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Felinids Edition

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>Thread Question
If time and money were no option, what dumb gimmick army would you build?
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>felinid edition
>furfag shit
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furfag shit is canon. sorry bro
Deathskull.Orks but ever single model i extensively kit bashed from other kits to imply it was looted.
did any of you read Oaths of Damnation? how is it? would you recommend it?
I wish more people liked Dark Eldar
Those aren't felinids you fucking retard.
They are beastmen.
Same with this one >>94019072
>If time and money were no option, what dumb gimmick army would you build?
mechanized Guard army using soviet WW2 tank models and Krieg models
no, i don't know, yeah probably. 40k books are pretty short and quick reads so even if you don't like it it'll be over quick
What ork clan for dread mob?
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Here's your new ratling model bro
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>Many regulars of the thread aren't online due to natural disaster
>Furfags uses it as an opportunity to use furry art for the thread
We need Khorne art of World Eaters making piles of abhuman skulls for this furfaggery
>Many regulars of the thread aren't online due to natural disaster
That's bullshit, this thread isn't mostly Georgians
Gore/torture porn enthusiasts are even more cringe desu
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hell yeah brother
have a bloodthirster
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Never advocated for animals being torutred or gore porn. Just a tongue in cheek reference to the old 'yiff in hell furfag' meme that had Khornate Berserkers killing furries
oh yeah forgot america had another hurricane
Is he charging across a golf course?
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Anyway post your most recent dudes
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I can spare 3 men
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So did I kek. Noticed the thread moving much much slower than ever and saw headlines about it. Normally get a few (Yous) when I shizo post and got none something had to be up.
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Is this you
Sorry anons, my dad works for GW and he says every army will get a furry unit by 2026
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This was posted ITT the other day. Is there a better pic of it?
Been said before but that pose is so bad
What is that
Please don’t let this be another named character, can we please flesh out chaos without adding more
Seems like nowadays the narrative has shifted to that the imperium doesn't actively seek conflict with the Eldars or Tau anymore, am i right? The novels, the games, are aimed to portray imperium fighting against either chaos or tyranids, with some cases about orks or necrons here and there.
BL book, Hand of Abaddon main character. Anon posted a link to it a few threads back, havent read it yet but shes going to be important to a 'new cycle' of story or something
Chaos metaphysics are ass and need actual elaboration/stipulation
Either that or we gotta go back to more toned down fluff of old Reams of Chaos books
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I Love beastmen
The Imperium is focusing mainly on Chaos and Nids, with Orks being Orks.
Necrons are a crapshoot, some dynasties will help against Nids/Chaos.
Dark Eldar still rape and pillage, regular eldar still have scraps but they're too busy being jobbers.
Tau nibble at the edge of the Imperium but they're not worth the trouble, and conquering imperial worlds is proving to be a mixed bag for the Tau.
According to anon it's a witch named Tharador Yheng, who's basically a grunt in a spy ring affiliated with Abaddon.
He must been on the Goblin Greens Goof Course
Quick question: why is cato sicarious such an asshole?
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Preview in about two hours.
Any predictions?
Re-read that date anon
Named Ultramarine
Reread that date
What is the point of like half of the Phobos units? They have shit weapons and meh abilities. Reivers are not a replacement for scouts. Incursors do fucking what? Infiltrators are a meme unit for deep strike denial. Eliminators are the only ones with decent guns that actually are the new counterpart to their old units they’re replacing (scout snipers)
Damn, dude. You living in the future?
Think you could tell me this week's lottery numbers while you're here?
Ah fuck, I somehow thought it was this weekend. Oh well. One more week.
>What is the point of like half of the Phobos units?
To be a different flavor of marines for the couple of tards who unironically like it.

Pretty much all primaris units have been pretty bad historically rules wise on the tabletop when compared to other shit.
They're fun marines for fluffy armies.
Marines have a bad problem of having so many datasheets that they end up with duplicate units in the same role. So you just have to hope the one you like ends up with the best rules for the job or else there's no reason to use it over the objectively better option. Half the models are trying to sell on aesthetics alone and marines are now subdivided into three (or 4 if you count terminators) distinct flavors of Space Marine to cast a wider net and chase a wider audience. It does mean Marines have a unit to fill every possible role though, so it's not all bad.
Imagine if every other faction got the same love muhreens do
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Being on the crew of a Rogue Trader seeing the wonders and horrors in the 40k galaxy, discovering new xenos, worlds, and technology would either be pure nightmare fuel or very cozy, for 40k standards anyway.
>Rogue Trader boss wants a new digital weapons so we spend hours 'trading' with Orangutans-like cyborgs who we don't know are intelligent or not and just making things on instinct.
>Fighting alongside Stormboyz and kroot mercs when far from imperial space
>Finding tech horrors like Black Stone Fortresses
>hanging out in a space bar so crammed with xenos that puts stars wars catina to shame
I was clearing out my covid era stuff and I found a part magnetized Knight Castellan. The outer shell is magnetized, and same with the legs. I think I got this during Covid but stopped when I got hospitalized and it just kinda sat neglected in a cupboard.
No arms though.What's the best setup?
So basically cowboy bebop but grimderp
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You think you want this but you don't.
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I really wish GW would stop being so schizo in their releases. If you’re saying you’re remaking all the old Eldar aspects that could be done in a month or two rather than spread across THREE FUCKING YEARS
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GW does that so each fan of a race/faction has a reason to buy something at least once a year. I beat once aspect warriors are done then it Deldars turn to get a trickle of units if they're not getting a huge refresh around the time EC comes
What happens if i happen to have a harlequin gf as an imperium citizien and then i kissed her in the armpits
I swear you people as so impatient. The game and updates come in 3 year increments. Everyone that collects one faction waits three years between releases unless you play space marines. That's just the way it is.
Not you personally, but I see people screaming online that factions like Votann have been abandoned because they have ONLY gotten two kill teams since their initial release less than two years ago.
You realize some factions used to go almost an entire decade without new models or even a codex?
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>Preview in about two hours.
Where do sisters rank on GW neglection? I only just started but they feel pretty loved, when space marines aren't throwing them into a comically large blender anyway. Is it just non imperium stuff that doesn't get much?
Holy fuck look at those tits.Would mating press.
Yeah it was okay, a good look at pretty interesting chapter. Nothing spectacular, but no feminist crap, so for that alone I'll recommend it.
Yvraine will team up with the Grey Knights and mug Slaneesh for the Eldar souls with Ynnead.
Some, mainly Ynnari, will become officially recognized "Abhumans", the rest will try to start a new Eldar empire.
>marrying a nice tzaangor girl
>spending all our free time reading books together after work
>going out on dates where she blows off steam by fighting hive gangs with a comically oversized sword
>each of us having to cover our ears as we take turns worshiping our respective gods
>big akward beak kisses
>falling asleep next to her while she rambles about a half remembered past and forbidden knowledge(a tractor manual she found the other day)
Anon these kits are from 1998 it has been over 20 years
And then the grey knights double crossed her. For in the future there is only war.
you couldn't get a mutant as a gf, nevermind a harlequin, cretin
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Sisters have gotten a ton of love lately. All recent models and even some special release characters and a kill team. Lots of new books. A new codex with a variety of fun and good rules.
You really can't go wrong.
Is the Overlord with Translocation Shroud as tricky to build as it seems it would be?
If i work in james workshop i would secretly release a franchise called Warhammer 40k: Tranquility where it depicts the Imperium, Necrons, Tau, and Eldars working together to fight the Tyranids. Chaos doesn't exist, only separatists. Orks exists but only serves as a working class citizen.
Yvraine is technically a daemonhost being a corpse possessed by the chaos entity Ynnead. Requires banishment.
Your redditor game ends in GW going bankrupt. Well done!
My harlequin gf has sweaty smooth fragrant armpits and i will kiss her, and stamped a purity seal on each pits

