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Involuntary Face Transplants edition

Previous >>204320044
First for Lake Dungo a shit
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tonight I'm up to Puppet Master 8: The Legacy
>The majority of the film consists of flashbacks using footage recycled from the previous seven films.
god damn it.
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>Involuntary Face Transplants edition
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First for Jill Schoelen.
Anon, serious question: why are you putting yourself through this?
for me it's Billy Zane
>but if anyone throws up a thread early again
It was all Gadonfag, one of the worst spammers currently camped in /hor/.
It's the lesser of the evils. You can wait til bump limit and have shitty OPs or you can ignore the bump limit within reason and get good OPs. By post 308, discussion is dead anyway and people are just waiting for the new thread to drop to say anything important.
This. By 300 it’s more likely I’m just going to reply to whoever in the next thread.
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Can I get a based?
Do that and you'll get a ban, hall monitor. Unsperg yourself, this isn't your discord/subreddit
Not him but some people are just gluttons for punishment. Last year I watched the entire Hellraiser series.
I'm just a horrible completionist.
I love having a themed October though.
Well then you tards can take a time out for 10-15 posts how does that sound
It's reached a point where lethargy is clearly not cutting it and the retardation needs to be aggressively stamped out. Whether that be because of that Gadonasshole or insolent mongoloids like you two that are just keen to ego thread
Enough is enough
This sucked ass
please tell us the rest of your meta criticisms of the /hor/ general
I agree with you, but you're wrong. What you want to happen cannot be. You're letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Sure. I think (You) suck more than the average sperg around here, and this place is pretty much a safehaven for smoothbrains.
Anything else you want to know, Dennis?
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>Do that and you'll get a ban, hall monitor. Unsperg yourself, this isn't your discord/subreddit
>Last year I watched the entire Hellraiser series.
Me too. But it wasn't that bad. I still would think twice about fucking Puppet Master
so why do you spend so much time posting here and engaging with the so called smoothbrains?
this is such stupid reasoning it hurts my head.
I bet you live in a third world country where nobody can form orderly lines.
And he's nobody to be lecturing others, those are some of the most ridiculously cringe comments I've read in any of these threads. Imagine outing yourself and telling jannies you'll spam/floods the board if the new threads don't go as you expect kek
He sounds clearly autistic and needless to say out of his depth
or OR we just make a quality thread at bump limit??
If you had made this thread at 310, and Gadonfag was first. I would still post here anon
Stop catering the rabble
I believe in that anon!
You can do it anon!
Puppet Master wouldn't be that bad. The real test of endurance is watching everything with the Amityville name slapped on it.
I wasn’t talking about making a new edition, as many as I’ve made. I was just referring to replying to posts. I’m gonna wait 5-10 minutes until the next thread if I’m replying to someone because 90% of anons bail after a thread hits bump limit.
How many Amityville movies would that be?
Dennis, this is our first and likely last interaction. I don't usually talk to the mongoloids in these threads, I either drop a pic of what I'm watching, or I join in on discussion on the other good films that are posted... which is becoming more seldom sadly
>this is such stupid reasoning it hurts my head.
>I bet you live in a third world country where nobody can form orderly lines.
/hor/ is a third world country. Now does it make sense?
>or OR we just make a quality thread at bump limit??
That would be amazing. But, you've seen that that can't happen. So, what then?
>If you had made this thread at 310, and Gadonfag was first. I would still post here anon
And half wouldn't, and we'd have a split thread. So what then?
This reminded me. I'm going to do all The Children of the Corn movies this October.
About 46.
Nearly every time over the years there's been split threads the good ones have won out and the spammers have been banned.
Swallowfag got hard banned last year for example. It does happen.
That's too many.
Blatant autistic samefagging again. Control yourself, you're not fooling anyone
/hor/ bros... i have a revelation for you all...

i am billy zane
I got fooled....
Dennis! I warned you!
Post tits
anyone who creates a thread early and is a spammer is gonna lose.
you know generals are a bit like how cryptopcurrency works... I wonder if satoshi was a 4channer
I propose the term Zaniacs.
