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Silverwing is a SLUT edition
prev >>201894967
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King Jacaerys Targaryen First of His Name
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The Red Kraken approaches.
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Cute and canon!
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my favorite race scientist
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Realm's Delight
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So the caltrops are unambiguously “good guys”, even if they’re greens. Probably saved the kingdom by sacrificing themselves. Probably the most selfless people in the entire war actually.

How is HotD going to ruin them?
I love this little nigga so much. He went from "literally who" to pure kino in 10 seconds.
>an entire season dedicated to raising armies

I get they have limited budget but man it feels like the events of this season could've been easily condensed into 4 episodes
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and my MOTHER... IS.. a WHORE
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>he will never know happiness
unironically based
Fuck the greens and fuck white people
This scene needs the Fortunate Son treatment.
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Don't worry we'll be laughing soon enough
The writers accidentally made Aegon and Jace the most interesting characters this season and Rhaenyra and Alicent the dumbest and most boring. I wonder how they'll try to sabotage them next season, like they did with Daemon after the fans liked him too much.
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Now that we've seen them both; what breeds of dragon are Vermathor and Silverwing? T-Rex skull, Horse skull, or Wolf skull?
He did when his chad son terrorized Tyland
Don't worry mister Condal, we got ithe message.
Vermithor was giving me jurassic park vibes
Why didn't they show us Hugh's daughter actually dying?
The only good green is a dead green

careful. that's decapitation talk.
They’re doing the opposite of D&D, drag the plot and seasons out as long as possible
The writers should just come to terms with the fact that women aren't interesting
>no one looks up to watch the cool dragon flying overhead
Why are Reachmen so blase about everything? Is it because they’re based on France?
>mothers looking barely older than their sons
what did hollywood mean by this?
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Who was in the wrong here?
>Rhaenyra chuckles ironically when Jace asks her if he's her heir
>Jace calls the smallfolk mongrels and implies that his mother is a whore
based dumb and dumber was right again. wrap this shit up and do alot of action. they were heroes
>Look up at dragon
>Mess up formation
Classic mistake
Why the fuck was the new big dragon making rubber ducky noises?
It's funny how Aegon and Jace are so different but actually have similar problems of being completely fucked over by their family and circumstances of their birth and they each cope in completely different ways but ultimately die for family that doesn't really care for them (in the show at least). They've tried to make Rhaenyra and Alicent the tragically separated friends who were forced to fight by other people but really it's Jace and Aegon who used to be friends and were pushed into being enemies when they could have had fun doing dumb pranks and racing their dragons against each other and other silly shit.
they were both based
that white women should breed as young as possible
are benny blackwood and black aly even going to be in
I looks to me that Vermathor is an old war dragon breed (T-rex skull) and Silverwing is a mature travel dragon (Horse skull)
So he flew over Kingslanding for the luls and when Aemon got on his dragon, this bum flew back to Dragonstone again where Aemon decided to retreat.....right ??
He saw one dragon flying above Dragonstone...not the others. Why did he decide to fly back ?

2nd question:
Daemons youngest daughter at the tullys....where do they go ?
Why are they leaving the Tully castle ? And does she seperate from the kids and look for a dragon ? She supposed to babysit them...i like her btw
i can't stand her Beyonce looking SISTAH lol
They're just casting people who can act
Jacenyra sex scene when?
The writers keep trying to make Alicent and Rhaenyra interesting, they realize they can't, so they make everyone around them seem comically stupid and inept. The problem is that pathos is more interesting than whatever the fuck they are trying to accomplish by making Rhaenyra a girlboss and Alicent a dindu, so people end up hating them regardless of how much they're "right" or how much Rhaenyra "deserves" to be queen.
Vermithor will never be a woman (t-rex head shape)
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>mfw Jace and Luke both ended up realizing Vaemond was right all along
The biggest mystery in the show is how Daemon managed to have two 100% black daughters and escape bastardry rumors.
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Jace was right and you'll find out about it soon (season 3 apparently)
Rhaenyra is pretty cute
>Daemons youngest daughter at the tullys....where do they go ?
that's the vale and the castle of lady aryn, they are taking the kids to essos or some shit like that
and yeah she is a bitch who is leaving toddlers and their valuable dragons with no protection
It's a setting were its agreed upon that a 14yo in ripe for breeding. Not that it's biologically wrong.
Silverwing looks pretty similar to Syrax, down to similar horns
This is so dumb. Daeron doesn't join the war until mid way through the Honeywine. His refusal to join the war is so obvious. The show writers are retarded and think it's because his dragon is small, it isn't that small, it took on Seasmoke and Vermithor in a free for all AND SURVIVED, injured but alive unlike the other two.
The Deus Ex Machina moment is so kino, why ruin it.
Is this is the peak into the mind of a show-watcher?
I don’t even blame you though, this show does a piss-poor job of explaining the different factions and where they are situated. I don’t know why they don’t the map opening credits anymore, which would clear things up for so many show-watchers.
I agree. They both look like the horse skull breed. Bred for speedy travel.
>esl pedo
goes together like peanut butter and jelly
I'm not a book reader, give me the spoiler
Crazy how they are just cutting Aegon III out of the show. He is too young to do anything. No Aegon escaping on Stormcloud, no watching his mother get devoured. He'll be presumed dead like Viserys II and spend the whole show in Essos.

