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The Undertaker edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203714876
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1488! Nigger~ #daddysgirl #linuxlife #incest
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another thread hell yeaa
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>Age regression
>Uses pacifiers
>Plays toddler games
>Has a weirdly large and wide head
>Abused drugs to the point she's stuck mentally at 13 years old
Clairepedos still want to fuck what's essentially a child who's parents didn't love her leaving her vulnerable to predators like you lot
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Jet hmuuuuu
ebz status?
Sarg really is /ourguy/...
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posts that made me laugh this month
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Greg is the white Sinbad
When you realize if one or two fish werent cast, fishtank wouldve collapsed almost immediately
Jimmy hogs the luxury family vacation home all summer. He doesn't allow his sister to have the house with her friends. He insists on staying in the house when she plans her trips. He takes it over for the whole summer cause hes a selfish, privileged sperg
Letty & Jon?
bottom one got me lol

And her head is wide because her IQ is two standard deviations higher than yours.
typo my bad. meant jimmy
I guarantee this boomer fucking retard saw biker undertaker and thought to himself "man he looks cool as fuck i should be more like him" LMAO
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There is no way this guy got on the show
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Why are you on bant?
His dad is a vet. He stole a bunch of ketamine and gave it to Jet to be on the show.
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love these little retards
kys claire and clairepedos
he was production the whole time. tay never had a stalker. it's all an ARG. jet is a genius mastermind.
lol ok I can see it
me and claire would be best friends irl
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way too wide
dick smalls isn't Q, he's likely some mondonigger
Promise was broken.
>jet is a genius mastermind.
I have not laughed this much in a while, thanks anon.
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I'm just sifting through Q's posts
meet me somewhere if you feel that way
even tho they didn't work out, I love this
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This is bullshit, right?
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same, i'm in love with lovey dovey TJaylor clips
post more!
lmfao thanks i was brainstorming this one all night
there's like 3+ actual rapists on the production crew. why would they care about this
Do better with your day.
she is a literal bratz doll come to life. we have been very transparent about that.
are you seeing all the times I btfo'd him
i was giving you ammo, retard
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These are the posts that filled Tayleigh with ice-in-her-veins fear and made her brain fall apart live on camera.
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She is too ugly to be a Bratz doll
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>believing they could afford the girl who was hanging out with bill maher a week ago
shes not skinny enough
we've seen the torso, anon
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bliccy met the tates, anything is possible
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That's fair
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>Thinking Bill Maher paid her to be on his show
pwomise was not delivewed
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that's just ignorant
yeah she looks nothing like a bratz doll
the tates are pimps who live in romania, not really comparable
peter thiel is a billionaire, bill maher is a nobody late night show host
podcasts are promotional material, starring on a TV show for weeks is a completely different story
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her freakishly large, heavy ass two ton topper is one of my favorite things about her.
Yes, I'm sure the "spit on dicks" girl has much better things to do with her time
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Is layleigh the pen girl? These posts are so bizarre
>"when does josie show up?" blaring in the background
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peter thiel is a freak that only people who are chronically online are aware of. you'd have a higher chance of running into someone who has heard of sam hyde than peter thiel.
working at mcdonalds would be a better use of your time than showing up as a guest on this show. they pay their guests less than minimum wage.
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>peter thiel is a freak that only people who are chronically online are aware of
Most retarded thing I've heard all day
Peter Thiel helped found Palantir. He founded PayPal with Elon Musk. He was the force behind suing Gawker out of business. He's a well known person
luckily thats irrelevant to the point I made
get a job bitch
what's a job bitch
I guarantee you 90% of the posters in this general had no idea who the fuck Thiel was until you started spamming.
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Yeah richard is probably just some odd normie, no way it's Q
Fishtank fans are, in general, the most retarded cretins in existence.

