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Red Kraken edition

Previous >>203298790
A good raping you say?
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>Spends most of the season locked away in his room having schizo visions and subsequent emotional breakdowns
Literally me
Realistically, what would you do if you lived in Westeros?
Pray to be born in the Reach.
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Why Targaryens look like that?
Chances of Condom getting fired?
Realistically, probably wind up plowing the fields every day until I die at the age of like twenty, raped and set afire on account of some Civil War I'd never even heard was happening until my entire village was gone.
Are you a girl or something, why would you be raped wtf
Not all of them. It's just the Hightower Targs who look like that.
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Ride around on my destrier and do cool shit all day.
I'd also seek out fellow anons who tried to cope with their intellectual shortcomings by being reborn as maesters or some other nerd shit and kick them in the balls and slice their heads of with my sword.
Shit would be nocturnal as fuck.
>It's just the Hightower Targs
What went wrong? Was book Alicent supposed to be ugly or was it Viserys? Even from their description, it seems that only Daeron was not so ugly compared to his siblings but even he would be average since they only compare him with them.
If I were to do an approximate 1:1 to real life, I'd probably be either part of the lower nobility or the merchant/middle class. Does it even exist in Westeros aside from some three randos and Littlefinger?
Because they understand the need to keep their titles in the family.

AEIOU (All the world is subject to Aegon)
First based response
Managing to become a landed knight would be dope as fuck.
Men are constantly raped throughout the show and it's not exactly uncommon even today in theaters of combat. If you're unfortunate enough to wind up in a situation where your home is under siege, odds are you're getting raped even if you're a dude. It's just as much about terrorizing the population and soldiers being bored/drunk/angry as anything else.
>Does it even exist in Westeros aside from some three randos and Littlefinger?
No, because GRRM doesn't actually understand Medieval Europe
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>What went wrong?
Continued from the last thread, what do you think Fem!Viserys/Visenya would be like?
>not posting weird looking Helaena
okay feminist
Helena doesn't look any worse than the monke she has for a sister
alicent when helaena dies:
'I ought not to be sad...queens die all the time'
I'm not posting her because she's not ugly at least compared to her brothers.
When are men raped in the show? There was one time that guy nearly rapes Theon
alicent when helaena dies:
>Nothing, she's too busy scissoring Rhaenyra
Aegon was handsome before rooks rest.
Helaena was basically plump and “not as good looking compared to other Targaryens” which is basically a 7/10 and not a 9/10
A better question is, why Brits look like that?
I think it's Viserys, since Alicent is supposed to be a great beauty. Honestly the only plain one seems to be Helaena. There are a lot of very inbred Targs who aren't described at all either, so most just look good except for the very beautiful or very plain ones.
In the books it's implied Joffrey raped Tommen.
Is that Daeron on the right? The casting department deserves a raise. Nailing the inbred look and looks like Aemond too.
Probably would LARP as the original Visenya until she annoys a random Dothraki too much
Aegon looked like his dad but less happy.
Viserys was a fat fucker.
Try to escape. If I got sent there, somehow, it must mean there's a way back. As shit as my current predicament is, I think I'd prefer the advantages of modern life and not having to live in a pulp fantasy version of the middle ages.
>Blacksissies back to fake casting rumors dogshit since GRRM fucked them in the ass
You lost
Why are you on twitter?
Why are you gae?
>Dany raped Drogo (he was in a coma, he couldn't consent) before she smothered him
>Tywin raped Tyrion by forcing him to have sex with Tysha
>Maester Kerwin was raped by the Ironborn on the Iron Victory
>Varys was forced to sell his body after he was cut
>Aeron may have been sexually abused by Euron
>Ramsay raped Theon by forcing him to "perform" on Jeyne
At least Aemond is supposed to be ugly in the book too. Daemon is supposed to be handsome but they got Matt Smith who looks like the definition of the word inbred.
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>Deflects again
>Twitter isn't run by Shitlibs anymore
You lost.....again.
Brothel Queens status?
I think you should take your autistic teamfaggotry and go back to their other retarded and ugly women on twitter.
>tfw in their attempts to downplay Mushroom, the showrunners looped back around to him anyway
>inevitable Blackfyre series
teamfaggotry has only just begun
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>Now projecting
You lost......again.
>still posting twitter screenshots
Seriously, go sperg out about k-pop or whatever it is you "people" do.
>Implying GRRM will let HBO even adapt Dunk and Egg at this rate
It's called a figurehead.
Am I supposed to believe that these are the same characters? They look nothing alike. What were they thinking?
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>Still projecting and crying like a woman
You lost.....again.
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Cute and canon!
>They look nothing alike.
They are both ugly.
>papist has no argument so starts coping
After Fatty's death by Faceless Men, Preston Jacobs is asked to finish ASOIAF. He stretches the series by several more books putting one schizoplot after another - Sweetrobin's ascendance, Dornish leftist revlution, Ironcucks hustle, Oldtown triarchy

