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ZAMN edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203777384
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Love is love.
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>but wiggers were too retarded to read an email
That was Letty. Wigger drugs fried her reading comprehension
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Why does he look like that?
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1 more weeks
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why is he so ugly and why are his nostrils always flared
not clicking just tell us what to think
gf sent this
who's guy in OP image?
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its lit
Lauren Mayberry is not your gf you stupid fuck
(she's mine)
Even if you didn't know anything about Scott this image just screams "retard who's extremely confident in his own intelligence".
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Memes aside, how do you honestly think Sam feels artistically/ as a creative person?
Do you think he's fulfilled? Unfulfilled? Happy? Stressed? Satisfied?
Can we please clean up the OP in the next bake? Half that shit isn't relevant news.
Could be wrong but he kinda looks like Richard Smalls
Wayyyy too much but fuck it.
shill retard
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just got back from dinner with my girl
what did i miss
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who you fucking with /ftl/? for me it's the puppy
he's really serious huh?
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is Scott lowkey dropping some drama right now?
>we could've had a fishtank game by now (...)
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TayTay's Taytays...
I think that he hasn't been fulfilled or satisfied, creatively or otherwise, since his weird right wing masculinity thing started. It has made him much more money than actual creative or interesting projects though and the audience he's cultivated expects that from him so I think he feels kind of trapped.
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What the fuck is Scott talking about?
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Clairesimps are as rabid as bettysimps. Look what I have to do go on this dead general
His head has the same proportions as Fred Flintstone. Flat top head.
nigga just posting his entire taylor goon folder here now
He only eats carbs and doesn’t exercise. He thinks holding pads is cardio
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same. Love smella
You could always just not go on the general? Thats also an option.
innocent all day baby
wow your life is so hard
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That ai filter is the best I’ve seen no cap
The Mound is saved!!
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Pretty sure he said that he hasn’t felt creative in quite a while. My guess was ever since his ‘comeback’ where he kinda traded in his artistic integrity for clicks and money. That started with his new channel
such an energetic puppy
fruit of the loom cornucopia mandela effect
Ponder the aroma wafting from her kaboose in this clip. I will
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pick your mental illness
You serious right now? TJ/Taylor and Tayleigh take over the threads. Clairefags are so easy to scroll past
Keep us updated
Fishtank is the first time he's ever had a job where he needs to clock in and deal with people he doesn't like (not counting his time at an ad agency for a few months).
His visible discomfort during S2 makes sense.
Ask him if he's 100% guaranteed to return for S3. We need him to confirm he's going, so its even funnier when he doesn't show up. There has to be a reason why sam randomly brought his back up trainer on the last episode of bitchtank. Why bring him for one day? That guy usually specializes in weights, but he put the pads on for sam that one time.
Ben’s Bussy Leaks
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This nigga is so pathetic
I've never felt such passion in my heart before. Thank you, Alessandra. I'm whole now...
JC has that chill mental illness. Summer would cut your dick off in the night during her frequent psychotic episodes
still can't believe benleaks is a fat black woman
He just needs to read more unironically and take it more seriously. Just pure reading and study
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Looking forward to never interacting with you again, fag.
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if s3 doesnt start with 16 people i am literally gonna build an intercontinental drone and strap a gopro on it so we can all relive the moment it sets the house on fire
>rabid as bettysimps
You post Betty in f tier one time and this autist will dedicate the rest of his life to seething about you. Claire is the princess of /ftl/ get over it and move on
where did you learn how to make your filters like that
Nightmare polycule.
Make sure you get Jets car in the driveway too.
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Claire thread
Claire board
Claire website
Claire world
I can tolerate TJ/Taylor seething. At least, Tayleigh posters gave this gem of a post. But, Clairefags just bump the comment limit.
Stop shilling your zog slop
qrd on Claire’s truuuu?
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>post cute girl
>schizoid has a melty
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smella reeks <3
>College Dropout
>Late Registration
>Cruel Summer
Black Frank
Liquid Cole
>Donda 2
Anyone from the cell/bitchtank
>Vultures 1/2
i thought it was a frank hassle reference
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Fixed it
do not disrespect yeezus and ye like that
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I, the Swan, am beautiful and I desist
In space between this being and idea
What is oddbod’s master plan?
The taylor/tj sarge/jordie/tayleigh post due this to a much larger extent. Seems like you have an awesome to grind. Try to relax anon, its all in fun.
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Post Neptunian shots
>Donda, Fatty
so fucking real.
Turning in to another scorned lover of Sam and becoming an obsessed markyposter.
summy deserved it
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Chat is this real?
But I also would say that he needs to read for aesthetic pleasure and build up some sort of philosophy around that and test it and critique it
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>treats milk
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this is so fucking wrong
this is the only picture I've seen from her where she looks even slightly pretty
Scott telling goth pussy stories right now

