sox.
The only team that could touch the Tigers are the Twins who played the Sux 13 times.

White Sox were irrelevant the Tivers just kicked your asses down the stretch.
I have a feeling another Doyer is going get injured in Colorado
lol giuseppe is so mad his bandwagon team lost
absolutely seething lmao
I had a dream the Dodgers mascot was Daffy Duck.
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>10 times is "as many" times as 6
And ultimately there's still 3 more too
Defend that?
no one is mad paco. you can have one measly series win this season
yeah you're definitely mad LOL
Anyone have the updated one for this?
which new superteam will fail next year? Will Ohtani and Judge team up?
>4-2 vs Tampa Bay
>Mariners 1-6
I bet they're kicking themselves so hard about that 1
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Should have beat the Tigers. Simple as.
Just how bad is Tampa
>literally spotted 12 free wins
>will still miss the postseason
Can't make this shit up
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red sox 3-4?? jesus, contract the team
Excuse you, they're the tins now.
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Why did you make another thread when the previous one hadn't reached limit? are italians this retarded?
i was always here, faggot
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Where were all these Oakland A's fans before yesterday's game? Good on Fisher for taking them to a better place and a better future for the franchise. I wish Fisher was also the owner of the Padres, so he can do the same thing to San Diego.
>bandwagon team
excuse me but I'm a lifelong padres fan (my life began april 2024)
>Where were all these Oakland A's fans before yesterday's game?
They were protesting the team and owner
>Blame the billionaire owner and not the city politicians.
niggas really be like
>if their fans don't post on /sp/ then they simply don't exist
>Literally Me rooting for the Doyers
Checks out
>are italians this retarded?
What else did you expect from doyerpacos with sub100 IQs?
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take me out in the playoffs,
sweep my team in three games!
stand in line all night for a dumb card,
I dont care if ohtani goes yard!
cause it's root root root for my oshi,
if the team doesn't win I don't care!
cause it's one, two, threes games and out
please come baaaaack neeeeext yeeeaaar!
I think being a doyer fan has become more embarrassing than being a yaks fan
This thread has shown me that this Italian is a dumb ass motherfucker
really? it took you that long to figure that out?
poodrepacos still seething about their division dreams coming to an end
>The city politicians NEED to give billionaires tax breaks and benefits or else....Think of the profits! Why fund infrastructure and city services when you can...subsidize a Billionaire's private property!
i swear i get no respect, no respect at all
/mlb/ is the /mlb/
the vtuber weebfest in the gamethread last night was pure aids
>everyone who makes fun of our weeb fans is a poodres fan!!!!!
you can't be this retarded
stay mad poodrepaco
maybe you can be this retarded...
wildcard exit for the poodres kek
this poodrepaco is in shambles!
>Be Detroit
>Build your entire city center and identity around your sports teams
>Teams move back in
>Anglels, poodres, doyers, vagiants
Are the As the only not completely embarrassing faggoty team left in california? are they better off leaving if so? I hadn't considered this angle.
if I keep saying it it will become true!!!
poopoo poodrepaco!
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>it’s real
Nuke LA
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Who are you most excited to watch in the postseason /mlb/?


Both exciting underdogs

My Astros are there but this team has a high fraud factor, I see us getting knocked out in the ALDS
Why do you think we hate the dodgers here?
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Tiger fever is here!
Phillies. All their batters are fun white guys and their crowds are always insane
Who is this supposed to be?
tigods do not approve
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my kansas city royals are just 1 win away from the postseason :)
White, white, and a bench player
doyerweeb false flag
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based and necessary
I will make them approve.

Gigi from Hololive... also me every game knowing our Samurai Hero Kenta Maeda won't be starting.
I want vtumor simps (slur) to leave.
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the vtuber faggot cancer is spreading
Nah I was posting Tigers anime on Opening day I ain't leaving. I can dig up archives of me screaming at Chris Illich.
So you can post vtubers outside of /vt/ but posting pony outside of /mlp/ is a ban...curious
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Anyone could be a Vtuber I-I mean Vtumor fan fellow MLB fan... even you!
We all love the vtubers!
kys faggot
Have you seen the /vt/'s board speed? They have generals that don't get new threads baked until 1500 posts.
cope and seethe!
vtuber fags are literally just pony fags wrapped in new packaging
why don't we go ahead and squeeze that trigger, you can do it with her!
vtuber grifters make money from retarded simps, whereas bronies are a soulful group of autists.
welcome to the soulless era of the internet
And it's nit because the board is slow it's because the board would have bump limit generals annihilating the catalog.
>whereas bronies are a soulful group of autists.
You and the vtumorfags can hang
you may not like em, but they're adorably stuck in 2010 making OC for the sake of making OC

