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House Stokeworth of Stokeworth edition
prev >>200808275
I am entitled to a wife from the Summer Isles (I love black women)
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I NEED sex from:
monke old
There's more but I would be satisfied with the above
So could she be Bloodraven’s ancestor?
Loving sex with Alicent and Helaena
Playful sex with Monke
Rough sex with Alys
Intense sex with old Rhaenyra
why would she be related to blood raven
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these two are definitely still out there, no?
what did I think of last episode?
>these two are definitely still out there, no?

NOT CANON..... in the show.....
> Viserys got all kinds of injuries from looking at the throne the wrong way
> Aegon treats it like a chaise lounge
Sure, sure.
I dont see the appeal of Queen Manchin
Vaegon was the biggest chud in Targ history. He should've been king. I find the idea of Claimant no. 9 to be interesting because it must have been difficult to trace his lineage
autism and big tits
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i hate how plastic the throne looks in this pic. if you want to make the point that aegon doesn't get hurt by the chair, the chair needs to actually look capable of hurting someone
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If the greens are the baddies why is their queen such a heckin cutie patootie??? >>200814059
incredibly retarded and gay, keep your reddit theories where you found them
padded breeches

Incredibly intelligent and patrician, share your /tv/ theories more good sir.
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So we are geting more harenhall visions in future, right? Dany and her brother among them
She's so breedable anon. If I were Aegon I will keep her pregnant all the time.
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It seems like GRRM is obsessed with describing the failures of politics to the point that he is incapable of resolving the game of thrones especially if that would involve a strong and popular leader paving the way for unity and peace.
This may be the fundamental reason why he will never finish the books.
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I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing that. Not sure if its true or not, but its a harmless post related to the show this thread is about. Thanks!
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I watched a youtube video where a guy made the argument that GRRMs worldview is so bleak and postmodern libshit that he will never be able to come up with anything deeper than "lol none of this mattered."
The only saving grace for ASOIAF is if Stannis wins.
so did he fuck her or not
>The only saving grace for ASOIAF is if Stannis wins.

What chapter in Fire & Blood is the show at right now?
I hope so
My personal opinion? He did and he definitely got a child on her. Whether that child is alive or dead is the real question in my mind. There are multiple candidates on who exactly the child could be (or maybe the child hasn't even been introduced yet). If it isn't Jon, though I'm somewhat tempted that he is and R=L actually equals D, it might possibly be Allyria
Postmodern sure but is he that bad of a libshit? Hard to imagine someone with a grasp of history like him being able to stomach the cult.
Around page 525
The read and the golden dragon in english I believe
too old
aemondchads stay winning
Thank you.
Chapter 27: More Liquidy Shits
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It is so fucking over.
I want Alys to step on my balls

I can't explain It, i just do.
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the Green aesthetic looks the coolest

anyone have a good pic of the Green soldiers with the Targaryen crest?
Winds at worldcon trust the plan, dragon cake etc
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Something for your consideration; by the end of Season 2, Episode 3 of GoT, the following events had occurred:
- The Nights Watch reached Craster's Keep, Jon and Sam met Gilly, Jon saw the baby taken by the WWs, and talked with Mormont about it.
- Ser Dontos introduced.
- Tyrion arrives in King's Landing, takes over as Hand, banishes Janos Slynt, exposes Pycelle, takes Harrenhall off the table, Varys finds Shae, and he has several conversations with Cersei, Varys and Littlefinger.
- Joffery gets slapped by Cersei for the last time and has Robert's bastards killed.
- Bran is moping about Winterfell and starts to warg into Summer.
- Stannis and all the other characters on his side are introduced, the religious friction amongst his followers explained, and Stannis fucks Melly.
- Dany is lost in the Waste and just had her horse and Rakharo die.
- Theon returned to the Iron Islands, got insulted repeatedly by Balon and Asha, and ultimately decides not to warn Robb and side with his family.
- Arya meets Gendry, Hot Pie and Jaqen, Arya saves Jaqen, Yoren dies, and the kids are taken prisoner.
- Catelyn goes to meet Renly, sees his army, meets Brienne, and Renly has some gay scenes.
- A bunch of other minor scenes with characters like Ros.
- Every character comments on what they think the Red Comet is.

