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CHADmithor Edition
prev >>201875372
Given her situation, it definitely was worth the risk.
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What will be the big happening at the end of the season?
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Cute and canon!
I don’t think charm can fix that.
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unexpected amount of focus on rickard thorne; why, if maelor is cut?
Why is Silverwing such a huge slut?
The acting is just so baaaaaaaaad
>Dragons turn into neck beards when they're older
Literally me
where cannibal?
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He comes... a few hundred years later.
You bet me by seconds anon.
Recycle this one so that retard doesn’t make more shitty ones.
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gullet, hopefully
Yes Jace it's the hair that gives it away... just the hair...
Next season?
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>waiting for Mysaria to shut the fuck up
Has there even been a single mention of skin color the entire series
>the two guys actually get dragons
>the only deaths were all the randos who didn't matter

I was expecting some shitty twist ngl
Maybe Jaehaera is going to get his story instead?
this whole scene felt like the handforth parish council meme
lmao why did he keep looking at daemon like that?
Jace doesn't see color.
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speaking of kingsguard, what happened to this dude? been awol an entire season
Prince Jacaerys Velaryon
>Responsible, bold, and politically savvy, Jace was protective of his family.
>Jacaerys became skilled at arms by serving as a squire.
>"Though his fifteenth nameday was still half a year away, Prince Jacaerys proved himself a man, and a worthy heir to the Iron Throne."
Prince Lucerys Velaryon
>Luke was a strong strapping lad, skilled in arms.
>Lucerys and his brother Jacaerys volunteered to serve as her envoys to the lords of Westeros to raise support for her claim, and to show their legitimacy as Targaryens by riding on dragons.
>"Our uncle calls us Strongs, and claims we are bastards, but when the lords see us on dragonback they will know that for a lie. Only Targaryens ride dragons."
Prince Joffrey Velaryon
>Joff was a strapping lad.
>During the Storming of the Dragonpit, Joffrey donned squire's armor and begged the queen to let him ride to the Dragonpit and mount Tyraxes.
>"I want to fight for you, Mother, as my brothers did. Let me prove that I am as brave as they were."
Aemond will rape Helaena producing Maelor, to secure their succession if Aemond or Aegon were to die.
No because like everything made by the BBC we're expected to believe Negros were always shitting up out lands.
Since when did ""dragons"" have 4 limbs instead of 6?
This show is about wyverns, not dragons.
The color doesnt matter just look at jon.
probably the only good actor on the show
It made way more sense in the book (where Jace was doing it) because at that point Jace was literally the only person at Dragonstone with a combat capable dragon, and still a small and young one at that (Rhaenyra was grieving, still injured and doing literally nothing, Baela had a tiny dragon the size of a horse she could just barely try and fight with). And Jace was recruiting out of dragonseeds at Dragonstone, who would have at least that in-built respect and loyalty for Rhaenyra as her subjects and because dragonseeds were loved compared to random bastards in King's Landing. And of course book Jace never tried to tell Rhaenyra not to fight, everyoen expected her to fight but she didn't either because she physically couldn't after the miscarriage or because she was too broken down after Luke's death. It made sense as a desperation move, and Jace was an amazing diplomat and it's likely not a coincidence that they only turned traitor after his death when Rhaenyra went full rage and paranoia and no one bothered to manage the dragonseeds well.
I think he went to Essos to wait for Daenerys
Why do you want my boy too die so soon? Let him live!
He went off to film The Witcher so they just didn't bother bringing the character back.
>ahh shit homie you gonna put up with that?!
He's wondering what the dumbass is going to say to fuck shit up now.
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Game of Thrones has been that way since 2011. It's kind of dumb but you have to pick your battles somewhere. There are other much more glaring issues.
He was his roommate, probably worried about the prince's temper
why am i supposed to care about this guys relationship with the bald black guy?
everything between them happened offscreen
This show is fucking stupid
Daemon got outplayed but handled it pretty well desu
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lesbian sex scene when
Based if true, Aemond deserve his rewards
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She gives you this look what do you do?
That kid is dead.
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Throw her from the window
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i hope this guy and the shepherd have a 1v1 duel in the dragonpit
Martin wanted to be different. Also actual wyverns exist in his universe, they just can't breathe fire or grow to ridiculous sizes.
I just want some tits but I aint getting any.
this show does this a lot.

instead we get ten minute scenes of alicent swimming, and 2 minutes of rhaenyra and mysaria making out. it has no sense of pacing, nor any urge to explore any character dynamics which would make the story better/make more sense
>another boring ep

And ofc highlight of episode are green scenes with Lord Jasper and Larys.
Why do I even bother...
Alyn literally becomes Lord of the Tides
anyone got a stream link?
>Then up spoke the queen’s eldest son, Jacaerys. “We should bear those messages,” he said. “Dragons will win the lords over quicker than ravens.” His brother Lucerys agreed, insisting that he and Jace were men, or near enough to make no matter. “Our uncle calls us Strongs, but when the lords see us on dragonback they will know that for a lie. Only Targaryens ride dragons.” Mushroom tells us that the Sea Snake grumbled at this, insisting that the three boys were Velaryons, yet he smiled as he said it, with pride in his voice. Even young Joffrey chimed in, offering to mount his own dragon, Tyraxes, and join his brothers.
>Princess Rhaenyra forbade that; Joff was but eleven. But Jacaerys was fourteen, Lucerys thirteen; bold and handsome lads, skilled in arms, who had long served as squires. “If you go, you go as messengers, not as knights,” she told them. “You must take no part in any fighting.”