What spinoffs he would deliver?
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Blacksissies still having a Melty? How many days ago was GRRM's blogpost? Give it a rest, sis.
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>Am I supposed to believe that these are the same characters? They look nothing alike. What were they thinking?
Bong Wongfags.... Our response to being mercilessly styled on by Chin Chin Bao-stunners?
As someone who isn't a historyfag, can I get a qrd?
Yo, why da fuck duz house Locke and Dayne have purple on dey flags?
Aint that shit ultra rare and expensive?
Same reason the Starks in the books have a grey wolf on a white field

GRRM didn't do his research
At least Corlys' actor is not as terrible as Daemon's ugly daughters.
Based quads, we were robbed with Rhaena and Baela's casting
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>hideous women posting twitter screenshots and screeching about teams
Probably they are related to Empire of Dawn
What a waste of digits
>Targshits were merely a footnote and their entire destiny was to help set up the Destiny of the STARKS to save the world from the cold winds
Based quints.yhrnm
targs = Ottomans

dragons = bombards

7 kingdom = Papal States

FOTS = papist shits

r'hllor = based islam saving the realm from papist doom

Papists..... Lost.

Bloodraven amended the prophecy to take his cuckolding fetish into account.
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>hideous women
....but enough about Blacksissies. You will never fit in here btw no matter how hard you try, Blacksissy.
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Blacksisters, what's this?!?
God the way the fandom wanks over the dragons is the worst bit about this show
Sister I do not care about your autistic obsession with team piss and shit due to not being a low functioning village idiot.
Seething at Rhaegar for not "waiting for her" and marrying Elia.
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>Am I supposed to believe that these are the same characters?
Yes, it happens in many tv shows. Usually the younger versions of the characters look nothing like their older versions. The only tv show that had an accurate and perfect casting was Netflix's Dark.
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>I don't care!
>You're a woman!
Then why are you replying to me, Blacksissy? And how about you drop the projection it's about as convincing as when you throw on your mothers Sunday dress and prance around town like the faggot you are.
Their younger versions look nothing like them. They didn't even try.
What day are we on with the Blacksissy meltdown?
Luke has the same round face, Jace looks completely different.
> the one spymaster is Varys, the other is Larys
Who names them like this
rather a blacksissy than a p*pist
They fucked up with younger Aegon and older Aegon too. Young Aegon was actually taller than older Aegon as well.
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shoo shoo
>admits to being a sissy
My sworn swords...
this is what cousinfucking does to your IQ. You may think incest is the purest form of love but 10+ generations of this shit and your children will be as stupid as the average Arab or Turk. Tragic.
There is a STRONG resemblance actually. They are all white with dark hair.
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The Targaryen genocide was planned and it was successful and it was just
Praise the seven those demons got sent back to hell. Hail oldtown
Red Rahloo is a demon living under Valyria. It is known.
So he wiped Incestia, he is doing Seven's job. Actually it is Faith of Eight now
Sex with Rhaegar
Sex with Jaime
Sex with Robb
Sex with Viserys III
Sex with Jacaerys
Sex with Gwayne
Sex with Criston
Sex with Otto
Blacks are too retarded to be rulers or generals
>have the dragon advantage
>multiple times they could’ve just killed Vhagar but didn’t
>throw away their best dragon for some minor keep without any backup and gets surprised she gets 2v1
>finally have a giga dragon advantage
>do absolutely nothing with it
He is literally literally me fr
I can't wait for the peasants to kill those dragons.
People are gonna seethe and it's gonna be great.
>racism outside of /b/
Someone in the last thread posted some examples of fans "demanding" the Storming not happen in the show.

