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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Why is this board so fucking DEAD outside of 40k-related threads/generals?
jannies mostly
very small part the shills/bots. This is more a consequence of the former, though
People who try to actually talk about games unironically get banned for it, see the card games thread and the like
Is better to play games than to talk about games. Most issues are very common and already solved and there's no point on using this site as a blog.
Fuck off
quests were like 2% of traffic in 2011
Endless waves of world-building threads with no attachment to any actual game or direct input by the OP. Just dumped into the catalog and kept alive for days and weeks.
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Who cares I used to want to save this board, until I realized it was an uphill battle where you always lose why should I waste my time to call out shitposters or people who go out of their way to ruin it. At best I realized it, if you want a good time you can troll the fuck out of this board and watch the posts come in. You wont get banned for this infact im pretty sure it encouraged. /tg/ was a top board but recently not so much the posters have plummeted here. Nazi mod killed us but the new mods who took over this place makes him look like Mister Rogers.

This threads gonna get removed soon, my message is continue to make the worst bait imaginable youll get bites.
This is the real answer.
>Most threads are replybait to make the board look alive to advertizers
>Replybait wastes people's time until they learn to avoid those threads
>Most threads are avoided so activity is low
>replybait is made to make the board appear more alive to advertizers
Repeat ad infinitum
the reasons given here are retarded, the actual reasons are
>imageboards are dying
>tabletop games are not that popular

People don't really use image boards anymore, it's all Twitter and Discord.

Also the hobby has been highly corporatized which has affected how the younger generation interacts with it, so there's less interest in tentpole franchises like Hasbro-slop or GW - which you just need a general for.
The hobby is not just DnD or 40k your the issue
The dark answer, only 40k threads survive so just shit post 40k shit and laugh. Everything else is sent to a general ghetto or even worse its sent to a general ghetto but you share the ghetto with literally every other wargame
>What game?
>What system?
>What game?
>What system?
>What game?
>What system?
>What game?
>What system?
>make thread
>first 10 posts are against OP and add nothing
>"wait where did OP go?"
A fallen knight, I’ll still fight for /tg/ purity abs redemption. Hiro will sell the website and we will rise from the ashes
Those wouldn't be an issue if the board was faster. When /tg/ was more lively, people would make dozens of those threads, and it was fine because most would live and die over the span of a few hours, not days.

/tg/ used to have a very "throw it at the wall and see what sticks" approach, and it worked. Sturgeons's Law says that 90% of everything is crud, and /tg/ was no exception, but we had such a volume of posts that the 10% that was good managed to rise to the top. Now, we have less than half the traffic we had even just four years ago, and most non-general threads just get drowned out by people bumping generals with very little real activity in them.

The other image boards are doing fine, and tabletop games have never been as popular as they are now.
This but unironically.
Why would any OP leave? Whenever I make a thread, it's a constantly open tab until its inevitable death. Even if the first few posts are shitposts, I will reply to genuine posts or just post like anyone else talking about the topic at hand.
I've seen honest and genuine questions aimed at the OP completely ignored.
People got sick of tge same retarded DnD bitching topics (alignments, caster balance, broken CR, tieflings, etc) and moved on to better games which have their communities places besides 4chan usually, such as Discord and Twitter.
Honestly I don't see much of a point of using an imageboard to discuss board games or ttrpgs, it's always just trolls trolling trolls.
Which games are better is so subjective and you'll always be limited by your group anyway (unless you play solo, but even the solo thread gets wannabe trolls all the time).
Plus, it's 4chan, too much of the threads will be just /pol/ adjacent or anime shit that's worthless to actual games.
I've seen plenty "worldbuilding" threads where the hostility didn't start until there were a dozen posts engaging with whatever inane topic OP posed. The on-topic posts were effectively ignored for days, while the so-called "anti-discussion" criticisms were jumped on within minutes of being posted.
The "worldbuilders" don't even care about their own topics, so don't even try to play the victim angle, fag.
This website went from the best 40k hotspot to an act drainage ditch what the fuck happened
>The other image boards are doing fine
Are you an actual qboomer or something? Eightchan(this website's name still triggers filters lol) used to be active, now its only active board is qresearch, Kirtaner's schizophrenia killed 420 and even country based chans aren't safe, like kraut got killed and turned into the zombie it's now called kohl
The only exception to this was sharty and it got killed by retarded management after kuz
> tabletop games have never been as popular as they are now.
not really, unless you think critical role pulling views makes them relevant
And in the same way, you see bad faith questions that get answered and then never elaborated on. I can't blame anyone for losing interest if that's the feedback.
We've had some genuinely nice threads these past few weeks, and coincidentally they were the ones where the trolls didn't shit the place up.
Imagine talking about games on the board for games.
Then you will also have seen perfectly fine threads that had ongoing, on topic discussions and then the trolls jumped in without even reading and start spamming their usual one liners.
There is an Eightchan spin off that has a /tg/ but the place is like 3 posts a week tier dead
I used eightchans /tg/ when it started, that placed banned Quests off the rip, in fact I think the only reason 4/tg/ banned quests and made /qst/ was a response to it and then guys just slowly trickled back here
Tarrant's spergout killed the whole website other than qresearch, in its last years other than like 10 boards it wasn't really active anyway but it wasn't completely dead
Yep, people often ignore this very reason why quests got banned, the anti quest posters complained and went there but then all came back when this place banned them.
Every time those guys ask what game and they get an answer, they just stop talking. So they certainly don't want to talk about games.
because you're used to /v/ which is fast paced and short posts. So faggots from /v/ come here, get confused that there's fewer people, mostly older, talking actual shop between the actual games they run and their real world jobs and lives, and then the /v/irgin gets confused by some multi-paragraph post explaining some bit of world building or rules and they call it reddit posting and have a conniption. That's what usually happens. They only know meme posting and brainless spam, and screaming in some twtich chat. Actual forum discussion is slow.

If you don't get it then this isn't a place for you.
>M.D. Geist would save /tg/
>But then flip the switch and make it 10 times worse
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He's referrign to the fact that quests were made by creative people, and when they banned quests, the creatives didn't think it was worth the trouble to create shit for the idiots who thought they shouldn't be there....so they didn''t.

The people who hated quests forgot that people who ran and played quests also did other things for and on this board, and when you ostracized them, they felt no need to grace this board with their efforts any longer.

You have the board you all wanted.
/tg/ USED to be a top fucking board and had a bunch of posters. Stop acting like nothing is an issue and also dont go "um it was bad back then too" you fags always act like agents of the shitty mods who ruined this place
Bumpfag did a number on this board and the retard moderator who bullies this place doesn't help either.
Your whine is just wrong though
quests were made by attention seeking faggots who contributed nothing and would be lauded by today's moderation
If questfags played traditional games, they would still stick around for traditional games.
Which is something you can still do all day.
I hate this argument about muh creative people leaving. If they don't play, or run, or design games, they don't belong here anyway.
The worst part is you can tell the replybiat is made by somebody who doesn't even like rpg games.
Because 40k became reddit
Whoever is in charge of this place also likes to be a little fanboy and defend Trench Crusade HARD you are banned for simple critique agasint it. Yet the 5th 40k doompost thread is allowed to stay up funny aint it?
What is there to post about?
>greentext story threads get maybe 1-2 genuine replies, aside from that it's someone crying about 5e once they get a whiff of a D&D related mechanic or just disbelief at the fact that a game is being run
>elf slave what do threads and other inane "... in your setting?" garbage hits the dump limit within 2-3 days
I understand that the last point always remained the same for /tg/ since it's beginning but posting about actual ttrpgs and the stories that happen within aside have zero relevancy here and that is not the fault of mods, jannies or any specific autists.

/tg/ was killed by the very people that frequent it and there is nothing else to it.
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When are the mods going to ban catspammer?
>aside from that it's someone crying about 5e once they get a whiff of a D&D related mechanic or just disbelief at the fact that a game is being run
Had this happening too, made a thread about a homebrew project and someone starting to rage about 5e once I mentioned that I used a d20. Even though it was an entirely new system.
Thread died within a day anyway, no bumpfag for me.
I have honestly never seen evidence of this supposed shit mod existing.
Just look at the card game thread and see people get banned for posting about cards in the game they play
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I have never seen anyone in those threads talk amongst themselves, they just leave their little "in muh settan" tidbit and fuck off without engaging anyone else.
That isn't discussion, that's feeding a parasite who thinks he's entitled to the efforts of others just because he made a thread that took no effort to post.
Crest Research Group style innovative tactics.
There was an entire wave of western government funded plants to make 4chan boring to deradicalize it. It worked. You can google it.
It really fucking did didn’t it?
>if questfags played traditional games
So if quests aren't /tg/, then neither is any other rules-lite, narrative driven system. Moderation needs to adjust accordingly, if this is the case.
>i've don't see posts that got deleted
That's because they were deleted, genius.
What are you trying to say? Effort? Dude we're posting on 4chan, what effort is involved? Does it require you effort not to shitpost? Then don't post.
1. Primary /tg/ franchises are going to shit. WotC? between Dead&Done and recent '80s horror movies' set? Shit. GW? Constantly splintering their franchises. (Most recent being The Old World, I think.)
2. 4chan itself is going to shit. You want to start a new thread? Wait for 300 seconds. You want to comment? Cloudflare captcha within normal captcha. And then 4chan captcha which are getting more and more aggravating.
3. LOTS of bad faith actors. It's increasingly more difficult to find anything worthy of note between 'hytnpdnd' and 'what game?' crowd.
4. Aging population is leaving the board while younglings (that might include you, OP) are addicted to constant dopamine rush from certain chinese brainwashing app wth two letters T in the name.
You didn't see it because you also posted your tidbit and fucked off. Exchanges of posts do happen. And no, not every thread has to be a hundreds of posts-long discussion. Sometimes questions are asked and they get answered, thread is finished, on to the next.
What this board needs?

More Ribbon. More Cestree.