Jace gets a lot of allies for Team Black through negotiations and marriage agreements
>When the Prince of Dragonstone took his dragon back into the cold autumn sky, he did so with the knowledge that he had won three powerful lords and all their bannermen for his mother. Though his fifteenth nameday was still half a year away, Prince Jacaerys had proved himself a man, and a worthy heir to the Iron Throne.

>When word reached Dragonstone that Princess Rhaenys had fallen, angry words were exchanged between the queen and Lord Velaryon, who blamed her for his wife’s death. “It should have been you,” the Sea Snake shouted at Her Grace. “Staunton sent to you, yet you left it to my wife to answer and forbade your sons to join her.” For all the castle knew that the princes Jace and Joff had been eager to fly with Princess Rhaenys to Rook’s Rest with their own dragons.
It's a common theory that dragons are crossbreeds of wyverns, firewyrms, and people.
>Takes off my eyepatch and grape her while making her stare into my sapphire eye
Gods I wish I was Aemnd
Lesbian age gap with rhaena
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>The Bronze Fury
>old men and son tell her not to pollute the sacred bloodline with bastard filth
>strong independent woman does her own thing

So fucking predictable and painful.
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>helaena kills herself because of dreamfyre dying from injuries sustained from defending KL
is this how they'll do it?
And the smallfolk eat the ratcatcher's dog.
>the head of the dragonkeepers union declares a strike

I thought that scene was pretty good. The Dragonkeepers are a religious cult that worship Targs and now they realise it may have all been lies.
I envy his hair, perfect curls.
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What did they do with the remaining survivors? Did they ship them back to kings landing?
Are you really a seething greensissies or a troll? If you're the former then why? How could someone still being a greenfags at this point? Retards, probably?
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Blis saar, i am vey hungry saar, come to Tumbleton my brtoher has dicscount, Blis sarr this is my character arc, i am very hungry
there won't be any, the showrunners are anti-male gaze.
nta but… so?
i dont know why theyre giving so much relevance to alyn, who cares about driftmark, its not like corlys dies during the dance.
their scenes are definitely the most inconsequential plot of the entire series
Lady Arryn got that Lady Jessica/Rebecca Ferguson look
I honestly don't understand how showfags comprehend this show without reading extra material. A lot of the characters and dynamics of the world are barely conveyed on screen at all and kind of dependant on you knowing material outside what is shown. If I was a pure showfag I would be confused as fuck about Daeron and all the barely on-screen other children which will eventually become important. Probably would not understand who she >>201877320 is either.
Hugh will definitely burn her during Tumbleton.
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>Did you pack your extra thick swimming gown your grace?
>so much relevance
He has like 15 seconds of screen time if and when he shows up
We know the show is slop tier.
we watch it for the dragon CGI and slay girl moments
“i think her daughter helaena—and trying to protect her—is at the forefront of her mind. helaena’s a dragonrider. who’s to say they won’t try to utilize that?”
If they were really a cult they would have gone "yeah he died, he was unworthy, this guy shows that the Valyrian blood shines through even in these cursed times" because they would also have been the descendants of a bunch of brainwashed nobodies that couldn't talk back to their masters without the threat of death. They should have been more angry about the pointless deaths of their fellows.
how will they make Rhaenyra look good there? oh, thefther was probably right, they will make Jace and Corlys to blame for everything bad in the war, they can have Jace order that so it's his fault
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makes the most sense in terms of the story beats they're harping on. jace asking her to stand down and basically forfeit the war makes it a guarantee. the biggest curveball is helaena/dreamfyre because she's completely off-book-plot at this point.
Daeron has been mentioned like 4 episodes in a row now, as well as his dragon. If people are confused when one of Alicents off screen sons show up at this point they might be retarded.
It would be really stupid if it is because we've seen zero interactions between them. Also, she'd kill herself over her dragon dying and not her infant son who she basically sentenced to death? She's just an autist who doesn't give a fuck.
hugh having a full on psycho heel turn would actually be kino as fuck.
>no scenes of rhaenyra speaking with her siblings
>no scenes of viserys treating his children like shit (they just imply it)
>one scene of aegon speaking with helaena
>no sara snow
>no nettles
this shit sucks
>the Bronze Fury
>is red in the last shot
explain this
It's easy to forget Rhaenyra even has children by Daemon
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>Also actual wyverns exist in his universe
I looked that up and ended up finding out even dinosaurs exist in this universe. Surprisingly cool.
alyn has had one, sometimes even 2 scenes per episode this entire season, that’s more screen time than characters like otto or larys, or baela, or cole…
(You) are tasked to write a book based on the Dance, with PoV and all that. You have 18 characters to make PoV, 9 to the Greens and 9 to the Blacks. Who are you choosing