Obviously, I am the exception.
The dead giveaway is that he had Tayleigh’s number. Everyone seems to memory hole that, Q was 100% buddies with jet and the wiggers.
My guy, Peter Thiel was on Joe Rogan just the other day. People know who he is.
manifesting a polycule with clabi where they live in my house and have tender lesbian sex all day (they don't work because i provide for them)
she showed her number on fishtank
Maria gave it to him after Tayleigh blabbed about her endometriosis
requesting the side profile Claire image where she looks like a totally different person
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You now remember the drone cam
>fishtank alt-right fans have no idea who thiel is
even us ftl lefties know who he is
i know the name peter thiel but i have no idea what he does other than allegedly funding a psyop that sam hyde and bliccy are somehow involved in. i just assume it's schizo headcannon nonsense like most of this thread
Cool concept for the show bad execution
Just get some random drone enthusiast to fly it ffs
Hey cryo
>cascadia code font
Proper compsci student
Peter Thiel is a known homosexual.
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out of touch loser
I never forgot
Hi Mike
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>2024... I am forgotten
pretty cleh
Leave it to the oxygen depleted whippet wiggers to get a drone stuck on a tree in the most obvious way.
richy99’s influence needs to be studied
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Is that the season 2 house?
this was never proven to be legit; I'm pretty sure it's shopped
you're shopped
he gives away free shirts to fishtank people in an attempt to market his clothing but he has still not sold a single item
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gonna be honest this looks like the same person
I really like this
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I don't think so.
rather buy a scott sullivan mma shirt
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no way this nigga cheated
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have you ever seen a person turn their head before
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he high school cheated
why wont sam give his dad the 6k back?
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>there's no way a Sam Hyde fan was on the show
You're fucking retarded
i’m saying bro
Imagine Jet thinking he has all random non fan contestants and you show up day 1 wearing a Scott Sullivan MMA t-shirt
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it looks different from her normal side profile because it's clearly edited
this is the same face she made after beating haley's ass, she dropped her character momentarily
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>and they spend all day on 4chan talking about this retarded faggot TJ
>damn that cant be real
>are they chinese bots?
>worse theyre fatherless
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they did a rape challenge where the goal was to not get raped for as long as possible and included RAPE in the advertisement
charls has the best expressions
it looks the same
>worse theyre fatherless
Just like lil Sammy
this but claire too
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are you playing with your MDE action figures
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i think it's just squished, people zoom out on the site and the ratio of the stream changes, claire also has the kind of face and head that varies a lot with focal length
he would have been a great silent film star
who are you quoting my friend?
she doesnt
I think you're right. There's a similar image of Chip where his face is three feet long.
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It makes sense
imagine cradling claire's giant noggin in your arms and gingerly kissing her greasy forehead
yeah this nigga cheated
Mmmmm badass
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they had cryokeen on and put him in the same room as tayleigh
>Autist humor
kalei just admitted to raping jacob
kalei is back streaming
said she might do a nail painting stream (feet)
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I hope Claire liked her grilled cheese
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country queen
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>Keep wasting your time
post the webm where Q shoves Kato towards the tv screen
I hope Claire likes having her pussy completely filled by white cock
Gross! Ew! He's like a bisexual cum dump! Like sooo gross. Yuck.
>seems wholesome and sweet
>brings on an omega level AIDS faggot to gape his asshole
I don't trust her.
I don't have it, might be lost media desu
Put the fries in the bag, claire.
>seems wholesome and sweet
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Dominic spread his ass and kalei got banned. SAD
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It's photoshopped she looks way worse kys claire you dog faced cunt
damn that sucks
conveniently leaving out his dick slip
hate all you want its more for me
beautiful roman nose
worst shop yet
lolol gtfoh
what now, smartass
Pictured, Tay's dad and Jon
claire, haley, and tayleigh should’ve been on witchtank
You can go back and watch the live
has anyone found any of jon's siblings?
damn, it's really them
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>Another grim and fucked up thread
s3 halloween special appearances by the 3 princesses in witch form. abi taylor claire bewitching our hearts <3333333
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cleh legs
we're living off scraps nigga what do you expect
i didn't think it was too bad, pretty lighthearted, not so schizo
yeah that’s not what i meant at all
warming up on kalei
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clairefags will probably say this is edited too
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>this thread
>grim and fucked up
Are you also getting Satanic vibes?
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Now that the dust has settled... did he win?
The shows been over for nearly 2 months and now you're complaining about the quality of threads. KWAB
I don't even know what was at stake and I'm still sure he lost
Keegan is another KWAB club member.
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this ugly balding faggot is the biggest loser in the fishtank sphere yet. he's even surpassed cryo
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>yeah i guess uhh if you need to chill out and take a whiff that's fine
he’s a fishtank all-star
>actually believing the average person cares or knows about the CEOs of companies beyond elon musk and jeff bezos
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she looks a lot like this
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It's a friday afternoon, only the lowest of the low are here
Cooling down on this Keegan fellow, but I'm warming up to Keegan's black girlfriend.
they should have him for S3 as the plant, imagine the gaslighting from TTS alone
Jet make the call
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marriage with creature giving her the life she deserves and desires
>who is bill gates
>who is steve jobs
>who is bill walton
>who is dave thomas
>who is tim apple
Mudman won
Fuck Taylor for never paying my nigga Keeg
you realize i'm going to marry creature right? i've already manifested it. back. the. fuck. off.
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yoooo Jet try doing gravity bong + whippet it's fire
Hello butterscotch
putting peter thiel on the same level of name recognition as any of the people you listed is retarded.
Jaxton98 status?
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Keegan's face reminds me of this guy
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She won
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Jon got height mogged in canada
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not putting g7 in the op
idk who dave thomas is and the only bill walton ik is a basketball player who died
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please stop spreading fake news
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reminder claire said on stream she's seen the cringe compilation and she doesn't mind it and appreciates the support
so did jet
He left the Shire
other dude got facemogged hard tho
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the guy is towards him, basically submitting to jon
14 days boys
your shift starts soon
no he didnt
is Abi actually racist or just pandering? TJ went a lil mask off last night
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Don't ever post that shit without a warning again.
The 40 boys have gone insane
n o t h a p p e n i n g
>S3 house hasn't been cleaned
>S3 house still isn't wired up
>zero promotion roll out (tweets don't count)
You're straight.
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Lookin good Jon!
>TJ went a lil mask off last night
Is TJ racist? He seems like a moralfag
don't care
piss vs blood
reminder I just took a shit
All grand strategy players are racists. You can't launch the game until you've written a manifesto.
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What has happened to my beloved general... all the good posters are gone... all the happenings are just screenshots of tweets or instagram stories... it's beyond grim and fucked up...
Ladies ratings:

Claire -7/10 no standout features, attractive enough all around

Taylor - 7/10 nice face, the eyes are really the nice thing, personality of a wet towel (I mean who could date TJ a literal retard who rocked back and forth most of the season)

Letty - 8/10 nice face, nice body, her lazy eye can demote her to 6 or 7/10

Trish - 7/10 supple body, agreeable peronaliity, not much else

The Lovely JC - 6/10 nice enough face and not the worst body, a cookie cutter Asian type

Hayley - 4/10 busted face, decent body, insane personality, degrades herself constantly

Summer - 8/10 Cute face, nice body, but insane to the point of demoting by 2 points to a 6/10 is a nice ranking

Josie - 5/10, body of a ghost, face is busted, her only saving grace is somewhat having a tolerable personality if you are into that kind of anime shit (Josie simps mainly like this)

Kato and Kalei - 4/10 couldn’t handle anything and are shameless opportunists, cute faces so can go up to 6/10

Tayleigh, Sylvia, Shani, other fat bitches: 3/10 desperation, fat retard simps only go here

Anyone else I missed?
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hey that nose has been altered
Summer is so overrated
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This post is not endorsed by the Trader's Alliance.
upload the live you fucking liar
he was talking film and art last night and it got weird towards the end. hes one of those people who views life thru the lens of woke vs not woke.
another lie deboonked by true clairebear patriots
Letty is a 5 that gets bumped up to a 7 based on her tits. Abi is a pure 6.5.