Eh, even if it doesn't sell well, investing a million dollar on it wouldn't hurt when it can be covered by other product. Just look at how ubisoft burned their billions for garbage.
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>the /40kg/ regulars are all floridamen
That would explain so fucking much
Deep passionate mutant cloaca sex
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>Florida man tries to shoot puppy, puppy shoots him instead
Anyone know how difficult it would be to convert picrel to some orky Weirdboys or Wurrboys with ork bits I ahve laying around?
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i don't think you can turn a goat into an ork
Also explains the schizo post the other day about Blood Ravens being the glow in the dark inquisiton niggers, who do shady shit in the Tower and are the front chapter who also fake being Minotaurs/Exorcists/ Red Hunters. The nuermous different chapter icons is part of the psyops
That speaks for every eldar
We should've not wasted any effort on saving Malanthai
If CSMs are hopped up on warp semen why do they always lose to regular marines?
forgot to attach the pic because I have a little bit of the florida inside me sometimes
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>orks vs nids
They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong!
They're just gooning, they haven't coom yet
So does wh40k has established date that moves forward or they've been perpetually stuck in M41.999 for years?
Much of it might be spent in the Warp. It'd be a more nightmarish version of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OQdcr4mzD8
CSM, World Eaters and NightLords, both preyed upon a whole DeathWatch detachment. WE killed 600 of them at a watch fortress for sport, NLs wiped another out and tore out all their eyes as venegence for their chaos xenos mates. CSM gets wins aganist imperial SMs all the time
I mean the real reason is boring, "they're a videogame chapter" and game characters get redesigned between games. It's the same reason Master Chief doesn't look the same between halo 2/3/4 despite being the same guy with the same armor canonically
that's a big ork
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But 4 chief had armor touch-ups. And 2/3 is some of his best look besides The Package.
According to the books I read (masterworks) compared to the books you read (Space Marine slop rags), it's the opposite
>besides The Package.
I kneel. Never have the complainers who sold their franchise to Microsoft ever came close. Never did they come close to Halo Wars, though they bitched about "muh prostituting the franchise" over a franchise they sold and were assholes to Ensemble Studio.
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What is their training and sanity? Even the Space Wolves, who treat the majority of the Codex Astartes as toilet paper, read the tactics. With Warp time too, we don't know how old many are. Some might've went back in time and are over 10,000 years old. Some might as well be fresh from the Horus Heresy. Their sanity is also screwed up.

Also supplies. CSM raid loyalists for gene-sperm and for gear. A CSM can easily be a frothing moron who wasn't taught latest tactics, running low on ammo and spare armor parts.
I picked up AdMech when they originally came out because they looked cool, but dropped out of 40k right after, never even playing a game with them. What do AdMech armies look like these days?
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>If time and money were no option, what dumb gimmick army would you build?
A big ass Imperial Knight dressed as an Imperial Knight.
Are world eaters cool to play?
They seem to have a cool look
I am between getting Tau, World Eaters or Chaos Demons as my second army
>Are world eaters cool to play?
The only thing they have going for them is that the games are short.
I just got Tau for the first time and they are my first minis.
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Freshest of dudes. Gonna do up my crusader squad next and then some miscellaneous character kitbashes and finally start my tau.
What colorscheme are you going for?

So you're saying Chaos Demons would have more flavor?
>What colorscheme are you going for?
Classic Tau spet, maybe gonna color their undersuits a dark olive drab instead of brown.
How do you make centurions work outside of Ventris’ teleporting circus?
tau shoot, world eaters melee, chaos demons are majority melee besides tzeetch and can be used for both 40k and AoS.
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When will Logan Grimnar the Great Wolf do the unthinkable and cross the Rubicon Primaris?
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Japanese dub of Space Marine 2:

Japanese space marines will always be an awful concept. Even African space marines would be better.
Why aren't the Adeptus Arbites ever used? You can write far more stories about a Judge Dredd + Green lanterns galatic police force than the Inquisition that mostly deal with rebels, chaos, Tao and tyranids
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Is she gay?
Probably already has.
SW already have the tech to make primaris themselves, and they also have the tech to turn firstborn marines into primaris as well.
huh that's surprisingly good, the dubs of this game were all great afaik
The character?
The artist?
They are a fag.
I don't know, it can work, maybe not in aesthetics as it's too much on the nose, but as /yourdudes/ fluff.
You can have:
>Roaming chapter specialised in small actions with small squads to fulfill the Ronin archetype
>Feudal lords with a codex stick up their ass with a good amount of infighting and very bellicose.
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I would build redemptor, inceptor and bladeguard command squads. I still might if James gives us a dread or inceptor HQ so I have an excuse.
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What about Jamaican Space Marines?
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Your 3D print White Scars successor chapter is here.
Still not sure why they didn’t go for a Horus Heresy style of unit rules. Making one unit with optional wargear upgrades paid in points makes more sense to streamline the unit roster organization. Dunno why 10th has such a hate boner for the points system and customizable wargear.
Celestial lions already exist
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Blood for the Blood God
This is how I White Scars.
Japanese marines can look cool, the problem is when people flanderize the hell out of them.
Like adding full samurai helmets and shit just looks weird.
But having different shoulder pads here and there and that vertical style back banner is fine and looks cool.
Post your white scars then, foolish samurai.
Wrong dude, meant for >>94019613
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The devils lettuce is for those joe rogan fanbois and unemployed losers.

