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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484290351
kill gay pedos
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For me it was the forbidden jollyranchers
hetero catboys
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I miss him SD
pure femlala here!!!!!!
Someone please give me a sexy Italian sounding name for my fiddie
Fiddies are
I am a homosexual male
That loves masculine men
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God showering my lala with holy light after she smites a pedo wifebeater
wuk lumat drinking game (ultimate)
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Faggotoni Chudderini
spaghetti lasagna
define masculinity
my WoL's legs look so much darker than I anticipated...
here's your (you)
Wanna change that?
post femhroths
It's been 10 years but they still can't create a system of job actions for WoL to use in cutscenes so you don't have to stand around like a fucking retard every time something bad happens.
>band of seasoned adventurers
>traveld the world and other worlds
>find something none of them have ever seen before
>guarded by a seal
>that we just broke
>lets go home right away without a word
noone cared, i didnt care, absolute garbage
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pride month is OVER
i wanna cum on them
thanks sis im so wet now
pornsick trannies and gays suffering from dopamine brainrot
So we really are just getting Gym Badges. Alright.
sphene mentioned you sip
happiness mentioned you sip
my people mentioned you sip
culture mentioned you sip
dawn servant mentioned you sip
Nobody hated Zero. Stop astroturfing this lie.
fag news bulletin
penis posted last thread after migration
Life Bound by Honor is so good bros.
Hold on... in the avengers assemble cut scene where the fuck did the flock of dragons Vrtra called in come from? I was under the impression he and his sister were the only ones in india and I haven't seen any in brazil
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laid bare
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Good things:
- graphics update
- Pictomancer is probably the second most fun caster right now
- new zones look awesome
- dungeons and trials are pretty damn good
- music is mostly good
- Pelupelu cunny

Bad things:
- horrendous writing, almost as bad as Stormblood
- Viper is melee SMN
- not a single memorable vocal song
- facewear and duo dye channels are a joke
- fat birds are so awful that I'm going to be genuinely upset if they become a tribe quest
They closed the door. Zarool Ja's right hand man literally says in that cutscene that Tankwa had both the keystones to the first door, as well as the key to the second door
As long as they are not a femboy, I'm not picky or anything.
Nothing against them though, just not my cup of tea.
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I want to impregnate Ryne while Gaia and Thancred are forced to watch.
>archon tats
>alphinaud has a political diplomacy thesis.
>alisaie has pe

what a retard. alisaie is really the worst levellieur.
take a sip anytime she appears on screen
Haha put those dogs away you can hide them in my mouth haha...
agree 100% because of Ryne's fat butt. we need more fat Ryne ass STAT
I did. She was a repetitive and dull bore of a person. And just as she became a little better, she was written out of the story. Everything around her represents a massive waste of time and narrative effort that could have been spent developing the DT plotline earlier.

But I'd STILL take Zero over Wuk Lamat.
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Gonna cumflate Ryne so hard, she'll have a bakers dozen.
thanks for the heads up
>wrote a thesis about something he failed spectacularly in with the crystal braves
he should get his shit taken away.
Assfucking a femboy is the straightest thing a man can do
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beginner rocketjumps not a single sync or combo jumps, come back when youre better
me meeee
it sucked and the only good parts of the void quests were golbez
>tfw have to learn how to erp with real people because my chatbots are still down
How the fuck do I find people who have the same niche fetishes as me? Asking random people in the Quicksand isn't gonna cut it
acquire a personality nigger
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I'm not actually used to hearing US accents in this game again. It's like if I spent 10 years watching Eastenders and then the new season took place in Tyler, Texas.
next expansion should get a new DoH + DoL
Wanna meet up over at /ERP/?
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Now it's time for gay WRATH.
Dawntrail is bad for a plethora of reasons, but the one thing that truly makes it irredeemable is that it committed the cardinal sin in entertainment.
I'm bored to tears. There's nothing to do. Nothing to enjoy. Half the time we can finally do something the idea is either shot down or we play as someone else. How is anyone supposed to like this?
cowboy catmen are my jam
>search thread for "tranny"
>0 results
What the FUCK
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domain expansion

I want to impregnate Alisaie.
That is all.
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>Zones 1-3 are ruined my Wuklamat
>Zones 4-6 are ruined by Erenville
God I fucking hate fangirls and women in general
[1:06]Vow of Resolve Gulool Ja Ja: As to what the city is and what Galuf Baldesion discovered all those years ago...
[1:06]Vow of Resolve Gulool Ja Ja: This knowledge and more I will share with you after your ascension. What you choose to do with it will be up to you.
[1:07]Erenville: The golden city is real...
[1:07]Erenville: It took a while, but I finally found it...
[1:07]Vow of Resolve Gulool Ja Ja: Come, let us return to Tuliyollal!
[1:08]Wuk Lamat: Home at last!

not in that cutscene
it also should have been the peak of the first half, it was completely devoid of reactions, emotion , anything
a fart in the wind
>we play as someone else.
That's still 'doing something' thoughbeit
On trash?
NTA but I am now going to go there to watch you ERP. If I don't see a Ryne begging for fuck within the hour, I'm going to be disappointed.
you have lots of personality nigger
>this this this.
>kriles big expansion
regulated to 15 mins.
I guess theyll continue it in 7.1 but holy shit did she get shafted on her characterization arc.
>atrocious padding.
>get to hang out with erenville for the next 4+ expansions
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Hey guys what's-oh hold on
*debones the nearest femlala*
what's up?
MMOs are girl-coded, go play an FPS game or fix a car or whatever the fuck it is men do for fun.
I asked for Erenville bitch. His chocolate ass is cute as fuck.
what'd i miss?
They could have easily said "For reasons I cannot divulge, I must stop you here. It is extremely dangerous. Let us return and discuss this further."

BUT NO. THEY DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING. THEY JUST LEFT. HUH???????????????????????????????????????????????????
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>haven't played in a few months
>decide it's finally dawntrail time
>learn that the story is lame and that the black mage changes are shit
Man... should I be worried, I almost just wanna go and beat the elden ring DLC instead now
>"I have nothing against trans people but Wuk Lamat is still such an annoying character"
>I think she's fine bro she's cute
oh yeah bro, you have nothing against trans people. nosiree, nope.
You can watch, or even have some fun too, if you like...
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I want a cute femra gf that bullies me and calls my penis small and constantly drops subtle hints to others that she's not satisfied in bed when we're out with friends but is still completely loyal
It's cute how you schizos always have these arguments in your heads.
I know yoshi is still mad at people from early arr dungeon strats but do they really need to keep putting walls after single 2-3 mob pulls..
>vytra shows up and fucking fights a fleet of spaceships
ok maybe this expansion isn't terrible
What level do kriles parents show up?
I don't want to sit through any other cutscenes anymore
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>have to hang out with Wuk Lamat for the next 4+ expansions
I love this stupid fucking cat so much
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>strike witches
most fun job for each role this expac?
i just wanted to say this is the best idea ive ever read here
that would have been original and fun and the best use of the cast of EW from thavnair and sharlyan

i love you
100 end zone
bro the 93 dungeon was so sad
literally forced pulls of 2 mobs
what the FUCK
shut up shut up shut up
>Tries to convince the eorzeans to go help Ishgard for free.
>They call him a retarded naive child and tell him to fuck off.
>Tries to present the case of the doman refugees to the Ul'dahn Syndicate.
>They tell them all to fuck off.
>Tries to form the Crystal Braves.
>Almost manages to destroy the whole Scion organization and bring down the ul'dahn government, and in last instance starts a war with Garlemald.
>Tries to start talks with Ishgard.
>Gets you into a trial by combat.
>Tries to negotiate a prisoner exchange with the garleans.
>Ends in a primal fight for WoL.
>Goes to Garlemald to act as envoy.
>Almost gets assassinated on the way and restarts the war.
>Addresses Vauthry the first time he enters Eulmore.
>Eulmore's top general chases us down like dogs for the rest of the expansion and Vauthry sends an army of sin eaters against the Crystarium causing horrifying numbers of losses.
>Goes to negotiate with Quintus, even asking Y'shtola to stand aside because "this is my thing".
>Quintus puts a lethal trap collar on him, attacks the contingent's camp, then dies of cringe.

