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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Picrel Not Related Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>486318361

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png

▶Ways to Write
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Wholesome and Comfy Friday is underway! Last anchor: >>486639674

>>07/18) Mistral Nemo releases https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo/ ; DeepSeek-V2-0628 releases https://x.com/deepseek_ai/status/1813921111694053644 ; OpenAI releases GPT-4o Mini https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence/
>07/05) AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, July 15th https://files.catbox.moe/unp7ss.jpg
(06/27) Google releases Gemma 2 https://blog.google/technology/developers/google-gemma-2/
(06/20) Anthropic releases Claude 3.5 Sonnet https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
(06/19) Dreamgen Opus Llama 3 70B https://hf.co/dreamgen/opus-v1.4-70b-llama3-gguf ; Euryale L3 70B on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/sao10k/l3-euryale-70b ; Qwen2 72B Magnum https://hf.co/alpindale/magnum-72b-v1
(06/15) New SpellBound Llama 3 finetune https://hf.co/hf-100/Llama-3-Spellbound-Instruct-8B-0.3
The actual full news:
>(07/18) Mistral Nemo releases, state-of-the-art 12B model with 128k context https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo/ ; DeepSeek-V2-0628 releases, the No.1 open-source model on the LMSYS Chatbot Arena https://x.com/deepseek_ai/status/1813921111694053644 ; OpenAI releases GPT-4o mini, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence/ ; Anlatan goes bankrupt
Looks fine.
Source on Anlatan going bankrupt?
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The voices in his head told him they went bankrupt. Ignore how their sites are still active, the domains are still registered, the server still exists, among other things. Those don't exist in his reality. It's day 885 of them being bankrupt.
I see a story being told here, it's about a room full of people locked together slowly going insane and turning on each other
I meant, it almost a year since anime v3. How many people are still enjoying 1girl, smile?
I assume we can start talking about the bankruptcy when AR fails. They also probably stopped working on imagegen because they had insider info on SD3 being complete garbage poo. Right now they still have a core of addicts and japs that keeps them afloat.
V4 is supposed to be "self-built"
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Oh hey it's Friday night
I doubt they will ever go bankrupt. The Japs can't into compute.
nemo is latin for nobody or no one
as in nobody uses that piece of shit model
it's also disney for fish. as in who fished this shit out of the mariana trench. put it back
What Top K do people recommend?
Personally, I am a fan of setting it to 9, as in, Top Kek, because I let memes dictate my life (it works)
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prompts for this feel?
You're not disproving the allegations that there isn't a community here by not posting Nemo logs.
So how is shilling local models a video game?
Spraining my thumbs with aggressive typing just like Xbox controller
>Spraining my thumbs just like Xbox controller
mine still hasn't recovered. guess it's a permanent condition
Depends on what you are writing. I bump it up to 30 for erotica so you get a wider lexicon but I don't go below 20 cause it just gets too repetitive. Mess around with it cause you'll probably want something more specific.
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Second Anchor for Wholesome and Comfy Friday! Enjoy these warm and cuddly prompts!
Here's your 'log', bro.
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>posting the old version
I don't like this one it makes my head hurt
maybe because deep down I'm afraid to look at the truth
Is Anubis where I go to get Jackal pussy?
Holy fucking kino
That would be fun wouldn't it?
>eden but more greek
very cool
Nemo pulverized NovelAI's business.
How's nemo's Anubis come out? What's the plural of Anubis anyway, Anubi?
I hope arkantos kills that thing
7/10 ASMR works I've seen on DLsite are AI Slopped and there are a few Live2D H-games that use AI art as a Base so for better or for worse, They're sitting pretty being propped up by the entirety of the Doujin industry
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What? No.
Arkantos should FUCK that thing
Voulome Anubis
arkantos wouldn't do that
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He fucks.
I love these AI-Generated country songs
The cabal owes me sex.
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Waiting for the AOM remake
Waiting for turk's 70b model
Waiting for zuck's 405b llama
Just a little more waiting bro!
Sex with Claudia when?
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Any day now, bro.
wtf is this
Tiger, but also booba
yo' momma
With titties like those, she's everyone's momma
the rare large-busted catweasel
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Ghetto Recap

Late Night Snack https://aetherroom.club/7233 >>486604863
Uh, A Dude Goes To McDonald's, Gay Sex Ensues?

Theme Prompts:
>>486658947 >>486659023 >>486659097 >>486659174 >>486661843


Scary Traci >>486375738 >>486381684
The Misadvantures of Dan Bittenbender >>486378891
Dealing With Elves >>486410163
Woman Logic >>486415297
Out Of The Way! >>486460869
AIRhead Adventure >>486510865 >>486525958
Bonzi Kills Again >>486521593
Laugh Hazard >>486556856
Marge Moment? >>486602763
Storypost Into Mordor >>486614013 >>486618815
Impossible Task >>486641396
Bonzi Rapes Elves, Somebody Stop Him >>486654243
Roleplay? >>486672147
Cool Party >>486679215
Princess Moment >>486687546
The Data Of Bernie >>486691381
Good One, Hypebot >>486729948
Teaching Russian >>486731484
Big Book >>486766040

Notable Posts:

Cute Lizard Girl Annoying Interrupted By Coreweave >>486322730
Post-Gen Clarity >>486324908 >>486325229
Comfy Discussion >>486337680
GPT Moment >>486351791
Sybil Collection >>486327659 >>486360759 >>486387981 >>486454448 >>486462632 >>486503769 >>486509876 >>486627826 >>486639732 >>486640505 >>486640912 >>486648136 >>486738989
Assorted Images >>486365331 >>486366056 >>486372208 >>486373134 >>486389263 >>486430007 >>486511805 >>486533713
Dog Images >>486380332 >>486380502 >>486380607 >>486388863
Get Lamp >>486371393 >>486370978 >>486373591 >>486374918
Monsters (And Mice) >>486392380 >>486393028
Fuck Me, You Long-Necked Fuck >>486467776
It Do Be Like That >>486471709 >>486472650
Frog >>486483202 >>486488067
So Done >>486517010 >>486526051
Funni Fox >>486593647
"Can I Get Your Name?" >>486609637 >>486610072 >>486610332 >>486611223
My Sides >>486655270 >>486655462 >>486655701 >>486655943
A Lesson In Reality >>486667982 >>486668841 >>486672147 >>486697046 >>486699557 >>486700568 >>486705063
Cancer Bros... >>486679865
Lack Of Pics >>486713135 >>486713957 >>486714595 >>486738989
L3 450B Approved Rig >>486759134
Thanks man
Good recap
I was supposed to sit down and look at the prompts, then started setting up some music for it, got sidetracked for half the day categorizing, got further sidetracked into listening to a song I hadn't heard before, and then another from a vaguely connected group, and then getting inspired from that to try to craft a story about a guardian angel being less hidden than she ought to be. You know how it goes sometimes.
I hardly had to prompt it, though, it got the idea and just went.
I'm new to this and just trying out my first scenario.

How do I set up the "Memory" thing I"m setting, for like name and gender of the character?
where did friendly key gift anon go.... did you schizo's really scare him off....
Read the OP, nigger.
that raw terror
jesus christ
it depends on a lot of factors, model, what front end, ect. if you are using NAI, you can update the lorebooks with the relevant information ect, if you are using something like sillytavern and a model that uses an api key, character information is stored within character cards and then read directly by the bot, but there is also a world info and memory tab ect that can be edited seperately
The most important thing to remember is to make sure your Memory is congruous with the rest of your story. If your story is in first person present tense, write details in first person perspective. If your story is in third person past tense, write details of your characters in third person past tense too. If your story is straight-laced and serious, describe your characters in a straght-laced and serious tone. If your story is silly and full of informal language, describe your characters in a silly and informal tone too. And so on.
I just selected a scenario from aetherroom. Is there something I had to do before hand to make who my character is?

Load a character card or something?
i'm here, just paying bills before i spend money on other shit lol. will drop a few later today i think. maybe 3pm EST give or take?
Gift keys are disabled
im sorry i have very limited experience with aetheroom so i really cannot say, best advice would be to just experiment a lot and lurk
u are the best and we all love u mate, ty for making this general special. do you mean 3pm est tomorrow? if so ill try and be around then so i can catch one, ty again :)
for real? shit that's the first i'm hearing of this, haven't been paying attention :(
>im sorry i have very limited experience with aetheroom so i really cannot say, best advice would be to just experiment a lot and lurk

Thats okay, it sounds like I Just have to describe my character in my prompt.
woof uhh guess when gift keys reopen i'll do a bigger drop, sorry for getting your >>486797921 hopes up just cause i don't read any news
Nta, but this is 'story' format not chat format, so its best not to think about 'your' character vs the ai's character. Its all the same in the end, assuming you're using a completion model (if you're using a chat model, character hub's a better place to download prompts)
Its an adeventure and it has a lorebook where it has ${character name}

Do I just remove the text and change it? Or remove the $ and {} also?
no problem and thank you for even considering it, im looking into it apparently they have been disabled for about a month for some reason, maybe someone found an exploit or something ? pretty odd
When you import it you will fill in a nane automatically
Cool, I like it. Gives me geth vibes from mass effect.
On Kobald? I imported using the 4 digit code and it didn't tell me anything about putting in a character name.
Oh, just manually replace it then
Do I keep the ${} shit?

