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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Pedro Costa edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous: >>201632570
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Let's have another awful thread? Let's
Triple H clears Tsai
i watched this and it was one of the dumbest endings of all time
Great casting. Will certainly see this one.
For such a great premise it really is boring as fuck
Off-topic, you know what to do.
nah. MM is a masterwork but H3x has too many stinkers. His early work feels too underwhelming Tsai has been consistent throughout.
Off topic, you know what to do.
watchap wit U nigga?
I'm starting to get mad at you people, please stop
I read a lot of people praising this as some kind of haunting masterpiece, Kubrick calling it one of his favourite films etc. but it felt very flat and silly at times.
Please take a deep breath, get up, go outside and touch grass. It's not that serious.
Off topic, you know what to do.
yeah it mustve played great in a theater because its boring as fuck otherwise
Sometimes I feel like Ventura but in my heart I know I'm Guy From Ossos.
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Give me kino to watch while I wait for my sub city from the governer.
In Vanda's Room
Kino, not boring zzzzzzz shit
yeah das nigga I said Ki - NO
The Wild Goose Lake
das rite nigga das rite hahaha yeah you know it shawty. sheeeeeeeesh. I said SHEEEEEEEESH nigga.
you all leave to go have sex or something?
Huppert is the jury president. I can see her choosing something edgy
Jury presidents are essentially figureheads
lmao, I love that some guy got triggered so hard by the off topic guy that he’s still pissing his pants crying over it. Now I’ll start posting it too if it makes this guy seethe so hard.
>t. Off topic, you know what to do guy
Huppert will choose Wang Bing because she is very open about her yellow fever.
>t. Off Topic
You know what to do.
>the villain, he's so powerful, how can we possibly defeat him?
>just say his name
When is the new Bi Gan film? Genuinely the only film I’m looking forward to
I dunno, but I saw Youth Spring at a film festival in San Diego last year and it was the best thing on the program. I cannot wait to see the rest of the Youth series.
It's just way to high for that piece of garbage!
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Kino incoming?
>>t. Off Topic
>You know what to do.
finally, something on topic
Under the Big Top: Perplexed dir. Alexander Kluge
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what did he mean by this?
precursor shitpost
Pedro costa me my fucking time lol
Why are Japan and China such kino factories while America and Britain suck shit after the 60s?
western culture is simply inferior
Not a big fan of any of those four personally.
Pedro Costa is the epitome of that Orson Welles quote about movies a
Where “peasants are peeling potatoes for two hours.”
Nah, that would be Bela Tarr.
Both of them. I actually like Tarr a bit but his movies should be watched in conjunction with reading the Krasznahorkai books or otherwise you miss out on a ton of what it’s trying to say.
Also iirc Welles originally said the quote about Ingmar Bergman.
This movie felt like an elongated shitpost. At least the old guy punching the potato was mildly entertaining.
No one said this.
Best post in awhile
Interesting, any decent translations available?
George Szirtes is the only translator of Melancholy of Resistance, his magnum opus on which Wreckmeister is based.
It was more of a karate chop, and I burst out laughing when that happened (also when they discover the dry well and the old man says something to the effect oh “oh fuck it!”)
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Plotfags and actor worshippers; enemies of cinema.
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I want to say thank you to the fine chaps at the British board of film censors for consistently delivering kinos free of Marxist and sodomite influences.
We sorely miss you.
Kurtz and Winkel were gay lovers and lived together, didn't you notice? Some /film/ watcher.
Indeed, ant they were very evil fags as they should be depicted.
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Finally watched The Hole- while I think I like the other films I’ve seen from him more, this was still a very enjoyable watch. Lots of comedic moments I thought, very minimalist. Still wondering what I thought of the musical sequences. The ending could be considered a bit on-the-nose, but nice to finally see some of his characters making a genuine connection with one another (although it might not be what it seems, in which case another downer film from him lol)
Continuing my chronological watch of Tsai, excited to get to his next set of films and watch some of his shorts too.
ah ok
Great film.
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Finally watched The Hole- while I think I like the other films I’ve seen from him more, this was still a very enjoyable watch. Lots of comedic moments I thought, very minimalist. Still wondering what I thought of the musical sequence. The ending could be considered a bit on-the-nose, but nice to finally see some of his characters making a genuine connection with one another (although it might not be what it seems to them, which is often the case with mysteries lol)
Continuing my chronological watch of Ichikawa, excited to get to his next set of films and watch some of his shorts too.
You're talking as if Japan wasn't total dogshit post 80s.
No, you won't.
Imagine how goated Tsai would be if he was straight
>excited to get to his next set of films and watch some of his shorts too.
Gotta watch The Skywalk is Gone between WTIIT? and The Wayward Cloud in order to get the full trilogy experience.
Those are some ugly chicks for being Japanese actresses.
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Just watch Help Me Eros directed by Lee Kang-sheng if you want to see a straight version of a Tsai film.
all movies casting Tsai have been deleted from my hard drive thanks to this thread
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This feller's movies speak to me on a spiritual level. Nothing else I've seen even comes close. Where to go next for a Herzogfag who's seen all his stuff?
Dreyer, Malick, Burden of Dreams, The Lost City of Z and Ad Astra, Touching the Void and Free Solo

