Work in Progress, "Jingle Bells" Edition>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:>WIP Tutorial Images Mega!TvQFCaLb!w8WZKCcOsTRasxrI0JWezw>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting">Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints>Paint thinning 102>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners>Decal Like a Pro>How to Edge Highlight>How to use contrast style paints>How to Paint with Tremors>Airbrush Priming and Thinning>"Not yet, old man!"aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9DTTZSSHA=>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way threads:>>94655244>>94643390>>94626280
WIP Secret Santa archives>2024>2023>2022>2021>2020>2019[REDACTED]>2018>2017>2016
A little more tidying up to do but he's almost ready for shading. Any advice on the teeth? They're so small I'm not really sure what the best way to differentiate them is.
Anon who has painting Blood Angels, please manifest yourself.
happy holidays everyone, i haven't posted here in a hot minute, but i got some cute miniatures for christmas and i wanted to do some painting and flocking
Anyone here got any opinions on priming with Molotow One4All?
>Get home from holidays tomorrow>Can finally start /wip/ping myself againVery excited. So much to do.
I don't know how to feel about this.Only using one color to paint them feels like I cheaped-out, but the panel lines are doing the heavy work and adding another color might make them look dumb.Also fuck orange
>>94667520been locked in working on this guy and i just realized its 4:40 am
>>94667838Just slap a brown wash on them and that’ll be enough
>>94667838Best method I've got is to give the teeth a wash (usually in a red color), then highlight by placing a dot of off-white in the center of each tooth using a sharp brush, making sure to leave some space between. Works best on models with well defined, monster-y teeth.
The weapon is along the lines of what I want, but it's just not hitting quite right and I'm not sure what to do about it yet.
>>94667520So I store my acrylic paints (mainly Vallejo) in the spare room that can get to 10 degrees at times (that’s 50 Fahrenheit for burgers).Is that too cold to have acrylics sitting there?
This mf Glottkin is like my Moby Dick. Been working on him in periods for the past several months and I still have to do his brothers that sit on top. I underestimated how long he would take me but it is such a cool model with cool lore and the crown jewel for any mortal nurgle army.The horns look fine right now but I messed them up a little bit today painting in the boils or bubbles or w/e tf they are inside of the horn cracks. I will have to go back and try to redo the transtitions between the dark and light part of the horn.what colors should I make the dangling little tentacles such as the one on right side of the face and right posterior? >>94667838looks good
>>94668653>This mf Glottkin is like my Moby Dick.Mouldy Dick
These look like shit right now to be honest, i hope painting the rest will save them. I also think they should kill whoever came up with those stupid spines kroot have all over their body
>>94667520I'm trying to homebrew a hxh game using mage 20th but holy shit it's hard to get through more than just a few pages with these books it always feels like they use 5 words instead of 3
>>94668889I think you could shade darker on the skin, but it doesn't look bad. I think you're right that the white base over all the parts that are supposed to be dark is really hurting them right now.
>>94668653I'm happy you filled the gaps this guy used to have, anon. I've never painted anything nurgle so I can't provide decent advice but I feel that slightly altered shade of pink/purple you already have on the mini would work
>>94667865Which blood angels?
>my giftee never posted the giftLS from IL was the gift culturally enriched from you? USPS says it was delivered on the 11th.
>>94669051I bet some suspected grinches over the years are just anons unexpectedly dying.
>>94669062NTA but my tracking info said “delivered to a person” so I’m really hoping it wasn’t stolen by an apartment office person or something. I know the stupid bitches at the office where I live would just sit the thing in a corner and never reach out to anyone because “that’s not my job”. If anon from Massillon OH is here your package has said delivered since the 21st, please lie to me and say you like it even if you don’t.
Had some free time today so work continues on my Carnevale gang.
>>94668471damn, he got a long neck
>>94669152Rude. How do you know he's not self conscious about it?>>94668471Your neck is perfect, long.
A late Merry Christmas to you all /WIP/Cheers Anon for the pirate orcs and the cool military bust!The tea is delicious too.
It's stupid question time.Let's say I picked up some neodymium magnets from my local hardware store. N40 strength, 6.4mm x 1.6mm. I used these for the bases of Marine models - I figured the reduced strength would offset the extra ~1.4mm diameter and they'd still be fine for bases. And for the most part, they are! Out of 45 models, about 40 are perfect, no issues. Don't slide anywhere when I shake the box or flip it, don't repel each other,The last 5 or 6 are way stronger than the rest of the set. The bases hold to the metal tray much harder than the pinned models hold to the base. I've already had two break at the foot just trying to remove them by holding the base. I can lever them off the tray with quite a bit of effort, but it's not really practical long term.Aside from "replace the magnets" and "use different ones going forward" (the latter I'm definitely doing for infantry) - what are my best options for making these bases easier to remove? I've considered thin plasticard as a spacer to weaken the hold, and I've seen people who line their trays with cloth as another form of spacer. Just figuring out what I can do between now and a game tomorrow, to keep anything from breaking right before the game.
>>94669164At least he's in no danger if someone tries to choak him out I guess
>>94669164Lol, fuck. That was supposed to say>Your neck is perfect, kingBut autocorrect wants to make fun of him too, apparently
>>94668471I waited 900 seconds to tell you this is peak warhammer kitbashing and I love it. Simple and effective storytelling with a single infantry base.
Frankfurt Anon, your package arrived today, and I have to say, I'm blown away. Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts; I'm extremely grateful and legitimately humbled by your generosity. I love it all; thank you!
>>94669435Lookin forward to painting this guy especially!
>>94669435Are those green things Battletech-scale terrain meant to fit on hex maps?
>>94667953That's a rock.
>>94669488Could be
Wrapping up the Beast Snagga Boyz. I have only three left to go, but it’s been a fun journey especially with the basing: was able to use super tiny leaves, real minuscule roots and Vallejo water texture for a nice Jungle scene.
>>94667865You're going to have to be more specific, anon. Many of us here are fans of the galaxy's finest Space Marine chapter!I suspect yer lookin' fer the guy who was painting the Series One Space Marine Heroes, though, amiright?
>>94669609cool orks
Here's the scan of the Death Peeler watercolor painting I made before shipping it to the anon in Mesa AZ
>>94669609how’d you get that yellow?
>>94669618If he wanted you I imagine he'd just utter the word johnny and you'd appear
Do you soap your brushes after every paint sessions?
>>94669794dude I soap my brushes every time I switch colors
>>94669794yes>>94669798that feels excessive
>>94667865>>94669618These? Here's where they're atMostly done with painting the model, plasma gun and bases need to be reprimed since tamiya primer was incompatible with resinI covered the eyes with wash but it might look too dark. Should I go back over them?
Has anyone tried Duncan Rhodes TTC metallics? How are they? Coverage? Good for mixing or inking?
>>94668249No need for another colour, put the effort into highlights instead.
>>94669435Lots of Stargrave stuff this years presents, interesting to see desu.
>>94668579Anything above freezing should be fine for storage, dunno about even colder.
I’m new to 40K and modeling. I got some stuff for X-Mas but what tools do I need for clean up? I have clippers but I assume I need xacto knife? What about files or sandpaper? What works best for buffing plastic?
