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Dunked edition
Previous thread: >>200605506
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>"I am totally a knight"
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I wish we saw more of them
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This thread offends me.
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it's this show good despite I absolutely despise GoT seasons 5-8 and the fatman?
My king! I want to be his Sara Snow
Dude, it's totally a coincidence that the dubious knight that no one ever heard about, and that was somehow friends with prince Aegon, ended up in a situation that would lead to Maekor killing Baelor Breakspear, which is the first of many events that led Maekor and then his son Aegon to become kings.
Total coincidence, no foul play involved at all.
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>no young Helaena the Dreamer spinoff
I wish you good fortunes on the shitposts to come.
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I still believe.
This is the only information we ever get about how Rhaenyra looks as a mother. Bros... does she have big boobs?
would have been the best timeline
It’s over stannisbro
Let it rest
At least you will never have the fat man confirm it
GRRM said she got "pudgy" as the time went on, and it took Sunfyre 9 fucking bites to eat her and there was still a leg leftover, that bitch was fucking huge by the end.
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Obvious Green Propaganda.
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>>At least you will never have the fat man confirm it
Exactly, which only reinforces beliefs held dear.
also I have to add that I despise all Targs too minus Aegon l, that man was a true chad unlike his schizoid heirs
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Ready to fight her? She has a dragon.
I hate it when they cast pretty boys and then they take them away from us. It's not fair.
No need to fight her. They're not even together by choice.
>Lady Rhaena’s twin, Baela, remained on Dragonstone. Long betrothed to Prince Jacaerys, she refused to leave him, insisting that she would fight beside him on her own dragon…though Moondancer was too small to bear her weight. Though Baela also announced her intent to marry Jace at once, no wedding was ever held. Munkun says the prince did not wish to wed until the war was over, whilst Mushroom claims Jacaerys was already married to Sara Snow, the mysterious bastard girl from Winterfell.
I think the show is going for Jace and Baela actually marrying though, just based on how the actors talk about it.
is the series going to show how Rhaena's dragon, Morning, died?
it should die before the last dragon, that's what makes it the last, but there is no mention of Morning dying in the book.
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There are two other pieces of evidence to the disposition of the size of Rhaenyra's boobs.
First, having five pregnancies (four of which result in healthy sons) would result in quite a bit of hormone charged breast growth. The breasts usually shrink back down in size, but George told us she lost none of her pregnancy weight. This is George's way of telling us that she has fat milkers.
Second, Rhaenyra's nickname among the common people is a key clue. 'Maegor with teats' suggest that her teats were her defining feature. Large and heavy, the common people noticed how big they were. Otherwise, why not call her 'Maegor with a cunt'.
They're giving Rhaena Sheepstealer so there may not even be a Morning. Which would be sad because a pink dragon would be cute.
I don’t think morning exists at all in the show anon, Rhaena is claiming sheepstealer /
Aegon will go Top Gun on her and her dragon in like season 3 or 4
>By the end of the Dance in 131 AC, only four dragons remained alive: the wild Cannibal, never ridden; Sheepstealer, hiding in the Mountains of the Moon with its rider; Silverwing, who had gone feral after the deaths of her rider and her mate; and the young dragon Morning, who had hatched during the war.
What happens to Silverwing, she just dies in the reach?
Also what about Morning?
Cannibal and Sheepstealer is gone into the wild i guess, Sheepstealer is probably around Nettles until she dies right?
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Baela wins that fight though.
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No dragons survived Aegons III reign in Westeros. So we can assume they all die one way or another within the next 20 years.
How much did the Brackens shit themselves when Cregan married a Blackwood?
I blame the smug cunt of Dragonstone for this
that wasn't in the book I read
She uses a tiny dragon to do a mutual kill with Sunfyre and wrecks Aegon worse than she herself gets hurt.
it was but you're probably in denial.
Only one combatant died in the fight and it was Baela's dragon.
It's clearly what ensured Sunfyre's death shortly after:
> Instead the dragon only seemed to weaken further, and soon the wounds in his neck began to stink. Even the smoke he exhaled had a foul smell to it, and toward the end he would no longer eat.
>On the ninth day of the twelfth moon of 130 AC, the magnificent golden dragon that had been King Aegon’s glory died in the outer yard of Dragonstone where he had fallen. His Grace wept, and gave orders that his cousin Lady Baela be brought up from the dungeons and put to death.
He bore the Sword, simple as.
Yeah it was his death sentence after surviving Rhaenys and her dragon, Aegon probably thought it was an easy win because moondancer was a joke dragon.
What's with those femanons who suddenly like Jace? Where were you during the first season?
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>Alysanne Blackwood
Is she gonna be in the show and maybe even this season?
I mean a cute raven haired woman who kills men with her bow sounds like a good fit for this show
>that posture
>that fucking haircut
I was here but no ty.
I don't think so, they need Nettles to escape with Sheepstealer so the show can end with it shitting out Daenys's dragon eggs.
I was right here. He was always the one for me but I used to avoid the threads because of the annoying Luke posters.
"shortly after" was several months. Aegon literally took Dragonstone, how the fuck would he have done that if he supposedly lost the dragon fight.
Aegon didnt think anything, the Fat Man wrote it to happen that way.

