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No. 8 Miami (FL) at California | 10:30 p.m. | ESPN

previous: >>144883347
Coach Prime Rib
Playaction PLEASE
>11 pm pacific
>arizona game has 10 minutes left4th quarter
Upsets are so much fun
Coconut QB > Nigga QB

Prove me wrong
My Zona Wildkitties :)
MY team won today. don't care about any of your guys' teams.
Nigger QBs can run
Hawaiian QBs can't do anything well except turdaballova
The Iowa Hawkeyes need to revamp their offense. Maybe try getting a Quarterback which any major program should be able to do, with ease.
Why isn't the nu Pac-12 trying to poach San Jose State away from the Mountain West? Don't they want the Bay Area market or not? Also, they have a rivalry with Fresno State.
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MY team didn't lose and all my ops lost.
first for Miami letting it go to the 2min warning instead of using a timeout
>watching all these upsets knowing my team is getting a bump next week to get blown out on prime time
/myteam/ won easily today
imagine being alabama, sad
He doesn't trust his defense
3 and out incoming
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>false start
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Which thread should I post in?
I went 2-8 in last week's pickem :(
I went 7-3 in this week's pickem :)
cal is imploding
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40-35 kek
This one. Welcome in!
Damn what a hit.
That Cal QB just got heem'd
It didn't deserve to get memory holed by the crapital one sponsorship but I guess I'm glad they added the name back now
Mendoza BTFO
throw the ball retard
Whelp, that's it.
>no flag
The call was made
heem ded
>miami loses on targeting

