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No means no edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203703270
Why did you bake? What's wrong with you?
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Why did you reply???
Run. Run away. Stop wasting your life here. Go for an actual run, study some worthwhile subject, consume fine works of film, literature, or music instead. You will be better than the rest of us, you have to be. Godspeed, my angel. No more e-celeb garbage for you. I love you.
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All of you should just do picrel in your spare time. Lift weights too.
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The last thread was perfect why did it get deleted
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Here's something better than what Sam and his merry band or wiggers could ever produce. God bless you all.
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I was filtered by Knight of Cups desu. Is it anything like this?
Jannies are transphobic apparently. They don't understand it's a dead gay show.
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Keegan status?
So is season 3 cast finalized? Letty's really coming back? I hope so.
It's Malick's magnum opus and superior to his other works imo
a decent man who made a bad judgement and made himself look like a fool so decided to disappear into the shadows
malding and seething
Fiending for dat Jetussy
>a decent man

Kek he is a faggot simp who got too close to the sun he should have known his role and kept quiet and edited the fucking vids.
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I'm sweating balls. I think this clinic waters down their shit. Can't wait to get back home.
u going to the clinic today or nah?
If you're overweight at all sweating is extremely good no matter what the reason. Not to say what's causing the sweating is always good of course but the sweating itself is always very good if you're overweight at all.
Hi Gilligan’s Asshole
Sometimes in the mornin' I wish I never woke up and just died in my sleep.
hes a freak
Yea I'm guest dosing at one in NC for like a week
I'm like 130lbs
We should all be so lucky. Debilitating stroke etc is probably more likely. Then we'll really wish we were dead.
Too real Sarge
>no reel in two days
Was he fired?
Damn sarge i can relate.
i hope hes gone forever and maybe even tj will stop being a loser and apologize
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Erm I love the world when it praises me, a fool
If it turns out Taylor's sperg out in fleeing was even slightly because of him that is easily the most retarded shit ive seen in a while.
Apologize for what?
>maybe even tj will stop being a loser and apologize
Hi mike
his new car
being a shithead and doing nothing while taylor was working hard to make his life easier and also texting random whores
>being a shithead and doing nothing while taylor was working hard
What is he supposed to do with his fucked up arm?
>texting random whores
There is no proof of this
Hi Keegan sill big mad?
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don't worry daddy sarge I'm here to make it alll better
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That was all Thomas, not TJ
shut up youre a fucking loser too you defend tj because hes just as much of a loser as you
Put down the bottle keegan
my nigger teej is innocent!
why does sarge have so many selfies
taylor's streams are so boring
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TJ did nothing wrong people hate to see a young nigga winning.
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>Age regression
>Uses pacifiers
>Plays toddler games
>Abused drugs to the point she's stuck mentally at 13 years old
Clairepedos still want to fuck what's essentially a child who's parents didn't love her leaving her vulnerable to predators like you lot kys claire
Gotta capture all my cool looks.
How'd he breal his arm
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jc backflip
So is season 3 gonna be sexier? Couldn't this show be a lot sexier? Like there could be designated lotion rubbing time or something? Just spit balling here. But it seems like there's a lot if untapped potential in that department. Am I completely reading this wrong?
social media brought out something in boomers that just made them take a fuckton of selfies
That's against Sam's morals.
no, you're exactly right on the money. they should do a bikini contest but in a kiddie pool full of baby lotion. last one standing(literally) in the pool wins. like a sumo thing. also, the winner is exempt from the next challenge which will be duck duck goose but with tasers. would be so sexy.
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Boating tube i believe he was on it with a homie and his friends knee went into his arm the scar he has is nuts.
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Jet really fucked up with bitchtank they should have sexualised and degraded the second they stepped in.
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Jet was on stream earlier talking about his personal distaste for nudity on the site, and how in the future if the fish want to have sex they're going have to do it through a sheet, or fully clothed, which might conflict with the lotion. You wouldn't apply lubricant to your shirt, would you?