I see your point Anon, but I have a secondary strategy. I just make a good thread 5 posts early and then we all enjoy ourselves and nothing bad happens.
If you'd linked to multiple posts then I could screencap and prove you wrong.
I just set up a macro to tell me when this thread is at 290 posts and I'm going to make a Terrifier thread.
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>we'd have a split thread. So what then?
Birth of a Nation edition.
>Dennis BTFO and in absolute shambles
Bitch we just had one yesterday!
Or at 312 posts to exactly the same effect
Does Murnau have any other films worth watching, bros?
My nigga.
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I just looked it up and it's actually 69. I'm starting to get a strange urge...
I don't know.
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This was pretty good actually
Yeh Sunrise and Faust
Is this from Hellraiser?
Jesus. You could do 3 movies a day every October day and still wouldn't be able to fit it into a Halloween marathon.
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Thank you anon.
Yes but not horror. If you want a horror movie you're better off watching Cabinet of Doctor Caligari instead, which is one of the movies the Babadook's director stole from along with Vampyr and The Man Who Laughs (28), both of which are must-watches as well
>threatening people with bans
>calls others "hall monitors"
Are there bots in /hor/? Surely not right? It's too niche a general... having said that, this thread's quality is already noticeably higher than the lasts...

I wonder how many posters are here. 10? 20?
This thread suxxxxxx so far
Too much bitching
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it's quite possible they're now making amityville films faster than you can watch them
hmmm spoopy
The ban would be an otherwise direct result from the retarded spam threats he made. His/your comment is/are self-incriminating, retard
No, it’s actually from Suspiria.
>Yes but not horror
I was down for recs for either.
>you're better off watching Cabinet of Doctor Caligari instead, which is one of the movies the Babadook's director stole from along with Vampyr and The Man Who Laughs (28), both of which are must-watches as well
Thank you anon.
It's from Cutting Class. One of the best titles for a slasher movie desu.
Sounded like wishful thinking on your part.

Isn't Suspiria a 70s film? The photo looks 80s
I know you're quite new here, but just fyi, it's actually against the rules to reply to people telling them you are going to report them / have them banned. Your comment is as much on the borderline in that regard as theirs don't you think?
>One of the best titles

Does it have OTHER redeeming qualities?
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Yeah. It’s not really from that, I’m just taking the piss because she looks a lot like Jess in that picture.
best meme this year so far
Yeah I thought it was a pretty good slasher. Good cast, nice high school setting, nice tone and late 80s visuals.
You might not like it if you're the average /tv/ user who hates everything though.
>produced by Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.
If anything she looks like the Wil Wheaton in that pic. And I say that as a Jill Schoelen appreciator since I watched The Stepfather recently.
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Anyone watched this one before?
I'm about to chuck it on... hoping for some light slasher entertainment.
Ah damn. Zaniacs didn't catch on.
Who the fuck cares?
Billy Zane
it's a cutting classic
Nearly every horror film I've watched so far has sucked this month
I recommend watching better horror movies.
>Sounded like wishful thinking on your part.
Keep telling yourself that. If you fuck up, you're banned, nobody has to wish for it.
>I know you're quite new here
You're wrong and again: your comments are obviously autistic since you make assumptions and you're so dim you can't even take into account the meaning of your own comments.
Nobody threatened to report you, but you DID threaten to spam the board with several /hor/ threads so as to muddy the waters, which is a bannable offense. You're so stupid you can't grasp the implications of your retarded controlling attempts.
yeah, I think I saw it. It was forgettable.
>You might not like it if you're the average /tv/ user who hates everything though.

No, I am not, you must have confused me for my bitch girlfriend who in reality shields herself from cinematic pleasure. She was actualy crying when the older lifeguard in the first season of Baywatch died in a rescue, wondering why that happened to him and he didn't deserve it. It took her 4 years to say the words " I don't want to watch [horror movie] because it's too scary".
Every single one, he's one of the greatest in history. Watch Faust next.