It seems NovelAI asks me when I try with a .scenario.
No, don't keep it unless you want your character to be named ${Jeff}
Thanks. Its a shame NovelAI is charging, this is going a bit easier than running Kobald on my own PC.
Remember: if a service provides expensive things for free, you are the product.
I think the vibe mix is pulling some strong mass effect vectors
these noodle legs lmao
Damn, I was afraid you were gonna say that
Let me try and reverse engineer this
Furry V3 seems to love those weird Fallout 3 style rifles for whatever reason, really makes me miss Bing for how seamless it was at generating M4s/AKs
I think I'm close enough, these have to be the right vibe images but the wrong values
Who knows though, I make too many of these.
This one is arguably a "better" style anyway
I really need to start taking screencaps of my settings.
first pair (0.5, -0.5)
second pair: (0.4, -0.4)
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the settings are in the metadata at least
Oh shit thanks
It was actually this frog antivibe, my bad
Fallout 3 had a decent g3/AK. Fallout 4 went full retard with the generic slab receiver guns
A little more and they will hire you to work on Retold, they are looking for such 'artists'.
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I got kinda lazy with some of the details here. In my defense, I didn't have a lot of training data to work with. Whatever, I'll fix it later. Probably not

chesire cat would be very troublesome as a jealous ex who wants you back
And now you have ruined it.
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NAI is surprisingly versatile.
Nice ad. You can do that with Llama 1 too.
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Good mornin’, thread. How’ve ya’ll been today? Got anythin’ planned?
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Doin' alright, eating poptarts for breakfast rn. Might try my hand at writing a fantasy adventure when I'm done.
Watching ESA and will play Make a Good Mega Man Level 3. Finished the main game and only have post-game and side content left.

Decided to make a song for /v/ for once using my usual format.

ive started doing this a while ago. got a folder called good vibe transfers that is just full of original gens and their corresponding vibe screen caps. it is a pain in the ass but i couldn't stand finding nice styles or whatever and being unable to reproduce them. i experiment way too much.
what happened to bing?
>People will spend $12 ~ 25 on a special juice designed to make you retarded, or a video game they'll never play (because the friend that convinced them doesn't end up actually playing it) so whatever use you get out of $25 is worth it depending on how much happiness it gives you. That said I'm suggesting you use that money on Novel AI vs going out to get drinks / bowling / a movie etc.
>That's how I rationalized a NovelAI sub since it's just so easy to spend 25 bucks on a single night or on something you won't use or play.
You heard it here. $25 is nothing. $50? You can spend that in a single night or in a shitty video game. Just subscribe to NovelAI and shut to fuck up.
Someone clearly needs to go to /v/ and not come back until it's fully cabal-free. There's a job to be done over there.
It's also pathetic how the NAI shills are attempting to invade the Dall-E general. They're shameless.
I just woke up myself, so I still have yet to have breakfast, but it’s good that yer doin’ a’ight. What kinda fantasy thing are ya thinkin’ ‘bout goin’ for?
The only `Mega Man` game I ever played was `Battle Network` on the `GBA`. I never really got into the classic ones myself. From a cursory glance into what yer talkin about, though, it’s interestin’ seein’ how people are still makin’ custom levels and such inspired by those older games.
Oh Battle Network is the shit, I love those games.
Never been too into the classics, but I've seen videos of the last two and gave it a shot.
Been fun, even if stages can be hit and miss, some pretty damn creative.
I’m gonna try and get into emulation and such soon. There’s a lotta older games I’ve been meanin’ to try.
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Battle Network and Zero are the best, but you should absolutely play some of the classics and X. I also liked ZXA but it isn't one the fanbase is a big fan of.
I’ll give ‘em a go; it can’t hurt.
Nothing happened per-say, I just haven't used it as much recently.
Nemo made NovelAI irrelevant.
Where's the community? I'm not seeing it.
Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://intensive-yes-worked-hazardous.trycloudflare.com/

Free DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://allan-pets-fell-prot.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://rentry.org/gcptrial
Aetherroom is so bad...
Lazy Saturday.
The chatroom function people try to push on current gen language models just doesn’t work super great. Language models need constant supervision or they just spiral off into nonsense. It’s like the opposite of what you want from a chat bot. The tech just ain’t there.
Neither of you have ever once used a chatbot, and neither of you are in beta, so shut the fuck up and quit trying to console war.
Um it's ackshully an alpha, so, uh do you fries with that?
Get me a large coke, hold the mayo.
Aetherroom alpha is so good, 70B kino turktune, super fast, excellent UX, zero bugs.
Can it find Nemo for me?
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Tennocon is today so it’s party time.
I only know about `Warframe` from the porn; never tried the game.
20 piece tendies for me, please.
Why can't women have asses like that by default? This kind of body should be the minimum setting.
wtf was this
It's just a kill em all coop shooter. I did some work with DE way back in the first couple years but they're good people. I am a little biased sure but the art style is one of a kind and I like the dragon ball level power fantasy.
I haven't played it in a long time, but I remember it's the kind of free to play game that locks quality of life behind a paywall
I don’t really care for shooters…
Horrible if true.
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They know their audience.

It's like a 10 year old free to play game that constantly gets pointed to as the right way to do free to play. You can do only melee, use modern guns, use space guns, mind control shit, go fishing, hoverboarding, hunting, space combat, touch football, idk it's got a lot.

Personally the way they do their monetization is a lot smarter than gatcha, battlepass, or other stuff just because it's so easy to trade for platinum.
>it's so easy to trade for platinum
Consensus online seems to be that trading is intentionally annoying through a third party to keep platinum valuable and to incentivize paying money for it
Though I wouldn't know personally. I quit a long time ago once I found out my tiny inventory was taken up by frames that take multiple real life days to finish crafting.
Well I don't want to make this the warframe class so I do apologize if this is getting boring but I actually find the whole player market that DE enforced to be really interesting. It works for the low end market but also is designed to prevent one party from just buying all of one part to artificially drive prices upwards. Then DE fluctuates the cost of platinum per player through login coupons and packs so that there isn't that 1 dollar = 99 fortnite bucks style conversion. But they also have a super high end platinum market for a couple things that are totally not worth the price but people will spend 8000 platinum on a now impossible to get mod.

If you are putting money into platinum you probably aren't outright buying it due to how the system works. People get coupons in login rewards that you can save and that's where most of the high end people supply the market but due to the systems in place the actual prices of items don't fluctuate much.

There are about 40 warframes, 400 guns, all with like 3 to 4 parts each that be traded for, which is where the low end market moves. They all come from the same place so people run the fissures for what they need and naturally produce a lot of extra parts. Your parts go for 20-40 platinum or around 100 for a whole set. High end players don't need 10 copies of a gun so they have an interest to sell those parts they are sitting on. Low end players have an interest in also selling the parts they dont need as they hunt what they need.

It's why the slots and speed up costs are all in the sub-100 range. There's tons more platinum sinks and some people go retardo trying to build the ultimate build but I've never seen a free to play game that manages to successfully support both ends of the market as well as they did.

The only thing you can't get with platinum and must be purchased with real money are the player made tennogen skins/models that those people get commission on.

And that is my ted-talk on warframe.
least shill post
The best collaborative writing tool is ERP with your friends.
Shills wish they had my kind of focused autistic analysis.

It's awkward to constantly have to turn your friends on though just to get anything done.
>It's awkward to constantly have to turn your friends on though just to get anything done.
That's part of the fun actually.
This kinda thing is pretty interesting. Are there more of this kind of token generation services?
Basically every in-depth description of game mechanics sounds like a shill post (I guess there's some argument about brainwashing to be made?)
Nai used the word "tuguring" for some reason, with it being the number one option. It appears no where else in context.
Dumb question but would a species name be a proper noun?
Ask Nemo.
I don't know. To me, stuff like "human", "orc" and "elf" in fantasy stories doesn't get capitalized, but I guess it could.
Genus is usually capitalized, but not species.
I'm getting super confusing answers online. What the one anon just posted, "human" isn't capitalized unless it's "Homo sapien", and only the first word is capitalized. Meanwhile something like British or Spanish is.

In this case, I made up a species of bug people called "thri'ytra", taken from Thriae and elytra. Would it be capitalized?
kinda curious, what's the context?
Another NovelAI shill thread.
Generally it becomes a proper noun if it's referring to a particular whatever. Thri'ytra would be a common noun like human as it doesn't refer to any particular thing beyond the general species and thus only typically capitalized at the start of a sentence.

Ignoring the plural and possessive possibilities, thri'ytra would be capitalized if it was referring to say Thri'yrta architecture in a conversation about species architectural styles but if it was inner species just speaking of general architecture it wouldn't be.

"The differences between Elven woodwork and Thri'ytra hivework..."
"The comfort of the wilderness is no comparison to a nice thri'ytra hearth."
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Appreciated. Trying to write proper English is a fucking pain in the ass. Now to finish an entire essay on horrible bug monsters as a roundabout way to justify moth girls in my setting.
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I changed it out.
i cant sign up for nai this is bullshit
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I've been playing with the Frog and Toad vibes/anti-vibes from the last thread and they are fantastic.



fuck it im too sick for this shit
What looks like happened is you're probably using a preset like pp14 and instead of the normal roll of 't ugging' it picked 'tug' or maybe even 't u g' and then flipped out trying to make it work
Glad you're getting some use out of them.
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With a lot of other vibes I've tried, I needed to put "fluffy, tuft, detailed fur" to keep the characters from looking like plastic.