this whole vtuber grifting shit is a purely (((modern))) phenomenon
The whole pony ban thing is a relic of a bygone era anyway, they should just get rid of that rule. Nobody cares either way anymore
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/vt/fags took over the doyers gamethread on hololive night and we actually got two threads that hit bump limit, one going over 1k posts
Ponies would get spammed to hell and fucking back everywhere and you know it
How could you say that about YOUR wife anon...
I don’t think they would. Their fandom is pretty dead
Most rules on here are outdated
No racismo outside of /b/ is fucking hilarious when you realize /b/ is just another porn board now
You think it's dead because you don't see them, and you don't see them because of GR15.
Trust me. That rule goes away and half the general's editions will have a pony image, with the generals themselves chock full of them
/vt/ is alot like /sp/ except there is a gamethread 24 hours a day. And then every 3-4 months a giga happening occurs and it's like the fucking World Cup.
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I went on /b/ last night for the first time in a while and yea it was all porn, trannies, and the one YLYL thread was all boomer political memes
The fuck is even the point of that board? Who gives the most money to these dudes with an avatar?
All the /b/tards are on /pol/
>YLYL thread was all boomer political memes
You sure you're from the same universe as me? All YLYL threads are fligu-gigu t*ktok vertical videos where I'm from
It's everything all at once.
Ethiopia should glass you pastaniggers again.
I think the Athletics will have a similar outcome to the Coyotes in that Fisher will struggle and ultimately fail to secure a stadium in Las Vegas, and owners will get sick of playing games in a minor league ballpark and force a sale to the Portland group.
idk it was all facebook tier political shit about kamala and biden, and then a bunch of reverse circlejerking by assmad lefties
Portland would be a better outcome than sending them to a soulless city like vegass
I can't stomach a single quirky weeb teenager/manchild shitting up a thread, I've no intention of visiting a board full of them
Wow I think my parallel universe might actually be better
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Portland Diamond Project just secured property for a possible stadium build, right on the Waterfront.
I dont want the A's to lose a team forever but I want Sac to finally get another professional team too
That'll make their divisional round exit just a tick sweeter
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Yeah well I put up with an Italian so you can put up with that thing you made up in your head. Now shut the fuck up zoomer.
the italian is far more based than the vtuber doyer fags, even if he did make this early thread like a retard
I mean it is the same shit that has been going on here for the past 10+ years. Some of you guys take shit too seriously.
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Yankees are the best team.
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k i can finally enter this thread now
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welcome, what is your opinion on vtubers?
Skubal v Cole would be fun to watch.
The subtle "phillies" on the bar sign is a great touch
Remember when people here kept laugh at Skubal saying shit like ">kek skubal kek", where are those fags now huh?
Mets are finally playing today!
um tigerslifelong the meme is scuba kek
please fuck my ass…
I'm not excited because we're doomed to go back to an Astros or Dodgers vs whoever scenario
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We all hate the d*dgers
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>what is your opinion on vtubers?
my understanding of what that is is people who stream with an animated anime avatar instead of their real face. i consider that extremely gay.
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Based, we’re gonna have good at-bats, we’re gonna put the ball in play, you know, and, we’re gonna have competitive at-bats, and, you know, we’re gonna compete.
What the hell does that even mean?
I have lost the ability to tell when people are serious or not on here...
kek scooby doggie doo kek
Tigers fans myself included are based retards. They have ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE their team will win the World Series any given year. This is partially because the Tigers 4 World Series win were very sudden and unexpected. It also is because Tigers fans myself included are fucking stupid.
We are witnessing the greatest player of our generation. If Judge was Asian he would be considered a deity but he doesn't get the respect he deserves because he's white. He is in the process of cementing himself as the greatest hitter of all time yet casual fans care more about some sideshow asian in LA stealing bases.
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where homosexuals are allowed to vote and designated hitters can become mvp
team that payed $700 million for one player has made the playoffs, it's a real underdog story
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>If Judge was Asian
he is
now yuo see...
this so much this all of this
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This man would have cooked that fag Gaytani
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Tonight let's get those hogs cranking /mlb/
How are the Tigers gonna fuck this up?
Reminds me of the faphawks back in the early 2010s
This random farmer you posted would be about as effective against Ohtani as a positon player
maybe. Walter was a side-arm pitcher with probably a mid-upper 90s fastball and great control.
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You are too kind, amerifriend. May I ask what your team is?
81 games in a little league park
a fellow lifelong poodre who simps for you
Several professional sports teams have left the city because they can't make enough money there
>greatest of our generation.

