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Enter CHAD Hammer Edition
prev >>201899957
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Realm's Delight
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Cute and canon!
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How can anyone not support they/them?
that's a loser

Free Palestine
Ok we can stop pretending that this show was ever good and admit that a lot of the fan fare was related to people wanting to dab on D&D and Rings of Power.
donate to UNRWA or something
I hope Palestine is freed, and all the Christians in the region cleanse the land of Jew and Muslims.
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Who was this hunchback?
>The tits and dragon show doesn't even have tits any more
She looks like that guy from flash
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Paddy made season 1 great
what is that expression meant to convey?
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They hate him because he said the truth.
Makeup anons, is she wearing natural looking makeup or is she actually bare faced??
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Was this the most expensive episode yet? I feel like there was a lot of CGI.
very very sexo
Those are Strong words to say to your mother
Rhaenyra never listens to him, it's frustrating. Same thing happened in the previous episode when he told her that they need Daemon.
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Die retard
>Erm they need big action scenes cuz zoomers attention span blah blah
Meanwhile it was scenes like this that got people into GOT.
Why haven't you joined the Blackchad side yet, /tv/?

>Cripple king that's constantly whining in pain
>Alicent pissing off to bathe in some lake
>Pussy aemond
>Kino dragons
>New queen smirkfu
>The realms (and common folks delight)
>About to BTFO kings landing
did aegon say he doesn't slurp pussy?
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>mfw I realize Vaemond was right all along
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The spectre of monke haunts this show
cute dimples!
actual new
I've seen normies calling him selfish for saying that because he wants the throne. I'm not sure they understand his character at all.
Season 1 was great, the only downside was that there wasn't enough episodes, everything was too rushed to kickstart the civil war.
GoT didn't get popular until it became action slop btw
Season 5 is when the show took off
Do you anons still think there's some sci-fi(ish) mystery yet to be revealed in the next books (which will never be released, of course? Dunno, maybe the others are radioactive zombies and the long night was a nuclear apocalypse 10k years earlier, the deep ones Euron will awaken are aliens, etc.
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What about this dude? Did he reach Harrenhal yet?
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Desperate for a dragon
Post season 4 they stopped showing naked Melisandre without her necklace and that's a step too far
Me with Lucerys
He got possessed by Vaemond's spirit for a few seconds.
Kings guard with lightsabers
What is sex with autistic girls like?
kinda get the feeling that Jace's REAL issue here is that he himself and everyone else knows that he's a bastard, and that him being a dragonrider was the only thing he could take accomplishment in and set hi apart from everyone else.

but now all these other bastard dragonriders completely nullifies everything that he is.
Jace is no longer special.
>crowd is diverse with several women
>lol but everytime we see somebody burn or get ripped apart by teeth its a man
>only woman we see after things go bad gets to escape because man was ready to sacrifice himself for her
you never closed your parentheses
>annoying dyke whore queen
>cucked daemon with no aura and L rizz
>sissy bastard bois
>only likable members betray them for the greens
Hmmm I’m thinking nah
Yeah the second moon that broke and spawned the dragons was a colony ship from Earth. We Pern now.
Not as fun as you think it might be.
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normies in general are pathologically averse to any talk around bloodlines, mongrelization, etc. he simply hit on key words that activate their instinctual revulsion, his argument is actually fairly ironclad and difficult to contest. that said rhaenyra’s not wrong that they’re facing an immediate threat to their existence and desperate times call for desperate measures, seems she’s leaning more into the targ madness god complex as well though.
ask your dad
>GOT didn't take off until third worlders finally got Dial Up
The real reason Hollywood is so shit now is because in 2008 the median audience member was an American or European and now the median audience member is a favela dwelling ESL third worlder who doesn't care about good pacing or dialogue, they just want to see things go "boom".
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Blood of the dragon.
Hunter Schafer looking zesty!
because a man dying doesn't give me a half-chub, but when a woman dies...
ripped a (silent) big stinky
>Using terms like rizz and sissy unironically
Opinion discarded zoomzoom
idk but i feel bad for him
>2 years minimum wait for total dragon death
>mostly blonde dragonseeds
>like a couple brunettes
Man Rhaenyra got super fucking unlucky that all her bastards were dark haired huh
Lots of women were burned anon, you just focus on the men because you're gay
These dragons from today's ep are still younger than Vhagar right?
The dragon Hugh claimed was really big.
Average American viewers are the same and you can't deny it.
Marvelization of GOT started with the burgers.
the seed is strong
Who hurt you?
when do you guys think Daemondbowl will happen? End of Season 3? Season 4?
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Reminder that the global weighted average IQ is 86. Now that every nigger in the world has a phone, this is who Hollywood caters to.
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>We Pern now
>timeskip 15,000 years
>the Brackens of Igen Weyr and the Blackwoods of Benden Weyr are STILL beefing
no earlier than season 6. Daemon has a lot more dreaming to do!
None of them were born during the Conquest, Vhagar was around 50 back then.
No you can assume they burned but on screen every time it solo'd out a gruesome death it was a man.
>Marvelization of GOT
Yeah and that coincided with the Spicification of the US. Go to any movie theater in the US and it's full of fat brown goblins and their 30 family members. You don't think White people are the ones keeping the Fast and Furious franchise alive, do you?
Anon, the dialogues were quite poor in this season lol

