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is this an appropriate price for moc instructions?
Flat Earth
>build together
Oh no...
that must be the worst lego plane I've ever seen
it's kinda impressive how bad it is
This set was designed with help of lego masters winners

Set: 21351 - Nightmare Before Christmas (18+)

• Includes 2193 pieces
• US $199.99 - DE/FR €199.99 - UK £169.99
• Release: SEPTEMBER 1ST 2024
Are there gonna be lego Jaws sets? I just got an animated lego ad that was Jaws themed.
I'm wanting to get a castle to build my medieval village around, should I go all in on Lion Knight's castle, or get a couple of the 3-in-1 castles to combine them since they cost a lot less?
their "winning" model for the Lego Masters season was supposed to become a real set, and this is the result.

for the show they made a complete pander-fest that had an African tree, a Chinese temple, and a Roman colosseum and none of that is in the official set, lmao

it's rather embarrassing... for someone, I'm not sure who, the winners or the Lego company, that the model that was produced is so far removed from the winning model
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I'm just hoping they come out with more cool sets of mythological creatures. And something more than just Ninjago dragons again and again!
I'd probably go with 2 of the 3-in-1 castles. You can get a couple small wyverns to spice the place up too.

Honestly kinda wish the wyvern had been a poly-bag or small-box set, (or at least something like it. I LOVE wen Lego does mythology.)
Get at least 1 creator castle now while it's on a nice sale at target, then see if Lion Knight goes on sale 25% off for black Friday again this year
Lkc will be more impressive than a castle built with 3 3in1s, 4 might rival it but minifigs won't be as good
>minifigs won't be as good
I swear part of the high price of the LKC is simply due to the large amount of minifigs that come with it.
4 3 In 1s would give you 12 falcons and 4 shit blacksmiths and cost about the same as lkc which gives a way better variety.

I would consider the dnd set too it is pretty neat fleshies considered
The 3 in 1 has two falcons, not three.
Regardless the legs and torsos for both on PaB are pretty cheap.
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Will be 10 years old next year, how do you feel about Lego Dimensions now?

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>dreamzzz is selling bro!!!!

Meanwhile reality..

Oh no no no no no
Remember to kill licensefags. Behead licensefags. Roundhouse kick a licensefag into the concrete. Slam dunk a licensefag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy licensefags. Defecate in a licensefags food. Launch licensefags into the sun. Stir fry licensefags in a wok. Toss licensefags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a licensefags gas tank. Judo throw licensefags into a wood chipper. Twist licensefags heads off. Report licensefags to the IRS. Karate chop licensefags in half. Curb stomp pregnant licensefag whores. Trap licensefags in quicksand. Crush licensefags in the trash compactor. Liquefy licensefags in a vat of acid. Eat licensefags. Dissect licensefags. Exterminate licensefags in the gas chamber. Stomp licensefag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate licensefags in the oven. Lobotomize licensefags. Mandatory abortions for licensefags. Grind licensefag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown licensefags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize licensefags with a ray gun. Kick old licensefags down the stairs. Feed licensefags to alligators. Slice licensefags with a katana.
I was literally just about to post how it was so nice to have a normal thread again…
The idea is still there, it's been neutralised so anyone can fill it with their own memories it's why there is stands included to hold photographs that the box shows as an example.

Seems expensive for ~500 parts.
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Dreamzzz was nice to bring that nightmare horse. Such an iconic figure.
Baba Yaga-like themed giant crow will be one of iconic sets as well.

I want to get that owlcat while i can - it's on discount even.
That Hunter minifig + that little 4legged demon combined cost almost as much as the whole set on discount
Dreamzzz minifigures are so expensive holy shit...
People were telling that you will see him in lego magazines but i havent seen any yet
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>Will be 10 years old next year, how do you feel about Lego Dimensions now?
im thankful that it brought so many cool unique minifigures.
it was basically an excuse for them to give some themes that otherwise would NEVER get in

Like Gremlins for example.
I remember finding the very last bot with them in 2019 for 15 euros
now 1 gremlin minifigure cost 20 euros...
You faggots just can’t help yourselves? For anyone still wondering.
Lego has an 18 month window they use to determine profitability and snoozzz is about to get cancelled because it doesn’t sell and that’s why your seeing it shilled so much. The sets have a mouseslop price tag. The ideas are unoriginal and recycled from Lego stealing from former Lego designers. Goodbye Lego dreamzzz we hardly knew ye.
Ignore the dreamzzz hating schizo. he was crying about it being "dead" and posting discount sets photos for 4 sets already.
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reposting this again in hopes of finding the more complete version, also let's discuss the more esoteric entries. wtf is Konstructor one?
Ignore the dreamzzz loving faggots.
>lego prefers stickers to prints
Dreams biggest mistake was trying to pander to both boys and girls. Girls just don't like the minifigure format, and lego knows this. Meanwhile, little boys will see the girly shit and will write off the whole theme as gay and retarded. There's a reason toys have always been historically gender segregated, and lego has always been a toy for boys.
I disagree. Girls have always been accepted and like lego even though it was traditionally a boys toy. The reason girls didn’t play with it more was the lack of figures not the inclusion of them. Legos mistake was going woke and trying to pander to the blacks fags and chinks all at the same time.
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So much this.
I like dreamzzz but...i actually dont have any sets-just minifigures i got from Magazines.
For example I wanted to get a Night hunter set but it has that stupid "Elves"-like cat owl.
Dreamzzz look like "friendzzz" sometimes and it's a big turn off.