Ugh. So Jace dying this season is the big happening. Next season MAYBE Rhaenyra getting clapped. How many seasons are the planning?
you might be retarded idk
this reminds me how stupid that was, Jace knows the war is serious and he'd likely die if they lost, it makes zero sense that he'd want her not to do it at all (since you know, he's the one who did it in the book and all and has just made the point in the show that giving dragons to others is better than death and defeat)
the characters are just saying what the writers want them to say to make you like/hate them, none of it makes sense anymore
the dragonkeepers are right in the end

>addam's mom probably had targ ancestry (corlys is probably similar to daemon in that he doesn't fuck anything without silver hair)
>hugh's mom was saera
>ulf didn't definitively say he lied, only that he wasn't sure, which im counting as the truth because silverwing didn't fucking destroy him
this will of course be thrown out the fucking window if they make daeron cole's son
honestly the way they are ruining him may as well rip off that band-aid, i have no hope left that they'll do him justice
Kino.tube has nothing
>how will they make Rhaenyra look good there?
Hugh and Ulf are going to attack Tumbleton based on Lord Celtigar's opinion while Rhaenyra will send word to Lady Footly to warn her but the raven will be killed by the Grand Maester
they'll have Jace turn on rhaenyra because vagina.
So if the reddit lizards dont like the person they just torch them? Even if im a pure blood im not getting close to these retards

>the redddit lizards are the only magic left in this sad world
Uh? What is this then
So can dragons sense "true dragon" Targs, or is it all Chutzpah?
this actress has gone nude before so it's not like it would have been anything crazy to show nipple.

like we are in an hbo show. this isn't kiddie shit
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lmao noticed this, too. zero lead female nudity ever again. more aemond cock and balls angles until morale improves.
There's nothing wrong with normies being confused about Alicent having a third son when he wasn't mentioned or shown at all in season 1 and was just mentioned as existing mid season. It's a fucking stupid decision by the showrunners that there wasn't at least one scene in season 1 of Alicent sending Daeron away to Oldtown
>t. showfag
Rhaenys has black hair in the books due to her Baratheon blood
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He's literally me fr
>So if the reddit lizards dont like the person they just torch them?
>u-um d-d-d-dragon s-sir c-can I r-ride you?
Gives us dragons the big ick.
wow that a pretty cringe episode
i guess the massacre was alright, but what the actual fuck was that last ~2minutes
Fact is they probably cut him until this season when they realized that would have made no sense.
I don't think we've seen nudity from any of the female main cast all series just some background brothel whores
no bush. what a fucking joke
why the fuck, in a thread about the show, would i be talking about the book when i've made no reference to it in my post
Jace is an incel now :(
This show is for women and fags
three seasons, i think. she's in there until just about the very end.
so are the books
>looks directly into the camera
>if they make Daeron Cole's son
Normies are already going to have forgotten about Daeron by the time the next season airs. They aren't going to risk causing confusion by not having him look like a stereotypical Targ. He'll look like his brothers so that show only Black fans will know to boo him.
dany was naked in her first scene of game of thrones

how far we've fallen
Wouldn't be HoTD if there wasn't a scene of Rhaenyra being a girl boss staring at nothing while epic music plays to show thigs are really getting serious now
all books are
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>they are MONGRELS
we hate it too
>reddit lizards
Brain worms. Go outside.
>showfags shaming bookchads
embarrassing, first time on /got/hotd/?
how the fuck is drogon so big, that nigga is like 3 years old
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>be mongrel
>yell at mom "THEY ARE MONGRELS"
>she gives me a look like 555-come-on-now
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and a virgin too, he and Baela don't even act like a couple
The difference in acting between say the actor that does Corlys and Addam or Alyn is staggering holy shit. Every time is a slap in the face of the audience.
he, like the audience, keeps expecting Daemon to snap and start killing people for being constantly insulted and because he's been acting unstable all season
but the point of the scene is to show that Daemon is actually more pragmatic and underhanded than just some warrior prince dude who kills things
unfortunately this is the best fantasy show we've got right now
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Drogon is from a clutch of Balerion
She was almost laughing.
when did jace become so based
I dont really like the dragons being basically digimon
they're all shit
They're insecure all they've ever known is this slop and get angry when you remind them things easily could have made sense or been better.
But anon the showrunnes said when s1 was airing that he wasn't cut just never shown. They could have been lying of course but doesn't change the fact that Daeorn not even being a character yet is dumb
Why would he fuck that ugly mutt though
We saw the tits of pretty much ever female main character in GoT at some point
Do americans really?
Why is he turning into a chud incel?
wtf I'm not reading books anymore
unless it's a woman writer, futas are hot
dont worry, aemond is there for us (heterosexual white men)
Bro's mom is so out of touch with reality that she doesn't think Jace's concerns aren't justified when Viserys' words on who his heir meant nothing to the greens, and now there's other silver-haired bastard dragonriders that could potentially challenge his ascent as a black-haired bastard dragonrider.