I do rather have boom and Ned Stark’ish executions than piss poor dialogues
i suppose the blackwoods always end up overstepping, leading to punishment, which explains how house bracken still hasn’t gone extinct yet
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It's so fucking unfair, he didn't deserve this.
I mean you could posit that but let’s not blame thirdworlders or ESL’s who don’t know any better instead of naming and shaming the producers and writers that kowtow to (((their))) standards & programming.
the blackwoods are habitual line-steppers
Dragons are genetically engineered from wyverns, firewyrms, and humans. The Azor Ahai story is actually the story of the creation of dragons and Nissa Nissa birthed the first dragon chestburster style.
Is there anyone that Rhaenyra could have got Vermithor and Silvering together paired with if she were smarter and more patient?
Who am I?
"Now with more dragons !"
this episode was boring and predictable
also ulf used to work in a phoneshop
House Bracken is lucky Brynden doesn’t concern himself with petty squabbles and worries himself with the realm’s continued survival
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we blackchads are actually the patrician anti-smallfolk clan, we do not care about stinky commoners beyond their utility as dragon food and instigators of chaos
My big question is why would anyone want to continue watching the shower after Daemondowl has finished?

What else is there worth to watch?
That kind of behaviour makes dragons go between and not come back
Ulf and Hugh are the only interesting characters at this point.

Aegon and Jace are followups.
Did you guys forget about the 80’s and 90’s slops ?

Do you want another cup of Waterworld ?
>keeping the Fast and Furious franchise alive
The Chinese
From all the pictures I see it's the white bearded Americans and their tattooed girlfriends who act hyped when action happens and watch tv with their phones in their hands.

It all went down the gutter when HBO started streaming and more people got subscriptions
Hotd has *boom* but doesn't have good dialogue, which is my point. Good dialogue is fucking cheap, you just need to hire competent writers.
Harwin's genes were very strong...
Tbh the downfall of HBO was when Discovery consumed them
So since GoT will obviously be remade more accurately after this is done (and they've wrung a proper ending out of the fat fuck), what would your suggestion be for how to do it in a way that doesn't just feel like a remake for the first 4 seasons?
>focus on Rob, Jon, Catelyn/Lady Stoneheart and Cersei for the first 4 seasons
>leave the other "main" characters as background characters - especially Bran, Arya and Dany
>this way you can cast children as Bran and Arya for s1 and then recast them when they're reintroduced in s5
>focus more on the actual wars being fought and the smallfolk - possibly introduce some oc characters of no real consequence just to give perspectives on different things
>have Ned's death occur much earlier in s1
>have Emilia Clarke provide the opening season's narration in a similar fashion to HotD
this image made the episode worth it
Yes. We were robbed of Waterworld extended universe
Jews love $$$ and they love third worlders because they will easily part with their $$$ and don't have standards.
The real move would have been to avoid giving the Strong boys cradle eggs:
>Jace gets Vermithor, the biggest symbol of legitimacy of the Old King
>Luke gets Silverwing
rhaenicent dungeon sex
Why do they portray Jace as unreasonable and the bad guy when he's literally describing events that will happen next season?
He's not arrogant, he's prophetic.
Competent writers will not write the feminist misandrist woke political slop that is required of them
Saera has several bastards, each probably more dangerous than the last.
Vaegon is probably alive, and probably cares so little about the conflict he'd use the dragon to threaten anyone that tries to get him involved.

