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GMI addition!

>Demo Days
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New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
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/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>487125919
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Into the Negrofail
Gayrney in Assur
Cringe of Ass
Screams of Goy Retarded
Shart Fartisan
Spastic Hole
Cunt of Damn-ass-sus
Pedo Dungeons
Whoresome Monster Girl Acnedemia
Uggo 3D
Shartspew Volley
Molest Charges
Dick the Chudventurer
Salami Dingus
Project Negrosmell
Cowwhore of Kalemongus
The Stale Whoremeal
Nojob's Fartsteal
3D Groin Crusher SEXSTREAM
Project Shartstain
Afterwife Maldinator
Cunty Tramps
The Gun is Poo'd
Stroke ALL Chodes
Icky Catpiss
I think I prefer the Atelier thread. There was more progress.
How rude!
>Cowwhore of Kalemongus
surely you can do better
nice, i made this one
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Not a stealth system but a basic idea with 3 scenes that work together: First is a camera that rotates and if you touch the laser thing, it stops to send signals to two other scenes. Second is the screen which shows propaganda and when the Player/Companion are caught by the camera, the screen shows Katrin and Pete instead of the propaganda. Third is the laser hazard that is turned on and does basic damage if the protagonists touch the camera's laser thing. The camera's design is also based on some real life camera used in the Olympics in the 1930's.
Reposting my achievement for this week in the real thread:
Ok, I finally got a name I'm happy with and a layout for the capsule. Now I just need to work on it until it's not so ugly that it will hurt my game.
Then I'll finally be ready to make a Steam page.
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Was it right to put his whole family on the line for this?
He can afford goodwill and make poordevs look bad ín the process. Dlc is my bread and butter
What would you do if I named my game an already demeaning name?
It's easy to not be greedy when you've already earned 95% of money you were ever going to earn.
That said he's a better man than me. I'd have loaded that game with premium currency and microtransactions.
my game is so good that troll could not bear to roast it.
project blortubel
>Copies sold in the last 7 days: 35.8k
SDV still sells more units per week than all /agdg/ games combined.
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all crabs end up here
>when you've already earned 95% of money you were ever going to earn.
lmao you have no idea how easy it would be for eric to make extra tens of millions, his primary audience are the type of people who buy 20 expansions for the Sims

Even without making paid dlc, it would be as easy as naming haunted chocolatier "stardew valley 2"
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>in the real thread
What do you mean anon, did you post in the wrong thread or something?
Tell these fucking crabs how many wishlists you have
Money is the root of evil
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thinking of straight up copying dino crisis's theming and just slapping it onto my gameplay prototype
i have also never played dino crisis
follow your heart
>t. poorfag
It's not so easy making expansions. Sure he could make a cash grab but he didn't hold back enough with the game and the community would crucify him if he tried to horsearmormaxx.
Copying what in specific? The fixed cameras? The background art style? The dinosaurs?
Shilling my latest devlog. The TL;DR is I redid some slides and I'm going to be on a Steam festival so I hope that goes well.
survival horror with dinosaurs.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Felt a submarine engine was needed, even if the look is wrong.
>the community would crucify him if he tried to horsearmormaxx.
no they wouldnt

half the comments is people saying they would be more than happy to pay
Pillow shading is repulsive, the first iteration is the most pleasing to the eyes.
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Anyone have experience with PCG? Any thoughts or expertise you'd like to share?
They're praising him for NOT charging for DLC, that's the whole point of him being "such a cool guy". So if he stopped being "such a cool guy" guess what would happen...
I have no thoughts or expertise related to the matter. Sorry.
I meant that's the whole point of the thread and the reason they think he's such a cool guy.
Why did you do it like that? lol? Elaborate troll maybe
>see cool thumbnail in a video
>gives me idea for my game
>stop working on whatever was top prio to implement cool new feature
>while implementing new feature see cool thumbnail in a video
>gives me idea for my game
This cycle never stops and I know that if I ever finish my game it will be great. It’s a big IF though lol
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On this weeks /agdg/ paper we have

Hot News
>Marmoreal announces early access for August 26, 2024
>Anon discovers there is another girl on /agdg/ but refuses to reveal whomst
Upcoming Releases
>Feed: July 24, 2024
>Marmoreal: August 26, 2024
Recent Releases
>Shinobi Saga: June 19, 2024
>Little Locked Rooms: June 5, 2024
>Marmo-coin: No data
>Mado-coin: Steady at a little over $10k
>Aura-coin: Slight downtrend but otherwise steady at about $7.8k
>Moncurse-coin: Slight uptrend but otherwise steady about $2.9k
>Daent-coin: Slight downtrend but otherwise steady at about $214
>Bedabout-coin: Steady at about $92
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>Outstanding wishlists: 2.1k
boochisisters, how can we save marmobro from impending doom?
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>Slight uptrend
Moncoin is in.
>Outstanding wishlists: 2.1k
>Daily wishlist additions: 0
>Followers: 178
>Predicted month 1 sales: 769 (385 - 1.5k)
Is Marmo even trying?
>#import "Simp"
and people say jai is a serious language
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Concept art for Red, the Bedabot in charge of maintaining and running the Jade Dragon, which is the apartment building the player lives in. She'll be getting a 3D model next.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: And a periscope.
Can you check the future releases page? What else do we have lined up for this year? What do the experts say about the upcoming /agdg/ elections?
a year of gamedev has taught me that the only thing i enjoy about games is gambling
art is better in music or film
action is better from physical competition
socialization is better with real life events
video games are gambling dopamine devices
nothing more
/agdg/ elections don't get scheduled until a current member of the inner circle is within 3 months of releasing his game
>buh buh buh marmo
has been a member of 4 consecutive inner circles at this point so it doesn't count
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Who replaced Little Locked Rooms dev?
Not inner circle. He's been gone for months
holy newfag
Are you retarded?
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I haven't posted in a bit but I've been working on Armorer some more
Here's the equipment screen
It's still rough but at least it's not frustrating to use anymore
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>think moving out of my parents house and getting a job will help me fix my life
>end up doing nothing but going to work, getting home, and gooning nonstop for 4 hours before passing out in bed
so this is "real life"
Vividlope was announced for Switch
forgot me again, retard
Gamedev music.
best you can hope for is a remote work from home job where you can fuck around and work on your game or other hobbies. even that gets old and you end up burning out, the bullshit meetings and retarded co-workers starts eating away at your soul.
it is why I'm NEETing.
As long as it's proper dinosaurs and not the modern fluffy wubby cuty chicken retardation, I'm interested.
where do you find armor/weapon designs? real life photos? steal from stuff like vikings/dark souls?
Ah sweet I love menu simulator!
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Progress - Shove-A-Puck Pub.
Mostly it is gathering some sound effects for each character but I did update the powerbar and gave it a small animation.
I will admit that whenever the idea of female companionship enters my brain I can feel my porn addiction subside a bit. Maybe getting a girlfriend would fix me, otherwise I'm thinking about jerking off 24/7.
>maybe getting job would fix me
loses time
>maybe getting gf would fix me
loses even more time.

>maybe getting children will fix me
has become hobby dad.

If you want that, you want that and it is good. But these are not things that will benefit your dev time.
that's neat, when I first played I couldn't tell how the meter worked, looks better like that
This is trash for gamedev and otherwise.

>repetitive, no complex melodies that require your attention
>no drops, not too loud
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: If you like submarines, you'll hate this level.
I watched someone stream the game and I saw them struggle too much with the controls.
The power bar started at zero so the indicator wasn't visible at all. So now it starts a quarter full.
If you feel shitty about your life, it doesn't matter how much free time you have. A guy who's happy and fulfilled can work 1 hour a weekday and 4 hours on Saturdays and Sundays and make a game within a year. Another guy who's miserable will lie on his bed 12 hours a day doing nothing.
my game is going to force min-maxxer metamaxxer speds to RP.

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more menu shit
I imagine myself as a guy with a sweater from the 90s using the home computer system to build his game.
I dunno I can sing and code at the same time
Wait but that’s literally me
Looks really good, like someone actually cared to make a useful UI
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Someone who played my game mentioned that there should be some indication of when the player needs to hit the notes, but I couldn't really think of any thing to add. I know Osu has larger circles that shrink around the notes, but Osu uses much more of the screen. Having something similar in my game would probably make it cluttered and even harder to understand. Does anyone have any ideas?
I watched some videos of Guitar Hero, Clone Hero, and the drum mode in Osu (which I think are most similar to my game), and they don't have any sort of indicators, as far as I could tell.
genuinely aesthetically pleasing.
would navigate
Gmi brotha. Got a publisher yet? This seems like something that will get picked up pretty easily
This >>487208157 is the guy I was referring to btw, assuming you see this.
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WIP. Still a bit rough in some places.
The juxtaposition of these being back to back progress posts is part of why I love agdg. Not saying any single game is “better” than another, but it’s interesting to see the differences
It's a good looking UI.
>that period joke
Serious question, are you a woman?
Gay satanist tranny slop edgelord faggotry
What kind of game is that in terms of overall gameplay? Are there elements of exploration or is it mostly revolving around the summoning stuf?
>maiden blood

i was expecting a joke about the blue hair girl not being a virgin...
inb4 >>487208373 makes it as the retarded-game -of-the-month while >>487208157 gets arksync'd
marmo... you have to keep going... you've got less than a month until ea...
>are you a woman?
a complicated question...
the book UI is pretty similar to when I wanted to create a witch hat atelier like for my first real game but realized the scope was too big.
You should turn this into pokemon but with demons
I remember my edgy religious larper phase as a teenager too.
There's like no edgy games anymore, i'll take anything.
did you use unity's slider from the uitoolkit or create something yourself?
I'm not trans.