We're employed purely to play 40k
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>Japanese space marines will always be an awful concept
Space Marines are mostly based on every well trained army that used to wear heavy armor like Knights and Roman Legions, Space Marine Samurai are one of the most obvious choices
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Thats 10/10
Raven Guard is here.
Why is there chalk on your tanks?
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Should Guardsmen use Guandaos or bayonets with blades like one?
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>rogue trader cleavage
did you spill your nuln oil?
>chaos demons are majority melee besides tzeetch and can be used for both 40k and AoS.
AoS doesn't have a "chaos daemons" army.
Neither should 40k.
>Arjac Rockfist
>Bjorn the Fell-Handed
>Canis Wolfborn
>Harald Deathwolf
>Krom Dragongaze
>Logan Grimnar
>Lukas the Trickster
>Njal Stormcaller
>Ulrik the Slayer
So many Epic Heroes left to cross the Rubicon Primaris.
I agree.
>>Bjorn the Fell-Handed
GW will likely just shove him into very decorated redemptor chassis.
mono-god chaos demons.
It's the chaos semen >>94019477 mentioned
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what color should I paint the helmet crest for this IF? I was thinking some kind of light blue.
also gonna put some of the new leaviathan transfers on the fist. the power sword arms look cooler but how can i have an imperial fist and not give him a big power first?

Do Space wolves datasheets have the primaris or tacticus keywords for things like bloodclaws or wolfguard terminators?

GW refreshed them right before primaris came out. Are they just going to leave them as firstborn or give them a DA-esque release wave when their book comes out?
So not the Japanese? The majority of Japanese armor was just reinforced wood.
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they updated Bjorn to a redemptor chassis since GW fucking hates classic sculpts as of 10th
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why is mongol/viking marines ok but not samurai marines...?
mongols weren't wearing full plate either broski
>Felinids Edition
That's a goat, not a cat, OP
What are the odds of the plastic Cerastus getting rules in the next Imperial knights codex? Despite being sold for 40k in GW's own webstore it doesn't have rules in the IK index.
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>10k year old veteran
>gets put in a new dread that uses the marine as a battery that will eventually burn out
>bjorn dies uncermoniously in a book with a black space marine and a girl boss on the cover
It will happen. Wake up sheeple, redemptors are a way to make sure your heroes will die permanently, even if they're in a dread. They're making way for female marines and and diverse crippled marines in combat wheelchairs.
extremely based
Name one person who thinks space wolves look okay from a conceptual standpoint.
Bjorn is smol and can't be taken seriously next to brutalis
Doesn't even sound like they're fighting in there, sound more like the genestealer cult, or should I say kult, showed everyone their cool gargant and orks went "neat", then vostroyans show up and its deployed by the Gurnmek fella
It’s not my fault GW has fucking sizecreeped this game to infinity
I think models are getting way too fucking big now
They should honestly make everything smaller scale. Im tired of carrying around so much plastic.
Because katanas are coolest when wielded with two hands, and I don't think space marines get eviscerators
The joke is no one remembers them, or at least James has. Besides they dont really have much mongolian characteristics embedded into their gear, I guess you have the odd sword here and there but thats it.
nigger they're a first founding chapter, jesus christ is this the level of poster we have?
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>they dont really have much mongolian characteristics embedded into their gear
come on
stop being retarded
Is it really safe to put those glowy coils so close to your face?
it's got forge world rules that are completely legal even in tournaments
The pre primaris (and pre imperial knights) scale was perfect. Able to carry lots of dudes and have a table feel like a battlefield. Now everything is a fucking giant wad of plastic centerpiece that is enormous and simple squads eat up tons more space on a now smaller board meaning the battlefields feel fucking tiny
>posts a character
Very nice, now post the upgrade sprue. I want to see my chapter mandated hawk(?) with a head.
He is wearing face protection. As long as it doesn't overheat I think he's good.
They don't use marines like batteries, faggot. That was never the fluff, only butthurt fags repeat that to themselves. The chassis can essentially overclock like a computer can which can cause it to burn up.
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not every army has this issue, it's pretty much just marinefags because they're literally worse than Orks when it comes to being obsessed with bigger=better/stronger/cooler.
the new aspect warriors are still based on the same 30 year old jes goodwin pencil sketches
sorry Dark Angels took their gimmick so I kinda dont have a need to remember them bwo.
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your chaos marine looks too orderly
cool as fuck
I don't see it guys. Not really catching the Mongolian vibe here. Those look Scottish to me
Me like the GM custom head
>Weird skirts
>Big knives
>Fucked up faces, clearly on meth
>Focus on reckless driving
>Birds flying around because no one cleaned up the garbage
Could be either Scottish or London
Are all white scars Asian due to Jaghatai Khan’s geneseed, similar to how all Salamanders are black-skinned due to Vulkan’s geneseed?
so what is up with chaos and everyone having a topknot?
How come it's the black guy space marines who get to have wives and fuck and not the guys based on the most prolific sex haver in the world.
No, the Dark Hunters notoriously are not
Recognizable at a distance on a mini, it's garbage om top of the head, and it's distinctive.
Same reason a lot of older designs have stupidly huge helmets or some kind of spike thingamabob
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The updates have been rather nice. Sure they're very conservative and I think there's definitely a discussion to be had whether the designs might have benefited from someone less hidebound than Goodwin having a go at them. But they're pretty good.
White Scars need the hats.
He's a big guy.
No. Just like not all salamanders are ethnically black. Chogoris is an entire planet with plenty of ecological variability and is primitive enough for populations to develop in isolation. That said Jaghatai did wipe out the only actual civilization on the planet before Emps arrived so it may have reduced that.
Salamander darkness is a result of on of their geneseed organs being defective. Any marine can be as dark as a salamander if exposed to enough radiation, salamanders and succesors just don’t return to baseline afterward. Nocturne is so radioactive it instantly changes any full marine to void of space black.
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Space marines don’t fuck or have wives. It’s possible for aspirants to do so I guess. They just get to visit their nieces, nephews, parents, etc. salamander aspirants are taken much younger than most chapters, around 7. Then they’re trained in the chapter forges and stuff until they’re old enough to start the proper aspirant process. Spehs wolves are the only ones known for fucking before being taken by the chapter since they’re tribal savages and live like it.
But they didn't get redesigned, all 3 games and expansions use the same symbols for the Blood Ravens, the one in the bottom left in >>94019461
That's a Beastman, not a Felinid...also when is Guilliman retracting the High Lords decree of them being mutants and making them abhumans again?
Because at this point the best way to weaken Chaos would be recategorizing the Beastmen back into abhumans.
Imperial Beastmen when?
I don't see them making new Warp Spiders.
The current models are so ridiculously good that to this day they stand the test of time aesthetically.
And they were around since early Warhammer 40K.
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I am Kairos Fateweaver in a sense. I lament my past mistakes and remember them clearly while also daydream about how I will be drowning in success and money in the future as an indie gamedev, yet I refuse to do any work in the present because I'm better off scrolling the net or gooning
there's imperial beastmen in necromunda iirc
But sadly only one (though really damn cool and smoking a cigar).
Was thinking more of an actual roster. Think taking some of the Warhammer Fantasy Beastmen (and Minotaurs) and making them Imperial and removing the subtle and blatant Chaos elements.
With Beastlords, Bray-Shamen and more. Including Minotaurs wielding the heaviest melee weapons and the heaviest ranged weapons.
Just watched a video on the felinids and I want to build an army that is specifically anti csm. Does the current codex even support this?
Nope. If anything, White Scars are one of the most diverse legions since they were primarily the outriders during the crusade. That means they recruited from everywhere, and while the chapter’s homeworld is Chogoris, the successors still roam about elsewhere.
>tfw no Mordian saint gf
>Average cuck reading comprehension
He's still too small
R8 my dreadnaught
t. ubisoft
They are unironically one the most well treated chapters in both 30k and 40k with a dedicated non annoying fanbase
how does he wipe
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Good idea. Pic would make a wonderful Khorne Chaos Sister.
I always see this mentioned but what makes the mantis warriors samurai again?
>well treated
>dont even have their own bikes
I don't think you'll find a ciuntey with a more developed voice acting industry than Japan. They have almost limitless options to pick from in their talent pool.
>Tyberos described as needing modified terminator armor because normal armor does not fit
>majorkill perpetuates him being twice the height of regular space marines
Reminder that bringing a Bolt Pistol to a sword fight is the rational choice if you're newly resurrected from the dead.