Have you actually seen all his films? Impressive if so
Thank you anon! I have seen all his non-documentary stuff. But plan to watch the docs soon too.
Ah, then you're in for many treats. A sizeable part of his cinema, and many times even better than his fiction. Let me rec you four of them that had me I liked a lot: The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner, My Best Fiend, Cave of Forgotten Dreams and The Fire Within
Lessons of Darkness is my personal favourite. Land of Silence and Darkness, Fata Morgana and Little Dieter Needs to Fly are great too aside from the popular ones like Grizzly Man and Encounters at the End of the World.

Herzog is a kino machine
Thank you both for the recs. Fata Morgana sounds the most interesting to me so I'll probably start there.
appalling that neither of you mentioned Into the Abyss
Into the Abyss is very overrated. it's fine, but nowhere near his best
No one mentioned Bells From the Deep either yet
It's one of my favorites from the 80s but the ending is kinda disapponting, yeah. I'm just obsessed with unexplained disappearances, even if you know it was a kidnapping
Isn't it literally on one of the charts?
You are right. Non English language = arthouse cinema.
What's classic cinema anyway, pre-70s?
extremely correct, apologies for the oversight
when did this film get subs?
Rewatching Herzog’s Bruno S. films, they are so comfy. Since everyone is doing it, his best lesser known work is Where the Green Ants Dream.
This. Especially for Santantango, reading the book beforehand may as well be necessary.
one of my favorites that no one has mentioned yet is Happy People: A Year in the Taiga
Classics = films that get continuously rewatched and remembered by people at large or by cinema communities, no matter their age or origin.
Not all classics are classics for all, i.e.: Meshes of the Afternoon is an experimental and feminist classic, Avengers: Endgame is a capeshit classic, Manos: The Hands of Fate is a MST3000 classic, The Devil in Miss Jones is a porn classic, etc.
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what do I watch today?
>Visitor Q
Lmao watch this
>Subida al Cielo
Nice to see Mexican Bunuel on someone's watchlist, it's a charming film
>Tale of Tales
Been a fan of Norstein since I was a kid, if you like him then it's a mustwatch
>Les Dames Du Bois Boulogne
If you want to see a more 'traditional' Bresson film then you gotta watch this
Perfect Blue. Essential.
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I'm not huge into Herzog, but I LOVED The Great ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner and Aguirre was really fucking good. I saw Grizzly Man and the one about the Vietnam veteran. Also seen some of his newer documentaries they're ok, but not really on the same level. Any recommends?
my nigga sanshiro 2 is not as good as the first, yet retains the qualities of its predecessor. if you've ever seen a decent wuxia you would know that its teaching on kung fu focuses not on aggression but rather forgiveness, not on a lack of morals but rather on a strong ethical foundation. sanshiro's childlike character develops into a finer man after facing the challenges presented in the film, including american boxing.
Immediately delete all Barney and watch Wavelength
Goodbye CP. One of a kind, must watch documentary.
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Every human being has been taking a different path to it but looks like we've reached the final boss of cinema
>clicking a variety dot com link
Oh, yeah I forgot, the only reliable news sources for your kind are chud.com, trump.org and racist.ru
I didn't click it, the URL was enough
>I'm a big boy, I didn't click le link!!! Clicking le link is bad because... IT JUST IS, OKAY!!!!!
The only other masterpiece I haven’t seen mentioned is The White Diamond. His newer documentaries are all over the place but he seems to work well with volcanoes for some reason. Plus a mockumentary where he pretends to hunt the Lochness Monster if you want Herzog for Herzog sake.
Why do you think I never click any of the links in the OP? There’s no fucking way I trust any of that shit, especially from the schizo nutjobs in these threads.

