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The Invisible Man edition
Prev: >>203957385
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First for Euuuurgh!!
NPM on the poster trying to flirt with the woman
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>2 days until October
I don't ever want to see some underage faggot start a thread with It Follows ever again.
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Wanted a break from lovecraft movies tonight, so I’m watching something I haven’t seen in 15 years instead. Critters!
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>An invisible man can rule the world. Nobody will see him come, nobody will see him go. He can hear every secret. He can rob, rape and kill!
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first for /ss/ horror
I encourage all my adult horror fans of good taste to use an image from It Follows in subsequent /hor/ OPs.
Kys, faggots
Live good lives, chads
Watch Strangler vs Strangler
But what you want is completely irrelevant here, anon. Why don't you make an anti It Follows discord and stay there?
>Kys, faggots
The fuck is wrong with you, autist?
What are some non-goyslop horror films? I've been on a diet of slop and I need to watch something actually good
The Eye (2002) is objectively not scary
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Lmao no, retard. That might be where you hang out but it's not for me.
It's called pedophilia and it's illegal.
Schalcken the Painter
Very based.
>Me being fooled by women's duplicitous nature for the millionth time in a row.
Go watch Salo, seems like something you'd enjoy, fag
These generals aren't "for you" either. You still don't get it, do you? Nobody gives much of a shit about your expectations
Many such cases
wtf I gotta watch this now for sure
>crying about good fetishes such as straight shota
>doesn't care about rape, torture, and murder in the context of /hor/
Gross. Loli shit is for degenerates.
You lost you crybaby faggot lmao
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>Gross. Loli shit is for degenerates.
Better stop watching movies then.
by all means.
>every fucking new thread a new faggot wanting attention.
At least Alucardaanon brought to light a good flick...
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post webms from good movies.
Lost what, are you literally retarded? Stop posting already, you sound like a random seething weirdo
name the person in question
You all should watch The Tenant, it's kino
Anyone munching on some spooky candy while watching their saturday night /hor/ picks tonight?
I seen an interview where Bruce Campbell said that was the scariest film he's ever seen. It's more of a psychological mystery than a horror film though
It's a black comedy about Jewish neurosis
Not only does the tripfag have bad taste in movies, but his candy selection is dogshit
Mikepueike is a strange name for candy, is it Hawaiian or something?
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Not candy per se
jesus christ how fat are you? You have no wrist. Not judging but exercise a little
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>click on embed
>get an error
somehow i cut of a letter lmao
no one is going to watch that and you wasted your time.
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King, I think I'm gonna smoke a bowl, get some junk food, and watch something /hor/ recommends tonight.
or rewatch Parasite, it's been five years
Favorite genre is demonic possession, that said, nothing's come even close to Hereditary, not even The Exorcist
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>and you wasted your time.
i do nothing but waste my time
I bought a bunch of candy at the dollar store for later in October to munch on. Even got a jack o' lantern bucket to put it all in.
Dollar Tree down the way from me has buttloads of cheap Halloween decorations. I'm thinking of going ham on the house this year.
What should I watch though?

I'm a boomer. Netflix or Max preferred
Any news from DarkUniverse universal? Last time I heard Wolf Man is supposed to be like Joker of DarkUniverse
Any recommendations for movies where women get the absolute shit beat out of them? Just go through the ringer the whole movie and get destroyed the whole time, prefarably losing in the end?
I bought some led spider lights there too. They have a lot of cheap stuff. Spirit Halloween is too expensive for my wallet.
There is literally and I say this with no exaggeration, ZERO good horror movies on Netflix. Quite literally the worst selection for any streaming service. Don't even bother asking.
>modern slop
>awful cover
no thanks
I wonder how many young boys experience their first boner or indecent thought from seeing a well endowed older woman in a slutty costume while out trick or treating
That other guy isn't wrong. I don't have Netflix but I pulled up a list and it looks pretty skimpy. I'd go with Await Further Instructions, The Platform, or It Comes At Night.

