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Melee edition

Previous thread:>>94065098

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
What do you want to do with it?
Since I only use old Mk IVs, I'm not sure these weapons would fit. They might be oversized.
Back in my day you just ordered the bit you needed from a large book they kept in the shop. Only need one power claw? Order one power claw. Yep, those were the days.
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Axe status: Fixed.
I wonder what GW's recent obsession with making axes comically oversized is about.
Eh marines are ridiculously strong, able to wield cartoonishly big weapons.
I remember that IW lad with a big bonker
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Fixed status: Axed
Room temperature take: World Eaters would be alright if ONLY some companies took the Nails. Just like how BA are alright with a single company of Death Company marines.
I heard most specialists (Techmarine, Apothecaries, Librarians) didn't take the Nails. But Havocs, pilots and plenty other marines wouldn't need it.
Only really the assault elements.
Yes maybe but then they wouldn't all have a chance to get recognition from their space dad.
Look, World Eaters are probably one of the most nonsensical legions around. A raving horde of berserkers does not work as a organized military force, and GW has done relatively little to elaborate on how it’s even possible. Their continued survival makes no sense from a logistical perspective.
Guess they’d look right at home on a terminator.
World Eaters are what marines should be by conscious choice, not surgical mutilation. Merciless killers.
I find it astonishing (and almost infuriating) that marines can still feel human emotions, like remorse.
Except that marine hands have gotten a little smaller this edition, which isn't a huge deal, but you really notice it compared to terminator hands, which were always bigger.
give me an underrated unit for AL to steal and why

preferably non terminator
Emotions are the result of the process of evolution anon. They exist because they've been proven crucial to survival of the species. You can seriously fuck with emotions, but removing them from a person could be compared to trying to remove the instinct to breathe.
The nails don't turn WE into merciless killers though, they already did that before the nails. The nails just turn them into psychotic merciless killers that won't let anything stop them from killing.
crusader brethren
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I might make another 10 veterans so I wouldn't mind having more power weapons than the couple of things I have right now. Those unsheathing swords are cool if the swords themselves looked like they had any weight to them.
UM Suzerai-
Oh. In that case, those Pyroclasts are actually a rather versatile unit with their melta/flamer weapons. I'll let you figure out what being able to give them infiltrate means.
>Power sword unit
>Needs IF Crusader RoW (and Land Raiders) to be competitive
>It's basically the one IF thing other players don't complain about
I don't think so.
>give them infiltrate
Not everyone is bringing Dynat or Alpharius
Kakophoni. They act as an incredibly loud distraction while the rest of your legionnaires are sneaking around.
The BA jetpack dreadnought
The WS land speeder
The UM exemplary destroyers
True, but you know what if...
>tfw the LOW point limit for 3k points is too low to deep strike a kytan engine with Alpharius
>GW just really hates fun I guess
The WS land speeder sucks poopy ass though. More expensive than regular javelins but with worse weapons, no thank you.

The UM destroyers also have become a complete joke, the only special thing they do can also be achieved by any other unit in the game just by causing 25% casualties with shooting.
Yes, but they're cool.
Can't argue with that.
I can
They're not cool. They're pretty much Codex Astartes Destroyers, which makes them pretty basic actually. And their toxiferran is actually stolen, as Death Guard invented that thing as written in the Toxiferran Flamer fluff.
a bolter makes more sense than 2 bolt pistols. Plus you get them in squads of 20 and they have more fun weapon options
But two bolt pistols is a terrifying warcrime anon, everybody knows that.
More! More hands!
S+1 AP2 Unwieldy
>weapon almost three times the size of a thunder hammer from the same kit
>still S+1
What size metal tubes are ideal for Nemesis Bolter (and possibly other useful) conversions? I can find something like 2mm x .45mm, and they come in mostly brass varieties. Are other metals like copper or aluminum better or worse to work with on miniatures?
butthurt mortimer detected. nemisis company are based
>you wouldn't complain about a squad of termis with power fists and a chaplain
which Termies have an overwatch as potent as Myrms anon?
Debased. Derivative. Bland. Death Guard tacticals do pretty much the same thing but better.
Don't even think about insulting Mortus Poisoners; regular DG Destroyers outshine them anyways
>>you wouldn't complain...
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
>which Termies have an overwatch as potent as Myrms
Idk Grave Wardens? It's like they did both Overwatch and Hold the Line at the same time. Plus everyone has both a grenade launcher and a heavy flamer equivalent, or better.
2/2 but even then, Plasma Secutors with rad support deal instant death on their overwatch, right? Because rad grenades are active during the assault phase, and overwatch happens in the assault phase
Mauls too, I like the skitarii mauls they are a nice size on regular marines. The phalax wardens power axes are nice size and not goofy big
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Red Butchers, AL getting butchers nails to go fully into the role.
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Indeed, with their dual flame pistols
Medusan Immortals. Breachers with 4+ Feel no pain
>Thought for the day: Martyr thyself
Honestly, am I the only one who wishes Destroyers had something like "double shots with Pistol weapons but can't move or charge" so they're at least a little like their big brothers? Maybe on some heavy support variant with no chainswords or Rad Grenades but any number can have volkite serpentas or Plasma Pistols.
Did Skormorowski ever answered if Veletarii axes and Rosenritter axes are linked in any way? I will pretend RR are one of the myriad SA units anyways lel
Double shots with pistol weapons, but can't charge. It would be cruel to restrict movement when pistols have such a short range already, I think
>Maybe on some heavy support variant with no chainswords
No, no restrictions needed
what am i getting into getting a decimator
Does amyome know if using the PanO rules for Fury (all contemptors cost +25, contenptor melta costs 15, each Dread killed gives 1 VP) makes them fsir enough to not adhere to the 1 per 1k rule? It just feels silly to try and field a Dreadnought themed list with only 3 dresdnoughts - why not just use them in a normal list at that point?
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Still chipping away at these despoilers what are you working on anon?
lookin good fellas
Thanks anon!
>feels silly to try and field a Dreadnought themed list with only 3 dresdnoughts - why not just use them in a normal list at that point?
So...use them in a normal list then?
>Would the changes make Dreads not OP
Have you actually seen multiple dreads in action? What did they do? Because I saw two of them get stuck in a melee with Inductii that refused to budge (HotL + Legion Standard). But that was me, being a smart cookie. Luck may run out.
Because I already have other normal lists with them as fire support, I want to try a list with all of mine where they're the focus not the support.
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>”Fuck it those anons from last thread have a point I should at least make a start on painting my mechanicum by priming some of the based models”
>extremely stormy and windy weather out of nowhere
I’ll get around to it I promise
Use trickery to get them close (I load them into an assault drill, personally), and then pick a unit to delete.
They'll die to return fire, but what deleted them will be gone too.
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It’s ok anon, i believe in you.
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>primaris-pattern helmet
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Thanks anon. For the time being I’m just PVA’ing more sand onto bases, hopefully the rain clears up by tomorrow. Hope your projects are going well
They don't even require any support to be good, they are both hammer and anvil. You can try to blunt them by giving them volkite or the basic bolters but then when you are facing auxilia or militia you would wipe those.
They have a great stat, have heavy, are relentless, can react without buffs and secutors hit hard into melee too. There are even fouler ways to buff them than what was suggested in the last bread that I won't post.
Mostly ones that aren't part of the game lmao. Taking too many will get you thrown out of clubs just like running fury of the ancients and filling your list with contemptors.
Got a sauce for that webum? Saucenao isn't being very helpful.
>shooting fleshbane chem shit with a exposed head and eyes
paintfags are fucking retarded. I hate so much their try hard obsession with unhelmeted heads
I messed up and posted the wrong thing, but yeah.
Thralls are the best way to pratice your scheme anon. Worse comes to worst you can still strip them.
What are your favorite atypical Legion consul choices? Like how everyone expects a Word Bearer chaplain but nobody expects a Vigilator, a praying sniper. Or you can expect an Iron Warriors Armistos, but what goes through the head of a honorable Iron Warrior Champion?
EC Techmarine.
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>‘Ah, Eidolon,’ the image of Julius Kaesoron hissed with curdled mirth. ‘The closer we draw to the Throneworld, the more insufferable you become.’ It shuddered with laughter and the warped visage of the First Captain loomed forward. ‘Still playing at lordship! The Phoenician has returned to us and the Legion is gathered. What do you gain by trying to rest your hand at the tiller?’