Bro that wasn't even on the list I read. How deep does this rabbit hole go?
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What did you watch, though?
Where does The Stepfather rank in the Schoelen canon?

Oh shit, it’s Billy the Kid!
so that guy Roy Englebrecht is most famous for Celebrity Boxing, but wouldn't you have to be famous for something to be on CELEBRITY Boxing in the first place? why not list that?
>Maniac Cop
>the Friday film I forget which number
>The Black Cat
I love fire stunts. Any ones /hor/ thinks are good?
>nobody has to wish for it.

I didn't say you have to, only that you did.
Maybe he was the host or a commentator for the celebrity boxing matches
>the Friday film I forget which number
Freddy vs Jason?
They have in common only one thing: you, the viewer. Could be a you problem
oh yeah that makes sense, thanks
Will definitely check it out. Liked Nosferatu more than I expected
>guiiiss!! my shit threads are akchually really goood hookay??!!!?
> >:(
all this fucking seethe over your shite tatse. embarrassing desu
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What the fuck are you retards even arguing about?
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein has a good one.
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oh nope he was a boxing promoter and worked as a consultant, seems he's found a movie niche however
Part VII: The New Blood. according to notes
>At the time, Hodder set a new record for the longest on-camera controlled burn and was on fire for forty seconds.
Kek I never made one single thread on 4chan in my entire life you sad pathetic autist. You sound literally retarded with your desperate nonsensical counterargument attempts.
I forgot about that.
Well, Freddy vs Jason has a big fire stunt too if you haven't seen that. Cool as fuck.
Posting since this is a /hor/ meta thread.
go to bed Dennis you're tired
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>Watch Faust next.
It's interesting that the movie came out so perfectly in part because the studio gave him virtually unlimited funds and time, so he could try all kinds of shit and reshoot every scene as much as he wanted until they came out just how he needed them to
Seen everything except Terrifier 3, which I will 100% watch without hesitation.
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>watching THE final destination
been ages, I should rewatch that at some point. I mainly remember kelly rowland calling freddy a faggot.
Seems a bit out of date
Unequivocally based.
Indeed, Freddy even sees her at one point and says "mmm... dark meat". Wouldn't get made today etc.
I just remember the subplot about that one black chick that fell in love with Jason? Lmao wtf were they actually smoking back then
I didn’t make the chart but it’s from this year though?
That was kino. She adlibbed it too lmao.
why are weather events so underrated in /hor/? i guess the expenses are too great to make them?
ever since i was a kid i've loved watching hurricane footage and shit like that. the idea of being on a great storm while at sea is the most terrifying thing i can think of
>Fixed interests might include having an intense focus in a specific activity, object, or subject.
Delete this.
If it was made the past week it would have Demon Knight on it kek.
>written by Lisa Jo Rudy
>article medically reviewed by Dennis R. Metrus
Lmao you can't make this shit up... are you self diagnosed or something?
Lmao I think it was made like a month ago.
for me it's Demon Knight (1995) starring William "Billy" George Zane (1966)
>i guess the expenses are too great to make them?
I came to that conclusion yeah. I agree though I want a film where a storm rips it's way through a large cast like it's a slasher.
>it would have Demon Knight on it kek
Where did the surge in popularity for this film suddenly come from? I mean I love Demon Knight, but it's like there as that one Demon Knight thread a few days ago and now everyone is talking about Billy Zane non stop lol
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It's another
>anons accuse each other of being autistic
Excellent taste.
Sometimes you watch a film about an unhinged broad being terrorized by an old black lady and you just shrug and say, "Bound to happen."
What have been the highlights of /hor/ so far in 2024 for you anons?
Some anon had a spergout because we had Demon Knight in the OP and as a response we started Zaneposting.
His initial freakout might have been bait to get us to post Billy Zane more, not really sure.
>Demon Knight thread
>Billy the Kid thread
Plus this one anon was right on the money: >>204291804
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Haunted Ulster Live is supposed to be on screambox now but no alternative means have yet arrived.
it's set on Halloween so should be October kino.