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It's basic regex/pattern matching. The FAQs will help with you it. Hides all the mentions
claire looks so pudgy and grease all the time i legitimately gag everytime i see one of her pics
It's why she attracts only the most unfuckable losers.
listening to Crywank and staring at this philosophically
The only thing I remember about Meg is that she liked Death grips and people accused Kanye of ripping of them off when Yeezys came out (not that I agree with them). Ye is about Kanye struggle with mental illness so it’s perfect for summer.
>too long and overstays its welcome
>undeniably has some of the peaks of Kanye’s career
>is about the loss of his mother
Make a better one then.
Can we please clean up the OP in the next bake? Nobody cares about half of that shit and most of it isn't relevant news.
Is creature doing a cell challenge?
more relevant to fishtank than anything posted in this thread you lying retard. why the fuck are you even here?
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turn back time
God shes beautiful bros
le wrong generation zoomer faggot
She is a greasy big nosed wop. There’s no hiding from it. No northern euro race man would want her
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Post a more Goranian shot
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Kek trips dont lie
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trips o' trooth
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>No northern euro race man would want her
surely you're not brown?
Is Creature really doing her own Povertytank?
Cole and Tayleigh are the only ones that fit in with the 70s aesthetic, Jimmy wears his clothes like his mother dressed him against his will.
schizo headcanon poster that accuses everyone of samefagging
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first time actually watching the shit season 2 edits, on the greg/ben fight alex stein is filming all those cool shots that were used in the fish bnb trailer, and they don't use any of the footage
can't believe that third person footage of franks devastation isn't coming out
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It just wasn't like the old days anymore
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>They said it couldn't be done, there aren't enough Claire's to go around anymore, they're only being made overseas in Italy and our good friend Israel... But we implemented Operation Wop Speed at the end of my administration, and we rounded them all up like has never been done before, enough Claire's for every man in the nation. Big, beautiful Claire's, the best in the world, I think you'll agree. And we will begin to pair them up on day 1 when I am elected.
Hi Mike
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Neptunian or Goranian? Call it.
Hail King Thomas!
as usual its the browns simping for ugly white bitches
that was an early storyline
He's probably not, I'm scandinavian and Claire is disgusting to me.
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We cannot go back. Luckily she stuck around :)
What even is it? We not clickin Twitter links up in here
>s3 is less than two weeks away
i prefer the gay black man foot rest
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I've been away for 5 days. Has anything of note happened?