>>94669924Yeah, all of that. Make sure you got some fine sandpaper in there.
>>94669924You don't really need to buff it the same way you do for gunpla.In most cases the best option is to cut off any chunks from nibs with a sharp knife, and then scrape any mold lines with either a dull knife, or the back of your sharp knife - you can scrape with a sharp knife, but it will kill your blades unnecessarily fast - I use sharp knifes sparingly, and then after they're dull they graduate to scraping knives for rough work.Files and sandpaper can help, but they're not my go-to. Sanding twigs are the best option of the abrasives category I think, too many fussy details to really make good use of plain sandpaper or sanding pads. Needle file sets can be kinda okay though I guess.Scraping will get you 90% of the way there though.
>>94669947>>94669966What number files grit is the sweet spot?
>>94669737Nothing fancy, actually. I simply applied a few thin coats of Averland Sunset as a base. I do super thin coats because yellow is a pain in the ass to get on smooth.After that I apply Reikland Fleshshade as a wash, but I am very careful when doing so. I prefer my washes to be super thinned down, so I will mix 3 parts Lahmian Medium for every 1 part wash paint. Then, using a medium-sized brush, I will apply it to the desired area and see where it begins to settle. The next part is important: apply another layer of the same wash after the first one dries fully. (15-20 minutes). This way it helps naturally build up the shadows some more.Once everything is totally dry, I use Yriel Yellow as an edge highlight/scratches.Most of my paint work doesn't use any radical techniques, it's more careful brush work when following the 'Eavy Metal approach.Here’s the bases before I applied the minis.
>>94669990600. But also I've seen some wildly inconsistent grit standardization among hobby brands and cheap shit off amazon so use your brain.
>>94669990Higher is finer, around 1000 is probably enough for your "fine" sander. It's getting primed and painted and possibly varnished so a perfect finish isn't as important
>>94669924Literally the only Citadel tool actually using (besides the paint cup) is the scraper that comes in the starter paints, so if you have one of those, make sure to hang onto it. The curve works pretty well to get weird shapes, but don't buy it if you don't already have one lying around, the handled version is overpriced. I use a #18 xacto blade otherwise, the flat edge on the tip is easier to scrape with than a standard xacto blade, but a #17 is narrower and would probably work better. As for sanding, I use a tri-grit emery stick I bought for gunplay stuff, no specific grit sizes, it's just marked "fine/medium/coarse."
>>94669767Yeah, it does work that way, doesn't it?>>94669794>Do you soap your brushes after every paint sessions?Yes.>>94669859>Has anyone tried Duncan Rhodes TTC metallics? How are they? Coverage? Good for mixing or inking?Yes, they are maybe a bit better than some of the Citadel ones (plus, thinner and come in dropper bottles), though Retributor Armour is tough to beat.I was interested in a brighter gold to highlight my Dante, and TTC Glistening Gold was all they had at my FLGS. I tried it, and it did not disappoint.>>94669924You have some good sprue cutters, and not just cheap-o wire cutters from Horrible Freight? Don't use the sprue cutters unless you're cutting thin parts of sprues where they join to the parts. The wire cutters you can use for everything else, including cutting paper clips for pinning.A decent hobby knife does double duty as both a cutter and a mold line scraper.
>>94669924I got a well-sharpened Opinel knife and a piece of fine sandpaper.
Who makes the best white paint nowadays?
>>94670076Your picture is wrong Anon.Both are wire cutters.. one is just for thinner wires. But that does not make it a tool exclusively made for plastic sprues. Its made to clip thin copper wire.
>>94670119Pro-acryl is always the answer to who makes the best miniature paints, and similarly makes the best acrylic hobby white. Acrylic metallics are all universally bad so they don't matter and you should use non-acrylics for them. Kimera if you want the best paints with the intent of mixing a lot and painting busts, but not convenient enough for wargame style miniature painting imo.
Merry belated Christmas, /WIP! Another dwarf, and I took some john blanche inspiration for the shield, very happy with how it came out
The shield in question, although I'm not 100% of the green armor is the best match for it
>>94669947>>94669966>>94669993>>94669997>>94670034>>94670057>>94670076>>94670109Thank you all so much for all the help. Just 2 final questions. What glues do I use? Is Taniya Thin Cement really the best for models? And do I ever use superglue? For example do I use superglue for sticking to base?
so a hobby newb here, I got an Airbrush set for Christmas (nothing fancy, just a 30 dollar hobby lobby one with a handheld compressor) along with a set of Vallejo model air brush paint, a cleaning pot, a bottle of Vallejo airbrush thinner, and a big bottle of cleaner. now my question is should I get anything else before I start spending money on effect airbrush paints like what Green stuff world has, is there anything glaring I'm missing? I don't want to spend a bunch of money on cool paints just to realize I'm missing something important and gunking up or breaking my brush.sorry if this is pretty vague, I don't know much of where to start aside from watching some you tube videos so I'm not totally clueless.
>>94670223Good to have both.any plastic cement is convenient because the bond ends up stronger, and the tacky nature of the melted plastic makes parts stick and just generally stay where you put them without much effort, while superglue you sometimes have to hold things till it dries - which isn't super long, but can be annoying.Superglue for any of your non-plastic needs. Models will glue to bases with plastic cement, but sand won't. You can use white glue too, superglue is just faster and stronger in those cases.
>>94669924Get jewelers' files. I don't know why they're not more commonly recommended by mini builders. Razor blades and various moldline removers are great for the easy obvious lines but I can't replace my jewelry files for those awkward little bits in hard to reach spots and you're way less likely to take a chunk out of your model (at least in my experience, I'm a boxer and have big retarded swollen hands). And jeweler files are cheap af too
Slowly learning to paint Skin with these cultists
>>94668579Nope not too cold. 50 is warm for the winter where I live lol. My workshop is in my basement which regularly reaches 30-40 Fahrenheit. You may have to shake the fuck out of them though
>>94670223Plastic cement for plastic. It's superior.Super glue for resin and metal.PVA glue for low weight stuff, like basing sand/dust/whatever.PVA can be diluted with water and used to fixate stuff as well.
my first ever attempt at basing. gonna add some blood splatter and a skull to the grass later to make it propa orky. also gonna add some white frothy highlights to the water but not sure how I'm gonna do it. might brush some super glue over some of the water glue on a tester and see how it looks after it dries, since super glue dries with that white film sometimes.
>>94670288durr. I have ork brain
>>94670223The other replies covered it, but I'd also recommend gel superglue over the thin stuff, less chance that you'll glue your fingers to your model, and it gives a little more working time. For the plastic cement, you won't need to brush it on, you can just hold the piece in place and touch your applicator brush to it, it'll pull the cement into the gap and cure a lot faster if there's less melted plastic that needs to cure. Tamiya is the go-to, but any polystyrene cement with a brush should work the same, I personally use Mr. Hobby brand, since it's easier to find. Stay away from Citadel, the applicator sucks and the glue dries up in the bottle.
