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Previously: >>11063284

-Mafex The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man teased

-Marvel Legends Rogue/Destiny 2 Pack solicited (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Let There Be Carnage Venom solicited(Target exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Death's Head (SDCC 2024 Exxclusive) revealed

-Marvel Legends Odin solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Warlord Professor X Announced (Walmart Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Deluxe Phoenix Announced (no further details)

-Marvel Legends Blackheart Wave solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Amazing Yamaguchi Deadpool 2.5 solicited

-Mafex Integrated Suit Spider-Man (No Way Home) announced

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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*punch you*
*cum on your hair*
*left your body frozen in alleyway after i knock you out, glazed with my jizz all over it*
>small tiny shoulders that are placed way too low on the body
>outdated torso articulation
damn hasblo, you're 3 for 3.
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>pinholes in current year
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the only cringe here is the expression your parents make, after they see your condition
ass deconstructed beyond recognition, with your butthole pulsing, with dried up semen crust the edge of it, after i send my goons to deal with you you worthless homosexual
>For a niche version of the character no o e cares about
Those pins are very distracting. But now certain sources are saying pinless figures have less longevity than pinned. What do you think Marvel gen?
Wolverine is popular. Even after falling off, still like top 5 Marvel characters.
This isn't Wolverine though, this is Hellverine, a completely different character.
>But now certain sources are saying pinless figures have less longevity than pinned. What do you think Marvel gen?
I actually am not at all surprised. Given the uneven quality out of the box, Hasbro still needs to work on pinless. Either joints are super tight and difficult, even after heating, to move, or they're super loose with nothing able to be done about it. At least with pinned joints, you could disassemble the joints and fix the issue.
Anyone here own the bootleg sh figuarts black suit tobey? How is it?
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CHADtony Customs just posted a video explaining how legends' articulation is OUTDATED. How do Hasfags respond?
You will buy it anyway.
Buy an ad already you fuckin loser.
Oh well, let's take a moment to appreciate that's the only figgie that doesn't come with a Blackheart baf piece.
Because they banked on Slopverine selling best out of all characters, as it probably will, sadly enough.
Literally cursed wave.
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> Usual suspects with coping replies
KEKEKE keeping SEETHING Hasfags.
What's funny is that Wolverine variants tend to be pegwarmers unless they're a specific costume that's really well known, and this one would've been the dud of any other wave but he'll still outsell the others just because of how unpopular the rest of them are
No one will acknowledge this but they'll bitch and moan about completely subjective opinions. This is how you know these losers don't actually buy toys, and therefore don't get an opinion.
Hasbro're still the only one making the wide selection of characters so they have a monopoly. There's really nothing people here can do if they want a figure of some obscure character. If they dont feel its worth it they can just pass.
This. When people say they'd be willing to pay more for higher quality figures from Hasbro, it doesn't make sense to me since they have options to buy higher end figures of most big name characters. If Hasbro started making fewer figures in a year, then we'd never see the more niche characters they do, and that is the main reason many people like Legends. The huge character selection let's you build an entire Marvel Universe and I think that's pretty fuckin cool. No one's forcing anyone to buy the z-lister you don't know, and if you want higher end figures of the A list guys, buy an import.

It seems most of the loudest complainers are just casual fans that only are familiar with these characters because of cartoons and the movies, so I can see why they'd complain about characters they know nothing about.
Hallows' Eve is a good example of a character that I was interested to buy, but Hasbro's lazy job on the figure pretty much put me off from buying it. And there will never be an import of her. So maybe if she drops to say 12 bucks I would bite, but not for more.
You might find her at Ollie's in the near future
This. I would buy more of the c-listers/newer characters if the figures were actually good. Too bad 99% legends are outdated molds. I was actually excited when Orb was leaked, but when he was shown on the bucky cap mold, I passed on him.
She's a terrible character from a terrible story. You shouldn't want her anyway.
When is this 6 inch Super Hero fad going go end?
Fuck off to your own general faggot.
disinfo from faggots who can't accept change that makes their toys look less shit
I believe it. The quality of the painless joint varies so much from figure to figure that it can sometimes be a legit issue.
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thought that was Cell from first impressions
It's always been an issue, pinned joints varied just as much. Anyone who wants to claim the issue started with with pinless, not saying you are, is simply lying to themselves.
And the idea that pinned joints are better because you can disassemble to tighten them is ridiculous when the process is exactly the same regardless... apply floor polish and work it into the joint. No disassembly required.
The one and only negative to pinless joint is that customizers can't swap upper and lower limb halves, that's it.
Nah. Pinless is and always will be a stupid meme.
But Cell is green and purple. Anon, are you colorblind?
Yeah I don't understand the aversion/disinterest in what is a massive improvement to the appearance of a figure. It's the reason we're still dealing with the awful ab crunch+waist cut articulation that should've been completely done away with years ago for an upper and lower ball joint. Imagine if people were this averse to ankle pivot back in the day when that was first introduced.
>Bean seller. I am going into battle and I want your strongest senzu's.
Yeah, I never meant to imply the issue was excluive to pinless joints, but I do feel like over stiffness or looseness is more common with pinless. Plus with pinned joints, I could at least properly take the limb apart and maybe fix a frozen joint.
I'm not adverse to pinless, but I also don't see it as big of a deal as some people make it out to be for 99% of characters. For someone like Spider-Man, obviously he'll improve from painless, but his black suit version, or someone else with a solid color limb, it's not as big of a deal imo. You already see other joints, if pins bother you that much, buy a statue. I'm not saying don't do pinless, at all, but for something like the 20th Anniversary Cap, I highly doubt I'll upgrade from that, it has all the accessories I would want, I already have a shield without holes I use with him, so and so forth. I'm not buying a whole new figure just for a pinless snd maybe a new head.
>You already see other joints, if pins bother you that much, buy a statue
That argument doesn't hold in this instance because the functionality is identical. I can understand not caring to re-purchase everything just cause it's pinless, but I enjoy seeing further development and evolution, so I'm gonna want pinless figures over pins from here on out as they've proven it possible and applicable to pretty much everything.
I feel the opposite. I've not had a single pinless figure with loose joints out of packing or even any that have gotten especially loose over time. Definitely had tight joints though but never so tight they felt like breaking, or that I felt the need to disassemble.
Ultimately the discussion about which type of joint is more or less prone to QC issues is meaningless because the only evidence either way is anecdotal.
They're ok with pinless on imports because they are using different joint styles that aren't like domestic joints where the joint is essentially stuck in there and forever impossible to fix yourself while imports usually use ball joints that dont have pins per se but can be popped out and adjusted
If you're talking the ct toys one it's supposed to be really good.
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How long until they reveal president Solo?
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How many of you guys like the Insomniac Spider-Man game series, or the Hot Toys line? We have figures for several of Peter (Classic, game, 2099, Black Suit) and Miles's (Game, 2020, etc) suits, and soon we'll be getting Venom. Do you think they'll expand the line further, specifically with the villains featured in both games?
>Doc Ock
>Black Cat
No and it's not happening so it isn't worth talking about.
Why isn't it worth talking about? They're Marvel, its a toy line, and there's an established market
Cheap Spider-Man on woot. Dunno if bootleg or what but it's only 20 bucks.
the issue is hasbro's materials not pinless joints
Nah, they shit the bed with the sequel and ruined the franchise until the PS6 reboot.
I'm glad it was apparently shit cause I didn't want to play it after they completely changed Peter's face model
Fuck off. It was fun
It wasn't, but to each their own. I get the face thing, but I would be more mad about the voice. Doesn't really matter to me considering the mask is on most of the time
>it's not happening so it isn't worth talking about
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Guess what I found today at Target that was street dated. Went back and hid one behind some gym stuff.
I must've missed the news that he was being reissued
I'm waiting for it to hit PC and even then, I'll probably wait for a Steam sale. I love the first game to death, have the limited edition PS4 and the PC version. I'm not getting a PS5 for just a handful of games that are eventually going to get ported to PC anyway.