>‘Someone has to make sure you don’t plunge your vessels into a star on a whim, Julius,’ Eidolon gurgled back. ‘Let us not forget that I outrank you. Herding you and yours falls to me because I have earned my place. I have been trusted by our errant father.’ He paused, hunching forward so that he was eye to eye with the rendition of the Favoured Son. ‘Who was the first to join him at Ullanor?’ he scoffed.

>‘You were quick to come to heel, true enough. Others had sought him while you dallied elsewhere. Hunting the Scars in futility, wasn’t it? Before you bowed and scraped for Mortarion.’ Kaesoron tittered and the image shook, light twisting around his ruined features. ‘With such diverse interests, it’s a wonder you ever came this far. I imagined that you and the forces you commanded would have idled, waiting, lost to your own desires rather than the masters we serve. Our new gods, the primarch, and the Warmaster.’

>‘It is only fair that you see your own flaws and failings reflected in me, Julius,’ Eidolon said. He shook his head and his lank hair fluttered gently, all lustre robbed by his rebirth. ‘I have been fighting the Warmaster’s battles. I sought to cage our enemies and break them. I remember what it means to serve the cause.’

>‘Always on your own terms.’

>‘There can be no other terms but mine.’
mor deythan because i havent ever seen anyone use them
more snipers for your sniper army
Despoilers should be allowed to take astartes shotguns I think, at least on the sergeant
>I sought to cage our enemies and break them.
And how did that go?
To be fair to Eidolon, it wasn't his fault that the WS found a fucking prototype of the Golden Throne and used it to bypass the EC blockade and open a webway conduit directly to Terra. Almost a literal deus ex machina ending to 4 years of bullying the WS, and Yesugei and Qin Xa died too
Agreed, but they have to swap their chainswords for them
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zone mortalis....coils of the hydra...

I take 3 interemptor squads because fuck you
coils states that everything that isnt the stolen units must start in reserve...
doesnt matter anyway because of the reinforcement points system, where 6 is the standard you get, and elites (which interemptors are) cost 2 each...

I may be onto something here
Even setting the Dark Glass aside, by the end he had basically stopped trying to do anything at all. I mean before Mortarion took charge he had practically stopped pursuing the WS altogether and instead decided to camp on top of an inert warp gate.
Thats why I always have a bottle of brush on primer.
Ultramarines Warmonger
He actually fits in very well with the disposition of the ultras, but nobody expects the prim and proper space Romans to unleash the frothing retard and his goon squad of thunder hammer wielding psychopaths behind your lines
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How is HH as a game compared to 30k? I heard that 40k is very shooty and deadly. Your dudes can get deleted before you even have a chance to use them, and it can feel like a game of CoD instead of a wargame with strategies and clever tacics.

HH seems very complicated in comparison, the marine v marine angle doesn't bother me though. I also have a massive boner for mk3 armor.
I got a box of mk3 marines and I want to paint half as imperial fists and the other half as Iron warriors. i thought about ultramarines instead but IW and IF have a cool rivalry and cool colors.