Luckily the voring of Rhaenyra is so entrenched in other works of ASOIAF even the fat greasy fingers of George or his incompetent writer retards can prevent it in their increasingly stupid rewrites.
I was there too, it just got lost between the Aemond and Luke thirst so many people were posting. Also the terrible wig and the slouching didn't help, he looks much better with his natural hair now.
>Is she gonna be in the show
Cregan just fucking wrecks half of Westeros if she doesn't pussy whip him.
>As they fell, Moondancer struck at Sunfyre’s neck repeatedly, tearing out mouthfuls of flesh, whilst the elder dragon sank his claws into her underbelly.
The wounds she gave Sunfyre are what killed him and taking a bigger dragon off the board with a small dragon is overall a win.
Dany's eggs were the stolen ones during Jaehaerys' reign and you can't convince me otherwise.
>Aegon literally took Dragonstone, how the fuck would he have done that if he supposedly lost the dragon fight.
Anon Sunfyre wasnt even there when the soldiers took dragonstone, he came to Aegon after the deed was done.
Do you not understand what a pyrrhic victory is Greencel?
Probably, if there are any scenes of Benjicot fighting, they'll probably either have her backing him up from a distance with her bow, or just straight up make her a proto-Arya super assassin.
They gave Dreamfyres eggs to Syrax :/
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>proto-Arya super assassin.
Wolverine 2 here we go
>We have nothing in common
>Can't be there for each other when they do have something in common, their grief
Ok kino
Yeah, that retcon is silly. Well I guess you can say that there can be multiple lost clutches of 3 eggs but come on. I wish they'd had Vermax's eggs confirmed though.
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I read that they forced the wig on him at the first season because he had a modern haircut so they asked him to grow his hair for the second season. I like his natural hair too, he's cuter and looks more like Harwin.
Dany's eggs were stolen by Elissa Farman, the gf of Rhaena the lesbian
Cute! Yeah that makes sense but they could have picked a better wig. Also thank fuck they kept him as Harwin's son, I would have been so mad if they made him Cole's.
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Always been here. Had to wait until Luke died for people notice real diamond
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Correct. Daeron II was too weak to even swing it. And Rhaenyra is a woman whose never even touched a sword in her life.
>Dies against a severely injured dragon
Sunfyre...the prince who was promised...Azor ahai reborn
most likely the GRRm explanation for the book, but I very much doubt the show will pass up the opportunity to have Daeny's eggs being on screen, and that will recquire one of the show's dragons laying them.
Can't wait to see Alicent getting cooked. If she had a dragon, it would be interesting to see her battle with Rhaenyra.
>Alicent getting cooked.
She dies from Winter fever during the regency od Aegon III, Tyland dies from it too.
So we're supposed to believe the Cannibal just left after the dance and died of old age in a cave somewhere despite being the most violent dragon and up there with Vhagar in size?
That does make sense. Surely you'd have it be Silverwing or some shit though.
>I would have been so mad if they made him Cole's.
Some greens still joke about that and it's going to be ironic if it turns out that Daeron is Cole's son. Karma is strong.
There was something weird about Luke posters back then. They were like a cult, most of them were pedos and the rest Aemond/Luke shippers. It was hard to post anything with them around.
>no more dragons to eat
dumb fuck probably went back to valyria
Yes? The Cannibal simply vanishes, Silverwing and Sheepstealer both also don't have an exact date of death.
People would do in a pinch, Cannibal ate a bunch of uppity dragonseeds during the sowing.
>Manages to tame a dragon despite not being of pure valyrian stock
Based Daeron Sand
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>we have more femanon jaceposters than femanon Aemondposters now
Hope we get to see that.
Yes but remember the ancient gps memory dragons have like balerion.
The chosen undead physique doesn't work apparently.
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A shame really
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Someone here noticed that one of the behind the scenes pics they posted to social media awhile ago you can see clearly the color of the eggs Daemon finds in the scene at Dragonstone. And they match the colors of the ones we see Dany have in Game of Thrones.
The Cannibal was born on Dragonstone though, Balerion was born in Valyria.
Ancient blood magic memory.
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>Daeron is gonna be a Hightower/Cole bastard!