I always hated how lego used colors for girls' sets. It's all over the place.
For example this august set looks awesome but not quite right for me to buy it - those stupid ass fucking colors just makes it look like friends/elves set.

I dont have enough pieces to replace those pink and purple parts so i will be waiting for it to be on discount just like OwlCat set because i want minifigures and maybe some parts.

The whole dreamzzz theme is this type of bullshit because it tries to pander to both genders.
That mechanical dinosaur will be my first dreamzzz set i will actually buy because i want all of it.
Colors are retarded again but at least it fits because its a literal garbage dinosaur made from random car parts.
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>For example this august set looks awesome but not quite right for me to buy it - those stupid ass fucking colors just makes it look like friends/elves set.
i meant this one
How do you handle running out of of space, because my room is looking like a horder's.
>Sets on bookshelves
>Small sets, separated minifigures, and magazine minifigures in boxes
>And recently a fly infestation I'm hoping is unrelated
Btw I like in the UK, so my room is fucking tiny.
Keep most of your Lego in storage and display sets in rotation.
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>How do you handle running out of of space, because my room is looking like a horder's.
>>And recently a fly infestation I'm hoping is unrelated
Does it look like this
How much did Duck pay them off to win?
truly awful set
I'd honestly say that if we're going on colour selection alone this is worse than Elves. Amazing that they can actually have some fairly good villain figs but the actual villain builds are in such a repulsive spectrum of zoomer purple/dark pink/pale pink/coral.
Just bought 2 Dreamzzz sets because it pisses off mousecucks for some reason.
Also that Pegasus looks metal as fuck.
noone cares about you retard
>the only lego promotional image with a traditional white family is the one only rich white families can afford for a hobby only rich white families can afford (literally travelling the globe)

Really makes you think...
There are so few fans of dreamzzz that I think this will be very easy

I don't care. I am still going to buy whatever Dreamzzz sets I want. Maybe all of them. I'm genuinely interested in about half. The shadow creatures are sick as fuck and I'm going to build a thicc ass sexy bionicle using the same color scheme.

I also really like that almost every set you get a free extra printed eye tile. Very neat.
I was about to say 'enjoy what you want why would anons shitposting stop you from enjoying things or make you do things out of spite.'

But then you admitted to being a tranny coomer agp bionicle fucker and I don't think you deserve to happy and I want to take all your happiness away.
There's so much shit going on with dreamzzz it comes off as a mess.

>nightmare demons
>public transportation + space
>slime robot which is for some reason the main character
>animal race cars and animal vehicles in primary colors
>brightly colored or neon animal things seperate from the racecar animals and nightmare animals
>ancient looking dream temples

I can see parents buying stuff being so confused and kids only wanting a fraction of the sets that appeal to them.
You cared enough to reply.
just saw this video - it has ALL DREAMZZZ sets - the new ones
4chan probably hates this tuber but i dont give a fuck-i just wanted to see sets

Kek. I like the guys sayin they’re going to buy them to spite people who don’t like it… um okay. I guess that’s the mentality legos looking for in a Dreamzzz fan.>>11060646
>im going to buy them all
>I only like half
Jesus hopscotching Christ.
do you think this is some big gotcha you fucking retard? kys
Fuck it. I'm buying 4 Dreamzzz sets. Cry about it.
Post your idea of a good Lego set.
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>Just bought 2 Dreamzzz sets because it pisses off mousecucks for some reason.
Based. I don't even like Dreamzzz but I may just do the same. It is, at the end of the day, a real Lego theme. And besides, I wound up looking back fondly on Time Twisters.
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>El Dorado finally goes on sale
>out of stock in store and online
>I'd have to drive an hour just to pick one up local
Not worth it. Guess I'll wait until Lego.com does a sale on it eventually.
>Just bought 2 Dreamzzz sets because it pisses off mousecucks for some reason.
i think it pisses off just 1 guy - that retarded minecraft/Polfag one that keeps posting shit like "dreamzz is DEAD" and keeps showing those clearance photos.

Anyways based.
Dreamzzz is a good theme overall.
>I'd have to drive an hour just to pick one up local
>Not worth it.
Lazy ameriturd lmao.

I would be happy to travel for a bit and get a lego set as well and maybe then get some icecream while browzing 4chan.
oh wait...i forgot it's not fun to ride around america...
Yeah good luck, it's gonna be the same thing if Lego does a sale.
Scalpers are fucking vultures waiting for any opportunity to swoop down.
The sale would also get negated by the price of gas used for driving there and back.
What if I get abducted by aliens again?
>anon is afraid of pink
>What if I get abducted by aliens again?
>by the price of gas used for driving there and back
oh..i forgot it's post 2020 ..sorry anon.
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>anon is afraid of pink
Being pussy is not "being afraid of pink".