I imagine it's more expensive than 40k with all the resin and vehicles/armor.

are there any chapters that are more redundant to each other than Iron warriors and iron hands?
dark angels and blood angels maybe?

they seem like they could have easily been 1 legion. Make the "dark secret" of the dark angels be the red thirst instead of being homosexual.

Iron warriors already love tech and machines and replace their body parts with robotic limbs like their last name was Skywalker. They love big guns and tanks, so why keep the iron hands around?
Is it just me or has anybody else felt this way?
See >>94078750
While still mostly shooting focused the melee aspect of heresy does a lot more to actually feel impactful, the rules and tactics are a lot deeper and crunchier than they are in 40k (not that they're actually deep or difficult to grasp, just that 40ks rules are as deep as a puddle post 10th)

As for the costs, if you stick with plastics it's unironically cheaper to buy a somewhat competent 3000 point heresy army than it is to buy the same power level army for marines in 40k thanks to the primaris tax
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I see. Is 3k points the standard game size? In terms of sheer plastic and miniatures are 3k points the same as 2k points in 40k or AoS?

> unironically cheaper to buy a somewhat competent 3000 point heresy army than it is to buy the same power level army for marines

is that because of the age of darkness box? Is that the affordable entry point for 30k like the combat patrol for genestealers and grey knights is in 40k?

>thanks to the primaris tax
what does this mean?
As someone whose been into 40k and is currently getting into 30k, they seem to even out.

The main difference is that in 40k your troops are more expensive per model (in terms of actual money not point cost), for instance a box of 10 40k intercessors costs about 32 Bri'ish quid, whereas a box to 20 HH MK 3 tactical marines costs 38 quid. so you're basically getting 100% more guys for 25% extra cost.

this however is balanced out by your special legion specific guys being mostly forge world resin models, which are more expensive than plastic models.
Primaris are the new shiny space marines so GW charges 10% extra for their models compared to their firstborn or other army equivalents.
also firstborn is just GW newspeak for any space marine that isn't primaris.
>Is 3k the standard game size
>In terms of sheer plastic is it the same as 2k in 40k
No it's larger
>Is that because of the AOD box
Partially but also you just tend to get more models per dollar in heresy boxes, for example intercessors are $6.25 per model in their 10 man box while mk3 marines are $4.20 per model in their 20 man box
>Is that the affordable entry point
Generally yes, that and the battle force boxes are a great deal but AOD is unironically the single best value box GW has ever released
>What is the primaris tax
They're the paypig money maker faction so their units are disproportionately expensive compared to many other factions because GW knows marine players will pay it
I play 30K/AOS. Both are significantly cheaper than 40K if done right. AoS because armies tend to be just cheaper and smaller (costs of new stuff have gone up with every update tho), 30K because there’s a lot more DIY expected. Many specialist units can be created from the base dudes by adding weapons/gear upgrades. Ie if you recast or have a friend with a printer you can upgrade standard dudes to elite dudes for cheap. Also 30K has a much better view on DIY/Kitbash. 40K dudes will unironically be frustrated oftentimes if you aren’t using an official GW sculpt even if a good bit of it is GW plastic
Does anyone run sabres?

Im currently between lascannon javelins and neutron blaster sabres to fill 200pts with some anti tank
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Current Sabres should not exist. They're a prime example of FW losing their genuine treadhead mojo.
A one man wannabe Hetzer that looks like a Gi Joe tank and it's in the Fast Attack slot so they sell more is fucking retarded.
It should have been a Rhino varians like the original design from RT.
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I like how the modern one looks, especialy the AC ones. It has that "we are home feel". if it wasn't super expensive resin, I would buy on just to have one.
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Fighting with ammo feeds on rotor cannons, but at least one out of ten is attached. Still need to get their shoulder pads. These bodies suck.
It's smaller than a Rhino, literally a mini Sicaran. It doesn't make sense
It's a tankette
yes, like a 2 men tankett should be. small and cute, and not some rhino sized beast.
>these bodies suck
What's wrong with them? They look great!
they don't really look like the plastic ones. It feels wierd to even look at them.
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Four-handed axe
More fun with friends
A space marine tankette goes against what SM are, and it has only a single crewman. It's stupid.
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The Tortuga bodies are too wide for any of the plastic arms. These guys are getting the rotor cannons because they had too much of a gap that I couldn't fix for the new heavy weapons (less room on the receiver to move the hands back). They don't fit anything that requires precise positioning of the hands. Given that I bought these bodies years ago when Tortuga (as far as I know) didn't sell their own arms to go with the bodies, that's more than a bit of a miss.
Those were probably designed to work with 40k DG arms
I had the same issue with their MkIV Reaver bodies and their MkII bionic bodies (the only other ones I have), so I don't think it's specific to this kit.
I learned my lesson and just don't buy Tortuga any more.
Someone could probably get some good mileage from coasting off of 30k's plastic range for 40k SM and CSM by proxying, but somebody doing that might as well just make a proper 30k army at that point and treat it as a bonus.
The troon's lament
Why does a scouting vehicle go against what SMs are? Especially during the GC and HH when marines did a bit of everything rather than their 40k versions
I've played with Sabres a few times and the neutron laser has always done very good tank hunting, the auto cannon is ok and I've not tried the volkite.
you guys don't have a dedicated room or studio for your minis?
Brother... This is wrong... Stop... Not in front of the Primarch...
NTA but no I do this in my bedroom
A turretless "scouting" vehicle designed like an WW2 ambush tank destroyer is retarded. It cannot be both.
Also SM had bikes, jetbikes, lands speeders, and recon marines for scouting. They didn't need a stupid one man tank for that
Did you magnetise the guns or do they stay in with friction
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Yes. Stock with missiles is cheap, reasonably effective against tanks, and when priority armor targets run out they can wheel toward infantry and provide some fire support.
How is the Sabre as a kit? I generally avoid resin vehicles when I can after some bad experiences with older kits, but is the Sabre new enough it doesn't suck to put together?
Sadly I wouldn't know - I got a trio of 3D printed sabers in this configuration from a buddy of mine.
It still looks retarded.
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Imperial Fists esoterist. Some dude going full unga-bunga retard in the notoriously stoic legion is just a fun image. Everyone else is trying to logic their way out of this whole aetheric incursion problem and this dude is in the ship's hold and dancing around a fire, smeared all over with some horrible concoction and stoned out of his mind.
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adjusted my choom effect for this pic, and added a bit of vague texture to the background. lemme know what u guys think
nice white scars bro
>Centurion Niechtfried, what's going on in there?
Dark Angels' big secret is that they're nearly half traitors. IW and IH are pretty similar though.

