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First for squatting in the grass
Finna roll up a blackwood and light it up
>Dragonseeds of King's Landing
I pledge my loyalty to this thread
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Aegon was right about everything and I can’t wait for Aemond’s death.
I trust that the TB writers will make his death pathetic, it’s what he deserves for his big brain plans that involve harming his own faction
>I trust that the TB writers will make his death pathetic
You can pretty safety guarantee that with everyone on team Green (and Jace for being a racist homophobe) with Hess around
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The Red Kraken approaches.
Almost get for our humble general.
>a 10 minute scene with dragons and fire and people dying
>still boring and predictable as fuck
wow the 2 characters that we were following ended up the 2 that got a dragon???!?! what are the fucking chances?
this show is a joke.
>ywn see little Aemond wearing the eyepatch
Kill me
Stannisbros... is our time coming?
Of course, as soon as Winds is published. The omens are looking good.
Actually it's a TV show
i know right, if only they’d subverted our expectations on that one
I haven’t read the books. Isn’t it possible he really doesn’t remember what occurred? Or was it implied he understood he was being threatened?
Now that the dragonkeepers have made themselves unemployed, who will scoop out the dragon's poop pen?
Your other choices are:
1) They waste a bunch of screentime on characters who end up biting it during that scene

2) They don't introduce Ulf or Hugh until the dragon taming scene and people wonder who the fuck these people are and why they're even here and why you should root for them
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It’s called payoff you bumbling fucking moron. We are happy Ulf gets to succeed rags to riches and we are happy that Hugh gets to do something after his child has died.
As a Stannisbro I choose to believe he will defeat the Boltons but will not leave the North alive
why is phia so much more beautiful this season? is her wig just better?
These shots are so fucking cringe, her acting might be on the same level as Elicia Clarke
Will we know what happened to Alys and her kid after the war?
She grew into her five head over the last 2 years
The British rose is blooming.
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She is so kissable and huggable. NEED to worship my Queen.
>her face when you unzip dick
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Rhea was right about everything and I can’t wait for Daemons death. I trust that the TB writers will make his death pathetic, it’s what he deserves for his big brain plans that involve harming his own wife.
The Kylie Jenner of Westeros...
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Can't even show a beheading anymore, this show has lost the plot.
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Realm’s Delight
So glad she's dying next episode due to Aemond being a retard
>dark eyebrows with platinum blond hair
Knew a girl like this (hers was dyed though) but it was extremely hot.
The fuck that's supposed to mean? Because it sounds offensive.
Her brother jizzed in her multiple times
He dies of old age long after the events of the show takes place.
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Now that Willem Blackwood is dead, when will we see Benjicot?
her epicanthic folds and elegant nose bridge drive me wild
The increased test makes them horny 24/7
She is really lizard-like. Good choice to play a Targaryen.
I will do the same but x10, which will cancel out the cucking.
Her face when Aegon can't get it up anymore
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that brother? me.
the show did a pretty bad job at setting them up to deliver on the payoff, anon
Someone needs to clean it out.
This might be the worst fanart for an ASOIAF property I’ve ever seen. The worst part is it was officially commissioned by GRRM for his book art.
She has Kylie Jenner's old lips.
you haven't seen much
Do you have reasons for that? We saw Ulf being a loser boasting in a bar and Hugh suffering. In the very episode we just watched Hugh is forced to abandon his wife against her wishes. What would you have done differently?
I hope she won't bog herself down the line once gets more popular
I dare you to find something worst in the official art at least.
Only thing I'm happy about is Alicent fucking off. Hope she gets raped and eaten by ten bears.
As he should
>you now remember shrek Jaime pushing 30yo Bran from the tower art
better not make her aware that internet chuds are lusting over her or it’ll become an inevitability
>can look like this
>chooses to look like a freak instead
i'll never understand
>hey Helaena, just an fyi, but you’ll have to guard the city for a while with Dreamfyre when I’m gone
>where am I going? Oh into an obvious trap set by Daemon that I can then use to strand Cole deep in enemy territory and get the Lannister host massacred along with Jason Lannister
>oh and it’ll probably be a 1v6, unless Daemon shows up and makes it a 1v7, so you’ll have to defeat every single one of them with Dreamfyre
>I know you haven’t harmed a single person in your life before this, but good luck!
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So does he actually have Targ blood, or did that dragon just decide
>Fuck it, I like this funny little guy
Will Ben still lad it up with Oscar after he had his uncle killed?
Aegonchads we're getting stronger...
what did the feminist writers mean when they showed hugh hammer being a man accepting his duty nobly by heading into certain death while alicent runs off into a forest like a child avoiding her problems...sisters i thought sara hess had good optics...
Well what ended up happening is that we do know them but we still don't root for them because they are paper thin characters.

