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HellHype Edition

prev >>204876932
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Like it or not native American wizardry wendigo bs is the most likely explanation by far given the shows setting n vibe and there's even skinwalkers
I make the same noise when sneezing. The children are calling to me! I keep telling the police that but im still not allowed within 500 feet of any school zone.
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Still no Donna edition. Grim
Digits confirm that Donnas big bouncing boobies are they key to everything.
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>tfw no undead monster gf
Why would their hands be warm actually they're dry n dead
I'll keep an eye out and try to post you're webm as an OP sometime
Because they aren't dry and dead
The tainted blood made them dry and dead
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Waymint. Why did Bode wana chill in the bus to watch the monsters? Doesn't the police station have big ass windows on every side?
The cicada bugs drank all their fluid?
0 fluids come out of their holes and neck slash bro, they're dry
because there's more to it
I think the windows are just on 1 side or maybe 2 at most and in the corner. Bus probably just has a better 360 view.
The bus is one big window while the police station only has a few bay windows.
I would very much appreciate that friendo. Speaking of balloons, has anybody ever tried to fabricate a make-shift hot air balloon? Has that ever been discussed here?
There's no giant spider or or tentacle monster btw.
Sounds reasonable, but I don't know if they have the fuel for it. The town doesn't even run on gas, it runs on Monster(tm) energy.
They mention giant spiders. Boyd gets covered in Spiders of Unusual Size.
The tent was moved, not by a giant spider though.
He's just trolling.
What moved the tent, then :O
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>mfw a group autists on /tv/ put in way more effort into explaining the mysteries of from than the actual writers ever will
New to the thread but I love the actual discussion of the mystery and theories, so sovl, when there's no spoilers or pre existing material to mindlessly latch to, every theory works, even ayy lmaos aren't out of the question imo, maybe the talismans harbor alien instructions, who knows... They MIGHT
Supernatural energy/force
The radio
>tfw she will never run that fast to eat you or poop in her toilet (my mouth)
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>Confusing branches and bushes with a giant spider.
Are there any women present who can tell me why you don't hold your boobs while running, or does the feeling excite you/comfy just like with us guys running around naked or in loose pants, feeling our balls and dicks bounce? Isn't it super embarrassing and hurting?
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who was shirt
actuaally a missed opportunity for a cool multi episode side plot where she really does try to be genuine and later either accidentally allows other monsters in and kill him against her wishes, or betrays him for a much more shocking moment, after previously staying inside and leaving without hurting him?
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reminder that the Sun is fake
where can I watch the new episode its not on my usual site
>why do harbours build lighthouses when they could just look out of their houses for ships
praise sol
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Episode 6 was such an amazing experience.. questions are being answered like never before.. new mysteries are being revealed.. this season is crazy
Jasper is the one who can tell us why it happened.
I also think it is roots and branches. they are established to be alive. people entirely ignore the forest as entity despite the entire show being centered around the forest being the danger. there is also no spider carving. but we have red cthullu that is directly based off real world petroglyphs in utah (America)
I wish donna would let me lick her rim after a fat shit
They have fire magic powers you fucking retard do you even watch the show?
Remember Victor's first time meeting Julie is him making a drawing of her (as she sleeps).
Victor later stated that drawings are only for things that are gone hence why he didn't want to accept Ethan's drawing of himself.

Julie isn't real.
They need a lot of gas and I don't think Donna alone can make it work.
From? From what?

20mins to torrent
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I dont have an issue with ayys personally. There seems to be symbolism from multiple different culture's mythologies. Native Americans, Irish, Nords, etc.. So its possible that ayys have been on Earth for a long time and the cultures built these mythologies based on them OR the ayys just picked a bunch of random religious symbols from throughout culture and sprinkled it all over their lab expreiment.
agreed, I basically said the same thing >>204864220
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Writers from the show desperately trying to discredit Anons for figuring the story out.
why the fuck would anyone williningly choose to live in the colony house over the comfy town?
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>'Why does the light keep shutting off?'
>powerlines lead to the tunnels where the monsters sleep
>lamps run on archon loosh suffering energy not electricity
>the monsters were running out of energy that's why the light flickered
>they infiltrate CH and have a feast
>lights don't flicker anymore