No one else who ever appeared on the show has been above a 5. These women are all ugly just like the men.
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CK is not beautiful, she isn't even mid, she is ugly.
thats fair desu but we're all sub 5 so it does kind of matter to be more specific
>hey that nose has been altered
uhhh i don't feel like it
Hi Mike
what the fuck are you even doing in the MDE fandom if you are not a racist incel?
we just came
masturbate to ugly girls
Plenty of leftyfags also dislike the performative pandering aspect of a lot of modern shit. I want to know if he is racist (cool) or not (gay)
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you missed it bro, bigg topp productionz bought the board. these are mondothreads now, your check is in the mail
gyatt DAMN, just what I fucking need. a country girl with a nice fat ass. Need some jeans pics.
Oh it’s happening pal
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Wrong, she's beautiful
he's pretty cool but pretends to be gay to fit in i guess
Chilling and watching funny videos, mostly
Theres nothing fat about that ass
indian women are mid
Love how Cole goes out of frame to take a sip or vape like Tay Zonday does to take a breath.
Sit the FUCK down
smoke weed n shitpost
You're absolutely delusional if you think Claire is on par with Taylor and Trish.
But I guess you're just trolling since you said Kalei is a 4.
>pretends to be gay to fit in i guess
Hope he grows out of it
the angle/pose doesn't do it justice. she needs to spank her ass on stream or twerk to settle it
listen buddy, where is the media blitz? Where is sam shilling fishtank from here to kingdom come?
Or Jet for that matter?
Why aren't they roping in any and all influencers across all social media platforms?
Where is the ARG which slowly feeds into the S3 narrative (although it doesn't have one supposedly)?
Where is fucking ANYTHING?
>the guy rocking back and forth with long hair like a retard has in depth opinions on anything
His brain just rock back and forth between things not much else goes on in his head
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He’s gonna be too busy fucking Josie, every Josiepedo that gave her money yesterday should rope lol
That tier list really broke this b*ttycucks mind.
Lmao Trish is ugly as fuck
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trixie, the 10/10
There you are schizo i was wondering when you would wake up
this loser takes more social media breaks than selena gomez just break your fucking phone already jeez
this guy tweets a LOT
Cryo mogs
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will they be making an appearance on s3?
He also gave Zuckerberg the money he needed to keep Facebook ad free in its early stages. There's literally a whole scene about him in the Oscar nominated movie the social network. He's well known.
he is openly taunting us at this point
The ideal woman.
dude that would be so epic they should get sponegbob and spider man too
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tj will soon be hearing her say this irl
proud of the little nigga
Dumb Gay is a failed Diddy clone
wasn’t his superhero name black lube too
Knowing that she's seen it and "like[s] being gassed up a little bit" motivates me to keep innovating on my praises of Claire, reaching deeper into my subconscious to unearth what makes her so captivating to me, in hopes of making the CCC as beautiful of an ode to her as it can be.
You are the biggest schizo in this thread. You are one man accusing several faggots of samefagging.
she will be working again on s3 btw, they will fly to providence from arizona together after next week and she will be staying and streaming at his place when not on shift
How many times a thread do you samefag? Personally I samefag all my posts and often disagree with myself to bait replies
no im claire
does this happen before or after sam sues her for all she is worth and she is forced to give back all the donos she got on stream from jet?
get a job
Claire my babeeeeyyy what will we do with all this time? Claire my babeeeeyyyy I’m a 5 8 Chad with good genetics please respond Saar my babeeey. What do do with all this timeeeeeee?..
i don't claire
>josie getting railed by steinful after a stream then taking him on a date with the paypig money
please be real that would be so funny
Get a job
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not cool man
Send in the pizza deliveries
He didn't, and it's fucked that it all went down the way it did when he clearly still cares about her. Cruel crone.
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Now Claire is screenshotting her own chat messages to post on 4chan. Unbelievable.
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would you rather have a thot mom or a gay dad
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Grim and FUCKED UP.
Imagine sitting in these threads all day seething over Claire of all people. S3 can't come soon enough.
i miss grizzway and youeffo
lol that one is actually funny though
i would rather have incestual relationship with my brother scott
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smells like dried cum and feces. looks nasty too.
lmfao stfu claire you dirty bitch
depends if i have a jacob mom or a sarge dad
she looked so much cuter on her phone camera for some reason
Obviously I was joking, anon. Clarie doesn't know how to take a screenshot.
jacob go live nigga
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me reading this
phone camera has a fucked focal length
This is what will be at the end of Steinfuls cock later
I will continue to seethe about her well into future seasons for i hate no one else more than her
i used to hardcore seethe about abi but now i just want to fuck her
you're gonna end up wanting to fuck claire and then get cucked by abi
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>hes in love
I can't believe you virgins are still seething about Tay. Wow a girl got a boyfriend I need to heckin dox him and harass both of them!!!! Awesome job guys
She just likes solving captchas.
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jet neptune dies today
i used to hardcore seethe about tayleigh and now i still hardcore seethe about her because she's absolutely disgusting both inside and out and nothing can redeem her.
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wait til josie and steinful go official then the real fireworks will go off
Does anyone remember the Rap Party song by the Saosin guys? Lmao
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Genuinely haven't the foggiest idea how this face could make anyone so mad.
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hnnnnnnnng just imagine rubbing your cock on those pits with your precum dripping all over them
Fuck you Jet for unleashing this god forsaken plague upon us
shes so long
rather just imagine fucking her than whatever that is
bronze age fertile crescent physiognomy
You are the biggest schizo in this thread. You are one man accusing several faggots of samefagging.
No i'm the one posting the pacifer photo of her
I want the rizzler in s3
injecting a syringe of liquid mercury in claire's food when she's not looking
so do jet and ben
You are the biggest schizo in this thread. You are one man accusing several faggots of samefagging.
ok real quick shout out nick flentes, sout out turkey tom, shout out andwew tate and the tate bwothohs
>liquid mercury
liquid water
gaseous air
hawk tuah and costco guys would probably save the show
He a cuck for sure
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i'm not sure what you mean