They'll seethe so hard
Preston did and said NOTHING wrong.
racism against V*lyrians is good

I will not tolerate racism here.
Sex with Fem!Theon
Sex with Fem!Viserys!
This isn't about women. We only fuck men here, not their female versions.
Fem!Theon would wish she was a man
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>skipping the only actual SEMEN DEMON in the series
Unironically I forgot about him.
Book version please
He has an additional hole compared to most men, that makes it even better
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Boaric Dondarrion
Sex with Grey Worm
Sex with Varys
Sex with Theon Greyjoy
You forgot Aegon the second who is currently Aegon the cockless.
They cut off his dick and balls, not trooned him out.
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>So you're telling me...
>I have to give the realm the gift of Fire...

Wow, why was this Stannis scene deleted?
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>Aegon IV ever had sex
>Daeron II was Aemond the dragonknight's son
>Daemon Blackfyre was Baelor the Blessed's
>all Aegon's alleged bastards were the children of other men
>he was just embarrassed about being a virgin and went along with it
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>Your brother Rhaegar, whatever happened there...
Is everyone ITT gay or just women?
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How is wanting to sleep with women gay?
Because they are not women just the fake fem versions of the male characters you like. It's projecting when you say you want to fuck the female version of a male character. Why don't you choose a female character instead of this? It's like you wanna hide how attracted to that male character you are so you use the excuse that you want to fuck his nonexistent female version.
Become king and make being gay punishable by death also ban worship of any religion other than the 7
>"let them burn local!"
>"n-no y-your g-grace you can't do t-that"
>"silence you cat piss-covered whelp, and bring me your father's he-ACK!"
>he doesn't know that Rahaloo is an ancient valyrian sorcerer who is casting spells and sending out visions from his glass candle while chilling in lava

I always bring that homo to my court in CK2 to be my warbro, then invite some twinks for him to enjoy
You're cringe.
Does he actually hook up with anyone?
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>why Brits look like that?
What do you mean? Speak plainly!
cute aegon
You are based
I don't pay that much attention to it anymore but he usually does. I remember in my save as legitimized Jon Snow, he ended up dating Hother Whoresbane of all people, another go-to member of my court. They were really useful in the war against the white walkers too kek
Who is she? She looks familiar.
NTA but he probably means that Brits look like inbreds but you proved him wrong with that picture.
that's me actually
kek you wish
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Night King definitely seems like a Freeze Global guy
fucking kek
>Hother Whoresbane
Do we call this character development
Jenny Walser, she's an actress.
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>everyone who hates papists is turk
Liever Turks dan Paaps
you fucks are insufferable
Fucking based
Become a Sailor, Move to Bravos and become a merchant.
You might not have my name but you have my blood.
You are a Targaryen, that's all that matters.
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>ban worship of the religion that will stop you from the white walkers
papists in charge of not masterminding their own eradication
Protties stabbing fellow Christians in the back, news at 11
JS was most likely still a bastard until Dabid had their brilliant idea.
He's talking about Karl XII of Sweden. Basically came to the throne at the age of 15 in 1697 after his father, Karl XI, died of cancer and within three years Denmark-Norway, Poland-Lithuania and Russia had declared war on Sweden on the assumption that with a boy king on the throne they'd have an easy win.

