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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

We're all filmmakers here edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous >>204789567
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Good, I missed you guys
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Who could’ve seen that coming?
Why was the last thread deleted?
Gadonfag's threads always end up deleted, I don't know why people still post in them
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Queen of /film/
good morning, /film/

You've seen them all, right?
I love you, /film/.
Anora isn't /film/.
I liked it. Don't know how much of an innovator he truly was but Griffith clearly knew what he was doing so early in the game. Nothing but respect for the man
It's very interesting to see how few Palm d'Or recipients stood the test of time, although there appears to have been a 'golden age' somewhere towards the end of the last century.
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the ooof years
Some anon incited others to supply nuclear weapons to those who are in opposition to the US, because of the movie Anora.
Also there were three dick pics posted by Gadonfag.
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i was the extremely handsome fellow requesting western recs in the last thread and thank u to the anon who recommended Viva Maria!!

gonna rewatch pic related : )
Only seen Triangle of Sadness and found it dreadful. Are the other 3 any good?
/film/ that feels like Bloodborne?
Angel's Egg
new captcha sucks btw
Yep, >>204789740 (I) tried to warn you.
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> 1968 — No award because the festival was cancelled midway through to show solidarity with the students and workers who were demonstrating in what became known as the May 68 movement
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Kll Baby Kill (1966)
I never pay attention to the OP. I just post in whatever /film/ thread is up
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Father and queen of /film/
To the Green chart fans who missed this last thread, I am currently working on the Blue chart. I'm planning on adding these five to round up the chart once I get home
>A Summer in La Goulette (1996)
>The Devil’s Plaything (1973)
>Nobody’s Daughter (1976)
>The Fan (1982)
>Tilt (1979)
Is that Mark E. Smith?

Thinking about Gadonfag's penis
We're all thinking about Gadonfag's penis here.
I think that's Mary Pickford not Lillian Gish
No, that's certainly Lillian. I'd know her anywhere. Doesn't even look like Mary very much.
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>Father of /film/
Who's the mother?
Yeah you are right, I went retarded
Alice Guy-Blache maybe
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anyone find it funny how easy it is to spot a pedo just from the films they add to their watchlist?
Might just be a coincidence. Stop always assuming the worst of people.
He's talking about us!
Best thing is we could even make a third chart (somewhere in the future).
We're all us here.
>Kll Baby Kill (1966)
Like everything else it has just been taken over by jews and their woke golem
Been daydreaming about a
>brutalist environment
>bounty ala western film
>with hints of supernatural horror
How do I sell my soul to the jews in order to make my film?
oh my GAWD!!!!!!!!
The movie takes influence from POINT AND CLICK videogames of THE NINETEES!!!
Can't think of one to be honest with you.
Titane > Anatomy > Anora > total shit > Triangle
He KILLED that cat.
Look at the top of his head.