It's buying stuff you don't like because you afraid of people thinking that you are too masculine for pink sets.

Pink colors suck. I'm not buying a pink toy just to support femininity and not sound like mysoginist or some crap like that.
it would probably cost me around 12-15 bucks in gas round trip so not negating the sale but not worth the time to drive 40 miles there and back.

My local target had tons of these in stock though a few weeks ago, some scalper must have grabbed whatever was left as soon as this sale started.

Same thing happened on black friday last november, that republic fighter tank set with the purple clones, my target had like 20 of those and some scalper took them all.
>afraid of people thinking
Even more of a pussy.
>afraid of people thinking
that's literally why im not buying it - because im not afraid of people calling me "too pussy to buy pink set" or "THINK OF WOMMYN PLS"

You might check those pills dosage trunnycuck - your brain process becomes slow.
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Guys, I have pics of the fortnite sets...
Keep em.
I ant star trek sets
Imagine being duckbricks wife and you suck his little cock every day while yoy look at his tesla and lego.sets

Must be the dream
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Almost everything from the 80s to 90s. The first few years of Bionicle. Even 10 years ago we had The Lego Movie 1 and Monster Fighters and probably more Im forgetting. Creator 3 in 1.
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I buy pink sets because I love cocaine
I would rather not imagine that

But its too late for me now...
Hey look its that awesome boombox brick again
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>I buy pink sets because I love cocaine
Im that pink hater and paradisa is fucking awesome.

Paradisa is 80-early 90s aestetics.
Paradisa is VaporWave that i love.
Paradisa is GTA Vice city aestetics.

I hate shitty "girls like pink so lets make set look stupid because of pink colors everywhere".
Paradisa had a nice harmony of pastel colors. It never tried to be overly girly.
I generally think Lego has too many colors now which turns me off of a lot of sets. Getting back into lego a few years ago after a huge break was crazy. I think they're still making new colors too.
Ok guys, lego should make sets for star trek and here is why
>star trek
how old st fans are? Around 50?
Im 35 and i never seen a star trek fan...
I am born in 1949
I’m 36 and next generation was fairly popular lying faggot.
i honestly never seen a startrek fan in my entire life.
Every time i think of st i think of old people - one of the first lines of nerds from back then.
You had bad parents then if you didn’t have the transporter back in 94 I call bullshit Star Trek was pretty popular and the toys sold well. Source I was there.
Literally mentally ill. His videos are a showcase of hoarding disorder
Stop being a fanboy faggot.
Nobody but borning old nerds likes this shitty franchise.
>durr hurr quirky space crew people sitting in 1 decoration and talking wo hoo
fuck off
Killer Queen
Imagine being just2good's boyfriend, you play with her lego sets, play with her perky little breasts made of fat, suck her little cock.

If you wanted to play with the sets alone, you'd have to pound that bussy so hard that the sissygasms would put her out cold. Then... Pirate ship war.
This used to be a proper thread.
Friendly reminder that self-proclaimed AFOLs are all faggots and them having the power to sway the company was a huge mistake. They should all be killed.
The fuck is wrong with you?

It is normal

Anyone wanna fuck Mei?
He’s right, you know
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Elden ring lego when?
Eugh. Over detailing of minifigs should be punishable by castration.
God I hate FROMsloppers
More obnoxious and addicted with spamming their obsession than the Skyrim kiddies ever were
Hopefully never
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I was going through some old boxes in my dad's house and found a poster gor Paradisa. Put it in a frame.
Gamers don't buy toys thankfully never
Dreamzzz has its flaws (biggest being the curved piece they keep using for so many animals legs) but its overall a good series to fuck around with an expand on.
Hi Chungus!
>boys like vehicles
>girls like animals
>what if we combined them?

Trying to appeal to both genders makes a product that appeals to neither.
imagine the smell
The European can’t comprehend large distances or wide open spaces. I’m being serious I’ve never met a European or anyone from a city who can handle driving for hours and hours. I grew up on the ass end of a Harley though. We are not the same.
>not fun to ride around America
I disagree but there’s no way to convince you you’re wrong. Go watch East Rider.
I'm English and I once spent 6 months driving around America in a campervan. I loved the open spaces and sense of freedom.
>DOOD muh most recent heckin generic fantasy hack'n'slash
You literally do not have a personality.
There's no way black skeleton should be that deep
Based britbong. What was your favorite part? Buy any legos on the trip?
I loved the Southwest area of the US as it's truly unlike anything we have here in the UK. Southern Utah was a particular highlight. I also really liked Glacier National Park and Montana as a whole. I did not buy any lego on the trip, as we had limited space in the van and it would have been a pain to bring back here. Although I do recall being tempted by some well-priced Minecraft sets in walmart.
I did a cross country train ride chicago to Virginia Virginia to California California back to Chicago in 2009. Utah was gorgeous but I got stuck in Salt Lake City at 9pm on a Sunday night while the train got rerouted through Montana as you describe. Was annoyed by Mormons but thankful we went up and over and back down to Nevada. I took a minifig but it’s long lost now.
I buy second hand vintage because it's cheaper at this point, I love having plenty of the basic colours especially in basic bricks. I can build whatever I want.
I love lego and elden ring but damn those look bad
also the malformed dragon is holding his weapon backwards lol
I fucking hate CuckBricks, absolute nerd faggot
look at that fucking wing droop too
Lego Masters is pure globohomo slop
>that's literally why im not buying it - because im not afraid of people calling me "too pussy to buy pink set"
Did you scramble your brain or something??
These got to be AI pics, right?? There's no fucking way custom figs can look THIS good.
Literally hoarding disorder he dupes retards into thinking is a 'collection'
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who the FUCK gave permission to make a vahki look this cool
You know who else gave permission to make a vahki look that cool?

