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Previous iM@S Thread: >>484338860
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (July 2nd): >>484361818

>Archive of >>484270686: archive.is/mL1sN
- TD PD Gacha Update (July 2nd): >>484340054 >>484340132
- TD PD Gacha Models (July 2nd): >>484339879 >>484339967 >>484375162
- TD PD 4komas raw+TL (July 2nd): >>484354328 >>484354468
- TD Private Order Bug (July 2nd): >>484355483
- TD 7th Anniversary Borders DAY 3: >>484379086
- TD 7th Anniversary Event DAY 4: >>484378402 >>484378304
- TD Chihaya falls victim to Shizuka: >>484340123
- CG Yukimi nui harem fancomic TL: >>484034075 >>484034745
- GK Temari aftersex fancomic TL: >>483930942 >>483941743
- GK China racism fancomic TL: >>484053943
- GK Sumika/Lilja rudeposting fancomic TL: >>483903149 >>483904203
- GK Sumika virginity thief fancomic TL: >>484151945 >>484152675
- GK Sumika's lewd zone: >>484328092
- GK Pixiv ratios (June 28th): >>483785976
- SC Pixiv ratios (June 28th): >>483786503
- SC Madoka by Najar: >>483709958 >>483723672
- SC Rinze by Najar: >>483956842
- SC Raw sex with Asahi: >>484100734
- SC Anime 2nd Season "OPEN the New world" teaser: >>484361409
- SC Anime promo space (July 2nd): >>484361884
- SC Summer Photo Campaign (July 2nd to 7th): >>484361726
- SC L'Antica Hawaiian Cafe from July 10th to Aug 12th, Aug 15th to Sep 15th, and Sep 6th to Sep 29th: >>484344040 >>484344110 >>484345626
- SFP SHHis OurSTREAM (June 27th): >>484376278
- VL Twitters restored (July 1st): >>484221561 >>484227306
- VL Manaka's "Tomo Sureba, (Chuuryaku) Idol" call guide: >>484335154
- Nico Nico Douga recovery process (June 27th): >>483674635 >>483794406
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- CG "Barakah Storia ~Tsuki to Taiyou ni Shukufuku wo~" digital release: >>484383792
- SC "Houkago Magia" digital release: >>484379851
- GK 4koma 27 raw: >>484348382
- GK Actual summer activities: >>484341771
- GK Saki/Ume abs/boobs fancomic TS: >>484404693
- TD 7th Anniversary in AKIHABARA photos (July 2nd): >>484354013

July 3rd, 7PM JST: Gakuen iDOLM@STER Debut Live HAJIME Tour tickets on sale on >>483757072
July 3rd, 8PM JST: VL Cosmo draws herself: youtu.be/cs315xqfHr8 >>484249429
July 3rd, 8PM JST: Shiny Colors Anime promo space: >>483853240
July 3rd to Sep 1st: Cinderella Girls Sachiko/Shino x Yamanashi Prefecture Tourism collab: >>482879212
July 3rd: Cinderella Girls Shout out Live!!! BDs
SideM 10th anniversary predictions?
What would constitute as major? We're already getting the clothes changing feature and I doubt the leaked I.B.I.S. will get much fanfare if it's just another case of PvP.
Stage playe 2
New CD series
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I'm not sure why I made this.
I can't even score 14k with SR Rinami. Her kit is so shit.
While the 10th anni is around the corner
Check this bingo chart someone made for the 2nd anni
SM Enza Edition
I can understand fat, but I thought everyone liked their milk sweet?
Just because she eats chocolate doesn't mean her milk is sweet.
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Tasty choco milk
It's the milk they produce.
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say something nice about yoshino yorita on her birthday
dude i'd cum
From your ASS
the WHAT
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She has nice breasts
I miss SideM. Saki is my nonbinary goddess
She and Arashi Enstars (transwoman goddess) should be nb4t
Rinze doesn't produce any milk.
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Lovely cute goddess
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The MILK that they LACTATE.
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Her voice is just music to my ears.
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Locking fingers with this dork!
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I'll never forgive Sumika for draining my jewels.
9th live is going to announce: 10th live, the 3D lives they've been holding back on announcing because they had to have something for 9th live.
This but also Luca.
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sketchy ayumu
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Yoshino is beautiful in all sizes
She has the sex deity voice
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That's a nice artstyle.
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First S rank thanks to the power of motivation yeah