Only a pedophilic complete failure's soul shoved into a flesh puppet piloted by another idiot would forget his ranged weapon.
Anal sex with the lord of change
We don’t need special snowflake Flanderization, a chapter can follow the codex and still standout
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>11th edition will fix this
Why did the white scars follow the codex? They don’t seem like rule followers
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He's really not that big.
Cant read what you are typing up, im eyeing up the dark angel bikes.
How long did Robot Girlyman went into coma? How did the imperium manage during those period?
NTA but it's more they have their own rules. They may seem wild but they don't embrace that whole wild warrior vibe like the Space Wolves. Like the Mongolians, they looked barbaric but had their own culture and styles.

Also the codex has some useful stuff to everyone like the tactics. People might disregard most of it but still consult it for tactics.
The khan didn’t care that much and the codex rules was shit the white scars already did. Where captains were in charge of entire brotherhood’s without jaghatais say. When the rules came they just changed paint schemes and continued to do what they did
They were often split up and operated like chapters and they actually don’t just use bikes. They use bikers more than usual but they like armored assaults just as much too
It's silly, not even Primsrchs were 2x the height of spess mehreens
Aren't termies canonically hunched over making their proportions look off?
It would be weird making armor that size.
I think the new aspects are about as good an upgrade as we could have hoped for. All of them are net improvements over the old ones, even if nostalgia makes me fond of several aspects of the previous incarnations. I'm excited to see what they ultimately do with Swooping Hawks, Fire Dragons, and Warp Spiders.
Just be glad they kept the tactical rocks to a minimum
Anyone else hear about this? The titles for the papers are both hilarious and weird to see.
Imagine the sex
Incursors are solid intercessor alternatives that are good in almost any list.
That was the wrong image
>Infiltrators can infiltrate and grab objectives and stop deepstrike charges

>Incursors can infiltrate too but with better guns and have -1 AP on their knives to hold objectives if it gets sticky

>Ill give you reivers

>Eliminators can kill characters and are always a threat

Why are Phobos haters so arrogant

>average sm fan
>Martin Heidegger's Critique of Technology exemplified by the Cult Mechanicus
>POV: You’re a Tech-Priest – Using Warhammer 40k’s sociotechnical ontology as a tool for diffraction
>Monetizing Play: An Intertemporal and Cross-Cultural Investigation of Business Models in Analog Gaming from Warhammer 40K to Dungeons & Dragons

It's like you asked ChatGPT for article titles
They modified his terminator suit with Dreadnaught plate. He is indeed a massive motherfucker, probably 10-11 feet armoured.
Majorkill is a hack and should ack himself
they took away their ap knives. they just do sustained hits now
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Lost my combat patrol game, combat wise I did fine but put too many units inside vehicles and reserves that I lost the objective game.
I'm having fun
The AP is gone, all these Phobos units have generic S4 AP0 attacks. If they had AP-1 melee they’d at least serve a purpose. Only eliminators are badass at what they do.
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Curious if Astartes made space marine knives more popular.
Incursors still deal bonus knife hits on crit rolls
The Occult Technology thing seems interesting. But the lack of speaking about hyperstitions fascism as an ideological point of ending and eschatological-immanence-as-permanence says this isn't going to be as interesting as it could be.

Needs more myth-making, game-as-prophecy, and the concept of socio-cultural surrender of dys-u-topia.
>we'll never get a continuation of this
Fuck I'm sad now
you're such a faggot holy shit
You fucking loser
Bringing my Orkz against Black Templars today lads. Wish me luck!
Why are artists so lazy about where extra limbs attach to the body?
Do inquisitors get to fuck the callidus assassins
Not liking incursors sounds pretty gay to me anon
Gives me Dune vibes
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Just wait till you get a handle on big P and his 10 genes. It gets even funner.
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In the grim darkness of the future there is only cheap blue tarps.
Thank you kindly. To be fair I dont have a clue how to form the army. Is there a difference between tanks and chimeras? And also should I diversify my troops, one shock troop, one heavy or something? Id just get the combat patrol but I dont know how effective I would be. Forming an army seems impossible if I just started.
Academia is a racket and the researcher is wearing no labcoat, more news at eleven.
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And soda cans.

Should make for some nice industrial scatter terrain
Wow dude 1/6 chance to get a 2nd S4 hit. Incredible. No AP, basic ass gun, and one less attack than actual melee infantry basic weapons
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Why do you want to play Guard?
Guard does best with combined arms or going fully mechanized, do you enjoy painting large vehicles?
Do you enjoy painting a horde of small soldiers with tons of detail?
Did you ever paint a mini?
I got into Guard by buying the Krieg killteam and playing killteam first and while I love the army and the playstyle I absolutely hate painting them while I loved doing the few demons, orcs and Space Marines I did.

I recommend waiting until Christmas for the new boxes, the combat patrol is fine, the sentinel, the Cadians and the Command Squad are all good, the field cannons aren't that bad either since they have the Regiment rule, unlike Basilisks, that come with Squadron.