It's actually amazing how many various aspects of /tg/ could be addressed with that. If you want to restore a sense of community, if you want to encourage a more positive approach towards games, and you want to encourage homegrown memes rather than importing them from Twitter, what could be better than two girls who love games who hail from the Golden Age of /tg/?

It doesn't have to be Ribbon or Cestree, but encouraging people to draw more /tg/ characters and positive memes is vital to this board. Drawfaggotry used to be the lifeblood of this place. And, reposting drawfag images is an easy way to encourage more people to drawfag.

Even if you can only draw stick figures, draw. Draw, and repost.
You're never coming back, questfag. Now go back to your concentration camp.
>that quests were made by creative people
Most weren't, and in general quests had grown incredibly insular and seperate from the rest of /tg/. More importantly, there's no law saying you only can visit one board, so people were and still are able to visit both boards. Your entire logic is nonsense and just self-defeatist bitching.

/qst/ wasn't even made as a punishment. It was a new board with special additional features made in recognition of how popular quests had become, and for a while it wasn't even a containment board, with using it being optional. But, with questers complaining about the slower traffic (there's that self-defeatist bitching again), they changed the policy (and the sticky) so that quests actually became banned on /tg/.

It would have been nice if the mods communicated this all better and they didn't make it seem like they were kowtowing to the anti-quest trolls on this board, but communication has never been 4chan's admins' biggest strength.
When they added all these extra hurdles just to post it kind of killed the whole site. You can see dead ass threads everywhere and when you see a thread that stays up it's either a mods favorite subject, being bumped buy the same 3 people, or either a bot/shill thread. The appeal of this site used to be quick shit posting with the rare actual productive conversations but who in their right mind would want to jump through hoops to post something meaningful for us fucks on this shit site?
>When they added all these extra hurdles just to post it
What was even the thought process there? Can't imagine even an actual invalid like GookMook would shoot themselves in the foot like that.
>Post-nazi mod board trauma lasting till about '14
>Deliberate and intentional actions of the moderation to drive this place down
>Kicking out quests to separate board
>Election tourism around exact same time
>Summer of '18 never ended (realismfaggotry/local lord shitposting)
>Covid tourism
>Allowance of bot threads
>Weekly autosage
>Revoking weekly autosage after it broke what little of activity was left
>gook moot active negligence (yes, I know this is an oxymoron) of blue boards
None of those factors was the deciding one, but all of them combined create the current landscape of a desert with but a few, drying oasis.
Also, we can add few minor ones, that can be summed up as
>General anti-creativity hostility for the sake of "le ebic own"
We've got woyafags, people raiding writing and drawing threads, people shitting on 1d4 due to its repository value, people derailing generals for "middle weight" games, so eventually people stopped discussing them and so on and forth.
All for the sake of ebic win on nerds, with predictable results
This board is run by people who don't play games

>"What's that, you're playing a race that isn't HUMAN or ELF?! UHHH FREAKSHIT MUCH?"
>"What could this be, your game has... an ongoing plot? MMM STORYSHITTER I SEE!"
>"Huh, are you guys daring to speak about Dungeons and Dragons here!? OH GOD I'M SHITTING MYSELF"
>"You don't understand, I NEED to post Ai slop in EVERY THREAD despite already having a designated street shitting thread for that
>"An anon who has the productivity to make a project on this board? NNGHH GO AWAY NOW!"
>"/tg/ culture? idk what that is probably definitely never existed and if it did it was CRINGE and NOT FUN"
>Other threads are made by bots/shills where genuine discussion is not required no favored
>And the rest get bumped off the catalogue thanks to bumpfag and the mods refusal to do anything about it because only benefits them

And any thread pointing out the problems here gets wiped instantly once a mod sees it
Anyone that would want to do anything here at all beyond shitposting left for the hills a while ago, no use in wasting time
I know it will sound crazy but as someone else has stated in the thread they where pretty much paid to kill this site I think that's why og moot left he knew what was coming. I was seeing 4chan in normal news outlets and knew it wouldn't last. The new guy running this place is just squeezing all he can out of it.
>Anons are chilling and having a nice day at the pool
>Muh Game comes along and stakes a shit in the pool out of spite
>The pool is cleaned and people get on with their day
>The next time there is a pool party Muh Games comes out to shit in the pool and does this the next dozen times
>The rules of the pool say anon can't stop Muh Games from being there
>Now very time Muh Games show up everyone needs to try and stop to Muh Games from shitting in the pool again.

If you just stopped shitting in the pool then people who no longer need to argue with you.
>quest fags were the only ones making OC

Holy shit the delusion
4chan in general is dying outside of like /v/ and /pol/. The culture around the whole site has changed a lot over the years, most veterans either got old and left or grew tired and no one but the few tards that remain actually like nu-chan culture.
Seek help. Don't stay here shitposting. You're insane person with delusions and a personal vendetta against a topic. You need therapy.
40k is more mainstream than the rest. Meaning more hordes of retards infest those threads.
Trust me, most 40k threads currenly are fucking abysmal and will be so for the forseeable future.
There's newfag retards everywhere and it has been confirmed that there is discord server specifically dedicated to raiding and shitting 40k threads both in- and outside of /tg/.

Unironically you have it better, and I don't wish what happened to us, to happen to you.
Just stick to your guns, have fun and do some board appropriate content on your threads.
Not your content farm neckbeardia.
complete and total fabrication
this is the truth
in the end phones killed this site
moderation through ips alone became prohibitive and there is so much friction to posting now its amazing anyone even bothers
They never did.
Especially /pol/, those fags regularly flood 40k threads.
The board functionally started as a 40k board. The feedback cycle of tg memes spreading 40k across the internet and back again only continued that trend. I'm a grog, and the idea of a 40k "secondary" was kind of preposterous back in the day. We liked the fluff, sure, but the game was the core of the fandom. The idea that someone would sit around arguing about the Horus Heresy while having never put together a *single* space marine was absurd. Post Dawn Of War though, there were tons of people who only knew 40k as a fiction setting, rather than a game setting. I suspect this is why there was such a shift to "The Narrative" too, though that might have had early antecedents with efforts to ape White Wolf and Vampire.
Anyway, all that is to say that this is a niche board based primarily around 40k, and most people who come here so so for 40k. I'd love it if there was a crazy active Unhallowed Metropolis general or thread dedicated solely to hacks of Aces & Eights or something, but that's just not how things are.
There's nothing to adjust, nobody talks about those "games" either because their userbase just buys them to sit on a shelf.
It's hard to be a content farm when there's no content, just faggotry and bitching from clowns like you
get a job neckbeardia
If there was a way to ban children and the current jannies, 4chan would heal. Unfortunately, IRL that'd also violate the entire "anonimity" deal that makes content here possible and we'd be screwed in a different way shortly afterward.
Nothing short of an economic collapse and several years of street fights to weed out the stupids via natural selection is likely to do anything.
Opinion discarded to the sewer it belongs.
>Nothing short of an economic collapse and several years of street fights to weed out the stupids via natural selection is likely to do anything.
Actually, a bit of economic prosperity would get them off the internet and back into the bars, sports arenas and car crashes where they belong.
Everyone just retreats into their insular generals that are clogging up half the entire threads or more.
>The /Pol/tards would at the very least insert their eugenics fantasy into an actual game system instead of just pretending
/pol/tards are malformed, terminally anti-social spergoids who can barely get along with the voices in their heads. They don't play any games.
/pol/tards don't play games. They are barely able to avoid eating their keyboards. The only kind of threads /pol/tard make are the stupid shitpost kinds.
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He malds if you post nigger, gives you a three day site wide ban. Even Vauthry wasn't that bad to /xivg/
See you in three days btw
And you can thank shitheads like Aaron Dembski-Bowden for that.
>quests were like 2% of traffic in 2011
Why did such a tiny interest need its own board?
AI bot spam. The marketers and other assorted assholes think people can't tell the difference between their fake threads and real ones, they're wrong. The formula for
>Vague non committal question that's not really on topic
>Stupid picture, often AI produced
Got old after the first one. Let alone five fucking months (ongoing) of this shit. There's another spammer that will respond to random questions like "what does that mean, or 'explain," for some strangely maligned agenda.
It's just a coincidence that /tg/ stopped making homebrew the very instant that quests were banned.
Because morons threw a fit about quests and kept at it until mods gave in.
/Pol/tards have made entire systems. You've never even played a single game. You do the math, Retard
>You've never even played a single game.
Nice projection retard.
>/Pol/tards have made entire systems
Making unplayable crap does not really count as making entire systems, retard.
>You do the math
The math shows that you are a stupid faggot nogames
All the fun people left for discord.
You like other /pol/tards are clearly too retarded to play GURPs or any other tabletop game. You dumb nogames fag.
Seems like you're too much of an outsider too even know what game is the easiest to play. Kindly fuck back off to wherever you're visiting from
You've answered your own question. It's generals. Generals trap 99% of the conversations inside their swamps. This board was a much better place before prissy little bitches got angry at seeing more than one thread for a game gameline.
Your retarded posts is projection and fail nogames. You would not know a game if one hit you in your faggot face.
You're confusing yourself again, Schizonon. You're the one that was pretending to play games and I was the one calling your retarded for it. Try again but don't be so retarded this time.
Nope, I know you are retarded and nogames. Go be dumb somewhere else fag.
Because 40k is a festering pile of shit.
The top 70 threads seem to have had replies in the past two hours. They appear to be a mix of all sorts of topics.
Most were not started by as insufferable a faggot as you, OP.
hiroshimoot is AFK, tranny jannies are running the show now
>Make board about nerdy, "cringe" interest
>All of the fun content people liked becomes "cringe" in the view of outsiders that flooded the board
>All of the original posters get old or stop coming because retards who don't play shitpost their threads constantly
>"Why are the only threads on this board boring and safe threads about broad appeal products?"
No clue.
>board population less than half what it was in 2021
>normally fast threads now autosage after 7 days
Hope you enjoy your stay, tourist!
They were forced to add those hurdles due to complete fucking niggers who also ruin the site. /vg/ recently added the anti-phone spam measures and it significantly increased thread quality by presenting a bare minimum barrier to entry for spamming threads with inane bullshit.
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Nobody ever wants to talk about Keyforge.
It really is.
Christ, this is it. It genuinely feels like it used to when some bullying faggot infiltrated a gaming club back in high school. People throwing their weight around trying to devalue the place because they're unwelcome in it.
They don't get answered.
There has never been a "perfectly fine thread".
Every thread on /tg/ was a perfectly fine thread.
thanks for the kek
If you aren't discussing a specific traditional game, why are you posting on the board for discussing specific traditional games?
We have redditors posting low quality threads with no game systems like
Shut the fuck up - you're half the god-damned problem, with your meaningless whinging.
People can discuss traditional games without referencing some manufactured official 'gaem'.
He's right, of course.
You don't need to specify a system to brainstorm which aspects make a good antagonist.
What sort of agenda could there be for asking someone to clarify their thoughts?
>literally any thread where the OP asks an opinion-based question
>first reply: "You first, content-harvester."
No, they cannot. If you're not discussing a game, don't make a thread.
Yes you do.
So what's the problem? Just reply with your opinion about the topic of your thread.
>So what's the problem?
The anon who meticulously scours the board for new threads so he can first post worst post in them.
Have fun enforcing your 'no fun allowed' stupidity, no gaems.
2016 happened. Though really the first deathknell was Project Chanology which led to Gamergate.
I will.
Engaging people in discussion is in fact good, and is the entire purpose of an internet forum.
Sounds like a (You) problem.
>Strike Witches Pokemon Maid Quest part 235 - In which we take Suckura to the beach and maybe see her in a bikini or her titties if we peep.