Why does Team Black need to lie so much?
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Speak for yourself anon.
Hold the line anon, we can out last them all.
Someone that saw the episode said there is a “surprise” in it. My mind immediately flicked to a (literal) Easter egg of Danys eggs. I guess dreamfyre isn’t the mother after all, she’s the best dragon of them all. :(
those are greens with their massive victim complex
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Imagine trying to comfort your autistic daughter who had her son murdered in front of her.
It's a retarded suggestion purely because he rides a dragon.
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Aemond is going to comfort her by giving her a replacement
He could be getting nettles part of the story that you don’t need Valyrian blood.
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>eggs Daemon finds in the scene at Dragonstone
But there are 4 eggs, any showfag with good memory who remember if these are the eggs?
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Which side murdered and beheaded a 4 yr old in his sleep again?
>Daemon's bastard daughter
>No Valyrian blood
3 of them match the color of the ones in GOT.
blacks but I don't see how that's relevant to the greenfags bitching about everything and fabricating scenarios in their heads just to be mad.
To be fair the writers are retarded
Yeah you know what, you've got me there.
Dreamfyre is still the mother. The show is black propaganda anyway.
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>Which side murdered and beheaded a 4 yr old in his sleep again?
oh by the way
>Still trying to force your cuck headcanon
He's not in this season. The kid from the screenshot you guys posted yesterday is not him.
>criston cole's ghost having sex with a dilapidated alicent in the series finale
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nah they dont match
The black/red is Drogon, Green is Rhaegal and Gold is Rhaegal. I guess the silvery blue one is the last dragon.
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>Admits to it
>You fabricated it!
Can't wait for the whore of dragonstone to hit her final form. Dragon shit.
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>Green is Rhaegal and Gold is Rhaegal
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>you can never save Prince Jahaerys
>no matter what you do, your sweet Prince will always die
Forgive me my Queen, I failed you.
Those are when they are basically stone though, not a fair comparison.
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maybe they do match
You might want to read the chains of post anon, we are talking about Daeron. Weird no one even mentioned b&c itt.
>Faded gold
>Faded red
>Faded green

Those are 100% the same color
>with the death of this character etc etc
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Jace is for girls. Aemond is for women. But I like how he's less popular now than Aegon, makes me like him more
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I really shouldn’t be posting here after taking my sleeping pills.
In the books who is described to be the best looking ? I know for women it's rhaenyra, cersei, dany, ashara dayne , arianne and for dudes the only ones that came to mind are rhaegar and renly.
I'm TB and don't think that could happen because of the dragonriding thing and how big of a change it would be from the book.
why do you need sleeping pills bro
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>Rhaenyra's sons with Harwin die but her sons with Daemon survive.
>Daemon's daughters survive.
Guess George's favourite character
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*gets attacked by brain dead fans*
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
>In the books who is described to be the best looking ? I know for women it's rhaenyra
Fucking rumao
Rhaenyra is described as fat anon
He doesn't even pretend Daemon isn't his favourite, he openly admits it. Why do you think he is the only main character who is never confirmed dead by the end of the dance.
I don't get it. Cole and Alicent are not even that bad and they are both good looking
>Viserys never claimed another dragon after Balerion’s death, nor did he have much taste for the joust, the hunt, or swordplay, whereas Prince Daemon excelled in these spheres, and seemed all that his brother was not: lean and hard, a renowned warrior, dashing, daring, more than a little dangerous.
Yup, it's always been pretty obvious.
Alysanne Blackwood because he loves tomboy bitches.
Ashara Dayne, Cat is very pretty and she doesn't hold a candle to her
That pretty boy Loras.
Rhaenyra was hot when she was younger
>Guess George's favourite character
Daemon Targaryen.
House Blackwood.
House Stark.
In that order
Daemon is basically the Darkstar of F&B
Claiming another dragon after riding the dread is like marrying a whore after your perfect wife dies.
Daemon isn't considered a laughingstock and actually owns his special family sword.
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I’m a functioning insomniac. Been on them since I was 12. If I don’t take anything I won’t sleep at all and can still work a full day normally.
Cole is an “incel” even when he’s banged two queens so that means he’s worse than daemon.

