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80s horrorkino edition
Previous thread: >>200798521
Don't respond to ESL spammers
First. As usual.
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hey soifag sodomite, you still in here with the 80's cock lodged in your throat lol?
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Best torture porn horror films?
Probably, but it's an african dick, that's for sure.
Love this movie, always had a crush on the daughter. That uncle Rico was a lucky fucker
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horror truly is the basedest (s o y est if it has some gay word it changes it to) of genres
Is this a bot? Why does it make the same reply every thread?
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all day everyday
>you’re not supposed to like things
>Replying to spammers
Fucking idiots
She was kino in this and Amityville 2.
I’ll do what I want. Look, I reply to faggots too.
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>American soi boi numales
The best zombie movie
Try refining your palate before deciding on whether you actually like something or not first.
I do what I want too. Look, I reply to african dick enjoyers too.
I fucking love TerrorVision. What a unique, fucked up volcano of insanity it is.
Every '80s horror flick deserves its own theme song.
Is that you waiting for your bbc?
Shut up fag. Don't you have some AIDS to contract?
Yeah that theme song gets stuck in my head all the time. I love the tone of the movie and the 180 it takes when they befriend the monster kek
Kino theme
Define "torture porn"
Stuff like Saw, or stuff like Guinea Pig?
its jack nicholson from kubricks version of the shining.......
At some point the movie derail completely and starts to look as if someone shred the real script and let his 5 year old write the rest with crayons. And it's a good thing.
un perdador
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/hor/ at the premier of Longlegs.
He is Gen Alpha and doesn't recognize The Shining.
the eighties had a lot of great horror-

They Live
Prince of Darkness
Exorcist III
Nightmare on Elm Street
Frankenhooker (more of a horror comedy)
Repossessed (also more of a horror comedy, but combines with Exorcist and Exorcist III to complete the trilogy)
The Thing
The Fog
Near Dark
Friday the 13th and Friday the 13th part 2

And Warlock deserves and honorable mention, the faceprint scene is one of the greatest moments in cinema history
I see Longlegs will also be another no-no film to praise...
This guy STILL can't take out that 80's cock lodged in his throat.
I wish there were more movies in this vein that are completely self aware of how batshit insane over the top they are and lean into it wholeheartedly. Terrorvision is a movie that knows exactly what it is and plays it up to the fullest degree.
>STILL can't take out that 80's cock lodged in his throat.
What do you think the open mouth of the soi boi is for?
young plebian has time to learn
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80s /hor/ chart
Still a lot of good ones missing from it
wtf, the predator?
Whoever made the chart threw in a few "horror adjacent" ones like that. Guess he was going for variety.
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>Friday the 13th and Friday the 13th part 2
These were good, 1-6 were pretty good.
>Exorcist III
The 80's overall had too much funk. Nothing was serious. The loosey goosey idgaf attitude of the negro was starting to infect everything. 80's was when the hardcore negrification of American really ramped up. Eddie Murphy, Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon and others were major weapons of mass propaganda.
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Look, OP, if you're gonna hang out and guzzle my heinies, the least you could do is give me a hand here
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>80's was when the hardcore negrification of American really ramped up.
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>The loosey goosey idgaf attitude of the negro was starting to infect everything.
Hollywood in the 80s started to love showing africans as cool and hip.
We didn't ask for an essay about Hollywood from a pajeet.
horror became more mainstream in the eighties. there were still 'serious' horror movies (the Shining, Prince of Darkness, The Thing, for example) but there were also 'casual' horror movies that were big hits (Gremlins, Critters, etc).