Help a brother-in-arms out....
you made that bs comment without even looking at it?go fuck yourself
I’m swedish
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Claire I know your spic ass is in here, name ONE thing U did today
Why the fuck does the sarge look different in every single photo?
Still seething. Whats the point of coming to a thread solely to hate?
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Toughest decision of my life
I had to suck Isaac so he'd let me stay at his place for another few weeks :(
there are multiple sarges all in converging timelines
they all had tayleigh, but Sarge wifed her
>Dark Fantasy
>Kids See Ghosts
Liquid Cole
>Jesus is King
>Donda 2
Black Frank
I liked /ftl/ threads before the season two psychos
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Be a princess
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Sarge and Damiel linked up
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This is really cringe and you should be embarrassed for taking the time to not only think this up but actually post it.
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CIA training
>I heckin know who you are by your posts!!!! Got you!!!
Residential schizo anon hello again.
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that's dope
It's insane how much meaner and not funny they are
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Mmmm thanks yall.. at least Sargeposting is still a thing...
Literally nothing else of note has happened though? Wow
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Hi Jordan
Benleaks was never in the s1 or s2 threads fact
I've only heard one Kanye song in my life and it was played on MTV in the mid 2000s, it was dogshit, don't tell me you guys actually listen to this.
I'm a completely different anon u tard. I was just curious. Fuck off with your Twitter garbage if u can't put it into words.
I used to date Taylor in high school, in bed she used to brap under the blanket and smell it
we shared Taylor pics in S2 baka
why are you that old and care about fishtank
What are its pronouns?
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Because I'm rich and I only have free time, what about you?
>He doesn't know about the benleaks rabbit hole
you can lead a horse to water and something about casting pearls before swine...
Shit list
you got filtered
damn thats a pretty good one ngl
I miss Shinji. You guys give him a hard time, but there's a certain charm to him besides just being a perverted nip
I don't remember him from s1. During s2 xe was too docile to put xer name on.
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will this fag actually do anything?
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Shinji was betrayed
God shes so beautiful. Cant wait to see her on the next all star! Rumor has it she's working production on s3
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i liked it :)
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Are the 40 boys still gonna show that little monkey boy furry a lesson?
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Not really.
Kanye became irrelevant when he abandoned Nick Flentes and abandoned Christ. Also most of the interesting stuff he did just came about from ripping off Marilyn Manson's industrial pop era
just proving that you cant read and are too much of a stubborn pussy to do yourself a favor
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Not all of us have a Twitter faggot.
Jon's to busy getting blown by hot traps right now
He became "benleaks" when the threads went to bant. He was mocking a poster that called himself "lettyleaks".
No he's another hyperfragile cryokeen waiting to happen
She better be in production it will help speedrun her eventual suicide
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is that aperture on the top left
Cameron won
not my problem
Ok I agree with the other anon now. Stop shilling.
That's Tony from Hack the Movies.
He was irrelevant way before that which is why he did those things to begin with.
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you're the same guy, also you dont need twitter to view a tweet retard
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So what's the juiciest drama of the past week?
Any new developments in the threads?
a normal and healthy take for someone you never met.
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Love and life.
Why are you still responding? Go away.
Sargeposting is the only thing of true quality since s2
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I'll tell ya, but it'll cost ya a cookie...
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Ok anon whatever you say.
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why are you samefagging and making assumptions like a retard
What does Benleaks even mean
groomzy_va is live!
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>hides behind irony, memes and shitposts
>self esteem issues but also somewhat narcissistic
>searches her name on archives
>alcohol problem
>strained relationship with family
>strained relationship with boyfriend
>uses a niche internet reality show to escape real life
>3rd place compared to her sisters
>3 total fans
>always miserable
>talks shit to everyone around her alienating herself even further
>looks like an inbred goblin
>uses abi to cling to relevancy
>tries to start shit with hayleigh proceeds to cave in and delete twitter
>copies every letty lettyisms yet fails
the fashion sense of a deeply molested man
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It was cute seeing Teej following her everywhere but too shy to try anything.
Then he works up the courage and either does something extremely tame or extremely ballsy, no in between.
you know how you could prove or disprove your hypothesis?
just had 2 be there
Would wife venti up so bad
That was debunked.
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So is this a good thing?

Keeganposting will never be over, you docile taylorseether. You get fucking MOGGED by tayseethers
>Lubecooch sent us to hell, but we're going even deeper... get Cheeslor all the cookies she wants... all for revenge.
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It was just a way to mock Lettyleaks aka Josieleaks who was a schizo poster that always talked about exposing Letty/Josie for some vague reason. He has a crush on Ben or something so that's why he chose that name.
Megbros.... this was our last chance.... it's over....
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>Then he works up the courage and either does something extremely tame or extremely ballsy, no in between.
You now remember that time when TJ asked Taylor if she'd like to sleep in his bed and she ran and hid in the kitchen.
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Are you that same whiny bitch Trumpfag in college from last night crying about how you’ll never have a social life or wealth? You really need to get your ass beat
oh shit it is
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Those are the eyes of a deeply disturbed person. The only reason I'm not mad she was a total flop is because she would have been 10x as annoying as Sylvia was.
nontent TJ? Kino?
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Hey, I never said it worked. I'm just saying what happened.
You just proved the other anon right by responding with seeth
I hope he either gets shot or sent to prison. He sucks at irl trolling without a good editor anyway. Total hack.
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She had to think over if it would be better or worse for her future streaming career
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Claire once said in the fishtank chat that if she ever says she's anything but Catholic her parents will stop giving her money. So what are actual spiritual beliefs because I found her saying that to be quite surprising
This is a former Taytriot btw
Manson's bowie/ziggy stardust Era is pretty underrated to be desu
Please stop posting Twitter links if you're going to act like a faggot about it.
how will you guys be watching s3?