Now compare that to where we currently are in the plot of this season of HotD, and remember that S2 HotD episodes are about 10 minutes longer than S2 GoT episodes, and will have 2 less episodes total than GoT. Isn't it embarrassing?
I want her to tell me when I'm gonna die, as i'm nutting in her
I desire for her to transmutate me into a toad and stuff me between her breasts
A good 20 years have passed since s1 ep1

Got jumped in the current story in ep1, hotd really starts the current events in episode 8
That makes 6 episodes of actual current day plot happening
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So if im understanding correctly, these guys are just Wylie Coyote: the house ?

dumb bad guys that exist just to get outsmarted and rekt.
Is there is single instance where they come out on top ?
A bit
>bad guys
The Blackwoods are the bad guys
it's weird that the Blackwoods win every fight but the Brackens always are about equal in strength and never get destroyed
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>winds of winter gets released on my birthday
thatd be great
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It is ironic that the Bracken account of how the feud started is probably the accurate one.
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Is your birthday the 30th of February or something
>the Bracken account of how the feud started
what is it?
Sorry, I forgot to say, I'm just comparing the events of the first three episodes of season 2 of GoT to the same from season 2 of HotD. My point being that this season has been a fucking slog so far, and far less plot and character development has happened despite having more screentime to run with per episode, and the season as a whole being shorter and needing things to actually get fucking going already.
Not just Winds. He will announce Dream is halfway done as well. We're gonna be eating so good. All the blackpillers and naysayers will be completely btfo.
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Brackens were petty kings in the riverlands, Blackwoods were hounded out of the north (by the Starks) and were taken in as bannermen by the Brackens but later grew powerful and tried to supplant them. It syncs up with what we know about events in the Age of Heroes in the riverlands and how the Blackwood came to be called the Wolfswood in the North.
They both just claim they waz kangs and the other rebelled. Why is the bracken claim more correct?
>RIP bracken twink.
He was so feminine that he almost did something for me as a straight guy
>Brackens always are about equal in strength and never get destroyed

like the loonie toons villain that comes back for another zany ploy every time a grand piano is dropped on his head or the dynamite stick blows up in his face...
why did the starks kick them out of the north?
Even if he beats the frey at the village the Boltons hold both winterfell and the dreadfort, and he has what, 5k soldiers? All starving?

I don't think he is surviving winds
>Stannis once he stabs Roose Bolton
Competing for power, and the Blackwoods were on Winterfells border early in the age of the Stark efforts to unit the north.
It's always bizarre to think that Laenor had a real shot at being king of the whole realm, and instead just ended up being Rhaenyra's beard. Imagine a Westeros where Laenor won the vote.
>Why is the bracken claim more correct?
Their religion and culture belongs in the riverlands, the Blackwoods don't, they are strangers to that land
The Blackwoods were chased out of the North by the Starks, penniless and broken. It doesn't make sense they'd be kings in the riverlands. Logically it makes more sense that the Brackens, well established in the riverlands, accepted them into their service where the Blackwoods rebuilt their power and eventually established themselves.
And this: >>200815750
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Damn, we are so back then!
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homos legalized?
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Boltons have almost no soldiers, did you forget about the North remembers?
the other northern houses backstab the boltons the the army mostly end up drowning on the frozen lake that gets bombarded with siege equipment is my guess for what happens in wow
I always thought that was a weird change for the show. The books never said or even implied Renly was gay. The Rainbow Guard is a reference to the Seven and its rainbow flag of peace.
I thought they were both smaller houses. how the fuck do they even have that many men?
>the other northern houses backstab the boltons the the army mostly end up drowning on the frozen lake that gets bombarded with siege equipment is my guess for what happens in wow