Would you?
do you have a clip of this, my good sir?
they should do a "try-on haul" challenge. the fish are given a huge selection of clothes and a limited time to try on as many clothing items as possible. they could also choose to sabotage each other by removing clothes items or tasinf them.
Answer the question.
I'm not the guy you replied to, i am simply a bystander trying to brainstorm ideas for a much needed sexier season
this post cased so much seething yesterday what is wrong with all of you
i was there, it really didn't
well they were saying it was psyops or it was betty and josiefags behind it and you had some schizo posters thinking everyone was samefagging for several threads then that guy who was pretending he did not know who betty was
End it
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they could do what I'm gonna call the "wet blanket" challenge. the fishes are asked a series of personal questions about their sex lives; the fish to give the most boring answer will be slapped really hard using an actual soaking wet blanket.
potato sack race around the house
They should do the send nudes challenge
jiggle bliccy challenge but bliccy does the jiggling
Holy Fucking Based
Very cute.
Year and a half later he still doesnt know her @
That gorgeous black hair. That confident, knowing smile. Those soft lips. Those mysterious, dark eyes. The pale, porcelain skin. Those delicious, long legs. That round, perfectly juicy apple bottom. Those beautiful bouncing breasts. Those worship-worthy feet. That adorable, boopable snoot. Those soft, womanly hips. That perfectly taut tummy. The pure, pink innie. Those beautiful, rosy cheeks.
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The problem with this challenge is that it requires the wiggers to plan ahead and buy a bunch of clothes ahead of time, which will never ever happen. Instead they will sit in the basement doing whippets trying to come up with le epic circle of irony gaslighting schemes while sending Bex out to go get fast food for the tenth day in a row.
>Uuuuh, this is the icky pukers burger challenge. First person to throw up Burger King wins.
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the last remaining genuine taytriot is in this thread rn
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That's beautiful sarge
Tay’s nipples were brown so you just now her pussy is Arby’s brown.
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it's cryo
That pussy stank but nothing like seeing Daddy's dick inside that tight pink innie wrapped in porcelain.
yeah you're right it'll never work
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For your own good, please you guys, quit the hate <3
At the end of the day Tay is just a goofy girl. A goofy girl who cares too much and knows a little bit too much for her own good. And (sorry Tay, but it's true) has really pretty brown eyes. She deserves the hate less than anyone, and I think soon you guys will get over her and Jordan and just let Tay, well, be Tay.
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AP ass post.

That nigga is still obsessed with her.
they could do something similar to the wrestling promo challenge in s2 but instead of having them make their own characters, they'll be given sexy Halloween costumes and they have to deliver a scene based on whatever their costume is. idk i didn't really think much on this one, i just thought: Halloween = sexy costumes. I'll brainstorm a bit more
Lol fuck no she she deserves nothing.
anyone have TJs last stream recorded?
You already did more thinking than jet in both season combined
No, all these streams will become lost media.
I'm just spitballing. I'm trying to come up with "sexy" themed challenges like the anon suggested. i wish i wasn't the only one though lul. I'm trying to add a halloween theme to them as well but idk how much that really matters since they didn't reall do any Christmas themed challenges for s2 besides the nativity play.
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Anon! Stop posting on that silly website and come slurp up this fat MILF pussy, right now young man!
Based milf poster
This is why he got arrested
There are no heroes left in man.
what is this show? they asked me to be on season 3 and it looks fun but am i being pranked?
they're going to get you drunk and have a giant fat guy forcibly kiss you
Yes. This show is satanic and ruins lives. Run and don't look back.
It’s a rape show
Hi Sam
How much money did the josiekeks give Steinful for his gambling and condom fund this weekend.
several thousands
why does tj shit have anything to do with mike
He doesn't know.
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had two custom chains made for her :)
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Bountiful dyke butt
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>i'll be having fries with that, claire, you skank
>and don't forget the ketchup
Not any of those anons but this post made me hate Tay even more
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Rape it up
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Fuck hate anon give love a chance.
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So true
Steinful will put them as he’s hitting it from behind then laugh at it by calling you guys pedos again.
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What will her next valentine's day entail?
She will be back to michigan by then after she realizes that all this was keegans fault
biffmcgriff chat messages
I've noticed he has moved in and i don't even watch her.
niggers haha lol
I wish I'd gone to the Connecticut show maybe Sam would have sat on me :(
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Is it really that funny, anon? Are niggers funny to you? 1488, anon?
:( sorry
if I started doing that, I'd be the modern day ghengis khan in under a year.
so for your sake, I'll keep smoking weed and playing rimworld.
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That night when the taytriots got fucking owned was easily the best night for me till the finale.Insane it took them till the eve of 2.5 to find out what she really was but atleast they came around.
hehehe niggers lol
Ok that was pretty funny
I'm fucking black dude.
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Swigging out of a bottle of whisky listening to project pat we all gonna make it mane.
hehe what if i wrote the word lol
>i-is that fail rp?
nigga lol
i see 33 year old tranny child groomer Matthew R Higgins of Methuen, MA, is still letting these gay threads stay up and disappointing his father
O fuck has molestro got dem hashes?
molesto? more like nigga
Bruh haha he do be a nigger 4sho
It wouldn't be very heckin cool and valid if anons posted Matthew R Higgins' (Emily "Faggot" Leighton/naemuti) dox the way he posts other peoples' dox. Something to consider for today.
Anyway Matt you're actually one sick faggot and need to kys
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When Matthew R Higgins the child groomer, who ERPs as an underage girl on IRC, isn't being Sam Hyde's personal 4chan janny, he's chimping out in vtuber threads because he's really that fucking gay and schizo.
more like matthew r nigginz
So he’s the one responsible for us staying here? God bless Matthew
Autism fishy but no Oliver. Make it make sense
Sooooo Niggers
i hate you matthew r nigginz i dont like the way you protect sam hyde youre gay and ugly
>Autism fishy but no Oliver