I think the eighties is where we saw a split between 'summer blockbuster' horror and more 'serious' horror. Jaws is great, but it was so successful that other directors and producers wanted summer blockbuster horror movies. you get more and bigger subgenres of horror- the WTF horror of Cronenberg and Lynch, the big boob slasher horror of Friday the 13th and its clones, the 'serious' horror of Carpenter. every successful horror movie had half a dozen low budget direct to video clones
Please jump in front of oncoming traffic >>200820185
Go ahead and discuss it with ppl who want to talk about it regardless of their opinion on the movie. Ignore the reeeeee it sucks types
>two Suzy generals in a row
>horror became more mainstream in the eighties.
I think it is when "they" took their gloves off and went all in with the propaganda. I think simply based on the mainstream movies of the 80s, the demographic change in USA was hard to ignore and movies could start showing it how it is. The heavy propaganda helped to shape public opinion by showing africans as cool and hip and friendly and likeable and popular so people wouldn't say thing when in reality crime was going up. In small towns, I read in the news that diversity was enforced with a gun.
The closest that comes to mind is Troma movies. But aside from that? Hard to say. Maybe something like Return of the Living Dead, but that's still a different feel.
It may sound completely random, but there's a Sega Genesis game that gives me very similar vibes. A fucked up family in an expensive (but ugly) house with lots of cartoony spooky shit happening. It has some really twisted sense of humor and unironically great animations.
>directors and producers wanted summer blockbuster horror movies.
Yeah, 80s definitely saw an explosion blockbusters. I assume due to huge population boom with immigration, there were more people that could buy tickets and studios made movies for it.
Did you see the youtube video of the premier?
watched Friday the 13th part 4, why does Jason's face look more cheap and worse with every movie? They nailed it with the one in part 2
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I don't watch that kind of stuff, I'm only interested in the film
there is a movie/documentary titled Horror Noire, about black film makers in the horror genre you might enjoy

what happened with African American culture was partly liberal propaganda- the big civil rights leaders of the sixties (MLK Jr, Malcolm X) were republicans because they knew democrats pretended to want to help black people. welfare and social programs are designed to keep people on welfare- social workers (who are democrats) get paid based on the number of people they work with, welfare agencies get funding based on the number of people on welfare. LBJ started the Vietnam War to end the civil rights movement, white people stopped marching for civil rights when LBJ started sending their kids to die in Vietnam. democrats got rid of vocational programs in high schools, before LBJ black and hispanic students could learn a trade in high school and became mechanics or plumbers or electricians when they graduated. the liberal plan was to stop teaching history and civics to black children, make sure black people had to be on welfare, and then black people had to vote democrat to get funding for welfare. Reagan tried to slow down the democrats' plan, and democrats doubled down on it and started teaching kids that republicans are racist