That's literally it, every other candidate is a bastard or a descendant of bastards.

He wouldn't dare, he's terrified of Bittersteel
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Never happening. Gurm dies without Winds date given and his notes will be burned as per his last will. The show will be the canonical end to the series.
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Only the most dire of squabbles deserve the attention of our boy Brynden.
>from pictures
White people do not watch F&F. It's entirely a spic phenomenon.
After Brandon Wanderson finishes ASOIAF, you guys ready for the animated adaptation?
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Howling at the fact the dragonseed tryout was just feeding an all you can eat buffet to a dragon until one of the unfortunate bastards of your great uncle managed to not get burned to a crisp.
Absolutely heinous shit, #Team Hugh and Ulf

He's pulling the ladder up behind him, if everyone's a bastard dragon rider, it raises a threat of legitimising these fucks because they come from further up the family tree.
Hugh and Ulf unironically have a stronger claim than Aegon.
>We Pern
I think we will all be elderly men when someone releases a GOT remake.
The show should have been from the point of view of the small folk and smaller houses involved with the Targs only appearing in the background fucking everything up.
Super strict casting
>mark addy was great as robert but a full foot too short
>sean bean doesn't have the looks or air for Ned
>Kit Harrington is the complete wrong pick for edgy anime prettyboy Jon
Thirdworlders are pirates, I don’t think the average brazilian is going to bring any revenue to HBO
I’ll tell you hwat, it’s not thirdworld ESLs shitting up good IPs and promoting faggotry and troonery in all their media.
The actor who plays Jace would have made a great Jon Snow.
>Hugh had to watch his daughter die, steal food to survive, work for nothing, have his wife leave him, and stand up to a dragon
>Ulf lived off people giving him free drinks for his supposed ancestry and just gets a dragon after running into her
Man life is not fucking fair to Hugh
Next season there will be 3 episodes that are from the POV of a random footsoldier and filmed like 1917, but with dragons.

He has a random mission, and we never see Targs except them riding dragons in the background.
The notes he gave D&D are surely owned by hbo and stored in a vault. So even in the worst case scenario, they can still rewrite a better ending.
So are Greens getting more dragons soon? At the moment isn't it 6 vs 1? Monke, monke son, 2 new guys, I know one of the black girls has a dragon, & Daemon vs Aemond? Tf are they doing just sitting on a rock?
Make it animation, but like the Beowulf movie
Ser Anon of the Basement? The Lord of House Incel?
That would be cool, that was basically what I was trying to see. Wish it was true.
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Harry seems Emma and Matt as his on-screen but also off-sceen parents and they love him too. That's so cute.
>Max Max on land
>Max Max on water

We need Mad Max... in the AIR!
and rhaenyra gets dreamfyre, for that matter. no idea why this didn’t happen.
Fuck Live Action, animation is the way to go
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>Kit Harrington is the complete wrong pick for edgy anime prettyboy Jon
Not to mention he's a shit actor with only one expression/emotion.
That'd be cool for an episode
This just tells me that dragons are feral for Hennessey
>Emma staring daggers at him like "don't you dare feminise me"
Hugh and Ulf betray Rhaenyra and Daerons dragon pops up. Most of the other dragons don’t do much.
maise williams' ancestor
their beautiful hair offends me and I'm not even bald.
>Blackchads have all model tier looks
>Greencels have that one guy with a Habsburg jaw and slicer is okay too I guess
Kek it's unironically over
Not if Sara Hess is anywhere near that thing
Helaena has a big dragon, trust in her autistic powers
Rhaenyra was in a prime position to get Vhagar, but cradle egg
Honestly I would love a Bioshock Infinite alike Mad Max movie
Can I get qrd on when and why? Will it be this season? At the moment those two are the only interesting characters.
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Nukes but no army (Daemon is meant to fixing that in the river lands but he'll just fuck it up like that Blackwood war crime business)
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Our queen of love and beauty! <3
Why are they purposefully leaving her completely out of the show? Instead they waste it on this annoying prostitute turned super mega james bond spy
You just know when Emma's 15 minutes are up she's gonna chop off her tits and go full troon mode.
Cradle egg practise was introduced so ambitious assholes wouldn't try to pull a Maegor and run to claim the biggest dragon when they can.
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Total Targshit Death
yea, that's what i don't understand, Blacks have 6 dragonriders plus a bunch of other dragons, while Greens have only 1 dragonrider.