would be kek
>white qbs running
ahahaha miami about to get REFFIED
Yes that's targeting
Refes save me
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If this dooms Miami...
Please Miami to not let the liberals win
Should have slid, dude woulda hit him anyways
>chimpout on the sidelines
you love to see it.
how? Because it's the QB?
that is a targeting. and that will lose the game for miami.
>Thug U
Check cleared.
the libs dont care about football
>have the ball
>get murdered
>muh targeting
What is this, the NFL?
>nigger team
Clear targeting
i mean that's targeting based on how the rule is written
there was no reason for him to lean down like that
Another Hurricane fatality..
Let them fuckin play. Clean hit. Gay ass sport now
The Huskers play Indiana next, after their bye. Rourke seems like a fair weather QB, he hasn't seen anything like the Nebraska defense. Raiola had a bad game today, it was windy and he is probably exhausted from an abundance of sexual opportunity.
>booth called down
lmao, it's ogre
It’s targeting but it won’t save Cal because they’ll just run another 3 plays for -2 yards and punt. It will just cost Miami 25 seconds and all their timeouts
I don't care I don't want the referees deciding the game
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Anything short of this isn't targeting
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it's gay but that is targeting
It feels like a forgotten bowl. Gator Bowl and Citrus Bowl started around the same time and Citrus had shit conference tie ins early on. I'd rather watch my team play the Gator Bowl.
clutch from the refs
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they can kick a fg
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uhhhh targetingbros?
>acc protecting Miami
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>1 point
>commit game ending targeting
>celebrate on the sideline with teammate
not so fun when things are rigged against you is it libtards
You really thought the ACC would allow their refs to potentially sink their only playoff team? Did you not watch the game last week?
Nooo muh refs save meeee
Reffies saving Miami’s bacon AGAIN?
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Watching Tennessee fans vibing to Vandy's upset win is such a fascinating thing. I guess a shared enemy can make for strange bedfellows.
are cal fans gonna start chucking shit on the field again?
Miami getting refball again
Thats horrible ive seen that hit to someones ass get called.
what the actual fuck was that guy thinking
Go woke go broke.
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>refs lose
Genuine shocker
Call stands, because this is football
>their only playoff team?
But Clemson won today.
>VaTech last week
>>Saved by the refs
>Cal this week
>>Saved by the refs
Can they keep this up?
That is 100% targeting
Yeah that's not targeting
good punt
here we go
Anons, you don't think reffs are trying to affect the outcome of the game do you?
two straight games now Miami has needed refball jsut to close out a game against a shit team
the desperate ACC refball to try to keep miami unbeaten is really hilarious
elite targeting
Fucking LOL
lmao cal
I don't remember reffies being this bad any other year
so, miami is pretty definitely a shit team correct?
Cal coach needs to be fired after this game.
Of course not. That's a conspiracy theory and those are never true.
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Well at least California defense is holding the firm
And it’s a full choke now
>hehe take THIS!
Just ban replay, it's a waste of everyone's time
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lmfao CAL
Cal fucking sucks
Calbros… why didn’t the refs save us?
ACC needs an undefeated team.
>screen with no blockers
EVERY FUCKING TIME. It's driving me insane.
Nigger for Heisman
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bro youre kidding right? Miami is getting carried hard by the refs
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makeup call
literally like over 1000 IQ in just that picture
Make up call make up call
Imagine thinking a former pac12 shanty team could compete against an ACC multi time national champion
>Cam Ward
Is this a joke?
>chimping out to cost you the game
They will get stuffed. There is some justice left in this ugly world
reffies trying to throw em a bone and not make the fix look obvious.
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Reffs just doing for the lulz at this point
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pls win Cal
do it for the lulz
they are still gaslighting this dude for heisman jesus christ
Probably, but if they can make it to the end of the season healthy and everyone else is hurt, it may not matter.
Cal no....................
Fucking retards didn't realize they removed the whole value of the sponsorship by replacing the entire bowl name with it
When is USC gonna give Lincoln Riley the Kiffin treatment?
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not surprised
Who the fuck is this crew? This sounds like a high school radio broadcast.
dude he's totally a heisman, totally dude. trust the talking heads.
He's really really good when he plays bottom-20 defenses
Did Shanderbild win?
In the end they both rep the same state. And both hate the same Dixie neighbor and their team.
Just makes me want to see him suffer a career ending injury
someone get this man a lozenge NOW
Impressive for cam to be this calm against one of the best d's in the country in cal
>no targeting call
>big gain
>chimp out
>miami gonna lose
>imagine doubting a black QB
If you knew what Berkeley looks like these days it would make sense
I rather give the Heisman to Shadeur Sanders over Cam Ward.
why are cal using TOs
my reffies :)
yeah thats true. i had to google citrus bowl. Capitol One bowl means more to me than Citrus. they fucked up.
with every time we keep cutting to wards mamma, i just wanna see them lose even more.
I’m from the future. None of you will ever hold hands with a girl and Cam Ward runs it in from 12 out on the last play of the game
Hard to Believe: Things are grimmer than usual in the state of California!
Is cam ward merely the greatest QB of his generation or does he tower over every QB that has ever played the game?
Before you retards post, it has to be whole body
This is so scripted I'm out
That was a Heisman play right there
that's just horrible defense holy shit
That throw was past the line of scrimmage?
Yup thats my heisman
miami is the new bama
do it reffies
do it for the lulz
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refs are addicted to rules and reviews. get a life
true dat. Generational talent, we're just lucky to see it live.
Fucking asshole
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I hope they all burn in hell
Is it me or does Miamai stadium fan area look darker than average
Im getting heisman vibes from this buck
Imagine Cam Ward and Mahomes in the same game. It would be non stop glazing
We should play football without any rules. That would solve the ref problem.
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State is so awful I'm living through our guy Will Rodgers from 2,469 miles away. Jim beam helps though
Cal’s defense is embarrassing. Every play looks like they only have ten men on the field.
i await the day miami sinks into the ocean.
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I thinks this monkey nigger is a heisman caliber QB
they just sacked the RB
I see that one Tennessee fan helping Vandy storm the field.
>heads will roll edm
Is Cal based?
>Cal actually spent money to move this game to after 9pm because they thought they had a better chance at night
You can't make this up
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The whole referees thing on this board is stupid. The referees sucked in this game
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"Give both teams credit"
lmao this isn't soccer faggot
ward is gonna run it in
Cals throwing the game as part of reparations
Wow hes a heisman
They suck every game
but anon, anouncers talking about heisman moment coming back 24 points against the best defense in the country
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Fucking kino as fuck play. I loved that
Fucking Cal. God dammit.
My heisnigger :)
Apologize to Michael Irvin
Dammit Cal
please god let the kicker miss because it would be so funny
Of course the libtards bowed down for the nigger qb
they keep showing a qt sitting by wards parent's
Cal and Stanford should have never left the Pac 12. They would have gone undefeated right now against Mountain West teams.
Mahomes-like performance. Amazing. Heisman statement right there.
I stayed up to watch a 25 point choke job
Just imagine all of the asian women who will be beaten tonight on campus. Despicable
foot was over the line
Time for a Cal game winning 61-yard FG.
Never trust the Californian
I dont know why you guys ever thought Cal was good
Coke vs choke
>Miami needs refball to pull a w against cal
Lmao even
26 seconds, cal's got this.
why is michael irvin there and why do they show him every 6 seconds