All in service to the stupid Rhaena= Nettles plot.
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wouldnt it have been a lot smarter to let them engage with the dragons one by one lmao
ulf abd hugh they betray rhaenyra and want power for themselves, the black guy is loyal though
>Jacaerys the dreamer
Ulf doesn't return to Dragonstone because of Aemond.
Aemond retreats because he knows Dragonstone is full of dragons and has 2 capable riders to respond to anything despite only one dragon being seem.
If Aemond doesn't retreat, he'll either die or fuck up his big ass dragon for no reason.
My bad yeah House Aryn. That bitch is hot as fuck btw. The way she looks down on her
with her sexy aryan look lol
So they decide to move to Essos....ok
And is she seperating there ? Or does she just check the ashes and joins the group again ?
I want more Lady Aryn the sexy aryan Queen. I want to suck milk from her nipples.
Jace is like "damn bitch you couldn't find a better sperm donor? You just had to have three black haired kids?"
oh well... this sucks tbqh
>Who was in the wrong here?
Rhaenyra in every single way, how is this even a question? She's giving dragons to complete strangers and mercenaries, dragons much stronger than Syrax and Vermax. What's stopping one of them, let's say Hugh Hammer, from saying "hold on I have have Targ blood I'm a dragonrider and my stick is bigger, maybe I should be king" or something like that?
Rhaenyra is also screwing over Jace's inheritance. Everyone knows he's a bastard but he's always had Rhaenyra's protection and the golden ticket of being a dragonrider when almost nobody else is. But now not only are there many other bastard dragonriders but the other ones seem to have more Targ features, bigger dragons, etc. The moment Rhaenyra dies or loses power, Jace can now be cast aside pretty easily.

In case you're too dumb to get all this the show hammers the point with Rhaenyra's "the gods have chosen me" mumbo jumbo to make it clear she's becoming delusional.
can someone post the alignment chart
All the blacks (Africans) in the show are boring.
Nature disagrees with you.
And english is a bastardized language not worth of mastering.
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House Beesbury will claim the throne next season
This show-watcher kinda based tho
they better not do a retcon and have her die during the dance. she's a fuckin survivor
Jacerys claiming a dragon was a symbol of his supposed legitimacy as a Targaryen/Velaryon. If random bastards can also claim dragons, that means he's no more legitimate than any other random bastard. I'm not sure if the show communicated this well at all but basically Rhaenyra has step by step dismantled her son's claim.
She's there to try and claim the dragon roaming those lands.
She's a dragonless Targaryen.
How can Ulf just fly above Kingslanding and Aemon doesn't do shit but instead he flys towards Dragonstone ?!?!
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something that's unrealistic about the game of thrones world is that no one ever decided to just say
>fuck power, fuck politics, fuck everything, i will just take my dragon and go away far from this shit
and i'm not talking about a small escapade, i'm talking about leaving everything behind and leaving a peaceful life with your dragon
and why dose every dragon rider seem to not give a fuck about their dragon? if i had a dragon i would be with him 24/7, but they just leave their dragons in cages all the time and only use them as tools for their own benefit
I don't get it either, flying silverwing into the kingdom shouldve suicide. Aemond deciding to turn around because of what? Rhaynera and an amateur rider on a small dragon. They even know that daemond is away so he can make quick work out of them.