Captcha J2ANY
More women to bang. I think familys just stick to the town where singles go to colony house.
I don't think I've ever stayed up waiting for something to drop on tv, this is a first for me, hype
honestly, safetey in numbers.
To be fair most of the men here have boobs too
but then you don't get to experiment and solve le mystery
It's even more fun discussing it with other anons in the thread.
>but then you don't get to experiment
except for the freaky hippy gangbangs.
We're not falling for that anymore
Fairychads >>> taranfags
Not even close to the same thing
enjoy you're 10 minutes headstart payfags
Do you keep posting this with this image trying to imply that we dont ever see an actual sun in the sky because there have been many scenes where we actually see a sun and even a moon and stars and shiiiiiit.
It's up.
Captcha: YK00N
That's mainly the reason why I'm so invested, I've posted a dozen small theories about clues, and an overarching theory about the philosophy behind the show in these past few days. I'd like to think I'm getting a glimpse of the web of events and characters, in part, I was even thinking of making like a detective-style board even to try and mirror what the writers have in their writer's room.
Its out now. This episode looks insane
I'd beat the bricks off this bitches face if she ever talked to me like that.
where the fuck is succesfullcrab
how much time left for the torrents
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>new episode about to drop
Are they even going to bother explaining this cliffhanger from last weeks episode or pretend it never happened?
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The Sun looks weird, it seems dull in some scenes and its light looks unnatural. Keep an eye out.

>posts a magnet link
Thanks anon, saved me from using a search engine
>0 seeds
its over
Faegs = tardans
Wow that blood orgy halfway through the episode caught me off guard.
its gay porn dont download
its a big file
based anon who post the direct link every week. i love you
Thanks daddy.
Holy shit kenny is actually the father
Share the smaller few hundred mb version pls anon
are we really 'boutta FROOM boys
MGM fag seething over the based magnet link provider.
God Bless you
why was Boyo Boyd's first instinct to shoot him instead of using a sledge hammer? Is he so desperate to be relieved of his role as leader that he wanted to just shoot someone in need? I swear in this town, their first instinct is to always kill someone instead of helping them. Was kinda shocked Kenny went to get the rod instead of just mercy killing Kristi
he could have at least tried to dig out some of the broken concrete by his mouth and chest so maybe he could breathe and not choke to death so fast
>its a big file
me when sending dick pics
lmao who called them putting a rag over it?
Anon you not see all the blood pouring out of him? I feel like Boyd made the safe assumption that he was way to far gone.
>tfw finish downloading torrent
>tfw click the stop button
I'm not seeding :^) I got mine, pull yourself up from your bootstraps pals
They caught the cutie monster and now they are gaping her??
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uh.... boyd is getting buck-broken by cowboy monster....