NTA but personally, I think the designs for the game weren't that great. I'm not the biggest fan of the PS4, I always swap back to the classic, and the villains are particularly generic in a vidya sort of way. I have the PS4 suit ML, didn't bother with the updated PS5 one, and only have the one I do because I have a massive Spidey shelf. Only good design I'd say was Venom, but even then, his looks wasn't a massive deviation from how he normally looks.
Oh nice lol. I was just thinking I was a little mad for skipping him at the time. When was he strer dated for? The 21st? That's when Carol releases and I assume they're doing a big toy reset.
The 17th for some reason.
Oh weird. Good to know though. Thanks bro
Bought a Mafex Wolverine. AMA.
Doesn't matter since they're just ditching Peter to prop up Miles more. Fuck 'em. They can both coexist, dammit.
>a shitty movie is making Hasjew rerelease shit figures.

>they increased it’s because they know retards will buy it anyways.

>they somehow have those laying somewhere to rerelease but not the more popular Xmen 97 figures.

This is why Hashit is failing as a company. Lol
>Still seething because he waited too long for X-Men
>Still with the battered wife syndrome.
The real Hascuck seems to be you anon.
Who cares
>don't know if bootleg
Wish I could ban retards on sight.
Based Selects Hulk body.
I got arrested for hiding a street-dated figure. Be careful out there.
Hey guys, do you collect Imaginexts?
Red Hulk was my coof grail. I bought one at almost scalper price because it was already months into coof panic, but all the Targets were ready to serve. But then I see an actual one there one day and scalp it myself, but I ended up paying about the same price i bought the initial. Not a proud moment
>The salt
Lmao. Someone's mad that their toys got called baby toys.
she has a fat soft pussy and that's more than enough
Good Boy? Yum.
Anon, she has a penis. This is what happens when you don't read the source material. You fap to a tranny.
Nigga what, it's just Wolverine with a spirit of vengeance?
No sir. That's actually his son Daken who was recently killed by Sabertooth during the acclaimed Sabertooth War story line. Hellverine now has his own series where at the end it was revealed he was Daken.
Daken is still a Wolverine.mpmhk
Daken hasn't been Wolverine in nearly 15 years.
And? Split hairs somewhere else.
He was Fang prior to his current Hellverine incarnation. Why are you getting so bent out of shape over this? I'm just stating facts.
He is still a wolverine, just facts bro.
Not since 2009. Just facts bro
Since what? He was a Wolverine? Cool, he is a Wolverine. The figure is a Wolverine.

Thank you for finally agreeing with me.
>Getting this upset because you don't read comics
Embarrassing. Just read the books if this is that much of a bother to you.
>Posts factually incorrect statement
>Gets corrected
>Proceeds to have a meltdown
/toy/ is pretty autistic this morning.
You're just being pedantic so you can try a poor attempt at an "Um actually".
Yet, you've been replying to it for the past 30 minutes. Don't throw stones in glass houses.
It's kind of entertaining how far you're going to defend your poor take.