Yeah, they know how quick things can go to shit when trying to tame a dragon and even the assistants quit because of how stupid it was. And they did something retarded like putting them all in at once?
Honestly this, it's not hard to understand his point of view. I think all these normies who turned against him after this episode, don't even understand what they're watching and heard him screaming at Rhaenyra and using slurs and apparently that was enough to cancel him and call him names.
not to mention, feeling insecure and threatened by his birth, he'd be extra hostile to other bastards. like self-hating projected outward, etc.
He was flying after Ulf, anon. He was going back to Dragonstone.
They've made him younger and his dragon smaller I think. He was Jace's age in the book.
not only a pedo and esl, but also dumb
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nice tent
ulf flies above king's landing, aemond takes vhaegar and tries to pursue him but stops when he sees him going to dragonstone
By the time Aemond reached Vhagar Ulf was already on his way back to Dragonstone. Vhagar isn't even kept in the Dragonpit, but outside King's Landing.
Ulf has a better claim than Jace and Joffrey, this is a fact. Some would say even better claim than Rhaenyra herself. Hugh claim is weaker but as you say the big dragon advantage it's just there.
Imagen if a Beesbury briefly sat the Iron Throne after the dance of dragons but he died from a bee sting shortly after taking Kings Landing. It was so pointless, short, and stoopid that historians didn't even record it in the chronicles. Kek
Literally what is stopping Hugh from raping Rhaenyra and making her his wife the moment he claims Vermithor? In the book at least Daemon is there to keep the bastards in line. It's inconceivable that anyone would be afraid of Rhaenyra, Jace, Baela and their tiny dragons.
>tfw mushroom is likely not ever gonna show up
>Daeron nooooo don’t go near that tent
Don’t worry the greens avenge the betrayal
>I don’t even blame you though, this show does a piss-poor job of explaining the different factions and where they are situated. I don’t know why they don’t the map opening credits anymore, which would clear things up for so many show-watchers.
Locations aren't my issue. My issue this season are these fucking names. I only know who the characters are talking about ~20% of the time. Why does nearly every character need to have a Y in the middle of their name?
Lightin up dat dracrys pack on dat goofy aah nigga Daemon.
>Alicent innawoods arc
I don't care if it's dumb and a waste of precious runtime. To me, it was kino
Jace complains but there's no alternative. They need more dragons against Vhagar.
What made you think he'd ever show up?
actually not the case in the book but that's because he's the one leading everyone there and no one betrays them while he's alive
it's not deep or complicated. you don't need them to even understand the overarching plot or think about the internal logic of the world. they simply follow the pattern the show has of depicting men as irrational/abusive/entitled and anything they do or say is viewed through that lens. men are only 'good' if they're fumbling, emasculated idiots who just wait to be used or lectured to by the female characters.
the rule is: every male character has to be either stupid, evil, or both. the only 'good' ones can be the purely stupid ones.
Calling names won't change reality.
Well they're not actually dragging the plot, they cut out 70% of it and didn't change the pacing because they can't. This would be like showing only the KL plot, nothing about the North, Stannis, Robb, Dany, nothing but what goes on in KL during GOT. Even if you speed up the pacing it'll just leave gaping holes in the narrative that'll ruin the show.
The complete opposite happens in the book, Jacerys encourages the bastard ride the dragons and it's Rhaenyra who doesn't trust them at all, going so far as to label Addam a traitor because he's a bastard. The show is white washing Rhaenyra so hard lol literally everything potentially bad about her is thrown off to someone else. They somehow overlook the bad OC stuff she does like kill an innocent to cover up Laenor's death.
Which is what happened in the book but they're dropping everyone's IQ by a SD or more to fit the narrative changes the writers desire for no particular reason. It's like Aemond not being near Vhagar. If the blacks attacked he'd be dead. Realistically he'd never be far away from her. He'd probably hold his small council meetings within the vicinity of Vhagar. In the book, that'd be the dragon pit, but in the show since Vhagar is too big for it, the Tourney Grounds outside the King's Gate would be the perfect location.
The implication is that he chased him there assuming he was the only one. The show is retarded. Aemond in the book had no clue about the Dragonseeds, he thought only Daemon and Rhaenyra were left, so he left KL to attack Daemon. He got cocky especially after news of Daeron joining the war reached him. Now if he leaves, what will his explanation be? Is he a coward? Apparently he wants Dreamfyre to join in so honestly it looks like the show is full on OC fanfic tier now.
I don't understand this. Any bookfags to shed a light?
duh it's not the case, the sparse book characterization contradicts this. but in the show back in s1 they went out of their way to depict Jace's insecurity and the fact that he and luke suspected themselves to be bastards, having it semi-confirmed by rhaenyra. this is all based on what the show added/changed.
really caraxes seasmoke syrax vermax moondancer should be enough
made sense in the book as rhaenyra wasn't fighting, moondancer was tiny and they only got addam when jace recruited the dragonseeds
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Wasnt it Mushroom's idea to get bastards to ride dragons in the books?
you're "reality" is fiction
>and i'm not talking about a small escapade, i'm talking about leaving everything behind and leaving a peaceful life with your dragon
That's actually not realistic at all. Where the fuck are you going to live where people would be totally cool to have a dragon flying around and eating cattle, burning people? But say you will control the dragon to avoid such situations, where and how would you earn money to feed it bought livestock while at same time being unbothered by the powerful from the land and politics if you are a fucking dragorider with a dragon?
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The one true king.
Why yes, so claims Mushroom.
>leaving everything behind and leaving a peaceful life with your dragon
Nettles settled in the mountains with her dragon. The hill tribes were in awe of her and used to bring her food. Those that were scarred by dragonflame were esteemed by their people, hence the Burned Men seen in ASOIAF.
That IS naked in royalty
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I guess they won't allow her to survive the free for all against Vermithor and Seasmoke. They're so retarded. Why can't anyone ever stick to the source material. IS IT THAT DIFFICULT. Every change is more retarded than the previous. Even the little dialogue scenes are midwit tier. How tf is a Kingsguard an heir to ANYTHING.
Daeron somehow dies to a tent
Maybe he will show up next season making the claim
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>*destroys your bloodline
why? they already have enough, syrax and caraxes could take her on probably and they also get seasmoke before the dragonsneed happening. plus the smaller shitty ones vermax and moondancer. if they cant take vhagar down 5v1 then they suck, simple as. i mean caraxes literally does it alone later.
Just like how Nettles is merged into Rhaena, Mushroom is merged into Jace.
Does she wear pajamas underneath her dress or did she change out of her dress and into her pajamas?
>peaceful life with your dragon
That's not possible. Lol.
i still don't know if i believe the theory of Bloodraven pruning the family tree. I can see hints that make it plausible, but idk, something holds me back from totally subscribing to it. the theory is compelling though.
>i mean caraxes literally does it alone later.
Caraxes kamikazes
but then you'd get Jace fucking Sara Snow and giving Jeyne Arryn head
>something that's unrealistic about the game of thrones world is that no one ever decided to just say
>fuck power, fuck politics, fuck everything, i will just take my dragon and go away far from this shit
Isn't this what Aegon tried to do? Minus the dragon part, because in HOTD like you said nobody seems to care about their dragons.
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Who is that new Targaryen man? Daeron?
Noble dresses are always in layers. There's probably another layer of small clothes underneath that.
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no surprise there
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Yeah, I don't get it either dragons are supposed to be intelligent creatures and some of them have strong bonds with their riders, but dragons are just kept inside their dark pits and are only taken outside for rides or battles.
It's a slip. Women used to wear them under their dresses.
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All of this could have been avoided if you'd just put the boundary stones back.
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The Realm's Delight
Pretty good episode tbd
>Orwyle and Larys helping Aegon
Wtf is this plot
good morning Sar
Blackwood bros... we just keep losing...
I don't know, these dragons seem pretty slow. They always take like 2 minutes to contemplate their next move. You can like walk up to their midsection and cut their balls off before they can react.
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>Where the fuck are you going to live where people would be totally cool to have a dragon flying around and eating cattle, burning people?
literally the ideal place to set up an isolated paradise with dragons, a harem of valyrian or valyrian adjacent concubines, etc.
it's baffling to me why no valyrians fleeing the doom did this. you just take your valuables, draogns, slaves, and women and fuck off and live in peace there. if you want you can do some trading with the outside world, but you don't need to get involved in outsider politics. far from everything.
i dont get it did i miss some joke about her being fat this episode?
I'd give her my seasnake
Book Rhaenyra is fat
>implying that's a bad thing
Only black women who self-insert as Baela would hate it
Some Blackcel argued that after the first attempt the dragons would get amgry and not show up to be claimed again. Still doesn't make any sense why she started with the most aggressive murder dragon in a manner that would kill literally everyone if he just craned his neck down a little bit including people like Hugh who could actually pull it off.
>tfw no autistic gf
its not fair and fuck the show for rubbing it in
well its his job nigga