el oh fucking el
This isn't a forum.
It sounds like a board problem, in fact.
It is.
You not liking threads doesn't make them bad. Please find a hobby that's not staring at the catalog while pressing F5.
I would rather have threads like that than having retards shitting up /tg/ crying about the woke boogeyman. Also you could try making threads about stuff you want to see in /tg/
The threads are bad, of course.
/GURPSgen/ has been having a bit of a renaissance, lately. But that's really the only thread on this board that I care about.
That's part of the problem. Threads have become insular factions with the same circlejerking anons that might as well start namefagging and use avatars.
A board dying from spam will never be fixed by adding more spam spam
A board ignored due to spam will never get more users by adding more spam
If you want a fast board you need humans to want to use it, and thats down to quality over quantity
I don't quite think we have that problem, but I do see your point.
And the other threads around are pretty lame. Like another anon said, shitty, detached worldbuilding threads galore, d&d, 40k, and tons of generals.
But, as a guy who's pretty much just here for GURPS, what else is here for me? Not (usually) interested in d&d or warhammer talk. So generals make sense to a degree.
Humans stop wanting to use the board when every thread gets swamped in bots that come in to repeat their recorded line.
>Then don't post.
That IS the current consensus isnt it? Board traffic is dropping because every day another person makes that choice
Well at least you read one part I guess.
It's almost like outside actors are deliberately organizing in order to shitpost this place to death.
You could talk about GURPS without a general, anon.
>meticulously scours for new threads
You know you can sort the catalogue by newest, right?
Black belt catalogwatchers are a plague.
I dont see the issue. If you're making a 5e thread just say that so people who know the rules can give you a clear answer faster. Its just common sense really

Tg thread generator and seychelleposter made that obvious years ago. Nothing human is here, why would humans stay to post?
What are you talking about?
Why are you complaining about "detached worldbuilding" while also pretending you play GURPS? Do you even know what GURPS is?
There's anons obsessed with organizing the catalog that try to police it.
>Nothing human is here
Speak for yourself. Some stay here because not everyone is a chronically online shitposter yet.
Forgive them, it's the only human interaction they know.
And be thankful they will never reproduce.
Ban the catalogue, that'll fix everything!

Show me then? Link what threads you've started
The /pol/ & phoneposter tsunami of the summer of '16 rendered the board unusable for a good while. /pol/ is mostly gone now, but the phoneposters remain, still being garbage.
They're in some archive I guess. I hope you're not trying to say that only those starting threads are responsible for board quality anyway.
So you havent started any threads? Then what right do you have to complain about the board not containing the kind of content you like? Dont be such a lazy faggot
>woke boogeyman
>So you havent started any threads?
Not recently, no. I thought it was clear.
>Then what right do you have to complain about the board not containing the kind of content you like?
I have no problem with the kind of threads being started, I have a problem with the attitude of some posting inside them. Those anons should well remember that if they don't like a thread they can stay out of it and not post instead of purposefully enter to fling shit and screech about how they don't want to engage.
No, we will continue to rape you every time you make a bad thread.
If you like the current threads go post in them? There is nothing i can possibly do that will stop you from posting in whatever thread you like
What makes you think I don't? Good night anon.
Well then whats the problem? You have threads you like and you post in them, so what are you complaining about faggot?
Ok, but getting in detail with specific mechanics would likely derail a thread. But point taken, I guess.
Just because my preferred system is universal doesn't make detached worldbuilding threads good threads.
I want to see less woke bullshit
Do you have two functional brain cells?
You know the woke bullshit is just astroturfed shitposting, right anon?
You know you can ignore the things you don't like, right anon?
It doesn't make them bad threads either.

Yes, there are some bad faith actors just making deliberately shitty threads, but I've seen trolls going into any thread that doesn't specify a system and complaining about that.

There's nothing wrong with discussing general settings, in no small part because of games like GURPS. I personally primarily play homebrew games, so that means the "everything needs to be in a general" culture that people like you are trying to establish as extremely offensive.
Do you?
If you're not discussing a specific game, don't post.
>doesn't understand what just happened
>doesn't understand how the catalog works
So you don't have any brain cells, then.
Anon, we just talked about bad faith actors. Don't you be one.
Off topic posts are against the rules.
Yes, people can ignore things they don't like. They can also discuss the things they don't like, and talk about why they don't like them. Often, people can enjoy discussing a product they dislike with like-minded people more than they enjoy using a product that they do like. This is nothing new. There are clay tablets from thousands of years ago where people are making fun of a play that they thought was bad. What are you trying to accomplish by asking people to stop talking about things they dislike? Do you expect us to believe that you have never criticized a product?
lmao, is bumpfag shitting up the thread after being called out one too many times?
Ignoring bumpfag false flagging, noone is against discussion threads. The objection is that theres no discussion in the threads because the threads are made ingenuinely and with bad intentions. A simple question about system or setting is an instant filter for which threads have a genuine purpose and which dont. The fact that its almost none of them just speaks to how poor the quality of the board and its moderation has become
>lame coap
gotta be over 12 to post in here, kid
Making the board largely unusable and a chore to engage with is a demoralization tactic. The Feds have been at it since 2014, likely earlier, and it gets worse on election years.
>p-please stop breaking the rules, the jannies will get mad at us
Fuck your rules, nigger. Cleanup on aisle 3, jannies!
Sorry you don't have any brain cells.
Nope, you will follow the rules.
Shitposting doesn't stop shitposting.
The fact that this must be explained to you could mean that you, in fact, are the problem.
I belive we need to send feedback about the /tg/ jannie daily or something. The situation is so dire, it is not even funny.
Anyone else have a nasty shitlog brewing? I swear I'm gonna peel the paint off my bathroom walls when I drop this monster.
oh, kid: you got me. You actually got me. Shucks.
You lose, and you won't get the last word.
Why would I want to prevent shitposting?
Yes, nogames
Lets see less of retards like you.
It is a definite problem. Just look at all the shitposters itt desperate for (You)s.
Thirsty virgins are a wonder to behold.
>A simple question about system or setting is an instant filter for which threads have a genuine purpose and which dont.

You are not the one to judge that. You are not the one who decides, largely because you seem to be clearly wrong and have a weird vendetta against more generalized threads, and that's actually quite dangerous to /tg/.

If you don't like a thread, don't post in it. Make a thread about something you want to discuss instead. In the past, that was the solution, and this board ran at a right clip so that threads lived and died in as little as two hours.

>A simple question about system or setting is an instant filter for which threads have a genuine purpose and which dont.
This is both false and just a passive aggressive way for people to shitpost. For starters, a lot of topics are not specific to any single system, and getting viewpoints from different people who play different systems is a great way to encourage discussion.

If all you want /tg/ to be is a place for people to ask system-specific questions and get system-specific answers, they don't need discussions for that. Have you heard of a website called Google?
But I just did, kid!
And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it!
Nothing whatsoever.
Get fucked with your american death cult.
Case in point
>why do you want actual on topic discussion?!
>you're killing the board by demanding people actually talk about games and systems!!
>you trolls ruin every thread you're in!
I've watched this shit explode in frequency over the last couple months and it's never been more baffling. No reason to even debate it. It's fucking wrong and it's stupid for anyone to be on the side of "in your setting" threads flooding the board.
I am, in fact, the one who decides. Any post which is not about a specific traditional game is off topic for the traditional games board. It's not up for discussion.
>wrong again
How does this happen?
Go fuck men in butt back in /pol/ retard.
> are you mad threads made with the effort drowning in spam? Make some more, lol.
Mommy's gonna put you to bed real soon, son.
Then, when you are tucked in and snug....I win.
You mean, a /pol/ boogyman? It is not real.
>baffling grammar
>homosexuality fetish
Why are you leftist fucks like this?
Joking aside, that some people think this way is a huge problem.
Even when talking about a specific system, people don't necessarily run them the exact way or with the exact same content, and even excluding homebrewed content and other modifications, two people playing the same exact system may very well be playing unique systems.