Note that A Man Escaped and L'Argent are on it, and so is Phenomena
what a bizarre list
what's the most underrated country when it comes to /film/?
Evil physiognomy.
I don't think they are underrated at all. anons typically agree that they have a very good output, plus Kiarostami and Farhadi are very well known to the Criterion crowd
Everyone has been jerking it off for decades now. It's anything but underrated
India, Brazil, Yugoslavia, Philippines, Cuba are some that come to mind. Good art film ouputs from all of them but mostly unknown outside the country with a hanful of token exceptions for each
Is that your watchlist?
Post some of the best films from each country I won’t believe you.
One of the first CIA color revolutions, in which Godard and co were very useful idiots.
It's just the poltergeist. Today it's woke culture tomorrow is whatever new fad people start believing in. It's always been like this.
*kisses you*
I agree that the 60s counterculture in general was fabricated by the CIA, but things clearly got out of hand with the anti war demonstrations, black power groups and communist sympathizers, by the end of the decade they were on damage control mode already.
Wasn't some anon from here going to Cuba for film studies? How did that go?
No, I'm talking specifically about the May 68 protests which were instigated by the CIA as a retaliation for de Gaulle's anti-American policies, such as pressure on gold reserves, pulling out of NATO and halting arms sales to Israel. CIA infiltrated French new left earlier in the 60s and was involved in training radical student groups.
if it was my watchlist, the ones I've seen wouldn't be greyed out, dummy
The thread got nuked and i had to go to sleep without /film/ opened, i tossed and turned the whole time.
There are a few misses but I'd say the majority have stood the test of time
What test of time?
did she buy tickets for all her bags?
Tsai Ming-liang once talked about his fascination with sex. He wondered why everyone is so afraid of it. I understand why everyone is against Anora, but how do you respond to Tsai? I just came from a thread discussing sex scenes that’s why it’s on my mind. I think his work well especially in The River.
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Goodfellas got a director's cut
The only film I’ve seen by Sean Baker is The Florida Project. I wouldn’t say he is attempting to glorify or normalize sex work in this film. He seems to be just saying that sex work and sex workers have always existed. They have feelings too so consider them. Was it right for DCF to come and try and take away the daughter? I think yes. That environment is obviously dangerous, and taking her out of it seems to increase her likelihood of having a better life. I do sympathize with the children who grow up in situations like this. I thought the scene where she went to Disney world was well done. I liked that he focused on the kids primarily. Overall it was a 2/5 for me thoughbeit.
I have absolutely no issue with anything discussed or shown in cinema
Good for that fella
Zoomers seem to be afraid or at least grossed out by sex scenes it seems now, it's weird. We're in a weird time right now where at the same time people are becoming more prudish and more promiscous, there's more whores being openly whores then ever but there's also a lot of shaming of dudes being overtly sexual (it's "creepy" or "pervy"), it's very odd.
I don’t give a flying fuck what zoomers think or do
I could change your mind. I’m sure there are some things you would have a problem with being shown in cinema. That is, unless you are an unscrupulous person.
I do on accounta i want to sex the female ones.
NTA but i'm with him, go ahead change our minds.
We're all unscrupulous here.
What if I were to fuck your mom on the screen? Would you have a problem with that? This is just the first example I had in mind. There are plenty more grotesque and fucked up ones coming up.
I’m adopted and didn’t know who my mom was- I would thank you for finding her for me.
My mom wouldn't have sex with you.
>appeal to emotion fallacy
yawn, try again
I’ve unironically watched a sex tape made by my parents, and it fucked me up hard. I thought I found my father’s porno stash and scored big. I took my dick out and started wacking it to the screen. They were going at it hard, and I was cheering for them in my mind. Right before I came, I saw my mother look up at the camera.
Are we talking traditional fiction cinema? Then it’s a fictional film and I don’t care about simulated sex scenes.
Pornography is outside the original scope of the conversation, along with documented rape, and you’d be committing several fallacies here as well.
Ok guys. I don’t think I can post some of the terrible thoughts that posses my mind so I must stop there. Trust me, you wouldn’t last a day in my shoes. You don’t want to see my thoughts on the screen.
post it
need material for a wank
I am an unscrupulous person, I do not believe in morality. Gonna cry again little faggot?
>ok, go for it
>immediately stops and admits defeat
lmao you truly are pathetic
We're all pathetic here.
It would’ve been a better story if I had came at the moment my mother looked at the camera, but unfortunately that is not how it happened. I would’ve been falsifying the truth.
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anon, print the legend
What should I watch tonight, /film/ bros?
Zulawski or Bergman
One of the ones by Chabrol
Faust is a classic
one of these >>204804128
I'm ESL and I wish I liked that phrase as much as everyone else. I legitimately just don't understand what it's supposed to mean like an autist lmao
The true story of losing his erection when seeing his mothers face is less exciting than the fictional idea of ejaculating on the screen right when it showed his mothers face.
Tell the more exciting story (a legend) than a boring true story
Truth is stranger than fiction.
You can say that again.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
You can say that again.
Anon you're so dark and twisted, i'm so scared right now, i'm glad you decided to stop.
Faust or Chabrol.
anon, I really doubt anything from your mind hasn't already been shown on screen
Thanks daddy!
>Caraxposting around the clock
>Carax suddenly announces a new film
>Carax hasn't been mentioned in weeks

Daily reminder all Caraxposting was Carax himself. All Tsai posting is Tsai himself, all Gallo posting is Gallo himself, all Haver posting is Haver himself, all Gapsik posting is Gapsik himself.