Max has Malignant which is quite a ride. Or Sinister.

Lol I saw those there when I picked up the Mike and Ikes. They have an orange halloween glow.
Ha the first movie that came up was Justine (2020) a drama where some hag takes care of a retarded wheelchair girl. Thought she would beat the shit out her lol but its a different movie
That movie is older than you bro
>watch something /hor/ recommends tonight.
>Favorite genre is demonic possession
Watch Amityville 2. It doesn't matter if you've seen Amityville 1 or not.
That movie is over 30 years old? It has Michael Fassbender in it, retard.
Most of those sorts of films were made in the 2000s, as torture porn was popular back in that era, lil' bro
There was some in the 1970s too but those usually had revenge, like I Spit on your Grave
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The only version I've seen is the 1969 sexploitation Marquis de Sade Justine, but I've heard the 2023 version is probably what >>203968631 is looking for.
Im the op not that retard ignore him. I watched Eden Lake after I saw hot redheaded Kelly in True Detective, i really liked it
I know what torture porn is, dumbass. I lived through that shit era of horror filmmaking. Torture schlock and bad remakes of Japanese horror films were the trend and it sucked ass. Also lots and lots of parodies.
There aren't many good netflix original production horror movies, here are some options:
The Ritual
Calibre (thriller/suspense more than horror, good movie regardless)
Cabinet of Curiosities series (some dull/woke episodes but The Viewing, Graveyard Rats, Pickman's Model and The Outside are good)
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Let me guess. She doesn't get naked at all at any point in the movie. I know this because it looks newer.
zoomers hijacked the general
/hor/ has gone to absolute shit now it festers year round. I'm hoping they get drowned out at least for next month
Actually we call them millennial nasties now
In all honesty probably one of the most attractive 40+ yo scream queens
No that's just what we call the faggots that watch them.
It Follows is a good film
Hostel is kino.
Weak bait. Try harder.
Part 4 had a kino lore intro sequence.

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>millennial nasties
Maybe you just don't like it's anti-slut messaging? The It Follows monster is just doing the same thing as Jason but isn't a retard who gets killed by a frying pan or falling over or whatever.
underage hands typed this
>dude It Follows is just like Jason Vorhees
You wish lmao
Now Part V
>It's Friday the 13th, but like, social media is the monster
That is exactly why it's trash you zoomer retard.
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Here's some that are close to what you're asking for
>New York Ripper
>Don't Go in the House
>Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
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The movie is a decade old and much closer to films made in the 70s than almost anything made in the 00s.
Didn't It Follows guy get completely annihilated in the last thread? Do we really need to do this again?
It Follows has an extant murder demon in it though. It's on screen quite a bit. You don't need a higher brain function or ability read subtext at all. Kind of embarrassing if you watched it and somehow thought it was a metaphorical existential threat.
>Maika Monroe is confirming that David Robert Mitchell’s “They Follow” starts shooting in “early 2025.” She also mentions that the sequel takes place 10 years after the events of the first one.
It will be interesting to see how the leap will deal with how those characters (Maika's at least) adapt a decade later.The sequel's tagline is "it's everywhere" and the director said that the 1st one is supposed to work as a nightmare, that is, there is no actual breaking the curse linearly or logically
yeah he just stopped responding to posts of those who deflated his arguments and would come back every half hour making insecure posts about it's a good movie and how other people were wrong without actually tagging any of the people he up ignored
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The Halloween Mountain Dew is actually pretty damn good this year
>Mountain Dew
Does nigga/hor/ really? That shit taste like toxic waste
Based thank you. Havent heard of murdersetpieces or snuff102
Its cum, isnt it
It's the same flavor (carbonated creamsicles) they do for almost every Halloween season.
what are you guys watching on this comfy saturday night?
Giving a way to actually defeat the great evil is always such a lame cop out anyway. Only being able to seal it away for some time or pass the curse onto someone else is always much more effective horror.

