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Enter... Night... edition

Previous >>204518529
First for Terrifier
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Is it me or is it cold in here
This webm sent a Wind Chill (2007) down my spine
Is it good or bad that the same guy is going to be writing and directing Terrifier films forever?

Other successful horror franchises drop the original director after 1-2 movies and then keep swapping directors (mostly to keep the budget low). Only counterexample I can think of is Scream with Craven directing every film until his death and the films after him sucking ass.
it's not you. it's me.
>the thing
>the conjuring
>prince of darkness
>as above so below
>all of evil dead movies plus the remake
>maybe the shining
I think my October lineup is alright
He said he planned to do 3 maybe 4 and then pass it off to others.
terrifier is utterly boring
Good desu. As long as he keeps delivering the goods. I hope he doesn't bend the knee fully though, 3 felt like he was kinda scared of showing too much female violence.
>maybe the shining
Why maybe?
You're boring
Interesting, if true. I can tell that he is going to finish the Sienna arc with 4 and effectively resolve the story he wanted to tell. It's strange how many questions have gone unanswered about the why or how of anything related to Art, but maybe he'll answer that in 4 or leave that for the next guy to handle. Terrifier 4: Sienna Goes to Hell.
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when you think about it, the trap in Saw III where she gets frozen by water while strung up is like the opposite of Don't Go In The House.
I've seen it a lot of times, I don't want to ruin it
no u
The OG Terrifier
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Alien Romulus is underwhelming. Action is ok but murky visuals/music/ acting are all subpar and it has 2 woke "directives": pregnancy bad and women survivor + black man (android) good. Fede Alvarez once again displays his journeyman mediocrity.
sex with kate
>pregnancy bad
that's a stretch. if anything portraying a woman under 38 getting pregnant is pro-pregnancy.
it's main flaw was being a rehash of all the other films.
>women survivor + black man
Pretty tired of this trope tbqh.
Terrified is just gross gore porn. I guess it's conditioning zoomers for WW3
every spooky time I rewatch the thing and the shining
he doesn't exactly mention passing the franchise to other writers/directors here. maybe that part was somewhere else in that video or I heard it from another. But he does say there he would like to make 3-4 and finish the Sienna arc like >>204528338 you said
>he wants his characters to have meaning and for people to care about them
Damien has yet to give me a reason to give a fuck about Sienna thoughbeit and he tossed Jonathon aside like a used tissue, lmao.
Common phone poster L
You know it's true Terrifier is just an excuse to come up with nasty gore
mortal kombat is nasty game that causes kids to shoot up schools
You have to tell me what movie
Lol. This is on point. The anon that keeps shitting on gore-fest movies, this is what he sounds like. Tipper Gore era, Satanic Panic, etc
Terrifier gore is just gross, at least Mortal Kombat gore is funny
>muh pearl clutcher
>muh satanic panic
This is the ONLY defence terrifiertards have. Why can't they just admit it they enjoy bottom of the barrel goreslop? Just own it, it'd be a lot more respectable.
phoneposter pls
it's two different movies and that's the highlight of both of them.
It's contextual: implying that pregnancy is monstrous/dangerous is veiled pro-abortion propaganda
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>nooooo it's too full of "muh sore gyney" and too cruel to be real horror!
reminder these are the kinds of people invading here to cry about terrifier
Did you watch all three seasons of Baby Woopsie's TV series?
you're like the mirror image of a hysterical leftist going "the aliens small mouth represents a penis that violates women with it's male dominance!"
>reddit shit
I'm not reading that
Who gives a fuck if it’s bottom of the barrel? You just sound annoying. If it’s a personal thing to you, just say it instead of making a crusade out of it. There’s some horror gore I don’t enjoy either but I don’t put my dick skin energy into shaming other people for it.
Just watched this, it was kino
>it's real
That's not a counterargument, it's an ad hominem cop-out. Romulus is one in a series of Hollywood movies released this year with a pro-abortion subtext (First Omen, Apartment 7A, Immaculate etc).
The aliens are clearly matriarchal so the leftist argument wouldn't hold water. AND the final hybrid looks like le white man
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I love cats. What’s the best horror kino featuring cats?
good thing I paraphrased it for lower IQ individuals like those who can't appreciate the absolute kino that is Terrifier then
I barely remember most of this movie but I think about its premise a lot. Man wasn't meant to be civilized. It's a few thousand years of conditioning vs millions, billions of years of evolution.
We were born to be monkey.
I just finished Cat's Eye, which was pretty cool and has one of the best cat actors in the business
But… the man that kept adapting survived and the rest died out. So how was that not “meant to be”
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I don't care how the movie told it, the bottom line is we're all cavemen. We can fight against that but it will always be there, fundamental to our existence.
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>Find out it's Gacy's favorite movie
>Turns out to be the best in the trilogy
Terrifier gore is there to be funny. If you aren't laughing and having a good time while you're watching it then the movie went over your head.
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I want to pull on those braids as I anally destroy her
Cats (2019)
You sound too civilized for your own good. I'm not threatening you, but just stating as fact: in a technology-free environment, back to basics, a man like me would come out on top. You would get eaten.
it is. Alien is a penis vagina sex rape monster rorschach test that people read what they want into.
>[In Romulus], feminism is notably absent. Young women’s greater sexual and reproductive agency and assertiveness barely seem to register and the film’s star turn belongs not to a woman, but to a man.
>One of the group is a hapless, listless young mother barely out of her teens (Isabella Merced). Her pregnancy is exploited to make her death more harrowing. But not before monstrous pregnancy returns forcibly. She has her human pregnancy hijacked by alien DNA.
>So what do we learn about women from this entry in the Alien franchise? That they continue important as alien incubators, as pretexts for gynaehorror, but otherwise they are important chiefly in their relationships with men.
Nah it's just gross, Human Centipede or scat anal porn tier shit
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From Deadsteam
>Orc lives matter
No, it's funny. Stop trying to relate to the victim. This movies are about embracing mean-spirited nastiness and having fun and enjoying what's going on.
the part where he apologizes to the hispanic community or whatever is pretty funny
If you say so
The same moralfag is in other threads white 90’s soccer mom picketing tv violence lol
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WTF was her problem?
Two more weeks lmao
Take your meds, retard. The shitty clown film isn't conditioning for shit. Were August Underground, Saw, Maniac, New York Ripper, Guinea Pig, and Last House on the Left conditioning too?
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She looked upon the gateway to the condemned and it consumed her
Well no because