The memory generated kind of sucked though, an S should guarantee better stuff.
post the Yoshino sound post please
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Can they put this on a CD already?
All these people getting their first S rank with the new Sumika's broken card, and here I am doing rest memes and hoping for the best.
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And her heso window
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We continue the grind.
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bad men only
Sumika will probably end the year pregnant.
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Happy birthday, Kuro!
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For the rates they're putting out, it really shouldn't take 9 dupes to get the alt color. Especially given you can't piece exchange the newer cards.

Like even upgrading the item takes drawing 3 dupes.
With heart affluter and stars aligned, I wish to intertwine my destiny with that of Minami Saki in the sacred bond of matrimony. Let our souls dance amidst the cosmos, forever entwined in love’s eye embrace. This message has been brought to you by minamisakikekkon-bot-v0.0.1.
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Those are intended as whale only features. Hope you understand.
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Sumika ah ah ah
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I spent an unwise amount of money and still have initial Sumika at 2 flowers...
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Hide and Seek In Love Forest
2024-06-28 to 2024-07-05

Skill: Find it, the gaze of love (Visual Motif)
Every 9 seconds, there is a 40-60% chance that Perfect notes will receive a score bonus determined by the team's Visual appeal for 4..6 seconds

Leader skill: Resonant Makeup
Every 9 seconds, there is a 40-60% chance that Perfect notes will receive a score bonus determined by the team's Visual appeal for 4-6 seconds
I haven't even seen screenshots of those recolors on twitter
I never forgive Ume for draining my balls.
Reminds of that chart with Temari as flabby.
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mizZZzymoto yukari
What to do with this fucking slut
That's a tube.
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The only time Mao acts cool is when P isn't producing her.

And when Rinami isn't around.
Concentration idols give me so much trouble, especially before the first midterm. There’s no good shape cards and any decent action card is single use.
Which one?
Rude, Kotone only sells her body to help pay tuition.
Should get at least one good condition card for the 50% boosts. Stocking up on water helps to fill in gaps as well.
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looked for the post on xitter and found nothing
you gotta be really sick on the head to come up with this on the spot and make it sound legit, dood
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the most out of shape otakus in japan...
Sumika should put out.
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Skankiest costume on the franchise. I love it.
Sumika you damn SLUUUUUUUUT
Should I draw Sumika peeing on herself?
I'm not in Japan.
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i love morikubo!
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they call them mellow yellowzZzz
on the franchise? Do you mean in?
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NTA, but what are other super slutty costumes that can match it?
Literally Kiriko's swimsuit from last year.
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Anything /@/ has ever referred to as a "cumrag", for starters
The list would be too long for SC. Sumika's isn't even "skanky".
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Yeah I meant in. Sorry Sae.
Pic related is probably in the running.
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Kiriko is a slut (compliment)
Sumika is a slut (compliment)
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Kiriko sensei was lewd, a bit slutty, but not skanky.
Pretty much any Mei costume, really.
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Me, the fattest guy on /@/ playing with her belly like it was mochi
Sleeping with multiple men
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Principal: remember the basics of CQC.
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Succumb to it, hame. Fulfill your role.
Is gk gacha limited?
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the legendary outfit...
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Submissive in bed
And they say gyarus are dead
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I can't wait for this one to come later this year in SfP.
mama chihaya is gonna disown her...
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It does say season limited
I don't hate or anything, I think she's a good idol, but sometimes I wonder whether Noriko only exists in some weird Mandela syndrome parallel dimension that I get teleported into every so often because she feels so irrelevant to the rest of the franchise, and I don't feel that about any other (voiced) idol
Is it bad I can't tell which Noriko this (possibly twitter) post is referring to?
Which Noriko?
Because Twitter doesn't exist anymore.
Did anyone like Sumika before they gave her the FotMbait outfit?
she was at MOIW2023
Me, she is my favorite GK.
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yes we talked about her butt a lot
Gojo's seiyuu and Roberu
I only got three words for you, Kotone. I love you.
gyarus are for pump and dump
Lilja on the other hand is to be kept as onahole pet
Yes, but the lack of good lewds (the only things idols are good for) put me away from using her.
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Admittedly I almost never think about Wrestling Noriko (you'd think that gimmick would make her more popular). But I'm not sure if she's the most irrelevant voiced idol, at least not when idols like Suzuho exist.
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None of the new stuff are hardcore and of decent quality?
I dont care about an idol until I see her semi-naked
You literally have failed with every single one of your GK angles that it even makes me feel sorry for you.
Sike. No I'm fucking not. Fuck you~
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CUTESTbait and MAXIMUMbait.

