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Midgets edition
Last time >>200717492

The midgets are from Sleepless (2001)
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First for Vera Miles
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Someone post a picture of the M3GAN doll on sale
She is looking at the doll like she is jealous that the doll doesn't age.
Why did they make the sister in ParaNorman so hot?
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Speaking of midgets, why did we never get a Chucky vs Leprechaun movie?
You guys think the doll was passed around on set?
Probably full of jizz by the time the movie was finished filming, just like the girl in Poltergeist.
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You post the weirdest fucking things. Weirdo.
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And you're hella gay. Man up, pussy. Take a sip, it will spike your testosterone.
>Negro Piss Man is pretending to be the slop cave faggot now
>mommy, why is granny facing the wall, mommy?
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looks like the soifags have still got the retro cock lodged deep in their throats lol
Reminder this guy is an actual homosexual and this thread is proof
Kek, I haven’t seen cabinanon ever since he got doxed. I hope we get another pic of his slop cave eventually, he actually discussed horror.
Link to thread he got doxxed?
probably but they’ll be gay lovers since they made chucky a faggot in the series and the leprechaun is a gay drunk irishman
Too kino for human consumption.
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you've gotta come out of the closet christfag, it's ok your priest turned you into a sodomite lol
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>Still won't deny being gay
Kill yourself
This soicuck calls everyone annoying.
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such a homophobic little sodomite, on your knees and pray boy.
>The faggot is so mad that he started samefagging
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I watched The Birds tonight, solid film. After loving Psycho for many years and finally checking out this movie, it makes me wish there were more “fake-out” films where it seems like it’s going to be a romantic comedy or drama before hitting you in the face with a sledgehammer out of nowhere. Any other movies that do that sort of thing?
It's like he wants to get bukakked too
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he called me a "sodomite" in another thread, he's a christcuck that's come over from /pol/
>Still samefagging
>Talking to himself now
I really pissed (You) off, didn't I?
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A Girl's Life. Pretty and youthful, then hits the wall at 25
Nobody asked, fuck off pajeet
zesty image
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>I really pissed (You) off, didn't I?
Kino alert
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oh sure I'm samefagging lol
You are proving my point, especially by literally talking to yourself and samefagging. Imagine being this mad because I made fun of faggots lmao
>"80s cock" queer and Negro Piss Man in the same thread
Why can't we just have horror threads without these faggot schizos?
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man you christcucks must've had that priest cock jammed into your brains with the bullshit you're babbling on with.

try again lol
>Literally just say I don't like faggots
>"Ummm you are a heckin' christcuck! Le christcuck!"
I'm not even a christcuck, keep seething
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>soifags and christcucks in the same thread
can there be any lower lifeforms in this thread lol
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of course you're a christcuck mr sodomite lol
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>meanwhile, in the general
Not a christcuck, keep being delusional. Also, you literally called me "homophobic" >>200779547 , you are such a faggot lmao
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Haven't been able to get a hold of The Prowler yet so going to go with Phenomena tonight.
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fuck it's hilarious trying to drag you christcucks into 2024 when you're still throwing around terms like "sodomite".
won't admit to saying that will you christcuck lol.
If James Stewart saw the state USA is in today he would pop a blood vessel.
Why does the word "sodomite" trigger you so badly? I'm not a christcuck, I just find the word "sodomite" to be a good insult for faggots, and it clearly works as you literally can't stop seething about it.
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I’ve just seen his name mentioned on here (Sawyer Elliot), not a phone number or address yet