The Blacks could literally just gang up and kill Aemond and Vhagar.
Why have they not done that yet?
I swear the whole tactical and strategic battles of the Dance so far has made no sense so far.
Anon meant she has a Bad Dragon
They'll probably change it from the books, since in the books we are told next to nothing about the two of them, but what little we get for potential motivation is:
>They get knighted and granted some small keeps but want more
>Daemon recommends marrying the to the daughters of recently deceased lords Rosby and Stokeworth so they get their lands
>Corlys and Rhaenyra refuse and allow the sons of traitor lords to inherit
>Daemon suggests giving them Storm's End and Casterly Rock
>Rhaenyra and Corlys refuse
>Book suggests Larys got to them to offer them stuff
>They switch sides
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Greens have an army? The show hasn't done anything to actually show that at all. Other than that one time they all died and then what's his name said their army needs time to regenerate like the dragon for some reason.
Nah, she'll get permanent silver dye and find another cute actress to spontaneously lez out with.
Pernkino when bros? Fuckin loved those books.
I don’t think that’s the case. I think it’s like a reverse method acting thing. she wants to look so startlingly different from her character that people are like, “wow what an auteur such transformation.”
She’ll probably find a new look for attention after HOTD ends
>Book suggests Larys got to them to offer them stuff
I don't think this happened in the book.
So the peasants notice that any random loser can ride a dragon and realize them and the Targs aren't so special after all? Is that what happens?
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>muh dragons
then she'll fight elliot page to the death. there can be only one.
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Why did he charge Daenerys? Was he retarded?
Realm's Delightness
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I'm posting this one too to point out how unfair it is that this whole season Jace is acting like Daemon's fanboy but they didn't interact at all and Harry has a wonderful relationship with Matt as it seems.
I liked him looking sullen in the most recent episode
Yes. They all storm the dragonpit and fly away on the dragons
It did
Remember S1 when Daemon made an important point about the Greens have 4 battle ready dragons? Turns out that was completely worthless intel because Daeron hasn't even tried flying Tessarion yet, Helaena never rides Dreamfyre, and Aegon never rides Sunfyre.

It was always just Vhagar and the Blacks could've won the war by 3v1ing her with Meleys + Caraxes + Syrax, but the Blacks can't do that and have to be retarded because how else can the plot happen?
Why has nobody brought out the scorpion ballistas?