Alpha Legion Esoterist
People often think of AL as le epic atheist legion who are secretly for the emperor, but inn if older lore it says that the main reason they don't rely on demons as much in 40k is simply that they're unreliable.
It makes sense that there would be plenty of alpha legionnaires trying it out and using any tactic available to them.
ikr The ones on the old 40k marines already looked big but they wen't fully retarded with HH2.0
The IF character's axes are fucking comical at this point
I wish I knew my self, I've just been proxying with a rhino until my order from chang comes in.
>faint drums can be heard through the heavy blast door
>HH seems very complicated in comparison
You literally can't play 40k without several FAQs and all the units datasheets because every weapon and unit need to have 7 different retarded special rules that are 95% the same as the ones other units have, but randomly have a chance to be different for no reason, so you have to be constantly checking them....
Learning a couple pages of special rules that every army uses in 30k is really nor that hard
Doing a better job than GW by a order of magnitudes.
I don't know if this is more fitting for an Eso or a Chap, but pain-giving tutoring mystic fits the bill.
Definitely better
>*Fulgrim gestures for you to continue
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I do do that, my 40k CSM army is just my Dusk Raiders for marine elements + my Mechanicum for daemon engines and cultists + my Malevolent Artifice ruinstorm daemons for corrupted and daemony stuff. Works pretty well for a dark mechanicum force, and I specifically chose metallic black red and gold for my mechanicum to go well with the silver red and brass of my Dusk raiders.
I think the EC inductii might be the coolest of them, I hoped the charnabal weapons in the new kit would be a bit more 'fancy' but I can always scour for other bits.

Is there any pics of EC inductii with the mk6 upgrades? I'm thinking of taking 2 blobs of 20 in a list, want to know if it's worth me spending nearly 200 bucks in upgrades lel
Where is that saber from?
I'm gonna try and find out, first guess would be AoS slaanesh bits
they were in the white dwarf where they showed off all the different markings. there's probably a better scan around somewhere
Looks like a regular palatine blades swords
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They're cute fun little tanks
I like the concept of a one-man tank. Automated enough that you just need one joystick to move, another one to aim and shoot.
I swear I read fluff about how revolutionary the Sabre's interface was that it allowed a legionary to commune so deeply with the vehicle that they didn't need anyone else. Predators need a driver, and a gunner. Plus the guy who yells curses from the cupola.
Astartes are already one-man tanks. The Bonaparte/Metal Slug mini tanks may make sense for normal humans, but even those are real tankettes instead of turretles mini tank destroyers
On the contrary, it's perfect. One thousand brothers, one thousand tankettes, one thousand cannons. Whole chapter's worth of metal slugs, impervious to small arms, each with guns strong enough to incinerate squads and melt tanks.
Mortals wouldn't be able to do that, so it's perhaps one of the few vehicles that do require a space marine pilot. Unlike a Rhino that any I augmented serf could drive
Maybe this is why the 2nd legion was purged
Fuck how did I forget about these?
Good find, this anon fucks
I wanna do Iron Warriors. Outside of tacs, what do I want to bring in a list?
I think a turretless tank is the smallest a tank-cannon vehicle can be; it's basically a driveable turret. Plus the articulation is the weak spot, so a box is sturdier.
You can get smaller tankettes, but they end up being armed with mere machine guns and such.
Maybe build a cupola around a Rapier?
The guy who mounts the pintle-gun/hits things with his sword/shouts curses is a vital part of any tank crew
Mortar Rapiers
>Plus the guy who yells curses from the cupola
If you crouch while in the sv001 and try to throw grenades without having any left you can do that too.
Perfect. Design.
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Christ, those bodies look awful. If you’re having trouble with the ammo feeds, a cheap heat gun or even a hairdryer is your best friend. Glue one end down, let it dry, and then carefully heat it up and bend the other end into position. Ironically, I get more use out of my soldering station for warhammer than I do for electronics.
That is a charnabal sabre from the palatine blades kit. Or a convincing print of one.
>armistos with a boarding shield
I kneel
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Luv me poison
Luv me Reaping

Ate scars

Simple as

Finished my deathguard

leaky has an easy guide to ammo feeds
I didn't know that the Arquitor was so big, damn

>he uses Reaping to free up heavy slots for dreadnoughts and artillery rather than fit as many HSS as possible into his list


Word Bearers Vigilator is actually what I run, now that you mention it. He has great synergy with the legion's unique units and makes it harder to mess up the ritual for Dark Brethren RoW.
Yay! Does anyone here even play LI?
>Dark Mech confirmed for 30K one day
Ligma gets dark mech miniatures