Mullholland Drive is a film that as it goes on, you start to wonder wtf type of film you're actually watching.
Has horror elements.
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>"trigger" "seethe" "insult" "seethe"
sodomite is such a christcuck thing to say and if you think i'm seething, you're dumber than I thought lol
Off your knees boy and go back to plebbit.
Men are about to declare spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.
>sodomite is such a christcuck thing to say and if you think i'm seething, you're dumber than I thought lol
Well anon, I called you a sodomite like a week ago, and you are still crying about ITT, so it clearly made you pretty mad.
>Off your knees boy and go back to plebbit.
Well, you called me "homophobic", so the only one who needs to go back is (You)
shut the fuck up faggots, go to /b/ if you want to slapfight
I'll stop replying to the sodomite so hopefully, unless somebody else starts talking to him, he will shut up. I wonder why he hates 1980s horror movies so much?
>Lep in the hood, come to do no-ACK
what kind of a title is "Dard Divorce"
>Why does the word "sodomite" trigger you so badly?
Because he's an actual faggot. It's pretty clear.
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yeah I was laughing my ass off crying when you called me a sodomite, that's when i knew you're a 80's cock loving faggot.
C'mon mate, it's 2024, hate on the trannys all you want but leave the gays alone, come out of closet and stop being so repressed, you're priest made you lol
>I wonder why he hates 1980s horror movies so much?
Because they don't affirm his faggot LGBT AIDS lifestyle.
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no it's soifaggots like you that've got the 80's cock so far down your throats, that's whu you're replying me because you want to keep deep throating that 80's cock and rope more people into doing it lol.
You probably have HIV lmao
what is this body type? you see it all over
Don't reply to the sodomite, anon. Nice dubs though and nice trips >>200780444
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>is gay
>is based
>I rest
>my case
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Longlegs trailer
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Trap trailer
probably gives off the twist so I didn't even watch it kek
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Speaking of wall. This is fate of Jenna Ortega.
Damn, that chick got hot as fuck.
haven't got to it yet, but there was a Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys.
honestly you'd think there would be more given the success of AvP and FvJ. I guess there was Sadako vs Kayako.
>Chucky vs Leprechaun
>Hellraiser vs. Halloween
>Maniac Cop vs. Candyman
She's alive btw
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Yeah I know. This is her now.
>using the word felch
Stop watching porn.
Kill yourself and stop posting your faggot fetishes, Roastie Piss Man
>Knowing what that word means
Kek yeah he definitely does it
>Knowing what that word means
>Posting said word yourself
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Yeah how about that? Vera’s turning 95 this year. Loved her in The Searchers
Not him but I didn't even know that was a word.
I only know it from that one Eminem song. Actually I haven’t heard it since
Well, one anon here always talks about his gf fucking black men or did.
The only one who does that is (You) though, Roastie Piss Man
Is this anti-wall posting? Based.
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Is this you.
>Anon...move my jaw for me...im too lazy to chew
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If I focus, I'm starting to believe I could actually kill off topic fags with my mind.
Also, they should have just called the Scanner Cop films Scanners IV and V. Maybe there was a licensing issue.
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>Damn, that chick got hot as fuck.
Imagine starring in one of the top 5 horrors and top 3 westerns of all time
Candyman vs Beetlejuice immediately came to mind reading your post. A quick google shows me I am perhaps not as creative as I thought and I have now also been enlightened to the fact that there is apparently a metric fuckton of beetlejuice+lydia tumblr fanfaggotry.
Gremlins vs Critters
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I always loved the miniature part of Beetlejuice. I don't have high hopes for the sequel but will probably watch it.
Major upgrade
>implying you wouldn’t fuck that slampig in the green dress
Have you seen Ghoulies? I haven't, wondering if they're closer to Gremlins or closer to Critters
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>>implying you wouldn’t fuck that slampig in the green dress
Gremlins and Critters are closer to each other than either are to Ghoulies. Ghoulies is its own thing.
I wouldn’t put her in my top 10 personally but I see why others would for Psycho and Searchers alone.
Sauce on right?
*I meant left
No retard, I meant right. Don't pretend to be me.
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Nice selfie. So do you have the sauce or are you replying for no reason?
Seek God. Gluttony is a sin.
Yoga chick was stupid, she could have easily slid down this slope to escape.
Best episode of S01 (assuming/hoping there'll be an S02)
eh I only really thought that and the Autopsy one were worth it.
but the director of that episode has a film coming up called Nekrokosm which will hopefully be cool
Even if she fell down she'd probably survive fine. But stupid victims are a slasher classic trope
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>Nice selfie
And he directed ofc Mandy and Beyond the Black Rainbow, both of which (particularly the former) are kino
they apparently made like 60% of the film before deciding it was not working, and refilming it all in a different location. hugely risky because they could have run out of budget.
but I think that probably contributed to it. It'd be cool to see the other stuff they filmed one day.
Uh, what is this?
That's anon killing off topic posters with his mind rays.
go watch "The Autopsy", and "The Viewing" episodes of Del Fatso's Cabinet of Curiosities. it's the latter.
Ah. Thanks. I'd been avoiding it because I'm not a fan del toros stuff.
he basically only introduces those ones, so isn't a writer or director on them.
the themesong to Phenomena is driving me crazy. have I heard it somewhere else? does a metal band cover it or a game or something?
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I've done this before.
Goblin, they're a giallo/horror staple:
>The original score was composed and performed by Argento regulars Goblin,[22] with two cues reused from their score from Dawn of the Dead, which are faintly heard when the character Sophie watches television in the film.[23] Goblin frontman Claudio Simonetti wrote the film's main theme, which features the solo soprano voice of Pina Magri.
could use some moisturizer
>hor thread
>gay debate
watched anything good recently fellas?
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Evil Dead Trap was pretty neat. It's not an evil building film, but had a great building in it.
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Finally got around to Mandy. Turns out, Cage fucking rocks and he can make just about any horror scenario watchable. See Willy's Wonderland and the Color from Space for proof.
>Cage fucking rocks and he can make just about any horror scenario watchable
It'd be great
I know he's too varied, but it'd be great if Nic Cage just became a Vincent Price in his old age and did a ton of classic horror films.
Awesome movie.
>Color from Space