he know aemond is a problem and he is trying to speed aegons recovery
Why was Mushroom so obsessed with Jace's sex life? Mind you, Jace was 15 years old.
So do the books ever explain why dragons bond with specific people or is it magic-I-ain't-gotta-explain-shit
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The Troonarchy is coming!
Because he is a sexual deviant like tyrion? Literally every single thing he sad was bullshit except ONE thing.
His name is too cool for a do nothing jobber
The fat fuck recently made a blogpost in which he said more on that will be explained in Winds and Dream (lol) and in F&B2.
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>correctly predicts that Harrenhal will be vital for raising an army in the upcoming war
>knows the blockade will cause problems and knows burning it would be the best idea
>understands the smallfolk can affect the outcome of the war and keeping them content is important
>calls Rhaenyra "the bitch queen of bastards" a few episodes later she literally raises an army of bastards
Why is he narratively framed as a clueless idiot again?
never spelled out, but riders only ever bond with 1 dragon. the main books kind of hint at a psychic connection between dany and drogon.
Dragons can sense your sigma rizz aura
He does that with literally everyone. My theory is that since he liked Rhaenyra and the Blacks he wanted to make Jace seem cooler and since Jace according to basically everyone else even the green sources was an all around great guy with impecable character Mushroom would have thought adding saucy sex bits would improve that.
Martin said he will explain in the next books.
>They bond with men… some men… and the why and how of that, and how it came to be, will eventually be revealed in more detail in THE WINDS OF WINTER and A DREAM OF SPRING and some in BLOOD & FIRE. (Septon Barth got much of it right).
We'll never know.
Jace the Based
>men bad
>woman good
there isn't any deeper layering. it's almost irrelevant what each character actually does. you just watch their body language/expression/tone in a scene and there is only one correct interpretation you are permitted to take from that.
There's another thing people thing always forget
The rook rest trick was pure luck (both book and show) and that wasnt his idea.
he couldnt sell his ideas, he looked dumb. its all about the perception. aemond looked like a competent strategist before it unfrotunately turned out hes a retard
>Maelys had a grotesquely huge torso and arms. He had a second head sprouting from his neck, no bigger than a child's fist.
>He was inhumanly strong, able to kill awith a single punch and tear a man's head clean off his shoulders.
>The freakishly strong Maelys killed Daemon's horse with a single mighty punch, then twisted Daemon's head around and tore it bare-handed from his shoulders.
This dude sounds like an anime character. Going by his description, he doesn't even sound like he belongs in the settings. His strength borders on demigod tier, which is weird as fuck for what's essentially a low fantasy setting
what if a White Walker Beesbury was on an ice bee and killed Vhagar/Aemond and then Cole as revenge
I don't know, I kinda want season 3 to cast Sara Snow, it'd be interesting and I honestly don't like Baela, Jace and Baela as a ship is not working for me.
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My divine Queen.
Any answer to that question would be disappointing.
Best to leave it to the imagination.
>He had a second head sprouting from his neck, no bigger than a child's fist.
>the head in the pic is as big as his fist
>Going by his description, he doesn't even sound like he belongs in the settings.
Which is why Barristan the Bold put him down like the mad dog he was
This happened to Daemon as well:
>noo Daemon you can't go to Harrenhall you're a warmonger!
>noo Daemon 2v1ing Vhagar with Caraxes and Meleys is a bad idea, wait for your queen!
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Blood sorcerers genetically hybridized human dna with wyvern/firewym chimeras and only the descendants of the female sacrifice used in making the first dragon can bond with them
Tessarion didn't survive the threesome. She was mortally wounded.
>Sir the ratings are dropping again!
>Quick, do a 10 minute dragon scene!
>It works
So did Alicent drown herself? please say yes.
The irony is that Aegon and Jace could have actually be friends. Rhaenyra and Alicent could never be friends because women don't have friends, they have temporary acquaintances.
I can already tell that this will be part of the ending montage of the next episode.
the marketing was so weird too. the teasers/trailers dropped without really any buildup or hype, and you heard very little about the show leading up to june. they used to build up GoT seasons well before april. they were releasing small teasers and doing shit starting like the november before. but with this it just came out with no fanfare. so bizarre.
the episode was shit
how low do they have to go before it's cancelled? i don't think tey'll make it 4 or 5 seasons
So... will anything actually happen next episode?
>no valyrians fleeing the doom did this
Did they many dragonriders even escape? We know of a few in Lys and Tyrosh. They got stopped by peasants. But no names or nothing. The real question is why no one else fled Valyria pre-doom like the targs. Surely there were more dragonseers in the world.
Having watched most of the season now, I get it. There isn't that much hype material to use in the trailers. 90% of the show is people talking in a room.
Interesting how much Rhaenyra talked about "the gods" and "destiny" in this episode. Hopefully this means they are setting up a darker Rhaenyra with a God complex for next season
She couldn't fly very well just like Sunfyre after Rook's Rest. With food and some time, she could've recovered. She was able to at least try to fly multiple times which is a lot better than Sunfyre when you think of it.
Yh it should look like a small lump on his neck, but you can see the face. The artists tend to exaggerate so much about ASOIAF.
The last 2 seasons were shit thanks to all the changes to the source material. The only change that wasn't awful was Vaemond's death and that whole scene in general. That's it.
you have the contrived "last of the species" gimmick for the Targs, which I get, but yeah I agree. there should have been a lot of other offshoots, and they could have been relatively irrelevant to the main story if so. I mean i they say there are still dragons in the shadowlands, surely some others could live on far away literal who islands.
>2 more years for another 8 episode seaosn full of filler
The hype for this show is completely dead. You even see it on here. These threads used to move lightening fast when S1 was airing.