/film/ is currently a PR tool for what director is most shameless about self-promotion.
I like Carax and post about him when I watch one of his films, but I haven't watched one in years. still need to get around to Pola X, Annette, and Pierre. I should probably watch those before his new one
Gapsik was very forthright that he was Gapsik Mukbang himself. Don't lump him in with those narcissists.
>all Haver posting is Haver himself, all Gapsik posting is Gapsik himself.
This is probably true, but I seriously doubt the other three would spend any time on here for three reasons. 1. They don’t need to promote their films on here because they do fine without it. 2. I have spent a lot of time posting about all three of those directors. 3. They have much better things to do.
>Gallo himself, all Haver posting is Haver himself, all Gapsik posting is Gapsik himself.
These i believe, except only some Gallo posting is Gallo himself. I sincerely doubt Carax and Tsai come to 4chan.
Watch Pola X TODAY.
Tsai can’t even speak English. That nigga is probably having gay sex right now. Why would he come here?
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>He KILLED that cat.
Gays do have a lot of sex.
>start Haver posting to shit on Tsaifags after an anon posted his Tsai review
>other anons join in
>anons are now convinced Joel posts here
lel, I'd never even heard of the guy before the other anon posted his Tsai review, but I'm glad I've caused a good amount of chaos
That would be based if Gallo actually came here, but again I highly doubt it. I think there is a much better chance that Sarah Gadon has visited and posted on 4chan multiple times than Gallo specifically coming to /film/. Just in case im wrong, I would like Vincent Gallo to know that my copy of Buffalo 66’ will be delivered to my house today. What up nigga! My next purchase will be The Brown Bunny.
Make sure it’s the /film/ edit
>caused a good amount of chaos
lol not in the slightest and nowhere close to waifu and nigga posting, your overblown ego is as worthless as your life
Ok Joel
that's Pierre, not Pola X. Pola X is the version Carax already cut down into a feature film. Pierre is the extended TV version with the HD scenes from Pola X spliced in by Pierreanon
Yeah, Vincent, if you're reading this please let us watch Promises Written in Water, please.
I thought DVD?
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The shit I read here.
Just fapped
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The one with Huppert
could be. I don't remember. either way it was better quality than the original rip of Pierre
what to?
Really great film, the best 90's Chabrol.
My ex
L'Enfer is very close, great dark comedy. I still wish Clouzot got to make his version in the 60s though
what are /film/'s greatest achievements? I'd say the Pierre edit is up there
t. Joel Haver
/film/ has helped find copies of multiple films. Han Ye, Matouqin Nocturne, The People in White, and Children Are Not Afraid of Death, Children Are Afraid of Ghosts are all the ones that come to mind, but I feel like I'm missing one. some of these probably would have been found eventually if anyone outside of here cared, but it's still cool
>what are /film/'s greatest achievements?
hooking a nigga up with a copy of john the violent
shoutout meganon
These, pretty cool shit. Can other generals say the same?
is LVT's Europe trilogy any good?
Some of his best work, Element of Crime is his greatest film
Speaking of it, does anybody have a link for Sono's Bad Film?
they all sound great to me but they've got middling reviews on trannyboxd
>trust trannyboxd reviews
it's a great site for logging and finding interesting lists, but the reviews/ratings tend to be awful
>reading reviews
you gae or something
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Holy shit this was boring. I've never really struggled to finish a movie before, but the last ~40 minutes of this were absolute torture.

The cinematography is not interesting. The characters are not interesting. The story is not interesting. And, most importantly by far, the film doesn't seem to actually have anything interesting to say about the themes it chose to explore. Hell, it struggles to present even the simple truths in any sort of poignant or memorable way.