Would be funny if she just did the logical thing and simply kept moving every few months but after 10 years it's severely wearing on her having to be nomadic.
It's out? Shit I gotta get some.
Last House on the Beach
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Corey is back, wait no he isn't. This shit baffled me back then and it still bothers me now.
You need to learn to not respond to him at all. Any interaction he gets just encourages him to keep coming back.
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Nah, I haven’t had it in a couple years but I distinctly remember it tasting like shit when I tried it back then. This one tastes exactly like pic related
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cool poster for this mexican slasher
i might watch it
>Mountain Dew
>It Follows
what happened to this place?
The Part 5 intro with Corey is kino. Great addition to the movie.
Samara Weaving in Ash vs Evil Dead
Maybe you should talk about things you like instead of getting pissy in your pants because you can’t decide what other people say
It is, but Corey should have been in the whole movie.
There's a couple of seething types here who sound utterly mindbroken by It Follows and its discussion.
You have a point in that there's the usual horror cautionary lesson of sex as risk but the movie doesn't seem to be against sex as much as about the ubiquitous nature of it. Whenever one tries to hide from sex, it follows
I heard about this recently from a Youtube horror list video. Looks pretty cool.
ch-ch-ch ah-ah-ah
See >>203969584
Way to out yourself, retard.
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Are all Andy Mulligan movies this incomprehensible and obnoxious?
>nooo stop talking about popular horror movies and halloween-themed stuff
Sorry it's not 100 posts about hating women and being gay instead, faggot. Stop bitching.
Is Craven's Red Eye any good?
Yeah but it's more of a thriller. Definitely worth a watch.
>A fat retard posting his vile goyslop drink is horror related now
Only in nigga/hor/ lmao
It’s not anti sex it’s anti loose sex and not being cautious enough. In that way it is sharing a lot from slashers where it’s not that people get killed by slasher villains for having sex it’s they become unguarded and make themselves into a victim. Leslie Vernon goes all into the symbology of it
I will stop bitching when you stop posting trash
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>Chrissy from Deadstream when she sees a hot guy half her age (36)
Perfect for my pre-October warmup then
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damb. thanks
so this nigga makes kinos? haven't seen The Conjuring. Malignant looks like a solid pic
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Malignant is fucking great
He's a slopmancer
reminder if It Followsfag gets uppity, there will always be this thread where he got eternally BTFO

It's the seasonal Halloween Mountain Dew, retard. It was posted in here last year too, this is a general for celebrating Halloween. Keep seething.
Malignant and Saw are Wan's best kinos.
>being this obsessed
either talk about the movie or fuck off with your forced drama
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The ultimate /hor/ snack
Why are you still seething about the last thread having a movie you didn't like in the OP? Calm down you sperg.
ii always come to these threads thinking I'll find a good movie to watch but all the posts are just a steaming pile of crapola. I'm convinced it's just one lunatic replying to himself over and over again, makes me want to die.
>Giving a way to actually defeat the great evil is always such a lame cop out anyway.
Yes. Horror's supposed to have a lingering element to it, the lesson remains bc it's never "over" and that's what most movies do (Carrie's ending being the quintessential example).
>Would be funny if she just did the logical thing and simply kept moving every few months but after 10 years it's severely wearing on her having to be nomadic.
>“I think where you’ll meet Jay at this point is maybe not what’s expected, but it’s so cool,” she [Maika] explained. “It’s just, of course, as everyone says for sequels, literally, though, is just bigger and darker and more f***ed up. Reading it was the craziest thing ever.
okay I'll do Malignant

original Saw is maybe not garbage but the torture porn genre it spawned was really awful
you lost, insecure retard lmao
It’s not usually this bad
I don't drink goyslop sludge to celebrate Halloween
I watch horror kinos, but you seem to only want to post about your goyslop snacks and the latest forgettable modern films
It Follows but on the scale of Under the Silver Lake might be cool
I think Edgar Allen Poe said the same thing a couple hundred years earlier
You're literally embarrassing yourself.
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>Under the Silver Lake
Should I watch this?