>>94669859I just learned he has no golden demons
my secret Santa from last year sent me MORE SHIT because he's a fucking LEGEND so I tried to get all three of the old ogres painted by Christmas. failed. have the two that are pretty much done so far
>>94670296Looks great, seems almost a waste to glue something onto it. I always base around the feet.
I've decided that for the new year, I need to get a grip on my back log. Instead of buying anything new I want to plan new projects out of existing minis I've already got and have packed away. The only new stuff I want to buy in the foreseeable future are cases for finished minis. I recently sat down and organized my boxes and divided them down into smaller boxes with specific categories and organized by specific type. The bulk are historical, sub organized into nationality, or era if more appropriate. Though I do have a small box of nondescript scifi and horror, as well as a small collection of oldhammer, however the bulk of them are already painted. Thankfully my favorite ruleset is Fistful of Lead, meaning that I can turn a lot of these into small skirmish projects. I've written down a list of potential projects:>French Tonkin Campaign 1884-86>Revival of shelved RCW project >Baltic Wars of Independence>Boxer Rebellion >Russo Japanese War>Xinjiang Wars>Plus more. I'm pretty excited at the prospects. Trying to look at my backlog from a different perspective.
>>94670476>I've decided that for the new year, I need to get a grip on my back logWe both know it's not going to happen.
>>94670473thank you anon. It definitely would save me some material to put him on first but I think it makes it a little easier to do it without him. I'll try doing one of my intercessor's bases with him on it
>>94668889>>94668925Starting to look better, i might be able to avoid reshading the skin(it looks a lot better in person)
I really need to get some thinner cork board. It's a pain to have to shave it down to like 2/3 of the time I use it.Thank you for reading my blog.
>>94667838I wish I was faster. I like this result but it took like 4 hours. Comes with practice I guess. 15 more sick boys to go.
Nearly done with this guy, gotta do the black and figure out yet another mutated ass shoulderpad.
>>94670246That's looking great dude!
>>94669618Not the anon you are replying to, but I remember your posts.That's some nice progress
Some progress on the crab. I managed to paint the gradients and do first pass of highlights on the red. Excuse the weird image, gloss varnish I used before enamel panel liners messed up the picture a bit.
>>94671082I'm gonna come gloss varnish you while you're asleep.
>>94670778Same energy
>>94671295I'll be waiting for you anon
What base color does the Eavy Metal team use for Blood Angels? I can tell you 100% it is NOT Mephiston Red.
>>94671363eavy archive says its 1:1 mephiston:evil sunz
>>94671368What is the archive? Also, I didnt think about making 1:1 that makes sense. Ill try that now.,
>>94671377 very good source for eavy metal recipes
>>94671387Oh sweet! Who made this?
>>94671440Dave Perryman, AKA InfernalBrush. Ex-Eavy Metal painter, recent Slayer Sword winner
>>94671472>Ex-Eavy Metal painterhow mad is GW about it?
Ok trying to paint without a primer (not by choice) makes me want to kill myself, so I stop now.
>>94668092Sprayprimers >AB primer > hand brushing primer
>>94671519Just go to a auto store and get a can of Rust-Oleum
>>94671533anecdote but i’ve started working with oils and rustoleum primer actually wipes off when I do oil painting whereas Stynylrez doesn’t. And since I don’t have room for an airbrush setup I have to handpaint it on
Hi anons, and Merry Christmas. Total newbie coming from /3dpg/ here. What are important steps to take when painting minis printed with an extrusion printer? I got a hobby paint primer for plastics for the priming layer, but am otherwise clueless about common pitfalls. Maybe painting them is not even realistic, and I should just mono-color them?
>>94671581weird, don't think that's ever happened to me
>>94671611You can paint them like any other miniature. Avoid washes if the print lines are too visible tho.
>>94671578It's 02:35
>>94671472It's pretty unfair a ex-Eavy painter can win.
Calling this goober done. Kinda of a mess but good enough i guess.
>>94671519Mate, even without a primer you at least put a basecoat on before trying to paint metallics.
>>94671658Duncan Rhodes can't
>>94671658Why? 'eavy requires technical skill and practice for sure, but it's a low bar for the artistic sort of entries that actually win golden demon (the space marine notwithstanding).Generally speaking no box-art level paint jobs would win a real category.
>>94671658What if they got sacked from EM for being shite?
Merry Christmas, anons.My kid brother got me a set of brushes for Christmas, and he was very excited about them. They're synthetics, which I've never really used before, but I want to make sure I use his gift.What are synthetics best used for?
>>94671712Duncan can't really paint beyond medium quality eavy metal, that might be the reason. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, since his philosophy even back in gw was to paint models to a solid tabletop standard. Shouldn't be surprising he didn't win a GD though
>>94671887Pretty much anything you don't need your good brushes for. Basecoating, glazing, washes/contrasts. Optimally you want to use your quality brushes for stuff that requires more precision
>>94671892He was always an Army Painter rather than an Eavy Metal painter, i.e. his job was to paint large numbers of models efficiently and consistently for things like batreps or events, rather than painting individual models to a high standard for promotional photos
>>94671952Yeah, he was on the hobby team or whatever its called. This means they were painting models that were in the background of actual eavy metal minis in army shots etc
>>94671887>What are synthetics best used for?The garbage.But actually, just anything other than fine detail work. Always good to have some disposable brushes laying around.
>>94671647Sweet, I'll keep that in mind. Might post freakshow paintjobs soon(tm).
>>94669152>>94669164>>94669224>>94669240lmao do people normally shorten the necks on the new cadians? i have just been sanding them and putting them in. >>94669430thanks bro
I want to use craft store paints (FolkArt) on wood--craft plywood and some blocks of something of medium hardness. What can I brush on to seal them? Mod Podge (I assume matte not gloss so the paint might better adhere?) Thinned PVA or wood glue? How about adding white paint to serve as at least a partial sort of primer?
>>94671928>>94671992I see, that makes sense. Thanks anons, you've helped me be a good brother.
After years of being a one trick pony who only does Vietnam Wargames I'm finally starting a new project. First stab at MULTICAM. Athonian camo shade really saves a bad camo paintjob
Working on my boss snikrot but I can’t decide what color to paint the ork face on his backpack. My initial thought was a dark orange or an off white. Does anyone have thoughts on what would look good?>>94670778Looks good man! It doesn’t help that orange and pale flesh are two of your main colors, not easy to paint quickly!
>>94672688Green with blue camo paint.
Who makes the base primer?
>>94671625I had like 5 minis in a row wipe the entire primer layer off when I would do my pre-glaze so I asked James Wappel and he showed me the primer he uses and it’s worked ever since.
>>94667520Making some kommandos in an orange and black theme for their clothing.Also, fuck jap moot for making me wait 15 min to post.
Working on a beastman with a missing head I replaced with a bit. Now he's going to be a DND enemy
>>94673144I like it, something about the proportions just looks off and gives it a vaugely unsettling feel. Works.
Does anyone sell empty jars with applicator brush caps? Or maybe just applicator brush caps?
>>94671519i base coat in abaddon black without priming. turns out fine. if you don't have primer like other anon said just use a base coat first
>>94669435Im glad you still received everything and in one piece.>>94669488>>94669526Yes, they are, I had no other non 40k files around to print some terrain for Stargrave
What the hell is going on here at the bottom?