No, he started way too late. Didn't have his first full season until age 25. He's one injury away from being another Brian Giles
>replying earnestly to the pasta
>This random farmer you posted would be about as effective against Ohtani as a positon player
he has 167 career WAR
>inb4 it doesnt count because he was only facing plumbers, even though if you transported him to today he would benefit from modern training and be even better
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>Woo spoke with multiple Cardinals staffers about the manner in which their player development system — once the gold standard in the sport — has become antiquated and been neglected over time. Cardinals employees who spoke to Woo for a simultaneously fascinating and damning overview of the organization suggest the club is lacking in coordinators, minor league coaches, technology and other resources, leaving players unprepared to make the jump to the majors.
Basedinals are antiquated.
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>thinking the tigers will ever be down to the jizz sox
you aight yboy
Could also be they're managed like ass
>if you transported him to today he would benefit from modern training and be even better
Yeah but he didn't though
so if the dimaondbacks win out, they would have the tie-breaker over the padres and beat them, right?
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time comes for us all. the cardinals franchise needs to be updated for modern audiences
i want a tigers yankees ALCS where the tigers walk off the yankees in their own ball park in game 7 with a spencer torkelson grand slam!!!
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I thought the padres clinched the 'offs already doe

I am now 46 yo and I finally have reached the age where I am starting to get a bit... demented. Sometimes things trigger me and I find it harder and harder to calm myself down. I had a big fight with a friend at work over that 50/50 ball thing and decided to apologize today.

I just hate this entire idea that a simple ball is worth millions of dollars. I hate that because I think its going to cause real murders and deaths and its just retarded. There should be a new rule that the bounty for ANY historical ball is season tickets and free food. Period the ball goes to the player full stop.

I hate that in a world where balls are worth a million that people think there really won't be fighting for the ball and survival of the fittest applies. Like just give it to the kid??? Are you insane? Also I see this footage I don't see where the kid is being assaulted/battered etc. it looks like a kid tried to TikTok winning this fucking ball and the Gen X guy used both hands end of story.