28mm gets crap rules
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>ligma gets Dark Mechanicum models before 30k
Cute pider
Smol pooder
Looking forward to more dark mechanicus, holy shit
Aww didn't know it already started.
cute :3
This is the only model they showed right? I wonder if this is the only new model we could potentially get for 28mm HH and the rest is just rules for darkmech in LIgma.
Literally worst timeline.
I think it's just the box art for the LI one
what am I saying, that pic is obviously a 28mm scale model of whatever they just showed on stream. I guess darkmech gets another plastic demon engine or whatever the fuck that is.
This >>94080417 big nigga is acastus sized. What was even the point of paywalling two pdfs when they were working on this shit?
No but I might consider grabbing a couple for epic armageddon.
>leave the Dark mech to me

>Obese DA marine
Didn't know they even recruited slam pigs.
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I like his attitude
He's a big guy
>pict-capture of a member of the obscure Order of the Double Patty, a little known Order within the Dark Angels dedicated to the arts of gastronomic warfare
jesus fuck the seamline on the plasma coil
Run Javalin, cheaper and heavier hitting and more survivable.
Didn’t we get a plastic Deredeo last year Christmas? What vehicle could we get this year?
Land speeder
A plastic Javelin is long overdue
Salamander Primus Medicae. Let me reroll those IWND
Why do some World Eaters units have a some guy wearing blue instead or red, and sometimes whole units? Is it veterancy? Seargent? Can I mix and match in a unit or in the army?
Generally the white and blue was their color scheme during the early heresy, but in mid to late heresy it was replaced by white and red. You can definitely mix and match however, WE aren't exactly a legion to care much about heraldry or anything
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Pic related. I paint mine with the red because my main army is Night Lords so no more blue for me.
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Red replaced blue in the WE as the war raged on and they became more and more khornate, it was a gradual change
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Vaguely prescient
That's fucking awesome thank you all
Really anon? THATS what you are concerned with?
>four or two of everything
I swear GW is getting backhanders from ebay/independent bits providers.
They're barely cheaper, a lascannon jav is 5pts less than a neutron blaster sabre. A squad of 2 costs the same for both units.

Javelin has the movement advantage and lascannons have better range than the neutron blaster, I'd argue though that as long as your protecting your rear armour the sabre is more survivable than the jav
the retarded thing is we just had the martian civil war book, so where the fuck would the rules for this thing be, an exemplary battles they said they were not doing anymore?
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>where the fuck would the rules for this thing be
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What's the lore behind this Eagle vs. Snake symbol? Was it used only by the traitors or can I use it as a loyalist? Did they use it also pre-heresy or is it heresy era only thing?
>Was it used only by the traitors
It's the Emperor vs Horus.
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theyre mexican
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Most loyalists were mexican. There's just no way it's a common symbolism that Good is flying eagles and Evil is crawling snakes, and that they fight each other. The Raptor Emperor vs Horus in the Serpent's Scales.
El vato xD
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There's no lore behind it. It's just an old recycled Black Books icon that they've decided to make as a mini for some reason.
Personally I think it only makes sense for Alpha Legion. It's too meta and breaks the fourth wall.
I don't know about that one specifically, but the eagle battling the serpent was a common motif on Molech, representing the triumph of the Imperial Truth over the planet's old cultic ways.
The eagle in the HH icon is not winning, just saying
It's too on-model to be a drawing, and the details don't line up - the flare-shield like protrusions on the upper carapace don't match the models we see.
Really? Gotta re-read that book then
>be in rush to play ligma
>glue minis down to base
>now impossible to get a paint brush into all the nooks and crannies
>lock ligma away in the starter box for eternity
Eagle is God
Serpent is Satan, it's from the bible
It's always Good vs. Evil and apparently Egyptians saw this as Horus defeating Seth, so if traitors are carrying it, which one do they believe they are?
If you can't get a brush into somewhere you don't have to paint it because you're never gonna see it
yeh but i sprayed it white
Fat Fucking Freddy
Isn't Set a scorpion though? Plus, Egyptians liking Horus so much, sounds chaos lol
>>be in rush to play ligma
>>glue minis down to base
You either paint them on the sprue or glue them on an icecream stick. Never do what you just did.
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This settles it, it's defintely related to Molech and House Devine. So it should be carried by traitors that took part on that campaign.
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Only good rotor cannon.
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Symbol of the Imperium is the Aquila, the symbol of traitors is the Eye of the Serpent.
The wolf is facing the wrong way. The guy on the left has a wolf on his right pauldron and it's correctly facing forward.
Leaky is a stereotypical paypig consooomer, imagine his backlog
Cerastus my beloved
Don't you dare badmouth my boy Leaky, he knows his stuff
Normally it's because Visions art, kino as it may be, is also schizo and doesn't care about consistency. You could try the mental gymnastic that marines keep the left shoulder forwards because, whilst ambidextrous, they still often hold the gun on their right hand. And so the forward pauldron has to have the legion insignia, as that's the one facing the enemy.
At least that's how I do it in 40k
He is a mentally ill leftoid, so yes I will.
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>mentally ill
leaky is a cocksucking reddit freak
How would you kit Grey Stalkers and Grey Slayers? I think I want to give 2 rotor cannons to my 10 grey slayers because SW seem to like them.
I want a un 1k SW army
Is there any noticable difference between the plastic mechanicum kits and their old resin versions?
Number of pieces, posability
Blizzard syndrome.
I love that
How big are these, and could you use them to proxy Vorax
>Javelin has the movement advantage and lascannons have better range than the neutron blaster, I'd argue though that as long as your protecting your rear armour the sabre is more survivable than the jav
I have to disagree with you, a single Las canon cant instantly pop a javalin, which also can get shroud saves with evasion. A single lucky las canon can rip SV10 apart.
Looking at the details I'd say maybe shoulder height to a space marine, maybe less
What's your opinion on the LIgma books released so far?
Once 30k is "finished" will we get 20k where the turbo chuds will move over who are disenfranchised with 30k?
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Is this thing equipped with a twin-linked atrapos phasecutter?? How big is it supposed to be?
Mass power weapons. I'd take ten power axes whilst leaving the other half of the unit with stuff that can hit at initiative like lances, swords, or their stock fenrisian axes; ten bodies up front hit and are hit at initiative, and after they die and units pile in the power axes get to do the real damage. If you're willing to put more points in to a T4 W1 3+/6++ unit you can give them five fists instead of the ten axes.