I don't know what witchcraft is in these vibes but I don't need to use those tags at all.
This place is turning me into a fucking furry. That or it's the two weeks of nofap lowering my standards.
Imagine unironically doing nofap.
I do like the frog vibes.
>t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6Cuuy632gM
I probably chose the wrong term. I'm detoxing and trying to avoid porn for a bit.
It's good to take a break every now and again.
Traci doesn't canonically turn into a MILF mentally until like 2025 in the setting (I guess technically she's been a MILF since puberty, considering her hyperfertility, but I think MILF is sort of like the croning ceremony and age is taken into account as well.)
This also reminds me that some boomer normies consider chronological aging to trump Physical aging, which would somehow mean Traci is a loli/illegal by their standards. Luckily this only matters on a few boomer lit sites, but it really boggles my mind.
Browsing 4chan while doing nofap or avoiding porn is a recipe for disaster.
Stop being a fag and put some sunscreen on grandma.

Porn isn't toxic; I will never understand people like you.
True, nothing wrong with gooning all day to loli futa furry sissy scat porn.
This, but unironically.
You don't have to understand me. I told myself two weeks I'd try and restrain myself. I'm done Monday so it'll be a good time when I get prompting.
Doing any one thing forever is toxic. Plus it can be refreshing to change your habits if for no other reason than to reaffirm your enjoyment of it.
You're an idiot.
Wonder if it's because the AI sees the opposite of frogs as fuzziness.
That's why I like messing around with it so much. Negative vibes unironically saved furry v3 for me
Hmm? Why so defensive of porn? Do you have an only fans or something?
Why are you shitting on it? Got connections to some anti-porn lobby, Puritan shill?
I want the new model and I want it now!
I would die for porn.

File deleted.
And no not like die to receive it, I mean like I would lay down my life for the defense of it.
Be patient, young samefag.
I think the lack of Nemo storyposts made it official that this is the NovelAI shill general.
I personally don't think Nemo is that big league, brah.
I don't know why but Lepton is slightly more verbose in ST and significantly more verbose in OR's chat playground.
Post some yourself, faggot.
*than served by Mistral
I guess you could say it's 20000 leagues under the sea.
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Speaking of which, what were those cheese-eaters doing with the way system prompts are handled in Nemo?
Wonder why so many models only have up to 2021 as a frame of reference. Was that the last common crawl?
Think so.
Funny enough, both GPT-4 and Claude are in the 2023 range now (or at least I think they are?)
That number is hallucinated, you can't ask models about their training details. The actual cutoff seems like 2022/2023.
I'm not a resident of /aids/, but here's Nemo not playing Belwick with itself well. Never used NAI but I doubt it can do it well either.
That's a rather stupid test even for aicg standards.
Hi I'm on a crusade against the cabal and trying to drive away contributors and kill the thread. Can you please leave?
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>How dare you criticize my human trafficking multi-billion dollar industry! Only anti-porn cabalists do that!
For reference, I stopped posting hours ago and never engaged in antagonistic behavior. I'm pretty sure the discussion was hijacked.
"human trafficking"
You're pathetic, Exodus Cry shill.
Nice Cruelty Squad 'Jak
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What is better for simulating ERP, NovelAi with a few setting tweaks to have responses start with the person's name, or holding out for AetherRoom? Never used AIchatbots before but I've gotten decent mileage out of the text adventure mode in NovelAi.
Hi, cabal’s newfag impersonation attempt #15365. The chatbot thread is this one: >>486799953
>What is better for simulating ERP
Mistral Nemo. It's a better 12B model with 128k context, cheaper, and more creative than NovelAI.
Once again, the pathetic threadshitting faggot demands people use only the models he approves of, whilst demanding people not use this thread. Chatbots are storytelling, retard.
nothing you consume or make use of is made ethically
Kayra is obsolete.
Can't go wrong with Mythomax.
Cool. Nobody gives a shit. Now suck my dick and quit console warring.
Yeah I guess so but chatbot formatting is just really stupid if you think about it. Yeah you can play Mario 64 with the least amount of a presses but that doesn’t make it any less stupid.
Back at it again at krispy kreme
I wonder if he paid for that sign.
It's an illusionary thing that plays into the call and receive nature of instruct models.
Apparently he ran home and the cops showed up and talked to him but he didn't have to pay for anything
You do realize you don't have to censor the catbox links? Mods don't give a shit.
Yeah I'm not surprised KK didn't press charges, the thing probably cost like 500 bucks to repair max.
Yeah but it’s easily achievable with the tried and true “, said _noun_ with —action—.” Plus then you can do other things like a story or stay a chat. It’s prose for a reason.
Tbqh I really don't understand it myself, but I also grew up reading a lot, so perhaps that just factors into it.
Then again, I didn't grow up playing text adventures either and still liked AID a lot despite it being such a crapshoot at the time ending up a permanent story mode user.
Uncensor those you tard. You can't gen some good stuff and cockblock me.
Alright so I got ST and Kayra working on it (no one here convinced me I just already had NAI for coomslop), some random default bot seems to be replying to me. Do I need to fuck around with the settings in ST to make Kayra work better?
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It's funnier this way.

I typically use the prose oriented setting presets as a base but pump up the output length. Start tweaking the settings after you get a good baseline as you see fit.
It's not funny. I can't save an image if it's butchered by censorship, you cruel, cruel man.
Absolute nigger behavoir. If you are gonna share/gen porn don't censor it. It is hard to appreciate someone's gen/artwork if they gimp its very nature.
Nobody cares SA.
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Absolute degenerate behavior.

But you know it's from the heart and I can respect that.
basado en total
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I don't know why the fuck I am even still paying this Turk, it's been literal years since he's done anything noteworthy.
Everyone on this website is mentally ill. Including you.
I pay him cause I use his service daily
I don't even like regular porn anymore. The roach won.
/aicg/ is over there >>486799953
How were the negative images made?
Cool, don't care, still using this thread, no matter how much you spam links at me. Eat my shit, gargle my piss, and pop a bullet in your skull.
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You need to settle down.
prompts for this feel?
The moment you die, every thread on 4chan will host a celebratory wank fest and cover your corpse in sperm.
Is this mandatory? I don't recall them going over that in orientation.
>open /aids/ because the thread image was weird
>instant 2 (You)s
Can you stop telling people to use our thread? We don't want to spoonfeed /v/ runoff every 2 hours.
Yeah, I bet you want people to chew through our proxies and kill the hobby, judging by how much air's wasted trying to stir up drama about "OMG /AIDS/ SAID WHAT???" assuming you're that guy too. Faggot.
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Instead of using the image as a positive vibe use the negative vibe. So the model goes okay the exact opposite of this picture. However the exact opposite of something is very thematically similar to the positive aspect so it can work well.
I never even thought something like that could work, mainly because I never knew the transfer could go negative.
So basically, what I do is this:
>take image that has a style that I want to emulate
>load it up as a positive vibe and crank the strength to 1
>put stuff that I don't want to show up in every gen in the positive prompt plus a few other enhancers like "text, patreon, artist name" aka just shit I'd never want in ANY gen
>also add stuff to counteract the positive quality tags I'll use later (holding beverage, crowd, dripping)
>sometimes specify a style that will clash with the style I want (like 3D, pixel, photo background)
>negative prompt= style tags (because obviously I want to keep the vibe's style) and all of the positive quality enhancers (best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, etc)
And then I gen a few and use them alongside the positive vibe. Some are winners, some are not. Some have really neat unintended effects.
Anyway, that's basically how I do it, thanks for coming to my TED talk
by the way, when I say "counteract the positive tags" I mean "counteract the weird shit that always comes up when you use positive quality tags like bikinis, bell collars, and lots of fucking drinking cups"
How is this image gen discussion related to storytelling or video games?
How is shitting up the thread every single day related to storytelling or video games, hypocrite?
The 70B model is Soon™
Wake me when it's the 70B textgen instead of chatshit.
It's up.
what, my dick? thats just because my neighbor is tanning again
he must be hot
Why so mad? This much anger can't be good for you.
Update the template.
Since the thread has abandoned all pretense of being anything but a NovelAI thread.
Good, now fuck off to >>>/vg/aicg or >>>/g/aicg
Quit trolling the thread, shartstain.
The fag keeps telling me to not use NAI but when I ask for an easy alternative I can use on my phone without spending hours a day begging for proxies or paying out of the ass, he can't seem to offer an alternative. Guess I joined the cabal?
One of the worst jewish last names.
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Come on in, sit down. Bonzi made brownies.
Train it entirely upon erp, erotic literature, and Ulysses. 60% erp training.
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I don't see anything happening
See: >>486846930
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Nice try, glowie. Your attempt at subverting the clearnet has not gone unnoticed.
Won't somebody please think of the corporations, right?
fuck this vibe combo is almost really good but it has lost the finger lottery
The person you quoted is legitimate one of the most schizo posters on all of 4chan
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When you pat a cat on their lower back and they do the butt lift, does that have a name?
stop judging me bonzi buddy, I do that enough myself...
Lordosis. The batch of nerves and muscles around the base of the tail cause that.
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Just woke up from cryo.
I'm going back to sleep.
prompts for this feel?
Better have your prompts ready because Llama 3 405B is coming out in less than 2 days.
I will probably use it.
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I'll never be ready to meet a memory
I'll never be ready to meet a memory
A memory that abandoned me

Latitude is sileeeent, going maaaaad
I've gone walkabout with the prompts in my heeeaaaad
Larion streets far tooquiet,it'sdeafeeeening
As I pickaway at thesurface
The itch to coom burns through my skin

When Count Grey rapes my wAIfu
And the smedrins call me their home
If I'm asked to write again
I can't pretend I'M READY
I can't pretend


I'll never be ready to meet a memory that abandoned me

When Count Grey rapes my wAIfu
And the smedrins call me their home
If I'm asked to write again
I can't pretend I'M READY
I can't pretend