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>75402 is an ARC-170
>75401 will be Ahsoka's Jedi Interceptor
>75405 will be a midi-scale Home One
>The 4+ set (75410) will be an N1 starfighter! Likely Mando's
Having January leaks makes me even more anxious, I've waited a year on that shaky rumor that Bionicle might return in 2025. I check this subreddit daily by this point as it's around the 10 year anniversary of Gen 2 being leaked.

I have no idea what I am gonna do if G3 isn't real....
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Kino...pure fucking kino...
If starwars was like that i would like it
The Dreamzzz haters show their true colours.
If only dreamzzz was like this
Why would you want dreamzzz to be worse than it is?
because they know they can get away with it
Most of 4chan has gone to shit since they removed the ip counter.
Hopefully chang makes a bootleg of it.
Reddit check. Leakfag check. Bionicuck check.
I don't know how but this just exceeded my expectations, didn't know what to expect from the leaked listings. I am super hyped for this, the best Delta-7 Starfighter variant as well as the original-ish Jedi Bob himself.
>Most of 4chan has gone to shit since they removed the ip counter.

Nigga, this site's been in the shit pits since the mid 2010s. Personally I put the blame on Gamergate and all the shit that sired up, but Trump and 2016 didn't help either.
We got a bunch of mainstream attention and it brought in a bunch of new fucktards who never stopped acting like newfags shitting up the site.

And that's not even going into fucking reddit and memes going mainstream.
My next planned buys are the insect collection, motorised lighthouse and Orient express, then later on the natural history museum and royal ornithopter.
Is this general just for lego or also for other companies that make lego like bricks and builds?
Post what you want dawg what you digging on right now?
This roodypoo can smell what the rock is cookin. All these candyasses man… I haven’t even seen a jabroni in years. You’re a fucking liar though it’s always been trash.
I was honestly worried that they'd make him fl*shie, and I couldn't tell from previous leak pics. Kino is back on the menu boyz.
You want /pbbg/ for that.
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post kino
You first.
>it’s always been trash.
I didn't say it was never trash, just that at some point, many years ago, it became shit.
Oh my fucking god yes, it's been 15 years since the last one. My favourite ship from the prequels and it barely has any Lego sets, always wanted one as a kid but never got it. This will be a big cop.
are there any minifigure uniforms that have male and female variants? so far, I only know about ultra agents
Dungeons and dragons
no they have "unisex" torsos
imperial officers
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The bad guys from The Lego Ninjago Movie had some good ones. I used them to make a team of my own.
miserable faggot
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>Midiscale Acclamator
Who buy this shit?

>buildable grogu
2025 can't come soon enough
>Ahsoka Jedi Interceptor
Ehhh... Although I'd love it came with Season 1 style Ahsoka with the tube top.
>Finally another ARC-170 Starfighter
I hate that stupid fucking baby.
>Midscale Acclamtor and Home One
Not really bothered.
>N-1 Starfighter for babies
"The way I see it, none of us are getting out of here alive"
We are in half of 2024...2025 can stay away
Star wars fags are awful
But enough about you.
Salty your garbage dreamzzz line-up isn't getting the same amount of hype?
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>see incels whining about this youtuber
>had no idea who is that but like always-incels with their hate work like shills so i go watch his channel

>some guy with 98238401824091801280184 sets
>casually walking by the most expensive Jurassic World t-rex
>shit ton of stuff on walls
what the fuck

He has good opinions though - i can get triggered by how rich he is but hes not annoying like just2good for example - he genuinely likes lego
I discovered duck when he was still relatively unknown and have chatted with him on twitch. He’s a decent guy and honestly pretty cool. I think he gets hate and accused of hoarding because people are jelly.
He works for Microsoft and is responsible for Co-Pilot, he's very successful, well articulated and good friends with Bionicle creator Christian Faber, which is why bionicle fags hate him because they're jealous.
Personally I hate his channel and his content because I think his house is disgusting and I could never live like this. I've always been a ''Quality over quantity'' kind of guy and I have a knee-jerk reaction to hate people that hoard stuff. BUT. I don't have anything against the guy. I barely know him. I'm sure he is ok.
This dudes folks set him up right and he’s capitalized on it. He’s a collector of the highest level but not a hoarder. Everything is organized and clean and he seems to genuinely love legoS. He’s what we’d all be if we had the resources and that’s why people hate on them… they hate themselves.
I hate him because he's an ugly pig-nosed chink
I ain't going with Windows
You're definitely jealous
post Lego retard
Yea he's cool. He got to live out his Lego dream and Christian Faber sold him a bionicle at a Lego store.
oink oink
Who's got actual pics of the McLaren? Not the 8bit pixel shit.
Technic is a disease
>women love cars
I saw a little girl picking out a speed champions set. You'd be surprised.
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>finally get pic related
They litterally can never top this thing, it's so fucking beutiful
But they could make the slope pieces near the feer connect better, those love to fall off easily
Waitwaitwait is that Original gray? Did they FINALLY bring it back? Guessing theres some hope for us discontinued color chads after all
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this is AFOL level of ninjago mech.