This, the battle of the bastards is tv invention and cut out the battle of the ice.
damn they must have ben mega-cunts up north to get expelled by the Starks. They didn't even do that to the Boltons.
Isn't the army at the battle of the ice mostly freys? I think the boltons have the bulk of their force at the dreadfort
they both keep a large army in case the opportunity arises to btfo the other
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Bran warged him, made him suffer mentally for murdering a toddler. Then had him walk to the weirwood tree btw
>smaller houses
They are the protagonists of westeros, everyone else is just fodder for their endless war
Also there weren't even that many men at the Burning mill. It was more like a skirmish with heavy losses.
No, Bracken and Blackwood are in the top tier of Riverlands houses, IIRC only the Freys have more troops than them. Even the Tullys have less lands and troops directly under their command than either Blackwood or Bracken despite technically being their overlord.
>it’s totally coming this year bro
Can’t wait to laugh at your pain again.
Pretty sure Stannis made fun of him for being a faggot. Jaime if I recall threatened Loras by telling him I'll shove my sword in you to places that Renly could not reach.
This is also partly why the tullys can't stop them from slaughtering each other every time a war starts
its coming. the two blogposts with titles that abbreviate down to "WoW." the dragon cake. the worldcon appearance. its real this time.
he was definitely a fag in the books and the rainbow guard is a not at all subtle nod to it.
>bro the cake
Again, can’t wait
is that house that always gets raped?
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>its real this time.
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he looks like he's getting head here
Wow seems like that cookbook really is coming together
i was like you 10 years ago
No. The one thing the show did thing was ironically be more homophobic than Jorge and imply that Renly and Loras were raging sluts (which is true, gays cannot be monogamous). In the books, there is not one mention of Renly sleeping with anyone other than Loras (that's where Stannis mentions that Margery will remain a virgin comes to play), and Loras immediately joins the KG once the Tyrells align themselves with the Lannisters, implying he doesn't want anyone but Renly.
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>a blue fucking rose
Wow, a gardening book too? He's restless this year!
Yes. The same one where Bronn makes the heiress into his wife name her bastard after Tyrion.
>blue rose in March
this was the signal that Winds was finished. he met with his publisher a month later in April.
>Tags: dreams
he was starting on Dreams, mostly with the stuff he had to cut out of Winds.
Another "WoW" title just a few weeks ago. This was the notice that final edits are complete, and it will be announced at Worldcon in August.
Not only is Winds finished, ADOS is like 1/4th or more complete as well. You guys are going to be eating your words.
Beesbury was completely in the wrong here thinking he knew Viserys better than his fucking wife
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>tfw i was like this 10 years ago and also still like this
no cope only hope
Elden ring announcement, you guys will be seething yet again.
He did tho
>You guys are going to be eating your words.
Believe me anon, nothing would make me happier
But come on now, after a decade since Dance he probably doesn't even remember why he started writing the series
The difference between show Renly+Loras and the books is hilarious. In the books they're worshipped by ladies throughout the whole realm as gigachads, have actual characters and personalities, and it's just implied through a bit of dialogue here and there that they were an item. The only line you could call close to homophobic is Cersei snidely implying that Loras got groomed into faggotry by Renly when Loras offers to squire Tommen.
Meanwhile in the show they're a pair of effeminate, blazing faggots who's chief concern is having gay sex, and everybody knows it and mocks them constantly for it, and they even added a whole subplot of Loras fucking a new boytoy and getting tortured by the church for it.
Renly in the books is a big gigachad that looks like a younger brother, it was more a matter of terrible miscast more than anything
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> N

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>so did he fuck her or not

I'd say yes, Eddard fucked Ashara and their kid is probably Jon Snow, with Rhaegar and Lyanna producing Daenerys.
>The books never said or even implied Renly was gay
gurm was too fucking subtle.
> “A year ago I was scheming to make the girl Robert’s queen,” Renly said, “but what does it matter? The boar got Robert and I got Margaery. You’ll be pleased to know she came to me a maid.”
> “In your bed she’s like to die that way.”
> “Oh, I expect I’ll get a son on her within the year. Pray, how many sons do you have, Stannis? Oh, yes—none.” Renly smiled innocently. “As to your daughter, I understand. If my wife looked like yours, I’d send my fool to service her as well.”
the parley
>"Not necessary, but some find it pleasant. What of love?"
>"When the sun has set, no candle can replace it."
>"Is that from a song?" Tyrion cocked his head, smiling. "Yes, you are seventeen, I see that now."
that's Loras Tyrell.
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>Husband. Have you finally decided to stock sucking all that King's Landing cock and come get some of this sweet Vale vagina?
How do you reply without sounding mad?
sorry mommy
yes mommy
That makes 0 sense, Viserys was there when Dany was born at dragonstone, during a storm hence stormborn.
Why would george lie to DnD about Jon's lineage specifically, it's a pretty crucial detail
Why would Ned never thing about Ashara in his POV when thinking about Jon
>He did and he definitely got a child on her. Whether that child is alive or dead is the real question in my mind.

I'm guessing:

Eddard + Ashara = Jon Snow
Rhaegar + Lyanna = Daenerys
Eddard promises Lyanna
Eddard returns House Dayne's sword to Ashara
he trades Daenerys for Jon Snow
Ashara "commits suicide"
she takes baby Daenerys to Willem Darry
she then becomes Septa Lemore
and joins Jon Connington to train fAegon
shes so pretty, daemon is kind of a faggot. why not take two wives? whos gonna tell him no?
The two wives and the two houses that expect a lineage from him that will inherit his stuff on their houses behalf
>Is there is single instance where they come out on top ?
Arguably in the War of the Five Kings. After the Red Wedding the Brackens turn their cloaks and attack the Blackwoods placing them under siege. Jaime Lannister accepts their surrender in the name of the crown. The Brackens get some Blackwood land as a reward (but not as much as they wanted lol).
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>Green soldiers

More stupid costuming from the hacks at HBO.