also that was the worst touchdown pass I've ever seen
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>didn't go to a school that had asians
shit sucks bros. never had a chance to get in one.
>implying your average Californian male has enough power in their arms to even throw a single punch to begin with
Was rather inconclusive im afraid
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How many players are going to top Michael Irvin tonight after the game?
Yeah I’m thinking that’s a heisman right there
Beating 2 non ranked teams at the end of the game doesn’t make you shit
that targetting non-call was worse than the pi vs tOSU in 2002.
>playing against one of the countries best defenses in cal

holy jesus christ this commentary lmfao
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lmfao Cal
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White supremacy was already going to make that happen
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>NorCal doing anything right ever
why is cal 3-1 if they're one of the best defenses in the country?
Also helps that Vandy is usually a cellar dweller team, and everyone in the SEC hates Bama except Bama.
Californian zoomer perm
Cal beat almost every other team in the state last year
You do know this guy is in the running for heisman right
chat they saying linemen 5+ yards downfield (uncalled btw) on the game winning TD
they unironically just said Cal has one of the best defenses in the country
not before California I'm afraid
he shouldve caught that
I stopped watching when it was 38-10...
HeisPERSON anon. Be inclusive.
oh shit anon, didn't realize we had a heisman runner in the game.
>white QBs
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Arizona just blew it
It's over Calxisters...
zoomer ball isn’t it G
>why is michael irvin there
Where do you think he played in college?
Not in San Francisco
>spic qbs
Put this team on the BART, have them get off at the Coliseum stop, and make them walk down International Blvd.
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Cal is in berkeley
>white QB in the clutch

shouldn't he be doing drugs or something? he has no business arching his shit up and barking like a dog on the sideline
He probably lives in California.
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We goin zebra huntin tonight boys
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>2:30 am eastern
>game still going
Told you, niggaz. NEVER doubt The U again
Good game bros, I'm gonna start the drive back.
This is the reffs fault
ACC after dark
That no-call on targeting ruined this game.
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Holy shit, Miami pulled another win out of their asses. I'm both seething and in awe.
>The University of California-BerKWABley
why do i expect anything less from a team from california
>Cal in Berkeley
>Niners in Santa Clara
When you really think about it, no San Francisco teams actually play in the city of San Francisco.
wasnt even close to the receiver
>doing anything right
Yeah something is fishy at the ACC head office.
im in Arizona I have to get up at 6:00 AM to watch the Jets play
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>cal playcalling
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kek. wonder what the reffie union is gonna cook up to justify that non-call.
>the entire state of cal
Oracle Park (Giants) is in SF
Anon, I...
Now it's time for Mario Cristobal to throw the game.
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2.Miami (FL)
somehow, the refs returned.
ok, so miami is gonna get blown out in the playoffs aren't they?
>they didnt take their foot off the gas, it was all miami
inb4 Cal-South Carolina in the Duke’s Mayo Bowl
Meanwhile Arizona has doomed their chances at a ranking. Pitt is getting ranked tomorrow now.
They will be obliterated if they make it there.
Why don't teams just lateral back to their KR in situations like that and let them try to run one back instead of pass up the middle with no hope.
>broke today's upset trend
>but Californians lost
I can't be too mad
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Dude i fucking hate being a Cal fan ...