>>94673573Small indie company please understand.
>>94673212Yeah he was already lanky and the tall horns do add to that. I think he's basically done. Originally I was going to put blood on the axe but I'm torn about leaving it as is now
So I have a ton of necron boys that I wanna strip down and repaint. What's a good dark gunmetal color I could use for most of their bodies? Pic related.
>>94673823Army painter fanatic death metal?
Is $15~ for chaos black and $19~ for white scar spraycans a good price for spray primers or are there better and cheaper alternatives?
>>94673959not a bad price for those, about run of the mill. couple dollars cheaper than my far as being a good price, no not really from what i understand. it's citadel paint so it's marked up for the Games Workshop branding, it is good paint but nothing another primer can't do. i use white scar and chaos black cans because i'm lazy and it's convenient, but i've heard of people using just regular ass rustoleum primer just fine
>>94673959I use RustOLeum paint&primer black, which is like $7 and it works just fine. For white I use Vallejo which is somewhere around $20 a can.
>>94674002>>94674046>rustoleum Thanks, will check out their black sprays then
>>94674068You have to get a specific rustoleum variant if you want the best one, I think the one that says "painter's touch" with 2x coverage is the main good one. You can find a primer roundup video that compares all the different types.
I got my hands on a decent number of classic 40k Steel Legion minis. Now I'm torn how to paint them. 1. Box Art colors. Tried and true, but sort of boring. 2. Death Korps Of Krieg OG variation. Basically same as Steel Legion but with black leather bits and a skull painted on the gas mask.3. Some sort of camo with German flavor. Picrel4.(???)
>>94674172Original Death Korps, for those unfamiliar. There appears to be maybe a large scotch camo pattern on the jacket but it's honestly hard to tell.
>>94674172i vote for camo personally. i always love to see me a good camo and i think they're fun to paint (if you enjoy painting, that is). i have unpainted aquilons, kasrkin and death korp kill teams that I'm gonna do in various camos whenever I get around to them
>>94671712Duncan wasn't on 'Eavy Metal
>>94674183I like painting camo. Some part of me thinks it would be funny tho to show up with "real" DKOK minis. Maybe I'll split the difference and do camo and paint skulls on the masks.
>>94674172do the SS peadot like the picture. Running a whole unit of steel legion is already pretty rare and doing custom color camo that doesnt look shitty would be a huge W
I just bought this pack of China drybrushs, how can i clean it?
>>94671513no one, it's just funny
>>94673874do you have that full image?
some bases
>>94674578Hm... Indeed.
>>94674578You uhh... dropped a little mashed potato on your bases there, anon.
>>94674333with water?
>>94674614You are like babby.
>>94674610I had leftovers from christmas dinner.
Any ever done red/yellow undercoats? I saw a video years ago on someone doing tanks and instead of basing grey. He liked how red would be more vibrant regardless of the final coloring compared to grey where it just didn't have as much "life" to the final product. That includes painting over the red with complementary colors too. Hard to describe.>tl;dr>Anyone ever prime/undercoat in anything that's not a greyscale?
>>94674669I've never painted a miniature
>>94674669I did reddish brown for my short kings. 90% of the reason was that I got a good deal on those primers, but it worked out well
>>94674669I've used zandri dust quite a lot, from beastmen to skellingtons. Seems to make colours a bit warmer and whites a bit crisper while metals are more brassy with less brown or red tones.
>>94670288>>94670296tonight I continued my basing adventure. only thing left really before I'm satisfied is to add some froth to the water. I picked up some Stirland Mud and tried it out on the water edge, I like how it turned out
>>94674791this looks much more saturated in my photo than it does in real life. guess my phone does that
>>94674791What is the point of actual static grass applicators when it looks better when people just dump it on like this?
>>94674820I had actually never heard of a static grass applicator before you mentioned it to me just now. I suppose one of those would make the grass more uniform, if that's the look you're going for? and quicker for full dioramas surely.but yeah I just brushed some glue on the base and then dumped the grass on kek, poured the excess back in the tub. I used tweezers to give some particular spots better coverage since I didn't paint the base first and the black showed through a little. I'm going to try painting the base first next time
Necromunda ganger on the bench
>>94674840the best way to do grass like this is apply the grass over tacky glue, then upend the mini and tap the base over the potGravity and the tapping will make the grass stand up, no need for an applicator, those are for dioramas
>>94672560pva is wood glue. plywood is pretty thirsty, it might take 2 thinned down coats
>>94672681Kino, go slay some iraqis
How come GW hasn't cracked down on this blatant violation of their IP?
>>94674963Its not their IP.
It's really pathetic how many content creators are coming out with their own line of paints or brushes that are all just sourced from the same slop factory as everything else. It's just the fucking makeup influencer industry all over again.
>>94674979just buy AK paints, they are the best
>>94674979that's how it goes for 99% of licensed, sponsored or branded anything. the creator gets a percentage and the company sells more product. Did you think Shaq just really loves pizza?
>>94674979Aside from Duncan who else?
>>94674979This post made me realise what a fucking goldmine this could be. When Tati was revealed to use substandard ingredients in her line that was a health risk because it is supposed yo go on the body but the hobby youtubers who make videos as a way to market their port career (hobbynights, danahowl, etc.) could sell paint bottles that have been inside their assholes and it would be a markeri g opportunity
>>94675000A lot of them just go for partnerships with other producers, slapping their logo on pre-existing products. Pro-Acryl recently put out colour sets attributed to various YouTube people, H&S have a couple of YouTuber-branded airbrushes, stuff like that
>>94675008>port careersYarr me hearties
>>94675000Not all paints. Artis opus, midwinter, squidmar, obviously duncan. rogue hobbies is guaranteed to get some hobby products soon since she's just managed talent anyway unless you count the sculpts she buys and resells as her own brand.
>>94674979>It's just the fucking makeup influencer industry all over again.And Pizza, and energy drinks etc.If it works for those, why wouldn't it work for the "warhammer" creators too?Just dont buy the garbage, and ignore them.
>>94675000From out of my head, with no means as an incentive to buy that stuff:John Blanche - Army PainterSquidmar - Airbrush, Paints miniaturesGoobertown, that tranny and some others were involved with AP Speed Paints
>>94675047That is not "their own lines" of paints come on anon
>>94675111>Squidmar Miniatures and Vallejo paints – could there be a better combination? We don’t think there is and are very pleased to announce that Emil and Lukas have carefully curated three paint sets from the new Vallejo range.>pic related
At least wait for the bump limit before shitting up the thread with your Yidtube drama, cocksuckers.
>>94675047>>94675131Celebrity endorsements or eceleb endorsement in this case are usually to me not a good indicator of quality products. Often times they are just marked up paint sets or have a little something thrown in to justify a markup. That said I hope that the paints in these John Blanche AP sets will be available for individual sale at some point in the future>Warm Skin Shade is just Flesh Wash brought backHere's hoping that Mid Brown is brought back someday.