Also does ANY horror movie better than Hereditary exist?
>I don't drink goyslop sludge to celebrate Halloween
It's a holiday about children eating junk food kek. You're the weird one here.
/hor/ going from a seasonal thing to share recommendations to a non-stop general has brought all the downsides that plague generals on this site.
Absolute kino.
holy based
don't mind me. Just posting the best horror movie podcast.
Could go for some now.
Under The Silver Lake is kind of a love it or hate it movie. It's all about localized conspiracies and urban legends and a schizo protagonist bumping up into global conspiracies
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>watch Trick 'r Treat by Dougherty
>it's fucking awful
>early on you can hear the climax of House on Haunted Hill playing
It's always awful when a bad movie directly reminds you that you could be watching a good movie instead.
I hate Trick r' Treat.
>watch Trick 'r Treat by Dougherty
>it's fucking awful
Unironically filtered, but I can't say you have shit taste since you're a Price chad.
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That's only the modern consoomerist version of Halloween, anon
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You should have watched the superior movie instead. I remember expecting it to be slop but ended up being some of the best Halloween kino I've ever seen.

Anthologies in general just aren't that great and are almost always a mixed bag.
Americans turned it into consoomer shit like they do with everything
Lmao okay Conal Cochran.
That was me dummy, you were talking to each other for a while as I completely ignored your last rants because it was clear you were both out of your depth, just as I didn't read a word after "stopped responding" in your latest meltdown above.
It's hilarious that you're still seething hours later. Why don't you calm down a little, online discussions shouldn't get you so worked up. You both sound like women
The director doesn't even describe it as anti-sex. It's about how sex just IS.
It does flow with ups and downs with a type of fateful march so we have to either face it or adapt to it since it's there as a concept if not as a recurrent activity,
So yes it definitely has links to the slasher atmosphere of a killer lurking around and eventually trying to attack
>Adds a nigga in Assault on Precinct 13
>Adds a few niggas in The Thing
>Adds a nigga in They Live
>Adds a nigga in Ghost of Mars
John Carpenter is a /nigga/ poster, he's a real bro
The assumption is that it'll be more expansive and gorier
It's completely different but also excellent: a neonoir/conspiracy plot with a (perhaps) unreliable narrator. It's very layered and full of clues/references
Hope you rewatch Suspiria in October ;)
>schizo protagonist bumping up into global conspiracies
checked, think I might love this
>been in the thread the entire time
>makes excuses for why he never responded to all the people who demolished him
>crying about other people seething when this all started because he was upset when someone said a movie is bad
Lmao wont even get a (You) from me.
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>Anthologies in general just aren't that great
*blocks your path*
Gosh I doubt I’d rewatch again so soon, maybe the remake though.
You have to go back, you can ride one of those Walmart wheelchairs back if you need to
You shouldn't even bother arguing with a lot of the seething retards here. Just post movies you like and let them cry about it.
I'll post It Follows in some future threads in solidarity.
>it's fucking awful
do you hate fun?
so it would make zero sense if I smoked weed first
You're right. He is replying to himself.
>It's always awful when a bad movie directly reminds you that you could be watching a good movie instead.
>House on Haunted Hill
Creepshow is fun. Trick r' Treat is cringe.
Yeah, he should be implying House is the GREATEST movie, not just a good movie.
I don't understand the meme you're trying to do here but I have a feeling it's not going to go the way you want it to. Not here.
Both are fun but Creepshow is better.
My unpopular opinion is that >>203970422 and Creepshow 2 are better than both.
Creepshow 2 > Trick r Treat > Creepshow 1
I'm making my way through all the Val Lewton kinos.
There you go. Imagine people throwing a hissy fit because one of the most discussed horror movies of the 21st century is being talked about, it's an extremely unmasculine/dim overreaction
Creepshow 2 is a prime example of why anthologies are a mixed bag. It had only one good story which was the one about the lake and every other segment was completely forgettable and boring. Literally no one prefers it
it's an okay movie.
>Creepshow 2
>so it would make zero sense if I smoked weed first
Keep in mind that it remains somewhat open-ended and some of the clues will only be clear afterwards as you read some of the guides written about it. It has a lot of dialogue and it is plot driven so perhaps watch it when you're fresh and alert.
Take a look at a hi-res version of the poster, the clues start there
/hor/ has terminal bad taste confirmed
Well yeah
>It had only one good story which was the one about the lake
Wrong, that's not even my favorite segment in the movie. I think the first segment is on par with the ones in Creepshow 1 and that the second and third segments are better than any of the ones in Creepshow 1, besides maybe the Leslie Nielsen one (the clear best part of the first movie.)
watch more movies
I'd also put Body Bags over Creepshow 1.