It's worse than arsenal ...
street shitting, not football, is the national sport of California.
>game ends
>goes to sportscenter instantly
>show the last 2 minutes of game we just fucking watched
Gas the kikes race war now
having been to berkeley and knowing who those people are; i'm glad they are seething right now.
yeah fr
Jests lost me after they couldn't make the playoffs with fitzmagic
fuck that gay faggot retard organization
nfl can die
How will Cam Ward look in a Jaguars uniform?
this but unironically. Suffered through years of Jared "fuck it Im going deep" Geoff going 1-13 in the season and being the punching bag of the conference, and all they do is blow leads
Cal is probably happy they got dominated by a bbc
i would be mad if it was any other school besides cal
but fuck that place
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>Hey /cfb/, FUCK YOU!
Not sure, but he'd look good in blue.
>seething SEC rednecks on leddit crying about Miami avoiding the upset
why do you idiots assume the blue haired freaks watch football? Its all guys in the stands or girls crushing on athletic guys
I'd rather lose than win with bitch made penalties that just reinforce the narrative of pussifying football. Whenever you are supporting a targeting or roughing call just because it's your team and you benefit from it, you are telling the league and executives that you stand by their rules and continued pussification
he threw the worst interception of all time tonight, so probably not that good.
Berkeley in like 2012 or so was actually pretty comfy when I visited a friend there. But like everything on the west coast now it's shit.
Vikings fan?
>watched the arron rodgers years and them getting screwed out of the rose bowl
>wached the nate longshore years and being decent but never getting over the hump
>watched the kevin riley years

i gave up a long time ago anon
miami beat their shitter why couldn't alabama
Giants? Panthers?
bama didnt have blatant refball
bruh every season they give me hope just to crush it like my econ major goth gf crushed my balls ...

I fucking hate Cal I wish they stopped fucking around. The coach is fine it's just that the players choke like they're sucking cock every * fucking * game * it's not fucking funny

It's almost like when I don't watch the game they do better
true, it really was the difference
you're all so funny, creative and original.
Fuck off. Everyone loves targeting when it benefits them and hates it when it makes the game boring or suck or it's obviously the refs fucking around (which that was, there is no one on the planet who says that wasn't targeting except miami fans).

Get rid of it entirely and this problem would cease to exist. As it stands, that was a bullshit no-call and it ruined the game.
forget the blue hairs. i'm talking about the tribe and the other assorted lefties.
>not liking based god
I was at the Navy/AF game and now my eyes just hurt. Colorado Springs is too close to the sun
miami is gonna be one of those teams where whoever gets the other byes desperately wants to be on their side of the bracket
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ACC knew it was joever if they didn't have an undefeated team
Where do you think you are
theyre literally one and the same, retard