not sure if it was posted before, she sounds old
You can't post this without posting semi-naked idols.
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I mean there are many like those in CG, but you would expect Noriko (ML) to stand out a bit more on that smaller roster. Maybe wrestling isn't that big of a deal anymore.
At least with idols like Suzuho (and Atsumi), their gimmick is so out there that people will produce them just for the lols. And yes, it's surprising since it's a popular hobby/subculture.
Noriko's 87s deserve more exposure.
I like Noriko because I am a wrestling chad. Watch STARDOM.
Should I play Gakuen?
>Maybe wrestling isn't that big of a deal anymore
I don't think it has been for like the past 10 years, or at least that's how it feels to me.
Gakuen Handsome? Yeah it's pretty good.
I feel like they barely tie her into anything that goes on at the Theatre, and her gimmick in general isn't crazy enough to stick out either. Maybe they could make something out of her if they lean more into the spicwheel side of things, otherwise she's simply not interesting enough for the majority of people (and that's even without mentioning how seemingly divisive wrestling is in general)
Wrestling in Japan is very much in decline very much because of American intervention and Antonio Inoki (the GamiP of Wrestling) dying
It's fun for what it's worth.
>(and that's even without mentioning how seemingly divisive wrestling is in general)
You'd think the otaku crowd would be a bit more partial towards wrestling.
That was the huge guy who talked funny?
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Also all the "over" wrestlers are also getting old and in decline and the new ones don't draw dimes, kinda what happened to wrestling globally
W-wrestling is divisive?
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Kajo no
Go to /pw/ for half a minute.
She wets the bed at 12?
Isn't that board just shitposting? It's more just people taking the piss at things, like a worse /sp/
New Kaho livestreams getting weird.
Why is this hag wearing a randoseru?
You know what happens when people shitpost. Let's not forget that the My Little Pony fandom started as ironic shitposting.
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>like a worse /sp/
No such thing.
You can choose to be a good person but instead you lewd Komiyakaho-chan instead.
We can lewd Juri.
We can lewd Rinze.
watching my cum drip out of hazuki
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Is it time for chocoposting?
We can lewd Natsuha.
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I love Mao
We can lewd chiyoko.
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The true semen demon.
It's basically a /v/ and /pol/ sub board now.
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Juri's violetty eyes are very important. VERY IOMPIORTANTT
Sex with choco
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I wish SfP would've made summer cards instead of tanabata.

No way fag I'm way fatter.
Just like /@/ being an honorary /trash/ general?
Nothing wrong with that.
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What an amateur.
It's more fun that way
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Summer should follow Tanabata.
Wait a minute that's Riina!
But it's already summer...
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Sex with chocolate can get quite messy.

