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Still seething huh
James A. Janisse
Why doesn't /hor/ have its 'best of/essentials' list like /film/? And don't say
>because lists are gay
So what [spooky murder mystery by an Italian director] am I watching tonight?
>Suspiriais a 1977 Italiansupernatural horror filmdirected byDario Argento, who co-wrote the screenplay withDaria Nicolodi, partially based onThomas De Quincey's 1845 essaySuspiria de Profundis.
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Fuck yeah, I already tell this is gonna be a good thread.
They have that soi horror list that someone always posts.
I love a good supernatural horror film. Especially when it's also a giallo
Because you don't have to watch anything and what matters are your personal bests. It's too broad a genre to guarantee if you liked And Then There Were None you're going to love Identity
Suspirias writing is shit but it makes up for it with its visuals, framing, and setpieces
Rec me >>200798751 some pls
You mean you can't tell them apart?

You're gonna watch
What have you done to Solange?
but lists are gay
Movies set to watch tomorrow:
>Resurrected (2023)
>Spree (2020)
>Chinsodan Death Night (2014)
Why can't a movie be both? genre hybrids are a thing. action comedies, rom coms, horror mysteries...
Nice quads. You are right but it's still interesting what /hor/'s favorite movies are
There's an ancient vote tally someone probably has which shows then /hor/'s breakdown. It makes me laugh every time because they listed Deep Red as
>Deep Read
which is hilarious and I think entirely accidental. I don't have it though, just this anecdote about it.
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10 great non-Argento, non-Bava giallo movies:
1. The Fifth Cord
2. What have you done to Solange?
3. Don't Torture a Duckling?
4. The Psychic
5. The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh
6. The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave
7. The Perfume of the Lady in Black
8. Torso
9. In the Folds of the Flesh
10. A Blade in the Dark
Yeah that seems reasonable, it's been at least a year
Concepts serve a purpose: gialli are rooted in extravagant but not supernatural/ghostly etc settings. Suspiria was Argento leaving giallo aside for a while:
>Argento said how he needed to escape thegiallogenre of whodunnit murder-mysteries that had made him famous, how he had pushed the format as far as it could go withDeep Red, and how everyone was now making copycat films with silly titles likeThe Iguana With the Tongue of Fire. He was ready to do something new and radical, he said, something supernatural.
Read the entire article, it's excellent and features several comments by Argento himself:
Yes of course, but that doesn't contradict what I said: A movie can be both. I love argento, suspiria and anything giallo, everything from Suspiria to Blood and Black Lace or Orgasmo.
4 and 7 are definitely not gialli in any sense.
disagree, but go die on that hills
you could have more fun by starting at 1970 and watching edwige chronological
>itt: one anon who can't watch tits if there might be ghosts Vs giallo fans
Argento himself doesn't consider Suspiria a giallo but a escape thereof-- not even a variation on a theme but a very specific concept on a very different genre. Read the article

>five dolls for an august moon
>the strange vice of mrs wardh
>all the colors of the dark
>your vice is a locked room and only I have the key
>the case of the bloody iris
>strip nude for your killer

not a bad watch party
He doesn't consider it a whodunnit animal title
>Argento himself doesn't consider
So..? Danny Boyle doesn't consider 28 Days Later to be a zombie movie, who cares. the second a work of art is released to the public, it's out of the artists hands
What's the most brutal giallo movie? Is there anything like Angst?
Boyle's rationale isn't plausible, it's idiosyncratic.If Argento said he doesn't consider, say, Trauma a giallo that'd be weird, but not in Suspiria's case.
As for being "out of the artist's hands", that's relativistic, meaning: irratuonal.
Resurrected rul-

oh, never mind

Genres Are defined by consensus, not intent

As a rule of thumb, the later entry, the more sadistic.