Ive said it before and I’ll say it again- you click any of those links in the OP, you are almost certainly downloading mining and backdoor software onto your PC or cellphone
Your understanding of cybersecurity is on the level of my 92-year-old grandfather.
Wisdom comes with age. Enjoy your back door mining, zoomer
Based. Links are right wing calling cards and behave a lot like traps on the internet which attempt t o sow discord and dissent in authortative institutions. That causes major issues in the way society functions.
>he's this paranoid of goddamn mega, google, rentry, and textdoc links
How are zoomers this computer illiterate?
>exposes himself as computer illiterate
>y-you're the zoomer!!
And now they'll try to gaslight me, of course
We need a return to the original OP posts that don’t have these dangerous, harmful links in them. It’s just a trap for newfags that everyone has been laughing at, but sorry to finally spoil the fun, enough is enough.
>he hasn't secured his system against backdoor mining
>he thinks he can get infected from a google docs link
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>it's okay when china does it
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she was dressed as boy in order to fool her parents to send her to a boys school for education, as if to say, see you couldn't recognize me, how could they?
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how could they have not known, she's so pretty. and why is it that the lgbtq+ movement claims that this film should serve as a guide for transgender freaks?
is Uwe Boll /film/?
Is there a chart for documentaries?
There's a chart for you getting fucked
No clue- I’m not clicking those links.
not a /film/ chart, but I've got a couple /tv/ documentary charts if you want
The last alive from the great school of kinomakers dating back to Griffith. Underrated.
Sure, send away.
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Yes, his recent cameo in Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World essentially proves it
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I wasn't sure if all these are documentaries, but I think they are
This seems more like the filmic genre called "city symphony", don't know if it's related to documentary.
I know, which I'd classify as documentaries, but I guess others might not
holy crap that's like so profound and wise
Indeed. American cinema will never recover.
More words of wisdom from GODard himself
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/film/ was always shit, clearly
I tried watching ''Cobra Verde'' the other day and it was so boring, also I dislike how he always puts weird cripples/disabled people in his movies to be ''le weird'', there's a scene where he just follows a rolling barrell for like a good minute, it was so pointless and silly
Filtered by soul filmmaking
b word stopped reading right there opinion immediately discarded
It's not ''soul'' to repeat yourself with the same tired cliche', he was trying to shot Aguirre and Fitzcarraldo again but it fell flat
I will always find it insane how popular The Love Eterne was in Asia. Ang Lee's parents left him and his siblings home alone when they were on tsunami watch so they could go see it, and it wasn't even their first watch.
My bank account has been hacked multiple times because of the OP links in /film/ threads. I hope you guys enjoyed the $10,000 you stole from me.
I've just deleted my twitter and telegram account, what movie should I watch?
What are /film/ approved feminist kinos? Any charts?
Death to all feminists. All feminist films should be burned
I mean, Chantal Akerman's movies, Agnès Varda's movies and probably Greta Gerwig.
(A lot of contemporary feminists look up Gerwig's movies and I do recommend 20th Century Women (2016) even if she didn't directed it)
The Social Network
Un Homme Qui Dort
Demolition Man
Letter from an Unknown Woman
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>Demolition Man