Yeah but Choco got tanabata. The outfit is also inferior to her first SSR imo.
You don't like big tiddy Riinas?
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I don't know, maybe I should meditate on it.
Well, at least HCG already has swimsuits. But yeah, the first one was way better.
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True. I do hope that SfP gives Fes-available swimsuits for the cast.
But if not, Chiyoko at least kind of has a swimsuit.
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I Love my loli wife
Why do birds suddenly appear when Mano walks near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to her.
Or the NTS (swinging) general on /h/
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I wonder if SfP is going to bring the swimsuit shop/gacha from SC, considering SC is having recolors now it would say is quite possible. Also I wish they bring back 4alt costume feature permanently, she looked pretty good in bikini top/short pants combo from Juri.
Are GK welfares balanced? I thought it was always appropriate to give SRs for free like they do in SS and FGO, but recently in even SfP they give SSRs and 5*. You'd hope that a non-upgraded gacha SSR would still outclass event idols..
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I hope the chosen swimsuits (in their original colors) dropped in SfP. Pic related in 3D (plus others) would suck away my money.
>Also I wish they bring back 4alt costume feature permanently
Supposedly it'll return but with some yet unknown requirements. I assume the non-paid non-collab ones will need to be at a certain star level.
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kaho needed to stop by my house to dry off and bang due to the implications
the 1-1 class support welfare is pretty good/10
Is that why /@/ likes ntr?
I hope they don't bring over the costume gacha from SC. It's almost impossible to get the one you want. I'd be much more happy with doing the scam step gacha that they've been doing in SfP where you get the unit's swimsuits on a certain step (so for StrayPs/noctchillPs, the very last step)
Kissing all 7 of those Shizukas
On the lips
It's because we love idols.
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>I hope they don't bring over the costume gacha from SC. It's almost impossible to get the one you want.
If they reintroduce the costume change like in >>484435674 then I wouldn't mind too much. A swimsuit is a swimsuit. But yeah I'd prefer not dealing with another costume gacha.
I don't get it
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Anna's hitbox.
Lifting her bangs.
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Giving full rarity stuff is nice because there's a better chance you'll end up actually using it. There's not really a reason to actively want them to be shit that you only get for the art, unless you're a turbowhale who doesn't want the f2p peasants to be able to compare to your majesty.
As for GK, they seem to be mixed so far, Event support is nice, coin gacha supports seem decent aside from their card being expensive, contest support is trash.
Dunno about Mao yet, but she's at least gonna be better than the R I have for her now.
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That doesn't seem fair.
Whore of Babylon
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natsu no bang
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Did Harada decide those hitboxes?
>There's not really a reason to actively want them to be shit that you only get for the art
That would mean less incentive to roll on a banner since you're already throwing in a free costume.
>6 rolls
>no Sumika
>no Lilja
>no SSR at all
Grrr indeed. Grrr at Gakuen's garbage rates.
Bumping into Roco's hitbox.
This is a hag.
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>heart pupils
I want to mating press that succubus
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Kind of weird how only SS added an StSn song.
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that's a js
iM@S Babies
why does her torso look so long?
File deleted.
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I saw that Najar preview
I am the tummym@ster. prprprpr
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He's gonna do more Rinze?
Post it.
isnt that released already? the one on the news?
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My lover.
no, these are hags
Watching ML become the only old branch that still have a positive vibes feels unreal.
What happens if you flush both Chihyaa and Afuu down a toilet?
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Is she autistic?
I hate it. Why do a lot of im@s artists have to like that?
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Kotone no!
It's the timing, there's more news at the moment because of the anniversary.
It pays the bills.
Savage impregnation.
Kaori why are you still in Japan
Mikoto gives you brain damage.
does rinze shave her bush?
Hell no.
I saw the 961 thing, but takane didn't do a flip
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God damn, Ms. Sakuramori really is a weapon of mass destruction.
I use her pubes to floss.
I think they announced overall content up to November, that's insane for anniversary stream
in history
Nadeshiko never shaves armpits and vagina
NTR and im@s are pretty much synonymous in fan art
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Taking her first time
>still trying to force your NTR garbage here
No one here likes this shit except for you, kill yourself
nadeshiko have purewhite skin and reddish tinted nipples
like crimson red blood on snow
The sliding scale between shaven and hairy might as well be the same as the one for gyaru and nadeshiko.
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Money moves the world.
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One one hand, yamato nadeshiko would have full bushes.
On the other hand, Rinze fits in well with gyarus and looks forward to spending more time with Mei and Amana. She's probably end up fully waxed down there.
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Arisu, where did you get those...?
What about pure white skin and beatiful pink nipples?
*She'll probably
Sae, rape me.
that sounds like emily and mary
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Voice like a sweet breeze
Treasure from Kagoshima
Goddess of Kyushu