>Rhaenyra’s fire and volatility — the thing we see exhibit itself in Daemon as aggression or big impulsive acts — comes from the ultimate belief that she is supposed to take over her father’s throne. I think it borders on a kind of religious fanaticism — we see her become more and more wedded and ingratiated into her faith. She seeks the old gods, by which I think we also sort of mean dragons, as a key to her own future. In a slightly frightening way, there’s a religious fervor, like she has the gods at her back in this decision.

>Jace has every reason to feel deeply compromised by his mother’s choice. Ultimately, she will choose herself, really, above anyone. And here she chooses herself and her divine right over her son and her son’s legitimacy. I don’t think it’s an easy decision — we’ve seen Rhaenyra, over years, fight vehemently for the legitimacy of her children. We’ve seen her fight petitions. We’ve seen her stake all of her reputation, protecting those boys. But in this case, she feels she’s received divine permission. Jace says — and Harry Collette plays it so beautifully in the episode — all these issues with how I look are silenced by the fact that I’m a dragon rider, and you are willing to give that license that I own away, and he’s right that she doesn’t shut down his argument, which I feel is the only respect she can show him, right?
What they need to do is stop insisting on making everything so grey and brown and dark and dress people up in the bright colours of their houses.
Then people might not remember the character's names but they'll be able to know who they are if every time they show up they are dressed in bright Tully colours.
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>Hopefully this means they are setting up a darker Rhaenyra
you probably also believe Winds will ever be released
Built for BBC (big brother cock)
Yeah I lose interest every episode and just want it to be over.
i despise CONdal for making Daemon kill his man.
i really hate how everyone talks shit to those above them in the feudal system like it's nothing.
not even Ned talked shit to Robert and he was his childhood friend.
Daemon and Rhaeyra kiss and make up.
Daeron BTFO of House Beesbury
Battle of the Gullet is unlikely at this point.
>daeron foreshadowing
Unpopular opinion but I don't find Helaena attractive and I'm a straight man. She's simply not my type and I don't understand the hype.
>Final sequence of the episode
>Epic score with no dialogue
>Dameon crowns Rhaenyra
>Cut to the triarchy setting sail
>The remaining green council is executed
>We see Aegon on a boat next to Larys
>The Lords of KL kneel before Rhaenyra as Alicent watches
>Daeron flies over the Hightower forces
>Rhaenyra sits on the Iron Throne
>End credits
Who the fuck is Daeron?
Interesting, I mean the only way to go is to properly start now that way they can avoid a S8 Dany and have everyone hate them
Anyone else get horny when Hugh claimed Vermithor? I’m gay btw
I wonder how they'll frame the dragons scene in the future. Because objectively she threw a large group of unprepared smallfolk into the same room with a giant dragon, locked the escape route and then watched from a balcony if anyone would survive and claim a dragon, without any sign of pity. Sure, the people knew that it was risky, but it's not like the majority couldn't have escaped, if the guards had let them.

Technically this would show us that she has become quite ruthless and barely regards the smallfolk as people. But it's quite possible that this is another Rhaenys escape scene, where the writers completely disregard the implications of the actions taken by a character.
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She died of aids while being gangbanged by brindled men
Corlys is a bit retarded for not divulging to Rhaenyra that Addam is his bastard son and that’s probably a big reason he’s fine with bending the knee to Rhaenyra.
Like come on, he’s Hand of the King. Advise for fuck’s hand.
>hey so Rhaenyra, Addam is bastard and that’s why he’s cool with siding with us
>but some randos from King’s Landing will probably be a lot less loyal and volatile
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The problem is that they're like apache helicopters in medieval times. On the ground a few soldiers could probably get lucky and kill a young one, but the mature ones are colossal and have thick hides that are bladeproof.
Helaena is the only option unless you're into hags
daeron the faggot brother of aegon and aemond
This whole war is retarded. Should have never happened. Aemond really fucked it up by killing Luke, he is such a failure incel.
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Who knew that having dragons on a show called House of the Dragon would make people happy?
He's 100% retarded
Especially considering he has another bastard they could use for the same purpose
And knowing his bastards can ride dragons, he probably could claim one himself too

3 Velaryon riders who are loyal to your cause
Daeron is heterosexual
druk monke
It’s viserys fault for naming rhaenyra heir
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Harry gets it, he knows Jace so well.
it's like the opposite characterization of Dany. with Dany, they showed her doing merciless things that had a vein of reason or justification to them (were depicted much less belligerent or unstable in the books) and led viewers to see it as ominous or forboding. i know anons will say, "hur dur but everyone cheered her on," yes because blinders from her fans.
but in this show, they depict Rhaenyra doing blatantly, unequivocally evil things but it's framed as restrained or justified even when that makes no sense. it's like an absurd mirror to Dany.
Except Rhaenyra is fucking Mysaria now.
Vaemond's death was another change they did to whitewash Rhaenyra.
Jaced and Strongpilled
Harry also read the book so he'd know book Jace was way more important than the show tries to make it look.
Gaemonchads…. did the whore-queen Rhaenyra just have him killed on Dragonstone?
well some people unironically think the rhaenyra actress is hot so...
Rhaenyra in the books is a fatty(she birthed like 6 kids lol so let’s be real). That anon is just correcting the record
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If these dont die in this war once they realize they have nukes & can do like the first dragon riders & take over any kingdom why the fuck will they play nice & serve a retarded queen
Yes. I know deep down he's annoyed about the changes they made.
anyone else glad that guy turned out to not just be all talk. i was expecting him to get btfo.
Your shitly written fanfic-tier character will never be as PEAK as monke

Viserys 1) should have never married Alicent and had children with a non-Valyrian 2) should have never named Rhaenyra heir
Both of those things are simultaneously true.
What I found lame was that everyone called him a retard for wanting to fight on the frontlines, but when rhaynera wanted to fight on the frontlines, everyone commended her bravery.