blackbros... our response?
Donna is pretty cute when she's crying.
the blood only started pouring out when he aimed for the shot. plus, that doesn't even change the fact that he could have made a desperate attempt at helping, like any human would. people try to reanimate drowned people 30 minutes after they had their last heartbeat. humans don't think as rational if they are directly at the scene and emotionally involved.
A farm girl like her would suck the nuts right out of you. Hey, give those back.
So the fat chick from colony house is undercover? wtf the leaks were real?
Ah yeah I agree with you anon they should have tried. I was just saying I could see why Boyd just straight up went for the mercy kill.
kek you just reminded me of the guy who talked about a calf sucking on his finger.
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Hopefully it was just his finger xD
Its REAL. Based. Thank you.
>Viktors dad dies
I fucking called it
It was just a finger but apparently the molars develop quicker than the front teeth so you might not find out until it's too late.
Elgin has sex with Julia this ep
lmao the way jim jumped out of the bed
Fatima sus af frfr
Stop being evil.
Donna dies
The intro was actually well acted.
Not the best acting in the history of cinema but if you look at the rest of the show the acting is mid to shit tier so there is that.
Last episode when Boyd antagonize his son was also a good display of acting skills from Boyd.
Which tell me that it's not entirely the actor being shit in general but also the writers and real are bad enough that they don't use correctly the actors potential.
Not before getting Kenny pregnant.
Poor Kenny. Getting treated like hes a 3rd wheel, a bother to have around. I still love you, Kenny. dont let some druggy lesbian get you down.
Kenny WILL get sex from Kristi
Im sorry fatty-mama. You and ur baby are fucked. Just get the ultrasound over with
The vibe I got was that Kencel didnt trust her with the drugs
Them looking at the results of the ultrasound is going to be the end of episode cliffhanger. We won't see what it is till next episode though.
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Confirmed: Fatima is not pregnant.
I wish my dad was still alive. He would of went into the cave with me also :C
who was phone?
Sorry anon. You got your Frombros though.
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22 minutes in, I'm actually scared. Victor's dad is probably going to die in the tunnel. ;_;
I think Kristi is cute. How do I find a gf like her?
Shitty fake ass rock wall. Shit looks like styrofoam
You guys are awesome. Wed go caving, burn monsters alive, that one anon would rape them.
Thats what im worried about. He has to make it.
Confirmed Tabitha ends up with Jade. JIm WILL turn evil.
>I could see why Boyd just straight up went for the mercy kill.
of his nemesis who he just told off ten minutes ago and felt threatened by. yeah this will work out very well. it is so heavy handed how they turn the town against Boyd. they had this chance when he brought back Sarah, but now it feels ridiculous, no matter under what pretense.
Nta but I went caving a couple times in scouts and I'd happily go back again. You get fucking dirty though so bring a spare set of clothes before you get in my car.
Damn, poor Randall. He got slashed up pretty bad, I winced.
Donna lives
Tabbers and Jim aren't a couple anymore. That was established in the first five minutes of episode 1

captcha: LOL
>tabitha is Victor's sister all along
holy fucking curveball
>That fight scene between Jim and Tabitha
Talk about amateur hour. I feel like they are making Jim an idiot on purpose. It would be so easy to explain how she couldn't do more in concrete terms.
Jade, dont listen to ghost tom. Those ghosts are assholes
>Dont look for answers!
>Just have another drink
>Stop trying to figure things out
Yeah, im on to you, ghost.
>Just sober up, Jade
Judgmental peace of shit.
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of course I'm too stupid to actually attach it.
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Tabitha confirmed as Victors sister. Answers are being questioned like never before.
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>>tabitha is Victor's sister all along
conveniently she is 20 years younger than him, not recognised by their father and has a mexican mother who doesn't use LSD or draws pictures
He looks at least 30% more cool now.
No her mother is the same mother that escaped Fromville, that is why they made a point to call her when Tabitha was out.
where did he get the photgraphs? They got into town because they had to pick up the old man who went on the bus. and they just happened to have a picture of him and her for that short trip?
also there is a famine and he just wastes fresh food for this?
dharma initiative when?
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nice pants dude
I could see his moms being a wallet photo but yeah good point.
then who was phone???
Poor kenny should take the 3some pill.
are those peaches? peaches confirmed back in stock?

this season is crazy
wanna know how I get these scars?
Additionally it would make sense as to why she Victor's Father had the bracelet in his car, because she learned how to make those bracelets from her mom.
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kek what the fuck the sex parties were real??
Dont say that about yourself anon. The only stupid people here are the ones who think its fairies
I had to get an ultrasound on my balls once. Was not something I would do again.
I am glad the fae meme was able to supplant the "I gotta go" shit. We are back to 'spider cult' tier of shitposting.
Who is pants?
Did the Fatima as a kid nightmare was shower about before? i dont remember. Scene felt so shoehorned.
Jasper, your little suit looks like shit. I know because I SOLD IT TO YOU!! Seriously though. I hope Viktor and Dad make it.
You only "I gotta go" post inbetween seasons. Lurk more, faggot.
I tried to warn you about the hot, sloppy, hippy sex.
you faggots told me this episode was going to be good. show needs to go straightforward
so it's becoming more and more clear that the town is created from visions of the townspeople's fears.
Another episode full of exposition with a major cliffhanger at the end. They should release all the episodes at once.
Who was the nibba that appeared above Tabitha at the red rock? The man in yellow? The amish guy? Red cthulu?
Tabitha was in the town as a child. That was no nightmare
So what you're saying is... Tabitha has been pulled into the town AT LEAST THREE TIMES
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I like this character
i want to pull her mouth into my cock if you catch my drift
Jim’s actor was actually good this episode
>Victor if you keep coming here we're gonna make you stay here
why do the Froms just let him stroll around their cave? that From was clearly awake and she just let them go
Was reddit right for once?