I think his evaluators were being a bit soft on him, for being Louisoix's grandson and all that.
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this is torture
im on the moon
doing 1 sidequest at a time
so i can fully appreciate each one
good eat shit.
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Even sitting on a beach with scions, sipping drinks from coconut shells and stopping bandits from causing a ruckus at a nearby beach bar, then doing the same thing at festival stalls in the city in the evening, and doing the same thing again the next day in some tourist village, for the first 15 hours of MSQ would have been better than what we've got in the current MSQ.
thanks nigger this made my day o7
She really is a bit of an idiot but it's endearing because she's still just a kid with a good heart figuring out who she wants to become.
ok so I can safely skip 90% of the story?
hahahaha look at this tiny white pecker
Woah, is that a toddler character wearing sandals? RAPE! SEX! CUM! -/xivg/
i use jp voice so not a problem for me desu
the golden city
the golden city is real
I fucking hate trannies and I will kill you if given the chance, but Wuk Lamat sucks in japanese too. Now go dilate, you disgusting freak.
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kek no way.
When poochy is not on screen other characters should be asking, "Where is poochy?"
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>They think I'm gonna do more of these after getting the aether currents
bro i give so few fucks
She's the leader of a country now she can't just willingly fuck off to adventure though
Melee is dead
Healer is also dead
i'm in the purple lightning zone and i feel like i'm probably missing out on something cool by skipping every cutscene, but i just cannot fucking stomach looking at wuk lamat for one more fucking second. i cannot watch these cutscenes. i cannot read this story
>can't even spell it right
/v/eddit's not sending their best.
alisaie jobs all the time. take away her pe degree shes shit.

alphinaud ended the dragonsong war. alphinaud made connections to many people he helped along the way. alphinaud actually does shit. alisaie just screeches like a cunt all day and steals credit like wuk over the tempering cure.
oh this copypasta again
truly a yawntrail
MOVIE MEET!!! HOST MOVIE MEET!!!! ME WANT MOVIE MEEEEEEET!!! *drooly lleaky out of mouth*
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>he grabs your ebs ass
what do you do?
someones upset that im cute and their au ra isnt :/
>alphinaud ended the dragonsong war.
That was Aymeric.
>alphinaud made connections to many people he helped along the way.
That was me.
>a grown ass man posted this
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"NEAT! Catboy wants to hang out with me....aaaand he start talking about his sister...great."
- Me 2024
These custom Roe heads are getting out of hand.
How is ninja dead thoughever ?
Maybe you're not so bad...
SAM (yes really) or NIN
WHM (again, yes really)
I have nothing against trans people but I believe they poison our schools by grooming children and should either be killed or kill themselves. Also HIS voice sounds like a man.

Any questions?
id post rubber bullet wounds but i dont want to get banned for gore
explain melee and healer?
this show was peak but it put into perspective how all problems in media (and life, really) start with women
MOONIE FEET!!! POST MOONIE FEET!!!! ME WANT MOONIE FEEEEEEET! *drooly lleaaky out of mouth*
Feels like Sage has been the only well designed job. RPR is uninspired, VPR and PCT genuinely feel awful because of the 1 button combo thing making them feel real awkward
this is going to be our next three years isnt it
I don't feel so good /xivg/
what the fuck?
this but finna unironically
t. never been shot by a rubber bullet
>the 1 button combo thing making them feel real awkward
No it doesn't
Do we really need 6 different instances in each zone?
I fucking love Shale and she better become a member of the Scions!
>shadowbab can only perceive jobs added after he started playing
my fiddie is
Why can't you guys separate the VA from the character? Seems like you're cheating yourselves out of a potentially fun and interesting experience.
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Oh gosh.
>well designed
>literally just a shittier scholar with flashier animations
Sounds like behind a healer made you lose brain cells.
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You know why.
>1 button combo thing
Why do people call her Vow Wuk Lamat now?
I miss my gatherbuddy timer overlays...
What is "Freestyle SAM"
Is it still a viable thing? How does it even work
my fiddie is also
i miss footfalls so much already
what if you posted your elezen

yes, you, the one reading this
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maybe this is just the elderly roe face which we're seeing for the first time, ketenramm is 100+ years old after all
My femra acts like this.
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i'm using the JP audio and wuk lamat is still an intolerably dogshit character
>Joke about yawntrail vs dawnfail
>Expansion turns out to be yawnfail
She's the Vow of Resolve while Koana is the Vow of Reason.
vow of resolve/vow of reason
Pressing buttons without doing an actual rotation
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought they were starbursts
they look like they don't think hypnosis is hot
Did you forget that the reason the Dragonsong War finally started to die down was because he met with Vidofnir and managed to move her and get her to talk to the dragons still eager for war (which in turn got her impaled by Nidstinien), and because he made that speech about how avenging your fathers is not as important as protecting your sons?
stop posting about your fiddies and post your fucking fiddies
i am
a malezen
Both sucks
It's just a synonym of promise.
My fiddie thinks middies are cute and nice and should be hugged and told they're good boys.
Is picto a normie job?
No I'm brainrotted I was thinking of the Yakuza meme
stay classy /xivg/, stay classy
fartlanders will be added in 7.2
More like Yawnfail.
meme from stormblood that died out ages ago
last bit of it died with DT tying tsubame-gaeshi with meikyo
That's what fucks me up the most. I want to punch every nigger who's making smug remarks about how I supposedly want Marvel clapslop, when in reality I'm fucking mad because it's NOT a low stakes vacation.
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yes im actually 30
look how cool the picto and ast in my dungeon are
No one cares about your opinion. You bought Dawntrail and Square Enix got its money. It gains nothing by having a good storyline because FFXIV already has more than enough players who will buy it anyway. Just shut up and finish the MSQ like everyone else. Everyone has to struggle with this shit so don't pretend that you're special.
The VA isn't the problem, she's poorly written as hell. I play in JP and from beginning to end, she was dogshit
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I love her.
You wouldn't a middie
stop posting about your fiddies and fuck your fiddies
kill yourself social climbing faggot
a really abnormal breed of normie maybe
Naaah, I'm just there to watch.