Why not hire medieval reenactors? They've already got costumes and weapons which are historically accurate and would be happy to be in a tv show.
>The only line you could call close to homophobic is Cersei snidely implying that Loras got groomed into faggotry by Renly when Loras offers to squire Tommen
kek based Cersei
i have no memory of this i need to look it up.
desu, Renly was always described as extremely finely dressed in the books.
>Renly was always described as extremely finely dressed in the books.
Yes CIA Man mockingly says that to Ned.
the few redditors who recognize something is wrong with the show but are still consumed by the lib worldview need to man up and stop being faggots. they hate you and they want you dead and you shouldve known it the first time they made you look at the little nigger girl and said she had pure valyrian stock.
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Good arvo sers.
Now that we know reddit is here taking screenshots of leaks someone should write up a detailed yet retarded outline of the rest of the season for them. /
Do it yourself
I mean we should make something up, if I wasn’t clear. /
damn it, anon you were wrong. Cersei isn't this based...
> “The Red Keep has had no master-at-arms since Aron Santagar was slain,” Ser Loras said, with a hint of reproach in his voice. “His Grace is almost nine, and eager to learn. At his age he should be a squire. Someone has to teach him.”
> Someone will, but it will not be you. “Pray, who did you squire for, ser?” she asked sweetly. “Lord Renly, was it not?”
> “I had that honor.”
> “Yes, I thought as much.” Cersei had seen how tight the bonds grew between squires and the knights they served. She did not want Tommen growing close to Loras Tyrell. The Knight of Flowers was no sort of man for any boy to emulate.
Mayhaps, I’m a pretty shitty writer though unlike loretist.
>The Knight of Flowers was no sort of man for any boy to emulate.
sounds based to me
Wordlessly bash her brains out with a rock then fuck my niece.
Has any man ever been raped in this franchise? I can't think of a single one.
I hope you have fucked up visions in a haunted castle
but i thought she mocked him to his face...
the maester on Victarion's ship got raped several times.
Varys said he got fucked for money if it wasn't a show thing. can't remember.
Euron and his brothers when they were kids
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its almost insulting... to even visually compare the kino that is Kingdom of Heaven to this HBO slop
They aren't interested in making historically (?) accurate armor so much as setting the houses apart and characterizing the regions .

>North : simple Leather and fur- they are ore rugged and simplistic, built for the cold.

>stormlands : Brigandine and kettle helmets - they are warlike and mercenary like

> Westerlands: exotic plate armor and unique (samurai esque) helmets. They are well funded and well equipped.

>The reach: ornate and artistic plate armor and plumage - they are ostentatious displays and more concerned with pageantry than practicality in war.

>Dorne: Arabian Nights
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>I don't think he [Stannis] is surviving winds

House Manderly troops turn on the Freys, word is sent back to Winterfell that Stannis is on the run and help is needed to chase him down, Ramsay Bolton and 20 good men jump the gun and ride out, get wrecked by Stannis, Northmen and Manderlys, Barbrey Dustin betrays Roose Bolton (she was never really on his side) and her men throw open the gates of Winterfell, Wyman Manderly tells Roose that "the North remembers" and is killed with a smile on his lips (along with gravy).

Stannis won't survive the story but he'll be killed after bring overrun by hordes of zombies when the Others breach the Wall.
You mean in the books or the show? There’s lots of male rape in the books.
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will he start the fire next ep bros?
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Only legacy is a retarded stokeworth getting INDIA'd in the capital
since anon enlightened me that COHNdal is a jew, i cannot put it past him to ruin Aemond as well.
i might drop the series...
Romanian plagiarizes an old distributist video
He is a fucking joke.
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Going to be kino. Did you read the leaks anon? All the journos said this episode was the best out of the 4.
they neutered book rhaenyra in order to make a le women good, men bad statement. it's gay and completely ruins what makes rhaenyra interesting.
> to ruin Aemond
I’m sorry, anon, but he already ruined Aemond and turned him into a lactating limp dick. Next episode he will murder Aegon and will be grrlbossed by the granny that he takes down with stealth.
Maybe Dunk and Egg will be better
damn, he totally did. didn't know the distributist had anything on GOT. will watch that tonight.
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It's from Cersei V in AFFC. One of my favorite Cersei moments.
>Courtiers having a totally normal, fun time teaching a young noble to joust.
>Cersei wanders in, commits a dozen faux pas, promises to do something she has zero clue how to achieve, and spends the whole time assuming the worst of everyone else in the room.
Anon, you know that Hess is also a jew, right?
>gurm was too fucking subtle.
It's alright. Not much you couldn't glean from the title tbqh
She still did, just not about being gay.
>"Bruises and bloody lips are all part of being a knight."
>"I begin to understand why your brother is a cripple."
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>The books never said or even implied Renly was gay.