The issue was Karl XII was a borderline tactical genius and more importantly his father and grandfather had spent the years since the Thirty Years war building up what was probably the best army and officer corps in Europe at the time.
That and while everyone else had abandoned the pike and focused on training their musketiers as primarily ranged troops, the Swedes used shock tactics with Musketiers closing to point blank range and firing a volley before charging in with rapiers/bayonets, backed up by grenadiers and pikemen who used their pikes offensively like lances.

So within the first year of the war, Karl had knocked out Denmark-Norway/forced them into a peace treaty, broken the Russian siege of Narva (at the time Estonia was a Swedish dominion) and in doing so defeated an army of 40 000 men with less than 10 000 of his own and driven Poland-Lithuania into chaos. Just by saying 'fuck it' and being as aggressive as possible both tactically with melee charges and strategically with maneuver warfare.

The issue was he didn't know when to take his win, bro was offered multiple peace treaties by Peter the Great after Narva but still decided to and the war "on his terms" by marching on Moscow. So of course the Russians attritioned him down and then crushed an alliance of his army and the Ukrainians at Poltava (though even there they only won because he took a bullet to the knee while scouting ahead and had to delegate).
So the war dragged on even after this until 1718 until in that year Karl was sieging a Norwegian fortress (Denmark-Norway rejoined the war after Poltava) and while in the forward trenches at night was shot in the head. There's debate if it was from the fortress or an assassination, though forensics has pretty much proven it came from the Swedish trenches so the most popular theory is his brother-in-law (who took the throne via his wife afterwards) had him killed.

As for the Stannis comment, that's the main thematic break from Robb her, Karl was notoriously cold, stoic and a devout Lutheran, apparently the only time he cried was when his elder sister died and there's claims about him breaking windows in the rooms he stayed in so the room was freezing cold, there's also a lot of evidence he was some form of autist. That and he never married, there's modern claims he was gay but it's more likely he was just asexual/married to his job.

Tl;dr: Dude was basically Robb but even more badass. And with Stannis' weird 'stoic autist who still somehow has the charisma to inspire his men to charge the enemy head on'.
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>you have to understand bro, incinerating this innocent child who never hurt a soul WILL ABSOLUTELY SAVE US
salvation will come in the form of a Dayne, not a Targshit
Jon is legitimate tho. Those STRONG Boys are not.
Nah, George said the reason Dumb and Dumber got the job was they guessed Jon's parentage over a coffee or some shit.
Historically speaking, the Catholic French were always on good terms with the Turks because they had a mutual enemy in the Catholic Hapsburgs that ruled Spain and the HRE
Probably the only time Rhaenyra didn't fuck up. That was a good response compared to the second conversation they about this topic.
Just because you live in a German apartment doesn't make you less Turkish Ahmed
Frogs don't even count as human, though. It's natural they'd find their natural allies in the fellow Turkish demons
They guessed his mother and that was it.
>Fr*nch allying with the T*rks against the rightful Emperors of Christendom
They've gotten what they deserved now.

People refusing to accept that R + L = J is canon are delusional fucks.
t. Mehmet from his Amsterdam apartment
It's funny how the most nationalist of their kinda are always the ones living in the EU
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>Jon is legitimate tho
Explain this then.
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Beebros... are we buzzin?
it's canon, but it's also shit. Jon is a Dayne and Targshits are nothing but more slaves to R'hllor
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>aka 99% of the first world today
>NL = german
that 99% includes you as well, mutt, you should be thanking the germans.
Keep guessing where I'm from, you'll never guess. It's a protestant country though.
Bro looked like he could have been played by a young Jeffrey Jones.
Cersei's children should have been there...
it's retarded even if it's canon
fuck Targshits
fuck prophesy
and fuck niggers
If Ned actually fucked Wylla, that would have also been canon. Daemon/Mysaria was also canon. Jamie/Cersei is also canon. See what I mean?
Okay Swamp Kraut

Also I'm not a yank
Honestly Show Stannis/Dillane would fit in looks as well funnily.
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>They've gotten what they deserved
you live in a country modeled after the french state?
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>HBO twatter account
Nobody involved with the show made this.