I'll never be ready to meet a memory
A memory that abandoned me
I'll never be ready to meet a memory
A memory that abandoned me
Remember when GPT-4 came out in March 2023, and the question of "when are we going to get a licit, uncensored, and affordable equivalent of this" was on everyone's mind? The future was brighter than we realized.
>Llama 405B
Anon, I...
>3 posts in 6 hours
>The general dies when the paid shill goes to sleep
It will be worse than Nemo for creative writing.
Man, this thread is so boring nowadays. Does anyone want to play tic-tac-toe?
I'll rub my tic tac on your toes
imagine needing another human being for entertainment
I think I have found comedy!
Imagine needing entertainment
I don't remember if X or O starts
No no no no He cannot be...
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I would like to roleplay talking to a merchant in a mad max world where things are slowly getting worse with roving gangs. Any tips or pointers? It's my first time.
It's probably going to be cheaper than sonnet. So yes, it should be affordable.
Ask in /lmg/ >>>/g/101507132 for model advice, or >>486928034 for prompting/cards. Once Nemo support lands in koboldcpp, you should probably switch to that, or try Gemma 9B.
>still trying to drive people away from the thread
Fuck off.
Wrong thread.
Neither local or chatbots are forbidden from being in this thread, asshole. Ergo, you're wrong. Now quit trying to make this thread NAI-exclusive. It isn't.
It is. And these two topics have their dedicated generals.
Proof of that is the lack of Nemo storyposts. It's not organic to ignore every model not made by NovelAI.
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t. a butthurt troll who's done nothing meaningful with his life for the past two years, he's even given up on pretending to be helpful with his offline-nc script and other such things. Fuck off, retard.
Quit being a shill for Nemo. Nobody HAS to use only models you personally approve of, you dense, hypocritical, motherfucker.
Eat my ass.
Figure out SillyTavern. Kobold's Lite chat mode is literally just
in raw text.
Funny how you ignore Kobold. Not made by NovelAI. Also local. Also funny how you raged against Saga, also not made by NovelAI. You also demand people who do use other models to fuck off to other threads, ruining the argument that only NAI is acceptable, being that you're the only one who bitches when people use non-NAI in the thread.
If anyone here shills for NAI, it's you. You can't stand it when people use non-NAI in the thread.
Language models work by predictive text based on context and established patterns. Think of it like a game of tennis where passing and serving is part of scoring. Repetition breeds repetition.
Terrible advice. Just use an instruct model and tell it what you want.
Instruct models are also affected by context, you lying troll.
They are not.
Why do you lie about this shit through your teeth so transparently? Every single model is affected by the context; the input, the tags, the information you give to it. Every single one.
Fuck off, troll.
all me btw
Quit shitting up the fucking thread, liar.
A reminder to use this template for the new thread:
This isn't a NAI-exclusive thread, troll. Fuck off.
A reminder to use the REAL template for the new thread:
Fuck off.
I was going to make a joke about Mistral and Russians but the frog thing kinda ruins that, lel.
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oh wait, wrong lamoid
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>another sloppy cabal bump devoid of real content
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I like that italics font
It's some kind of Unicode font that's embedded into the card's data. secrets
As I suspected, 4chan does not retain it. How curious.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's written about sexing a scarecrow(woman).
My second favorite Shaun Frost comic has a Scarecrowwoman in it (though she's more like a weird demon-like creature than anything)
How does hay feel against your dick? I can't imagine it feels good.
Uh oh...
Watch as the last vestige of NovelAI and the cabal crumble away...
They've gutted unicode here on purpose over the years.
NovelAI must have a pretty decent recovery rate, given this is the 48th time they've been destroyed this year.
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I SWEAR it was up when I looked at it.
It's a soulslike
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I'm sure it was.
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The cabal is fast.
The time of the lotus eater reckoning will be nigh.
We had our operatives running double shifts today.
>everything I don't like is my boogeyman
Fuck off.
Come join us anon! It is summer end everything's delicious! We'll go fishing for swordfish after!
Name one lotus eater that ever actually worked.
That meat does look really good
Gonna dump 3 bits from my theme friday prompt. hope you don't mind.
>Emmerich set the mirror on the counter. "The next step is figuring out whether to keep the mirror at all." He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "A cursed mirror that reveals one's true thoughts... yes, a collector may buy that. Especially if they can counteract the curse. But dogs?"
>"Why not?" Maia said. "Who doesn't love a playful pooch?"
I was pretty happy with the AI getting the ideas I wanted to convey (quirky curses and mutual healing)
>Maia's cheeks reddened. "Oh, gosh. Thank you." She reached over and gave Emmerich a tight hug. She released him as quickly as she'd grabbed him, as if embarrassed by the sudden gesture of affection. "Sorry! Couldn't help myself. You're so nice, Meister von Bergen. It's strange."
>Emmerich stared at her for several moments, bewildered by her sudden embrace. "I—that's quite all right, Maia! You have my permission to do so whenever you please."
Well that ring would certainly be useful to put on a prisoner
Final bit for now, conflict gets introduced.
>Count Kretzer scowled at Maia. "Well? Call your dog off, von Bergen, and we'll talk."
>Maia bristled and took a step toward Count Kretzer. "Why you—"
>Emmerich kept his hand on Maia's shoulder and shook his head. "Please, Maia. Let me handle this." Maia huffed and backed off, but kept her glare fixed on the Count. Emmerich had never seen this side of her before; she was fierce and protective! It made his heart pound. "All right, Count Kretzer. Let's be civil, shall we? To what do I owe this visit?"
Should they sell out for success? My thoughts are, soldiers die in war all the time. If they volunteer to trade their long-term health for a chance at protecting their homes, it seems win-win. But I'm just hitting Send and letting the story go for the most part.
Yeah I thought it was a pretty cool concept. Reminded me of the Prestidigitation cantrip from when I played 3.5/PF, something kind of weak-looking but super useful in the hands of a creative person.
It reminds me of howl's moving castle in a good way, down to the war summons. I, personally, wouldn't trust him. It's a slippery slope.
Did they break inpainting an edited image?
Loved that movie, though it's been a while since I saw it.
Had a bit of a struggle writing a prompt this week, since I'm drawn to angsty stuff by nature, but so far I'm happy with the output. Even the baron's argument is reasonable to me, slippery slope or not.
Wonder if it'll course-correct to be more comfy/wholesome in future gens; I thought part 2 captured the mood really well.
Furry v3's inpainting is just fucked
It's a great movie, one of my favorites. The book is good too, that ones goes into more detail on the war but has this weird segment where they travel dimensions to London (Howl's from Earth in the book) to watch a soccer/football game.
2 days until /aids/ goes bankrupt.
Bankrupt? Wait. The rest of you actually have money?
What's Mistral, and does it write more eloquently about werewolves fucking behind the Denny's than Kobold or NAI
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>/aids/ goes bankrupt
>not NAI
picture unrelated
My dad shot himself in the head a few days ago so I'll get about ~200k. I'll keep aids afloat.
Nemo is a 12B 128k model, that's basically all that makes it special. If you use Claude/GPT-4 you can apparently not care about it. If you use large beaked models you can just wait for the L3 400B.
So uh, basically you have to be Sage to care about Nemo.
Plot twist: Sage was CF all along.
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Can anyone recommend presents and prompt lists that won't generate a message that's 1/2 what I want followed by 1/2 of some sort of segue like a distant explosion, incursion by enemy troops, or someone entering the room? I'm getting CAI flashbacks here. RIght now I'm tinkering with the rum baba preset which is great sometimes and other times.. not.
I just use fresh coffee because I love a cup of fresh coffee in the morning.
What model?
Opus, but occasionally Sonnet.
... could you elaborate on that a bit?
Oh sorry, I thought you meant NAI presets, not JBs for Claude.
Wrong thread: >>486928034
I don't feel like moving... answer the question...

Tried to make one using a Watership Down art piece.


What makes Nemo special is how creative it is. The size and the open license makes it extremely cheap, and the long context basically replaces every and any use case that NovelAI ever had. All that while also being easy to run locally.
Can Nemo do imagegen?
Honestly, their next model better has a larger context and bring back custom modules.
Imagegen is off-topic.
Nemo this, Nemo that, Nemo I don't give a shit. Why do you refuse to show side-by-sides?
Nah, dude.
Not according to the OP...
>AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
In other words, Nemo doesn't replace every and any use case that NovelAI ever had...
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Do people here enjoy starving lolis? Thinking of doing a pseudo victorian prompt, maybe belle epoque? Don't know.
I, too, like to adopt and groom unsuspecting orphans.
Tbh I enjoy being nice to them, only to eventually get femdommed.
That tagline is not honest.
Imagegen is the topic of several other generals. It doesn't matter in this one.
Mostly if she turns out to be some kind of monstrosity.