Also she's so out of touch with reality that she just killed 30 random people related to her by blood in her dragonseed tryouts that she doesn't even think of herself as a kinslayer.
for a second i thought he was going to say niggers
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>when you see him
he's more attractive than her, give him a prettier girlfriend, give him Sara Snow
the books are written by the Dan Brown of fantasy. read another book ffs
it was literally his idea in the book while rhaenyra was crying and doing nothing
hess and condal really hate him
>fibally acquire dragon riders
>first thing she does is blow the element of surprise and risking the dragon getting scorpion'd
The point of the scene is to humiliate him by having him submit to some random 13 year old. There's no further thought put into it which is why the entire scenario is convoluted and retarded. As if any Lord would actually stop and get mad at his vassal for fighting a regular medieval war against a literal fucking traitor that was taking advantage of his grandfather's illness and near death state. Hell any of the rest being mad about it is equally as convoluted. It's like the Lord's of the West being mad at Tywin for burning the Riverlands over Tyrion. In the books and show no one bats an eye because that's basically regular behavior when you're a bunch of barbarians still living in the same era as plate armor and knights.
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Yes and I mainly watch it for Eggy an Heli
that was Ulf's fault
>wow, lil carckas alrite
She really does give him this look and it's hilarious
Yeah, they lied because they finished the season, had already started filming the next, and realized that events would have to be even more convoluted to make any sense.
And the show is made by literal who's that make the Witcher showrunners look intelligent. Their only crowning grace is not being worse than Rings of Power.
man I just read the dance of the dragons page on westeros.org. It's pretty much the same summary as fire and blood dance of the dragons lol
You're being retarded on purpose, right? Right?
yes and no
So what was the point of aemond shutting down the city if anyone can come and leave as they please? What are the city watch doing exactly when they have a clear view of ships landing carrying people from atop of the walls in clear view during the day?
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why does he look so retarded lol
It makes sense I guess but anyone else find it kinda funny that every single Allyn and Corlys scene take place in that shipyard?
wtf there's more black lords in the riverlands?
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>"looks like the pot is calling the kettle... black."
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What is Helaena doing here?
They're not a real couple, they were forced to be together.
shit talk about betting on the wrong horse
this is EXACTLY why he hates being tasked to do things with haste
The city watch are Daemon's cock slurpers.
maybe not used to riding a horse at that speed
His horse looks small
I kinda wish the fat fuck woukd wriye about something south of weesteros im tired to targs and their gay lizards
Daemon's shit was pretty good, it actually feels like a pretty well paced arc. He gets what he wants, but he's definitely lost something there at the end, something indescribable.
The Dragonrider Tryouts(TM) were... alright. I guess in the books it's a little less whitewashed than this. Because the uncharitable version is that Rhaneyra basically massacres 99% of those Targ bastards in search of the 1%. Also it didn't feel like a good payoff for those awkward scenes in the last 3-4 episodes. Checking in on random kingslanding people, and this is the payoff...? Ehhhhh....
Alicent shit... bizarre.
Aegon shit... pathetic, but good type of pathetic.
Good lord episode 1 was so strong, but it's been like a zig zag downwards. One zig up, two zags down, repeat for 112 scenes over 7 episodes.
he died between timeskips, that's why Cole became Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
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Is this Rohanne Webber?
the horse is too small. also hes underweight, you can see it in the brothel scene, hes got very thin leggs lol
grum will die in 2025
cap this post
he probably grabbed her wrist or something and mummy is finally acting on something
>Checking in on random kingslanding people, and this is the payoff...? Ehhhhh....