Probably New York ripper or giallo in Venice. Neither extreme by torture porn standards, but sadistic sure.
He envisaged and made it as something completely apart from gialli-- he broke away from it with Suspiria, which is in fact closer to arthouse than gialli.
He's mentioned in detail some of his intentions and influences for the movie (which go from DeQuincey to Walt Disney)
Still bears clear and apparent giallo tropes. Still a giallo
Giallo a Venezia by far. NY Ripper is a late giallo/slasher hybrid with several brutal scenes
Putting chekov and Tolstoy in your movie won't stop people calling it giallo either

Be warned though, giallo in Venice is fucking terrible and also a soft porn picture.
Not popular consensus though.

Yes and no, very few people are adamant or strict about genre definitions. If I wanna recommend you a movie based on another, that’s what it boils down too.
Wrong. It's no nearer to gialli than it is to witch/cult horror. It is fact closer to these subgenres and deliberately eschews several giallo tropes
Thanks bros
But it won't make the movie a giallo either. As the New Order song goes, the wisdom of the fool won't set you free
It bears clear tropes of both, so it’s both. A movie can be many things
>Giallo in Venice is a softcore movie with gore
Oh so it's THAT kind of horror. You know, the one that feels Japanese
>it's the audience who call it that who are fools
kek ok one true fanboy
Haven’t seen many Japanese films, but there are closeups of guys masturbating in giallo In Venice and overall just feels fucking dirty.
I enjoyed it, the derelict, ugly Venetian areas it shows and its gruesome/sexual scenes are in line with the way genre movies were heading. It lacks the superior vusual sophistication of, say, Fifth Cord. It also has a demimonde/underworld social milieu unlike other movies in the genre.
As for sex, Sister of Ursula is even bolder
sounds like a john waters giallo
No-- Argento calculatedly discarded and went against giallo tropes in Suspiria. Gialli are usually strongly masculine for starters
There is a French neogiallo that I still haven't seen called Knife+Heart which has gay sex scenes, no idea how explicit but for those who have reservations imdb's parent guide is recommended, particularly for later gialli
I don’t like the later giallo movies. Too much focus on bad sleazy sex. The killer is still among us was SURPRISINGLY good however, even by giallo standards
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There are loooaaaaads of female lead giallo. Too many to count,
But Strange vice of Mrs wardh, orgasmo, sweet body of Deborah, the psychic.

I’d wager there are more female lead giallos than male.

Also, still: suspiria carries many other giallo tropes.
>overall just feels fucking dirty.
I've always wondered if it's intentional or just for cashgrab purposes (sex+violence). By intentional I mean in films like these is it an artistic choice to make you feel as disgusted as humanly possible or is it just 'dumb fun'?. Like in Ichi the Killer where there are closeups of cum dripping and tons of gore
>usually strongly masculine for starters
Anon, I don't think you want to tie your masculinity definition to the audience dominated by true crime bitches

In this case I think the audience at the time really thought it was sexy. There’s a 1971 giallo called an oasis of fear where one plot point is that pornography is illegal. So imagine, just 6 years later, going to the cinema and seeing not only tits but also full blown masturbation
what is that?!
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Itching for a rewatch
65th for Time Lapse
she had the best eyebrows in the biz
Saw this shitty movie yesterday called The Watcher (no relation to The Watchers) and couldn't help but wonder how much better it could be if the main character and the killer switched roles.
Spader is always great as the piece of shit antagonist and Keanu is a likeable fuck, but here they make Spader the boring FBI guy and Keanu a baby-faced sadist. It doesn't work.
What's the purpose of this piece of shit
It’s based on true events, don’t you see?????
It’s terrible
>half-balding Spader

a rare sight
I can* was so excited I forgot a word kek I love Suspiria bros.
I hope soon, but it's whenever the streaming service thinks it'll do best. Might not be until the Fall.
Going grocery shopping today /hor/. What frozen foods/snacks should I buy for kino nights?