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Thank you.
Late Night with the Devil
Someone shop Billy Zane into this.
You just got a bad copy. Looks good to me
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Unfathomably based.
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Kek use this pic pls
Late Night with the Devil (released 2024)
In a Violent Nature
VHS Beyond
There'll probablybe some 12 yos and/or aging millennials bitching about some of the movies above you may safely disregard their contrarian spazzing. These are all 2024 horror movies that deserve to be watched if you enjoy the genre.
There's also Exhuma but I'm saving it to watch later this month.
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Only one true answer
Fuck it, I might just do it myself lol
pretty sure it was the same anon who freaks out about creating a new thread a few posts early.
I've seen Late Night, which was mediocre, and Exhuma, which was good
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for me? it's Lisa Zane
>new movies
Idk, Frogman and In A Violent Nature I guess. For movies that I personally watched for the first time, the best was Dawn of the Dead.
>for /hor/ itself
Unironically Billy Zane posting
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I want to FUCK Wiggy
The 2004 remake is arguably the best zombie movie ever made
I'll watch it eventually, seems like it's well-liked.
For me though, it's Return of the Living Dead.
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great body of work
The 2004 remake isn't even the best Dawn of the Dead
For me? It's also Return of the Living Dead, but I always think of that as a punk horror comedy more than a zomg movie.
I'm an OG black and white Night of the Living Dead man
Did you just start frequenting /hor/ a week ago?
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>night of the living dead
>dawn of the dead
>return of the living dead
>day of the dead
That's some good shit right there.
No, I intentionally don't watch every classic horror movie at once because if I did I would have ran out of classics when I was a teenager. I don't want to be stuck watching exclusively SOV and shit when I'm 30.
Will /hor/ continue after Halloween?
NTA but today's my first day
Anything important I should know?
No, it will instead morph into /thanks/
It's been year round since last Halloween, and much better then
No. Yes
Oh and also I didn't give a fuck about zombies until about 2 years ago. I was burnt out like everyone else in the 2010s.
I hope not
Did you see how fucking many spammers we attracted by doing that?
I think we are currently paying the price for doing that last season... the only fun part about /hor/ so far has been the Zaneposters
if you didn't watch them how could you be burnt out on them?
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Which Halloween foods will you make this year? I always make pumpkin pie. Is it even a Halloween food? I’m not American
Vidya and cultural exposure from all the zombie shows airing at the time. As a teen I thought they were kinda lame, I associated zombies with how shitty media had gotten.
I'm gonna try a new mini skull pizza recipe I have
Yes the pizzas are constructed like spoopy skulls
>vhs beyond
do you have brain damage
>In a Violent Nature
Johnny is a boss.
He presented it as a mainstream favorite that only contrarians dislike. He has no grounding in reality.
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Pumpkin pie is general Fall food, and I'll be making some too. I also like to make stuffed orange bell peppers with jack-o-lantern faces carved into them.

I'm going to try to make candy/caramel apples as well, another great Halloween treat.
>The average horror fan actually considers this slop good
Grim, no wonder why modern horror sucks
What does fear taste like?
Based as fuck, good job anon
>The average horror fan actually enjoys these great films
Awesome, no wonder why modern horror rules
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To my mind, the only exceptional film amongst those is In a Violent Nature. Longlegs and Late Night With the Devil were pretty good, Oddity was ok and VHS Beyond was not good.
You should have said Mandy to counter the Grim.
Excellent work anon. Historical even
Not my fault you're both narrow contrarians. Keep rewatching your samey slasherslop/critterjerkoff or whatever, Idc
Not one of those movies could be even remotely considered "slop" if you know the meaning of the word. Oddity is a bit more mainstream perhaps but its narrative is unconventional. Friday the 13th otoh is slop even if I do enjoy the franchise
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hell yeah
been doing the skulls for several years now, got a special cast iron pan for it. add in chicken/pizza/taco/apple/pumpkin filling, whatever. it's easy and it looks cool as fuck. great for a party
You don't know what that word means.
you're the contrarian reacting to your imagined contrarions. positively lynchian.