>1) They waste a bunch of screentime on characters who end up biting it during that scene

that depends, a character death can progress the story or a theme the show is trying to bring across, like Ned's in GoT. No one thinks we 'wasted time' following him around in season 1 just because he ended up dead.
>worst fanart
Idk themico's fanart is pretty rough. I don't think the cartoony style fits ASOIAF very well.
Fire & Blood 2 probably
not sure desu
in the book he is a targ bastard but not sure about the show
she liked how submissive he was
>paper thin characters
You’re the only person saying this ITT. I am rooting for Hugh.
yes he does, he just wasn't sure

probably like someone's grandpa saying "you got a lil injun in you" but you gotta put it to the test one day in a life or death situation
I choose to believe he does, but more likely from a Targ grandfather
Looks like Walking With Dinosaurs.
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this but unironically
>the dragons pick the two white males that look how valyrians are supposed to look
hess sisters...
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saera won
this show writes awful female characters and i think it's time we come to grips with that
Aegonbros we will win in the end...
Why was she such a slut?
>thank you all for coming
>I'll just leave you all here, the dragon will choose who to kill.
>also you can't run away if you change your mind.

Is she literally the most evil person in Westeros?
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Yeah I'd grip Helaena if you catch my drift
Does anyone else suspect that the battle of show gullet will mirror Aegon's fall this season? Jace will be left behind on Dragonstone, while the Dragonseed attack, but he will decide to join the fight on his own and get himself killed that way?
Why... why did she close the doors behind her?
Do you think aemond got the first crack at it
ngl, i prefer dnd's jewishness to current jews.
Is hotd going to continue past the published book based on rough outlines like the last seasons of got?
I don’t mind TheMico’s stule because it doesn’t force to come up with details where there aren’t any. Realistically, on the base of the descriptions given in the books, there’s only about 5-7 characters you can accurately draw a portrait of.
Won a case of herpes.
Because sex is fun
Poetic cinema. Bravo Hess.
there was little arc for both. the smith was suffering from the start getting nothing done and ulf was sitting in a bar for a few episodes talking with his mates. both should've had more screentime and the highs and lows of each of their stories should've been more prominent. they could've shown ulf hating himself for his lack of accomplishments, and hugh spending more 1:1 time with his dying kid showing he really cared. have one of them cry or something for god's sake.
Incredibly boring show. Emma D'Arcy is a Mary Sue
Is it confirmed that Jace dies in the last episode?
So this scene was literally just fan service and fanfiction right? they act as if if didn't happen this episode.
Kek, share
All this fucking filler in these episodes and we only get 8 episodes then we have to wait 1-2 years. Who came up with this trash formula
Jace was disgusted
we get it you hate women
I catch your driftmark.
I'll admit TheMico does draw practically every ASOIAF character that appears even if they're barely described, so that is devotion
Maybe they subvert expectations he dies to Helaena and Dreamfyre instead.
No, not at all. If anything most leaks point to Jace's death happening after the fall of KL.
Into the Regency and death of the last dragons?
No clue.
I don't even think the audience has the patience for it, only politics and 0 dragon fights?

It would be funny if they do continue and 12 year old Viserys turns up with his pregnant 18 year old wife.

Speaking of fuck ups, why did Viserra try to seduce Baelon and not Viserys, if what she wanted was to be queen?
The writers strike
Hugh will go mad with power like all little weak men do when thrust into such position. Allicent will find her inner woman and her ungrateful little shits who pushed her around will hear her woman roar and tremble.
Why is Jace constantly mewing in every fucking scene
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Eating pussy is halal though.
Since it was never supposed to happen, of course nothing that follows is going to reference it. That shit should never have stayed on screen (inb4 chud) because it throws off every scene they shot after it.
It's like pottery.
The best thing about the episode was that Aegon walked again.
I loved his skrunkly younger self so much
Stranger Things unironically
in an ideal world, yeah but most likely her autism would've cockblocked him
They gonna make him a chair like Bran?
They also forgot Rhaenys murdering a couple dozen people, Rhaenyra getting rid of Laenor and
Aemond will die and Aegon will rise
Jace and Aegon should have 1v1'd at some point. Kind of weak the two fuck ups never go at it.
1) The 2007 writers strike
2) MFA programs are junk now
3) streaming - fewer episodes per season
4) serialization
5) unions
6) writers being on Twitter
7) wokeshit