Solving riddles to summon stuff. That + story is basically it.
I know I didn't leave very good feedback because I wasn't really sure where the direction of the game was, there's a lot of small improvements that could be made to individual games but none of them felt very high priority, so I assumed you'd just do whatever you liked
also I suck at rhythm games and I've never tried them so I wouldn't have been able to give advice about that
all custom and its a giant fucking mess
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rent free
do you have a willy or a cunny?
Oh missed this one. No I am a man. I wonder if women will appreciate periods being mentioned in a videogame or if they don't care. I asked a friend and she said she wouldn't care.
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I'm keeping it grounded and using real life photos or at least illustrations based on historical finds.
Ideally I'd like the player to learn something about the early and high middle ages through playing.
Glad you like menus, this kind of game has a lot of them
>couldn't even figure out how to make Minecraft or Source mods despite the tens of thousands of hours of free tutorials and resources that exist on the internet
>convinced myself that making an entire video game from scratch is the right hobby for me
Any else share this mental illness?
Its very striking, so long as it all works its worth it.
Making the story the main focus of your game is a bold move when you’re that bad at writing believable and non cringey dialogue. Would keep practicing, read a book or two and see how other authors handle dialogue
great looking UI can be the cherry on the cake but it can't replace the cake
"Entire" doesn't mean anything.
Your game will be as complex as you will make it
Same here, though in our defense modern tools are a lot easier to use than the modding tools of 10-20 years ago.
>I'm keeping it grounded and using real life photos or at least illustrations based on historical finds.
>Ideally I'd like the player to learn something about the early and high middle ages through playing.
I think it's fine. I've seen much worse writing in successful games, like Undertale or Stardew Valley.
well there were multiple people who said they had trouble with that game mode, so i probably should add some sort of indicator. maybe i could change the color of the ASJK buttons.
Heh, what's wrong, don't you like my high-effort placeholder art?
This person is crabbing
nice (attempted) coffin of andy and leyley clone you dumb mindbroken troon
I think it's fine too. It's not amazing, and it is somewhat cringe, but it doesn't have to be perfect.
I'm glad you didn't take any offence to this silly little joke :)
The pedoschizo is in full meltdown mode
>Shinobi Saga
meant for >>487208476
It was still mean either way.
Coffin had actual soul and character. It shouldn't even be mentioned in the same thread as >>487208476
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This is it. I'm too tired to keep going...
take a nap cutie pie
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See you tomorrow.
How to integrate a mining/resource gathering system into a survivorslike type of game where there isn’t really a lull in the action?
I don't know, sorry.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Also panels.
>Coffin was successful, that's why I'm praising it because I'm a fucking retard
Yes you are
No retarded faggot, mining is the entire purpose of that game. It isn’t an extra rpg style resource collection mechanic. How are the people here all sub 70 IQ it’s insane
You always have new sprites to show.
woah there, someone's grumpy!
He’s probably clocked 10k hours in ms paint at this point
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Prologue has become a dirty word, I need to get creative
I am going to shit a full 12 inch log into your coffee cup. The girth will shock you, and as you sit there stunned, half of the log will break off, landing directly onto your desk, covering all of your belongings in my shit
Back in the day I remember finding Dingaling's Steam profile and he had like 8000 hours on RPG maker.
I'm not about to start using Godot or Aseptrite from Steam, but it would be cool to know how much I've used them.
I don't doubt you can fit a 12-incher up there
Xhe's had a lot of training.
It’s a one way street if you catch my drift
The easiest solution is to just make the enemies drop resources on death. The player doesn't need to think about collecting said resources or pause the action since it's a byproduct of the main gameplay lööp.
Alternatively you could do some sort of progressive bounty system. For example, after the player has killed 50 goblins they get X resource as a reward. Then after they've killed 100 goblins they get another, slightly bigger reward, and so on. Rewards would scale will killing an ever increasing numbers of enemies at ever increasing difficulties of enemies, matching the natural power progression of survivorslike games. I like this idea more than the form because with this system you could also have the enemies drop gold or something that's used for a different progression system or item store.
OKAY I FAILED. Is that what you wanted to hear?!!? I FUCKING FAILED!!!
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Good job.
know your place next time
this graphic is bullshit. no one thinks you're a chad for making a bad game. people think negatively of creators who make shitty content, and they think neutrally of people they don't know. it's better have made nothing and remain unknown than to have made something shitty and become infamous for it.
literally me
seething nodev crab
you lost
>he thinks he will become infamous if he makes a bad game
You’re actually retarded. If you make a bad game no one will ever know or care
>t. didn't try
but you learn from the experience
>seething nodev crab
i have worked on several games which flopped astronomically after being released, and which received scathing reviews. i can't even tell you the titles of the games because then you'll just fling shit at me nonstop (which ironically would further prove my point).
Coffin doesnt own satanic summon stuff, and that kind of stuff really isnt used much in games these days anyways.
"people" can eat my asshole
you're being too obvious pogodev
ok where should i hang out instead
pogo only released one game thoughoverbeitchance
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Something the submarine level could have is tiles to seperate certain wall tiles and such. Similar to some Greklovick levels.

Took me an entire day, but I got the main gameplay of my tic tac toe variation.

pls rate.
>he isn't making his game specifically to attract a certain archetype of woman
It's like you're not even trying
What are the triangles for?
So, you're claiming to be a red goat who's incapable of growing from the experience?
joker tokens.
Has even posted in the thread.
I think you mean "wildcards".
Epic dev tip: x * y/z is way more accurate than (x * y)/z if y/z isn't a huge number
>red goat
is this some expression i'm unfamiliar with?
lurk moare
>decompile godot exe
>scripts are empty and no assets
Does this thing even work?
On this bitch of an earth you either a red goat or you green goated. Step up nigga.
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so why not make an Oblivion-like?
Because I know what I'm capable of and would rather stick within my comfort zone and actually end up producing something.
My inability to make sprites that don't look like shit is fucking my ability to dev
I think the Galaia trailer suggests that the gameplay is hectic dodging. It emphasizes dodging stuff like three times. I don't really think that kind of play experience is fun. Dodging stuff is not fun or a feature by itself, only as a smaller component of a combat system. For instance, the appeal of Dark Souls is that you're fighting enemies that look and feel way too strong, yet you're able to defeat them, and it's an amazing feeling. Dark Souls would never advertise "Dodge powerful blows! Dodge giant monsters!". Dodging is just one component of the combat system, alongside estus flasks, blocking, kiting, attack windows, poise, etc...

The gameplay basically looks like it doesn't do anything more interesting than bullet hell games from the mid 90's do. It's the same problem most indie platformers have. It just looks like another bargain bin dodge-the-flying-trash tedium that was everywhere in the 90's.

Necrovale's modest success is from people who like ARPGs and collecting items and making builds. Not from people who like challenging fast ast action combat.
I wonder what his actual wishlists are

It was probably made for an older version, the few times I've used it it's unpacked most things, but not 100%.
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because it's shit (I have the biggest nostalgia for Oblivion out of the big three but it's pure unfiltered shit)
Do you know any 2d godot games with source code available or that can be decompiled? Just want to look at how they handled movement/message boxes/save system/etc.
stop posting in this pedophile general or kill yourselves
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch, schizo auragamedev/tyrfingex/sascha müller oranienstrasse 5 52066 aachen (develops Star Knightess Aura) and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
It's the good kinda shit though
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After I get enough passive revenue from releasing smaller games as a solodev, I will use that money to start my own studio to work on my Skyrim-like.
Meanwhile I'm just going right for the RPG.
It’s really funny how every single nodev has the same genius idea yet none of them ever actually do it
>inb4 “I’m different!!!!!”
Sure sweaty
Please stop lying to yourself and others.
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I’m different.
I am different just because I have no choice
Literal NPC clones lol
I’m about to make an ASCII logic playground in ncurses on the terminal just to play with gameplay systems as I build out my engine.
Just for the sake of argument if someone actually was different and felt like telling you just for the hell of it you would have no way of knowing if he was telling the truth or not. This is why I'm helping you out here. I'm the sanest most sober and reasonable person you will ever speak to. I am different. Think of it like your only chance.
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>The problem is this, given a set of X,Y tile (the red tiles), find the perimeter tiles (the orange tiles).

For the guy that was making maps and didn't knew how to search for it:
You are making dnd maps or dungeon maps.
If you select a random set of 3-5 orange tiles in a row and change one non-corner orange into green, you made a door
I've seen this at least a dozen times
Search is as "how to make a dungeon map"
it throws away less precision
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yesdev anthem:
explain how
>2 chainz
for me it's this underrated classic. the best #gamedev music. even better than girlfriend roleplay ASMR
wfh has less of that retardation thoughbeit. unfortunately the only wfh jobs i can get are ones that won't give me a lot of free time eg data entry/customer service. i would love to have wfh job where i can just use my free time to dev. it'd be so nice being able to work on my game while getting paid. plus bathroom breaks will be very comfy compared to workplace restrooms. sadly this is unlikely for me. gamedev will have less hours worked on if i wage
That's a cool take on a run end feature.

Visually they're obviously ripping off Tunic but lack the iconic character and enemy designs. I think that's the big flaw in their visuals. They were so close with it but sounds like the lacking content is the bigger problem. Still, I would've expected it to sell more and then go mixed due to low content instead of doing this poorly. The dev having a decent twitter following and it converting to no sales was a rough sight.
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Still experimenting with pcg, real basic stuff because I'm a slowboi
i dont really understand that pic well
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does your "colony sim" game need combat? or maybe a better question is, does a basebuilding, resource gathering game feel like what you do is meaningful if there isn't some "threat" out there? in Frost Punk it's the weather and random events that keep you on your toes.
What’s pcg?
so did he just release it too early? i remember him posting it a few times and it looked like it had potential but apparently it released.
procedural content generation, epic added a bunch of stuff in 5.2
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reminder that literally no other person's opinion matters except your own
I don’t have it finalized yet but I know I want to fight min maxxers and I know that RP is a core pillar of all my games
It's true, the enemies and the player are all just blocks. It feels raw and unfinished in that regard.
But my opinion is tainted by my perspective.
That's something im also contemplating, albeit my sim is meant to be even smaller in scope where it's a few demonic girl characters in a dungeon. Right now you are managing them and farming them and preventing them from escaping, a bit like lobotomy corp, but if there's combat it would also have to make sense whether its mc vs them or them vs each other and how that would work.
Is it better to teleport the player in front of their house or make them walk back to their house after a event triggers?
I have a fren who is trying to build a game. How do I save his life?
Alright, I defeated the little orange man with the green hair who was making bugs in my engine.

Big progress this week
Tell him it will absolutely not help him get a girlfriend, not even 1%.
It totally depends on what sort of fantasy you're trying to sell to the player and what audiences you're trying to attract. There are no catch-all rules in game dev.
i have grown to loathe gamers. i will sell my game for 60$.
There's not much to "endless loop horror" type games. What exactly should he have added?
Anon, the price doesn't matter. The price is how much you're begging people to pay. If they don't feel like paying it, they'll pirate. Game piracy rates are already 75~95%.
i have an accounts with all the good pirate sites
i will upload bugged versions of my game
>freesound.org does not have a sound remotely similar to what I need
okay good, carry on please
An Oompa Loompa?
>Game piracy rates are already 75~95%.
It's actually dropped to around 50% thanks to Russia sending the majority of its young male population into the meat grinder.
Twitter is so stupid. It's serving me ads for indie games. I bet their engineers think they're smart with their
>he seems to be interested in indie games therefore he's more likely to buy indie games
Not even 10%
I look like a mix between Eric Barone and Timothee Chalamet.
>umm actually not even 10% of the male population has been sent to their death so it's not a big deal
It's the same as phishing. 99% of the time it fails but 1% of the time it'll give you a hyper-specifically-tailored hit piece.
Dear Linux wizards, where the fuck do I put my files without the need for sudo? Think save files, screenshots and shit. I need write and read access.
On Windows I just use AppData/LocalLow. Would the equivalent be user's home and can I assume I have write access to it? Or should I put them next to the executable?
I'll try
Why not just heckin’ pull an epic le Minecraft and put a screenshots folder in your directory on the pupperino’s system?
The word majority has a specific meaning. The war didn't put much of a dent in Russians playing games, just on Russians buying games.
Anyone know of a good platform to sell games on aside from steam?
Needs to be:
>anonymous (as in buyer can't view bank details, my real name, etc.)
>remit sales tax automatically
>(ideally) allow no refunds
Copy what smarter people than you have done: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/io/data_paths.html
Windows: %APPDATA%\[project_name]
macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/[project_name]
Linux: ~/.local/share/[project_name]
Wait a minute, if I make a Russian localization and sell from my own site? I’d get a sizeable market boost right?