Sorry... the Grim adventures of who and Mandy again?
>Friday the 13th is slop but V/H/S beyond isn't
I don't know. His name is beyond my Spanish ability
Not at all and you just have to leave the confines of your mind and/or /tv/ to see that those movies were all well-received in their own ways.
You sound like a sperg who was seething a couple of weeks ago insisting that Talk to Me was a movie "nobody liked" or some such nonsense
Don't you mean beyond your Spanish aBILLYty
Not in the least. F13 is formulaic and full of cliches. VHS Beyond is much more challenging.
If Friday is slop (it's not) then so would V/H/S and In A Violent Nature.
post pics
>leave the confines of your mind
You heard it people. You literally have to be out of your mind to like VHS Beyond
This bait was ALMOST good but you fucked it up by bitching about old movies too much
Implying V/H/S beyond isn't slop while saying Friday the 13th is made it obvious you're baiting
>I-it's not bait!
Fuck off lmao
an anon asked what have been your highlights oh /hor/ and in your response you bring up the hypothetical opinions of others unprompted.
>see that those movies were all well-received in their own ways.
why do you concern yourself with the opinions of others when evaluating movies?
>You sound like a sperg who was seething a couple of weeks ago insisting that Talk to Me was a movie "nobody liked" or some such nonsense
more weird autistic headcanon and overconcern with what percentage of the audience liked a movie.
Sadly it's probably some pajeet defending it because pooland has a segment.
>there is not one but TWO tranny threads on /tv/ crying about slashers right now
Kek, they're going to be crying all October.
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What would you do if you got kidnapped?
I'd make like a shitty horror movie and Get Out.
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escape with this one simple trick
>Got BTFO in the other thread
>Runs to /hor/ to cry about it
I find it odd how you're one of the only people who is defending Terrifier on here
Are you actually a paid shill? Why are you so worried about defending it? Can't you come up with actual arguments besides "le tranny"?
lol go eat shit faggot
Brother, as a fellow Christian I advise you to stay far away from /hor/ threads. They feature horrific images of WHITE people being KILLED. These sick fucks laugh with glee at the mere sight. They are truly SICK. And guess what? Almost every poster in here is JEWISH. Every time you post in this thread, you lose a piece of your eternal soul forever and can never ever ever get it back!!!
piss and shit myself in self defense, no one likes the stench of shit and piss
especially not mine
NTA but no bc Friday the 13th is formulaic and linear whereas the other 2 are ostensibly much less mainstream. You can show Friday the 13th to any schmuck worldwide and he'll get it
Your content-free reply is a predictable concession which I kindly accept
But I wasn't that anon so you technically didn't win the argument with him
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>Eyes without a face
>Got no human grace
>You're eyes without a face
Really is Billy season hey
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I'm going to try to push Zaniacs one more time.
Try it out. I think you guys will like Zaniacs.
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How is V/H/S not formulaic? Anthology movies are so formulaic that Hollywood decided they were too schlocky to make, that's why they're all low budget direct-to-streaming movies now.
I was mainly talking about the thread crying about Friday the 13th and Halloween. Nice spergout, though.
Which thread is that?
Times you acted like Shorty?
>How is V/H/S not formulaic?
The narrative is fragmented, the ff perspective is unconcentional and some episodes require some abstraction and connecting the dots. Friday the 13th is a guy (or his mom in the 1st one) with a machete chopping up ppl in the vicinity of a lake. Anyone can follow its plot bc it's displayed on a surface level
This one >>204326868
Troons really seething that old horror movies used to be sexual lmao.