That's also nice
The tagline is honest, you just can't stand to be wrong. It's okay, dude, take the L and be happy for once.
Nah, man, it does matter in this thread. Why do you evencare anyway? You don't care about the thread anyway...
Don't you get it? The man who's been advocating for the destruction of the thread, who crosslinks unrelated garbage, and who spams and shits it up every single day cares very very much about being "on-topic".
I don't know, man. That reeks of hypocrisy to me...
It's not honest. Imagegen is not integrated into textgen and it's used for it's own sake. Just like in the imagegen generals. It's only here because it's NAI and people treat this general as the NovelAI one.
Then why'd you include it in the thread you made? Something tells me it's you who's not being honest...
>still repeating the lie that this thread is NAI-exclusive
Include what?
Where are the Nemo storyposts?
Don't play dumb, moron. That tag line is included in a thread you yourself made. Which means you didn't think it was dishonest when you made that thread.
Why do people have to use Nemo?
It's a new model, and it's a clear upgrade over Kayra. If the thread wasn't NovelAI-only, people would give it a try. If the thread ignores every model not made by NovelAI, it means that this general is only about that company.
What makes it better than Claude or GPT-4? I prefer using those btw, and have posted storyposts with them.
Nobody is stopping you from making some yourself. Surely you wouldn't demand that people do something that you don't want to do?
Cool, I'll make sure to give it a try when I get home
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Nooooo! You can only use the models I recommend you naishill fuckmonger!
It's not better than those, but with it being only like 7GB quantized, and costing only $0.18 on OpenRouter while being uncensored and creative, it's a more realistic option for people paying or wanting something private. Sonnet 3.5 is like $15.
Why would I spend money on something I can get for free?
For privacy. And why are you in the NovelAI-only thread?
Can you show me where in the OP that it states this is a NovelAI-only thread?
Nothing is private.
Nemo is private, uncensored, creative, cheap and has a huge context.
Kek, now privacy matters for the regular retard. Shouldn't we all be using claude/gpt/proxies according to your earlier posts?
Says you. My keyboard is logged. The gubment knows me. I hope my agent enjoys wanking it to me wanking it to him wanking it. Oooooo yeah baby.
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Stop treating the Russian like an actual human being.
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Go on, show me.
He's never been consistent with anything except shitting up the thread.
Here: https://rentry.org/aids_op
That's the official template.
Now privacy doesn't matter for the cabal!
I've never cared about privacy, I just hate console warring. Like what you do... surely you have stroyposts of your own that you could share? I wonder why you don't... do you not want to share in the fun you're having?
That isn't the official template. That's your template. Not the one agreed upon by the community.
It's the template that won the war.
Then why did this thread not follow it? Something tells me you lost. Twice.
Is that a "no, I don't have any storyposts lol" I hear? Anyone who refuses to share has no right to complain about the thread.
It's new. Nemo's release made this obvious:
>Since the thread has abandoned all pretense of being anything but a NovelAI thread.
The 'emmy op mind broke you doe. That's the real winner right there!
But I posted like 3 uses of Nemo.
My Claude storyposts say otherwise. Something tells me you're the only one who thinks this thread is a NovelAI thread. Fuck Analtan.
The new aids_op template is a drop-in replacement and an upgrade over the 'emmy op.
Nobody agreed with you. Which makes it clear that the community doesn't want the OP to become dominated by your shilling. How about you an ad instead?
Like the hedgehog armor on your APCs?
It's time for the OP to reflect the real state of the thread. The general can't keep lying like this forever.
There are no lies.
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Quit posting coal you dumb frog whore!
You're the one who's lying to yourself, dude. This isn't a NovelAI-exclusive thread. Quit console warring and share storyposts with me. I want to share in your joy.
Ignoring every model not made by NovelAI is the hint that the thread is lying.
I posted several storyposts with Claude, a model that outperforms Kayra by a longshot. Do my storyposts not count? Am I not part of the thread? Despite posting them in the thread?
NovelAI didn't make Kobold or Claude...
Claude doesn't count buddy! He heard that Anthropic shills for Ukraine, so it's le bad now.
>Do my storyposts not count?
>Am I not part of the thread?
>Despite posting them in the thread?
Exactly. They belong in /aicg/.
Poor /lmg/ is getting hit too, lmao.
You know Mistral hates Russians too right?
Go ahead and cry about it to the mods then, lol. I'm not moving to /aicg/.
Just for the record, this dude isn't me >>487068169
Thanks for letting us know about that completely irrelevant fact.
>>Mostly if she turns out to be some kind of monstrosity.

I mean, it's a femoid.
Nemo gave this thread the killing blow.
can you show me?
He won't show you. He can't even share a storypost. Something that's as simple as taking a screenshot and posting it in the thread.
A reminder that this all started when Baker decided to come back to force Saga in the OP again.
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Why do you refuse to share a storypost made with Nemo? Are you unable to use it? If so, why would you shill a model you didn't use yourself?
>everyone who disagrees with me is Baker
Also a reminder that the original recap anon died because of that.
Baker's action are like the assassination of Franz Ferdinand for this thread.
Who's baker?
NovelAI's head of 4chan marketing.
Why a Russian frog got triggered by a Canadian slampig enjoyer is still anyone's guess.
Can you please get a life? Nobody else is having fun with whatever schizophrenic obsession you have for some random nobody, homo.
Can you show me proof? Every company is required to label who works for them. Go ahead and show me the employee register.
It's a reminder that actions have consequences.
If you want to date whoever that fag is, there are simpler ways to get their attention. Have you tried sending them an online message?
I think I'm funny.
>t. Newton
Why punish an entire community for the actions of a single person?
Shitting up a thread isn't funny. It's pathetic.
There's no community.
What makes you say that?
Why are you here, then? If there's no community here to persuade toward whatever goal you have, you're wasting your time. Since you choose to stay, that means there has to some kind of community here, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
A community would be celebrating Nemo's release with hundreds of storyposts.
This is why we should have went straight from AIDG to NAIG but someone had to make a funny joke instead of keeping the chatfags away.
Go ahead and share some that you've made, then. Surely you have something to share with the class?
I prefer Claude. Sorry not sorry. You're free to post if you want. Or you can continue console warring. Whichever you prefer.
The "AI storytelling" facade needs to be destroyed before that, so that newfags aren't tricked into visiting this general by mistake.
It IS a pretty good joke though, you gotta admit.
Why do you care so much about a thread that doesn't have a community? If it has no community, it would die off. Instead, you keep bumping the thread.
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It wasn't a bad idea at the time. There was no way to know.
Re-read my post, retard.
Because it's the tiniest amount of power his NEET Russian ass has.
Quit victim blaming. It's all the fault of a single butthurt fag.
Make me, asshole. There is clearly a community here, you just hate it and want to destroy for some schizophrenic reason. Why not share a storypost instead?
You'd destroy the thread quicker if you reported it to the mods on IRC. Why don't you go ahead and do that? Put your money where your is, quit trying to play wannabe mod, and report the thread.
Die chatfag.
You first, console warrior.
A community of NovelAI shills, that's why the new template needs to be used. The OP should make that clear to newfags.
We're not a community of NovelAI shills. Every model is allowed to be used, but nobody is forced to use any model they don't want to use. Go ahead and share a Nemo storypost.
/aids/ isn't /naids/. Make your own thread if you want to shill for NovelAI.
It is.
It isn't, and it never will be, shitposting faggot.
Make your own damn thread, shitposter.
Where's the Nemo storyposts?
Go ahead and post some.
Why are you demanding that people post storyposts with a model they don't want to use? That's console warring, bro.
There are three of them in the thread. If you'd open eyes and actually use the thread, instead of shitting it up, you'd see that.
It actually really fucking disturbs me they might unironically lose sleep, or affect their sleep schedule, over a fucking 4chan general that they claim to hate.
Is it actual mental illness? Mentally ill people do sometimes find causes to obsess over, like that person who shot a governor in the head because he thought it was the year 1200456.
What makes it even sadder is when I went on vacation (actual, IRL vacation) in the winter, /aids/ was the last thing on my mind, and I thought that was pretty funny, considering that I am now considered a "cabal" member by him, because I dared to click on a weird looking invite link.
Watch out, he'll call you hick or something.
It's pathetic.
It disturbs me how the cabal lives for the only purpose of shilling a shitty company in 4chan in a fake general.
Where are your storyposts?
I don't use NovelAI.
You don't have to use NovelAI to post here.
If you can't share a storypost, you have no right to demand that other people post them.
What is it about this shit that attracts deranged people
I feel like it's that trollface Soloman's pact thing.
Actions have consequences. Like usurping a dead general to be used for your company.
It took you over eighteen minutes to reply, which means the mods warned you, Keep it up and you're gonna get banned, faggot. Coomageddon ruined whatever goodwill our community had toward AIDungeon, newfag.
>Actions have consequences
Russia is learning that right now!
Post a Nemo storypost.
Why would I do that in the NovelAI thread?
Why would you demand people use a model you haven't tried? Don't want to put your money where your mouth is? Too much of a poorfag to try it yourself?
Once again, I stand by the fact that it's Brumaire no lifting after trying to make something of himself after Kuru fired him
Dude desperately wants Kuru to pay attention to the thread so he can get his "revenge", but Kuru doesn't give a fuck about the thread anymore so he's screaming into the void
We'll just have to see how long his neetbux will last him
In a healthy thread with actual people, there are people with curiosity.
If you were a real person, you'd share a storypost with it, instead of demanding people spend money on a shit model that is inferior to free options like Claude and OpenAI.
How much is Mistral paying you to shill their model here and /lmg/?
There's nothing better than Nemo for creative writing.
Claude outperforms it.
Claude isn't an open model.
Proxies are open.
And NAI-LLAMA-3 outperforms Claude.
A proxy isn't a model.
It doesn't and it costs $50 a month.
Lol, lmao. Keep huffing that copium. Claude is the best model.
Claude is a model, and the proxy is free. It outperforms Nemo. Why would I use an inferior model?
How can a model that isn't released yet, and probably doesn't even exist, cost money? Last I checked, Novel-A-Lie is still using a Llama 1 derivative. For $25 a month.
It will also release after the distilled 70B from the 405B one with 128k context and multi-modal capabilities, making it a joke.
Nice work, anon.
These really make nice images; especially for foggy and misty scenes.
that first one really likes big asses
Tracianon might like that third negative vibe too, look at all that floof
The cabal doesn't even bother storyposting anymore to bump the thread.
all the fucks I give:
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We’re the ants!
Led by King Antony!
We’re coming to help King Graham!
We’re the ants!
Led by King Antony!
We’re coming to help King Graham!
Oh shit, I would've missed that. Thanks!
Hyper Bonzi?
Bonzi anon will be the first one to fall.
So is there some kind of methodology to using vibes, or do you just throw random stuff into the blender and see if anything cool comes out?
more like the grape rape ape
Another day of gooning and then having to live
A little bit of both. Even with my methodology >>486929304 there's a lot of random chance.
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Least it's not the garbage ape.
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When I was doing my lava golem pictures, I got some interesting results by using photographs of lava and molten metal as positive vibes. Negatives are uncharted territory for me.
Negatives, for me, were a game changer. I use it as a way to guide the positive vibes and stem any "vibe bleeding"
Like if I want a lava girl, I can take a picture of a flame atronach from skyrim or whatever and then generate a really ugly image with the shit I don't want to carry over and use both of them in tandem for unlimited sexy fire girls.
So if I'm understanding you correctly, it's a way to filter undesired content without losing possibly valuable training data by using UC tags? Interesting. Time for experiments.
I made a comfy, slice of life test of Anon just coming home from work and ordering food for him and his roommate. Memory and A/N are essentially empty. If there is no war, if there is nothing to fight, Traci becomes a sexy menace
You're welcome.
Oh, man, I'd forgotten about those.
Huh, neat. I learned something today.
In that case, he wouldn't be getting the combo if he's just getting the burger and separately ordering fries and a drink, I'd say. Though I suppose it depends on what Burger Joint has for its combos.
...Fair enough, that would be well outside my realms of knowledge. It is a funny phrase when put together, though, kudos on that.