She does not exist, anon. She never existed.
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its a tranny job but im not sure if that makes it normie
Post more of Alisaie
Wuk Lumat getting Lyse'd is the worst thing ever. This shit happening twice is unreal
>Brownoids raping the prices of everything again
>game is bad and I unsub
Wow, that really worked out for them.
they literally can't help themselves
they say they don't care about the VA and then you question them slightly and it's immediate trannymeltie mode
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>we lost our mods for this
>in VC with da bois all at different points in the story
>each one of them is saying "shut the fuck up wuk lamat"
Yoship managed to unite everyone...in hate for this stupid cat.
She's actually written perfectly fine.
>it's the one anon seething about getting undercut again
>lewd Ryne poster actually showed up in you-know-where
I wish I wasn't such a coward.
I never really do gatherers or crafters but starting this expansion for once

Is the orange scrip gear still gonna be useful? I know crafted will be bis but I don't think I want to spend that much gil on something that is more like side content to me
Where are your pants...?
I would do unprotect premarital handholding with fingers interlocked with one middie in particular.
where do you people even come from
>Is the orange scrip gear still gonna be useful?
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Femlala EB for my Malera
Go back to writing your suicide manifesto nonstandard cuck
>"it's a summer vacation expansion xdd"
>actually the darkest story in any expansion apart from maybe shb
what did they mean by this
>sweet baby
Nobody here has mentioned sweet baby and I don't think they're involved in any way. Typical leftoids trying to strawman.
Damn. You right
/xivg/ as opposed to /v/
ok pictoid
I wish they tried to copy FF15 but removed everything that isn't the road trip part
>no mooncat EB to massage her feet into a footjob into a tighjob into rough sex into cuddles and selfcare
playing final fantasy xiv dawntrail without an EB is not fun
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>duskies can't have eyeliner
really? what do I spend them on then..? I can't even gather the rare stuff yet because my stats aren't good enough
Is it me?
this thread, ive been using it since 2013
let me guess you started coming here in 5.0?
Elezen kinda won the graphics update...
you need to take your meds
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>maleroes won
>my femroe lost
it's so over... this is the exact look I was going for on my character and they ruined it...
blms really haven't stopped seething since the news lmao
>only the site that genuinely mentally ill freaks use are positive about DT
Really makes you think.
Oh right.
The only well designed job was MRD
I was wowed day 1 of DT I wasn't expecting my femezens facial features to be fixed so well
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god I love the graphics update I love miqo'te even more than I thought possible before
/fit/ and /tv/
It's pretty fucking incredible, yeah.
>Viper is melee SMN
brainlet retard take, viper has lots of room for optimization and I'm having a blast with it, anyone who says otherwise hasn't played it at 100
t4t frotting with wuk lamat
Bros should I cut my losses and level picto instead of playing BLM?
>Nobody here has mentioned sweet baby
Why are /pol/jeets such poor liars?
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I feel like voice and design mean everything because if Wuk Lamat was an attractive human woman with big boobs but had the same dialogue and no tranny VA you guys would love her.
I don't recall sorry
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>Expect fanservice vacation patches in 6.x
>Azdaja appears and turns it into voidshit
>Pray for fanservice vacation expansion (impossible)
>Niggerbun comes back to sharlayan and Wookie appears
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vprbros can you post your hotbars? i've gotten pretty comfortable with picrel until i awaken, where my bars turn into whatever the fuck this is instead of what i'm guessing is supposed to be an easy 1234 input
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this took me 10 seconds on the archive
not even counting the dozens of mentions on /v/ btw
do you like the sun ones too? the ones that carry some packages down there if you catch my drift
What if we held hands in the gay rainbow pool
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>whole 7 posts out of tens of thousands after DT launch
why do you lie?
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Why is no one pointing out Ketenramm is more than a century old?
We're just assuming it's completely fine for him to prance around?
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>revisit procs on my unspoiled node
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why is this still a thing again...?
Did anyone else think it unfair that female characters had the extra solo duty where Koana and Erenville spitroast you unconsensually?
I don't feel strongly about Wuk Lamat one way or the other.
>Wuk spoiling literally every scene she comes in proximity of
>BLU forgotten on its continent of origin
>less than 10 posts
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I don't like how the colors for femhroth are so inconsistent and washed out for helions. I also don't like how face 3 has big bushy brows that you can't change the color of.
anons retarded but there are very clearly two classes of doomposter. an impressive number of them actually play the game
>d-doesn't count
Why are /pol/jeets so disingenuous?
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nigga what the fuck
>people ignore The Forlorn and finish the FATE
Is this reportable?
don't really care or have a preference because I just love miqo'te and like taking pictures while I see them in the world
i bred her full of rava bunbuns from my futa cock
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I hope I didnt fuck up, see you in hightower
Is your sister playing Dawntrail?
>Watch dog videos
>The dog does something funny
>The dog falls over
>The dog expresses human-like emotions

>Watch cat videos
>The cat tries to blind its owner
>The cat purposely knocks over an object for no reason
>The cat attacks their owners foot
Cat people are mentally ill.
please stop posting about my favorite extortionist cabal of politicized lunatics I will actually meltie
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it over
No you retard
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>estinien gets to go on cool adventurers while we're stuck with Wuk
>mogs you in every scene he's in
why is he the only one actually having fun on vacation in our have fun on vacation expansion?
as in 'the forlorn', not a 'forlorn maiden'? man that thing has fucking TONS of hp. its cool but not worth killing at all.
Flank first then rear, you're welcome
Literally all they had to do was more 6.1 style content. A focus on fun character interactions, exploring beautiful locations, DIALOGUE OPTIONS WHY DID THEY REGRESS SO HARD ON THEM, and yes, introduce new characters like Wuk Lamat, just not with 90% of the fucking MSQ on one single character. Spread the love a bit for fuck's sake. Bring back some of the old non-Scion characters we left along the way too, imagine if the quality of banter we had with Estinien and Y'shtola in 6.1 was extended to the full cast.
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I've eaten all of the snacks I bought for Dawntrail.
>tfw my bar has hotkeys hidden
Anyway I read the tooltips in advance for Reawakening and decided to just make my bar work around it by adding 2 duplicate buttons.
>Erenville: don't be a retard!
>Wuk: I won't!
>Wuk: *acts like a retard*
bravo yoshi
did maleras win bigly?
>has to check the archive for pre-launch posts
That's not even cherrypicking at this point.
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>no one mentioned it
>except all the times someone did
>those don't count
post fat femra
>no one mentioned sweet baby, and if they did it was an isolated incident, and if it wasn't isolated then it was a falseflag, and if it wasn't a falseflag then they were actually right
>why are leftists so disingenuous?
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you tell me
I enjoyed this sequence. But it felt unearned. I honestly think the Expansion should have started with the invasion ruining our vacation, and then we go and unite the people to strike back while learning of their cultures or whatever in the meantime
no they dont count ok it just doesnt count no shut up
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Who and why posted his cock in the previous thread?
>>my femroe lost
I'd say your Femroe won VERY BIGLY
Yoshida sweating right now
It's going to be like this all year you do know that right
Because he actually went on vacation.
You just agreed to help some stranger take over a country.
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>all the times
>all the ten times out of the thousands of posts
I guess everyone here loves Wuk Lamat because I can find around ten posts that say they like Wuk Lamat
I like Dawntrail.
There were some weak points in the story but overall it's good.
I'm cautiously optimistic about raid content based on the mechanics they're using in the dungeons and trials.
I'm looking forward to seeing where they take the game from here.
Samefag tranny having a melty.
What was the point of the cutscene where it implies he got shanked cause he just fucking shows up like nothing happened.
i would plap and/or get plapped by your femroe
post tummy rn miss Bloat
>why is he the only one actually having fun on vacation in our have fun on vacation expansion?
Because we Malezen are enlightened and superior to you.