>>94675166Blanche is the only one i will let pass and might even buy such a set. Because i think he either needs the money, or he is convinced of the product
>>94675177Quite frankly I'm feeling the marketing working on me if I'm being honest, buuuuuut......I can't justify getting hooked on a colour that is exclusive to a paint box set because if I (eventually or hypothetically) use up a paint I'll have to buy the paint set again or go on Ebay and pay a marked up fee for a single paint.But quite frankly I'll give John Blanche a pass. You might be right in that he needs money, genuinely believes in the product or just wants extra money to enjoy his retirement.Plus I think it is funny that ArmyPainter had such a redemption and then Vallejo is going through something not so good
>>94671519If you have matt varnish you can mix in into the basecoat and it will stick better. Haven't tried with metallics tho, it's probably require more than 1 coat to look good
>>94674669Not the primer but I paint green skin over yeallew because it comes out a lot more vibrant. Red is also the same. Zenithal highlights usually look 10 times better if they are done with colors instead of black and white, tho a colored base not always works with all the colors in the miniature so it depends
>>94675166>Here's hoping that Mid Brown is brought back someday.It never left.
>>94675272I gotta order a sepia tone and try it out next to my mid brown paint. Here's hoping and coping that the customer service response wasn't wrong about the Mid brown to Sepia tone name change.
>>94669167who is the naked lady?
>>94670476All those gay boring historical projects. What a shame. Just throw it all out and buy a combat patrol box.
Local geek shop just started carrying Duncan's two thin coats paintsCan anyone recommend any of them, are there any real standouts?I've got plenty of paints but am always looking to try new brands.
>>94675272>>94675295I’ve got mid brown and sepia tone. I’m just doing some brief shopping in real life at the moment. I’ll be back in a couple hours at most to take some pics assuming my internet doesn’t die on me.
>>94675457>are there any real standouts?Obviously there aren't. come on, anon.
Current wip, probably need something between oak brown and ancient stone, layering up for the horns is a nightmare and just ends up looking flat
>>94675477forgot the file
>>94675457The only one I have is the black wash, which is just a generally fine wash, nothing special. Much better than new nuln oil, but everything is.
>>94673823I like GW iron warriors. It’s a darker metallic, looks great with a coat of shade over it to sit in the corners
>>94675457Personally I use TTC and AK Interactive, TTC is simply better and cheaper than Citadel and the same price as Vallejo and Army Painter where I am. I have the entire Wave 1 range.
>>94669710kek, that's great!
>>94675583solid choices, I mainly use ttc and ak as well
>>94675457I think standouts are the metallics, they're really solid
Hi it's my first time painting a mini and I think I'm progressing well...until I noticed I didn't clean some mold lines on some parts of the miniHow do I clean them without fucking up the paint or am I screwed?
>>94675833If you're careful about it you can probably carve it off with a scalpel or so without marring the paintjob for too far around it. But there's no way whatsoever that you're getting rid of the mould line now without having to at least repaint the bit where the mould line was.IN short, just get rid of the mould line and then repaint as necessary.
Anyone know if any of the Big Names make a good kind of pearly or glassy brass paint with maybe a green iridescent gleam in the right light?Something lot unlike Master Chief's visor, though maybe a bit paler and with a subtle green glint.Or would this be a job for NMM?
>>94675457I really like the bright red. Great coverage and saturation.
>>94675921 skimming, if you don't want to watch a video for technique, chrome basecoat with glaze in your preferred color of sheen.
>>94675921if it were me I'd just find a really smooth metallic to start and wash it in your desired color and gloss it
>>94675974>>94676000Thanks, Anons, a smooth metallic and then either a glaze or a varnished wash sounds like the way to go. Might try some kind of glaze layer from brassy in the middle to greener around the edges, might give a nice effect.
>>94675919Okay that sounds doableThanks anonAlso I don't know why the paint looks so grainy with my phone looks kinda fine to me irl?
>>94675583>the same price as vallejoLucky, my local shop has them at $5.75 a bottle. Then again they sell warhammer at GW MSRP.
>>94669051>my giftee never posted the giftSame. I wish I got a confirmation that he got it.
POP QUIZ!what is your favorite hobby *trick* that you employ? The thing you think elevates your paint jobs more than anything else you do.No I'm not writing a buzzfeed article, don't worry.
>>94676036modern cameras have greater resolution/detail than human vision
>>94676149Micro pens for scribbling on purity seals
>>94676149Texture and filters. I usually build up a lot of unblended texture with extremely bright colors and then unify it with ink or several glazes. makes stuff like belts and holsters look better with very little actual effort than some scratchy lines.
>>94676149Don't know if this counts but I sometimes do volumetric highlights on metallics and I've actually had people fooled into thinking it's NMM despite requiring a lot less effort.
>>94676227I love metallics so much. Good job on that, lizardmen really are perfect for metals.
>>94676196Are these honest to god small enough?I just can't imagine them being able to make finer lines than one of my good brushes.
>>94676287They are. People use them to edge highlight and/or make shadows (like washes), too.
>>94676287NTA but i've been using a micron 003 for simple 1 dot pupils and purity seals and similar books and such for years. they work great, just let them set cause they're water soluable until fully set.
>>94676337>>94676317Maybe I will get some to try. It would be nice to be able to if nothing else plan the position of eyes with them if they're small enough.
>>94676337You gotta any tricks for rehab-ing one that went dry or something? I have one I only used once, that has sat in a desk for the last year and now won’t write anymore
>>94676196Good shout, gonna get me a set
SS has arrived apparently. I gotta go pick it up, wish me luck.
Mean motherfucker
Farstalkers are such a pain in the ass to paint, i shouldve just bought onions marines desu
Got the stuff, SS, anon!Awesome selection of minis, especially the busts and giraffe guy. And I'll probably use all of the terrain stuff and pigments on my current project, I was literally just wishing I had some little foliage tufts on hand. And thank your roommate for the rice crispy squares, and what I assume is like a peanut brittle thing.Thanks, and Have a Merry slightly-belated Christmas.
>>94676287>Are these honest to god small enough?Yep.
Basecoat, wash, and two steps of drybrushing.
>>94676525They come in grey and brown too. Very useful. >>94676467Nah, once Pigmas are dead they are dead. Pigment pens be like that, and Pigmas just die randomly.You can go to Copic SP Multiliners at 3x the price for refillables.
>>94667520Merry christmas and happy new year everyone! My hobby plans got shafted so i'm pulling evenings from the 28th till the 6th. Fuck me and fuck you Richard, you hypohondriac fucknugget! Show me some nice models you started Anons./Blog
>>94675131I don’t know, army painter is the only cheap slop product that started out as a way to trick grandmas at the book store into buying garbage that has listened to complaints and decided to make a ok-to-good product. That earns them something.
>>94675131Does that set actually function as an expanded Zorn pallet? Are they single pigment colors for most of the set? But even just assembling the colors from the line to produce a Zorn pallet in a box set is pretty cool if the colors don’t blend as well.
>>94676720Damn I love the old school blood angels color scheme. I used to only start with Mephiston red, but recently I’ve been experimenting with the old, vibrant color scheme and love it.
>>94676550I've had this set for over 2 years and I'm too much of a pussy to paint it.