previously i was just watching on the fishtank site and using flowstreams to clip stuff. but now that flowstreams is dead i'm going to try using an m3u playlist.
i've been messing around with mpv and it seems like it switches between streams is a lot faster than vlc does. it also has better rewind functionality which i'm hoping to use for clipping. will probably still use the site to see the thumbnail previews and other stuff but i refuse to give jet $60 for his shitty clipping tool.
just click the link you fucking idiot
I'll be writing a whole lot more. A whole lot more. And the young men will be begging, "Please, Trump, no more speaking of Claire! We can't handle all this winning, it's getting to our heads!" But we will keep speaking about her.
every single instance of TJ being awkward or taking things too seirously is cringekino
His man boobs are almost as big as his sisters now
watch on fishtank.live and memorize everything in my noggin
>how will you guys be watching s3?
I won't be.
Obviously she’s a soulless demon. Her sister is what a Catholic woman should be like. No surprise that she’s very pretty and smart too
>Claire is the princess of /ftl/ get over it and move on
I was responding to this part. I have been voicing my dislike for claire before that. Claire is the most shilled person on these boards don't fall for that nonsense
We're not clicking your link, faggot
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>Claire once said in the fishtank chat that if she ever says she's anything but Catholic her parents will stop giving her money. So what are actual spiritual beliefs because I found her saying that to be quite surprising
>Another autistic schizo accusing a few faggots of samefagging.
Please god let these threads end
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you know it bitch
Hi Mike
you're defending a retard defaming, because hes too much of a pussy to click a twitter link and be proven wrong
So graceful, so beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more of her in future seasons and streams
Nobody asked, faggot
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Hi Mike.
Why is this spoiled rich fag abusing an elderly hoarder that lives in poverty?
No, that was another Clairebear.
Wanting her back for future seasons is the same as wanting tayleigh back
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they beat phreshboyswag
All that anr she's still better than most of the other fishtank girls. A true princess.
yes, the crew was always laughing AT TJ while he thought they laughed with him
thanks for proving my point
Dysgenic hands typed this post
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It's time for a Jimmy/Fatty spinoff.
Jet, make the call.
Nah I just think he's a fag(which he is he had a bi "phase" lmao)that should have taken more advil fat loser probably needed at least 2 bottles
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jet neptune dies today
deserved for scamming fans
Do you think Taylor ultimately left TJ because she just didn’t see enough drive in him for her to not feel bored? The cheating was obviously an excuse. Would explain why teej has been streaming a lot since the breakup. It might have hit home that he wants to take more initiative.
We need a TJ fatty show instead
Everyone knows it's over, Isaac. She finally got sober, and then stood up like Slim Shady and left your ass. Now she's back living with her parents, working, and saving up for Clabi house. You won't have to wear headphones any longer.
this could be kino
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yo stop calling her that. you mess up the weekly searches when you do that and boost up the meth dyke. call her taylo
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>Yeah I didn't watch much of season 2
>*knows all the season 2 lore*
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Fucking lol at that pic. Just remember they will be forgotten on October 4th. On day 1 of season 2, even josie was completely memoryholed....
They are getting all their posts about her put now before they have to make /cleh/ on /bant/.