Every army should have scorpions accompany their troops since dragons are everywhere, it just makes common sense.
You'd think a horse that had never seen a dragon before would be freaking the fuck out in this situation
I am extremely upset at the lack of tits in this show. I have not seen not even a peak of nipple from Rhaenyra, Alicent (not for lack of willingness from Olivia), Baela, Rhaena (not that I’m expecting much there), Jeyne, not even Mysaria tits and she’s a fucking madame whore.
Too many tragic dragon deaths due to riders being scum.
Really? Damn I can't remember but I believe you.
good writers and DEI don't mix well anon.
It'd seen ratcatcher hounds bigger than that.
Its a green screen anon, the dragon isnt really there
Is there any other “Large Mythical creatures” in Westeros or any continent at all?
I’m not talking about humanoid giants, but more like Hydras, Leviathan, gigantic Spider or something
I don’t know I feel like it would have been cool to have another extremely rare / extinct mythical creature that shows up here and there,
It kinda sucks, they only had one scene together and it was on the first season and Jace was aggressive towards Daemon.
True but it takes time for tech to be adopted hence why in GoT they’re so OP.
This is a woman's show that's operating under the idea that GOT was too "crass" and objectified women. That's why the women of HOTD aren't nearly as attractive as the women of GOT, it's why the only nudity we get are cocks or male asses, and it's why there's so many "women moments" such as Alicent imagining herself as a bird.
ebic moment
North of the wall are mammoths and ice spiders
Supposedly the far east has weird shit as well
Daemon just says they have 3 adults
Why is Alicent camping out in a woods? I don't remember.
Krakens and Leviathans are a thing. Ice Spiders probably not because we would have seen them in the show. Ice dragons probably just myths based on undead dragons.
It's kinda weird to see actors with such a big age gap hanging out.
What the fuck? Dishonest filmmaking
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They haven't showed us anything. They just say things are happening and act like that should be good enough. Remember when Robb amassed an army and for a full season we saw him marching with them, discussing strategy, resources, soldier and casualty counts? The current writers don't know what those things are.
there won't be a conclusion to asoiaf. Even if he completes winds, even if he completes spring, hes still in the first arc of a 3 arc story after like 30 years of writing this shit and a 13 year hiatus. It took him 5 books and hes not even at the 2nd arc yet, and you expect it to finish? Especially when hes not even writing it?
so dragons CHOOSE their riders, not the other way around.

so what are Seasmoke's, Vermithor's, and Silverwing's preferences?
Not really, in their case he sees Matt as a mentor.
Why's that? Theater nepobabies are a niche group.
Sothoryos is full of shit
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>tfw we'll never gonna see him now
Yes. They're like wands in Harry Potter.
He's seen worse
Oh shit I forgot about the mammoths, not so mythical tho
There is so much cool stuff that we will probably never see, I feel like HOTD is claustrophobic as hell, we always see the same environment and places
I have faith he can finish the remaining nine books in the next year or two
What's he supposed to do?
Why are TB actors so attractive?
yea, i literally have no idea who is winning or losing the Dance so far.
It's just words words words.
Seasmoke is a bbc slut
>I feel like HOTD is claustrophobic as hell, we always see the same environment and places
And people
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Holy shit
Why do they need a bunch of old bitches with sticks around to work with the dragons anyway
What the fuck are they going to do, poke it if it tries to eat someone?
Cregan is on the move, hour of the wolf soon.
They should have cut to him smiling when the Blackwood fucking shit was executed.
Why are people saying that the show is what actually happened? How could that be true, when it doesn't even show half the characters named throughout the book?
Reminds me of Lustria in Warhammer fantasy
Four dragonseeds, Rhaenyra? Four? That's insane.
I doubt we'll ever see a remake of it.
What I can actually see happening though is AI video getting good enough that some autist makes his own version of season 7 and 8 and releases it on youtube.
There’s krakens and giant whales in the ocean, giant river turtles in the river rhoyne and giant apes in sothoryos, those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head
I was kinda hoping one or two of the dragonseeds would stumble upon a cave filled with dragon skeletons and half eaten eggs and he would appear for just a quick cameo to kill them
Yet we've seen Aemond's dick, Aegon's ass, and half of Daemon's dick and ass
OMG they're SUBVOOOORTING le male gaze
He's done a shit ton of bit parts.
It really feels like a theater play
Surprised there haven't been any faceapp edits of this scene.
i missed the episode, are there any Hugh or Ulf webms or memes yet?
likes BBC

likes brave men

likes submissive masochistic men
The dragonkeepers are kind of a cult, they venerate the dragons as gods and consider themselves their priests. Caretaking the things is holy duty to them.
discount Red Woman
jaimes always had more courage than sense. Honestly in character for him, especially seeing her burning his men. He's a little people kinda guy.
It’s all we have. I’m only finishing the first book now. Wish me luck.
They give a +3 bonus to your dragon taming check.
>subverting the male gaze

joke's on you, I swing both ways.
>Harry is so small you can barely see him in the picture
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Petty, just like all fucking Brackens are. You'll get what you deserve in time.
Not as good though.