there are tons of better fun mechs that are still super fun.
Your example is a statue.
>He’s what we’d all be if we had the resources and that’s why people hate on them
Exactly lol.
I'm already kinda like that but i chose what to do due to limited budget.
For example i have all antagonist minifigures/bigfig from that Ninjago season of Skybound.
I got all ice warriors from Chima and display them under display case.

I dont hate that guy though.
Such stuff is not a matter of skill.
It's literally just "you have money = you instantly have EVERYTHING" or not if you dont have enough money.
>your example is a statue
It's the most posable one they have ever made and i'm having a blast posing it around
Just because it's too big for your baby hands does not mean it's a dust collector
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It's huge and giant heavy mech. you cant play with it and swoosh it around.
>it's a dust collector
it is
The creator clearly stated it's an "adult set".
Wait why did you change the face from pixal to some generic dude?
>some generic dude
He has a cool samurai dude face. It's a cybersamurai in a mech from cyber tokyo.
I dont watch ninjago and dont care about its characters
Fucking based. True lego appreciatorz
Does this thing get power function and portal axles like the real one? Might be fun if it has those features.

Else I see a lot of nice red-orange bits which is good I love that color.
I don't get why Jang is trying to minmax all his videos. Just make reviews and upload them?
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lol i just use leto sets as a "base". As i build it - i add something to them to make them more fun to play with, and they "spawn" in my own lego world.
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>tfw just finished building the LEGO Dreamzzz "Nightmare Shark Ship" set
Ho. Ly. Shit. Bros, this set is a goddamn masterpiece. Seriously, it’s like they looked into my childhood dreams and made them into a brick reality. The Nightmare Shark Ship is hands down one of the most kino sets I’ve ever built.

First off, the design is incredible. It’s a fucking ship that looks like a shark. A SHARK! The details are insane. The jaws, the eyes, the fins – everything looks so menacing and cool. I can't believe how well they captured the essence of a nightmarish shark pirate ship.
The build itself was super engaging. Lots of unique pieces and clever techniques that kept me on my toes. None of that repetitive, mind-numbing stuff you get with some other sets. Plus, the minifigures are top-notch. The crew looks like they just swam out of a Tim Burton fever dream. So much personality in each one!
But the best part? The play features. The cannons actually fire, the jaw chomps, and there’s a hidden treasure chest. LEGO really went all out with this one. It’s not just a display piece (though it looks amazing on the shelf) – it’s a set that begs you to play with it. Definitely shits on all the dust collectors coming out these days.

This is my first set from the theme but it was worth every penny and I enjoyed every second building it and playing with it. I should have listened to you and gotten into Dreamzzz earlier. Might pick up the pegasus to go with the ship. Would be metal as fuck.
Yes that’s how it’s done sir. 200 internets.
8/8 b8
I unironically have this reaction building every Dreamzzz set I have so far, which would be the Grimkeeper, Crocodile Car, Z-blob robot, and Mr Oz Space Car.

Idk something about them is just comfy as fuck. I'm definitely getting the T rex and the huge z blob robot when they come out, though I'd like that ship too. the nightmare creatures have such a cool aesthetic. I also want the raven set that's coming out mostly for the never witch figure and the baba yaga house bit that comes with it.
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>They litterally can never top this thing, it's so fucking beutiful
>But they could make the slope pieces near the feer connect better, those love to fall off easily
Sorry anon i attacked you and your mech without doing more research.
The reason was - i saw news about this mech during that BaradDur+gift set afol craze.
And creator said that this mech is for adult ninjago fans.
And mech had grey/white colors. So i became instantly uninterested thinking this is some sort light AFOL-set.

But...i actually watched some videos and it's a HUGE EVOLUTION in ninjago mechs thanks to those pistons and artiuclations
Still this mech is a bit too big for me but definitely one of the best mechs ever
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Speaking of mechs - i see my country Amazon has only 6 of these left.
This mechs looks so much fun but it will totally needs some fixes because those limited kid friendly 1 peice-limbs.
ill probably get it to turn into some sort of cool mecha motorcycle with actual hands and knee joints.
If you've never heard of exo force.
>exo force
those mechs were absolutely terrible.
>everything is falling apart
yeah th..thanks

But if you want to talk about start of evolution - it was Bionicle Titans that used those pistons for bottom of their feet/ankles.
This is the first time we having those pistons back. (that red climber mech also had them)
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Great read anon - pretty based.
This thing is so awesome!
I hope to get it soon. Was excited to buy that mechanical dinosaur or crow but those are the new sets while this shart will disappear off the shelves eventually and on discount
I was just about to say I built Gadunka for the first time last night and it had the dual socket with piston style legs.
I haven't had tons of large mechs over the years so this was the first time I had seen this technique. I could see how doubling or even tripling the pistons you could get a quite large mech.