I never heard anyone stop calling Normand Osborn Green Goblin when he was Iron Patriot, no one stopped calling Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider the numerous times he stopped being the character, Frank is gone but dollars to donuts he is still the Punisher, Eddie is still Venom, so why is it suddenly this character no longer has his most well-known name, when the design is supposed to look like wolverine?
I'm just stating facts bro. You're the one losing his shit because you were wrong. Your original post was "Isn't he just Wolverine with Spirit of Vengeance", and I told you no, he wasn't. Not my fault you're moving the goalposts so much that they're in the parking lot now. Stop being such a baby.
Sorry, he isn't Wolverine with the spirit of vengeance, he is Daken(wolverine) with the spirit of vengeance, but for the sake of ease, I will just call him Wolverine. Since he is a wolverine.
Just take the L anon, holy shit. You know most normal people would just say something like "gee, I didn't know that, interesting". Imagine getting so bent out of shape because you were corrected about an American funny book character.
Can you give me a list of what I can call what character, per your logic Frank is not and never was Punisher since he isn't right now right?
>He won't drop it.
My god your autism is off the chart. Don't spend your whole day focusing on this please. This is my final reply. Go with God.
>Go with God.
Ew no.
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>...Said the reddit athiest.
Found She Hulk at Wally World of all places. Hideous thigh cuts aside, my only gripe is should could have used another head sculpt.
How are you liking him?
Stands to reason that a tosser idea like putting the SoV on another character would be paired with a lousy character like Daken.
Im seeing more confirmation of this. Though I'm seeing street dated for the 21st. We'll see. I'm going on Wednesday so we'll see what they say.
/co/ here...no she doesn't
>no one stopped calling Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider the numerous times he stopped being the character

All through the whole of the nineties up until they completely retcon-bombed his ass to promote the farty movies, zoomie loonie.

Characters of the fecal matter variety.
>Insomniac Spider-Man game series
What do you mean by series? There's only one game, silly.
Nice shot!
see >>11070473
Don't worry. I'm still waiting on iron man retro wave preorder to come in stock....apparently they still haven't had the golden armor yet.
damn, my condolences brother. let's hope we get our stuff soon.
Can confirm the Red Hulk release. My local store had 3 but couldn't find them or sell them. They were street dated for Sunday.
Logan is Wolverine and that's it. Take your tranny views elsewhere.
So what Cap figures have a chance to be made when Cap 4: Black Cap comes out?

>>Comic Diamondback?
>>Serpent Society multipack with Cobra re-issue, and maybe Asp and Black Mamba?
>>Americop and Jack Flag two pack?
>>USAgent in his Super Patriot costume?
>>Baron Zemo in his Phoenix costume?
>>Early 90s Falcon costume?
>>Heroes Reborn Captain America?
>>Gold Cosmic Cube Armor Red Skull?
Yo niggas are there are any hot glueable figures of Psylocke and Rouge? Preferrably if they look as close as possible as their designs from the Capcom fighting games.
Retro card rogue body is pretty similar to the mvc games, but not 1:1. Articulation and head sculpt sucks though. You’re kind of out of luck with Psylocke, maybe the Yamaguchi.
Mafex, anything by Hasbro is gonna be shit.
What is the highest number of 6" figures ever in a single multipack?
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Either the 2004 Sinister Six boxset that has seven figures including Spider-Man or the 2004 Fantastic 4 set if you include Herbie and that stupid kid figure.
Definitely the Sinister 6 one then.
Weird roster.
Thanks niggas I'll look into mafex
Ig hot glue can just be removed with cold water
Diamondback is a given as she's the last major Captain America supporting cast member lacking a figure though the question would be which version? OG pink/black costume with pixie haircut? Brown hair with purple jacket/black bodystocking costume by Ron Lim? Or the pink/black costume with sidecut haircut?

Also, Americop is another no-brainer in that they can make another skinny/brick shithouse two-pack out of him given how the character has been reduced to a legion of faceless goons for people to beat up/kill.

As for Jack Flagg, he'd be a monkey's paw in that we get him but it's his first appearance costume not his GOTG costume.

That said, Falcon does also have his early green outfit they can make a figure out of.
Speaking of reissues, any chance in hell that Hasbro might reissue the MCU Hela/Executioner two pack?

Never saw the set at retail due to it having fucked up distribution and the few places that DID get it, apparently put it on clearance almost immediately due to stores being swamped with other waves and wanting to get rid of it ASAP.
I have a set that I got and never opened. It's sitting on a stack somewhere.
I'd like a redo of Constrictor someday.
Go back to facebook zoomer
>Venom and Black Cat in the Sinister Six
>bouncy ball with Reed's face
again wut
they're going to sinister sex black cat
It definitely is a bunch of Spider-Man related people than a specific iteration. Green Goblin's Sinister Twelve was after that set came out. She's probably going to help Spidey anyway.
The Diamondback from Bloodstone Hunt is the only one I want.
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Why is there an uncooked turkey
That's Uncooked Turkey Lad you philistine
Yeah, too bad they never got around to doing Venom or any Goblins
This is just 4 figures with 8 different paint jobs.
Doesn't count.
You got me, my casual ass hasn't really read LOSH beyond Great Darkness Saga and a couple of random issues.
So repainted figures don't count as figures? Uh, do you realize what thread you are in?
>not even Marvel Legends
This is what you get for buying things the honest way
I genuinely don't know. I went looking for Rulk yesterday and he was in the ether of the store. They couldn't find him and said even if they could, they wouldn't sell it. Shits annoying. Now I have to go over there on a Sunday? Annoying.
>How are you liking him
Surprisingly a lot more than I expected. I was one of the bozos who thought ML Wolverine body is good enough at 25 dollars that it “mogged” the mafex but no shot. The musculature is more proportionate here than in the ML (V-tapered torso looks significantly better on the mafex). The long claws grew on me as well.