No I live in what would be rightfully ruled by Karl von Habsburg if not for Frog treachery
>thinks the ideal solution is selling Westeros off piecemeal to foreign bankers from (((Braavos)))
art imitates life
Who are the ASOIAF equivalents of the Hapsburgs and the Bourbons?
The bastards are the most interesting characters too and unironically.
He's Dutch as well, Braavos would remind him of his acursed homeland

Habsburgs = Targs
Bourbons = Baratheons
quite literally everyone in the Balkans would kill you for that retarded ass statement. There is no greater poison to your country than being run by Muslims.
>I'm putting together a team
>There is no greater poison to your country than being run by Muslims.
Except being ruled by H*bsburgs
I think that's too recent.
you still live in a country made to the french image
>papist can only strawman
Habsburgs were on the throne since the 12th century anon.

>you still live in a country made to the french image
And I wish I didn't
Both sides deserve to fail. The Greens for being usurping upstarts and the Blacks for being completely incompetent.
Why is GRRM so obsessed with cuckery? You can tell based on all these bastard characters he created.
Are you like 180 years old or something
That was already a popular theory so d&d probably just stole it off forums.
most balkan people don't even know who their president is and work at home for foreign companies
>Why is GRRM so obsessed with cuckery?
Mutt's law is why
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Every country made in the French image is a fucking failure. What's your standard of success, Haiti or Niger?
Based Alyn is going to make his own bastards in the future. Like father like son.
And yet they're still better off than anything every ruled by the incest babies

There's a reason the frogs revolted the moment their king married one of those creatures
any man would be lucky to have married Maria Antonia you fucking Bourbonoid. She's the Helaena of our world.
Daeron as Cole's bastard son when?
So Karl XII was an anime protagonist?
>habsburgs = targs = technologically superior civilization
lol, lmao, that the reason they needed multiple great powers to hold off the turkish chads
Basically. Except he was based enough to reject the harem part of it.
the french created you, mutt
They are all so ugly....
This only proves his point
>the French created the modern muttoid
horrifying thought
truly the enemies of mankind
Apart from going bald at a young age, yeah
And yet they don't look nearly inbred enough
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He was literally 12
My theory is it was just his next step after breaking the windows.
>Lepanto? Won
>Vienna? Unbroken
>Caliphate? dead and buried
>Ataturk? hates you
pack your bags Mehmet, total mudshit death is coming
>Vienna? Unbroken
Only because of the Poles bailing you out
Bite sized read
>o-only because [Mudshit Cope]
maybe someone will believe you when you goatfuckers get one (1) functional country with a functional economy and military
How's Austria-Hungary doing these days?
Yes, the Poles have honour and loyalty to their fellow Christians. Unlike the House of Bourbon
Shownyra said she just wanted the dragons as deterrence, to scare the greens into surrendering. She's a peaceful queen who don't want no trabble.
Last I checked the bible outlaws incest.

Didn't seem to stop the Habsburgs making la creaturas like Antoinette
If Jacaerys "Velaryon" is in the picture then Joffrey "Baratheon" and his siblings should have been there as well.
>picks vienna out of all the military "defeats" in the 400 year of papist cucking
>the aftermath of what is essentially the full vassalization of hungary where suleiman was just "eh, why the fuck not?"
>last I checked
you never checked and you never read the bible, only Muhammad's schizo ramblings. Fuck Islam, fuck Red Rahloo. Andal supremacy.
Go fuck your sister-wife
>>the aftermath of what is essentially the full vassalization of hungary where suleiman was just "eh, why the fuck not?"
>Muslim is so braindead he confused the 1500s battle of Vienna (Ottoman failure) for the 1600s battle of Vienna (Ottoman failure)
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Non whites should be banned from reading fantasy. It’s how we get shit like rooting for Targaryens
>"Mother, have mercy," Davos prayed. "Save me, gentle Mother, save us all. My luck is gone, and my sons." He was weeping freely now, salt tears streaming down his cheeks. "The fire took it all . . . the fire . . ."