Okay, say we both live in a cave, or a network of caves. And you have this "okay" attitude and meanwhile I'm the hunter, I've got my eye on the prize. I've got several wives. I'm bedding Debbie, Crystal, and Gretchen. And I see you, and you're so passive that I look at you and I say "ugg" and now you have to respond. You either fight me with all you got or else you're in my harem now too. So now I'm fucking YOUR ass, and I've also got buns in Debbie, Crystal, and Gretch. So my genes would be passed on and yours are lost to time completely.
I don't remember where the movie took this line of thinking but this is what you have to consider
I was kind of disappointed by Late Night With The Devil
The concept was way better than the execution
This is so bad
same. i expected something a bit more scary and less zany to be desu
wtf did you expect fren
>I saw the TV glow
Happens anytime I watch MSM
I thought it would be like the creepypasta Candle Cove
yeah it really jumped as many sharks as it could.
movies now either want to be saturated, dour trauma fests film or so-yfacing, in-joke laden comedy horrors.
What's even the point of a new Smile movie? Are they going to do the whole "they almost beat the curse but oops no they didn't" for 8 more movies?
I wasn’t disappointed, but it definitely wasn’t what I expected. I want to watch it again when I’m done with my October watch list, because I think it will be better on second view. I knew it was going to be “self aware” but it was more tongue in cheek than I expected. But the ending more than made up for that.
I fully expected some creepypasta shit about how there’s not actually a show or something.
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Anon how high are you?
awful miscegenation film
Aliens impregnate in an insect-like (as opposed to sexual) way. Trying to claim that Alien Romulus isn't feminist when it's Cailee's character that comes up with several ideas and defeats 1) an entire fucking horde of xenomorphs and 2) the human-alien hybrid is unhinged. The ship's pilot is also improbably a woman. Male characters are bumbling/hesitant or evil (except ofc for le amiable black android).
it's just another "formula horror" made explicitly for people who likes cheap jumpscares and crappy monster designs
Kek. Or most current-day mainstream Hollywood movies/series
Terrifier has nothing beyond the gore, which is not even that harsh, the way you guys talk about this film i was expecting the goriest thing ever and the character is pretty generic and unintetesting. Plus why does every modern movie look so damn ugly, i mean the lighting/photography/framing, take a screenshot of any moment in this and look at it, the composition of the shots is awful.