As others have pointed out, Renly was clearly gay but he wasn't a prancing queen like on the tv show, he was a chip-off-the-old-Robert-block and had banged all kinda chicks also.
I did not see leaks, but I've read the book so I know what happens, will they do him justice?
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So what if you can the smaller side of me,
No one will ever change this animal I have become,
Help me believe it's not the real me,
Somebody help me tame this animal I have become
pussy fagget
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>We never got cool fantasy armors in the show

I will always be mad
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Is Aemond taking cock here? He has a real stern and determined look on his face!
GoT show runners have made it abundantly clear that they were tightly locked in the early-mid 2000s image of what high middle ages looks like and frankly embarrassed to be making fantasy in general. In short; no fun allowed
I won’t spoil it for you, but things go down a little differently with what Aemond does. I like the change personally.
Aemond season 2 playlist when?
Why are you pretending to be retarded?
Well, as long as he turns queen girlboss into a crisp
it's coming out soon, i'm currently compiling all the songs i thought were cool when i was 11 years old.
his whole schtick was being dutiful and in turn, loyal.
changing him into an ambitious unscrupulous man is very jewish.
i didn't but i didn't really care about the writers as much as i cared about the show runner.
i cannot believe George fell to jewish tricks of proclaiming being fans and making a faithful adaptation again...
She won’t burn. But she will die rest assured.
>implying I won’t still think they are cool
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>That makes 0 sense, Viserys was there when Dany was born at dragonstone, during a storm hence stormborn.

Viserys was a little kid at the time and has spent years being lied to by Varys and illyrio's agents about what actually happened.

>Why would george lie to DnD about Jon's lineage specifically, it's a pretty crucial detail

No doubt R+L=J was Gurm's original plan (30 fucking years ago...) but since then, literally everybody has figured it out and so he'll change it up by making Daenerys the Princess That Was Promised (who goes full-Hitler mode on Kingslanding).

>Why would Ned never thing about Ashara in his POV when thinking about Jon

Eddard was such a honorfag that he wouldn't "cheat" on Catelyn by even remembering the one-night stand he had with Ashara Dayne.

>They aren't interested in making historically (?) accurate armor so much as setting the houses apart and characterizing the regions .

And that's stupid and only goes to show what hacks HBO is.
Kill all anti green.
>since then, literally everybody has figured it out and so he'll change it up
George has said multiple times that if you planted hints earlier in the story that the cook is the culprit, you can't suddenly change it to be the gardener because that is bad storytelling.
I see people saying that Aegon II is a beast, and show watchers are going to be in shock. wtf are they talking about? Maybe my memory is failing, but all I remember Aegon actually doing is Rook's Rest, where he gets BTFO for a goddamn year. After that it's a whole lot of nothing until the Dragonstone scene.
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>that wink
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a-aegon nii-san, yamete~
>Wyman Manderly might be killed by the Others
>Heirs are a cold bitch her husband won't fuck and a fat retard with a rape baby
Man what the FUCK happened to ruin Stokeworth so much?
5 years ago he said that fans have correctly guessed his twist about Jon's parentage and that he will not change it
>“The internet affects all this to a degree it was never affected before,” Martin tells EW when asked about fan reaction to the final season. “Like Jon Snow’s parentage. There were early hints about [who Snow’s parents were] in the books, but only one reader in 100 put it together. And before the internet that was fine — for 99 readers out of 100 when Jon Snow’s parentage gets revealed it would be, ‘Oh, that’s a great twist!’ But in the age of the internet, even if only one person in 100 figures it out then that one person posts it online and the other 99 people read it and go, ‘Oh, that makes sense.’ Suddenly the twist you’re building towards is out there. And there is a temptation to then change it [in the upcoming books] — ‘Oh my god, it’s screwed up, I have to come up with something different.’ But that’s wrong. Because you’ve been planning for a certain ending and if you suddenly change direction just because somebody figured it out, or because they don’t like it, then it screws up the whole structure.
Aegon is fit to sit the throne and Viserys wasn't. Simple as
I think it’s a prerequisite for show runners to be chosen
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What we could have had
where are these from
This. Aegon is naturally inclined to rule
>Rhaenyra gets cut too, even while in armor
Blacksissies......the omens....
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Black Ella Purnell. Bonus, it's a they/them...lel
I bet its grippy though
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Cristons fantasy.
You have to be genuinely masochistic to keep watching this show as a greencel.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if that many greencels are into masochism and humiliation KEK
The death of Rhaenyra is their only cope but they ignore most of it.