Speaking off, why are there no /hor/ watch parties?
>Anon reminds me I left cake in a paper bag somewhere
I don't think you should take life advice from us
I just drink zero sugar energy drinks whenever I'm watching something
>frozen foods
Pizza, Dinosaur nuggets, and Tendies
Because it's the summer and only happens in October.
fried tomatoes
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Watched Evil Dead Trap and now on Evil Dead Trap 2. Did they really cast a genuine Japanese female fatty as main character? Interesting.
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Well we kinda do, they're broken down by decade. I guess they're really just bigass lists of recs but most people would agree with 90% of the stuff on these lists I think.
There's also the color coded charts, which are pretty awesome.
Holy crap what an amazing movie. I need more independent films.
I keep forgetting to save those
Doritos Hot Mustard flavor is banger, kid.
>demon gloating that humans are fucked
>numale psychologist says that's not true because gays can marry now and it's so heckin valid
>demon calls it irrelevant bullshit and tells him to shut the fuck up with his inane faggotry
Very based
The sacrifice scene blew me away.
And then there's poor Edward.
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I heard it's 8 minutes of full penetration
That would be great. 3 needs more fans, it's underrated, especially after the disaster that was 2.
Is that the one with the dancing punk girl
Probably 8 mins of some nog fucking a white girl
What was the first asian death game horror movie? Red Room (1999)? Or was there something before it?
3 has a punk girl zombie as the main girl, but if you mean the nude dancing girl, that's in the first one.
Yes, "recently uncovered" footage. Not even old movies are safe.
Most likely and love that it's just Japan being Japan. The sequel is also good.
According to MDL, Eko Eko Azarak


But I wouldn't be surprised if some anime did the whole death game thing way before the 90s
Yeah it's basically no limits Za Gaman/Endurance so it has a western audience who'd find it plausible too
Anime is gay and cringe.
still asian, tho
Anime used to be good
nta, but still is. Although I've only seen around 200 anime.
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a chud
Highlighting a lesser-known piece of American folklore through a psychological thriller. I like it
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>Nta, but still is. Although I've only seen around 200 anime
I just started terrifier, and got 2 lined up right after. What am I in for?
Nothing if you don't stop posting here instead of watching them.
Been delving back into the comfort of MST3K z-movies. Otherwise Blood and Black Lace was the last quality thing I watched, very coherent for the genre. Bava never misses

Arabella and just keep cooming
I want to FUCK Jessica Harper
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Don't forget to watch All Hallows' Eve for even more Art the Clown. I'd probably go Terrifier then All Hallows' Eve followed by Terrifier 2 but the timeline is probably more like All Hallows' Eve last despite that anthology coming out years earlier.
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Lol I'll pass
I remember Terrifier being pretty solid and recommending it to friends at the time. Terrifier 2 is just fucking awesome, despite what tastemakers will have you believe
>9. In the Folds of the Flesh
This won the next round
>Terrifier 2 is just fucking awesome
It's a little too on the nose with its try hard quirkyness
I suggested making a "/hor/core" chart of movies that are beloved and get rec'd a lot here, but other anons said our tastes can vary too much.
2 is my favorite so far.
Second the rec of All Hallow's Eve if you want more Art the Clown after watching the Terrifier movies.
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Sir, the only reason to watch Terrifier 2 is she.
Seen 55 of these so far. Some of the others are classics I've intentionally put off watching so I have more movies to explore in the future.
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>samefagging and posting the same 100×200 resolution picture
Roastie jeet man needs to step it up.
>try hard quirkyness
in what way? I mean they had to lean into the killer clown schtick at least a little
He wasn't all goofy in All Hallows Eve or T1. T2 went overboard with the strong female thing and it went into quirky territory. I still enjoyed watching it, cause it wasn't fully woke, we will see with T3. T3 will also determine the point of T2 was to lean into wokeness reddit territory.
This is the jeet.
Don't even respond.
I'd have to watch the first again to make that comparison but I could see the director wanting to liven him up more. I'll also be sad if T3 is woke, there's nothing I love more than watching white women be filleted
>I'd have to watch the first again to make that comparison but I could see the director wanting to liven him up more.
You do that. But All Hallows Eve 1 and 2 and T1 were serious tone. T2 went into strong female (wonder woman) and added quirkiness. There isn't anything to argue here. Even the violence in T2 was comedic while T1 and All Hallows Eve were serious.
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If you think Terrifier 1 had no comedy at all you're retarded.
You're also retarded because you're a jeet.
>but I could see the director wanting to liven him up more.
The director wasn't "want to living him up more." The director wanted to have it be mass appeal, unlike T1 and All Hallow's Eve.
The samefagging never ends.
Cute and based trips
>no Smile (2022)
>recommend me some modern horror
>just watch the news :^)
What samefagging? lol
it is hilarious, this place is like reddit. Anons like you try so hard to enforce some kind of culture here.
>The director wanted to have it be mass appeal
Which would make sense as to why he gave Art more personality. also how is that an issue unless you're some faggot tastemaker that gets mad when a normie makes an social media post about a film you enjoyed?
We're not going through this again. Just post like a normal person. You don't need to reply multiple times, you don't need to reply to yourself, and you don't need to bring up reddit every 5 minutes.
The scariest part is that they murdered his actual kid in the hospital. Shit like that really happens.
>why he gave Art more personality.
That makes sense, guess he went with the quirky personality. Either way, the tone of T2 was for sure different than the previous movies. More light hearted and comedic.
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Why is Stuart Gordon so fuckin kino
Bubble economy made anime a legitimate achievement. Akira was and still is considered one of the greatest movies of all time.
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Enjoy getting BLACKED and BROWNED?
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>Shit like that really happens.
Of course it does
I watch horror to get away from the real scary shit like the news.
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>I’m no child but I can’t help wonder, it seems like some kinda spell you’re under…
I watched the presidential debate knowing it it would be peak comedy but also the horror of living in a dying civilization.
Those two Junji Ito horror anthology animes are good. Still waiting for Uzumaki anime to be released.
Was rewatching Texas Chainsaw Massacre the other day, and I realized how the scene where the gas station manager feigns that he's going to help Sally and then comes back in with a rope and bag is so genuinely terrifying to me in a way that my male partner doesn't get.