I, Claudius was theatre on television, with the sets and theatrical acting, and it does not feel as claustrophobic and it is full of minor characters that'll suddenly show up years later
There are wyverns (natural, non-magical, non-fire dragons) and wyrms (snakey fire monsters burrowing in vulcanic turf).
Addam and Laenor are sweeter than sugar plums, they've got sugar in their tanks. If anything, Seasmoke was buck breaking them .
ridiculously cute
So, how do you guys feel about the Rhaenyra becoming a fanatic. Putting herself and "The Conqueror's Dream" above all else, doing whatever she needs to so that she can secure her birthright? As the showrunners said it seems they're leaning in to that to explain how she's turning "bad" next season. I mean, the scene with Jace was basically the official start of it. How she doesn't see anything wrong with basically fucking over the succession by allowing other bastards to claim Dragons. Ultimately, it spells the doom for the Strong line of Rhaenyra and basically paves the way for Daemon's line and Aegon III's eventual ascension as heir to be legitimized. I feel bad as hell for Jace, I don't think Rhaenyra gives a fuck about him at this point. She just wants to win. Do you think they can pull it off or will they still tread carefully as to not have her become Dany 2.0 and ruin her?
He doesn't seem like the kind of man to take any joy in that sort of thing.
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>theater play
Hence why this gigachad slays effortlessly
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Anyone can have a dragon now, claim yours
Why did they make Rhaenrya such a boring character

Its literally a snoozefest every time she's on screen
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Both are gaining strength. Believe in our one true king.
Sunfyre, I'll nurse him back to health.
I just realized this is Beria from Death of Stalin
I choose Meleys
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yeah I haven't read the books in years but it's insane how many different plot threads he needs to complete/combine before the endgame of Dany's invasion and the Others attacking
>Stannis versus Roose and Ramsay
>Jon's resurrection
>the Meereen battle clusterfuck with Tyrion, Selmy, etc
>Sam in Oldtown
>Euron's invasion
>Victarion reaching Meereen
>Dany getting the Dothraki on her side
>Aegon's invasion
>whatever the hell is going on in Dorne
>Brienne and Jaime meeting Stoneheart
I'm sure there's more I'm missing
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Have you fucking met Amos Bracken?
She just killed like 50 people by locking them in a room with a dragon. She didn't have to. She could've left the door open. But she was so desperate to find someone her dragon would kneel to that she sacrificed a bunch of peasants. Rhaenyra is already a bad person and I wish the show would acknowledge it.
Claiming longboi Carxes
Jace's mind is too strong for team Black. He has been right about everything so far.
Theres krakens, in the winds sample chapter, euron is trying to summon one with a mass sacrifice. There's non-fire breathing wyverns. Theres wryms that are laval wyrms in valyria, theres like half-man half ape gorilla dudes who dont speak english but kidnap and rape people. There are ice spiders the others ride, there's mammoths and giants, there's apparently a massive gorilla like kong in sothoryos, also iirc they reference a massive snake like anaconda.
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Can Ryan Condal BTFO already with the forced Rhaenicent shit they're pushing? It ruins the show.
It was a fake-out execution. Daemon missed his head and hit the ground with his sword just to make a point.
Vermithor, easily. That shitter fucking chuckles before lighting motherfuckers up.
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Is Seasmoke the only "upright" dragon?
>I'm sure there's more I'm missing
>is literally any actor or actress bare-faced or wearing makeup
Outside of male streamers, everyone who is recorded on camera for a living wears makeup.
I'm guessing they make the dragons fear the stick when they're young so they retain that fear when they're adults.
This plot threads introduced in the last two books is the real reason the show went to shit

D&D adapted the books fine when they were a simpler narrative. Once it went past those they made changes since who knows how to wrap up all those plot lines, then got lazy and started blatantly giving into fan service in the end.
> Shakespearean wise Chad