Ollie no ghey on puffy but no diddy skibbidi
Her own father
Well there's niggers!
And there's niggers!
But only one kind makes
Your crime statistics biggers!
Matthew is based? kill yourself Channing OR, if Molesto: please record first amendment auditing IRL videos with Jimmy. His one shot at redemption.
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the n word is sooo bad wouldnt it be funny if i wrote it lol hehe
Legit no homo i wish it was all boys ive seen enough bdp cutter hoes for a lifetime ya feel me.
Calling them N words is even funnier.
You don't even need to write it lol

Enn Eye Gee Gee Eea Arr Ess

El Oh El!!!
I feel you no homo
his name is on the site
Sam should do the casting fucking jet sam atleast would get hot bitchies.
Ive just realised we are never going to see the season 2 layout again why? fucking idiots that was such a great house.
Sam freaks out when the female fish wear revealing outfits and is always the driver for the gross out bits, and you think he’ll get hot women?
Sam need's to stop that larp and lean into the Dgen
yeah just get full on dp'd by Edie and Andrew Tate
Make it happen, Thiel
I mean they still haven't sold it last time I heard.
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I would be so happy if they just reused it again.
as Curtis Yarvin sits watching from the shadowy corner, smoking a cigarette
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feasting on that pendelpussy like its a 5 star gourmet meal