I'm curious, for my fellow femme horror fans out there, which scenes hit different for you?
Is this a pasta? Where's it from? Spacing makes me think it's reddit.
They should have made Toy Newkirk play Velma from Scooby Doo in a live action.
I don't know what I expected but this wasn't it. I originally ignored it for so long because of its in-your-face cyan/magenta aesthetic that is so obviously used to just cheaply copy and paste a sentiment or mood. But then I read people on /hor/ mention that it was a Lovecraft adaptation so I wanted to give it a shot. It felt like a patchwork pastiche of so many other horror movies and it suffered from not knowing how to make all of the parts fit. I know the story it was based off of was written almost 100 years ago but it feels like a bootleg version of VanderMeer's "The Southern Reach Trilogy" (the books that Annihilation was based off of.) It's strange to watch a movie adaptation of a story that was written before it's perfected counterpart yet was made after said counterpart. There was no meaning or psychology to anything in it; neither the characters nor the plot. Things are just "weird and fucked up" because "a rock fell from space" instead of (as Annihilation does so well) a thoughtful depiction of what evolution, change, regeneration and death might look like from a passive, impartial consciousness that is not human.

As a side note, the mix of set design and CGI are just terrible, in my opinion. From the perspective of craft alone, the complete package looks terrific. But everything looked and felt fake in a very empty and soulless way. The CG and color adjustments were over the top fantastical and everything that wasn't CG was poorly thought out and soulless prop/set design. The mix between the two just gave the aesthetic such an empty feeling.
Never watched this but it would’ve been kino had Richard Stanley ended up actually directing The Island of Dr. Moreau.
watching Urban Legend, Alicia Witt is so pretty
>Richard Stanley

Holy shit I saw his name in the credits but didn't realize it was THAT guy. I watched that documentary about his failed attempt at "The Island of Dr. Moreau" years ago and I assumed he just faded into obscurity after that. Good for him for landing on his feet. He seemed like exactly the type of misanthropic weirdo who I wish was given more opportunities to make mainstream art.
It's a real anon, just ventured off from Reddit.
>black male white female
The amount of pozzed shit NPCs sit through and watch with no issue is hilarious.
The problem is there's almost nothing coming out anymore without that nonsense.
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>The problem
The problem is you're a simp cuck who just watches it anyways. I turn shit off it is pozzed. Some of you cucks sat through a theater showing of Imaginary.
This stuff is bad for the mind and the soul. People shouldn't watch that if they aren't already very fucked up.
Are you fucking kidding me?