I already had some of the X-men members but man, I might actually finish the mafex Xmen team with Jean Grey, Cyclops, Rogue and Psylocke.
Wait, there were actual people here that thought the ML mogged the Mafex? You being serious? I don't have the Mafex, I didn't feel like paying $65+ per X-Man, and I like the ML and think it's good for $25, but to say it mogs the Mafex? Some of you guys are really fucking stupid.
I'm too casual for this.
The claws are the only thing I haven't gotten over. Ended up getting casts of the brown suit's.
some people are just bootlickers
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Is being a manchild this expensive in the US too?
How did so many of you miss out on these? They were available for months and Rogue and Gambit even hit discount prices.
Idk where you'd even buy these here, Toys R' Us is no more, we don't really have comic book stores and toy stores only cater to literal children.
Honestly shouldn't you be paying more taxes anon? Euros hate everything good so it makes sense your countries get filled with immigrants to replace you for good.
Target, Walmart, Amazon, Big Bad Toy Store, Entertainment Earth. Are you new, not trying to be mean, genuinely asking.
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Got him. Target is so fucking weird. Called two different Targets yesterday. First one couldn't locate them on the floor or in the back. The second one found them but wouldn't pull it due to it being street dated for Sunday. Tried another one that's not that far from me and they pulled it from the back, left it at guest services for me, and then sold it to me with no questions asked. It wasn't even register locked. Try your local stores. DPCI is 087-26-3138 for those who need it.
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UPC for those who want to scan it at the store. I also tried to buy Carol, they had a few in back, but they wouldn't pull her until Sunday.
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this is a subliminal message to invest in the new carnage figure
it's excellent
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All these hulks this year, hoping still for a gamma green repaint of the retro carded one.
In Europe, and locally, I meant. And even EU Amazon sucks for that.
toss in a smart hulk head and it'd make for a good mvc2 hulk
I may eventually do this so I can have 2 styles of claws. I also like the curved claws that the brown suit Wolvie has.

Speaking of, I hope I can get that when it gets reissued.
Is it an attack on Bruce Banner that She Hulk can maintain lucidity while he goes absolutely nuts when he transforms?
It is but the lack of paint on his back is annoying. I tried to black wash him but it didn't come out that great. Someone said to add some dish washing liquid to the wash and I don't know what that'll do, but I'll give it a shot next time. He's a cool alt Carnage or a stand in Licker/Tyrant if you have any RE figures.

That'd be a great inclusion if it wasn't the base head to begin with.
I always associate that head with Ultimate Hulk or Hulk from the Ultimate Destruction game. Didn't Brian Hitch do the cover for the game too?
yeah, the figure needs more fleshy black detailing all over. i also had to pop and swap the feet, as they were on backwards. i reeeally like the white paint they used on his eyes, they're a unique kind of pearly glossy white that stands out. definitely something the learned from with the 2018 venom being stark white
How can you tell if they're backwards? They look right to me but I've seen several people say this and I just can't tell. Post a shot of how yours looks so I can compare please.
No, it says comic writers back then were smart enough to realize no one would care to read a story about a woman losing control and destroying things in a rage
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the curve of the foot from the heel looks much more natural and he just stands better. idk what else to say other than feeling the difference on your figure
Ok then mine aren't on right either. The smaller toe being on the inside like yours made me think mine must have been right. Guessing that's why they were put on wrong. Thanks for the shot. I'll swap mine later when I get a moment.
it’s not better then my shf one
select looks better desu
Does the Iron Fist/Luke Cage 2 pack come out this month?
It's already sitting in the back of some Targets.
On the contrary. Originally, it was done to differentiate her issues from Banner's Jekyll/Hyde deal. Every time they've seriously tried to revert her to be a direct copy of Banner, however, was an attack.
That said, there was a time when writers could give female legacy characters attributes their male counterparts lacked without insulting them. Hard to believe, I know.
Yes. I get mine in tomorrow from Amazon.
Imloke the Select's head better desu, but otherwise the Legends has better articulation and scales better with the rest of my collection.
In the original Savage She-Hulk comic, Jen was a raging brute when she turned into She-Hulk but this got pretty boring really fast, so the writers slowly began having Jen retain full control over her body when she Hulks out and ultimately gaining full mastery of her Hulk form by the end of Savage She-Hulk.

Hulk's traumatic childhood of abuse and watching his mom be murdered by his abusive father, had been established prior to She-Hulk being created and later writers explained the issue of why She-Hulk could control her Hulk form and Bruce couldn't, off the fact that Jen was well adjusted and Bruce had his traumatic childhood fuck him up that causes his Hulk to become a reflection of his split personality created by said abuse. Which kind of follows how other gamma mutates kept their own sanity/minds once transformed.

Byrne "fixed" this issue with Jen in the 1985 She-Hulk graphic novel by having Jen permanently be stuck in her She-Hulk form and be 100% fine with it. This led to later writers, driven by what you said about how it was a slur against Bruce that he couldn't control his powers but Jen could, to extrapolate the idea that Jen (who pre-transformation was a shy and nerdy young woman who spent her youth studying and never dated or had a social life and was considered plain) had her own mental issues relating to her powers. Mainly that She-Hulk was the confident, strong, sexy and outgoing coquette that Jen secretly longed to be and unlike Banner, Jen accepted this shadow self rather than fighting it as Banner did green Hulk, as far as the metaphor that Bruce could never control his ability to turn into Hulk because it would mean having to address and come to terms with his abusive childhood.

Later writers then turned Jen's stuff on it's head by explicitly stating that gamma turns you into your "secret self" and makes you behave in ways you never would in your human form. And having Jen lose her mind when faced with her own near death traumas.
Yay green booba.
Yes. My store has it in stock, but I combined with ghost rider so have to wait another week or so.