Also in early 2025 there will be a big line refresh of Krieg units with the Codex, bundled in a box.
They get to ignore cover and give your other units an extra hit
Sisters look like THAT?
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>no arms
Damn the hospital was that bad huh
Sell me on adding a knight to my space marine army
Working on some Drookian veterans, count as Scions. It's been a long time since I've painted the tartan (have done a Vanquisher and some Turnip28 stuff instead) so it was real fiddling through the cables and armour. I'm fairly happy with it, I decided not to bring out any edges on the armour because I've done some texture work on it with Typhus instead that doesn't come up well in the photo. Obviously this armour is looted so I wanted it to look old. I'd never tried stubble before and was surprised at how easy it was, definitely will be using it on my less bearded boys in the future.
They look cool. I dont really like the "big vehicles" most of the faction have but Guard looks like the best. Plus I have some Krieg KT minis already. It scares me that they are that small tho. I'll freak the fuck out for sure.
>Tons of detail
That's something that I did not realize. I thought they were not that over detailed.
>Did you ever paint?
.. some termagaunts count? I can post pics
>I recommend waiting
And waiting will I. In the meantime what mini can I get to just paint something?
Redpill me on boarding actions
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working on this
missing the commander
hope the shells stay upright, they aren’t pinned, might need to do that
>In the meantime what mini can I get to just paint something?
Leontus, he is a must include in any guard list since he can give 3 orders to ALL Astra Militarum units, not limited to Squadron or Regiment like Creed, Command Squad and Tank Commander.
BUT Leontus is a centrepiece and you should put extra effort into making him look cool
Very likely.

>It is whispered that the advanced systems of the Redemptor are a curse as well as a blessing. The Martian tech-savants that first built these walking engines of destruction spared scant thought to th health of the incumbent, seeing him as little more than another part to be interred or replaced as necessary. Many Redemptors that have fought for a sustained period have already had their sarcophagi replaced, their original pilots burned out by the intensity of the machine’s destructive prowess."

This is pretty conceptually consistent with the AdMech fluff for the Dunecrawler as well, and it's pretty clear from officially depictions that tech priests don't really have any special respect for Space Marines, treating them as expendable.

>An Onager Dunecrawler holds two crew, enmeshed with their Onager host in a strange, symbiotic cybernetic relationship. Its gunner is a Skitarii Ranger, his formidable marksmanship bolstered by a variety of auto-scryer lenses. The machine's driver is a Skitarii Vanguard, his resilience to harmful energies allowing him to immerse himself in an electro-amniotic tank that allows communication with the Onager's Machine Spirit.

>Such crewmen will eventually be used up in the manner of energy batteries, but these drivers are easily replaced -- by inserting a new Vanguard into the filthy electrode-rich soup, the Onager can be given a new lease of life. The Skitarii crewmen meet their fate uncomplainingly -- to serve the Machine God is reward enough.
>burned out by the intensity of the machine's destructive prowess
>drained like batteries
Your dreadnought fights too hard? He burns himself out. He is not himself a battery
I remember the fluff on it being most cleae in the 8th edition Codex.
Damn bro, I can send you some frames if you really need them like that
Yeah at 500 points you can't really afford to have many units sitting out for 1-2 rounds
>have nids and traitor guard to work on
>want to start Thousand Sons anyway
Am I stupid?
Ur gonna need it. I eked out a victory against bt a few weeks ago
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Are Black Templar mains always confirmed chuds?
This is from the Haida people right? I've been kicking around the idea in my head for a Native American inspired Dark Angels successor that's basically a hig send up of the old ass Plains World fluff.
Which xenos or chaos would you want to see introduced as a new faction
Why do I like using metal minis so much. Is it the weight?
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The weight does feel nice, also knowing that you can just throw them at your opponent with an actual chance of injuring him is nice.
I'm getting better at producing silicone molds for old CSM sculpts but trying to find old CSM bits I don't already own is really hard since plastic glue is so common (and so badly applied) making removing usable parts hard.

Luckily I'm making a 3.5/4th ed compliant WE first so I just use loads of Khorne Berserk torsos and legs I already have for most models. backpacks, arms and weapons are easier to remove. Helmets are impossible to but I can at least get a good impression of them.
Id love chaos chaos space marines.
Old metal Dreadnoughts fucntion as a legitimate self-defense.
>Is it the weight?
I think so. The heft they have over plastic & resin makes them much more gratifying to pick up and set down.
Metal minis feel very nice, and the good ones have such sharp details they're a joy to paint. James's best mini ever to me is still their metal Archaon on Dorghar. That shit is just beautiful.
the wooden samurai armor thing is a myth
they stopped wearing wood armor before samurai as a caste ever arose
Is the top dreadnaught door supposed to be so loose? I'm gonna glue it down after basing
>and I don't think space marines get eviscerators
seth did
assault marines do
blood angels do
world eaters do
Why not update the scouts models, expand their line and give them these rules?
Phobos muhrines are bloat, simple as.
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Hannya mask Archon, I've had the idea for a while
Samurai armor was never wood. The earliest forms before the Samurai were even a thing were made out of iron and leather lamelles, similar to contemporary armours found in mainland Asia, in the Middle-East and Europe. By the time people that can be identified as Samurai come around the japanese are all pretty much using mild steel.
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I personally find a lot of GW's old metal models to be fugly but God this thing is awesome.
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>they stopped wearing wood armor before samurai as a caste ever arose
And even then there were CENTURIES between those two things. Wood armor is something you'd see with poor fags during their first invasion of Korea all the way back in the Yamato period.
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scouts did get updated :)
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It has what I believe the kids call "aura"
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>play against ork player with incredibly well painted models
>ask to check out his minis up close
>my mouth starts watering as i stare at the crotches of the minis, imagining their giant green cocks
what the FUCK is wrong with me?
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>Why not update the scouts models
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sure :^)
Based Quar enjoyer
Why does EAP there hate Lorgar in particular, again? If its because of the DSM shouldn't that hatred be towards the other legions as well? Specially given it was the AL that fucked up the original Raptors.
no, I need my space marine weebs dual weilding katanas against the Tau gundams
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In order to anger anons, I would like to import a faction from Destiny as a xenos faction. They are clones created from spliced DNA of stored sequences. They have giant ancient lost technology machines that eat planets for resources. They have Shotgun
Bolters, flaming hot extendable blades coming out of their left arms, and half naked clones deployed as melee troops wielding heated axes. To anger anons even more, I suggest implementing even more Destiny by replacing their leader with an ancient AI core network created from humanity's previous golden age of high technology before their collapse.
Always liked these dudes even more than regular marines. Is a scout-heavy army possible (i. e. legal) in 10th? I don't care about meta.

Even disregarding the models themselves (which I think were always better, anyway) it just never made sense to.keep scouts confined to the 10th company guven they're supposed to eventually replace pretty much every all the other 900 marines in a chapter. Space marines being predominantly Scouts with dudes in full power armor being more like veterans always made moee sense to me.
BTW they bought foreign armor at some point.
Always liked these dudes even more than regular marines. Is a scout-heavy army possible (i. e. legal) in 10th? I don't care about meta.