preset doko?
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Luna say maybe 3 million views
Obscenely pregnant gyaru bitch Yoshino.
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Would we be looking at a different picture for SfP if the SC anime had been good? At least as good as U149.
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Arisu’s brown nipples.
Emily's lovely pastel-pink nipples...
Hairy Emily
No because SfP and its complaints predate the anime
she pinches her nipples so they they can be swollen and red like a nadeshiko
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Sales talk = shit.
Swimsuits = good.
I need to see Sumika’s gyaru hands and nails around my COCK
should have scrapped shaniani and delayed SfP
but SfP would look silly if it came out before gk
idols with huge areolas?
Not really, probably more people would check it out but then be quickly filtered and drop it immediately.
They're pink and perky
AI idol porn is underestimated
She will have to wrap those things in bandages in order to put on a kimono.
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Hinana. Tomoka (ML)
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jc body
Well it wouldn't have hurt SfP that's for sure.
That body is way too rude to embody the image of a nadeshiko.
23 year old Emily would definitely be a sex bomb
not for now sorry
Haruka x Touma status?
I like to call this the cuteslut look
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Too old. Emily is fine as is.
i think gakuen still steals players regardless
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That gyaru card was a glimpse into the future...
I don't know, the U149 anime didn't exactly give CG a second wind despite a large investment of money in its production, and as a result they had to axe several of their projects. On the other hand, SC is going to continue business as usual even if their anime ends up doing bad.
true. . .
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snow beauty
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>and as a result they had to axe several of their projects
To be fair that's less CG/Cygames and more CyberAgent closing a fuckton of things all at once
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slender shoulder and cuppable breasts
CG always lose....
Wait for the next MOIW
Or maybe TOURS
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I got an apple today
>On the other hand, SC is going to continue business as usual even if their anime ends up doing bad
The benefits of having a shoebox budget, the losses are way more bearable
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seduction dance
It's working!
No anon don't fall for it
That's how you end up with a knife in your throat
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Well, I got Kana today.
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I didn't got bun Anna only shiz. And now the gacha is Kana and Hinata who I don't give a fuck about, it's joever.
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Hop in ML, we are having fun here

and a mouthful of buncun
Doesn't look like
looks like the snow melted
Honestly these aren't that sexualized, though I still like them.
I should have spent some jewels before the banner ended, I regret not getting Shiz.
Too busy with GK to play Anni this year.
wait, kohakuman has a skeb?
used fuka
>this fucking dude again
Julia just bombarded me with Roco levels of Engrish
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good price, but loli in sight
Cute moeblob Anna-chan.
That's a good thing
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Summer leaves.
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onii-chan that's prejudiced
Imma konchikichin
The perfect woman.
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aragaki the god
Momoko you're kissing me
Paying bad men to draw more Momoko.
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singlehandedly funding sfp
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nice belt, red
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an offering
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Richest toruP
Nice glasses.
Damn, wish it were me.
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Million sweep
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I'm glad misskey added the skeb link so that I can see which bad dudes are looking for requests
I can't get horny for Anna. But Shiz? I want to lick every part of her body.
Mao’s feminine nipples.
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>I can't get horny for Anna.
Does this include solo versions of Hajime?
I want to lick every part of her body
girl, you need to stay off my lap.
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but she can do your rolls
Anna and Hinata do nothing for me. The other 14sais though make me horny by just showing me their shoulders.
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Good taste
>The other 14sais
Even Miyuki?
Even Miyuki?
Did you guys know that Hiro and Anna have the same weight? I thought it was curious.
Shiz with a ponytail transforms me into a beast.
is anna gaming so hard that she's forgetting to eat?
I was talking within ML, the only CG 14sai that can please my little brother is Ranko.
Gamers are skinny.
She is pretty heavy for a bunny
That's nice but
>my little brother
I'm not sure if you mean an actual brother or your wang.
Anna is also 7 cm shorter and has bigger sizes to compensate.