Tick tock, 3 remaining cl*irebears....
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Haley won
What the fuck does any of this mean? You sound schizophrenic yourself. Maybe stop projecting yourself on to other anons.
Their type of autism is too different and wouldn't have any chemistry. Honestly you'll have a hard time getting anything out of TJ unless he does it by himself. He's getting stale and boring.
Now Jimmy, you may need a bit of help pushing them into doing anything but it'll quickly get going with those two.
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Jet Neptune enjoys one of his favorite dinners and spends the evening relaxing, feeling fulfilled after working on things for Season 3 all day.
Tonight he'll have vivid dreams about sex with Tai.
they all suck
Jesus man relax. Tell him what's in the link or move on.
esl retard keep responding
It's actually over, isn't it? This is all fake hype to drain the last drops of money from the piggies.
I'll miss these threads after Jet makes a livestream saying they will shut it all down and we can't hang around here no more.
I'm responding to the anon who thinks i'm a bettyfag or part of some other group
>not stale and boring
Lpl you just know theyre going to bant. They're exactly the right kind of pathetically obsessed to do this, just like the other generals on /bant/ are.
Projection anon projects more.
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what a drunk boomer retard
He belongs in a Mormon-run institution desu
He doesn't actually think that, it's just an easy way to bait engagement
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I genuinely couldn't care any less anymore about why they broke up. TJ is too drunk or focused in doing autistic things on stream to address it, and probably too nice and cucked to do it "for Taylor's sake" either way.
Taylor is just slowly sinking in her own misery and fading into irrelevancy since her streams are like walking on eggshells. That is if you don't fall asleep while she does mundane tasks for 1 - 2 hours without saying anything interesting. You'll never get anything out of her.
The only reason I care about Taylor is because it's really fucking obvious that TJ ALWAYS streams an hour or so after her. Dissidents will try to convince you otherwise but come the fuck on.
wow! still not clicking it
I won't.
I will come here and shitpost by making shit up, though. And probably simp for the designated tranny.
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and the best part is, im going to completely shit up their pathetic /bant/ threads and they will have no recourse because their posts will be drowned out here.
you deserve this, Cl*irebears :)
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>"i don't care!"
>writes a wall of text explaining how much you care
who asked you? deranged mental patient
boring in a vacuum but put him with someone that isn't at least somewhat normal and you got a recipe for content
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that's fair
I doubt that he's the same retard that fell for that anons "i don't know who betty is" bait for 3 threads straight
>Shoenice threatening to dox the house if Sam doesn’t unblock him in an hour

Wow so cool you plan to dedicate your life to hating an ugly irrelevant egirl. Im sure you're a healthy and well adjusted man.
you're embarrassing yourself
we used to call her that back in her S2 days newgroid kys and stay go
you're posting on 4chan
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I honestly have no clue if she was serious but she said on bitchtank she does ghost hunting and believes in a spiritual unseen realm or something like that. A lot of lapsed Catholics have a fascination with the occult spooky shit. A lot are also incredibly horny sexual tyrannosaurus.
If Claire really is into ghost hunting we must demand October ghost streams
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Yes. They need to be punished.
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>>Shoenice threatening to dox the house if Sam doesn’t unblock him in an hour

Which is almost a whole day going by these posting rates
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Cry-oQueen, you better take notes.
This is how you make your way into the wigger circle
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Probably got mugged by a horde of immigrants, dont think phresh has opps there
>I honestly have no clue if she was serious but she said on bitchtank she does ghost hunting and believes in a spiritual unseen realm or something like that. A lot of lapsed Catholics have a fascination with the occult spooky shit. A lot are also incredibly horny sexual tyrannosaurus.
>If Claire really is into ghost hunting we must demand October ghost streams
>dox the house that has been publicly known for months
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>yeah but no, shit is just like I honestly have no clue if she was serious but she said on bitchtank she does ghost hunting and believes in a spiritual unseen realm or something like that. A lot of lapsed Catholics have a fascination with the occult spooky shit. A lot are also incredibly horny sexual tyrannosaurus.
>I mean yeag if Claire really is into ghost hunting we must demand October ghost streams
we're not clicking your link, go away

Shoe nice has been on a tear recently with his trolling. I think it's because hes been Wax Dabbing for 100 days instead of drinking. I'm a bit worried, some of the stuff he says its pretty hyperbolic, he's gonna get himself into trouble eventually but he's rideing the high while it lasts
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....is shoenice really all the wiggers could come up with? fuck off
The cleansing that S3 will be glorious. All this shit will be gone. Only sargeposting will remain
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You will never have a peaceful /cleh/ thread :) keep shooting yourself in the foot, though, it will just make it worse
no, shoenice has been begging 2 be on the show since season 2
The Raped – Plushie Edition
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>wanna collab with trish again
>getting an interview ready with JC

just admit you wanna get away from your bitch of a wife scott
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k, keep me posted
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oh its true
The Sarge is in Charge!!!!!