The good news is my IM retro cards finally shipped.
Yeah, I'm still waiting on Ghost Rider and Superior Spider-Man. I got Wolverine already and the Luke Cage/Danny Rand set is out for delivery today. Just need to get that Carol on Sunday.
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>All these hulks this year
Fing Fan Foom Haslab seems more and more likely since he was the BAF for that Hulk wave. Also retro Iron Mans. I still want them to make a huge ass Apocalypse though. Maybe next year since X97 will focus on him.
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How would this Jack O Lantern look like in the Vulcan body?
I have neither for the time being sadly.
I wish the 1.0 version would be reissued again.
I dig the translucent figure but alas their plastic is more brittle.
Are there any good Marvel imaginext? The DC ones look so good it makes me jealous, why can't we have that level of kino?
Gameplay wise it's fun, story wise it's ass
If only he had the Ryv body instead of the fucking Sunfire one.
It's been reissued like 4 times
The 1.0 is kind of bad in comparison to the new one anyway. I have both, the new one is far better.
Playskool has their own line called Marvel Super Hero Adventures, the figures are okay but their playsets/vehicles are really lacking compared to Imaginext.
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Also Hasbro had a line once called Superhero Squad that was similar but smaller
I know, last time this year to boot. I'm a complete retard for missing him out after these many years, I'm not fond of the 2.0 version if it looks better.
Guess I will visit nip sites and prove my luck since I don't see BBTS reissuing him again given the new version already exists.
Yeah, the first version has odd proportions even for an AY, but I dunno, his design has a charm to me, and he also makes click sounds in the knees.
It's just a troll from the DC thread. He doesn't actually care.
He's already a modified Vulcan body. So, like that only without the scale mail.
This is probably a long shot but does anyone have the new Bucky Cap and GI Joe Classified Xamot? I'm looking for a suitable unmasked Bucky head and Xamot looks near perfect.
I don't have Xamot but I know that GI Joe neck pegs tend to be a totally different size than MLs and most of them tend not to be compatible with one another without modification.
>new type of troll has been discovered
Expect this faggotry to shit up the Marvel threads like the DC ones.
Master Pandemonium when?
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>you just made up that name didn't you?
Sometimes I ask myself how we endup here, alive, despite all our efforts to do everything wrong.
Just got a shipping notice from Amazon for mine so yes.
So the Walmart collector con thing is the 25th, right? Anyone know what time stuff usually goes up for preorder during it? I just want the Venom.
Usually in the morning, I think 8 or 9am PST usually, something like that. Just check the page periodically, the last bunch of exclusives didn't sell out, although Venom is more highly desired.
why are retard newfags so worried about that dogshit venom selling out? nobody wants that thing
because Warbird sold out in 2 minutes
Don't worry, Dan "promises" there will be enough when it comes out. He is trying, everyone!
Check Popfndr to see if your local Targets have her in the back. Then just order for in store pickup to whichever one is closest to you that has them. I have like 4 within 5 or 6 miles from me that have 4 or more in stock. Just don't sleep in Sunday morning.

Walmart Legends exclusives haven't been difficult to get in a while now. Even popular exclusives don't sell out right away, although at the same time, we're currently in the downward production trend part of the supply/demand pendulum swing so there may be fewer made. It's not a must get for me so I'm not super concerned.
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Is Danvers’ too short here or Cap too large?
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looks like we’re getting shitskinned spiderman from figuarts.
>barefoot in India
I wonder how many tapeworms he has
Did literally anyone but Marvel higher ups ask for this?
Friendly GOOD MORNING SIR Spider-Man
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Are we ever getting a Vampilee figure ever? Jubes is "in" again now.
if we're going by 1/12 scale, cap is too big, if we're talking legends scale, then cap is perfect.
Fuck off, Biryani-Naan was one of the best things about the movie.
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Got them today. Nice upgrades from the Defenders set. I dig Luke's brass knuckles.
Warbird was at Target, anon. Try to keep your exclusives straight
I think this is gonna go down as the absolute best of the 85th anniversary offerings. I'd say Venom too but the head choices are meh.
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Luke was kind of lacking in accessories, just another set of hands and the alt head. They made up for it with Danny who has 3 alt sets of hands, his alt head, and his Iron Fist effects. All in all, pretty happy with this set. Modern Luke will hang out with my New Avengers and Danny will go on my street level shelf with classic Luke, DD, Punisher, Moon Knight and others. I'll hang on to shirtless Danny though since it's a nice alternative look.
for everywhere within 35 miles
F. Sorry bruh. It'll be available online. Just get up early.
We'll see
They did a vampire Jubilee a decade ago
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It's highly likely for an X-Men 97 wave 3
Was she cute?
Really hope they do.
Fuck, no. She had hypertelorism like all the females had back then, and she was a BaF to boot.
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She was okay.
Those eyes sure are something.
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It's time for Mammomax!
Two years ago I would've said he had a shot once they started running low on other X-Men characters to make as BAFs but with BAFs dying down I don't think elephant dude has a shot anymore
idk man they farted out that armadillo baf a couple years ago, i would be down for an elephant man with a bendy wire trunk to pose with rhino
For an ML I think it looks cool. I especially like the grinning closed mouth head. If I see a Venom I want I grab it. Now if they ever do a blue MvC2 Venom I will be livid if I miss out.
fing fan foom has potential to sell to non-marvel fans as a big dragon toy too.
I still can't believe they did that over fucking stegron.... like what the hell.
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That's Target, totally different problems, you stupid fucking newfag.
>even more evidence they're fixing the scale creep

Did they realize that by returning to true 1/12 they can save money by using less plastic AND make people buy the same figure again to fit in the fixed scale?
They're gonna throw the Shriek legs on this, VHS head, flatten the tits and call it a day.
This >>11073903
She'll look perfect with the mafex figures. Cant wait for her.
Damn what mine isn't coming until the 26th.
>ask a question
>get mad at the answers
you could just fling shit at the walls in private, grumpyanon
Stupid answers will do that to people.
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This seems fake. $71 is a random fucking number.
That's the Canadian price. In the US it'll be $49.99. Go look at the exchange rates right now.
HOLY shit is this true? >>11067515
Is Legends just a fad? Should I think about selling my figures while the prices are good?
and for 20$ more you can just get the mafex, legends be really shooting themselves in the foot.
The Mafex comes with less accessories than this and that stand and Phoenix Raptor definitely make the ML the better deal. Plus, I don't like what Mafex did to Jean's face. Just my personal preference really.