Do you think we should've had a 3rd random kingslanding character that died immediately in a shaggydog story to go along with Ulf and Hugh?
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Hard Hugh the Hammer
oh god his simps are going to be more insufferable when he dies
You supposed to be POGGing at girlboss queen
shut up he will live forever
Do women really?
aemond asks her to fight on dreamfyre and she gets an autistic meltdown episode. dont get me wrong i like our queen but shes so fuckign useless
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i liked the little chuckle and shrug rhaenyra did when she said jace was her heir
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He looks like a malnourished 12 year old in that scene
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2025, now shut up or he'll bust in late 2024
It was a kino scene.
He didn't die, he just fucked off after Viserys died.
it was very funny kek
I did think Mr. Samwise Gamgee was going to get roasted. But yea, that's probably what they should've done. Have one of the extras be a redherring and get roasted, then have a character introduced this very episode be an unexpected "winner".
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>wHaT wOuLd YoU hAvE mE dO?!?!?!?
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sharing a tent with the queen...
Pretty convenient all rhaenyras bastards were accepted by the dragons, no?
Not really. Witcher is 5 seasons, he has a bigger role and Netflix probably pays better. I doubt he cares that the show itself is garbage.
Sothoryos and Old Valyria are basically Jumanji lands.
I get the feeling she's bored with them and just wants to get rid of all her kids and have a threesome with Mysaria and Alicent. She didn't even bother telling Jace about the riots or Addam, she's been trying to ditch him since he told her they need Daemon.
>the broominator is back
luv him, simple as
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>mfw alicent tongue punches my fart box in the tent
>kings landing gets attacked(?)
>have to ride for at least an hour to go find your dragon
I mean... yeah. If that's the plan, that's pretty retarded.
Nah, he went with Rhaenyra. I think.you can see him in the background in some of the scenes in Dragonstone. Could have just been another old bald kingsguard though.
She punched him for bringing up Jaeharys
If he dies without finishing the books his legacy will be forever destroyed because he'll be remembered as the guy that fucked over fantasy writers forever, never finished his books, and all the masses will know him for are a bunch of dogshit shows. He even said (maybe jokingly) that he'll have his notes destroyed. He won't be simped over after that because no one will read an incomplete series. His fans will move onto other slop, and historians will remember him as that insufferable fat fuck that write too much about food and pedophilia and spent all his time waffling hoping to be another Tolkien, only to be remembered as a pathetic Robert Jordan wannabe.
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pretty sure that was like the 8th time she has said that this season
GURM is eternal
It is known
I feel like that's half of her lines this season
>Well then what do you want me to do
>I have no choice
>What else can I do
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>"Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation…"
targs are tards
God imagine having sex with her stank medieval pussy inside this filthy tent while that horse shits mere centimeters from it
Just imaginr
This. Might as well watch a mexican telenovela, at least you have more crazy shit happening there.
>white man gets tossed around by tranny
Do targs believe in gods? What gods were rhaenyra talking about in this episode?
I hate that line so much. It's like they're afraid of having her do anything so they need to show over and over again that she doesn't want to do it, other people are forcing her, it's because of muh prophecy and muh peace. Fucking cowards.
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>the knight from the kingsguard fapping next to the fire a few feet away
GRRM stated he chose what's scientifically possible, 6 limb dragons are retarded design
>He even said (maybe jokingly) that he'll have his notes destroyed.
he is such an insecure little fag
inshallah grrm will live for another 15 years and finish the main series and one in the south
the retarded part is them not having any method of alerting their only dragon rider other than having him happen to be near an open window to overhear crowds panicking and screaming "dragon!" what if he was taking a shit or a nap somewhere else? if it flew straight across the bay they should have seen it coming for like 30 mins to an hour before it got there.
For a motherfucker that handwaved a lot of impossible shit with magic he sure does love being realistic when it's the least fun.
>im going to sleep in my tent ser rickard...naked
>good niiights *teehee*
Targaryens converted to the Faith of the Seven after conquering Westeros, so she's probably referencing them. There was a Valyrian religion they used to have that we know literally nothing about, other than several of the names of the dragons are gods, including Balerion, Vhagar and Syrax. The show dragonkeepers seem to still worship them, which is actually more than the books ever give us.
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Insha'Allah Abubandint bro
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>Helaena, I need you to get on dreamfyre and ride into battle like the dumb autistic retard you are, that will help us win the war

What did Aemond mean by this?
syrax is named after a valyrian goddess i'm pretty sure, so they have to believe in something other than the seven.
he dies in 2025
cap this post too
>scientifically possible
Gurm is a retard, show me any animal that can fly despite being the size of a building, or breathe fire hot enough to melt stone. The rule of cool should apply to Dragons, not science
No but she's not blind to the irony in her mongrel son whining about other mongrels
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You are a bastard
and my mother's a whore.
They converted to the seven to appease the smelly westerosi.
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next episode,
>Criston Cole and Gwayne march to Harrenhal but it's empty, Cole finds Simon Strong who offers him dinner
>Rhaena says goodbye to Aegon and Viserys who get on the boat
>Alicent slips away from her guard and disappears
>Aegon and Viserys are kidnapped by pirates
>Jace, Ulf, Hugh and Black Adam save Aegon but Jace dies
>Black Adam tells Rhaenyra Jace is dead, she gets very angry and they all fly to KL
>there's a dragon battle between both sides, Helaena and Hugh die
>It seems like Vhaegar is too much but then Rhaena appears on Sheepstealer causing Aemond to get scared and escape
>Larys helps Aegon escape
>Daemon arrives... late, and kneels before Rhaenyra on the iron throne, she gives him a smug look as she did it without him
four limbed dragons look cooler in flight
> It's like the Lord's of the West being mad at Tywin for burning the Riverlands over Tyrion. In the books and show no one bats an eye because that's basically regular behavior when you're a bunch of barbarians still living in the same era as plate armor and knights.
This post just made me realize why I'm struggling to like HOTD and why it still doesn't feel like early Thrones - it's because the characters all keep acting like they have/are supposed to have modern morality rather than the medieval morality early Thrones has; also the fact that HOTD is such a sterile and neutered series in terms of its edgy/shlockiness. Early Thrones was raunchy and violent and had no concern or problem with everybody being a morally grey asshole and people dying being commonplace whereas HOTD is all dour and serious the whole time and wants to act like it's some period piece family drama or something lame like that.