Finger her holes like a bowling ball, if you can spot the innuendo.
I think I catch your drift. You want her mouth in your cock, right?
Extreme sounding. Pull the peehole open and cover her head.
What was Julie apologizing about to Kenny? I don't get what was offensive there.
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junkie has a pretty nice ass, never noticed it before
>another filler episode

god fucking damn it
oh snap the new torrents are up
time to frompost lads
There are no filler episodes. They got Jasper, fatima isnt pregnant, Tabby has always been in nightmareville. Lots of filling.
>episode finished in 6m
just in time to grab tendies, then smoke weed and opium for maximum kino
She was talking about her dad, who is alive, nonchalantly, and mentioning how he carelessly moved and potentially lost items that belonged to his recently murdered parents.
She is looking pretty good this season in those skin tight jeans.
She's not his sister, speedwatchers. It was a nightmare, she was having visions like Victor's mama.
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Maps of Meaning by Victor B. Peterson
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>spherical realm
>trees are drawn like the 'F' rune in the Talismans, there's more to each and every tree, not just the faraway ones
>Sun is a few miles away
shes a ballerina irl, they have major glutes
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>They got Jasper
I'm betting the whole point of Jasper was to make Victor sound like a schizo to his father.
looks flat to me, flat earth confirmed (again)
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>Lighthouse at the edge of the realm
>Tabitha was pushed through the glass just far enough so she could fall on the other side through the barrier

That's a lighthouse right? Looks like a windmill.
I think it's a lighthouse, the thing at the top is Victor drawing light shining from the lighthouse
ruminate the redolence
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Was the father implying that the monster who talked to Victor was his wife?
I bet hes going to be talking nonstop. Hya-cha-cha...or your right and hes going to be silent unless hes alone with Veektor
Well... Now I got to go back and try find the scene where viktor finds his dead mother and compare the monster to her corpse.
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Maybe, they seem to waste no time in reading new people close to them like a book, instantly, and mimicking people familiar to them.

Picrel is the trap they made for Julie.
>don't you recognize me?

I guess the question is 'Are they mimicking or is there something authentically familiar that people are drawn to?'
while i was writing it i thought, ok maybe they took it to show people while looking for him, but he wasn't missing, he just needed to be picked up.

I'm still bewildered by the town mechanics and how people before the Victor era lived there. did they all just have one change of clothes? It looked so clean and lived in in his time and suddenly its a ghost town.
we should ask ourselves WHEN did the town change from normal to freaky bermuda triangle. what structures were there before it became off and probably just fake buildings built by something rather than a construction company
I'm now fully of the belief that Fromville is a model town and that everyone who enters it is hit by a shrink ray from the government.
I don't think there is even anything familiar to them, they are just saying this stuff. Julie probably has no idea who this guy is, but he said that and it made her stop.
>last season
>everyone dies
>cut to Boyd naked in a sterile facility
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>Dont say that about yourself anon. The only stupid people here are the ones who think its fairies
Imagine filling that swimming pool up with your cum and dunking random citizens in?
If that Creature flashed its abs to the ladies they'd probably open their windows to attempt to lick.
doesn't look like anything to me
member the Umineko theories?
>Fatima plotline was a shaggy dog story
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Presently that makes sense, but if Tabitha's childhood nightmares is any indication, and if Jim's family have crossed paths with some other From family, in Texas before they got taken, it's highly likely there's an even that connects one person to another before they all landed. That's something that the characters will have to go into and cross-examine, but I recall only a few instances where that sort of happens, with Khatri explaining to Boyd how he got there after avenging a kid's death.