>>94675166>just marked up paint setsAren’t they marked down though? Like instead of buying random individual colors you can get a “palette” and get the lower pricing of bulk but with a specific project or scheme in mind. At least that’s what the pro acryl ones looked like to me.
that gold from vallejo is a bitch is a bitch to applyis there a special trick for metalcolors?I've thinned it down with water and applied it or are you supposed to basecoat with for example yellow/orange and then put the gold on it
>>94676927I don't love the celeb endorsement of PA, but PA became known as the best quality typical mini-paint before those e-celeb box sets since they're just color combinations the e-celebs liked, the business model being that people buying 6 paints for the price of 4 (or whatever it works out to) is better than them buying zero paints.Remember that paints cost the companies virtually zero money to make, once they have a dedicated audience it's basically free money. Those paints are marked up literally 10x the cost to the company so they don't care if they 'mark them down' for box sets to sell more.
>>94676946Vallejo metals don't need thinning. You just shake them well (at least 2 minutes, very vigorously). Then you add it to a dry pallette and wick off the excess on a paper towel. It seems wasteful but worked for me.
>>94677010fuck me I think I asked the exact same thing some time ago and got this answerI forgot... fml
>>94677029Wisdom comes with experience mate, all good. happy painting :)
>>94676883>I used to only start with Mephiston redI once started a footslogging assault squad and a Rhino with Mephiston Red, and never went back to it. Other than beginning with Evil Sunz Scarlet over white, the only thing I've found that gives me something I prefer (that Second Edition red!) are TTC and Citadel's Contrast paints Blood Angels Red (which has to be highlighted afterwards) and Baal Red.
>>94676965Well paint isn’t cheap, it has a decent start up cost even if you are using a factory to produce it. The chemist to create the formulas can be kind of expensive as petroleum and polymer chemist can find high paying jobs in manufacturing and the oil industry
Tell me about Spain. Why do they make so much paints?
>>94677310lol, anon. slopbby paint companies aren't inventing their own acrylic binders. They're buying them in a barrels from whatever chinese supplier is selling some out-of-spec stuff for the cheapest. That's why the paints aren't consistent overtime. One batch comes from factory A's cheapest barrel, the next comes from factory B's, maybe the third batch comes from A's again, but it's the leftover out of spec garbage that was never consistent in the first place.
>>94677310Also claims about how big the markup is are usually just pulled right out of the poster's ass, the whole thing tends to completely ignore all forms of overhead, etc. It's basically just a childish "sour grapes" temper tantrum.
>>94677316No one knows, they just have a huge hobbit culture, their is even a “Spanish school” of historical models that focuses more on using art techniques in painting than trying to get historically accurate colors on figures and vehicles
>>94677345D-does that mean if I went to Spain I would have a better chance at getting a hobby gf?
>>94677332Oh I do believe that their is a huge mark up over material cost, but I was just pointing out that the cheap per pot cost is only after the factory line is all set up and the formulas are made and submitted to whatever regulatory body they reside in and maintaining those lines does require skilled employees. I used to manage big box retailers and grocery stores. We had expensive engineers with different stamps sitting on payroll incase unloading equipment failed or refrigeration shit the bed and started leaking at 2am.
>>94677325And your credible source for this is?
>>94677402No. But you know it to be true.
>>94677405I accept your admission that you're making shit up to get mad about.
Ok, just the backpack and a decal to go. Time to move on to chosen #4.
>>94677356you think you can out-paint her brothers, cabrón?Vamos, prove your mettle to the paint gods muchacho!
Should GW speed paints always be thinned down? I wanna try the HH Alpha Legion tutorial from the 'eavy archive website. It asks for a glaze using two contrasts but I've never used them before.
>>94676711Also, SS anon, what is the story behind the dreadnought? I feel like there's something going on with this mini.
>>94677356Probably just having the option of not being unemployed at 30 due to a post austerity shit economy will give you a shot.The economy probably doesn’t explain the popularity of the hobby but I bet it explains why so many hobby influencers are Spanish, if you are unemployed might as well get YouTube to pay you to do your pastime, it’s not like you will make less than being under employed and living in your parents home. They have 40 hours free to work on it.
>>94677454>Should GW speed paints always be thinned down?>speed paintsDamn ArmyPainter is taking over. We don't even call them contrast paints anymore.But to answer your question. Speedpaints can be used to tint the colour of a miniature more heavily than an acrylic wash will.So all acrylic paints including speedpaints should be thinned down so that there isn't too much on your brush. In certain instances like your example that asks for glazing with two contrast paints then it is best to err on the side of caution and use thin layers of speedpaint.Also Duncan Rhodes made two great tutorials on using speedpaints. While he used contrast paints I think it is applicable to AP speedpaints 2.0 as well if you hate GW pots. one concerns differences between washes and speedpaints.
>>94677482So as a reasonably well off foreigner I'd have a good shot? Is there anywhere I could meet them online? I guess I'd have to become a content creator or something for that to work. I can go live in spain a couple of months a year if it'll be worth it but I don't know where I'd' meet them if I went there either I guess.I guess I really need to start just attending international mini painting competitions and events and that's probably my best option.
>people keep telling me not to backflow the airbrush>I see mfs do it in videos constantlywhat is the meaning of this?
>>94677536Then listen to youtubers instead of 4chan, what could go wrong?
>>94677536Why wouldn't you want to backflow your airbrush?
>>94677495Thank you very much for the tips and videos, anon. I will give them a watch then give painting with them a shot.>We don't even call them contrast paints anymoreFunny thing is I've never even seen an army painter speed paint in real life so I don't know why my brain went to that over contrast.
>>94677420Clean as always anon. Maybe it's not my place to say this but I'd recommend you get some better lighting for your pictures. This guy looks a lot less sharp than, say, the land raider you posted a while back
>>94677640I don't bother with the proper setup for WIP shots. Once they are done they are getting a proper shoot with the lightbox, tripod and the like.
>>94677657oh yeah that makes sense
>>94677610shop boomers say it'll gum up the internal bits somehow? >>94677599>airbrushing naked with the needle guard off>drop brush>give self bootleg prince albert piercing by accidentidk
>>94677599people here are fuckin retards too. the best thing to do when forming your own opinion is to consider what everyone everywhere is telling you and use logic to deduce what makes the most sense from all of it. if you can't figure out what makes the most sense then you have more research to do
>>94677764most of /wip/ actually sucks at painting and just parrot GW painting tier advice like thin your paints and edge highlight more
>>94677772nice projection broski
Things I REFUSE to do>thin my paints>drill my barrels>get a nice fine tip on my brush>wash my minis>prime my minis>varnish my minisSimple A-S
>>94677841holy based
>>94677841At least you play with painted minis Anon. Thats all i would care for from my opponent.>prime>varnishHonestly, i think those two are pretty much overrated. Paint rarely rubs off plastic minis.
>>94677856agreed. I prime and varnish sometimes, but on the minis where I didn't... they're still fine.
>>94677841the true 90s experience
>>94677841You forgot>remove mold linesThat being said, for GW minis being such a "luxury product" and all, the amount and severity of mold lines I had to remove is rather jarring.It really can't be that a 20 minis for 25€ Stargrave set has almost no mold lines while a 10 mini 50€ Warhammer set (more specifically the Sororitas box), has a genuinely SHOCKING amount.