Thrones is actually at it's sbest when it leans into its own shlockiness and medieval fantasy meat and potatoes rather than trying to be above it. HOTD would have been way more enjoyable if the characters had all been way worse people like they are in the book.
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roddy the ruin comes...
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As is Vhagar. The goddess of war.
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>i dont want to ride the dragon waaaa
>but helaen-
>sis just tr-
but 6 limbed dragons fight better
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nettles should have been here...
>It's like they're afraid of having her do anything so they need to show over and over again that she doesn't want to do it, other people are forcing her, it's because of muh prophecy and muh peace.
Yup, I think it's pretty obvious at this point that Aegons prophecy was made up by the showrunners to paint Rhaenyra in a better light for wanting the iron throne. Even Alyss Rivers and her speech about a good ruler not wanting the crown was all in service to paint Rhaenyra in a good light.
Yeah the politics of it make no sense and if anything would turn the Blackwoods against them AND make other people consider turning since loyalty seems to get you killed.
Targs didn't convert at this point, they just support the FotS for political reasons and to secure stability with the realm and small folk. Daemon is noticeably bothered by the Hightowers adding seven pointed stars to the Red Keep. The conversion probably happens during the reigns of Aegon 3 and Viserys 2, since they were just small children when the rest of their family died and wouldn't have been raised with any Valyrian cultural beliefs
Also the fact that Storms End was built by motherfuckers without Iron, the Wall existing, Dragons growing that large in the first place while eating a bunch of sheep(where exactly do they come from Mr tax policy?) and the Baratheons having the same look across 300 years. Hell the Freys have existed for longer than every French Republic combined.
George's favorite movie dragon is Vermithrax Pejorative from the movie Dragonslayer (underrated movie), so he bases his dragons off her
One of my complaints is how boring Corlys's scenes have been. It's also him walking around in front of his ship.
One of the scenes with him should've had him praying at a shrine, and basically it would show that he still prays to the Valyrian gods, but when asked by the other person in the conversation, he'll say like
>"what do you mean, there's the father, the mother, the smith, the... other one..." pointing at each of the figures he's been praying to. So like House Valyron officially worships to the new gods, but actually it's more like syncretism or just straight up cryptoreligion.
Anyway, I actually care about interesting things, the show writers, and apparently the viewers, don't give a shit.
lol, based

>Tessarion in the preview
We made it Daeronbros.
it's just that simple lol. who wants to see some retarded little t-rex arms hanging limply under a dragon while it flies? wyvern-style dragons just intuitively feel better because they're similar in shape and movement to birds. i don't have an idea in my head for how a four limbed dinosaur should move because there is nothing analogous in our world unless you want them to shuffle along the ground like retarded monitor lizards/komodos/crocodiles.
god I want alicent to hotbox that thing with her farts
That dude is barely a shota. Stop being a normie.
The alyss speech was them trying to tell that Brann ending in the throne is actually good ok chud?
I literally farted out of cringe
you will remember my prophecy when the fat man pops in 2025
that wasn't even her lmao stupid fuck
>One of my complaints is how boring Corlys's scenes have been. It's also him walking around in front of his ship.
I zone out as soon as I see that Driftmark docks set
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He isn't, he's 18 already and his voice and height are clearly an adult's.
>Daeron still not shown