There's not a lot of that, reflection on the past.

They all entered the loop before they entered From, and the 'backswitch' to quote Tabitha in the first eps, is not a few months ago but years, decades, centuries.
boyd be looking zesty
Henry and Victor was easily the best part this episode.
Not hard to do when the rest of the episode was a bunch of faggots talking about their feelings.
What happened with Randall and Marielle that he mentioned? Did they hook up or something? I dont have any recollection of this
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Literally nothing happened this episode.
Except all the things that happened.
Such as?
julie, randall and marielle were the 3 people who fell to the cicada music box magic curse, where they were chained to the wall having nightmares, just like that guy who have worms to boyd
Tabitha had a heartwarming conversation with Donna
Chinese cuck had a heartwarming conversation with Donna
Tabitha say anghoohey kids
Holy fucking shit i completely forgot about that. Have they really not bought this up all this time? This show is so forgettable lmao
Eating Pineapple?
i mean.. yeah this is probably it. there's a lot of pictures and shit to corroborate this theory.
so the fairy thing is a load of shit (thought so)
probly the yellow king
Eloise is Tabitha. Tabitha is Miranda. Miranda is Eloise. F R O M different dimensions
Probably the guy with the spike through his eye that Jade let loose.

>jade kills jim
>acquires tabitha
3 bottle trees. 3 bracelets. 3 roots. 3 dimensions.
There's no way this guy was this retarded right? They used some kind of psychic mindpowers to convince him to let her in? I refuse to believe anyone could be this retarded.
Giant spider
Gay theory
3 red stones
Don't forget creepy ghost lady tries to recruit elgin. Jim and Tabitha had a huge fight and he took off. Julie's a stoner now, Kenny moves to the orgy house and Randall shacks up with the lesbians.

Also confirmation the monsters are still in the tunnels and also they let Victor go by choice for some reason.
Not a theory. It’s fact
> they let Victor go by choice for some reason.
Viktor.. If you keep coming down here we are going to have to make you stay :D
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Answer revealed.
All it means is Tabitha had visions or whatever before going to Fromville.
>"you know victor, if you keep coming down here, one of these days we'll make you stay"

> Victor’s Timeline:

>Victor has suggested he experiences a pause in the game (1978-2018) after someone betrayed the townsfolk to the monsters, and revealed all their hiding places. There are two suspects – Victor’s mother, who knew the exact night for Victor to hide somewhere new, or Christopher, who stopped smiling and was seeing the symbol.

>Victor, his mother and Christopher were kept alive by the sympathetic witch (just look at the stars). Just like the witch made a deal to save her son, Victor’s mother made her own deal with the Man in Black. She agreed to betray everyone if he would delay taking his next turn and let her son live a full life (40 years).

>The Boy in White kept Victor alive, as agreed, until he could fend for himself - confusing Victor about the boy's motives. Christopher survived thanks to the Witch and went to live in the Lighthouse - he is the Radio Voice.

>Victor’s mother’s deal has now expired, and the game continues.