i haven't seen neither,just the 8MM kino,which i start with ? (favor towards color out of space cause lovecraftian)
Mandy is great.
Color out of Space is a mess. but worth a watch anyway, becuse the individual elements are interesting.
That's a quite long way to say "I'm gay".
He's done lot of horror since 2010
>Season Of The Witch
>Mom And Dad
>Colour Out Of Space
>Willy's Wonderland
>Prisoners Of The Ghostland
>Dream Scenario
Talk to Me directors ready to start shooting their next movie (Bring Her Back) in Australia:
hopefully it's good this time
I loved Talk To Me, literally my favorite 2023 horror movie. It's nuanced and beautifully shot too (both rare occurrences in recent horror releases)
>literally my favorite 2023 horror movie.
lol that's an extremely low bar to hurdle.
Talk to Me sucked ass. like barbarian, I don't care how good the special effects are if the movie is lame.
What if the guy who stole the necklace hopped on a plane to another continent? Would Johnny just wander around killing everyone he comes across…forever?
It's kino. Very layered and clever and mixes up two classic tropes in a way that feels very fresh.

TTM was great
It is but it'd be in a top 10 21st century best horror movies list
Australian time rolls around and once again you come out of your hole to shill this film. nobody is buying it.
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wtf Phenomena was actually amazing.
10/10 soundtrack. such a good use of Iron Maiden. Jennifer Conolly was fantastic.
I got very sad when the doctor was killed in front of the chimp and then immediately laughed when the chimp attacked the car. absolutely love that lil nigga.
Kind of amazing how much older films harlem globetrot over the stuff that gets put out today.
You're the one not "buying" it and sperging out about "shilling". Talk to Me was widely successful and acclaimed, if it filtered you that's a you problem, nobody gives a shit about the reason why-- not least bc you have nothing much to say about it
Read the wiki entry, it was a complex shooting. The chimp scarred Daria Nicolodi and bit JConn's finger
> Talk to Me was widely successful and acclaimed
So was Barbie retard. I do not give a shit what NPCs think. Pretty sure you've posted this exact statement before as well, get a new routine.

Phenomena is one of Argento's lesser "good" films, together with Inferno.

But what it lacks in quality, it makes up for in being absolutely fucking bonkers. It sure is entertaining.
You're too low IQ to understand that not all successful movies are the same or successful for the same reason or under the same circumstances. You're just a random Beavis type reeing because you didn't get the movie, which makes your spergouts irrelevant. Leave the movie to those who grokked it and go watch your slop
>makes up for in being absolutely fucking bonkers
This is why I love giallo in general, it's always fucking batshit
I've listened to maybe hundreds of anons give their takes on TTM since it came out, the general consensus is it's average - good SFX, not scary, fun if recycled plot. anons who I actually respect for not being pathetic NPCs, regardless of if I agree or not.
Sorry that hurts your feelings. It seems to an abnormal amount, which is why I imagine you have some personal or financial connection to it.
>I've listened to maybe hundreds of anons give their takes
Great argument there
You just made an argument to authority of financial and critical success, I said I didn't care, and replied the authority I do care about.
Keep up.
Both of them are shit. Cringe fests.
>Jennifer Conolly was fantastic.
Lol what a simp.
Reddit faggot cuck.
Go away jeety
Fuck off pajeet
the contemporary reviews seemed to shit on her acting but I thought it was good.
kind of feels like Italians would throw darts at a wheel of horror and make a plot out of it. not complaining though, always fun.
Keep in mind Phenomena isn't a giallo though. It is very baroque/surreal
FINALLY found it. man this would have driven me insane, Rhapsody (aka Rhapsody of Fire) basically do a 10m cover of the Phenomena theme it in the last track of their Rain of a Thousand Flames album. Which is a killer album too.
They should bring back the guy who directed Wicked City and Demon City Shinjuku.
This shit rocks.
>the Los Angeles Times stated that the film epitomizes the "sadistic, misogynistic erotica" popular in Japan.
Is this how /hor/ looks?