Maybe I was in the wrong mood, maybe it's not for me. But as it stands right now, when I look at the average rating I feel like I'm being pranked. I don't get it. I just really, really don't get it.
so i'm discovering
no, actually i wanted to make sure the movies weren't
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> I feel like I'm being pranked
Wait til you watch Citizen Kane
Why? He writes on Reddit and he's a rightoid, I'm pretty sure he reads/writes on 4chin
I see the zoomers have got out of school
Who gives a fucking shit?!
Armond is like a spherical in a vacuum midwit.
B word stopped reading right there opinion immediately discarded
Imma go with Faust. Thanks bros
Dude be dropping the b word lmao
Zoomers filtered by Ozu what a surprise.
Does COTW still exist? Does anybody have a link?
What's fifty grand to a motherfucker like me, can you please remind me?
what does a 'grift' signify for /film/?
In Goodbye, Dragon Inn, Tsai Ming-liang woes the dying arthouse cinema, without knowing movies like Goodbye, Dragon Inn are exactly the reason why it's dying.

Tsai's movies are tolerable, or even borderline magical when he injects liveliness and creativity into them, be it the watermelon metaphor in The Wayward Cloud, or the cockroach plague in The Hole.

However, Goodbye, Dragon Inn is nothing of that sort, existing solely as Tsai's one-note tribute to Asian martial arts movies and Taiwanese cinema in general. Tsai continued his trademark of long static shots and water-drenched imagery, without any trace of the Tarkovsky magic he was obviously trying to imitate.

A large portion of the runtime is occupied by the the footage of old martial arts movies, which is lazy to say the least, and there is basically no plot, just theater-goers moving around in a run-down theater, performing indecipherable stunts without making a point.

It's a paralyzing drag to sit through and unlikable on every single metric. Well at least Tsai had the gall to rank this movie as the top 10 best movies of all time on the Sight and Sound poll, so good for him.
This. So much this.
Cinema is a grift.
>there is basically no plot
And that's a good thing
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>A large portion of the runtime is occupied by the the footage of old martial arts movies
Factually incorrect, this “critic” is a literal liar and not to be trusted