Scary thing is I talked to myself about it for like 30 minutes and just said that I hate the entire situation so much. Spoke out loud I mean, just went into a room and almost had a speech about it written. I might need a psychologist seriously as fuck.
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my shogun
even better: a first inning walk off to really humiliate them
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Just give the Dodgers the Commissioner's Trophy already. No one is stopping them this time. The NL path to the World Series runs through Chavez Ravine.
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they took this from us
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We did that already. Come on atleast go more then 4 games with us.
I love anime so much!
Doyers have the power of anime this year!
clinched the 'yoffs but not the first Wild Card spot, since the D-Backs are 3 games behind the Padres, with just 3 games to play against them, and the season series is tied 5-5 right now, sweeping the dads would give both teams a record of 91-71, with the snakes having the tiebreaker. if the mets win out too, this would put Padres in the very last spot of the national league playoffs and probably the hardest schedule for October
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careful, dont let the game thread chud from last night hear you. he was very angry and very intimidating. i dont want to feel his wrath again
Watching VTubers is the whitest interest you ca have in 2024. No women. No niggers. Just whites and approved asians. That is why the Doyers will win.
>whites don't associate with women
kek the west has fallen
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>out stretching
>whites should only associate with virtual "women"
what sort of new psyop is this?
i dont know shit about vtubers but i have to imagine they are full of brown people larping as anime characters. isnt that the entire point?
>age 29
>looks 50
life was rough back then
Judge is black you retard
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reminder to remove the reddit spacing from your reddit pastes if you want to earn my (You)
I saw a lot of Japanese comments under this telling them to breed already.
The crazy thing is that when all is said and done people are going to be saying that Ohtani was underpaid
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>Judge is black
yep, just like jack flaherty
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japs dont breed. they probably have separate bedrooms and communicate thru niconico chatrooms
>all those comedy central teams
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>flaherty is black
>that skin color
you can't even tell me he's a lightskinned black
A black man told you he is black. Shut up, kneel, and listen.
What if it was Tommy Pham?
I would’ve listened, and that’s what nobody did
Yeah, I’m thinking Reddit has better baseball discussion
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tommy pham is whiter than the driven snow
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he settled for a 5
Just log off man. Don't let internet debating get to you that much
Who's worse the vtuberposters or the Mets Asianposter?
>when the best part of your team is a fucking milkshake
Being a White Sox fan
Women at their most useful should be servants, entertainers, and breeding stock for the white man, yes. I don't talk to women about baseball because they don't know fucking shit. Why would you want them involved in your hobbies?
The milkshake does look pretty good tho
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favorite white players with over 600 homers?
The truth is that all characterfag feuds are just proxy wars in the great Goku vs Bejita debate.
She's cuter then the slag you posted
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He probably selected for height and personality.
Adam Devine looking ass cracks
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I believe Shohei Ohtani has far exceeded any reasonable expectations for this season
Crazy thing is that I expect him to literally be God and he somehow still exceeds me expectations
I know. I'm feel awe like a little kid.
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dh's should not be eligible for mvp. imagine giving the hart trophy to a hockey player who never skated into his own end of the ice.
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back to /nhl/ with you casual
Goalies have won the Hart trophy you retard, and pitchers have won the MLB MVP.
fuck off ERG
Actual fucking retard.
Cubs have the hot hand
anyone think my cubbie bears have a shot to win it all this year?
>well we finished the season breaking the overall loss record and were the worst team in MLB history but at least we had this delicious milkshake!
Let's give the Cubs a chance!
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being the dumbest person in this thread took some doing, alnost impressed
Cubs are winning the WS this year and there's nothing you can do about it
as a cubs fan, I say we should give em a chance. they might just prove ya wrong!
>pitchers have won the MLB MVP
they shouldn't, cy young is their mvp
silver slugger is the dh mvp
tbqh he set the bar too high for himself. Now for the rest of his Dodgers career people are going to say he’s washed, doesn’t have it anymore, etc. because he falls short of 50 homers or 400 bases
Give them cubbies a chanz
Aren't you guys 7 games behind?
cubs are going all the way
people complain every time he makes an out as it is. if they're not actual retards they'll get over it.
Cubs already won the division retard. Asshole
hey asswipe, put some respect on my cubbie bears and give them a chance!
Ya dumbass
give the cubs a chance
give the cubs a chance
give the cubs a chance
let's all go ahead and give the cubs a chance
Fuck the cubs
give the cubs a chance
Cubspie has way too much time on her hands
retard scumbag
Give the cubs a chance…
She retired because of only fans, I know because I subscribed
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do the cubbie bear clap!
>pitcher wins mvp
makes sense to me
>dh wins mvp
It's his slider cutter combo. Has good support from other pitches like the curve and 2seam as well. Low on the plate they are elite pitches. His command issues will be the reason he's either great or out of the league in 2 years. He's very much like Assad, with exceptional horizontal movement on the plate except aside from having a wicked two seamer he has a solid running 4-seamer at 96-98.
cubs won
give the cubs a chance
cubs looking spicy
This thread is sunk, take refuge until it's over
go ahead and give cubspie a chance
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>giving them a chance
pick two
Let them cubgers roll
Cubs fan here!
Cubs fan here!
Cubs fan here!
Give cubspie a chance
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Why exactly has the Cubs sunk back into mediocrity after 2016?
The cubs are in a good spot if ya think about it
cubs are on the up and up
Cubbie bears have the hot hand
The health of the cubbies is lookin solid
Cubs are the best team in baseball
They fired Joe Maddon
Ya gotta respect dem cubbie bears
Cubbie bears own your ass
Reminds me of a time when I was in the military. the command scored free tickets to a minor league game, and I went with about 10 other guys. 2 young couples, likely from the local college, sat pretty close to us. ofc the girls were cute and doing the kinds of things to draw attention to themselves. A few of my buddies started doing a mini wave while chanting "Camel Toe". The girls piped down and were visibly angry. Their dates were absolutely seething but dared not utter a peep.
No they didn't
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Attaboy Nico
tales from my ass
Tales straight from where the sun don't shine!
Keep it cubpositive!
go ahead and give the cubs a chance
Take it easy on dem cubbies
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Attaboy Amaya
Oh youre just a breath of fresh air huh
My bad this should work now
You're a fucking asshole
Elly De La MORON
to use a plebbit term: TIL
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I'm hoping someone else on here double checks my math to make sure I'm not a retard myself
lets see that cusb folder!
Love my Cardinals
How do we feel about those chicago cubbie bears?
>gay louis
Kek faggot ass A's
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i'll png-em instead
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why is cubspie fighting winky?
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cubspie is a girl tho
Spank me daddy
"cubspie" is multiple people
>multiple people
We need to investigate this...
Get the inspector on the case
Stomach hurts. Gotta drop a massive cubs
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>lets see that cusb folder!
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>Created August 31, 2023
Are they all women?
sit the FUCK down!!!
love my dodgers
Okay seriously, was the cute girl with the nose hoop posted here actually cusbpie? I only have the maid picture as reference
did you guys reverse image search the maid pic to verify if it's actually from here?
Attaboy PCA
Nose hoop?
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Hey boys~
Still trying to figure out if the mets or the brewers are the ugliest team in baseball
>nose hoop
What was that pic? I only remember the maid one.
I'm a girl
I'm literally female
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GG reds
we need the good inspector
we need the good inspector
inspect 'em!
>culver's sticker
this bitch will be 200lbs before she graduates
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>watching eliminated teams
pick 4
hello fellow rememberer
They call me lady baseball
ride and die with whoever got you to love the game you dirty casual
Jesus have sex dude. We don't eat at much as you guys
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i cannot afford to have sex
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Blud needs to get some puzzy
Um.. h-heyy..
this anon really out here deadass not having sex
I'm a girl and usually I have my dad finish my burgers cuz I only want some
Legit don’t even give a shit if the Mets get eliminated at this point, they made it this far without an ace, Alonso being the best coming of Chris Davis, Brandon Nimmo being garbage for almost every month, and Diaz being Armando Benitez tier