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Negro Piss Man at 1:03
nice tits, bro
Youre one to talk Elliot, you are the most soi looking faggot.
Right doesn't look bad at all.
Just watched 3 horror movies:
>The First Omen
Slightly above average. It's better than Immaculate, but oddly very similar in a lot of ways. Is this the era of anti-Catholic cinema or something?
>Life Of Belle
This pairs very well with Exhibit A. The wholesome scenes of the kids just playing are just nice. One scene switches everything around. That ending is something.
>The Bay
FF kino with some conspiracy added in for more kino. The lead reporter in those pants is just great eye candy. Would recommend to everyone.
NTA but
>sees other anons as an authority
Why do you need some imaginary boss? I see you all as equals, not as an authority. Except Negro Piss Man, who I see as an entity that is below all of us.
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>The Bay
That's the isopod movie, right?
These guys look too cute to be scary.
Yes, just on literal steroids, radiation, and chemical waste.
>too cute
No, most non-animals can fuck off.
Who's the main actress in The First Omen?
The same one that has been spammed by others since the movie was released. Nell Tiger Free
And we're supposed to be able to state our individual reasons why we like or dislike a movie
You mean Nell Tiger Free from The Servant and Too Old To Die Young?
I haven't seen anything else she has been in.
We should see her more often
Nell Tiger Free - > Tell Niger Free - > Niger Tee Fell - > Nigger Pee Fellow = Negro Piss Man

I solved the mystery.
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What do you think of this one
id consider it a giallo. It’s got all the elements of one

Also I’m a Suspiria is a giallo kinda guy

Is this the lgbt screening?
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>Right doesn't look bad at all.
People are truly retarded
>People are truly retarded
You're proving my point. Thanks for getting filtered.
I'm saving The Bay for the 4th of July
It's quality as fuck. Only the biggest, most retarded FF haters could dislike it.
It's a surprisingly good movie.
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>4th of July
Yes let's celebrate.
Girls over 25 aren't allowed to cringe at anything.
Her acting was fine. She is just mid.
You're a female. Or a gay.
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Movies set to watch tomorrow:
>Resurrected (2023)
>Spree (2020)
>Chinsodan Death Night (2014)
More like Talk to Mid lol
>4th July horror

What else is there?
I know Return of the Living Dead and Frogs.
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>I’m a Suspiria is a giallo kinda guy
Based. I see most people say Suspiria’s “technically” not a giallo but it might as well be considered one.

Another sperg
It's supernatural and lacks the focus on a mysterious killer. Suspiria-Inferno-Phenomena are surreal/sensorial horrors
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So? A giallo can be supernatural, there are other examples.

>focus on a mysterious killer
I disagree, the plot in suspiria kicks off when a girls is killed under mysterious circumstances

>surreal/sensorial horrors
yes, they're that too.
>A giallo can be supernatural, there are other examples.
Wrong, gialli are murder mysteries focused on realistic social settings/explanations. Zero supernatural elements.
Suspiria isn't a giallo either.
giallos are just supposed to be the equivalent of pulp, so they have witches pretty often, and often enough the witch isn't even the killer. it's like trying to pretend Agatha Christie never brought up seances or curses
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No, gialli don't have "witches" anon. Their plots and endings, however complex, are always rooted in reality.
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>Ou est l'ecole de dance, anon? Uwu
Agatha Christie is literally published as a giallo kek
literally looks better on the right
The only official thing she literally is is post wall.
You left out 22 and 23.
That's a completely absurd no sequitur. Here's the gist of it: gialli were initially cheap murder mystery novels published in Italy. That's the origin of the concept later materialized as a cinema subgenre. The fact that subsequent books published in gialli series included Christie doesn't alter the essential elements of gialli in cinema, which eschew anything supernatural.
Argento's "mother" movies, Seven Notes in Black (The Psychic) and Perfume of the Lady in Black were made by several ppl associated w gialli at a time when the genre was peaking, but they're not gialli themselves.
>Wrong, gialli are murder mysteries focused on realistic social settings/explanations. Zero supernatural elements.
Suspiria isn't a giallo either.