Alicent went against Rhaenyra and that’s a no no
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my record was 92 hours awake, I had hallucinations
It’s all so tiresome
people hate cole because he started all this shit just because rhaenyra rejected him
I understand why someone would hate cole, but I liek him for the reasons everyone hates him
If they ran away the dance would have been avoided.
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I'm calling it now. Screenshot this post if you must.

Daeron isn't killed in his tent. He's going to fake his own death out of shame.

And Aegon is going to poison himself for basically the same reasons.
if he wasnt such a bitch the dance would have been avoided
>not wanting to be a cuck and watch rhaenrya fuck another dude is bad?
No one wants to be a piss poor orange farmer in bumfuck nowhere just because you had sex one time.
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Could you impregnate this bitch?
his fault for fucking her in the first place
Aegon drinking the wine knowing it was poisoned would be kino
He was raped, anon
Besides being.a shagger what exactly has Criston Cole done wrong?
>"daemon really loves her and sees targaryen exceptionalism in her, and the greatness that daemon thinks of his own self. " - ryan condal

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Hope he wakes up in Heaven, welcomed by his wife and children.
He forgot to Kingmake
>guy who threatens and abuses Rhaenyra really loves her
>blood and cheese was Le propaganda!!!
Fuck you condall.
that would be a lot of children
Russians have been calling him a cunnymaker for a reason.
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not so much of a smug cunt of Dragonstone anymore ey?
Cole isn't even fun to hate. His vendetta against Rhaenyra is not believable. He's just a strawman trope what Twitter feminists think an incel is.

This is a recurring problem in the show. The Lannisters were fun to hate. People loathed Joffrey so much that the actor had to quit acting. Meanwhile Cole and Otto are just meh villains.
Otto is a great villain
That's not the point retard. The point is that Rhaenyra is a dumb, weak bitch just like her father.
yes people hate him because he is a fucking idiot not because is fun
Honorable lords, glorious knights and other good people!

Following the results of the Great Council, we pass a verdict - for any man to lick a woman's gate, both front and back, is an unnatural, vicious abomination, condemned by the old gods and the new. With this decision, we once again confirm the old ban on such obscenity.

The culprit of it, formerly known as Ser Criston Cole, a knight of the king's guard, is subject to condemnation and punishment. He is shamefully expelled from the guard, deprived of his knighthood, the honorary nickname "Colyan" and named Cunnymaker. From now on and in the future, no one should call him anything else or shake his hand when meeting him.

Chairman of the Great Council Prince Consort Ser Daemon Targaryen, also known as the Black Baseman, hero of the Storming of the Throat
He's Tywin on Ambien. The actor is good but the writing is bad.
Wish I could also link the video they made about him, peak content.
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Yeah the brain will start going into brief periods of micro sleep at around 48 hours that last a couple of seconds which is basically unconsciousness. Nightmare on elm street explained it pretty well. But you shouldn’t do it to yourself anon.
I'll be annoyed if they really give the Triarchy plot to Tyland, that was Otto's best contribution to the green war effort other than getting Alicent to Viserys and the coup itself.
He's too dumb and one note to muster the energy to hate.
Really hope they don't try to link it with GOT,Atlest not until GRRM finishes book.
Majority of female Aemondposters were fujos who were spamming about him and Luke. You should be happy they're gone.
nta but wow that was a terrible ship, I'm into fujo ships but that's too fucked up for me
Is that what queers call themselves now
Otto is going to Highgarden or Oldtown sadly.
Tyland at this point will be the mvp of the war (even more so)
I don’t remember ever seeing a single or speaking to a single fujo Aemondposter anon. You just called us that collectively as what I assumed was a meme.
oh anon, stop being in denial
after turning off his insta and twitter I would say he disagrees with you
I hate it because Otto was the one who got Jace killed, if it's Tyland and he doesn't get executed that just feels wrong. Guess they haven't bothered to think any of it through.
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>until GRRM finishes book
Why don't you post tits with timestamp and prove me wrong?