she called claire cringe posters awkward guys


she looks at them as losers
*punches you through a wall*
heh....fuckin idiot
>for sure
the CCC was cringe, then it was funny, then it was cringe again. also, that's not actually claire bro come on
Stfu keegan you’re a cuck also. Taylor a whore.
how fucking new are you
Excuses for next postponement of Season 3 predictions:
1. billing cycle stuff (nothing catastrophic)
2. ran out of money
3. tech issues
4. breach of contract with casting agency
5. burnout
6. "We want to make sure this is not rushed and the best season ever" (pretense)
7. whippet brain damage
8. servicer issues
9. permit/city issues
10. Jet forgets to do various mundane obvious preperations
11. too many resources wasted on 2.5/2.75/Streams
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Binky Claire mogs every other iteration of her
I'm not awkward. I've had sex many times.
the beautiful haley
clacob won
>she doesn’t care if we’re awkward guys
yeah I’m thinking that’s a clairebear W
mogs claire
wow! :heart eyes:
I'm researching on local state/county gov websites getting my legalposting copypastas ready I can't wait
all of these will be vaguely alluded to and no real reason will ever be given
>me leaving work earliy to clairepost in /ftl/ on a friday night
it’s like she got shot by the makeup gun from the simpsons mixed with actual shotgun shells
he won
>still asspained about the baddest bitch in the tank
many such cases

It's more of a win compilation, actually.
oh no I love haley, just the pic
Truuuuuuuuu (I’m just phone posting for now and excited to watch the stream reup later)
He's not funny though :/
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people take anything as an attack on their favorite
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ftlcels will seethe at this, they hate unobtainable, attractive educated women like this
shes pretty
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nice photoshop
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Do NOT imagine what steinful might be doing right now. Do NOT picture any of the perverse possibilities in your mind.
photoshop of what?
photoshop of Hi Mike
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I don't have a pit fetish but god damn this is hot.
all jokes aside this looks like it would be so much fun
nigga looks like 45 yrs salesman
it happens, what can you do
rape play is one of, if not the, most popular fetish among women
no surprise there
ok I'm going to go live on the site in a few mins watch for me, you will see some fish do read here
play fighting just seems fun
i've been saying that this whole time and everyone acts like i'm weird for it baka if it wasnt called scott escape nobody would bat an eye
Get this bitch some roses!!!
35 year old khhvs think Jordan didn't win LOOOOOOOL
keep saying he has gay face or whatever the fuck while he fucks your dream girl
new >>203722247
There will be a whippet casualty during season 3. Printscreen this

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