So whatever happens happens
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no one:
absolutely no one:
anon: doesnt have sex
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any word on if the phillies are playing tonight?
I assume everyone will be trying to get these games in even if there will be long delays.
Let's all have sex together
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ive been on a sex strike since the dodgers left brooklyn. sorry i have morals and convictions
>t. watches eliminated teams
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>what two unnecessary days off during a WC race does to a mfer
yea man
shit, this is the first I've heard about weather in DC tonight, hoping it hits late enough that they can finish the game since manfred ball goes so fast
>reminder that the Cubs won that one in 1 hour, 46 minutes today
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Just woke up, did the cubs win yet?
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what is the baseball term for rather watching livvy dunne have sex with black men than have sex with her myself?
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went to the gym today bros and I feel brettygood
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Idk if there's weather or not, I'm just wondering
kek I posted this targeted ad from my instergrahm, feels nice to have a place where I’m influential :)
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probably. I'm south of DC, well outside of the storm center and getting occasional bands of heavy rain. this thing is fucking huge.
Looking at a post with this many words
Proofreading it
Clicking get captcha
Moving the slider
Typing the captcha
Double checking it one last time
Clicking post
<—— you are here
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you are the cog that keeps /mlb/ running
I work out every day lol
Let them truckers roll
t. neet
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Was my first time back in a gym in like five years
>In all fairness, the team to realistically move will be the Angels. Jerry is trying to extort Chicago and their new stadium proposal will probably go through. Moving them to Tennessee out of the 3rd largest sports market in America would be the dumbest fucking thing a team owner has ever done. Angels will probably move to Utah or maybe even Canada. The Orange County market is laughably and irrelevantly small and half of it is already Dodgers fans. The rest will convert to Dodgers or Padres fans. Their modern existence was facilitated by Disney and dragged on for 15-20 years too long after said said experiment failed
the effort that went into this shitpost, when someone else shitposted even more extremely seconds before and nobody cared because they were paying attention to the first shitpost
you didn't need to greetext it faggot
You only feel that way because it takes less effort to fuel realistic fantasies.
Thank you for greentexting it king
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>you didn't need to greetext it faggot
>don't tell me what to do
I'm a girl
KEK! only oldfags remember
cool story bro
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Do you keep playing around with
Narrow scope of reality
Can feel it all start slipping away
I think I'm breaking down
some incel tried picking me up in his truck but it was a friggin Ford!!!!1!1!1@@@@??!!!!! what the heck. I friggin can't ride in fords!!!
Incels are sooo gross
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Hello beautiful people of /mlb/! Today is a great day for some bayball?
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im a jeep girl. dont take me to dinner, take me mudding!
Did he even take a shower today ugh
nah, your dad wanted his faggot butthole nice and stinky for his bull
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based, if he doesn’t pick me up in an ev then he is not for me!
Where can I find a Jomboy AI text to speech?
Lol something on your mind hun?
I hope everyone here gets a herniated disk
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i have a horniated dick
fuck marry kill. Cubsmaid, ERG, Anthony Recker.
This is tough. Tough and HOT!
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I'm getting really horny
We are witnessing the most feminine thread in /mlb/ history.
Does anyone else feel like MLB is going towards leaving dual-team markets, other than New York? I think they see money that the Athletics, White Sox, and Angels make as money that could be made by the Giants, Cubs, and Dodgers instead.
HOOOOOLY fucking shit dude, what’s the matter with you all of a sudden?
I'm actually a girl though
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yeah, i just couldn't help but notice the colossal amount of pure 'faggot' emanating from your post, and since you're also an incel, i just KNEW that your dad's taking it up the ass had rubbed off on you.
>[File deleted]
When did /mlb/ turn into /s4s/?
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>I'm actually a girl though
i almost felt bad for the tins collapsing. then i remembered the tigers are based
Your /mlb/ starting lineup:

1. BAJP (RF)
2. Red Emoji (LF)
3. Winky (3B)
4. BAJP (DH)
5. Inspector Godgers (1B)
6. 2hu (CF)
7. Lillistare (2B)
8. Reckerposter (C)
9. Cubspie (SS)


Houspie (Homeplate ump)
Trolling the only team dumb enough to give you the contract you want is certainly a choice.
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bajp rf and dh ?!
>actually believing that’s real
Nice essay freud
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Did dwight's ox win da world's eries?
It’s on the internet and in the correct format so it’s real to me, child. Post truth era.
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>my tfw we pitch a shutout gem
I’m sorry you are a retard
I blame our schools
lineup lookin spicy!!
how would this fare against some of the all-time greats?

Edgar Martinez (DH)
Ted Williams (LF)
Willie Mays (CF)
Babe Ruth (RF)
Mike Schmidt (3B)
Honus Wagner (SS)
Rogers Hornsby (2B)
Lou Gehrig (1B)
Johnny Bench (C)
Walter Johnson (P)
>dae my heckin thread celebs xDDDDD
congrats on turning /mlb/ into /hoc/
tl;dr, faggot.
Based newfag
Yes but that's because they got super retarded with expansion and allowed some dumbass moves to take place.

For example the AL founding team Milwaukee Brewers left Milwaukee to become to St Louis Brown only for the expansion team in Seattle to move to Milwaukee and become the Brewers.

NL founder The Braves have a crazy name history. And ALSO moved to Milwaukee before relocation to Atlanta.

Apparently Milwaukee was at one point the Las Vegas of the 20th century for Major League Baseball.
This is psychotic
For me it was the Boston Rustlers.
>2hu in CF
This guy has been a bum for years. SELL THE TEAM!!
I'd buy ERG nfts tbqhwy
I wish I was a sassy gay boy like the rest of y’all. Feel out of place here in Atlanta.
I genuinely don't understand how teams survive like that.
Also apparently up until the 40s Boston had 2 Baseball teams... and the Braves won a World Series in Milwaukee against the Yankees.
>Nooo how dare you have females in your thread noooo
Have sex
true post. atlanta is full of ZESTY boys and was recently rated as a top 3 ZESTY DESTINATION in america (san francisco and philadelphia are the others in the top 3 of ZESTY DESTINATIONS).
sick em aj
>other than New York
The White Sox should be the only one to not leave.
Have some sex
Who cares about baseball when UEFA soccer is on!
>he got faxed