Oops you don't have them
Please don’t. It actually happened once.
Otto is probably going back to KS after rook rest and the moondancer incident, Aemond will be regent but he is busy leading the war effort.
>t. Twitter tranny
It isn’t chuds hating him but mouth breathing normies and lgtb zoomettes
Unless they combine their hatred for the Greens with their hatred for the Lannisters and make Tyland a fool who survives by pure chance/the good grace of Rhaenyra and her company.
I have hope,don't want 2 versions of same story.
>post tits with timestamp
you now remember when a Danish transgender did this in the /chug/ general on /pol/
I've done posts about Luke too but only because he's too cute not to (not pedo). But Jace has always been the better for me
Just go to 4plebs and search Aemond and omega. You will not gaslight me, whore.
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For me it's over here
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i wonder if GRRM planned everything in his books to more or less end like the show, would he change stuff after the outrage and complaints about how bad the last seasons were?
You aren’t welcome here if you are going to be like that anon.
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Sarah Hess is a dyke and probably thought this scene would be hot instead of cringe
There absolutely were Aemond/Luke fujos, I know because I fucking hated all those posts. I like Daemon/Aemond and other fujo ships but doing this to Luke was horrible.
This and the last jedi both used the dropping the weapon to a lower hand scene. For some reason woke choreographers were really in to this trend at the time
alison thornton enjoyed it.
Idc i still wanna be his mommy
Messmer seems to be one of the most obvious contributions GRRM made to Elden Ring.
he mostly reminds me of Daemon Darkfyre, he claims Marika is his mother, but he isn't recgonized as one of her demigod children, making him kind of a bastard, he also has red hair meaning he is one of Radagon/Maarika selfcest babies. he has a dragon helmet, one one closed like Aemond and Bloodraven, and snakes coming in and out of him like Aerea.
What other contributions GRRM made to Elden Ring?
I don’t think I started actively coming to the gen often until the last episode, maybe I missed them as I don’t remember them.
why can't it be both
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I can just imagine how the auditions looked for her

It Daemon got a pov instead of vague descriptions of badass feats he would be even more of a laughingstock than Darmstar. Remember, George was suprised we didn’t think dark star was badass, and we’re not exited to see where his story goes, he’ll likely steal dawn and do some cringe Gary Stu shit in winds
femanons will never lust for me like they did to Aemond and Jace actors...why live?
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2 very trustworthy guys
As always Preston salvages the trainwreck Gurm left behind and turned Dorkstar into a compelling character.
Messmer seems almost entirely unrelated to Gurms original cast of Demigods. A huge giveaway is his unrelated name.
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>activate windows
Better him being Azor Ahai than Arya, if you ask me.
So any season spoilers?
Guessing we're getting Rook's Rest soon?
What about the end of season? Any idea what we will get?
wtf she's already shaven/trimmed when she opened her legs why bother to do that again? and they didn't finish shaving at all, who watches this shit!?
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> Ser Oscar Tully, played by Archie Barnes. He is a condensation of the characters Elmo Tully, Kermit Tully, and Oscar Tully, keeping the name of the latter.
Elmo bros......
winds is unironically going to be announced this summer
That depends on what you know already anon.
hoo boy
have you read any spoilers so far?
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Based messmer
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How did George manage to even penetrante wouldn't his tummy bock it
Nope, would love to know where to find them.
Heard some rumors Aemond will try to kill his brother at Rook's Rest though?
Zorayas from Elden Ring.
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What is this? The Mickey Mouse club house?