Is 2 better?
2 has more of the mainstream stuff you want i guess
Terrifier 2 and 3 are a good deal gorier. Terrifier 2 adds in a human element with a proper protagonist, though 3 dials back on this some. 2 and 3 also lean more into being fun movies, assuming you're on the right wavelength to get that. I would definitely suggest trying 2 at least.
>Anon how high are you?
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>and the character is pretty generic and unintetesting.
If you don't like Art after Terrifier 2 then stop there
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The Pyramid (2014)

I didn't really enjoy this. This could have been a lot better. None of the characters are relatable or likable, so you don't care when they die and they all do .
I liked the creepy demon cat creatures, but not the Anubis monster.
I honestly think I would have liked this a whole lot more if the big bad was a mummy or ancient vampire.
Not worth a rewatch imo.
Terrifier was a fun low budget movie that people liked when it came out because it cut through the fluff and wasn't trying to be some trama laden backstory movie. I loved it for what it was.
Terrifier 2 on the other hand had an incredibly gorey scene and was more mean spirited, and was shileld to oblivion. You're likely mixing them up.
today is tech-horror themed. picrel will be followed by OtherLife and Subservience. picrel is already better than "i saw the tv glow" and features pretty much the same kind of "spergy" character with the same outfit but it's actually a girl instead of an androgynous femcel. See how much more watchable and entertaining it is when you cast actual cute girls in your movies instead of tranny self-inserts?
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wild opinion to me. the monster was unique.
Oh dreary the movie you're watching to get a kick out of seeing people get tortured and killed is mean-spirited... time to retire to the fainting couch...
Looks terrible
Too much cgi. If they did a proper animatronic maybe it'd be better.
that isn't the same movie.
>movie you're watching to get a kick out of seeing people get tortured and killed
If you do this you're a freak and should be put down.
Also, why not just watch cartel videos?
>moralfag blabbering
Didn't enjoy it. Ending is predictable and all the drama shit was gay.
it's true though, it was. I didn't say it was bad. personally I thought the impressive sfx justified it, but it was too long and lacking the surreal punch that I enjoyed from the first one. I realize that I'm in the minority there though, probably different mindset going into them.
Have you watched 3 yet? It's basically Art slaughtering people from start to finish.
I accept your concession.
My concession of what? Why do *you* like slasher movies? Why do *you* watch fictional characters get killed for entertainment? If you aren't a fan of any of this stuff then there's no point talking to you.
The first movie is genuinely awful, the second one is pretty fun.
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Relax lol
No unfortunately have to wait until later in the month before it hits NZ, I'm not even sure if my cinema is gonna play it.
Sounds like it's good return though, I'll see it eventually.
Though not horror, this one might interest you (it can be seen as horror adjacent as it's a variation on Frankenstein and Doppelganger tropes):
don't watch this it's a shitty ex machina knock off
he just had to correct a mistyped g, you dummy
took him 10 minutes to fix a typo?
Pale brunette supremacy.
slasher movie fans be like
>uh yeah I like watching characters get killed but you can't be mean about it :(
Never trust critics
I like killing random people in GTA too
It doesn't make a psychopath
One of my fav summer horror flicks. Put this on when it gets ridiculously hot outside.
apparently, maybe walked away and came back and seeing he typed doppelfanger triggered whatever autism makes him delete a post over mistyping a single letter
2 is a real movie
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maybe he was replaced by a doppleganger who made a new post.
it's the invasion of the post-snatchers.
That's one of the functions of the delete button and autism would be caring too much about ppl editing their comments
well shit what if you're the doppelfanger? what if I'M the doppelfanger?!?