>>94677912The fact that GW doesn't just fucking design minis in such a way that there are no moldlines along ridged areas that are fucking impossible to clean should be considered a crime.
>>94677912If you had a woman, or man no judgement, who would suck your dick no matter what it looked like, would you put much effort in?GW Paypiggies are the slut in this example
>>94677957I see a ton of people online saying that GW is still like the high watermark for miniatures, and I just don't understand how anybody can come to that conclusion.
>>94678014You are seeing the effect of corporate marketing blasted onto someone who has never seen alternatives. People get into the hobby through GW, and they watch GW videos. The only thing they know about the hobby is what GW tells them. I've recommended Vallejo paints to people who have actually said they would rather pay a little more instead of buying "knockoff" brands. As far as they know GW *is* the hobby and everyone else are knockoffs.
>>94678014Warhammer fanatics genuinely got their mind buckbroken by brand loyalty at all costs
Uhhhhh guys? Didn't you tell me slapchop sucks? Why does this look better than my minis while simultaniously taking 2-4 hours less?
>>94678226Congratulations, you have begun down the dark path.
>>94678226It does not suck, but it has little to do with traditional painting skills, so people who pride themselves for mastering those often look down on it.Its a genuinely good technique for people who lack the skill or time for fancy paintjobs.
>>94678226Is this a printertranny or just a board game mini?>4 paints>slapchop>>>>>>>>still needed 1.5 hoursNow paint a skitarii or a genestealer cultist like this and report back.
>>94678318You need to go back.
>>94678325Don't flip your wig about GW, nigger. Insert any other overly detailed mini if you like.
>>94678226It's *better* than the vast majority of contrast paint jobs I see at my FLGS, but it still has muddled pastel under saturated look that most contrast paint jobs have. It just has a little more definition. It's fine for tabletop, but this is a plateau. If people like it is fine, but if you want better results then working around contrast paints for them is so much more time consuming than learning traditional.
>>94678362>It's *better* than the vast majority of contrast paint jobs I see at my FLGSHow embarrassing for your flgs
I always forget that nobody is here on friday because they're pretending they go out ever.
>>94675398I can never tell if this is just a joke at GW's expense or if it's one person trying to bait everyone in every thread.
>>94678580I'm not even pretending to have a social life at this point, I'm actually painting right now. Not gonna reply to shitstirrers though
Color scheme for the horns is coming together, the brown needs to be toned back and it needs to get some highlights, but at least it's less flat than before.I tried to transition up to the same brightest purple as in her skin at the longest point but I think it's far too subtle. It might come together a bit better if I use it as an edge highlight for the horns
>>94678386What can I say, the vast majority of my FLGS has terrible painters who have fallen into the mindset of valuing speed and flavor of the month e-celeb techniques. I do what I can to guide them, but you can only say so much without being a sperg.Funny that the people into historicals and LOTR absolutely mog 40k players in terms of paintjobs. Probably because those are all timers who don't use contrast.
>>94676036>>94676029>the paint looks so grainyIt's drying too fast and you may not have thinned it enough. Try a paint retarder or a quality thinning medium. Also it may be the quality of your paint.
thats it for today, think I made good progress and gotten better with painting looks smoother than the other one I did
Finished highlighting red and cream. My hatred for GWs off-whites has been renewed
I've asked this before but I lost the answers and I'm actually diagnosed and medicated for ADHD this time so I might actually get around to painting it.The question is can anyone help color match barrows armor?
>>94678014So what alternatives are better?
>>94679099KDM, reapermini, a huge number of 3d prints stuff, a huge number of resin caster artists.Probably TC, but I haven't seen those minis in practice from a real supplier.
>>94679109>reaperminiIn terms of quality? Really? I always figured they were like neat cheap alternatives with loads of variety to fill gaps for things you need. Have they stepped up their quality recently? Got some good examples?
>>94669526HEXTECH. a 3d printing company i think they also will sell you stl's to print yourself, make a brand spanking new range of honestly quite phenomenal hexmap terrains that yes, very much work with battletech.OR there's heroquest. heroquest tilesets are all perfect hexmap compatible iirc.
>>94668249monocolour schemes work exceedingly well in battletech. if you REALLY want to spruce up a mono-scheme, say your blue catapult, you give it the orange, but on say one of the missile 'ears' like a shoulderpad/epaulette and on the opposite knee/footthen picking up weapons with say a blackening or metallic to show where the heat has blasted of the parade ground paint job.. and suddenly your mono-scheme is a tricolour.
>>94678960I would say either Castellan Green or Loren Forest
Got my hands on these yesterday, cannot wait to try it out
>>94679453What're they supposed to do? Post pics
>>94679590>What're they supposed to doThey're enamel paints, so you breath the fumes to destroy your brain cells and it makes life simpler and easier.
>>94679646sick. I wish I had some.
>>94678692Yeah I think I was too hasty and it wasn't thin enough. Also I need to buy a thinner quality brush, these cheap ones really don't help with edge highlighting
>>94679841I see you couldn't wait until you were done to cum on her chest.
>>94670246Any tips? Looking to do some Necromunda cultists this weekend myself.
>>94679884Well it's supposed to be some sash with beads on it...but you're right it was the first thing I painted on her
Almost done these guys. I took them off their handles preemptively but at this point I don't think it matters and I wanted to see them on the bases, and start blending their little feet pads into the bases with texture paste when I don't feel like painting.
>>94679453I've been bombarded with ads of that stuff on Facebook.
>My secret santa gift finally arrived at anons house>no photoshe hates it doesnt it
Everett Santa thank you so much for the gifts! I just got the second package today. I love the little books, candles, and such. I also love the basing roller. Looking forward to a sugar coma. I love when yall draw cards so thanks for the effort! Very happy Gretna Anon.
>>94680102He's just brewing up an adequate supply of hot glue for the photos.
>>94680102Mine showed up today >>94676711in case that was yours and you missed the pic
>>94679159>>reapermini>cheapI don't understand at all why people say this. Reaper's minis are like $5 each, which is the same price as a space marine.
my SS still has his package waiting at his post office, feels bad man
How do I best achieve a metallic purple
>>94680120looks like a bunch of useful stuff, what's the little baggies?
>>94680337silver mixed with purple?
>>94680337transparent purple over silver
>>94679159Most of their white bones stuff sucks for regular 28mm figs, they have hard to remove moldlines and don't hold detail very well, one of the townspeople I got from their kickstarter didn't even have a nose. If the model is a large one it's probably fine. The grey bones is better quality and still cheap. Not as good as a proper resin cast but worth painting.
>>94675272>>94675295>>94675466Sorry that I'm late. Sepia tone is not mid brown. That email screenshot is either fake or the customers service intern was mistaken or it was an elaborate troll or from the date of the email, maybe AP changed their minds about Mid Brown becoming sepia tone.Either way I'm sorry if this hurt anyone here.
>paint model for 4 hours>kinda feels unfinished, maybe 50% satisfied with it, but whatever I wanna play>apply shade for 1 minute afterwards>jumps from 50% happiness/completion feeling to 95%>mfw
>>94680923you spent 4 hours just doing base colors?