It's like the shitposters demanding system purity in discussions have no idea how RPGs even work.
Aren't you the same retard that bitches about the mods being from /pol/ even though every anti-woke threads gets deleted in under 2 hours?
you're doing the exact thing you're bitching about you mong. Just post shit you "actually like" and stop trying to cozy up to the jannies if it's such a fucking issue
Which specific traditional game was this post about? (Mine is about chutes and ladders)
Silence faggot.
What makes you think I'm joking, retard? STOP MAKING OFF TOPIC THREADS.
None, which is why this thread should be deleted.
Your post is not about a traditional game. You have violated the rules of the board. I need backup here, this guy's a loose cannon. D&D btw
>It's like the shitposters demanding system purity in discussions have no idea how RPGs even work.
Nogaems, exactly.
They are here to shitpost, derail, and demoralize. Ignore and laugh at.
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>i only like 40k, as do most anons here
>i also like /wip/ because its 40k mostly, dont like the non-40k stuff
>used to like /3dpg/ but they stopped sharing 40k files, and all files all together last time i checked. have telegram now anyway
if they made a 40k board i would browse/post there instead, most anons would. i hope they do make one someday
then (You) could keep your empire of emptiness all to yourself, with all the other single digit amount of you anons posting about whatever terrible dying/dead thing you usually post about
>boardgames, roleplaying games, and card games are all woke shit nobody should waste their time/money with
>/tg/ is a 40k board and it always will be until the day 40k dies
fuck shitmar fucking /tg/ up with their faggotry i fucking hate them
You don't play games, retarded spammer. Do you have any idea that this post sounds like a fucking Ai?
Only you know why you are so retarded.
I have never seen those kind of posts
If they wanted to talk about different approaches to using specific systems, people could debate and argue and discuss for days. They don't though. It's not a matter of people being shy or cautious about mentioning their personal methods for running and playing games. It's because they aren't playing shit. They aren't writing a campaign setting. They aren't farming for ideas. They aren't looking for good inspiration and feedback on the stories they're trying to cook up. It's just vacuuous yapping.
I just can't stop winning!
If you're not discussing a specific game, don't post.
This is the first guy to actually answer the thread's question, and he knocked it out of the park. The rest of the posts have been trolls or retards, usually both. You guys like 20 sided dice or 21?
I guess it could be /hm/. That pretty much the same thing as /pol/
Actually, according to ever census conducted on this board, D&D was the most played/discussed game. 40k is isn't even the most popular game on this board, let alone the one most people here care about.
It's amusing that you think you can try and turn this around on actual fa/tg/uys while all you have is more and more
posting. If I weren't so certain you were simply retarded, I'd be convinced you were only doing this tiresome routine to try and torment /tg/ out of some misguided, pathetic, small dicked vendetta.
This is true.
This is untrue.
> I have never seen those kind of posts
Probably because they were deleted. JOKES ASIDE, we both know you are lying.
Not gonna read a word of that one, pimp. Who here likes elves?
You did that wrong.
Nah, you are just dumb
You are just protected by jannies.
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>many anons correctly point out that there is a direct and overt effort to make the board a retarded shithole that sucks to browse and that faggots are doing it on purpose
>said faggots come out of the woodwork and start spamming low-effort preschool arguments to flood the thread and drown out the rest of the ever-present outrage genuine fa/tg/uys feel about the abysmal state of the board and it's moderation.
You are wrong and a tard.
It always feels good seeing antiquestfags writhing in the pit they've made for themselves.
>people could debate and argue and discuss for days.
No, they couldn't. That sounds like a chore, not a discussion.

If you told me I'd have to debate and argue with you, about any specific RPG system, for days or leave, I'd leave. The very idea sounds like torture, though that's largely because you sound like a pedantic little shit.

Luckily, I don't have to laborious force discussion about specific systems, like they do in the zombie generals that limp around this board, with people desperately pretending there's still life in them. If I have an idea that I want to include in one of the many games I'm currently either running or playing in, or perhaps in even several of those games, I don't need to say "ONLY PEOPLE WHO PLAY THIS HOMEBREW SYSTEM NEVER SHOWN ON THIS BOARD MAY ENTER THIS THREAD."

You're trying to police this board in the dumbest way. Quit it.
All you have without it is samefagging and no-u-tier responses.
Enough of that, can't have people start nooticing things.
Pottery, and they can't see it. Delightful little things: they try so hard.
Nobody here is talking about traditional games. Can someone please talk with me about traditional games? Ive gotta discuss some traditional games over here or I might just lose it.
They were 100% kowtowing to anti-quest trolls. It shows in every moderation decision they've made since, and has dictated how discourse on this board goes.
Don't like it? bitch and moan as HARD AS POSSIBLE FOR A DECADE. Then It worked before!
Are you really write those with the GPT? Do you realise it lack any kind of logic?
Prove it.
Silence faggot.
What system?
That does not even make sense. Those are two different reply chains.
That was not a no u dumbass. That was you being called stupid.
Nintendo 64?
kys redditor
If you aren't discussing a specific game, don't post.
You ain't here for that.
Stop shouting, kid.
Speak English.
No u tard fag.
I remember Ogre Battle being pretty good.
I could HEEM everyone in this thread.
Never heard of it. What was your high score on Hot Rope Jump on Mario Party 2? Mine was in the high 70's.
>I have never seen those kind of posts
So you are him AND bumpfag. Got it.
He said, in the millionth thread complaining about why the board is dying, while OC is made at a tiny fraction of the rate it was pre quest removal.
Who here played Quest 64? I was a fun but flawed game.
Yeah... This >>94215363
Reddit and Discord are unironically more on topic and productive places of discussion than/tg/ nowadays
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I remember when dragonfag was the only thing to worry about around here. Now dragonfag turned into bumpfag and is doing his usual shit but without dragons involved.
/tg/ OC had disappeared long before Quests did.
I had that when I was a kid, but I was like 4 and I couldn't really figure out how to play it. I think I button mashed through the first section via trial and error, then never touched it again.
Quests are cancer.
>AIfag can't read, is underaged, and is not here for /tg/
Fuck, why are you so low quality as a human?
That's such an obvious lie it barely deserves a response.
To be fair, we also had retards like VirtualOptim and NiceDaemonette and a few other forgettable "personalities" who would just shit up the board all day and night.
>remove quests
>board is flooded with nazis
Your input is no longer required, retard.

This may come as a suprise to you, but as the person choosing to post, i am in fact the only one who decides if a thread has any value. And as you say, if its not a good thread i simply choose not to post, and most other people do the same, and so the board is dying. If YOU like a thread, then YOU may post whatever you like in it. Create the value you want to see on the board, just as i do.

And if its such a great way to encourage discussion, why isnt there any? Get back to me when you can explain that without resorting to "muh anonymoose trollings"
Turns out they were a vital organ that you're dying without.
All you can do is complain about it, making threads like these, but you can never complain people into coming back. That only makes them leave.
Yeah. Like I said, removing quests was good and improved the board. Thanks for agreeing with me.
I agree, this thread rules.
Completely unvital that we're thriving without, you mean.
Ah, another sabateur willing to accept infinite damage to the board as long as the damn OC creators leave.
p sure ND still lurks around just without the title; if there's something lewd popping up you'll get some mega reply with some variant of
>some sentences in all caps
and there ya go, a wild fag sighting
>ad hominem
That's a good argument, anon.
>still butthurt
Another good argument. And I got the last word, so I'm still winning.
Nope, a flawless god who is selflessly improving the board for all.
lol, pull the other one
>le edge
Debate me on the merits of national socialism, coward. The only example of such a state lasted less than a decade.
Glad you agree.
It's funny how you people have just entirely detached from reality.
Wah, wah, the board is dying, whyyyy
>questfags left
Thanks, I knew I could get you to admit the board needed questfags.
You'll go back on this of course, but the short period of sanity was nice.
No contradiction, of course.
People who think the drawfags and writefags were driven off because of quests are gormless subhumans who don't realize that all of those creatives left /tg/ because being an active users around here was suicide for anyone who wanted to build a following and a good reputation on sites like Twitter and Tumblr which spiked in popularity around the time that 4chan and the other imageboards were being recast in the public eye as the neo-nazi/alt-right terrorist powderkeg that would destroy America.

Which is all very obvious if you were here and paying attention at any point over the last 15 or so years. Newfags don't know what kind of damage was done by The Fappening or just how bad /mlp/ and /lgbt/ permafucked this whole fucking site. Let alone shit like Hiromoot hiring almost nothing but discord trannies who frequently talk about how much they have always hated this site and how they want to kill it so all the oldfags go away.
Nope, doesn't need them, and you agree it doesn't.
>These guys who drew and write leaving didn't drive off people who draw and write!
Don't tell me I'm coping. You are seething. You are cringe. I am based.
Called it.
Thank you for admitting that quests were required, I'm sorry you lost your ability to read shortly after.
Thanks for admitting they weren't, sorry you can't read.
If I lost my ability to read, I wouldn't be able to respond to you. Fucking retard.
Yeah, it didn't. What are you confused about?
The vast majority of them didn't draw by the end. Drawquests were good because there was an actual barrier to entry, once that "requirement" went away they devolved into isekai-grade slop.
Try to write in English next time.
>nazi seething
I guess this is the only reason to come to the site any more. No games here. Just watching someone pretending to be a nazi pretend to be angry.
>seething this hard
holy shit, I've not seen a troll assblasted so quickly in weeks.
Which game would you like to discuss? I'll discuss any game provided you will denounce Adolf Hitler and the ideology he stood for.
You didn't read the post at all, did you? Creatives left 4chan, as a whole, because 4chan, as a whole, was a radioactive shitpit filled with feds, redditors, and retarded newfags like (You). Why would they stay here when they could get far more attention on twitter, which is verifiably what nearly every single one of them did.
Why are
>what's wrong with /tg/
the most active threads ever, this always happens
You lost your chance, that guy left.
I'm here to laugh at you seething.
You're not really making any sense.
>without resorting to "muh anonymoose trollings"
Ah, but that's the heart of the issue, and you're trying to pretend it isn't.