Lame excuse
To be fair aemond strikes me as highly functioning autistic with a special interest for granny dragons and milfs, imagine how autistic the sex would be.
Oddly cute
sounds like a good colon cleansing. she'll be thankful later.
Dragoncock status?
Hugh will rise and become the protector of the common people, a king for the everyman.

And the nobility will murder him for it.
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they'd probably fight, have a beer, and end up teaming up to wrangle their tard mothers
God, watching old shows with 20 to 30 episodes per season feels like you've been on a journey each season. Today you barely get to know your characters and the shit's already over.
Jace isn't the fuck up. He's shown to be diligent and to work at the skills he needs. They made it a whole thing.
>alternate universe where Aemond reigns accordingly while Aegon, Jace and Luke fucked off to essos with their dragons and create a merc company
Why do people keep saying this lie?

>Indeed, the network has continued shooting Season 2 of its hit series “The House of the Dragon” amid the labor strikes by two of Hollywood’s unions. Why? Because the scripts for the “Game of Thrones” prequel were completed before the Writers Guild of America began its strike on May 2. And the actors on the TV series are part of a British actors union, not the on-strike actors’ union SAG-AFTRA.
It's true tho, the 2007 strike made it so tv seasons would have less episodes.
>Hugh was actually Spartacus and the nobles killed him because he was going to hand power to the people like some crazy Tully uncle.
Doesn't he die like a bitch and accomplish nothing only to be forgotten completely?
>Blaming unions when TV turning to shit corresponds with unions becoming less powerful
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Shippers are mental.
why did the veil kick out rhaenys?
I dont remember a scene last episode of her saying she would kick her out.

They had like a small discussion about "you misled me, there is a dragon here" but that was it
>twittards are retarded
who could have guessed
Literally all the characters in this show get owned and die, remembered mostly as cautionary tales. That's sort of the point.
>Others suggest it was avarice, not cowardice, that led White and Hammer to betrayal. Honor meant little and less to them; it was wealth and power they lusted for. After the Gullet and the fall of King’s Landing, they had been granted knighthood…but they aspired to be lords and scorned the modest holdings bestowed on them by Queen Rhaenyra. When Lords Rosby and Stokeworth were executed, it was proposed that White and Hammer be given their lands and castles through marriage to their daughters, but Her Grace had allowed the traitors’ sons to inherit instead. Then Storm’s End and Casterly Rock were dangled before them, but these rewards as well the ungrateful queen had denied them.
>No doubt they hoped that King Aegon II might reward them better, should they help return the Iron Throne to him. It might even be that certain promises were made to them in this regard, possibly through Lord Larys the Clubfoot or one of his agents, though this remains unproven and unprovable. As neither man could read nor write, we shall never know what drove the Two Betrayers (as history has named them) to do what they did.
Hugh and Ulf did nothing wrong, Rhaenyra was ungrateful
Alive and well.
No. He actually survives, loses his memory and becomes a male prostitute.
sara hess sends her regards
i really hate how they portrayed him.
i'm still hoping he was hallucinating the execution because the army isn't even his even if he executed the Blackwood.
but CONdal is a hack.
they weren't kicked out, they're being sent to pentos because its safer
She's just like the character
that bitch was so ugly
>both Luke and Jace lose their memories and become simple minded whores for randos in a piss poor brothel
A fate worse than death but made my dick hard
I mean it’s not a cope, it’s literally the definition, and it’s where fujoshi culture started. When they say boys love it means “boys” in terms of how teenage girls use the word, not literal children.
writing actual porn with female characters was too real for their culture so it was safer to project onto an effeminate male.
the psychology of this has nothing to do with female pedophilia. it’s easy Asian mental gymnastics to get around sexual repression. and the characters are typically in college or in careers.
Why is Jeyne Arryn so creepy? What's her goal?
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>"Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation…"
The writers strike stopped them from cutting anything that they realised didn't work during production because they couldn't do re-writes during filming.
You're blind and gay
It's a prequel for Rhaenyra getting the Mysaria sex arc that was supposed to be for Daemon in da boox.
Getting plaped until old age
ok i guess
dunno how I missed all that
she's gay and feels bad about it
>accomplish nothing only to be forgotten completely
Arryn, Manderly and Stark alliance were his doing.
Getting Corlys back into the fold after the death of Rhaenys was his doing.
Dragonseeds was his doing.
Getting his younger brothers to the Vale and negotiating their move to Pentos was his doing.