I don't think it's bad but there's definitely a few better anthologies.
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>/hor/? Is that the food general or something?
>Halloween? Isn't that about food or whatever?
>Films? Don't you have to eat food while watching those or something like that?
Stop. What segement is better than any of the Creepshow 1 ones? The boring ass Native American one? The Hitchhiker one no one ever talks about? It had LESS segments than the first movie and was still somehow less consistent.
So I'm gonna watch it multiple times anyway
>The Hitchhiker one no one ever talks about
THANKS FOR THE RIDE LADY is talked about by people with taste. The Raft is also highly regarded and memorable.
>Literally no one prefers it
I do because The Raft and Hitchhiker are both masterpiece episodes
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This was a good anthology.
>I'd also put Body Bags over Creepshow 1.
What is this, contrarian day? The story at the gas station was good but the hair story was a complete meme and the Mark Hamill one with him getting the eye of a serial killer was universally hated by everyone because it sucks ass.
>House is the GREATEST movie
well, Hausu
I watched Salem’s Lot. Talk about slow. My god, it was a slow movie. Still relatively pleasant and well made. But you don’t see the vampire until like 2+ hours in.
Probably. The subreddit for the movie has lots of detailed explanations and connects several dots but keep in mind that it remains open-ended to a certain extent
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Hello my bitches
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Also this
That one is funnier than The Raven I thought
I remember really liking the first segment in Body Bags. I should rewatch that.
Have you seen Cat's Eye? That's another good one.>>203970762
>What segement is better than any of the Creepshow 1 ones?
The Raft and The Hitch-hiker are both better than most of the segments in Creepshow 1.
>Native American one
Liked it a lot more on my second watch, it's on par with the segments from the first movie. Has a comfy atmosphere and the wooden chief is cool.
It's obviously not universally hated if I like it. I also couldn't care less about what horror is popular since The Nun made like 700 million dollars and is one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever seen.
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Trying to do a bunch of Carnie/Circus horror, any recs?
I have
>pic related
>The Funhouse
> Circus of Blood
> Vampire Circus
>Carnival of Souls
Taking killer clown films as well
I fucked up the formatting a little but it's easy enough to figure out lol.
underrated as fuck. I thought it was going to be corny monster flick but it takes itself seriously. I love the shit where they try to escape the room but it's blocked off by the mosnter's flesh or whatever as if they are inside it was pretty kino
It's all about the build up, but unfortunately, yes, the vampire isn't in it enough. And they cut out Kert Barlow's infamous letter from the book.
The Amicus anthology Torture Garden.
Carnival of Souls takes a while to get there but it has an abandoned theme park/circus as a setpiece
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>gives you the most questionable boner
You're really overhyping Creepshow 2. The fact that every segment from the first movie is considered a classic whereas we have to argue whether or not most of the ones in two are even good should tell you something. There's a reason why it's generally less liked
Good choice with the beautifully filmed, nightmarish Malatesta's Carnival of Blood (the only movie the director/writer duo ever made). It's a full b-movie with hokey but charming acting and its images are strangely dreamy.
As for similar movies
Haunt (2019)
Clownhouse (also very well made but if you know about Salva some sequences will seem even weirder)
Maybe they're not "hyping" it and are just expressing that they like it? Not everyone is trying to sell you something
Drive Thru (2009) has an awesome killer named Horny the Clown and the Super Size Me guy is in it
Ghoulies II
Freaks obviously. Also The Night Tide, with Dennis Hopper in his first role. And Midori
>You're really overhyping Creepshow 2. The fact that every segment from the first movie is considered a classic
According to who? I think some of the Creepshow 1 segments are kinda weak, mainly the Stephen King one and The Crate, which goes on for way too long.
>whereas we have to argue
You are the only one arguing against it. That other anon put both Creepshow 2 and Body Bags over Creepshow 1.
That's the best Ghoulies movie.
>are just expressing that they like it?
Yeah, I'm not saying it's objectively better. I'm saying I personally think it's a more entertaining movie.
Snacks *wheeze* are a critical component *cough* *cough* of the movie watching experience *wheeze* horror or otherwise
Why are you like this? Is it insecurity?
I keep forgetting I own this movie
Some weird takes here but lets get the mega list started
Creepshow 1 >>> Amicus (their quality is so consist it would be pointless to sort them) > Trick R Treat > Monster Club > Dead of Night > Body Bags > Southbound >> Tales of Halloween > Tales from the Darkside > Creepshow 2 > VHS series (sans Viral) >>> All Hallow’s Eve series > Screams of a Winter Night > Tales from the Quaddead Zone >>>>>powergap >>>> scare package