Ay yo I think my game’s main language localizations gonna be;

English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Korean.
How do you expect to get paid when their banks are all sanctioned and they cant use visa/master card?
Your own site. Reject centralization.
>we want the BRICS audience
Do not you forget Hindi bloody bastard
Yeah that's what I meant by 'next to the executable'. At least I assume that's the directory you're referring to.

I... have never heard of .local. I'll take a look, thanks.
But won’t my own site leave my game susceptible to cracks?

I guess I can have it so that you have to make an account to access the game
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Any jeet who can afford a PC knows English.
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Tank try 2.
To the anon trying to roll his own DRM
Looks good, but your turret has shot traps
Thank you. I'll edit that in.
Looks like a Chibi Sherman
I used a T-34 for reference.
Ugh imagine having an adversarial but sexually tense rivalry with a female pirate who loves my games and I just barely catch her but she uses her wiles.

And I say “you know, I can just give you a lifetime supply, dear roguish pear”

And she says she’ll think about it before zip lining out of my lair.
The conventional wisdom is to not worry about it because crackers will always find a way/you're hurting legit players/blah blah blah. The reality is that if you add your own legitimacy checks in the game and your game isn't minecraft levels of popular, your game will remain uncracked far longer than any game on steam.
My game is going to be popular though. Why would I assume it’s not going to be popular?
i hate working on my stupid broken game............
time to project hop.
Damn, you figured it out. The crackless game is impossible, many would say, but let me think on it
you won't be able to prevent piracy and it's a fools errand to try

you should worry about how to make a game good enough that anyone even bothers to pirate it
moving out is a trap
>Why would I assume it’s not going to be popular?
Probably because 99.999% of games aren’t popular?
Why make a game then?
mine will be popular still.
Mark 11:23-24. By God's power.
Why do anything?
>I'll only make a game if it's gonna be popular!
I know this is bait but it irks me
ok fr fr no cap on god I'm hoping to make money from my game. I'd make a prototype for fun but I wouldn't finish a game for fun. And if my game doesn't make me enough money, I will have failed.
Many anons here are protecting themselves from failure by lying to themselves that this is just a hobby for them so it's not a big deal if their game doesn't sell.
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Ranged combat needs some tweaking to tone down the massive first-volley advantage, but I'm happy with it for the moment.

In order for a rank to fire, all mooks in the rank must be not moving and also have their weapon reloaded, I should probably change this to a percentage of the rank or something.

Right now ranged combat its just dice rolls, no bullet collisions or anything. I know artillery will need actual collisions but I think I like the empire/napoleon/shogun 2 combat with no tracers and people just drop dead. Dice rolls works fine for that.

Melee is something I need to figure out next... It will also just be dice rolls influenced by unit stats, but I need to figure out how to create a visibly interesting scuffle, with all units respecting a 'battle line' and keep models from overlapping.
It's not bait. I'm gonna make it. Maybe not with this game but sooner or later I'll have a hit.
If you don't believe in yourself, your chance of success plummets to zero.
>trying to make one thing for a song
>get something better instead
why would i ever target linux or steam users? they just want to buy game for as cheap as possible
I use Linux.
Most people here are looking to make money from their game, but it's a braindead nodev sentiment to be worrying about shit like piracy, DRM, and refunds. Indie devs primarily target Steam because it's such an insanely good platform. It is by far the best "bang for your buck" platform to target. Before worrying about piracy, worry about localization and porting to other platforms like consoles and mobile. Those will yield far more money for the effort spent.
I believe in my ability to make a good game that I will enjoy, not that the game will be commercially successful or popular. I wouldn't even classify your belief that you'll make it as "believing in yourself" since that's largely out of your control, if anything that's faith.
another valid reason to never port my game to linux
steam is not a fucking good platform for your indie game
its basically the dollar menu for games
Everyone does.
It's called the Law of Demand.
too deep for me
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I have reached a conclusion. There are only two ways to absolutely guarantee your game is never cracked.
1. Release it for free
2. Own the only physical location the game is playable e.g. an arcade
release for free and rely on donations?
just sell the game. I've never once heard of a case where a big game which made good sales had a problem of "too many people cracked it so I made no money!"
the law of demand goes out the window when you can arbitrarily make something worth 0 $ into something worth 60$
why aren't you guys as smart as me?
I am letting players make characters in wheelchairs and even make combat wheelchairs in my sci-fi game.
I am adding this note to players when they choose these options. I want to make sure this isn't offensive to anyone here, and figured this is a good place to start. If 4chan is offended by this, it's probably needing a rewrite for normal people.
>Playing Disabled Characters
>It's extremely important to recognize the pain and suffering of having a permanent disability. There is nothing wrong with playing a disabled character, but remember that when doing so - your character is disabled. The disability should not define your character or their personality, but it should play a large role in your character's ability and the actions you choose for them as a player.
>The idea of having a "Combat Wheelchair" or magical elemental arms which make you more able than a fully able-bodied character, is not only clownish but insulting to those with actual disabilities. Using the former as an example: if your character is confined to a wheelchair, that sucks just like it sucks in real life. It's not a good thing. No one actually wants to be disabled. Again, I must reiterate (preach) at some of the more "woke" players: being disabled SUCKS. Stop being assholes. You're not virtuous. Those who literally can't stand up for themselves don't need woke people to stand up for them.
>However in a sci-fi world, feel free to make the most badass combat wheelchair in existence. Just remember - it's worse than if you had the same thing but weren't disabled. Especially you GM's out there - remember that character is still disabled. Their enemies will absolutely take advantage of that fact. No mercy. If you need, just put some stairs infront of them.

Is this offensive in any way? I mean to real people. I am totally fine offending hyper-woke severely "mentally ill" terminally online upper class twitter liberals.
For context: Grim Jim's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijg4Spr1PiE
If it fits your setting, alright.

In my game, the characters can get their limbs chopped off, and they can either make a trek to one of the Sagely Orders or some of the most faithful men in the realm to get it healed or they can get an engineer to use precursor technology to fashion a prosthetic.
Anons would be lucky to have games popular enough to get cracked. When I found one of my games cracked on TPB I celebrated that day. It didn't seem to affect my revenues at all.
But if you want to convert some of your cracked players, I'd suggest just showing a textbox a few minutes into the game telling them you've worked very hard on in and hope the price is fair and ask them to consider to buy it. Just that, without any limitations. Some of them will feel bad and buy it, other will worry you've done something to the game or their computer and they'll buy it, most won't give a shit but who cares, it's not like they'd have bought it if you had the perfect anti-piracy measures.
stunning and brave xister
I'd only put wheelchairs if that's the best the technology in your game world can do. If you have robots and space ships, you should probably have bionic limbs. Maybe like an exoskeleton that can move you but also serve as a chair or bed.
>wake up
>don't remember what I wanted to work on in my brains half-dream booting up phase
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Made a terrifying angel enemy for my horror game
It's dystopian, so the tech exists for everything better, but most people can't afford it and PC's start dirt poor. If they wanted to spend all their points to start with an exoskeleton or bionic legs, that's fine but that's all they'd get to be. So if they want to put all their points into being a hacker, they'd have to be in a wheelchair if they take that negative trait. It's a negative trait btw. You get points for being disabled bc it's nothing but a negative.
>I don't want to offend anyone
Then why is this filled with jokes?
>No mercy. If you need, just put some stairs infront of them.
That's not funny at all either. Your jokes are flat.
My point is if you absolutely don't want people having your game without your consent, you either give free consent to everyone or you must own the context in which they play. Completely orthogonal to the issue of money.

>release for free and rely on donations
You could do that. Or just not care about piracy like >>487234494 says and charge whatever you want for it. Enough people will pay
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I dont know how to code, would you recommend I try to code Cruelty Squad like or Hotline miami like?
Can you do 2D or 3D art?
2D far more than 3D. But I've been practicing low poly 3D lately, not sure of a look I'd like. I'd consider narrative and design my strongest suits
I gotta say that's pretty based. You put those woke fags in their place.
Kek imagine it's pvp and doing this just to fuck with the enemy team full of wheelchair bound wokist's.
How do you make climbing a giant tower actually fun?
can i just make my own casino game and sell to some website or it has regulations?
best engine for a simple 3d game? godot or unity? what are the strengths of each one?
Either should be easy enough if you're not looking to build custom systems. You can find starter templates that have 90% of what you want for either in most engines. If you're looking to make a commercial product, you would probably want to focus on VFX "tech art", which would require you learning particle systems and shaders.
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i love how my game looks. i really want to improve the blending of tiles and im getting better at it. but its so addicting to do that i don't get to fixing bugs. i sit there for hours using terrains to blend. Anyone else use Tiled? I love it.
If you're ready to open up your wallet, you can just buy your entire game off the Unity asset store. If not, Godot has more parts for free, but more assembly required.
I had a moment of weakness and bit my phone in a tard rage so now the glass is cracked like a bite mark pattern but I still works
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Hotline Miami like
I think the issue is you get to a point where after months or years of learning and crafting and still wonder where the success is. Sure you could argue the good feefees should motivate you but emotional happiness doesn't put food on the table or a roof over your head. My game was going to be free (when an eventual Steam release happens) until I woke up and realized it'd be fucking stupid to give my hard work away and play the generosity card while still being a major poorfag myself.
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Have you ever come across a song so perfect and close to what you're going for in your game you wish you could just steal it and put it in 1:1
That's how I feel about Splinter Cell Chaos Theory's most
I do it anyway. Music is the last thing on my priority hit list and by God I refuse to play my game in the mean time without any fucking audio.
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It's a harsh lesson learning that nobody values kindness or being nice unless it's associated with something of value. From the products you create to your personality, it's an inescapable reality that intentions mean fuck all despite what people say. This information crushes a lot of people but for me it of gave me permission to be a lot more self-centred in life. We don't live a just world. Some people are loved for doing absolutely nothing while others are ignored despite doing everything in their ability to be loveable. Why would I care about what people think of me when they never cared about me being happy in the first place.
Fair enough I respect
Being nice has unironically gotten me fucking nowhere in life. Returning that wallet while I starved didn't feed me. Taking care of my neighbors dog while it puked and shat on my carpet didn't pay my rent. Making sure my friend got home safe after a risky night out didn't deepen our friendship. I've gotten nothing in return for kindness. I don't care that it's an expectation, bitch I want fucking fame and fortune not a small dose of serotonin before waking up the next day and having to clean up after others.
>waaaah why don't these three good deeds absolve me from a life of whining and faggotry
>waaaaaaaaah why am i not rich and famous
I was in your mindset for a while. You should read Brothers Karamazov. It shows the world is shitty but it’s still good to be a naive optimist and enjoy what’s good, rather than a negative person overly cynical about the world and peoples intentions. Some peoples lives are filled with so much hardship but they still manage to be happy at times. How do they do it?
This post is pretty measured and normal but
This reply has major "seething incel one bad day away from stabbing the lady in his apartment complex with a kitchen knife" energy
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Not your personal blogpost nigger, go to Reddit if you want sympathy not a Mongolian basket weaving forum about making games.
They are rage. Brutal, without mercy. But you - you will worse. Rip and tear until it is DEVVED.
idk... not feeling it... depressed and all that.
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Have any successful indies used mantras or any kind of magic to help them succeed?
yes, actually! the most effective ritual is repeating ||just like make game|| in a chant while sipping on the blood of nodevs
Mark 11:23-24 is the way to manifest and bend reality.
No. And before I depended on gamedev income to make a living I would have thought that was stupid. Now I'm seriously considering it, as it's clearly all about luck/fate/whatever.
>no soul
>no soul extreme
Ah yes, the Dinobreaklike
2014 Steam might not be as good as 2024 Steam for indie but it's massively better than anything that existed before Steam Greenlight