The Psychic, The Killer reserved nine seats, Deep Red are other examples of supernatural giallos...
>trying to rewrite two media
kek, so are we going to have to kick Arthur Conan Doyle and Poe out of the detective fiction club too for mentioning the supernatural, or is it just Christie? And how come we never got a Rex Stout movie out of them either while we're at it?
Just skipped it momentarily since I updated 2024. Also updated 2012 and the FF chart, which will get updated again tomorrow with two more.
I mentioned more than once above that Suspiria isn't a giallo-- it's the 1st movie in the mother's trilogy.
"Supernatural gialli" are a contradiction in terms. There's nothing supernatural whatsoever in Deep Red or Killer Reserved Nine Seats-- they're both full, classic gialli.

I think we have different definitions of what a giallo is...

And Deep Red features psychics and extra-sensory perception.

Also, did you even see The Killer reserved? The killer is a ghost!
>There's nothing supernatural whatsoever in Deep Red
Gonna need you to explain this
Neither Poe nor Doyle's supernatural writings have anything to do with gialli. 2 of Poe's short stories (those who know will get which ones) inspired a few gialli but they're not supernatural tales. You're mixing up a broad literary genre with a very specific film subgenre.
>I think we have different definitions of what a giallo is...
Not up to subjective interpretation.
Deep Red's supernatural elements are narrative and can be explained. Nine Seats des have some but they're tacked on-- consider both exceptions that justify the rule if you must. The other 96 or so classic period gialli plus dozens of neogialli are all entirely supernatural-free.
>No forget that monadori yellow books were basically synonymous with Poe, Christie and Doyle works which mention psychics, witches, curses, and the supernatural
>Also please ignore all the directors trying to sell their movies based in the comparison
>2 short stories
So I guess you're not counting Two Evil Eyes or anything made by Fellini as giallo?
Good morning sir
Jaws is the most obvious one.
Do the needful
Mondadori-published books were a starting point.
Gialli in cinema coalesced into a very specific set of tropes and were often based on original stories.
>So I guess you're not counting Two Evil Eyes or anything made by Fellini as giallo?
Ofc not. Fellini??? Wtf are talking about?
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>Not up to subjective interpretation.
According to whom, exactly? You? Because Mikel Koven, who wrote a book on the matter, disagrees.

Giallos don't have a fixed set of rules that need to be ticked off in order for it to be considered. In fact, you could argue it's barely a genre. The genre is basically "italian thriller" from the 60-80s, and is as much focused on the stylistic tropes than the narrative ones. In italian, giallo simply refers to "thriller", in any format. Only for us niche film nerds does it imply a specific kind of thriller, and even then there's loads of various ways to interpret it.

So yes, it is up for subjective definition - because there is no objective definition.
I watched this Italian (giallo?) movie called Blue Eyes of a Broken Doll. It was pretty good except for the part they killed a real pig on screen. :(

It's spanish, not italian. So I guess you could call it an amarillo.
>Ofc not. Fellini??? Wtf are talking about
Poe adaptations is what we're talking about. If adapting Poe murder mysteries to Italian was enough, Fellini's in. I assumed you didn't want him included because you said only two. I'm trying to limit down your answer so you have to find out you can't count.
So, when it comes to Kinski playing Poe, is that in because vampires aren't supernatural, or are you counting the black and white ghost version as giallo instead?
She cute!!

Don’t lump me in with that brown piece of shit just cuz I didn’t like Talk to Mid
No idea who he is and the 2 greatest authorities on the subject are Roberto Curti and Troy Howarth.
>Giallos don't have a fixed set of rules
They do, very much so-- otherwise the concept wouldn't be serviceable. Gialli are murder mysteries with complex, visually maximally settings and OSTs. They're linked to a group of directors/actors/composers plus Ernesto Gastaldi (screenwriter) and Luciano Martino (producer).
Though it is a broad concept, it's nevertheless clearly definable, and any relativism is pointless bc it amounts to ignorance of the subject
Thanks. It was already dubbed so I made a mistake. It was good though. I guess I know what a real pig killing looks like now. It messed me up. There were also funny parts of the movie where these 10/10 sexo women would complain about being horribly deformed, and everybody else would treat them as horribly deformed, when they're still 10/10 just in a wheelchair or wearing an arm cast or slightly retarded in a barely noticeable way.
Well, if you want to believe it, sure go ahead.
But there's lots of people who consider The Psychic or Suspiria giallos, and Koven's definition makes much more sense to me.