Truly based, but what does it have to do with anon's request?
any particular reasonwhy you recommend me these movies?
>Un Homme Qui Dort
I've been trying to find this fucking movie but the torrent isso SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
great kino
DVD rip with subs is on youtube lol
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>on youtube
come on now.
Fast torrent here, 720p: https://kickasstorrents.to/the-man-who-sleeps-1974-bernard-queysanne-cult-720p-x264-classics-t4628201.html
This image upsets me, there's something alien about it
grim, but thanks anon
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And /film/ will clap
Unironically looking forward to it. I want to be cool to the newer generations
is Bay directing or just producing? if it's the latter I'm not interested
Popping in for my yearly pre-TIFF check, anything from Cannes leak yet so I can save money? Nothing up on PTP that I see
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My incredibly jewish government just restored the internet after 6 days. I watched these /films/ during that period.
Nice diet of Cruisekino. And Trainspotting and Snatch are defining films of that timeframe, really enjoyed them back then.
offtopic. you know what to do
Suck me, faggot
Congrats, I’ve had my Facebook deleted for years and never had an instagram. Twitter is my only vice and I wish I could rid myself of it too
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>when he doesn't have Instagram
Stalker feels like a pro-Christian work. Do any of his other movies have a similar message.
Is this a joke? Tarkovsky made multiple outright religious films. The Vatican even lists Andrei Rublev as a recommended film to watch.
Andrei Rublev and The Sacrifice are explicitly Christian. Tarkovsky was a Christian but Stalker was more about the idea of greater purpose to the universe as opposed to Christianity.

Watch this:
my only "social media" is here and I'm married
IDK man, I think Stalker is a very religious movie.
What about if I'm gay
Make a snapchat account and maybe your wife will start putting out some more.
Thanks for the video though. That was pretty good.
What should I see at the kinoplex this weekend?
what's the offer?
what are some summer movies to watch? its hot here and I drove by the beach today and there was a bunch of fat chicks
How does that work?
>as opposed to Christianity.
What opposition?
il sorpasso
This a good movie? I saw Farewell, Friend (1968), by the same director, the other day because of a rec here and it was fantastic.
Just watch everything Delon, man. The dude never made a "bad" bad film.
Pic rel is the first time I felt filtered by an Antonioni ending. What does it mean? What does the movie mean btw?
I think he may actually be the only actor I do that with.
They don't love each other. It's all just heartless motion. In the economy, in relationships. That's why neither one turned up when they promised they would, because both knew the reality of the situation.
How did you come to that conclussion? It seems logical... sometimes I feel that the hidden meanings of things fly over my head. Films for this feel?
>probably Greta Gerwig
Probably not, fuck off
Whatever you do, don’t watch A Long Days Journey into Night
>How did you come to that conclussion?
I had to think about it too. But I followed on from what happened earlier in the film, you know, the nihilism of the market, its utter pointlessness. And there were little hints about their relationship, how she doesn't love him that much, how they suddenly fall silent sometimes, etc.

If you want to get better at understanding movies then you should read more classic literature. You wont be a truly intelligent or perceptive individual until you educate yourself, and all good directors did the same.
Why? It's on my watching list, but today I will watch Il deserto rosso to continue on my Antonioni journey.
>If you want to get better at understanding movies then you should read more classic literature
Careful, telling that to /film/ posters sends them into a crying pathetic fit. The only thing that makes them more angry is telling them to watch more films.
I have never understood a film less than Long Day's Journey Into Night. Legitimately felt like I had a 20 IQ for 138 minutes but it was incredible and I'm going to watch it a few more times and once I think with no subtitles and the sound off.

It filtered me so hard it's frightening. I watched a YouTube analysis and there was so much I missed that at one point I considered I had somehow seen a different film. Incredible feeling.
Why? You were expecting a happy ending?
NTA but Il deserto rosso is a great movie for its visuals and atmosphere, but don't expect much from the story, even by Antonioni's standards it's very uneventful and meandering. Just take in the stunning coloured industrialism, and Richard Harris is a delightful addition as well. I really can't think of any other movie like it, visually speaking.
>If you want to get better at understanding movies then you should read more classic literature.

I actually have a degree in literature, currently working on my masters. My teachers always said that my interpretations of clasic books were novel and highly interesting, but I always felt like my peers were more capable than me of discovering the "obvious" meanings in the novels we read, which was paradoxical to me. I'd say it's autism, because when I was younger I didn't understand when girls were flirting with me, etc.