if digital distribution didn't exist we'd either be forced to find a publisher or sell the game on our own websites
what's the big problem with selling it from your own site?
Thanks anon. God be with you.
And King Jesus Christ also be with you.
holy based
I agree with crabs, dialog needs to be rewritten. Cringy, unfunny, unnatural flow, girls just managed to summon a deamon and they're talking about a period, aren't freaking out, just a normal day in the office. Like, come on.
Ok, when making a capsule image... should I make it better looking than the game?
Pros: in theory more people will click on it and see the game. Obviously this is better for me.
Cons: from Steam's perspective in terms of conversion rate, it will be a worse capsule image because their goal is for players to buy, not necessarily to click. So it would make sense for Steam to show such capsule image less instead of others that are more likely to result in a purchase.
What do you think people would rather do: Buy a game from a seller that everybody knows and is convenient? Or buy a game from a random site they never heard of and from a person they don't know?
How do you come up with ideas?
I'm pretty sure I'm good enough programmer to build it, I just can't come up with something interesting that is feasible for 1/2 devs to make.
getting eyes to your site
getting people to trust your site to buy your game
getting people to go through the trouble of buying the game from your site
dealing with refunds, like say someone does a chargeback from paypal it really fucks you
ask chatgpt
pokemon + baldurs gate
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This is far more daggerfall than I intended
>disinterested steamslop consumer waiting for my game to be 90% off
>early adopter looking for new games with new ideas who appreciates my artistry and is willing to trust me
Thanks anon, I think you've come across an excellent filter. Now my community will have a solid foundation from which to build on and will surely avoid >>486957949
I mean yea if you build an audience then I guess you would get trust from a community.

Like if you make devlogs before hand.
No. There is no actual mechanism in reality that makes this a thing that happens.

You really do have to overcome your dopameme addiction and develop discipline.
Or, pray and make whatever sigils and gestures you want, only less competition for me really.
>How do you come up with ideas?
What's something you like? Let's workshop it
stealing this
>What's something you like? Let's workshop it
Recently I've spent way too much time playing balatro and backpack battles.
But these are one in the milion games.
I wasn't thinking about that aspect but you're right. All you're doing when you release on steam is outsourcing trust. So steam becomes exponentially more trustworthy a la
>seller that everybody knows
while your players don't really trust you that much. Maybe they trust you to release quality updates or something but not enough to give you their credit card. At the very least you should provide the option for buying the game directly on your site for people like me who would rather not support DRM and prefer a direct transaction with the creator instead of through an intermediary.
My condolences

Game cover art mostly looks better than the game(especially 2d illustrated), I don't see why capsules shouldn't look as good as cover art. Don't make it look like something else entirely, try to find games in your genre and have the cover art similar in feeling.
holy soulless
AI slop
Everything I do is on a whim, if I see something I wanna attempt I go for it, and the ideas start flowing meanwhile.
Some may call this scope creep, but with no idea to begin with it becomes a valuable part of the process.
Similar to me but I'm doing to one game that is now 5 genres and 6 years in. it's probably an ok process if you are not retarded and have work ethic
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kek Timmy with the bantz
play jusant
>I guess it's a different kind of demon
Seems like they've done this before. And I think it's fun.
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Another simple question again. I know On____ usually is used for events and actions but I figure using it this way kind of makes sense too? Like when something happens> do this on the class. Thoughts?
Is this going to be an RTS with troop movements, or just "build your men, pick their initial formation, grab popcorn and watch the show"?
Can you peep on the girls living in.
The higher the floor, the prettier and nudist-prone the girl.
not my type of game. what turns me off about it is the estrogen energy there. Too many females at center stage.
femoids should only be side characters or love interests. Never the main stage.
Ok, now what excites you outside of video games?
And separately, when you're playing either of those games what do you feel is missing? What do you wish you could do that is outside the scope of the game?
As long as you don't mix them up with signals and it's consistent. This kind of naming is used a lot in situations like that. What does the OnChangeScene function do?
The demon is the actual protag. He is about to murderrape them hard.
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Using placeholders at the moment but imagine a scene in your favorite game. There's a shop scene and a looting scene. Slay the spire perhaps? The scenes determine what shows. I.e. in loot scene I wouldn't be showing the prices of each item.

Part of me knows that its a bad idea to have them on the same class but I honestly have no idea how to split these up without alot more bloat.
On___, linguistically and otherwise, should only be used for independent consequences of a process, not the process itself. Otherwise you will inevitably end up with issues where you mix up functions and try to call OnSomething to trigger the entire Something functionality.
Can someone recommend me a tutorial for making a functional inventory in ue5. There are templates on the store. But I'm way to tarded to use them.
Sounds much better thanks.
there's a succubus living at the top
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>all that progress I made was just a dream
NWO Wars
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iktf my guy
>Ok, now what excites you outside of video games?
Not much. Gardening maybe.
>what do you feel is missing?
Nothing. They are master pieces. The perfect example of simple yet complex game.
i got bamboozled by atgg
I think I'm brewing up a cold or something, my head feels funny. I really wanted to finish my game this week...
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Been working on an open world Morrowclone made in rpg maker. So far I have a time system that affects the lighting and when stores open / close. A lantern system so you can walk in the dark and refill with oil. Visible equipment. A weight system that slows you down with more weight and stops you when encumbered. A placeable fire so you can cook, and placeable bedroll to sleep. A durability system that breaks armor and weapons and has a paper doll to show it. (not shown) A housing system where you can buy furniture and decorations, storage etc and place it. Also have a weather system that will randomly rain some days, or snow somedays in snowy areas, dust storms in deserts. Music plays randomly with spaced intervals depending on where you are - Town music, exploration music, dungeon music. STR affects carry weight and melee damage. Agility increases weapon accuracy, evasion chance, and the cooldown of the dodge ability (cooldown is above the health orb).

I want it to be all about adventuring. So you won't be able to just buy spells at a store, you'll need to find people in the world that can teach you. So maybe you can learn some elemental spells from a wizard in a tower if you do some quests for them, maybe you stumble upon a necromancer who will teach you what he knows if you kill some people? No level scaling.

Limited fast travel. Major towns will have coaches between them, wizards can teleport. Some factions can give you things like knights getting free horse rides from their order's stables etc.

Debating if I want to add a hunger/thirst/sleep mechanic. What I'm thinking of right now is to have one, tie them to hp / mp regen.

>I finally got rich, oh it was just a dream
>woah a girl is equally into me as I am into her, oh it was just a dream
>the peaceful blissful tranquil life I desire at long last, oh it was just a dream
Third one is the one I desire the most. How much progress did you make in that dream? Was it months upon months of progress only to wake to the reality of you still having to manually do it yourself?

Kekd it was pretty fun tho
cute... village?
stop messing around with Unreal 'pcg' and just learn about Perlin noise and make terrain.
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at skyrim scale it's a metropolis
>How much progress did you make in that dream
Years of progress.
It seemed like a nearly finished game, bunch of stealth mechanics, interesting characters, sneaking around to snap photos of evidence or gangsters doing mafia stuff while evading capture.
Even some semblance of a story where I play as a team of sneaky detectives armed with nothing but cameras to take down the family, if I die with one guy the next one can still go and find his camera granted I hid it somewhere before he died.
Not at all the game I'm currently working on but would love to keep all that code.
As I get older, I notice I prefer simple games over complex ones. I can't stand playing things like Civilization, and much prefer Vampire Survivors clones. They are beautiful in their elegance.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2128270/Path_of_Achra/ here's a game for you king
>Epic Mickey concept
>Epic Mickey release
>turn based combat rpg
>find turn order library
>last commit was 6 months ago
>4 release tags at v1.0 or above
>"this is going to be great, Im going to make so much progress"
>1 week in everythings fine
>corpses cleaned up after a combat round finishes
>decide I'd like the initiative, corpses cleaned and enemies added between player turns
>library has no support for this
>"ok, lets just add that in"
>Library is full of TODO comments
>adding and removing during rounds doesn't work because the cracker who programmed it decided to turn everything into nodes that the manager searches recursively for instead of just using the groups system to add them
>meaning you can't add anything without resetting the entire combat round
>mfw the simple solution was just to use get_group("turn_manager") and then call add or remove with the node to add or remove, then have a flag for recalculating initiative on add/remove
I should've read the code before I added it but fuck me, why bother writing extensive readmes on how it works if the features aren't even in.
>using a turn order library.
Please just code...
>Epic Mickey concept
those abominations coming out of the sea still haunt me
>take someone else's shit code
>have to do everything yourself
many such cases
you have no idea what you're talking about
>They are master pieces. The perfect example of simple yet complex game
One starting point then would be to dig into them and figure out why they work so well. Learn about the development process behind them. What was the initial concept? What did their first prototype look like? GDC talks are a great resource (sort by oldest to newest though since they've gone to shit in recent years) to see how great games are born. The FTL talk is specifically about starting with a nebulous feeling and shaping that into a game
>wanted game that was less about action and more about running a starship. Giving you the feeling of Riker on the bridge of the enterprise ordering crew around
There are countless more examples.
>Not much. Gardening maybe.
I ask about this because it can be a powerful move to make a game about something you're passionate/knowledgeable about. In fact that was the only way to do it when games were new. Tajiri collecting insects -> pokemon, miyamoto exploring hillsides and caves -> legend of zelda, will wright researching fermi paradox -> spore.