nevermind >>204530133 is the autistic doppelfanger
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>October 15th already
And I suppose all of your Halloween wishes have come true, right? Watched 30 movies already, right? Carved 3 pumpkins and roasted their seeds?
Got your costume all laid out?
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I had more energy for it last month, now I just want to sleep.
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I completed my checklist for my Halloween Marathon! It was lots of fun. Going to continue with whatever now.
Can you post the blank template please?
How many did it take?
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Not sure. I was watching other stuff not on the list and of course there is overlap.
No, you both are autists for still being mystified by the fact that someone corrected a typo
If you look there are a couple of empty boxes so feel free to toss in a couple of People or Other categories if you want.
Terryfier 1 was subpar but got the "new stuff" factor that give it an edge. It was mostly meh, but the mystery and the fun appeal of art make it at least somewhat intresting. It wasnt scary and the gore maybe shocked some npc, but if you watch horror casualy/some gore movies it didnt left you with an improssion of shock, it were just good designed effects.
2nd terryfier on the other hand was a terrible movie that Ive been angry to waste my time with. Art maybe got 2 or 3 funny moments, gore tried to be more gross but its was just exploative for its own sake (look guys, came here to shock you stick gets boring really fast), fanservive is thrown with the flavor of hamburger weeb that would try to do his oc of his favorite anime episode. The mystery is totaly unrelevant to the story and its only serves as a layer that tries to confuse the viewer. Its crystal clear that the director/creators dont have anything beside art character and gore, they aspire to do something like americanized version of jap 90s/early 2000 gore movies and ofc hamerican audience loves that kind of thing when you take some foregin shit, reheat it add some spice and ketchup and call it a new name.
I dont know how much brain damaged, lardfull you must be to enjoy something like Terryfier 2 but the mere visualization gives me more creeps then the whole franchise of terryfier.
Not mentioning the fact of astroturfing this movie to oblivion.
Name three films gorier than terrifier.
Did you make this Anon? It’s neat
>Your head hurt and there was a strange sound in your ears.
>You typed more, and faster.
>The sound became clearer.
>Suddenly you knew that the sound was not in your ears, it was not just inside your head.
>At that moment you became quite white.
>You typed still faster and harder. >And the sound, too, became louder.
>It was a quick, low, soft sound, like a muffled laugh heard through a wall, a sound you knew well.
>Louder it became, and louder.
>You were suffering more than you could bear from that sound.
>Louder, louder, louder!
>Suddenly you could bear it no longer.
>"YES! YES! I mistyped the F! But why does the F not stop laughing at me? Why does it not stop?"
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Yeah I made it last year. I had fun.
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tokyo gore police
dead alive
Guinea Pig: Flower of Flesh and Blood
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It went like:
Doppelfanger? Let me copy the comment, delete the other one and repost it with the correct spelling.
The End
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It went like:
Doppelfanger? Let me copy the comment, delete the other one and repost it with the correct spelling.
The End
I think it went like:
Doppelfanger? Let me copy the comment, delete the other one and repost it with the correct spelling.
The End lmao, now take your meds
Good movie. Interesting option (in a more action/zombie/comedy rather than body horror way) for those who want more movies whose themes are similar to The Substance's
It makes people mad so it's probably good.
>Eating poop good because it makes people disgusted
Terrifier 2 is amazing. It has this surreal, fantastical quality that I really dug. The protagonist essentially becomes a magical girl by the end. Felt like a slasher epic. Should check it out.
Anyone else see Mr.Crocker?