They're taking away all of his actions in the show.
Hugh and Ulf should've fled to the Summer Isles with their dragons. They would be swimming in ebony babes and live as kings
In a sad sort of defense, it was Jace that made them promises of richer rewards, not Rhaenyra, so she wasn't obligated to fork over what she herself never promised.
Whos that?
why do so many people want this to happen?
it literally does nothing for the story
in the books rhaena stays in the vale but she is replacing nettles and will get the dragon sheepstealer
They both are, good thing they didn't reproduce
>Arryn, Manderly and Stark alliance were his doing.
wow it's literally nothing.
because they have some need to excuse writer incompetence, nothing else makes sense. it was a British production filmed on British soil using British union workers.
Stop pulling bullshit out of your ass, everyone in the realm of weeb degeneracy knows most ships are of teenage boys or even younger. Kuroshitsuji alone psyop'd a entire gen of teenage girls into liking shota
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Arryns are the Mcpoyle's of Westeros.
She needs Rhaenyra to make out with her and make her a free lesbian.
They should stop pretending Alicent is a main character and get rid of her retarded scenes. She literally does nothing for the rest of the series except for getting imprisoned
White Targ Boomer summer
tyland getting forced to mud fight by the triarchy
Gods season 1 had such replay-value tho season 2 is more like "is it over yet". Wtf happened??
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Very good episode, it's a shame Hugh and Ulf. What's going to be the big happening at the end of this season? Jace getting clapped?
Anyone feel like The Dance of the Dragons plot feels so contrived?
the storming of the dragonpit and a bunch of peasants killing 4 fucking dragons is utterly stupid.
and don't get me started on the retarded military logistics and strategy of the whole entire civil war.

It's like GRRM has a clear end goal i.e. "Targ civil war which kills a bunch of Targs and millions of civilians and the extinction of all dragons",
but GRRM has no idea how to go from point A to point B.
Some things should just be left as lore and NOT have an entire story written about it.
It gives Aemond a single thing to care about except being an anime antagonist.
People on the stream I was watching we're going ULF ULF ULF during his scenes
absolute headcanon with no evidence. so easy to disprove too, not sure why you’re coping so hard. hi Sara, I guess.
>fucking over the guy with the largest dragon that you gave to him
lol Rhaenyra
She wants nothing to do with this war and resents having a target painted on her house.
*inserts my fat cock in his mouth*
they keep trying so hard to push the rhaenyra vs alicent drama and its about 6 episodes since it should have stopped but they just keep pushing it
Wow I wonder what they’ll do the moment Rhaenyra dies with the Westerlands and Stormlands behind them. We’d literally have another Dance with Dragons, which is exactly why Jahaerys was super selective with who got Dragons. Jahaerys would have a heart attack if he knew Rhaenyra gave Silverwing and Vermithor to random Targaryen bastards off the street, especially one of Saera’s bastards
GRRM hates dragons because Tolkien didn't spell out Smaug's tax policy so he has them go extinct in his own books.
They could do re-writes if they wanted to because the production isn't in America they weren't bound by the strike which is why the filming went ahead during the strike after the script was completed, the reality is the show has shit writers
she looks like genderbent ned stark
>so many people
Just underage tumblrinas
It's supposed to mimic old history books which said stupid shit like "And then King Bumfuck of two square miles in Algeria took his ten million knights and ordered them to run a train on his opponent".
i don't think she would be high functioning enough to pick up on any subtle hints from him that he wants to fuck without him having to say "i want to have sex" bluntly but still it would be cute
aegon should be fucking whores in essos and those two should be making more targs with tism
just seen the ep, nice friendly dragon you got there
you were saying this thing was accustomed to humans, how many did it even kill?
>the storming of the dragonpit and a bunch of peasants killing 4 fucking dragons is utterly stupid.
The Warrior came down and helped them, and personally decapitated Syrax
>Jace getting clapped?
you mean gangraped? yes and then they'll sell him to a brothel, terrible fate
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The dance writing is fucking horrible, GRRM only wrote it to fill the book and explain the lack of dragons during the main timeline.
She is the self insert for middle aged women who married for money and ended up regretting it and hating their fuck up kids they were forced to have. The main target audience of the show.
Okay but everything Jaeharys did was stupid so who cares.
wait till we get to aemond spending the rest of the war burning down the riverlands and the riverlands magically spawning armies
He has his own love interest
Alicent too.
women good men bad.
If Jaeherys was still around then Aegon would be heir, no discussion allowed.
He's a man.
>Mysandria tells Rhaenyra about her father raping her
>Rhaenyra's targtard brain kicks in
>oh fuck that's so hot, lets make out
Nigga, the reason we can't have 24 episode seasons anymore is because actors complained, and Hollywood agreed to terms where automatic raises kick in after a certain number of episodes an actor appeared each season. Hollywood responsed by having fewer episodes per season.