The reason the board is dying is not just because people are choosing to ignore threads, it's because of trolls shitposting with impunity, under the misguided notion that they are free to harass any thread they dislike that isn't a general.

The "WHAT SYSTEM?" trolling is just one choice among several, but it's the easiest to spam because most non-general threads won't specify a system, because otherwise they would just be posting in that systems general. If it's someone making a D&D thread that isn't specific to 5e, it's some variation of "STOP PLAYING D&D."

Funnily enough, if the topic doesn't specify a system but does align with the trolls personal views, he somehow forgets to spam "WHAT SYSTEM?". But, of course, there's going to be some other troll who decides that he personally dislikes that topic, so it's open season for shitspamming.

Whatever form of trolling you personally think is justified, that's the same kind of nonsense logic that the other trolls are using to discourage the threads they personally don't like. Rather than encouraging discussion, we just have roving trolls deciding "It is I who determines what belongs on this board, and I will shitpost at anything I disagree with," without really appreciating how much diversity there is in their negativity.

When shitposting like this happens, it doesn't make it so that only good threads remain. Thanks to how subjective that question really is, it just leaves us with no threads. No threads, except for insular generals, slowly dying.
What are you confused about?
>same response
>in less than 43 seconds
I want moar. Now!
Hitler did nothing wrong
>P-please respond
lol, seethe harder.
The first word of your sentence should be capitalized, nigger. Who needs to learn English now?
If you aren't discussing a specific game, don't post.
Oh dear...
It would seem there is something wrong.
Look in the mirror.
>seething so hard he's trying to engage again
lol, get fucked.
Then why do I still see so many Steins and Witzes on television?
crabs in the bucket
>Projecting projection
ah, delicious seethe. Next time, maybe you'll know how to read.
He was interrupted
Its a chore to discuss games on the games board?

What you're describing is an overmoderated hellhole where anyone who points out you're spamming or content farming gets banned to preserve the farm
>b-but they're trying to break my toys!
The board isnt yours to exploit. Its everyone's, and the harder you try to make it yours the more people choose to walk away
>projecting projection projection
sad, really.
Trolls can see themselves in the mirror. Vampires cannot.
>thinks everyone who posts is le same guy
Oh dear....
>Please stop pointing out how angry I am it makes me sad
I can see your IP, retard.
It's a chore to discuss games with pedantic little shits.
>still projecting
>The board isnt yours to exploit. Its everyone's, and the harder you try to make it yours the more people choose to walk away
THIS 100,000,000 times.
>still seething
lol, troll got trolled
>it's your fault I don't talk about games
sure buddy
>lies blatantly
Go fuck your mother again, Chris.
>B-but how could anyone lie?!?
daww, you waited an extra 30 seconds that time.
You really got me now!
Sounds like the end result is that the board is, in fact, mine. All I have to do is try to make it mine, and everyone who doesn't want it to be mine will leave.
There are multiple discords dedicated to destroying this board. They have guides for how to do it. And they've succeeded with flying colors.
Don't forget how /pol/ is dedicated to sinking the whole site.
They also have guides to do it, and have succeeded wildly.
>non sequitur
What I'm talking about is really just a change in understanding, and not letting you trolls imagine that anyone actually thinks you're doing good for this board by selectively shitspamming while acting under the pretension that you're preserving this board's purity.

Trolling has always been against this boards rules. It's even against this websites rules; it's only supposed to be permitted in /b/.

The key issue is that our trolls, like yourself, imagine that they deserve the benefit of the doubt extended to them, but not extended towards people doing things like making threads for discussions, and solely because they don't like the topics of those threads.
Fuck off discord tranny
>can't read
>so that means the "everything needs to be in a general" culture that people like you are trying to establish as extremely offensive
I think you might think I'm someone else. Just because I like my one general and said that some detached worldbuilding threads are lousy doesn't mean I think every thread should be a general and every worldbuilding thread is bad.
>The key issue is that our trolls, like yourself, imagine that they deserve the benefit of the doubt extended to them, but not extended towards people doing things like making threads for discussions, and solely because they don't like the topics of those threads.
But they can't create, and they want to feel good about themselves! Think of their suffering.
You lost that one, kid - fuck off now.
>still can't read
lol, seething.
Detached worldbuilding threads can be lousy. They can also not be. Trying to paint them all with the same brush is just giving trolls the excuse to go into any thread that doesn't specify a system and begin shitspamming in it.
Talking about games is not and will never be trolling no matter how asspained it makes you.
And now with the projection?
Really, just eat a snickers and be happy.
>You know the woke bullshit is just astroturfed shitposting, right anon?
The woke bullshit is in the products, retard. The fact that you idiots are still peddling the line that the trouble isn't with your shitty ideology being inserted in everything, but rather people complaining about it, is pretty funny. As if it all just goes away and stops existing if we keep our displeasure quiet.
>STILL can't read
lol, seethe harder
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>But they can't create, and they want to feel good about want to feel goodwant to feel goodthemselves! Think of their suffering.But th creBut they can't create, and they want to feel good about themselves! Think of their suffering.ate, and they want to feel good about themselves! Think of ey can't create, and they want to feel good abo create, and they want to feel good about themslves! Think of ey can't create, and they want to feel gooelves! Think of ut themselves! Think of their suffering.But they can't create, and they want to feel good about themselves! Think of their suffering.But tBut they can't create, and they want to feel good about themswant to feel goodelves! Think of their suffering.hey can't create, and they want to feel good about themselves! Think of their suffering.
Dilate ywnbaw
not that guy, but it literally goes away the moment I leave /tg/, yes.
It's incredibly easy to remove yourself from the political news cycle, especially if your favorite tabletop is anything other than D&D and you go outside occasionally.
>if I bitch REALLY LOUD all my dreams will come true
Grow a brain, get a life, find a friend, kiss a girl.
Pick one, for God's sake, and stop with the wishful thinking.
Spamming irrelevant catchphrases is trolling though. Same with crying about people discussing games, but not in the hyper-autistic and specific manner that you personally decree, and only are decreeing as a way to enable to harass and shitpost.
Getting people to walk away is the point. They are engaged in an open attempt to make this site as unusable as possible by adding friction and noise to all interactions. Flooding the site with low effort threads and then arguing with you for days because you noticed it is all part of the playbook.
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>The woke bulAnd now with the projection?
Really, just eBut they can't create, and they want to feelDilate ywnbaw good about want to feel goodwant to feel goodthemselves! Think of their suffering.But th creBut they can't create, and they want to feel good about themselves! Think of their suffering.ate, and they want to feel good about themselves! Think of ey can't create, and they want to feel good abo create, and they want to feel good about themslves! Think of ey can't create, and they want to feel gooelves! Think of ut themselves! Think of their suffering.But they can't create, and they want to feel good about themselves! Think of their suffering.But tBut they can't create, and they want to feel Dilate ywnbawgood about themswant to feel goodelves! Think of their suffering.hey caDilate ywnbawn't create, and they want to feel good about themselves! Think of their suffering.at a sniAnd now with the projection?Detached worldbuilding threads can be lousy. They can also not be.Detached worldbuilding threads can be lousy. They can also not be.
Really, just eat a snickers and be happy.ckers and be hapDetached worldbuilding threads can be lousy. They can also not be.py.lshit is in the products, retard. The woke bullshit is in the products, retard. The woke bullsAnd now with the projection?
Really, just eat a snickers and be happy.hit is in the products, retard. The woke bullshit is in the products, retard. The woke bullshit is in the products, retarDetached worldbuilding threads can be lousy. They can also not be.d.
Thats all just a massive cope trying to define anyone who disagrees with you as a troll because you cant handle basic criticism. The board is traditional games. We dont want to post in threads that arent about games, so we filter threads that arent about games. Get over it
>locked in a recursive loop
But you gave up your last attempt at this. Maybe come up with an entirely new line of trolling: this one isn't working out for you.
>Seething THIS hard
The troll has broken down nearly entirely.
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>kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl. kiss a girl.
Spamming irrelevant catchphrases is trolling though
>Please stop pointing out I can't read
lol, seethe harder
Back in 2021 I would post images like this and they would become some of the most popular threads on this site. People wanted to talk about the lefty bullshit happening in ttrpgs. Unfortunately it seems talking about ttrpgs isn't allowed unless we all accept the woke rhetoric.
If all you want to do is talk about the politics of a game, that literally goes on /pol/.
You were deleted rightly.
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>Trolling has alI think you might think I'm someone else. Just because I like my one general an like my one general and said that some detached worldbuilding threads are lousy doesn't mean I think every thread should be a general and every worldbuilding thread is bad.cI think you might think I'm someone else. Just because I like my one general and said that some detached worldbuilding threads are lousy doesn't mean I think every thread should be a general and every worldbuilding thread is bad.hed worldbuilding threads are lousy doesn't mean I think every thread should be a general and every worldbuilding thread is bad.ites rules; it's only supposed to be permitted in /b/.The key issue iTalking about games is not and will never be trolling no matter how asspained it makes you.s that our trolls, like yourself, imagine thlol,Talking about games is not and will never be trolling no matter how asspained it makes you. seethe harderat they deserve the benefit of the doubt extended to thelol, seethe harderm, but not extended towards people doing things like making threads for discussions, and solely because they don't like the topics of those threads.The key issue is that our trolls, like yourself, imagine that they deserve the benefit of the doubt extended to them, butlol, seethe harder not extended towards people doing things like making threads fTalking about games is not and will nTalking about games is not and will never be trolling no matter how asspained it makes you.ever be trolling no matter how asspained it makes you.or discussions, and solely because they don't like the topics of those threads.Trolling has always been against this boards rules. It's even against this websites rules; it's only supposed to be permitted in /b/.Trolling has always been against this boards rules. It's even against this websites rules; it's only supposed to be permitted in /b/.
You lost that one, kid - fuck off now.
>nou has set this "woman" off so greatly
I'm sorry your /pol/ guides didn't prepare you for this, maybe you can check your discords?
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>Back in 2021 I would post images like this and they would become so>locked in a recursive loopme of the most popular threads onSpamming irrelevant catchphrases is trolling though this site. People wanted to talk about the lefty bullshit happening in ttrpgs. Unfortunately it seems talking about ttrpgs isn't allowed unless we all accept the woke rhetoric.Back in 2021 I would post images like this and they would become some of the most popular threads on>locked in a recursive loop this site. People wanted to talk about the lefty bullshit happening in ttrpgs. Unfortunately it seeSpamming irrelevant catchphrases is trolling thoughms talking about ttrpgs isn't allowed unless we>locked in a recursive loop all accept the woke rhetoric.Back in 2021 I would post images like this and they would become some of the most popular threads on this site. People wanted to talk about the lefty bullshit happening in ttrpgs. Unfortunately it seems talking about ttrpgs isn't allowed unless we all accept thGetting people to walk away is the point. They are engaged in an open attempt to make this site as unusable as possible by adding friction and noise to all interactions. Flooding the site with low effort threads and then arguing with you for days because you noticed it is all part of the playbook.e woke rhetoric.Back in 202Spamming irre>locked in a recursive looplevant catcming irrelevant catchphrases is trolling thoughening in ttrpgs. UnfortunatelyG this site as unusable as possible by adding friction and noise to all interactions. Flooding the site with low effort threads and then arguing with you for days because you noticed it is all part of the playbook. it seeGetting people to walk away is the point. They are engaged in an open attempt to make this site as unusable as possible by adding friction and noise to all interactions. Flooding the site with low effort threads andbout ttrpgs isn't allowed unless we all accept the woke rhetoric.
>Flooding the site with low effort threads
Except that's not what's happening. The very opposite, actually.