here's a video of people in the stands, see how many of the insane lefties you can spot
Doesn't matter. The program rakes in money. Money that Marxist propaganda center calling itself a university uses to make more Marx cadres to subvert the nation.
why thank you anon!
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guys lets not forget the supposed #1 team in the country lost to vandy today AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I doubt there are any cal fans posting here, of all places. The night shift crowd is usually the same crowd all year but it's clear that this new schedule is bringing in acc/b1g casuals.
Not everyone majors in Humanities anon
Alabama, kwab of the week
My Pitt will get ranked tomorrow. :)
I have been posting here for years. "we"re usually drowned out because the team is always getting BTFo or doesnt get """prime time"""' matchups
I don't know what targeting is now. If that wasn't targeting there is not an actual definition for targeting, it's just another penalty at reffie discretion like holding and PI used to influence games.
The decade*
They're already 2nd in KWABOTY for this alone, their saving grace is just how fucking pathetic Noles ended up being
every single cal fan in the stands is voting for kamala and supports open borders.
lotta projection
They insert that shit into every facet of student life. Like I said that school would give Xi Jinpings cadre school of thought a run for its money. Hell they already got red guards running around harassing any conservative spokesperson who is invited.
me and you brother

at least we get to fuck up Stanford this year

speak for yourself field negro
Yeah it'll cook ya. It's really annoying this time of the year because it seemingly gets stuck above the mountains for hours so you just can't face west for half the day
My top 10
1. Texas
2. Ohio State
3. Oregon
4. Penn State
5. Indiana
6. BYU
7. Pitt
8. Iowa State
9. Miami
10. Navy
I'd actually argue USC is kwab of the week. Lincoln Riley has lost 7 of his last 12 games now, and with this loss today is out of the playoffs probably.
You sure about that Jimbo?
hopefully I can go to the game but I bet I'll be working
Playmaker’s humiliation ritual buck breaking won them the game
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SEC faggots literally always have refball, especially muh bama. Wipe Paul ((Feinbaum))'s cum off your eyes and off your lips, you cocksucking worthless SEC subhuman
USC shouldn’t even be fucking thinking about playoffs at this point, they should be thinking about how the hell to score points
Berkeley got robbed
Why do you care so much? I majored in CompSci and drowned that shit out. Literally just make yourself comfortable and don't worry about how pozzed the outside world is
I see tons of happas and Asian Americans and they're the most deranged and radical of the lefties.
>tfw too stupid to major in CS and had to switch majors
>tfw mightve been the smart choice since the market is flooded with people that cant get hired
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Sorry sweetie your targeting has to look like this to be called
I told you all. The ACC protects its top teams when it can. They don't even attempt to hide it.
CS is the memeiest of meme degrees.
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>state with most asians(barring hawaii) in an area of the state literally FULL of koreans, chinese and pinoy has lots of asians

by gum, thats a real headscratcher
I saw her porn video
Good night /cfb/
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You couldn't get into Cal if the doors were wide open brother.
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theyre incapable of doing anything that isnt meaningless culture war bullshit. everyone itt raging about california, lefties, trannies, etc. have literally nothing else in their lives to work towards or look forward to so they attach to hating shit that has no effect on their livesjust to feel like they belong somewhere.
USC was -9.5, Bama was -22.5
Gearing up for the lonestar showdown to decide the west I see
the tragedy of being cursed
E$PN destroyed an entire conference for the ACC so I'm not surprised.
He probably got rejected by Ole Miss or whatever hick school he roots for
that's the attitude that let it fester and spill out into society though.
yah because you need to either have a 4.7 GPA with extra honors, be a FOB or a minority
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>majored in computer science at cal
man i wish i was a genius
CS is just a liberal arts language degree, but for computers and no pencilneck CS dweeb will convince me otherwise
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>only one undefeated team left
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I acknowledge my Tribal Chief....Roman Reigns
Is that Shohei Ohtani?
Saw some based white boys at the start beginning. That was surprising
>have to take tons of math classes
>Meanwhile the B1G is sitting on 4 undefeated teams
Just because you had the awareness and free thinking ability to tune it out doesn't mean the imperssionable docile layman does. They get radicalized and indoctrinated then they go out and become hellbent in turning everything into an emulation of their marxist shitnole. They come to places like Austin and start trying to subvert and enforce their way. So yeah anyone who actually cares about their community would care about a Marxist factory churning out radicals that seek to destabilize the nation.
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Ah yes, time for overnight Teen Kids News. A show literally nobody watches.
I don't even live in California (live in blue state tho) but I spent all 4 years at my school not giving two flying fucks about politics. Left with no regrets, have a good job, you don't have to victimize yourself to how shitty things may be.
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tacobros eatin good
sitting at the top of the world rn
Not that hard to get in desu
Yea bro your so smart your just using these centers for getting a job ironically wow your cool
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>gpa requirements for players are higher at Cal than any former pac-12 school