I also imagine a quasi mega ball joint where you use 3 or 4 pistons that would allow full X Y tilt but not rotation, so not a full ball joint, but potentially useful for hips of a very large mech.
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I'm honestly happy to see where lego is going. We made so many "peaks" lately and Lego produces so much excess that I don’t even know how humanity finds the time to buy and build it all.

Can't wait to see what kind of crazy shit we going to see in 2025 and 2026
>Overdesigned mech that needs restricted joints to hold it's own weight.
Uh, no thanks, you can keep it.
i meant that piston- legs mech
This monke kid mech is great and his minifigures are basically all top tier villains of that season which is so fucking cool to include.
No worries
Also you might want to take a look at this upgrade:
that looks cool thanks!
I got Beetlejuice, Michael Knight, B.A. Baracus, and Ethan Hunt. I never played the game.
pretty sure it's bluish grey
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>pick a brick no longer applies to GWP
What the FUCK this is BULLSHIT
Thank you
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Darn, wanted some of the old colors back
So popular!
Anyone have that interview or press statement where Lego themselves said they spent 5 years researching and developing Dreamzzz? And they proudly came to the conclusion, as if it were some grand discovery, that boys like cool robots and girls like cute animals?
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>he expected something nice from Mousecuck Wars
Bringing back the old grays would be completely and utterly logistically retarded in 2024, starslop or not. Come on now.
wait really? wtff?? I'd always use Pick a Brick to top up my order to meet any GWPs I wanted. That's fucking gay if they got rid of the ability to do that.
if the colors where replaced, like both the greys and brown, I don't ever see it happening, unfortunately. However they did bring back dark turquoise a couple years back so it's possible we could see some fan favourites like sand red and/ or sand purple make a comeback someday. Hell even chrome gold technically came back with the Rivendell set but only for one piece. Would be cool if the chomes came back properly in my opinion.
post Lego faggots
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Any Fortnite characters you are hoping get a real minifig? Picrel for me
Same, anon. I generally wait to see if larger sets like this go on discount before I bite, and it's served me well so far.
Since I'm a coomer, any waifig. I don't play Fortnite at all, so I don't know who the characters are.
I could be wrong, but I genuinely think you're trolling and you're intentionally trying to sound like a Lego shill.
Anyway, I got this set on discount for about $100. It looks sick overall but the interior is lame. If it was less gimmicky with the gay bed and had a more traditional interior and captain's quarters, would be much better.
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got this today for the Doc minifig, liked the arms. cool little thing! any anons want the unbuilt Spidey & bike? willing to trade or whatever, i have no interest in Spider stuff.
No, really, who the fuck buys these?they're never fucking in scale with each other so you can't even play with them, they're peak dust collector.
TL;DR, poopshark
hoping they pull a lego dimensions and put random ass licensed characters in that they wouldn't make minifigures of under any other circumstance like chun-li and goku
but i doubt that would happen, especially when the battle bus set is the only set that features minifigs in the first wave
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When will she be real?
Which Lego theme should I get into if I am gay?
Dreamzzz, of course.
They've got plenty of various cripple/vitiligo characters, which I am reliably informed are the same as homosexuals now.
Rock raiders.
Any of the D*sney themes
Poopshark is also good
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New build, bitches. Cost 100 nzd, so around 60 usd.
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Figs look great. Prints are very high quality on all parts. Legs aren't real duel molding, but rather prints. Quality of the bricks is decent but isnt using the exact same lego plastic, unlike some other fakes. Parts feel a little lighter and a bit sharper, but still work great. The baseplate is perfect. Instructions are super nice. Bags are numbered as well.
Harry Potter
so we all agree sand blue is the best color right
I gave up on chink knock offs as soon as I opened the instructions. Thry were absolutely unreadable.
Of course I immediately opened Lego's official ones but didn't know that the lazy changs couldn't copy certain unique pieces in the set and instead use replacements that are "close enough", but if you're reading the Lego instructions you won't know and either end up looking for hours for a piece that's not there or disassembling half the build because you didn't put the replacements right.

It was one third the price but I hated building it.
That's interesting. The only other knockoff set I've done was the black pearl, and the instructions weren't great but still usable and the stair elements were replaced with two half stairs. But that set was extremely cheap and probably a much older product. This ones instructions are very very clear. What set did you buy and when was it?
It was the Harry Potter Patronus deer. Bought it a couple of months back.
I can't take a picture right now but even the build for the antlers is entirely different from the actual set, obviously because they can't replicate the pieces Lego uses for them. The way the body is built is also different enough to make the official instructions not applicable.
>nice ship design
>disfigured paint from years of play
>as sad as it is to say $40 is "cheap" as far as mouse tax goes
Fuck, I haven't bought a SW set since I was like 12 but this is the first one in the last decade or so to really tempt me.
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Harry pottter being so popular with fags all the while having jk rowling as the creator will never not be funny as fuck
JK Rowling is pro lesbo and gays
She is anti trans, thats it.