I love this movie, the whole thing is creepy as fuck.

Some things you just can’t explain.
People shouldnt watch Blacked. Yet here we are.
>People shouldnt watch Blacked
Didn't even finish the rest of your post. You're retarded and wrong and should jump off of a freeway overpass during rush hour.
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>if they aren't already very fucked up.
been "fucked up" since I was a kid
blacked is hot affff
Yup, that’s exactly who it was. I’m glad he got his chance to actually make something, regardless of whether or not it’s actually good.
You k>>200815441
>blacked is hot affff
It's been several minutes since I've last worshipped a nigger. When I haven't bowed to a shitskin and kissed his feet I break out in a cold sweat. I get hives. My stomach gets all twisted up. I don't feel like myself. The depression takes over. Pure anguish. Most people need oxygen and water to live. I need oxygen, water and nigger worship.
My day isn't complete unless my hard earned money goes directly into a nigger's pocket. My life isn't complete until a nigger's hard dick shoots cum directly into my underaged daugthers pussy. If my knees aren't peppered with asphalt from kneeling in front of an intellectually, emotionally, and physically superior black king they quiver below as my weakness culminates. My lip quivers, my eyes fill with water and I get this lump in my throat. You know that feeling when your dog dies? That feeling when you have to watch a loved one depart? I go through these motions any time a nigger goes back to his baby mama crib with unkissed feet.
It's my civic duty. It's OUR civic duty. It's the right thing to do. It's called