the Romero zombie films have a lot of social commentary, including commentary on race.
Reminder that Longlegs has a big interactive campaign going on with scattered clues throughout the internet, you can follow the trail before watching the movie:
>The marketing campaign for Neon’s “Longlegs” is the most ambitious for a horror movie in recent times. There’s a zodiac killer-level secret code spread in The Seattle Times, a phone number you can dial in to hear star Nicolas Cage whisper threats in a creepy voice (and as advertised on a Los Angeles billboard), and the eerie and elusive trailers and teasers that have dropped so far, mostly leaving Cage’s satanic serial killer out of the bag.
>the Romero zombie films have a lot of social commentary, including commentary on race.
This. Yet I remember discussions here from people pretending there is not. People asking bad faith questions like "when did romera say he likes black people" and that random black guy even in a 1967 Night of the Living Dead.
>what happened with African American culture was partly liberal propaganda- the big civil rights leaders of the sixties (MLK Jr, Malcolm X) were republicans because they knew democrats pretended to want to help black people. welfare and social programs are designed to keep people on welfare
MLK was a socialist and Malcolm X gave up on black independence when he realized the quality of life for his people would almost certainly end up like that of African nations. I don't think it's a democrat conspiracy making them that way when every example of their work ethic around the world and throughout history points exactly the same way. A conservative culture with a black population looks like Africa.
That rooftop fight is probably the best scene in that entire movie
I want to get hyped up for LongLegs but it's hard to. I just saw the newest 1 minute trailer and the tiny female FBI agent and negro FBI agent don't inspire much hope in me. Add to the fact the main actress acting shocked at the end of the trailer in the interview room when she is supposed to be a trained, cool and calm agent is just too fantasy to me. She's acting too emotional to be handling the case. Replace her with a male actor and remove the negro.
Or it's crime scene. Either way, the dumb bitch couldn't keep her cool.
Blacks don't even know what blacks are like when no other races are around. That's the most insane thing. Without other races, blacks would still be in the stone age. Africa would be like a museum exhibit.
>Don't respond to ESL spammers
kek what a wacky thang
The reason silence is the lambs worked was because Jodie Foster looks like a man. The girl in this movie is a girl.
apparently the sequels aren't connected to the original. or very good according to more knowledgeable anons.
I'm watching NEOS and the decline in USA is VERY noticeable. The movie was released in 1985 and it is so different from James Stewart films in the 60s or 70s. The teen boys in NOES are shown as shy and awkward around girl. There is 0 masculinity in the movie. These are mass market movies and definitely shape public actions. Young boys watch this and think it's normal to be shy and lack leadership when handling females. 40 years later, we have simp culture and men buying canned farts of streamers. I think in the 80s we also started getting college teen sex films.
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>Romero and Race in his Dead Trilogy
The messaging behind the black hero getting blasted at the end of Night is fairly obvious. I wonder what he's trying to convey with the other black protagonists though? There's even a segment in Dawn where they're clearing out a ghetto. I should check those out again.
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i can't stop laughing, someone copy pasted my post from the other thread and you're so butthurt you can't deep throat the 80's cock and not look like a faggot lol.
>I wonder what he's trying to convey with the other black protagonists though?
Sometimes it's the zombies as a stand-in for blacks.
Day of the Dead has Logan (Dr. Frankenstein) as the ultra-liberal who thinks he can integrate zombies with the living and Rhodes as the ultra-conservative who doesn't want to exist anywhere near the zombies, and the left-leaning centirst characters who mean well but do nothing and allow the liberal policies to destroy the compound and lead to the right radicalizing against them
Yeah ....lol this is why I don't like Romero films. Pozzed af. Overrated. Big budget sure, so it got attention but now in 2024, it's nothing but propaganda.
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>stars black man
>written by gay man
>excellent horror film
eternal idpol crybaby B.T.F.O!
Speaking of race, here is aryanbacon in Poland. Video is making sounds on internet.
What a fuckin' babe. Cyndi Lauper did God's work.
That video reminded me of the brown ESL invading our general every day. Hopefully he gets killed.
Nonsense. You're concern trolling
lol i should date a jeet just to attract fucking losers like this dude. Let him talk for a minute & then a little stab stab stab, enjoy being the end of your precious genetic line loser lol
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Kill off-topic posters. Behead off-topic posters. Slam dunk an off-topic poster through a table like they're M3GAN.
Holy fuck. I always thought Romero was a bit of a hack after Land of the Dead, but this some nice social commentary. Now I really gotta watch his movies again

>Clive Barker was gay
No wonder Hellraiser was so sexual. They really should let gay men write more horror stories because modern horror could really use some passion. Generational trauma and women issues are so overdone.