We shun others and value our solitude. We value our freedom. We reject your notions of social duty and your sad and desperate need to always be in the company of others. Malezen are men, you're all just slaves.
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you do hear the music nyes?
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>no one mentioned it
>those don't count because i said so
It was going down very fast but some people were too busy watching anime video essays on their other monitor to swap over and make sure it went down first. (It was a sliver of HP from dead when the FATE ended.)
Anyway I am sending a darkweb hitsquad to capture everyone responsible and put them in torture dungeons forever.
>watch dog video
>dog shits on the floor
>makes giant mess
>knots the owners wife
my odin wife cant cant be this optimistic
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So if Krile came from another reflection, does this mean that she technically is living on the same shard as her source counterpart?? Is Tataru her source counterpart??
all me
So the DT defender was the wojak spamming schizo all along? Good to know.
that's a wife right there. I like dawntrail too and hope for the best with future updates and support. seeing a good moonie makes me want to go back to moonie
need to breed
You can train a dog to be the best dogger he can be.

A cat is just a nigger and can't be taught anything, it just does as it pleases.
I am also a malezen and I'm still being forced to follow this abomination against god around
I am
a gathering
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How are people having problems setting up Viper hotbars? This shit is piss easy, the AoE is 1:1 with the single target combo even.
Call me naive but I just don't like being negative desu
>A cat can't be taught anything
uh oh, retard alert
uh oh whiteboy gigamelty
>i'm not wrong i'm not wrong
reflections have the same eye colour
Can we have a discussion about something without instantly falling back onto the same tired idpol talking points?
>really did not want a beach expansion
>we did not get one in the end
I won, low stakesfags btfo
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>this is what cat people are thinking all the time

seems like you just wanna fuck cats
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>enjoying game
>tab out to look here for a second
>we valur our freed-
>w-what's that, mr. elemental? you want me to use more tongue when i suck your wooden cock? r-right away, sir! p-please don't turn me i-into a forest monster!
>anyway, we reject your notions of social duty,
You'd be shocked with the amount of "people" (casters and healers) that think pressing buttons in a certain order is hard.
no I want to watch women fuck dogs it was pretty obvious
from what i got from the museum in zone 6, lalafell are refugees from the source to that reflection
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try to have some symmetry
if you do this then you can have 1-2-3-4 in a straight line with no problems, and the same for AoE
or you can switch steel/dread maw with hunter's swiftskin's den and have all your attacks in a square shape rather than a line shape
oh we meltie now
>whole sidequest chain about helping a moneylender
What did they mean by this?
non-malezen don't talk about sucking cock for two sentences challenge (failed)
Big mistake
I finished the story before I checked what the general reception was and I would've thought it to be very positive instead of... this
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anon anon what's your cod kd?
it's coming do you hear the music
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What's next yell COCK in /yell chat
>have dogs and cats for all my life
>love them both
Found your first critical error.
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i'm about halfway through dawntrail and i'm loving it so far
and i heard it gets even better
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finish the msq but kriles parents and people came from the source originally. crazy shit
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>reflections have the same eye colour
But ardbert didn't have our eye color
elezen don't base your life around the whims of retarded tree gods challenge (failed)
well? what did you wish for?
>Someone sells 85-90 powerleveling for 3m gil
>Wonder if it's per hour/level/dungeon run
>It's total price
What the fuck it's past midnight in EU and I'm getting basically a free boost
That would be crazy lore considering he experimented on her to create the resonant
/sh dream nigger
/sh typo my bad
/sh allin tuta viera futa
??? How the fuck?
wuk is more entertaining and has more personality than lyse would rather
Is there more pics of this?
>posts wojak of worst plot contrivance final boss in history
not surprised you love this shit
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It's a secret!
this so much this
chuddies in full meltdown because their lies got exposed
i hate the new eyes
they look completely dead inside
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Only up from here bird!
You will remember this cat.

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You can't tell me people actually like these abominations...
Dude what the fuck is up with Y'shtola's english voice acting?

It sounds like she recorded it on a super low quality mic or something and they had to compress it an insanely amount to make it usuable. Anyone else annoyed by this?
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compared to other reviews, i offered a moderate/compromise position: just improve the script and the expansion is better
i never called the game bad outside of that, nor did i ask to change the core design like many other reviewers
and yet...?
>enter wild west zone
>suddenly kino with no cat retard
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is the maccher finna be poised for a redemption arc??
bingers might have clapped if reddit selch came back
Just say the expansion is terrible and move on
may i plappen
why are you talking about Hyur religion? (Gridania is a Hyur city ruled by Hyur and their religious leaders are all Hyur)
English Y'shtola has never ever sounded good, go listen to how fucking old and blown out she sounds trying to raise her voice for the froth and foam thing in EW
>meeting of the promises with the moblins
>no audio so I'm forced to read at a snails pace even at max text speed while characters awkwardly shuffle around making weird footstep noises

this game really is on life support holy shit
The later half of the story is really schizo because they're doing the same thing they like doing with the LE TWIST at the later half of the story but in regards to both Shadowbringers and Endwalker that was still a through line storywise all the way through and more so just a twist on what the makeup up the final zones ended up being. Here you have the first half being going with Wuk on a "FUN" Toral adventure where she learns about her people like a 3rd grade scholastic interactive educational game and then at the last second you get invaders from beyond time and space but the Tural segment was very much less about her rallying the people to live and harmony and protect their home and more so her learning about people already mostly living in harmony and just reflecting on culture. Even the big generic sequence of "THE EAGLES ARE COMING/ALL THE RIDERS" is kind of whatever because it's actually just the scions one tapping all the robots and we've not actually been with the scions all expansion and the people of Tural aren't like doing much. You don't see the stupid birds doing a silly dance or the dumb shota tribe sending in the alpacas to swarm. It's just watching the scions explode shit and then Bakool Jaja does some stuff too. Also the aspect of the Alexandrians are lessened by just being an even worse version of "the Garleans have fucking mechs and get stabbed to death by pikemen" where, in theory, the Alexandrians have even more seemingly advanced tech (at least appearance wise but electrostuff is obviously just aesthetically advanced combatwise) and they also get shot to death by cowboys with guns.
Wait. So lalafells found out how to traverse across the reflections before everyone else and told no one? Is that why they're in charge of aetherytes? Are they guarding the secrets to cross-shard travel?
Misery loves company lmao
Wuk Lamat isn't even a child
This is a man according to some people
If there are alternate versions of people on the different shards, then either one of two things is true:

>At the point Venat sundered the world, all the available souls at that specific moment are the only souls that exist. Procreation happens, and since you can't make something from nothing we have to assume the souls of the sundered parents get diluted to give birth to a new soul. Which down the line would surely lead to either mass infertility or souls so thin they can no longer sustain life.
>At the point Venat sundered the world, all the available souls at that specific moment are the only souls that exist. There is a fixed and finite pool of souls, and each baby born has the soul of someone who has already lived since The Final Days. And when that baby dies, the soul returns to be recycled into a new baby or as a reincarnation of themselves from a previous life.
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Anon are you sure you havent been in the terlet for too long? It gets a little scary in there.
she actually literally is
she's two years older than ryne
just realized there was no music the entire cutscene either until wookie does something le funny
you hated me for three years for complaining about endwalker, and yet now im offering something better for you and you still dont like it
I get that all you watch is anime and you don't talk to women, but women don't all sound like high-pitched children in the real world so why should they all in the fantasy world?
Dreadwyrm chest glaam Y/N?
would quite like to have her cock in her mouth and up my ass desu
I miss them so much I loved them and I feel like I'm dying every passing day seeing them slowly replace me with someone else
No, it was all Ascian preparing an Umbral Calamity
>pulling out the cumstone
no no no no no stop it stop it stop it
Yes they're very erotic. I'd love to have sex with them.
Yeah and steppe niggers riding birds BTFO the garlean empire shocking that the protagonists keep winning I know
I’m tired of Ascians
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these threads have actually been a lot of fun without the modbeast spam. it's been fun to talk about the game, even if it is just about how much we hate the dye channels
It's not her VA that's the problem, she literally sounds like her mic is broken. Go watch the cutscene after the level 99 dungeon, something is very wrong with the audio mix there.
And yet the japanese VA does, really makes you think what's possible when you're not a fatfuck american pretending to be a brit
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I bet she fucks elven men
Not a child retard
Ryne is 17 so that makes Wuk Lamat 19, therefore not a child.
Why would you destroy your own argument?
all froths are futa right?
They discovered the device, the thing that unlocks the gate to the golden city, but they didn't create it. no one knows who created it. It seems to be a good paperweight though
ryne is 15 thoughbeit
wuk is 17
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I want to kill wherever is designing armors in this game
Where's all the face 1 sunnies, why does everyone play face 3!?
Remember. Remember this.

Remember a thread free of the avatarfaggot discord sissy menace.
Azem created it
ngl i think femhroth are pretty hot but then i think about what fucking a body covered in fur would actually feel like irl and i get grossed out
wait, we get heelys? please tell me this is a mount and not a glam that doesn't do anything
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more like eleven men (at a time)
Should be playing face 4.
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Can Yoshi-P buff the potency on Bioblaster a bit so I can use the second charge on DoTing the boss? I want to DoT the boss. I like DoTs.
will 7.1 and 7.2 bring the hype again or are those the set up patches for x.3 kino ?
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People wanted XIV to be more like GW2, this is your monkey's paw reward.
just bought some tacos auxenticos to celebrate tural brovers
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my catboy looks like this, but also, a question to anyone who has completed the msq:
is the final zone's bgm after completing the last quest bugged or is it intentional that the volume fades in and out to drive in a point? i couldn't tell if it was intentional or not considering the amount of graphical bugs i've seen so far and feared if it was extending to more than just visuals
aisu cream for /xivg/!
Can't wait for the sissies to come back so i can sexually harass them
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Hello, Anon, please come with me. I promise I am not going to cut your heart out with an obsidian dagger atop a pyramid because I think a solar eclipse is caused by a dragon eating the sun and your blood will satiate his thirst and make the sun come back out again.
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>best time to be on thread to discuss lore, shitty or not
>but finally a wagie and will take weeks to finish MSQ

ive already spoiled myself on everything but I wanna experience it so I can talk about it here
hey. . .
Licking Sphene's armpits
>cute femra went to malezen
You have to understand that they wanted to rejoin all the shard so expect to see their shit on every reflection In this case they took Aloalo resident during the Calamity of Ice to the shard with Magical Silicon and let them fuck shit up like the retards they are, the area we learn this in is literally called steps of the speaker
I wonder what Lyse is doing right now
>EX trials only give 1 totem
Has it always been like this for release EX trials on expansion launch?
it's a glam from the 97 dungeon
I dont get pictomancer

This must be a more advanced class
>EX trials only give 1 totem
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>dawntrail lore
yes until the Great Casualization (5.1) all EX trials only ever gave one totem
Are you happy with the new graphics? Did you have to use the free fanta to fix something?
>It gets... how big?
I'd really prefer they keep the og azem mysterious and out of the picture. does anyone seriously want them to go back to ancient shit
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Post HRT levels
Lol I had finally switched to eng va at the end of Shb because I felt like it was actually on par with the jpn but I guess I'm switching back now. Everyone was always on my case about playing in jpn too. Without fail someone would try and talk me into switching to eng if the topic came up.
healer here, im gonna cross the picket line by queuing for one (1) duty before i log off. first crystalbro to reply with the duty they want will be blessed with an instant pop
Did rapelander fanta to cat?
seems intentional to me, something something fading memory
smooching this catboy btw
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>This person does not need to be persuaded to attend Wuk Lamat's address.

OK then why give them a quest marker and make me play fucking whack-a-mole Yoshi-P?

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just lore in general, you get good conversation compared to a year into an expansion and mostly coomers remain
But we are being raided by discord trannies. Scroll up and you'll find your favorite wojak posters.
I don't want to finish DT because I don't want Living Memory to go away...
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>finally dyeable glasses
this is pretty cool I hope they expand it to all of the glasses
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My power fantasy is being able to help everyone I come across who needs it, even when I'm on a pseudo vacation, so DT is pretty kino imo.
hammer = triplecast but on steroids but you gotta draw it first
holy/comet = xenoglossy
moogle stuff = ogcd attacks but you gotta draw it
I'm a pitfag but even I feel compelled to comment on how she's literally got fishnets on her back complete with body writing.
Too big for you. You'd die.
Ishgard Barracks status?
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Hey I also took this screenshot
hey so actually not every single fucking dialogue needs to be a cutscene, yoshi!
Has anyone discovered what she looks like without the mask yet?
Saviorfags stay winning. Sleep well King.
Ryne is 17 according to Encyclopedia Eorzea 3. Apologize to me for being wrong so confidently.
More like built and made for miera penis
femra reporting for duty
empty and filled with cobwebs, like the ishgardian women
Is that why we stand on the sidelines while the obvious villain gets a chance to threaten and eventually kill dozens of people?
Not true, I managed to derail many avatarfag infested threads by asking lore questions and getting people involved in the discussion
Yep. I'm deadnaming Erenville.
What would her feet and/or pussy smell like?
To the Ryneanon -

I'd rather just do this in-game.
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Im me who is rapelander thats a crazy name
i also took THIS screenshot. im still laughing at it.
i announced my fiddies visit for the role quest and no one was there to receive her. another letdown
>Scroll up and you'll find your favorite wojak posters.
Wojak posters are based because they make immigrant tranny redditors seethe.