>What's the gay version of the lesbian wisdom of world cold and hard, tiddy soft and warm?
I might say that Anatoly saying that maybe men are more his style might be a bit out of left field, especially when they've only just met, but most everything he says feels like a curveball. Or some similar simile from a more communist sport.
I'll admit that for all my years in Boy Scouts, I hadn't had to do hardcore survival stuff, but when it comes to getting wood for a fire, isn't it preferred to cut the tree down sometime before it's needed to give it time to dry a bit? Though you take what you can, I seem to recall that freshly chopped wood doesn't necessarily burn easily.
As far as the language, I think some of that is that the...romanization, I guess, of words in other languages aren't brought up by the AI as often, possibly due to competing with tokens for normal English words.
I might wonder if there's enough context about the "wisdom", or if the strange nature (especially the part referencing various leaders) might become diluted with actual advice over the course of playing the story.

>Is it too easy of a joke to make to say something about the team he's batting for? Oh, wait, this is soccer. Uhh... There's a joke about an own goal here somewhere.
The first sentence of your Description feels a bit awkward to me, but I think it is more or less right.
A serial comma would go in 'rooms and'.
A comma or semicolon should go in 'while, however'.
In your Memory, in 'weirdo that', that should probably be 'who'.
Exactly! It's sort of like negative embeddings, in a way. That's why it's best to make it the exact opposite of what you're going for: a big group of a species/gender you don't want, a border, text, watermarks, facing away from the camera or faceless characters, etcetera.
Watermarks have never been much of an issue for me; I can just inpaint them out of the final product with zero discernible loss in quality. What you are telling me *is* quite exciting though, and I am eager to give it a whirl in my next project.
It just pulls better (anti) vectors, that's all.
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I love the ai text though it’s so weird.
It tries so hard.
I'm really surprised e621 only has ~20 flame atronach images, wtf furries get some fucking taste
I've noticed that occasionally it will try to use my tags as signage or shirt designs. This makes me think it may be possible to create (legible) stylized text with the model. It would probably be really hard.
That's it, I will suffer you dangling bait in front of me, NO MORE. Someone give me a card/prompt/lorebook of this creature
NTA but oddly only one person made a Sybil card
Hurry up with that 70B you stupid fucking faggot horsefucking roach.
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The ironic thing is that she is a stoic and silent protagonist.
405B just released so they have to restart their training again. 2 more years until the next textgen model!
I'm going to fuck the 0 in 405B.
Then I will get to learn how to romance such a person. And be romanced by
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I pray to roach that it will ACTUALLY be good at horsefucking
She isn't even a goat-bunny-cat lady as it's just a disguise in the dream world she uses to slip past the castle's defenses.
Are you telling me that a human furry baited me using a human that disguises themselves as furry bait?
She still a cat-bunny, but the goat stuff is the disguise. She's basically a R63 version of Klonoa.
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I guess I have to stop being lazy and do proper lore research now...
It is unclear and unsaid in the game.
The game itself is only like an hour long (though obviously that'll take longer if you're in 'research' mode.)
More, it's so sappy and dumb, but I love it.
>Maia sat next to him and stole one of his breakfast sausages. "You've been kind to me," she said as she handed him a plate of fried eggs and toast. "That's more than most people have ever done for me. I want to help you as best I can." She shrugged and munched on her sausage. "Besides, I'm happy to be here with you! This is the nicest place I've ever stayed."
>Emmerich smiled and cut into his eggs. "Well, I'm happy to have you here with me," he said as he took a bite.
Much cuter than Klonoa anyhow.
>In the Garden
At 'laid basically idle', a thing in my brain wants me to say to go with 'lain' instead of 'laid'. When it comes to land, it feels more correct somehow. Then again, it's the same part of my brain that wants to tie that word together with the word 'fallow', even though that's not quite the state of this land.
A comma needs to go in 'there" he'.
I'm not sure what I'd use in 'often, noted!', but it probably wouldn't be a comma. I might consider rearranging the sentence to put it earlier like 'Right, noted: let him cook for me more often!'.
I get what he means; Dad had a whole garden and a set of planters he'd built, and, to be honest, I've just kinda let them go, since nobody will look at them and I'm not the gardening type. Though I have to do something about the one pokeberry plant that seems to have survived the mitigation after they tried to take over the garden last year.

>There's a joke to be had here about the poles of a magnet and attraction, I'm sure of it.
A serial comma would go in 'pants and'.
It's a good thing a certain someone hasn't read this to be incoherently mad at an accent.
In 'one. "'s' and ''s been ', the S' should be capitalized since they're the first letter of the sentence.

>Cursed rope that frays when tied
Well, that's certainly one way to start a story, but I can't deny that there's a hook in it.
I'd say Emmerich's statements in the paragraph starting 'The knob turned' could possibly use a speech tag, as it's not entirely obvious it's him speaking, since it's fully possible the visitor was speaking as they entered, seeing as they'd already spoken two paragraphs before, and line breaks usually separate speakers.
I'd probably capitalize the F in 'said, 'fucking'
At the risk of sounding cursed, I might say this is, ahem, 'solid as fuck'. How well does the AI come up with fun negative drawbacks to the items for you?
In the Curse Lorebook, I'd go with 'worst' instead of 'worse' in 'at worse'.
Spiking a drink is probably a bit above Traci mental pay grade, but I enjoy the stuff you put out.
>Well, that's certainly one way to start a story, but I can't deny that there's a hook in it.
I thought it was fun, just a casual and serene failed suicide to set up a meet-cute.
>I'd say Emmerich's statements in the paragraph starting 'The knob turned' could possibly use a speech tag, as it's not entirely obvious it's him speaking, since it's fully possible the visitor was speaking as they entered, seeing as they'd already spoken two paragraphs before, and line breaks usually separate speakers.
It was Maia speaking in the paragraph as she entered, she's replying to his recommendation on other artificers to hire. Maybe there's a better word for commissioning from a craftsman? Open to suggestions, since it reads fine to me.
>I'd probably capitalize the F in 'said, 'fucking'
Thanks, changed.
>At the risk of sounding cursed, I might say this is, ahem, 'solid as fuck'. How well does the AI come up with fun negative drawbacks to the items for you?
I had so much fun thinking of this prompt! I think it turned out better than I expected, given how pressed for time I was. Shared a few snippets earlier, and so far it came up with:
-a mirror that alters how people look
-a ring that makes the user's hands fly away
-cursed weapons that turn their wielders into war beasts
So, it kind of gets it without me needing to prompt more.
>In the Curse Lorebook, I'd go with 'worst' instead of 'worse' in 'at worse'.
Cheers, changed
>In that case, he wouldn't be getting the combo if he's just getting the burger and separately ordering fries and a drink, I'd say. Though I suppose it depends on what Burger Joint has for its combos.
The way I have it in my head, a combo is a burger plus fries and a drink, but there might be choices for both the fries and the drink (straight vs. curly fries, choice of drink rather than using a fountain), so I figure the order is saying "I want the combo meal for this burger with these choices" rather than ordering the items separately.
>I might say that Anatoly saying that maybe men are more his style might be a bit out of left field, especially when they've only just met, but most everything he says feels like a curveball.
Yeah, I figure him to be the "says whatever comes to mind" type, which is a fun shorthand for turning gay subtext into gay text.
>when it comes to getting wood for a fire, isn't it preferred to cut the tree down sometime before it's needed to give it time to dry a bit?
I have no idea, but that's probably true. Maybe he just showed up a day ago too or something like that, and only now noticed the stocks were low, so no time like the present?
>As far as the language, I think some of that is that the...romanization, I guess, of words in other languages aren't brought up by the AI as often, possibly due to competing with tokens for normal English words.
Yeah, ultimately there's only so much I can do in that regard - Japanese probably still works pretty well, but Russian, Chinese, and whatnot will probably always struggle in some way or another.
>I might wonder if there's enough context about the "wisdom", or if the strange nature (especially the part referencing various leaders) might become diluted with actual advice over the course of playing the story.
I definitely worry very little about progression of the story beyond the first few outputs. So much variance it's not worth thinking about.
>At 'laid basically idle', a thing in my brain wants me to say to go with 'lain' instead of 'laid'. When it comes to land, it feels more correct somehow.
That's one of those moments where I'm just gonna defer to your judgment because I haven't the slightest what would be right.
>I'm not sure what I'd use in 'often, noted!', but it probably wouldn't be a comma. I might consider rearranging the sentence to put it earlier like 'Right, noted: let him cook for me more often!'.
It's something that sounds right in my head but I can see how it seems odd, and it's probably too much of an informal stream-of-consciousness sort of structure. I just ended up taking your suggestion.
>I get what he means; Dad had a whole garden and a set of planters he'd built, and, to be honest, I've just kinda let them go, since nobody will look at them and I'm not the gardening type.
There's some patches around town here that are just empty parcels left to wilderness, and I can just tell they'd be one hell of a project to try and get under control. Exactly the kind of project that builds a relationship.
>It's a good thing a certain someone hasn't read this to be incoherently mad at an accent.
I just can't resist indulging every once in a while.
Forgive me Claudebart...
It's not like anybody here can run it, but 405B is probably the first model I would be willing to be running in the cloud.
Jesus Christ, imagine the VRAM
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How many of you downloaded nemo and actually like it? Also since it is a mistral model should it just work already with koboldcpp out of the box or am I being small-brained?
Wanna hear the real joke?
The model was done long ago but they have to wait for Aini to draw the avatar.
It has a different tokenizer, got merged into llama.cpp 5 hours ago, probably it will work with kobold.cpp by the end of this week.
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>she ain't
This unironically took me off guard. So far in the story it's been all emotional and heart warming story of a boy tricking a mentally ill geezer into selling him a cowgirl with no exposition humor thrown in.