This movie made me think of CabinAnon and RE7
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What an underwhelming reveal. i want my 50 minutes back
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kys faggots
Probably a slight difference between a sex scene and disgusting torture porn
Did mom allow you to curse online?
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>Probably a slight difference between a sex scene
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>Pajeet who won't stop talking about interracial sex and won't stop posting his strange fetish images
>Faggot who is offended by "torture porn"
What the hell happened to this general?
>Implying blacked isn't disgusting
Most people aren't /pol/ snowflakes triggered by interracial sex no
>Is grossed out by violent horror movies himself
>Calls others "snowflakes" for finding interracial sex to be gross
... No, no it isn't. That's the point
It's actually pretty ironic
>Gets triggered by violent movies
>Calls others snowflakes
You are a "snowflake" yourself
I can't help you understand sorry
Anon, you are literally "disgusted" by so-called "torture porn" movies, you are a snowflake.
Good luck out there
>Still denying he's a snowflake
Keep crying over da torture porn movies, anon.
Torture porn is bad, yes.
This general attracts autism.
We need to Make /hor/ Comfy Again
You are a easily offended queer, yes
Dude you need to stop or you're going to end up feeling bad about yourself lol take the L before you get responded to seriously
>take the L
That's why you are so offended by "torture porn", you are a zoomer
Snowflake does mean simply being "offended" or "disgusted". It applies only to an overreaction to something that most people consider neither.
Most people consider torture porn offensive and disgusting. Someone is not a "snowflake" for being one of these people.
You shouldn't need this explained, but over the course of 30 minutes and insistently posting about it thinking you're killing it, this simple nuance hasn't occurred to you once.
You are one of the stupidest people alive and need to have an epiphany about it instead wasting threads.
You're talking to more than one person by the way
*Snowflake doesn't mean
Great to typo when trying to explain something as simply possible to this retard
If you find violent movies so offensive that you use faggy terms like "torture porn", you are a snowflake, especially if you bitch about said movies in a horror movie thread
Yeah I figured it was a waste of time, you're never going to get it because you're impossibly stupid. But it's time to stop posting about it and shut the fuck up
>Yes, I do call everything I don't like "porn", and I do bitch about violent films in a thread for horror movies, but I'm not a snowflake I swear!
Most people aren't offended by violent movies, shit like Terrifier and Saw are popular as fuck. You are a snowflake
Snowflake post.
The "torture porn' subgenre is naturally controversial, so a pretty sizeable number of people will be repulsed or just not get anything from it. It's not because you're a horror fan that you must like every subgenre.
You aren't going to get it, move on
According to your post, a snowflake is someone is easily offended by things most people do not find offensive, he overreacts,
that is exactly what you are.
>Terrifier, Saw, and Hostel are extremely popular
>People are offended by torture porn though
I had a mid opinion of The First Omen after seeing it but it's still in my head weeks later
Might have been better than I thought and I intellectualized it too much
You realize the fact that you can't move on at any cost is because you realize deep down that getting called stupid every time you post isn't a normal experience and you're desperate to prove something despite being incapable of it?
Move it
Yes, Saw and Hostel franchises are popular. And there's also a lot of people who have no interest in watching these kind of films. There's also a lot of people who are averse to Marvel. I don't see what's hard to understand.
So you're implying that snowflake means something else now? Because I'm going off the same meaning you described earlier.
Most people do not get so offended by violent films, that they call them "porn" and cry over them in a horror movie thread on a chinese cartoon website. That is snowflake behavior. Most people would simply not watch the movies, and wouldn't write paragraphs about them being "bad for your soul".
>"Most people are offended by violent films, that's why Saw got so popular it got 10 sequels which got increasing violent for awhile"
Seems like torture porn can't be offending too many people honestly
NTA but wait, you're saying people should watch Blacked? What the fuck is wrong with you?
If you watched it again, you'd realized the first reaction was right. It has some visual lush and the girl is cute, but it's very forced in its franchise tie-ins, spook clichés and plot developments.
Also, it's a deeply feminist and anti-catholic movie.
Yeah he did, I told you hor is reddit af
He thinks torture porn is disgusting, yet is perfectly fine with interracial sex
Fuck off pajeet
Now I understand all the shilling for X
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I made a Mega that collects all of the /hor/ charts I've ever come across. I used to post it more frequently but I don't really like visiting these threads much anymore. Here it is, though:
X is literally on the same level of blacked, btw. It's only natural people feel so stronlgy against it.
How does that black dick taste?
Imagine actually typing that disgusting shit out. Fuck off you blacked obsessed freak
Same with MaXXXine, which is what the old X shills have moved on to.
Then stop mentioning Blacked movies in this general.

Mr. Harrigan's Phone
Halloween Ends


I literally was talking about how I don't like interracial shit you retarded pajeet, and then you randomly typed out some gay interracial fetish shit