>>94680923Yes, washes are magic.
>>94680925>baiting argument about how long it should take to paint ministhis is weak even by 40kg standards. go back.
>>94680925do you only paint models with 2-3 colors or something? i guess if you're JUST doing space marines you could drop that down to sum 1 hour sure, but if im painting any of my little DnD minis or wargame characters then im doing 4-5 major colors for things like skin, armor, hair and cloth, each gets a layer or two depending on color (i regret making anyone pink or yellow) and each layer takes a while to dry between coats, then ill do details like eyebrows and belt buckles and the like, then clean up any overpaint i inevitably find while looking closer for detailing, which usually means another 5-6 colors , each needing more or less layers depending on metalics or undercolors (i ESPECIALLY regret mixing yellows with blacks, like hazard stripes, so much work to fix overpainting)it can EASILY hit 4+ hours per mini since i try to work on other stuff while i have paint open, so the 10 minutes a layer takes to dry ends up being closer to 20 minutes by the time i finish the other mini.or maybe, anon is painting a great unclean one and it just takes 4 hours to get all nooks and crannies base coated.
>>94680923all over wash or just some
>>94680941all praise the holy NULN OIL.
>>94680941washes are a crutch for bad painters.which is why i use so much of it and refuse to post WIPs before at least one wash.
>>94680982I dunno why you'd wanna overpay for a wash, but sure.>>94680987Nah, even pros use it. It's just a handy tool.
>>94680987>washes are a crutch for bad else am I supposed to unify my lazy ass chunky layers?
I am once again asking for your supportwhat color is this blue on this ogre magi's bird mount? Specifically the blue on the brightest parts of the wing>>94680337contrast paint or glazes over metallic paint.mix purple ink into metallic paint. get a colored metallic paint. duncan's paints have colored metallics but not sure if they have purple
>>94681060That's a pastel blue.
Started work on my Loonboss yesterday. Luv me goblins.
>>94681060That's blue
Nothing crazy today. Just getting base coats and undercoats for this guy.
Aaand done...I think? Somehow it feels unfinished, not sure what to do next to further make it look better
>>94681255Good first job. It'll feel like that for a while. Just keep painting and keep watching things about painting techniques. Get your reps in and each model will be like twice as good as the last one for a few months. It was definitely an ambitious first model though. Skin is the most intimidating thing to paint.
im not very good at painting but got my hands on a johnny so wanted to paint it in black templar colors.
>>94680987>washes are a crutch for bad painters.>which is why i use so much of it
>>94681262Thank you for the kind words anon. In hindsight it was a pretty tough one to start with but I'm glad I at least tried to paint one of these minis I've been stockpiling.Next project will be her (canon) boyfriend.
>>94681279No worries. One important thing to start thinking about is how light works. Rather than being a flat single colour, light hits objects from an angle and changes what colour they are, so edges are always going to be lighter and crevices darker. Also what I found helpful when learning, and still do now, is I look up a video for how to paint the specific texture/fabric or whatever I'm painting. So for example if I got up to that guy's sandles, I'd look up how to paint leather miniatures on youtube. And you'd get a video like this. A lot of them make it look way easier than it is though, so don't get disheartened if you can't replicate it. If you haven't already, look up some tutorials for the models you are painting as well, or some general beginner videos.
>>94681292Yeah I was trying to convey light coming from the left for her but as time went I just kinda painted flatly and didnt emulate a light source. Thanks for the advice though, will try to plan more on how I paint my minis.
>>94681276Jealous, also nice paintjob!How come nobody did a proper 3d scan of johnny yet? I want him but fuck shelling out 50 bucks for one.
>>94681360I take it you don't like the one an anon uploaded a while back? I do feel the details are not as sharp.
>>94681378Maybe i have missed that, cant remember.
Does anyone have any good resources on painting nice skin on attractive figures? I've only painted Warhammer stuff which is easy with all the ridges and bulging muscles and veins, but my friends 3D printed a nice Jinx figure for me and I want to give it a whirl.I know you're supposed to use glazes mostly, avoid hard shadows and generally make the shapes look as smooth and rounded as possible, but a nicely explained video with the whole process would be nice, and most of what I can find is the usual "guy puts brush to figure and video immediately cuts to everything blended".
>>94681779I hate this faggot with a passion but this video is pretty good
>>94678342You realize that you dont need to paint every tiny detail individually, right?Since you brought them up, pic related. Some Genestealers with Skitarii heads (and stargrave guns i believe). Perfectly suitable for the tabletop and it certainly did not take long to paint them.Wont win any competitions, but thats the case for most paintjobs.
>>94678362>but this is a plateauBut it is a plateau that is very easy to reach, and its already higher up than so many regular paintjobs you see outside, and those require way more effort already.
>>94681779Blending and glazing are two different but effective techniques for skin, and they're both hard to learn by video. If you have the opportunity to take a lesson (even from a non-pro) it should be really helpful, they'll be able to give you input on brush control, pressure, etc. All my biggest skill jumps have been taking classes at conventions. I think the most important thing when starting off for skin (aside from watching videos, do that a bunch) is to keep your paint/glaze thin and layer very gradually. Starting with a color sketch can be very helpful but it takes a lot of patience to transition the colors this way. The only way to mess up is to lay on paint too thick to cover over. It will look terrible until it doesn't, so just keep going.
>>94680215It depends on which range i think?the white (and horrible) bones V1 are like $2. Some even less (like a pack of 5 kobolds for $3 or something). The black ones are more expensive and the metal ones even more ofc. Them being considered cheap is probably because of their massive kickstarters. (and from there, the figures swapping into ebay or other market platforms for super cheap prices whenever people realize they dont need 200 random fantasy miniatures of meh quality).
>>94681845these are pretty cool. I'm stealing your idea, anon.
>>94681169Looks awesome, I should pick up some gobbos too
>>94681976You should get some coomer twin goddess ones.
>I should have asked before orderingOh wellDoes anyone have any experience with using Vallejo Gloss Medium to create your own washes?Some googling showed that people use one drop Gloss Medium + ~10-15 drops of water + paint to create custom washes
>>94681860>>94681842These are pretty good, thanks. An added difficulty is that Jinx has a sort of unnatural skin tone that is very pale but I think I have an idea of how to achieve it by mixing some cold colours into skin tones.
Resuming the kustom boosta blasta that I abandoned a couple months ago
Is there any primer color that isnt a pain in the ass to paint over? Both black and white kinda suck (maybe its just a skill issue though)
>>94682253not sure why would you want gloss for a wash, shadows aren't shinyusually it's matte medium+water+some flow improver+ink
>>94682519i use brown for my skellies and light gray for eveything else
What color should i use for their shirts? Beige?
New thread:>>94682696>>94682696>>94682696
JC, I'm going to open your package and post photos tomorrow, I think! I haven't been home for a few days, but I've been so so excited to open it! Also, the anon I got matched with posted pretty painted miniatures, so I'm stoked about that! I hope to repay the favor to the thread, and next year to up my income so I can send some cooler stuff. Love all the Christmas festivity here.