She goes up today, looks to be a Fan Channel Exclusive and is $60.
>I don't like what Mafex did to Jean's face.
The ML is worse. Just say you want the stand.
I literally did say I wanted the stand. But I just don't like the Mafex face too. Not saying it's good or bad, it's just not for me. Why does this have to be some kind of weird brand war shit with you?
ML makes an action figure dio that looks better than McFarlane's real dios. It's a sad day. They used to put out such good shit in the late 90s, early 00s with 10 dollar stactions that were insane in the level of detail. Now they put out 30-50 dollar overpriced lumps of plastic. I used to be so enamored with their sculpts. Sad.
35 at bbts of all places
>Walmart Collector Con exclusive! Available for preorder on 7/25 at 7AM PST.
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Oh shit, BBTS fucked up the price again lmao. They did this with the GI Joe 60th Anniversary figures. If you don't want to pay $50 for her lkike everywhere else, grab her now, they will honor the lower price, they did with my Joes.
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BBTS you fucking retards lmao. Grab her while she's good boys. $34 is a fucking steal.
Magik is just a re-release right?
Yes, the Walgreens one. Looks like BBTS has been getting some Walgreens reissues lately. That figure was also a repaint of the SDCC Book of Vishanti version.
I don't know, $35 seems the right price. Red Hulk is $35 and he's a big hunk of articulated plastic. Jean is just a 25 figure and a hunk of not articulated plastic. She's also 90% repaint.
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Face should be prettier.
I mean it's a steal from what she's supposed to be priced. Not whether or not what each of us individually think she is worth.
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Uh oh, too late. Ya snooze, ya lose.
Thursday morning, nice. I'll be able to snag him no problem. Well, as long as I remember.
35 seemed like the real price. You guys are letting Hasbro inflate the fuck out of plastic toys given that you allowed them to get to the point where a regular figure and a large hunk of plastic for a stand is 50 bucks. Get some standards, have some self respect. Your labor is worth more than that
Stop trying to police what toys people do or don't buy. It's super gay.
>saw this and considered ordering it for the stand to use with the Mafex coming this month but hesitated because it’s just a chunk of orange plastic for $35
>it’s actually $50
lol hard pass
Please understand, paint very expensive in China now. This Phoenix is painted very heavily and carefully by skilled team of artsits. Very hgih quality product.
Good I still have my old one sealed.
They already fixed it
I still have my Book of Vishanti set that I never took out of the pretty packaging. It just looks too nice. Maybe one day I'll remove them.

Yeah, I knew it wouldn't last long, super glad I got my order in. $35 does feel like a good sweet spot for this, $50 I probably would've passed since I already have the old Phoenix as well as the alt heads from the Cyclops/Dark Phoenix 2 pack.
I'll see if she ever bins. I'd like it but not at 50
the mafex is ugly with a pancake ass
You don't know about ass of this one. She's on new Warbird mold. Anyone has pics of her from the rear?
>Be me
>Literally just buying it for the effect to display with the mafex
>Probably be lucky if I can sell jean on her own for $20
Why am I so retarded.
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Found it. This is... acceptable I guess.
>Literally the price of a 2 pack because of an effect
>A similar effect was included with Marvel Select Phoenix back in the day and they still include them for $30
>Between scalpers and ultra impulse keks it'll sell out giving Hasbro even more confidence in raping their consumers
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Feels good
Because Mafex dropped the fucking ball on her accessories, and that Mafex Phoenix will look great on the ML display piece.
Let us know when they cancel it
This time we win, boobsock bros!
Bit of a monkey paw with how busted her face is though
>She's on new Warbird mold
Which makes it even more infuriating that she doesn't have sculpted boots.
Angry face is fine
Yeah but what's with all those ugly press cubes? I want my girls be slim not /fit/ degenerates.
Yeah but we already had a decent one with the previous releases. We still don't have a good neutral head
Jean watches LeanBeefPatty.
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Damn. She barely even scales with mafex. She's so tiny. I wonder if the new jean will be the same. Atleast my Mafex thor won't look so out of place in the display if I put him next to her, lol.
isnt psylocke the same height as danvers in the comics? psylock also has a bit of lift in her boots while danvers has flat soles.
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it doesn't bother me, since i'm a mafex collector. It's more an issue for legends, since she's look pretty strange next to the other females in your display.
Gosh, it's almost like you didn't finish reading the line you quoted.
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>that Mafex Phoenix will look great on the ML display piece.
You know it!
Marvel Selects are still 30 bucks and come with a lot more paint and accessories than a Marvel Legend
Carol should be a good height on Black Widow, so that is strange.
Marvel Legends have never been exact about their scale. Tbqh I'm not sure of any toyline that is 100% accurate. There's always at least one or two figures in a line that are slightly off. Regardless, as long as MLs make it close enough I'm fine. Carol being short is kind of weird but it doesn't really bug me enough to skip the figure. As long as it's approximate I'm fine. Wolverine being shorter than everyone else, Iron Man being a tad taller than an unarmored character, so and so forth.
That probably is the healthier outlook since comic book artists just do whatever.
I don't tend to stress out little details like that on $25 mass market figures. Something like the most recent Astonishing Wolverine for example having the detailing from the various merchandise portrayals of him from that time period as opposed to how Cassaday drew it in the actual comic doesn't bother me. He has been depicted before with those extra details like the yellow pads so it's not a huge issue for me. Especially because, like you said, comic art is incredibly inconsistent even from panel to panel in the same book. Now, for more expensive figures like imports of what not, I'm a bit less lenient, but even then, i5s more something I get too overly concerned about. Not like some of the people in these threads anyway. I think the people who constantly complain would be a lot happier if they got more realistic standards on what to expect out of these toys, but that's just my opinion.
At least the Hasbro lines are generally better in scale than Mcfarlane, and the less said about the diapers, the better.
Carol’s official height is 5’11. Typical hasbro not giving a shit again, and why would they you faggots will buy it anyway.