It means his asshole leaks because he’s a legit bottom faggot who likes to get cuddled by other men. Fucking disgrace. Makes me sick.
Major sneak
How do we get rid of the bant infestation in these threads?
is the idubz documentary really considered "ancient" at this point? it basically rocketed Sam Hyde into stardom
Is Sarge team love and life or team hate and death?
>Because I'm rich and I only have free time, what about you?

There is at least one NEET here that no-lifes this show and threads, and constantly seethes about anyone over 30 and people that have spent money on the show
Like someone spent their entire summer hate-watching Sam Hyde productions and thinks the "paypigs" are suckers
Benleaks owns a black dildo that he calls Big Duanyay
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get rid of this bussy
by fucking off if you dont like it
He loves to hate
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Lmao. We're never fucking leaving, Scott Basedllivan MMA.
just wait until season 3 starts
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Indeed. Scottposting too. Quite literally everything else will be forgotten. Remember how unbelievable it was to think that josie/letty wouldn't still be argued about before season 2? As soon as it started they were almost never mentioned in the threads.
We will probably have like 1 tjtaylor fag still trying to dramapost but everyone will ignore him. The Cl*irebears will be in /bant/. It will be perfrct
Wait two weeks for s3. Simple as
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caring about the longevity of ur "meme" is cringe
Love and Death.
His PTSD will kick in once he sees Jet face to face and mistakes him for a dirty bosnian. It won't be pretty
>Remember how unbelievable it was to think that josie/letty wouldn't still be argued about before season 2? As soon as it started they were almost never mentioned in the threads.
It really was remarkable
If you thought there was an actual answer other than waiting for season 3 you are either retarded or naive lol
i loved the way they loved
Rockystreams status?
I REALLY hope jet leaks the s3 cast like he did with s2 a few days before. We had some fun threads guessing what they’d all be like
Nobody fucking asked you faggot, and you would have no idea about that because you're incapable of being funny