>Anna: 152cm, 78-53-79
>Hiro: 159cm, 72-54-76
Hiro is taller so it still leaves her with a lower BMI.
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anna's asking for it nature turns me on
My penal member, dood.
>and has bigger sizes to compensate
The bunny factor coming into play.
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This one is going into my sleeping Saki folder.
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The most dangerous size
Don't tell all those fanartists!
This is all cg
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Cum dumpster body
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Not even the official ones respect the true size.
Kyoko isn't like that.
one of those girls looks expecting
ugh vagina bone
Prove it
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is someone missing one of these?
you can't just keep a head on a shelf like that
Decapitated producer...
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Yeah, you should put it on a tripod
UGH Seki Hiromi
*deca itated
She is Saki's wife
Can't wait to lose all the 3rd battles in contests cause I failed to roll Sumika.
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Someone post the Sakinator again
No she isn't
Guys I'm getting worried if Rinami isn't as busted as Sumika.
Princess Leia Oosaki my beloved.
Gameplay wise I mean
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Oh. I assume she will, limited meta soon.
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she's good at math and science
I don't have enough sense idols for this contest
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Give me rare Yoshino lewds to use
Using Ume.
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post em
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> TD keeps crashing on me but SS/GK work fine
grade 4 is still 6 slots?
Is this a Japanese im@s fan's first time visiting an IKEA?
grade 5 is 7 slots and grade 6 unlocks all
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Kaishinshi really is the best source of Yoshino lewds, huh
It's so over.
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There was Mame Denkyuu for a while but he's moved on from her, sadly.
Big smiles: Kotone, Sumika, China
Small smiles: Rinami, Mao
No smile: Temari

Temari confirmed for shit tier
>just dodge Logic Sumi-
Same. First 2 rounds were free wins against players who didn't set up their idols. The last 2 were against strong players. Went 3-2 with the logic team jobbing as usual.
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Ez gemu
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I'm not sure about rare but I liked this one

That's a delicious Yoshino.
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376, I think it was.
Pretty sure I'm not making grade 5 with my sense lineup.
But I managed to get the 1 more win I needed for my missions, so bring on the losses.
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Reminder we have an ongoing fan survey for TD's anniversary until July 14th.

Link to the survey: https://forms.gle/9b53eNnwVDGZRqXT8
> Yoshino getting Yuuki Rito'd
Tasteful YukiP

That's a Kaho. And she's using doggy pads for some reason.
I was top 60 until I forgot to play a few days and dropped 300 spots. This season might filter me.
I'm going to use this.
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Are you okay, big brother?
Momoko will be fine by herself today, so you can rest, big brother!
Do a dempsey roll, Momoko.
Cute. Hzui sent that to meeeco.
Give me glasses idols to use
Making out with the Mei cutout
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Is Yoshino a bad man idol?
you dont even get enough summer mao pieces to uncap her 4 times? it looks like 2 times to me
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>my best sense is sumika and I have way less good sense than logic
>but this season is made up for her logic card
What should I do?
There needs to be a school festival event where Hiro and Lilja build a robot
if there's no other choice you can always do your best in sense and hope you win the first 2
what's her persona
That's enough to upgrade her item. Which isn't very good.
No, she is a good man idol.
Bad man here. Yes
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Thinking of my friend
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There's more boxes after the first.
Second has another 250 fragments, 3+ is just materials.
lilja phone is broken...
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excuse me may I pass through here
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>managed to tard wrangle the entire 1-1 class
>flexible bc of being a ballerina
>sexiest GK card to date

is there anything Sumika can't do?
Beat Lilja.
Bring back ed's mom.
Get over her PTSD on her own.
second box only has 125. after buying mao, you're left with 25 pieces so that's 150 in total for upgrades.
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Recover from mental trauma.

I wonder how they'll progress these event scenarios where P doesn't exist since Sumika is stuck in don't wanna idol mode. It takes P working on her or Lilja actually succeeding at her live half a year later in her P run to break her out of it.
Lilja will just have to use the power of friendship and her smile to heal her, even if takes longer.
im horny for sumika again
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Stop being horny for gyarus.
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How are we coping for the contest, fellow logiclets?
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Oh right, whoops.
Probably gonna flower it all past the 100, anyway.
Not that anon but how does one accomplish that?
Mao and Rinami get a bonus this event, train those.
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What about gamers?
>they gave us a fully uncapped support but cant give us an idol fully uncapped in the event
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Curing Sumika's trauma with the gay.
Damn Fanbox and Patreon importer died on Kemono...
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Huh, they did a gay club collaboration?
Yes but this time even patreon went down
hey those are the fancum units
They caught on anyway, some Fanbox accounts were banned or got a warning about "suspicious activitiy".