Feminist Cuck Crybaby
Don't forget X and Bodies Bodies Bodies
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>I literally was talking about how I don't like interracial shit
That does not sound American at all.
>Watching Star Wars
That's just as bad as watching interracial shit
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I think I’ve seen all the good found footage. This shit kept putting me to sleep, andI wanted mole man claustrophobia kino. I guess its preferential to obnoxious 20-somethings like in Grave Encounters or Hell House LLC but fuck its dry.
they posted it because the chink poster took the black dude out
Americans love getting Blacked lol
i just noticed they took chewbacca out too lol
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hey soifag sodomite, you still in here with the 80's cock lodged in your throat lol?
lol American are so degenerate, they fuck their family pets too. Makes sense they love torture porn.
Grave mental illness: The image
>Negro Piss Man is here and he is still posting his gay fetishes
>The gay guy who hates 1980s movies is here
>Some faggots crying over "torture porn" are here
This is the average /hor/ thread now. Grim
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What horror movies am I allowed to like?
>American are so degenerate
This is what Americans see as humor.
>hehe look at me! im eating out toilet bowl! ~~
No wonder modern hor films are so shit. The Watchers was terrible and that other recent female directed film that just came out that is le trauma.
Thank you chartanon
Jesus Christ you're still not over X?
There's no way this tortureporn enjoyer is still going
What the actual fuck
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Forgot to attach the pic.
People warned that /hor/ should only be around on Halloween season...
Look at the lack of collagen and youthful suppleness on her face. And don't forget that dead roastie stare.
Disregard that fag and any other faggy contrarian, nitpicker, gatekeeper etc. Like what you like and talk about the movies you want to talk about
Kinos that give this vibe?
I just don't want to see woke, blacked, cucked or feminist films on /hor/.
Maybe you should stop confusing it for /pol/ then
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>want to watch a movie with a specific "feel"
>don't know what movies will give me that feel
Annoying, happens to me all the time. Want something with a comfy Halloween feel like Creepshow 2. Maybe I should just rewatch something tonight if I can't decide.
This pic is the epitome of the life of a post- wall female. Still desperate for attention but dead inside. Adult in age but still a dumb child mentally.
Getting a Letterbox might help. I'm bad at remembering movies otherwise.
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>comfy Halloween feel
simpsons treehouse of horror
So don't, retard. Discuss the movies you enjoy and don't focus on those you dislike. Also stop obsessing over black dicks already
I use it but my watchlist is so large that it's hard to decide on something.
Might be better if I start making smaller lists for different moods. Only issue is it's hard to categorize the movies before I watch them.
Without a list I'd be completely lost.
The Ninth Gate?
Not a bad idea. I plan to watch some Halloween specials this October for max comfiness.
Tales from Halloween
Tales from the Darkside movie
Any Amicus anthology (say Dr. Terror's House of Horrors)
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ah nice one soifag, how's the 80's cock taste today lol?
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preferably not 80's douchebag retro horror, that other poor cunt is just pissed that he can't get away with being an 80's cock sholck sucker
>preferably not 80's douchebag retro horror, t
There are not that many good 80's horror. If you start watching horror from the 40s and start going up by decades, things turned pretty shit in the 80s. Stupid goofy funky disco negros in every classic 80s horror.
Quiet, troon
I'll watch this eventually because it gets rec'd a lot. Thanks for the rec.
Seen all of these except a couple Amicus anthologies I have left. That's the kinda stuff I wanted though, thanks.
I've kinda decided. Do you bros prefer Halloween 5 or Halloween H20? Neither movie is too long and they should have the Halloweeny feels I'm looking for.
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>things turned pretty shit in the 80s.
try telling this douchebag lol>>200821629
>Horror became better in the 21st century
>Horror films should not show excessive gore
>Horror films should contain metaphors
This is all true, cope and seethe
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>trying to have an actual conversation about watching movies in this pit of autism
Are there any other better places for horror film discussion? I fucking hate this general
Holy based
5 for Pleasance/Harris
It wasn't always like this.
She is a Jew lmao
You know where, now go there.
Why would I go somewhere that's just as bad, if not worse, than here? You fucking retard
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No clue.
I don't understand what's so appealing about constantly spamming the horror general with ESL garbage but apparently it's better than acting like adult men. Maybe the point is so we have nowhere to discuss horror, idk.
I'll go with 5 then. Loved Halloween 4.
Not sure if it's just /hor/ or if its the whole board but it's fucking unusable.
It's atmospheric and creepy. The mothman did nothing wrong.
It's the whole site. This place gets worse every year, it's almost unusable now