Nobody else reply to this attention seeker
You're all so much fucking dumber than you think you are.
>Both Delaney's X accounts are still locked.
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getting airsoftfatty withdrawals tbqh senpai
need me some simple man followed by incomprehensible endless debate
The fat black guy Frank had a lot of fans before the show. Sucks that he got kicked because Jeremy and Tommy shot their load too soon
This is so true. I think people forget just how much of a reset season 2 was.
Stopped using 'yall', Jordie? That isn't fun.
I do too but I wouldn't count on it.
I'm sure he's worried that they will get doxed and get the fishtank surprise spoiled for them, ruining his entire plan.
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She’s ESL and they have nothing in common.
>Hey babe come here and try some of this prison food you’re part of this too.
>oh and babe bring me some of that Tupperware
She hates him. wtf are these two together?
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I liked his character arcs in 2.5 desu that was my favorit chriscontent period
anyone else remember when Ben went to reprimand TJ that one time and started cracking up laughing halfway through and said "your smile is so fucking goofy man" that was funny
Has anyone debunked the Paylynn leak?
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imagine the smell
When Meg was going 'this is so crazy wow this is so hard' nothing had happened yet. Was she talking about them not feeding them a lot or giving them sweets? I think that could explain it
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Wow he's beautiful
Hold on, let me finish
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new Jacob kino
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My man TJ can't catch a break it seems... everyone always laughing at his expense...
No reason to watch S3. Jacob will have his content house. Claire and Abi will be streaming elsewhere. S3 has nothing to offer.
brain would be still going to soup kitchens if frank wasnt kicked
need teej stream tonight
lol he did say TJ was his favorite contestant because of his goofy facial expressions on the Hong Kong podcast with Peter
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gimme that pusy babe heh heh
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There are far more Neptunian shots in S1 desu
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peter raped lubecooch
Nice quads, what is the paylynn leak?
He's always smiling. Mike was about to start talking about it in The Cell when Taylor told him "don't be mean to him" because TJ was just looking at him grinning his ass off.
>Disorderly Conduct-Abusive Words
Land of the free
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damn oddbod got jacked
You're a fat useless faggot, Frank
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Any Tayleigh updates this week? Need my KWABOTY fix.
Post steinful Josie.
>great idea to fuck with the ghosts again fucking faggots! let's fuck with the astral realm I mean like every fucking time
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now that being said
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It was very consensual
What's the qrd on this? Where did it come from?
I made it a few nights ago
except for sargeposting it isn't even fun to hate on her anymore, she even managed to ruin that by being boring
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Imagine these ugly alien hands on your cock. I think I'd probably laugh and lose my boner
>*Enhances the early morning stream with apneakino*
Chris crawled so Dave could walk.
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child rearing hips, apparently
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how is that possible when I made it a few nights ago
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Imagine getting a blowjob from Tayleigh and cracking up halfway through because you see her philtrum stretching out and you remember "3 foot philtrum"
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Feets feets Taytay's feets.
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>tfw I will never get to "he's dying in his sleep" post about him ever again
I wish someone made fun of her with that on her last stream.... so many missed opportunities...
This bitch has a Green Day tattoo. She's just the worst person possible.
every night he was out there fighting demons
I have a small shrine hidden in my closet that I constructed to worship Tay because I know she’s going through a hard time rn. I have a few pictures of her and some candles that I light whenever I look at it. Also this is maybe weird but, every tissue that I cum into (to pics of her ofc) I add to the shrine, and have began glueing them into shapes, because I know that sexual energy has power and I believe it can help her situation through energetic transfer. Do you guys think she would be ok with this or should I stop?
I'd press charges too, Frank is a literal garbage human
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>I have a small shrine hidden in my closet that I constructed to worship Tay because I know she’s going through a hard time rn. I have a few pictures of her and some candles that I light whenever I look at it. Also this is maybe weird but, every tissue that I cum into (to pics of her ofc) I add to the shrine, and have began glueing them into shapes, because I know that sexual energy has power and I believe it can help her situation through energetic transfer. Do you guys think she would be ok with this or should I stop?
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erm.. awkward!
It's because of fucking weird faggots like you she quit in the first place
Stop talking about her
Don't post about her
Leave her the fuck alone
i'm doing something similar but it involves sigils and jet
He's clearly straight
That's beautiful Sarge
Oh hi jordieeee
I occasionally check in on a show I enjoy while browsing my favorite board, I dont obsesse about girls I never met. There's a difference, and there are normal people on 4chan believe it or not freak.
Insider here
Shoenice will be a freeloader
Kek Claire is the princess of /ftl/
I’ve never once posted anything mean about her, and I was one of the few people in her chat that defended her from her haters. I highly doubt she stopped streaming cause of me lol.
12 more days :) why not start a bant thread now?
Then you should tell her that. Copy/paste what you posted in her Twitter replies. The shrine thing
And replies like this encourage the anons (us) to post more unhinged shit.
Don't address them and all these memes and comments will be forgotten in two weeks. Tayleigh is not that important.
I could I don’t think she would know my twitter though, I would have to mention my YouTube handle for her to know it’s me
Fuck you Tay simply ignore us & stop taking advantage of Maria for your selfish self
There is zero chance fans didn't slip through, especially if they had the same halfbaked screening process

Now, if there is 16 fish, the fans will reveal themselves quickly and can be safely booted without worrying about babying the rest incase they leave like coal
No can do Missy. Now bend over for the Sarge.
Outsider here
Can someone let me in please and can I use the bathroom quick
new >>203783815
crochet some beanies for fucks sake
>Black twink who wants to be dominated by big racist white men
Many such cases
It's ok will discuss her again when she stars in all stars 3.5
Why did you guys have to do it? What makes you want to hurt someone like Tay? You guys are honestly fucking jerks
Cause I'm just trolling you with Claire love. I love seeing your frantic (yous) under every post. I won't be going to bant cause I won't care after s3. Have fun being a hater 4 lyfe.
I admit i do look forward to her eventual suicide
taylor was never called that. she was sex kitten.
oh shit

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