1000% he's Cole's bastard and him shown in the end of Season 2 will be the cliffhanger
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>Hugh dies
he just fuckn got here
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our nigga vaemond won greenbros
Just look at crocs/otters swimming
Eh, I don't know, Jaehaerys' daughter was a devout septa, and Aenys hung around septons too, so some Targs being seven-worshippers did start earlier than. It generally seems that Valyrians weren't particular religious to begin with, probably since they saw themselves as gods
He will be around til the end anon don’t worry.
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>thats it you little crybaby. you can either ride dreamfyre or the 5 inch dragon i have here
wtf aemond!
this would ruin the show
Yeah, Robert slaps his wife in front of Ned, implies he does it regularly and will do it again, and the most honorable man in the series turns his head and ignores it. Catelyn starts a war and doesn't bat an eye about all the people in her land that die because of it, Robb becomes a Kinslayer over two random Lannister boys and gives his men leave to run around pillaging the West. Instead of characters like that who are "obviously" good but who do fucked up shit to us, instead everyone has to be judged under the normie moral compass of 2024. Rhaenyra in the books sounds so much more interesting and fun than the one we have now, just as Cersei in the books was infinitely more entertaining than the yass queen we had at the end of Thrones.
i read the book, i know that, i just don't know with these tards
But Bran did want to be king? Can't remember who asked him how he felt about being king but he said something like "Why do you think I came all this way"
Think about Tywin skinning/butcher the deer when we first meet him in GoT. Just have your characters do weird/interesting shit if you need to give them a little screen time or deliver some exposition. It's so easy.
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you must be retarded
Your lack of imagination isn't a reason for something to not exist. Just imagine the hippogryph scene from Harry Potter or something.
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What if its Aemond who actually did her in
Oscar is 16
He's redundant, they need to start killing dragonriders to save money. They've already foreshadowed his death through his pajeeta wife so my money would be on him, Ulf is more fun and has more connection with the smallfolk
It's already ruined fa_m, this is a feminist powerfantasy now

They are killing less important characters and plotlines and extending others. Alicent, Daeron/Otto and Cole are branching out for independent plotlines in S3.
THIS is why they had Alicent speak with Rhaenyra early in the season because she is not going to be in KL

No brothel queens for you chud
He fell funny
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this nigga literally did NOTHING the entire season
He looks 12.
>theres nothing like that in your world
>get proven wrong
>wtf no thats retarded
Too bad, your underage jailbait is fucking cut
If he finds out she’s pregnant with Maelor mayhaps.
kek'd and based /tv/ nerds btfo
Also, the sept on Dragonstone has statues of the seven carved from the masts of the ships the Targs took from Valyria, which makes it sound like it was built quite early on
i'm not the anon you were arguing with, i'm chiming in to tell you that it would look retarded, much like you
The actor is 18
he was injured ok!?
>reddit lizards
actual retard, thanks for making me laugh
>40 valyrian dragon houses
>they all live in one city
realistically each house would spread out start their own kingdom
3 targaryen dragons took on the entire westeros
Why does the show keep saying the riverlords follow the old gods?
>gets made hand of the queen
>still doesn't get a single scene where he does fucking anything except talk awkwardly with his bastards
well she sits in her room playing with bugs, wont use her big fucking dragon and always says cryptic shit. shes pushing our guy to his limits
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>Just imagine the hippogryph scene from Harry Potter
it looked stupid and fake because it doesn't move like anything that exists. there is no intuitive or natural 'feel' for how something that shape would shift weight between its limbs, when it would favor it's mouth over it's fore-limbs, etc. you can shove your head up your ass and blame my imagination if you want but we've all seen 6-limbed dragons in tons of different media and it just never looks or feels as good.
I like how they really focused on portraying the nice relationship between him and Rhaenys and then we find out he had a side piece the whole time
He looks 12.
The Velaryon's being nignogs in HotD makes no sense at all when you look at the lore. Aegon the Conqueror's own mother was a Velaryon, and so was Daemon and Viserys' grandmother. The whole of house Targeryen should be black, and even King Robert should be noticeably negroid in the GOT.
To secure himself as King.??
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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Nah, Cersei herself told that Robert slapped her only when she treated his daughter and later in scene with Ned.
grrm really is a fat boring retard. shouldve had a bunch of different valyrian founded empires all warring against each other intercontinentally
OOOOOH they are HIS bastards? Fuuck all this time I though they were his runaway faggot's son children
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But think of the dragon blowies
seems like everyone was competing for the close and rich regions, sort of cancelling each other out, and only targs were like "hey let's go rule over these backwards savages,some real fixer-uppers, maybe it'll pay off in 300 years".
No, he doesn't, he's clearly an adult
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>“When you took Harwin Strong into your bed, did you think I might favor him or did it not cross your mind?”
He dies in the next episode and they really had to ruin him like that.
jesus christ anon
Why would they do that when they live in a magic volcano megacity perfect for their dragons? There were some dragonriders who would visit the free cities for what they could offer, which is why Lys has so many white haired people, but why would they genuinely set up in random shitholes and build them up by spending their wealth?
More likely Maelor is cut and he doesn’t have to worry about it. But Helaena having a male son would push him down the chain in inheritance. That’s likely why they cut him.
He seeed loyal to his hag wife
But everything he says is true
Hpw the fuck is Gaenor going to have kids around his own fucking age???
Dany's dragons are just built different