I kneel
They do exactly what Jace says and think they deserve to be king since they became dragonriders
From a poll of one.
I think they really need to address it, because audiences are retarded. I think addressing it would allow them to start easing in to it. Instead of having it be like Dany where you had that scene in S8 and audiences were like "What the fuck, why did she become crazy out of nowhere?".
who the fuck is 'everybody'
By everyone, does he mean Sara Hess screaming into his ear?
Just take the yuripill.
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>insults at my son behind my back
>behind my back
did troonryna get so traumatized by the local vaemondchad they tried to memoryhole the whole thing happening
>Because everybody wants to see a scene between Olivia and Emma
Who the fuck lied to this fag? Why do they insist with this friendship so much?
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Blackwood propaganda
For me, it's Vermithor.
>Sam in Oldtown
Don't forget there is that faceless man with him.
>The horse said in an interview filming that shot where he and the Bracken were lookin out at Daemon's dragon after he learned he has to swear fealty to Daemon was an absolutely nightmare to shoot, since the Brackens couldn't comprehend the scene.

>Apparently the Bracken started based out, since they kept telling him to look saceed out at the dragon, but in reality there was no dragon there, just the open Riverlands. He started flipping his shit because he couldn't understand that there'd be a CGI dragon out on the Irish countryside.
Why don't they show Old Town?
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Don't get my hopes up. I'm still trying to parse how terrible an idea it would be to destabilize House Blackwood while Ben's too young to rule right before needing their swords for battle.
Condal and Hess are major cunts who ruined the show because they get horny for Rhaenicent shit.
I want to raise the widdle baby Vermax.
Sara "Rudolph" Hess
I’m saddened that we are missing these in the shows
I mean I enjoy the low fantasy of HoTD/ earlier GoT seasons, yet these creatures would be really cool to see
Daemon is such a cunt for not stepping in here.
Blackwood cracka was always on his side from day 1.
They don’t have a set and shooting on location is a sin for Nu-TV productions
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He's had a time of it, hasn't he?
His beheading wasn't shown on screen so I'm choosing to believe he's alive until it is confirmed otherwise.
>Hugh and Ulf unironically have a stronger claim than Aegon.
No they don't. Hugh is from Saera who was born after Baelon, Vissy T's father. You go down before going across. We don't know shit about Ulf, but it's probably the same.
I would claim perhaps Vermithor. He might be evil but we could be invincible
she killed billions
one of the things I thought about yesterday. the writers are really shit at fleshing the world and minor characters out. they don't follow or talk about any of this shit, people just teleport places, massive events like the battles happen off-screen and barely have any effect, even if thousands and and they do massive damage to the territory they're in. it just cuts back to rhaenyra and alicent moping about sexism. The series is incredibly shallow.

I would be way more interested in seeing the characters there rather than watch Alicent swimming.
bruh you didn't even mention Bran
The season ends next episode. Daeron went from his dragon is still young, and he isn't a rider yet to him being 16yo with a fully grown dragon. They can just have Ben be 16yo too in S3 and that's it.
Welcome to our new reality. Only men lose here.
daemon fell off
I might get downvoted for saying this but that's based. People have to be open to the idea that the tv show and book canon are different. First because that's how much room for interpretation there is when it comes to history that isnt meticulously written down, and secondly because the writers want to make up their own canon to subvert bookreaders and also because otherwise everyone would already be spoiled on the ending, which will probably be different than the books.
I feel like skipping any of his scenes
Shit b8 m8


Where "on location" would Old Town be shot?
Why didnt Aemond destroy the blockade on his way to Dragonstone and back? Is he stupid?
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It's getting worse Blackchads. Ryan admits that he'll make Hugh sympathetic in purpose.
Either Vermithor or Dreamfyre. Vermithor is a big boy, but isn't old and lethargic like Vhagar. Otherwise Dreamfyre, she's an egg laying machine.
The problem isn't even that they met.
The problem is HOW they met is fucking retarded.
That kind of ruins the idea behind Ben, a kid thrust into command by circumstances and forced to be a warlord before he's even 13. Timeskipping him just makes him another Oscar.
Yeah, they really fucked up the world building. We could have had different points of views to get a sense of what the realm is up to or just to see what sides they're with. This whole season has been nothing but Harrenhal spooky hour, Dragonstone barely lit scenes and Red Keep council scenes. Barely had scenes outside