It's sort of been a fixture of baseball since It's inception a majority of teams have left behind their original home city.
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mests fans?
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SNY social media guy loves anime
Anyone who still posts on twitter is an animecel, a furry or other sort of sexual degenerate, or an unhinged lunatic that makes politics their entire personality.
>The Original Baltimore Orioles founded the AL
>The very same season their own sold all his staked to the NY Giants and all his players joined the Giants
>The act lead to the creation of the New York Highlanders eventually Yankees who essentially killed the Giants and caused their eventual flight to San Fran
D-did the AL punish Baltimore by ensuring they are always forced in a division with the Yankees?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Chris Sale a lock for the pitching triple crown? Why isn't he being talked about at all for this, that's super rare and gave Kershaw an MVP before...
wtf I thought athletics were just a fictional team from a movie?
are you the barve that was lobbying Ozuna for MVP earlier this season
how bout them cubbie bears?
It’s Miyazaki and it’s his most famous film lmao
No, Doyer. That's why I know the Kershaw thing. I'll just look it up I guess.
are you trying to argue Sale's season is comparable to Kershaw's MVP season?
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RIP HS King ;( Bogey now has to nut the fuck up and stop making errors now, or perhaps Ahmed?
They are now
chill bro A's fans already on suicide watch
No one's mentioning that the Mets always play like shit at Miller Park. I am concerned this is going to be a bad weekend
Shut the fuck up, loser. Your team got saved by an important swept, and now you're playing vs hangovers. Fuck you, faggot. Braves > Mets, forever and always.
>I am concerned this is going to be a bad weekend
It will be.
No, I'd be arguing for him to get an MVP if that is the case. He's just been a known guy for so long and not only is going to get his first Cy Young, he's doing it with a Triple Crown Season. I thought that was more rare I guess.

Moreover, we might be getting a double-triple crown in batting with Ohtani and Judge, as well as a double-triple crown with Sale and Skubal. So a double-double-triple crown. Have I just not been paying attention or is this common?
suck em gayves...
Don't talk to your daddy like that, son
Sorry I didn't know
My genuine opinion is that when there are performers having historically great seasons other individuals having exceptional seasons tend to get overlooked.
I had no idea
My mistake
Maybe we shouldn't do that. A Double-Double-Triple Crown. Even sounds kinda cool
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NL is incredibly weak, no wonder he decided to switch leagues. not even in the top 10 for batting average or home runs
who will win the race - mariners winning their first american league pennant, or pirates winning their first NL central
Pitcher Double Triple Crown happened in 2011 so it has happened and Pitching Tribles aren't super rare can be anywhere from 1-10 years between them and there have been a few doubles.

Batting Triples are INCREDIBLY rare. Going back to 1878 there have only been 18 Batting Triple Crowns ever. Also no Ohtani and Judge can't tie because Home Runs is one of the Triple.
I'm sure if they won 20+ games, ran sub 2 era's and led their leagues in K's by a wide margin they'd be getting a lot more attention.

NL is stacked and the brewers are going to get smoked by pretty much anyone they play. They wouldn't even be a wild card team if they played in NL west.
jokes on you, I had one when I was 16 and I have another one at 37

double jokes on you, they go away on their own. Mine has now receded enough that I no longer walk with a limp, and have feeling in most of my toes. doctor said I can lift up to 35 lbs without worry
ohtranny won't be close, sorry chuds
>not even in the top 10 for batting average or home runs
Isn't he second across both for homers? Only Judge has more
For me? It’ll have to be cusbpie
>juiced balls
he won't hit another one for the rest of the season, they've reached the meme plateau they needed and the doyers have clinched. probably going to rest him 2 or 3 of the final games and try to get him throwing bullpen sessions
Arraez is such a weird player. Elite bat to ball skills but literally nothing else. No power, not particularly fast, can't throw well, not good at any defensive position.
nu (check em trips dubs)
nu (check em trips dubs)
Ohtani is such a weird player. Elite bat to ball skills but literally nothing else. No singles, not particularly fast, can't throw well, not good at any defensive positions.
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Yeah but it turns out hitting is the best skill to have so he's alright
Yeah that's why he's been on 3 teams in 3 years.

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