sent from my nokia n-95
Just buy it but don't pay more than 600K
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Y'all love to hate
The neighbors didn’t like them
Sam need's to lean into that larp and stop the Dgen
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No i just love. All fishtank girls are lovable. No exceptions
Each one of these is a different person right?
Gray hoodie was cool I hope we see more of her.
>when the FBI stops looking for that 7 year old child
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I just hate
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Just different heights and body fat percentages. But all equally lovable
Kalei type Pokémon evolutions
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Tay never paid my bills :-(
>tfw when the police knock on your door but they don't search your hard drive
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pitslut, she knows exactly whats she doing here
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Would give letty a tounge bath ngl
You motherfuckers need to stop posting pictures of her family. This is why I told her not to stream anymore.
Who u talking about lil nigga?
Hi brocklanders
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Sarge Wins Sarge Wins Sarge Wins
Lol Denied!
how is this not banned?
Bulimia was a good thing
S3 postponed until when?
But not much she still uggo ^_^
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it's Jacob's mom so it's fishtank canyon
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Claire is live!
Record please. Can’t watch right now
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I'm recording
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Jacobs mum mogs the tank hoes easy im being 4 rella
sexy and attractive
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These threads are making me anti-horny.
Yes tee hee
the only good part of this stream
>Jacob's mom.
>Cole's mom.
>Jimmy's mom.
>Kato (would-be mom)
>Bex (Honorary mom)
>Delaney (Age requirement)
>Hosted by Sam in drag.
>Freeloaders like Reviewbrah's mom, Sam's mom and Bliccy.
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Do you think she regrets it? How many times has he drunk dialed her? How many times did she not even notice because she was gambling or getting plowed by her editors?
love these kentucky girls. i was checking out towns in the county kalei lives in and it must be heaven on earth
> The racial makeup of the city was 99.08% White, 0.23% African American, 0.15% Native American, and 0.54% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.84% of the population.
Ummmmm ma Nigga
Fucking hell that's like 1970s demographics
Summer ever show more of her bare feet yet ?
yeaa also josies mom
She is so dumb 4 dat Lil Teej about to find a world of pussy.
>getting plowed by her editors
Keegan stop fantasizing and get a job that pays money
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Thank Q. Abi will appreciate it too. She’s probably not awake yet staying up late to watch monkey boy.
Scotland ass levels
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she'll be pregnant by the end of the year
Claire is haleyganging lol

Figures she'd be a fan as a viewer
now look at the obesity rates
And that's a good thing.
Hopefully not. I don't think she would make a good mother.
And no, patting Claire on the head doesn't count as motherly instinct.
>sorry for muting you
just kidding! I'm not!
Like I said heaven on earth.
meme movie
whats the semitic -and therefor superior- equivalent btw?
shut up
Weak ass city boy can’t handle a heifer
Claudia Exotikkka can hawk-tuah *turns to camera nodding and grinning like Bowden in Venus Flytrap*
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>"I just needed to get employed and take a break from this shit to realize that haley is the top bitch. Haley is like unironically letty tier"
is Claire secretly fat?
abi the kinda mother to drown her kids
No just an inflamed face from alcoholism.
Only if they were annoying the kittens
Is that Emily le1ghton?
stupid dog faced cunt kys
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I feel this is Claire writing these messages through her phone/second monitor.
>fishtank candy crush esque mobile gacha game where you can pull cards of fish and make them fight each other
need it or keep it?
jet can easily become a multi millionaire from this idea alone.
Not anymore. No one cares about fishtank anymore.
dumb fuck
normal people dont have second monitors
She has both of these:
>Puffy face: Excessive alcohol consumption can cause fluid retention, leading to a puffy or alcohol bloated face. Alcohol face bloat can result from dehydration and inflammation. A swollen alcoholic face is one of the hallmark indicators of someone grappling with alcohol use disorder.
>Paleness or jaundice: Long-term alcohol abuse can damage the liver, leading to conditions like jaundice, which causes yellowing of the skin and eyes. A classic alcoholic appearance involves a pale or sallow complexion.
1000 people watch this show
Don't mind me just Memeing TJxAbi into existence
Just hit him up through DMs Abi. Seize the day.
Just might Taylor wept
she doesnt have jaundice, jaundice comes to the eyes first, she doesnt have yellow eyes
Qt monkeyBoy
thank you!
They should be friends but I don’t think they should date. Maybe TJ has a good friend for her to date though.
>fishtank RV edition
Yeah me
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>Claire mutes steinful
i wish i was abis monkeyboy
can you "meme" me a girlfriend? or do I have to go on fishtank first?
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Here you go buddy
I will meme 4 u lil bro we all gonna make it i believe.
based claire hates groomzy_va lol
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>I realize bitchtank inflated the egos of 2/10 street urchins and, like herpes, will never go away
Awww hell naw
he said that
he will probably cry after seeing that clip
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This is the girl
Need a monkey BF ngl
the baddest bitch in the tank
Haley was an excellent villain but she should never have been coddled by production.
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how about you try to live your own life and stop being a cuck on 4chan?
we're not doing this again
No jet GF what is the point
Bitchtank was the 9/11 of Fishtank.
i can't
Why not? We do everything else over and over the same way every day
Im Abi
you should really go out and experience the rape it’s not all bad
>Autistic fingolian will never call you a little monkey boy
Why even live?
then kill yourself
kill yourself too
Damn u niggas watched dat shit lol
i can't
Keegan/Taylo big mad ^_^
i can’t
not from a financial standpoint, but for everything else this applies
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Rehearsals for season 3 have started
That's crazy
I'm the coach.