Blame rich actors and their gatekeeping.
Once hooked onto autistic older sister pussy aemond would be Ned Stark tier of loyal and committed to Helly, they'd had been so happy together
yet the most popular stories are adult men in college or jobs, rich bachelors who are amazingly talented businessmen and shit. lol
feel free to Google it, there was even a high profile article about the phenomenon a decade ago.
not sure why you’re being so disingenuous, it’s a retarded genre with retarded reasoning behind it, but it’s not pedophilia.
Except he doesn't. The prostitute has had 0 interaction with him since the brothel scene, while she has been spying for the blacks.
Why didn't GRRM use magic? Could have had some wizard kill a bunch of dragons or something.
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They love showing her side profile uh
I can't believe we had an entire season of Daemon sitting in Harrenhall getting high off witch brew.
how does that make sense if he’s going to fuck a baby into alys and marry her?
>Jace getting clapped?
The battle of the Gullet will be on the next episode. It's fucking over.
Alys River is his lover
>Did someone say... WINCEST?
Mommy whore has been fucking him since he was like what, 12??
Daddy issues. Many such cases fortunately.
>>201902702 + daddy issues + mommy issues + targaryen entitlement
That probably happened with the Doom, but the wizards didn't make it out either.
Otto and Viserys should have set up Gwayne to marry Rhaenyra and none of this would have happened.
I don't think so, I hope not.
When Aemond comes to Harrenhal Alys will show up in a witch's hat and he creams his pants instantly.
>I can't believe we had an entire season of Daemon sitting in Harrenhall getting high off witch brew.
Don't forget chopping wood. Condal simps will say this was genius foreshadowing or something.
They've given the Alys connection to Daemon. He isn't going to fuck anything.
I hope they cancel season 3 before they start production. This show's going nowhere.
There was no reason for a Hightower to be married into the royal family. Viserys just wanted to fuck his daughter's best friend. That's literally it.
They spent all this time on alicent when they should have been focusing on the shift from her to her sons and their role in all this. they knew damn well she wasn't gonna be doing shit autonomously during this period, but couldn't stand having her work to support her sons from the shadows and be a force in that way. there has to be some kind of patriarchal conflict so that rhaenyra stans can point and say "see they did it to you to pick me". they had a chance to write a good female character who works to control the fight in her own way without necessarily being out there herself, but they let their feminist messaging get in the way of that.