A few years ago I would have been all over this figure, but now, with all the figures I have, it’s just not worth it to me to collect low quality slop anymore.
Maybe she's 5'11" when posed with other Marvel Legends figs? She's the only ML in that picture.
She’s shorter than Black Widow >>11075201 whom is a short figure herself. She will not scale accurately with other marvel legends.
>Legends fags getting raked over the coals on a $50 Jean

There not called hascucks for nothing
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I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye
See >>11075304. You either need to get over it or just drop Legends altogether because you're never gonna be happy this way and quite frankly, the whole thread is getting tired of listening to the pedantic bullshit. Be more realistic with your expectations or shut up.
Put the Hoods head in the baby carriage and take a photo.
It'd be funny.
The base is cool, but I'm still pretty happy with my old TRU Dark Phoenix.
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That wasn't me, but I can't do it because I ripped the hair off of that head and glued the Avalanche helmet on it to replace his default head. Also there's already a baby in the stroller.
Is hasbro retarded- why are their new figures 5 inch scale
Women figures in 1/12th scale should be smaller than 6 inches. For example, Bring Arts Tifa is 5.35 inches. That's true 6 inch scale.
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Same. I never picked up the retro card dark phoenix either. Those 2pk heads are great
>Just a wholesome little six inch inch kino fir that epic comic book collectors display

Shut up, retard.
Yeah. Having been a scale tard for years, i've given up and now hove Select Mr Fantastic and Mafex Thor in my display, because I prefer the sculpts and coloring over the legends. Fuck the scale. I feel liberated.
>Be more realistic with your expectations or shut up.
It’s not realistic to have your figures scale well with each other in their own line? What? I’ve already dropped legends, but by all means keep paying for their incompetence you dumb idiotic paypig. oink oink
Shut up, retard.
>”oink oink.”
The irony is I can hear how fat you are. Only someone with belly rolls would get so uppity about $25 action figures. Stick to your discount stores Olliepop.
If we’re going by assumptions, I would assume that you would be the fat one. You have low standards, so being an unhealthy fuck most likely does not bother you either. try doing 10 pull ups and then get back to me.
>No U
It's always the sub 80 IQ brainlets who are the most vocal, huh? You argue like shit. Be more realistic with your expectations about $25 mass market action figures of characters from children's funny books. No toy line is perfectly scaled with one another. Stop making mountains out of molehills and sobbing about the most pedantic bullshit. No one cares.
>”n-no you!!”
Struck a nerve faggot?
>shitty body sculpts
>outdated articulation
>and now irregular scale
>still buy anyways
All hasbro needs to do is shit in a box, label it wolfsbane make it a store exclusive and BAM, sold out in all Targets. The low standards you have are seriously shocking, but who am to judge if you like to be pegged by your pajeet wife.
>No one cares.
You do by responding
Sure sounds like your personal opinion there kiddo. Stay mad that everyone doesn't share it.
Exactly it’s my opinion, who am I to judge the brainless consoomer.
You really need to get a new schtick already anon. Don't you get tired of posting the same handful of responses every day?
Shut the fuck up already, you fucking retard.
You're the Hascuck my friend. Bitching about their product constantly when you apparently don't even buy it.
>mad he cant use his UMMM YOU SAY U HATE IT YET U BUY IT?????????????" schtick
Huh? Didn’t you say that I was a “hascuck” because I did buy the product? Which one is it anon?
Honestly, at this point, with the amount of crying you do, regardless of whether or not you buy their products, you're their bitch. They have you by the balls because you're constantly complaining about them and getting your undies all in a bunch. You may think I'm a shill because I don't get irrationally upset about $25 mass market action figures and constantly post the same handful of complaints on a Chinese basket weaving forum's over and over again, but at least I'm not a whiney little bitch. When are you going to take control of your life?
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There, now shut the FUCK up about it
Meant to tag >>11075133
I don’t know if you’re be satirical or just stupid, either way a got a good chuckle, thanks anon.
I accept your concession. Go with God.
and I accept yours. Now go to Allah my hasshill friend.
>Has to retort with the exact opposite to get the last word in
Are you actually a child or just have the emotional level of one?
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New leak.
Ugly spandexy suit there
Don’t talk to me about retorts. When I exposed you as a hypocrite on serval occasions you said “no u.” Kek it even happened here: >>11075774. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. You’re a fat loser with no real arguments, just another useless shill I suppose.

Looks real. I wonder if we’ll get the rumored cameo characters as figures.
nta, but if the toys aren't worth having standards about maybe we should stop buying them
I called you fat and in the retort you literally say, No ur fat. Shut up already you fucking child.
I made that assumption because I found it ironic that a low standard individual such as yourself would call someone fat. How are those pull ups coming along pops? *sigh* when you’re this stupid I guess there’s literally nothing I can do.
I genuinely don't care how you came to your pathetic "no U" retort. Grow up little boy.
>grow up little boy
Sweet Aunt Petunia the irony is palpable. When are you going to stop being such a hypocrite hashill?
>ab crunch
>y crotch
are we going back in time anons
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Anyone else excited for evil Xavier. We still need Deathbird and Savageland Rogue to finish out the cover.
I would have got it if it was this color.
Imagine this is Dan Yun’s favourite wolverine
They NEED to reuse sculpts. hasbro already paid for the tooling, don’t you know how companies work? oh wait it’s a new sculpt. Never mind then.
X97 Wave 3 with a more cartoony alt head and added overlay armor is likely. It's probably why they went with the blue version first and made it Walmart Con exclusive.
oh boy, can't wait
i’ll wait for the mafex. there is no excuse to still be making an crunch figures
I haven't seen a Walmart exclusive in store since Worthy Cap back during the Endgame push. How is this news to anyone?
Your experience is not universal.
So are you actually finding Walmart exclusives in store?
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no anon, no one ever finds exclusives in store. never.
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doctored photos
Oh no this will be chaos. Why do these companies just arbitrarily decide something is online only or in stores only? Why are they customer last, their own whims first?
>2 years ago