There's quite a few instances where you can feel the writers of the show are really trying hard to make aegon look more monstrous that he was in the source material while making rhaynera more sympathetic despite her being another shitty power hungry person in the book
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Jace should defect to the greens, Aegon needs more friends. Larys and Grand Maester Orwyle aren't enough.
hugh? im just waiting for when they character assassinate him.
im worried a bit aemondbros... can aegon move past his insecurities and leave the past in the past? or hes going to hold a grudge for that taooba incident (whatever happened there)
It took this picture being posted three times for me to get the joke.
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>Unclaimed for 1000 years
I'm more worried about Trystane Truefyre
I'm fairly sure we will only see the buildup to the taking of KL, either everyone getting ready on Dragonstone or Rhaenyra and her dragons flying over the city and that's it. The city itself will fall in episode 1 season 3.
>Aemond is now desperate for dragons
Vhagar looking photogenic AF
He hangs out with troons and lezzies who emasculate him on the daily, he can't be that mad
Of course he does, he's a book reader and genuinely cares about the character.
Tessarion's a third of the size of Vermithor in the book why is she so small here?
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Can’t wait for his heel turn. I wonder if they keep his kino death
The Aegon III erasure is unforgivable. He should be 10 years old.
>But it's quite possible that this is another Rhaenys escape scene, where the writers completely disregard the implications of the actions taken by a character.
i hope you're wrong, i really like that this episode is finally starting to make Rhaenyra look a bit more dubious it's about time
>Maelys had a piece of celery for an arm, and TV's Patrick Duffy for a leg
When will Rhaenyra become Maegor's teats?
I didn't take that as an ironic chuckle, I saw it as a "are you serious?"
S3E1 will be the Gullet. Blacks triumphant at the end of S2, and then S3 opening on a “it’s not over yet folks” as their heir is -ACK’ed.
She did just feed a whole bunch of bastards to a dragon.
Vhagar looks like shit. A dragon falling apart from age and weight. It's amazing she can still fly.
Was Aegon the Conqueror a fucked up psychopath like all his decendants?
It seemed to me that he had no real idea how to control Silverwing, and that he was mostly along for the ride with that flight.
Metal af
Caraxes somehow took down that motherfucker with him. what a chad.
I cant take this shit seriously when Velaryons are congoid bantu junglemonkeys
Consider his Dorne campagin.
It would be too confusing to have two Aegons on the same show.
>Jace defects to the Greens
>Aegon legitimizes him as the son of Harwin Strong
>Harrenhal is on the table as well, since that makes Jace the rightful lord of the castle
>Together they defeat his whore of a mother and Aemond Klebold
No, but he was probably a little bit autismo and the type of guy to obsessively paint warhammer figurines on his free time
still dont get why they depict her that way. the books made it clear dragons can keep growing until their death, which contradicts the idea of decay. and even balerion is never described as decaying, just getting sleepy and inactive, most likely due to his injuries rather than anything else.
vhagar being younger than Balerion's oldest and lacking those injuries should still be vigorous
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haha... don't worry bro... I'm just tired...
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>dragonborn and ulfric the stormcloak get a dragon
>no tranny speech about how troonryna want to be hardcore but the patriarchy won't let them
>vaemond stock going up
Good episode. 9/10 in this season's context.
Targs are all spiritually descendents of Visenya and Maegor rather than Aegon and Rhaenys.
Yeah? And Rhaenyra should be FAT, we were doomed from the start
>From Good Queen Alysanne to a smelly drunkard from Flea Bottom
What is Silverwing's problem?
No he was just a drunk fool that got pegged by his sisters and visenya was the true conqueror
Aemond leaves Vhagar in the Kingswood in the book too since she’s too big for the dragonpit. This is the consequences of his actions taking Sunfyre out. He got baited hard by Ulf as he scared the shit out of everyone in Kings Landing, and then saw Rhaenyra was wielding more dragons. He’s so fucked he begs his autistic sister to help him in the next episode when she doesn’t have the ability to ride Dreamfyre into battle and start killing people
you learn faster than the CIA does
He's in the show, but is a toddler when he should be around 7
I mean I've just read the quote by they/them one anon posted, about that scene kind of implying that Rhaenyra is losing it a little, so maybe that was intentional after all. Normie reactions seem to ignore that though at the moment, they are just "Fuck yeah, dragons".
Lobsters theoretically can live and grow forever, but at some point they get so big that they can no longer move and they starve to death.
She demands human cock.
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If he was jut given a army in 2 episodes it would look to easy that's why he had to stay there whole season

well that's my cope
Ugly bastard NTR
She just did.
Has anyone ever had sex with a dragon? Maybe not the big ones, but the little ones look managable.
makes sense, and would for dragons too, but not necessarily decay as if they have skin. the way they show age looks way too human.
>aemond teams up with rhaerhae and nuncle, rhaenyra takes him as her second husband
yeah im not sure team manlet could handle it
I get that it’s fiction and a tragedy story but giving a stranger the biggest angriest dragon behind Vhagar makes no sense other than desperation which I guess is communicated, still sits weird with me. That being said I want fat Hugh cock so he can be king.
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So which one is named after which?
>That kid that plays the flute ?
Did he appear in the show ?? NO ???
I just don't get this fucking show anymore
nigga what ?
Ulf is a pretender bastard, right? He's just some dude with white hair. I was hoping Hugh would be a descendent of Maegor tbqh.
Tessarion looks so blue
Finally some color
I've read conflicting spoilers how this season ends, but most where saying that KL doesn't fall this season.
maybe they can no longer shed properly