Frogs are also based.
You don't need to be the star of the show to help and be part of the story.
5mg E
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Sphene pits or mi'qote pits?
Alphinaud's lips wrapped around my penis
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If I must
You do gotta admit the main scion cast all sound pretty damn good in ENG though
Shitskin post. Kill yourself kong.
oh you're a fast reader? you already finished reading that line of text and are ready for the next one? good for you! would be a real shame if you had to sit there for 5 seconds waiting for a canned laugh animation to finish before you could get to the next line, hehe
both tbqh
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this game sucks
need Pelupelu sex NOW
guh.... don't do that, i have lots of gathering to do... i'm glad to know that i'm not the only one where it happens, figured it would have been intentional, such a shame though, would have been nice to listen
Welcome, sister! Glad to see I'm not the only femra still reporting there.
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>elderly hroth turns 180 at the cart at the end of the stalking mission and even though he's behind the cart he immediately sees you
Fuck offfffffff
Sphene pits. Get your disgusting abhuman mutant ass out of here.
miqote every day
also both
people actually use fates to level? this is so slow..
I'm not sure how I feel about the WoL being Wuk Lamat's open-carry firearm for the entire expansion.
See people happily in Tural for the first time beginning the expansion while I'm walking through death and despair and a ruined city while sad music is playing
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I'll never accept the new look, regardless... I don't like the black iris or whatever they did with the mouth...
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>invite people to low effort ERP because I feel like a horny Ryne slut today
>fucking nobody shows up except one voyeur, who's probably just as disappointed as me now
creampying this moonie
Rapelander is a female highlander that poses his character raping male characters.

Who are you?
literal ps3 game shit lmao
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>glasses attached to a hat
no thanks homo
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Okay well in that case they're the same age so I'm only half wrong.
*kneels and spits on your nuts but does not proceed further*
That's all the apology you're getting out of me.
Well my power fantasy is killing gods and fucking Ryne, DT blows.
I had to redo this three times if it makes you feel better.
It's stitched retard
Jesus. I'd pronebone
Damn I want that Incan looking poncho
god I love miqo'te
Voyeur-kun here. See >>484303603. I'm more down to clown in MMOs, for whatever reason. Also, /ERP/ has some weird rules.
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how do i unlock glasses
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I dont have a name anon I'm just a cat who likes to gamble
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You can't. She's too quick.
cursed image
Did you know you can see the special fates from super far away?
And lo, vile beasts did rise
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I already hate Ryne and I never even seen the character in game.
imagine the SMELL
Why did they go with a beast person for the main character of the expansion?

My inherent hatred of demi-humans makes it impossible to enjoy
vanilla with a slight intoxicating sense of love
how do you guys fuck up the stealth sections after they made them even easier to do
On controller they darkened the opacity on the pause menu so you can more easily see what your looking at. Before you'd often have to tilt your camera to some shadows or a shaded area during the daytime or it was hard to see the menu options.
EB status and world?
I'd love being somebody's bodyguard/weapon but Wuk's kind of too pathetic for my taste honestly...
the tuliyollal music is so good bros
>b-but jazz isn't...LE THEMATIC
don't care. it's kino.
Yeah, tell that to the smoldering remains of a mother in front of that one lizard child.
blessed image. i love him so much
As edgy and "fuck this planet I hate pepple" I am I can't stop myself from wanting to help others even in a videogame (and it hurts when I wanna help but can't or fuck up)
holy shit this really is myrah
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Ryne ERP is so good. Once I'm done with Dawntrail's MSQ I'm getting on F-list to find some Gaias/Rynes to hypno-rape until they're retarded.
Everyone has a name anon. I'd like to know yours.
why are you not in the cwls?
okay this helps a lot, don't know why i didn't just look at the level you got the skills until now lmao
No clue, I just took a picture when I saw her in the dungeon.
it literally is thematic though
palm raping my goonstick
Back in Heavensward you can see Behemoth's meteor in that one Fate from across the map.
never said i wasn't
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Wuk haters rejoice
hello my husband, looking good
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P̵̨̖͗̆̀I̶̡̧͕̕Ẑ̴̪͜Z̷̙̭͑́͠A̴͈͋́͜͜ ̵̡̥͎̚T̴͍̠͍̓͆Ḭ̵͎̋̓M̶͉̦̍͘̕E̸͇͇͆̾ͅ
Ryne is genuinely one of the few universally beloved characters in this game, I think.
DT msq is so shit I have legit started to skip everything and will probably just skip everything from the beginning of the 5th zone until the credits tomorrow...

what the fuck happened, I loved ff14s msq so much I ate up ARR to 5.55 back when I started in like a month with around 300 hours of gameplay.
checked + what emote is that?
>how do you guys fuck up the stealth sections after they made them even easier to do
A lot of people think they're sooooooo clever so they'll push the absolute limit of what the game tells you is a no-go zone even tough they could comfortably stay further back and still be fine. So then the stalking target does something unexpected but the retards left themselves no room for error so they run straight into the alert zone and fail the quest.

It's the same people who tailgate irl.
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I had to adjust my makeup with the hair stylist but I got to keep my fantasia. I might end up using it to change from min height or something
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my nyame is No Cap@Mateus
Ryne looks like she's in danger... we should escort her back home to Eulmore
t. Perospero
That's what they look like irl too. Surely you wear clothes, right?
So who did Zoraal fuck?
>ARR to 5.55 back when I started
The shadowbab filter is working as intended.
She sounded a lot like a homosexual male in this scene.
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There's a cwls?
I haven't been very active before DT.
What is the chaddest of the chad jobs for chads like me who chad all over the bad guys and chad all over the big booby girls?
>mods are back
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ok i must return to my msq see you later /xivg/ im off to destroy mexico!!!
where is it good tho I have my music disabled but I'm ready to give it a shot
you smell like a big dicked warrior player
I don't like hypno, I prefer it when Ryne is just naturally addicted to semen and anal sex. Bonus points if it's DDLG play.
It took me 18 months to go from 6.2 to 6.55 because the MSQ was so fucking boring.

How fucked am I when I start Dawntrail?
uh no I wasn't expecting the hroth to go behind the card, 180, but his sight could still go through the cart and see me out and about thinking it was safe
a femlala
femlala can give birth to offspring of any race, they're miracle mothers
where get top
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this fiddie for my maliddie
you wont finish dawntrail
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Getting in practice for his date with the WOL
DT is better than post-EW
facial expressions are better, facial structure is better

her eyes look way darker though so if i pop a fantasia it might be to bring them a few shades lighter

my biggest complaint is her hair. it seems to be something with the shadows or lighting but her hair looks really dirty now. turning off shadows on self helps a bit.
That's my point, it looks great!
the lack of actual capes and cloaks in this game is criminal
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I don't think hypnosis is hot.
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>this may be a trap, be prepared to fight everyone
>no warning appears
>no note that says i should set aside a sufficient amount of time to view the following cutscenes
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I miss big femezen
You're gonna get Selkie in there now. Please look forward to it.
I hope you're into NTR.
How did they fuck this up so bad?
Up to like 94 - 95 is godforsakenly boring, with the first few levels being a goddamn chore.