We're flooded by High-Effort OP generals. Very high effort in the OP, but then the generals are just bumped for days and now weeks with very little actual discussion.

Back in the day, the glory days of /tg/, people made threads constantly. Quick threads. Joke threads. Threads about a single idea. Threads did not have to all start with four paragraphs, some started with only a single word.

The problem we have now, and what you are helping to contribute to, is the stupid idea that "High effort=Good", when all that does is make this place slow and tedious. And, when someone wants to make a quick thread these days, they are hounded by trolls who demand high effort, which really does nothing but make this a place filled with trolls willing to put in that high effort and no one else.

This is an image board. It's not Reddit.
Gotta love it!
So many of my own words screamed back at me by the buttflustered loser.
Moar, kid, moar!
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The more you point it out, the more they try to spam the thread. I guarantee they're spamming reports too, desperately trying to get the thread to either autosage or get deleted. They need as much noise as possible to drown out the sincere discussion, because spam and copy-pasta and circular arguments turn the discussion to shit and shit gets us nowhere.
Ah yes, "They" are trying to spam the board.
When the spam started immediately after I called you a /pol/tranny.
Bullshit. Fuck off and touch brass.
Yes sir, you got it.
It's been delightful slaying trolls with you, sir.
I'm not buying it, spammer.
Coap harder my son.
I see the discord fags are flooding this thread now. They know if we talk about it more their lies and bullshit might be exposed.
Ah, the spam clears up when you need to make a point.
I'm sure that's a coincidence.
>Spamming irrelevant catchphrases
Nobody does that.
>Same with crying about people discussing games, but not in the hyper-autistic and specific manner that you personally decree, and only are decreeing as a way to enable to harass and shitpost.
Nobody does that either. I don't know what planet you're living on.
Sorry the spam stopped, guys. Mom came home with McDonald's. I'm not supposed to be on 4chan though so I probably won't be able to talk about traditional games with you guys anymore.

Sent from my iPhone
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This thread has become a monument to the exact kind of faggotry that is actively killing the board. No other topic gets this kind of spastic spamming reaction. The moment you call out the low effort, nogames spam that is choking this place to death, they come running with post after post of nonsensical faggotry.
Come back!
You've let me win by getting the last word!
I need you nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
People have been calling that out all thread, the spamming only started when I NOU'd you.
You can't even keep your gimmick straight, let alone identify who you have or haven't posted some spammy retarded bullshit at.
You're beaten. Go find more friends to back you up, and come back for another helping of ass-kick.
See ya!
Fuck, you still can't read.
Well, there goes any chance of conversation.
Aside from having been there, I actually recently went back and looked at old /tg/ archives. That's largely what made me realize what the modern issue is.

Back then, we had a sense of irrelevance and impermanence, and that came in part because if you weren't on the first few pages, your thread was basically dead. Aside from the original bump limit being less than half of what it is now and the absence of the catalog, there was a much greater sense of freedom and the desire to experiment.

Now? If it's not a general, it's harassed. Anything new or different or even just short is attacked. It's one of the reasons why 40k threads are still made at a pretty decent clip, because the 40k crew feel entirely justified in making short threads as long as they slap 40k somewhere on them. The rest of the board should be encouraged to experience that same level of freedom, without needing to justify themselves to the "WHY ARE YOU NOT POSTING IN A GENERAL?!" trolls who are trying to kill this board.
This has been the standard ever since bitching got the mods to agree to remove porn and quests.
And now you've completely lost the plot!
Get some sleep.
>"what about people who like the taste of shit in their wine?" Asked anon, as he poured shit in everyone's wine
>If I keep replying then I win
The only way to beat trolls is to stop replying to them.
It sounds more like retardation is in your head.
ah, but what happens when there are two trolls?
I think they've accidentally started replying to each other, but it doesn't even matter because they already got what they wanted. Thread hit its bump limit and most people threw up their hands and got tired of watching these faggots go back and forth with their "get in the last word" shtick.

You're not even half as convincing as you think you are. People want to talk about /tg/ material on /tg/. The shit being bitched about in this thread is not /tg/ material and no amount of bad faith pissing and shitting is going to convince people that "in your setting" threads shouldn't be banned on sight for being off-topic spam from retarded cunts who don't even care about TTRPGs.
Dude, you just mixed up the people you were trying to troll.
Get some rest.
You're not the one who decides what is or isn't shit. You're only the one who gets to decide to hide/ignore threads, and to make your own.

The analogy is more
>what about people who like white wine?" Asked anon, as he poured a glass for himself
>"NO!" screamed the troll, "ONLY RED FOR THIS BOARD, ALL WHITE IS SHIT."
It's funny how you turn the spam on and off as you desire.
And I agree with the other guy, the idea that you can bitch hard enough to remove anything from /tg/ is the source of nearly all our problems.
Fuck off, nofunallowed troll - you're too new to be taken seriously.
More projection.
Ever wonder why I went for JTRPGs?

prolly because damned well everythin' else was uninterestin / up it's own rear to sniff the raw methane. (thus, I avoid 5e, pf2e, mork borg, lancer, and most PbtA games like the plague)

But yeah, I kinda wish we could go back to the good ol'e days where it was less about how modern /pol/ talk is infesting our games and more about answering the important questions, such as how to make a computer made out of skeletons or how many spiders can fit in a drow's vagina or something.

Then again, I dunno what counts as "Good ol'e days" now a days.
>The shit being bitched about in this thread is not /tg/ material

You imagine when you shitpost, you're doing it "right". That your tastes are correct. And, they even might be, hypothetically speaking in a universe with correct tastes.

But, other trolls, following the same logic but with different tastes, harass and shitpost in other threads that are /tg/ material, but material they personally just dislike. And the result? A board filled with shitposting trolls, all who imagine THEY are the ones who are correct, when in reality none of them are.
You are correct, sir. The guy you're responding to is part of the problem.
I told you to try a new tactic: this one isn't working out for you.
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The best thing about /tg/ being a dying board is that quality threads like this one can last for up to 24 hours after hitting the bump limit! Isn't this great?
Those are both me faget, stop projecting.
No, you don't understand: he's right, and everyone else is wrong. Even this post is wrong.
I get the last word.
Sir this is the red wine board
Tiresome. The only thing being demanded here is that the jannies do their fucking job.

>when I do whatever I want, it's right
>when you demand a modicum of quality control, you're just a harassing troll!
If you aren't willing to discuss and actual game or even the thinnest pretense of doing something that will, in time, lead to something being part of a game that may happen later, you are on the wrong fucking board.
You suck at this. Try moar harder.
Wrong. You will in fact find that I am the one who decides what is good - not only on /tg/, but everywhere, for all time.
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>i'm right!!!
>you're wrong!!1!
Tiresome, indeed.
Bitch harder, I guess? Clearly, you haven't been bitching enough so far.....
No one can agree what their job is retard, that's the whole point.
They just know they can bitch harder to remove thing they don't like.
Off-topic shit gets deleted. That's always been a rule.
Discuss traditional games or leave. Final warning.
A. no it doesn't
B. nobody agrees what that is
C. you're a faggot
>still BTFO'd
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Kinda wish this game had an offline client other then printing out the cards... ...but then again, Netrunner also does the whole print-out thing... ...now if only I could find higher quality images of the Forces...
A. Happens literally every day.
B. The people who disagree are wrong and should also be banned for supporting the degradation of the site.
C. You wish, cocksucker.
no u
>It happens every day!
AI thread's still up.
>The people who disagree should be banned
Then we're both getting banned retard, nobody agrees
>you wish
Why is this thread still up? >>94165868
>22 second response time
Ooooh, I can feel your anger, kid.
It tastes like cinnamon.
>the thinnest pretense
People are already giving exactly that. The threads would be deleted otherwise. Giving the "thinnest pretense" is what people, including the people you and even I disagree with, have been doing.

You're making the mistake of imagining that the walls this board needs is the ridiculously stupid demand that a specific game must be mentioned.