Also they implemented Cloudflare for non-JP IPs, as you can see in Pixiv Downloader.
subaru completed the heart?!
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Gamer gyarus
I should not have watched the bots. It's incredibly frustrating to see how fucking stupid they are. At the same time, I got a better idea on how fucking wasteful they are and how greedy they are.
Come to me even after 18.5k jewels.
If Kana comes to me in tomorrow's rolls I will draw her lewd
They never use the good cards, its definitely better to use a normal that increases good condition by 2 than one that reduces by one but allows the next card to be played twice
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New offshots have been added for Tomoka, Megumi, Chihaya, and Tamaki.

4komas up to Ritsuko and whiteboards up to Anna's birthday.
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We really need real PvP. Something like live party with 5 players taking turns and sending debuffs and trouble cards to the others when you score high.
that's the dream, but i've never seen a smartphone game do it because of matchmaking issues. they're all ai shit like ba.
Like 100% Orange Juice?
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Look, silly boy.
princess amana orgasma
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Very likely
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this is safe, I see no slit.
Those feet on my P
Yo (You)
mi ni tsukete (You)
"oaite wa (You)?"
DORAMA no you na koto shinai jo (You)
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The contest this time is suck
you did it, hiro.
>sr hiro and china perform like shit because of the retarded ai
this season sucks...
Akiha reminds me to the Yugioh Go Rush girl, even though she was created first.
rough anal with rinze
This user has a weird thing going on with Chiyuki and Momohito...
roll for sumika!
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I want Nao and Minako to super duper me in bed.
Past and Future

Can't change the past
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Happy birthday Yoshinon!

Beautiful goddess
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What the fuck is wrong with SCPs?
do sidemP's really?
Thank you! Yoshinon is sexy too
I too want to have violent sex with a SideM nihehehehehehe
>idol x idol shipping and NTR all at once
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How did they know idoling was her main job?
Wait, /trash/ is a real board?
It is, an awful place where those things like NTR belong to.
When you have a branch with P-love that strong, the pendulum may swing hard in the other direction when it comes to a large portion of its fans.
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it's on her linkedin
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Hey babe. Wanna go to my house and play one on one with me?
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Sorry Seiji-kun

I don't like muscular types like yours. It's gross.
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Need context
I don't get it
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Nono is worth much more than that. She's priceless.
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Someone oughta save this thread
Save it yourself.
Post it in the /h/ thread. Can't open pixiv links right now.
The lower the denomination is, the more popular supposedly the person on that denomination is.
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More like the entire general. This place has been plagued by NTR and idol x idol shit and sentiments of lending the idols to multiple men for the past year.
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Made for heavy petting
Insecure Plove-kun.....
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What a bitch
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I want to feel yukimi's silky hair
Choco images no one asked for or cares about or likes in 3 2 1
Also Anna pictures to be used for offtopic discussion
I'm peeing her way
Yeah, it gets boring after a while
Neck yourself
Insert fragile reassurance that the idols are only for (You)
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This is a resource for those who have forgotten Yukimi-chan's age.

And 80% of said pictures are the same ones they use every time they went with this tactic.
Insecure ChocoP....
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outta 10
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Notice: Hiori has been found at the local supermarkets.

iM@S is thriving but it's just ML and GK, a good timeline
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>branch does badly
shitposter gloats
>branch does well
shitposter uses that to branchwar
Marry an insecureP for a guaranteed lifetime of a loyal husband
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What about marrying a graduate from the Kyoko Igarashi School of Personality?
Sex with
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The solution is to post slowtalkers. He can't branchwar if he's busy screaming into the void accusing 5 unique posters of being an avatarfag because everyone loves Yukimi and Kozue.
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Only if they are a major of stomach full, balls empty.
Who needs personality when they can fucking cook
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no one dislikes this thing
One of the GK in Seiji's harem...
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slowtalking mochi
Good afternoon /@/, I want Umi to tease my cock while she bullies me.
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Those 3 have more personality than Kyoko desu
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if I was SCP and she made those faces around me she wouldn't be able to walk straight the next day
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You'd fall in love!
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we could force her older brother to crossdress and then haru would only have cute girl clohtes as hand-me downs
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cometik tulpas
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if I was SCP and she made those faces around me, I still wouldn't be sure of her intentions, would act no differently than normal, and would just go home alone like it was any other day at work. Heh.