Seriously fuck scare package
would be better if they showed Rachel McAdams Brown Eye if you know what I mean
>Amicus (their quality is so consist it would be pointless to sort them
I think Tales from the Crypt is a bit better than the average Amicus movie. Granted there's one or two I still haven't seen.
Where's Tales from the Hood
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You are forgetting the greatest movies of the last decade.
Rob Zombie's 31.
NTA but I'd definitely put it near the top.
Rank you favorite pre code horrors
For me it's
1.Invisible Man
2.Island of Lost Souls
4.Freaks (if it counts)
5.Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
(meh tier)
7.Black Cat
8.Murders in the Rue Morgue
9.The Old Dark House
10.The Mummy
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>Trick r' Treat that high
>no Kwaiden
>no Black Sunday
>no Torture Garden
>no Trilogy of Terror
Since we're talking about it, my top anthology movies
>tales from the crypt 1972
>creepshow 2
>cat's eye
>smoking causes coughing
>trick r treat
>v/h/s 1
>body bags
You probably got it covered
ok whats all this ranking Creepshow 2 above Creepshow ITT
This had everything going for it except the characters and the acting. Great premise, pretty good editing and cinematography. But it kept feeling like a cheap found footage movie except it wasn't found footage. The effects weren't spectacular but they weren't bad either. I want to like this but, really, the characters and the acting just ruined it.

And these Mike and Ikes are tearing my stomach up now too.
Below Trilogy of Terror but above Deadtime Stories and Whisper to a Scream (I haven’t seen any of them)

Torture Garden is amicus dummy. And Black Sunday isn’t anthology
>1.Invisible Man
>2.Island of Lost Souls
>4.Freaks (if it counts)
>5.Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
>(meh tier)
>7.Black Cat
>8.Murders in the Rue Morgue
>9.The Old Dark House
>10.The Mummy