Even disregarding the models themselves (which I think were always better, anyway) it just never made sense to.keep scouts confined to the 10th company guven they're supposed to eventually replace pretty much every all the other 900 marines in a chapter. Space marines being predominantly Scouts with dudes in full power armor being more like officers and veterans always made more sense to me. How can 100-ish dudes replace 900 when just the surgery to instal the black carapace is going to kill many if them?
Forgot me pic, pay me no mind. It's not relevant, but I still like it.
Fuck on Destinyfag
scouts are scouts, but been replaced with phobos armor
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It specifically calls out the lack of regard for the health of the marine, and refers to him as "little more than a part to be interred or replaced". "Interred" means to be given funeral rites and laid to rest. I'm not sure how much more straightforward it could be, anon. I'm not arguing the "battery" language people use, but it sounds to me like the redemptor dread burns marines remaining body and mind out til they are no longer fit to serve, at which point they are laid to rest. Unless there's some other meaning for "interred" that you think is being used here.
They got a Kill Team recently, so it's not like Phobis squatted them, just like Gravis didn't squat Termies.
Any recommendations for alpha legion painting? A bunch of people told me to do ahkelian green over silver, but no matter what I can't get some good with the contrast paints, another person told me to try army painter speed paints so I might head to my local shop today and try some of those but I don't know what to try
I'm actually getting frustrated I've never had this many problems painting before, but this is my first time using contrast paints, should I just go for a non metallic turquoise for AL?
kill team is where old units that gw doesn't want to bother with making more than one goes
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Not good enough. Give them a Nordic name. Something about Odin like Wotan.
based retard
>entire civilization got krumped offscreen in a couple months
Bunch of jobbers
But those are the traitors.
Vanguard squad would be the best equivalent. Run 3 scout squads supported by infiltrators, reivers, eliminators, suppressors, implusors, invictor tactical warsuits, and characters in phobos armor
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It's hard to build a specifically anti-CSM army because CSM have so many options. They can go Cultist horde, elite infantry, mechanized, Daemon Engines, jetpacks, you can really build any kind of army from the CSM Codex.

So an anti-CSM Guard army would basically have to be an all-comers generalized list.
Primaris Drop Pods when.
I really want the grot revolutionary council to become reality
Warhammer needs a communist faction for us revolutionaries
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They're just space marines, but alien. I don't think any of the Destiny races brinv anything knew you couldn't explore through what 40K already has. The Fallen are still cool, though.
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>destiny died before we got playable fallen
>but it got overtaken by evil leaders using the population for their own expansionist gains!
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Anon has made me sad that the nuSquats will never get a golden Calus robot for their Titan equivalent.
Make an astartes chapter based on the Tokugawa shogunate
Did it? I still see ads for Destiny 2 stuff on Steam from time to time, though I only ever played D1. Taken King was kino.
Kinda reminds me of the time I fought Fulgrim in FFXIV
How does one run Orks these days?
I haven't played 10th edition yet but I got a quite big bag of Ork Boyz, Nobz and random bits for a few bucks. Seems like I can even assemble two Deff Dreads. I already have plenty of 1:56 historicals kits ready to be converted into Trukks, Jets and Mek Gunz.
I want to play 1000pts games only in the foreseeable future if that matters.
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I will paint my first models today!
Reminds me of the time Magnus the Red failed in everything he has ever done, was resurrected, then failed again. Turns out femboys have the power of idiocy. People wrongly assumed it was compelling others but it was merely passing his stupidity to others and making them dumb enough to follow him.
post them when you finish bro
Did you have nice weather for priming them?
>heres your updated models that were old as fuck and no longer relevant
>that'll be 80 dollars please
A hurricane just hit. Is that good?
I think ive got some neophyte conversions in my, distant, future.
I have the nids half of a leviathan box and basically my entire BT marine army to paint.
>1x primaris crusader squad
>1x biker squad
>1xbiker chaplain
>1x emperors champion
>10x bladeguard conversions.

Shields I have suck though theyre 3rd party 3d printed ones, id like to switch to some of the ones that come with HH terminators.
final expansion released, playerbase immediately plummetted to the lowest it's ever been and all future expansions are just even more badly written seasonal content trash
Qt tonks anon
Bluish grey would be a nice splash I think
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>"strongest demigod in lore"
>Morgott forma de Margit beat the shit out of him
>A crippled blind woman ruined his existence
>Said cripple's femboy brother ruined his hole
>He died TWICE to some small jobber who rolls a lot
>He wanted to be Godfrey's kid so much he stole one of his kids' bodies (pathetic)
>He would've been used as just a tool by the femboy mentioned before
If Godfrey's son (Morgott), with his might contained, broke him, imagine what Godfrey would do to Radahn after learning what he did with Mohg. Imagine what Hoarah Loux would do.
In his desperation to be successful, he jobbed the most out of all the demigods to exist.
Radahn is this world's version of the 177013 chick, started well but got so fucked so fast you can't even recognize him.
Meta chasers are a blight on the hobby. The only thing that determines if a model is relevant is whether you like it.
>metal boxes
Big robot fun E
Knights are cool and a good painting challenge to do something different.
As an aside to other anons, is it cringe to make your ally knight with the chapter heraldry and justify it by saying the knight is actually piloted by a marine sarcophagus instead of the normal noble with the MIU?
ER names make me vomit.
The Emperor loves Knights
Knights are no longer meta so it's not cringe
You can roleplay an honorary member of your Muhrines. The Knight may have saved the Marines during Fight X and as such he is listed as an Auxillery.
I don't think that's fluffy, but there are freeblades sworn to a particular chapter that may carry their iconography in addition to their own.
That's not a Felinid.
THIS is a Felinid.
>filtered by briton names
why do I see many Arniggers and War Bitches played by the WAACfags in my area? And yes area. I live in a major metro with tons of LGSes.
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What if eightbound had chicken legs?
Try thinning your contrast with some contrast medium and doing it in two coats instead. Also helps if there's some preexisting gradient when you go over with your contrast. Try basecoating with a dark metallic, then drybrushing bright metallic, then washing with your blue green.
Anon has now made me sad there will never be a moment in 40k where a strong enemy is brought near a black hole not to destroy it but to time dilate it in order to remove it from the fight long enough to achieve strategic objectives.
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What if birds had arms
yeah not the fact that they cost 20 dollars more isnt relevant compared to the two other basic marine units
If it's CK it's wardog/karnivore spam or nothing, dunno why but it's what they do.
IK I haven't seen in play for a while, so I couldn't tell you
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Other than a few cool bits about Exorcists culture, it's mostly bolter porn.
What has science done!?
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>gue'vesa only want one thing and it's disgusting
Why do birds fly?
The Lost Knight is a freeblade briefly mentioned in the lore that hangs out with the black templars.
I've got a whole bunch of skulls. Is it fine to just primer spray them white and dip them in earthshade? I want a bunch of skulls at the feet of my Dread but manually painting so many feels like it'd suck.
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Just glue them down, prime the base, overbrush, wash, drybrush
Not canon.
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I wanna include something from the Agents codex into my SoB army. Should it be a squad of GK termies, an assassin or an inquisitor with a retinue of stormtroopers (using arbites rules)
A squad of SOB.
If I am attaching parts with superglue should I even worry about masking tape when painting in sub assembly?
A squad of adeptus arbites
>what probably happened
Even the Wordaboos have to make up fanfiction to try make their primarch look cool because he has gotten bullied by an larger than average crow.
FUCK the imperial agents update, my guard list ran a vindicare assassin to deal with enemy lords etc and now that assassin costs 150!!!! points up from 80 points.
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I ordered the necron half of the indominus box but I completely forgot that it wouldn't come with any instructions for assembly. Is there a resource where I can download a PDF or something of the instructions?
just google them, there's some place out there that have all instructions scanned
He was in a coma for over 800 years. The Imperium managed to survive because fluff time has been essentially frozen in 999.M41 for the past 20 real life years until 2018-2019.