why even? It's not like these people will get actual jobs outside of the NFL, right?
>He wasn't a 4.0 minority with sterling extracurriculars
kek and ngmi
Bitch please, you dont go past calc 2, stop lying. And fuck your fake "discreet" math, you didnt understand linear algebra.
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>BYU and Iowa Shit are the only good teams left in the B12
Holy shit, not everyone is miserable like you nitwits.
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
Definitely no lineman down field on that touchdown play :)
>The Badgers would likely be undefeated if Tyler Van Dyke didn't get hurt.

I'm excited for next season. We have so much young talent on this team, especially at the skill positions. If Van Dyke comes back next season, we could be a legit contender for the playoffs. Hell, we might go 8-4 this season if Braedyn Locke plays like he did vs. Poodoo today.
>They come to places like Austin and start trying to subvert and enforce their way.

austin has been nearly as liberal as berkeley for decades, you mouthbreathing worthless faggot fucking retard pathetic piece of shit. absolutely hilarious that you keep spewing your hatred about berkeley while being in one of the most liberal cities in america when you could be literally ANYWHERE else in texas, autistic faggot.
I really don't understand politics in the US. I feel like someone who has been left behind that doesn't like 80% of what the Rs say and 60% of what the Ds say.
My meme bets are looking pretty good
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Im the guy that dropped out of CS, I only went as far as Calc 2(not that I got into Cal, of course)
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It’s fun if we keep winning
The Big 12 conference champ is going to win a game in the playoffs. Screencap it.
You don't get any mentions until BYU and Iowa Shit loses.
what do you not understand? american politics are all fake nonsense run by corporations and banks that focus on meaningless culture war bullshit in order to divide everyone so we ignore the real problems of this country while the politicians rob and steal their way to the top.
>more upsets every week
man this is turning out to be a great fucking season of football god damn bros
I hate it when it's called inconsistently, which is every fucking game it seems
how do you coach a player to hit correctly when even the refs don't know what the targeting rule is week to week, game to game?
Big 12 has way too many meme coaches and teams
I'm the same. And you'll be surprised that it's only a very loud vocal minority that breathes the activist campus crap. Either the fags ITT are just in a shitty program or just looking to be angry for the sake of it.
Fair enough
my team won today, i'm not miserable. and you sound like a fag. probably a lefty.
It's the nu-Pac12.
Why the fuck would I want to go to a shitty Marxist school? UC Berkley is a joke of a school that is only known for its political chimpouts.

Can't imagine going there for some shit like a CS degree when companies only need to hire Rajesh from Bangladesh with a student visa and a degree from Oklahoma Tech A&M-at bumfucksville. But see that's why you UC Berkley types also bitch and moan about student loan forgiveness lmao
Then do something about your life. You sound like a faggy groyper NEET with no authority of his own conviction. Just as bad as the communists on campuses.
>first college football game ive watched in a while
>game lasted over 4 hours


Yes exactly. What I don't understand is how so many people are bought into one side or the other and become so divisive. That makes no sense to me. I find income tax comical. It is a tax for working. Any time someone bitches about it I tell them to quit their job and they'll never pay it again. It's a government policy that encourages you to not work. Makes no sense. The thing I don't understand is people are divided with one side saying "raise it on X" and another side saying "cut it for X". Where's the candidate that says "this is fundamentally a bad policy"?
>UC Berkley is a joke of a school that is only known for its political chimpouts.
wew lad