Howarth includes westerns. No thanks.
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Just know anon that your shilling of that film got me interested in it. It looks like my kind of thing
The 2 Poe short stories I mentioned were used- more than once- as the basis for some gialli. That doesn't make Poe a retroactive "giallo" author

Poe's works are absolutely giallo. You could even argue he invented the genre, considering he (allegedly) invented the murder/mystery/detective genre - and any italian person could call that a giallo.
Is this real?
Howarth has three specific - and definitive- chronological books on gialli. A fourth would be welcome. He wrote about other genres too. Curti has a giallo-specific book and classic books on Italian horror. Also wrote specific books on Bava, Fulci etc
Pic? Yeah
What made Poe a giallo author was being published in Italy, they filed him into the same genre as Christie and Doyle and other people writing both supernatural and natural mysteries
So, are you not counting the original story based on Poe with a sexploitation soundtrack and well known giallo director as a giallo? And are you counting it once or twice, and what does that do to the good boy point you think you have for Black Cat? Why isn't Argento's half of Two Evil
Eyes not making the cut for being one of the two? Or are you kicking out Fulci's version for some reason? It would make more sense if you were kicking out Fulci and Romero, but I think you're kicking Argento out of your two giallo versions of Poe kek
>Poe's works are absolutely giallo
Nope. Poe leaned Gothic but his works are varied and often groundbreaking works of mystery/horror.
But that's beside the point because giallo is a genre cinema concept. Bava invented it with The Girl Who Knew Too Much/The Evil Eye, a superb movie btw
Giallo only worked as a cinema concept because the word for the books was commonly understood. People weren't going to the cinema not expecting something like book genre

>But that's beside the point because giallo is a genre cinema concept. Bava invented it with The Girl Who Knew Too Much/The Evil Eye, a superb movie btw

As a person who has spent a lot of time in italy, speaks the language and know a lot of italians I can tell you that know I know you're either joking or have no clue what you're talking about.

Giallo is not a cinema concept, it is a literary genre. And Poe, Christie are as much "giallo" as the weekly episode of Don Matteo.
And you think Bava meant his supernatural seance curse movies like Hatchet for the Honeymoon were meant to not be giallo? Ok lol
Every Italian movie, BY LAW, must contain a midget.
Nice work if you can get it and don't get thrown off anything
Authors published in the giallo series are one thing; giallo movies are another separate, specific category.
The Black Cat has inspired gialli which I won't cite so as not to spoil them, and has also inspired horror movies/segments.
Isn't Blood and Black Lace considered to be the 'official' start of giallo? The Girl Who Knew Too Much just feels like a regular Hitchcock film (hence the name). But yeah I know lots of people consider any mystery thriller made by an Italian director to be giallo and honestly I'm not completely against that idea. Have you guys seen Blow Up?
...your vice is a locked room is also sold as the black cat if you're worried about its title giving away the plot lol
I think anon is assuming the title change was to hide the mystery, not to limit confusion with the other giallo versions

That depends on your definition, but I think most would place the start at The Girl Who Knew Too Much. The movie is very overt in it's literary roots, the main character is obsessed with reading murder mysteries - or as an italian would know them by: GIALLO.