If harrenhal is cursed why don't they just build another castle
Nuh uh, HotD got super popular, so GRRM, along with whatever ghost writer he cared to hire, will be rushing out Fire and Blood 2: Blackfyre.
History written by the maesters and those cunts are basically the balls to the Hightower cock, so no shit they slander the rightful Queen and praise Alicunt
Daeron will be Alicent's bastard instead of a Targaryen, Aegon's death, Helaena sold to Corlys by Aegon, not sure about the brothel queens tho
Can someone hook the anon up with the screenshots please, too tired to find the link for him.
Hi Ryan, is your anus prolapsed from yet from the constant pegging?
It's watchable, I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it good. The (white) actors are good.
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It should have been Joffrey first, why is our boy next? I'm not ready to lose him yet. I'm going to miss him so much and his interactions with the cast
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None of Rhaenyra's children did anything to restore her reputation. One of them pulled even an Aegon.
His favorite is Tyrion first and foremost.
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because for all it's disrepair and unsavory history, it is still an insanely great fortress that is very hard to take and considering it took forty years to complete, I don't think many would want to undertake just how much manpower and hours it would take to tear down and rebuild the thing
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yeah i dont see it
anon I feel you, please don't make me emotional right now
Aemond gets mad at Aegon for mocking his thing with the brothel woman, this plus his ambition lead him to have Vhagar attack Aegon at Rook's Rest and he's about to personally kill Aegon after
Rhaenyra stupidly goes to try to talk to Alicent and it goes over poorly
No way we are getting brothel queens this season, if at all, right? I can't imagine them making the blacks do something like that considering how they have portrayed them so far, unless they will make it daemon's idea.
Daemon showed his worth and his abillities as schemer, warrior, commander, ruler and advisor and had a fucking dragon. The fuck has cringestar has done?
anon that's obviously a meme post
he's so cute :(
>his family’s special sword
Yea the version for girls, dark sister kek. Daemonstans are all dorks
I watch for Otto, Aegon and Aemond.
Honorary mention for Jace.
Their actors are good-looking, simple as.
>pointless George death
dies in a burning tent
>blackfag death
stabbed by a rando
>greenfag death
teams up with addam to take down berserk vermithor, dies mid-battle and his corpse is unrecognizable so no one knows what happened to him
Dark Sister is cool
he shouldn't die in the first place...
Fuck me. I think I saw somewhere that Daeron might be a bastard though. Which doesn't really make sense since he is a dragon-rider.
The leaks for anon
1/3: https://x.com/cliffsidesiren/status/1805323907517530396?s=46&t=jsqp4EWNYX3XG4TGTt6B1w
2/3: https://x.com/cliffsidesiren/status/1805324469382398223?s=46&t=jsqp4EWNYX3XG4TGTt6B1w
3/3: https://x.com/cliffsidesiren/status/1805402074273956021?s=46&t=jsqp4EWNYX3XG4TGTt6B1w
Bonus context for rooks rest: https://x.com/cliffsidesiren/status/1806028642134503606?s=46&t=jsqp4EWNYX3XG4TGTt6B1w
there's one anon claiming it but it's probably shitposting
official version is he's not in this season
I'm not sure I could care any less about the Rhaenyra/Alicent are women who tried to stop bloodshed but bloodthirsty men wanted a war angle. It's funny since it's such a flip over book Alicent.
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>Daeron might be a bastard
this is just fan-fic
Condal has just said that he is in Oldtown, anon spergs about him being a bastard but no evidence of this was ever given
Thanks bro.
I’m gonna guess she had some stretch marks and gained like twenty pounds, which led to the homosexual maestars acting like she was as fat as Robert Baratheon
Dark star will pit the Lannister’s and Martel’s against each other as a distraction to steal dawn and usurup starfall and then will die taking down Euron in the second battle of the gods eye
There is no evidence of Daeron being a bastard.