It was cool. It was like a Jordan peele movie but actually good.
Terrifier 2 is dog shit. It has the production quality of a highschool play, the script is like something off of a DeviantArt fanfic, and the runtime is way longer than the director's talent stretches.
it was ok for what it was. obviously really low budget. the acting is pretty poor outside of mr crocket himself. but overall, not terrible. basically black clown cafe with purple. the visuals were decent.
Shit opinion discarded
Shit opinion discarded
>No rebuttal
Terrifier fans are like literal bots. No rebuttals besides "PEARL CLUTCHER! M-MORALFAG! FUCK Y-YOU!" lmao
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>Uh bad production moral values um
chainsaw go brrrrr
Shit opinion discarded
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Is she right?
Cat People (40s or 80s version)
It has a scene where Art sodomizes a guy with a chainsaw
whos this diva?
watched the Langoliers

nice and cheesy TV movie production and acting. love me some "everyone dissapeared" kino too
a sci-fi channel sunday afternoon classic
Watch The Quiet Earth, it's eerie
I don't believe him that anyone said that
which pet sematary is better new or old?
Artchads, how are we holding up. https://x.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1845123658089460148
Based. Terrifier 4 when
>which _____ is better new or old?
it will never be new, old thing good is a meme for a reason
The plausible exceptions being DotD, The Fly and The Thing (the 2011 one was a prequel so it doesn't count)
I said what I like about it here ==>>>204530731
Spooky soundtrack anons this school shooter one's been stuck in my head for days
luv me Dashcam
luv me Terrifier
simple as
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Recc me some coomer bait aerobics shows irl
Linnea Quigley did one
Not a show but give Fulci's Murder Rock a watch
When will old women learn to keep themselves covered and to stop trying to be young and hot again?
3 days already? How are you NPM? Sexed up some walled 26 yo chicks this weekend?
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They look pretty good to me, yeah don't mind if I do. Pic relation
right back at ya
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this chick had maybe the best tits I've seen in a movie. personal taste.
They're wonderful. Pity she was dispatched first
i only agree with the last part. even tho the story is a bit cringe, it's up to par with most of the genre if we're being honest. and that's fine i guess.
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nothing scares like the originals
Any flicks that feature gratuitous nudity while also being decent movies in their own right? Preferably from the 80's because that's when chicks were skinny and had perky tits.
A Jordan Peele joint
Night of the Demons
Slumber Party Massacre
>A whole nearly 2 hour long movie that's just 2 characters mumbling until one of them has a psychotic rant and the other starts screaming at the end

I don't care if this is one of those "It's scary to a specific type of person" things, it's a fucking horror movie, it's suppose to be scary in general
The chat in this movie is really funny.
I like it when girls get killed because they believe in abortion rights. If you believe in abortion rights, I wish you had been aborted.
2 is an improvement in every possible way. Looks better than the vast majority of modern horror and it was made at a tiny fraction of the budget of a typical Hollywood movie. It really makes you wonder what the fuck most filmmakers are doing.
I just saw Terrifier 3. Wasn't there a little girl Art in 2? Did she not come back?
The demon possessed the woman from Terrifier 1 that was in mental asylum at the beginning.
Oh is that what the line about demons taking over the bodies of evil people was about then
The demon possessed Victoria this time.
Right, that's also why she was immortal, remember in the beginning she slits her wrists in the bathtub and then lays there for five years while Art sits up in the attic
So is Art a demon that looks like a clown or a clown that a demon possessed?
He's a clown that a demon resurrected and gave powers.
If I understood it correctly, Art is himself (the serial killer from Terrifier 1), he was just resurrected by the demon and thus has special powers like he can't be killed
I'm thinking demon possessing a clown because if you remember in 1 he smears poop all over that bathroom and in 3 he pees on Santa and demons don't poop or pee so the demon is in a clown body and uses the clown to poo and pee.
Art is a metaphor for democratic values
>What the hell, man, i thought you had seen every Argento many times over. Get to it ASAP!
I’ve seen all the Argento films anon mentioned except Opera, just none in theaters except Deep Red. For you, I shall watch Opera today.
>8 hours later
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How come other genres are so much less interesting than horror? Have scientists figured that out yet?
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I just woke up lol
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Holy shit, what movie is that? What depths of depravity did they depict that I've missed??
Alright, let's see what the big deal about Puppetmaster is.
Based and checked.
lol he turned that guy into a soijak
horror plays with all kinds of boundaries, you don't expect a horror movie to be too preachy or to justify everything that's on screen. it's a genre for Adults(R) who don't need to be taught what's good and bad anymore and just entertain for shits and giggles and for shit pants.
it's also why when horror movies go mainstream they lose some of their fun, because now they have to conform to the Entertainment™ codes of of big Dolla$®.