>Perhaps it was only wind blowing against the rock, or the sound of the sea on the shore, but for an instant Davos Seaworth heard her answer. "You called the fire," she whispered, her voice as faint as the sound of waves in a seashell, sad and soft. "You burned us . . . burned us . . . burrrrned usssssss."

>The galley might be Joffrey's, he realized suddenly. If he spoke the wrong name now, she would abandon him to his fate. But no, her hull was striped. She was Lysene, she was Salladhor Saan's. The Mother sent her here, the Mother in her mercy.

fuck R'hllor and fuck Essosi brownoids.
lol fucking retard
Turks sure have a hilarious superiority complex considering how often the Russians raped them and would've destroyed their dogshit "empire" had it not been for other European powers
And yet Türkiye outlived those other powers. Funny that
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>blablabla bing ling and ma dong dao linked up to make this takedown of win wincels
>raped by something that didn't exist
least intelligent papist
Can you schizos please go to /his/ or /int/ or /pol/
WTF is this talk about real life religion and politics in this thread? Go back to /pol/ you subhuman retards.
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>Nooo, you can't call a country by its correct name
b-boar wine, your Grace?
sure, so long as the language spoken isn't the Black Speech of Mordor, otherwise known as Turkish
Fuck it, I’m reading the books. Don’t care if it remains unfinished.
I mean, Turkey doesn't call my country by its correct name either and my language doesn't call Turkey by its correct name either. Do you call Japan Nippon?
pa*ists exist in ASOIAF, they're called the FOTS
>it actually is a fucking seething turk
Good luck, anon, maybe you should try a drinking game for stuff like teats, grease dribbling down someone's chin, reversed numbers etc.
for me, it's fiery Dornish peppers, lobstered plate, and mailed fists
>no human sacrifices
>no slavery
>no blood magic
>no first night
those evil papists, Westeros should be an apocalyptic slave-trading child-murdering hellscapes like the civilized chads of Essos
>trenchers of bread
George is such a fucking pig
And nuncle, boiled leather, nipples on a breastplate.
No, because modern Turkey isn’t a continuation of the Ottoman state, which wasn’t a continuation of Rum, which wasn’t a continuation of the Seljuks.
how long are you going to cope that everyone who hates pap*st cucks is a turk when half of europe wanted to murder you pap*st cucks
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is the Faith of the Seven stand-in for Nazis? How would Stannis be like if he stuck with the Seven? Also why don't they have magic like Rhllor?
>>no slavery
This is the big one, even IRL Catholicism accepted slavery.
If Stannis was backed by some a FotS priest with magical powers he’d have conquered the world in like a week, Andals are religious freaks (and that’s a good thing)
Stannis only used R'hllor out of desperation. If he actually took the throne as of Battle of Blackwater, he'd quickly just embrace the Seven again and sideline Melisandre.
magic power in Planetos depends on blood magic. If the Seven worshippers started declaring crusades on the Essosi and dedicated their kills to the Warrior/Stranger they'd start manifesting some powers too
Why didn’t Stannis request a divorce when his wife became a heretic and marry Margaery himself?
too politically savvy for Stan the Man
01. plot
02. her family wouldn't have agreed
Doesn’t marry if her family agree, the High Septon would’ve granted it
the Tyrells are low enough to pawn Marg off to Robert, Joffrey, Renly and Tommen. Why wouldn't they with Stannis?
Oh, you meant the Tyrells. When the war breaks out they would’ve married Margaery to Stannis like they did with Renly.
the Tyrells are green Lannisters, they would've gone through with it
Robert, Joff and Tommen were kings, Renly they could control via Loras. Renly was also quite popular. Stannis is way too inflexible, uncharismatic and unpopular.
There's no basis for it, the marriage has been consummated and they have a child. Even Baelor had to argue with the High Septon that he never had sex with his wife before he could get a divorce, despite being the king. Besides, the Faith presumably doesn't allow marriages to women who follow the old gods to be annulled at will, or no such women would marry southron lords.
Here is how Stannis wins