Mummy is so fucking boring. You need to watch Vampyr and Mystery of the Wax Museum,
I haven't seen enough to do a huge pre-code list right now (is 34 the cutoff date? That's when Wikipedia says it started really being enforced) but my top 3 would be
>king kong
>the invisible man
>the old dark house
These three have stood out among all my pre-60s watches. Great movies.
He evidently meant Black Sabbath, which is a masterpiece btw
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Edwige bless
I'm one of the anons who was talking about it before, I'm not a new anon sharing that opinion.
I've seen other people say they prefer it though and I'm not even the only one in the thread saying it. It's not a super uncommon opinion, Creepshow 2 is a great sequel.
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Pretty sure he meant Black Sabbath
I think its a great sequel too, but for me Creepshow is all time kino
Understandable opinion, I love both movies.
What's that old ass anthology that has the segment with the creepy ventriloquist doll or some puppet. It came out way before Black Sunday, b&w but I don't know if it was 50s or earlier. Not a twilight zone episode.
Dead of Night
MY /hor/ STYLE
Yeah that's Dead of Night. That's a good one, I like the segment about the girl encountering a ghost too, and it's got a great wraparound.
It's also the movie that inspired the Amicus anthology movies, and because of that probably also indirectly inspired Creepshow. Maybe even directly inspired Creepshow if Romero had seen it lol.
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Yeah that one is good
Vampyr is foreign so I didn't rank it and I also found it incredibly boring.
Never heard of Mystery of the Wax Museum but the premise seems like a proto House of Wax.
oh hell yah. you sure it's not tomorrow?
the director of [REC] has a nun convent movie from last year on Netflix that actually looks quality? nice cinematography and mood it seems, surprised to never hear of it here
Thank you for responses anons
This is one of the last amicus anthologies I haven’t got to. It is tradition to do one every year so this is very serendipitous.
Yeah the tone of Malates was extremely disorienting and bordered on psychedelic. Even though its actual composition is a mess it sticks with you. Haunt was surprisingly fun, good modern slasher. Clownhouse might be the move, sorry kids.
This looks very shite but I am intrigued.
Is their any value to watching Ghoulies 1 first besides knowing its a Gremlins cash in?
Actual been meaning to do this one. Rob Zombie can be all over the place in terms of quality so I’ll take the endorement
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Postin' some charts
>First story
Ruined by explicitly showing that the killer was already in the house early
>Second story
Too dragged
>Third story
Actually great
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Terrible, shallow takes. Those are stories to be enjoyed in their totality, including atmosphere
It airs on Toonami tonight. But tonight is the subs, if you're into that sort of thing. The dub airs next week.
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>This is one of the last amicus anthologies I haven’t got to. It is tradition to do one every year so this is very serendipitous.
Yeah wow that works out nicely to you, get to tie the Amicus movie into the theme. The wraparound of Torture Garden (the carnie/travelling fair part) is pretty cool, hope you enjoy.
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Just about done watching this. It had no reason to exist. I liked Pam and the 3 girls that get topless, the Corey intro, but other than that it is shit and I will be skipping it from now on when I rewatch the series.
>turn on hatchet
>regret immediately sets in
This is the most 2000s horror movie I've ever seen
I only watch good horror anime
I can't remember any differences between any of the Jason movies except for X, the boat one, and I guess the 3 that feature the kid.
They are all exactly the same.
>good horror anime
there isn't any
It's unironically one of the best in the series and if you're a patrician then you'll grow to enjoy its unique tone over time. It's one of the best sleazy coke-horror movies of all time.
>Part 1
Jason's mom
>Part 2
Sack head Jason
>Part 3
Hockey mask Jason in a barn
>Part 4
The one with the annoying kid and where Jason gets hit with an axe in the head
>Part 5
Not Jason
>Part 6
Jason lives!
>Part 7
Carrie vs Jason
>Part 8
Jason takes a Boat
>Part 9
Nigga and a nerd vs worm demon Jason
>Part 10
Jason in space
>Freddy vs Jason
I wonder what this one is about?
Jason but now he's 2000s nu-metal edgy
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wanna bet?
I like the waitress cutie in part 5
There are loads of differences between the movies. Do you know that there are only two movies where Jason goes after counselors at a summer camp? Part 3 aren't campers, neither are part 4, 5, 7, or 8. It's kinda weird that became the cliche, I guess Part 2 and Part 6 are just that popular.
>It's showtime!