>Daeron has not been cast yet. I’ve said he’s a character in the show, but at this point in the story, he’s in Oldtown where he was warded off as a young child. So we don’t have a point-of-view character in that world yet and there is no dramatic reason to go there. This happened all the time in medieval times, particularly in the high nobility. You would take your youngest children and ward them off to other places, so they grow up away from court and learn things and have their own place and station in the world. We know he’s not yet a dragon rider, but he’s had a dragon born to him. So he will come to the narrative and have a role to play, just as he does in the book — we’re just not there yet in the storytelling.

Daeron will be the same age as Tessarion, having hatched the dragon in his cradle. He is 100% a Targaryen.
why would they send him to grow up in the Oldtown then if he's not a bastard? they probably wish he would become a maester and forsaken his ties to the Targaryen family
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>But you shouldn’t do it to yourself anon.
I wasn't doing it on purpose
If I get this hairstyle, will women like me?

When you have too many Targs you send one to take the black, one to take the grey, one to take the white, etc.
It’s stupid Jaeherys fault. The monarchy would have collapsed if not for Aegon having one mostly competent long reigning heir at the right time. Almost every Targaryen king was a disaster or disappointment, but Jaeherys was enough to make people give it a shot
I would let you suck my cock
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If it were up to shitskins every dragon would be bred to be SMASHED and SLAMMED
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>why would lords/kings who have many children have them away to be fostered somewhere else
Lazy cunts if true. That reduces the Lads by half.
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What's the point of casting tumblr levels of pretty boys if the audience isn't going to see them bloom into handsome lads, baka
depends, are you cute enough? this hairstyle doesn't work for everyone
idk don't know...sounds like a sneaky way to hide your bastards
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>As Vaegon grew older and began to receive more attention from the younger girls at court, it became apparent that he was not truly interested in finding a bride. Once, Grand Maester Elysar gave Vaegon a volume of erotic drawings in the hope that pictures of “naked maidens comporting with men and beasts and one another” might increase Vaegon's interest in women. Although Vaegon kept the book, he did not show a change in behavior.
Literally me (getting attention from girls aside)
I guess we'll see Daeron ride Tessarion for the first time on-screen? Would make him appearing at the Honeywine more impressive.
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You clearly don't understand the audience
Guys I just can’t believe Rhaenyra did this. I was a supporter of hers from day one, but this just went too far. I guess I’m a Hightower now
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>and here’s my OC house, I call it house Blackwood, their colors are red and black and their sigil is a dead weirwood surrounded by ravens. One of my OCs is a half Blackwood half Targaryen bastard, he’s an albino with a missing eye and a red birthmark shaped like a raven, men call him bloodraven, he’s like this dark sorcerer lord who sacrifices his honor for the good of the realm
Ned and Robert were sent to the Vale
Were they bastards too?
Don't know how to explain it, he has that innocent looking face, a clear expression, a genuine smile, he's perfect.
Reminder that Jaehaerys and Alysanne attempted to groom him into marrying one of his sisters when he was like 3
It doesn't work without the personality.
anon....do Ned and Bobby have a different hair color from their fathers like Daeron did as well
Yes! He's very cute and remind me of a puppy sometimes. He's adorable tbqh.
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OC do not steal
>oh no, our small children don't want to fuck each other!
Targaryen problems
>The frustrations started with Vaegon and Daella. Only a year apart in age, the prince and princess seemed well matched as babes, and the king and queen assumed that the two of them would eventually marry. Their older siblings Baelon and Alyssa had become inseparable, and plans were already being made for them to wed. Why not Vaegon and Daella as well? “Be sweet to your little sister,” King Jaehaerys told the prince when he was five. “One day she will be your Alysanne.”
>As the children grew, however, it became apparent that the two of them were not ideally suited. There was no warmth between them, as the queen saw plainly. Vaegon tolerated his sister’s presence, but never sought it out. Daella seemed frightened of her sour, bookish brother, who would sooner read than play. The prince thought the princess stupid; she thought him mean. “They are only children,” Jaehaerys said when Alysanne brought the problem to his attention. “They will warm to one another in time.” They never did. If anything, their mutual dislike only deepened.
>The matter came to a head in 73 AC. Prince Vaegon was ten years old and Princess Daella nine when one of the queen’s companions, new to the Red Keep, teasingly asked the two of them when they would be married. Vaegon reacted as if he had been slapped. “I would never marry her,” the boy said, in front of half the court. “She can barely read. She should find some lord in need of stupid children, for that’s the only sort he will ever have of her.”
>Princess Daella, as might be expected, burst into tears and fled the hall, with her mother, the queen, rushing after her. It fell to her sister Alyssa, at thirteen three years Vaegon’s elder, to pour a flagon of wine over his head. Even that did not make the prince repent. “You are wasting Arbor gold,” was all he said before stalking from the hall to change his clothing.
Targs are either chronic coomers or asexual autists, there is no in-between.
looks like the KEKfyres are here
Which pills do you use? I use trazadone and ambien. I sleep better on just trazadone, but ambien is more guaranteed
looks like the CHADfyres are here
>Aegon goes for the head with a mace which probably killed Blood instantly
>Cheese got hung which also would be a quick death

Where was the torture? Where was the fury?! We should have seen that Aegon broke Blood's limbs first. We should have seen thr Ratcatchers were all skinned or bleeding from their gallows to show Aegon tortured them all before death. That would have justified the smallfolk hating Aegon.
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>motherfucker gives you this look from across the table
Wwyd anons, wrong answers only
>Killed each others boys