>When talking with Renly, tell him that the lannister's are the true threat, and you wish to ally with him to take down King's Landing
>If he agrees, then help Renly take the city.. as soon as the city is taken and Joffrey is dead, use shadow baby on Renly and kill Selyse
>The Tyrells would be too commited to the war to side with the Lannisters, and Stannis would have an opening to simply marry Margaery. Mace and olenna are pragmatists and would go along with it.
>Abandon R'hlorr and convert back to the faith of the seven
>Kill Mel.
>Command Robb to bend the knee or be destroyed. He will likely oblige because his war was more out of opposition to Joff, and you just gave him justice
>Defeat Tywin, execute Cersei, execute Jaime, cancel all debts on the throne by House Lannister (thus cutting the crown's debt in half)
>Have a good time.
The Old Gods is tolerated. The Faith is far more hostile to Rahlooism
The Old Gods are tolerated. The R’hllor are not. It would be like the king of France’s wife converting to Hinduism in medieval times.
If Stannis won at the Battle of the Blackwater, I wouldn't be surprised if he ditched Melisandre, ditched Selyse, married Margaery and married Loras to Shireen. Sure, he hates Mace but does Stannis even like anyone? He'd have tried to legitimize himself once he got the Throne, you wouldn't be seeing the desperate rebel Stannis, but King Stannis. Lannisters would most likely be fucked though, just can't see them surviving. Maybe Kevan makes it out.

The dude is a legitimist, he's not going to be a Daemon/Rhaenyra-style edgelord. Now, if he got a more gruelling victory, like post-Winds of Winter, I could see him sticking with the fire god.
Stannis would wipe out the Tyrells and give the Florents Highgarden for being traitors.
Wipe out the Tyrells for being traitors*
I doubt it. Stannis hates traitors, but he isn't an idiot. If it was feasible he would, but it would not be so. I'm not even sure if Stannis would wipe out the Lannisters. I think he would understand that most genuienly believed Joffrey is Robert's son. He would heavily decrease their power though, have the crown debts cancelled on them, and probably partition the Westerlands a bit.
House Greyjoy would be wiped out though. Two rebellions in a decade would bring the wrath of Stannis down upon them.
>Russia no longer exists but the republic of Turkey (founded in 1920) counts as the Ottoman empire
I knew these threads were crawling with subnormals from the global south.
Beating the Lannisters is easier said than done, Riverrun STILL hasn't fully fallen by the last book, so just imagine having to occupy some place like Casterly Rock. Tywin could just turtle his way in there and he probably has enough stocks to survive against Robb and Stannis, plus would they even have enough hate for Tywin to march on him? Their beef was with Joffrey/Cersei. Most likely Joffrey & Cersei get executed, Jaime and Tommen get sent to the wall, Tywin gets peace with Tyrion sent back to him in one piece. Tywin can't afford to march on Stannis/Robb, and they can't on him, so I figure they just all accept it and go home. This doesn't mean Tywin wouldn't be making up some schemes though.