Rotor cannons are great for a unit that can run, shoot, and still charge, but i'd give serious consideration to volkite calivers. They're relentless and can fire their calivers on the move. Twelve S6 shots before a charge is pretty good, not to mention the things they can do with overwatch or return fire. These guys can also take power weapons, so i'd sneak maybe four or five of them in the unit to give them a little bite in melee over their stock chainswords without making the unit too expensive.
This. It's so strange that the transition from Open Topped Skimmer to Antigrav Cavalry made Land Speeders go from behind threatened by boltguns to be resistant to Lascannons.
Something something, I was there when Horus killed the Society
The resin models are easier to give distinct poses because they have a surprisingly small number of parts, you just tweak the joints at the knees, hips, and shoulders to give them some character. The plastic kits are much more rigid by comparison due to the huge number of parts that all need to fit together and all the units end up looking quite similar.
Truth be told, its because of the T6, sure that Las canon is still wounding on 2s, but its not Instant death, nor is there really a lot of things that CAN instant death a T6 model
On top of that, you can outflank them, so you can have a squad of 3 of them just pop out from enemy lines, and then can move insane amounts of distances WITH the threat range of a MM and Las canon atop it.

Javalins IMO are vastly superior to sabers
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The phasecutter is just an oversized lascutter. So those are probably something in between.
They don't feel that good reading them and they end abruptly at random.
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How does he cope with having a giant jet intake three inches behind his bare head?
>wants to be spoonfed something that was already answered
>he can't endure a bit of spice in his chemical weapons
That is why negroes make fun of you.
There is a reason a lot of marines ends up bald
>Javelins are superior to Sabres
Them ignoring terrain already makes them strong yeah. Tbh I really don't know how to deal with them.
Certainly not Demolisher guns, as they themselves are very vulnerable to the speeders' own guns.
>On top of that, you can outflank them
Didn't you hear? Anon solved the Outflanking question by simply parking a tactical squad on the Outflank marker. It's over, liberal. Outflanking is now a death sentence :^))
What is the Energon of 30k?
wtf is an energon
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You can deep strike them too, just drop a squad of three next to a superheavy and watch them delete a unit double their points
The friends we made along the way.
>Anon solved the Outflanking question by simply parking a tactical squad on the Outflank marker.
LUL i guess he missed the part where anti grav can move over units, and just run onto the board LOL.

But yeah, speeders are just so great.
You will-a like the Astartes Carro Veloce and you will-a be felice
>energy source
Whatever is in those reactors, boring answer
>the characters bleed it
That would be blood.
The new ones are made of a plastic material. The old ones of some kind of resin.
>the plastic ones are plastic and the resin ones are resin
Surely you jest!
I'm staring at my sa models wondering how the hell people paint like 100 of these. There's so many details
>Javelin: 4 wounds
>Sabres: 3 hullpoints
And that's not even considering javelins get an armour save too.
But can he deploy models if they would be within 1" of the enemy, even if they are antigrav? You can jump over them on the movement phase, but cannot end the move right next to them, that's only when charging.
>can he deploy models if they would be within 1" of the enemy
The way outflank is written you don't deploy the models and then move them. They are moving into the battlefield, meassuring from the outflank marker
Measuring from the board edge within 6" to either side of the outflank marker to be precise, but yes.
Does anyone have a scale photo of a LI knight poryphiron next to a regular space marine? I have an idea for a conversion but I'm not sure if it'd be the correct scale.
He would literally needs to be able to block a half circle with a radius of at minimum, 20 inches, or 24 inches if they run.
That means they would need to some how cover 628 square inches, if they are just moving onto the board, and 904 square inches if they are running onto the board.

Aint no fucken way anyone is able to do that.
I do, gimme an hour to get home
You can easily block anyone who doesn't jump/antigrav. But these speeders do, and apparently they could simply be able to jump over any blockade because they are deployed after moving and not before, if I understood correctly?
Does any anon happen to possess the new Thunderhawk model, who would be willing to measure the hull length and wingspan?
That is correct.

EC outflanking jump pack palatine blades, javelins and sky hunters is quite a compelling army idea actually...
Thanks anon, I appreciate it.
>But these speeders do, and apparently they could simply be able to jump over any blockade because they are deployed after moving and not before, if I understood correctly?
Yes, you understood that correctly. Units arriving from outflank are already moving. So they can move over anything.
What makes this even more fun and silly is that jetbikes get a special rule were if they run in their movement phase, they gain a shroud save of 5+ until you next turn.
You can make this even more fucking gross if you are a dark angels player and you outflank skyhunters that run onto the board so even if they get intercepted, they get a 5+ damage mitigations thats reroll able.
Ravenwing gives them rerollable shroud saves.
Which means if you outflank Ravenwing jet bikes, you can get a 5+++ rerollable, on any intercept action that is taken against you.
>New thunder hawk
Huh? they have not made a new thunder hawk, at least not to my knowledge.
NTA It was a while ago but yea, they remade the FW model
Im doing something like that with my dark angels.
1 Squad of 2 speeders kitted with Las canon, and MM
1 Preator with command squad, 7 guys, all with shields and power spears, and a primus medicae with them as well.