Are you going to show out and put on a parade?
>bliccy is into DDLG diaper/piss play humiliation
freaky ass hoe
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>claire has seen the cringe compilation
American Romanian makes sense.Poor but hot bitchies das whas up
why would they be? theyre into the cuck stuff too, i am not. also kill yourself
*Aztec goddess
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>what happened to your queer party friends
she was in the threads yesterday
she replied to it
she also tried to hype up shadi here and it backfired
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Continues to W in your vicinity
Haven’t been here in over a month, any of the women show their bare feet ?
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Eating Josies pussy

>also kill yourself

Lol no
kill yourself
kill yourself
why? you are worthless and pathetic
Thank you for the update steinful
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Oh, did disrupt your little COD match?
forever rent-free
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Ben does NOT wear drag
>make a show all about simping for girls
>stop simping kys
Well I’m not a simp I just care about if they showed feet or not I’m not watching girltank
He's lookin pretty good here ngl
ben is a freaky ass hoe and that's okay
who are you quoting, retarded simp? kill yourself
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TJmaxxers never complained once and we finally get to a place where he is streaming regularly and everyone is losing their shit its glorious.
you’re ugly and an incel. kill yourself, you add nothing to society.
manifesting marriage with creature
claire stream has no cam and is just watching bitchtank clips, this is grim
Manifesting hawaiian Ben for season 3, PLEASE
who is losing their shit
stop projecting and just do it
They are all mudsharks at the end of the day I wouldn’t give them a dime
Most of them lurk which is reassuring to know. I notice the threads are nicer when the seething is ignored.
Keegan Common L
BASED!!!! now kill yourself
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Anybody else realize that Abi only calls TJ a monkey because at her core she's still a coalburner
reminiscing about events that happened less than a month ago is typical fishtank
always was
Time to put the fries in the bag, claire
i’ll rape your mother and make your bitch father watch first
Audio is much better for some reason
Keegan been mad AF are u serious?
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>to... all 10 viewers
>eww white guys are fucking weird and gross yuck
>breakups with her beaner boyfriends
>starts to constantly hit on a white guy
what the fuck is her problem
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you say this stuff and i am the ugly incel? lmao. kill yourself
true but that’s only one freak
will you faggots kiss already
struck a nerve? you’re not fit to post here, let alone live. kill yourself you worthless incel worm.
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Lives life just gets the W
if you call out cuckposting it must mean that you are taylor and tjs cuck. perfect logic. kill youseeeeelf NOW
that’s the same guy, anon
thats both me. you are worthless and should kill yourself too
you are a spurned cuck, yes
a spuck if you will
you are not fit period, fatty. kill yourself
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I'm going to caress you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear every night
It's actually Keegan or the Canadian kek
if you call out cuckposting you are a cuck. Of course. Know what? kill yourself
How does she dance so good
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>kill youseeeeelf NOW

did haley just completely go away?
nobody should kill themselves i think
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delete this
explain why itd make sense that id be any of those. after that kill yourself
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>thinking they'll be using condoms
i’m cut, sexy, and drive a motorcycle actually. i think i’ll keep living. thanks for helping me put my life into perspective. kill yourself though, you’re deranged.
She's on the lamb from the fbi
its an incel website
>no one actually likes greg, guys be serious