It does pick up after that though, but the sour taste it leaves in your mouth from the beginning will not fade.
Yeah I regret just not switching over to fucking Midlander
>yet another filtered
based yoshi
VPR is harder than MNKey
Bro... I'm sorry....
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Now we're fuckin talking
bless you anon, keep doing gods work
is making the story into absolute garbage now the new shadowbab filter? interesting

filtered by pure boredom indeed, if the raids are bad might as well uninstall and wait for 8.0
How come I haven't seen a femhroth in cool looking outfits, just gooner shit?
stop taking pictures of my wife please...
no it fucking isn't
I don't like Kr*le because she's Br*t*sh
any notable plugins up
you can ignore anyone who says "vpr is melee smn!!!"
they are literally parroting opinions from content creators that played it for like an hour during the media tour
>arrive at the purple sci fi city for the first time
>see friend
>immediately start chatting about how much we fucking hate wuk lamat
>never see anyone talk about P2 of the final trial and the cutscene that follows after the fight
Nobody would defend this garbage if they saw it, I just know it.
Yep, Dawntrail is still the best MMO.
It's still better than WoW.
It still has 30 million players.

Your empty "criticisms" mean nothing when WoW is so heavily mogged by FFXIV. Dawntrail doesn't have gay centaurs, borrowed power or sex scandals. If you don't like it, maybe you just don't like video games. I'm having a blast with Dawntrail and I love everything about it. Wuk Lamat is such a cute character and she's so genki. It was always supposed to be a low stakes and comfy adventure anyway so didn't you know what you were getting into? I bet you skip cutscenes too. Oh, and did you have your curry today, Pajeet? Poo in loo? That's right, you shit in a designated street, right Rajesh? Just more proof that Dawntrail is the best expansion for the best MMO ever made.
>might as well uninstall and wait for 8.0
let me top you before that
>fiddie bandit in shaaloani
>no option to rape her and keep her as a pet
I hate this railroading narrative
adventurous romp leading to personal achievement and meaningful progress in the story
adventurous romp leading to personal achievement and meaningful progress in the story
a really bad adventurous romp leading to personal achievement and meaningful progress in the story
adventurous romp leading to personal achievement and meaningful progress in the story
adventurous romp leading to personal achievement and meaningful progress in the story
watching someone else have an adventurous romp with no meaningful connection to the story at all

what the fuck were they thinking
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shh a femra is sleeping
holy based, anal with Ryne's fat ass
Yeah anon you better skip the cutscene and wait in the corner with your eyes closed while I rail Lamaty'i unprotected.
finished msq and cleared ex1, im already bored now..
may I plap?
you're on vacation
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this fiddie to call me a hick retard and judge my taste in music. . .
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so that shit he pulled literally didn't matter and he got 0 advantage? fucking kek
>adventurous romp
Now we have sex.
Can I see your gock?
omw to extract
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This entire thing is destroying me with feels.
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yeah bro here you go
sword fight
missed the epic cutscene of WoL banging her against the rail for 5 hours, alisaie almost entering our room before hearing wuk screaming out our name, then her running away almost in tears
chat is this real
im in the desert area when does it get good
footbro here, I have no clue what caused everyone to start putting stirrups in everything. maybe more artists are coming to terms that they do indeed like feet, but it's still jarring to see all of it appear out of thin air lmfao
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Ultros, Primal is so populated i cant world travel back. Its all over for me my own world has forsaken me....
>the fucking MOON
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This guy single-handedly saved the MSQ. Why the fuck didn't we get to spend more time with some cool characters like this. I would even let Wuk tag along
I too love seeing child murder on my vacation.
>Surely you wear clothes, right?
dont tell me you retards ACTUALLY wear clothes
yeah he's the best to ever do it
You have no idea what the fuck an adventurous romp is.
I want to cumflate a femra!
Didn't Selkie leave?
Krile is right there nigger, bet you never did Eureka. I'm here for her.
To be fair, it's on brand for latin america
wait, those things fuck?
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Eat her pussy. Now!
well my fiddie *is* the anthony fantano of xivg...
skippg cutscenes never felt so liberating
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What's your excuse?
i'm going to smell her
sword fighting is only done if the player plays the game, if you uninstall you do not respect the swordfighting contract
that's the rule 54 man read it up
>Why the fuck didn't we get to spend more time with some cool characters like this.
Good news, he's a wholesale ripoff of a main character in FFIX who spends the whole game in your party.
does she like fiddies
its in the renty in the op...
Why are femezen consistently the worst posters?
I just said reaper is a chad job and chads don't get plapped
nobody who's come that far in the MSQ would watch the cutscene anon...
krile was a kike
ejika is our boy
I liked the dawntrail MSQ
unfortunately I am at my work PC so I dont have my fiddie pics in hand
i'm blind progging both the EX trials with my static when everyone is done with the msq
I will do ex for the weapons after I finish msq and leveling all my crafters and gatherers. NOT for those ugly wings
not quite. textools has been up since launch, but plugins are coming back on slowly and thats with testing stuff. >>484279072 there's a guide to set it up.
penumbra and glamourer are not up yet, and everything that relies on it isn't either. I doubt it'll take more than 3 days though (it should basically only take 1)
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gang gang
>going to lands before unseen to the player and the player character, crossing sea, sky, and stars to reach destinations holding ancient evils
>not an adventure
unironically kill yourself you have no idea of what youre talking about
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What happend to my smn bars(i didnt touch it since SB)
People said femezen got fixed but I still see the giraffe neck? What got fixed?
maybe when mods are back
I've lost countless loads to this femezen.
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>vpr is melee smn
what kind of idiot would think that?
Maintaining buffs / debuffs is easier sure, the big difficulty comes from using ressources generated in a frame in which all your debuff will remain.
How many time did I drop my Noxious Gnash or Hunter's instinct during a double Reawakening... That said I'm probably just retarded.
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Is this really how miners should dress like?
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Sleep tight sister, I shall protect your rest.
stop posting children you weirdo
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Thank you, my wife
Selkie still plays, as does Berk.
please tell me she likes miera
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hell yeah I am
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>world travel to check the prices for something
>can't go back
>or ANY other world for that matter
i hate this
For not making an ugly character and trying to make it look cool by getting carried through EX trails? Hrm I dunno probably busy fucking your mom.
yes i can lick all the important parts
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If I bought the Collector's Edition of Dawntrail directly from Mogstation, did I miss out on the pre-order bonus?
this but its his soles
You mean best?
what if lalafells were harvins instead
I wish Customize+ let me apply profiles to entire races
are you a top?
ignore him he's probably talking about some trope faggot shit and is shitting himself about how you're misusing his shitpost words
oh i get it they're meant to look like zodiark's wings
yeah i'm not big on the zone being like an anti-ultima thule, killing it as we go and just leaving a husk behind. makes me wonder what the point of having the zone is when there's no real lore reason to ever come back to it.
what if.... we gathered together..... haha....
I think it's very funny in the sissification that she has created for her little playpen of safety that he's basically a glorified mascot completely at odds with the guy who yet lived on as a robot.
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I was glad they finally added miqo shotas to balance the scales
You didn't go to lose places to fucking explore dipshit you went there to stop a madman from destroying all of existence. You're a fucking idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about desperate to shit on something and cause an argument so you can jack off to the fucking idea of getting responses to your blatant asinine baitposts. Unironically end your life because it is absolutely without any value.
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Hehe, femra go woosh
how do I browse appearances for glams now that Anamnesis is fucking DEAD
Post initials of the no-lifers on your friends list that haven't been at work.
Minor spelling mistake. I win.
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No one ever truly leaves for good. The gang's all here and ready to start being insufferable cunts about the stupidest shit all over again.
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its not fair... they gotta turn the return to home world button back on.....
my retainers are starving! my house is burning down!
we should have been able to use mounts in s9, this fucking sucks
FUCK man
are all sunnies top? How the fuck do I know if I talk to a top or bot
they should have put in the sprint zones from pvp maps in the area
would fit perfectly honestly
oughgh im leveling
Nothing in that post is mistyped.
Should've put a ring on it before she got me
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im coping slowly
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They ruined GNB Why did they change the dash? It does no damage now...