Also, giallos are heavily inspired by hitchcock, as were probably most thrillers at the time.
MaXXXine is a masterpiece.
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There was a leap. Some of the books published in the Giallo series inspired gialli, which quickly became a very particular narrative/aesthetic universe.
Your comment is naive bc you cling to a type of insecure credentialism that's ultimately vacuous. Going to Italy etc doesn't mean you know what you're talking about-- which you clearly don't.
Read what I said above and try to understand the otherwise obvious: one concept can be applied to 2 different categories. Start with the wikipedia entry and educate yourself on Giallo the Mondadori series and gialli as in movies labeled as such.
I do bc Bava, Fulci, Argento etc made gialli among other types of movies. By your rationale, Planet of the Vampires would be a gialli
>very particular narrative/aesthetic universe.
Bava was making supernatural mysteries at the start of the genre too. It's not like Hatchet for the Honeymoon was a late anomaly, he's got Kill Baby Kill long before a lot of other giallo directors have any films out.
>you cling to a type of insecure credentialism that's ultimately vacuous. Going to Italy etc doesn't mean you know what you're talking about-- which you clearly don't.
This is kind of sad because I think you were the anon trying to argue books told you the only right opinion and then tried to ignore another anon who asked if you were including westerns like one of the authors you wanted to brandish as an authority did.
No, it's The Girl Who Knew TooMuch. Blood and Black Lace is a classic giallo and one of Bava's personal best but GWKTM has all the gialli tropes beautifully balanced in an almost template format. It is b&w, which is an exception to the genre.
Blow Up is a nice abstract, minimalist/surreal mystery. And DePalma's Blow Out also owes something to the genre. There's also an artsy neogiallo called Berberian Sound Studio that in sense encapsulates Blow Out's influence, so it's a complete cycle in a way.
>Going to Italy etc doesn't mean you know what you're talking about-- which you clearly don't.

Only one of us is taking a staunch stance of what is, and what isn't a giallo.

>Start with the wikipedia entry and educate yourself on Giallo
>black male white female
Just stop
>Planet of the Vampires
I'm surprised this movie isn't considered a sci-fi classic. Bava in general is still somewhat underrated, his work is praised mostly by other filmmakers, not regular moviewatchers
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>Start with the wikipedia entry and educate yourself on Giallo
>pic related
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Though Bava was a brilliant and foundational giallo director he also made excellent movies in other genres. In fact he made gialli branch out with Bay of Blood which is one of the first if not the first slasher.
Books help. But you're still mixing apples and oranges. Giallo series are one thing. Giallo movies are another thing. Giallo directors made movies in other genres, and giallo experts wrote about other genres. It's that simple.
Anons going to experience a special kind of sad when he finds out what a krimi is
>one of the first if not the first slasher.
You have to be trolling
>Only one of us is taking a staunch stance of what is, and what isn't a giallo.
Because only one of us knows what he's talking about instead of resorting to "my uncle works at Nintendo" non-arguments. You have to start with the basics, namely education. Don't assume, get informed.
It seems you've been poorly informed
Yes. Many other giallo-related-- but absolutely not giallo-- movies. Watch The Psychic and Suspiria and see how they compare to Bird with the Crystal Plumage or Fifth Cord.

>don't assume, get informed
Let's just agree to disagree at this point. there are academic texts and authors out there who disagree with your definition, and you have to accept that and move on. Read Koven's La Dolce Morte. To quote a good friend of mine: "don't assume, get informed"
>absolutely not giallo movies

According to some guy on 4chan. ok
It's seen for all intents and purposes as the first bona fide space horror movie. There was a previous one which isn't as noticeable and not nearly as brilliant.
Bava had a few box office hits but yes, he's not as well-known as he should. I consider him one of the top 10 most influential directors in any genre and Italy's 2nd greatest director after Sergio Leone.
Even accepting that-which would be a relativistic watering down- exceptions only reinforce the rule. Supernatural elements are not associated with essential gialli tropes and never will be.
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>bava above argento
I dont agree with it, but I respect it.
No. Get educated. This isn't some esoteric knowledge but a widely acknowledged fact.
>Supernatural elements are not associated with essential gialli tropes and never will be.
So A quiet place in the country is not a giallo and The tenth victim is. Qed
That's 11 years too late to be in any running for the first slasher
>Even accepting that-which would be a relativistic watering down- exceptions only reinforce the rule

That is your opinion, i much more agree with Koven's definition of a giallo which is less focused on the murder mystery, and more on the debauchery of the upper class. Murder is still essential, but not necessarily the focus.
Most ppl who know what gialli are knows what Krimis are and are able to tell them apart. They're usually seen as separate for a reason.
Classic Edgar Wallace-based Krimis had an aesthetic of their own as well as specific actors/directors linked to them. And contemporary Krimis (Wallander, The Bridge etc) are essentially crime dramas. Not exactly obscure.
I have informed myself by reading and watching movies related to the genre. Try it and you'll become less ignorant and avoid resorting to low IQ "I've been to Italy" non-arguments in the future.
So why does your definition of giallo exclude everything not in a krimi, to the point where most directors famous for only giallos are getting movies cut but directors not known for any giallo are not? The supernatural and other elements like exploitation added are key to a giallo-- nobody's watching them if you take out the weird shit because krimis already had sexy murder mystery down and were already being made for italian audiences
The set of core gialli elements are not up for debate.
Then how are you finding so many debate partners with books you haven't read?
They're not. Again: watch the movies before you try to express an opinion.
yes they are, and only a fool or an 18 year old would argue that they aren't.
the mere fact that were discussing it now, in disagreement, proves you wrong