Google is your friend.
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My word as a necronfag, this is not a virus
How often did Necrons get a range update?
Are the necron warrior sprues from 2006 still uptodate?
Thanks, I ended up finding something on Reddit actually, the the other links I found were paywalled so I assumed it was something GW had tied up in its app or something, for people who got an unlock code from the new product.
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Night lords could never.
They got range refreshed in 9th afaik
Only old stuff still kicking is some resin characters, destroyers and fw stuff
Thought so
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Just got this guy fairly cheap from my LGS second hand cabinet.
Is it feasible to remove the head somehow? I'd prefer putting one of my helmets there. I hate bare heads on marines.
Any tips for safely burning through plastic? I'm just starting out again and I wanted to make a setpiece for the base of my Dread. I want to run an Iron Warriors successor chapter who's main purpose is hunting down Emperor's Children. I wanted to add some spikey bitz and paint the marine pink, and have a melted hole in the middle to show the plasma scoring.

Can I just fire up my old Soldering iron and stab the chestpiece?
Better you heat up a screwdriver and just bore.
Or maybe do a hole with a drill bit and then do a little melting around it
I'd be more inclined to drill/cut a rough hole and then add the melted detail with greenstuff, but if you're going to use a hot tool on a model please at least test/practice on sprue a bit first.
Is there any mention about carcharodon librarians armour colour? Are they codex compliant or do they do their own stuff?
As long as you've got adequate ventillation that'll do the job, buuut it might be a pain to deal with burned on residue on the sodering iron afterwards.
Do use a pilot hole though.
It's the most cringe. At most, a Marine Chapter's symbol could be incorporated as a stylistic device as some kind of marker of friendship. Knights should never be painted fully in chapter colors and heraldry
everyone paints them blue like all other librarians
yes it's extremely fucking cringe you can't think of other factions outside of a space marine context
As long as you're not putting molten plastic in a humidifier, you'll be fine. Just do it outside and try not to breath it in
Cheers mates, I'll do it outside. The world's most fucked up fake CSM is going to be tortured for set dressing.
It's more of a fandom thing. Like the fanbase has more or less pinned that as their thing.
I don't really mind it personally, but all in all it is mostly fanfiction.

It's like how the fanbase as labeled the Rainbow Warriors as being the Aztec/Mayan chapter.
I don't get it.
Mantis warriors should be more like Rambo. I really don't see the samurai line of thinking
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>after months of deliberating, decide that the fists are my favorite chapter, from their lore, characters, play style, and even the yellow color scheme
>decide to paint my army accordingly
>realize that I greatly dislike red for their aquila once I finish the first couple minis and get a good look at it
>completely takes the wind out of my sails and I don't want to finish them anymore
>don't want to paint them another color because then it wouldn't be accurate the chapter design
I never knew I had this degree of autism but I'm so annoyed with myself.
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>that chaos dwarf in the background
Can't it be black?
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Still working on the watchmaster but finished the culexus, used him as a tester since he’s the one I’ll never take
Mortifactors kinda have a rambo thing going on. Bit more tribal, though
There was a short story in a recent White Dwarf (and shilling for Boarding Actions) where Necrons and Admech get stuck in a timeloop, and the only entity to realize it is a Necron Chronomancer. Technically the head Admech lady gets warned via her electronics that this is happening too but completely ignores it each loop.
My understanding was that firstborn companies had their chest match their company trim, but primaris were red regardless. Is that not the case?
What's some of the most retarded Ork plays you've done or seen that actually worked?
Nah, looks like it's always red.
You still can make it dark and saturated so it doesn't stand out too much as red
Cheese cloth cargo netting
oyster metal shelf wire
Candy wrapper capes
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>Khorne Berzerker's Berzerker chainblade can be replaced with 1 Khornate eviscerator
>The model is now two-handing an eviscerator without any pistol(s) in his hands
So shouldn't it read "chainblade and pistol can be replaced"? Or can a guy using an eviscerator still shoot an invisible magical pistol?
Autistic fucker
Man, if only there was a way to store your handgun on your person to free up a hand, like say your hip. That'd be insane.
Just glue a gun to the berserker's hip you tard.
That's a million dollar idea, Anon. If you can bring that to market, you could make bank
so yes you can wield a bolt pistol or plasma pistol with a khornate eviscerator?
There is no handgun in his holster, its just an empty brown bag. None of the holsters in this combat patrol have guns in them
>There is no handgun in his holster
So glue a gun handle into the holster you giga faggot.
Magnetic holster or some shit, who cares
>just spend even more money on parts to make it look not completely retarded
lol. why is GW producing this if you are forced to kitbash to make it look normal?
Bandages also work
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Is this a good way to start?
Eldar bros, where should I go from the Combat Patrol?
also if all the guns have model hands holding them, then where does one acquire a "gun handle"? retard
Not really, unless you plan on building a space marine or tyrannid army first. I started a couple months ago and it's what I got, at least you get miniatures that you don't really have to care about too much to learn to paint on, though. I would recommend that you don't fully assemble them before painting, you leave the right arm off so you can paint the chest without it being covered by the arm. However, if you do buy it, you could definitely just trade the miniatures locally for units from the army you do want to build, which is also what I did.
Why are there giant bird demons around?
They expect most of their players to have mild autism as a baseline, but big-league pantshitter extraordinaire spergs like yourself can’t be accounted for.
Your bits box you giant nigger.