And now they're in a corner because she has nothing to fucking do. she should be supporting her sons. she should be helping her duaghter get over the death of her child. she should be one of the few voices aemond and aegon actually respect and listen to (as is the case with most men and their mothers). but no she's a bad mother and le patriarchy. missed opportunity.
This but Alicent marrying Rhaenyra
preston jacobs, nerdrotic crew, alt shift x, AND our hilts hurt ALL what this shit to happen
Writers strike or not, tv shows would have to axe the number of episodes anyway. In the streaming era there's not enough focused viewership to fund 20 episodes per season, the total audience pool is too fragmented among many shows. But I agree it sucks, no more comedy or out of the blue bizarre, say a episode focused on wild dragons, on foot soldiers during the war, etc.
>40 scenes set in Harrenhall, with almost nil plot progression
>showrunners didn’t even the opportunity to introduce the God’s Eye lake
I've never heard any leaks about the Gullet, I don't know why some of you seem so certain.
Is there any decent fics where Rhaenyra actually marries Aemond and/or Aegon?.
Who is gonna claim the one in the vale?
No she isn't. Aemond isn't going to get a sudden connection to Alys in season 3. Especially not since they're not doing the regency period afterwards, which means no witch queen, so the Aemond-Alys connection is literally irrelevant.
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When will she appear in Daemon's house of Cameos DLC?
Yeah filler will always be filler, but you can’t deny it produced some really interesting results on older shows.
There will be no battles next, season 3 only. I'm sure he doesn't die yet unless they'll kill him with another way.
Rhaenyra's death in the show is going to be completely different from the book. The punch of Aegon III witnessing it will not happen.
not gonna happen
Not the anon you’re talking to but it’s weird the only magic we’ve seen is the witch cursing Daenyrys womb, Melisandre, and the warlock of Qarth. I’d like more magic also.
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I think her bastard blonde cousin/best friend is hotter
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thread theme song
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I'm going to save him bros
next season
You can definitely tell that George struggled to write the DotD in F&B since it was written as an in-universe historical document.
And the storming of the dragon pit is a major red flag because of the Rashomon-style death of Syrax.
Not to mention that there's too many characters in F&B who have unexplained ambiguity or mysterious regarding their actions or what happened to them.

George clearly was running out of ideas on how to fill out the details to the final endgame of "targ civil war and total dragon extinction".
This is why I have no faith that House of the Dragon will ever be better than Season 1.
they did show the side of it during the storm when they zoomed out after Alys tells daemon he’ll die there. But otherwise I agree with you.
HBO told Turk to expand the number of seasons and they’re already highly incompetent writers so of course they couldn’t properly pace it.
Who do you fucking think? Hint: BLACK
It's too late for that.
>"yeah you know, there's just some things on TV, we just don't find it necessary to show. We didn't think it mattered to the narrative, which is ultimately rhaenyra's story. this is her moment. let's keep it about her. it doesn't necessarily have to include a child being scarred for life. it's not what we want to see, or what needs to happen."
Hope that bearded shit they're trying to force as muh hero does nothing and dies like crap
why did Mother kick them out of the Vale
I swear I thought that was Malcolm McDowell.
>not enough focused viewership to fund 20 episodes per season
This is just total bullshit. They could save money by hiring better writers and using less CGI, but they are unable to do that. The most memorable scenes in GOT were scenes on sets that had existed for years and just had actors talking to each other.
they wouldn't suck the teet
He betrays Rhaenyra and tries to become king himself.
??? why would you hate hugh his biggest crime is having an annoying wife
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For me its the Caltrops
I hate magic in Game of Thrones, 9 out of 10 times it's always used a deus ex machina plot device.

Melisandre and Jaqen come to mind.
Vale's not safe, Pentos is.
it’s kind of bullshit to call it filler on older shows anyway. that implies the writers were writing the same kind of structure as now, which isn’t true. In addition, filler episodes often revealed more about characters or the world, which made it actually meaningful when something serious happened.
filler now is totally different because it’s actually intended as filler and the writers aren’t good enough to make it remotely interesting on its own.
episodic bs serialized are totally different formats. apples to oranges.
wrong black though
they are setting him up to kamikaze the red keep
I know GRRM wants the story to be low fantasy and more grounded but we've seen magic plenty of times where it would have made sense for it to be a little more prevalent during a time when so many dragons existed.
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My boy predicted that...
>a bunch of peasants killing 4 fucking dragons
but they were armed with spears, crossbows and bows. so apparently they weren't just a bunch of peasants but hidden Faith Militant or something.
Not a plurality, use the language as intended or lose a tongue to speak it.
And honestly that’s based
did daemon ever even acknowledge her
Melisandre has done nothing magically worthwhile, and neither has Jaqen.

All good magic is in Dany chapters, like at Qarth.
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Respect the pronouns please
jace is so perceptive and honorable and dutiful and pure-hearted and hot and sexy and fuckable and cute and sexable
that’s because d&d hated it and only begrudgingly included it when it was absolutely unavoidable to maintain the basics of the plot from the books. of course they’d make it perfunctory and cheap, that’s how they see it.
I REALLY hope that Nettles actually exists in House of the Dragon.