If you're still directionless, just pick something mildly interesting and starting prototyping and experimenting with it.
Gardening >>487236762 on the face of a giant tower with >>487245352 CCG mechanics.
Tanks >>487225829 vs submarines >>487207813 with shuffleboard mechanics >>487207331.
For animating complex scenes, would it be better to do it all in Blender or Godot?
don't be a coward and and do it live action.
It's impossible to make a cutscene in Godot with Blender.
Are there tutorials out there for making character creators with variable body part proportions and having a way to make clothes fit regardless of the body shape?
Game engine isn't important.
You can make the individual character animations in Blender I guess which is probably easier, then combine everything in Godot.
>and having a way to make clothes fit regardless of the body shape?
That burden is 99.9% on your modeler and how good with shapekeys or weight-painting he is.
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Looks a little bit better already. I wonder how it would look with actual buildings and how much of it is I still need to work on generation...
are you making a strategy game
can you turn the cubes into little cakes
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No, just trying to experiment with a new workflow
theoretically sure
Thanks for the critique anon. I will make sure to go over all the dialogue many times and try to improve it.
Don't fall for the crabbing. There's an anon here who criticizes everyone's writing, but he could be some ESL bullshitter. Your writing seems okay to me. You're also writing for a game in a world where novels like Fifty Shades of Grey made insane amounts of money, so I wouldn't worry about writing too much.
Opposite for me desu.

I'm better at asset creation, but at least the nibba in the meme you posted has a renderer and engine in the first place. Holy fuck what I'd give for an engine with PS2-level visuals and some kind of RPG base, like Oblivion merged with RPGMaker.
Wait I should answer these in bulk.

Thanks anon

I did not know about the game before making this and barely know the game still.

Like >>487246935 said this is not the first demon they summon.

That's okay, you're not my target audience I guess.
The former. Here's my design document:

Empire/shogun 2 total war + starwars empire at war + mount and blade kinda
Seems alright. Dialogue drags on just a bit longer than I feel like it's funny, but that is a very subjective thing. Could be fine for others.
Why not make a mod for Oblivion or Skyrim? It'll most likely get played more than whatever game you eventually make.
Impressive ambition.
Will you stick to the american civil war setting?
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I am, I got skyboxes working in the engine and large-scale environments and structures (something akin to D*rk Souls.)

Learned Blender and Gaea, just makes me wish I had a better engine. The only tough part of asset creation for me is architecture and probably overthinking level design.
Nice, make a solid mod and if it gets some traction you can show it off to artlet programmercels to team up with.
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It's my goal.
>I'm releasing a game every 27 years right now - J blow
What's your excuse?
Where is Archtower one?
I have mental problems.
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Which one looks less shitty?
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I have not been able to fully implement the change I wanted to make in my game as I am still figuring it out but I have gotten like 80% of it's test implementation done after studying various games and I feel great.

Analysis chads win again.
Depends on what they're supposed to be.
I wish I had a better engine though, something akin to Quake's engine, but with RPG support, stats, and maybe PS2 level visuals and skeletal animation.

I am progamminglet.
Idk how many of you work in the industry if any, but just wanted to share some experience. The role of a "game designer" is not useful. They do not contribute worthwhile content while having the final say on the entire peoject. All too often other departments have to do actual design work. They do not have engineering knowledge and make decisions that fuck up workflow without realising. They can't even describe how they want features to be implemented half the time. Designers make up far too much of a modern game dev team. For small teams, a dedicated designer is not necessary. A designer should at least have engineering experience to be able to make correctly informed decisions.
seething codemonkey
I added achievements to my game
I'd like to have a competent designer to tell me which mechanics to implement and how.
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I-I did it aggy-kuns, I have achieved appeal in my pixel art style. The level of detail and well done detail if I say so myself is amazing. Clothed but extremely appealing. Why am I so excited about this? The time has come to make all my female characters maxxed out on short stack appeal. I will get me a shortstack cosplayer gf! I'm excited but that'd probably ruin the game if I really amped up the boob size to gargantuan proportions so I probably won't do that, probably.
Hideo Kojima La Creatividad proves you wrong
Cant you just hire a game designer for your core game mechanics then fire him and replace him with level designers?
Oh, I took it as steam achievements but you're not there methinks.
I'm cautiously intrigued
post it?
>A designer should at least have engineering experience to be able to make correctly informed decisions
True, you may not need someone who's exclusively a game designer but you definitely need someone who's in charge of design (among other things). I'm listening to some of the braid anniversary edition podcasts and it's refreshing to hear them talk about design in such detail. Of course design work becomes a lot more interesting and necessary when you're in uncharted waters, and not rehashing existing games.
Any tips on improving with pixel art?
not yet
This is true like you wouldn't believe. All of the most soulful games were made by an artist and a programmer or three and they improvised on the fly and came up with what can only be described as pure SOVL.
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>find a pixel artist on twitter that mogs me in every way possible
>check his profile
>16 years old
why bother
Yeah Im thinking civil war could be a cool place to start. The campaign map makes itself, so that would be nice to not have to worry about making something up for like a fantasy map. This risk/web style campaign map would work well for a US east coast sized/shaped region IMO.
I would love to have a level designer rather than a game designer. I dont think those things are synonymous. Imagine souls games with shit level design.
Stop using these meaningless terms, you might as well call it something-I-liked
>groom him into trooning out
>wait for the 41% to kick in
>you are the best *living* pixel artist again
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How do I make player movement feel good like in Nier Automata or Mario Odyssey?
Every role in a game studio is needed. They wouldn't be paying game designers more than programmers or artists if they weren't more useful than programmers or artists.
Considering both move very differently, first pick one, and just copy the shit out of it.
Like, have the game constantly opened in a background tab and tweak your code/parameter until everything feel the same.
Would like to point out that animations and camera play a way bigger role than most people think in making a character feel good to control.
this, fucking miyamoto stealing all the praise, his team would finish the games twice as fast if he wasn't disturbing them when they were working
Remember that guy who made dreamquest got hired by blizzard to work on the design team of hearthstone?
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Because not everyone is equal, some people are just blessed, or very talented.

If you're at that point, then just not comparing yourself to others is a good starting point, only compare yourself insofar as to what you need to work on, or improve.
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You don't need to be the best, you just need to be good enough for it to not hurt your game.
Unless your ambition is to be a pixel artist and work on someone else's game.
Pixel art is, by definition, SOULLESS. If you are making a pixel art game in (Current Year) you are bricking it and shooting yourself in the foot. N64-likes are the future of indie dev. We've left the 16 bit era. Get over it.
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>posting Ib as a point of comparison for the average /agdg/ anon
crystal rods (something like wands)
It's got shit graphics that a retard could do.
Then I like the left one more
I will only sell via crypto
>So what about that chocolate, then? If a person craves chocolate in the afternoon, I advise him or her to eat chocolate to stay fit and keep his or her spirits up. That’s because at work people are often stressed and the brain has an increased need for energy. If one doesn’t eat anything, it’s possible the brain will use glucose from the body, intended for fat and muscle cell use, and in turn secrete more stress hormones. Not only does this make one miserable, it can also increase the risk of heart attacks, stroke or depression in the long run. Alternatively, the brain can save on other functions, but that reduces concentration and performance.
I was thinking of that one anon that kept saying he ate a tub of chocolate here.
after I finish my game I'm taking a well deserved break
why does this keep happening? where are these kids with talent coming from anyways? the best pixel artists i knew back when i was a kid likely sucked by comparison. but suddenly 10 years pass and somehow the next group of youngsters just has this brilliant ability to simply make pixelgold art and not just a few of them from the looks of it

hold me bocchi sister!
i intend to do the same, idk how long. how long are you planning?
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haha same
I'm not going to finish my game, that's the joke
did he?
>ngmi game
>can't take break because I won't get any decent profit to speak of to fund vacations
I couldnt take it anymore bros. My feed was getting bombarded with zoomers making as much as a moderate indie success in a few months. I'm going to take college courses again to get a degree while working on this as a side project.
why are zoomers like this ?
They also hate working just like us.
Smart move. Simply being employable is a cheat code for an easy life in the civilized world.
I just want to get so good at a field that you can WFH so I can work on my game and just be the guy they call on when shit hits the fan.
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guys, check out this new pepe that just dropped. I don't understand how woman like men
>video games
>comfy hours
>All of the most soulful games were made by an artist and a programmer or three and they improvised on the fly
name them
i've always felt that super complex colony sim city builder economy type shit games that have either no combat or really simple combat are throwing that potential away
what am i building all of this for if i'm not gonna make a fuck huge army and go fuck shit up?
>start project with someone
>we agree the game should play a certain way but we don't know the specifics and we'll work on that when we have a baseline
>"ok great, I'll get started coding a basic system so we can test some things before we decide on anything concrete"
>suggest he gets some basic assets and works on UI and he agrees
>1 week later
>didn't get assets
>didn't design a UI
>instead designs the entirety of the combat system without consulting me on any of it
>gets annoyed when I suggest some combat mechanics need work
>gets annoyed when I suggest gear farming as the sole reason for progression might be tedious
>gets annoyed when I suggest alterations
>gets annoyed when I suggest some mechanics might be too in convoluted for the type of game
>gets annoyed when I suggest the scope is ballooning and we should trim back before adding any of this
>starts dictating "exactly" how the game is going to play
What is wrong with these niggers. Why would I spend my time programming a game if I don't get a say in how it works? Why do "idea" guys always not do any of the actual hard work?
i would be your 50/50 equal input and effort gamedev partner...
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I've decided I'm going to try or attempt to fix Mongol instead of project hopping to impossible projects.
I notice you listed all the things he didn't do or did in a way that you didn't like but failed to mention any of the things that you did?
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microvideo for microgame microprogress
This is GMI.
i just bought 5 games on Steam this last summer sale, don't know what you're talking about
i did have to use a third party vendor to add steam funds, annoying

also i will try to do the "change your region to Kazakhstan" lifehack to acquire region-blocked games, but not right now cause i'm all gamed up

>not even 10%
more like not even 0.01%
Oh, I've programmed basically the entire thing. Everything is ready to go bar status effects, visuals and abilities. The abilities, status effects and monsters and everything are the bits I wanted to work on with him since thats the fun bit. But he went and did all that without me. Everything is configured in .json files and you can make characters and enemies basically play how ever you want
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I don’t know if I’ll be using a publisher, it doesn’t feel necessary to me. I’ll do more research once I’m ready to start crowdfunding and put my steam page up
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first yandex result on "кaк кyпить игpы в cтимe в Poccии" and 5 minutes later
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Realistically speaking, how steep should the maximum slope you can safely stand on be for a character controller? Assume a Hitman-like.
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how we doing boyos

what are we deving today?

it's gore system for me
45 degrees
I can understand it. That will give me an advantage when making video games.
How do you expect to get PAID for the game that you made?
>implying r*ssians buy things
i strictly do not believe in an equality hierarchy. there must be a man in charge, the leader. He may not necessarily be an absolute dictator, but someone has to have the last word
one of our russian devs said he had to go to kazakhstan to open a bank account to be able to link it to steam
I've seen you post this multiple times and you are completely correct every single time.
I sort of agree with you, but I'd like to point out a funny exception.
One guy did the first half of the game (music and code) with art asset help from the other guy, then he gave all the code and reins to the other guy who did the second half of the game (art and code) with music help from the first guy.
gee well I guess since you're so smart and made the entire game engine in a week you don't need that guy anymore and you can just work on the fun stuff yourself
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Now obviously, I can't get paid normally through any means other than crypto, in fact I can't even make a steamworks account for there is no way to give them the 100$ to fuck off.

it's too early to think about that, gotta make a game first, but there's several options that i'm mulling about in my free time:

1. just wait until problem solves itself
now i'm no politics expert but in my infinite optimism i'm not excluding the possibility that in the next few years we win the war or negotiate a peace and everything goes back to normal, sanctions are lifted, credit cards start to work again, paypal can be used again, etc.