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>The narrative is fragmented, the ff perspective is unconcentional
It's an anthology movie but found footage. Maybe it was unique when it was a single movie but now it's incredibly formulaic streaming shit that they release yearly. It couldn't get more formulaic, it's the same thing every year.
kek so that redditor started autistically sperging about Terrifier when it wasn't about Terrifier at all. redditors ITT are so upset about the cruelty and misogyny in Terrifier they're looking for any excuse to go off about it, aren't they
You made my evening
Anthologies contain different plots (in the previous VHS installment 2 of them had a narrative connection, an added narrative layer) and a wraparound arc. VHS Beyond also mixes fiction with real characters/events. Those elements alone make them much less universally conventional a than a rote slasher which is a frar of the woods bugaboo story that any tribal dweller can easily grasp
Before it was Terrifier those same people complained about Saw, and before that it was classic slashers. They're just assblasted faggots and I guess they're looping back to hating the classics again lol.
Freddy vs Jason is a more unique movie than any V/H/S.
With how much you faggots talk about that forum I am really starting to wonder if you don't use it yourselves.
Can I ask something? Were you guys doing some Monday night cult cinema viewings last year?
they wanted to give Scream an nc-17 rating.
>Freddy vs Jason
Kek no it isn't, it's more of the same cat X mouse mindless slaughter with a little lore scattered around
You ever seen The Princess Bride, anon?
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Terrifier is made by a redditor
Nope but I doubt it's a slasher with two rival killers fighting.
>draws his own cool art
I'd ask him why he seems to be afraid of naked women
Another pic from his reddit AMA
It's called Oíthe Shamhna
someone linked a post discussing Terrifier over there in one of these threads a couple days ago, and they absolutely hated it because they said it was too cruel and too misogynstic to be considered horror. so that really tells you the kind of people devotedly badmouthing it, they probably do come from there
Did someone force him to put naked chicks in All Hallows Eve and Terrifier?
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I can't wait to watch more horror kinos after work tomorrow
If you stopped talking about this subject, would you die?
He has to do actual nude scenes as good as those from, say, Fulci movies
such a garbage movie. fuck you Jay Bauman.
KEK, not all Billies are Zane though
>Terrifier shills can only defend Terrifier by bringing up the same reddit thread over and over, as they can't think of rebuttals for any arguments
Damien Leone needs to hire better shills honestly
Modern day legal nonsense, i'd assume. Same reason he isn't just producing snuff, i'd imagine. But those are assumptions and imaginings. Why not just ask him yourself?
>using bong water to water your cannabis plant
can you keep it to one thread? go assist some homeless Whites.
Reddit is dysgenic central
no but it would be extremely painful reading their reddit Terrifier hate over and over
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It's funny
>dude nooo you can't watch that horror movie, the serial killer is mean to women! yikes!
How is that even a problem? And why do they need to cry about it instead of just not watching it? Why do faggots want to world to revolve around them?
>S-stop calling me out!
Go back to r/horror and ask Damien Leone some questions lmao
What a fucking piece of garbage. Never listening to Reddit Letter Media again.
>anon introduces me to anime horror
>check them out
>so many are 45 minutes
>plow through them
>marathon list number skyrockets
Dann, I might hit 50 movies by the end of the weekend.
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I'm going to sleep well tonight, fellow zaniacs.
seriously it was all "sure he stabbed the men, but he stabbed the women more! that was just crossing the line". sums up who is coming here to whine about Terrifier kino
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Those faggots don't realize I've watched and enjoyed a slasher where the guy facefucks a girl to death. I want the killer to be mean, crying about muh heckin misogyny is not at all a persuasive argument. The juxtaposition of a fun movie with horrific events happening is what makes horror cool.
>A ghost threw a party one night,
>And thought, "Who would bring the most fright?"
>It called up dear Billy,
>With the scary big willy,
>Now with Zane there, the vibe was just right!
So let me get this straight, some dummy is really trying to say scary anthologies are too difficult for normalfags as if Simpsons hasn't been doing them for 30 years?
I don't think you have it straight because I don't see anybody saying that.
Scroll up.
I scrolled up and nobody said that. The closest was a post saying Hollywood doesn't fund theatrical anthologies anymore, which is true and not what you're talking about.
Simpsons are also more complex than Friday the 13th because of its references and subtle humor. VHS isn't another random anthology neither in form nor content. And Friday the 13th is horror fodder that asks little of the viewer
>Anthologies contain different plots (in the previous VHS installment 2 of them had a narrative connection, an added narrative layer) and a wraparound arc.