>4 years ago

Why can't you just pre-order it when it goes up? They literally told you when it's going live, just set an alarm and pre-order it if you want it that bad.
Because not everyone is a toy collecting manchild like you retard. Walmart knows that rednecks, beans and blacks don’t give two fucks about toys. Why would they waste money having figures just shelfwarming when they know selling online is better.
Correct, they do not give a fuck. Sophisticated collectors also do not give a fuck about low quality legends, BRRRRAAAAPPPP
Doing nothing but proving your either mentally ill or a child.
picking fights with other anons, hashill? I expected more from you.
Didn't work when I tried for War "sold out in 2 minutes" bird.
Target isn't Walmart. I've expierenced similar situations with other non Hasbro lines like Micro Galaxy Squadron and McFarlane where pre-orders sell out but then stock is plentiful when they come out. The last bunch of Walmart exclusives have been available for a good amount of time for online pre-order, I know Venom is more popular, but I don't expect it to sell out within minutes. Like I said, just set an alarm, you know when it's dropping.
Seems like a you problem. Consider suicide.
Get a life dork
I have experienced much worse preorder situations at Walmart than target overall due to Azrael and Parallax for example being near impossible to get at Walmart and basically being regionally available, so if you live near a Walmart distro center that didn't get any you were SOL and it was ebay exclusive for you.
Yeah McFarlane has been weird lately with his production levels. It's kind of annoying tbqh. The last handful of Legends release though have been pretty easy to get, even Lizard was up for a while if I remember correctly.
This was in 2022 before mcfarlane really scaled back his print runs that we knew. Meanwhile the vampire walmart figures haven't been too hard to get. I think classic Azrael and Parallax were just highly desired figures and so the demand breached mcfarlanes normal production levels at the time.
Magik seems to have sold out on amazon but Phoenix didn't. Do you find that odd that price sensitivity can break an A lister like Jean but a more niche character like Magik rolls away with Jean's glory just due to price?
It'll never not be weird to me to think that people are actually nostalgic for that era of comics, but then again I have Azrael's Mafex figure so who am I to talk?
Magik got a lot of new fans recently and she looks good and has great accessories
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Like I said before, too much yellow.
Right now it says 5k sold for Jane and 1k sold for Magik
Magik being a reissue means she probably had a smaller run. When they out up the Walgreens Silver Surfer a few months ago he also went quick. So it makes sense why shed sell out at lower numbers when compared to a new release.
More like, Walgreens failed to put out all the stock they had ordered and Hasbro found out they had been sitting in a warehouse. Instead of sending them to Ollies, they realized those two characters would actually sell so Hasbro bought up all the Walgreen stock at major discount cause Walgreens is going OOB anyway so they couldn't refuse, and selling for retail price.
Shut up retard
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? his comic suit is yellow?

But Hasbro is not gonna get me buying two versions of thier crap figure when I can get the mafex that will have tons of accessories & separate arms for the almost the same price of what hasbro will charge
their *
Reminder that this suit and the Astonishing suit it's based on are both dogshit.
Nah, it's ,y favorite Wolverine suit. Imagine, people have differing opinions than you.
>cant even spell "my"
I believe it, tards love the suit.
Stay mad smelly.
Magik seems like an odd pick out of the blue to reissue so it being unsold wharehouse stock is believable.
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>his comic suit is yellow?
Yeah, BLUE and yellow. Movie costume has too much yellow. Wolverine's yellow design is supposed to be a tiger (hence that weird mask/hairdo, it's a tiger's mane) and the brown a wolverine/badger, but as always movie designs missed the point and botched the costume.
Walgreens dropped their partnership with hasbro. This is a spite move.
Has Mafex ever done swappable arms? Bandai might engineer the SHF with them. I'm going that way at any rate, as I have the SHF Deadpool already.
heath ledger joker had swappable arms without the coat.
Ah, okay.
looks to be the first hasbro hugh jackman headsculpt that actually looks like him.
Bane, Joker & Thor
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The Astonishing costume is a nice update from the original Tiger Stripe. It still evokes the same kind of feel as the tiger stripe while getting rid of the undies and still maintaining a decent balance of blue and yellow. The movie suit is based on that but borrows a lot of elements from the Ultimate Alliance 3 costume.
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Can X-fags literally fuck off forever? You goons ruined the last 3 threads in a row.
Amazon moved my preorders up to this coming Thursday its happenin boys lets go
Shut up, retard.
Yeah I get GR on Tuesday or Wednesday next week and then the Cabal on Friday.
>WOLVERINE is supposed to be a tiger and not a wolverine
okay lmao
should i just make a new thread?
what about?
No. Page 8.
I usually wait until page 5 or 6 since discussion seems to really pitter out after the thread hits that point. Also, the guy you're replying to isn't the normal OP.
>the normal OP
Virtually nobody cares about this but you, sincerely.
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Honestly I could never stand the Astonishing look. It always felt like it was missing the point of what made the old look so iconic and memorable. Too much blue and not enough black. The derivatives adapted from it usually hit the mark a lot better, like the example you posted.

That said, the latest From The Ashes revamp is great, simple and to the point. Can't wait for it to become more prolific.
New Thread:

yeah, especially the bitch hips. this happened with raimi man too. it's gotten bad enough to get me to swear off legends completely
Super Hero Squad was based. Remember back when Punisher and Blade were marketable to children and realistic guns were used instead of generic blaster #336.

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