>there is basically no plot
Needing plot LMAO
Any of you guys see Historie(s) du cinema? What was your opinion?
What does Scorsese do badly in his acclaimed classic films (not his recent shit of course, he does everything badly in those)?
Incredible, need to watch it again.
If you don’t have a good grasp of cinematic history and world history, it will be completely lost on you.
He is a 60 year old retiree and definitely shills himself on /film/ constantly, like yesterday when he was putting himself as the founder of several movements like no wave and proto mumblecore. Godard also shilled himself here before he committed suicide (remember all those RIP Godard 1933-2022 posts leading up to his suicide)
>Godard also shilled himself here before he committed suicide (remember all those RIP Godard 1933-2022 posts leading up to his suicide)
Don't forget that Godard was twitch streaming toward the end of his life as well.
> putting himself as the founder of several movements like no wave and proto mumblecore
He is
Where the fuck do I even start.
This is the absolute most obnoxious fucking male centered piece of shit film I have ever fucking seen.
I just wasted 2 hours and 20 min on this absolutele fucking abomination of a film.
Even just considering this a film is an insult to cinema.
The way the female characters were written in this movie actually puts us as a society back at least a 1000 years.
The women in this movie were absolutely nothing but a fucking accessory to fucking gratify men’s twisted fucking rape fantasies.
Absolutely fucking disgusting I don’t even have the fucking words to explain just how much this movie fucking disgusted me.
This film was nothing but a fucking reflection on how fucking twisted and disgusting the male gaze is.
Not even to mention the plot didn’t make any fucking sense at all.
What was the point of this fucking movie? To showcase how men should be stepping up, raping their wives & beating their daughters into submission while brutalizing everyone around them?
Fucking joke of a fucking movie.
How the absolute fucking hell does this movie have such a majority of good reviews.
I am fucking convinced that ABSOLUTELY ALL of the people raving about this movie are nothing but fucking sex craved neanderthals who simply shouldn’t fucking be allowed to leave their house let alone be within a 10 mile radius of a woman.
Instead of drooling & twiddling with your fucking pubes while watching this movie y’all should maybe step back and re-evaluate why you guys are nothing but a bunch of involuntary celibates with nothing to their name but an astonishing collection of restraining orders you absolute fucking buffons.
This is the exact reason why some male directors simply shouldn’t be allowed to write female characters into their movies.
I’m sorry to tell you but if your idea of a woman is nothing but a means to gratify your sexual urges, maybe just maybe, you should be fucking castrated you STUPID fucking cunt.
>proto mumblecore
Stop trying to meme this shit into a movement, it's not real.
> Godard was twitch streaming
Proof? I’ve never seen this.
That was really funny, anon, now tell us what you really thought of the film.
hope she sees this bro
>Godard also shilled himself here before he committed suicide (remember all those RIP Godard 1933-2022 posts leading up to his suicide)
Extremely based if true.
It was for a time in the 2000s and Gallo and Dumont inspired it. It’s an antithesis and reaction to 90s dialogue.
The lg charts.
Sam Fuller’s got some really retarded films. This is not one of them.
He's actually streaming right now from his pod
And STEMbugs worship this shit
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he made one (1) instagram AMA a couple years before his death
I Killed Godard
Thanks, Godard
Why would he be goreposting about himself
Godard would never use words such as 'OP' and 'copium'.
Killing Godard.
Lets see. Extreme stress knowing he was a dead man in a few weeks? His goreposting was eloquent and ESL. He also had contempt for how anons idolized him if you read between the lines. The goreposting ended the very day of his suicide. Godard was letting off steam about being idolized, but also a failure in his own eyes, in an ancient body.
What are some of them? Just know i'm gonna disagree with whatever your answer is.
Ok you convinced me, I’ll give it a watch
Has the new Carax or Godard leaked yet?
I Shot Jesse James, Shock Corridor and White Dog to name a few. Go ahead disagree. I care so little that I won’t even respond.
You convinced me to see this movie despite being tired Miike/Sono
Then i won't say anything if you're not gonna respond.
>reverse psychology
Did you really think that Shock Corridor was deep or insightful like Samuel Fuller’s coombrain did?
I mean, he did make a film where he is tied up to a chair and slapped around

That films makes me think that Godard was right when he said Americans make good films when they don’t try to be intellectual or something of the sort.
>like yesterday when he was putting himself as the founder of several movements like no wave and proto mumblecore.
lel, that was me. I've never even seen a Gallo film
I haven't watched it yet, but what if I just have a good grasp on cinematic history and a very basic grasp on world history
I watched this with my wife and she loved it. she's a big Sono fan
How would you know?
>lel, that was me. I've never even seen a Gallo film
Based GODard
You’ll be fine, watch them and take your time inbetween episodes, try not to marathon them all
I just know.
t. Knower
>first comment
Godard in hell being sodomized by Satan while a pack of crows with serpent heads pick apart his intestines
I’m actually starting to think that Sam Fuller might’ve been mentally challenged. It’s like he never grew older than 12 years old in the mind.
I see that a new contrarian gimmick dropped. What is next, that Hitchcock was shit all along?
He's right,you know. The hard-on is an allegory, if you take it literally then you're the mentally challenged person here.
That was not Godard. It was Tsai.
>What is next, that Hitchcock was shit all along?
That already happened, go back a few dozen threads.
Gallo's narcissistic ass wouldn't be able to handle 4chan's anonymous nature. If he were to post here he'd 100% tripfag
>What is next, that Hitchcock was shit all along?
Been absent? Hitchcock, Ophuls and Ford got banished from the canon by zoomers
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>This is the absolute most obnoxious fucking male centered
> Hitchcock was shit all along
No, but De Palma improved upon the formula and was a much better director.
That’s idiotic and not at all the same as Sam Fuller disavowing.
why do you retards always come up with the worst gimmicks?
De Palma is awful
>improved upon Hitchcock
>improved upon Antonioni
De Palma is so based.
De Palma is amazing
now this is a gimmick I can get behind
I’m sorry you couldn’t handle Dressed to Kill.
Argento once said that Hitchcock and Antonioni were his favorite filmmakers but he sadly never made his version of Blow Up
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Where are you?
And I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight

I miss you, miss you...
Love that song
>he sadly never made his version of Blow Up
He's still got time
>died at 59
he was just a kid...
I’m glad we can find some common ground in these divisive times.
if I never watched Happy Together, I wouldn't have discovered Frank Zappa. I now have 70 of his albums.
Thank you Wongie for introducing me to Frank Zappa through gay sex
You would probably have discovered him some other way.
Please make a movie again. Any movie at all, I'm begging on my knees. Remember: there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over.
Never watched that movie, never will. Gay sex is disgusting.
Watch World’s Greatest Sinner instead
I discovered Frank Zappa. I try my best to forget him each day.
Dear God, please take Bong Joon-ho and give us Kimchi Duck back.
That shit was a bore with a good plot. It seemed like it would be my type of movie.
I've only seen 3 WKW joints but Happy Together was the best one. There's maybe two minutes of gay sex in the movie total.
Seems interesting, will give it a try tonight.
I've seen all Doyle-shot WKW movies except Happy Together, and I don't plan on changing that.
>there's only two minutes of hardcore buttfucking
>see, jews? we chinks can be faggots just like your goyim cattle! pleeeeease give us the palm d'or!!!!
literal rapist
>pleeeeease give us the palm d'or!!!!

koreeda filled his latest film with lgbt shit for the same reason
To be a great filmmaker you need to either be a rapist, a murderer or a con artist. The best filmmakers fall into the three categories.
He already won for Shoplifters, chud.
I was mostly being cheeky bc I’d the Zappa soundtrack. I’d rec the movie itself if you like character acting like Cage and Kinski.
The plot seems hilarious, and I like Zappa. Thanks for the rec.
Hitchcock is complete shit and I’m almost 40 years old
>Hitchcock is complete shit
>I’m almost 40 years old
Besides for being egotistical and outrageous he has nothing in common with Cage or Kinski. Kinski Jesus was much greater.
We're all old here.
We're all complete shit here.
We're all p-word here.
I'm piss, I'm shit! I'm less than nothing!
Werner Herzog 1942 - 2024
Fake news, herzog is alive and well, filming fordlandia
>has nothing in common with Cage or Kinski
>being egotistical and outrageous
Rajmund Roman Thierry Polanski 1933 - 2045
Dominique Labourier
I’ll give you an even more unpredictable one that’s not /film/ related. This has been confirmed by my sources. They will call it a heart attack cause by coronary artery diseases, but don’t believe them. Ari Aster 1986-2024
Here’s an even better one that is highly /film/ related. Me 1995-2024. They’ll say I killed myself. Don’t believe them.
Ominous trips
RIP anon
Goodbye friend.
Already gone over it multiple times. I’d suggest watching his films but I’d never wish that torture on someone.

Because I was born
Cheap gimmick that fails
Don’t do it Timothee
*improves upon Hitchcock*
new shower bitch was an uggo
bad remake
good remake
T.B. Johnson 2008 - 2024
Did Human Centipede rip off that poster? I've never seen it before but I've heard of Gus Van Sant's remake
Masaki Kobayashi's three part epic, The Human Centipede
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>Check in. Relax. Take a shower.
Have a negroni, have two
Gus Van Sant invented The Human Centipede.
Somebody bake
no hurry lil bro
still got the bump limit to reach
DUDE we only got 6 posts left
bakin right fucking now
aka two and a half hours

is ozu oriental grift?
No, his films barely even got released in the west at the time he was making them.
calm down diarrhea states...
forced meme is forced
>7 pages to go
>no mega links again
Yeah, just make a real one at page 10.
As a meme it's forced, but it's an accurate description of some directors such as Yang.
nah. also blow out and blow up are nothing alike, they share a plot device but the similarities end there.
Thank god
>one hour later

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