2. free to play
make the game free-to-play, accept donations through Boosty, provide in-game cosmetics and other features in exchange for subscriptions

3. the Kazakhstan maneuver
either create a bank account in KZ or negotiate a deal with a Kazakhstan friend of which i have several

4. there's a UK company called incorpuk that claims to register a UK business for you if you're from Russia (or other country that has trouble) and use Stripe and other things? I can't find any info on it other than their own site, so might be just a scam. But maybe something like this exists in some other form

5. go to publisher and basically say "daddy, i've made a video game, can you handle the rest for me please"
i've never heard of something like this be done with a publisher but maybe they can work something out. Register a Steamworks account for me, do the banking, do the legal stuff, etc.
Whats crazy is that their second game had similar success to their first despite being a totally different genre. Some people just know how to make games.
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>make a soulslike
>Don't include leveling because lazy
I'll make it work.
this can happen if you have visions aligned i guess. it's rarer though
Also i keep fucking confusing this game with that one that dunkey bought the rights to and renamed
why is progress so slow tho?
I will be that man.
Because I can't find out why things aren't working.
i thought you got erased from DD56 by the inner circle. glad to see you're still working on this
Learned this recently trying to help an internet acquaintance and myself at the same time. I proposed we made a board game using Tabletop Simulator as prototype. It was nice until I realised we had (in a diplomatic way of saying things) 2 hard characters.

So what I learned is that I made the mistake of engaging in a 50/50 manner, when it should have been 51/49. Since I started 50/50, and after like 100h of work (without counting ideaing on off days), I decided to end it there.

Either people will naturally follow your lead because they trust you, or they will fight their way to domination because they don't really know about cooperation. I know myself I like to lead, but in the goal of perfecting cooperation. This is a nuance few can make, so you when you ask someone to follow you, you better be responsible for yourself and accepting that recruting mistake falls onto the guys who built the team.

Apply this especially with artists, and overly feminine spirits – in that understand that the feminine spirits, or the "non-men" are like spoiled children. Expecting them to be as your height is a fatal mistake.
i just didnt have time to post a DD57 demo... but im setting up a steam demo and finishing up the game for sure in the next 2 months!!
Does anyone have a torrent for the gamedev.tv unreal courses? or any other recommended unreal or blender courses from udemy etc?
IIRC the guys met on newgrounds in a game dev thread, and just spent the first couple of years sharing their ideaguy notepads with each other and playing games together before starting work on their game. Honestly being mentally "aligned" with someone is probably the absolute most important quality in a small team, even more important than personal skill. Otherwise you need money to strong-arm them into doing what you want.
How do you guys cope with being so much smarter than everyone around you?
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Does anyone here have an experience with or advice for overcoming porn addiction? My addiction has gotten so bad that I can't do anything productive, and with game dev requiring me to be at my computer I always end up watching porn within a few minutes of sitting down. I jerk off anywhere from 5-7 times a day, every day, and have for the past decade of my life. If I'm not watching porn then I'm thinking about watching porn or scrolling through porn websites. Please help, this is making it impossible for me to make any progress on my game.
I isolate myself from the world and work on my game
This >>487267805
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Just dev in a public space. You will either overcome it or be arrested and lose access to easy porn.
Where are da loligaems?
In Hell
On hold while I study art for 10 000 hours to learn the secret of appeal.
why is she looking at my crotch and not at my face?
Neck injury
You need to change your lifestyle and get off the computer. As long as you're a terminally online loser you will always be one click away from a wank. It's like trying to quit drinking and spending all day in the pub.
Give your devices to someone, or destroy them. Get off the internet.
>she wouldn't care.
I think this is why that dialogue seems a little strange to me. Women don't care, so it's not really top of mind for them. So, for instance, if a woman hears "blood" she's not immediately thinking of her period.

So when asked for a blood sacrifice, it'd be more, only after exhausting other alternatives, "hey, are you on your period by any chance?", with the response being more "oh yeah, I hadn't thought of that!"
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I have to start sending my demo to youtubers and I don't know if I have what it takes to do that...
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>pic related
Don't send it out to youtubers. Just spam it in places where it's 100% guaranteed to be seen like the various 4channel boards. Also if you can somehow pull of rereleasing your demo on itch without getting jannied for it you should do that too
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i wish i had a 3d modeler/animator slave i could lock up in a basement to make assets for my game.
Channel your love of pornography into making erotic art and games. Your jerk off career has probably taught you a lot about what turns people on so you can take advantage of it.
Sorry I already explained I'm willing to do that for a really really skilled writer/worldbuilder making a dark sci-fi game
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Isn't shilling against the rules? I can't get banned from 4chan you guys are my only lifeline
legend of zelda, but dark and gritty, for grown ups, like the game of thrones, or the boys, of legend of zeldas
Do you really think your face would win in prettiness over anything, even your old hairy crotch?
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Starting to feel townlike... One problem is I have no idea how to get the self-prune node to work. Oh, I've got it working but not very well. It forces some of the buildings further apart than I'd like and others it still allows to intersect for seemingly no understandable reason.
>doomscrolling twitter instead of further improving your skills
you think he became good by lurking social networks all day?
AI tools will be here soon enough.
Spam it strategically and organically. If you know there's a place where a lot of people who like that type of game can be found just lurk there and seed it into their brains
Nigga, everyone here take a 3 day vacation at least once every other month.
It's just enforced lurk-only mode, not a big deal.
here's how to fix mongol:

go back to your dd54 build
change NOTHING
add more content
ship it
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>primordial italians
The sad thing is that if you spam something enough on 4chan people will start doing it "ironically" for you
Posters are very programmable in that way.
>sources: blorb, awoken
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ok im bored with this project now
time to jump to the next one!
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Trying Renpy was a good choice. I am going through the documentation at a good pace, I am motivated and can check other people's code easily.

I intend to go back to UE once I have built good habits and I'm working on a game with enough complexity that makes renpy a lesser choice, but for now I am enjoying myself.

See you all on Demo Day!
can I come with...
Have fun making your first loli WEG in ren'py!
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Why are Bocchi poster so retarded? they go out of their way to harm themselves with something that could be solved with a simple "yes no" question sometimes.
If you wanted responsibilities like working you could've just stayed at your parents house without moving out.
>Shit controller.
>Shit camera.
>Shit bloom and post processing.
>No gameplay.
>Incoherent story.
No, just no. Mongol has no shot of making it.

Mongoldev, if you're listening to me, give up.
she cute
shut the fuck up cunt
what do you have in mind
half xcom, half frostpunk, but with dwarves
ching chong happy christmas
I don't know what that is, but given the context, it's better that way.

I would like to make some very low scope version of Roadwarden. But we'll see where I land on once I'm done reading.
somebody is goinna steal my idea aren't they...
i never should have posted this.
Ok. Fuck it. I'm doing this instead. But with monster girls instead of dwarves.

In renpy.
>shut the fuck up cunt
Anons, don't let him get delusional. This retarded cunt has already fucked up too many times.

I remember the dd54 build. Zooming in and out with a button and dying every 5 seconds. That wasn't fun. Neither was Mitits nogg, or whatever the fuck it was called.
Seriously, I can't stand people feeding into mongolslop delusions. EVery time he comes here he shits the thread. I'm personally sick and tired of it.

This has to be addressed once and for all. He's a normalfag. Worse than cris.
His games have too many problems to count. I've been browsing through his last entries and guess what, most anons call it an "experience" than a fucking game.
This is /agdg/ not /edg/-ing. I'm sick and tired of all this fucking cope.

My game at least has gameplay, not going to post or reveal who I am because of obvious reasons, but at least I don't hide behind graphics and gimmics Mongolslopdev is actual cancer.
I was obviously joking, but I believe ideas are as valuable as the result of their implementation. Anyone can make a 2x2 matrix of good games and imagine what would that look like.

If you are serious about this, I would love to see the result. So get to it! You can do it!
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Post your game then, let's see how much "better" it is.
My game is The Witness.
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I just woke up, I'm gonna work on some level areas today now that I'm done bug fixing.
ok, but i have to finish nolgorbs ordeal first
good experiences can sell very well
mongoldev is good at atmospheric horror
trying to force more gameplay on it is not gonna fix shit
Ok, I'll go back to that "build", and make a separate section for the multiplayer.
stop it with this multiplayer shit
nobody cares
Ok, fine, I'll drop it.
1. I don't think sanctions will be lifted until there's a regime change (favorable to the west) in Russia, and especially not if Russia wins. Things have gone too far for that. The US won't want Europe to go back on Russian gas now that they're selling them their LNG.
2. Donations are absolute shit as a source of income. I've tried it because I lived in a country where I couldn't get paid in regular ways, and I was getting like $20 a month and my game had 50k monthly players.
3. This is your best bet. If you have developer friends, maybe you can join forces so only one of you opens an account and you all pitch in for expenses.
4. You'll need to pay company taxes (I think 20% on net profits), then taxes on any money you withdraw as dividends. And as far as I know registering a UK business isn't a problem. The problem is the banks won't open bank accounts for non-residents because of the Know-Your-Customer regulations. Opening a company bank account should be what you should be concerned about.
5. Worth investigating. Ideally that should be your first option if your game is good enough for a publishing deal.
So step 1: just like make game.
Do you use any software development planning tools anons? I felt like I couldn't make sense of my notes anymore so I started using linear.
>week 5 of my sourdough starter
You have absolutely no faith in your game if a single comment on 4chan is enough to convince you to drop or keep something.
Gamedev is not for you if that's how you react to feedback.
>.json files
He may give you .json files but I assume you're the one actually building the project. Just make whatever changes you want once you have his input.