Groomzy_va gang, it's so over.
yeah, it’s all projection. like why do you even care, go outside or check out a different thread if you’re so concerned about muh degeneracy. or kill yourself idc.
people should really go at each other more on the fishtank website
if only s2 didn't suck
did claire say this?
I hate this general.
I genuinely wish i actually seen a Leaf W and this point it's impossible at this point.
i hate myself
general, I hate this
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I love this general ^_^
Mauro is ignoring Claire, it's over...
Who ACTUALLY won each season?
Three way between Josie, Letty and Sylvia (and maybe Jet)
prove any of that. If you dont it means that u are a fat ugly incel that should kill himself
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manifesting day drinking and watching little girl movies with claire
That's my life yo
>the cell
Shultz/Star Power
catastrophe, everyone lost even the audience
no, ill stay and remind pathetic fucks likr you to kill yourselves
answer me retard. or kill yourself
What about this sergeant?
Is this advancing the culture yuk if so (*_*)
yes by me
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Manifesting true love!
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He won.
puppet guy won bitchtank
Smoke alarm bros were eating good in S1
ah kevin, true you might be right about that one
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Nobody else cares their you go Keegan now KYS
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so you’re just a faggot mad at everyone for simping for mid girls?
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Vance won s1 (he didn’t have to lick fatty belly button for 10k)
JC won s2 (Sam dumbass gave her money before she left)
Jon won s2.5 (left with 2k and destroyed the main storyline)
Jacob won bitchtank
Tayleigh leaving a damn snail trail around my house.... cockbuddies where we at?
Who is this random leather daddy faggot being posted? What the fuck is going on here
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This is Teej territory pilgrim.
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the simplest TRVKE is that josie won fishtank as a whole.
S1 was the only good season
if you dont care why so mad? you keep proving how sad and pathetic you are. you are better off dead fr
im a normal guy surronded by insanity. kill yourself
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Dallas thoughts?
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>Imagine missing Tayleigh. I mean she's funny to laugh at, but she sucks.
granted, it was very short lived, wiggertank was some of the best shit to ever come out of production
shultz was stellar
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>if you dont care why so mad? you keep proving how sad and pathetic you are. you are better off dead

she's a genius
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Josie won a big cardboard rectangle
Letty won Fishtank's soul
She's so pretty
god DAMN
I'd beat that up like a bongo
pizza chet
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Mauro was raped.
by being an mde groupie?
Simmons wept
I forgot about these... fuck me
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nobody watches this show anymore
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>I got a WET PUSSY ok dude?
>it is man, it is
shes not
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MDE are groupies for Letty
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This man can't stop winning.
He didn't even believe Greg would truly betray him, he has a pure and kind soul.
she gets so triggered so easily and is horrible at hiding it
The real show? Yes the other shit fuck no lol.
jesus.. those crumbl cookies really got to her
keep telling yourself that, cucks
>fishtanks soul
That doesn't sound like much of a win desu. Josie won 35k and a pretty good streaming career.
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Who wouldn't be doe

KEK ask all the wiggers who fucked her if she's a groupie
Taxcin would like a word.
hes not in mde
the way you fucks live through fucking lubecooch is so sad
how are those edits coming along?
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Translating my PC's POST beeps spells out the simple truth that Letty won Fishtank
insider here, all the contestants dropped out again so s3 is off, but don't worry they're setting up a bitchtank podcast hosted by shadi to keep the content rolling.
Vance & Letty won getting in with the wiggers
Josie won a long term income method that's gonna have X times the profits she got on S1
having a boyfriend = letting a pack of wiggers run a train on you
worthless incel pieces of shit, KILL. YOURLSEVES. NOW.
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remember! they're supposed to be up by 11am florida time! don't be late :)
not living vicariously through literal pedophile tj from fishtank MUST mean that i am the cuck editor of his ex, right? Im thinking... kill yourself
She left us to go make a grilled cheese

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keegan's been on a downward spiral ever since Taylor cut ties with him... not even a fresh batch of christmas crumbl cookies will fix this....
What does that even mean?
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Bruh he won
I miss Lubecooch
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u mad my G?
who gives a fuck get your own life
Hey jim jam it's granmaw
hes a pedophile btw
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>teabagging ben
eating ben's ass. fingering ben's hole. fucking ben's pit. swallowing ben's spit. sucking ben's tongue. teabagging ben. kissing ben's bald spot. tucking ben in at night.
lol that was a good clairestream
damn i completely forgot about the deer this shit was hilarious
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>Keegan sweetie... that's enough... please stop
keegster can't afford crumbl cookies, sad!
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Because we were silent for so long now you fags are seething its glorious.
I just watched the Tj vod you can make it up that Jimmy was watching TJ lmao...
sucks that he joined at the tail end but yeah that was nice of him
>Because we were silent for so long
no you werent
Boo hoo keggan cry harder faggot
Claire, please make a webcam fishtoy if you don't want to show face. I'm in dire need of fresh princess reaction images to antagonize the seethers on here.
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yeah dude, living vicariously through literal pedophile tj from fishtank is such a win haha
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Just put the fries in the bag, claire
Claire's head is almost the width of her shoulders. Unreal.
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the prettiest
>>Because we were silent for so long
>no you werent