I wasn't on board with the tarot game theory up until now. Victors "protection" is wearing off since he's getting closer to answers.
fairy-niggers lose again. looks like reddit was right all along
Explain the third bracelet
They knew he was coming. Even got out his mother's blanket. I guess that answers how all that stuff got down there. The monsters are thieves, too.
it's an anchor item. part of the game
Miranda made bracelets.
>They knew he was coming. Even got out his mother's blanket.
Great point.
Witch/mass sacrifice to devil to save son - yes
Convoluted game of tarot - no
that's why it's so crazy
it has to be a game at this point as there's a lot of signs pointing right at it. hell the old lady whipping out the tarot cards is enough to convince me
>"Witch/mass sacrifice to devil to save son"
you can't use this as some kind of hand wave to explain all of the elaborate and clearly intentional bizarre shit that is happening. there has to be a purpose and that redditfag went to painstaking detail to identify the signs. a convoluted ancient game is the perfect setup
what i'm wondering is, if the leaks are correct, we're going to see glowniggers monitoring the town through cameras. are they aware of this pocket dimension? are they in on the game?
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>Donna sex party
Julie is a pothead WHORE
This desu games have rules and so does Fromville. It's very clearly game of chess between heaven and hell or some shit with people caught in the middle
I'm just waiting for the day the writers get the news that the show is getting cancelled next season and they actually have to wrap it up.
This show would actually be amazing with only answers and no filler.
>Nothing ever happens
The show
>Julie is a pothead
Who isn't in this show? This is what happens when you let hippies run wild in the town, people get LOST.
wow so many answers
You know this season is already written and filmed, right?
Fuck I can’t wait til that fag is proven wrong. He went that schizo for nothing
No, they’re not ripping off lost. They’ve made this clear. That’s literally lost
No? They film it week to week.
and you believe them? kek!
Im shipping Jade and Kenny. Youve heard it here first, folks.
The answers are insane..

Jade deserves better
id like /tv/ to come up with something better than "lol its fairies trust me bro"
No. They filmed the whole season last winter.
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>the sculpture is an obvious clue
>the sculpture is an obvious clue
>the sculpture is an obvious clue
>the sculpture is an obvious clue
Regular spiders make giant webs. If there is nothing to destroy them they just keep adding.
You shut your non-whore mouth. Kenny is a catch and we would all be lucky to have him.
There have been plenty of theories on /tv/ aside from that guy.
All my questions were answered in this episode. We're all gonna make it frommies.
What answers?
Welcome to Canada. It's desolate wasteland. This is what the sun is like in places it doesn't quite disappear entirely in winter.
The size of the junkie's dumpy.
it's all starting to make sense now..
Victor retrieved a puppet from a spooky cave for some raisin and Randall moved to the clinic, devastating busbros everywhere. Also a good fraction devoted to Jade schizokino. All in all this episode is crazy partner
Someone had to die, ambulance brought 2 and cop only killed 1.
No gay men wants Asians unless it's purely for humiliation fetishes
I just finished fringe. I know what from is about now
What do you mean, Anon? Those generals clearly started only when I arrived this season and this is the only theory I've ever seen.
will randall be able to do the impossbile and turn the lesbian drug addict into a normal woman?
I still can't believe Kenny got with Julie. So many questions answers this episode. Amazing.
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What if Donna, but hot?
What if Donna, but cold?
now I see….
Why do all the /tv/ chuds self identify with Randall?
I really don't give a shit about Fatima or her stupid FROMbabby
He's the only young-ish single angry white male?
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Donna is a fine ass bad bitch. She's got vibes like Dog's wife Beth, albeit with inferior milkers.
Ain't no baby.
I wasn't expecting absolutely nothing (not sure why). I was surprised. I expected some exorcist shit to go down
There's no hiding places to expose. Jim is told that he shouldn't let his wife dig the hole. Meaning that there is an intelligence that can see them, without being there. This also means the same intelligence can see them(prior to getting talismans), and their hiding spaces. The hiding places were always known. For whatever reason they just don't act on the knowledge every time.
Faraway trees are wombs. Fatima’s baby teleported. It’s an obvious clue
As demonstrated by them not bothering Victor despite knowing he's there and that he was going to be there.
Fatima not having a baby is kind of lame. Now what happens next...?
There is a pregnancy of sorts going on, Fatima is being reborn as a creature.
She turns into a giant baby.
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What happens to your immortal soul when you die in Fromville?
Here they come, they come for 3….
>immortal soul
You get stuck living your fears The place is a giant dreamcatcher.
Depends on if the spider gets ya or not…
I hope Dale comes back as a ghost haunting Donna.
All he does is lurk in the back calling peoples ideas and plans shit and complain they didn’t bother digging him out and just left him there with a pile of rocks.
He was at one with the pool. They couldn't really dig him out.
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Randall and druggie girl will hook up and this will open up for Christie and Kenny to get back together.
>inviting a monster in because you're so lonely a touch from anyone would be a blessing

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