>you don't need that guy anymore and you can just work on the fun stuff yourself
basically this. Just jettison everything he does and do your own. Be sure to still give him credit (if he wants it) when you ship, though.
if you're a solodev this is bikeshedding.
just make the damn game.
Notes not taken, schedules never planned and my control version are zip files on a usb.
I have never actually made a game design document before...
It's literally just Gaea terrain bro.
Palmer Lucky
Yeah I'm back. I' can do it!!
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>My game isn’t listed
Ah, feels good to win.
sanctions being lifted is always part of our demand for any sort of peace negotiations
now Zelensky as always says random shit every other sentence and contradicts himself cause he's always high as shit on coke, but he did mention that unlike a year ago he is in fact open to peace negotiations at all. That's a start
Trump says he will solve Ukraine conflict if he wins, but he's retarded and a populist, so there's that
Kamala says no peace, only heroiam slava
in summary, nothing is clear except for my optimism
>Donations are absolute shit as a source of income
well i've seen it work... yanderedev for example. he's more of a grifter than a diligent dev, but still.
Besides, I'm not exactly looking to gamedev as a full time job. So any money is nice i guess

yeah i think Kazakhstan friend or publisher is the best option
What is the hook of your game?
>his game is too forgettable to be insulted
You will rue your silly comment, peasant.
>furry cris #2 is back
Fygoon's Revenge: Origins Part 1(Prologue) is memorable to me.
there's no reason to write a game design document unless you're making a pitch to a publisher or sharing a broad design with team members in pre-production
it's literally just "cool game idea" but on paper
Girls, explosions, DIY
You already got named fagtroon
I always forget what I write and this seems like a more organized way to have my to do lists setup and classified. I'm also very lousy when defining if something is minor aesthetic change or a vital part of the game.
My game goes under the radar once again.
chill lil bro
who the fuck are you? At this point so many of the relevant games have been named that the chance of you being some literal whofaggot whose game is too trash to even look at approaches 100%
>Fygoon's Revenge: Origins Part 1(Prologue)
I should make a Montezuma's Revenge type game for web browsers once I’m done with the first part of my opus just so I can have an excuse to use that awesome name as a title (with credit, of course).
Well, jumping into the editor and just making shit up hasn't exactly gotten me anywhere, so far.
Anyone with experience coding artillery stuff?
I can get the gun to angle correctly from target's distance and projectile's speed, but I can't find a sensible formula to do the same when the target doesn't have the exact same vertical coords.
Tried online math stuff but they are really good at not explaining simply that specific case.
I write design documents. It helps me outline exactly what I want from the game, what mechanics I will need, how they will interact, and gives me an idea of the scope of the game before I start working on it.
Eh, you're probably right but at least I'm not a nodev like you anon.
Go ahead and write a design document then if you want. It'll only be an hour wasted
I've made three games
>"cool game idea" but on paper
Sucks to be the guy that doesn't recall every single detail that he thought about during an epyphany euphoria trip at 3 am and thought he would remember this the next day but instead went straight to his waggie job when he got up and forgot everything.
Nobody is saying you can't take notes, but writing a formal design document when you're the only one who will ever see it is pure autism
Agreed, no need to write a thesis with quotes and charts.
>not on the list
it's over
Which was…?
any experienced godot user here? I have doubts related to late development breaking stuff and the lack of third party support
Lmao, yeah should be hooked from the mouth not the cloacanus
nigga I'm fucking MELTING DOWN
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I'm getting filtered by fences...
Uhhh, nostalgia?
NTA, but show it, nodev.
... that's kinda the point of fences Anon.
The neighbor doesn't want you rummaging through his stuff again.
You sound like good collab material. What kind of game are you making?
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Im so horny rn
time to make a porn game
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I have a recursive solution for this but isn't there a better solution?
recursion is based tho
same, its impossible to work in this heat.
>find a pic that fills me with motivation
>put it on my desktop
>2 days ago, every time I alt-tabbed I'd see the pic and get filled with burning determination to keep going
>yesterday, still getting some moral boost but a lot less
>today, don't feel anything from seeing it anymore
Shit, I abused it too much. Can you guys post pics that motivate you? I want to make a folder and look at it only once a week or something.
you post yours first
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Yeah it’s pretty based
>t. 6 figure remote tech job chad where I only have to work 1-2 hours per day on my actual job and spend the rest on my game
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What's the right amount of time for a questline?
That makes sense. I was thinking I could also make it so that she actually is on her period, and it is mentioned beforehand, but then still disgusted by the idea to donate that blood to a creepy demon. But maybe I should just ditch the whole idea.
why are men so pathetic that they'd pay for this
My best motivations are when it comes from inside, not from outside.
Not from what I'm trying to achieve, to get, but the path I need to be on. It's hard to explain.

Any stimulus you get used to eventually. But the fire inside that burns for no reason but to "be", this is something else. Sometimes the best motivation is to rest.
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Imagine how many dogs got this view.
Everyone's born a woman mate. Don't worry. Don't block what's trying to help you.
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Usually music and hatred for others but this one makes me remember my place.
Check the motivation folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE?resourcekey=0-U0oCguG_9NaFT7d1ZDDuzw&usp=sharing
The 6 figure wfh chads are the exalted nobility class of neet’s, the living with mommy cels are the untouchable pariahs
40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

where is this place... so I can avoid it of course h-haha
Evens: Work on new project
Odds: add new content to existing project
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The pic that killed half of modern AGDG.
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The only reason I need to make money is that I need to make the bare minimum so I can feed myself and keep making games
Just got paid $100 per hour to lay in bed longer than I should have, take a piss, brew some coffee and watch some youtube videos. Rise and grind brothers!
Half of modern AGDG is making niche passion projects that wont sell well solely because they're passionate about making games.
retard with an unwavering will sounds based though
I don't get why sometimes there's a 1 frame flashbang of something
it's inconsistent and definitely hurts player experience. I can't find it in code.
I see you got my message.
Possibly eastern europe or russia
Imagine using an engine like that lmfao
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I don't like this image please delete it. It reminds me of when I was a kid waiting for hours for my mom to get home because I didn't have house keys or when it took her hours to come pick me at school because she was at work.
Porn games when?
The Leningradsky railway station in Moscow, Russia.
The documentary was released in 2005.
Painfully relatable. Did we all have shit moms? Is that the defining characteristic of a 4chud?
it seems like in
>godot (yes meme on me now)
when you add an instance to the tree and set its location(same code, should run instantly and only draw on the next frame or something)
it adds it in an off position then only sets the position after it draws it wrongly, creating an instant teleport visual glitch.
and it only happens on the first time that you instantiate the object.
and not on every object since it's a rare bug for me.
nigga this is 100.1% of moms since woomen entered the workforce
>this is most moms
Weird since I was always the only one sitting with the teacher waiting hours for my drugged up pillhead mother to wake up from her drug coma and pick me up
the other kids had their dads pick them up
If it only happens the first time, it likely has to do with the shader caching for the first time it loads. Common practice is to preload all of your shaders in quad meshes hidden behind a title screen or main menu, so that they all pre-cache.
>zoomers don't even have moms
your mom was at work all the time too you xoomer retard
I'll do it
You'll see
has anybody made a game where you have to survive a disaster like idk an earthquake
It's sad to think I'm from the youngest generation had a real childhood. I was allowed to go places on my own, like walk to a friend's house or 20 blocks to the library at as young as 7 years old. Post-9/11 fearmongering really mentally fucked up all parent.
my mom worked part time and since I don't live in a ghetto full of concrete and niggers I didn't need my mommy to pick me up from school or lock me out of the house
I know about the shaders issue but there's no shader currently involved.
also if I use the same shader on 2 different sprites but I create a fake third for the caching, the chaching is valid for any other instance of the shader, right?
don't you know how to do anything without handholding?
why do you always feel the need to barge into every conversation and try to show off with the lamest shit imaginable that's wasn't even under your control as if you never accomplished anything else? do you think you're convincing anyone? are we supposed to act impressed?
Damn, it's hard to come up with a good melody

t. Not a lifelong musician
what are you gonna do? tell your mom?
>my idea was already made (in japan) over 20 years ago
it's over, again.
I have an amazing mom, but then again I'm well adjusted and I don't shitpost
im half of those things (stupid only, im so fucking damned retardedized)
Allow me to blow your mind here
Is bullet hell a good baby's first game genre?

I started implementing some stuff for spawning and managing bullets in Godot, but saw that someone already made a library for that which includes the math for s-curve trajectories.
>my UI is absolute garbage
>it's still easily in the top 3 agdg games with best UI
this place really is a shithole, huh
not really no
It's almost like /agdg/ is full of prototypes
Hope you remembered to make an actual video game to go with your awesome UI
Mine was nice, but I'm an old-ass millenial so that was the previous batch of moms.
You’re gonna want to make a 2d pixel shart platfagger like every other burnt out retarded loser here with no mom

Displays lists of items according to category
Grid selector cursor min-maxing its positions (no more getting out of the matrix cursor sorry)
Filled my 8L water bottle full for weight training/breaks.

Now I need to display the item being hovered in big in the middle.
Honestly, why is the 2d platformer such a go-to genre for amateurs? There is a world of genres 2d pixelshit would be adequate choice, so that can't be the only reason.
Why are good hitboxes seemingly pretty uncommon [especially in fighting games] when they are so easy to create?
Damn, it's probably the simplest genre I actually enjoy. I dislike platformers.
because the more complex the collision the more expensive the calculation
>zero creativity
>zero skill
>zero art
>zero programming
>zero systems
>zero mechanics
Is it really that hard to figure out why retards flock to it?
Plus people tend to assume old games should be easier to make, and old consoles' libraries had massive amount of crappy 2D platformers.
Neat. Can you point me to some resources you've used to get this result?

Was it blender? Any specific settings you used?Low poly Tutorials you can link or the like?
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>roguelike deckbuilder
>comfy farming sim
>pixel platformer with a twist
The problem with platformers is that there's more subtlety than you think for good feel, and then you think about the time it takes to make one level that a decent player can run through in under a minute and realize "oh fuck, I have to make 39 of these"

Commercially, platformers that aren't Mario aren't that popular, and you're competing against emulation of the ogs, and the six or so indie darlings from the last 10 years or so people actually like.
>Hitboxes that follow the body and its movement too much result in a fuckton of whiffing, and most dev don't want "am I *actually* in range?" to be something that require that much fine knowledge
>Hitboxes that follow the body and its movement mean you forbid yourself from balancing moves around their hitboxes
Don't listen to >>487285525, for 2vs2 fighting games the computations are absolutely fucking trivial, we aren't in the 16bit era anymore.
the people praising celeste are literally brain damaged. The game controls like shit
my game is all of these
decklike roguebuilder
farmy comfing sim
platformer with a twist pixel
Make a porn spin-off of a non-porn aggydaggy game.
Has anyone ever combined a JRPG with a survival horror game?

Fear and Hunger and Koudelka are the onyl games that come to mind.
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What do you think about me making tic tac toe on godot, but not shit?
Yeah but it has a transflag and that's enough to ensure constant positive reviews and a protective cult around it.
Fatal Frame?
Depend on your requirement for "JRPG".
If it's the usual spiky-haired teenager killing God, then no, at least not outside of half-assed RPGmaker stuff.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Did the background for Herrko level 1, which takes place in the tree Ghalbeen village. It has 3 images, 2 of them are large trees and then there's the sunlight.
I mean turn based RPG. Like Persona or Golden Sun.
>If it's the usual spiky-haired teenager killing God, then no, at least not outside of half-assed RPGmaker stuff.
None of this is as common as people think it is.
Such a meme "observation" that's on pair with Dorkly humor.
in this one, you have magnets
a moba sim
It's not theoretically impossible, but you need to try to cultivate resource scarcity and some other pressure.