>Those elements alone make them much less universally conventional a than a rote slasher which is a frar of the woods bugaboo story that any tribal dweller can easily grasp
Now scroll down
Anon are you aware how many anthologies came out in the 60, 70s, and 80s? It's not at all groundbreaking, this is an old genre they've been making since the days of black and white. They predate slashers.
You didn't refute any of those claims
>nobody said that
>reply with quote of them saying that
>replies and begins arguing with the quote like it was that guy's opinion
Reading comprehension
Oh sorry kek.
I am and I was going to say Twilight Zone because that was pretty mainstream at the time but Simpsons was a better example because everyone including the normiest of normalfags has watched and enjoyed those so it's not likq an anthology is too difficult a concept for people to comprehend like he was trying to say
guys guys guys, you're getting bogged down in semantics and bickering over nothing. let's instead take a moment to appreciate and honor our threadly guardian, the one and only Billy Zane!
okay so now it went from nobody said it to oh they said it but you didn't refute, not interested in your goalpost moving
You're trying to establish a strawman since the example wasn't any anthology (which are also arguably more complex than Friday the 13th but that's another discussion), it was very clearly and specifically VHS Beyond
I'm not the same guy dummy, I'm the one whose comment you quoted
>Anthologies contain different plots
no strawman those are his exact words copied and pasted
Anthologies are usually less complex because the stories have to be incredibly simple to fit in the allotted amount of time.
Surely we finally get the Billy Zane edition next thread
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These circular arguments ITT are definitely the zane of my existence.
No, the reference was very clearly VHS Beyond since the beginning of the discussion. Trying to get a random phrase out of context sounds like desperation
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But never simpler than Friday the 13th, whose plot is paper thin and entirely devoid of nuance or subtext
anon I quoted the full context in the first place and you were so simpleminded that I had to focus it even more in the hopes of you managing to comprehend it, scroll up
Le maymay haha Baskin Roberts lol le funny
lol nice
Slashers are simple at their core but have nuance. Anthologies have less nuance because the simplicity is forced upon the stories instead of being a more intentional decision.
Won't say any more lol.
>ctrl f Billy
>25 hits
rofl wtf
They should use this OC I just made.
No you did not "quote the full context". HERE is the full context >>204327848 which is directly and clearly referring to VHS Beyond
Number too low, we need to do better.
This one's very good, just need to edit the credits at the bottom
This meme is legitimately saving /hor/ feels closer to 2015 days all of a sudden
Well done anons
What if it was an anthology of slashers? Does the dummy who thinks anthologies are hard have an opinion on one of those?
Kolobos: The Revenge
Starring Billy Zane as George Floyd, the protagonist of the film
>Slashers are simple at their core but have nuance.
Not usually and most definitely not Friday the 13th kek
Rituals or Sleepaway Camp are more layered, but they're exceptions in the subgenre.
Anthology episodes have linear narratives but significantly better plots than F13th. And the VHS ones add even more form/content aspects to the anthology template whereas F13th is samey
Zany as fuck
Nta but Body Bags has a slasher segment (directed by Carpenter) that's pretty good.
The last segment in All Hallows' Eve is a slasher too.
VHS is the "samey"-est thing in the world. They've released 5 identical movies the past few years.
100% use this for next thread it's 10/10 OC
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you mean like picrel?
Good catch. Fixed
do it
Saved. Baking.
Wrong, VHS has dozens of themes, tropes, settings, styles etc etc. Jason stuff is interchangeable and formulaic
I could argue the reverse and it would be right.
Friday the 13th Part 3 has themes present in none of the other films, Jason X has a setting not present in the other films, et cetera. When you start a V/H/S segment you already know where it's going to go.
oh okay so I should've also quoted the line that had no relevance to the discussion about anthologies, I understand now
I'm getting hungry, anon
You could stand to skip a thread or two, anon. Maybe cut back on the /hor/ threads for a while huh?

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