A song of Ice and fire tabletop miniature game
>even while in armor
there was no back thigh plate armor because it is protected by sitting down on your horse.
Henry VIII armor.
>D&D gave Condal some of their Shade of the Lamp

So glad they addressed the absurdity of Rhaenyra's plan so it could be ignored.
honestly if the next season leaks are true that's going to be everyone but rhaenicent fans eventually
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Kek, Mysaria should have a role where she points out the retardation of each character’s plot, like those old guys in the Muppet Show
Those are fake.
Maester got raped in Victarions ship because he looked to feminine.
Get Tromboed kid
Did you miss the passage of him eating a peach as if he was eating out a man's asshole?
Yeah I don’t believe they would be that far into writing season 4. They would be too busy with season 3 at the moment.
He wanted two wives by Viserys refused him.
One of the actual leakers debunked it on twitter
Aeron was raped by Euron
it's implied that Joffrey did something with Tommen
there's also Septon that likes boys
>could return in a haunting harrenhall vision for Aemond
Nah Joffrey messed with his cats and other shit but he never did that
dont ruin my yaoi incest fantasy anon
not him but this went over my head. i see nothing of assholes.
> “All this of snakes and incest is droll, but it changes nothing. You may well have the better claim, Stannis, but I still have the larger army.” Renly’s hand slid inside his cloak. Stannis saw, and reached at once for the hilt of his sword, but before he could draw steel his brother produced . . . a peach. “Would you like one, brother?” Renly asked, smiling. “From Highgarden. You’ve never tasted anything so sweet, I promise you.” He took a bite. Juice ran from the corner of his mouth.
> “I did not come here to eat fruit.” Stannis was fuming.
> “My lords!” Catelyn said. “We ought to be hammering out the terms of an alliance, not trading taunts.”
> “A man should never refuse to taste a peach,” Renly said as he tossed the stone away. “He may never get the chance again. Life is short, Stannis. Remember what the Starks say. Winter is coming.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
> “I did not come here to be threatened, either.”
> “Nor were you,” Renly snapped back. “When I make threats, you’ll know it. If truth be told, I’ve never liked you, Stannis, but you are my own blood, and I have no wish to slay you. So if it is Storm’s End you want, take it . . . as a brother’s gift. As Robert once gave it to me, I give it to you.”
> “It is not yours to give. It is mine by rights.”
> Sighing, Renly half turned in the saddle. “What am I to do with this brother of mine, Brienne? He refuses my peach, he refuses my castle, he even shunned my wedding . . .”
> “We both know your wedding was a mummer’s farce. A year ago you were scheming to make the girl one of Robert’s whores.”
its implied that Joff did something to/with Tommen
the cats story comes from Cersei and other sources

"The world is full of horrors, Tommen. You can fight them, or laugh at them, or look without seeing...go away inside." Tommen considered that. "I...used to go away inside sometimes," he confessed, "when Joffy..." [Interrupted by Cersei] (AFFC Jamie I)
Was it wake the dragon who debunked it? I do believe the claim that there is tension between the writers though.
>I am a weak reed. I pray to the Warrior for strength, but the gods made me weak. Have mercy on my weakness.
>The boys, the sweet boys … I never mean to hurt them …[4]

—Utt, to Beric Dondarrion
I don't remember desu someone posted s screencap of his twitter today because some greenfag posted the fake leak on their reddit.
which one of you blackfags made this thread?

I wish people would just keep discussion in the general. We have enough retards sperging out about the gen as it is.
Euron raped his little brothers as a child. Still rapes Victarion as an adult.
Euron is such a reddit lord
I'm glad the show ruined him so hard
MotherFuckers! We got Fucking baited! The writers absolutely FUCKED US with the Battle of the Burning Mill
>No Samwell Blackwood
>No Alysanne Blackwood
>No Red Robb Rivers
>No Benjicot Blackwood (not an actual battle scene but before/after seeing his dad die)
>No Billy Burley
>No Amos Bracken
>No Raylon Rivers
>No ambush by the Blackwoods
>No duel
>No weirwood arrow
>Daemon doesn't even take Stone Hedge.
What in the FUCK is going on here!?
Why was Stannis utterly mindbroken by this? It's just a fruit
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Don't support HBO
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curious attention to detail by the cosmetic staff. the scar where alicent sliced rhaenyra's arm is clearly visible. Same with Daemon's massive scars from when he was burned vs the triarchy.
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Daemon's scars
>> “A man should never refuse to taste a peach,” Renly said as he tossed the stone away. “He may never get the chance again. Life is short, Stannis. Remember what the Starks say. Winter is coming.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