Unfortunately, I know this from experience.
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they will switch minds in a drop of a hat when they see someone like hana
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french kissing and deep impregnation

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tainted kami
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Pic related. I'm Tamaki.
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go back to facebook
noodle butts
We live in a world where SHHiTS is the mature, well-informed, and on-topic funny name for SHHis.
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Are mighty sailors good for anything?
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Oh nooo
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A summary of what I missed?
Shizuka needs to eat more udon so she can reach Takane's level.
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We're rebranding to The Breadm@ster.
It's all about baking now.
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i know this is a zoomer general but takane doesn't get posted nearly as much as she should and you people should all be ashamed
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Sounds fun
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Ok boomer.
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I don't like Takane. You can't make me like Takane. When I get Takane SSRs I'm indifferent because I don't care about Takane.
I've only ever watched puchimas and my view of her has never been the same
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Oh damn, there's a new Rayearth. Maybe there can be a collab with it afterall.
ML will get a collab
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Takane is shit.
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onee-chan and imouto
skirts are so stupid
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Do games like GK get double rates? It's already at 5%
Making Momoko into an onee-chan
So are clothes, they should just get naked
Being naked is unattractive desu
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SfP has 5% too and i don't remember it having any
Maybe for anniversary
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i don't think they'll do the traditional 2x fes gachas
artist sauce?
5% that feels worse than 3% rates
Because it's just 2% for P-SSRs
especially not with the gangbuster they're making
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Tricking Ume into competitive sex.
GKP is a virgin so he wouldn't know how to have sex
He will realize that his lust for his idol is hindering his produce ability, and will ask Asari sensei to relieve it.
but i saw that doujin where he does it with china?
He never produced an idol before either, that's why he is taking classes.
Heh, now this is the kind of meme worth posting here
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Arimura Mao is a GIRL
Wow this contest round fucking sucks
I must impregnate Kanade
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>all the songs are years old
yeah it's so over
Looking at those honkers, she might be more than one GIRL.
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A new anniversary mission of 39 billion points has been added. If passed, 2 limited SSR gasha tickets will be given after the event.

10 auto live passes have also been given as a present.
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CGs library of great songs is so deep that this meme only has one of the Top 10 CG songs (as voted by fans) in it.
Japan REALLY loves GIRLS in the FRONTIER
Just how fucking grindy this event is?
Keep feminizing Mao until she stops saying boku.
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sleepy kids
Chiyuki likes Mojito better...
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Hajime Misuzu soon.
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We are dangerously close to 50% of the skilled artists actively drawing Nina being H artists and I don't like it. Good Men need to work harder.
I'm a real bad man but even I have my limits with Ninner. It's over.
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CG used to make a lot of great song. What went wrong?
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they just follow trends and draw what makes them horny
kanabun did the kaoru/nina book, then jiji delays his beat shooter book for his own take on kaoru/nina
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Oh yeah, Luna say maybe reached 3 million views.
Kanabun draws some tubes, not even tubes, potatoes.
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Yeah, I'm not condemning the bad men, I just personally feel that way about Nina. But the bad men have stepped up and some of the good men stepped back on neener arts.

Kaoru bad man stuff I can automatically tune out, because for whatever reason every bad man who can't fucking draw above a 1st grade level draws Kaoru lewds or generates Kaoru AI art on pixiv for some reason. She has one of the most unbrowsable tags.

As bad as kanabun is, he actually likes them, it's not just a trend. He's reused art of them in his published work multiple times.
so tubers?
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I wish Misuzu had bigger breasts

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