>And there were little hints about their relationship, how she doesn't love him that much, how they suddenly fall silent sometimes.

What I understood by the relationship of Piero and Vitoria is that it was a classic case of "I need this person, but I don't know why", some kind of a complex and hidden need being fulfilled by the other person, but at the same time a feeling of disconnection due to the enigma of the relationship that is unable to "make logical sense" to those involved. I kinda took it that way because I've been in that same situation many times, maybe I'm biased.
Kek, but it's true. You can't become educated or cultured from movies. It's the reason why movies are adapted from books and never the other way around. Love and enjoy movies, by all means, but as Kurosawa said, you need something 'inside' you, a knowledge source to drawn from, for you to create films, and you get that from reading.
>There was so much I missed that at one point I considered I had somehow seen a different film. Incredible feeling.

Completely get this feel, ironically happened to me with Poor Things.
You do have very novel interpretations that flit right past the more obvious ones, as you're displaying in what you have to say about L'eclisse. That's not a bad thing, it deepens your appreciation of the work and its emotional perplexities, and if you have to work harder to get to the 'basic info' which everyone else sees first then you will probably appreciate that better. Sometimes, to use a comparative example, great artists were quite bad at their art when they first started and their need for extra effort gave them a far greater understanding of their artform. Effort, a burning desire to understand, a continual dissatisfaction with what you presently know, ranks you leagues above most people's simpleminded appreciation of art who are content with their mediocrity.
Antonioni is always interesting to me because I think I "get" him without necessarily having to understand him intelectually, same thing happens to me with Fellini. I just feel like I see things in a similar way to them, and I know that's a very pretentious thought to have, but I can't help it. The uneventfulness and "wandering" feeling that their films have just remind me of myself trying to observe the world and at the same time be a part of it, be very active in it. It's a very strange feeling to have, but when I watched Blowup for the first time I just knew that the ending shot was about the solitude of a man that just "knows" something about the world but can't share it with no one, or at least that's what I felt. It became my favorite movie for a few years.
Thank you. I guess I'll have to read more and more about kino, and observe life even more, in a more perceptive way, if I want to get better at understanding life and art, I suppose.
Very based. I remember feeling like this as a child. It's the type of intense perplexity that Joyce throws you into with Finnegans Wake, but in another way, it all makes sense. It's a cliche to say 'like in a dream', but it really is like a dream experience.
film is a dead medium
le film is le medium ala dead
Best film ever made, not even kidding.
“These two people met and their love was fragmented by the nature of the capitalist society they live in and whether this became a loving relationship or one night stand is irrelevant because in the society they live in they are simply unable to truly love one another either way”

That is what it meant
Why? Legitimately interested.

I can see the capitalist angle that you proposed, but was Antonioni really critical of capitalism? I'd think so based on the movie, but I don't know the author's stance on said theme. Why is capitalism an obstacle to love? Too much noise and business impeding the practice of caring for another human being?
The entire movie is critical of capitalism and life under it. Hence the stock exchange scenes and the dejected looking Monica Vitti just sitting there depressed half the movie hammering it in. Watch the criterion approved commentary soundtrack.
Because I like it the most.
they showed ossos and colossal youth on tcm over a week ago
I watched Ossos but I couldn't make it through Colossal Youth so I will try again. The silent Sunday feature was West Point with William Haines. They leased a bunch of Haines movies they don't know what to do with. I know because he is also the silent house for SUTS this year.
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>ironically happened to me with Poor Things
It's about a whore with the mind of a child getting passed around and then spouting some random philosophical lines to make you believe there was some kind of growth on her part and give the pseuds that artsy feel they need to justify themselves, there's not much else to understand.
See, you seethe at the film, so this /pol/ reading is obvious from your side.
But for anyone wanting serious thought, this simplistic hateful discourse has no use.
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Italy has fallen. Sad!
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im getting sick and tired of chuds thinking it appropriate to chime in with hateful comments. recognize the decorum before hitting submit pleos. but i am curious as to what the opinion of a vile mind like yours is on the theory that tsai fans are almost always, if not always, homosexuals.
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Best kinos with PAWGs?
i rewatched lee's crouching tiger shortly after finishing legendary weapons of china 1982 yesterday. the way i see it is if people refuse to take something that has been determined as safe and effective by scientific consensus then they are no better than monsters. but really, nothing PAWG is coming to mind. movies that have just released in the past decade have lots of them with BBC actors beside.
What about this stinker? I haven't seen it, it has the lowest ratings on every site and Lauren Bacall's in it.
What movie should I watch for Thicc Girl Thursday?
the french MOSSAD-man directed a movie with Delon and Lauren Bacall?