This is just GRRM'S version of the famous line from Spartacus "Do you like snails or oysters Antoninus?" It's implicitly sexual.
I hope Aegon's look like that too
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so does it read >a man should try gay sex before he dies?
is it about peaches specifically or is it something all gays say or what?
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Why don't they "interact" anymore?
Tom is going to be so kino as burnt Aegon. They probably won’t crisp him up too bad so the burns will just make him even more popular with the ladies.
Mathew Needham is the Larys poster and I’m tired of pretending otherwise.
Symbolizing gayness with fruit is a trope.
i subscribe to anon's theory that Lord Strong will switch sides because Alicent denies him feet because she's too busy fucking Cole.
>punished Strong
>a man denied his feet
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He links up with Daemon. The footfag and cunnysseur alliance is strong.
Rhaenyra raped Criston Cole
>It's too late, Rhaenyra.
But it's not too late. It's not at all too late. Only Blackwoods and Brackens died, and a small prince and medium size prince, but it's not too late.
What the fuck is Alicent's problem?
Lies and slander, faggot.
its also the whole thing about enjoying life and all its fruits
stannis is iron, dull and boring
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He should never forgive her for that
What's everyones opinion on the theory that Otto will be part of the caltrops in the reach. Maybe even trying to install Daeron as king once he realizes that Daeron is the only non retarded son of Alicent.
Monke mogged everyone with a 5 second cameo.
thanks for the info but i am too retarded to understand the link.
is it like the forbidden fruit?
>Most rewatched scene of the season
>Also the only good part of the season
Well they are making Daeron a bastard, so... probably not.
Why theorize when this dumb show csnt hold a plot thread for kore than 10 minutes?
Go to bed Mathew.
>criston cole is already on the march, two armies out of oldtown and casterly rock are readying to march
>aemond is triggerhappy and basically uncontrollable
>the news of daemon taking over harrenhal will soon spread

It is absolutely too late. Why would anyone listen to Alicent if she tries to walk back everything.
Alicent has no power. But she could have ended it right there capturing the fatty
I don't mind
Rhys is a good actor and I'd hate see him go so early after Rhaenyra takes KL
They also have set him up with Daeron so I guess their subplots will be tied together (and Daeron will need someone to interact with). I wonder how Otto will react to the sack of Bitterbridge kek
I am really not digging the anamorphic lenses the show is using. Everything is blurry around the edges. Shogun has the same problem.
citation needed
>What the fuck is Alicent's problem?
hack jew writers
>The “House of the Dragon” actress, who took over the role of Alicent Hightower from Emily Carey due to a series time jump, revealed that co-showrunners Miguel Sapochnik and Ryan Condal advised her to find inspiration from the disgraced former president. The series creators told Cooke to view the character Queen Alicent like a “woman for Trump.”
I would listen to Queen Alicent desu

Even if Alicent had supported Rhaenyra, Otto would still have put a grandson on the throne. Condal and Hess are retarded for trying to push this prophecy thing.
she is not the queen
She's my Queen, from this day until her last day

She was married to a king, she is a (dowager) queen. The queen consort is too busy doing le autism to be an important character.
Dowager Queen
Yes she is the dowager like Cersei was, when Margery was the queen
Are they going to kill Gwayne at Rooks Rest? Would be a shame to waste all the thirst he’s getting.
She's the Dowager Queen.
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HBO should just bring back Monke and make an episodic slice of life/light comedy show about young Rhaenyra doing typical young Targaryen princess stuff like sneaking out at night, arguing with daddy, eating cakes, entertaining courtiers, riding dragons, and flirting with uncle. It would do absolute numbers on HBO.
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>Male feminists mansplaining feminism to women
Why are they like this?
What does this even mean, TDS is getting wild
Oh you meant Rhaenyra did that. Nevermind, you are right.
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and fucking Daemon in pleasure houses..
Catelyn had no ass though
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Cat had good boobs. Don’t think her ass was mentioned.
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Why no more bonding scenes?
Why no more good scenes in general?
>As Daemon landed in Harrenhal, he was met with a naked dogeza
What did GRRM mean by this?
Otto left the capital
>Alicent fans acting smug because she’s being mean to Aegon saying “heh only real Alicent fans understand her”
>they’re all rhaenicent shippers
Do these people not actually care about Alicents shitty writing or will they slurp up any slop as long as their ship gets love lmao
To be fair killing her would also be pointless and just y'know escalate shit EVEN harder while making her look like a villain.
>She says it to their faces
>They can't understand her accent
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can we please skip scenes with these 2 in it? I don't want to see old people having sex.
I'm so confused by Aemond. Why does he have a motherly figure prostitute/lover? I thought Aemond was Alicent's favorite and he was the mommy's boy.
They are not having sex in that scene zoom zoom.
its their last scene together probably
>blood and cheese was this horrific event that more or less set the war on course to begin and Queen Helena was so shocked she could never speak again after it
>blood and cheese in the show: everyone forgot about after one episode
yeah it will cause huge problems down the line since it is missing as a major motivation for many events
> Alicent's favorite and he was the mommy's boy.
Not necessarily, Alicent was okay with Aegon bullying him as long as he did it at home. Alicent was always a cold and distant mother.
>Alicent more worried about herself getting caught banging cole
>Aegon grief lasts 10 seconds
>Aemond doesn’t mention it period
>Otto plots around it
>Helaenas grief lasts 10 seconds