(actually it might be because they hatched due to a sacrifice)
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i AM the anon you replied to and i didn't bother to entertain your post because you seriously suggested a dragon moving like gifrelated would look cooler than the bird/wyvern-style ones. there's just nowhere to go from there - we fundamentally disagree.
anon... that doesn't add up... with age or sexuality....
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There are real creatures with one, two, four, five, six, seven, eight, and ten limbs (and more).
What do you mean ruin him? He finally openly acknowledged he's also a mongrel, and otherwise all he's ever done is do this face :3
I love Jace now
Rhaerhae needs someone to call her out
This episode made it obvious that he hates himself for being a bastard, it's actually sad.
getting prime Valyrian puss in the pleasure of Lys
>his runaway faggot's son children
bro if he could procreate he wouldn't have ran off
Im sure the fag has had orgies plus no ine looks their age in this series
drogon was a free-range dragon all of his life. dragons that get confined/chained up in dragonpits grow more slowly.
he's alright tho
He finally talked about things that were bothering him for years, it was a good scene.
That does look cool and majestic, if the dragons were like this in the show from the start you would've eaten it up
House of the Wyvern sounds gay though.
I mean he's right, she's the one who created this problem and hasn't even taken the war seriously until this lololol le gods want this thing.
Jace forcing himself onto his whorish mom when
he is shorter than her
It wasn't really explained what happened during the Doom, right? I imagined it has to do something with dragons and they needed every one in existence (except the Targs, who left Valyria already at that point). Either their attempt at SOMETHING failed (or even successful) and its catastrophic.

No dragon survived the Doom except the Targs' led me to believe this.
6-limbed dragons look too fantastic to be retarded animal battlemounts. when they're used, if at all, they should be rare and (human-level) intelligent; capable of speech and magic and shit. even the slightly smarter ASOIAF book dragons don't approach that level of gravitas.
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Why did they do my man Silver Denys like that?
>It doesn't move like anything that exists
That's because it's magic Mr. Lacking imagination. I'm sorry you need everything to be super realistic to like it, but it's a magic creature built on a force which doesn't make logical sense. GRRMs dragons wouldn't even be able to fly without magic when they're that big, even at the size of Tyraxes. Birds have hollow bones for a reason yet you don't seem to have a problem with Vhagar running around eating mammoths and swallowing carts. Nothing irl can match that either so I don't see the difference.
They didn't all live in one city, but most of the dragon stables/pits/whatever were likely concentrated in and around Valyria. There is a lore bit about a dragonlord that was visiting Qohor when the Doom hit. Presumably, there are other examples, but GRRM just doesn't flesh it out and leaves it to your imagination. Archons from Valyria ruled the territories that the freehold conquered, and some of these would be dragonlords. The ones that survived the Doom just perished in the Century of Blood that followed, with the Doom possibly weakening their dragons.
I'm pretty sure the leftovers literally got assassinated by angry slaves and Free City denizens.
Is the actor actually this ugly?
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>Why would they do that when they live in a magic volcano megacity perfect for their dragons?
It's like when the Europeans had guns and nobody else does they split up the world between themselves.
Daemon says they follow the old ways, not the old gods. Though that Mallister lady does mention that the old gods still have followers in the riverlands, refering to Blackwoods and a few stray followers scattered about.
So dragons are pokemon of the throneverse. Did ppl used to marry dragons?
i described movement and body-shape, you went into an autistic fit and argued with yourself over science and bone density. you're a dumb faggot and you should stop embarrassing yourself.
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kino of the highest order
That's sorta what the Free Cities were.
it's kind of bizarre that they're sticking to the dragon claiming process taking place on that narrow platform. how does anyone survive a failed attempt in a situation like that? nowhere to strafe or run to. daemon would've gotten roasted by meleys if that was what he was up against.
Europeans don't need magic snow which keeps their guns working in optimal condition. Also Europe wasn't one people in one city. The Romans would have been a better comparison.
Europeans don't need magic snow which keeps their guns working in optimal condition. Also Europe wasn't one people in one city. The Romans would have been a better comparison.
You described realistic things so I went into a basic description of how the thing you're defending is already as far from realistic as that. I don't know why you're pretending going on a rant about body movement and shapes isn't more autistic than that.
This scene makes the black cast look even more silly the mongrel secen as well.
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>uhh sure i'm wrong but it's all stupid anyway!
i accept your concession. try not to tremble so hard in rage that you double post again.
The bastard son of a princess turned whore, the shame of house Targeryen.

Hope they make a series called 'Valyria' that ends with the Doom and maybe a last assembly of dragonlords a la Endgame to fight whatever they unleashed at the Doom.
If you have to make up what your opponent said you should just stop replying and start debating your delusions.
they would be way more kino if they were six limbed and more magical, like that ancient lightning dragon from Elden Ring; the dumb bird-like wyvern version has always been lame and reducing dragons to dumb animal mooks is the worst part of asoiaf
it doesn't even make sense they have to be like this when the Others/white walkers and all the bloodraven/weirwood shit is way more fantastical
when did this happen?

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