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>baby not now, I must profit from the Ukraine war, we will rewatch your Rohmer films later
piece of shit trash homosex movie
Are there any actually funny comedy kino that had come out in the last decade? Need distractions would like to laugh because I’m sad
what do you mean by last decade, is it the previous decade or the one before that?
I'm a big fan of Dupiex, my favorite being Mandibules. For me it's a wholesome riot.
literally the greatest film of the 21st century
the cure for sadness is not laughter but rather small acts of kindness and forgiveness
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Wise but nearly outdated. As we approach the singularity, small acts of kindness and forgiveness are soon to be the stuff of the Stone Age.
Film isn't even real. It just wasn't possible before the late 90's. It can be replicated today with digital cameras. But if anybody claims they know how you could take a bunch of flimsy, flammable chemical tape to make film they're a shill. Think about the technology of the time, how did they make the shutter line up with the timing of the reel, it would have to be perfect or it wouldn't work. which just isn't possible with previous technology. Furthermore there's too much ambient light and radiation all around, film would be ruined in minutes. Plus how difficult it would be to cut and edit reels of imaginary camera tape by hand without adobe after effects is unbelievable.
More and more people are realizing that "film" isn't real and never was.
>how did they make the shutter line up with the timing of the reel,
By linking the shutter with the mechanism that moves the film through the camera. How fucking stupid are you?
t. film shill
weak gimmick
Mongrel hours.
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>Red Dead Redemption was a bad gam-
Based truther
Awful day for night work in the bottom shot.
In the UK they stopped funding the arts so everything has to appeal to the dumbest people in the country in order to generate profit.
Compare Play for Today to Gogglebox for instance and you'll see what neoliberal economics does to cultural output.
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This was released in theater by Warner Bros., I don't know why it's never been on DVD. So buried
Britain has an unhealthy society today, they wouldn't be able to produce beautiful cinema even if they had all the funding in the world. >>201660111
Kek, just looked up the director. No wonder
Bollocks, you don't need a healthy society- however you want to define it- to produce great films
You think you are smarter than God?
it's serviceable
how else do you expect to shoot a night chase across a plain?
Just use a Wendy-light from a quarter of a mile away or so to simulate strong moonlight. You know, the other extremely common technique besides day for night.
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better than furiohsa
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is this worth it?
Off-topic, you know what to do.
Very sincerely, from the depths of my heart, go fuck yourself
Yes, just like any Rivette.
I keep seeing this OnDemand, and do want to watch it, but feel torn that I should try finding a theater that's gonna show it during one of their classic nights instead
Seems like the cinematography is too top tier to watch for the first time on some 50 inch flatscreen.
Don't know where you are but that might be a while. Just get the 97GB BluRay remux or the 105GB Web-DL and enjoy it.
local indie cinema is finally screening about dry grasses from tomorrow
is it worth the 197 minutes?
what's the deal with LoA getting all the praise?
is the acting that good or is it just visuals
(I've read 7 pillars of wisdom already)
It is if you're a fan of Ceylan or at least got something from his other films, otherwise strong chances of mehness.
Why jump off the horse? Why not just trample the guy?
How good is Alain Delon's acting skill? He didn't seem to get many good roles when he got older and less good looking
He's the Brad Pitt ancestor so dull and mostly terrible, but he's so good-looking women and gays just ignore it and recommend all his movies regardless.
He never was anything more than passable. His face- and later, aged, the still lasting name power- gave him everything: a career, money and pussy.
Limited but good, anybody who says he is not good is retarded.
>t. gay or woman
Based. CY is aamzing.
Worth it for the titties alone. Ending is absolutely fucking horrible though.
any good?
>Ending is absolutely fucking horrible though.
Absolutely filtered
I agree. He was a competent actor. Mr. Klein is a pretty good performance. He's obviously not on the level of a Brando or even a DiCaprio, but he was useful and iconic to the films he appeared in. 7.5/10 taking into account technical skill and charisma, plus his body of work.
DiCaprio is ass and always overacts.
>I have never understood a film less than Long Day's Journey Into Night