I've voted Republican for the past 2 elections. Some people are tired at how pathetic the zoomer left and right are.
Adding the Two-Minute Warning (yes warning not timeout fuck you) was a mistake.
They provide me entertainment so I'm okay with that
I'm from India. Is Alabama Clemson Tide same as Clemson?
He's probably going to start throwing a fit when he sees the names of the professors on that page.
wait until he finds out where we learned to split the atom
You literally have no idea what you're talking about. You just showcased how retarded you are by assuming Austin was always as liberal as San Francisco. Yeah it was about as liberal as Clinton was in the 90s. That doesn't mean you radical types suddenly came and try to turn to 100 with street shitting San Francisco tier policies. Keep seething you philistine.
Please answer my son ask me and I don't know
Alex Jones is that you?
basically yeah
i still remember 15 years ago in hs some kid posted on facebook about how much he wanted his application to "uc berkley" to be accepted and i wrote "if you spelled it like that i dont think you have a good chance to get in" and the next day at school everyone thought i was so funny

man those were good times. i hope i die by the end of the year,
Austin is and has always been Fag Capital, USA. Stay mad tsip
>pajeet tier esl response

>Reddit tier projection
Texas will be blue in our lifetimes.
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All that education and you only chimp out. Lol
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You just knew we couldn't have a primetime Cal game without things devolving into politics.
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>cites a protest from 7 years ago instead of the famous ones in the 60's
>thinks that somehow wipes out literally having nuclear fission, nobel prize winners and having new periodic table elements named after their scientists
Alex Jones isn't the one whose now saying that the assassination attempt on the former president was a hoax and it was crisis actors. Amazing how its now the other side that are the lunatic conspiracy theorists.
Cal getting screwed got us all screwed out of five ranked teams getting punked in the same week, which would have been absolute chaos and entertaining.

Miami is going to get blown the fuck out in the playoffs though holy shit do they play sloppy football with more penalties than I’ve seen in a while, but they got away with the big one. You can laugh at Cal for blowing the lead but Jesus, Alabama deserves far more, same with Tenn and USC.
Because it's better and more acclaimed than your shit school. Most likely, anyway. There's like 12-15 programs that offer equally to more robust educations. Not to downplay solid regional schools with top 20-40 rank programs in particular fields that do a good job of placing students with employers.
You mean those gay elements that are totally useless and have a half life of 1 picosecond?

Oh boy.
I'm not a Cal alum but I'm used to groyper kiddies seething at my school and city
By his logic every college in FBS not named Liberty would be disqualified.
A Berkeley degree doesn't open any doors these days bro. If a Berkeley grad applied at my law firm his resume would go right in the trash even if his law school was Harvard or Yale.

Berkeley = troublemaker
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where on earth did you take chemistry
>implying he goes to school
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This fucking thread went straight to hell. See you in the next thread when the rankings drop.
It’s just a butthurt calfag
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I went all around the bay area and had a good time, but there is a serious homeless problem. Been all around the country and it was the worst I had ever seen. Aside from that a cool place.
>at my law firm bro
With a community college degree? Kek
anyone would be butthurt about a Nocall deciding the game

but I said theyd lose more then 30 minutes before the game ended >>144885470
No denying that. I would love to visit Morgantown one day.
What firm are you with/what office? From what I'm hearing from Cal alum (both undergrad and Law school) they're still a useful network if the major matches the interest.
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So how does AP polls look after today? Bunch of fraudulent teams ranked higher than they should be?
>b-but muh school prestige
>what do you mean I can't find a job! My school prestige was supposed to help me land one guaranteed! AHHHH Biden please forgive my 100k student debt I took out to attend the school. I thought the prestige would matter!!!!
Wow you're a mark and a sucker who got conned. Congrats?
Cal getting cheated or not; it doesn't matter. We had a ton of fun upsets today. Today was a good day for the sport.
Chud, Chudd, and Chuddy LLC
I don't think Alabama is going to drop as far as people think. I can see them moving to 5, probably not lower than that. You have to have them above Georgia, so that kind of limits things. Plus Tennessee lost so that makes things easier I suppose.
>/cfb/ arguing about politics like a bunch of fat old women who haven't been fucked since the Bush administration
absolute faggotry