Stannis has a lot of grand ideas but above it all he's very practical.
have the citadel adopt me and become a (((maester))))
convince them i can teach or do research so i dont get sent to castle and just read/write books all day and chill
Niggas really take George's omission of mentions of urban centers in Essos beyond the free cities and the lesser Volantene cities along the Rhoyne to means that it's fucking mad max land.
Do you also believe that there are no forests in the reach or rivers in the westerlands?
Harry is very handsome, I want to see him in more roles.
>Slaver's Bay is barren
>Dothraki Sea is full of Dothraki
>Rhoynar lands are greyscale colony and nuked by dragons
>lands around Qarth is a literal wasteland
>lands between Tyrosh, Lys and Myr is Somalia-tier
Essos is fucking hell.
Hope you like having all sorts of shit thrown at you and being ignored by spoiled lordlings of all ages.
Braavos seems nice at least.
Tywin only has one major army left of 20,000 people. With the combined might of the Riverlands, the North, the Stormlands and the Reach? Absolutely Tywin could be defeated. Robb had already discovered a way into the Westerlands through using his direwolf, but once the golden tooth is seized, massive hosts could enter and lay waste to the lands. Though this is one reason why I think the Lannisters wouldn't be destroyed. Stannis would be unrelenting and Tywin would see that he was fucked. Stannis would make Tywin sue for peace through the sheer might of his forces and his unrelentness. Jaime gets executed for literally fucking the Queen, as does Cersei and Joffrey. Tommen would probably get sent to the wall or something, correct.
The debt that the crown owes to the Lannisters would vanish as per the peace deal, and the influence and power of the Lannisters would be greatly diminished.
It does but the weather sucks.
The problem with a Stannis victory is you don't really have much of a story to tell if he wins, same with a Robb victory or a Renly victory or a pic related victory. The journey for the throne is more interesting, so if they actually succeed, it just turns into easy mode. That's why GRRM can't have any of them win, because it'd close out the story pretty much there and then. There's not a lot of stories to tell with Stannis gritting his teeth on the Iron Throne.
A wise man once said.... nothing is more powerful than a good story... and whose had a better story than Bran the Broken?
>>Rhoynar lands are greyscale colony and nuked by dragons
That's one specific city. Selhorys is also on the banks of the Rhoyne and it's larger than oldtown and king's landing. You've also ignored all the lands controlled by the free cities, presumably because you think the fact that George left it blank on his maps means there's nothing there.
>and whose had a better story than Bran the Broken?
me, I went for a walk today
I think Tyrion would survive. Despite his losses to him, Stannis would just recognize that Tyrion was doing his duty while Stannis was doing his. Hell ironically I can see the meme dwarf getting more of a recognition in a Baratheon Blackwater victory than a Lannister-Tyrell one.
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essos peaked with valyria
but yi ti still going strong
So why did the Yi Ti and their Bloodstone Emperor create the Faith of the Seven and bring it to Westeros?
>“Who dwells in these Flatlands of yours?”
>“Tillers and toilers, bound to the land. There are orchards, farms, mines … I own some such myself, though I seldom visit them. Why should I spend my days out here, with the myriad delights of Pentos close at hand?”
>“Myriad delights.” And huge thick walls. Tyrion swirled his wine in his cup. “We have seen no towns since Pentos.”
>“There are ruins.” Illyrio waved a chicken leg toward the curtains. “The horselords come this way, whenever some khal takes it into his head to gaze upon the sea. The Dothraki are not fond of towns, you will know this even in Westeros.”
Read the book nigger. There's jack shit out there
rather be in post-Doom Valyria desu
>holding V*lantis as a good example of civilization
pajeet pls
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Condom and Mess have lost the zoomer girls.
Tyrion is dying whether it be by Stannis’ hand or someone elses
What is her ethnicity
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I saw this on Instagram and I had to share. Imagine not being team green... they are all gorgeous.
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I knew Viserys and let me tell you, my lil hope, was a real one FR FR. We buzzin for 20 years and he would NEVER cap out like that on GOD. Beneath the honey, the bitter sting.
Imagine being a teamfag instead of liking various characters from both teams.
>inb4 season 3 of HOTD is so bad that D&D apologism becomes a mainstream opinion
>ethnically ambiguous women
my heart
It will be good because literally every major event except the deaths of Rhaenyra and Aegon happen in it
>Rhaena and Baela are niggers in fan art now
I'm now only realizing that most future illustrations of Baela and Rhaena will portray them as blacks because of showfags...
>Imagine not being team green
I don't have to imagine it

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