>get three scenes of mourning that shitty luce
It fucked Daemon up more than anyone on team green desu
>oh nooo my retarded plan had retarded consequences
>Renly offered me a peach. At our parley. Mocked me, defied me, threatened me, and offered me a peach. I thought he was drawing a blade and went for mine own. Was that his purpose, to make me show fear? Or was it one of his pointless jests? When he spoke of how sweet the peach was, did his words have some hidden meaning?" The king gave a shake of his head, like a dog shaking a rabbit to snap its neck. "Only Renly could vex me so with a piece of fruit. He brought his doom on himself with his treason, but I did love him, Davos. I know that now. I swear, I will go to my grave thinking of my brother's peach.
Literally autism.
I maintain Daemon in the books sent B n C to their deaths in the book as a message, not to kill anyone.
looking like that boyinaband fella
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>sudden epiphany that you got thousands killed over an old man having one last memory of his beloved story
reread what you just wrote
this season has been lacking so far. much weaker than season 1 which was so full of memes between daemon viserys and rhaenyra lmao

loving sex with Jace
playful sex with Jace
more loving sex with Jace
rough sex with Aegon
intense sex with Jace
their scenes together have been pointless, even if I weren't spoiled this would be way too obvious that they are railroading her toward death. Wow, they are soooooo in love and such a cute interracial couple.

Also, isn't book Corlys supposed to be in his 80s? He didn't get married and have 2 kids until he was nearly 50 so maybe he was a repressed homosexual too which is why he didn't judge Laenor
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>Harrenhal horror segment
kino... simply kino
It was going to happen regardless of Alicent's fee fees so this whole discussion is pointless. This scene is just two dumb women play acting at diplomacy while the men are moving pieces on the board despite them.
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No Aemond?
the lack of memes and meme potential disappoint me way more than how shitty the show was desu. loved these generals, even that weird 3-5 month phase post-season.
you’re right he should be the intense one.
Daemon probably fucked her years before Aemond was a sperm in Viserys balls.
just link them the wikipage with the entire storyline lol
>Aemond always following daemons sloppy seconds
>daemon fucks alys before him
>alys initiates a devils threesome and they have gay incestuous sex one time before their final duel
you just know it’s gonna happen
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She’s not underage so probably not.
don't care what you chuds say I am supporting the blacks because Vissy said she would be queen
I can't get over how fucking funny it is that all this started because of a woman moment

we had it too good bros...
It didn't though. Otto was always going to put Aegon on the throne. Alicent has no agency. She's just a dumb inconsequential cunt.
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>Every single relevant Stark and Targ character from the main saga are descendants of Aemond
We keep winning, Aemondbros
winning at the special olympics
>I forgive you
Do Alicent's dumb kids not realize that their 15 year old mother was forced to fuck a rotting corpse and maybe that's why she's cold towards them?
I implore everyone here to watch this lesser known video.


not enuf views on this 1
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That was pretty funny anon I must admit.
Take a deep breath anon.
but anon I thought the main thesis of the show was that if women were in charge no war would happen and it’s all the fault of the men surrounding them!
are you telling me they unwittingly make a woman to blame for something?
surely she had no choice and had to because the patriarchy forced her.
absolutely based
what’s the tinfoil theory that connects Aemond to the Starks?
I'm sure that helps when they're drinking and/or crying themselves to sleep every night.
Some anons believe that the Whents descend from Aemond and Alys’s line. I don’t believe it myself but it is interesting.
A version of the theory that claims Aemond's bastard line founded house Whent, a house famous for their Hapsburg-tier chins. Catelyn Tully is half Whent

weren’t the whents literal who soldiers that worked for the last family to get harrenhal’d?
you might find a connection between the whents and lothstons, but house lothston existed long before alys. Can’t see it.
Depends if he's a bastard or not

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