Except you're the one who discords raids the website cause le chuds live rent free in your head.
The upsets were funny but there was a shitton of absolutely terrible and unwatchable football played too
I don't use Discord, kid. You've shown everyone you're incapable of holding a discussion without resorting to impotent seething about people from a certain school discussing their game and experiences at said school with REE LEFTISM
If Miami breaks into the top 5 because of this I’m praying for the next hurricane to destroy all of Florida. Two weeks straight of questionable calls.

USC and Michigan are both likely dropping into the low 20’s high teens. Alabama should be removed entirely from the rankings for losing to fucking Vanderbilt for the first time in over 20 years.

We should kick Purdue out of the big 10 and put them in the MAC as well while we’re wishing for miricles.
Not even Harvard anymore. With the recent plagiarism scandal and the Palestinian protestors attacking jews in open daylight. All the "accredited" institutions have become seen as jokes and just radical hugboxes.

Samefagging is pathetic
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Morgantown is well, okay I guess, and I grew up there. 10 minutes outside of Morgantown in every direction is wilderness. It is Appalachia so there is nothing outside of town besides nature. It's not the run down meth head place like people say. Everything you would need is there but it's missing a lot of the stuff you want. Still it can be a lot of fun. It is a party place and a party school. So many bars and clubs and tons of students and you're close to nature. Pic is 20 mins from campus. This was down the road from my childhood home. It's a great place to watch a game, get fucked up, and try to take a college qt back to your room. Plus if you're a visitor for a football game you can walk around at the tailgates and people will force you to drink REAL moonshine. None of that old smokey shit. Old fashion untaxed alcohol like god intended.
didnt you all say central florida was second beat team in florida or something like that?
just another cupcake
And this coming from the graduate of the school that condoned the incapability to hold a speaking event from the ideological opposition? The one that had the student body riot cause some gay republican came to speak? Lol. UC Berkleys entire culture is Reee Right Wingers!
How's South Florida doing?
Who me? Nah, I had a full ride. But I'm sure someone out there is like your strawman.
pretty sure their world accreditted science lab is a big part of the campus
>losing to fucking Vanderbilt for the first time in over 20 years.

I've seen this posted a few times but I just don't think this mentality really applies to cfb anymore. Transfer portal and NIL has made it so the floor for Power 4 programs is higher than it used to be. Alabama should have absolutely won that game but Vandy isn't a really bad program anymore. Portal also means big teams like Alabama don't have the depth they once had.
Mercy kill this thread already
At this point there is no good team in Florida.
Between the refball and the FSU snub last year, I'm on my last nerve with this sport.
at least you clowns know it now
dietary fiber supplements have changed the pooping game
But my heckin degree and my school is great and im tired of the politics. You don't you know that my school did this. Where you live is trash. I went to big school for my masters and your school is a fraud. I'm going to post my degree and paycheck with timestamps.
>you clowns
most of have known for a while now
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>this school is only known for protests
>no, all those accomplishments dont count!
>no, I dont know the half life of any of the elements Im talking about but look! theyre by san francisco!
Ohio State will win the National Championship this year.
The FSU snub was really bad. Fuck Bama, fuck Georgia, fuck Ohio State and fuck Michigan. It was such a fucking stupid call.
>Posting in a college thread
>Mad people discuss their college
If you had to beat your life between FSU and Alabama last year who would you have taken. There you go, there's your 4 best teams.
Anon, this is a football thread.
This is a college football thread. But its over now.
national championship in losing haha
I would have bet on the undefeated team. What's your point?
They’re as deep as ever

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