t. kino scientist
sources cited: trust me bro, my dad works at Nintendo©, he said she said, i heard it was true, my mom told me i was the smartest boy in the world, etc.
>Chloroform knocks you out in a matter of seconds
>stay unconscious for hours
That's not how it works at all, and I'm tired of it.
can't be worse than guys being knocked out with a slight on the top of the head
*slight hit
Another 3 in the books for October:
This was good. I can see why people would hate it since there's no real action. I like the format and the camera negatives were great. The entire racism plotline was retarded, fuck out of here with that shit.
>Double Blind
Thought it was a good enough psychological horror movie. Doesn't really do anything special, but I like the premise and the characters all had different personalities.
>Dark Windows
Big fucking bag of crying and loud noises. Below average at best and all the characters can fuck off, they're annoying as hell.
here you go bro
True, especially when there are videos of people being hit in the head multiple times with bottles and not going down.
yeah i smashed my head pretty hard many times and i never lost consciousness.
i'm just insane
Stop making these pretentious-ass posts, Paul.
What’s your favorite horror movie?
On the other hand, there are videos of people no
older than 30 dying immediately from a "bad fall" after a night drinking. Head on the floor and they're gone.
Would be funny if he obviously wasn’t a guy.
Concrete is much harder than glass. You also usually fall onto the back of your head, where getting hit is in the much safer top area of your head. This is why anyone that gets into a fight on concrete should treat it as life or death.
Turns out it's another 80's sloppa where nothing happens for 40+ minutes because they had no budget.
LOL poor niglet’s scarred for life now
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Puppet Master is kino
Is it worse than The Puppetman?
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>spiked helmet
/hor/ is a nonstop 70s/80s circlejerk and honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I like a bunch of 70s/80s movies, but a lot of these "cult classics" are garbage.
Same. Which cult classics stand out as garbage to you?
Speaking of, these threads are immensely comfier whenever that faggot is on his 3-day vacation.
there was a test post earlier >>204522517. maybe he came back...
Post your most controversial horror-related opinions
I'll start:
>Jason Goes to Hell isn't that bad, in fact it's quite good and makes a good "final entry", much more than Manhattan or Jason X do
>Eli Roth has never made a single good movie
>The original Amityville sucks, part 2 is the only good one
>Don't Look Now is boring as fuck
>Phenomena is the best Argento film
>The original The Fly is better than the remake
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are you referring to the christcuck that spams shitty horror movies because he thinks real horror movies are satanic?
no that's the schizo poster
Cock lodge is that you? What shitty movies is this christcuck spamming?
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Dashcam was pretty fun, though the ending was disappointing and the credits freestyle was revoltingly obnoxious. Still leagues better than Host, the most boring, unimaginative jumpscare montage ever made.

Still, why was it even called Dashcam? I was expecting spooky stuff on the road from the POV of a dashcam, not a phone that is sometimes placed on the dash, facing the driver.
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yeah this douchebag>>204534479

tell us christcuck, what movies do you spam after sunday morning prayer at home? remember when cock lodge broke you and you started posting bible verses in /hor/
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>Phenomena is the best Argento film
I’m the Suspiria shill but this isn’t controversial – Phenomena obviously has its fans here. Saying either Four Flies, Mother of Tears, or Trauma is the best Argento film would really be controversial.
>and the credits freestyle was revoltingly obnoxious
gay gay go away
alien3 is better than aliens
>credits freestyle was revoltingly obnoxious
Isn’t that the best part of Dashcam?