Seems like a really gross thing to have just appear in your backline and for the entire turn they arrive they get a 5+++ Rerollable atop their 2+ armor save.
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FW made a new version of the resin model in 2017
OH ok got it, was that when/why the thunderhawk transport disappeared as well?
I know they make the gunship still just not the transport variant.
2017 was 7 years ago, hardly new
That does sound kinda nasty.
Right?! the idea of just having a bunch of Knights with lances and shields atop jet bikes come slamming into anything they can find seems gross, then you combo it with the fact they can also do shit like hit and run so right after your opponents combat you can just go Later nerds, and zip out and do the same thing again.
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It's new to me dammit!
Don't javelins get a rerollable 5+++ anyway due to harbingers of the legion
I was talking about jetbikes that are marked ravenwing, but yeah javelins get them as well.
I might do this by swapping the heads of a couple of the axes and hammers actually.
A fellow seekers arrow chad, nice

I was planning on building my command squad with power swords for the death wing bonus, it's a shame death wing companions can't take bikes but I get it
Are you the faggot from Reddit who doesn’t know how to use google? I already answered this for you.
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No, the transporter disappeared a long time ago, sometime around when GW deciders to kill off FW and all the people who work for them who actually play the game.
Fuck you, haven't visited reddit even once. I've never felt this offended in my life.
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Why the fuck would they make TH and spears 2 handed?
And why in the ever loving fuck would make spears such a niche pose like that?
Here you go.


Have bought them myself, great quality and reliable customer service.
Pretty sure the transporter variant has been soft-retconned out of the setting by this point.
Sorry, meant for >>94079454
>A fellow seekers arrow chad, nice
Oh no, im running it as pride of the legion, half my army is the 2 speeders, preator 9 man squad

The other half is 2 5 man knight squads each in a land raider, marked deathwing, a dread marked deathwing.
Recons marked firewing
Breachers with an apoth marked stormwing
And a 10man assault squad marked deathwing as well.

I wanted to basically make my old 7th ed list in HH which was ravenwing deathwing
Also honestly for me, i just wish i could take something other then HB on the justbikes for the preators, But again, i get it as well. If outriders were T5, i would 100% put the preator in the outrider squad and give them all plasma guns.
Wtf I didn't realize the hands were like that
>instead decided to camp on top of an inert warp gate.
The only known way to escape? Are we also going to pretend that Eidolons forces are the ones that gave the WS the most trouble?
the real issue is HBs being weak as fuck. They should be way more killy or get pinning
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>Not enough bolt pistols to equip a basic despoiler squad
So many fucking questions
I think heavy bolters are fine, people underestimate how much damage they do all the time. Occasionally field a HSS with heavy bolters, and they really rack up some respectable kill numbers.
Ligmachads stay winning
Ah okay, so are you deep striking the praetor and javelins?

I'm still waiting for things to arrive but I played a 1500pt game with my seekers arrow list for the first time recently, having half your army turn up behind your opponent is kind of disgusting

When the ravenwing command squad I've ordered arrives I can finally finish making an outrider squad with plasma burners, it's a ridiculous point sink but bikers with plasma flamers is cool as fuck
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There's 12 bolt pistols?
I hope that those tigrus pistols are a sign of new MkIV armour being released
12 bolt pistols is a really fucking weird number of bolt pistols to have in a kit
The problem with heavy bolters is that culverins are just objectively superior. More range, more strength, more shots, deflagrate, and only 5ppm. It's like taking veterans and choosing not to give them their 5ppm power weapons.
Ah nvm I miscounted the chainswords, I thought it was 20. There's no way this box costs less than $50 leafbux. That makes a 20man despoiler squad like $200 fuck me.
>Ah okay, so are you deep striking the praetor and javelins?
Nope outflanking the speeders and the jetbikes since its a lot safer and you can run them onto the board so you get the 5+ shroud save on the bikes for the entire turn, including the intercept.

For ravenwing, you can do silly shit like giving ravenwing to tartaros terminators, they can then keep up with rhinos if they run.