You should probably accept that late game is going to be more action-y and cathartic by the nature of progression systems.
a moba balance patch simulator
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YWNBAW, Toby Fox, and it's only you that's into dogs
>The problem with platformers is that there's more subtlety than you think for good feel,
That's true for any saturated genre: the polish bar gets to be really high.

If you're just working on your gamedev skills, then making one of these might be a good idea as a way of forcing yourself to be better.

However, if you're looking to sell games, then go for something new and there's a lot more tolerance with your audience. I remember the first few battle royale games as being super janky compared to what we see now, for instance.
Is this SFW?
you have to keep the player_count growing with frequent and good patches, but you don't want to scare away your stable player base
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that about sums it up
Maybe if the renderer server is catching the position a frame too late, try setting the initial position in an early call like _init or _enter_tree, or from whatever's adding it to the tree, before calling add_child.
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my game needs a wiki to be played
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That's my favorite kind of game. GMI
Its pretty straightforward and uses most concepts and patterns in game development. And its braindead easy and plenty of free assets and tutorials available.
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I've sent my game to 5 youtubers so far.
I'm exhausted.
Only 5.999.995 to go!
Doing good progress bocchianon!
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If your game is simple enough that it doesn't warrant its own wiki, you're NGMI.
you need to release coomerbait skins for characters, buff them for a cycle to increase revenue, then debuff them to prevent the player base from complaining about people spamming said character
>*Says nword*
>Daily racism quota: 1/999
>bocchis between dildos
checks out!
To all the yesdevs here, I have two questions about music:
1. Should music be louder than SFX or should it blend in with THE SFX, if you understand what I mean?
2. Should I compress music for smaller filesize and faster loading or should I keep it as high quality as possible? The difference is there but it's barely audible.
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I don't think there are that many gaming youtubers...
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>quota only at 999
... are you on vacation or something?
Ambient music should blend with SFX
Hype moments the music should be in the forefront of the audio mix
Keep it high quality.
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That's just a bear plushie.
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1. Option in a menu to set the proper volume of SFX and music
2. It's subjective.

My advice is to have more than one speaker setup.
It's a real issue even for professional musicians.

Quality of speakers vary too much, and what sounds fine in a speaker, sounds like crap in another.

What I usually do is test on my laptop speakers, then earplugs and then my 20 usd gamer headphones.
>Should music be louder than SFX
Never ever.
Unless music IS the SFX, which might happen for particularly impactful moment like someone dying, new panorama, boss intro, etc...
>Should I compress music for smaller filesize and faster loading
Depend on your hardware.
If it's PC why the fuck do you even care about filesize for your indie project, and loading times are better solved by pre-loading shit.

India got massively on Twitch recently, iirc.
Why is no one making some sort of fantasy dungeon crawler action RPG game with some YA fiction tier story? I need to scratch that itch so bad.
Why is no one making a Harry Potter social sim?
I mean if you pay attention to how Mario moves, there are subtleties to his momentum, hitboxes, and edge interactions that Unity YouTube tutorials miss. So you end up with a game that feels like shit.
That's kinda broad my nigga.

That's kinda copyrighted my nigga.
Why do nodevs come here to ask for games to be made, rather than make it themselves?
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make harry potter, but about a young girl trying to become a magical herbalist doctor.

It will print money.
If I told you some of my game concepts you would shit yourselves and steal them
that's why I'm not sharing them
Because I suck at everything art related. I can do CAD but the moment you ask me to model/sculpt a human/living creature it's over.
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It'll come out one day. When Chuckfuck get their act together.
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>paying 900 for the capsule art
There's no going back now. Gotta finish this game and it's gotta be good.
>Option in a menu to set the proper volume of SFX and music
There is. What I mean is, what should the "max volume" setting be like. Should it overpower the SFX or blend in with them?
>paying 900 for a thumbnail
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>earning 900k because of said thumbnail
yeah they should hire me for less
that's like three months rent
That's like 1/3rd of monthly rent here in Canada
Help me out of this godforsaken country
usually music is something that goes behind SFX.
I've heard that mares like it more from humans than their own species and that they actively show their ass because the horse being a prey animal just cums as fast as possible so predators don't get the chance to eat him.
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lmao is that why you dipshits are so wasteful with your money?
>oooohhh a 45$ asset pack. Why not?
>oh uhhh 200$ for my monthly donations to the porn patreons? well...
>ummmmm 900 dollarinos for a still image? I might as well
I have no money to pay for any of that because I live in Canada and rent costs $2000 and groceries cost $1000 and I only make $4000
>I only make $4000
ameritards I swear to God
Writing the damage function right below the one that deals damage is quite strange.
Tbf, there's the version of the development fallacy, where companies will pay a full time developer 80k to make a shitty version of a SAAS that they could license for $10k a year, or be loathe to spend a grand on Intellij ultimate when they're paying six figures in salary+benefits. Buying assets or commissioning them makes sense unless you're an actual art guy.
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rent and bills: 350 EUR
monthly groceries: 100 EUR
yep... it's gamedev time
I only make 10k per month working from home 1-2 hours per day it’s barely anything man
When your expenses are $3500/month then yeah $4000 isnt' a lot of money. I'll never be able to afford a house because the average house here is $750,000+ and I only can save $6000 a year.
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>$50 bills
>$70 food
>spending $10 on Starbucks and avocado toast every morning
>complaining about no money
Cry more
Go away boomer
Heh, I make more money than you.
Province? Industry?
Shit does suck here, ever since COVID spread that Ontario filth all over the maritimes. I was just driving down the road here and had to stop to allow the geese to cross from the lake, some foreign asshole in the other lane just couldn't wait and he's trying to drive around and thru the geese. Unbelievable.
My time is very valuable, and a $45 asset pack can easily save me dozens of hours. Poorfags are NGMI.
It’s not food that’s the main budget killer, it’s taxed and mortgage payments. My food budget is actually almost zero since I beg for food from friends and family.
It's not a matter of prey, it's a matter of most female animal never getting an orgasm in there entire lives and mares being kinda easy to do due to very accessible clit.
Get her off once and you pretty much fried her brain in favor of humans forever. Not 'cause she like you particularly, but because you are the only "drug" dealer.
Ontario, Security Guard
Burnout is complete. My brain can't budge
>tin of coffee grounds; $5 and lasts a month
>loaf of bread: $2 and lasts a week or two
Idiots can’t into spending frugally then cry when their budget is ruined
thats not bart that is millhouse you fucking idiot
Kek, are you Indian?
I sold a car last month and the amount of Indian guys asking for a student discount was hilarious
I just said food is cheap. Taxes and housing is the biggest cost.
Let's say I got my groceries down to $300/month (which I think is impossible btw). The rest of my expenses are as cheap as they're going to get.

Rent: $2000
Utilities/Car Insurance/Etc: $500
Groceries: $300
Total: $2800

Now I'm saving $1200/month instead of $500. That's ~$15k/year. I'll still NEVER get a mortgage on a $750k house and housing prices are only going to continue to climb as our government brings in 1 million immigrants per year.

Canada is broken.
I wish. If I was Indian I would go home. I'm Canadian so I'm fucked.
HP is so derivative that you can make a pretty straight ripoff without stepping on any specific trademark.
Boomoids will seethe over Steam taking 30% of their hard earned dough and then insist that Canadians should just accept taxes even higher on their income.
My income in taxed nearly 40 percent (30 is what they tax the poor Subway sandwich artist who uses his ever growing Visa to pay the rent)
After my income is nearly cut in half I pay an additional 15% (Nova Scotia provincial) sales tax when spending the money I get to keep.
This is all to support our free healthcare and excellent roads, which if you've tried to use either recently you're in for a treat when the potholes blow your tires and you die in the emergency room waiting area after 7 hours without anyone bothering to check on you.
>Canada is not that bad
Was true for pretty much all of time until it's taken an absolute nose dive in the past few years.
Canadians are literally just unitedstatians who are too dumb and arrogant to realize they are unitedstatians because at least they don't live in the united states
And you're paying that 40% for fucking nothing. Good luck finding a family doctor. If you're injured you can die waiting 20 hours in the emergency department. Roads and bridges are falling apart. If you live on a side street good luck getting your road plowed at a reasonable time in the winter.
lmao canada
(0% of inner circle members and prominent agdg devs are canadian btw)
Instead of actually solving crimes, our police tell us not to leave valuables in our cars and won't even respond to a theft under $5000. Best of luck if your car gets stolen. And if you decide to take matters into your own hands and injure the robber then you'll go to jail for a decade.
at least the united states have Frederick Conception and Kevin Underspace
Hopoo and Gogem
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Steamies just love paying Steam tax
>oooooooooooh daddy Fat Gabe please take more, bury my game deeper
not agdg
Why the fuck are there so many whiny spoiled richfags in these threads? I would have expected most of us devs to be poorfags.
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They used to be
the next step in the legacy line is to be an entrepreneur, in the case of upper middle class McMansion types.
I wonder if Googum is dead
I am...
>posting ellipses
Doubt. Post Necks?
who else do you expect to find in the Japanese cartoon and horse masturbation discussion general on 4chan?
I'm not rich and don't care about japanese cartoons and horse masturbation
stop impersonating me
I make porn games now (and then)
No I don't
The police are useless and the recent shooting has demonstrated how hopelessly unprepared they are.
One officer hid in the woods all night, two other cops shot at another cop, and the guy was only caught after the swat guys happened to stop for gas at the same place as the shooter while he was filling up.
One fucking guy. And our political class respond by saying ok there's proof we need to ban handguns when all of the shooters weapons came illegally from the states and he did not even have a PAL.
Thirdies hate Canada but they just can't stay away
Is there any dev here who isn't struggling? Aside from the richfags who already made it but still lurk here to satisfy their own egos, of course.
I'm not struggling and am quite happy in my day to day life. But I don't make my money from dev (yet).
Makes me appreciate my yuropoor country desu
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I miss crystal gun dev.

>anyone who has their shit together in life is a richfag
lol. lmao even

Same. I'm financially secure for the time being, but I'm living off savings that will eventually run out if I don't start making money from gamedev over the next few years.
if you're here, you are fundamentally broken.
Canadadev should at least be grateful he still has a job. My temp contract is running out in a few weeks and I can't find a new job because the job market s completely fucked here in the US.
>job market is completely fucked here in the US
Skill issue. I literally just got a 6 figure remote tech job without even trying. Even McDonald’s pays $20/hour in rural cities lol
I miss Sunnie dev...
Uh huh. You get that job last year or this year? Because last year I was getting flooded with tech job cold calls from recruiters too. But those are all gone now.
Get a job
lmao should've been born in a first world country
how you even gonna succeed in gamedev if your luck is that bad
>tin of coffee grounds; $5 and lasts a month
>loaf of bread: $2 and lasts a week or two

Hilarious, in canada a tin of no-name coffee grounds is $15-20, name brand is $25. A loaf of bread is $5+ depending on how fancy you want and it would only last you like 2 days if you were trying to get a 2000 calorie diet out of it + the cost of the meat which would easily be $20 if you were skimping.

Canada is fucked.

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