>getting this upset for being called out
I’m not even christian you dumbfuck. I was actually curious what movies this christcuck is allegedly spamming.
It the 70's version of Invasion of the body snatchers better than the original? I never saw the original, I'm definitely not going to watch whatever was released after the 70's version.
>Isn’t that the best part of Dashcam?
Yeah because then you know that garbage movie is finally over.
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of course it's you christcuck, only a retard like you would shill a shitty movie like dashcam in here
Why does /hor/ seem so dead compared to previous years? It was way faster last year
Host was great though. Dashcam was also very good.
/tv/ in general is much slower now. Activity declined a lot the past two years.
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A mysterious black-gloved anon has been picking all of us off one by one sadly
Nta but Opera is amazing, hope you like it
>me loving trauma
It's basically a lifetime movie by Argento it's perfect
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He's so cool.
James Wan based Malignant off Trauma of all Argento films so it definitely has its fans
Haven't seen it, but unless the title means they went full bore disease or week childhood leukemia as part of the set up idk if it's going to hit the same spot
>I haven't liked a single Bava film
>Trauma-horror is the worst sub-genre to ever get popular
>No one decade is better than another
>Found Footage is the best sub-genre
>Cat People was boring
>Silent Night, Deadly Night was boring & bad
>Prom Night 1 & 2 were below average
>Jeepers Creepers: Reborn is so ungodly bad that it's actually a fun & entertaining movie
>Most 1980s slasher films are bad
>Remakes aren't as bad as everything thinks they are
The first Cat People is the only one that really matters
pontypool was great at least up until the reveal of the nature of the condition, but it was interesting nonetheless.
anything similar plotwise i can watch?
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LOL I’ve never even seen Dashcam. I’m a Deadstreamer, bitch!
lol that's a good description. even by Italian horror standards the performances are so bizarre and stilted that it becomes fascinating
I just watched this kino, Host was good as well I thought and I have seen it twice for some reason.
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I watched that recently and it was good, I also liked Dashcam. Why must it be a dichotomy,
I'm so glad Im not you, pleb
>posts retarded pic
>has a retarded contrarian opinion
Why would you want to be someone else? We're all different with unique tastes, that's what makes us all special and interesting.
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Try the wine.
Nothing wrong with liking both, my friend.
Sorry, I don't drink.
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That's the normie take you queer
... wine.
That's because you have to be defective to not love Elizabeth Russell
This makes Dario and Daria look like they made synth-punk back in the 70s.
So you’re saying my mom would enjoy it?
What is the greatest vampire movie?
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another shit movie made by shudder for schizo christcucks that love replying to themselves
You mean Dahmer
Zodiac mentioned the first Exorcist
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Yummy 2019
Dashcam is worth a watch. Not as kino as Deadstream imo but it's a solid found footage flick.
I love that these people invented a boogeyman to cry about and even went so far as to put a tagline about it in the fucking logo of their production company
Who the fuck still uses a flash bulb camera?
French movies are so great.
people in the time setting the movie takes place in
Did the anon asking about Stream (2024) ever watch it since it was released yesterday?
I’m kinda mad they didn’t do something clever with the title. Like calling it Smile Wider or something. There was an opportunity there.
As a kid I once fell from a ~2 meter fence head first on concrete. I remember getting a little dazed for a bit but no black out and no permanent damage. I think.
I bet your faggot ass loves Talk to Me. Go ahead and admit it.
Can't you just beat it by being blind?
There's a kind of female normie exploitation genre that a lot of very much not normie exploitation picks up on. Todd Haynes doing Superstar, or Argento doing Trauma, or even Lynch doing Twin Peaks all come from those being pulpy soapy tabloidesque stories that only daytime TV or women's magazines would touch. They all add their own style, but they're doing female self harm angst before stuff like Gia, Girl Interrupted or Virgin Suicides became millennial girl with mental health problems templates. Half the reason why those early female angst things feel so bizarre is because the audience for them isn't usually reading female magazines from the late 80s-early 90s or watching daytime TV, so it's not the weird Lynch bits that are weird, it's the soap opera conventions, or it's not weird to that audience to make a movie populated by dolls and archive footage but they might be uncertain they want to know that much about Karen Carpenter. Trauma is a wholesome TV movie about love and patience helping fight anorexia, and those bits are probably not as familiar pulp territory if you're in it for the killings. If you look through comments on Trauma sometimes you see the other side of the potential audience, because someone will praise the eating disorder stuff and think the murders aren't needed in the Argento film.
That happens all the time, especially with tree climbing. They just get right back up and keep playing. The opposite end is the elderly, who break bones & die all the time from falling in the bathroom.
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either the one you posted or picrel
I kinda like how all of Stephen King's films are set in Maine, although people complain about it
Nta but I plan to watch it. I saw a youtube review saying it's good.
It's 2 hours long, so I'm hesitant, but could pair it with Romulus since it'll fill the 4 hours I have to watch movies.
The two best Stephen King movies (The Shining, Christine) don’t take place in Maine.
Making a new thread.
Different. It's good in its own way. There are 4 versions altogether, including Invasion w/Kidman-Craig
slashers suck. They lack the characters and plot necessary to make a story entertaining.
slashers fuck. They have the characters and plot necessary to make a story entertaining.
The Deep Dark

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