I want her to appear in the ending of the next episode for the season finale.
She'll be the one responsible for all the burnt sheep corpses in the Vale since she always wanted to tame Sheepstealer.
He's soon to be born
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it's not fucking fair bro...
Yeah no, Rhaena's getting that plot line.
rhaena is obviously taking nettles’ place.
Calm down Rhaenyra, that's your son.
He goes to the Summer Isles and claims 99 ebony wives
This will be the epilogue but with Alicent and Rhaenyra during Winter Fever.
it would be a somewhat interesting twist, but the problem is her being brown and ambiguously coded as Daemon’s daughter would be confusing since they made his legit daughters black already.
this is another lady stone blood where anons keep hoping she’ll pop up and she never does.
still laugh remembering the articles between like s4,5, and 6 titled, “Here’s How Lady Stoneblood Could Still Appear”
There's like no badass knights in HOTD. No Hound, No Mountain.
The Faceless Men are definitely a powerful walking plot device.
But funny enough I really wished we had a redo of Arya's adventures in Essos and her training as a Braavosi assassin.

There should definitely be a spin-off of her adventures there if GRRM is still alive to write it.
yeah but we have gwayne so
Contrast that with georges story in the books of quentyn martell having a long pov journey to meet daenerys, fail and get roasted by her dragon when trying to tame it. If it were original GOT, they'd have focused on a complete other guy than the two dragonseeds who succeed and you'd see him die and then they'd follow the actual dragonseeds after they succeed, and you then get to know ulf and hugh. But hotd is incredibly formulaic, so they went for the basic walking dead type shit.
there were but they love making the world feel like it’s a grand total of 8 or so people for some reason.
Using them improperly isn't respecting the language, and your feelings do not trump that.
Dat nigga zesty
we should rewatch season 1. that guy who streams the new episodes on suptv should do that.
There hasn't been a war
Either Rhaena takes her place or Rhanea encounters Nettles on her journey
Lol not even close, he's born in 208 per the wiki, current year in show is 130
I remember a time when Americans used to laugh at British tv "seasons" consisting of only 6 episodes or less.

How times have changed.
He won’t be born for another ~80 years

And they did nothing interesting in the show

The lack of prophecy was the worst
You have Criston Cole and the twins, all 3 of whom have their moments. The twin fight was almost cool which is amazing by modern TV standards.
Quentyn like his sister was just a pawn in the Darkstar's greater schemes.
He was willing to breed that sister puss from the get go as a teen, he had the spirit and unlike Aegon he'd happily slurp pussy
>cristin cole
>roderick strong
bigger retard
double retard

Why 8 episodes and not 10?
Oh yeah stoneheart LMAO
mixed it up with the Japanese revenge film (lady snowblood) like a retard for some reason
Yeah but that was because bongland is poor. Hollywood has the money, but it politics cucking everything.
the hilt is wrong, it looks like its bent inwards, cause the bottom hand is moving inwards from the top outwards like hes actually twisting the metal like a piece of puddy. Even the blade is made poorly in contrast to the tang.
Hollywood actors would NEVER tolerate doing tv shows with 26 episode seasons.

They'll only do tv shows with 10 episode seasons or less.
based homo
The actor, yes. Daemon dies fighting Aemond, as confirmed by GRRM.
Hunter Schafer looking zesty
They could’ve used someone who already existed to show the danger instead of having Ser Darklyn killed last episode, have him killed this episode, have him being the first person killed by vermithor instead of dragonseed extra #12 they could’ve even thrown Alyn in there and have him be injured but not not killed.
I think they'll stop after next episode
No budget for it. Need it all for dragons.
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I'm not sure if the writers are intending it but Alicent comes off as the most unlikable character in the whole show

There is an entire plotline about how all the small folk are starving and barely surviving under the cruelty of the nobles war. Am I supposed to felt bad for her when she goes on her live, laugh, love nature hike?

Ohh poor poor Alicent doesn't want to return to the castle where she's never hungry or cold and waited on hand and foot, she'd much rather live out in the woods forever and be waited on hand and foot isn't that sad?
which scene is this
A small sheboon.
One of the actually black characters in the book.

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