Which is kinda weird in a way but whatever.
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So far so good, power parts work perfectly.

Huh, sorry to hear that. Guess you got unlucky.
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She’s pro women but only real women (and a bit of gays)
Anyways post harry potter lego stuff since I have the hippogriff and the OG Fawkes, just wanna get that one flute or some of the other older pieces since they look real nice
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My old gen (first 2 waves) collection. Need to fix up some of the sets and stack them properly.
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Newer collection. There's too many sets releasing now, that they can't all fit on the table. Really big problem.
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Nice stuff! My old HP collection is rather barebones, I have one complete set (the Quirrel showdown one in good shape, assembled it myself) and a few parts+a fig but the colors and stuff always interested me, need to see if I can snag a Paradisa part from the wild since my weird color collection is growing, got a Ron as well but still mostly just random stuff. Pic is a small assortment of my collection (still growing)
Good start! I highly recommend looking for 4721, 4722 and 4723. They are quite rare but come with the most crazy parts and colours and are peak soul. Try to find ones with intact cardboard backdrops.
Why not use all pieces to make a big scale Hogwarts?
I'm autistic and I don't like mixing sets.
Found one
Even when they're literally designed to be combined together?
strange coincidence - I actually just bought this book for that Dumbledore and brick built phoenix.
I really like first 3 HP movies and should get sets while they available.
>She’s pro women but only real women (and a bit of gays)
Yeah she's gay friendly (after all she made Dumbledore gay back then).
She stated that she dont want "men that transitioned to women" to enter womens bathrooms because it will be uncomfortable. For example if a man transitioned to woman and now trans who is still into women...it will be like if man was walking into womens bathroom without problems.

It's a tough subject and i dont know how that works.
But gays are not the "protected " group anymore. It's about trans.
I've seen many times when woke people were hinting that gays these days too priveleged or some shit like that.

So polfags should stop hating us - we are pretty much cis white men at this point, kek
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>I actually just bought this book for that Dumbledore and brick built phoenix.
forgot the picture
Interestingly, they come with two shades of orange, regular orange and a lighter shade. Not skeetorange, though. Never seen that particular shade anywhere else.
Drop the disgusting newspeak and we'll talk.
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Can anyone recommend the D&D set? It's dropped in price to $470 NZD which is 287.68 in USD and it's still up there on the pricey side for me
I'm going to order one from ali for 150 nzd.
>Drop the disgusting newspeak and we'll talk.
All i wanted to say that gays are... ~le BASED people now, pol. :)
Ah yes, I too regularly bring my pet gook to a jewish lesbian couple's house for D&D only to get sidetracked with their new dust collector Lego set. This is a very relatable situation.
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Not many of them actually stack that well. I could probably optimise it a little bit.
I often throw my reading glasses on the floor next to my non functioning fireplace and $600 Lego monstrosity just nudged into the corner with my foot. Good thing I guess because I’m late to play D&D with my dyke friends, a couple fags, and a chink.
This is like the 5th time you post this caption next to this image
Get some new material
Im not that other guy and no I haven’t but cool. You the guy in the pic or the dyke? I recommend some Harry Potter.
>She is anti trans

Is she? I was under the impression she was, or at least originally was (before all the the trannys starting saying she should die), simply against trannys in (real) women's "safe spaces" like bathrooms, changing rooms and women's shelters and also against shitty nuspeak like calling real women "people who give birth"
>Is she?
>Yeah she's gay friendly (after all she made Dumbledore gay back then).
>She stated that she dont want "men that transitioned to women" to enter womens bathrooms because it will be uncomfortable. For example if a man transitioned to woman and now trans who is still into women...it will be like if man was walking into womens bathroom without problems.
When she stated this on Twitter-it started the cancelling shitstorm
You know it makes the faggots seeth at Lego when year after year terfs like jkr keep winning. “Uh maybe we’ll put cripples in sets? Maybe that’ll slow her down?” Nope HP was a cultural phenomenon and too big to cancel. Anyone remember when they killed Roseanne on Roseanne because she called out the mudslimes and coons?
Kill yourself disgusting dreamz tranny.
If there's a large ship that you really like the design of and want in Lego form your options are big playset that sacrifices detail for play features, an even bigger and overpriced UCS, polybag micro build that only barely resembles the original or midi scale. It's perfect for larger vehicles if you are lacking in space of budget. Also I'd argue there's way more playability with them since they're much easier to handle.
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review time
This is actually my first dreamzzz set - i've been following dreamzzz for a year already but didnt buy anything.
But this polybag has so many cool pieces
>interesting Z-blob mediumfig with that slimey head gear piece
>rabbit toy
>2 weird swirly white pieces
>6 gun metal robo hands
>7 salad claw pieces
>3 yellow eyes
lots of stuff

this polybag is fucking cool
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the build:

Love it. besides useful pieces it's a pretty fun thing and gives you lots of stuff for a polybag. Might get another one.