for me it was sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band

Don't know about that, I don't think DiCaprio has performances as powerful as Delon in Rocco and His Brothers, Indian Summer, L'Eclisse or Mr. Klein. Sure, Delon is mostly kind of in a very narrow lane and register while DiCaprio tries more stuff but I don't think he's that successful.
It's overall kino
the story pretends to be historical when in the real it is none other than a whitewash of the british empire's goal to control the region through covert regime change tactics. lawrence is a scampy change agent towards imperial means.
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If you have to ask someone if YOU should watch something, I don't think cinema or art in general is for you.
does your watch collect data and if so where does that data get stored?
I can see your soïbeard in the reflection zucchinifag, don't forget to clean the anal faggot juice before you cook them.
Art isn't, but this general is exactly what people who always need to ask some daddy for confirmation deserve
Fucking based, best post in a long time
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I had this movie on my backlog but I always kind of put it off due to its length but man, what a movie. Its cliché to say but the 4 hours flew by
Leo was good since he was young; he hard carries The Basketball Diaries, which was a terrible movie. In recent times, he has made great roles in films such as The Departed (a personal fave and much better than Infernal Affairs) and Killers of the Flower Moon. He isn't really an actor which I'd see as hammy, just passionate and commited to the role, kind of like Christian Bale but better.
Hello bro.

It's one of the best movies of all time, and the best Yang / asian cinema I've watched alongside Yi Yi and Chou Chou. What did you guys think about Lily Chou Chou? Deserves the hype? I feel it's beautiful.
Grateful to have watched this film. Very intense for Antonioni's standards, and Vitti's performance is a highlight. I really connected with the movie on an emotional level.
Someone like him gets hated for free for many reasons, but he's one the best of his generation. For me his peak was on Wolf.
>I really connected with the movie on an emotional level.
How so, if you don't mind expanding?
No other Antonioni film left me as cold as Il Deserto Rosso. I'd place it at the bottom of his films I've watched actually.
Off-topic, you know what to do.
Fake off topic schizo is completely mind broken
Where are the comedies?
Why trample the guy when you can beat him to death with your own hands
I agree. Wolf is not my favorite by him, but it's just the usual Leo baller performance.

>How so, if you don't mind expanding?
My mom was a hypochondriac when I was a kid. Vitti's performance is 100% realistic when compared with the hell that my mom went through and that I witnessed. Add to that the fact that I've been a depressive all of my life and a lot of Giuliana's dialogue in the movie made me feel compassion for her.
Off-topic, but the aesthetics in this film are also top notch and very distinct from the usual Antonioni. I've always liked industrial imagery, so I guess I inmediately understood Antonioni's intention of showing the beauty of industrial landscape. I enjoyed that he wasn't afraid to show the richness of modern landscapes; I feel like the idea that nature is the "true" beauty is an outdated idea that could be enriched with perspectives such as those shown by Antonioni on the film, something for which I feel he was kind of ahead of the game in a way.
Off-topic, you know what to do

Off-topic, you know what to do.
>See gay being used as was it before homosexuals took it for granted
Why did nobody do notihng to take the word back?
bake new bread
The stunt of jumping off the still running horse looked cool I guess
I’d honestly love trampling someone while riding a horse though
The kid of bottom image changes horses while running; it is a pretty cool stunt too
I'm on a diet
/film/ talks shit about Iwai whenever he's mentioned, though I suspect that's the work of a single anon. I also suspect it's the same anon who hates Terayama.

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