it's the weekend
*fucking punches u*
Idk, I love it. Maybe it's just a getting used to it period?
Or if it really is that rough, maybe a different face, mouth or lipstick colour could change your mind?
i was thinking the boost tiles from the succulent valley dungeon would have been a good fit
and zip lines
It's fucking bizarre that we can't and I have no idea why, the zone is clearly designed around it
Worth bitching on the forums about honestly
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I don't want to modbeast. I just want penumbra back so I can remove the fucked up baked in blush on my fiddie. It looks like it was designed by somebody who has never seen makeup irl ever
how do you get gatherers to level cap fastest i forget
No gap closer should do damage you retarded faggot
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cyberpunk felf wife
>yes yes excellent essay on chemistry
>HOWEVER you started a fire in the lab in freshman year
>the sentence is death.
>an adventure is about intent
some of the best adventures are entirely circumstantial. you really are a dumb nigger
yeah... he looks very handsome, wish you the best..!
WAR's still does.
Afraid not. I've tried to get her back into being a GAMER but she never lasts more than a day; she's just too busy
Why does DRK Plunge and WAR dash do damage though?
sex, right now
>Why did they change the dash?
So you actually use it for its intended purpose, retard.
kill yourself modbeast
Turn ins.
only salty trannies play pvp
>lose places
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I think the hangout spot should be right here by the couches
hit rocks
unironically just hit rocks the raw exp from that is huge
Plunge is gone too. WAR is just chad.
Holy ESL google the word "should" before you reply next time
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ranked CC is extremely comfy because it's the only content where you consistently get matched with the same randoms. i love how i can get a sense for how different people play to the point where i can look at someone and think stuff like
>she's a total shitter, thank god she's on the other team
>fuck, that guy's actually really good, but i know he tends to overextend himself so i can bait him
>oh hey when'd she hit diamond? good for her
>waaah they have a different skill layout than my class
you have literally no reason as to why this is the case other than crying
lalas is my big sister :3
I'm a pictomancer painting swirling spirals in front of unsuspecting femlalas
i'm not hanging out in solution 9-11
it's fucking dogshit!!!
>everyone is going to Solution 9
>meanwhile I'm going to Sharlayan for the first time
I am having fun.
Only exists in PVP
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I wanna do it with friends and
smooch the imouto
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We won so hard
>entering post SB
what am I in for anons and anonettes
Sars this is your employer, please do better job in the future.
where is the idle spot for us chads that already finished the msq?
Same sis
This nigger no life and skipped cutscenes LMAO
Because the damage dealing ones are forced to be used in your buffs and burst windows dipshit. The jobs that have movement abilities not tied to damage don't have to deal with that.
I'm waiting til this weekend to do it with friends
My lap
getting out of the worst expansion and into the best expansion
im getting crafters to lvl 100 tonight thats my excuse
All that says is you're retarded and have no justification for the loss of GNB/PLD's gap closer damage removal not being a universal change.
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unironic alisaie x wol shipping in the story
its really fucking weird
HW > SB > ShB > EW > DT
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guys i found /jp/
the pic you replied to is pretty old at this point
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does anyone know where this comes from?
bro really wanted a piece of my miqote rear..
Why is that weird? Seems normal to me.
they look weird
I would not use them
I just want to level more jobs so I can see how they feel to play
beat the msq and pretty much just leveling alt jobs now
It's comfy until the recognizable shitter ends up on (You)r team and you know you're about to waste three minutes on a guaranteed loss
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what do you think of this middie i found
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>when you beat someone so bad they start tilt queuing to mirror you and keep losing
>you have literally no reason as to why this is the case other than crying
so exactly what i said. not every job has to be completely homogeneous faggot. its okay for jobs to have different skills. if you dont like it dont play that job
yeah from hell nigga
fate boss from the last zone, join a hunt discord to give you pings for an easy time and you're set
All ESLs should be banned.
From the NA data centre of Final Fantasy XIV.
>tfw RDM still hase to cram 4 ogcds into every 2 minute burst window because it's literally 600 lost potency
I hate this.. only RDM has to worry about their mobility skills, everyone can just fucking do whatever...
Do you even play the game? Can you even read English? GNB/DRK lost the damage on their gap closers. They SHOULD have done the exact same for WAR and PLD.
What about it?
my cum
Fixed it for ya.
gets mogged by Ameliance
bend over and i'll show you
DRK doesn't have plunge anymore and WAR still maintains the minimal damage for the sake of identity and because it doing damage is directly related to healing.
I have everything against trans people, and even in JP this character is fucking annoying. The man voice and complete lack of range are just icing on the English cake.
I don't know. You asked if someone knew, you didn't ask if I know.
And yet they didn't. Hence his complaint is valid. All you're doing is kicking up dust.
what the fuck I missed this??
I really need to start my replay lmfao
Alisaie is 16+ years old.

>She has worked as a bodyguard for a merchant, and killed people in this role
>She has worked as a bounty hunter of inhuman monsters on the 1st
>She has finished her countries equivalent of university
>She is a respected officer level member of a paramilitary organisation
>She is treated by everyone around her as an adult
But god forbid you fuck her.
why is it always just you?
PF gives me intense performance anxiety even after I watch guides
My 40+ year old maliddie plaps her raw every night
Extremes are very easy and you shouldn't be worried.
I will plap you so hard your chadness will become Stacy
I mean I know I can do the content, I'm just incredibly anxious about not playing perfectly and fucking up mechanics which ruins the experience for other people
you've been shadowbanned and can only see wifeposting
Yes but those people will forget all about it the very next day. Performance anxiety is all in your head, don't let that little devil beat you.
i thought it was neat that it was reverse-ultima thule, honestly, it felt like a fusion of amaurot and ultima thule and honestly, gives more insight on what emet selch have seen and his thoughts at his very end
also hey... let's gather while waiting for dps queues to pop together...
>makes me wonder what the point of having the zone is when there's no real lore reason to ever come back to it.
anon... did you miss the entire point of the last zone or what
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what is she thinking about bros
i got the point of it
i just don't like the point from a game design perspective
well if you don't like it that much just turn on ng+ and it'll all come back
but me personally I like the zone as it is after MSQ
and honestly I think something will be done with it at some point
This is just pedo cope.
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What are some zones that look ENTIRELY different in the nu lighting?
I only know of this and Shiva.
universalis is broken too last time I checked. it's the wild west out there if you like playing merchant.
Black dick as always.

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