Is this the power of BMT?
The meme merge? Just use Nemo.
Not supported by koboldcpp yet. And I'm too lazy to install oogabooga or whatever everyone else is using.
Just download llama.cpp and ditch kobold.
Ditch Kobold.
Why do you care so much about what people use? Im.not ditching Kobold. End of discussion.
this is the weirdest thing ever. This isn't me.
I'll try installing llama, as I already mainly use sillytavern as the interface anyways.
Cool for you. I'm not.
Hi not, I'm CF.
>Nemo 12B with 128k context, tuned with the best dataset for creative writing
>Distilled Llama 3.1 8B with 128k context
>Distilled Llama 3.1 70B with 128k context
>Llama 3.1 405B with 128k context
>New Cohere model
How is NovelAI going to survive tomorrow?
Don't care. I'll still use it. Bet that makes me you mad huh? Bitch more. Cry more. You're nothing but an obsessed console warrior. You don't even use LLMs. Post a fucking story and shut the fuck up.
Imagine a world with NovelAI as the "savior" of text gen, making one model every 20 years... Literally any other company deserves people's support more.
I don't give a shit. Quit console warring and post a fucking story. Bitching about a company for over two hundred posts each and every single thread isn't contributing anything of value to it. Post a fucking story.
I get that NAI's finetune involves throwing significantly more data at the model than your typical HF porntune, but should it really last for over 2 months? Or has there another major fuck-up that caused them to stumble or even roll-back progress that they're keeping silent on?
Why do you pretend to care? You're not going to use their service anyway. Post a fucking story and shut the fuck up.
It was never going to be for textgen, it's part of the AetherRoom product. If you haven't got the memo yet, they don't care about textgen because it's unpopular and unprofitable.
Cool. Now post a fucking story and quit console warring.
This episode is a re-run, somebody change the channel.
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You're the one who didn't get the memo. It's going to be a $50 sub.
It's pretrained with roleplay data and it will output asterisks unprompted.
Definitely. Anyway, do you have a storypost? Or are you too poor?
I don't use NovelAI.
Why use the thread if you're not going to contribute to it?
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>almost august
>no beaks
why are we still here
*I don't use AI.
All models and services are permitted here, shitposter. The only reason you don't storypost is because you don't actually use any of the models. No, instead you console war about shit you don't use. All because you're too poor to try out the shit you shill.
There are a lot of beaks here >>486768309
The OP still needs to be updated to be more honest, so it stops lying to newfags.
Are you going to show some side-by-sides?
There is nothing wrong with the OP. You don't use AI.
There can't be side-by-sides in the NovelAI thread, only one model is allowed.
I see plenty of storyposts made with models that aren't NovelAI.
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*I don't use the models I shill
And they're off-topic. There's already a local model and chatbot general.
So, how are you guys using Nemo anyway, and what are the costs?
Just hide his posts plus stubs.
Let him scream into the void and samefag a bunch, not knowing you're not seeing his inane tripe.
They're not off-topic, you just don't want people to use anything but NovelAI in the thread. Isn't Nemo a local model? If local models aren't allowed here, why are you demanding that people post acreenshots of it? Your arguments aren't consistent.
Until the mods take care of it, deal with it. These threads will never get better.
$0.18 on OpenRouter
Locally the 4bit weights are like ~7GB.
You didn't answer the question. If only NovelAI is allowed to be posted here, why are you demanding people use that model?
The general shouldn't exist in the first place. It's just a place to astroturf the products of one company. It's not even related to video games. Stealing a general should be a crime.
It's proof that the OP is just a facade and that the general is only populated by NAI shills.
Why don't you report it to the mods on IRC? If they don't take action against the crime, that means they support it. Or are you just going to bitch and moan about it, rather than take actual action against it. It's also funny how th ere are no news reports of NovelAI getting sued for their crime of stealing artist tags. What, did you not want to present a lawsuit to the Supreme Court? You do realize you don't have to be a citizen of the United States to sue American companies. Go ahead and do it. No balls.
Why do you repeat that lie? Nobody benefits but you and your masters.
The general should rest in peace to allow people to mourn the death of /aidg/. Using this thread is like fucking the corpse of your dead wife.
You weren't even there for /aidg/, newfag.
There isn't anything wrong with having a corpse in your bed.
And how do you use it locally? People have said it's trained off of storytelling, and that's what I want to use it for, but the UI on the site is for chatting.
You have to wait a little longer to use it with koboldcpp as it's not supported yet, if you compile the newest llamacpp then you can download the base-model gguf and give it a spin.
You use it with offline-nc, Mikupad, Kobold Lite, etc.
I don't feel like it.

Alright, I'll have to give it a try.
>loading image changed
Surprise update soon?
It's up.
Jimmy Neutron vs Dexter, who wins?
>I'm going to post random links and lie
405B saved the hobby.
Says the man who refuses to contribute to the hobby, and instead shits up the thread and rages against its community. You are the bane of this hobby. Quit console warring and post some stories. Nobody gives a shit what model you use, just share stories and discuss them. That's not hard to do, why do you refuse to be a good person?
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>even distilled 8B is better than NAI's tune
What a failure of a company.
Dexter, his shit worked way more often.
You don't use AI. All you is console war.
Jimmy Neutron has a hot blonde tsundere and cooler mom so he wins by default.
You can judge how successful you are by how much hate you receive. Given how much free rent you've gave them for the past two years, NovelAI is the most successful company in the world. Further proof that you once worked for them, got fired for being shit at your job, and now you can't let it go.
>You can judge how successful you are by how much hate you receive.
i'm sure he feels the same way
Instead of whatever normal shit people want to share, I'd like to see some of the actual sex scenes these other models write. Sex scenes are kinda predictable under Kayra and I'd like to see how other models do it. But no one wants to show off half-baked porn, even though that its the real use case. I don't care about your elegant writing or fancy world building, share a few paragraphs of some elf getting railed.
He doesn't get hate, he gets pity. I don't understand how it's fun to harass a thread. If he dedicated that much effort toward literally anything else, he'd be a successful person. Imagine how jacked his bod would be if he took up weightlifting with that kind of gusto.
Don't get me wrong, it works, I suppose I just wasn't expecting that to be the starting point, especially for this Friday.
Okay, it is. Alright. Is she also saying "Not looking to hire."? If so, I think the tone can be changed by fleshing things out a bit to make her words feel different from how terse he's being.
That's great! I'm glad it more or less gets it.
You're welcome.

You're welcome.
Alright, fair enough.
Something something I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards?
Probably, outside of getting vast amounts of new training data of it.
Fair enough. It'd be one of the things I worry about, though, but it would be hard to nail down.