Cause you would fit in better there. You are like those Californian people who move to Texas and then bring their politics there tooo.
sounds like midsommar or hereditary
You don't know how many times I've stopped myself from making a Blood For Dracula shitpost and said "Nah, no one here will get it."
If you watch Friday the 13th series, they were all pretty rural and outdoorsy, then in the 80s, the movies were full of annoying africans.
>Tfw you lose an argument
Kill yourself subhuman. Actually die please. I want you to die in agony.
No the site is actually becoming unusable
Case in point >>200821915
This guy. This is the guy that ruins these generals. If anyone should go back to readdit, it is this guy. He is the one that brings his woke politics in to the thread and when called out for it, he asks "but what is woke??" in bad faith.
Kill yourself
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>Not sure if it's just /hor/ or if its the whole board but it's fucking unusable.
From my perspective, most boards on this site have gotten worse. /hor/ is a special case, though, because the decline was very quick. Seems like it turned to shit like everybody predicted it would soon after it was made a daily general. Part of me worries that the spammers are people who are actively ruining threads as a form of protest because they want this general to remain annual. I hope that's not the case. Destroying /hor/ is not the answer.
I like it a lot. Udo Kier is great in everything, and though I like his performance in Flesh for Frankenstein a bit more, I like Blood for Dracula better overall. The tone of both of those films is so sleazy but so funny.
This is becoming an imageboard for retarded third-worlders and the decline in quality is clear.
IP ranges in India and Africa and shit should be banned. Someone get the admins on this.
See? Look at posts I tagged, this homosexual white cuck says I make this thread "unusable" when I call him out for his blacked cuck fantasies or when I tell people the movies have too many Africans in it. This guy loves getting BLACKED.
>Destroying /hor/ is not the answer.
Remove those who have a blacked fetish and those that pretend to not know what woke is.
Kill yourself jeet. You are the "woke." You are the subversive filth entering our threads. You are the filth ruining our world. You are so retarded and filthy that you bring us down by simply existing. Please end yourself.
>art of me worries that the spammers are people who are actively ruining threads as a form of protest because they want this general to remain annual. I hope that's not the case
It's more than that. They just want to destroy /hor/ entirely. Welcome to the new Internet full of Indians.
Here's whag actually happens
>*black people*
>/hor/: Please shut the fuck up
>/hor/: It's really not a big deal
>You: Oh so you're saying you enjoy Blacked
>You for the next year: We have to get rid of all these Blacked fetishists
>our threads.
This is public forum. You want to be a mod, stick to your discord and /horror.
Kill yourself Indian
Kill yourself NOW
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>>/hor/: It's really not a big deal
thats /horror. not /hor/
Kill yourself Indian
I was a huge Paul Morrissey fan back in the day and really only found out about Blood for Dracula and Flesh for Frankenstein by virtue of his other films. You think Blood for Dracula is sleazy? Try checking out Trash, Women in Revolt or Flesh. Not /hor/ at all but they are off the wall weird, subversive and sleazy. Morrissey is an amazing director and such an anomaly. He was a devout Catholic who never touched drugs but hung out with and made films about drug addict gays and trans people.
Unlike you, that girl got shocked while you jizzed your pants.
good for the first half, then falls apart when it tried to have a overall plot/storyline
>Blacked fetishists
yup, thats /hor/ all right. Right now I am on only non-blacked fetishist, but sometimes there are others like me and that's when it is really /hor/ vs r/horror in here.
Your terrible ESL writing is so funny sometimes. The only times you're ever funny is when it's unintentional.
Actual ESL babble
You'd think he would get better at English when he's spending so much time spamming in here. Practice doesn't always make perfect.
Yeah, my experience was the reverse in that my first experience was Blood for Dracula and Flesh for Frankenstein, but his idiosyncrasies pique my interest. I'll have to give his other work a look.
Despite the spergs, contrarians etc there's always some good discussions going on
>An undocumented laborer from India, bled to death when his arm was cut off by a piece of farm equipment. The landowner abandoned the bleeding worker and failed to call an ambulance.
Yeah, but I feel it's getting worse by the month. Soon /hor/ might end up a /film/ level of shithole
>Soon /hor/ might end up a /film/ level of shithole
You guys keep circle jerking each other with that 80's cock up your ass not knowing you guys ruined hor with your love of Blacked.
It's you, you faggot. You spam the S0l chart, the wall/reddit comments etc etc. Anything that causes a stir, racebait, all of that is you
As if you guys don't circlejerk woke movies.
Baking new bread
New bread
Speaking of Soi, Mark Ruffalo looks onions as hell. Even the way he talks.
Thanks for sharing that link
Good luck having any discussion if 80s cock lodge faggot AND negro piss man are spamming simultaneously.
I hate this brownie so much it’s unreal.
Seeing them interact is insane. It's like looking into a special needs classroom.
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frens, what makes horror so comfy? unlike any other genre

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