i have seen over 150 giallo films. i'm not suggesting I've seen more than you, but i've seen enough to know that there's a wide variety>>200797023
That's because the other precursors weren't as specifically representative of slashers as Bay of Blood is. It's a movie for those who have done their homework.
Koven's definition sounds ridiculous and typical of overly politicized academia. The core of a giallo movie is a series of murders and finding out who committed them.
kek I don't think even you believe that. Once more with feeling
so you don't agree with it, doesn't mean it's wrong
Gialli are defined by a set of tropes and artists. So were Rialto Krimis. Similar but very easy to tell apart.
No director is famous only for his gialli: even Argento has very deliberately created a discrete supernatural universe for some of his Mothers movies which are interlinked whereas Opera or Trauma are standalone stories
Speak for yourself. I haven't read Koven. Your ad hominem, low IQ non-argument suggests you have read nothing and haven't understood the movies and their essential commonalities either.
>Gialli are defined by a set of tropes and artists

gialli are defined by intertextuality, and critical consensus - just like any genre. but since it's a construction of our own, and not a deliberate movement, it is a fluid definition. like film noir
That is, in itself, a debatable number.
Oh good, so you can explain how Italian directors who reboot krimis don't call their krimi reboots giallo, but do call their haunted house movies giallo, since you're so familiar. I'll wait. Looking forward to the list of tropes since the artist didn't change
>resorts to personal insults

ladies and gents, he can smell defeat
yes it is, infact it's slightly higher if you go by a wider definition
I do because unlike you I understand what slashers are and how they've been influenced by gialli. In fact- though this will confuse you further- both rural and big city slashers overlap with late gialli.
Have you not seen films before 1971?
naked you die is both a giallo and slasher, and predates bay of blood
No, that is meaningless middlebrow academic gibberish.
Name one such "reboot". I don't think you know what the word means
A "wider definition" is useless. There are around 96-100 standard, Italian gialli.
ok anonymous 4chan poster
define "giallo", please.
Silver Bullet
Phantom of the Mall
Uncle Sam
Doesn't matter. Landmarks are seen as such because they define something in a way that's perceptible and influential. Other than Bay of Blood, only Psycho is a meaningful slasher precursor.

maybe, honestly i dont care enough about slashers to argue about it. and i dont think psycho is a slaher
OK parrot. Get better sources next time and beware postmodern/verbose/ideological impostures
Sorry, I thought you were familiar with the subject and if i have to spoon-feed you examples of Italian directors rebooting a krimi, i don't think you'll then have an informed opinion on their forays into giallo, because why would you?
>OK parrot
says the guy who can't coherently argue his case and resorts to personal insults
Which one of you spooky fuckers is baking the new bread?
everyone it seems
>only Psycho is a meaningful slasher precursor.
Kek you don't even see the factious argument you're walking yourself into
Gialli are lurid Italian murder mysteries associated to a group of directors/actors/cinematographers/composers whose plots center on killers who are revealed at the end.
They overwhelmingly feature European locations (except for Pyjama Girl Case) and varying degrees of sexual content. Its heyday goes from Girl Who Knew Too Much to Foto di Gioia/Opera.
The fact that you have no counterarguments once again confirms your ignorance.

That definition doesn't exclude Suspiria, Deep Red, The Psychic - so I guess they are giallo?

But it does exclude Orgasmo, So Sweet, so Dead, The Sweet body of Deborah, The Man with the Icy Eyes and many others - so I guess they aren't giallo?
new thread
I'm not the anon you were talking to, it's just years of experience of watching horror fans debate this. But if you want some arguments
>Psycho has no mask
>Psycho has no black gloves
>Psycho is too late
>Psycho doesn't show any killer's POV until the last scene
Psycho does have a mask, tho.
Blood and Black Lace is indeed the “official” start of giallo as a film genre.
This is the same guy yesterday that took a shitpost I made dead serious lmao
Wait, the movie by the guys who made South Park?

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