Do dragons shed?
why couldn't they show him being actually productive and not tripping the entire time?
rhaenyra is cute. i was disappointed to learn how the actress dresses irl.
Speaking of trannies, wasn't that youtube tranny supposed to show up this season? Did I miss her?
Vhaegar with minmaxed stealth crit build cant die.
Ulf is Daemon's half-brother
Turns out Baelon could fuck a rando but not her sister who was begging for help.
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Size does not matter if there's a will.
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i miss monke so much
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I don't care about the war anymore, I just want this nigga to be happy and become a fleebottom legend.
Or just don't show him at all for a few episodes. Everybody on Dragonstone is already wondering what Daemon is up to, let the viewers too.
is this why valyria fell?
I hope Daemon gets haunted by that Blackwood's headless corpse for the next season and a half
Absolute nigger behavior
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I do not understand the point of this character
He seems like a shit master of whispers compared to Littlefinger and Varys
He hasn't even jacked off to any feet this season, so worthless.
He is just like Aegon... He just had to do his own thing and not listening to others...
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Do dragons moult or shed? Ha ha imagine a huge dragon doing this.
>Hugh had to stand up to a killer dragon and watched his daughter die
>Ulf just drinks and bumbles around
Life ain't fair huh
Dragons actually have feathers, but Valyrians won’t tell you this.
talent vs. hard work
Should we tell him?
who owns dreamfyre? pretty big one
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>paywalls half his videos
We didn't even get to see the beheading........ FUCK THIS GAY ASS SEASON
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>indeed! Squire! Pour good ulf the white a glass of our finest arbor gold to celebrate the occasion!
I wonder if Otto will kill him, since Hobert is already dead and the show still refuses to show us what he's up to.
The greens are so dysfunctional he is just trying to maintain his position on the hopefully winning side when it is all over. Hes not a shit master of whispers. There is no one worth whispering to.
This season has been pretty mediocre, just feels like a lot of filler
>The blacks have amassed army of dragons and soldier, they're moral is greater than ever. They even feed the starving smallfolks to get their support.
>the greens have a half dead king, a prince regent taking control as the only force stopping them from getting curbstomped, and low moral from the entire kingdom after the hand, Cole's decision to go on a crusade. And paraded a dead dragons head around even though the people worship dragons as gods.

If the blacks somehow fumble this, it'll be so hilarious. This is an unfuckupable situation. How can they fuck it up.
Helaena and she's utterly useless as a dragonrider.
>"My liege, it seems you missed one of the ratcatchers from fleabottom."
The problem is, the source material isn't that good from the start.
whats the season cliffhanger next episode
give me a happening
I smell a threesome.
he is there to look pretty
maybe it was not a great idea giving the autistic bitch a dragon of such size
To be fait, the dude did get the bigger dragon. And the drunk dude likely has a shitty backstory as well being a highborn bustard like the rest of them. He just decided to be a happy drunk instead
>in the next books
it's kind of interesting what a blunder season 2 was. it was reorganized partly because the writing was so bad the network had to step in, and partly because they wanted to extend the seasons well beyond the initial plan they had in mind when s1 was being produced. they also had had the sudden tightening of the belt that happened at Max with all the merging and layoffs, so budget probably had issues. combine that with changes in the creative time, and you get one big shitshow.
>They even feed the starving smallfolks to get their support.
plot hole filled contrivances shouldn't drive important events but they do in this show
I doubt it. Sara Hess wants to completely cuck Daemon.
they are changing the story so much there is no way to know but we will see the triarchy sailing for sure
well that's the thing, gurm (and the show) go to pains to make it clear dragons choose their riders, not the other way around. so it ends up being a shitshow.
If you pay for them then you deserve your cash being taken away
he was weird
>Aegon Targaryen himself, strangely, was as much an enigma to his contemporaries as to us. Armed with the Valyrian steel blade Blackfyre, he was counted amongst the greatest warriors of his age, yet he took no pleasure in feats of arms, and never rode in tourney or melee. His mount was Balerion the Black Dread, but he flew only to battle or to travel swiftly across land and sea. His commanding presence drew men to his banners, yet he had no close friends, save Orys Baratheon, the companion of his youth. Women were drawn to him, but Aegon remained ever faithful to his sisters. As king, he put great trust in his small council and his sisters, leaving much of the day-to-day governance of the realm to them…yet did not hesitate to take command when he found it necessary. Though he dealt harshly with rebels and traitors, he was open handed with former foes who bent the knee.
Yeah, true. Where the fuck did the blacks get so much harvest that they could ship a fuckton of food from their small island but the main kingdom is so strapped they they have to starve their people
*creative team
>it was reorganized partly because the writing was so bad the network had to step in

Interesting, could you expand on that? Because from what I've seen the script remains as shit and agenda-filled as ever. And you're telling me it was EVEN WORSE?