I swear, the quality of hobbyists these days has fallen sharply
Looking at your models it's still at the same level
Those are Stormraven Gunships.
depends on what you want to be starting. Do you want to play the game or just build and paint?
you're a fag, anon, i'm a fag, we're all fags in this thread. anyone that browses 4chan is a fag, anon. your name calling is meaningless using fag around here. use better,more accurate terms.
E-bay so you can sell that shit and buy a real faction.
Below them, blind-kun
Uh-oh marine meltie
Aspect Warriors, the kill team box has a lot of them, and some of the ones you're in need of as far as army niches are concerned.
Those are Raven Guard.
Those are Stormhawk Interceptors
demolishers and something that can pop rhinos reliably
is the Space Marine combat patrol a scam
not an argument lol
This whole thing is a scam
get the blood angels or dark angels patrol and sell their upgrade sprues/decals if you dont want to play those chapters
Yes, going eBay and buy the marine half of the deluxe starter set for 10th edition, it's the exact same thing and is usually priced around $90 to $120.
Quite awful desu. You are better buying those things separately.
yeah, just buy them off ebay
Post Necrons
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>at Oktoberfest with my friends and family
>got the notification that my necron indomitus box half, combat patrol, and lokhust heavy destroyers arrived in my mailbox
>trying to enjoy the moment but all I want to do is go home and be a massive, antisocial dweeb and start assembling my gay robot skeletons
Jesus, at what point does he just give up and move to the rafters of a cathedral?
What's the lore behind 'your guys'?
They're Blood Angels but for cum. I call them the Cum Angels
The Imperial Fists are one of the First Founding Chapters of the Space Marines and were originally the VII Legion of the Legiones Astartes raised by the Emperor Himself from across Terra during the Unification Wars.

The Imperial Fists stand out from other Space Marine Chapters since they possess no fixed homeworld, although they are most frequently based on Terra. Instead, the Imperial Fists rely on their 10,000-year-old mobile space fortress, Phalanx, to serve as their fortress-monastery.

They maintain recruitment-chapels on various worlds spread throughout the Imperium. Part of the Imperial Fists' duties during the Great Crusade were to function as the Emperor's "personal praetorians," accompanying Him everywhere.

The Imperial Fists were usually used to strike a decisive blow against the enemies He confronted during that time. The role of the Emperor's bodyguards since he was mortally wounded during the Horus Heresy and interred within the Golden Throne at the heart of the Imperial Palace on Terra has now been entirely taken over by the Adeptus Custodes. But the Emperor's ancient trust remains a potent honour for the Imperial Fists and their Successor Chapters in the present day.

The Imperial Fists are the inheritors of the proud traditions of Primarch Rogal Dorn, his name venerated by countless trillions across the Imperium. History does not clearly record the details of the world on which the infant Dorn was cast when the primarchs were scattered to the corners of the galaxy. What is known is that he presented himself to the Emperor as the Great Crusade reached the Ice Hives of Inwit, offering one of the mightiest space-going vessels ever constructed by Humans during the Dark Age of Technology as a sign of his fealty.

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I have surprisingly few pictures of my necrons that aren’t the silent king.
An Iron Hands successor chapter who are assmad about their Primarch being one of the few who are dead, not just lost. They spend their time hunting Slaneeshi cultists and Emperor's Children. This rage they feel for their dead primarch leads to aggressive, melee heavy battle tactics. The chapter tradtion of collecting the skulls of heretics and their battle lust makes the local inquisition wary that they're falling to Khorne.
They were a fresh faced Ultima founding chapter tasked with securing what appeared to be a stable corridor through the great rift. It ended up collapsing on them and spitting them out somewhere deep within Imperium Nihilus. Now they're forming their own Imperium and are getting up to all sorts of heretical behaviour to try and ensure the survival of mankind.
Meridian Blades is a Blood Angels successor who are disturbed by the Red Thirst and Black Rage, so they use boltguns rather than melee and only intake watered down blood overseen by Sanguinary Priests which they do in a clinical environment to prevent any sort of enjoyment out of it
I bought this with a friend, before we got our individual combat patrol boxes that was neither Tyranids nor SM. We use the included dice as miracle dice, the plastic 12" ruler and the side cutter, and some of the paints but in whole it's definitely not worth the price.
New thread:
Iron Hands successor that protect ships in their space from pirates/corsairs and are in a cybernetics arms race with the Rak'Gol
>Eldar who decided to build a newer and better Empire
>CSM who want to learn how Slaanesh was born
>SM Chapter founded after an Indomitus group got waylaid in the Warp, spent 100 years inside it, and emerged just a few years after they departed but on the other side of the galaxy
The Knights Tenacious, as detailed previously in last thread
Woops, when I cross boards, lol
Sisters of Silence but without the Custodes
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Space Marine Chapter that adopted a knightly aesthetic from the planet they were assigned. Hates Deldar specifically because of the bullshit they put the Marines through.
Oh yeah,
Working Title is called the Phoenix Knights.
What was announced on Friday? I was sick as hell and couldn't see it
Imperial Guard Artillery Army
The whole army consists of Artillery and/or units with explosives. Embrace the inner Ork.

Also a SoB army but custom torsos with boob windows, and using nothing by flamethrowers and crossbow boltguns because I think it would be funny
I picked up some immortals. Next round is getting paints all ready to go.
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My Chaos warband are Emperors Children who split off in the early M30s chilling in the Maelstrom and raiding. A mix of veterans of the long war and newer marines. I didn't come up with names for characters but did for squads like The Ceaseless Cacophony (noise marines), Those Lost to Sensation (Possessed), Underhive Hedonites (cultists).

My IG are the 336th Khasur/Xhasur that are FFL inspired paratroopers from a desert planet with a lot population that requires them finding recruits from off world. They are airmobile troops. focus on aircraft (despite GWs best attempts to stop me), nothing fielded that can't be pushed out the back of a transport. Instead of tanks everything has to be on Chimera chassis.
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Do you play CSM painted in different legions' colors, anons? I have so many ideas to paint my chaos space marines, it's impossible for me to decide one color scheme.
So I decided to build smaller forces of Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion, but use them alongside my Black Legion main force. Would you say it's ok lore-wise to use them not as separate detachments, but part of BL detachment, even tho' they kept they original colors?
>Order of the Undying Flame
>Minoris off-shoot born from a small force of the Bloody Rose caught up north when the galaxy was subdivided
>On a constant crusade to defend and unite the lost Imperial planets
>Practically just pirates and raiders, taking any resources they want and kidna-'Recruiting' girls to keep up their numbers
>Though they will actually fight to liberate and defend Imperial worlds
>Give it time and they'll probably start to build their own empire 'in the name of the Emperor'

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