There should be no more love between the two, this is retarded. Rhaenyra told her council she wanted Aemond. Her desire was to kill Alicent's son.
>Blood was seized two days later at the Gate of the Gods while attempting to bring Jaehaerys's head to Daemon at Harrenhal and collect his reward. Under torture, he admitted to having been hired by a woman whose description matched Mysaria. Blood died on the thirteenth day of torture. Ser Luthor Largent had the gold cloaks search for Mysaria and Cheese, but no trace was found of them. Aegon II wanted to attack Dragonstone to avenge his son's murder, but Ser Criston Cole instead suggested sending Ser Arryk Cargyll to infiltrate the castle.
This does sound better
Kek it’s like he was just a normie with the average aversion to incest born into the Targaryen family
>Gets along with his sister fine until his weirdo family tries to make them fuck
I'm not ready either but we still have time since they only have 8 episodes this season so he's probably going to do promo for the next season too.
Smack the shit out of him.
It’s so lame they whitewashed Mysaria and made her boring. She has every reason to want revenge, and she is already a little crazy for going along with Daemon’s weird usurper plot
Vaegon "Thot Patrol" Targaryen
the cinematography so far has been fuckin great gotta say
Ritually disembowel him.
>Only a year apart in age, the prince and princess seemed well matched as babes, and the king and queen assumed that the two of them would eventually marry.
Alysanne and Jaehaerys were mentally ill
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Well yeah no one knows if you actually cared about her before
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Is it true that pornographic images of Dornish women are among the most popular in Westeros?
>why can't you be normal like your bigger brother and sister, they started experimenting with each other's bodies way earlier than your mother - which is my sister - and I did! And as you can hear at this very moment they're doing it like rabbits, listen isn't it wonderful? So stop being a disappointment, go to your little sister's room right now and keep the damn door closed.
Imagine if Elia didn’t laugh at baelor farting.
>he called him 'Baelor Breakwind' after he farted in their presence and Elia could no longer look at him without laughing
t. Brackencel, bastard of five fathers
baelor was the winner here, imagine marrying a woman so superficial
>Oberyn dies horribly
>Elia and her children die horribly
>baelor lives a happy life
Heh. Bitch.
Also a woman so sickly she is close to death after birthing just two weak brats.
The dlc should have been wholly about Messmer genociding hornshits for him mom and not redditdahn getting shoehorned in randomly at the end despite Miquella not having anything to do with him in the game beforehand.
>imagine staying virgin because you farted in front of a girl
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>we get a prequel series about Roberts uprising
cast this woman as Elia Martell
Pretty sure he’s married.
Visenya is the most based Targaryen to ever live, not counting her son of course. Her sword is cool.
You sound mad and therefore both you and Ser Breakwind have lost.
yeah my bad he's married to a Rowan
Is Harry Collett single?
Is Tom Glynn-Carney single?
Asking for a friend
Oh, she was great in Counterpart. Funny how she was a couple with Harry Lloyd playing basically modern age Viserys.
Genuinely don't understand why the show is making the show such a woke "slay queen Vs evil chiefs" even beyond the source material when the source material is already a "good team black Vs chud team green"

In the books

>Team Green don't win a single 1v1 sword fight or dragon fight
>Every single "good house" supports tram black
>Team Black absolutely dab on team green "killing Haelana son, dabbing on Aegon etc (won't list due to spoilers
>Team Green never dab on team black at any moment
>Team green don't win a single pitched battle in the entire story
>Every single minor "good" character supports the blacks, Nettles, Addams Veleyron, the lads etc
in making alicent and rhaenyra so blameless they also made them fucking boring and have no agency. good job.
Why the FUCK would these faggots not do 10 episode seasons?
Will they bring britbong Neil Patrick Harris back as young Ned Stark?
please understand, small budget
You forgot only the greens did something as bas as the first tumbleton but to be fair the producers are smart and they are pandering to the main audience.
I thought the Lukepedos were a meme but Holy shit, look up at ch.ai
>Blackwoods side with Blacks
That's irrefutable proof on it's own that George considers the blacks the protagonists.

My guess is that HBO is saving money for their Harry Potter reboot series.
More like earning money.
That's gonna shit on everything regardless of it's budget anyway, just like the videogame from last year.
We don't know
Because they weren’t written to be villains. You can’t take a story, adapt it, and go “oh btw this character manipulates women isn’t that so abusive! Omg hating on our kween! What a villain!”. By insisting that the black are good guys and the greens are villains they’ve diminished their own show.
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>dark sister is cool
No it isn’t. It’s a consolation prize for side characters in someone else’s story. Can’t wait till I’m home and can make a CHAD blackfyre vs Virgin dark sister meme.
>blackfyre users
>fuck whoever you want
>married to hottest queen/princess
>main character
>sits on iron throne
>in charge, and if you aren’t then start a civil war that pulls millions to your side and tears the entire realm apart for generations

>dork sister users
>pine for something you don’t have
>side character in someone else’s story
>submit to birth order no matter what
The Blackwoods are Mary Sues
Seems easily conquerable by dragons
For some reason I find women having their pussy shaved by someone else is really hot

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