Ftl2 was a Tayechochamber are you dumb or stupid?
get a webcam bitch
Taylor is my ideal female body and face
you are rooting for a pedophile and you know it
who cares that was years ago and its probably the same people
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>ideal female body
I thought it was pretty funny when she was so overconfident she felt she didn't need to do anything to win, it'd just be handed to her lmao. She wasn't even asking for roses, she just expected them because, of course, I'm the favorite, right? Oops! McDonalds time!
This basedjack does her favors actually kek
kill yourself, this is pathetic. pedophile apologist
Based handsome triplets
Love her huge fucking head
nta but uh just thought I'd drop in and let you know that TJ won.
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cry harder nigger we love lubecooch round here
she's so fucking hot it makes my little chub diamonds
pedophile apologists and proud. all because he fucked a girl youd ever wish looked your way
sam hyde fans amirite???
I genuinely don't actually know when u fags TJ seeth does it still hurt that bad?
are you falseflagging or something
kill yourselves
you too
its sad
He's cool
hes a pedo. read >>203714641
This shit is literally just a /tj/ general

shits content Sahara
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>all because he fucked a girl youd ever wish looked your way
>he still doesn't gets it
that's why she will never look your way you loser
she looks a lot like one of my exes that's why i said based
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whassa matter keegster? why so angwy lately?
that doesnt even make sense. pedophile apologist
I'm more of a rockman_11 guy myself
cum challenge. first one to cum wins
rokofel mogs
pedophile apologist. taylor is one too. everyone kill yourselves NOW
>taylor is one too
holy shit what a twist
>keegstar turning on taylo as well
so she DID dump him
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The beans represent TJmaxxers
taylor isnt and never will be with keegan lmao, you guys are such delusional simps
>character from the show this thread dickrides
>turns out they're a loser/embarrassing out of it
every time!!
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what's the obsession with pedo stuff , stop looking up kids online you fucking weirdo
keep laughing, parasocial weirdos. tee jay is a pedophile and taylor knew, just like you, yet stayed beside her. YOU ARE ALL PEDOPHILE APOLOGISTS
Sitting on top haha Yeah
I'll give credit to across-the-ponders, beans on toast is pretty great
why did you attach that image?
tell that to tee jay AKA lubecooch aka you e-daddy LMAO KEK
new >>203714876
Letty is a free use whore who has slept with Sam, Jet and Taxcin at the very least. Cope and seethe.
get your mind out of the gutter
you need to stop looking up kids content , your brain has rotten with pedo content
Chat look at this
Look at this chat
Chat what's he doing?
Chat are those beans?
Beans in some kind of bread bowl
But as a sandwich, Chat?
Chat this is mental
Chat is this a W?
Ok Ws in the Chat if you like the baked bean sandwich
Ws in the Chat if you like this, chat
i am not tee jay AKA lubecooch AKA your e-daddy LMAO KEK
you know SHIT about letty you disgrace of a human being. SHUT THE FUCK UP retarded piece of shit capisce??
seriously what the fuck is this
The seething is pathetic today.
keep samefagging, I’m sure you’ll convince someone eventually
no need to concince anyone, you already know all about lubecooch. you chose to ignore it because you are a bad person, simple as
you’re a sad person
no im not, you know nothing about me. I know you are a bad person tho :^)
Who’s got the Claire vod?
Yeah the Mıke samefagging is exhausting. These threads are already cancerous enough
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Gibs me dat Claire crack
i lied
I love sad lesbian guitar music

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