All that does is cut the board up and lower the amount of people who can participate in a particular thread. Worse still, it's nonsense that doesn't actually determine any sort of quality. A thread that specifies a system can be a hundred times worse than a thread that doesn't, and yet you're hoping to construct the illusion that the real "thinnest pretense" needed to make a thread is a specified game.

It's so stupid.
>AI thread's still up.
AI thread is unironically more on topic than any "in your setting" thread.
>then we're both getting banned retard
Only fair.
Stop flirting already. It's cringe.

TES has unfortunately grandfathered itself in due to over a decade of lore discussion threads. I don't think it should be here either, but it's hardly as much of a problem as the low-effort spam of vague nogames questions.
>The AI thread is on topic!
No it's fucking not. It's literal botposting. You know this. I don't know why you would lie.
Just to spite your pathetic whining ass.
That's literally the only reason.
You weren't as fast that time, angry anon.
Do better.
>People are already giving exactly that.
They fucking aren't and it's retarded that you think they are. I literally don't care about any of the other concern trolling bullshit you keep trotting out. The spam threads gotta go, preferably taking you with them.
It is exactly as much of a problem. It's off topic. All off topic threads are equally rule breaking.
>seething at passerby
No, any thread that is discussing a specific game is better than any thread that isn't.
So your thread has a specified game system in it?
You just can't win, can you?
That's retarded, you can easily make fucking terrible threads specifying a game.
Heck, you could make a bot to do this 800 times per minute.



He knows. That's why he's shitposting itt.
>seething and projecting at fate
Sir, this isn't /stg/. The Specific Traditional Game board is over there, in the Autistic section.
>if I keep using the same response I win
Keep winning!
>begging for engagement
The "thinnest pretense" is meaningless and worthless. Right now, it's "has to be related to anything even remotely related to traditional games", but you're making the mistake of imagining that it should be "must be related to a specific traditional game" as if that's a much higher hurdle.

Any troll can slap "40k" on their thread to hit that "thinnest pretense" marker, and in the past we had literal floods of "How would [Something off-topic I want to talk about] fare in 40k?" threads.

Making "specific game must be mentioned" as the mark of what makes a thread good or not (or /tg/ or not) is so fucking stupid I'm amazed that our trolls have actually even attempted to push that idea. It's really just an easy way to harass threads that are outside of generals.
There's that word again. You can't help yourself.
>The board functionally started as a 40k board
source: your ass
>so mad he's reduced to non-responses
It's hard being this amazingly awesome at what I do, but you make it easy.
>this new
Oh, stop showing off how ignorant you are. This is getting pathetic. I'm concerned for you.
Why are you so upset about the word harass, anon?
>begging for engagement
I mean, yeah. Spamming canned responses is a form of harassment. People wouldn't spam canned responses if it wasn't.

We even have people admitting they're trying to discourage people from making certain kinds of threads or not meeting certain kind of criteria, with a lot of there critieria being fairly dubious.

What would you prefer to call it? Antagonizing?
I remember posting about how to convert bg3 weapon mechanics to 5e outside the general and that thread got deleted. I was warned it was off topic. This place is a fucking joke.
That's hilarious.
The power of bitching can do wild things.
I have always been able to handle any loneliness or social embarrassment I run into solely due to the knowledge that I am, in the end of the day a good person, and trustworthy
I never betray people, or lie, or do anything to unnecessarily harm them
An internet spammer must not have a very good life, what with their day consisting of typing the same uninspired phases to the same displeased audience day after day, but they must not have a particularly bad life, given that they have that sort of free time
What I want to know is how they can live with the knowledge that people were right
How do they feel when they see their empty social schedule and lack of community with the knowledge that anyone inviting them to anything would be a painful mistake
How can a person live with the knowledge that they only have the bleak, empty life they have through an over estimation of their value?
>still no source posted
easy peasy!
Why are you samefagging?
No seriously, what do you have against the word harass?

Why are you samefagging?
two of those are me, quite obviously so. The third is some other guy.
Because you touch yourself at night.
>still lying
No? I'm not sure how you could even make this mistake, really.
Is it because I was asking you why you were so up-tight about the word "harass"? Because I'm legit curious.
asking for a source isn't samefagging. take your meds.
Your gay posts are harassing me right now. Kill yourself to make up for the antagonization I've suffered from having to read your awful posts and retarded opinions.
This thread proves that any single "what game?" is a massive giant faggot and should be bullied and expelled from all threads.
Because everyone just posts "hytnpdnd" and similar shit in every fucking thread. No one wants to engage with crabby retards who run around trying to ruin everything so people stopped posting/left entirely. Any system agnostic thread is drowned out by faggots going "what game hurrrr," and all threads are filled with worthless newfags with no knowledge of board history or culture whose opinion is "popular thing is bad" and they won't ever shut the fuck up about it.
It's all just so tiresome.
Try to keep up with the conversation, stop being new.
I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, nogames making nothing threads are terrible, on the other hand, bitching about things you don't like until it goes away killed this board.

>babbling nonsensically
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not actually familiar with the "hytnpdnd" Acconym.

If I were to play something remotely related to that, It'ld be one of the old fashioned versions.
Partially inspired by a certain JTRPG and it's origins.
Every single faggot advocating for MORE restrictions on posters should be scalped alive. Total, and complete, generalfaggot DEATH.
>t. SettingCHAD
"Have you tried not playing DnD." Retards like to spam it any thread even remotely connected to DnD.
>trying to engage with new poster
>says doesn't know what 'hytnpdnd' means
>posts DnD pic
He's trying to troll you into responding, bro. Don't feed his thirsty ass.
No? The point was pretty clear and straightforward.
Would you like me to repeat it?
well, to me, it's more of a "hytnp5e" then the later.
but removing generals in fact is adding more restrictions.
I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I don't like the bitching to remove a thing, on the other hand, D&D fags -really- need to try anything other than D&D.
>more babbling shitposting
Okay, so I guess you would like me to repeat it.
You see, I'm curious why you have such a strong response to the word "harass".
Or at least, I'm curious why that guy had such a strong response to the word harass, I assume you two are the same person.
If you're not the same person, then I have to ask what you think you're arguing.
If every single generalfaggot doesn't want peace, we won't give it to them. We will go to every one of their houses and do horrible things to them and their families, especially their mother and sisters. Not before destroying every single general in a brutal death.

Generalniggers are not people.
yeah, see, this is just sounding like more bitching and restrictions on posting.
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Then again, I don't regularly browse the D&D or 5e threads, so that acronym doesn't exactly spring up that often in my eye.

as mentioned before, my only interest in BECMI partially relates to a game that spawned off of it, which I was introduced to the current version of that game, which was first shown to me by a certain notepad headed fella on a video site.
>word salad
Your teachers and parents have done well.
This will be my last post then.
You are the fucking problem. To make it real fucking simple:
/tg/ used to be a board were people talked about games they liked.
/tg/ is now a board where screeching faggots come to yell at people for liking the wrong things.
This kills the board.
No, it was a pretty simple and straightforward post.
When in the post did you start losing track, maybe I can help you.
They can't create, they can only destroy.
That's not really relevant.
Ok, go for it.
Yeah, I can agree this kills the board.
But there are many terribly shit things on the board, and the only way to get the mods to remove them is incredible bitching.
I don't know of any other way. I'm not ticked off enough about any of the issues stated to actually go do it myself, but I can see why people might.
All right, when did you get lost in the post?
Walk me through it here, we'll go step by step.
You first.
I can't tell you where you got lost in the post, I'm afraid. That's knowledge only you have.
Well, I can say part of that was me watching maybe a good dozen or so vids about how 5e is both absurdly popular and downright terrible in some aspects. I wouldn't actually go to a 5e thread and say that in actuality. Hells, I wouldn't even look at a 5e thread at all unless it's SOMETHING interesting.
Though, the closest thing I may have personal interest that's 5e related is that one D&D movie that came out recently (actually kinda fun), and BG3 (which I may eventually grab).

But yeah, I'm not exactly a threat to most D&D / 5e stuff other then... "Oh, that sounds interestin'".
Yeah, I don't see myself getting any actual interest in 5e... ...till I grab BG3 (so I can understand the systems and all)
>/tg/ is now a board where screeching faggots come to yell at people for liking the wrong things.
/tg/ is now a place where ideas guy got too comfortable and think that vaguely riffing on fantasy tropes is the same thing as worldbuilding.
Now I wonder when the remake of Wizards of Zargon will be announced. I also assume it might also include "The Dark Company" megaquest.
Don't whine, just do it.
Hm, you seem to be having trouble with the idea of cause and effect.
This is a strange medical condition, and google gives me worrying answers as to what that might mean.
I, uh, in the kindest way possible urge you to dial 911. That's on a phone. it's the lower right number, then the upper left, then the upper left. Then you wait, while holding the phone to your head.
Still nothing?
Exactly what I expected.
The answer is bad moderation and dedicated trolls trying to take us down.
Those are the only things that have changed.
There's two of these threads on /tg/ right now. Where us sad, melancholic posters are lamenting the state of our board.

I propose to go even further, it's not just /tg/, I don't know how many of you go to the other boards but really I feel they're just as bad. A lot of the boards out there are full of shit, dead, or on life support. I think if you asked anyone on any board they'd tell you the same, "/x/ isn't what it used to be", "/his/ isn't what it used to be", "/int/ isn't what it used to be".