Show went to shit without Sapotchnik
why are you asking so many questions chud
>How can they fuck it up.
By the two bastards that just took their biggest dragons going 'rumao actually Hugh is da king!'
is no one manning the city walls in kings landing? the mfs just rolled up in boats and the targ bastards just strolled out to them on the beach. how did no one see this
>he's not this
>he's not that
>but he's also not that other thing
>and everything is balanced
really suffers from a lack of characterization, but when someone is such a massive influence over the rest of an entire story, what can you do? and the writing is on the wall in terms of how he'll be depicted in the spinoff. gonna make him a total and complete chud. probably gonna make him be remarkably similar to the way they tarnish aegon 2 in hotd.
Kings Landing is strapped because the Gullet is blockaded, meaning they can't get shit coming into port. Dragonstone does not have this problem.
It doesn't make any sense anyway, since the blockade of the city is only by sea, not by land. They control most of the Crownlands and border directly on the Reach and the Stormlands. The Stormlands have declared for Aegon, the Reach has some infighting, but it should be absolutely possible to get some food into the city.
the fan theory that he was infertile and his kids weren't his is going to be canonized
Do you have a higher res anon, pwetty pweease
yes it was even worse. basically fell below even their lowest standards. leaks came out about GRRM being pulled in to help do rewrites, which coincided with actual demo dialog from Alys Rivers auditions making their way onto twitter (to test the waters), and grrm making cryptic comments about the show.
i'd guess sapochnik leaving and the sudden promotion of sara hess, along with the change to how many seasons the network wanted hotd to be after how successful season 1 was, led to a clusterfuck as s2 production began.
And it's a great theory.
Every Targshit from Jaeherys to Daenerys goes on and on about being the blood of Aegon the Conqueror, but they're not.
They descend from some random singer that Rhaenys liked one particular day
oh absolutely. and that the entire line comes from Rhaenys. lol
rhaenys and visenya will be a redux of rhaenyra vs alicent.
They used the war in the reach as an excuse for why the food production can't get into KL. But apparently the war does not affect sea trade, even though the first thing on the agenda for greens would be to burn the fields if they can't get it nobody can... For something that's so crucial for the plot to work, I'm surprised they haven't showed anything about the whole situation, instead focusing on pointless plotlines.
>Aemond leaves Vhagar in the Kingswood in the book too since she’s too big for the dragonpit
that doesn't really change anything though. Aegon and Rhaenys were so closely related it's essentially the same thing. they are still the blood of the conqueror. plus, they're gonna show Rhaneys and Visenya doing all the heavy lifting anyway so it won't matter that they're not descended from him.
Balerion could barely fly around King's Landing the single time Viserys rode him.
>Fan theory
>More cuck shit
Viserys was handing out dragons like candy even though he shouldn’t have, hence why she ended up with one too
i'm glad gurm is angry at CONdal
>You won’t find dragons hunting the riverlands or the Reach or the Vale, or roaming the northlands or the mountains of Dorne.
>Fantasy needs to be grounded. It is not simply a license to do anything you like. Smaug and Toothless may both be dragons, but they should never be confused. Ignore canon, and the world you’ve created comes apart like tissue paper.
Look at the bright side, Rhaenys dies young
get over it george, nettles aint shit
which, again, is more to do with sheer size and lingering issues from his journey to valyria, rather than any explicitly stated age-related decay.
they cant seem to get past the idea that, because this is fantasy all they need is:
>majestic landscapes and castles

we have not seen a single field in this show. what does anyone eat in westeros?
New thread faggots
All the gold cloaks are still loyal to Daemon they just let the bastards walk out
>Aemond’s genius plan
anything to shit on the targ cucks, fuck them
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Blackwoodcels got btfo

Condal also has no idea how to write Daemon/doesn't understand the character at all
meat in a farming-based agrarian society apparently

It changes the optics.

Though I'll only accept Aenys being the son of a singer if Maegor is the product of blood magic and dark rituals
Jace is based for standing up to Rhaeneyra
They made a whole thing out of getting rid of the disloyal gold cloaks twice now, and the goldcloaks are still all in for the blacks. It is honestly a little sad.
I'm usually not into men bellow the age of 18 but that lad Oscar's confidence is making me tingly
I can't help but feel HOTD as a whole is just too serious and humourless. This season is extremely gloomy and no banter
There's no mention of Balerion having any lingering injuries and he died several decades after.
>You're telling me that the regent of our house was executed on the order of a tully for fighting brackens on the order the monarch.
>Yeah this sounds reasonable we'll stay in this fight.
yes there are. giant scars, and mentions of him not acting the same since he came back. lmao
late and gay
the shade lord tully was throwing was pretty powerful albeit not very humorous
We all know that what really happened was that he bonded with Viserys and died of cringe, no need to complicate things.
>You won’t find dragons hunting the riverlands or the Reach or the Vale, or roaming the northlands or the mountains of Dorne.
>Fantasy needs to be grounded. It is not simply a license to do anything you like. Smaug and Toothless may both be dragons, but they should never be confused. Ignore canon, and the world you’ve created comes apart like tissue paper.
Yet GRRM is ok with black Velaryons? GRRM puts forth the argument us Chuds have been making the whole time. Fantasy doesn't mean you can do anything. Fantasy needs it's own internal logic or else it's just lolz random DADA post modern slop.
this is a headcanon I can live with. rip poor viserys
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It is a bastard thread but look at those repeating digits
No there isn't. The scars were mentioned when he returned but no lingering issues were mentioned after.
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Aegon was right and I’ll be cheering when Aemond dies.
It’s amazing how both of them switches positions in the fandom’s eyes
> “Balerion had wounds as well. That enormous beast, the Black Dread, the most fearsome dragon ever to soar through the skies of Westeros, returned to King’s Landing with half-healed scars that no man recalled ever having seen before, and a jagged rent down his left side almost nine feet long, a gaping red wound from which his blood still dripped, hot and smoking.
>immediately after this becomes the first dragon housed in the dragonpit, with no resistance
>The old dragon had stopped growing at last, but he was sluggish and heavy and hard to rouse, and he struggled when Viserys urged him up into the air.
>grrm commenting in interviews that balerion's decline coinciding with the trip to valyria not being a coincidence
not sure what else you need as confirmation, or just being contrarian.

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