In Old Town road
Look literally to the left of Seasmoke in the picture you are replying to
Yeah, I'm just throwing it out there what age he could be. The point being, William dying really doesn't do anything because if Ben is too young now they can just make him the right age if need be.
So he wants the audience to really root for Hugh and then greenfags complain that Condal is a blackfag? Pathetic.
they could also just pretend shit didnt happen like rhaenys murdering hundreds of innocent people in the dragon pit, or the rhaenyraXmysaria makeout session. They're really good at pretending shit didn't happen
>Rhaenys was a beloved dragon
The basic plot is:
>Aegon and Martells take Kings Landing
>Dany and Jon defeat the Others with the help of Bran
>Dany is upset that everyone accepted Aegon as their King and burns Kings Landing
>Arya assassinates Dany or something, Jon goes in exile beyond the wall
>Council is summoned and elects Bran king
>Greyjoys, Littlefinger, Sam, Riverlands people not even GRRM knows
Did I get this right?
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Yeah let's make the traitor sympathetic because we are obviously not team green biased this season..l

You would need a male to coil with her...
They have two fuckhuge armies, the Lannister host and the Hightower host. The Baratheons are intentionally stalling but are another large force.
See, that’s not my job but the job of the producers and crew of this show to find a suitable location. They did it for the original series.
It’s not just the circumstances, it’s that the scene was entirely pointless.
>Alicent you big stupid! my dad Viserys was talking about the prophecy but actually he still wanted me to be king. I am in the right and you’re wrong
>oh wow Rhaenyra, when you put it like that, I am in the wrong and you are in the wrong. By the way couldn’t we just have had this conversation like 3 episodes later when you capture King’s Landing
>yeah I guess but the showrunners have to give me scenes
cheap filming country that's safe for mutts to travel in
God damn it George. I've been waiting over a decade to see these sick ass battles
You are fucking telling me that Old Town (second largest city in Westeros) belongs to the Hightower ?

Holy shit, why do every nobles in this show feel like they own one or two castles and a small village, there is absolutely no sense of scale, it’s deeply fucked up
Even Kingslanding looks like a small italian coastal city now
someone make proper thread, that one is early
For riding and chilling? Sunfyre or Tessarion.
For war? Vhagar, literally the only dragon with actual combat experience.
I expected shit like robbs campaign before and after, even if they didn't show the battles. Troop compositions, losses between skirmishes, scouts finding opponents, getting to know each house and its minor lords so you feel the loss when they die, like flesh out the side characters and make it feel like shits happening in the world, but it feels like they're just hitting checkmarks on a board and moving on. No extended journey of Jace's where he goes from each location as an envoy, no development on cregan and jace, or cregan gathering the greybeards, just back to alicent and rhaenyra. You don't really even see aemond and haelena interact, or daemon and jace, or aegon and haelena or aegon/haelena and their kids, except for the episode the kid gets whacked in. It's all so low-effort and shallow.
Feels like everyone loses, shit just sucks.
watch porn you dumb nigger. i would say find a woman in real life but you're obviously incapable of that.
What are you going to do? make a show that is 90% characters traveling on long roads and walking around castles? That only works in books.
Jace's penis
this double standard
I think that Ryan is just too retarded and caught up in his fanfiction rewrites to account for Hugh becoming a traitor.
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I thought Oldtown and Lannisport were still bigger than KL
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It's weird to me that HBO passed up on the opportunity to have a naked woman. Especially in a non sexual context.
For you.
Cregan's penis
>>leave the other "main" characters as background characters - especially Bran, Arya and Dany
What is the point then?
They are the main prespecives in the books.
both are currently inside me
Unironically would have been so real and vulnerable and made that scene meaningful if she was floating nude but the creators can't imagine it because deep down they consider the female body fxck meat and nudity is acceptable only for the random extras playing whores in brothels not our pure queens who can only be digusted at their bodies through gruesome 3 minute long birthing scenes and humiliation rituals.
I realize some actresses aren't comfortable with getting naked, but they coulda easily just CGI'd her face on a body double. Or even just used a body double ass when she was stripping down and facing away from the camera

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