I'll be honest, lay/lie is tricky at the best of times, and I still go check half the time when I'm not sure. The term certainly gets used a fair bit legally, and in other contexts still in present tense, so I'm fairly sure it's right enough.
Trying to balance what sounds right for speech and stream-of-consciousness and what looks right for text is a strange balancing act, to be sure. It might just be a difference in how we structure things mentally that I'd want the 'noted' to be separated differently.
Most everything left to the wilderness here just becomes more pine forest around here, but I know trying to tame even a slightly overgrown area is quite a project.
Holy crap... I'm the most successful person in the history of /aids/...
>Imagine how jacked his bod would be if he took up weightlifting with that kind of gusto.
Only if you agree that NovelAI is the most successful company in the history of /aids/.
It is, it's the only company in /aids/ because it was created to steal AI Dungeon's general.
You heard it here, folks. Even Claudefag agrees that NovelAI is a *successful* company. Which means it, by definition, can't be destroyed or go out of business. A successful company can't go bankrupt.
>in the history of /aids/
They will go bankrupt because if you look at this >>487160328 all that time spent fine-tuning the old 70B was useless.
t. NovelAI's biggest fan.
shut the fuck up retard you aren't trolling him you're just filling the thread up with more garbage
Until the mods take action, this is how every single thread will be from now on. Get used to it. If they refuse to act, that means they support this. Why don't you report it, lol?
You didn't hear it from me, but there is word around that 70B fine-tuning has been called off in favor of 405B.
If 70B finetuning is taking this long, I imagine the 405B one would finish sometime in 2027.
What was your relationship with Rita?
The sub price has been increased to $150 a month too.
This finetune better bang.
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>Output is great
>Gets stale over time
>Add all that ATTG shit in
>Now its great again
>Gets stale over time
>Remove all that ATTG shit
>Gets good again

I've been using this shit since AID was on /v/ and I'm fairly certain all the 'math' and 'training' is bullshit and it just depends on how it feels that day. Also, using this shit like at 4AM cst gets the best output, WHY?
why is there so much talk about NAI's new model? is it expected to drop soon? or has the wait psychosis reached a critical point?
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Yes Mike I also banged Rita but this will explain everything.
>has the wait psychosis reached a critical point?
We're a few days from having had a full year of Kayra.
This isn't such a big thing for me considering I've been and still am locusting but for those who don't, I imagine the thirst for something new has reached high intensity by now.
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Now who will finish cooking the pot of steam?
Nobody actually gives a shit about it, it's just dramafaggotry for the sake of dramafaggtry.
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Isn't filling up threads with garbage the whole point of LLMs?
It's not even just 405B. Llama 3.1 70B is quite an improvement over Llama 3.0 70B judging by the benchmarks.
Have you tried using another model in these 2 years besides NovelAI's prehistoric model? Retard.
I use Claude. Retard.
That doesn't count. Use Nemo instead.
Claude is better than Nemo. Prove me wrong by making some side-by-sides. Until then, shut the fuck up. Mmkay?
I am serious. I want to know why Kayra is best at 4AM and on weekends.
Look at the time zones.
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I think we're getting throttled. I have no proof but I feel it.
>the thirst for something new has reached high intensity by now
that was months ago. now I'm all out of hype juice
it would maybe be nice if something were to happen but that's crazy talk isn't it
>I want to know why Kayra
Kayra doesn't matter. Nemo made it obsolete.
See: >>486768309 and >>487160328
Don't tell me you treat this general as the NAI-exclusive thread?
Claude made Nemo obsolete.
I should really play this game.
In my experience, a lot of models tend to fall into pretty poor patterns unless you shake things up.
huggingface won't send the confirmation email so I can't download it to see what it's like
that's a trivial issue but enough of an obstacle to make me not care anymore. the same would go for NAI btw
I did see speculations that it was likely coming out in early August, but I have no idea.
The alpha has to be redone to test a fine-tune on the newer 70B. All the current DPO pairs are useless now.
going the openrouter route would be silly if it's a model I can run
I'll wait for the confirmation email so I can run it for FREE. Not spending a dime on a model, no matter how good it is.
you're not me but you can be if you want. just don't do anything weird like have sex with strangers
So is Nemo another one of those models that can tell me no?
It's uncensored.
Still waiting on that confirmation email... Why don't you download it for me and send me a link?
thanks I'll give it a try later
Hmm so should I read the openrouter terms first to make sure they are fine with my smut?
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>start writing a story with the intention of turning it into some fun edgy, violent, sexual, shocking shit
>it eventually devolves into tame light novel-tier shit
Fuck me!
OpenRouter is private.
They also cost money... Got a way for me to use the model which doesn't require I spend my cash on it, or requires me to wait for their broken email system to let me in?
It's hard to keep true edge going.
So it seems. Guess I'll have to figure out how to use it and throw a few bucks that way to test some of these models since no one else posts shit. Guessing I need something to run it though which is annoying.
$0.18 rounds to zero, it's free. The links with the quants aren't gated.
That's not how money works.
It’s fucking terrible just watch the retsuprae of it.
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So, let me tell you this: I'm running a model on my machine, but my 1060 is crying out in sadness. I tried to understand how the hell proxies work, but I have no idea how to configure this shit other than knowing about the token page mentioned here in the thread. I might have missed something, but I looked everywhere and can't understand the setup beyond the Colab for Kobold. So, does anyone have a guide on how to integrate these proxies or any Discords for idiots like I'm being right now?
don't go to discord servers they have cooties
Can you repeat the question?
Buy more ram, I guess?
Why does OpenRouter want my address? I never gave NovelAI my address.
Just search for claude proxy on aicg or trialscum gcp. You need jb for smut, but it'll be better than any other models available rn.
So far, I only have a models I downloaded from Hugging Face to run locally, but the loading time is absurd, taking 10 minutes or more to give me a decent response. I'm trying to understand how proxies like UnreliableProxy work, as I understand I can use the latest models online for free. I already have access to the site and have generated a request user token, but beyond that, I'm more lost than a virgin in a whorehouse and could use some help with this.
New thread whatever I guess
I already have access to Claude; I wanted to try Nemo, but I guess thats fine.
too early let's not do that
I don't know, man. Proxies run on a machine; they're better and stronger than yours. It's not like they run on nothing, something somewhere has to run the model. My suggestion? Buy more ram, or upgrade your computer.
Install SillyTavern and paste the endpoint URL and the key in the proxy settings for Claude.
What about Nemo?
Nemo is worse than Claude, so it's a waste of your time.
Thanks anon! I was completely lost with such a simple thing...
We're not a NovelAI exclusive thread, sperg.
>Hmmm Kayra IS getting stale, I'll give the shitposter a win and try another model
>Hmmm, openrouter wants my address, I'll wait a second before I toss them 10 dollars
>Lets get Sillytavern first
>Start by pressing windows key + R to install...

I guess I can wait a little longer.
https://rentry.org/offline-nc doesn't require installation, just open the HTML file.
SillyTavern isn't that difficult to Install.
use openrouter or >>>/g/lmg
Did you try agnai? It's like silly, but online
It also still doesn't have a proper text completion mode, despite your promises.
It doesn't need one.
True. I have no issues opening a command prompt and installing something. I just don't want to nor should I have to.
I'm not spending my money, and I have to wait for the email before I can download it and run it on my own machine through HuggingFace. Have any other option for me?
It does need one. I want to make stories, not chats. Why don't you go to /aicg/ if all you want to do is chat?
It's called novelcrafter because it's used to craft novels.
It does though. This isn't Russian where we can ask the commissar in the hallway to dictate text for you, you know.
Why doesn't this supposed novel crafter have a story completion mode; why does it only have a chat mode? Novels are stories, not chats.
you do not need to do that? you double click the start.bat file and it installs on its own
It still has to install additional shit I didn't want onto my machine. It should run without all of that unnecessary shit.
Traci when she smells a Ruskie.
It writes the story through scene beats, it's a superior way to prompt.
offline-nc doesn't need installation.
You promised me you'd add text completion to it... Another promise broken. It's almost like you're not able to implement it.
he's being a clown for the sake of everyone's entertainment
Some what but almost every reply to someone who replied to my initial post is someone elses shitpost. Weird how every reply to one of my posts gets a reply acting like it is me but never is.
I would refer you add text completion. I don't care if it's "superior". I don't follow the crowd, I do what I want. No text completion? No download.
Please understand, terrible coding schools in Russia.
Miku and random Genshin women? Get some better taste man.
It's one of the classic false-flagging tactics that the cabal uses.
I'm writing my own frontend because every other frontend sucks
half of this thread is genuinely schizophrenic, i havent posted in this thread in days and just saw a random comment complaining about how silly needs to be installed via inputting commands manually in cmd, which is not required, and responded, not every fucking poster is involved in your little llm console war
I do offer tech support to ST but I didn't even know he was asking for that.
I use the git pull method myself.
It's called "other people inserting their own opinion to the conversation". That's how conversations on an online board work. it's not a one on one back and forth, retard.
The desperation is telling.
Does anyone have Nemo storyposts? How good is it?
Also you forgot to change several parts of the OP. I know it's the one time in Russia where the sun is actually out, but could you at least fully commit yourself to your newest dopamine hit?
Where do I download this start.bat file?
we probably have LLMs posing as people
I'll care when this gets in the way of discussing beaks, but right now it's all whatever with anons being in cryo and everything
I just wish the mods would do their jobs and crackdown on the bullshit. Or at least add IPs back, so we can see how often he ban evades or jumps IPs.
Everybody looks sound of mind when the schizo of AI starts having another episode.
im not sure if its start.bat or run.bat as its been a while since i used silly, but you just go to the github, download the project as zip, extract, and it is in the folder, you need like node.js installed or something
you might be right
That would require effort. Much like how he refuses to share storyposts.
It ribbits at me every time I try and prompt it.
Weird. Is it at least a sexy ribbit?
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Well, the official install guide for ST does suggest cmd install. I've actually installed ST at some prior point too and yeah in the past you didn't have to do it this way.
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Not sure if I'm gonna be retarded for asking, but are there any resources/guides for using Claude for instruct-based stories? Feels like everything I can find online is for chats specifically. There's a lot I don't really know, like if there's anything I can do to improve output length/quality.
I can give you some advice in the new thread >>>487182154
Creating either a narrator character, or turning your persona into a narrator on ST are some of the primary ways of doing it.
Huh, those all got deleted.
The hell did I miss that jannies actually bothered?

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