Yeah I love the sequence with her and the guy. One of the best parts of the movie and probably one of my favorite moments in the series.
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>one of the best in the series
No, I can't even pretend. The only thing it has going for it are the women. But that's just me and I've always been a gooner.
>the thing
>the thing but japanese
"comedy horror" is awful 90% of the time
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Thread theme
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Clearly this spooky thread needs some green slime.
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>No, I can't even pretend
You don't have to pretend, you will naturally come to believe it over time if you're based. It happens to Friday the 13th fans.
filtered. comedy horror is peak horror kino
sounds kino
Friday part 5 also had the guy from Return of the Living Dead bizarrely singing in the outhouse after eating bad enchiladas
Beware. the attack is on!
Absolute kino.
Yup. The vapid whores, the "black friend" which is just written like a normal white dude, the "awkward male protag" that delivers cringe conversations that is assumedly intended to make you laugh.
I liked him in Return. The character was based. He shits in an outhouse in this. That is not based.
This was fun and the sequel was good too. I might have liked the sequel more desu.
>He shits in an outhouse in this. That is not based.
That's based actually. And his chat with Reggie was based.
It's not really a bad movie but yeah it's basically pointless and 6 retconned it completely (5 even says Jason was cremated)
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Starting VI, getting tired and drunk though. Maybe finish tomorrow.
Hey baby.
Hey baby.
6 doesn't retcon 5 (besides the cremation thing which is a minor line that the character could have been wrong about) and characters from 5 were originally going to return in 6 before they got cut.
What was the name of the sequel? I never saw that one.
Return of the Killer Tomatoes
Return of the Killer Tomatoes. Released in 1988, 10 years after the first one but it's the same director. I recommend it if you enjoyed the first one.
There are actually more sequels but I haven't seen those.
Hahaha, thanks
How does it not retcon 5? Tommy is a completely different character and 5 ends with him becoming another Jason copycat.
Return of the Killer Tomatoes seems like the kind of movie that I'd see on Dark Vault of Public Domain.
Every Friday the 13th movie is based and awesome except for the 2009 remake/reboot. Watched it again the other day because the new 4K UHD just came out and I'm still not a fan of this one.
What's the Latin American zombie movie with the found footage look?
I believe it's them wanting to make a movie but the horror starts. I think it's pretty explicit.
>Tommy is a completely different character
Largely due to the difference in tone (and the recast because the Part 5 actor didn't want to return lol) but he's still the same guy.
>5 ends with him becoming another Jason copycat.
Halloween 4 and 5 do the same exact thing and it's not a retcon. They simply switched courses in ths series. Tommy is institutionalized and then leaves to go desecrate Jason's grave in Part 6 because hallucinations of Jason were driving him crazy in Part 5.
The main problem with the new horror movies is the chicks don't get naked or show titties anymore, they're too politically correct and diverse these days.
do you have a Dark Myth one? i can make it if not
There's not a single thing in part 5 that has any bearing on part 6 at all. You can skip from 4 to 6 and you miss absolutely nothing in terms of plot, character development, etc. It might as well not exist on that level. That doesn't make it a bad movie but trying to say there's continuity between 5 and 6 is dumb.
Check out some original Star Trek shows, think any chicks could wear short skirts like that anymore?
New thread:
It's the same situation with Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and people that say that's not "canon." If the events aren't contradicted then the studio meant for it to be part of the "continuity." Nothing in 6 says 5 didn't happen.
Yeah bro Tommy was a fucked up autismo who turned into a Jason copycat but then got caught and ended up being completely normal and functional afterwards and none of them is mentioned at all because uh
He's still an autismo in Part 6, they just ay it up more like he's a quirky goofball because it's a more lighthearted and silly movie. And again, the "Jason copycat" thing is a Halloween 4 and 5 situation. They decided not to follow up on the sting ending because the character was popular as a protagonist. Tommy begins Part 6 by leaving a mental institution so it doesn't conflict at all with the ending of Part 5.
I don't know what happened there, I'm stuck phoneposting atm.
DePalma has said a similar thing.
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This gives me the feels, very sad film.
The Ritual

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