Hope to get basic Zblob robot and Owlcat on discount next
Fuck off you subhuman Dreamz shills. No one is buying your garbage. Cancel the theme already.
The spider bed is pretty neat, yeah. Would look cool with a super-villain type character.
Why is your life like this, anon?
Toys are supposed to bring joy, and yet here you are
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I forgot those 2 transparent round pieces.

Big piece could be used for some hower vehicles to show that it's flying.
The small transparent one (with the rabbit on to) to show that minifigure is jumping or something like that

Btw that UFO-guy head fits well the slime mediumfig
They all should come with minifigs except for Peely Bone, and even that one will probably come with a Peely minifig like the slopwars statues do. Loot Llama is probably a playset.
You have to understand that in their eyes that's just as bad as wanting to genocide trannies.
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made an oc out of it.
Now it's a fantasy creature - some sort of sprout/plant based familiar for some fantasy wizard minifigure - can't wait for that DnD cmf in september.
I hope loot llama can fit minifigs inside
I don't give a single fuck about Zoomernite but these sound like really exhilarating sets.
I don't remember where I saw it but someone suggested replacing the bed with a treasure chest and treating it like a mimic and I think that works wonders
actually I think that was for the one included with the z-blob mech; not sure that'd work with the polybag version's proportions
I had to look up the battle bus to see what made it different from a regular-ass bus but after seeing some screenshots, that might be a good pickup. on bricklink where it's half off since it doesn't come with the minfigs, but still.
imagine wanting this cringe shit
Fortnite’s just perfect dark right? I haven’t played a shooter since 2000.
Yeah kids are so cringe
I'm not talking about kids you faggot. I'm talking about the mongoloids like you stroking their miniscule cocks to cartoon pea pods with guns.
>bionicle comes back again
>only to get cancelled in the same year, no year 2 sets
I want this to happen

Dubs for it
noone cares faggot
technically not dubs, sorry
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Even better, trips make it official
Poo in the loo no Indy and short round for you.
I'm still sore about this one
Did somebody somehow get a copy or is this a recreation
likely a recreation since Shorty's hat is wrong and the box is just the low quality leaked image
What happened to the moc thread?
Old thread was marching on page ten and almost at the image limit. I made a new one. >>11063329
Have you seen how custom made and handpainted minifigures normally look??
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I love it, but at the same time I hate it.
From klocki building perspective it's amazing, but holy fucking shit does this mech NOT fit Cole at all.
His should have been a heavily armed and armored chonker with a big ass hammer.
i see it more like a "normal" mech archetype like Gundam-inspired thing
Scalpers deserve to be executed via brazen bull.
>those Bohroks
Mein neger.
>executed via brazen bull
why not just give them to me...(if they cute)
Its time for ninjago to end
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>no bionicle g3 or animal crossing sets
Its fucking over...
>More Dragon Rising sets
Is anybody else tired of Arin, Sora and Wyldfyre? I miss classic Ninjago.
>No Animal Crossing
Honestly a suprise, I thought furries loved that series and were buying them. We live a cruel world where Mario gets constant new sets.
Animal crossing wave 3 will release in march most likely
I just need to find some of my bricks, got a lot of old stuff in the basement I could use to make something
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>6 Dreamzzz sets in January 2025

>7 HP sets
6 dreamzzz sets and 7 hp sets
this looks weird and fake

You are faggot for doing this
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Any chance of Lego Shrek sets? Lego worked with DreamWorks to make Trolls sets.
100% gonna happen


I hope we get more animal crossing in 2025 and despicable me sets...
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Would Forestmen accept Robin Hood in the team?
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What will you write with this set guys?
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New thread?
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>What will you write with this set guys?
Letters are too damn huge.
just buy magnet fridge letters for couple of cents...wtf why afols need an overpriced plastic in lego...

When i need to use words - i just buy 1x1 tiles with letters from Bricklink like i used for my Gay Bar
Do it
Our family un ov home?

home your is bricks where are?



There are 91 images you cum guzzling faggot. Jesus Christ you’re the absolute worst and you don’t ever post anything of value. Is it raining? Go stand outside and look up with your mouth open.
Home your is brickwhere are?
>There are 91 images you cum guzzling faggot. Jesus Christ you’re the absolute worst and you don’t ever post anything of value. Is it raining? Go stand outside and look up with your mouth open.
2 people asked: >>11063664
What a disingenuous piece of shit you are.
opinion erased
What the threads done right?!
You’re Underage.
Stop shouting
this is bootlego, right?
And? They're just retards asking another retard to make unnecessary threads.
110 dollars btw
The fuck is CNY??
"Jews did 9/11" of course
Well now that this threads gonna get shut down might as well.
I love it. Found pic related for 35 bucks off, with another 25% off at the register. Shit was cash. Lot of crap I can do with these parts.
Next day they had this set, same basic deal percentage wise. It's like Nexo all over again, it's amazing.
The second I read this my LEGO flipping cousin texted me. Talk about funny timing.

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