People talk about demoralisation threads there. Well fa/tg/uys & ca/tg/irls, I welcome you, /tg/ is the first demoralisation board! Can we all get a round of applause?
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The fact that the mods and janitors refuse to do anything about it, while arbitrarily enforcing other rules, speaks to a level of incompetence AND malice that explains how it got this bad, but doesn't offer any good way to fix it. If anything it leaves the only option to be abandoning ship. They want this place to be a cesspool of 50 general threads and 100 more nebulous "worldbuilding" questions and for anyone who doesn't want that to simply leave or stay and suffer.
have you dialed 911 yet?
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But you made that.
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It's right here.
I can understand /pol/, but why would they want to shit this place up?
Yes, you made this.
Hope they pay you enough to shit up this board akshit.
don't worry, it's been shit longer than they've existed.
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>/mgw/ - Monster Girl Worldbuilding
>'Thoughts on X folk?'
>Primaris complaining thread #239
>Furry/dragon coombait
>'Your party/character finds themselves in X situation (gone sexual)
>'How would a setting ruled by 90ft tall naked women be like?'
>'How would X fare in Y?'
>'Why do people giving GeeDubs money?/ Surerly this will be the end of GeeDubs.'
>AoS bad
>'Have you tried not playing D&D?'
>'How do we fix X?'
>'Absolute state of X game/company'
>Biodungeons/Vorefag thread
>Wheelchair-accessible dungeons
>'How do we save/gatekeep the hobby for X?'
>'I really hope you don't do this'
>Realismfaggotry bad
>'Here's your X, bro'
>Low effort 40k joke
>'But what is your settings' tax policy?' (SmugGRRM.jpg)
>Bitchfit about MtG/WotC
>Off-topic politics thread/Complaining about current thing
>Whinning about CR
>X thread? X thread
>/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General:
>AoS spergout thread
>Whinning about GURPS
I hope you niggers didn't think I was kidding. The feds are verifiably here and they are not shy about hiring disruptive subhuman shitstains to do their drudge work.
When /qst was made, I hoped to get rid of Cyoa threads.
Instead /qst lost it's brain, /tg lost it's heart and cyoa-fags are rampant.
How's the coffee for you?
>so what are you complaining about faggot?
It was written pretty clearly in english.
>I personally primarily play homebrew games
Where do you find people like that?
My player group shudders at the thought of testing one of my homebrew projects.
cyoa is "technically not a quest"
>tg/ was killed by the very people that frequent it and there is nothing else to it.
This. You are all parasites and you made the very board you wanted. Rot in it.
Feels like at least half of these topics is perpetuated by people who have never played ttrpg in their entire fucking life
The things that damaged /tg/ harmed all of 4chan and brought us to where we are anow had nothing to do with quests. /qst/ was added in 2016. Ton of people left in 2014 when moot revealed himself to be a corporate cuck, literally, and then the 2016 election permanently damaged the whole site.
Might be the summation of what the hells happened.
Still nothing.
Quel suprise.....
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>bumpfags mod buddy refuses to delete the thread so he spammed it to hit bump limit in under 48 hours
Now this is autism
To sum up:
Moderation here sucks ass - trolls rule /tg/ and have driven out over half of the posters. Good threads and good posts get deleted while troll posts are defended.
to be fair you have to be exceptionally autistic to want to moderate /tg/ in the first place
>Rather than encouraging discussion
What is there to encourage? I don't want to participate in a slew of milquetoast setting threads, and clearly no one else does either. Discussion is a two-way street and I'm not beholden to the maker of these threads. It's like you're demanding I give my time and energy for these threads while the OP chooses not to recipocate my efforts.

I will not take responsibility for someone else's low effort posts. Imagine if I poured my soul out in a '/tg/ makes a setting' thread and made one of the greatest fantasy settings ever, only for it to be bumped long after everyone else lost interest with a superficial question like 'What are the demons like' or for the setting to never be used for anything again.

>>49273753 is why.

When anti-Qfags whined to get their way, all the actually creative people left to go to /qst/, and when /qst/ was soulless and boring because it didn't have a board identity, we went elsewhere.
You're still not making any sense.

Look, apparently you like getting mad at other people for having fun in ways that you do not approve. I get that. But, at the end of the day, you're either going to have to let that shit go, or go full-schizo.
Your silly argument has been thoroughly debunked in this very thread.
>You're still not making any sense.
It makes perfect sense, actually. If you make a thread titled 'What are merfolk like in your setting?' Then I will ignore your thread because I have no obligation to participate and you aren't putting in effort into it yourself. Nothing in your post addressed anything I said.

Here is your reality: People not participating in your threads isn't trolling. It's them being sick of your shit and leaving you to be the only tard left in the playpen.
The solipsistic narcissism of questfags somehow lives on, despite you fags not being able to maintain a board on your own. The whole fucking site went to shit because of literal federal agents and political disruption teams, and you faggots keep coming back to insist that it's because you weren't allowed to have Multiverse Tacticool Isekai Cat Girl Maid Harem Mecha Pilot Quest Part #2864 continue on /tg/, despite the endless complaints that quests were choking /tg/ to death.
Nope. Looking through, All I'm seeing is typical questfag rhetoric. The same whinging that 'won' you the board.

Huh. The board this very thread is complaining about? Weird. Now that you faggots 'won', the board's turned to shit. Funny, that.
bumpfag is also going into other peoples more successful threads and tries to derail them as well
And now you've mistaken me for someone else.
Is everything ok at home?
Alright, you know what?

Here's the deal.

Link me to these 'thorough debunk'. Quote the specific points that prove me wrong. In fact, if you feel the need to elaborate on a quoted point, or cite sources, do that too.

If you can do so to the point where I feel any doubt, I'll stop maintaining the idea that the removal of quests killed /tg/.
>If you can do so to the point where I feel any doubt,

I sincerely hope that the person talking to you doesn't fall for your bait and wastes any more time on you. You're a delusional shitposter, and nothing could ever convince you, hence why you so easily issued that challenge.

You're really a piece of shit.

Hell, I feel great sympathy for the Questers, and back when this board was the best place for Quests, I really despised the trolls that kept trying to get quests removed from here. I also think it's a shame that the mods made no real effort to not make it look like they were kowtowing to the trolls, aside from giving extra features to the new board and not making it actually a containment board at first.

But your bullshit about "removing quests is why /tg/ sucks" just distracts from the real issues, and your insane idea of "Removing Quests removed all the talented people from /tg/!" is so stupid and false that it's the reason I can so easily mark you as delusional.

You're never going to stop being retarded. No one can convince you to stop being butthurt. But, as you can clearly see, everyone else can see right through you and how you're just making the problem worse by trying to blame everything on a dead issue that didn't really impact the board at all. Quests were never really that big of a thing here, and their absence likewise didn't do much. Ultimately, once a new board was made for them, /tg/ stopped being the best board for quests, so there's no reason to keep crying like some wounded victim.

If you really hate the trolls who harassed quests, don't fucking assist them in further killing this board.
I was actually being slightly genuine, though I assumed he wouldn't actually take me up on the offer because A) that would take effort and anon's just a shitposter, and B) I did read through the thread, and nobody made any convincing arguments. 'lol no u rong' is not an argument.

I've been on and off of /tg/ since it basically started. I was here when quests got big, and then too big, and then banned. I was even here afterward, and I've felt the decline along with most people who were here.

While it's entirely possible that something else happened around the near exact same time quests were banned, somehow coincidentally completely unrelated happened that also made /tg/ shit, but from my personal experience that's the only event that could be called the 'cause' of the decline.

I mean, I guess it could be that exclusionary trolls who wanted to kick out everything they didn't like saw the win, and started trying to do the same to everything else they didn't like? But I haven't seen anything that's convinced me otherwise. Nothing that trumps my personal experience, anyway.

I mean, I do see the sincerity in your post, and that's why I'm responding with more than a troll. I'm being sincere as well. /tg/ stopped being fun for me not *because* quests were banned, but *when* quests were banned. And so that's what I say when it becomes relevant.
>I was here when quests got big, and then too big, and then banned.
You forgot about the period before they were banned, when /qst/ was optional.

>that's the only event that could be called the 'cause' of the decline.
Jesus christ, you really are delusional. How the fuck can you look at 2016, and forget what other major event took place on 4chan?

I'll give you a minute.

Fuck you, I'll just tell your 8-year slow ass. THE 2016 ELECTION. /POL/ RAIDS EVERY DAY, POLITICAL SPAM ON EVERY SINGLE BOARD, WITH /TG/ BEING NO EXCEPTION. Where the fuck were you? Too busy complaining about how slow /qst/ was, until the mods finally decided to misguidedly try helping you out by forcing the people still making quests on /tg/ to move?

Between 2016 and 2017, /pol's population went from around 75k to over 150k, when in previous years it had hovered around 40k. That huge influx of people changed a lot of this website, especially on small boards like /tg/ with a population rarely going over 20k. 2016 was a bad year for us, but not because of /qst/, and ultimately as far as population goes /tg/ had largely recovered by 2017 and saw similar numbers and cycles to before the election (and before /qst/). The board had changed, and for the negative, but that's because 4chan as a whole had changed. Even so, the crisis we're facing now? That didn't start until mid-2021, and that is where we need to look at and ask "What changed?"
>That didn't start until mid-2021, and that is where we need to look at and ask "What changed?"
Innovative tactics in response to 2016.
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>Muh /pol/!
>Just ignore all the rainbow warriors who spam here and how they infected gaming as a whole!
If anything slightly critical of the woke brigade gets posted here it gets deleted instantly
/pol/ isn't just right wing, retard. Some of the biggest and dumbest faggots come from there, which is why I'm surprised you didn't know that, you glitter-shitting queer.
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I love how you morons get so assblasted at being told to fuck off when you cry about your boogyman while ignoring other issues.
>I sincerely hope that the person talking to you
I am that person, and you are absolutely correct, anon.
You're still wrong.
And still lying.
And it's nice that you admitted to your trollery.
Absolutely correct.
oof, try reading the post you replied to again.
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Been interesting to see the deflection through ignoring it nonresponse about the crest stuff combined with flooding bother here and on the catalogue.
>responds in under 2 minutes
Would you mind trying that again?
They're here to fight the good fight or some shit or just get paid, but it's reactionary hegemonic left stuff about radical internet wite boys who wrenched the program a tiny bit.
Pretending to not understand as a way to undermine is old hat.
Fun everyone is trying to 'win' the last post.
Questfags are whiny cunts and the fact that they've spent eight years crying about getting evicted proves that they deserved it.
>new antispam measures

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