What does NEOS stand for?
Dude ain't a loser though. He is famous. His name is aaryanbacon. What do you do that is most important than him. Hitler started from somewhere too lol. This aaryanbacon is active af. How is he a loser? Cus he has action while u larp online? He would fight you. Lol him and his gang of streamers are pretty active. They Hans our fliers and shit. Irl activitism. What do u do
Saar do not redeem
wew lad what an embarrassing retard you are
>They Hans our fliers and shit.
They hand out fliers. Greenblatt and dr Fauci mentioned him too cause he called them out hard.
You can't call aaryanbacon a loser lol. Guy does like 10 hours a week educatijg normies on the state of USA. What do u do.
Nightmare On Elm Street.
Saaaar do not redeeeem
Calling me "Saar" trying to in group signal like a NPC beta lol. Gypsycrusader spent 2 years in jail cus he was redpilling people.
Good morning saar
Keep saying that while you keep getting blacked and browned.
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If you could wish a sequel into existence for a film that never got one (with a guarantee it'd be cool), what would it be?
Not only did USA get a huge population book of Negros. It also for a huge influx of browns in the 80s. There was a Cuban crime wave in the 80s. USA is a cesspool.
>fucking losers like this dude.
Dudes a Chad lol. Total r selected. Rare for a white dude. Definitely more alpha than u with your simp comment.
Trying to ingroup signal so hard after getting called out for being a weak cuck.
Why are you still seething? Are you seriously that mad?
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Stop replying to him. You're an off-topic poster as well.
Maybe the F13 remake, just so there would be another F13.
kek that's cheating but I'll allow it. surely that mess must be destined to be fixed but I keep reading conflicting reports about it.
Not mad. As much as npc normie culture is real, it is always funny when you see multiple users acting like NPCs. You and the other anon is shit taking aaryanbacon yet irl you wouldn't say shit for sure. You just want to ride the coat tails of those actually doing some activism and in group signal when get called out for being weak beta. I'm not mad. I see many convos like this on 4chan. Cuck NPC or Redditor gets called out and immediately does what u do. Pulls the white card or something.
>Not mad.
You came back after a half hour to continue raging because somebody insulted a random e-celeb you have a crush on. You're mad.
Not reading the rest of your post because it's more seethe. Can we ban you for being underage? Because you're clearly not 18 yet.
I ain't mad. Soi cucks like you are entertaining to me. Who else do I reign over if people like you did not exist lol.
Lmao the cope. Thanks for the laugh. Now go to bed, champ.
>You came back after a half hour to cont-ACK!
>I ain't mad. Soi cucks like you are entert-ACK!
Sorry but it's funny that the reply pissed him off so bad he was still thinking about it a half hour later.
the crazies 2010
You soicucks love to circle jerk
would that be a "what happens after the zombie apocalypse" type film? I've seen it but don't really remember how it ended.
>"Trans women are women"
Figured I could choose the F13 remake since you opened with the Thirteen Ghosts remake. There technically hasn't been a sequel to either of those, they're just not the first in their "franchise" either.
I thought of a non remake answer. Cloverfield. They've done other "Cloverfield" movies but never an actual follow up to Cloverfield with the Clover monster again. Think they were talking about actually doing it finally though.
basically 28 days later but set in the us
nta, but since the mains escaped to the next town, which has the outbreak as well, the government might just MOAB them to shit right at the start instead of waiting as the saw what happened with the previous town.
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man I forgot it's a remake, I have it sitting on my computer and just haven't seen it yet. the poster actually looks quite creepy though.
I need to rewatch Cloverfield, wasn't that impressed with it originally but I wasn't really into ff when it came out. but a lot of people list it as one of their fav ff films.
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Frankenhooker 2
Wasn't the 'ghost viewer' just polarized glasses that meant you could see the ghosts on screen when you wore them? Otherwise you would see nothing. Clever idea.
We need to RETVRN to Castle-style theater gimmicks.
>ghetto in dawn
At the time, horror movies were more often than not elevated or depicted the academic, intellectual class or upper class. Romero was sympathetic to the lower classes and probably wanted to depict how an epidemic affected the tight quarters in which they live
You could see the ghosts by default, but they were more visible if you looked through one part of the viewer and they'd become invisible if you looked through the other
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apparently you can still get them.
based. I wish to be tingled.
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There's a very forgettable movie from 1999 called Virus where a salvage crew discovers a derelict Russian ship. When they get onboard, it turns out the Russian ship had been taken over by an alien signal that turned the entire crew into spare parts for a variety of cool cyborgs. Hours or so goes by, Jaime Lee Curtis doesn't look very fuckable, cyborg mayhem, ship blows up or something, and it's over. Boring and nowhere near as good as the other big ship spectacle (Deep Rising) from a year or two earlier. They used a lot of practical effects though so kudos for that.
I say repeat the scenario somewhere else. Maybe at one of those big SETI satellites in the 1980s or something? Alien beams into the computers, somebody goes crazy, and then we get some nice scenes of people being carved up for parts and turned into cyborgs. All practical effects with some special effect artist going crazy with as many batshit designs as they can cram on screen. Real wacky shit like multiple people being fused together and then bolted to a spider tank so it has no blind spots. Maybe even someone gets turned into a big fuck off gun and the good guy gets to use it against the cyborgs in some big battle? That's sort of starting to get into Psycho Goreman territory but you really can't go wrong with a hypothetical.
Damn, that's pretty brutal
I've been meaning to see that one. and Hardware.

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