>I can finally finish making an outrider squad with plasma burners
I wanted to do this so fucking bad, but not for the point cost it is its fucking silly
is it?
Culverins might be a bit too cheap.
Give heavy bolters a variant of Breaching 6+ that brings them to AP3. Boom, done, they have their niche as the anti-MEQ gun whilst culverins are the anti-GEQ gun.
Culverins and las canons should probably be +5p extra each. But HB are still kind of a mediocre gun compared to all the other options.
Maybe they could have assault instead of heavy or come with a suspensor web
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Back in my day, that was a box of 16!
So is 10 heads in a melee weapons kit. I think GW should check their model design team for Khorne cultists.
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They're just seeing how far they can push you until you can take no more.
How are you outflanking the jetbikes? Ravenwing only grants outflank in seekers arrow
Say, if a unit has Infiltrate, they can infiltrate their Dedicated Transport
If they have Scout, they can scout redeploy their Dedicated Transport
...if they have Outflank, can they Outflank their DT? I couldn't find it.
I think it's around, it just doesn't sell well enough to be supported.
The shouldn't have fixed its rules so it can no longer pick up the enemy's spartan containing their terminator deathstar + characters and primarch, and fly around the board in a holding pattern until the game ends.
I must be losing my fucking mind because i would have sworn i saw the jetbikes on the retinue have outflank default.
I must be going fucking insane. Well not that big of an issue honestly even if i have to start them on the board, ill outflank the javalins. Turn one having my bikes running and getting a 5+++ rerollable and more then half way up the board is good enough for me.
I think the fact that flanking assault in the rulebook specifies that they have to be embarked on a vehicle with outflank in its rules would indicate no to me
That shit is funny as fuck.
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>pick up the enemy's spartan containing their terminator deathstar + characters and primarch
Amazing, boss. Now that's some lateral thinking
Maybe it was so in 1.0? I swore they were 2+ save lol
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>We grant Infiltrate to your Dedicated Transport, young Skywalker. But we do not grant it Outflank.
This is outrageous. It's unfair. How can one be able to infiltrate a Land Raider, but not Outflank it?!
Must have been, either way im not to bent outta shape because again, 9 jet biks with Sv2+ a primas medicae in there, AND getting a 5+++Rerollable on a run is hard to fucking kill no matter how you slice it
>if i have to start them on the board
They do have deepstrike
For extra laughs and giggles you should give your praetor the ever vigilant core warlord trait. The unit uses the praetor's initiative +1 for run move distance in that case. Add the ravenwing bonus on top, and you got jetbikes flying 23" in one turn.
If it gets infiltrate it can also outflank
if the traitor primarchs and the loyalists played a 9v9 highlander game of TF2 what class would each primarch play?
which team would win?
I dont find deepstrike worth using, i have tried using it so many times in so many ways and it has never panned out for me in hh2.0.
The oppressive nature of Intercept just makes them not worth it. Combine that with jet bikes are STILL only T4, meaning s8 is going to be instant deathing them, i dont find it worth it, just to have them sit there the entire turn and get lit up by intercept, return fire, and overwatch.
What the fuck is Type D MKVI
The successor to type updog.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Rolling to decide what to fill out the last 200pts~ of my 3k Mechanicum list with
>1-2 = 3 Vorax
>3-4 = 3 Conversion Beamer Myrmidon Destructors
>5-6 = 2 Mauler Bolter Castellax
>7-8 = Paragon of Metal Domitar
>9-10 = Paragon of Metal Arlatax
The dice have SPOKEN
And so it shall be. Always thought the mauler cannon castellax were the coolest looking of the possible weapon options.
I disagree, I think the darkfire cannon is the coolest, however, you like the mauler bolt cannon, and the dice rolled in your favor

Put it all on black
Fellas, how do I kit out my Thallax? Feels like it's a tossup between Multi Meltas and Photon thrusters, the former having the upsides of not killing them and being more compact, with the latter being a little big looking, but also more mechanicum-themed with some neat rules. How do I choose?
They aren't as bad as people make them out to be either. Mauler bolt cannons are still a decent amount of high strength shots, and with pinning too. Castellax with mauler bolt cannons are not worth the effort needed to kill them quick, meaning they often get the time to stack some bodies.
I personally adore the Photon Thruster line of weapons
Pick depending on what you actually want them to do. If their sole role is gonna be destroying vehicles from deep strike multi-melta all the way, but if you want them to take on a more flexible role than photon thruster all the way.

If you're struggling to pick though, go with the photon thruster just for the sake of using the cool mechanicum toys.
That was my line of thinking when considering them, though they will have line since I'm taking them in a cybernetica archmagos allied detachment, so I have a feeling they might come under some more fire then if they weren't (likely not as much as the 4 man castellax unit that has photon thrusters and multi-melta's though)

With krios venators and thanatars stomping about, I'm sure they'll slip under the radar to some extent hopefully
multi lasers
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(I miss it every day)
I need opinions on loadouts for centurions. To finish off my company, I need two low ranking centurions, each to lead a single section culled from a larger force. I have an assault section and a tactical section, and both need officers. Pick me some loadouts.
Combi-melta, heavy chainsword, and hand flamer one one.
Combi-volkite, power fist, plasma pistol, on the other.
Nemesis Bolter with a power sword
I'm assuming this includes jump pack units? If so Thunder Hammer + Jump Pack
If there are no jump pack units, then Power Fist + Astartes Shotgun
You, Anon, shall pick the Legion Optae
You're saying that like it isn't... Opaenal.
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alright back with this idea

>coils of the hydra
>take 30 interemptors
>interemptors are elites and thus cost 2 RP so 2x3=6, you get 6 RP to deploy units on the board at the start so you can deploy all 30
>interemptors get fearless until a unit comes on via coils
>when a unit comes on, it gets +1 to hit in both shooting and melee via coils, which pairs well with how you can come on via multiple board edges in ZM and thus quite close to units

should I?
My specific problem is that the squad gains Outflank, but the vehicle doesn't. Which forbids it from outflanking in it, since "every model in the outflanking force must have Outflank (or be inside w transport that has it)", and the transport doesn't have it.
Interceptor dooms any single squad. But multiple still have a chance.
I outflanked one Land Raider and two Rhinos once, and the LR fucking ate it in the Intercept (2 Autocannon IF HSS). But the Seekers it carried luckily emerged un-pinned, and 30 guys with special bolters are still useful.
I thought the LR dying to Interceptor was strong, but was my opponent's Reaction meant to be fruitless? Ofc no. Anyone would like their dice to carry some consequence.
Man am I losing my mind? I could've sworn militia had a rule where if a unit sees another within 6' falling back they have to take a morale test as well.
>Hacking together plastic bolter arms with resin underslung heavy weapons meant to work with resin arms
>They don't fit
>Umm...it's the bodies' fault! Yeah!

They literally have the same width as the plastic torsos, Ivan, I measured them with calipers. There are also countless examples online of people using correct combos of arms & guns with them with zero issues. Come on man this is just getting embarassing now - we get it, you really really really don't like Tortuga, all the people that like them are dumb and wrong and gay and bad, change the record. Maybe go back to spamming "proontfag" again, that was a fun buzzword for a little while.
This is what new MkIV will look like
sorting out some orbital assault bits for a big game at WHW coming up with mates
FOR HORUS HERESY you dumbfuck.

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